#anti Glimbow
spopsalt · 5 months
Bow x Glimmer was so stuffed in and rushed in season 5, it'd be funny if it weren't so sad. Kind of reminds me of another ship that's worse considering it's toxic, even more rushed, and incest *cough* catradora *cough*
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shyrgyrryn · 10 months
Pairings, specifically canon ones, whose defining 'shipping moments' are literally just the two characters being friends or caring for each like a good friend would are so annoying to me. Especially if those characters have been friends for years or sometimes even decades. "Aw, they're so in love<3," and it's two characters who have been friends for years hugging because one of them almost died! Like, duh, they're gonna hug! If I had to read between the lines or listen to shipper theories to understand the 'romance', maybe it wasn't there in the first place.
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todomemolesta18 · 6 months
You wanna know what this two ships have in common?
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They are good friends, but they were forced by the writters to end up together. Like, im not gonna be an hypocrite, i love the friends to lovers trope, but with this two ships it feels... forced. They could have been just friends!
With Starco, oh boy, a lot of people already talked about the problems and bad writting.
And Gimblow, people didnt see it AT ALL. Like, people who watched it tough at first that Glimmers "i love you" was platonic. And for good reasons!
Is okay if you ship them, but that doesnt mean that the writting is good. If it was, I wouldnt mind it. But sadly thats not the case.
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“I think Glimmer and Adora honestly have more romantic chemistry than Glimmer and Bow.”
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fatcatfatcat · 1 year
Sooo uh.
Just finished she-ra season 5 and well that was a mess!
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hoolay-boobs · 3 months
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Back at it with my salty memes 💝
Part 1 of Bisexual Salty Memes
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Hoooooo boy,the 'we need more unsanitazed gay/bi/trans media' gang isn't gonna like this one(To clarify:I am insulting the second half of this)
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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“sexy and evil” say it with me.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Glimbow antis are hilarious because they'll be like, "Catradora was teased from the very beginning in Princess Prom in Season One but Glimbow came out of NOWHERE! They just threw it in there allll the way at the very end with NO sign of it at all until Princess Prom in Season One."
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proglimbow · 2 years
Congrats to Nate Stevenson for pissing so many people off with a preschooler cartoon
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spopsalt · 5 months
Honestly, if spop wanted a cute, healthy, non-rushed wlw relationship....Glimmer was right there. They had some chemistry beforehand, and both treated the other with kindness and respect, they are not adoptive sisters, Glimmer was an amazing friend to Adora except in season 4 but she did geuinely apologize for it, immediately feels bad when she notices that she hurt Adora's feelings, tells Adora's that it's ok not to be perfect, tells Adora she's not to blame when Bow got hurt, comforts her when she freaks out, and is overall just a much better love interest for Adora, and I mean come on, the hottub scene, there's nothing straight about that. It's so frustrating, she was right there but for some reason the writing team was like "Even though we have a perfectly good love interest for Adora, let's have Glimmer date her boy-best friend because a boy and girl can't just be best friends and let's have Adora date her abusive catgirl sister! Great job!"
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cherrytea556 · 2 years
Glimmer vs Catra: How and how not to do an apology
People argue that their not the same character because of the intent of their actions which their correct but I dont think we talk about how they apologized. Lets start with their first apologies in s1 ep2:
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(Its not the full apologies because god dammit i cant find the screenshot but bare with me) We see glimmer acknowledge what she done wrong and also take accountability, acknowledge what she shouldve done. This is a key aspect in apologies, you would want the person to acknowledge what they did to you is wrong and thats what glimmer did. This is a good apology. Catra on the other hand
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This wouldve been fine (still odd given she was angry after tasing adora but lets just give a benefit of a doubt) if she didnt threaten to taze adora again minutes after ('or do i need to zap you again') We have no accountability, no acknowledgment of what they shouldve done, its just saying sorry like they rather move on than properly apologising. If anyones gonna bring up her 'redemption', lets now get onto s5:
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Both apologies took accountability ('i made a mistake with the heart of etheria'), acknowledge what they shouldve done ('I shouldve listen to you'), understanding that they may not forgive them and accept it while also reminding them that they'll be there for them despite that. So, what about catra?
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Thats it. No accountability, no acknowledgement of what they shouldve done, no reminder of being there for them even if they dont accept the apology, none of that. Considering this is an apology to someone she betrayed, electrocuted and sent her to a place where she almost died, its the most half ass shit i seen. This just bare minimum like the first one, its again like they wanna move on than genuinely apologizing for it.
And thats one of the differences between catra and glimmer, how their not the same. Its because while glimmer always knew how to properly apologized, catra never did.
