#anyway yaaaaaaaaaay
einaudis · 4 months
¡Esteban dio una entrevista a un medio de Venezuela! ¡Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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3rdspinspodfics · 2 years
Winterhawk Kisses
read by thirdspin
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eigengrauone · 6 months
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happy 93rd birthday to him. hope it was better than his 9th
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???.??? - PUBLIC
Invisible To Some to IsTheScavengerVideoCute
ITS: Oh- Oh my god it worked!
ITS: Okay, um. Hello, everybody. I think I've finally managed to get a stable connection working.
ITS: I'm going to ask Melodic Cries to send Neuroncat to examine my can and see what's up with the issues I've been having, but in the mean time, if anyone's interested, I'll be more than happy to look at your scavengers or answer your questions.
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elegyofthemoon · 6 months
1, 5, 12, 23 for dan heng :)
Why do you like or dislike this character?
Okay well when I was first playing HSR, I just vibed with him (winded up picking similar choices that he makes) and I was like "See? Dan Heng gets me." But I think what really hyped me up more was like a lot of the cultural references that they put into his character - as Imbibitor Lunae - that made me get reeled in suuuuuuper super hard because I think when I was first looking at the design - and I guess even like the first appearance cutscene - I was staring at the screen like >:O !!! because !!! I KNOW THESE REFERENCES.... I KNOW WHAT THESE ARE REFERRING TO!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!! My mom's culture is very heavily influenced by Buddhism, so I wound up picking up a lot of pieces here and there about the religion itself. So to also see them also expand further with a lot of the references to reincarnation and all that was super fun!
Besides the design and story choices, he's just a guy who cares a lot for his friends. I just want him to be happy :( (and he is with his friends so :> I'm happy) I still get happy thinking about the animated short just because it's so obvious how happy he is now with this life and just... some of the lines too as Imbibitor Lunae OH AND ALSO HIS 4* ONES TOO WITH THE ASCENSION LINES WOOOOO (I just discovered them like a few days ago. I was rabid that day and gnawing on my phone) it stresses on how while he'll still carry the burden of the past, he will continue to strive forward and I was just ; 0 ; ohhhh he's moving on I'm so happy
oh also finding out the dude got his sleep in order (compare between the parting lines between 4* dan heng and IL) made me so ;; v ;; yeah buddy get that sleep fixed ily
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I feel like this is just a given but "Samudrartha" 😭😭Song's so powerful I still get chills when I listen to it ;w;
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Dan Heng's aro in my head :)
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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THIS ONE BECAUSE HE JUST LOOKS VERY HAPPY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I look at it sometimes just so I can go :> and then carry on with my day I'm normal about him I swear--
Also he's pretty in this one :> I like him
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manicplank · 3 months
This may have already been asked and is deep in the headcanon archives, but
How does everyone act in front of their crush? (For the goober (Fake Peppino) it could just be his favorite person)
It has not yet been asked!
How do they act in front of their crush?
Peppino: Very bashful. He'll put on his customer service facade and act "normal". He will be very short in conversation and act more nervous than usual. He lets his low self-esteem get in the way of him making moves on them.
Gustavo: Bashful and goofy. He'll initiate conversation and try to get to know them. He gets giggly and will try to make them laugh. He'll talk about his interests with them as he kicks his little legs like a schoolgirl.
Mr. Stick: He'll be nice to them. Usually, he's pretty curt when it comes to interactions, but around his crush, he actually acts like a decent person. He will compliment them here and there about small things. He will be very subtle.
Pepperman: He talks less about himself and more about them. He tries to get to know them, and he'll compliment them A LOT. He might even offer to paint them sometime (for free). He comes on pretty strong as his social skills aren't the best.
The Vigilante: Very polite and gentlemanly. He'll do small gestures for them that he usually doesn't do; opening the door for them, buying them their favorite food or drink, etc.
The Noise: Acts cocky but gets flustered at times. He tries to act all cool, but he's filled with butterflies and fuzzy feelings. He will flirt with them lightly (but normally, he's a huge flirt anyways).
Noisette: Sweet and giddy. She smiles and giggles a lot. She'll touch them in small ways like a small bump on the shoulder if they say something funny and a hug every time they say hello and goodbye.
