#arospec fanworks week 2024
newwwwusername · 3 months
Fic title : The Emcee's Lonely Cross to Bear
@arospecfanworksweek 2024 prompt : Life
Rating : Teen & Up Audiences
Fandom : Cabaret (Stage Musical)
Additional tags : Aromantic, Aromantic Emcee (Cabaret), Hurt No Comfort, Loneliness, Sally Bowles Has BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder, Minor Bobby/Victor (Cabaret)
Word count : 116
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aggressivelyarospec · 12 days
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Welcome to #AggressivelyArospecWeek!
If you've been following us for any of the past eight years, you probably know the drill. But if you're new, here is all you need to know about this very exciting time of the year:
#AggressivelyArospecWeek (#AAW) is a week-long event that promotes the creation of arospec fancontent by arospec creators.
By "fancontent", we mean anything from fanfic to fanart, to themed playlists, edits or even just headcanons. We are open to all fandoms!
By "arospec", we mean that creators should identify somewhere on the aromantic spectrum (or currently be questioning their potentially arospec identity). The content they create should also center a character's arospec identity, whether that character is canonically arospec or heacanonned as such.
This event is an opportunity for creators to explore their identities through fanwork within a supportive community. And it's also a perfect way for fans of all kinds (arospec or not) to enjoy art and have fun!
Join us from June 23 to June 29 2024 and enjoy a small explosion of arospec fancontent on your dash!
Please, take a second to share this post so your followers get to join in the fun as well 💚
To submit, please make a new post between June 23 and June 29 and tag it as #AggressivelyArospecWeek. You can also submit your work directly to our blog through the ask and submission boxes. Your post will then be shared on the Aggressively Arospec blog.
We also have an X account, so use the hashtags #AggressivelyArospecWeek and #AAW24 if you tweet about your work on there. You can also mention us in your tweet (@ AArospec) to be sure we don’t miss it and can retweet it. Please, do submit through tumblr if you can though! That is the best way to get your contribution archived with all the others.
Lastly, a collection will be opened on Archive of our Own to round up all the fanfics posted on there. Just search for “Aggressively Arospec Week ‘24″.
We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this year!
(For more information, check out our About page or our FAQ section. If you need some inspiration, you can also check out the content that was created during out previous events in our #AggressivelyArospecWeek tag.)
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arospecfanworksweek · 4 months
Day 1: Life
Welcome to day one of Arospec Fanworks Week 2024! Our themes this year are taken from the meanings of the six-stripe rainbow pride flag. Today we're starting with the red stripe: life.
Do your character's life change after finding out they were aro? Have they spend their whole life wondering why they're different? Does activism give their life meaning?
Remember the prompts are optional and any arospec-themed work is welcome in this event.
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newwwwusername · 3 months
Fic title : Add 'Em Up, Bobbie
@arospecfanworksweek 2024 prompt : Healing
Rating : Teen & Up Audiences
Fandom : Company (Stage Musical)
Additional tags : Female Robert/Bobbie (Company - Sondheim/Furth), Aromantic Bobbie (Company - Sondheim/Furth), Aromantic, Realization, LGBTQ Themes, Relief, Bobbie Deserves Better (Company - Sondheim/Furth), Internet, Modern Era, Past Andy/Bobbie (Company), Male April/Andy (Company - Sondheim/Furth)
Word count : 192
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arospecfanworksweek · 3 months
Day 7: Free Day
Welcome to Sunday, the last day of Arospec Fanworks Week 2024. It's a free day, so anything goes.
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aggressivelyarospec · 5 years
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@aggressivelyarospec: Project and Events
❧ Aggressively Arospec
#AggressivelyArospec (#AA) is a blog, but it’s also a movement. Its goal is to promote arospec culture, to create a community and a platform where the voices of arospec people can finally make themselves heard. We encourage arospec people, all people on the aromanticism spectrum, to create content related to their experience as arospec to be reblogged on this blog.
{About | Mods | FAQ}
❧ Aggressively Arospec Week
#AggressivelyArospecWeek (#AAW) is a week-long event dedicated to arospec content in fanworks. Its goal is to encourage arospec creators to create content that represents their own experience. We firmly believe that such representations ARE wanted, and that it is all a matter of finding the right audience, and of creating enough content that the right audience can find it.
{All | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024} 
❧ Aggressively Arospectacular
#AggressivelyArospectacular (#AAS) is a week-long event dedicate to any and all creative content made by arospec creators. Its goal is to show that members of the arospec community are as creative and talented as anyone else, and it offers a platform for all kinds of artists to showcase all kinds of works.
{All | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024} 
❧ Aro Tunes Thursday
#AroTunesThursday (#ATT) is a weekly event that allows anyone on the aromantic spectrum to share the music that reflects how they feel about their aromanticism, whether it was written for our community or not. Our goal is to show the vast diversity in our identity, not only in its musical taste, but in its feelings. We encourage arospec people to submit the songs they identify with from an arospec perspective and help us build the soundtrack of our identity.
{All | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024} 
❧ Aro Movies Monday
Just like ATT, #AroMoviesMonday (#AMM) is a weekly event that allows anyone on the aromantic spectrum to share the movies and TV shows that reflect how they feel about their aromanticism, as well as to warn the community about arophobia and bad aro representation out there. Our goal is to create an archive of the different ways in which aromanticism is seen or misunderstood by the entertainment business and thus keep track of the media we can safely consume.
{All | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024} 
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