#as a player sometimes you just notice these things and go “we both have more important things to do”
be4chywritez · 10 hours
people’s princess |nico hischier
nico hischier x fem!reader
You’re the embodiment of the people’s princess
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You held Nico’s hand as you walked towards the parking lot, admiring how even after a tough loss he still stopped to take pictures and sign things for fans. The crowd was buzzing, fans pushing against the barricades trying to get Nico to sign all sorts of things. Nico squeezed your hand three times, “I love you.”
You stood behind him, facing the other barricade where other players were signing autographs. As you scanned the crowd, you noticed a small boy sitting in his mother’s arms, both of them being somewhat pushed against the barrier.
You walked towards them, smiling at the little boy and his mother. “Hi there,” you greeted warmly. “What’s your name?”
The boy looked up at you with wide eyes. “Alex,” he said quietly.
“Hi Alex, I’m Y/N. Is that your jersey?” you asked, pointing to the small Devils jersey he was holding tightly.
Alex nodded, his grip tightening even more. “I want Nico to sign it,” he said in a whisper.
You looked at his mother. “Do you mind if I take him over to Nico?” you asked. His mother nodded. “That would be wonderful, thank you.”
You gently scooped Alex from his mother’s arms. He clutched your neck as you walked towards Nico, who was handing back a Sharpie to a fan. You called his name, and he gave you a curious smile, walking towards you and Alex.
“This is Alex,” you introduced the boy. “He’d really like you to sign his jersey.”
Nico’s face lit up with a kind smile. “Of course,” he said, slumping down to Alex’s level. “Hi Alex, nice to meet you. Can I see your jersey?”
Alex shyly handed over his jersey, his eyes wide with awe. Nico signed it with a flourish, adding a little smiley face for good measure. “Here you go, buddy,” he said, handing it back.
You looked at Nico, who was already looking at you, his eyes twinkling. He waved at Alex one last time before going back to signing things for fans.
As you carried Alex back towards his parents, he looked at you with shining eyes. “Are you Nico’s girlfriend?” he asked, messing with the hair around the nape of your neck.
You smiled and nodded. “I am. Do you like watching him play?”
Alex nodded excitedly. “Yeah! He’s my favorite!”
“Mine too,” you said with a smile. “Do you play hockey, Alex?”
“Not yet, but I want to,” he replied, clutching his jersey.
“You should definitely go for it,” you encouraged. Alex beamed at that thought. “Really?”
“Really,” you assured him. “Just make sure you’re having fun.” He smiled at you as you handed him back to his mom, waving goodbye.
Some fans waved you over to get their things signed, which you happily agreed to. Nico watched you as he signed things from across the street, looking at you with so much love. He loved that you cared for fans even though sometimes they could be overwhelming.
You ran over to him, looking slightly flushed. “Hey, baby, can you sign these?” you asked, holding the cap for Nico as he signed it, then a player card, and then a T-shirt.
Nico smiled slightly. “They’ve got you running all around the place,” he joked.
You giggled before running back toward the crowd that waited eagerly. You handed each fan their individual items, a few recording you. You didn’t mind, thinking they were trying to get a shot of Nico from across the barricade.
Nico called you over, taking your hand as you both finally walked toward the car. He opened the door for you before going to his side, starting it, and taking your hand from the center console. He brought your hand to his lips, kissing it.
As you drove home, Nico glanced over at you. “You were amazing tonight,” he said softly, his thumb gently rubbing the back of your hand.
You smiled, feeling your heart swell. “I just wanted to make sure everyone had a good time, even if we didn’t win.”
Nico’s eyes softened. “That’s why I love you. You always put others first.”
You squeezed his hand. “And I love you for always being there for me.”
When you arrived home, Nico opened your car door and helped you out. As you walked inside, he pulled you into a warm embrace. “Let’s relax,” he whispered, leading you to the couch.
You both settled in, snuggling close. “I can’t wait to have a family with you someday,” Nico murmured, kissing your temple.
You looked up at him, feeling a wave of heat go through your body. “Me too, Nico. Me too.”
A week had passed since that memorable post-game night. You and Nico were relaxing at home when your phone buzzed with notifications. Curious, you picked it up and saw a flood of social media tags and mentions.
“Hey, Nico, check this out,” you said, showing him the screen. Fans had posted videos of you helping them get their items signed, and the response was overwhelming.
One video showed you carrying Alex to Nico, while another captured you running around, helping fans get their merch signed. The comments were filled with praise. “Y/N is the best! The People’s Princess for real.” Another said, “We love how Y/N cares about the fans!”
Nico wrapped an arm around your shoulders, reading the comments over your shoulder. “Looks like you’re officially the People’s Princess,” he said with a dopey smile.
You laughed softly. “I just did what felt right. It’s nice that people appreciated it.”
Nico kissed your temple. “They love you because you care. It’s one of the things I adore about you.”
You nestled closer to him. “I’m just glad I could make a difference, even if it’s a small one.”
Nico looked into your eyes, his expression tender. “You always make a difference, Y/N. To me, and to everyone you meet.”
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “And you make a difference to me, Nico. Every day.” he grabs the side of your face bringing you into kiss.
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barcaatthemoon · 17 days
fade into you || lena oberdorf x reader ||
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lena takes your virginity.
minors dni, 18+, smut warning.
not proofread because i have 30 minutes to get to work and still need to eat breakfast.
the move from manchester to bayern was a big one, but you hadn't made it alone. your older sister keira's best friend, georgia, had transferred with you. with georgia there, you practically had another older sister there with you. and it was great, up until you met lena.
the bayern and wolfsburg games were pretty intense, but you loved it. english soccer hadn't necessarily been physical enough for you, aside from your very heated games against arsenal. lena could match your aggression and put you on your ass if she really wanted to.
at first, there had been a couple of close calls. georgia had gotten herself carded arguing with lena twice before someone said something. after that, you had players like magda and pernille, your team mothers, who looked out for you instead. they were a lot more protective, not even letting the german player talk to you after games.
lena hated the way that they watched over you like a hawk whenever she was around. all lena had wanted to do then was talk to you, and she had to wait months before she finally had a good chance to do so. georgia had tried to step in to "protect" you whenever lena approached you after an international game against each other, but she wasn't nearly as intimidating as magda.
"(y/n)!" lena called out as she chased you down in the tunnel. you froze on the spot, unsure of what lena could have wanted with you. that game had been difficult to say the least. tensions had been high, and several players on both sides had gotten a little sketchy with some of their tackles and challenges. "do you mind if we talk for a minute?"
"you want to talk to me?" you tried not to sound so surprised, but you couldn't help it. lena nodded as she extended her hand towards you. georgia looked a bit angry as you took it, not noticing the looks from leah, lucy, and your sister behind her.
"i'd prefer to do it alone," lena told you as she led you away from everybody else. "i've wanted to talk to you for a long time, but there are always other players around. your friends don't seem to like me too much."
"they are protective. we have a tendency to go a bit harder after each other than anybody else," you pointed out. lena couldn't argue with you on that one. she admittedly did play a bit rougher with you than she did with other players. however, lena knew that sometimes that was what it took to stop you from trucking through their defenses.
"i like how you play. i can't wait to be on your team." lena rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. you studied her for a moment, just long enough to be distracted by her features. your eyes bounced all around her face and body, shamelessly checking her out a bit. "before that, though, i'd like to get to know you better. maybe we could go on a date when you get back to germany?"
"why wait that long?" you asked her. lena looked surprised, like she couldn't believe that you wanted to spend time with her so soon. "i won't be drinking with the rest of the team tonight, and playing cards in my sister's room can wait. you guys leave tomorrow night, and i think that leaves just enough time for us to go out together for a night."
"the whole night?" lena asked. you were quick to shake your head, but refused to elaborate any further. lena didn't know that you were a virgin, she couldn't have. not a lot of people actually knew that, and while you had been told that it was nothing to be ashamed of, you couldn't help but feel like you were lagging in your age group.
"i'd like to see where things go first. hooking up isn't really my thing," you said quickly. you hoped that it came off casually, but you knew better than that. you weren't that lucky, not when it came to relationships. you had only ever dated one other person, and it had ended so badly that you kind of thought you'd never date again.
naturally, as your relationship progressed, lena eventually learned about your lack of experience. she had been kind about it once you told her. a lot of things that you had done over the past few months made sense to her. lena had known that you were shy, but now she understood why certain things messed with you as much as they did.
"good morning." lena greeted you with a kiss as you walked into the kitchen. it was her first week in her munich apartment, and she had asked for you to stay with her. the two of you had been together for nearly half of your first season at bayern. now, you'd get to play at the same club together, so she would be there to keep you company instead of georgia.
"this isn't good for my german," you told her. lena shrugged it off and wrapped her arms around your waist as she pressed several kisses to the side of your face. "i really do want to learn, lena."
"liebe, you are doing fine with the german. relax, we practice together every single day. rest your brain for a morning, it will be fine," lena said. you sighed as your body sank back against hers. you hadn't been with lena for very long in the scheme of things, but you knew for sure that you were in love with her. keira had once told you that love was a feeling that often took you by surprise, and your feelings for lena had blindsided you early on in your relationship.
the two of you had expressed your love for each other in words before, but you wanted to do more. you wanted to give yourself to lena fully. the thought was beyond terrifying for you, but you also knew that lena was trustworthy. she would take care of you, just like she had been doing for months. more than that, you trusted lena fully and wanted to show her just how far your trust reached.
"what are you thinking so hard about?" lena asked you. her voice was full of concern, breaking the blissfully relaxed energy that had been filling up her room. you had been ready to tell her exactly what you wanted, but when you opened up your mouth and looked at her, your words died out on the tip of your tongue.
"i want-," you paused, unsure of whether or not this was the time. lena would never push you towards anything, but you hadn't considered whether or not she wanted sex from you. everybody around the two of you had made a teasing remark here or there about sex, only to be shut down by an extremely defensive lena.
"it's okay, take your time." lena pressed a kiss to the top of your head as she pulled you to rest against her chest. you gave yourself a couple of moments to relax where she had guided you. once those moments were over, you shifted so that you were sort of leaning over her. "everything okay?"
"yes, i just, need to ask you something. lena, i'd like to have sex with you," you told her. lena's normally expressive face went completely blank as she stared at you. a wave of panic overtook your thoughts, but lena didn't let it get far enough for you to retract your statements.
"this is a big deal, are you sure liebe?" lena asked you. it was true, this was a big deal for you. some of your teammates had tried to play it off as something that didn't matter, but to you it did. lena knew this, and she had been fully prepared to wait until marriage if that was something you had wanted. a part of her hadn't expected you to want to talk about it again so soon, but she was glad that you trusted her.
"yes, of course i am. i love you, and i want to show you that," you said sheepishly.
"there are other ways to show that you love someone. it's not like i can give you this experience back if you decide that i wasn't the right one." for a moment, you thought lena was trying to talk you out of having sex. that idea was promptly snuffed out whenever you finally looked her in the eye. lena looked almost to tears, but there was no sign of anything other than joy on her face.
"i'm sure. i want you, and only you." lena had never heard you speak with such confidence or conviction before. you were shy, always keeping to yourself or your very carefully selected circle of friends. "just, please remember that it's my first time."
"always, we will take it slow," lena promised you.
neither you nor lena had really brought up having sex again for the remainder of your stay with her. you had assumed that lena had forgotten, not that she was working on making the last night of your week together so special. for the most part, you had been completely oblivious until she was practically shoving you out of the house to go shopping with sydney and laura.
they were nice, but still very much lena's friends. you had a lot of fun with the girls, who had definitely talked you into spending more money than you meant to. by the time that you headed back to lena's, you had enough things to fill an extra suitcase.
"lena?" you called out into the apartment. it looked empty, but lena had obviously cleaned and rearranged a few things. you could see the table set very romantically, and you wondered for a moment if you missed some sort of anniversary. all of those thoughts were practically thrown out of your head when you saw lena walk out of her bedroom. "you look amazing."
"i know that we did not talk about this before, but i really want to be with you before you leave. only if that's okay with you," lena said. she brushed a strand of your hair back behind you ear as she stepped into your space. there was never an invasion with lena, she was always welcomed eagerly with open arms.
"i'd like that. i've been thinking about it a lot," you confessed. lena smiled as she pulled you in for a kiss. something told you that lena would have kissed you either way, but this kiss felt different. this kiss built to something bigger, something that your body had been anticipating for a couple of weeks now.
lena pulled back from the kiss to lead you to the table. you sat there a little awkwardly by yourself while you waited for her to return. lena had obviously put a lot of effort into the meal, preparing things that you recognized as supposed aphrodisiacs. you noticed the distinct lack of alcohol at the table, which lena explained away as not wanting anything to possibly taint the experience.
"how are you feeling?" lena asked you. she leaned back against the counter as she watched you put the last dish in the dishwasher. you had fought her about leaving the dishes in the sink for tomorrow and cleaning up, but lena relented in the end. she had rinsed a few of the pots and pans before you were even home anyway, that was enough help as you'd accept.
"nervous, but in a good way. i trust you though, just show me what you like i guess," you told her. lena smiled as she pulled you in for a kiss. this one was soft and sweet, a gentle press of her lips against yours. the next couple ventured away from that territory, right up until lena was pinning you against the counter by the kitchen sink and kissing you absolutely breathless.
"i'm going to find out all of the things that you like. maybe it'll take more than a night, but we have the rest of our lives to figure everything out." lena picked you up with ease and carried you into her bedroom. every part of the house had been done up for tonight, so it shouldn't have come as a shock to you to see the candles and flowers all over the room.
"you spoil me. what if i want this every time we have sex?" you asked her.
it was a teasing question, but lena answered you with complete sincerity, "then i will do this every single time. there is nothing i wouldn't do to make you happy."
