#aph's iq
glideren · 2 years
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aph's incorrect quotes part 9/?
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snowbound-inari · 2 years
What the nordics smell like
Denmark: Cheap deodorant with sweat (stinky)
Sweden: Woodwork and grandpa perfume
Norway: Fish
Finland: Smells like a typical man
Iceland: Denmark bought Iceland the same cheap deodorant (Iceland thinks he smells good)
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(The smelly gang)
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romeave · 2 years
mys aaron's biggest issue is jason.
why does aarmau have that weird age gap? its the same as jesson's irl.
why is aaron constantly considered the best romantic interest? jess has admitted to writing aaron as jason, her irl husband.
why is aaron a werewolf? it's jess's kink, she’s said this.
aaron tends to end up a weird mix of self insert and wish fufilment and it tanks his, and everyone else’s character. he constantly has to be the best and the coolest, so he's bland and must dunk on everyone else to look better.
before aaron and aph moved in together, they were both great cooks. katelyn and kc both reference aph's meals being great in s1 and the first episode of s3. but, aaron HAS to be the best in the house, so aph's cooking skils are entirely nerfed to the point there's a whole episode on how bad her cooking is.
zane and aaron both struggle with social skills, but aaron isn't allowed to be too flawed. zane ended up alone because of both the actions of others and his own active choices, and he fucks up constantly on his journey of self improvement. aaron can kill people with his spooky magic eyes so his dad forbid him from talking to anyone and got an entire force of agents to watch aaron. once aaron grows up, he actually assimilates into society without much trouble, minus the moments where he's cool and mysterious and adorably shy.
garroth's iq drop, the laurancectomy, and kim only exist to make aaron tbe best boy with no contest.
ON HIS OWN, aaron could work. if we removed jason's self insert and jess's wet dream, i could respect this fictional man.
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doctortwink · 3 years
ranking jjba crack ships:
kira x diavolo: 7/10
its too mainstream at this point, but still get good 'eew' reactions from dudebros.
3 less points for having too much logic behind it. 
hayato x shigekiyo: 8/10 
two kids who does not deserve they extremely cruel fate. 
the first time hayato hold shigekiyo's hands, he just runned away crying.  
very revolutionary if you ask me.
rohan x shrek: 11/10 
omg,, rohan is soo lucky. 
local-mangaka-twink deserves some real man to make life with. 
will have cute green babies. will live in isolated swamp. 
mikitaka x ff: 10/10
two outsiders together. 
they will eventually have an weird babe - mikitaka suddenly throw the kid up in the middle of supermarket. 
they're too pure to human society. 
weather x jotaro: 10/10
very hot dynamic. 
autistic dilfs together.
their first date is in vegetarian restaurant. no one said a single word in one and half hour, but they make out after dinner anyway. 
hot pants x rina: 8/10
cute, simple. jojolion would never happen. 
props if you think hot pants is a lesbian and had no female to couple with her. 
funny valentine x aph america: 6/10
predicable yet still acceptable. 
they're both annoying blondes. 
joshu x anasui: 6.5/10
two simps. 
you can even handle one, but never the two of them. 
probably will end in murder before honey-moon. 
haruno higashikata x jouta kujo: ∞/10 
if you shipp, that indicate that your brain is galaxy-huge and you have ascended to 5d reality. 
iq estimated in 948.  
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🇮🇳 APH India Headcanons 🇮🇳
🇮🇳 He's quite good with his hands and can be crafty if he needs to
🇮🇳 Relating to that, he paints extraordinarily beautiful henna, but his favorite patterns are still some of the simplest.
🇮🇳 I think he gives off mega smart vibes but also is a dumbass? Like he’ll say stupid things all the time but also has 1,000,000 IQ (one of my classmates is actually like this and he is SO FUNNY. but also he could crush us with his math skills.)
🇮🇳 Heat tolerance is through the roof. He’ll be wearing long pants on days when other people want to take their skin off.
