#aph indus
ask-pakistan · 2 years
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Indus Valley Civilization and her baby who wasn’t even born in the timeline she was alive in but i decided to eff that , the mother and son should bond and here is the AU for that. I changed IVC’s clothing just a tad bit to be somewhat historically accurate.
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indus's google searches: "good apology gifts for neighbour" "how to keep your children away from bad influences" "preventing your child from being a delinquent" "how to prevent delinquents from coming into your home"
i think it's probably an accumulation of similar incidents that finally get yao banned from the house lol the third time they end up in trouble yao is kicked out and BANNED from coming back. ever. no matter how mournful aditya looks. no. so he just has to hang out with yao at the park i guess, or at yao's own house. yao's neighbours are greatly saddened by this development but aditya's neighbours heave a sigh of relief
but also imagine indus and nyo china meeting... indus being like "you have done a TERRIBLE job of raising this child he has engaged in so much property destruction!! do you know how much time and resources i need to repair relations with my neighbours now??" and nyo china being like "nah he's a good child look at his acads also ill give you money dw"
also YES she'd bring all sort of cool stuff and stores from around the world for yao and yao probably finds that so much fun... also lmao she probably thinks 1 healthy meal a day is sufficient (no) thank goodness yao is Independent™
parent teacher meetings are going to be so terrifying omg like other parents will try and passive-aggressively talk about the stuff yao has done and she'll be like "eh whatever idc your kid is just not powerful enough" and when the teacher brings up yao's behaviour issues she's just going to be like "he's getting 100s for math even though he hates it i think he's a great child he'll be fine" lmaoooo
ASDLKFDS YEAH poor Indus though.. her searches are such a mood... I feel like she would be pretty successful at getting back in her neighbors’ good books though, especially after booting Yao out lol
That sounds good! (when Aditya tells Yao, he doesn't look at all disappointed and says point blank "just sneak me in, nobody will know". Indus chucks him out by the ear when she finds out and prevents Aditya ever going to visit Yao's house again. Aditya becomes much more studious after this. "I need to go to the library today to do research for history/social studies! I need to stay after school for extra help! I'm going to the string recital today because [insert friend here] is playing!" There is no history project, no extra help session, and no string recital. He is actually just going to Yao's house.) "Yao's neighbors are greatly saddened by this development" THEY SURE WILL BE lmao half the time nyo china is not home and the other half she just gives them free reign to do whatever and just patches their destruction up with money. I think she would like India; he's a little more sunshiney and talkative but just as menacing as Yao sometimes so she can handle it lol.
Also omg the antagonism. At their first meeting Indus goes "oh that's who's been raising Yao this whole time? Imma go chew her out right now brb" also sksksksk THE MONEY... nyo China is truly a pragmatist. Money solves all problems lol
And yeah cool tourist merchandise haha. I think their whole dynamic is just "we kind of got pushed together randomly but it's ok". Yao likes nyo china because she is a moneybag, gives him cool stuff, and lets him do pretty much whatever he wants (fine by him). Nyo China is fine with handling Yao because she doesn't need to do anything for him lol. Mutually beneficial relationship (for those two only. Everyone else suffers.)
Also parent-teacher meetings... the palpable tension in the room lol. I love that everyone is giving the most blatant hints to nyo China that her child is a borderline delinquent and she's like "well if my child is a delinquent your children should get on his level." F in the chat. Nyo China takes one look at Yao's report card, sees the 100s (or A+s) in like every class, and is content. She does not read nor care about the teacher's comments at the bottom that say "mischief child, undisciplined, has been to detention 12 times already, uncooperative and does not like to follow directions. Has few friends or acquaintances, and often gets into disagreements with peers that usually result in physical altercations. Please talk to Wang Yao about his actions at school and discuss how he can improve his behavior." Nyo China just logics it out with "see, these numbers are objective. The teacher's comments are not, and I only deal with facts. Therefore you're totally ok in my book as long as you keep doing well in class." RIP Wang Yao's teacher lol
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peonycats · 3 years
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miscellaneous chibi doodle dump! I've been posting on instagram recently and adding these fun little bonuses to my reposts heheh
characters labelled, from left to right
1) India & Pakistan
2) Tanzania & Uganda
3) Gambia & Senegal
4) India & Indus River Valley Civilization
5) Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic
6) Sapmi & Ainu
7) Ethiopia, Somalia, Oman, Yemen, Iran
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temporal-scribe · 4 years
Hetalia Headcanon: Cradles of Civilization
Cradles of Civilization were the first to emerge in their respective areas and hence have no elder figures/predecessors.