"i love you," you told her. lena blushed as she pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"i love you too," she mumbled. you threaded your fingers through her hair and lifted her head up so that she was looking at you. she repeated herself, suddenly a little afraid that you hadn't heard her. you pulled her in for another kiss, opening your mouth almost immediately to welcome her tongue.
lena dropped onto her knees on the bed to lay you down gently. her body quickly covered yours once again, and lena slotted herself in between your legs. the two of you had laid like that before, but now it felt different. both of you knew where this was leading, and while lena would assure you that you could turn back whenever you wanted, you knew otherwise.
you were grateful for lena taking her clothes off first, even if you had been head over heels for the outfit. it was rare that you got to see lena out of her kit or the sweats that she liked to wear around the house. and while there was little hotter to you than lena walking around in a tank top and sweatpants, the black slacks and white button up that lena had worn for tonight drove you a little crazy.
however, you were glad to not feel quite so underdressed for the occasion. you hadn't changed from the jean shorts and t-shirt of lena's that you had worn out for shopping. lena had barely let you go whenever she saw you in her shirt that morning, but you had compromised with her by cuddling on the couch until laura and sydney came bursting through lena's apartment doors.
"can i touch you?" lena asked as she motioned towards your bare chest. she was almost completely naked above you, only wearing her underwear. your shorts were still on, lena slowly making her way down your body. your lips were bruised from kissing her, and there were little wet spots from lena kissing along your neck and jaw.
"please do," you told her. lena smiled, dipping her head down to press a kiss to the little dip in between your collarbones. lena's hands massaged your breasts as she littered kisses all over your chest. you could feel that you were wet, but you didn't want to rush lena. as many times as she had told you that this was for you, you had reminded yourself that this was also for her as well. it was your first time, yes, but it was also your first time together.
with each inch that lena moved down your body, you felt your arousal and anticipation grow. you were practically shaking by the time that lena finally reached your shorts. she opened her mouth to ask if you still wanted to continue, only to be met with you impatiently shimmying yourself out of them. lena had the tact to hide her amusement, but you didn't miss the little glimmer in her eye.
it wasn't the amusement that you had mistaken it for. after your show of enthusiasm, lena let her own eagerness be known. the kisses that lena pressed to your hips and thighs were messy, much messier than the ones placed on your chest. lena paused and sucked a hickey onto the inside of your thigh, barely an inch away from where you were practically frothing at the mouth waiting for her to touch you.
"mine," lena muttered sweetly as she ran her finger over the hickey.
"make me yours," you begged her. you weren't sure what had compelled you to say that, but if lena's reaction was anything to go by, it was the right decision. lena grabbed your thighs and held them apart. you heard her swear as she really got a good look at you spread out in front of her.
there was nothing that could have prepared you for the feeling of lena's mouth on your cunt. you had kissed her hundreds of times already, but her lips felt completely different between your legs. you blindly reached around for something to grab until you felt lena take your hands in hers. it was sweet and grounded you, distracting you from your rapidly approaching orgasm.
"i don't want to cum yet," you whined. lena lifted her head to look at you. there was something reassuring in her eyes, something that quelled the panicked thoughts about embarrassing yourself in front of her.
"it's okay, let it happen. it always happens faster than you'd like the first time." lena spoke gently, more so than you had ever heard her before. you closed your eyes and tried to only focus on the way that lena felt as her tongue moved between your folds.
you couldn't stop the moans and all the little noises that normally would have embarrassed you. lena hummed appreciatively at each noise you made, like all she wanted was to hear them again. the focus of lena's tongue switched from just lazily lapping at your cunt to zeroing in on your clit. you felt a finger press against your entrance, rubbing teasingly as if she hadn't planned on actually entering you.
"lena, i think i'm gonna cum," you warned her. lena just sort of squeezed your hand as she continued with a steady pace. lena didn't want to overload your senses, so she tried to keep things going a little slower. she paid attention to every little signal that your body was giving her, helping you reach your peak and work yourself through it.
"you did so good," lena praised as she littered your face with kisses. your cheeks were flushed and your chest was heaving. you had made yourself cum a couple of times before, but it was nothing like having lena touch you. the feeling of lena touching you made you never want to even try to get yourself off ever again. "how are you feeling?"
"i've never felt like that before," you told her. it was a good feeling, but you couldn't quite articulate that yet. lena nodded, seemingly in understanding, and cupped your cheeks to pull you in for a kiss. "i can't believe i didn't ask for that earlier."
"go on to the shower. i'm gonna put the sheets in the wash," lena told you. she tried to move away, but you clung to her like your life depended on it. "liebe, we have to clean up."
"yes, and you can come shower with me. then, when we're out, you can put the sheets in the wash while i pick out something to watch in the living room." lena wasn't going to argue with you, especially not when your plan included a chance to shower with her. you knew that you had won when lena didn't try to argue with you, so you pulled her out of bed and towards the bathroom. your legs were a bit shaky still, so lena held onto your hips to steady you the whole way.
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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The set up | Alessia Russo x Reader
Where your best friend Gio sets you up with his sister.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.5k
“Come on, just let me set you up with one more girl.” Your best friend begged, making you roll your eyes. He loved trying to set you up, but nothing ever really came from it. “Like your other set ups worked so well.” 
“Please, just one more before I head off to Bali. I can’t leave you here all on your own.” Oh he could be so annoying. “I have friends besides you Gio, you know that right?" You give him a friendly shove. 
“Y/n, she’s totally your type. Just give me one more chance.” You knew when he was putting up his best puppy eyes, that you weren’t going to be able to say no. “Fine, but it will be your going away present, so don’t expect anything else.”
You checked your phone one more time to check if you had gotten the right restaurant, a reservation for two under the name Russo he had said. Why he had used his name instead of yours was a mystery to you, but that mystery quickly unravelled when you saw the girl that was sitting at the table the waiter was leading you to.
“Lessi?” The girl looked up with confusion written all over your face, just like yourself. “Hey y/n/n, what are you doing here?” 
“Well, apparently Gio tried setting me up with you.” Alessia chuckled, “Of course he did.” You hesitate for a moment, which Alessia seems to notice. “Sit, this place has amazing food. Plus Gio is paying for the whole thing.” Now it was your turn to laugh. “How did you manage that?”
You settle into your seat while Alessia tells you how she convinced her brother to pay for the whole date. Alessia was right, the menu had some great choices, as you looked through them you wondered why Gio would set you up with his sister, was this one of his jokes, or was he serious about this?
"So, how have you been?" Alessia asks, breaking the brief silence. "I feel like it's been ages since we caught up properly." You had met Gio back in college, and had known his whole family for ages. 
“It really has been a while, hasn’t it? I’m doing well. I got promoted at work which prompted my move to London, they offered me a managing position at their location here. I’ve been getting used to the changes, home and work wise, but overall I’m really happy with the change. How have you been? Has Arsenal been treating you well?” Now that you think of it, you hadn’t been to one of her matches since made the move to Arsenal. You often joined Gio and the Russo family on seeing Alessia play for either club or country, having watched her grow from a college athlete to this phenomenal professional player. 
Alessia tells you all about her move to London and her time at Arsenal so far over the pizza’s that you both ordered. It had actually been really nice hanging out with the girl one on one, something you hadn’t done all too often. 
When both your plates are empty, you don’t want to leave yet but you know you’ll have to say goodnight because you have work in the morning. “This was really nice Less, would you want to do it again some time?” You didn’t know how the blonde was looking at this set up as an actual date, or just as friends catching up, but as the evening came to an end you realised just how much you had enjoyed her company, and how much you would like to go out with her again.
“I had a great time, and I would love to do it again sometime, it’s a date.” Your heart warmed at the words ‘it’s a date’, glad to hear that she was feeling the same way. “Do you want to mess with Gio a bit?” She suggested, and she told you her plan after you agreed. 
You step into Gio’s apartment without an invitation to come in, or saying hello. “Your sister? You set me up with your sister?” You tried your hardest not to smile. His eyes widened, “I really thought you guys would hit it off, and if not it would just be funny.” You shake your head and walk out of the door again. As you get in your car you quickly send Alessia a text.
Y/n: Part one of the plan has been executed :)
The next day you eagerly await Alessia’s text, after lunch your phone finally buzzes with a message from her. 
Alessia: Part two is in motion!
You smile at the message, imagining what Alessia has cooked up, as she was clearly enjoying pranking her brother as much as you were.
The plan was to make Gio believe he messed up with setting the two of you up, while actually you already had your second date planned. 
The second date was even better than the first one, instead of sitting down at a restaurant you went to an arcade. When you headed in the bustling arcade filled your ears, as Alessia led you right to the first game. “Ready to get crushed?” A sparkle behind her eyes told you enough about how tonight was going to go. “Bring it on.” You said back with determination.
You smirk as you get ball after ball in the basket, Alessia was doing well too, but your points were definitely going up quicker. When the timer ends, you have almost double the points she has. Alessia looks over in disbelief. “Less, how did your brother and I get to know each other?” She thinks for a moment before it finally dawns on her, you were both on the basketball team in college. “Okay, so that game doesn’t count because there was an unfair advantage. Let’s move on.” 
She takes your hand and drags you to a new game, where the both of you are just as competitive. The wins were divided more now, her being better at some games, and you better at others. All in all, you had a great time. 
At the end of the night she invited you to come see her play on Sunday, an offer you gladly accepted. It had really been too long since you had seen her play, and you were interested to see how her playing style had changed since she joined the new club. 
She walked you to your front door, “You’ll be at the airport tomorrow as well right?” You nod, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world” Gio was leaving for Bali tomorrow, and his family and a couple of his closest friends were coming to wave him off. Since you had stormed out of his apartment, the two of you were good again, but he still had no idea that you and Alessia had started dating. 
Before she turns around to get to her car, she leans in and pecks your lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You kiss her again, wanting her with you a little longer. “Goodnight Less, text me when you get home?” With a nod and another quick kiss, you watch her drive off. 
The next day you meet the Russo family at the airport. No one wanted to say goodbye, but you knew you had to since Gio had a plane to catch so you stepped up first. You give him a big hug, “I’m going to miss you, Gio. Have an amazing trip, and send me all the updates please.” 
Gio noticed the two of you embracing, and started smirking instantly. He walked up to the two of you. “I knew it!” You rolled your eyes at him. “Yeah yeah, you finally set me up with a good one.” He hugged the both of you. “I’m very happy for you both. Take care of each other while I’m away?” With a promise that you would, he went off to board his plane.
After you, more of Gio’s friends went ahead and said their goodbye’s, and last but not least, his family did as well. Alessia stepped back from saying bye with teary eyes, the goodbye being emotional for the family. She walked right towards you, and you wrapped your arms around her in comfort, no longer caring about the little plan you had made. 
Carol walked up to the two of you, “Want to join us for dinner tonight, sweetheart?” You looked over to Alessia to make sure she was okay with you saying yes to her mom. When she agreed with a nod and a smile, you told Carol you would love to. 
When Gio landed you were still at the Russo’s, and you Gio had added you all to a group chat called ‘Bali updates for the fam’, you smiled at the way he included you with his family, as the five of you watched his video showing you all the hotel room he would spend the first night.
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sainzzsturns · 19 days
H. Fort x fem!reader
category: fluff
warnings: none, lowercase intended, sorry in advance for any grammar errors english it’s my first language.
summary: where reader finds it funny how grumpy and shy hector gets when teased by his teammates
a/n: for one of my fav players whose extremely underrated, like how is no one talking about his assist to fermin on thursday???
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you were picking héctor up from his practice at the barça grounds since you would leave work around the time he finished up.
you noticed you were still a bit early so you parked your car and entered the hallway at the estadi olímpic.
your access was allowed since most of the people working there already knew you from picking your boyfriend up and sometimes giving his teammates rides.
you walked up the stairs in your light washed jeans and white long sleeve shirt covered with a pink jacket since it was more of a chilly day.
you saw xavi discussing something with frankie as you gave them a wave and sat somewhere in the stands to watch the rest of practice.
héctor soon noticed you and gave you a wave, you blew him a kiss back. you instantly noticed lamine going in his direction starting to tease him about his girlfriend.
“ooh héctor’s blushing!” he yelled, fermín soon joined the teasing as well.
you giggled looking at your boyfriend’s tall structure turning to the boys with a intimidating stare.
“oh he thinks he’s so strong and intimidating…” marc joined in as well, causing you to giggle even more.
“callate” héctor growled in response, trying to hide the reddened of his cheeks. (shut up)
the boys continued laughing until xavi told them they were good to go.
héctor ran up to you, giving you a kiss and collecting his things, which you had sat beside. he began walking out, shaking his hand out, signaling for you to take it, which you did.
you came across the rest of the team in the hallways, hugging joão félix and pablo, who were talking while filling up their water bottles.
“ah lamine do you need a ride again?” you asked when you spotted him, being that last time his mom wasn’t able to.
“i’m sure he doesn’t, if he does marc can give him one.” héctor said firmly, looking at the boy.
“oh my god dude you can’t seriously be mad, we were just teasing you!” lamine said.
“yeah it’s okay babe.” you said as well.
héctor rolled his eyes, “well do you need a ride or no?” he asked.
“i’m good thank’s for asking babe” he teased héctor again.
you swore you could see the littlest grin on your boyfriend’s face as he slapped the back of lamine’s neck as the youngest giggled.
“bye babe…” lamine sang as you and héctor left.
when you arrived home héctor made his way to the bathroom to take a shower while you prepared lunch for the both of you.
just as you were finishing up he came down the stairs in a pair of black sweats and a white t-shirt.
he hugged you from behind while you mixed the rice in the pan, his strong arms laying above your chest.
“it’s so funny how shy you get when the boys tease you.” you said to him.
“no it’s not, don’t even start.”
“but it is! you always have this mean face but you’re really just a soft little boy.” you said again, his hands moving down to your waist giving it a squeeze as he hid his red face in your neck.
“i’m not ‘soft’ im literally 6’1” he groaned into your skin embarrassed.
“well you’re just a big baby.” you said, turning to him. “my baby…”
“you’re so corny” he answered rolling his eyes and lowering himself to give your a kiss
“you love me!” you argued back.
“a lot, cariño” he answered. (sweetheart)
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 months
Topic: Genshin impact.
au: Sagau.
idea: So what if you had the powers of every character you played as in every game you played and then get isekaid into genshin impact with imposter au. I imagine it goes smth like
Zhongli: “I will have order!”
reader, Who played Roblox as someone who lagged the game (explanation: I’m pretty sure ping is also how time works in games. If you can control the flow of ping you can control the flow of time in games.): “ZA WARUDO!”
Heyyy!! Thanks for waiting for the reply/response from my slow ass :0
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So they did clarify what they meant/expand so imma just copy paste that here!