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
broke: catradora or glimadora by themselves
woke: glitradora
bespoke: adora's princess harem
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angy-glimmy · 4 months
This is crazy how the spop fandom, especially when it's dealing with the pairings and ships in the series, was ABSOLUTELY toxic as hell :/
I think it ruined a lot of things to be honest, and I'm very glad I was never part of any of the dramas or the antis wars or whatever... Of the fandom in general, despite just being in contact with *some* people, who were nice and good.
I mean... For example, you can dislike a ship, or like one more than another, but just spreading the hate and the insults that was spread... That's kinda inhuman and rude :/ Same goes for a specific character or a scene, I mean... Come on, do you think being rude is going to help make it better? Spoilers: nope.
Today, I am almost ashamed sometimes to be a Glimmadora shipper and to post online, because of what most of Glimmadora shippers had done... The hate that was spread, especially towards Catra, or in the fandom Catradora or other shippers :/ I DO NOT want to receive that hate. I am NOT like them. And everyone should have been respectful, because it has ruined the vision of Glimmadora or JUST the vision of the friendship between the girls. And same goes with Catra.
I am personally a nice multishipper who appreciates almost everything... I have my preferences, of course, but it does not forbid me from appreciating OR being neutral towards other things of the show :/ Spop is not perfect at all, there are many things in the story and the character telling that are kind of wrong and badly handled, but it does not mean it's still not a good show, with good things and really interesting characters :/ People hating on Catra or Glimmer I really can't stand any of you anymore, especially if it's just to insult without even thinking. (Counting that both of them are kinda alike when we see the parallels, especially in season 4, but well-)
Well, that's all for me, I just needed to do a post related to that... I have seen a lot of hate content about Spop recently, and I just think it's important to remind people to be, I don't know, *respectful*? It's not hard to be huh. Spreading hate was never the solution, and I find it sad that most good, nice and caring Glimmadora shippers like me, who respect others deeply, are put in the same basket because people just thought being disrespectful and mean would be the solution.
Catradora is canon. Glimbow is canon. Scorfuma also is. As well as Rogelio x Kyle x Lonnie. And that's great, that's the way the series intended to do and to go. But it does not prevent from creating AUs or alternative universes where your ship could be canon! It does NOT mean you should spread hate on official and canon ships, GOSH. And the reverse is the SAME. Stop spreading hate. Spread love, respect and neutrality. You can give your opinion, but BE RESPECTFUL. And NICE.
And I swear to Grayskull if ANYONE EVER insults me on liking Glimmadora a little more than other ships (I'm a multishipper I do like Catradora and Glimbow don't get me wrong), I will commit arson on you with the help of Sea Hawk setting one of his boats on FIRE. (That was for the joke, I stop my very long post here sorryyy I'm just tired of seeing so much hate spread :])
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catradoratwtgoodies · 2 years
This isn't really an ask, lmao, but I keep seeing so many anti-Catradoras and pro-Glimmadoras. I personally don't ship Glimmadora. Glimmer and Adora always just seemed like super, super close friends to me. Like, you can be wlw and have a wlw friend and have absolutely nothing romantic going on. I also feel like a lot of people who ship Glimmadora (not all) do so because they absolutely hate Catra and believe that Catradora is toxic. I don't understand why people believe Catradora is toxic when Adora made it clear she wouldn't pursue any sort of relationship with Catra if she continued behaving in a violent manner. That's also ignoring the fact that Catra literally sacrificed everything for Adora more than once. I'm also of the unpopular opinion that Glimbow was hinted at throughout the show, not as heavily as Catradora, but the two were clearly in love with each other the whole time. Also, two queer people in a het relationship exist, lmao.
I guess I'm just curious, what are your thoughts on this whole thing? Lmoa.
I’m so tired of the glimmadora vs catradora ship war.
Glimmadora shippers don’t even enjoy glimmadora it seems all they do is complain about catradora and how “toxic” it is, but completely ignore all Glimmer’s toxic behavior. I don’t get why they must spend all their time hating on catradora when they can just make positive content for their own ship?
I saw someone make a great point that most new g/a fics are just Catra bash fests and that’s so true. They’re obsessed with Catra getting the “consequences of her actions and punishing her”. It’s weird! This is a sparkly princess show for kids if you want to see female characters get awfully punished go watch got or something.
I also loathe their points that Catra guilt tripped Adora in her confession or something or that the show frames Adora leaving the Horde as a bad thing. Those arguments are made in very bad faith and I wonder if those people even watched the show. Catra and Adora only get together when they’ve both unlearned their toxic behavior.
Glimbow was also hinted a lot in season 1 and 4. The only people I’ve seen who are mad about them are either racist or biphobic.
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