#anti daemon x laena
darklinaforever · 7 months
Me, when I see people shipping Gwyn & Azriel (Gwynriel), Elain & Lucien (Elucien), Sophie & Fitz (Sophitz), Shuri & Riri (Shuriri), Jon & Sansa (Jonsa), Wednesday & Xavier (Wavier / Wenvier), Elora & Kit, The Doctor & Donna, Feyre & Tamlin (Feylin), Stiles & Malia (Stalia), Katniss & Gale, Glimmer & Adora (Glimmadora), Dawson & Joey, Addie & Henry, Finn & Rey (Finrey), Rhaenyra & Harwin (Rhaewin), Rhaenyra & Alicent (Rhaenicent), Daemon & Mysaria, Daemon & Laena, Daemon & Nettles, Ross & Rachel (Roschel), Mal & Alina (Malina), Mai & Zuko (Maiko), Katara & Aang (Kataang) :
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saltywinteradult · 4 months
say what you will about rhaenicent but d@emyra having more than twice as many fics on ao3 is proof we have failed as a society
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thephantomofthenight · 11 months
I want to know why everyone treats Aegon as if he’s a little boy with depression who has daddy and mommy issues. Like he’s a grown man that literally r*pes woman, and goes to child fighting pits.
“It didn’t happen in the book!!!!” (even thought it’s mentioned he harassed servants, but I digress cause different takes from different people.) Great, I’m talking about the show where it is very clear what he does. He r*pes servants, r*pes Helaena, and has his own children in a fighting rink. He’s a terrible fucking person.
“But… but… Daemon!!!!” He’s a piece of shit too. I acknowledge that. Now what?
I don’t care if you’re team green, but i constantly see people who just ignore that Aegon is a vile piece of human trash. Y’all see a white man with sad eyes/a nice jaw line and think he’s just a baby when he literally r*pes his own sister.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 6 months
Just saw a TG stan whining in Daemon’s tag: “Rhaenyra got Laenor out of Westeros for her, so she could marry Daemon, not because she wanted to give Laenor a better life.”
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Oh the horror of it all!
Rhaenyra got rid of the dead weight in her life, and found herself a proper Prince Consort who gave her true-born children of House Targaryen, children who continued the Targaryen dynasty after the usurper’s line ended.
I mean, how dare she get herself a proper husband to support her rule and give her children, instead of wasting her time on a man who did nothing for her their entire marriage and spent his time drinking, riding and screwing men?
Laenor should be grateful that Rhaenyra didn’t have him killed. That’s how gracious she is.
I am proud of Daemon and Rhaenyra for taking action and preventing the destruction of their House at the hands of Viserys the Fool by getting rid of their useless spouses (Rhea and Laenor).
Good for them!
Because this right here👇 is a true royal couple:
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Read and weep!
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uchiha-no-hime · 3 months
Confession, I only support the Daemyra. For me, any couple that can be added makes me uncomfortable.
So yeah, I don't root for Leonor, Harwin and Laena as much as I should because I wanted Daemon and Rhaenyra together without as many problems.
For me Daemyra are soulmates
And I really don't give a shit about Velaryon and Harwin as long as we have Daemon and Rhaenyra together from the beginning the way they should have been
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sukibenders · 5 months
Ah, but could Laenyra and Daemyra have existed together? I don't think it was Alicent x Rhaenyra that caused the downgrade of Laena's position within the story, I think it was the framing of Daemon x Rhaenyra. What do you think?
I'm screaming because you don't how giddy I am to answer this anon. I've literally been trying to frame a way to state this exact question you asked, but was struggling so thank you! Okay so, in my opinion, Laenyra and Daemyra definitely could have worked side by side and even together in the show. In the books, I believe, it's alluded that they may have been a throuple and many fans already ship them all together (though some do just use this ship as a shoehorn to rush Daemyra without giving Laena her time to shine as well, which is so stupid but this doesn't go for everyone). There are many ways that this could have been a possibility in the show, had the writers and creators cared about Laena and their other black characters. Rhaenicent could have been over, heck even with some old flames between them here and there, but ultimately Laena and Rhaenyra would be together. And there were ways in the show that this could have been possible, but this brings me to your second point.