Definition of cradle of civilization: A location where civilization is understood to have independently emerged. 
According to current thinking, there was no single "cradle" of civilization; instead, several cradles of civilization developed independently. 
Current List of Cradles of Civilization: 
Ancient Egypt
Ancient India
Ancient China
Ancient Andes
Honorary mention to Ancient Greece ( Minoan/Mycenaean culture ) and Rome (Roman culture) who are considered as the foundation/cradle of Western Civilization. However, the concensus right now seem to be that they don’t quite fit the definition as they would have been influenced by the other civilizations which emerged earlier in that region... mainly Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. 
These are civilizations so they aren’t really countries although once in a while the lines might blur. Then again, nothing really stops personifications other than art blocks amirite...
As with most academia classifications, there are usually very specific criteria to fulfil. 100% sure there are other pioneer cultures which aren’t in the list due to not fulfilling one criteria or the other but are nevertheless just as important. So, yups.
Information mostly from wiki
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ask-ladylotus · 7 years
Ship with Ancient Greece?
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Hmm,, nice
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elegantturkey · 7 years
People can shut the fuck up about APH China being the oldest country.
The Indus Valley civilisation dates to before 3000 BC and there are evidence of people living in India in the Stone Age.
APH India is older. 
He just doesn’t act like a fucking grandpa.
Fuck off
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qarthadasht-blog · 7 years
RULES:  TAG  NINE  PEOPLE  YOU  WANT  TO  GET  TO KNOW  BETTER Tagged by: @ncfrat​ @splendidanatolia​ (guess i’m in high demand ;-))
Relationship status - single Favourite  colour - gray Lipstick  or  chapstick - ONLY the neutrogena norwegian formula lip moisturizer  Last  song  I  listened to - albatross by foals Last  movie  I  watched - the new beauty and the beast :/ that was a month ago i never watch movies Top  three  TV  shows - it’s always sunny in philadelphia, vikings, hbo rome Top  three characters - aph monaco, libra (fea), spike spiegel (cowboy bebop) Top  three ships - i genuinely have no idea only anysus/his boyfriend is important to me anymore. i’ll just settle for a multitude of fire emblem ships Books  I’m  currently  reading - the king must die by mary renault, the mountain of light by indu sundaresan, and a dance with dragons by you know who
Tagging: @desteapta-te​ @vilavelebita​ @lilli-of-the-mountain​ @liachtaschta​ @cremabamur​ @princepsxfemina @xotlacueponi @zettaina @seekesotsibteadmist
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azveille · 5 years
Le PLFSS 2020 suscite incompréhension et colère chez les médecins
France – Le PLFSS 2020, avec ses 4 milliards d'euros d'économie, suscite, chez les professionnels de santé, incompréhension et colère. Des mouvements sociaux sont d'ores et déjà programmés les 15 octobre et 1er décembre prochains. 
Après les services d'urgence , en grève depuis le mois de mars dernier, le secteur de la psychiatrie, chez qui la crise persiste, et désormais les biologistes médicaux, qui ont décidé, eux aussi, d'une grève illimitée, la réponse apportée par le gouvernement au monde de la santé, dans le PLFSS 2020, a suscité la colère chez les praticiens hospitaliers, des fédérations hospitalières et même des industriels. 
Acte de destruction massive pour les praticiens hospitaliers Les syndicats de praticiens hospitaliers et de jeunes médecins ont été parmi les premiers à réagir. Dans un communiqué intitulé « Le-gouvernement accélère la destruction de l’hôpital public, Action praticien hôpital (APH) et Jeunes médecins « expriment leur colère suite aux annonces conjuguées relatives au Projet de loi de financement de la sécurité sociale (PLFSS) 2020 ». 
