#as always im lazy so riddled with grammar mistakes
lilyrizzy · 9 months
Hi I love your writing!! I wish I had that talent. I was wondering if you have any thoughts of what happened next after Omega Daniel and Baby Alpha Max mated
anon you are very sweet! for you, i hope you like it
When Daniel woke up in his Singapore hotel room, every inch of him was throbbing. His head, his thighs, his fucking hole. His neck. He'd wanted to get up, to tugs the curtains the rest of the way closed so the the evil sliver of sunlight bathing his face would disapear, but he couldn't. Half lying on top of him, Max's hands were covering his skin possessively, one on his tit and one low on his stomach, fingers splayed wide.
This is still nice, a treterous part of Daniel's brain had told him.
Then, Max had looked up at him to smile, letting Daniel see the dried blood at the corner of his mouth, and he'd realised how fucked they both were.
"You are angry at me," Max says for the sixth time since they boarded the plane. Max's plane, his new and flashy private charter that Daniel had teased him for being a poor attempt of an omega magnet.
He'd pushed Max off him in the bed earlier, shoved his clothes towards him a little harder than necessary with shaking hands and told him to go and wash his face. Standing behind him in the mirror, Daniel had inspected his own neck, and yes- They were fucked.
Fucked, fucked, fucked.
Now, he supresses a sigh, and like, the urge to jump out of the emergency exit.
"I'm not angry," he promises, also for the sixth time, not looking up from where he's organising his intently Spotify playlists. "I'm just focusing. You know I have TuPac and Lana Del Ray in the same playlist right now? A tradegy."
He wishes he could actually listen to the music, but his stupid headphones are stuffed into his bag, out of battery.
"I do not know who either of those people are." Max says, and Daniel can hear the scowl on his face without having to see it, but now he can like, smell it. Max's annoyance, the way his scent gets all sour.
Right, he let Red Bulls golden boy mate him. Christian is going to murder him, and then Helmut is going to dance on his grave.
Still, Max's statement is ridiculous enough to have him momentarily distracted from his bouncing leg, and the impending sense of doom.
"Come on Maxy," he says, looking up in dismay. TuPac is a little before Max's time, but he can't be mated to someone who doesn't know who Lana Del Ray is. It's just- No.
He bursts into an over dramatic crooning of Video Games, just to punish him a little for his ignorance.
"Daniel," Max says, and then with his serious face finally melting into softness as he starts giggling, he scootches closer to Daniel on the seat. "Daniel, I am of course trying to be serious. I did not mean to."
That has Daniel's song fading into silence.
There's a moment where Daniel realises how he could play this and probably get away without so much as one bad word from Christian, but- Even though it would be easy, it's not fair, to Max. To lay the entirety of this shit sandwich at his doorstop.
"I know," he says honestly, keeping his eyes fixed now on where he's flipping his phone over and over in his hand. "It- Look, it's not like I stopped you. It's not- It's not like I didn't want it too, maybe."
For a moment, Max says nothing as the recycled air in cabin starts to get sweeter.
When he speaks, his voice sounds tentatively hopeful, and it tugs at something in Daniel's chest.
"Yeah," he promises, and on a whim, he lifts his arm for Max to curl underneath.
Max follows Daniel to his apartment.
Daniel opens his mouth to ask Max if he's lost, to remind him his apartment is two floors up but-
"What movie should we watch?" Max asks, already toeing his shoes off at the door like a good boy. "Martin told me about this very funny one and I thought you would like it. I will get him to text me the name. What do you want for dinner, also?"
Daniel closes his mouth, hand coming up to rub through the curls sitting at the nape of his neck. He needs a haircut.
"You're, ah- You're staying?" He eventually asks, following Max to where he's sat himself down on the sofa and started fluffing up the pillows next to him- presumably the ones he wants Daniel to sit on.
"Of course," Max says, looking up from his handy work, pleased. Then, "on the plane, Daniel, you said you wanted this too. And you are my omega now, so of course, I want to be here with you."
Daniel nods. "Right."
Max gets up from the sofa when Daniel doesn't move any closer, comes to stand in front of Daniel, and takes both of his hands in his.
"I know I am young," he says, so earnest, and Jos Verstappen's horrified face flashes in Daniel's mind for a split second before disappearing. "Probably you think I will be bad, but I- I want to try. To be good. A good mate."
He leans in then and kisses Daniel. It's nothing like the eager, clumsy kisses of the night before, it's just- Soft. The way you'd kiss somebody if you loved them.
"I wanted you for a really long time," Max admits, like a secret against Daniel's lips when he pulls back, and Daniel supposes Max thought it was. He probably didn't realise he had a crush that could be seen from outer space, if he couldn't see Daniel had one right back.
"Me too, Maxy," he says and kisses him again, because this close to Max it's impossible not to. It shouldn't feel this good, shouldn't make something tight in Daniel's chest uncoil, but it does. "Alright. Alright, fuck it, lets- Let's do it."
They made their bed, it might be nice to try lying in it.
"I am coming up."
They're sat in Daniel's car, the one he drives when he's in England, parked in front of the Red Bull Factory. Typical to British weather, it's raining, big fat dropplets of water spalttering against the windshield, falling from a grey sky.