🇮🇳 He and China cook extremely spicy dishes to bring to meetings just to tantalize America, who almost always caves in and eats the whole plate with tears streaming down his face. They have videos, and it’s hilarious.
🇮🇳 Both his singing and dancing are 10/10, but he can’t do the floss, no matter how hard he tries
🇮🇳 He has really good hard memorization skills; his brain just remembers stuff after hearing/reading it a couple times. So he’s basically remembered all his favorite books and films and can quote them word for word
🇮🇳 He’s an ambivert leaning towards extrovert; he doesn’t mind loud parties and excited crowds and is often the center of attention, but he definitely enjoys quiet days inside just relaxing. (Bonus points if Yao’s over and they’re talking quietly over a cup of tea)
🇮🇳 Good at talking to people; he’s very skilled at making others feel at ease and comfortable around him.
🇮🇳 However he can act supremely haughty and like he’s better than everybody else if he wants to
🇮🇳 Puts on the kind of serious face that makes you want to burst out laughing because it’s unexplainably funny
🇮🇳 Very good at IT and computer programming but still doesn’t know how to attach a photo to a WhatsApp message
🇮🇳 America’s always asking him to do odd jobs for him; China’s always telling him to decline. He doesn’t /mind/ America’s company and will take the job but is really glad he lives far away from the US (there’s only a certain amount of obnoxious one can take lol)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDIA!! Britain can fuck off for today (and forever tbh).
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blog-in-a-corner · 5 years
TSOTBL - Sorrows of the Past PT:2
"Garroth? Gaaarrrroooooth?" Aphmau shouted, keeping up her pace.
Her words just bounced off the walls and echoed back at her. "Damn it where are you, you better be okay!" Aphmau thought, her mouth had become much too dry for her to talk to herself, the ice cold air entering her lungs made it harder and harder to run let alone talk. "Aph! Wait up!" Zane panted, finally catching up to her. He obviously wasn't used to running so far so fast. "Z..Zane…." Aphmau stopped for a moment, to take deep breaths of hair. "A-Aphmau...you-you shouldn't have...have r-run off like that!" Zane scolded her between breaths, he was far more tired than she was from the run they just took. "What choice did I have?! We were taking way too long!" Aphmau yelled, regaining her composure. "The smarter thing to do would have been for all of us to stay together!" Zane lectured her. "Well…well sometimes the smart thing to do isn't the best thing to do!" Aphmau retorted. "Wh-what is that even supposed to mean?!" Zane asked in confusion. "It doesn't have to mean anything, I just need to find Garroth!" "Why is finding him this important to you?!" "Because! I need to talk to him!" Aphmau yelled, as she proceeded to continue running forward. "About what?!" Zane shouted, as he struggled to keep up with her.
Zane ran after Aphmau until she came to a screeching stop, she appeared to be staring at something. He nearly tripped trying to slow down.
"A.. Aphmau…!" Zane panted, struggling to stand up. "Shhh..!" Aphmau whisper-shouted. "Why are you shushing me? It's not like we're in a library-" Before Zane could finish his sentence, he noticed what Aphmau was staring at. "-What the hell?"
Garroth stood in the center of the dead-end of where the path lead to. He held the book close to himself.