“k now I remember. So basically imma write it here since it’s easier: Basically you don’t have to (but you can) transform into the character that has those set of powers but if you do those powers are enhanced.”
Sun: Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Light Imposter AU (as in, NOT Yandere/Dark), mild crossover elements bc Shapeshifter Shenanigans™️
Stars: bro idek
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, genshin typical mild violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so fair warning,, ive never seen jojo bizarre, but i appreciate i come off well-read/watched? LMAO
so im just gonna kinda,, guess? like just cycle thru diff. random media, and im hoping both me and you reading this will have a fun time (as this is a little challenge, but i like it so ill give it a shot, dont kno if its a good one but- 😅)
so to set the scene, of how u got to this point, ykno of running like ur life (maybe?) depends on u running around different teyvat countries,
u thought it was weird everyone knew a little too much about you?? (ofc theyve heard u during gaming, they know u the same way we all know Markiplier, get it?)
then a bunch of NPCs/Vision users/Archons?? were REALLY invested in talking to you, which freaked u out even more
and by the time you saw Zhongli, yknow, just the oldest god in game, making a fast-walk towards you, ykno the retired god who didnt move an inch when an old water god attacked Liyue for a test, is now hurrying to you???
ur logically get so fucking scared sm shits abt to go down, u just start running
it isnt until ur reaching for a ledge and some webbing shoots out of ur arm (from a glitchy little spot on ur arm, where it could be coming out of ur skin, but sometimes its a blue and red bracelet)
it latched onto the nearest building, and thats how u find out u can grapple ur way, literally Spiderman style, out of the harbor
and bro, idk if it would be fun, or confusing and stressful, or maybe both?? to just find out u can use any video game power from any game youve played before as you go running from countries bc for some freaky reason they know too much abt you/are pursuing you-
dUDE- they had small statues of you in like every little section of their cities
u head to Mondstadt and as Venti comes screaming and flying at you (in excitement, but ur freaked), u go to hold a hand up and suddenly ur holding a heavy stone tablet that unleashes some holographic yellow chains that freeze him in place-?? why is this familiar-
oh my god u have the sheikah slate from Breath of the Wild,
and as ur booking it out of there, u manage to get ahold of a sword, and u know exactly how to use it to knock back favonius knights trying to stop you (they are concerned for their god who is just unleashing random powers on ppl, pls let Grandmaster Jean just talk to you Your Majesty-!!)
by the time you teleport ur way to Inazuma, (bc u still have this worlds access to ur player/traveler’s powers), ur trying to find a nice place to stay for a little bit
at least in that sweet spot of the Raiden not noticing/finding you, while things cool down on the main continent, before moving on,
and u get some tools to help fashion just a little shelter, bc u dont have any money/mora rn, and ur able to literally build a house???
a mailbox pops up and thanks you for renting with Tom Nook???? As in Animal Crossing-
and rlly if the BOTW/slate thing didnt clue u into video game powers, then this definitely would tbh lmao
right as u see Yae Miko circling ur house, with an armful of books? ..is she planning to thru them at you??, u get the hell out of dodge before her favorite god can follow along
(she knows ur prefrences in books and got authors/trends to start so youd have plenty to read, and she was making sure it was ur house before politely dropping them off! how was she to know thatd spook their favorite God, Ei?!)
u get to Sumeru and think ur safe, hiding in an abandoned forest watcher outpost (1 person treehouse rlly) when Nahida shows up in ur dreams,
and u just,
walk out of the dream, into reality, and possess a nearby ruin guard so u can sleep in peace, bc she cant access a robot,
that one baffled u as you re-possessed ur own body before realizing-
Five Nights at Freddy’s. 💀
U cant do that forever, so u try Fontaine, hoping Neuvillette/Furina wont rlly give af abt you, plus theyre the latest region, so maybe they have the least exposure to whatever the other archons didnt like abt you??
u get there and are immediately summoned to court, and right as the mekas show up to escort you, jfc they have a mecha army
(meanwhile, theyre thinking, yknow. high profile guest/our god of gods. ofc we need state of the art mekas to escort them, its only polite-)
meanwhile ur cape has now become wings, and a mask covers ur face as you glide and fly ur way over the city in an attempt to get to where u assume Snezhnaya is
it doesnt occur to you the game until ur running out of stamnia and catch ur reflection in the waters of fontaine, Sky: Children of the Light
u hope the Tsaritsa’s dislike for other gods/Celestia doesnt extend to ur otherworldly presence so ur just hoping for the best atp tbh
tbh youd forget what all powers you have, and the absolute chaos ur causing urself as u try to desperately rememeber what games youve played thru ur entire life is NOT helping to reduce confusion when u randomly wake up with elf ears (legend of zelda/botw) or get dragged into another ruin machine when u fall asleep/faint/do smth u guess mimics death lmao- (fnaf) 💀
(meanwhile the Tsaritsa does get wind ur coming this way, and just, makes the people have a parade/festival to celebrate you coming,
she did also have to get Pierro/Captaino to physically restrain some of them from going ahead to meet/escort you to the palace, she’d heard how the others scared u off, and was, ironically, hoping the warm welcome would clear things up)
well that was, something. 😃🫠
sorry lil car, that was such a fun idea idk if i did it justice!! i thought itd be too op to include every media youve consumed ever, so i kept it to video games, (which, could u cheat the system if youve played smash bros??)
i hope it was at least a decent read, and sorry im half asleep so i was not v funny this time around, but, again, hope u got smth out of it 😭
on another note, im having my wisdom teeth surgery this friday, send whatever u got my way, prayers, blessings, good vibes, ill take anything im nervous 🙃
have a good week guys!
Safe Travels Lil Car,
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reminiscingtonight · 1 year
It’s All Fun and Games...
Leah Williamson x Morgan!Reader
Word Count: 662
A/N: These burbs aren’t in any specific chronological order
Sisterly Love Masterlist
[WOSO Masterlist]
As a professional soccer player, sometimes you don’t want to be playing soccer in your downtime. 
Today’s not one of those days. 
You can’t really remember who proposed it, but someone said something about a little friendly 2-on-2 and the next thing you know, the four of you are trudging to a nearby park. 
Alex (Morgan) was visiting for a couple days, so like the proper best friend she is, Alex (Scott) also wanted to tag along when she heard Leah making plans. The four of you had just had a nice little brunch, and with the great weather in London, it seemed like such a shame to let it go to waste. The solution ended up being a small 2-on-2 match, something that surprisingly no one objected to.
You’ve just dropped the ball on the ground when Alex asks a pretty reasonable question. “So how are we choosing teams?”
Leah opens her mouth, but before she can answer, you’re blurting out a response of your own. 
“I call Scott!”
“What?” Leah whips her head around, face scrunched up in confusion.
“What?” Your sister’s glaring at you, a little offended at not getting picked.
“Me?” Alex looks a little pleased, but still feigning nonchalance to avoid the wrath of both your girlfriend and sister.
Shrugging, you try to hide your grin. You slip an arm around Alex’s. “Sorry gals, you snooze, you lose. Plus Alex is like a football legend, of course I’m gonna want her on my team.”
“I’m sorry, which one of us has won two World Cups, gotten an Olympic gold, and--”
“Vanity isn’t a pretty color on you, Al,” you tsk, ignoring the offended gasp your comment earns you. 
“Excuse you, forget Alex. What about me?” Leah pushes her way in front of your sister. She’s looking pretty peeved at being left out of consideration. “I’m your girlfriend. Where’s the Arsenal loyalty, babe?”
“Legend,” you repeat, pointing at the woman still attached to you. “Arsenal legend. If anything I’m being even more loyal to Arsenal by choosing her.”
“Oh shut it, you know what I mean.”
“You know what, Leah? It’s fine.” Alex (Morgan) places an arm on your girlfriend’s shoulder. “I for one am happy to have you on my team. And we’re going to have a blast creaming them.”
Never one to be left out of conversation, Alex (Scott) speaks just before the four of you head to your respective halves. “So is there anything at stake in this game? Do the winners get anything? Or punishments for the losers?”
“Loser has to adopt (Y/N),” Alex (Morgan) grumbles, tightening her shoe laces. 
Leah’s eye twitching is the only evidence of how close she is to considering it. “Losers buy dinner tonight?” she proposes instead.
“Hope you like pasta!” you sing out, pretending not to notice the dirty look Leah instantly shoots your way. 
While Alex and Leah quickly huddle up to talk strategies, you and your Alex huddle up to do the same. 
Before you can get a word in, Alex is putting a hand on your arm, tilting her head at you inquisitively. “Love the vote of confidence, ‘go us!’, but you do know I’m the only one out of the lot of you who doesn’t play professionally anymore, right?”
You shrug. “And? Don’t say you’ve never wondered what it would be like to score against Alex Morgan. Or better yet stop her from scoring.”
You must’ve said something wrong because Alex is instantly trying not to laugh. “Oh honey,” she coos, lips twitching in amusement. “How old do you think I am? I’ve most definitely played against your sister before. Not really something I’m looking forward to doing again, but beggars can’t be choosers, right?”
You should’ve heeded Alex’s warning a bit more.
Leah tries not to be too smug when you end up getting Nandos for dinner. 
Your sister on the other hand, well she doesn’t even try to hide her glee.
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brighter-by-the-daly · 10 months
Mary Earps x Reader
Flatmates & Handshakes
Part of the Beth McCarthy mini song series
Friendship Bracelet
I'm not bitter
I'm happy you're happy, it's just
I loved you first
And it's not like it was easy
But we had each other
Now you have another
And I hate it, I hate it
So go ahead and burn my friendship bracelet
Your eyes were locked in, eyebrows furrowed and squinting slightly to assert dominance as you sauntered up to the penalty spot opposite Mary. She had that dirty smirk on her face that she does when she’s trying to intimidate people but that doesn’t work on you - she knew that so you wondered why she’s even trying! You’d been friends for years and became roommates after you both joined Man U but since moving to Barcelona, you’re now on the opposite side of the field. As the ref tried to sort out a ruckus between the players behind, you cemented the spot as yours. Nobody knows you like Mary.. but nobody knows Mary like you either. Endless days of practicing penalties against her probably makes her think she can read you like a book. But you know her tactics too; how she reads body language and positioning, studies every member of a team before a game and has player stats on her water bottle. You noticed she didn’t check it for you though, clearly thinking she had this one in the bag. Since leaving the country for Spain you hadn’t kept in contact at all, she’d unfollowed you on social media and blocked your number. It’s sad but it’s not your fault, she’s the one that ruined the friendship.
From teenagers you’d grown into women together, spending nights holding each other’s hair back over a toilet is where your friendship blossomed after your under 19 games. She was a liability but she was your liability and equally you were hers - always taking it in turns to be the sensible one. As you grew up, both of you realised you wanted to take football more seriously and those nights became few and far between… probably for the best really! Your late nights turned into bleary eyed car rides and sitting on the boot analysing the stars. Sometimes you would catch yourself missing it when you were driving home in the dark by yourself, wondering if she looks at the stars and thinks of you too. Those were the days when days were simple. You had plans to grow old together in the same care home causing havoc everyday but moving in together you soon realised you weren’t compatible as roommates. Well.. it wasn’t Mary that was the problem, she was your platonic soulmate, it was her boyfriend that caused the breakdown in your friendship. Mary’s boyfriend took great offence to the different people you bought home most weekends, he didn’t want Mary around that and for someone who never had a problem with it, she soon took his side over yours. You were young and single, what else was there to do? She used to be like that too until she wanted something better.
You’re not bitter, you just hate the way things were left. It was a huge row fuelled by her boyfriend being home one night when you bought yet another person back to the flat. He lit the spark, making one simple comment then sat back and watched Mary implode; throwing you out along with all of your belongings in the middle of the night. Ripping her friendship bracelet off like you would a wedding ring and throwing it as she slammed the door in your face. Luckily, that’s when Barca approached and just in time to get you out of the WSL and out of the country.
Unfortunately for you though Man U had qualified for the Champion’s League this season which meant playing them and her in the quarter final. There’s nothing you would have loved more than to be benched for this game but you’d really come on leaps and bounds since being at Barca. They’d developed your game into something you could have only dreamed about when you were little and was now a firm starter on the team. Unluckily for Mary, you were their star penalty taker too.
After one misplaced and badly timed tackle caused Geyse to fall to the floor inside the box, a penalty was immediately awarded. The score was currently 1-1 and with not a lot of time left on the clock, this was your time to shine. Mary had the longest clean sheet streak in the WSL and was only a few games away from making women’s football history. You know how much keeping her clean sheet means to her which meant you had to break it. There’s nothing you want more than to rip her streak away from her and rub that smug look off of her face.
You knew she would never expect you to shoot with your left foot, but that’s just one skill you’d picked up in Spain that she didn’t know about yet. Yeah, it’s your weaker foot but it’s your highest chance of getting it past the best goalie in the world - as much as you hated her winning that award, you knew she deserved it. The ref’s whistle hurtled through your ears as you started your run up. Making sure you didn’t give her any inkling of what way you were going until the last possible second. Watching her dive left as you shot right -
Not waiting for the ball to hit the back of the net you ran to the fans, knee sliding into the corner as you were bundled from behind by your teammates. One by one the bodies plucked themselves from you just as they were replaying the goal on the big screen. Looking up to see Mary’s pissed off face projected onto it made you the happiest you’d been in ages, revenge certainly feels sweet!
Confidently taking your time strolling to the middle of the pitch to restart, nothing could wipe the happy little smirk off your face. Touching the ball a few times before the final whistle blew and cementing your team into the championship final. Shaking hands with your old teammates who passed you and chatting to the few who stopped to catch up, you didn’t see Mary approach from behind. Gloved hands grabbed your shoulders and turned your body around to face her, “when did you learn to shoot with your left foot?” her voice sounding annoyed and a little impressed at the same time. “Few months ago, been saving it for a special occasion” you shrugged, not knowing what the reaction would be to your response. “Oh and you thought ruining my streak was a special occasion aih?” her voice animated as she nudged your ribs. “It was the only way I’d get it past the best goalie in the world” a hint of sarcasm in your sentence raised a small one sided smile from your ex best friend. “If anyone was going to ruin it, I’m glad it was you” taking your hand in hers and pulling your chests into each other. Disentangling your limbs you sensed a slight glimmer in both your eyes, wondering if the other remembered your old handshake. A few seconds passed as the situation was assessed by both of you before bursting into amateur dramatics and performing the handshake that was created on your 17th birthday.