Fake Peppino: (Doing favorite person) YAAAAAAAAAAY! YAY YAY! Hello favorite person! Him loves favorite person! He will make little noises of excitement when he see them. He wants hugs! He will nuzzle his head on them! He will hop around in four legs in glee!
Pizzahead: Overly friendly. Super nice to them, treats them differently from most people. He treats them like they matter as opposed to treating them like a peasant. A real "Hey, you!" type of guy.
Pillar John: All of a sudden, this big, outgoing goofball is super shy! He will be a bit quiet, sometimes stumbling and stuttering his words. He's afraid of embarrassing himself in front of them.
Gerome: He gets super friendly. Usually, he's pretty stoic and closed off. Around his crush, he's a decent guy. They'd actually think he's just being nice as opposed to having a crush on him.
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princesseevee06 · 9 months
soso curious abt kurumada taking megumi’s role in ytr… boy what crimes have you committed .
around the time i was still first figuring out this au, i was really struggling on what to do with megumi’s role because i was like: kai is taking keiji’s role here. who would piss off kai bad enough that he’d leave them to die. eventually i decided, well no. even though kai is taking keiji’s role here, he’s still just kai and probably would not do what keiji did in his first trial. so maybe i’m barking up the wrong tree
around the same time, i was also trying to figure out what to do with ranmaru for my au. i didn’t want to just leave him the same with virtually no differences, because i thought “well i’ve given all these characters interesting differences and don’t want to leave ranmaru in the dust” so i ended up incorporating a liiiiil bit of keiji stuff into ranmaru instead. basically, in ytr ranmaru’s parents are detectives, and while he’s not exactly passionate about the business himself he knows a lot about it and feels pressured to pursue it (and therefore tries to act like he knows exactly what he’s talking about when discussing crime and the kidnappers in the death game)
i swear this is relevant to kurumada. ok so. i always thought it would be fun if like in a non-death game scenario ranmaru and kurumada were buddies. and i had this vague memory of in the game kurumada at the police box basically saying he’d had run-ins with the police before 😭 and i was like wouldn’t it be SO funny if that’s how he and ranmaru started chatting in ytr. he gets taken in for something petty and ranmaru is like “man. what did you do this time”
(if there’s any significant things i’m missing on kurumada’s character btw. i have still not watched kurumada’s mini ep. YES i know it’s a crime but the only one i’ve watched all the way through start to finish is kai’s 😭)
and then i had the idea of them actually becoming friends with kurumada being like a “tough love” mentor to ranmaru :) which is all swell and good of course until the both of them get KIDNAPPED
the first trial they get is a duo one, and i had the idea of it taking place in the white room on floor 2 (since i’m pretty sure that’s where ranmaru’s original first trial took place…?). it’s a similar concept to the one with the beds, and basically the premise is that both of them are chained to opposite sides of the room, and they have to figure out a way to both get out before the timer runs out and Bad things happen. however, there’s a catch: each person has a button next to them where if they press it, they are freed, but it instantly kills their trial partner. I think you can see where this is going already
ranmaru and kurumada initially try to work together to get themselves both freed obviously, but as time starts ticking down there with no solutions ranmaru starts freaking out. he doesn’t want to die feeling like his life was wasted not doing anything he really cared about, and in this moment he realizes how much he really wants to live. this combined with the intense panic from the first trial leads him to (purposely? accidentally?) press the button and kill kurumada.
of course, this doesn’t come without its mental toll. once ranmaru comes back to his senses he’s horrified about what he did. but when he meets the others he does a good job of hiding how he’s really feeling (or at least better than kugie, which gets more people focused on her) so no one knows what happened. For now that is
ranmaru also gets hallucinations of kurumada! yaaaaaaaaaay (sarcasm)
anyways yeah i . yeah. free my man kurumada he literally did not do anything wrong
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badomensunleashed · 12 days
Somebody talked about TDOPOM and Ruffilo being a snack (which I super agree like hello??????????? have y'all seen him he's so dreamy) so I come with a gift, an offering if you will, just because we made it we're finally not talking 24/7 about the exes yaaaaaaaaaay anyway, enjoy:
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beantothemax · 15 days
bean's birthday short fics
Siffrin turned around. Isabeau was jogging towards them, a bright smile on his face. 
“Isa!” He called back happily. Isa stopped in front of him. 
Isa put his hand up, his smile dropping at the corners into an easygoing grin. “Okay, okay, that’s enough. I’m putting an end to this bit.” 
