#anti radqueer inclus
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sticks and stones may break my bones but I got fanart and you wasted a few hours of your day seething
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Supporting mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys/turigirls, and other contradictory identities does not make you radqueer. If you support those things, you are in no way radqueer for it, because those identities are harmless and backed by a lot of history and culture (while radqueer identities aren't). Being inclusive does not make you radqueer. Radqueers are lying when they say no one will accept you, because most people are inclusive and they will all accept you <3
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doll-queer · 3 months
Trans schizophrenia flag(inspired by schizophrenia flag)
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An transabled identity where one feels they should have schizophrenia
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cybrthrillz · 5 days
this pride month i want to give appreciation towards those who are often ridiculed or excluded by other queers due to the way you identify. i want to extend my support towards aromantic allosexuals, asexuals and aroaces, lesboys and/or lesbian men, turigirls and/or gay women, mspecs who don't identify as bi, gaybians, straightbians, transfem afabs, transmasc amabs, intersex people, mspec gays, mspec lesbians, and so on! anyone who has been bashed on by your own community just because you don't fit into their strict terms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender or even identify with those things at all!
this month, and every month, i sincerely hope that you feel incredibly proud of yourself for continuing to be yourself and identify as you see fit despite all the discrimination and exclusion you've faced. you deserve to be loved and supported in your own community and have the freedom to explore your identity for yourself, not to appease anyone else. i feel so blessed to have such a supportive audience and i hope to return the favor and be a constant voice of support for all of us.
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inuette · 5 months
Radinclus does NOT mean Radqueer
[PT: Radinclus does not mean Radqueer. END PT.]
 🦴🎀 — proof read by the boyfie & ⛪️ — unedited
essay under the cut due to length
Well, to start with, what do either of these terms even mean? We have an explanation of radqueers (and why the community is flawed) here! If the post is too long for you to read, a basis is: They steal terms from others, support transitioning for terms that never supported it in the first place or that are impossible to transition to (i.e. transracial and/or transage) and their community is full of entirely pro-contact beings (people who support paraphiles, all of them, acting on their paraphilias) and groomers whether a "good radqueer" or not.
But then, what's a radinclus? It's a term that's commonly associated with and mixed up with the term radqueer. Radinclus is short for "radically inclusive," the term generally means one is in support of identities like gaybians, lesboys & veldigirls/turigirls and mspec monos (pan lesbians, bi gays, etc.) All of these terms are known as "contradictory" and/or good faith terms.
So, what's the difference? Radqueers have outright stolen terms and are misusing them, whether using the terms in good faith or because they think it's "cute" or "fun" in some way, they're still being misused and causing harm. These terms belonged to different groups that weren't necessarily queer, but are being taken to mean something they never meant in the first place. Terms that those who are radinclus support have history in queer culture and have existed long before radqueers ever decided to appropriate other groups' terms.
The terms lesboy and veldigirl/turigirl are typically used by systems, those who are multigender or those who are trans and still feel a queer attraction towards women or men. These terms were never meant to be used by solely cisgender heterosexual men or solely cisgender heterosexual women. To say that multigender people who may identify as a man and a woman don't belong in either gay nor lesbian communities IS discrimination. You can be a minority and a marginalized group and discriminate against other marginalized groups, excluding multigender people from these spaces is discrimination. By letting them into your spaces, no, we aren't forcing you to date them. But acknowledge that they exist — acknowledge that gender is different for everyone and because of that, so is sexuality.
For those who are trans and still feel a queer attraction towards the opposite gender, that is entirely valid! The NWLNW (Non-Women Loving Non-Women) and NMLNM (Non-Men Loving Non-Men) terms were historically used by TERFs to discriminate against trans men and women and imply that they were not 'actual men' or 'actual women'. Alternative terms to NWLNW and NMLNM are QLM & QLW (Queer Loving Men and Queer Loving Women). A cisgender heterosexual man would never understand the queer attraction that a trans man might feel towards women, nor would a cisgender heterosexual woman be able to understand the queer attraction towards men that a trans woman may hold. And no, a trans man using the term lesbian or a trans woman using the term gay isn't misgendering themselves — if one label fits them more than another & they're using it in good faith, let them!