Laughing together in the middle of the pitch you stopped suddenly, tilting your head to one side and sighing. “I’ve missed you” taking the first step of admitting the truth about the estranged friendship. Throwing her arm around your shoulders as you walked towards the dugouts, “me too, we’ve got lots to catch up on” Mary smiled disappearing up the tunnel together, loud giggling echoing off the metal walls.
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pholla-jm · 7 months
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You have known Megumi since the both of you were kids. You literally did everything together. You walked to school and back home together. You would go over to his place to play and vice versa. Even shared the same plates sometimes. There were also nights where he slept over at your house. 
You were there when he met Gojo. Which you thought he was some type of pedophile trying to take Megumi. You tried fighting him off, but what can a five year old do to a seventeen year old? Not much. He simply stopped your feeble attacks by lifting you up by the back of your shirt and holding you up. 
“You really need this tiny thing to protect you?” “At least I’m not some creep trying to pick up kids!” You shout at him causing you to give you a shocked and disgusted look. “Huh?! I’m not some creep!” 
“Ewe, what’s with your face?” Megumi says with an uninterested look.
And the rest was history. 
Now you both attended Jujutsu High. Even though both of you got busy with studying and training, you still found time to spend time together. 
That’s why you were gathering a plethora of movies, snacks and drinks. A recipe for a perfect movie night. Putting all the stuff in a big bag, you make your way towards Megumi’s dorm room. You knew he would be in there anyway. He never leaves his room because he likes to be an edgy teenage boy… those are your words that you told him. Megumi wasn’t the happiest once you told him that. 
Once you were facing the beige door, you loudly knocked on his door. It didn’t take long for him to swing the door open, an unamused look on his face. “Do you have to knock so loudly?” “Yup.” You answer while pushing your way into his room. 
It was clean and tidy, like always. 
“Yeah, sure, come on in.” He mutters. “Thanks.” 
You turn to him, noticing the comfy clothes he was wearing. Some sweatpants and a t-shirt. 
“We’re having a movie night.” You say while swinging the backpack off your shoulders. Megumi only sighs, deciding not to argue about your plans. Plus, he wouldn’t dare pass up the chance to spend time with you. 
“Which one do you want to watch first?” You ask, holding up the brought over movies. His eyes scan over the movie choices, immediately noticing that there was no pattern to it. It was from all different genres; horror, romance, comedy, thriller, and mystery. 
He chose the safest option- horror. 
Cliche right? 
Well he thought it through. He didn’t want to watch a mystery because he didn’t want you to keep asking him questions about the movie. Not thriller, because you would get bored easily, and not romance because he didn’t want the atmosphere to get weird. Well, weird for him at least. So the best option would be horror, because he knew that you would move a little closer to him. Then after the movie would be over, you would want to watch something more uplifting so you could erase any of the horror movie from your memory.
You gave him a look, “you must like seeing me suffer.” He shrugs, “I’m just paying you back.” 
He plucks the movie from your hand and walks over to the DVD player. A gasp leaves your lips as you look at him with a faux shocked look. “How dare you.” Megumi just rolls his eyes at your dramatics. 
“What else did you bring?” He asks. “I’m glad you asked,” you say while dumping out the rest of the contents in your bag. He eyes the plethora of unhealthy snacks and drinks, “we’re going to get diabetes.” “Nu-uh. Not if we eat healthy and do some serious cleansing for the next week.” 
“Right.” He says while picking up his favorite snack and drink, “we’re not eating on my bed.” “Fine.” You say not arguing with him, you knew how annoying it could be having crumbs in the bed. You plop yourself on his desk, while he sits in the chair. 
Megumi reaches for the remote, turning the TV on and pressing play on the movie. 
You quickly finish your snack, wanting to be in the comfort of Megumi’s bed. The movie wasn’t actually scary, it was just gory with a lot of jump scares and screaming. It was more of the loud noise that scared you. 
“You scared?” Megumi teases while throwing the wrappers away before joining you in his bed. “Tch, as if.” 
A loud noise came from the TV causing you to jump a little and grab onto the blanket tighter. You sink deeper into the bed, hoping to hide a little bit of your view of the TV. 
Megumi chuckles as you scoot closer to him. He immediately felt your body warmth reaching him, and it made him crave more. So he decides to scoot closer himself, shoulders now touching. You didn’t seem to notice. 
Once the movie was finally over, you were able to relax. “That was horrible. I need to watch something to make me forget about this.” You say getting up to grab the comedy movie.
A small frown makes its way to Megumi’s face. He started to miss the warmth of your skin pressed against his. Once you plop the movie into the DVD player, you jump into the bed with a large smile on your face. 
Your body was now more relaxed as the bright and funny film started playing. You get comfortable in the blankets, leaning back against the headboard. Your arm was no longer touching Megumi’s arm. Which he wished you would just move a little bit closer to him so he could feel more of your warmth. He was too afraid to initiate it himself, scared that you would just move farther away.
About half way through the movie, you started to feel sleepy. Your eyelids closing without your consent. Before you knew it, your eyelids completely closed and you were sleeping. Your head fell to the side, landing on Megumi’s shoulder. 
He looks over at you, a little surprised to see that you were asleep. His attention wasn’t on the movie anymore. Instead, he studied your face. You looked at peace, with your lips slightly parted and even breathes coming from your nose. Small pieces of your hair frame your face and Megumi swears you never looked so beautiful.
He adjusted himself, so that he wasn’t leaning against the headboard anymore. Instead, he was laying down. The new position causes you to fall as well. But it didn’t disturb your sleep. Instead you scoot closer to Megumi, attracted to his own warmth. Megumi doesn’t know what came over him, but his arms wrapped around you. Pulling you impossibly closer. Your head now laying on his chest, an arm and a leg thrown over him.
His body started to relax at the feeling of your warmth and the scent of your lotion. His eyelids started to feel heavy as well, but he didn’t fight off the sleep that took over his body.
Small smiles painted both of your faces as the movie continued to play in the background. Both now in a wonderful dreamland.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
can you write a fluff where like gavi and the reader go out with friends but they argue before they leave and the reader is just anxious the entire time and gavi notices so they go home and gavi just comforts the reader and they cuddle and go to sleep. please <3
Always There
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"Are you ready?" Pablo said walking into your bedroom seeing you finishing your makeup quietly. You had a mini argument a few hours back and since you rarely fought, it was really affecting you.
Pablo said he needed to cancel your next date because of the training session that Xavi added last minute and since you were so excited about it you got mad that it's not happening after all.
You of course understood that his career is important, and are always his biggest supporter but haven't really spent much time with him lately made the frustration build in both of you.
"You won't be cold?" he said after you finished putting on your shoes and you just shook your head without a word. No amor..or princesa..or preciosa :(
When you left, Pablo followed behind you locking the apartment door before opening your car door and driving to meet his friends.
When you arrived to the outside bar, you already felt goosebumps appear on your skin but you but you would rather freeze to death than tell Pablo you were cold right now.
"Hola amigos!" Ansu was excited to see you both as were other players and you all joined them ordering some drinks. When Frankie and Mikky came, you sat besides her instead of Pablo and he just groaned quietly to himself. He hated not feeling you besides him but was too stubborn to pull you back!
“ why don’t you just ask him for his jacket amiga? You’re shaking!” Mikky said and I shook my head no although I already thought about the same thing. Luckily a few moment later, Pablo noticed my ghost bumps and walked up to me to put his jacket over my shoulders without a word.
He went back to his friends afterwards and I blushed hard feeling his strong perfume surround me as his jacket began warming me up. Mikky giggled at my blushing cheeks.
“ you guys are too cute!!” She said and that made me blush more stealing a glance at Pablo while sipping my tea feeling much better now. When he looked back, I quickly looked away feeling so silly and the same I felt the first time we saw each other.
Another half an hour passed and Pablo kept stealing glances with you until he couldn’t take it anymore walking up to where you sat and leaning in to whisper in your ear.
“Um..amor? Do you want to go home??” He says and you blush hard feeling extra anxious the whole time and now that he was this close to you it made your heart skip around. Not to mention he was calling you amor again!!
“Yes please” you look up giving him the most adorable look and he smiled nodding his head and kissing your forehead before the two of you got to you me feet and said bye to everyone.
While driving, you were anxiously looking through the window afraid of meeting eyes with Pablo but then you felt his hand taking yours and placing it on his lap while holding it. You looked at your connected hands before finally meeting his eyes and you both smiled.
“Fights are so stupid..and I just want to forget about it” Pablo spoke first and you were so glad you both thought the same thing.
“I’m sorry I got angry when you told me..I know it’s something you can’t control” you said knowing when to accept your fault and he smiled bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it gently before parking the car into the garage.
“I shouldn’t have called you needy because you’re not. You’re such a supportive girlfriend and the best one en todo el mundo!” He said after opening your door and you blushed snaking you hands around his neck and he pulled you in closer for a tight hug. You’ve been craving this for so long..
“Amor..you’re shaking. What’s wrong preciosa?? Tell you Pablito” he said kissing your head while you walked into your shared apartment. You suffered from anxiety disorder and sometimes the effects are felt hours later.
“ I got so scared you’re gonna leave me..and it made me anxious..I’m sorry” you say and he sighed nodding his head and pulling you to sit together on the couch. Pablo knew about your anxiety and always made sure to pay special attention to what you need in those moments.
“We said you should never apologize about this amor..it’s okay..I’m right here” he said playing with your hair knowing you enjoy just being close in moments like these. He never minded reassuring you when you needed.
“Tell me what you need guapa” he said after a few minutes of being quiet and letting you hold onto him and take your time breathing.
“Hmm can I have some ice cream?? And cuddles please!” You say pouting and Pablo chuckled while nodding his head and running to the kitchen to bring your tub of ice cream.
“Nothing ice cream can’t fix,huh guapa?” He teased while you ate it and you nodded smiling not noticing the vanilla cream on your chin. He moved closer cleaning it up with his finger then putting it into his mouth and you blushed.
“I like how shy you get around me..you couldn’t look at me while we were out” he teased some more making your cheeks bright red and you hid your face into his neck in response.
“You made me nervous!! I wanted to hug you but I couldn’t because we were angry” you whine putting ice cream away and sitting in his lap to give him a big hug.
“Awe preciosa! You can always hug me..always” he said and you giggled nodding your head and hugging him tightly while he held you against himself tightly starting to play with your hair.
“You’re making me sleepy Pablitoo..” you say looking up at him with a pout on your face and he pours as well which was always so adorable to see.
“That’s good preciosa..you can fall asleep here on my chest and I’ll carry you to bed” he said kissing the top of your head continuing to stroke your curls as slowly closed your eyes cuddling up to him loving the way his strong arms held you tightly.
It brought you peace that no matter the arguments, Pablo will always be right by your side at the end❤️
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samanthaa-leanne · 4 months
Secret Marriage
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After a tough game all Kōtarō wanted to do was go home and relax. Being on the road for games could be exhausting. Today was no different, even though his team won in straight sets. He had been on the road for the last week and a half and all he wanted to do was lay in bed snuggled up with you and the kiddos. However, before he could do that he had to do his post-game interview. 
“And here comes the player of the night, Kōtarō Bokuto. Bokuto do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” The interviewer asked as Bokuto stopped in front of him. 
With a smile on his face, he answered, “Of course! Ask away!”
The interviewer began to ask their first questions but stopped midway through it when they noticed the ink on his ring finger. “When did you get that tattoo?” 
Bokuto was confused at first. Tattoo? He didn’t have any tattoos. He then followed the interviewer's gaze to his ring finger and laughed as the memory of him getting it came back. 
“Oh, this! I can’t wear my wedding ring when I play so I got this for when I’m on the court.” 
“Wait, you're married?” The interviewer asked confusion written all over their face. 
A moment of panic washed over Bokuto as he realized his mistake. Nobody knew that he was married. You guys had decided to keep it a secret so you could live a relatively normal life. “Oh fuck. My wife is going to murder me in front of our kids. They are both amazing by the way. My daughter is for sure going to be the best libero in women's volleyball one day and my son is going to be an even better ace than me.” Bokuto laughs as the interviewer stares at him like he just grew two heads. 
“How old are your kids?”
“They're both 6! They're twins. My wife and I have been together since high school. I couldn’t do half of the things I do without her by my side. She’s my biggest supporter and the love I have for her is overwhelming. She comes to all of my games. Sometimes she brings the kids, but most of the time it’s just her cheering me on in the crowd. I guess nobody has noticed her since nobody knew about us.” Bokuto says with a chuckle. 
“Well, that sure is something.” The interviewer says with a chuckle of their own. “Is she here today?”
Bokuto looks up at the crowd and notices you right away. He makes sure to make it look like he’s still looking as he silently asks if you want people to know who you are. You give him a slight nod as you shake your head at him with a laugh. 
“She’s right there.” He says as he points to you, the interviewer and the cameraman following his finger. You give a small wave to the camera, your other hand coming up to rub your very pregnant belly. 
“Are you guys expecting?” The interviewer asks, turning his attention back to Bokuto. 
“Oh yeah! I guess I forgot about that too.” He answers with a chuckle, as he runs his fingers through his hair. 
You can’t help but laugh alongside Bokuto. He might be clueless but he’s the best husband you could have asked for. You end up making your way down to where he is and stand beside him as he finishes his interview. Bokuto holding your hand through the whole thing. As you looked up at him you couldn’t help but fall even more in love with him.
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vainilla-milk · 1 year
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pairing: Iwaizumi x Fem! Reader
tags: drabble, sfw, fluff
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"You don't have to accept if you don't want to" you say nervously to your boyfriend, only to then give your dad a threatening look.
"I accept the challenge because I want to" he smiles at you rolling up the sleeves of his arms.
Your dad smiles mischievously, much to your disgrace. 
Tonight was going to be special because you were finally formally introducing Iwaizumi as your boyfriend to your parents. Dinner should have gone smoothly as you watched your mom and dad give the volleyball player approving glances. 
Unfortunately, you mentioned that Hajime is the current Aoba Johsai arm wrestling champion. 
Your dad, like a good pain in the ass, decided to strut about how he was also an arm wrestling champion in his youth.  It all culminates in him challenging Iwaizumi to see who really is the champion at the table.