Rhaenicent is definitely not the reason for, or at least the sole reason (I'll be generous there) for Laenyra not happening, or for Laena's character downgrade and I feel that by, personally, only blaming the second main queer ship present feels like a cop out, especially since Rhaenyra is able to have other relationships within the show (eg. Harwin and even, briefly, Criston). From episode one, the show frames Daemyra as something that is going to happen one way or another (with Rhaenicent still existing in some way so there goes the point of the former making it impossible for another ship to happen), and when they do get together it's this big thing. If there was ever a ship that the show creators run for the most, my first choice would be Daemyra (especially because they give them more time to shine). However, problems arise with the introduction of Laena, and by problems I mean the creators of the show. They frame Daemyra as the ultimate ship so much that it overshines and overshadows Laena in every aspect---from her as a character to her relationship with both Daemon and Rhaenyra to even her children. Rhaenyra and Alicent have been for a decent amount of time, so at the point of the Driftmark episode and Laena's funeral, it makes no sense to blame Rhaenicent for Laena's lack of character when that should fall on Daemyra (at least in show canon). We see her framed as the second choice to Rhaenyra in Daemon's love life, we hardly see him tell her or show her that he actually loves her, we hardly see him spending time with the kids that they have together. Same with Rhaenyra, as we hardly see them talk to one another again, or even about one another except in passing (with Laena it's mainly about mentioning how Rhaenyra had given birth to another son and for Rhaenyra it was just asking Daemon if he loved her [Laena]). And this is so different from the books where, I believe, Rhaenyra flew over to be with Laena during the birth of her children something of which is a big thing for the crowned heir to do. The creators of HOTD failed at Laenyra and even Laena's relationship with Daemon when they framed Daemyra as being the ship that was destined to be and failed to give Laena character development that she deserved.
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bohemian-nights · 8 months
I can't believe I saw a Tumblr post DEFENDING Rhaenyra for pursuing and wanting to sleep with Daemon at Laena's funeral, they basically said it was because she was a victim of his grooming (which is true she was groomed by him) and she couldn't help herself which is.... Rhaenyra is a grown ass woman, the heir to the iron throne, and is expected to take over and rule once her father passes she knew exactly what she was doing, in the scene with Laena she wasn't a victim she genuinely did not give a fuck about Laena's death or even Harwin for that matter and got with Daemon, now you can say that yeah, Daemon had Rhaenyra believe that they were "soul mates" and that they were meant to be but that is no excuse for her to jump on him the moment his wife's casket hits the bottom on the ocean, and this isn't taking blame of Daemon but.... it's Daemon, expecting Daemon to be a decent human being is almost impossible to hope for. He's the rogue prince who hosted a celebration after his sister-in-law/cousin and nephew's death, who murdered his wife and neglected his own children. And here you have Rhaenyra, who the show tries but fails to put on this progressive feminist pedestal. Rhaenyra is the equivalent of those women who don't care for equality and instead want to power and privilege men all to herself so she can hold power over others, there's no defence for why Rhaenyra chooses YES chooses to sleep with Daemon the night of Laena's funeral, she did it cause she could care less about Laena and because she wanted to, she didn't need to rush to get with Daemon but she did it anyways because SHE DID NOT CARE ABOUT LAENA AND ONLY CARES ABOUT WHAT SHE WANTS! Sorry for the lengthy rant, but seeing how far people will go to defend Rhaenyra's actions and try to infantilze her in order to justify her actions piss me off and it's only going to get worst when Nettles steps onto the scene. They're already finding bullshit excuses to justify her degradation towards Nettles, which means it's just going to get worse. Laena's Character (and people need to shut the hell up about the books and stop using that as a pathetic excuse) did not deserve to be treated that way, Rhaenyra never liked her, she was all to happy to see 12 year old Laena married off the Viserys, she was glaring daggers at her while she danced with Daemon during the wedding feast and of course she could care less seeing Laena's casket dropped to the bottom on the ocean once that means she can get a chance to get with Daemon.
