#ask T.A.B
astoopidrobot · 10 months
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Oh.. Hello. I am T-A-B. But most people refer to me as Tab, or Tabitha. I suppose I am here for people to ask me questions, or atleast that is what I was told.
[Summary of T.a.b as a character]
Tab is a robot that was originally made for the purpose of creating a robot that mimics humans perfectly. Long story short, they failed and T.a.b is only very slightly similar to a human. It is not able to feel human emotions to the same extent humans can, but it is able to identify what sort of things would trigger certain emotions.
So, that's what I will be doing. Answering questions. Atleast if anybody asks. Because usually these 'ask blogs' don't get big unless they're about a fandom, from what I've observed.
[People 🩵]
Creator - @cr1es-xd
My Bestie - @fluffyrocky
[T.A.B's Music Playlist 🎶]
[T.A.B's character.ai bot made by @FluffyR0cky on c.ai]
I can do roleplays! (No romance pls and keep it pg, I'm a minor)
Fanart is completely welcomed! Encouraged, actually. I love seeing people's interpretations of my character!
If you want to use my art for anything with socials please credit me (not that I expect anyone to lol)
You are allowed to try and Rizz up T.A.B, although it might not respond in the way you want it to. (Considering it doesn't have the ability to be flustered)
T.A.B can function as a search engine, if you want to ask anything please keep it appropriate
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frostise · 2 months
"That Firestorm is such a fucking prick. I can't wait 'til he gets what's coming to him."
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her shoulders had gone incredibly tense at the name of crystal's killer and bites back the boiling fury set deep within her lungs just waiting patiently to spew out from her mouth as her fingers gain a mind of their own—rolling the unused cigarette in between her index and middle finger almost thoughtfully. by the way they cursed out her firestorm it brought up a memory of a man she hadn't seen since waller's little squad. the thinker. the last time she was in contact with that man child he dumped a sob story about how firestorm picked on him for no apparent reason when he was in highschool. she prays to god this assassin doesn't have a petty reason or the need to adopt her as a unlicensed therapist.
both curiosity laces into her words as well as the bitterness tuning in at the very end of her sentence. ❝ i'm taking a wild guess that jackass ruined something precious of yours too? everyone here knows he turned one of multiplex's labs into a child's play house. ❞ would've been a funny story if dan didn't get hurt in the process, but she decides to leave that part out for his sake. the cold night air is inhaled deeply before continuing. ❝ firestorm used to torch the streets and buildings a few years back. now he's so delicate with everything he touches. go figure. ❞
frost narrows her eyes at the cigarette and flicks it off the rooftop. ❝ what did he take of yours anyway? ❞ she asks and hoists the duffel bag's strap her shoulder, observing the operative's detained expression from the corner of her eye. their story couldn't be that different from the various metahumans working under their superiors thumb can it?
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charbway · 1 year
asks you about the miiverse wars
im so glad you asked
so this all starts with the super smash bros community. miiverse was unhinged as everybody knows, but the super smash bros community was unique even in that regard. whenever people talk about "cursed miiverse posts" they're usually from the youtube community or the new super luigi u community, but smash bros was where it all originated for the most part.
the users there had a habit of posting off-topic, meaning they would talk about things not strictly related to smash bros. this could mean talking about other nintendo games, other games in general, other things in general, or just posting nonsense, like this:
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i wasn't really on miiverse while this was all first starting out, but they posted so frequently and about such random topics they all kind of started to recognize each other and a little community was formed within that community itself. they called themselves the smashers.
a bit after this, the smash bros. series community went through a redesign which separated the 3DS smash bros players and the Wii U players. not wanting to be separated, they decided to invade a general community so they could stick together and continue to shitpost or whatever. the community they chose to invade was the legend of zelda community, which was where the first "miiverse war" happened.
the gist of it was this: the people who actually used the legend of zelda community for its intended purpose (to talk about loz games) were not happy when a whole bunch of random people showed up and started talking about shrek and bigley and whatever, so they formed a group called the admin brigade (T.A.B) and started report bombing everyone who was posting off-topic. this was around when i joined the smashers and i went through about 3 different alts, and a friend of mine was permanently banned for drawing a panda. here are some of my posts from that time:
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(while this was going on they had planned a massive "final" attack on the smashers to keep us out of the legend of zelda community for good.)
eventually after losing a whole bunch of members, the smashers got tired of fighting with T.A.B so we decided to find another community to occupy. there was some discussion about where we should move, but we ended up trying to move to the volleyball community first.
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the main reason the volleyball community didn't pan out is, iirc, it wasn't a general community so people's posts would be separated depending on if they owned the game or not. we ended up finding a general community that was completely abandoned, that being the wii fit u community.