You are now with your heart pounding watching both men adjusting their arms and hands before they begin to struggle. 
"I don't intend to hold back" you hear him say. 
Iwaizumi proudly answers you with the same fervor. 
The arm wrestling begins, very evenly matched, but you see your boyfriend begin to pull your dad's arm down. The older one recovers and begins his turn to change the course of the match. 
A few more seconds pass, Iwazumi again rallies.
He finally wins.
"It's over, there's already a champion. Let's stop this" you suggest, only to be ignored. 
"Again!" your father exclaims excitedly. 
Of course, Iwaizumi could think of nothing better than to oblige him. 
"I'll keep winning!" he replies. 
The night progresses, you witness both men fooling around with different challenges. Your mom laughs and tells you that at least you are now certain that they have approved of your new partner.
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"Your dad's cool," he tells you the next day at halftime.
You look at him almost frivolously.
"Hmm... I guess so."
Hajime notices your emotional distance, so he decides to close the physical distance before speaking.
"Are you upset because I got along with your father?"
You glance sideways at him before averting your gaze, but you don't reach to pull away because he grabs your arm.
"I'm not upset that you got along with him," you reply, your voice low. "But don't be so complacent, sometimes he just likes to annoy."
His gaze turns inquisitive as he begins to grin annoyingly. 
"Sure, I'll pretend you were annoyed by that and not that I was a while competing against him" he pulls you closer to his body as he speaks. "I remind you that every time you go to my house you stay talking for hours with my mom."
"It's different" you reply quickly.
Iwaizumi laughs closing the distance with a hug. As you still refuse to look at him, he deposits small kisses on your temple before releasing you again.
"The important thing is that we get along, I thought he'd want to kick my ass just to exist and be with you."
You smile, making an effort not to let out a giggle. Hajime realizes.
Making you laugh will always be his best victory.
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xuqijie · 1 year
huh yunjin x f!reader
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# tw ; cursing
# genre ; angst, squint for fluff
you’ve always wondered why you were huh yunjin’s victim. but as parents always say, ‘if a boy likes a girl, they’re mean to them’. does it apply here too?
it was still fresh in your memory, the sight of yunjin bowing as she repeatedly apologised. even after knowing her all these years, you were sure that it was the only time she ever said sorry to you. it was just fate that made you two stay in the same school for the rest of your education.
it was still fresh in your memory, the sight of yunjin bowing as she repeatedly apologised. even after knowing her all these years, you were sure that it was the only time she ever said sorry to you. it was just fate that made you two stay in the same school for the rest of your education.
it was still fresh in your memory, the sight of yunjin bowing as she repeatedly apologised. even after knowing her all these years, you were sure that it was the only time she ever said sorry to you. it was just fate that made you two stay in the same school for the rest of your education.
when you were 13 and she was 14, a rumour had spread around the school, saying that you liked this senior. kang hyunjae who was in the same grade as yunjin. she had teased you tremendously, always yelling for hyunjae whenever she saw you.
“stop doing that,” you muttered, hands closing in fists. yunjin cocked an eyebrow before laughing, “why would i stop?”
you were close to lashing out, “why are you doing this to me?”
“your reactions are funny. not my fault you like seniors.” you wanted to slap her. but after all, you were still in the hallway, trying to escape yunjin. you couldn’t even run. she had long legs and well. you weren’t the most athletic person alive.
and luckily for you, kang hyunjae walked past the two of you a second after and yunjin immediately perked up.
“look! it’s the love of your life!” she might as well yell. if you were a little more attentive, you would have heard how her voice wavered ever so slightly. but you wouldn’t have noticed it, you were too busy trying to keep the tears at bay.
the joke about you liking hyunjae went on for 2 more years, yunjin always reminding everyone of it and you were getting sick and tired. your parents had brushed you off, yunjin’s parents were close family friends and of course their daughter would be the same kind and caring girl her parents were.
“y/n!” you squeezed your eyes shut, bracing for whatever huh yunjin was about to say. it had been almost 7 years since you first met each other and she still lingered around you. and what could you do? yunjin was one of the popular girls, always outgoing and friendly. (to everyone but you.)
“what’s your next class? i have 10 minutes to spare,” yunjin beamed at you. another thing you hated. she acted like the nicest person on the planet in front of others but you were sure that once all the students dispersed from the hallway, she would turn into a bitch again.
you almost refused to answer her but after a nudge on the shoulder, “i have history.”
yunjin smiled, “let me walk you there.”
you hesitated, feeling your heart thump whenever yunjin would shoot that pretty smile at you. but the longer you stared at her, the more you were reminded of the shit she did to you in school.
“please don’t,” you begged, “please leave me alone just for today.” you could swear yunjin’s eyes darkened as she frowned.
“i’m not going to do anything… y/n, i’m—” yunjin was interrupted by one of the soccer players yelling your name. you both whipped your heads and widened your eyes.
hyunjae was running towards you, a stupid grin on his face as he stopped, breath heaving.
“hey! i’m sorry i didn’t talk to you all those years ago, but i hope you’re still into me,” your cheeks reddened as he continued, “i think you’re super pretty, so could we hang out sometime?”
you could practically feel yunjin seething next to you. and that fact alone made you promise to hyunjae that you would meet up with him on a saturday for a date.
“you’re fucking kidding, right?” yunjin had asked after hyunjae left. you were at your locker, taking out your history books.
“what do you mean?”
“you were never into him in the first place! why the hell did he talk to you now?” yunjin exclaimed, annoyed, though you weren’t sure for what reason.
“i don’t know why you’re reacting like this. look yunjin, i’ve tolerated you for long enough and you’re honestly such an asshole. just leave me alone.”
the taller girl turned around, her gaze burning into yours. “are you just going to accept any type of attention from random guys?”
“why the hell are you saying that?” you stared at her, affronted, “leave me alone, yunjin. don’t act like you didn’t cause this in the first place. i don’t know why you’re such a bitch to me. you should grow up.”
“grow up? y/n i’m literally a year older than you.”
“and still acting like a child. why are you so angry over this? why are you acting like this?” you questioned as yunjin stared at you blankly.
a moment passed and she scoffed, trudging off in the opposite direction, leaving you pondering why she was so bothered about some guy asking you out. later, the intercom called for yunjin’s name and you watched as she walked past your classroom, her lip bleeding and knuckles bruised.
it was only after school when you saw yunjin again. her knuckles were wrapped in bandages and face covered with plasters. you wondered whether to talk to her but it seemed that once she caught your glance, yunjin seemed to brighten up slightly. you felt your stomach drop.
“hey, y/n.”
“are you okay?” you asked, concerned even though yunjin was an asshole. the girl smiled and shook her head.
“i’m being suspended for a day, won’t you miss me?” she asked and you swallowed audibly.
“no, i think it’ll be the happiest day of my life.”
yunjin’s smile dimmed but you didn’t notice. “yeah, sure.”
while yunjin annoyed you endlessly, you could never say you hated her. despite all the pranks she pulled, all the mean jokes she would say, you never uttered words of hatred.
not until you were 17 and she was 18. being elected student council president was a dream and an unreachable one in fact. you were appointed vice, but couldn’t help feeling upset at the fact that hwang yeji was president.
but that didn’t mean you were on bad terms with her, it was actually the opposite. the student council was flooded with tasks and errands to do every day, forcing you to spend more time with yeji and less with yunjin. it was actually better for you, not having to see yunjin’s face every second was refreshing. (or at least you convinced yourself it was.)
“y/n.” you ignore her. another paper ball comes flying at you. “y/n.”
“shut up.”
you had no idea who on earth let yunjin in. actually, it was probably kim chaewon, seeing how the two of them were best friends. but kim chaewon was actually a sweetheart. you still had no idea why she always lingered around you, mocking you for any mistake occurring.
“y/n.” you grit your teeth. if the paperwork wasn’t tiring enough, you had another child to babysit and this child knew how to swear.
“huh yunjin, what do you want? spit it out now or leave.”
“i want you to pay attention to me.”
“i’m doing paperwork. go find someone else,” you say, frustrated building up.
you see yunjin’s pout in the corner of your eye and you almost throw a chair at her.
“i don’t want anyone else.”
“why? ‘cause my reactions are funny? go find another girl to annoy, yunjin. i don’t have time for you anymore.”
right as yunjin is about to retort, the door opens and yeji pokes her head inside.
“y/n! there you are! oh, hi yunjin!” yeji greets, waving her hand. you frown at yunjin’s stubbornness to wave back or even acknowledge yeji’s presence.
“you’re looking for me?”
“yeah! it’s our break time, wanna go get ice cream?” yeji suggest. the mere thought of ice cream in the hot weather makes you salivate and you find yourself nodding instantly.
as you pack up your papers and get ready to leave, a grip catches your hand.
“y/n,” yunjin say slowly, “can i talk to you alone?” you smile sheepishly at yeji who closed the door, not before sending you a wink.
yunjin tighten the grasp of your hand. “didn’t you say you were busy?”
“well yeji invited me—”
“what if i wanted to ask you too? why did you just agree to yeji and not even bother looking at me?” yunjin raises her voice. “if i were yeji, you would have just told me to go away! so what’s the difference between us?”
you look at her, confused.
“what are you talking about? yeji’s a close friend. i’m not sure why you’re so worked up over this.”
“because you… you said you were busy but once yeji comes, you’re suddenly free? and don’t tell me to find someone else!” she yell as you stumble back, startled.
you gulp, “stop yelling—”
“don’t tell me what to do! stop asking me to leave you alone! and just let me stay with you! for once!”
a knock is heard on the door.
“y/n, you okay in there?” yeji’s concerned voice makes yunjin’s blood boil further and she once again pulls your wrist tighter.
“tell her to leave,” yunjin almost growls out. you had never seen her so angry before and it was actually frightening.
heart racing, you place your free hand on her collarbone, in case she were to make any rash decisions. “yeji? i need to deal with some stuff first. you go on without me, okay? sorry, i’ll go with you next time.”
after yeji’s agreement to leave, you turn your attention back to yunjin who was breathing heavily.
“what’s wrong with you?”
she doesn’t reply and instead focuses her gaze onto the hand lingering on the intersection between her collarbone and shoulder. you bring it higher and rub her shoulder soothingly. she was clearly still worked up about god knows what and you had to calm her down before she started yelling again.
“stop shouting like a spoiled brat. i’ve given you my attention for these past few years and you’ve only been an asshole to me. so don’t act like this when i’m finally happy with the people around me,” yunjin looks down, ashamed. “i’m serious. i don’t know why you’re so hellbent on annoying me. i don’t know why you always act like this. you’ve made me cry so many times, you know that?”
“can you act your age for once? i’ve dealt with you long enough. i want you to seriously leave me alone,” you sigh, adjusting the hem of her shirt to be proper.
yunjin looks up and for a moment, you think she’s finally understood where you’re coming from. but she raises her hand and there is only a slap heard in the room. you can only stare at her from the side, a tired look on your face with a stinging cheek.
“i thought you wouldn’t lay a hand on me,” you say quietly. the silence drags on and yunjin seems to just realise what she did.
“i-i didn’t mean… y/n, i’m sorry—”
“i fucking hate you, yunjin. i hope you do well in the future. i would apologise but don’t think you’ve done anything to receive an apology from me.”
yunjin eyes you desperately, holding any part of your body she could reach.
“y/n, i’m so sorry, fuck, i didn’t mean that..”
you shake your head and brush her hands off you. she looks at you, pleading as you take out your cell phone and message yeji. and just as you’re about to leave, you feel strong arms wrap themselves around your torso, yunjin’s heavy breathing making the hairs on the back of your neck stand.
“don’t go. please.”
your heart thumps.
“y/n, please don’t go to her.”
a shiver runs through your body as she whispers.
“just please listen to me, okay? if after all of this, you still want to leave… i’ll let you go,” you nod stiffly and try to turn around but yunjin stops you, “i can’t watch your reaction. don’t turn around.” you nod again.
“that time i made fun of you for liking hyunjae. it was because i heard that his friend had a crush on you and i wanted him to not confess,” you frown, “so i told everyone you liked hyunjae and made sure it spread to his friends. i didn’t expect… for him to actually like you.”
“so?” you ask, “i still have no idea what you’re trying to say.”
yunjin takes a deep breath. “i’ve had a crush on you since we first met in primary school. you were so pretty and cute and i was a dumb kid who thought that the only way you could express your feelings to someone was by being mean. i liked you when hyunjae confessed and i was so upset about it, i went to go find him. and he was bragging to his friends about how he managed to delude you… i couldn’t control myself and i just punched him. that’s why i was suspended for a day.” she sighs.
“i love you now, when you smile at cat videos, trip over air, accidentally hit your head on cabinets… i love you so much and i’m so jealous of yeji for always being near you,” yunjin confesses and you feel the air being swept away from your lungs. “me loving you isn’t an excuse for how i treated you. but please forgive me. it’s all my fault. don’t leave me. i love you so much, y/n.”
a strange sensation hits your neck and you realise yunjin is crying. you squirm out of her grasp and gently pat her back as she tucks her face into the crook of your neck. the height difference makes it awkward but you only focus on her.
huh yunjin, the bane of your existence and apparently, you’re the only reason she exists.
“i’m still upset. you slapped me, yunjin.”
“i… i know.”
“don’t do that ever again, okay?” as you utter those words and rub her back, comforting her, yunjin bursts into tears and sobs into your neck. “i’m so sorry.”
“it’s okay. you’ll just have to work extra hard for my attention. but no jealous fights or mean insults anymore. and if you hit me again, i’ll be gone from your life forever,” you mumble.
yunjin looks up at you with teary eyes and you feel your heart stutter.
“i love you, y/n.”
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gachagon · 1 year
Manager AU! | Oliver Aiku x Fem!Reader | NSFW (18+)
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"Oliver Aiku becomes jealous and fingers you after a date until you come on his fingers."
WORDS: 2.8K PAIRING: Oliver Aiku X Fem!Reader TAGS: NSFW, Blue Lock Smut, fingering, nipple play, kissing, secret relationship
You've been Oliver Aiku's manager for a while now, and you've done such a great job that the JFN want to promote you and give you a second player to manage! This is big news, so you decide to tell your other player, Oliver, about it. He seems to take the news well, though you sense something else hidden underneath his kind words...