"Max, it's okay," Daniel says, leaning across the gear shift to touch his knee. "I can tell him on my own."
Daniel is the one who should have known better and told Christian no in the first place. Except-
Since Singapore, since them, they've not spent a night apart. It's been some of the best sex of Daniel's life, followed by the best nights of sleep he's had all season. Like something inside him knows he's safe. This isn't what they planned, but no matter what Christian says, neither of them are giving it up.
Lifting his other hand, Max touches proudly at the mark on Daniel's neck. He has a matching one now, on his tit because Daniel is who he is, and because Max had shyly asked for it 'over my heart.'
"I am coming with you," Max says again, firmer. He takes Daniel's hand and it makes him shiver. "Daniel, you are not on your own, not anymore."
"Alright," Daniel relents, nodding. He's still getting used to it too, having an alpha, but also just having someone who wants to take care of him. "But you can't let him chew me out, okay?"
Max's eyes narrow, his expression turning dark.
"Like he would dare," he mutters but it just makes Daniel laugh, scrubbing a hand through Max's hair roughly.
"Easy tiger," he says, because this thing is something they're both still learning but- Together. They can do it together. "I need me, my alpha and my boss all in one piece if that's alright by you."
The clouds from Max's expression cleared, a sunshine smile taking over his face.
"Your alpha?" He repeated, smugly.
"Yeah, yeah," Daniel said, opening the car door but unable to hold back his own grin. "Get in the building Verstappen, before I kick your ass up the stairs myself."
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lemon-koii · 1 year
Twst characters in Teyvat AU
Dorm Leaders edition♥︎
Note: Im back after 2 weeks of not posting and i am very sorry about that! I havent been feeling my self lately and just spaced out every time(very tired and sleepy too.) So I decided that i wouldnt be using my phone for a while just to rest and only reposting posts that i really like.
(Reminder: Please always be hydrated and make sure you guys get enough sleep and rest! Its a terrible experience of being burnt out so please take care of your selves♥︎)
Vice dormleaders
Riddle Rosehearts
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He lives in Inazuma because thats the closest thing i can think of from where his from
Like, the Queen of Hearts is very strict
So which region in Teyvat is the strictest? Inazuma ofcourse!
I was also having 2nd thoughts on either giving him a Cryo or Dendro
But in the end i settled for Cryo since...its pretty obvious
Got his vision after his mother found out about him skipping his study hours and then becoming more stricter than before
Leona Kingscholar
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Iansan is the only picture i can find about Natlan so- Leona is from Natlan!
Remember scene if Scar singing "Be prepared"
Observing where it takes place, its surounded by rocks and volcanos. Soo-
I personally think that Natlan has many volcanos and it probably even has a side where it has grass and not just a desert. Kinda like Sumeru but less vibrant vibes
He's a catalyst since he's probably to lazy to lift a weapon
Has claymore potential tho
Azul Ashengrotto
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My precious scammer crybaby♡
I first thought that he would be good in Fointen since its water. But I try to relate his(and the others too) life in twst to Teyvat
So i putted him in Liyue since Contracts, ya know?
Azul lives in the coral sea where the sea witch Ursula lived
Ursula handles contracts, And who else in Teyvat handles contracts? Rex Lapis/Zhongli does!
So im thinking he lives in the waters of Liyue along with the tweels
Kalim Al-Asim
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Kalim lives in the dessert side of Sumeru and its pretty obvious why
He's mostly a catalyst since he isnt allowed to be on close combat
Although he can use a spear really really well!(he wanted to match with Jamil)
Trust me, I love Kalim very much. But i cant give a decent explanation about him in Teyvat!😭😭
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil lives in the green part of Sumeru. Specificaly in the city of Sumeru or near the the borders of Sumeru and Fontaine
His Mom is from Sumeru and his dad is from Fontaine so his a mix of both
He is an expert at using weapons but he prefers being a catalyst
Honestly, his vision explanation is already in the picture so- next!
I like Vil but I havent read/watched book 5 yet so please spare me
Idia Shroud
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Congratulations to Idia on being the first ever tall male Anemo👏✨️
*Ahem* back to the topic
The picture it self is already self explanatory but i'll still explain it anyway!
Fontaine is the most technological advanced compared to the other regions in Teyvat, so its pretty obvious on why i put Idia there!
By the way, the "Fontaine" logo in the picture is not the official logo of it. I just found it on reddit
The Shroud parents also has some...suspicious conections to the abyss and khaenri'ah
Malleus Draconia
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"Why did you choose a fanart of the Khaenri'ah trio?" Because the art deserves all recognition
Malleus isnt from any region in Teyvat, except he is from the destroyed nation, Khaenri'ah
He also has direct connections to the abyss
"Omg! Kaeya is a decendant of the founder of the abyss and Khaenri'ah! Can they perhaps be related!?" I dont know~👀
Probably witnessed the fall of Khaenri'ah
(Fanart by haash🌸 on twitter)
I tried so hard to not give the all(except Kalim) a CRYO vision. Because god these kids need thearapy fr
Sorry for any grammar mistakes as English is not my first language♡
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