#arknights episode 10
qedmirage · 1 month
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Episode 10! This one took me a while. I got distracted by all sorts of things. The stage mechanic is a pain in the butt!! Even having had pre-prep with it from CC events, it is depressingly common for the artillery to switch targeting at the last minute because you missed one enemy in the pile of guys coming at you.
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This little scrimblo is the face of evil. Cause of many leaks. If you're kind of sleepy or out of it or tired after a long day of work the Second Defense Artillery mechanic turns into a slot machine that sometimes just kills your clear for no apparent reason (you forgot that this character had 1 higher block than this other one) Story thoughts and unmarked spoilers after the cut!
I'm slow to get to Act 2 of the Arknights story. Over the time I've seen people in various fan communities talk about how they don't like it, how it feels slow to them, or how they think all the Sarkaz are irredeemable bastards. Well now with episode 10 I'm into it proper and while I see the complaints I like the story! I like reading academic works about military history and the history of genocides now and again, so, I'm definitely not the 'normal' audience. But the Kazdel Military Comission is very familiar and 'realistic'.
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Theresis and his bros. There's not many...
First off it doesn't have the support of all, or even necessarily most Sarkaz. There's the Confessarius, a small secretive organization that's hung around the crown like ivy; the Sanguinarch of Vampires and the Nachzehrer king, two absolute freak monsters; the Damazti Cluster, who's just One Slime. Certainly Theresis has a lot of soldiers; but of the political leaders that make up Sarkaz politics, he essentially has the trust only of the most violently extreme half of things. Theresis's plan seems to be to simultaneously wage war on the nations of Terra, to restore Sarkaz glory or at least give teeth to their anger at constantly being persecuted. And man I don't think that's gonna work out very well for you! But the nature of the KMC and its job brutally occupying Londinium will drive away any moderates on its own. The KMC is radicalizing itself, from an attempt at governing Kazdel to what is functionally a murder cult, focused on just killing the highest number of non-sarkaz possible. It's not a happy story! And not one that, I think, is going to be 'fixed' by Amiya doing some cool sword magic. Victoria is on a fast track to becoming a failed state, and that's not going to be good for anyone around. Character thoughts! Blunted by having taken months and months to finish this. -Misery, it's cool to see another RI elite and this one's kinda, shifty? Behavior, is fun. Not a pillar of gung-ho courage, but he Gets The Job Done. -Mandragora, poor little meowmew. I do wonder if she'll turn out to have survived, I do feel some sympathy for her after the chapter was her getting kicked in the face repeatedly as everything goes wrong and her one friend dies -Manfred, this is the kinda guy who goes on trial at the Hague, but he's actually trying to like, run a country, so he ends up being one of the more reasonable KMC people. Yikes! -Damazti was very fun, their curiosity in meeting the Eartha crew is neat. Look forward to seeing more of the tricky slime. Closure is a great addition to this chapter, because you have the KMC and all the problems Sarkaz are causing and then RI sends in their Sarkaz and she looks like this:
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How could anyone hate that face. Rita is another favorite from this chapter because she is just Not Having A Good Time, and it seems to only be getting worse. Is she coping healthily? Not really!
I think the Glasgow gang wasn't much of a draw. They're dancing around it, but it doesn't really seem like Vina wants to go kickstart the Victorian monarchy again, nor does the game seem to think that would fix things. So they end up kind of spinning their wheels, as the lion gets poked and prodded towards a thing she doesn't want to do.