It's very weird. They know that it makes Rhaenyra look pathetic chasing after Daemon(who should’ve told her to f*ck off, but he seems to love the throne/Viserys more than anything so Rhaenyra was an easy way in) when his wife just died, asking him if he was happy with Laena, and begging him to marry her(if a man loves you, you don’t have to beg him for anything) so they come up with a million and one excuses to justify her behavior.
I’ve even seen them try to say that Laena was the one originally in the wrong cause she “stole” Daemon away from Rhaenyra so Rhaenyra was well within her right to go after and reclaim “her man”🫠 (Receipts because I know people will say I’m lying):
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You are right that since Rhaenyra’s wedding, she’s behaved like a jealous cow towards Laena. There is no justification for that considering Daemon could’ve told Laena to f*ck off if he was actually in love with Rhaenyra, but nope. The wedding descends into chaos, Rhaenyra could be trampled, but where is Daemon? Off with Laena. Keep in mind that this is after her a** asks him to take her away and marry her(yes Missy Anne asked him twice🤣) which he doesn’t do, but you know who he does marry instead? Laena didn’t have to beg him to do it(their marriage was f*cked up but she never begged him to be with her. Home boy “chose” her 🤷🏽‍♀️).
Oh god, it’s no wonder why they still are obsessed with Laena 🤣 Imagine being “irrelevant” and having your story f*cked over because of racism, but you still have people mad and jealous of you for existing and making their fave “look bad.”
This is why I laugh when people claim that Dumbnyra has been portrayed as “soulmates” on the show. Like we clearly aren’t watching the same show. Rhaenyra is obsessed with Daemon, but his a** only sees her as a tool.
I’m getting a little distracted myself, but let’s keep in mind that these people justifying a grown a** Rhaenyra, being of sound mind and body, throwing herself at a freshly widowed man are the same ones throwing a hissy fit at Nettles being with Daemon.
If we use their logic, Daemon and Nettles love each other so even if Daemon cheats on Rhaenyra(i.e. unlike in the books they don’t have an open marriage) it should be all good because they can’t help it 🤷🏽‍♀️ They love one another, Daemon would die for Netty, and you just can’t keep a love like that apart. Nettles doesn’t owe Rhaenyra anything (including respect) just like Rhaenyra didn’t owe Laena anything. So it’s fine that Daemon left Rhaenyra’s a** to become dragon food😊 Rhaenyra shouldn’t be mad because it’s love. Right. Right🙃
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ride-thedragon · 8 months
Daemon sees Rhaenyra as an extension of Viserys
He sees Alicent as an extension of Otto
Is Laena just an extension of Corlys and their bond?
The time they spent together in the Stepstones winning it. Him killing her bethroted was because he is his biggest ally.
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Are Baela and Rhaena just extentions of him and his power?
Is that why Rhaenys had so much say in who they wed? Because she isn't insane and sees them as actual people.
Then was Mysaria just a way to piss Viserys and The Royce's off before she became useful to him.
Does he treat Rhea so badly because she's not an extension of the men around her, and he can't get close to them? He even treats them badly.
What are the implications for Nettles?
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burning-daylight · 6 months
laena and rhaenyra this, laena and rhaenyra that. yes, i love them but have you considered… laena and rhea??!?!! two of d@emon’s badass wives. i need more of them.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
TB fans- Aemond shouldn’t have claimed Vhagar at Laena’s funeral!!
Didn’t Rhaenyra also sleep with Laena’s husband the same night?? Daemon did it as well, I know that but it takes two to tango and that’s just complete disrespect from Rhaenyra and Daemon, I stopped liking her after the driftmark episode. I’ve seen TB fans also say that Alicent took advantage of Visery’s grief (I’m talking about a very specific person here) but if we used that logic then wouldn’t Rhaenyra have taken advantage of Daemons grief??