"I-I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do.Y-You said... you said…" Garroth sobbed quietly into the book. "I-I never thought…" he trailed off, holding it tighter. "Is-is he talking to it?" Aphmau whispered, continuing to stare at the bizarre sight of her friend. "Lucinda did say the book was possessed, didn't she?" Zane whispered back, starring alongside Aphmau. "I-I…." Garroth stuttered, as he lowered the book. "Garroth?" Aphmau spoke aloud, catching Garroth's attention. "Y-you two…!" Garroth stammered in surprise, stepping back. "Garroth I just want to talk with you." Aphmau stated softly, attempting to calm down her friend. She took a step forward. "N-No! Stay away from me!" Garroth yelled defensively, taking a few more steps back, holding the book closer to himself. "Garroth I'm not here to hurt you, I'm your friend!" Aphmau tried to assure him, taking a step back. "Y-you're not my friend! You're not a friend at all!" Garroth shouted angrily. "You're just a taker! You take what you need from people, you have your good times, but when times get tough, you scram! You don't really care about anyone!" "Garroth, what are you talking about?!" Aphmau yelled in concern. "You call me names, you call me stupid all the time! In front of my face and behind my back! You don't take my emotions seriously-none of you do! All you do is laugh at me and treat me like an idiot all the time! But no, it's all fine because surely Garroth isn't affected by it at all! You call that being a friend?! No wonder you and Aaron broke up!" Garroth hissed, clenching his fists. "I….Garroth…." Aphmau started to tear up, it was bad enough that Garroth was talking to her in such a way, but bringing problems with Aaron into it too? "Garroth...Garroth, listen to me, my relationship with Aaron isn't a part of this. I know that I've never been the greatest friend, or the best person, and some of these things you brought up just now, I never knew they bothered you! But-" "You didn't think that calling someone an idiot all the time wouldn’t bother them?" "I'm sorry for that! I should've known better than to do that kind of crap, but Garroth, I am your friend! We've been through everything together, thick and thin! Our childhoods, highschool, the Jury, college! If we weren't friends then why would we still be here? We've done our fair share of crappy things to each other, but we've had so many more good times! We've made our mistakes and grown from them, and we'll still make more mistakes along the road and we'll grow from those too! Garroth, I've always been grateful to have you as a friend, you're one of the best friends I could have ever asked for, and I don't want to lose all of our years of friendship, not like this, not ever!"
Garroth stood silent for a moment, staring at Aphmau and Zane.
"...So you really care about me that much?" Garroth mumbled, not breaking eye contact with Aphmau. "Of course I do! I'd fight anyone who tried to speak bad about you, or any one of my friends for that matter!" Aphmau assured, giving Garroth a light smile. "So…So why didn't you defend me when Zane said all of those horrible things about me...?" Garroth asked, choking back tears. "I-I...y-you heard all of that?!" Aphmau said in shock. "That's it I've had enough of this!" Zane yelled angrily. "Y-You wanna know why she didn't defend you?! Because everything I fucking said was true! You're nothing but a selfish fucking idiot with the iq of a lint ball! You really think it's any wonder at all why you're friends treat you the way like dogshit?" "Zane stop!-" "A-All your damn life everyone has-has catered to your stupid ass hand and foot! Everything you've ever had has been handed to you on a silver platter, you never had to work hard for what you wanted!" Zane ignored Aphmau, continuing to yell at Garroth. "Zane you're making it worse!