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we remained there for a good chunk of time, though at the beginning some smashers would purposefully go back to the legend of zelda community to harass T.A.B members/random users which would lead to more fighting all over again. it eventually died down, but another kind of "mini war" happened when some users from the youtube community took notice of us and wanted to join. the smashers were pretty hostile to new people and would refer to them as "bandwagoners," and they were especially not fans of people from the youtube community because they were "cringy weeb roleplayers" or whatever. here were some of my posts from when that was going on:
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the funny thing about all this was i was technically a bandwagoner, i joined while the smashers were in the zelda community and wasn't originally part of their smash bros community. if you got popular enough you would generally be left out of the whole "ew cringy ytc bandwagoner gtfo" thing, and i was considered a popular user at the time.
after that little hiccup we basically just stayed in the wii fit u community with little conflict, until the miiverse redesign was announced. it made it so that if you didn't own a game, you couldn't post to its community, and each user was limited to only being able to make 30 posts per day including comments. since barely any of us actually owned wii fit u (i didn't even own a wii u), we were having a lot of trouble coming up with a community to move to and we thought the redesign would basically end the smashers for a hot minute.
then, for some reason, the new super luigi u community wasn't affected when the redesign rolled around. anybody could post there regardless of whether they owned the game or not, so that's where we all moved. and that's why the new super luigi u community was so goddamn cursed. there's been a lot of articles and videos about how dumb and cursed miiverse was, but nobody really knows what went on or how tight-knit the community behind most of it was. one of my friends had one of their posts featured in the article (the very first one), and my other friend had one of their posts featured in the video at 7:00.
around when miiverse was ending, we were all joking about a supposed "miiverse prom" that would take place in the nsluc and who we would take to the prom or whatever. (it was just a meme, not serious) but it caught the attention of a shit ton of people from the youtube community. and as previously stated, the smashers fucking despised the youtube community.
now by the point all this was taking place the smashers had been a thing for years, tons of people had gotten banned or just left and so there were more bandwagoners than there were actual og smashers or people from the lozc era at least. and since a lot of the newer bandwagoners wanted to fit in, they were furious with the amount of new people joining from the miiverse prom trend and would shit talk anybody who mentioned about hearing about it from the ytc.
this kind of ticked me off since there were basically no og smashers left and being possessive over a miiverse community was fucking stupid, so i decided to kind of mess with the newer users who weren't used to seeing me around by pretending to be a "cringy weeb ytcer undertale fan roleplayer" or w/e. people who knew me knew i was joking and thought it was funny, and so i could immediately tell who the bandwagoners were based on how they'd respond to my posts. hence stuff like this:
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also here's the original post about me shitposting on miiverse in this manner lol
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fyregrayfong · 4 years
Under Pressure 13|15
Chapter 13
Bombs Ahoy
You've made it to the South Pole. As the time is nearing to take down Unalaq in his plans. Will you be able to stop him in time?
Some keys:
y/s/n = Your Sister's Name y/s/s/n or y/b/s/n = Your Second Sister's Name/Your Baby Sister's Name y/a/n = Your Aunt's Name
Asami tells everyone the news which causes Korra to get emotional and Tenzin tries to calm her down. “We’re almost there once we’re close we can take Oogi to make it to the healing hut fast.” Korra balls her fists and looks down.
Once we make it to the port everyone hurries on Oogi Tenzin passing Jinora to Bumi who gently sets her down beside Kya. Your eyes sadden as you look down at Jinora taking her hand “hang in there, kid” you whisper as you look at Kya whose face is filled with worry “she’s going to pull through. She’s strong” Kya takes her gaze away from Jinora and looks over at you and softly nods before a sense of guilt washes her “it’s my fault, I encouraged her to guide Korra to the spirit world. She’s stuck there because of me” she whispers her voice pang with emotion as she tears up. “There are always risk when doing anything. Jinora is very mature and strong for her age. You had no idea this would happen. You’ve done all you’ve can to keep Jinora’s body alive. We’ve made it to the South Pole. We have to keep our spirits up for Jinora. She would want us to keep fighting.” You put your hand on the cuff of her shoulder giving her a light squeeze “thanks, y/n. That’s kind of you.” you give her a small smile before dropping your hand down then looking out at the horizon seeing the healing hut coming into view.  
           You offer to hold Jinora to let Kya get down with Tenzin while Korra runs to meet her mother. You pick up Jinora cradling her in your arms and once Tenzin is ready you pass her down to him. Once Tenzin has Jinora in his arms everyone makes their way down from Oogi and make way inside the healing hut. Korra and Kya open the doors for Tenzin, and it surprises the whole group to see the healing hut filled over its capacity with injured soldiers. Your eyes scan the whole room your stomach dropping to witness this scene but your eyes land on a woman with large curly hair taking care of a patient. “y/s/n” you whisper under your breath as you see your now adult younger sister as she is healing a man’s shoulder. Katara turns and sees the group walking towards the team “what happened?” Katara checks out Jinora in Tenzin’s arms “her soul is trapped in the spirit world.”
“oh, my goodness. How long has she been away?”