Daemon and Rhaenyra sleeping together didn't offend anyone. They were in their corner. No one ever had to know. Aemond outright clame a dragon is visible regardless and in fact has a much more direct impact on the fact of disrespecting the family of the deceased. Nice try for Rhaenyra taking the advantage of a grieving Daemon, but it's also forgetting that Rhaenyra is also in mourning on her side compared to Harwin. Especially since Daemon has literally been pining for Rhaenyra for 10 years, episode 6 was not subtle about it. Daemon clearly wanted Rhaenyra. Do you see how they look at each other throughout the funeral ? The camera first shows Daemon staring at Rhaenyra. Not the opposite. He clearly pines for her. Rhaenyra didn't take advantage of anything and didn't manipulate Daemon. She was simply honest and shared what she wanted at the time. Nothing to do with Alicent's situation, where Otto literally sent her to seduce (although she didn't want to) Viserys, with the ultimate goal of becoming his queen and producing heirs capable of putting Hightower blood on the throne. Especially since Laena knew very well all along that Daemon loved Rhaenyra (before marrying him). That she wasn't the woman he would have chosen first. She knew that and had clearly made peace with it. So how is Laena offended ? By the time of the funeral, announcing the news to the family and making the trip, she had been dead for several weeks at least. Laena is dead and buried, Daemon and Rhaenyra can do whatever they want from there, especially since they have been discreet and no one has seen them. Once again they didn't hurt anyone. On the other hand, Aemond taking a dragon that the deceased's daughter wanted to try to claim, under the very roof of the deceased's family and fighting with the said daughters of the deceased... Yes, it's really not great for the families concerned. It's simple, Aemond's case concerns the fact of having made a public act and publicly fighting with Laena's daughters among the Velaryons themselves. The case of Daemyra sleeping together has nothing to do with the case of Aemond stealing Vaghar and fighting with the girls (as well as the Velaryon boys). Just like Daemyra sleeping together has nothing to do with the situation of Alicent and Viserys in the first 2 episodes. I can't even believe these 2 things can compare to Daemyra sleeping together. And then why just stop loving Rhaenyra ? I hope you hated Daemon before this and still hate him afterwards. Because if you like Daemon anyway it's a bit weird to specifically say to stop liking just Rhaneyra when it still takes two to get laid.
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harwinsrhaenyra · 2 years
The desire to go full Harwin Strong beating Criston Cole's ass because of some of y'all's reaction to Laena's death is so freaking strong right now.
"AT LEAST NOW HE CAN MARRY RHAENYRA" Christ do you not hear yourself? Laena literally committed suicide so that she wouldn't have to spend hours in agony trying to birth a child that would never live before dying herself. She in, excruciating pain, had to drag herself to Vhagar so that she could make the ultimate decision rather than Daemon who, like Viserys when Aemma was in the exact same position as Laena, had the authority over what would happen to her body. But it's fine because now Daemon is single and able to pursue Rhaenyra (let's ignore that Laenor is still alive though and will have to be got rid of and that Daemon is rumoured to be responsible for his death though). That's the priority we're going with. Good to know *face palms*.
Also it's annoying that Laena's role got cut so significantly like her death (and Harwin's, another victim of this) is so important but we barely got to know these characters and in Laena's case we've had three different actors with limited screentime so we didn't get much development at all. Knowing that they were making her a woman of color, they should've taken more care to develop her and to state her importance. She deserved better.
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greenmeanqueen · 2 years
Daemon and Rhaenyra, Tyrion and Shae, probably Jaime and Cersei....
