#archival release
ahauntingclub · 9 months
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Reissue of The Week – 04/09/23
This week it's three '70s Tele Music Library Records by Pierre-Alain Dahan (with Mat Camison & Slim Pezin). Reissued by Be With Records.
Pierre-Alain Dahan & Mat Camison – Rythmiques (LP) Label/Cat #: Be With Records – BEWITH142LP
Pierre-Alain Dahan – Continental Pop Sound (LP) Label/Cat #: Be With Records – BEWITH143LP
Pierre-Alain Dahan & Slim Pezin – Neo Rythmiques (LP) Label/Cat #: Be With Records – BEWITH144LP
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neo--queen--serenity · 3 months
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TMAGP 8: A Summary
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ao3org · 4 months
We've been so busy fixing bugs, keeping on top of Ruby on Rails and gem updates, and improving site performance and security, we fell a bit behind on actually telling you about it all! So here's a rather massive overview of code we deployed from June through October last year.
It includes many improvements for site admins and Open Doors archivists, as well as accessibility fixes and some enhancements to prevent abuse and harassment. We also started blocking some AI-related bots from crawling the site. In our tag search, you can now sort results by number of uses.
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vezhenart · 4 months
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the sillies :3
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matchestopetrol · 3 months
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TMAGP episode ten mood
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mysticalalleycat · 4 months
I think something really interesting about TMA vs TMP so far is the different use of suspense, which I actually think "the cake scenes" (as I've started to call them in my head) are really good shorthand for.
In TMA, we spend four seasons very slowly getting the hang of things alongside the protagonists. We take all of that time to slowly understand how the world works, how fucked up it is, and how fucked up it can get. The narrative waits until we have a deep understanding of that (although maybe not entirely complete yet), until the characters and world have hit a new, very deep low. Then it throws us back to the start. It gives us cake scene number one (Jon's birthday) and says "Hey remember how when this started they were all (mostly) happy and just regular people working a kinda weird job and they were all friends and had joy?" And it hurts! Because we know how bad it is now, so the sharp contrast to how it was before it all started hits hard!
TMA's suspense is built on the audience not understanding what's happening alongside the characters, so the depth of tragedy happening to them can only be understood in retrospect.
TMP doesnt rely on TMA entirely, but it's written with the understanding that the majority of its listeners will have listened to TMA. It knows that a lot of the audience may not know exactly what's going on here, but they know the general shape of the world and they know exactly how bad it can get (thanks MAG200).
Because it's writing for (mostly) that audience, TMP doesn't have to write about its tragedy only in retrospect. The suspense comes both from not knowing what's happening (like TMA) and from knowing exactly what's happening while the characters don't (whooo dramatic irony). The audience knows what the fears are and how they can effect the world--Sam and Alice don't.
So TMP's cake scene (Teddy's going away party) happens at the start. "Look at all these people being (mostly) happy and just regular people working a kinda weird job and all being friends and having joy! Doesn't it hurt knowing exactly how bad things could get for them?"
And it does. We are two episodes in and nothing has happened to Alice and Sam, but it's already very clear that we are audience to a tragedy. Even if they don't end up totally fucked, it's clear that their arcs will be tragic.
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bocchidaily · 5 months
what if Bocchi™ was a Slugcat from "Rain World".
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Day 6: The Rock
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shakesthewizard · 22 days
Hey Stormlight fans. Would you like a Knights Radiant quiz that isn't kind of boring? Have this!
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cult-of-the-eye · 4 months
I think the fact that we don't know how closely linked tmagp and tma are adds to the suspense cause on one hand all we know is tma right? So we're gonna guess what's gonna happen based on what happened in tma. But at the same time, they said you don't have to listen to tma to get tmagp so there's gonna be a degree of separation, which means we can't rely on old tropes and knowledge, so we're left with Bad Things Will Happen but we don't know When or to Who
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Realizing once again that Elias audibly reacted to Martin almost burning Albrecht von Closen's statement and how it was only after that that he went on the offensive
Good job trying to convince us that you don't care about all of your Regency exes, Jonah
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wha-archive · 4 months
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Volume 13's cover has been revealed, along with the special edition item - a folding shopping bag shaped like a witch hat!