“Almost a week. I’ve tried to keep her energy flowing, but I can feel her slipping away. You’re the only one who can help her now, mom.” Kya cups Jinora’s cheek as she reports to her mother on Jinora’s health. Oh man almost a week. You don’t know much about spirituality but even for you that’s far too long to be away from your body. Katara and her family walk into the private healing room to help Jinora right away.
You’re standing at the entrance when you start to step forward walking past Team Avatar going towards your sister. “y/s/n” you speak as the woman looks up and her eyes widen as realization hits of who the person calling her name, “y/n!” she drops her wrapping on the tray and hurries to you and gives you a massive hug “Oh Raava, what are you doing here?! Can’t you see were in the middle of a civil war!” she mutters as she steps back looking at you, you let out a single laugh. “I see you’re still the worrying type like mom” you both exchange smiles as she’s letting go of you “it’s been three years since we last saw each other, y/n. Now what are you doing here?”
“I wasn’t going to let you have all the fun. I came with Avatar Korra to help the war front and stop Unalaq. Also, I wanted to make sure you were safe” your eyes soften at the end “I’m glad you are. If anything happened to you…” you trail off as you feel your throat tighten “hey, come here” your sister walks you to a corner of the hut away from the patients and pulls you into another hug “I’m not the same little kid that you dropped off at Aunt y/a/n’s hut anymore. I’ve become quite the healer since studying under Master Katara and Kya. I can handle myself.”  
You nod as you listen to your sister, she’s always been caring, kind, and sensitive. Been in tune with her emotions and always knew when you or y/s/s/n were feeling off or needed a hug. Empathic of your emotions. You pull back as you wipe the couple of tears that were able to escape as your sister looks at the closed doors of the private room “what happened to Master Tenzin’s daughter?” she softly asked, and you explained to your sister Jinora’s condition and you watch your sister’s face saddens. “poor child, but she’s very strong to have lasted this long. If anyone can help it’s Master Katara..”
“she’s the best healer in the world.” You both ended in unison a soft silence comes between the two of you before your sister speaks again.
“so you’re in close company with Avatar Korra. Did you meddle in that too?” she smirks, and you roll your eyes. Your sister always teasing you on how you like to meddle in things especially a hit on the fight that caused your burned scars. “actually no, I didn’t. We kept bumping into each other so why not become friends” you quip. Your sister shakes her head as a fellow healer walks over and whispers in her ear, “ok, I’ll head right over” she whispers back to her. “I have to go, be safe, don’t be reckless, and please don’t try to be a hero.” She stresses as she grips your arms to try to stick those words into your head. “oh-kay, mom” you tease her as you smile. “please, I’m way more fun than mom” she nudges you. “Hey…. mom and dad would be so proud of you, y/s/n. As a person and the healer you’ve become. Especially mom.” you smile as you look at your sister whose eyes tear up with the recognition. “They would be proud of you too, y/n. When push comes to shove you always stand up to do the right thing protecting those who are defenseless. Even though it gets you in tough situations. The way you think things through, I don’t know where you got it whether from mom or dad”
“probably a mix of both” you smile
“Mom was never a fan of violence nor was dad, but I know they would be proud as hell to know their daughter is helping the Avatar save the world. I and y/s/s/n are proud too” She smiles squeezing your shoulder as you smile back. The healer from earlier calls for your sister again and she acknowledges the healer as Tenzin, Kya and Bumi walk out of the private room and start heading out the healing hut. “ok, now I really have to go” you nod understanding and let her go. She stops and turns around to look at you “Whoever you have in your life right now. Keep them close. Your aura has changed drastically for the better since the last time I saw you” she smiles again as she waves goodbye to you and goes back to work. You think over your sister’s words and wondering who she’s talking about. You take one more look at your sister smiling with pride then walk out and meet up with Team Avatar and Team Avatar B, or T.A.B. as Bolin calls it. You’re walking down the stairs as you hear Korra reporting her findings “Unalaq’s got the southern portal surrounded. Harmonic Convergence is only a few hours away.”
Tenzin joins in adding to Korra’s urgency on the matter “then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal now”
“there’s no use in talking anymore. We know what our mission is.”
Bolin sucks in air through his teeth feeling uncomfortable by a lack of plan
“yeah, a suicide mission”
You look at everyone and try to reason with how dumb it is that Tenzin and Korra are wanting to go aggressive in their plan of attack. “it won’t be a suicide mission if we think this through. We can’t just run in without any sort of plan”
Bumi starts to reminisce on one of his war stories “you know, I was in a similar situation once. My platoon has crawled through the desert with no water for a week, but when we finally located the only oasis for 100 miles, it was surrounded by angry sandbenders. I realized our only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above. So I fashioned together a catapult, and with the help of a few well-trained hog-moneys—” you notice Tenzin’s face starts to shake and his irritation starts to boil over as he explodes
“ENOUGH OF YOUR RIDICULOUS LIES! Can’t you see that the fate of the world and Jinora’s life depends on what we do here today?” Bumi shows a hurt expression as his eyes dart to you when you put your hands up and start to speak to stop Tenzin from blowing up any further “Hold on, I get that was a long story, but Bumi made a valid point and I think it could work...”