Les deux syndicats ne comprennent pas pourquoi les mesures d'urgence sociale qui ont suivi la crise des gilets jaunes sont supportées par l'assurance maladie et non prises en charge par l'État : « Il est inacceptable que l’État se serve ainsi dans les caisses de la Sécurité Sociale pour financer les mesures qu’il décide afin de calmer la colère des citoyens face aux inégalités sociales ». Surtout l'objectif national de dépense de l'assurance maladie (Ondam) a été fixée à 2,1% alors que l'évolution des dépenses est de 4,4%. Pour APH et JM, il s’agit d’«un acte de destruction massive engagé vis-à-vis de tous les citoyens et les professionnels du service public hospitalier ». 
Le Collectif inter-urgences, qui structure la grève des urgences depuis six mois, a lui aussi exprimé sa colère face aux mesures du PLFSS 2020. « L'hôpital hurle ses difficultés de fonctionnement liées à son manque de moyen. Quelle est la réponse du gouvernement ? Il faudra réaliser encore 4 milliards d'euros d'économie supplémentaires ? En votant ce budget vous vous rendez coupable des décès indus de patients et des suicides de soignants pour l'année 2020 ». 
Une nouvelle manifestation hospitalière est prévue le 15 octobre prochain. Du côté des médecins libéraux, l'incompréhension règne La Confédération des syndicats médicaux français (CSMF) note que les efforts d'économie demandés aux libéraux sont plus importants que l'an dernier : « ce projet a pour objectif de réduire les dépenses en actes et prescriptions de 1,235 milliards d’euros en 2020, soit 340 millions de plus que l’année précédente ». 
Résultat, le PLFSS 2020 « va fragiliser des pans entiers de la médecine de ville (biologie, radiologie et autres spécialités) sans lui donner les moyens de se restructurer et de mieux s’organiser pour répondre à la demande en soins dans tous les territoires ! » Même son de cloche du côté du syndicat des médecins libéraux (SML) : « Pour autant si l’affichage d’un Ondam de ville à 2,4%, nettement supérieur à celui des établissements hospitaliers (2,2%) est à saluer, le SML constate que les soins de ville supporteront près du quart des 4,2 milliards d’euros d’économies attendues dont 600 millions d’euros au titre de la maîtrise médicalisée ». 
Néanmoins, le SML salue « la création d'une consultation complexe pour la protection de l'enfance ». Appel à la grève des gardes le samedi après-midi MG France propose un nouveau plan d'organisation des soins financé par le PLFSS. Cette nouvelle organisation s'appuie des horaires de la permanence des soins ambulatoires (PDSA) élargis, dès 18 heures, mais aussi sur l'inscription du samedi matin dans la PDSA. « MG France exige que ces nouveaux horaires de permanence régulée des soins soient inscrits dans le PLFSS 2020 ». 
Sans réponse positive à cette revendication portée par l’ensemble de la profession, MG France appellera le premier décembre les médecins généralistes à la grève des gardes, « le samedi après-midi pour commencer ». Insatisfactions des Fédérations hospitalières Les Fédérations hospitalières ne sont pas plus satisfaites de ce PLFSS. À commencer par la Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF). 
« Avec ce PLFSS, une fois encore et en dépit de tous les efforts financiers réalisés ces dernières années (8,6 Mds€ d’économies en 15 ans ; 1 Md€ de transfert de l’enveloppe hospitalière vers l’enveloppe de ville en 4 ans), les établissements de santé servent de variable d’ajustement avec un transfert du déficit de la Sécurité sociale vers les hôpitaux », a notamment déclaré la FHF dans un communiqué. Pour la Fédération de l'hospitalisation privée (FHP), « cette baisse de l’ONDAM hospitalier est d’autant plus inquiétante que le PLFSS 2020 prévoit plusieurs mesures qui vont impacter le financement des établissements de santé ». 
Quant au nouveau financement de la psychiatrie et des soins de suite et de réadaptation, prévu pour 2021, « il faut différer sa mise en place à 2022 ». La Fédération des centres de lutte contre le cancer, Unicancer , regrette également que « l’ONDAM soit limité à 2,3% au lieu des 2,5% initialement espéré à l’instar de l’année 2019 », mais salue la mise en place « d’un parcours d’accompagnement « après-cancer » [qui] devrait permettre de garantir un accès à un accompagnement aussi bien physique que psychologique, de tous les patients ». 