I should note that the reason strangulation is especially abhorrent for me when its done by a man to a woman is because victims of strangulation, especially in a domestic violence setting, are overwhelmingly female. It starts as a way of exercising control over a partner, but has an extremely high risk of becoming fatal. It’s a sad reality that I don’t enjoy seeing translated onto the page/screen. Strangling is also such a creepily sexualized form of death, especially for women. Sorry I hate to be serious on Tumblr because I'm here for a good time, but I went through domestic abuse myself and it's a sore spot.
thank you for your ask, anon, and don’t apologize!! your feelings are valid. i think so many of us (including myself!) can say that we’re here for a good time, but there are just some things that put a damper on it, and it’s okay to express that.
i think something about the most recent example of this horrible act that especially bothered me was the public outcry. of course, there will always be apologists for this kind of behavior (especially within the tyr!on stans) — but when GOT whitewashed his actions, him murdering shae was perceived as a sympathetic moment for a betrayed man, while with dæmon i’m mainly seeing that it’s “out of character” and the result of faulty writing. which… no. HOTD has had some messy writing, but dæmon being a shitty partner? that’s perfectly in-character. let me count the ways:
blatantly insulting nickname for rhea royce (“bronze bitch”) because how dare he have to marry!! especially a strong-willed woman who won’t kiss his ass!! and for these heinous crimes, dæmon murdered her.
dragging mysaria into his political scheming when all she wanted was to be “liberated from fear”, i.e. survive in a world that had treated her like garbage with her best chance (a privileged man who still had power over her). lying about her pregnancy to spark conflict with his family because he was no longer being considered for the most uncomfortable chair, which could have gotten her killed.
disregarding the wishes of laena to return home and raise her daughters and unborn child on driftmark around her family. treats her like an afterthought, a “consolation wife” because he didn’t get who he really wanted.
grooming his niece rhaenyra since she was a child. and when she dares to no longer worship the ground he walks on, when she dares to know things that he does not (have this shred of power over him), he strangles her.
this has all been there, since episode one. the whole of HOTD so far has been very clear about the kind of partner dæmon is. while everything that has happened in the show is not necessarily book-accurate, his fundamental personality is, and was received well by the GA until the finale. he was never going to magically change because of some “true love” with rhaenyra. she is, and always has been, a victim of him, alongside these other ladies.
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eschercaine · 1 year
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Hmm. 🤔 Lemme check.
In 114 AC, Rhaenyra Targayen, Princess of Dragonstone, took to husband Ser Laenor Velaryon (knighted a fortnight before the wedding, since it was deemed necessary the prince consort be a knight). The bride was seventeen, the groom twenty, and all agreed that they made a handsome couple. — The Rogue Prince
Laenor is older than Rhaenyra? But in the pilot episode, Laenor and Laena looks younger than her. They aged down Alicent, and then they aged down the Velaryon siblings, too. Jeez, these writers and their writing skills.
A year later, in 115 AC, there came a tragic mishap, of the sort that shapes the destiny of kingdoms: the “bronze bitch” of Runestone, Lady Rhea Royce, fell from her horse whilst hawking and cracked her skull upon a stone. She lingered for nine days before finally feeling well enough to leave her bed … only to collapse and die within an hour of rising. A raven was duly sent to Storm’s End, and Lord Baratheon dispatched a messenger by ship to Bloodstone, where Prince Daemon was still struggling to defend his meager kingdom against the men of the Triarchy and their Dornish allies. Daemon flew at once for the Vale. “To put my wife to rest,” he said, though more like it was in the hopes of laying claim to her lands, castles, and incomes. In that he failed; Runestone passed instead to Lady Rhea’s nephew, and when Daemon made appeal to the Eyrie, not only was his claim dismissed, but Lady Jeyne warned him that his presence in the Vale was unwelcome. Prince Daemon fell in love with Laena, the singers would have us believe. Men of a more cynical bent believe the prince saw her as a way to check his own descent. Once seen as his brother’s heir, he had fallen far down in the line of succession, and neither the greens nor the blacks had a place for him … but House Velaryon was powerful enough to defy both parties with impunity. Weary of the Stepstones, and free at last of his “bronze bitch,” Daemon Targaryen asked Lord Corlys for his daughter’s hand in marriage. — The Rogue Prince
One year later since Rhaenyra and Laenor were wed, Daemon marries Laena.