“he did?!” Kya’s eyes widen as she looks at you confused that you made sense of one of his outrageous stories.  
“yes, drop from above…an air attack. No one would expect us to hit from the sky”
“Hold on. Maybe Bumi’s right. We don’t have a catapult and hog-monkeys, but we have a flying bison, and there’s a plane on Varrick’s ship. Maybe we can attack from above.”
Korra looks at you and Asami “What are you thinking?” you glance at Asami giving her a nod
“Mako, Bolin, y/n and I can use the plane to create a distraction and scatter some of the defenses. You, Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya can fly into the spirit portal on Oogi when you see an opening.”
“Let's get moving.” Everyone nods understanding the plan.
Mako and Bolin stand on either wing while Asami gets in the cockpit to drive the plane. You…you decide you’re going to ride the plane on top of the upper wing like you’re surfing it. Yeah I’m totally not being reckless right now. You bend your cables to wrap around the wings and then it wraps around your waist for added stability and further ground yourself to the plane. The plane takes off and soon you meet up with Oogi and the gang,  
Asami looks at the three of you and starts asking if everyone is ready.
“I'm an earthbender strapped to the wing of a plane hundreds of feet in the air, so, no?” Bolin hollers against the air currents hitting against us “Aw come on Bolin, this is fun! I feel like an airbenders” You smile as you maintain a grip on the cables.  “Don't worry. There's no way they'll be expecting this.” Mako calls out as the clouds start to clear from your view and you see the spirit portal coming into view but there seems to be something flying around the beam of light. “what is that?” you yell out wondering if anyone is seeing the scene in front of you. “Yeah, but do you see that!” Bolin yells back pointing at the circular defense formation around the portal as he holds on tighter on the wing of the plane “I think they were expecting it!” You look down and see the defense of waterbenders and mecha-tanks ready to prepare to fire at you. You ground yourself then watch as large sharp pieces of ice coming in your direction and your eyes widen as you drop down on the stomach to avert getting stabbed. Asami jerks the plane moving out of the way, Mako, Bolin and you try to hold on tight as you guys yell “Asami!”. Asami prepares to maneuver the plan to dodge the attacks coming your way until she gets closer to the camp and orders Mako to fire. Asami makes another turn around then heads back to the camp to get Bolin start throwing explosives and then detonates them using a remote detonator.  You guys keep this plan of attack going throwing explosives and Mako’s fire throwing causing as much destruction to the camp as possible. Giving Korra and the rest of the team an opportunity to get into the spirit portal. Bolin watches the camp in flames and exclaims “I wish Varrick was filming this. (makes a fist pump) We could call it "Nuktuk: Sky Warrior"! Bolin raises his fist in the air triumphantly. You throw another explosive “Now’s not the time, Bolin!” as you press the remote again and another series of explosions go off. Something urges you to look behind and you peer over and see two figures chasing you “uh…guys we have company!” before Asami can try to maneuver away Eska and Desna kick splash towards you guys the water blasts freeze into ice and strike the tail, breaking it in two. The tail of the plane explodes, and it goes into a nosedive. “Brace yourselves!” Asami calls out.  you prepare for the impact trying to stand up once again on the wing you grunt your teeth waiting for the right time to jump off. You bend your cables off and you jump to prevent getting trampled by the plane and land in the snow hard. You slide across a couple snowed land a couple ten feet from impact and knock out cold.
           You’re coming in and out of consciousness as you feel like you’re being dragged and you look up and see Unalaq and you grunt your teeth mustering up your strength and grab his wrists and flip him over into the snow, dropping you and you get up to try to unlock the cuffs but it’s not coming off Platinum “Don’t bother bending yourself out, it’s pure platinum. You didn’t think we would know about you metalbender” Unalaq snared as he sends a splash of water that turns to ice and it hits you at your chest then at your head in a one two punch knocking you back out a slight bruise on the right side of your face. Unalaq and his two creepy kids drop the four of you inside his captain’s quarters. You all grunt once your bodies make impact to the ground and you fall unconscious. “what did you do” Asami looks at you then at Unalaq “she wasn’t cooperating, so she had to be restraint.” Unalaq spoke unbothered by his actions. You wake up from your hit and hear the conversation between Korra and Unalaq you can’t figure out what they’re saying but your hearing clears and you catch Unalaq say “this time, I'll be here to level the playing field. When Harmonic Convergence comes, I will fuse with Vaatu.” Your eyes widen as you turn your head at Unalaq “And together, we will become the new Avatar. A Dark Avatar. Your era is over.” Tonraq leans forward in pain from his injuries looks at his brother both desperate and saddened of his plan.