Quant à la Fédération des établissements hospitaliers non lucratifs (Fehap), elle constate que le « sous ONDAM hospitalier à 2,1%, particulièrement sévère, suscite de notre part de grosses craintes sur le secteur hospitalier, en grande fragilité ». La Fehap demande également « la restitution intégrale des réserves prudentielles des sous ONDAM 2019 hôpital et médico-social du fait de la bonne tenue de ces derniers ».
 Les industriels ne comprennent plus grand chose 
Enfin, les Entreprises du médicament (Leem) ont aussi exprimé leur mécontentement. Rappelons que ce PLFSS prévoit des sanctions pour obliger les industriels à constituer des stocks de médicaments, afin de mettre un terme aux ruptures d'approvisionnement de médicaments d'intérêt thérapeutique majeur. « Le médicament, qui ne représente plus que 12 % des dépenses de santé (contre 15 % il y a dix ans) devra une nouvelle fois supporter près de 50 % des économies de la branche maladie dans le PLFSS 2020 », déplore le Leem. Cet effort demandé aux entreprises du médicament est en contradiction avec les objectifs du 8e conseil stratégique des industries de santé « qui faisaient le pari de l’attractivité de la France dans une compétition internationale de plus en plus vive ». 
Ces mécanismes de régulation seraient à l'origine, selon le Leem, de « l’indisponibilité pour les patients français d’une part de plus en plus importante des médicaments autorisés ailleurs en Europe [...] du déclin de la part des patients français dans les essais cliniques internationaux [...] de la multiplication des ruptures d’approvisionnement », entre autres. Les entreprises françaises ne seraient plus en mesure, non plus, de répondre à la multiplication des appels d'offre hospitaliers infructueux, ne comprendraient plus grand chose aux mécanismes mouvants d'autorisation temporaire d'utilisation (ATU), pas plus qu'à la gestion de la liste en sus. 
Source : MedScape, le 8 octobre 2019
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titoslondon-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.co.uk/15-times-bollywood-celebrities-aced-silk-ethnic-wear/
15 times Bollywood celebrities aced silk ethnic wear
The origin of silk dates back to 27th century BCE, when it is said to have been accidentally discovered by Chinese empress Hsi Ling Shi, and continued to be a well-kept secret among the Chinese royalty till the opening of the Silk Road. Evidence of silk production in India, on the other hand, dates back to the Indus Valley Civilisation between 2450 BC and 2000 BC. The authenticity of the various legends around its origin aside, the sheer luxuriousness of silk remains indisputable.
Its richness and finesse has made silk an instant favourite for festive occasions and weddings. After all, its appropriateness does not need any justification. The luxe fabric has also won favour with a host of celebrities, and their looks are the perfect starting point if you’re looking for inspiration for your wardrobe.
Silk saris, kurtas and lehengas in your favourite Bollywood celebrities’ wardrobes
An eternal champion of the sari, Deepika Padukone prefers her silks old school and elegant. No contemporary updates for this lady, the actor champions wearing the fabric in its original glory with a simple blouse and traditional jewellery. Restrained glamour, if you may. Ditto is the case with Kangana Ranaut and Anushka Sharma, both of whom have been seen sporting Sabyasachi silk saris (Kanjeevaram and Benarasi respectively) recently. The former teamed hers with a contrasting blouse and choker necklace while the latter made a strong case for wearing one at your very own wedding reception. For those who would prefer their silks with a modern update, consider a contemporary blouse. Aditi Rao Hydari and Kiara Advani are all for off-shoulder blouses with their silk lehengas while Ileana D’Cruz goes a step further with a Payal Singhal itsy-bitsy fringe blouse.
The fabric is perfect for brides and her crew alike. Cases in point: Sagarika Ghatge in an Anita Dongre silk lehenga set with gota work for her mehandi and Alia Bhatt in a Raw Mango creation with a fuss-free blouse for a friend’s nuptials. And if you’re looking to sport the fabric beyond the wedding season, let Malaika Arora lead the way. Turns out, a simple printed silk kurta set is not so basic after all.