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astranauticus · 9 months
not sure if this counts as an AU but.. thinking about the Per Aspera crew as horror game bosses like.. you are wandering through a forested mountain range and you know somethings wrong because the forest shouldn't be this eerily silent, this devoid of life, and then you hear the crash of falling trees and there is a hand that is half your size glowing golden in the night and it is grabbing you and its claws are digging into your flesh and you see the spines running down the golden arm that is far too long as it lifts you over a crater in mountain, over a coiled, serpentine thing with a visage that is not of this world, and if you look closely you can see the shape of a child curled at the centre of the thing, golden hair reflecting the glow of the creature and if you listen closely you can hear her sobbing, 'Don't hurt me, I don't want to do this'. you are sailing through the astral sea when you see an ephemeral, resplendent spelljammer cutting through the starry waters and you rejoice because you have been lost on the seas for so so long, so you board the ship looking for help, supplies, anything, and you are greeted by a blue fire genasi (you wonder, do those even exist? but you can't get off the ship now because where else will you go?) and she tells you she is the captain of this ship but as far as you can tell there is no crew on board, and if she is not appearing right behind you from a trapdoor you've never noticed she is always in the engine room 'fixing the ship' even though the ship seems to be sailing perfectly fine ('Where are we going?' you ask her once and she doesn't even turn to look at you, 'Don't worry about it') and if you are ever so unlucky as to damage the ship in any way, you begin to catch flashes of red and orange out of the corner of your eye, a fire genasi wearing the woman's face who whispers at you with hollow, angry eyes 'Don't you fucking dare hurt my ship'. you are sailing through the astral sea when you see a rotting, decaying spelljammer, so badly damaged it's barely moving although you have to wonder how it's even staying afloat at all, and out of some morbid curiosity you climb on board and the deck of the ship is in no better shape than the hull, the marks of hard-fought battle - scars in the wood from sharp blades and arcane energies, stains of blood and oil splattered about - still fresh but you know time doesn't pass on the astral sea so who knows how long ago this all took place, and as you climb below decks you start to notice the writings on the walls, pieces of parchment nailed to every surface and connected with fraying, rotting threads, or words etched directly into the wood, the deep gouges barely readable, and you start to hear the creaking and clanking of rusted machinery slowly moving about and you turn a corner to see a figure standing in a room facing the wall, slowly scratching yet more of that unintelligible writing into the bones of the ship, and it turns as the rusted dented mechanite stares at you with eyes ablaze and he asks 'Who are you? Where is my crew?' as sparks of arcane lightning begins to arc through the room. you are running through a feywild forest and you know, even without the figure chasing you, that you have made a horrible mistake, you should have known better, should have been more careful, should have kept your impulses in check, and now you are being chased through an unfamiliar forest and the figure, the Hunter pursuing you knows this realm like the back of his hand, knows every tree and shrub and vine that is slithering up to grasp at your ankles, and you glance back desperately to catch any glimpse of your pursuer but there is no pursuer, he has hidden himself with some arcane trick or some innate power or just the knowledge that this realm is his home, and you hear his voice even though you cannot see him as he cries out 'You should not have hurt my family. Prepare to face the Hunter of Hundkiln'
sorry no Vhas yet maybe I'll update with one for him once we get more of his whole deal
#rolling with difficulty#asto speaks#well i lied only kyana's and finbar's really work as video game bossfights#dani's is more... horror short story? vr-la's is horror comic#bc dani's much more psychological and the environmental storytelling of vr-la's one would be pretty interesting.. probably#in hindsight vr-la's reads like it could be a magnus archive entry LMAO#contrary to whatever you may think (especially if youre in the discord) i dont actually like most horror#like i've only listened to abt ~10 episodes of tma bc it started fucking up my sleep thats how much of a wuss i am#like i dont actually *enjoy* horror but idk i had so much fun writing this. for some reason#hell i dont even enjoy *writing* most of the time#all the others are kinda based on a specific scenario like kyana's is if she never left the cenobium and suvi snapped before she did#(if you've watched/read jjk0 video game bossfight suvi is very much just orimoto rika)#vr-la's and finbar's are pretty self evident#dani's is kinda.. inspired by alfonso of the stultifera navis making this my second rwd brainworm that's just an arknights reference#captains that are cursed to haunt their empty ships plagued with has beens and could have beens#(her one is the only one absolutely not meant to be read as literal btw its a very 'that house has been empty for 40 years' kinda vibe)#found it kinda funny that dani's and vrla's start in very similar ways bc they both kinda have that i am the ship and the ship is me thing#dani's vibe in this is just more illusions and delusions and vrla's is more decaying forgotten grief#a ghost of a mechanite haunting a corpse of a ship
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meeblo · 7 months
The animators went crazy on those smoke effects, god damn. Each 3d animated PV has better animation quality than the last.
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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That’s all we’re asking of you, Kal.
Can the Doctor call you Kal?
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waheelawhisperer · 8 months
Bottom 5 Arknights event or main story episode mechanics, either in concept, execution, or both
So, uh... how much time do you have? Because the Arknights devs sometimes seem to have this inexplicable hostility toward the idea that someone would want to play their game.