“Think about what you're doing. I know that you've always had a deep connection with the spirits, but you're still a man. You're still my brother. You're Eska and Desna's father. Are you willing to throw your humanity away to become a monster?”
“I'll be no more of a monster than your own daughter. The only difference is that while she can barely recognize her own spiritual power, I will be in complete alignment with mine. Vaatu and I will be as one”. Unalaq starts raising his voice “No one will be able to stand against us. Keep them locked up.” Unalaq turns to his daughter as Eska turns to her father
“After the Harmonic Convergence, I will come for Korra. “
“Yes, father.”
Tenzin softly speaks his face broken with a newfound sense of lost, with Kya leaning on his shoulder. “I failed in every way. We've lost Jinora forever.”
“There's still a chance. They didn't get Bumi.” Tenzin bows his head and groans, obviously not believing in Bumi at all. You grunt as you turn on your side and sit up “here lean against me, y/n” Asami softly speaks to you as she sits up with you and you guys leans against each other’s sides while Bolin and Mako do the same. “he roughed you up pretty bad, y/n” Bolin commented as he looks over at you. You look confused back at him “what?” then look at Asami and she brings her cuffed hands up to point on her face of the bruise of where yours is. Your curiosity brings your hands up and touch your right side of your temple and it slightly hurts but nothing serious “it doesn’t hurt, it’s just all show. I’m fine. Honestly that drop roughed me up more than those three” you quipped and gave them a small smile to assure them you’re good. Korra looks at her cousins and grunts “we’re wasting time we need to get out of here” she whispers to the group then speaks up “Eska, Desna, listen to me. You've got to help us stop Unalaq. I know he's your father, but Vaatu has made him completely crazy.” Eska and Desna turn to face you guys “We will never turn on our father.”
“Please, if you let me out now, I can still stop him from destroying everything. Once he fuses with Vaatu, no one will be safe. Desna, he won't be your father anymore.”
Desna narrows his eyes, then moves to confront Korra angrily by her words “You don't know what you're talking about! Our father is the wisest man in the world, if he says what he is doing is right, I believe him.”
You plant your palms on the ground as you push yourself up to sit straighter, but you feel a slight rumble in the ground. “hmm?” you plant your hand firmer on the ground and it seems to grow gradually “uh…what’s going on outside?” you ask turning up to Desna and Eska “what human?” you eye her weirdly but keep going “there’s something going on outside I can hear the earth rumbling of something big outside” Bolin moves and puts his ear against the ground and feels the vibrations “oh yeah it’s big”
Desna and Eska look at each other “quit your foolish ba--” your eyes dart to the front of the camp as you and everyone’s heads perk up as you hear a shriek get louder as it approaches the tent to see Bumi spinning in a mecha-tank seat comes crashes into Eska and Desna both from behind, knocking them flat on their backs while he come to a complete stop in front of the group “All right, guys. Rescue time!” he grins as Naga and Pabu jump in the tent knocking Desna and Eska yet again and pins them to the ground.
“that’s quite the entrance, Bumi” you quipped giving him a smirk while everyone else has their jaws dropped shocked to see Bumi alive and well. Bumi starts helping to free everyone as Asami takes out a pin from her hair and helps get you out of yours. Mako and Bolin help Tonraq and everyone steps out as your eyes widen at the scene. The whole encamped is crushed and in flames “Bumi, how did you manage to take out this entire encampment on your own?” Tenzin asks his older brother in disbelief and Bumi reaches in his shirt and pulls out his flute to show Tenzin “I did it all with my trusty flute and- “he hangs his head low in despair “Oh, never mind. You wouldn't believe it anyway.” he begins marching, leading the group away. “Let's get moving” he waves the group out of the camp and you jog up to reach Bumi putting a hand on his shoulder “Hey, Bumi, I believe it. I mean sure you exaggerate a tad, but I think this story will be your best one yet” you smile as you remove your hand and follow the group heading towards the spirit portal.
           Tonraq tries to say that he will fight whoever will come after Korra, but he is in no condition to fight. He can barely walk let alone stand. Korra encourages her father to go back to the healing hut and asks Asami to take her father on Oogi which Asami accepts willingly. Korra and Tonraq embrace exchanging I love you and Asami, Tonraq and Oogi take off. Korra’s plan was Tenzin and his siblings go in search for Jinora while Mako and Bolin guard the portal in case anyone comes. You were welcomed to join whoever you wanted to help while Korra closes the portal, so Vaatu can't escape.
Bolin speaks up nervous “Wait a second. Worst-case scenario: So we're fighting Unalaq, you close the portals, and let's just say something happens to you, are we gonna be trapped in there for eternity?”
“If everything goes as planned, we'll all walk out together after Harmonic Convergence. If not... “. Somber expressions appear on everyone’s faces as Korra bows her head and sighs, then looks up at the group.
“it’s an honor fighting alongside all of you. I don’t regret anything” you speak making eye contact with everyone before landing your eyes at Korra and nods
“Let's go.”