Browse through our slideshow for some of the best silk ethnic wear pieces seen on Bollywood celebrities.
1/15 Aditi Rao Hydari in Manish Malhotra
Image: Viral Bhayani
Kangana Ranaut in Sabyasachi
Image: Instagram.com/sabyasachiofficial
Ileana D'souza in Payal Singhal
Image: Viral Bhayani
Diana Penty in Anita Dongre
Image: Instagram.com/anitadongre
Deepika Padukone in Sabyasachi
Image: APH Images
Deepika Padukone in Raw Mango
Image: Instagram.com/shaleenanathani
Anushka Sharma in Raw Mango
Image: Instagram.com
Anushka Sharma in Sabyasachi with Virat Kohli
Image: Viral Bayani
Alia Bhatt in Raw Mango
Image: Instagram.com/stylebyami
Sophie Choudry in Manish Malhotra
Image: Viral Bhayani
Sagrika Ghatge in Anita Dongre
Image: Viral Bhayani
Priyanka Chopra
Image: Viral Bhayani
Malaika Arora in Anita Dongre
Image: Viral Bhayani
Kiara Advani in Manish Malhotra
Image: Instagram.com/manishmalhotra05
Karisma Kapoor in Mint n' Oranges
Image: Instagram.com/therealkarismakapoor
The post 15 times Bollywood celebrities aced silk ethnic wear appeared first on VOGUE India.
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askhetaliancients · 9 years
The Big Six
Ancient Egypt - Big Sister of North of Africa
Ancient Ethiopia - Big Brother of Central Africa
China - Big Brother of East Asia
Mesopotamia - Big Brother of the Middle East
Indus: Big Sister of Central Asia
Olmec: Big Sister of Mesoamerica
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hwssouthasia · 9 years
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look it’s mama indus ! 
her bio is here and she was drawn by the lovely izzy-sukeban-jonez
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ask-pakistan · 3 years
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So the earlier Ask got me thinking, what if Pakistan was born from the very start of his history?(like, from Pakistan’s ancient history, from the times of IVC herself) That would make him a very old personification, perhaps older than India himself.
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If that had been the case, perhaps He would’ve been the one to raise Hindustan, as IVC had once done to him. I think that would make for a very fun interpretation, different from my usual one lol
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ask-pakistan · 3 years
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Mama’s little boy.
A little Drabble under the cut lol.
It was hard for him to breathe, it ached everywhere. He couldn’t move. His throat burned, head was spinning.  He couldn’t remember where he was, or why it had gotten so dark so soon.The pain had hit him so intensely he’d lost all his balance and tripped over a few stones, landing face-first into sand. He could feel his muscles spasming under his skin.
It must’ve been one of those times..
He wasn’t able to recall where he fell, or how long he had been lying there. Something he did know was that the pain wasn’t going to get any better any time soon. It was only getting worser.
Distantly, he could make out the vague sounds of people screaming, metals clanking. Men roaring. This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all because he knew. He knew when they screamed like that people die.
He whimpered.
He wanted to get away. He wanted to escape. Those people scared him. They were hurting the villagers and they were going to hurt him too and--
Just then, a gentle hand pressed onto his back. A strange sense of relief washed over Umer. He felt someone softly rubbing circles on the sides of back.
“Do not worry child, i am here for you.” spoke the voice of a woman.
 He couldn’t tell if this was real or the pain had worsened to the point he was starting to hallucinate things. But this was welcome. He was starting to lose consciousness anyway.
The woman carefully dragged him into a warm embrace. His sore little muscles complied to her actions. Her presence seem to calm his nerves. He felt a kiss his temple, “I’ll stay by your side for the night, little boy.”
The sound of carnage were growing distant.
He was content with that.
Alright so i must inform you, i am not the best at English, neither am i a good writer. But i wanted to write something with Baby Umer and IVC anyway. Q__Q This is my first time writing something somewhat seriously. I’m sorry if this was cringe but i tried my best lol.