Now, what's a 'gaybian'? Or a 'lesgay'? Or a 'straightbian'!? Someone who identifies as both gay & a lesbian (or straight and a lesbian, but we'll be focusing on what a gaybian because the same explanation can be used for other variations). You might be thinking now, well if the definition for lesbian and gay are queer loving men and queer loving women, how can you experience queer attraction to both if you're not both genders? Well, for one, most people who are gaybian are multigender — the way they view their attraction to both genders may be different because of that. They may view themself as both a gay man and a lesbian woman, and that's perfectly valid! If you believe that one or both of their identities as such are invalid or that they need to make their own community, that just means you have internalized biases against multigendered people. Others who may use this term are systems due to the varying genders and orientations between the alters.
Finally, mspec monos, also known as mspec gays or lesbians. Firstly, what does 'mspec' mean? Mspec is short for multispec, which is the umbrella term for identities in which one is attracted to multiple genders — i.e. pansexual, bisexual, omnisexual, etc. How can one be both multispec and lesbian? The most common explanation are those who use SAM, the split-attraction model. Many use the argument that SAM was made for aspecs by aspecs, and therefore mspecs cannot use it, but the first example of the SAM was in 1879 by Karl Heinrich Ulrich who used the example of heteroromantic homosexual in his writings. While romantic and sexual attraction may not be as separate and more intertwined for others, that isn't the case for everyone. Not everyone has to use the split attraction model, but it does work for those who's sexuality and romantic orientations are aimed towards separate genders.
Some people just ARE multispec and gay/lesbian — not understanding an identity isn't an excuse to shit on or discriminate against it. That's not to say blindly accept it, but there is proof and recorded history of these identities existing in the queer community for years. You cannot brush them off as "just a new fad" or "trend" when they've existed since before you did. Most radqueers support harmful beliefs and encourage them, radinclus is the inclusion of identities that have always been apart of our community — but have been thrown to the side for more 'easy to understand' ones. Whether you think they're 'the reason people aren't willing to understand' or not, don't fight against people who're in the same community fighting the same fight as you. There will be people who will hate you whether you're the most 'normal', 'straight-person-looking' lesbian ever or the people that you hate in your own community — the only difference is that when they're driving YOU out, there'll be no one left to help you.
Other Good Faith Identity Resources : Lesboys Carrd , Good Faith Resources Hub , Bi Gay / Lesbian Masterdoc
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There's a picrew called RADCREW and it features stuff like pro- pedophilia, transid, zoophilia, incest, necrophilia, etc..it's very gross and claims being a "critinclus" is being an exclu which it isnt? Anyways just watch out for them. They're gross. Also they're a pro-shipper! Disgusting
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A new proposed lesbian flag! Made by morutefawnn on Twitter!
“based this heavily off the sunset flag, but felt like making it a wee bit more inclusive for people such as intersex and asexual lesbians :3” -Maker of the flag (morutefawnn)
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“Why did doll make a new lesbian flag?”
> To include more lesbians and people who identify as the lesbian label.
“What’s the flags name?”
> there is no proposed name. The creator suggested pastel sunset flag or soft sunset. I suggest grapefruit flag.
“What do the colours mean / What’s the hex codes ?”
#FE9E86 = independence, gender nonconformity
#F6C09C = butch lesbians, nonbinary lesbians
#FEE7BB = lesbian joy, intersex lesbians
#FFFFFF = everyones unique lesbian experience
#FFB2DE = love for those who arent exclusively men
#F091ED = femme and transfem lesbians
#CA69EB = masculine lesbians, ace/aro-spec lesbians
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Anti Prat Kitty Cat Icons
[fixed] low poly cat relief edition
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gnometa233 · 3 months
Hey isn't it crazy how radqueers who think labels don't mean anything call other lgbtq people cishet bootlickers when I've heard both them and bigoted cishets agree that lesbians can sleep with men? Isn't that the literal definition of trying to appeal to cishets, by devaluing labels and saying that anyone can be queer? Funny how that works.