Dodge blows because it takes agency away from the player and puts it in the hands of RNG and also fucks your autodeploy unless you use one of a small number of operators that can consistently bypass it
The Last Knight is the worst boss in the game
Everything about Originium Dust. Not only did the actual gameplay suck, there was a decent chance it would just brick your phone if enough enemies spawned.
Chapter 9 was ass I hate the Dublinn enemies and low-altitude hovering so much
Chapter 10 had a decent idea but it got repetitive real fast and now just sucks
Chapter 11 was annoying but not horrendous
IS3 added some decent QoL changes but the rest of it is so bad that I consider it an overall downgrade vs. IS2
Making module blocks so hard to get was fucking stupid
Sandstorm skullfucks my phone battery
Fuck Nethersea Brand
The Stultifera Navis boss was incredibly unfun to fight and the fight took so goddamn long that it made the whole thing tedious
Honestly every Abyssal Hunters event introduces some form of obnoxious bullshit
There's more but this is probably the worst of it
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bp-best-froggo · 2 years
Thoughts on Ep.5
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I mean, there’s them, so it’s an instant 12/10.
Okay, so, while Texusiai screentime definitely elavated this episode (in my very subjective opinion), the episode overall was... fine.
It felt a lot slower than it was, because it was mostly “running from Reunion” but it had a couple of pretty cool and decent scenes. Texas fighting Skullshatterer definitely was a highlight for me, even though it was only like 5 seconds long. But it did look really cool.
That being said, the scenes were sometimes a little weirdly... put together, I guess? There’s that scene where the gang runs into a group of Reunion grunts and they just... appear in front of them (or rather: gangs runs, gang gasps and stops and then they stand like 1 meter before the Reunion guys, in the middle of the alley). Also there was this street brawl and in the center of the scene was a Reunion grunt just shaking a guy by the neck, like bro what are you doing that’s not how you fight -.
It’s small awkward scenes like that, that take me out of the show because it makes me think and god knows I don’t want to think about what I’m looking at. The animation per se is still very good, but I guess the... composition doesn’t match at times? (I forgot the word for it, anyway, moving on.)
It’s been a while since I read the first chapters, so I don’t really remember anymore what was so special about Misha that literally everyone and their grandmother is after her. At the beginning she’s just a random infected who Amiya is trying to help, who is conincidentally also pursued by the LGD (for being infected? not sure) and Reunion is after her, because Misha is Skullshatter’s sister (which by that point in the series we don’t know yet). Which yeah; I guess that’s alright and all, but we’re all going to pretty extreme lengths just to capture 1 girl - who was more or less introduced as one random infected and the gang just met by chance.
I’m fuzzy on the details so I don’t remember everything anymore (and my memory is like a sieve anyway) but I remember that also bothered me the first time reading the story. But it’s very possible I missed something here, early Arknights writing was a little hard to comprehend sometimes (at least for me).
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exoticalmonde · 7 months
Arknights, Chapter XII - All Quiet Under The Thunder
I'll be honest, I kind of missed a part of the previous stories like chapter 9 and 10 becausse I was grinding stages still, but hey now that I caught the end of Chapter XI I can actually start a new, fresh start knowing that this is where my husband Hoederer comes in.
Here. Watch.
Freaking epic Episode opening.
Also, some spoilers. I didn't manage to get far because I ran out of sanity.
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[Text: The battlefield always puts people on edge, even more so when you don't know where the when or where- ]
Excuse me, this sentence...
[-the when or where war will break out, or who you can trust.]
Me: "I have a bad feeling about this." Pinkie: "What makes you say that?" Me: "..." Pinkie: "The war can happen any moment now." Me: "???" Pinkie: "With the press of a button." Me: "Stop. My guy is going back to his family." Pinkie: "Any moment now." Me: *Continues with the story, trying to ignore them.* The story:
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Me: *Visceral scream of despair.* ---
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Me: "STUPID MILDRED!" Pinkie: "Mildred?" Me: "... Manfred." --- Pinkie: "So far, let's take an account on all that has happened. You have eight or seven dukes that are all keeping an eye on the capital of Victoria, while they're also conspiring with the Sarkaz in a seven-sided-civil war. Your enemy, the Sarkaz, isn't really helping out the situation, but as we have seen, they're not really doing it without a reason. We know something is going on with the Sarkaz. So everybody is keeping an eye on the capital of their country to see what's going on, right? Rhodes Island is trying to infiltrate Victoria to figure out what's going on as well in an attempt to help. Suddenly an airship flies out of their capital, blasts one of their tanks out of the skies, and refuses to elaborate as it leaves. Imagine the mass panic that erupts in this power-vacuum that has to be filled. Me: "If I had to live through that kind of historical event, I'd rather blast people out of the sky and disappear too." Pinkie: "So you figure out that your least favourite enemy has a weapon of mass-destruction and you don't. Now what are your options? You cannot take it down because this ship is much larger than anything you have. Do you steal it? Do you infiltrate it and sieze control? Do you try to side with the, now remaining, SIX lords?" Me: *Sigh of complete exhaustion* ---
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Pinkie: "So whoever is in possession of the bigger weapon is the winner." Me: "Small nukes?" ---
Me: "What was the name of Chapter 12 again?" Kryo: "All Quiet... Uh-" Pinkie: "All Eepy On a Rainy Day."