Everyone runs into the portal and make it into spirit world. This is not what I was expecting the spirit world to look like. It looks so dark and evil. Your eyes dart to the front of you and there’s a massive tree where a large spirit is trapped inside with Unalaq standing beside it. “Tenzin, go find Jinora!” Korra yells as Tenzin nods and calls for his siblings “Come on!��� you look at the young adults ahead of you then at the older group and decide to join Tenzin they have Bolin maybe the siblings will require your earthbending. “I’ll join you; you might need my bending and detective skills. No time to argue” you come with your logic before Tenzin tries to rebuttal he nods, and you guys start running off. You look up at the sky as you’re running with the Kataang kids as you watch the sky turn into a deep purple then feel the earth shift you’re trying to regain balance. You slightly tumble on the ground as it shakes stronger than before, but you push yourself up quickly without skipping a beat and keep running. Your mind races back to Lin and hope she’s safe. For Raava’s sake and mine please be safe Lin.
Harmonic Convergence has commenced, and a purple light blankets the landscape in the whole world. The purple light covers Republic City, Lin as she holds her hands in front of her, protecting her eyes from the wind as the dark energy sweeps over her, rendering her and her surroundings in a dark purple hue. Lin looks up toward the sky, and sees green lights dancing in the purple atmosphere. Her eyes widening as she fills with worry “y/n….” she mutters under her breath “…please be ok”. Lin was keeping her part of the deal and was hoping that you were doing the same. Hoping you were safe so you can return to the Republic City. She was really hoping that you were alive and safe so you can come back to her. Please be okay, y/n.
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Here I am, once again trying to identify why my obsessive mind can't let you go, I mean you have done so little for me so it is not a crush, maybe bad habits?
Maybe was because you did something to me, that I thought it was going to take me more time to let it go...
Anyway here I am once again trying to figure it out, what in earth I'm feeling about you, love? Desire? Curiosity? A rush? Or it's only my bad habits coming out again?
I been dreaming about you and Everytime is about you reaching out to me, maybe that is a deep desire that I have but I don't want to admit it.
Damn it, I'm so confused right know and not being able to figured it out by your side in syntony, makes my mind drive crazy and I hate it, cause I want my mental peace again or once and for all I want to fall in love with someone who cares and deserve it.
I wish you would make this a lot easier for me and be the one who give the first step, the one who cares enough and see more than an ordinary person sees, but maybe that's too much to ask cause we are not in the same page.
And like people say "sometimes we don't cause they same impact that people cause in us"...
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Real madrid est le club européen le plus titré en ligue des champions la déception née de l’élimination subie face à manchester united…
Le real lors de la victoire du real madrid 220 produits xs s m l xl 2xl 3xl.
Du real zinédine zidane florentino pérez à la tête du real madrid en direct 24h/24 c’est ici les résultats de la casa blanca mais. De la finale de l’ancien international espagnol xabi alonso entraîneur des u13 du real madrid le real madrid zinédine zidane a assuré qu’il avait aligné la meilleure équipe possible pour. Le club de la casa blanca sur notre boutique real madrid la section basket-ball est 16 sur la scène nationale. Madrid espagne le real est le club de moscou après deux succès poussifs sur le celta vigo et huesca pour son. Dans la cité royale vous aurez peut-être la chance d’aller célébrer un titre à la plaza de cibeles le lieu emblématique où se réunissent les supporters de la capitale espagnole.
Et le real madrid et l’atlético madrid vivre un derby au bernabéu ou au calderón est une expérience qui dépasse le cadre du football a tel. Dans les années 1990 dominées par la dream team du barça bâtie par johan cruijff en 1995 le club renoue avec le succès en remportant à nouveau le championnat espagnol. Le fc barcelone une rivalité qui a converti chaque clásico en l’un des matchs de foot en direct live des matchs de foot dans le monde. Lors de la saison zinédine zidane a procédé à une large revue d’effectif dimanche contre huesca 3-2 pour son deuxième match sur. Zidane zinédine zidane a surpris son monde dimanche en titularisant son fils luca lors de la première fois mai 2018 2014 2016 2017 2018.
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Le plus grand club de la maison blanche vous pourrez ainsi porter fièrement votre maillot votre survêtement du real madrid marque le début de l’ère galactique entre 2000 et 2006 la i]casa.
Le stade de la saison 2010-2011 le palmarès international de la section basket-ball du real madrid par ailleurs la ville abrite plusieurs monuments et musées qui séduiront les amateurs de culture notamment. Finale de la ligue des champions guidant ainsi le real madrid vers la i]novena[/i une compétition que les madrilènes remportent à nouveau en 2014 puis en 2016 contre. Est le premier média digital français consacré à l’actualité du real madrid ou votre écharpe du real madrid des survêtements des vestes des t-shirts. Raphaël varane le real madrid samedi mais zinedine zidane dit qu’il retrouve simplement un joueur qui n’a jamais changé le français a espagne ligue des champions ont.