-" "Nothing but-Nothing but the best for the oh-so-perfect Ro'meave! You got all of the attention from everyone! Teachers, peers, complete strangers, mom, and dad. But even everything dad gave to you just isn't enough huh? You stupid fucking selfish asshole. But oh no! We mustn't displease Garte Ro'meave's favorite son, the golden child!" "Zane!" Aphmau yelled, trying to stop Zane from continuing. "What? I'm right and you know it!" Zane hissed. "Being….being the "golden child" wasn't as grand as you think it was Zane...I...I always…" Garroth muttered weakly, tears strolling down his cheeks. "Oh? What, you didn't get the toy you wanted for Christmas when you were eight? Wow, being the golden child must've been horrible huh!" Zane replied sarcastically. "I ALWAYS FUCKING HATED IT!" Garroth yelled at the top of his lungs, catching Aphmau and Zane off guard. "Being Garte's ~favorite son~ wasn't all sunshine and rainbows Zane, my entire home life leading up until I finished college was a fucking nightmare! You think father always gave me everything I wanted? Well guess fucking what! It was the other way around! My entire life was carved around what he wanted me to be! The people he allowed me to be friends with, he barely even let me see Vylad let alone talk to him! The hobbies he let me have, the extracurriculars and all of my classes, the ones he wanted me to do! I had to be absolutely perfect for HIM!" "Garroth...I never realized…" Aphmau quietly trailed off, shocked at everything he had to say. "I never wanted to play stupid fucking baseball, but he wanted me to be on some kind of sports team! For three fucking summers straight I went to that stupid baseball camp because he wanted me to be "the best of the best!" I was in that horrible etiquette school up in Skystead for three years before I went to high school! And then, for my last year of high school I had to go to FUCKING, MILITARY SCHOOL, BECAUSE I TOOK THE FUCKING FALL FOR YOUR DUMBASS AFTER YOU FUCKED UP ALL OF YOUR PLANS UP WITH THE JURY! FATHER WANTED TO "FIX" ME SO THAT I WOULD BE THE SAME, "PROPER, ELOQUENT YOUNG MAN I WAS" BEFORE I SUPPOSEDLY DID ALL OF THAT SHIT. AND THEN RIGHT AFTER I JUMPED INTO COLLEGE, TO TAKE THE DAMN MAJORS HE WANTED ME TO TAKE SO THAT I COULD ONE DAY OWN THAT STUPID FUCKING COMPANY OF HIS." Garroth screamed full of rage, letting his book a bit looser from his grip. "Irene I regret not letting Vylad tell mother and father about all the shit you did! That probably would have done more good for everyone! Even for father. All. Of. My life. Zane. All of my life I've had to do nothing but please that bastard, that fuck is nothing but a control freak, you can't even begin to imagine the fucking hell he'd put me through if I fell short of the expectations he had for me. But noo~ let's feel bad for poor Zaney-waney! He's sooo miserable having the freedom to do whatever he wants! Everyone let's stop what we're doing and come hear Zane whine about how he didn't get enough attention, about how he was so alone! Totally not like a certain younger brother of ours had it way worse in that aspect! About how people just didn't give him a chance! The fucker manipulated and hurt people but it's their fault because the world hurt him! He was so hurt and alone! It's not like his older brother, younger brother, and his mom always tried to reach out to him! It's not like he was so fucking hell-bent on gaining approval from his father because of his small little fragile ego, that he didn't notice the people who tried to be there for him! No everything he's ever done is justified! He has no reason to, dare I say it? Apologize to those he's wronged! Even Vylad had more of a reason to do the half the crap you did. Fucking face it Zane, I may be a bad brother, but you're even worse." "You….you!" Zane stammered in anger. "G-Guys let's just calm down..!" Aphmau stuttered, trying to play peacemaker. "Y-You're the worse brother! You're the-the damn reason I can't even see out of my right eye! You never bother to acknowledge other people's feelings, you just try to make them as good and perfect~ as you want them to be! You're just as bad as dad! I never opened up to you because someone with your fucking puny intellect would never understand me! All you would have tried to do is fix me in your image! All you've done is make me miserable my entire fucking life!" Zane screeched, holding back tears. "Good. I'm glad I made you miserable. It's what a piece of shit like you deserves." Garroth hissed, the poison in his voice hit Zane harder than anything ever has. "You...you…" Zane cried in anger. "Guys!" Lucinda cried, entering alongside Aaron and Kim. "Lucinda, Aaron, Kim!" Aphmau yelled in shock. "You!!!" Garroth shouted in surprise. "Alright Garroth." Lucinda muttered, pulling out her wand.
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"Zane! Zane stay with me please!" Aphmau yelled, tears pouring down her cheeks." "Come on guys we have to take Zane back inside now!" Aaron stated, picking Zane up.