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tanjaded · 1 year
Finished Arknights anime. Fantastic sound design, I have to say. Big fan, and the animation and CGI were absolutely top-notch. They're putting hella resources and love into this production, and it shows. Overall, a strong 8/10.
Could be 9-10/10, eventually. But it is only 8 episodes right now, and I feel like the next part, Perish in Frost, will add more to the overall narrative so I'm withholding full judgement until then.
It very much felt like just the intro to the real story, which it literally is, being "Prelude to Dawn" and all that.
So, obviously I won't knock it for being exactly what it's supposed to be. However, considering these 8 episodes in a vacuum as they are now, I can't rank it higher bc of that inherent limitation. imo.
The fact that the only limitation is the narrative is impressive as hell, honestly. There's just not enough there quite yet, but there will be and I'm very excited for that
I've also heard (not sure if true) that this earlier section of the story is the weakest part of the overall Arknights narrative, and that it gets way better. Very excited for that, too. I can easily see a better score once Perish in Frost comes out.
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sunder-the-gold · 1 year
Arknights: Minimum Additional Pulls you can acquire for Texalter and Chong Yue as a FTP Doctor
@sanspapyrus683​ @shuttershocky​
We'll start from the assumption that you're an absolute Free To Play player who spends nothing on the game, but who puts enough priority on these resources to ensure you always get as much of them as possible. I'll factor the Monthly Value Pack into the very end.
I’ll further assume that you haven’t completed any of the four events which will rerun before Chong Yue. At the end, I’ll point out how much Orundum you can get from the Intelligence Certificate Shops, otherwise.
I can't factor in everything about your account, but I can leave reminders about what parts of your account to factor in.
For example, the Orundum from Paradox Simulations will not be included in the final totals, but the operators who can provide those will be listed.
Finally, I can't factor how much OP you're going to spend on skins.
Headhunting Permits (from now until 'Il Siracusano')
+3 permits from 'Ideal City'
+3 permits from 'Dorothy's Vision'
+0 permits from 'To Be Continued'
+3 permits from 'Dossoles' rerun
+1 permits from 'Trials For Navigator'
+0 permits from 'Obscure Wanderer'
+0 permits from 'Legend of Luo Xiaohei'
+3 permits from 'Near Light' rerun
+3 permits from 'Il Siracusano'
+12 permits from the Green Cert shop (4 x 3 months = need to buy the second tier of permits!)