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radqueer takes!!! (hot and cold takes)
cold takes: map x aam relationships arent okay // noncon isnt okay // contact for the big three isnt okay // death threats arent okay (towards anyone, including antis)
hot takes: radqueers should NOT go irl, we appreciate having this space online but radqueers going irl would be dangerous // antis should stay antis and radqueers should stay radqueers (if you want to stay anti/radqueer that is) dont force anyone to be anti and dont force anyone to be radqueer // we honestly understand why antis dont like trace/rcta/similar. we still respect but honestly // i know weve recently crosstagged and supported those with anti undercover accounts (or maybe we just switched), but we change our mind, we should not support that
pls discuss with us about this wed genuinely love to have a conversation about this stuff (this includes antis, radqueers)
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your-rutherfurr · 6 months
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I redesigned the rad inclus flag because why not, I used more neon colours to contrast the soft colours that the safequeers use. Also RAD INCLUS DOES NOT EQUAL RADQUEER!!!
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Awareness of the many unique identities and ways people describe their experience, and awareness of what's harmful whats not
Curiosity to keep learning, never judge a book by its cover!
Acceptance of all sorts of queer people out there
Unity, understanding what does divide us but also trying to bring up all the stuff that unites us all
Diversity, we all are different and unique, we are the spectrum. And it's pretty colourful
Joy, find happiness and euphoria in who you are! Be prideful!
Rad inclus is true inclusion, but not radqueer. What radqueer does is include harmful identities and identities that aren't even queer!!! But rad inclus isn't safequeer because safequeer does excludes those that cause no harm and that are backed by alot of history like mspec gays and lesbians
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shternsystem · 5 months
flag for qlm with stpd!
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inuette · 4 months
Information on Consent
[PT: information on consent. end PT]
 🎠 — proofread by ⛪ — unedited
as someone who lurks in kink communities a lot it's safe to say Ive seen a lot of kink terminology get used within radqueer communities, but never in the way kink is intented, which is safe, sane, consensual, and risk aware. radqueers seem to throw the word "consent" around willy nilly without bothering to actually understand it's meaning. and this goes for WAY more than just sexual stuff within the community. so I thought a little education would be nice, so it is what I will be covering with this post.
what is consent?
[pt: what is consent? end pt]
consent, as described by the oxford dictionary, is permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
consent applies to many stuff, not just sexual advances, from letting someone borrow your pen, to drinking tea, to, according to radqueers, abuse. I will be using the tea euphemism for this essay, as it has, from personal experience, helped people grasp the consent fastest.
it does not simply mean "both parties love eachother", they are not the same, they are not comparable. one can love someone but not consent to certain stuff, or may consent to stuff with those they dont particularly care for on an emotional level.
everything I will talk about here can be found here (youtube link), if you digest information more easily via sound than via text.
if you ask someone if they want tea, then they say "hell yeah, I love tea!" then great, that is active consent. they do indeed want tea.
if they respond with "Im not sure, maybe?", then you can still make that cup of tea if you really want to, but dont be mad if they dont drink it when you offer it to them. and if they dont drink it, dont MAKE them drink it, just because you made it doesnt mean you are entitled to have them drink it. that is not consent
if they respond "no, I dont want tea." then dont make them tea at all. dont be mad at them for not wanting tea, dont annoy them until they give you until they tell you "fine they want tea". that is coercion and it doesnt change their actual mind about whether they want tea or not. it is not consent.
if they say "yes, sure! thank you." but when the tea arrives they don't actually want the tea, dont make them drink it. they may have changed their mind. sure it can be annoying because you went through all that effort to make them tea, but they still have no obligation to drink the tea just because of that. they did want tea, now they dont. it's okay for people to change their minds, dont make them feel guilty of that.
if they decide while drinking that they actually dont want tea, then dont make them drink the rest of it. again, it's okay for people to change their minds, do not make them feel guilty of that.