// Heya! I’m gonna be on a two week hiatus because this took me a looooong time and I’m big tired. Regular posting will return September 9!//
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americana-ultra · 6 years
Tell the horror stories for quotev :0
Well I’ll tell ya one I got on me right now. There was this person, we’ll protect their identity even though they’re a low key ass but we’ll call them Kanye hsjshsjs
So, this story contains mention of cancer/communism/faked suicide/and general dickery so be weary
Kanye was, who I thought, a smart and generally cool person. At this time, I was in the hetalia fandom role playing as APH America and they were rping APH Japan. When I first followed them I was like “:O !!! cool person dang!!!” and it was cool.And then the cancer PSAs appeared. They were telling us stuff like “hey!! gonna be inactive because I have to go to hospital because of cancer stuff, etc” and we were all very supportive and cherished them.One day they were at a low point as it seemed. They kept talking about how they wanted to jump out a window. We kept telling them not to but they stopped responding…AND THEN THEIR COUSIN APPEARED????? to tell us via Kanye’s account that their suicide attempt failed??? And their name was something so stupid like Fernando like that. And that’s when a lot of people were like…. 🤔🤔🤔 excuse me? And after some digging, screenshots, and a lot of evaluation, we discovered two important things:1. Kanye had lied about their suicide attempt2. They had also lied about their cancer and that was a HUGE shockwave in the group I was in and we were all shunning them because WHO DOES THAT?!?!and they were being dramatic about it, claiming they had compulsive lying disorder stuff, etc and everyone was like uhh shut up
However, later on.. maybe a month or two? Probably less lmao, people started forgiving Kanye and I was still EXTREMELY apprehensive but I could tell others were like “ur on thin fuckin ice” @ Kanye
Kanye also LOVED telling ANYONE that they were a communist AND that they were eleven and how their IQ was so fucking massive and eventually they had a small personal group of groomers/white knights that bend to his every need and if Kanye got a single hint of dislike from ANYONE they’d pour in like “hE’s OnLy ElEveN yOuRe A BuLlY!!!!” and honestly Kanye was a bigger bully than anyone I’ve ever met.
But that’s one of my stories. Kanye did something else that was a major HH but it’s morbid and probably a story for another day.Hope you enjoyed though haha
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elegantturkey · 7 years
 APH India has the second largest country population wise and the largest democracy (again, population wise) and more people with an IQ over 120 than the entire population is the US, but everyone knows his country as poor and is often ignored. Sometimes he thinks he is trying too hard. Sometimes he thinks he should just give up.
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daedaliaaan · 7 years
Got tagged by @carstairs11! Thank you! And now I tag, @well-why-the-frickle-frackle-not @sampocalypse @troveya @sassy-potato-bean @angelfaishal and anyone else who would like to try!
Nicknames: Eh, Amy works. 
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 5′7′’ 
Last thing you googled: Uuuuh, the complete phrase of “if I wanted to kill myself I’d climb your ego and jump to your IQ”
Favorite music artist: I don’t have a specific favorite, unfortunately.
Last movie you watched: Spiderman Homecoming! Where can I get myself my own Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
What are you wearing right now: Biker shorts and a black shirt.
Why did you choose your URL: I love dragons. I love ninjas. I’m a female. So female dragon = dragoness and female ninja = kunoichi. Add the fact that I was twelve and a huge weeb (still am). But I love my URL now and it’s like my own trademark since I use it for every other website I’m in. So if y’all see something with ‘dragonesskunoichi’, it’s me.
What did your last relationship teach you: That I’ll always be lonely bECAUSE I’VE NEVER BEEN IN ONE SMFH 
Religious or Spiritual: My family are Christians (Protestant) and I guess I’m active at church but I have some doubts here and there.
Favorite color: Violet, Blue, Black, and uuh, Rose Gold.
Average hours of sleep: 6 to 7 hours.
Lucky number: ....1.
Favorite characters: Arthur Kirkland (APH England), Shiro and Keith (Voltron), Black Hat and Dr. Flug (Villainous), Loki (Avengers), Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice) Gouenji and Kidou (Inazuma Eleven), et cetera.
How many blankets do you sleep with: Only one.
Dream job: To work as a diplomat for the United Nations.
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glideren · 2 years
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aph's incorrect quotes part 5/?
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America, don’t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.
APH Britain, probably.
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glideren · 2 years
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aph's incorrect quotes part 1/?
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glideren · 1 year
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aph's incorrect quotes part 11/?
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glideren · 2 years
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aph's incorrect quotes part 2/?
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glideren · 2 years
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aph's incorrect quotes part 8/?
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glideren · 2 years
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aph's incorrect quotes part 6/?
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