+3 permits from Calendar Sign-Ins (1 x 3 months)
= 31 pulls
+ whatever number of permits you may already have
+ whatever number of permits you gain as surprise gifts
+ whatever number of permits you buy from the Yellow Certificate Shop
(from now until 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows', including the 'previous' permits)
+3 permits from 'What The Firelight Casts'
+3 permits from 'Invitation to Wine' rerun
+3 permits from 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows'
+12 Headhunting passes from the Green Cert shop (4 x 3 months)
+3 Headhunting Permit per month from Calendar Sign-Ins (1 x 3 months)
= 55 pulls
+ whatever number of permits you may already have
+ whatever number of permits you gain as surprise gifts
+ whatever number of permits you buy from the Yellow Certificate Shop
Originite Prime (from now until 'Il Siracusano')
+38 from 'Ideal City' (including +1 from log-in banner)
+27 from 'Dorothy's Vision'
+16 from 'To Be Continued'
+18 from 'Obscure Wanderer'
+17 from 'Legend of Luo Xiaohei'
+31 from 'Episode 10: Return To Mist'
+41 from 'Il Siracusano'
= 188 op * 180 / 600
= 56.4 pulls
+any Originite Prime gained for completing any available Stages you haven't beaten yet
+any Originite Prime gained through surprise gifts or server shutdown compensation
(from now until 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows', including OP from the 'previous' three months)
+29 from 'What the Firelight Casts'
+28??? from 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows' (estimating with the lower OP count of the previous two CNY full-events)
= 245 * 180 / 600
= 73.5 pulls
+any Originite Prime gained for completing any available Stages you haven't beaten yet
+any Originite Prime gained through surprise gifts or server shutdown compensation
Orundum (from now until 'Il Siracusano')
+400 from 'Ideal City' sign-in event
+2,800 minimum from the Amazing Wall during 'Ideal City'
+400 from 'Episode 11 Warm-Up sign in'
+1,500 from 100% clearing Annihilation 15: Laterano 'Chocolate Street'
+400 from 'Il Siracusano' sign-in banner
+7,400 minimum from Orundum-mining during 'Il Siracusano'
+1,800 from Green Certificate shop over three months (600 x 3 months)
+21,600 from max-cap Annihilation runs over three months (1,800 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
+14,400 from daily and weekly mission rewards (700 + 500 = 1,200 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
= 50,700 / 600
= 84.5 pulls
(from now until 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows', including Orundum from the 'previous' three months)
+1,500 from 100% clearing Annihilation 16: Iberia 'Gloomy Shipyard'
+1,500 from 100% clearing Annihilation 17: Columbia 'Experimental Base Hangar'
+600 from 'CNY' sign-in event
+2,400 minimum from 'Where Vernal Winds Never Blow' daily 'Fortune Wall' event
+1,800 from Green Certificate shop over three months (600 x 3 months)
+21,600 from max-cap Annihilation runs over three months (1,800 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
+14,400 from daily and weekly mission rewards (700 + 500 = 1,200 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
= 94,500 / 600
= 157.5 pulls
+any Orundum gained through surprise gifts or server shutdown compensation
+200 Orundum per Paradox Simulation for Aak, Lee, Dusk, Mulberry
+200 Orundum per Paradox Simulation that you haven't completed yet
Minimum Total Additional FREE-TO-PLAY Pulls by 'Il Siracusano' = 171.9 (+24 free pulls)
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Dossoles' Retrospection for another 3.3 rolls
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Near Light retrospection' for another 3.3 rolls
Minimum Total Additional FREE-TO-PLAY Pulls by 'Never Blows' = 286 (+another 24 free pulls)
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Break the Ice retrospection' for another 3.3 rolls
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Invitation to Wine retrospection' for another 3.3 rolls
Monthly Value Pack pulls
+18 OP gained from monthly value packs (6 x 3 months)
= 3,240 Orundum
+16,800 Orundum from daily sign-ins (200 x 7 days x 4 weeks x 3 months)
= 20,040 / 600
=another 33.4 pulls for 'Il Siracusano'
=another 66.8 pulls for ‘Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows’
Advanced trick: Buying multiple Monthly Value Packs in one day to get all of the OP from them in one day for panic-rolling, at the cost of getting that OP later.
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her-reidiance · 2 years
op!! thoughts on the new arknights episode 10 coming out?
Extremely excited! I have been enthralled with Arknights' story ever since I started playing at the beginning of this year. Caught up with chapter 9 last month and I am absolutely on board with both the Reunion Mk. II storyline and what's going on with Reed, as well as learning more about Kazdel.
I don't actually keep abreast of much in the CN server aside the upcoming Operators to save for so I don't know any of the plot coming for us but I'm excited to see Heidi again as well as Horn! I loved her in Chapter 9, and I wish I could roll for her and try to get Bagpipe but unfortunately... the next banner is too much of a doozy to pass up...
The only thing is that with the exception of Reed and her... family? I'm not quite as invested in the villains yet. Obviously the likes of Talulah et al had multiple chapters to be built up and these guys have only had the one so far but I suppose I just don't quite feel the mystique for Mandragora or... the other one I forgot her name compared to Skullshatterer or... *choking sob* Frostnova...
