#art opinions
naomiknight-17 · 9 days
Twice today - TWICE! - I have seen fanart of Senshi that makes him too tall, too thin, or both
He is stocky! He is short! He is a dwarf!!!!
I know art is hard (lord knows I struggle myself) but seeing his proportions all wrong hurts my heart ack
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razmahdaz-art · 6 months
Niche Art Opinion:
The People who draw like, Stylized Fish Eco-Drawings/Diagrams, like a few artists I've seen draw for Dredge and Splatoon or just for Nature studies.
I love you and you SPECIFICALLY ❤️🩷❤️🩷🦈🐟🦈
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 6 months
I love your arrttttt and your style! How do you decide on poses for characters? Do you use references for poses or just do what feels right and how do you tell that things look proportional?
Usually I have an idea of the general VIBE I want the pose to be (example: energetic, Dance-y, dynamic, stiff, scared, up angle, down angle, ect.), the vibe comes from whatever kindof drawing I wanna make and how I think the characters in said drawing would interact.
From there, I fine-tune the idea in my head by looking at MANY REFEFENCES. SO MANY REFERENCES, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH. People who say that eventually you need to stop looking at references are bullshit. Art HAS ALWAYS been inspired from something else. We are always subconsciously referencing the media we consume when we make art- because it makes up part of our personality as an artist, what we enjoy, what we hate, what we've seen before. NEVER be ashamed to use references. Ever.
After references (or if I feel like I don't need references for the peice) I just sketch until it feels right/okay ENOUGH. Perfect art doesn't exist, its subjective. Once I'm happy with something I'm satisfied. I've very rarely ever made art that I'm not happy with.
Proportions? Probably a little harder to talk about. The internet is always raving about proportions- because exaggerated features are such an easy "targetable offense". Like I said, I sketch till everything feels right. Proportions are settled usually in that phase for me, but asking me how I Proportion things isn't gonna work since I just kinda. Don't. Lol.
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alice42d · 5 months
Trigun's art is about communicating 3 things:
1. Allegory (cool looking)
2. The Emotions of the characters and therefore the feeling of whatever is going on
3. Looking sick as fuck
Art that isn't necessarily the most readable isn't automatically bad, but I also think people who are frustrated by Trigun's hard-to-follow action are maybe not realizing that the actions themselves aren't the point, especially in Trigun and it's massaging and it's general mode of storytelling?
Each manga author has something different to offer. Also, some manga art styles aren't for everyone, and that's fine, too!
Or maybe I'm just biased to the manga idk.
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digital-delusionz · 3 months
Tw: mention of self harm
Possible hot art take? I DONT think ppl who draw self harm often (especially those with more "cutesy" styles) are immediately glamorizing/romanticizing it (at least not intentionally) , the reason I'm saying this is bc I've seen artists get criticized/attacked for the fact bc they draw self harm often while having a "cutesy" style, or people looking at things, like menhera, gurokawaii or jirai Kei at a surface level and just say that these things make dark topics such as gore, mental health etc look like "some cute thing" when that's clearly not true
Can seeing things like fresh sh scars in art be triggering? Yes it can and I understand why and do think ppl should add warnings to be safe however I recommend blocking people/tags where u see this type of art often instead of just attacking the artist bc most of the time people who draw this kind of stuff struggle with mental health and use art as a coping mechanism to express it, in my experience as someone who self harms drawing it actually helps me cope with those thoughts and stop myself from actually acting on it and personally I think people should be allowed to share this kind of art in order to find others to connect with their struggles and feel less alone.
Back on menhera/yami kawaii personally I think it should be rather interpreted as "I can be cute despite being disordered" instead of "my disorder is cute" or what ever misconception there is . Because believe it or not , a lot of disorders are still stigmatized/demonized to this day!!!
Srry for the long ramble but I just rlly wanted to express my opinion on this, u may disagree but if u do please do it respectfully ^^
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njbice · 7 months
Alright stickers again except this time I control the means of production. You can only vote for one but I will be making the top 4 designs. Feel free to make your case in tags and reblogs!
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ekakikaart · 2 months
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People I follow might never see my post but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. I’m not against of an artist expressing their opinions on some topics sometimes, it’s absolutely fine and can be even interesting, but please don’t forget that people follow you for ART! If you’re posting and reblogging yellow press and political shit 10 times more than you post art, no surprise, but I unfollow you no matter how good you’re at art BECAUSE I DON’T FREAKING SEE YOUR ART! I’m really tired of this because I see many people now falling into reposting more political things and news rather than art as they used to. If you think that your opinion on news is so important, please, create another account, because it’s really annoying to scroll through dozens of posts with some yellow news just to find your new drawing.