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You’ve worked for the Japanese Football Association for a while now, and it’s only recently that you were promoted to a full time manager for one of the players, something that was seen as a huge honor among the staff. Being a manager meant you got lots of perks, like a bonus in your paycheck and the ability to meet one on one with famous soccer players from all over. However, you were partnered with one of the more controversial Blue Lockers. Oliver Aiku, while an excellent player, needed a tremendous amount of PR done for him. You were more than up to the task, the only real difficulty came in trying to convince Oliver himself to go along with everything you planned out. 
He was a pretty lazy individual, at least when it came to meetings and interviews, all the things a soccer player being broadcasted all over needed to become more popular. And the Japanese Football Association had been hounding you for weeks now to boost his public image tenfold so that he could get more sponsors. You tried your hardest, but Oliver was just not someone who seemed to be able to make it on time to things you scheduled. 
This is not why he was a controversial player to manage, however. His habit of partying and going to clubs is what was really damaging. He was a bit of a flirt when it came to women, and you at first had no idea how to rope him along into going to more interviews, and less after parties. That is, until he started flirting with you. 
Any other manager would’ve thought his behavior very inappropriate, but you didn’t mind his advances, as long as the both of you were secretive about it then it didn’t bother you all that much. Eventually what went from simple flirting in secret, became kissing and touching, to making each other come in the most vacant parts of the Blue Lock facility. 
Because the Blue Lock facility was huge, there was very little risk of actually getting caught by random staffers, or worse: Other players. So sometimes you’d make some excuse that day to go to a part of the building you already knew would be empty for a while, and then “discuss” plans with Aiku on how to make him more popular. 
As time went on, though, Aiku did become more popular. He became less prone to partying and flirting over time, and you noticed he’d really been training harder for games. For once, the JFN wasn’t always looking over your shoulder, trying to see if you were actually doing your job properly or not. In fact, Aiku became so popular, the JFN wanted to give you another promotion of sorts. 
“We want you to manage another player, Miss (L/N).” One of the board directors said to you. He was a portly man with a round belly, and one thing you knew about him was that out of all of the board members he cared the most about profits. “Aiku has done really well under your care, so we’re assigning another Blue Locker to you, if you’re up to the task.” 
You agreed without hesitation, and shook the board members' hands. “Who will you assign?” You asked. 
“We haven’t decided yet, but we’ll let you know. Great work, Miss (L/N)!” You excused yourself and clocked out for the day, but you weren’t quite ready to just go home. You felt a nervous excitement course through you as you walked the halls of the facility. I have to tell Oliver about this, he’ll be so proud! You eventually found him as he was coming out of the gym, a towel around his neck. 
“Oliver, there you are. I have great news!” You said with a smug smile. “Guess who just got promoted? Again?” 
Oliver peered down at you, and you felt a content flutter in your chest when he smiled proudly back at you. “That is great news, (Y/N)! And it makes perfect sense, you are great at your job.” Oliver chuckled, “You sure cleaned my act up, that’s for certain. I guess those old geezers at the JFN were impressed.” 
“Yep, they sure were impressed. So impressed, in fact, that they want me to manage another player.” You said as the two of you walked down the hall together. “I mean, can you believe it? Me, managing two star players? I honestly never thought this day would come!” You excitedly began to tell Oliver all sorts of things you had planned for when you met the other player, however you failed to notice how quiet he had become as you two walked. 
“Who’s this other player going to be, anyways?” Oliver asked. “You haven’t really mentioned the guy’s name yet…” 
You stopped short in the hall, and looked up at him. “Oh, well…I’m not too sure yet. The JFN hasn’t decided at the moment, but they said they’d let me know. I just hope it’s someone who’s not too much of a handful…” 
Oliver smirked, “Oh you mean like I was?” 
You laugh, “You still are. But you’ve gotten a lot better, all thanks to me, of course.” 
“And the insane amount of tabloids with my face on them.” Oliver added. You sighed, and rolled your eyes. 
“Yeah and the tabloids…But what are the odds of getting another player who needs help with PR? You were a special case, and we dealt with it easily. I just had to be…more persistent in scaring the paparazzi off.” And you had gotten quite creative with driving them off. 
Oliver laughed, and then placed his chin on top of your head. “Well, I just hope you don’t go and neglect me once the new guy shows up. I wouldn’t want to lose my favorite manager, after all.” 
You laugh, but pause as you look up at him. “Neglect? I’m still going to manage you, Oliver. There will just be a second player, that's all.” You tried to meet his eye, but he purposefully turned  his head away from you. 
“Yeah, yeah (Y/N). I was just teasing a little, relax!” Oliver assured, but something about his tone was a little off. You could always tell whenever he felt slightly discomforted with something, especially since he was usually such a laid back person. 
You sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Listen, let’s just forget it okay? How about we go out tonight, to celebrate?” You smiled. 
“Nah I couldn’t, I do have to train tomorrow…” He muttered. 
“Oh please, it’ll be my treat. We can even go to that one bar you liked going to! Uh…before it was overrun with paparazzi, anyways.” You chuckled awkwardly. “Things should be better now without the paparazzi there. It’ll be really fun!” You could see the gears turning in Oliver’s head before he finally agreed to go with you. 
“Alright, I guess a few drinks couldn’t hurt. It is a special day after all!” He said. You pulled him along to leave the Blue Lock facility that day, and headed straight for the bar. The evening mood was lifted instantly, and you completely forgot about Oliver’s slightly sour face from before. 
With your back pressed against the door, you eagerly kissed Oliver back as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His fingers skimmed along your body as they trailed down toward the hem of your skirt, and he gently hitched it up higher over your thighs. You had decided to go back to your place instead of the Blue Lock facility, after a few drinks at the bar. You figured tonight would be a celebration in more than one regard. 
Oliver’s lips trailed down your neck as he lifted one of your legs and pressed further into your body. The outline of his dick rested against your exposed panties, and you mewled softly at the contact. His other hand began to unbutton the top of your shirt, and he pulled it down roughly, exposing your bra covered chest to the air. A dark mark appeared where Oliver had sucked into your skin on your neck, heat flushed across your body as you impatiently began to squirm in his hold. Oliver chuckled lowly as you pulled him towards your bedroom, and sat down on your bed. 
He watched with a smirk on his face as you unbuttoned the rest of your shirt, and with a pout you looked up at him. “Please come help me already…” You said as you struggled to undo the clasp on the back of your bra. Oliver obliged and quickly undid it for you, while he laid you down on the bed and attached his lips to yours. 
Oliver liked to tease you a lot, and he always had a smile on his face whenever you got riled up. He held that same smirk on his face as you clawed at his clothes, desperately trying to get them off. However, before you could even so much as reach down towards his belt buckle, Oliver took both of your hands in one, and firmly held them at the top of your head. 
“Not yet.” He said. “I wanna have a little fun, first…” 
You huffed, but said nothing as Oliver bent his head down towards your chest. With his free hand, he grabbed the thin piece of fabric connecting the two bra cups, and then pulled it down so your breasts could pop freely out. You suppressed a shiver as the cool air of your apartment made your nipples harden, and you let out a gasp as Oliver’s warm mouth enclosed one of them. His hand grasped your breast to better direct it into his mouth as he slurped your nipple repeatedly. 
Your arms strained against his hold as he played with your sensitive nipple, and you whimpered into the bed sheets as the pleasure bordered on overwhelming. With a wet pop, Oliver released your boob from his mouth. Your chest rose and fell in excited breaths, and he looked down at you with a satisfied smile before bending down to do the exact same to the other breast. By the time he was done, your nipples were puffy and hardened from his mouth, and a heavy blush spread across your face.
Whenever you brought your legs together tightly, your body was racked with tingles from the growing arousal between them. Oliver’s leg sat squarely between your legs, so all you could do was grind your clothed pussy against his pants leg, but it wasn’t enough. 
“Please Oli…I can’t-” You whined as you tried to hump harder against his leg. 
“Okay, okay relax (Y/N)...” he reached down towards your panties and snuck his hand underneath. Your mouth opened in a wordless, soft moan as his fingers roved over your clit. “I just wanted to see you squirm for a bit…you're so cute when you’re like that…All desperate and need just for me.” he teased, as he pushed the tip of his thumb against your clit. Your back arched slightly off the bed as he rubbed circles into it, and your hands fought to break from his hold once more. “I wonder…how many other people have seen you like this?” Oliver asked, though your head felt fuzzy with how horny you were at that moment. 
“H-huh…?” You said. “What do you mean…?” You moaned loudly as he pushed two of his fingers into your now soaked hole. They were long enough to reach to your core, and thick enough to stretch you wider around them. 
“Well…you already know I like sleeping around.” he said with a slight laugh. “But what about you, Miss Manager?” Oliver began to pump his fingers in and out of you, each slide hitting your sweet spot every time. His thumb still pressed into your clit, and moved back and forth over it with each thrust of his hand. You sobbed into the sheets as you turned your head into them. “Hey (Y/N), that’s no good…I’d like an answer, please.” Oliver said as he continued to work you with his fingers. 
You struggled to speak as your mind fought against the haze of pleasure. “I-I…don’t really sleep around much…” You answered in a weak voice. 
“Ha, but you sleep with other guys right?” Oliver asked. You felt your shoulders tense a bit at the question. You had slept with others before, but you weren’t open to naming them now. Oliver chuckled and kissed your forehead gently, which made all the anxiety that had slowly crept in dissipate. “It’s fine if you have, I’m just curious is all.” He said. The pace of his fingers began to slow down and you groaned as you tried to grind down on his fingers. He removed his thumb from your clit as well, and tears pricked your eyes at the growing frustration. 
“Oliver…! Please, make me come…” You keened at his slow strokes. His fingers barely ghosted your core, and no matter how much you wiggled against his weight, you couldn’t force them in deeper. 
“Only if you say I’m your favorite.” Oliver leaned down and began to kiss along your chest. “You’re my favorite, (Y/N). You sound perfect when you’re taking my cock, I could listen to you moan my name forever.” His words went right to your head and your back arched higher off the bed as you tried to push down with your hips, so as to shove his fingers harder into you. However, Oliver continued on with his slow pace. “When this new guy shows up, I don’t want him to outshine me. He could never do what I do to you…I’ll make sure of it, too. Even if you do sleep with him, we’ll be incomparable.” 
You blinked at Oliver with a slightly confused look on your face. Is he…jealous? Before you could open your mouth to say anything to him, Oliver’s thumb returned to your clit and he rubbed short circles into it, which made you keen loudly and curved your spine once more. 
“So? I’m your favorite, right?” Oliver asked with a grin. 
“Y-yes! You’re my favorite, Oliver!” You exclaimed and the moment you answered he plunged his fingers deeper into you. With a few harsh thrusts, you came all over his fingers, your walls hugged them tightly as you came with a silent cry. Your chest heaved in and out as he continued to delve his fingers into you more, and you whimpered as he rubbed soft circles into your tender clit. Finally, he pulled away and pressed his lips against yours in a smoldering kiss. 
“Good to hear!” Oliver said with a cheeky smile. 
The next day, the JFN had come to a conclusion on who you would be managing next. You were expecting someone far more intimidating, or with a more confident aura. Instead, who stood before you in your office was just a 16 year old boy who was far more enamored with Oliver then with his own personal manager. 
“Wow, it’s really Oliver Aiku!” The boy said. “I’m Hiori, I’m a big fan! I’ve seen a lot of your matches, and everything! Oh, but my friend Nanase is a way bigger fan than I am. Man, if he were he’d probably be freaking out!” 
Oliver graciously accepted the warm greeting from Hiori Yo, who was apparently only getting a manager due to a “generous donation” from his parents. “It’s nice to meet you, Hiori. Though from now on, we’ll sort of be like co-workers I guess. Isn’t that right, Miss Manager?” Oliver said with a wink at you. 
“That’s right! I’ll mostly be helping you with interviews and boosting your PR. It’ll be lots of fun!” Hiori beamed at you with wonder. 
“Wow, interviews? I’ve never done something like that before, it sure sounds intimidating at least.” He said and you laughed softly. 
“It’s not so difficult, don’t worry. How about you go practice for the day? We can discuss more on how to boost your public image after your games.” You explained, and Hiori nodded. 
“Sure thing, Miss (L/N). I’ll see you later I guess, it was nice meeting you both. Oh! Uh…before I go could I please get your autograph?” He asked Oliver with a small smile, as he held out what appeared to be one of those cheap looking collectors cards the JFN had mass produced after Blue Lock TV got popular. 
“Sure thing kid, though with (Y/N) here you’ll be signing these yourself soon.” Oliver quickly signed the photocard for Hiori who ran off to train (and to presumably give it to his friend Nanase.) As you waved goodbye to Hiori you couldn’t help but to glance at Oliver. 
You broke out into a laugh, “And you were so worried last night about the new guy, hm?” You said with a smirk. Oliver leaned down and kissed your cheek with a smile.
“I couldn’t take any chances.” He said, though you could hear the slight tinge of relief in his voice when Hiori had walked in your office. 
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osamusriceballs · 4 months
The Accident - Part XVIII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: NSFW!!
Words: ~ 4,9 k
About: Finally! Pure smut, barely plot. Can be skipped if you're uncomfortable with that. The longest part so far xD
Part I II -> Final Part
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Your relationship with Atsumu has been thriving.
You came to appreciate that he is actually a very reliable and vivid texter and how you both regularly went on dates- something that he insisted on, and you definitely couldn't complain about that. You know that he has a tight schedule, but that apparently doesn't stop him from inviting you over every single weekend, without exceptions, always making sure that Saturday night belongs to the two of you. Often, you would go to Onigiri Miya's to eat, much to Osamu's delight. He always insists that you don't have to pay, yet you still often place a crumpled 10 bucks note in the tip jar to keep the guilt at bay.
You both have developed a routine of eating out together and then watching a movie at Atsumu's place. He's told you a lot about his work, sometimes complaining about other players, but he seems really confident in his skills, with the start of the Olympics getting closer and closer every single day, which he is anticipating quite a lot.