Siffrin blew a raspberry, pouting. “Booooo, you’re no fun.” 
Isa laughed. “I know, I know. That’s the way it has to be, though. Anyways, hi!! I was looking for you!! Glad I found you here.” 
‘Here’ happened to be the meadow, where Siffrin tended to nap. Though it wasn’t uncommon for Siffrin and Isa to seek out each other’s company, Siffrin couldn’t help but wonder if there was a specific reason Isa wanted to see them. 
“So. Y’know how you’re a fan of plays and stuff? Guess what.” 
Siffrin stared at Isa. There was no way. There was no possible way he’d... 
“I got us tickets to the one in town!” Isa declared proudly, showing off two slips of paper. Sure enough, they were tickets to the play. 
When Siffrin didn’t respond, Isa hesitated. “...Uh... Sif?” 
Siffrin sprang to life, practically vibrating as he grabbed the tickets. “Holy stars, are you crabbing me-!? Isa!!!! This is amazing!! Thank you??? I wasn’t- I didn’t- Wow!!” 
Isa laughed. “I wasn’t expecting you to be so excited. Kinda glad you are, though.” 
Siffrin wasn’t really one for physical touch, but they felt a very strong desire to hug Isa as tight as he could. Instead he just vibrated in place, grinning. 
“I am. So excited. You and I are going to have the BEST time ever there if it is the last thing I do,” he replied, and Isa laughed again. 
“I’ll hold you to that, then. I’ve never seem this one before, so I’m excited to see it with you,” he said. Siffrin handed the tickets back, and if his hand brushed against Isa’s... Well, he pretended not to notice. 
“You’ll love it, trust me. Oh, and Isa?” 
“Huh-? Yeah, Sif?” 
“...Thank you.” 
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thessalian · 1 month
Thess vs Raintrace
Welp, did it again. Managed to avoid any and all actual main quest. And the side quest I was really aiming for. And the collecting bits I logged back in to do in the first place. Because sometimes I am Like That.
Okay, I am going to head in a Talanah-ward direction. I could just fast travel to that campfire I picked up near the meet-up point, buuuuut I'd really like to get a few more campfires in the area. Maybe pick up that black box on the way. Also ... the map says there's something up there, and the interactive map online says it's another black box and I don't know if I have it or not. So I'll start there.
Well, either the interactive map is lying to me or I somehow got this black box already. Because there is not one there. However, there is a chunk of greenshine. Not much, but made scaling the mountain worth it.
And gliiiiiiiiiiding down--ofuck.
Apparently my stealth armour is not yet so good that things don't notice me when I drift by. Really need to hunt a frostclaw or two at some point. Anyway, I can just hide in this bush until the Clawstriders go away.
Yeah, I checked the hunter bunch but it wanted me to do too many specifics that weren't "target it in its weak spots from hiding until it's dead". I am, however, going to scan and kill that Tremortusk because I understand I'll be seeing one as part of main quest and I want practice.
(I do love it when their weak spots are, like, bigger than I am.)
Right. Black box. And... Why are there Apex Stalkers fucking everywhere right now?!? What did you Oseram lunatics do?!?
Yeah, you can have the missile launchers but I KEEP THE STEALTH FIELD GENERATORS. Okay? Okay. ...Wait. Wut.
So off I go to chase after a guy who was in turn chased by a Thunderjaw. I mean, I get that those buggers can be persistent, but ... what was one even doing here? As we can plainly see, those things crunch the everloving shit out of the ecosystem.
Oh, hi, GAIA. ...Cauldron this way, you say? Well, I'll keep an eye out but I might well end up with a Thunderjaw up in my business soon, so--
Oh. Thunderjaw is dead. But so is Oseram dude. Poor Oseram dude. Aaaaaaaaaand he doesn't have the key on him. ...Okay, either he threw it somewhere as a weapon or something with manual dexterity pickpocketed him--
Yep. Fuck. Clamberjaws. NO I WILL NOT USE THE DISC LAUNCER THANK YOU. Poonk time is now.
One ... and two ... and three right off the damn wall. I rule. Now. Do any of you little fuckers have the key? No. Guess I'll have to go to your nest or whatever. Because of course I get a climbing montage.