Still! Episode 10, in about 30 hours! How exciting! I hope you are as excited as I am! I may even try to live blog some of my reactions and thoughts...♡ (if I don't get too overwhelmed)
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xian-in-april · 1 year
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I posted 24,743 times in 2022
41 posts created (0%)
24,702 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,358 of my posts in 2022
#simone - 139 posts
#fave - 23 posts
#😏 - 22 posts
#one piece - 20 posts
#kiwi - 18 posts
#for real - 15 posts
#arknights - 15 posts
#me - 14 posts
#asks - 12 posts
#😤 - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#how can you say deku is groundbreaking for crying when naruto and luffy have been crying for decades and are 2 of the most popular manga ev
My Top Posts in 2022:
Explain the 3 drinks story
Once at a college Halloween party, my friend spilled her drink on me by accident, then another friend spilled her drink on me trying to help me, Then some random guy bumped into me and spilled his drink on me. Needless to say my shirt was soaked through by then
6 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
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8 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Not to be selfish on main but ooooooooooooooooo does it feel good seeing so many people praising Dress-Up Darling. When the 2nd episode came out i was digusted with the direction the studio took in devoting so much attention to Marin's body, and I was afraid that many would dismiss the manga as another deplorable weeb bait manga rather than the wonderful and wholesome story of friendship and understanding between passionate people. I'm glad so many were able to look past the gross moments of the anime and seeing some pick up the manga to continue just makes me really happy. I love it when people enjoy the things i enjoy. Even if we never interact, just having that shared joy brings my heart comfort
10 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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10 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
With the news of One Piece officially entering its final saga (a collection of 1-6 arcs) this year, I want everyone to know that there is no better time to start One Piece than right now. 100% if there was ever a right time it is this very moment.
One Piece is one of those once in a lifetime pieces of fiction. Everything just works, and it works amazingly.
I urge you to please give it a chance. The first 100 chapters (which ik sounds like a lot) will give you a great feel for the series, while also serving as a floor for OP's quality (its still pretty good, but it gets so so so much better
Everyone I've introduced it to has fallen in love with the series. It's sense of Adventure, Mystery, and Fun are matched by very few other series. It's something special, and I hope you give yourself the chance to share in it
25 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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strawsoldier · 5 months
Fall 2023 Anime-Round Up
Incredibly strong season for anime. Popular IP's finally getting their anime adaptions (Frieren, Kusariya). More enjoyable sequels (Spy x Family, Kagejitsu). And probably the biggest anime in existence finally finally came to it's conclusion (AOT)
oh and Zom 100 finally came back from production hell lol
Anime of the Season: Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
Best Opening: Specialz (Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season) + Nemurasareta Lineage (Ancient Magus Bride S2)
Best Ending: know me... (Undead Unluck)
Drops: 100 Girlfriends, Stardust Telepath (may pick those up someday if im bored)
Plans to Watch at a later date: N/A
SPY×FAMILY Season 2 - (8/10)
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I never liked how SpyFam diluted into an A plot or B plot with each and every episode after the second cour of the first season. This also occurred in S2 but was definitely a return to form for this show. Everything else was mostly the same stuff. If you loved S1, you'll lvoe this. Very excited for the upcoming movie.
Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Part - (10/10)
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What can I say about this juggernaut of a franchise ending that hasn't already been said? I still remember myself in 2013 watching the first episode of Attack on Titan being floored that anime could be like this. If it wasn't for this show I would not have discovered of what Japanese Animation has to offer outside of Naruto and One piece. Thank you so much to all the staff involved in making this- From WIT and MAPPA.
and I hope I never have to type that stupid title ever again
Arknights: Perish in Frost - (8.5/10)
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Very engaging season of Arknights. Can very much see why Arknights fans say the writing just gets better and better with each chapter. Still not going to play the game tho lmao
Blaze <333
The Eminence in Shadow Season 2 - (8/10)
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The frenzy has begun. The moon is red. We are out of time.
stupid isekai continues to be stupid (wholesome). Can't wait for the movie
Dead Mount Death Play Part 2 - (6/10)
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Still enjoyable, and very much written by Narita. But man the production quality of this show took a major nose-dive and killed some enjoyment of this show. Very willing to watch more though.
The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Part 2 - (8/10)
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While DMDP suffered a animation dive in it's second half, Mahoyome absolutely ramped up it's production quality; both from a direction standpoint and animation.. Philomela was a fascinating character to watch and I'm so happy with how her arc ended up concluding. I don't khow much more time will be spent in the College, but hopefully we can more arcs about the other characters like that. Lucy plotline is still unresolved afterall.