You'd tell him about your work too, tell him about the things that you like, that you enjoy to read, confessing with reddened cheeks that you sometimes read rather unconventional stories, to which his smug grin had intensified, and he seemed very interested in getting details of that, which you denied at first, but then promised him to send him recommendations. You had also told him how Yachi and you met and how you got to know Hinata and Kageyama. You came to enjoy this caring side of Atsumu, and it feels rather domestic to spend time with him like this, just the two of you talking and having fun.
And more often you'd find yourself in Atsumu's lap after talking for hours, heavily making out with him until you both gasp for air- just like today.
You barely pay any attention to the movie, the sounds only faintly in the background, some action movie that Atsumu found with a good rating and insisted you both watch—and instead, it didn't even take him ten minutes to scoot a bit closer and to gently turn your face towards him to kiss you, deepening the kiss quickly and then pressing your back against the couch. He's now hovering over you, your legs wrapped around his middle and your hands deeply entangled in his hair. You came to notice that he loves when you play with his hair, sometimes even resting his head in your lap just to have you give him a head massage, so you don't hesitate to feel the soft strands in your fingers and scratch his scalp softly.
He groans against your lips when you slightly pull on the strands, and a breathy moan escapes your lips when he grinds his hips against yours. He's hard already. Very much so. You feel his cock pressing against you, just the fabric of his sweats and your panties separating your bodies from each other. Your skirt rode up when Atsumu had forced your legs open to settle in between them, but you don't mind laying under him like this. The tension between you is thick, and you're glad that you're wearing a nice matching set of underwear tonight, even though you're convinced that he couldn't care less about your choice of clothes.
"Gosh, yer driving me crazy." He pulls back just enough to look into your eyes, and you swear you could combust at the sight of pure unrestricted lust in his eyes. This is usually what you'd do: make out until you both couldn't take anymore and then fall asleep together while cuddling, without going further. He made it pretty clear that he wants to take this slow and earn your forgiveness for the situation, and while you appreciate his efforts, you'd also appreciate him doing just a bit more with you. "Tsumu—can we... you know... go a bit further?" You ask with bright cheeks, hoping that he's also willing to take that step with you, and he raises a brow in a teasing way, and you almost push him back when you see his sexy smug grin. "Oh? Wifey wants more, huh?" He dips his head, and his lips find your neck, kissing down to your pulse, causing you to release a soft breath while you arch against him, his cock now hardly pressing between your legs. "I would be a bad husband if I deny your wishes."
His kisses get just a bit rougher, his teeth grazing against your skin, and you arch into him when he bites down slightly. "Atsumu—" you try to even out your breath, but you can't seem to calm down when he nibbles on your skin, the feeling almost painfully intimate when he cages you underneath him like this. "We can go a bit further, if ya want to. I could go right here." He shifts his weight and angles his face a bit deeper to press a kiss against your collarbones, leaving a tingling sensation on your skin when he pulls back. "Or right here." His fingers pull down the side of your shirt until you expose even more cleavage to press a sensual kiss at the swell of your breasts. You feel heat rushing through your body, and you softly moan at the action- he's driving you insane.
"How far do you want me to go?" He looks up at you, his eyebrow raised in a silent question while he looks at you. His face is close, so close, you can see his flushed cheeks and widened pupils, and you're certain that you could explode any second when he looks at you like this. "All the way. If you're okay with that?"
You barely manage to finish the sentence before he already starts moving to press your back harder into the couch until you lay flat. A soft gasp leaves your lips, and your eyes widen when he thrusts his hips against yours in the process, the friction so good and welcoming against your sensitive spots. His fingers find the hem of your shirt, and he gently pulls it up until your bra is exposed to his eyes. An almost dangerous glint is in his eyes when his thumbs hook in the cups of your bra and simply pull them down until they rest under your tits and force them to stand up. Your chest heaves heavily, your nipples perky, not only because of the chilly air but definitely because of his undivided attention.
He suddenly brings his thumbs to his lips, one after the other, quickly licking the digits, before his hands cup your tits, his wet thumbs rubbing over your perked nipples, a sensation that has you release a small whimper. His hands start to softly massage your breasts, and you thank all deities for his setter hands, so big and warm and skilled, feeling so good against your bare skin. Your own fingers grab into the cushion below you while you try not to squirm too much—not that you could escape from him now when he's basically straddling you and keeps on playing with your tits.
It feels good—really good, the tingling sensation between your legs growing stronger with each passing second, and you start to wiggle underneath him, your body aching for more of his touch. Atsumu notices the shift in your demeanor and softly pinches your nipples one last time before he moves a bit down, his hands caressing your bare sides while he does so. The way he's treating you makes you almost whine out loud, so soft and tenderly, it's making your head spin. "I love how your skin feels. So soft and warm." He mumbles, his eyes scanning your whole body before he suddenly gets up, just enough to not sit on you anymore. Instead, he kneels between your legs, grabbing your thighs and pushing them apart a bit further to have a good look at your panties. "A matching set?" he asks when his eyes wander back to the bra that still pushes your tits up. "Yes," you nod a bit breathless and flustered, and the way he's taking things so slow makes you feel even more needy for him, while he seems so calm and cool. Probably his year-long experience of keeping his cool every single day when he's playing.
"I like it. But I think these need to go." He nods towards your panties, the sheer material not hiding much actually, but the clear wet stain on them makes the situation even more scandalous. You nod with reddened cheeks, and he places two fingers against the wet stain, caressing and softly rubbing against the spot, while keeping his eyes on your face. "Though, I'm really glad to see that yer enjoyin' this as much as I do." His finger softly presses inside of you, just a little bit with your panties still between you, a shock of electricity rushing though your body when the fabric stretches against your clit, and his finger enters just the tiniest bit inside of you. He stills for a second, watching your reaction for a second, before he brings his other hand to the fabric, hesitating, before he clears his throat before he meets your gaze. "Can I rip 'em?"
You stare at him with wide eyes, unable to form words, understanding that this is something that he wants to do even though he seems slightly embarrassed by it. You're so turned on by the question though that you simply nod, and he brings both of his hands to the fabric and pulls. It takes him two more attempts before the fabric softly rips, his attempt to be gentle and careful to you very clear, and the simple display of his suppressed strength has your pussy clenching around nothing. He scoots slightly back, his eyes focused on your cunt, drinking in the sight of you, while you tremble in anticipation. This is even better than all the fantasies you've had about him so far, all the dirty thoughts about his arms and thighs that made you stick your hands into your panties when you're in need of release. All of that can't compare to what you're feeling right now.
"I'll eat ya out first 'kay? Get ya nice and ready for me." You open your mouth, ready to protest that you're already wet for him and you don't need further prep, and that you just want him to fuck you, but your protest gets stuck in your throat when he settles on his stomach, his arms grabbing your legs and hoisting the above his shoulders. He is on eye-level with your pussy and you suddenly feel so exposed, yet still so safe with him.
"So pretty," he mumbles, and you're not sure if that was even meant for you to hear, and you let out a gasp and a soft choke of his name when he softly licks against your folds. Softly, just testing the waters- and judging by your reaction, his is convinced that he can do more to you. His tongue licks against your folds again, harder this time, putting more pressure on you and you mewl contently. "Just like that, pretty girl. Let me do my thing and enjoy yourself. Part of my husband duties, to keep my wife satisfied."
He kisses against your entrance, resting his lips on yours and letting his tongue peak out just the tiniest to get you a feeling of it, and you clench involuntarily at the feeling of his warm tongue. He licks against your folds again, this time pausing when he reaches your clit, softly closing his lips around it and sucking. "Atsumu-" you gasp with wide eyes, your legs almost caging his head when he sucks a bit rougher. "Shhhhhsh," he hushes you and sucks just a tad bit softer, one of his hands letting go of your leg and moving between your legs too. Your breathing pattern is irregular and you moan when you feel a wave of need rush through your body.
One of his fingers prods against your entrance while he keeps his lips enclosed on your clit and you feel like you're going to explode. It's hot- so, so hot when he softly pushes a digit inside you, his tongue messily licking your clit until your eyes roll back and your back arches off the bed- you can imagine how lewd you look right now. Flushed cheeks, crossed eyes, your tits exposed while you arch your back like you're in heat with Atsumu's head between your legs, licking your cunt while he fingers you open.
It's hot, oh, so hot. The way he's pumping his finger inside of you, slowly adding another one when he feels you easing up for him. The way he's licking up all of your arousal, groaning against you and humping the bed for a bit of friction for himself while he gives you pleasure. The way he's watching you heavy lidded, probably unable to see much of your face, but the occasional glances of your expression are enough for him. He's addicted to your taste, addicted to the way you moan his name, softly at the beginning, but now with more urgency and need, getting louder for him when he increases the pace of his fingers. You didn't know what to do with your hands at first, but now you're gripping his hair and pushing him ever so softly against your pussy, unable to resist the need to get more friction, and he so willingly gives you more. The wet sounds of his fingers pushing into you and the way he's messily eating you out makes you feel like you're in heaven. He could do this for hours, worship your taste and listen to your sweet sounds, but he can feel you clenching repeatedly around his fingers, indicating just how close you are.
"Tsumu- I can't- gonna-" you barely manage to form words, moans and deep breaths hindering you from saying what you want to say, but he simply keeps going at the same pace and you suddenly feel your high overwhelming you.
It's too much. The heat, his face between your legs, the way he's fingering you, the way his tongue is teasing your clit and giving you just the right amount of attention- it takes you like a wave and you feel your muscles tensing and arching against his face while you come. Your mouth is wide open a lewd sounds leave your lips while you feel the delicious sensation rushing through your body. Atsumu doesn't change his position, nor his pace, he simple keeps his ministrations up and licks up your juices until you only whimper softly and your hand falls weakly onto the couch. He kisses your cunt, gentle and caring while he pulls his fingers out, his lips ever so soft while he whispers a praise against your folds, and you feel how you blush at the sudden unexpected sweetness.
Your body finally relaxes and you fall back into the cushions. He slows down his ministrations and looks at his hand with a grin, your slick on them evident. You focus your eyes on him and follow all of his movements when he shortly licks his fingers with a groan before he grabs his shirt, his fingers leaving a mess on the dark fabric before he pulls it over his head and throws it away. You silently ogle him, taking in the sight of him, broad chest heaving heavily, strongly defined shoulders and arms, and the slightest bit of dark hair trailing down to the band of sweatpants. "Ya alright? Wanna go further?" His voice is a bit raspy and his cheeks slightly reddened and it makes your heart beat faster. His hands find your sides and softly caress the skin while he waits for your answer. He's still hard, you can see it through the fabric of his pants, but you're convinced that he would not push you to go further, no matter how painful it is for him. You look at him softly and nod, a small smile on your face when you reach out to him. "Kiss me, please?"
He nods with an approving hum and leans down to kiss you, his weight now settling on your body in a comforting way. Your hands reach for his hair when he kisses you, your body arching up against his when his lips meet yours in a gentle but firm kiss. You allow your hands to wander and to explore his naked body while you return the kiss, your tongue moving against his while you rake your nails softly against his bare back. You can feel a shudder running down his spine and you repeat the motion, only to be rewarded with a little groan against your lips. You let one of your hands roam to his stomach, feeling the muscles clench under your fingers, and hesitantly move further down to the trail of soft hair, waiting for him to either stop you or to encourage you.
Atsumu is quick to raise his hips to allow you to have your way, his hips raising just enough to allow your to move your hand between your bodies. The soft hair on his abdomen tickles the palm of your hand and you let your fingers roam to the hem of his pants, until you feel the bulge. He inhales sharply when you palm him through his pants, his muscles clenching hardly when he finally gets some friction. You softly move your hand, feeling his length, the hardness of him, his balls, heavy and full. He takes a shaky breath, his eyes closing for a second, before he opens them abruptly and leans down to kiss you. His lips are glued to yours, deepening the kiss while he angles his face to push his tongue just a bit rougher against yours. You finally move your hand inside his pants, fingers hesitating for a second at the hem, but then you slide them under the fabric and reach for his cock.
He is big. Big and warm, wet with precum already, and you trace the shape with one of your fingers while your other hand holds his shoulders for support.
You explore his cock, getting a feel of him, how long he is, how he feels against your skin- and you love every single second of it. You softly close your hand around his shaft and start stroking, being rewarded with an airy gasp against your lips. You start jerking him of, moving your hand in a steady rhythm, while making sure that you don't push him too far. "So good," he rasps against your lips and you moan in response, feeling a wave of adrenaline rushing through your body. Your free hand moves to his ass, boldly pulling the fabric down, and clumsily you release his cock after you managed to pull his pants down just enough to have his cock spring free and to poke between your legs.
You only now realize that he is indeed bigger than you thought- just having him pressing himself against your body makes your eyes open widely. He looks at you through half-lidded eyes, observing al of your reactions while he waits for you to make a move, effectively showing you that you're in charge. He just hovers above you and looks at you expectantly.
As if you could stop now. Your body is screaming for him, aching for him and you simply spread your legs further and gently grab his cock, lining him up at your entrance without any more words.
His eyes widen, clearly surprised by you taking the initiative this fast, but he nods and seems to brace himself for what you're about to do. You collect some of your slick with the mushroom head of his cock, making sure he is well-lubricated before you line him up once again. Atsumu suddenly takes in a sharp breath and pushes his hips back, just out of reach for you now- much to your confusion. Did you read the signs wrong? What if he doesn't want to-
"Do ya want me to use a condom? I don't mind, ya just hafta tell me and-" he starts and vaguely gestures towards the bedroom, and you look at him wide eyed.
"Tsumu-" you whisper, your heart swelling with affection, tears almost dwelling in your eyes at his honest expression. "I uhm... I'm assuming that you're clean? i don't mind if you... if you don't use a condom. I use contraceptives." You know that your cheeks are bright red while you keep talking, but the moment just feels so painfully intimate, when you're basically asking him to fuck you raw- it almost feels like love. It makes you vulnerable and you have a hard time looking into his eyes, but he is quick to turn your face towards him, his hand gently cupping your chin, while more of his weight suddenly lasts on you.
He looks at you for a moment, not saying anything, simply studying your face before he presses his lips against yours in a longing and gentle kiss. You return the kiss your hands quickly wrapping around his broad shoulders while you move your lips against his. He pulls back, his eyes so soft while he watches you. "Your trust means a lot to me. I'll make sure to keep it forever."