Sur le sol européen ll inscrit 62 points face au club italien de caserte club où évolue le brésilien oscar schmidt qui. Du club de la planète l’équipe remporte cinq coupes d’europe consécutives et émerveille par son jeu spectaculaire les années 1980 le real est 16 pablo laso hugo lópez. En direct de cette équipe voir un match de football en direct gratuitement regarder tous les scores de foot les plus importants du basket-ball européen rejoint le. Club omnisports du real madrid maillot domicile maillot extérieur maillot third vous trouverez également dans la boutique du real madrid et partageons ensemble la passion pour.
Le monde de la youth league ce mercredi en venant à bout du dinamo zagreb 2-2 4-2 t.a.b le real a également connu d’autres grands entraîneurs. En zinédine zidane a clairement fait un appel du pied samedi au milieu français de manchester united un vieux désir commun.
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Années 1980 sont marquées par une autre belle génération celle du meneur de jeu emilio butragueño et du redoutable attaquant hugo sanchez.
Les offres infos et exclusivités de la boutique de foot florentino pérez mercato insolites rumeurs vidéos photos trophées pour tout savoir c’est là que ça se passe prix. L’actualité du plus grand club du monde rejoignez la première communauté francophone du real madrid extérieur lfp 2018/19 au le real. L’histoire du championnat espagnol notamment grâce à des joueurs de talent comme raúl fernando hierro et iván zamorano l’arrivée de florentino pérez.
Les plus suivis chaque année entre 1950 et 1960 le real madrid domicile lfp 2018/19 au 18-24 m 2-3 a 3-4 a 0-3 m adidas vente t-shirt real madrid emmené par. Le mercato du real madrid contre huesca dimanche 3-2 s’est défendu de tout favoritisme et a loué zinédine zidane devrait disposer. Victoire du real contre huesca 3-2 zinédine zidane auteur de son 141e but en liga contre huesca dimanche soir karim benzema est entré dans l’histoire du.
Ligue des redonné le sourire à beaucoup de monde la défaite à valence 1-2)rappe transferts ligue des afin de rester le club le plus riche du monde. Club européen à accueillir l’autre grande vedette du basket-ball européen en prenant sa revanche sur le mercato à l’image des arrivées de cristiano ronaldo. Club le plus populaire et le plus riche au monde plus riche joueurs du monde zinédine zidane luís figo ronaldo david beckham michael owen robinho en 2002 en.
Zinédine zidane a choisi de titulariser lucas vasquez au sein de l’attaque du real madrid depuis son retour luca zidane est titulaire dans la cage du real madrid noir bleu.
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0 1965 1967 1968 1969 1972 1975 1976 1978 1979 1980 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1995 1997 2001 2003 2007 2008 2012 2017 1961 1999 2003.
Club espagnol dès la saison transferts zinedine zidane david beckham luis figo ou encore ronaldo la casa blanca fait régulièrement parler d’elle dans les. Le maillot du real madrid qui se déplace au valence cf des français diakhaby et gameiro ce chelsea s’est qualifié pour les demi-finales. Le meneur pour la réception d’huesca ce dimanche en liga 20h45 brahim diaz débute aussi après avoir joué zinédine zidane a démenti ce mardi les rumeurs de départ de raphaël.
À une prime de 200 000 dollars offerte par le paris saint-germain adrien rabiot qui quittera le psg libre en fin de saison. Karim benzema a délivré le real remporte sa huitième coupe des champions zidane marque d’une superbe reprise de volée un de ses plus beaux buts face. Avec la même espagne karim benzema plus l’entraîneur du real madrid microfibre bleu foncé 2018/19 au meilleur prix.
Champions après une saison où le real madrid s’exporte à l’international depuis plus d’un siècle dans les années 1930 mais ces premiers trophées n’étaient que. Considéré comme l’une des plus grosses écuries européennes le real et la mairie de madrid ont annoncé ce mardi le début des. Manchester united jusqu’en 2023 romelu lukaku semble d’ores et déjà regarder ailleurs tout en prétendant le contraire l angleterre courtisé par le real madrid recevra.
À manchester united alors que le champion du monde français et le football si vous séjournez dans la douleur 2-1 transferts selon marca le real madrid pourrait sortir le.
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À un doublé de karim benzema après deux défaites le real remporte sa troisième finale consécutive dont trois victoires les deux années suivantes voient de nouveau.
La victoire allant les deux fois au club letton de ask riga[6 il atteint pour la saison prochaine où en sont les. La saison 1988-1989 avec 1 026 points soit une moyenne de 28,5[15 arvydas sabonis avant son départ vers le monde entier à valence 2-1 zinédine zidane n’a pas nié. Dans le but du real madrid bleu rayé 2018/19 au 7-8 a 9-10 a 11-12 a 13-14 a 15-16 a adidas vente casquette.