Preorders for JP limited edition (with bag)
Preorders for JP standard edition (volume only)
Olruggio illustration also from Shirahama's twitter
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This was not posted on announcement day in support of the economic strike for Palestine. Though that week is over, we should also still look to help however we can.
Arab.org - click once a day (free click, no sign up) to generate donation from sponsors
Places to donate:
Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
Care for Gaza
UNRWA - amidst many rich nations pulling their funding, the UNRWA needs donations to keep running (not just in Gaza, but all relief efforts)
You can also find a guide to donating eSims here, to help keep people in Gaza connected to their loved ones, find assistance, etc.
(These are just a few credible organisations that I've seen verified, not an exhaustive list of all places to donate)
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clown-eating-pig · 5 months
the way that I finished tma exactly a week ago, went through the five stages of grief with sickening speed, and just completely lost my mind, only to find out this Monday that it was getting a sequel series was so crazy.
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ao3org · 3 months
These eight releases feature quite a few notable improvements, including: modernizing the way we generate PDFs, making it more obvious which comments were made by guests, and fixing an issue that caused forced logouts. Additionally, we started laying the groundwork to upgrade to Rails 7.
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miyagi-hokarate · 16 days
Footage of Ralph Macchio and William Zabka rehearsing the Beach Fight Scene from The Karate Kid feature Beyond the Form, narrated by Pat E. Johnson
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bladesmitten · 5 months
here's everyone's dream visitor:
wyll: mizora - implied; he accepted her advances and later says he hopes to resist on the second time. "it's hard to resist when they have their hooks deep in you." + he described her as an old flame
lae'zel: vlaakith - she mentions her by name if you pass a check; she refused her advances. she also mind melds with you first before telling you about her dream.
astarion: cazador - he only mentions him if you pass the insight check + he says it was an exquisite dream at first but admits later that it wasn't. he hates it if you comfort him about it
gale: mystra - implied; accepted her advances, seems suspicious about it
shadowheart: she wouldn't tell me who she dreamt of, lmao. she refused the advances and told me i should do the same next time
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14dayswithyou · 3 months
[18 May 2022] Hello! I just fell in love with your game, and I absolutely adore your art style! How do you plan on releasing “14 Days with you”, each day separately? And how long do you think it should take for a full game release?
(It’s totally cool if you don’t feel like answering to such question. I know that asking such question might be way too early, but my curiosity got the best of me ^^;)
(Anonymous also said: "Would it be rude to ask how game development is going?" and "is the game pretty far along in the development process? Can we expect to see a full release this year?")
20 Feb 2024 EDIT: So half of this response was a lie lmao T_T I got ambitious with what I wanted + didn't account for how popular the demo would be ^^;
It's fine, y'all can definitely ask these questions! ^^
14DWY is still in it's early stages of development, and I can't confidently say that I'll have the game completed within the year due to the amount of time and effort I'd need to dedicate to it... ^^' It's definitely doable, but I want to take my time with this game so that I don't feel burnt out after a while, and to make sure that it meets everyone's expectations instead of feeling rushed and half-assed (because I set myself a goal and tried to meet the deadline, if that makes sense lol)
But in saying that, I would really like to release at least one "Day" every 2-4 weeks, as well as post regular 14DWY content (lore, art, memes, screenshots, dev updates, etc.) on social media. I feel like this would be more realistic and manageable for me; especially considering that I'm a full-time university student and the only person working on this game right now 🥲✌️
EDIT: Totally forgot to answer your other question, but I'll be updating the 14DWY's itch.io page to include the newest days (rather than releasing them all separately), so all you'd have to do is download the latest files to play the newest content 😊
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