Also finally an OP with animation that MATCHES Junna's vocal range. Love to see it.
The IDOLM@STER Million Live! - (7/10)
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Can a show tell a story with 39 main characters across 12 episodes? Turns out, not really; But credit for trying though. The recent installment of the Imas franchise was a relatively safe one that didn't bother to do anything more than "Here are these girls and the quirks and troupes associated with them". That being said, The CG animation was incredible. Shirogumi outdid themselves with this show. Now I think I can say that Studio Orange isn't the only studio that successfully do a full CG anime.
pour one out for shinymas anime that isn't gonna look this good :pensive:
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season - (10/10)
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My hope for HI/Shibuya Arcs getting the most pristine quality of treatment when they get animated was answered, and then some. The way it elevated each and every moment in the manga in ways that I would never expect or anticipated had me dying of excitement every week. It's tragic to see how horrible the circumstances were in making this show, but I very much appreciate all the hard work that the all the staff did in this season. They went above and beyond and I can't thank them enough
Also Fuck you, Manabu Otsuka
Rurouni Kenshin (2023) (6/10)
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I never got a chance to watch the OG series growing up so I thought I would give this a shot. Kinda bored a lot though. I heard the next arc introduces a really great villain so I'll stick around for that.
Zom 100 - (7/10)
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And the award for "Most Ironic Anime of the Year" goes tooooo....
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meeblo · 10 months
Arknights Intermezzi
I hope I'm not the only one, but I haven't the slightest idea what makes an event and intermezzi rather than a side story.
At first, I had it explained to me that intermezzis have more main story relevance while side stories do not. And for Darknights Memoir and A Walk in the Dust, you could argue this holds true. But then comes Under Tides and Stultifera Navis, which are as far as we currently know entirely unrelated to the main story, unless act 3 decides to take a hard left turn towards Iberia. Ok then, maybe Intermezzis are for the longer, more complicated storylines in addition to main story relevant events. Nope, that doesn't fit either. The Kazimierz events and the Sui sibling events are just as complex and lengthy of a multi-event plotline as the Abyssal Hunters', but they are all side stories (and vignettes).
The biggest point of confusion for me was seeing What the Firelight Casts placed as a side story rather than an intermezzi. It directly fits into the main story, bridging the Dublinn plotlines of episode 9 and 10 with what is to come in the future of the main story and directly continuing Reed's character arc in episode 9. Nope, side story. Clearly, being an Intermezzi has nothing to do with main story relevance.
Could it be production value? Can't be that either, as events like Il Siracusano are side stories.
So, what is the common factor? As stupid as it sounds, I think I've figured out the only thing it can be.
Intermezzi are events where Kal'tsit plays a major role. That's it, that's the only common thread I could find. Kal'tsit is in Darknights Memoir, central to A Walk in the Dust, appears briefly but in an important role in Under Tides, and is important to Stultifera Navis. There are some side stories in which Kal'tsit appears, but not for more than a scene at a time.
I've heard Lone Trail will be an intermezzi. I have no idea if Kal'tsit shows up there. If she does, then that strengthens my theory. If she doesn't, then I'm just as lost as always.
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brave-symphonia · 6 months
I am considering pinning this post to my blog to replace my current pinned post, since most of my liveblogs are of Arknights currently.
I'm doing this mainly to make it clear when I am doing the main story and when I am doing the events.
But here's a list of the order I am doing the Arknights events and story:
Break the Ice
Invitation to Wine
A Light Spark in the Darkness
Episode 10
Stultifera Navis
Lingering Echoes
To Be Continued
An Obscure Wanderer
It's Been A While
Episode 11
What the Firelight Casts
Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow
A Death in Chunfen
Episode 12
Lone Trail
Hortus de Escapismo
So Long, Adele
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conflagrate · 8 months
Autumn 2023 Anime + TV Season
I can’t believe it’s another season!
Despite a strike-filled quarter in the Western world, I still found very little anime suitable to my tastes. I must accept that, like how Vtubees and Holothingies dominate the conversations these days, that the industry has moved on without me! (not that I really care…). But boy, is it hard to write a season preview when it’s the norm for shows to have a screwed-up production schedule to the point where they spillover into the following cour (here’s looking at you, Zombie show…)
Rankings 1. Horimiya -piece- 2. Jujutsu Kaisen 3. Bungou Stray Dogs S5 4. Zom 100
Shows (to be) completed: 6 Continuing: 1
Well that’s an awful number...but expected!