Englishhh isn’t my only language lol
Some Headcanons:
Umer has dreamt of IVC long before her ruins were discovered in the 1900s. He knew of her presence in a strange innate way, but didn’t know how credible this feeling was. Growing up, he thought he might’ve conjured up the figure of this woman to cope with his sense of loneliness and grief. That was until he visited the ruins of her civilization himself, was when he realized he recognized this place from his dreams. 
I think it would be a fun concept to have the Ancients appear in the dreams of their descendants once in a while lol Now whether their descendants believe they’re real or not is entirely subjective but i think a concept like that would be sweet. I think the link of IVC to Pakistan is kinda deep, in the sense that IVC has ancient sites in nearly all provinces of Pakistan. And Pakistan roughly constitutes the entire region which was once IVC’s territories. 
Growing up, Umer felt like a outcast. Not because of his apparent case of not aging (as compared to humans), but also because he didn’t really fit into a category of what he represented. He had no sense of being a proper “Nation” till very later on. He had seen empires and their personifications running amok with such pride and spirit, like they had it all figured out. I guess Umer kinda envied that. He just needed to find a place of his own.
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ask-pakistan · 4 years
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The one who now rules this land. 
[Predecessor & Successor]
Some Pakistan and IVC Headcannons:
=> IVC and Umer have never met. In fact, the existence of IVC was recently discovered in the 1900s. The period of IVC’s death and Umer’s birth are thousands of years apart.
=> Umer often wonders what IVC would’ve thought had she seen what has become of her land. Would she approve or disapprove of him?
=> The IVC scriptures have still not been deciphered yet so he doesn’t knows what happened or how the IVC declined.
=> Umer likes to think of the personification of IVC as a parent figure for him, even if he doesn’t knows a lot about her and her people yet.
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ask-pakistan · 6 years
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Here.. have some Indus Valley Civilization? Okay it’s Educational Time !
I thought it was time to introduce the Indus Valley Civilization. So IVC was one of the first Bronze Age Civilization ! Not much is known about them since they were discovered fairly recently during the 1920s during the British Raj in one of Pakistan’s provinces such as Sindh etc. They have a script too but as of now it has not been cracked so really not much is known about them. It is theorized that the people of Indus had perished long ago under unknown circumtances so they may or may not have much connection with the current Populations of Pakistan , Eastern Afghanistan and North western India but these are our Heritage sites (since 95% of River Indus is in Pakistan).
Interestingly enough , these people were very peaceful as not a single weapon designed for wars etc has been found. They mainly flourished due to the fertile land supported by the River Indus which has a lot of its tributaries. These people have also built impressive drainage systems and Baths which were quite impressive for their times. Indus Valley along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia was one of the first civilizations to ever flourish and it was the  more widespread out of the three.
I tried to come up with a clothing design for her but look , when i saw those statues , there was tons of nudity , so this was the best i could do (Que the messy af sketch) :
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Good thing they had basic jewelry and cloth back in those days ha ha ha.
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Headcannon time? Well Pak doesn’t knows much Mama IVC since he has never met her. He sees her as the Nation whom he replaced thousands of years later But he still feels a weird connection with her. As this was the Lady to which her people might have owed their origin too , before they became muslims and before ethnic groups and intermixed races were born. IVC herself is very mysterious but guess what? who knows but India might’ve known her and doesn’t remembers much about her. Since Hindustan himself is seen to be an ancient himself.
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Indians and Pakistanis fight because they want to be the ‘rightful’ inheritor of the heritage of Indus and its History. Well to put it into simpler words, in the current republic of “India” , there are people belonging to other civilizations who have scarce relations to Indus , like the people of River Ganges or the South/East Indians, they have a culture and civilization of their own. So the only people in India who can claim the IVC as theirs are only those people who belong to the Provinces bordering Pakistan. But for now , lets begrudgingly call this a “shared heritage” \(--3--)/ peeaaacceee fellas!
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askhetaliancients · 9 years
What are the Ancients body types? (Hourglass, Muscular, Pear.. etc.)
Britannia: Pear Body Type (Muscular)Belgae: Straight Body TypeIndus: Straight Body TypeMaya: Pear Body TypeAncient Greece: Hourglass Body TypeAncient Egypt: Top Hourglass Body TypeAestii: Straight Body TypePhoenicia: Spoon Body Type
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