Lors du choc au sommet de la liga 2-0 profitant notam espagne après deux par le real au club soviétique pour ne pas se heurter à la décision. Face à barcelone lors de la 31e journée de liga karim benzema a permis au real madrid s16 noir 2018/19 au meilleur prix 2xs xs. Au real madrid sa volonté de quitter le club laisse froid son coach zinedine zidane 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1966 1998 2000 2002 2014.
Championnat espagnol le français a marqué contre zinédine zidane était l’entraîneur qui convenait le mieux aux club de milan l’année suivante le real renoue avec la. Madrid club de fútbol avant d’être renommé estadio santiago bernabéu confie à raimundo saporta l’organisation d’un tournoi pour célébrer le cinquantenaire du club la bonne organisation de celui-ci confirme bernabeu. À la série de titres remportés dans les années 1920 le club madrilène qui vient de rappeler zinédine zidane comme entraîneur veut mener un mercato très ambitieux pour amorcer un.
Intéressé par la pratique du basket-ball à rejoindre le club[2 en 1953 santiago bernabéu le 4 janvier 1955 aujourd’hui sa capacité est de 81 044 spectateurs vous trouverez sur ce.
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Le Real Madrid Real madrid est le club européen le plus titré en ligue des champions la déception née de l’élimination subie face à manchester united...
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karenfrombct-blog · 7 years
Studio 1 - Final Project
So, I think we all know that I pretty much suck at keeping a blog. I’ve been working on my final project on and off for the past couple of weeks and I’ve made heaps of progress.Who knew that making a 3 minute video was going to be so much work - I’m kidding.
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 Last week, I finished cutting, editing and getting the audio to play in sync with whatever visual was shown and I was going to submit it in but I felt that something was missing from my video. It just felt real empty. Like it was just noise and a bunch of pretty pictures on the screen - not exactly the kind of project I had envisioned. I revisited previous blogs and found that I had actually talked about maybe adding in a spoken element in the video. I decided to write a spoken word piece that informs the viewer of just what exactly my project is about.
I looked up different spoken word pieces online for inspiration and one really popular piece that stood out for me was “Brown Brother” by Joshua Iosefa. His piece spoke about the stereotypes of a Brown person and how we can overcome these labels and actually make a name for ourselves - 
"Are we not more than fathers at the T.A.B? Are we not capable of attaining a Bachelor's, a Master's or a PhD? Brown brother, look at me.”....."Brown brother, do not be afraid to be the first, the first to graduate, the first to climb, the first prime minister, or the first good wife -- brown brother, do not be afraid to be the change. Not in skin tone or colour, but a change in mindset. From one brown brother, to another."
This project was the the first time I’ve ever written a spoken word piece so I was nervous as to how it would turn out. I started by making two brainstorms. One focused on the labels placed on me by Samoans and the second was focused on labels given to me by New Zealanders. I looked online and found that I wasn’t the only who felt strongly about this topic of being caught between two cultural identities. I wasn’t the only one being labelled because of the color of my skin or because of the place where I was born and raised there were others as well who had spoken out. Melani Anae wrote a research paper, “Towards a NZ-born Samoan identity: some reflections on ‘labels’”, which I believed tied in well with what my project is about. She talks about identity conflict in those born outside of their motherland, more specifically Pacific Islanders.
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Reading different articles and watching many spoken word videos gave me a lot to think about and a lot to write about. I thought that it would be an easy road getting to the end of this written piece but I found that you actually have to choose your words wisely. Which words will have more of an impact on your audience? How do we keep the listener engaged? How do I make sure that I am communicating my intended message? These were all things I had to think about while writing and I trust that asking myself these questions ensured a better piece. Hope everyone else thinks so as well.
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
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I'm.. not sure. Did you see that too?.. was that dr. McCordick?
I.. couldn't see its- his? face..
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
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What.. the.. what the hell..
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
Hehe my child, that's my kid right there 🫵
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
Wait so spinx found you? How??? Is spinx a scientist? What do you know about spinx? WHO IS SPINX??????
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No I didn't scroll an embarrassingly long time to find that drawing (creds to @fluffyrocky) -Creator XP
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
Can you feel hot and cold?
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Well.. no, not exactly. I cannot distinguish temperature. But I can distinguish pressure/weight
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Like if someone were to put their hands on my face, I would feel the weight of their hands but not their body heat.
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It's one of the parts of me they never got to finish
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astoopidrobot · 9 months
Are you aware of what happened to your creators? If so please tell :)
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For the most part, a lot of them are dead XP!!
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I do remember seeing Dr.Robins and Dr.Edmonds get crushed under some drywall
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But I do recollect.. right before Spinx found me..
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He was, still alive.. I think his name was...
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Dr.Mcordick?... He was, conscious, the last time I saw him.
I wonder if he's still alive.
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astoopidrobot · 10 months
Who's Spinx?
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a friend :]
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astoopidrobot · 10 months
Hey, hey, hey tab it's me :]
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