...Okay, this is not their nest, but I have a feeling that the approach of the main door of Cauldron: CHI is going to involve, "You can't get in that way; find another entrance" and "another entrance" will be this perfectly triangular hole in the cliff face. But there's no way to climb past it so up the other way.
Key! Okay, back we go.
...Okay, via a couple of campfires and-- Aaaand that rebel camp.
"You're gonna make me work for it, aren't you?" Yeah, well, making you come to me is compensation. You jackasses spread across the camp and I generally kill you all from such long range that I underestimate how far away you were and then spend fifteen minutes looting your corpses. Nice to have one of you close for a change. *silent STRIKE* Also melee is for chumps unless you're absolutely sure where your target is. kthnxbai.
Right. So, back to Danur via a couple of campfires, a rebel camp-- And that question mark.
That question mark is ... a Sunken Cavern, patrolled by Watchers and an acid Clawstrider. Yaaaaaaaaaay. Maybe I'll come back another time.
Here you go, Danur-- Ah, yeah, none of you are in shape for scavenging. Yes, I can do that.
Behemoths? No problem. There's the stomping grounds for one right over there and--
Oh. You want ... different Behemoths. A long way away. Right. Anything a little closer?
Well, you're sending me underwater fairly close to where I have to be to help a friend of mine, so ... yeah, okay.
But first I'm going to go settle down in that shelter. Night is falling in-game, night has fallen out of game, and there is a rebel camp ripe for the picking just across what used to be a highway from my spot. I could probably shoot about half of them without getting out of what passes for bed. So it'll be a nice little bit of hyperfocus-plus-wakeup in the morning.
And then I am going back via the salvager guys because there's a greenshine slab not far south of there and I need it to upgrade a new bow. I have a Sharpshot bow that fires Plasma arrows and Tear arrows. The Tear arrows I might use. The Plasma ones ... meh.
...See, this is why I never really get anywhere. There's always one more thing I need. I need the greenshine slabs. I need that Frostjaw up north. I need bass bits. I need carp bits. I need moonfish bits. I need duck bits.
(Okay, to be fair, I no longer need duck bits. Spent a lot of my jungle time shooting ducks out of the sky for feathers and wishbones. It's a thing.)
Anyway, yeah, the collecting and the crafting is Zen and kind of my jam. Just there are so many kinds of Zen-jam for me in this. Hunting ducks and owls. Hunting machines. Systematically picking off rebels in their camps with them wondering where the fuck the arrows are coming from. Just ... I shouldn't Zen out so much that I don't get the actual story quest done.
This is how I do, apparently. And now I will wind down with, like, Logic Town or House Flipper 2 or something.
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Bunny hey Brutus and yes it Sundrop how it going with your tricycle seriously I’m am so proud of him right now it very great to see you Brutus you know I’m would love to spend time with uncle Brutus seriously very much a lot Brutus wait really that great we’ll not that I’m wanted to ruin the suprise but I’m have tickets for the circus on mystification arcana I’m was planning to invite you two and Zuki to go with me yaaaaaaaaaay as he say putting his arms up with a huge grin on his face
*As he does this, he accidentally loses his balance and falls off the unicycle and onto the floor, and he just blinks his eyes before chuckling as he stands back up.*
Brutus: Come to think about it... where is my homegirl Zuki, anyway?
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transformersmr-hq · 3 months
TFMR LIVES‼️‼️‼️‼️
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shittyclive · 3 months
anyway we are going to play funny mii game now
yipppeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaay
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bellasdressuparchive · 5 months
Been a while but December is finally over so I’m not busy anymore. Yaaaaaaaaaay. I think I missed a cute suit in love nikki. I’m also definitely not getting the task suit now lol. Rude of them to time it around December I think. I completed the fantasy fair in fashion dreamer but I haven’t done anything with the stuff yet.
Anyways this weekend’s contest theme is Dark Woods, and I don’t have a single tree (I have 1 it’s a cherry blossom tree, not exactly fitting the theme lol)
I want the current event suit but all the useful stuff is at the very end and I’m not paying more diamonds than I have too so I didn’t use any of it except the face tattoos.
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I love this demon dude i hate where they positioned his hand it’s always phasing through Nikki
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bisexualroy · 5 years
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this is probably the most points i’ve put out since roy was in a voting gauntlet
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elainemorisi · 3 years
alright, have we theorized that this species has a bona fine biological problem with filial relationships because jeeeeeesus
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