In 118 AC, with the blessing of King Viserys, Rhaenyra announced the betrothal of her two eldest sons to the daughters of Prince Daemon and Lady Laena. Jacaerys was four and Lucerys three, the girls two. And in 119 AC, when Laena found she was with child again, Rhaenyra flew to Driftmark to attend her during the birth. And so it was that the princess was at her good-sister’s side on the third day of that accursed year 120 AC, the Year of the Red Spring. A day and a night of labor left Laena Velaryon pale and weak, but finally she gave birth to the son Prince Daemon had so long desired—but the babe was twisted and malformed, and died within the hour. Nor did his mother long survive him. Her grueling labor had drained all of Lady Laena’s strength, and grief weakened her still further, making her helpless before the onset of childbed fever. — The Rogue Prince
Laena died in 120 AC after three days of sickness and then her brother, Laenor, followed shortly after.
Lady Laena’s death was the first tragedy of 120 AC, but it would not be the last. For this was to be the year when many of the long-simmering tensions and jealousies that had plagued the Seven Kingdoms finally came to a boil, a year when many and more would have reason to wail and grieve and rend their garments … though none more than the Sea Snake, Lord Corlys Velaryon, and his noble wife, Princess Rhaenys, she who might have been a queen. The Lord of the Tides and his lady were still in mourning for their beloved daughter when the Stranger came again, to carry off their son. Ser Laenor Velaryon, husband to the Princess Rhaenyra and the putative father of her children, was slain whilst attending a fair in Spicetown, stabbed to death by his friend and companion Ser Qarl Correy. The two men had been quarreling loudly before blades were drawn, merchants at the fair told Lord Velaryon when he came to collect his son’s body. — The Rogue Prince
Oh, and after Ser Laenor’s funeral, the little shit, Aemond, stole Vhagar. However, before that, he slapped Joffrey, a boy of three, shouted at him to be quiet, then shoved him backward into a pile of dragon droppings.
And at the end of 120 AC, Daemon and Rhaenyra married and she gave birth to Aegon.
And thus that dreadful year 120 AC ended as it begun, with a woman laboring in childbirth. Princess Rhaenyra’s pregnancy had a happier outcome than Lady Laena’s had. As the year waned, she brought forth a small but robust son, a pale princeling with dark purple eyes and pale silvery hair. She named him Aegon. Prince Daemon had at last a living son of his own blood … and this new prince, unlike his three half brothers, was plainly a Targaryen. In King’s Landing, Queen Alicent grew most wroth when she learned the babe had been named Aegon, taking it for a slight against her own Aegon … which it most certainly was. (Hereafter, we will refer to Queen Alicent’s son as Aegon the Elder and Princess Rhaenyra’s son as Aegon the Younger). — The Rogue Prince
Remember, timelines are important, folks! However, the writers just ignored all of it and expects the viewers to follow their lead without getting confused in every episode, just to get to the damn war that lasted for what? 2 years?
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queensof-my-heart · 2 years
Laena deserved so much better than that bullshit change to her death and her relationship with Daemon. (I don’t even really like that ship but how he treated her in the show is beyond out of character and odd)
My Laena x Rhaenyra heart dies a bit at the fact we only heard them say seven words to each other. Yet we have useless scenes of her having a ‘friendship’ with Alicent.
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bohemian-nights · 8 months
If Rhaenyra, Laena, and Daemon actually were f*cking one another all three of them are the dumbest people to walk the earth if not one of them thought “Daemon should try and get Rhaenyra pregnant” especially since she was dealing with the bastard rumors
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That's the main reason why I don't believe they had some kind of weird throuple going on. If nothing else, Daemon at the very least would've impregnated Rhaenyra to have his son on the throne(an accident would've befallen over the older strong boys and Joffrey would not have existed) if they had actually been f*cking while Laena was alive 🤷🏽‍♀️
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ride-thedragon · 10 months
"Daemon suffered for ten years yearning to be at Rhaenyra’s side again"
Caribbean men would ruin y'alls lives.
I assure you he wasn't crying tears of sadness when conceiving his three kids.
All he does is perpetuate arbitrary cycles of inadequacy for the women in his lives to fall victim to. I don't think we've seen him love a woman unconditionally.
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