Moving on to autumn….
Must Watch: Seijo no Maryoku S2 (YES YES YES), MahoYome S2 pt 2, Goblin Slayer S2 (might as well….), Arknights S2 (sigh), SPY x FAMILY S2, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto, Sousou no Frieren [off to a great start already!]
Sounds Interesting! Hope It Doesn’t Suck!: Overtake!, Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri, 16bit Sensation, Pluto, Under Ninja, Hoshikuzu Telepath, Kawagoe Boys Sing
Not My Thing but Who Knows!: Megumi no Daigo, Ragna Crimson, Yuzuki-san’chi no Yonkyodai, Kamierabi, Onmyoji, Migi to Dali (the manga is so-so but I might watch cos RIP Sano Nami), Good Night World, Undead Unluck, Hametsu no Okoku, Akuma-kun, Atarashii Joushi wa Dotennen, Dog Signal
Do I Have To…? (No I Don’t): Ojo to Banken-kun, Shangri-La Frontier, Dekoboko Majo, SHY, Bullbuster, Kikansha no Mahou, Bokura no Ameiro Protocol, 100Kano, Hanako-kun, Matsuinu
Sequel/Spinoff Hell: Captain Tsubasa S2, FLCL (just why??), MF Ghost (it’s an Initial D thing so I may just give it a go??), Tokyo Revengers, Kage no Jitsuryokusha S2, Kizuna no Allele S2, Uma Musume S3, Beyblade X, Tate no Yusha S3, Kanojo mo Kanojo S2, Otona Precure, Saihate no Paladin S2, Nanatsu no Taizai, Dead Mount Death Play Pt 2, Dr Stone New World Pt2, Rail Romanesque S2 (WHYYYY)
Light Novel/Isekai/Villainess Hell: S Rank Musume, Boshoku no Berserk, Wataoshi, Toaru Ossan, Ikenai Koto, Kimizero, Hikikomari Kyuketsuki, Buta no Liver, Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari, Potion-danomi,
Idol/Vtuber/AI/Musical Hell: B Project, Paradox Live, HypMic S2 (do I really want to torture myself again?), Imas Million Live
Continuing: Jujutsu Kaisen S2
Expected Load: 10
Oh shit I’m scared I may pick up too many shows for autumn!
TV & Streaming
What I’ve been watching in 3Q23…
Disney+/Hulu: Only Murders in the Building S3, Ahsoka, Kisetsu no nai Machi Netflix: The Lincoln Lawyer S2, Heartstopper S2 HBO: Full Circle, Mare of Easttown+ Apple TV: Hijack Amazon Prime: Wilderness, Deadloch Peacock: Twisted Metal, The Continental* BBC: Wolf, The Woman in the Wall,Colin From Accounts S1 [Binge Aus], Sherwood S1+, The Thick Of It+ S1-4, Funland+ Others: Special Ops: Lioness (Paramount+), The Newsreader S1+2 (ABC Australia), The Ipcress File+ (ITV), The Prisoner+ (ATV), Tsukutabe (NHK+), The Booth at the End (City)
+=older show, *=continuing
Total series completed: 23 Full-length films watched: 45
Holy moley guacamole I watched way too many films…
Writers’ strike just ended (pending ratification) and actors are still picketing so who knows when we’ll get new episodes of any network telly worth watching? Meanwhile, the ROTW & streaming keeps truckin’ on…
CBS: NCIS: Sydney(?) NBC: Irrational(?) Disney+/Hulu: Loki S2, A Murder at the End of the World, Culprits Netflix: Bodies, The Fall of the House of Usher(?), All The Light We Cannot See(?) HBO/Max: Julia S2 Apple TV: Slow Horses S3, Lessons In Chemistry BBC: Boiling Point, Time series 2, Vigil S2, The Way(?) ITV: The Long Shadow, Payback, Breathtaking(?), Orphan Black: Echoes(?) Showtime: Fellow Travelers(?), The Curse Gameshows: Only Connect, Richard Osman’s House of Games Reality: Produce 101 Japan S3 + older shows whenever I feel like it...
Why am I watching so much stuff instead of doing something productive with my time?
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readtheperfect · 2 years
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