(the same thing goes with ai. If you post too much posts about ai, well, no wonder it’ll replace, because you’re crying over ai instead of making art and becoming better and more skilled than it 😑)
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the-little-moment · 3 months
I have some completely unsolicited opinions to share that have nothing to do with Star Wars, but everything to do with art.
As some of you know, I started making digital art on an iPad, in Procreate, in January. I'm a semi-competent traditional artist and I've always scoffed just the tiniest bit at digital art because, I dunno, it kind of felt like cheating, in a way. You can make something that looks like an oil painting in Photoshop or Procreate or whatever, but it didn't take the same level of skill that actual oil painting requires. You do have to understand the principles, but you don't actually have to manipulate the paint. (Trust me on this, I'm a miserable oil painter.)
So, a month and a half in, now that I feel like I'm over the learning curve, has that opinion changed?
No. 😂
Learning a new program definitely takes work. I knew that it would, so I'm not discounting the fact that purely digital artists have a lot of skill, BUT there's one BIG way in which digital art is so much easier than everything I've tried traditionally- the ability to edit.
What do you MEAN I can make a terrible, project-ruining mistake and then just hit the magical undo button? Witchcraft! The perspective of this element is off? I don't have to try to erase it, or paint over it, or throw this piece of paper away because you can only erase so many times before it's ruined, no, I can select the wonky thing and manipulate it in any way I want! The entire piece is done but the colors don't feel like they mesh right? Just adjust the separate layers until they do!
Don't get me wrong, I feel like I'm in heaven every single day with all this magic at my fingertips (hundreds of brushes and paint colors somehow crammed into the mystical rectangle? I don't have to SCAN my art anymore? Will wonders never cease??) but I still maintain my snobbish opinion that digital art is just plain easier, at least for me. No more do I wonder how teenagers are practically professional artists. If you'd put this thing in my hand when I was 15...honestly I don't want to think of what could have been. It's depressing. 😅 I still have so far to go to get anywhere close to what my favorite digital artists can do. (But I'd bet a million dollars that they're all also better traditional artists than I am. Like I said, semi-competent.)
I'd love to hear what other artists have to say about this. Especially if you had a background in traditional art before you learned digital but, honestly I'm curious about the opposite perspective too!
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trans-corvo · 2 months
They should not let you draw people on the internet until you've spent a minimum of 5 figure drawing sessions with elderly/middle aged/overweight/post partum models. I'm dead serious. Unless you can prove that you can draw arm flab, sagging tummies, cellulite, and loose skin, you should be banned from posting character art.
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yagirlyubnub · 7 months
One of my friends said my art style reminded them of homestuck and I’m not sure how to feel about it.
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naomiknight-17 · 5 months
*sees fan art of Spider Gwen where she has notable titties, wide hips and thick thighs*
She would not fucking look like that
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daringtiger-blog · 5 months
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Normally, I wouldn’t do this but I need some assistance- an opinion really. I’m currently working on the /// version of Rainbow Dash and I seem to have come across a block point. I can’t find any creepy inspiration to give her more of the effect the others currently have, especially Rarety’s or other Rarity. So, how does it look to you guys?
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I am generally against drawing on historic buildings and monuments as some things should be preserved as they are* (check below cut for more opinions), but graffiti as an art form should be preserved or at least not actively erased**. It can and does add so much and it says even more. For example, on the other side of the street from the courthouse there used be some scribbles on the wall saying "bailiff, give me my life back :( I want a nice life :)" and I will never stop mourning the disappearance of that scribble. I hope the author got a nice life.
*an argument could be made that these monuments don't only exist in history, they exist now too as a neutral part of our worlds so we should have the same right to draw on them as ancient Romans did to draw on their buildings. However. I think neon green scribbly dicks do kind of ruin the aesthetic value of a 1000 year old house. It is kind of disrespectful. In my opinion.
** an argument could be made that the temporary nature of street poetry is an inherent part of it and reflects the inherently fleeting nature of our small, yet significant existence. Since, to me, street art is all about reflecting the average person. The non-genius, non-master. The kid whose name will never be in the history book.
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 4 months
whats your controversial art opinion say it now SAY IT
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jennrypan · 2 months
Everytime I see fanart of a busty character why do people sometimes..take their boobs away or make them smaller 😶
Maybe that's just my art pet peeve but like..why?? Some chick's have big titties. Yall know that right?
It's like the opposite of people seeing a flat chested girl and giving her big tips but maybe that's just me.
And sure it's probably not relevant to their characters but like-- I like curvy characters just as much as I like skinny/non curvy characters.
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gayseadragon · 2 months
Big Twisty and the Funknasty (local band you should DEFINITELY listen to) makes me want to draw like those artists with DELICIOUS lineart and block colour with the most satisfying understanding of value and texture you’ve ever seen
I’m talking the people who never got out of their spiderverse phase, who saw the trolls movies and said “yes. That is what i am now”, and unapologetically draw whatever the hell they want
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