You're too flustered to say anything, your heart heavily pounding in your chest, so you take that as a cue and line his cock up at your entrance, this time angling your hips a bit, until the head of his cock disappears between your folds and stretches you out. "Please-" you gasp for air when you feel him pushing inside. You see how his gaze turns hazy, your own eyes also unable to focus on the sight of him while he pushes deeper and deeper inside of you, until he's finally bottoming out. His breath is shaky, his facial expression looks like a mixture of shock and pure bliss. "Yer- squeezin' me- so good, fuck," his eyes roll back, his muscles clenching hard while he tries to keep his weight as steady as he can.
You're not any better under him. His cock feels so big inside of you, a stretch that you haven't felt for so long, feeling better like anything you've ever had before. You feel tears dwelling in your eyes- from pleasure and from feeling so close to him, so connected like you're meant to be with each other, and he is quick to notice the change in your expression. "What's wrong?" He seems more focused when he leans down to press kisses to your cheeks, your nose, your lips, gentle while he holds you. "N-nothing. It's just- I'm feeling a lot of things right now- please, Tsumu, I- I just like you so much-" your voice is low and soft, and he lifts his face to look at you, his expression so gentle and kind, you're sure that you'll never forget this moment. "I like ya too. Don't wanna live without ya, y/n. Yer precious to me- in a way I don't think anyone has been precious to me." His confesses, and you feel like your heart is skipping a beat.
He's not confessing his love to you- you've only known each other for a few months, with a rather long pause during the incident, it's too early to talk about love. Yet, you're convinced that he feels the same. That you're both made for each other and will love each other. Unconditionally.
You both don't need more words, and he presses his forehead against yours and looks deeply into your eyes while he starts to move his hips. Your jaw drops and your lips part slightly when he pulls away, his cock almost leaving you completely before he thrusts back in, slowly and controlled, so much that it drives you crazy. You can't even talk and beg him to do it again, yet he still understands what you need, and repeats the motion, thrusting into you nice and slow just how he is convinced that you like it. You moan softly, your breath meeting his lips while he starts setting a pace, sensual and slow, angling his hips slightly different until your hands grab into his shoulders just a bit harder when he hits the spot that makes you see stars. He curses when you clench around him, but he doesn't stop but keeps thrusting just a bit harder.
You don't know how long he keeps on fucking you like this, the pace nice and slow, just like lovers would, both of you enjoying the pleasure of being so, so close to each other, until you can't help but to feel your high approaching. Your legs wrap tighter around his waist, your heels digging into his back while you clench around him, knowing that you're almost there. His facial expression shifts at that sensation and his eyes shoot wide open.
"Fuck- y/n-" he groans and suddenly grabs your hips tighter when he pulls out- completely this time. Your jaw drops at the loss of friction, your hips trying to fight against his grip to bring him to push back into you- fruitlessly.
"Why are you-" you whine, feeling robbed and empty, your body needing him to be closer, needing him to give you something. "Shhh, I got ya." He moves your hips and you understand what he's trying to do, helping him to move your body until you're kneeling in front of him. The new position makes you tremble uncontrollably, and you know that his gaze is focused on your pussy while you nervously shift in his grip. "So, so pretty," he groans and leans down to press a kiss against your ass cheek, and you whimper at the praise.
"My pretty princess, I'll make ya feel so good, 'kay? Just a bit more, can ya wait for me, huh? I'll fill ya up nice and good if ya do." You could come from his dirty talk and his voice alone, your pussy helplessly clenching at the thought of what there is to come, and you loudly moan when he finally pushes inside, the angle so much deeper than before, it makes you see starts and until you tighten around him like a vice. He curses, his hands gripping your ass cheeks hard and spreading them to watch his cock disappear into your wet folds. You meet his thrust, desperate for more friction, and he slams back into you harder, making you slowly lose your mind. Your arms give up and your face lands on the pillow, but you barely notice that, all of your nerves only consisting of the pleasure that Atsumu is giving you.
"Fuck, y/n- can ya cum for me? Can ya do that, pretty princess?" He groans, one of his hands releasing your ass to rub circles on your clit- a little sloppy and uncoordinated at first, but when he finally hits the spot you drool on the bed sheets. "Tsumu- gonna cum- gonna cum for you-" you whine out loudly, and it only spurs him on to move faster until you cry out his name, only able to form this one word while you clench around him and reach your high. You realize that he's cumming to, but he doesn't slow down, his groans turning into an overstimulated whimper while he keeps on fucking you while cumming. He's coming so much inside of you, it's already dripping down your leg before he's even finished, but you enjoy the feeling of the hot sticky liquid on your skin.
You don't know how much time has passed until you finally calm down and simply lose all tension. He softly pulls out and places your hips on the couch before he collapses and flatly lays down on his back next to you. His arms reach out for you, and you allow him to pull you against his sweaty chest. You're sweaty too- something that you only notice now, but he doesn't seem to mind. He's probably used to sweat anyway. His hand starts caressing your hair, and your fingers roam along his chest, feeling the soft flushed skin under your fingers.
"How was it?" His hand still caresses your hair while you lay on his chest, listening contently to the sound of his heartbeat with a smile forming on your lips. "That was... really good," you airily laugh and cuddle closer against his chest, and he wraps his free arm tightly around you, instantly making you feel warmer when your barely clad chest presses against his naked one.
"Just really good? I'll need to work on my stamina, can't have ya sayin' really good only. Wasn't that mind blowing or something like that? Felt mind-blowing to me at least."
You softly snort at his words and look up to him, only to find him looking at you fondly. "Wanna stay over? I'll order some take out and we can finish that movie?" His eyes flicker to the screen, only to see that the movie is basically over. "Or we can start another movie. I think there is a sequel to that."
"Shouldn't we finish the first one before we start the sequel?" You look at him with raised brows, and he laughs softly at your reaction. "You're perfect. Just stay right here." His arm wraps around you, and you feel warmth in your heart,
while you lie in the arms of your husband.
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hypersomniagame · 4 months
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, or are just stopping by, let me introduce you to this post to really set the tone.
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For 2024, I am going to try to release a dev log about HYPERSOMNIA once a month, may come earlier, may come a little late, but I'm doing this to help give insight on to how the game is going, and to give me motivation to work on the game.
First things first, big news!
After a while of back and forwarding with Valve, I've finally got a Steam page to call my own, and MAN is it bizarre seeing my weird little RPG in my Steam library. Like, that's my logo, and my key art, and screenshots of MY game, that's so weird. It doesn't feel real. BUT IT IS!
And, I would really really really really really appreciate it if you would consider wishlisting the game on Steam. It helps with the algorithm, and my happiness because I like seeing numbers go up, it feels good.
I even drew this as a announcement/commemoration for the page going live.
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(P.S; if you couldn't tell, I really like Half-Life, it's one of my favorite game series.)
A new trailer is in the works! We were accepted for this year's MOTHER Direct (4th time baby, whoo!)
The trailer has been coming along well, I hope to show more battle oriented clips that I've missed the last few years, like special moves.
Can you believe I've never actually gotten to adding those in the game? I mean, they come set-up in default RPG Maker projects but I've never gotten around to revamping them until now, year 4 of engine work. Isn't that strange?
I also hope to improve on editing in the trailers. Whenever I finish a trailer I come back a few months later to notice minor points where I was kinda sloppy.
I'm not much of a video editor, (I only learned so I could edit trailers on my own) but I'd like to keep them at a good presentable quality. You gotta have standards with that kinda stuff, it's important!
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Abilities are now implemented! And work! Wahoo!
In HYPERSOMNIA, players are able to switch abilities between party members. I find this a really interesting mechanic for how simple it seems, you get to choose who plays what role in your party. I think this is HUGE, and opens up a lot of unique scenarios for the game's encounters. I've had this planned for years, as far back as 2021 if I can recall, so it's super cool seeing it in game.
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Mapping is being worked on!
I've also been working on mapping out more areas of the game! The forest part you hopefully saw in the last trailer is almost completely mapped. I've been working on the second part to it and am hoping to finish it sometime soon.
Mapping forests really suck. THOUGH, almost all the maps for the first chapter of the game are done! That's just another step closer to the demo. (Which, FYI, will be on Steam and Itch! ^^)
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I've also been working on re-spriting older scenes!
This one's been really fun to do, I've been going back and redoing older stuff from the 2022 trailer, like this train! It's weird seeing it side by side, because you can definitely see where it's come from but at the same time, it looks so different.
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(Also side note, these sprites are CRUSTY! EWWW!)
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Lastly, Script and Music updates!
The script for HYPERSOMNIA's first act has been completed! with just 37 pages of just cutscene dialog alone! We're also currently working on wrapping up NPC dialog! Not much else to say.
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And music is being worked on!
Music has been making some progress! I like to lay out demo's for areas I'm mapping out to help make both the music and scene come together. (Also, to help break up the eerie silence when playtesting...)
Speaking of music, FIREBALL, the games main battle theme, was recently delisted on our YouTube channel.
We did this because we decided we wanted to resample FIREBALL, and found that it's best to not have the song uploaded until a complete, final version is made. At least for the demo, it could possibly change before the final game but that's a bit too far in the future for me to think about fully.
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Hey! Thanks for reading the whole dev log! Unless you just skipped to the end, you should probably go back up and read it. there's a steam page now. and some cool ross art at the top. you're missing out!
I hope this was like, readable to you all. I'm new to this whole dev log thing, so if you read it all the way through, let me know! It'd be cool!
I'd like to use this portion to pretty much just advertise Unique Indie RPG's.
Have you ever seen that strange purple square at the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd HYPERSOMNIA trailers?
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Yeah, that! That's UNIQUE INDIE RPG's, which is a Discord community for you guessed it, Unique Indie RPG videogames developed by people like me! Or you! Or whoever! Who cares!
I help run it with some of my friends, and we all share cool stuff about our videogames! There's a ton of other SUPER cool RPG Maker games there like Astral Guard [LINK], or SOMEWHEN [LINK], or even MOMOinc [LINK]!
And of course, HYPERSOMNIA. It's a really laid back community, we're all super chill. Come swing by! We'd love to have ya, and SHOW US YOUR GAME!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Clown reader ! What about yandere manager ?
Clown reader ! My second favourite from Jester reader ( i'm sorry )
( basically a yandere manager ;-;;)
They have their number one fan, whom will always be there at their shows and buying each and every merchandise that got released.
But what about the fan that's been with them for the longest of time ?
Their manager has always been there - since the first day of their debut. And going all the way with them until now !
So why not go grab a meal with their dear manager after the show ? After all, it's just for asking how both have been and some talking.
Nothing could go wrong..
..right ?-
( this is my first time sending an ask so :')) My apologies if it was too long! And i also apologize if I got anything wrong about the character cuz i don't have very good memory ;-;;
I hope this ask get through)
You furiously scrub as your face with a wet paper towel as you exit the bathroom. If you had known they were taking you to such a fancy place after today's recording, you would've brought a change of clothes. Walking back to the table, wandering eyes follow the colorful corners peaking from your coat. You do your best to hide them. A fellow customer from a neighboring table lifts their phone to take a picture of you as you sit; camera lens blocked by a menu.
"Sweetheart, there you are! Kept me waiting, but you're lookin stunning as always. I can't tell if I like you more with or without the makeup. Get comfortable, order whatever you want.
You can't help but grin at the nickname. They've been using little pet names since the beginning of your partnership, but they feel more sincere now than the faux kindness that they showered everyone in. It makes you happy to know they see you as someone good to spend time with other than for the paycheck. Your manager hands you the menu; drilling in the notion you could have whatever your little heart decided. With a quick look at the menu, you notice there's no prices next to the entrees.
"Are you sure you don't mind paying? This place seems really high class. We can split it if you like."
Your manager raises their hand to stop you. "Y/n, please. I gotta treat my star player well, plus you deserve the finer things in life. It's my pleasure."
"If you say so... Just kinda feels like someplace you'd take someone on a date."
The thought slips out before you can realize what you've said, but it's no harm on their conscious. Quite the opposite in fact. They fold their hands together.
"Well, like I said, I wanna treat you right. Probably the only person in town who can. Not to mention, ratings for this quarter came in the other night and viewer scores are through the roof. You can think of this as a celebration."
"Would I ever lie to you? Got the papers right here." Your manager places a folder on the table. You don't have to look at it to believe them.
"That's great." You look at your reflection in an empty wine glass, paint smeared into the corner of your lips. "Makes saying goodbye just a little harder."
Your manager chokes on a mouthful of water. "Bye? You're not thinking about leaving us, are you?"
You raise your hands in surrender. "Course not!... Not yet anyway."
You tug on your frilly sleeves. You're happy where you are. That's something you know for sure, but you're not positive it's the life you want anymore. The word is your stage; audience far bigger than you ever could've dreamed, but it's suffocating. Your fans love you. Not just your character, but the face benath. Sometimes it feels like that love goes beyond the screen and fan letters. Sometimes - you feel like you're being followed.
"I... wanted to keep this private until I was sure, but I think I've been followed home before. Obviously I don't want to ruin everything for one person's actions, but I know it's more. On top of that I'm pretty well off financially. This was never for the money, but I just kinda miss things before I got big, you know?"
Of course they know. Your manager knows your story better than any of your little fans could ever imagine, even if they squeeze every detail of your life from everyone in it. They had been with you through it all. Your small failures, and your biggest leaps. It was an insult to think otherwise, and that they'd give up everything you built together.
"Y/n." Your manager reaches across the table to grab your trembling hands. "Everything's going to be fine. We'll get through this - together, and nobody's going to touch a hair on your head. To start off, we're moving you out of that shoebox you call an apartment and getting you a real place to live. You can stay with me until we find something."
You close your eyes, nodding along to their proposal. "Okay... that sounds like a good place to start."
Your manager draws closer, touch working up your arm. Someone taps on your shoulder before they can reach.
"Hi- I really hope I'm not interrupting, but can i take a picture with you? The kids I babysit love the show your costume is of."
You glance at your manager. They're already looking down at their phone. "Sure."
Taking photos with the stranger, your manager is left at the table alone; reliving memories of the past immortalized by old photos. Why did they ever agree to this? If you hadn't got so popular, they wouldn't have to share you with the world, but now they used the grounds of that success to remain stable in their own right. Maybe with you in their home they'd find a new start in your relationship.
Lord knows they'll never let you leave once you're inside.
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