and if they're unconscious, then don't make them tea at all. unconscious people dont want tea. and they cant answer the question "do you want tea" because theyre unconscious.
you may have asked them when they were conscious and they may have agreed, but now they're unconscious. make sure they're safe, and, this is important, dont make them drink the tea. they may have agreed then, sure, but unconscious people dont want tea.
if they were conscious when they started drinking it but then passed out, dont make them drink the rest of the tea. unconscious. people. dont. want. tea.
if they're not in the right mind, say, intoxicated, or mentally unwell, then dont offer them tea at all, even if they say they want it or deserve it. they are not in the right mind and dont know what they want or need. they need safety, and comfort, not tea. you can offer later when they feel better.
if they said yes to tea once, dont expect tea time always forever whenever you want. dont come up to them unexpectedly and make them drink tea saying "but wanted tea once!". just because they wanted tea one day doesnt mean they want it forever.
do you have a basic understanding of consent now? I hope so!
what falls under consent and what does not?
[pt: what falls under consent and what does not? end pt]
for both parties involed:
are they actively saying "yes, I want it"?
do they know to the fullest extent what they're in for? what they're agreeing to?
are they allowed to change their mind at any given time and have it be respected by the other party?
is there safety precautions? (safe words, some other signal)
are they on an equal level with no power imbalance that could put either party in jeopardy should they change their minds or say no?
if the answer is yes to all of these, great! that falls under consent. if the answer to any of these is "no" or "maybe" then that is not consensual, or safe, for that matter.
keeping that in mind, here is things that dont, or cannot, fall under consent that radqueers believe can.
bodily minor x bodily adult relationships
sibling relationships
physical non-human animal x bodily human relationships
other dynamics with an obvious power imbalance, like student x teacher relationships, boss/manager x lower employee relationships.
abuser x abused relationships
about roleplays
[PT: about roleplays. end PT]
"but Carnie, what abt roleplay! roleplay exists! "
there is nothing here that doesnt apply to roleplay. roleplay is just that, role playing, playing pretend. there is a very obvious boundary between what is roleplay and what isnt.
age play, for example, can be consensual because both parties involved are still bodily adults, and there is no power dynamic besides the one made up FOR the roleplay, that ceases existing when the safe word is said or the signal is alerted, or when they've decided that is enough for that day.
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vamp-luvr999 · 2 months
To TransRAMCOA people, this isn’t me attacking u. I have no interest in harassing those who haven’t done anything to me. But please read this. :
Can somebody explain why you guys use the #ramcoa Tag? Genuine question because us seeing things like “transhandler” or other transharmed/trans harmful things in the Tag Can be triggering.
Not saying u guys Are bad for Ur identities or anything, but why not have ur own Tag? I won’t ever Harass ya’ll but i just wanted to know This is all.
I get ya’ll Want to be accepted but not many Are Open to That. I’d rather Nobody get harassed and Everyone still feel Supporter in a way.
TL;DR — TransRAMCOA Ppl, why not have a Tag of Ur own so u Can still find community And Not feel attacked or be attacked by those who hate/don’t Support ya’ll?? /genq
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Introducing...THE REAL
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Foxqueer flag by @julystruck !!
(No ID yet, will try TwT)
Scared of showing your support to all (good faith) identities? Maybe you have x-phobic friends or family members or you're in a place and you just CANT openly express your pride and support. Well, you can be FOXQUEER (epic guitar riff)
Foxqueer is part of the Queer Stance category. Starting with Radqueer (🤮) and uh...yeah it's kinda a mess right now. Anyways.
Foxqueer portrays the way foxes are sneaky. Showing your pride in secret and stuff!
Foxqueer supports:
Systems of all origin! (No, not transplural and NO ENDO OR WILLOWGENIC IS NOT TRANSPLURAL I WILL S U E YOU!!)
Otherkins! Alterhumans! Therians!
Furries! Fuck you, cringe culture!
Anyone and everyone who needs that support.
Radqueer or its other types
Pro-contact non-consensual paraphilias
People who make Genders relating to harmful paras (ex: pedogender)
Any harmful identitiesterm...
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