#anthony bridgerton x Oc
mschievousx · 1 day
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
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viii. eight: it was over
"save me!"
the young silva exclaimed with worry in her voice. funny, actually, how their game of house turned into an action-themed drama—much like this story.
nevertheless, gregory came running towards her as hyacinth and benedict start to seemingly attack the young girl.
"here i am, princess!" the boy exclaimed, raising his wooden sword and pointing it to the enemies.
hyacinth turned to him and raised her hands, the cloak falling from her shoulders, "i am the witch!"
raine tried her best not to laugh at the expressions of the children, utterly invested in their roles. benedict neared her, gaining gregory's attention and bolting to them to save her.
their play, however, was interrupted when major thorpe walked to them and called for the silva, "my lady."
she raised her head and turned to him. gilbert was not an emotional one, but his voice currently carried urgency. she excused herself from the children as she walked to him. the major did not say anything else and simply turned. benedict did not understand, really, why his feet felt the need to follow them.
they arrived at the back of the bridgerton's house, a man waiting who seemed to have jumped over the wall. he was covered, cloaked as if in disguise. the man turned to her with noticeable deep scratches and wounds.
"raphael?" she called with disbelief, clasping her hands together as she immediately went to hug him—lightly so as to avoid the wounds.
at the sight of her, the colonel let out a sound that could be mistake as a sob as he took the young girl's face on his palms, "raine, i am so so sorry."
she looked up at him from the hug, as if to read his eyes, and she did not need to hear whatever he was going to say to know what has happened. she shut her eyes closed and pulled away, placing her own palms to cover her face.
raphael put his hand inside his coat, getting the letter that was written by her father. he brushed her hair as he passed the paper.
with palms already a bit wet, she took the letter begrudgingly, already knowing its contents. raine opened it just as benedict neared her, placing a hand on her shoulder. his eyes were at her to maintain the privacy of the letter.
my dear daughter,
well, it is fucking unfortunate, isn't it? i apologise if the only thing that will return to you after all this time is this letter. i am sorry this is what our family has become. perhaps, i should have taken notes from edmund and had eight children as well. this way, you would not be alone right now.
tragic, really. my chest hurts like hell and my shoulder numb. your mother and brother has been calling for me. i am afraid i must answer to them. raphael will tell you everything. hopefully, i have trained him best, enough at the very least, to not die in the process. oh, i really hope he is not as stupid to die without ensuring you receive this letter. what else can i say? you already know i love you more than anything. make a concerto for me too. i do not want that calmness you did for your mother, or that hopefulness for your brother. i want mine to sound cruel and pure of malice. i want mine to sound like a declaration of war—a symbol of spite even in my grave.
know that you can do this. this is not the end but its beginning.
káne ton thánato perífano na mas párei.
your handsome father,
armand silva
raine shut her eyes closed once again, hugging the letter on her chest as her lips whimpered, "please, no..."
her legs gave out in hopelessness as benedict's touch tightened to her at once, holding her close to him as he keep her up. maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you tight when you are at your worst.
"let us go inside. the children must not see this." the bridgerton said, guiding her towards the home as the two men followed.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
they stepped in through the back door, passing the drawing room in the process. anthony and kate stopped their conversation just as violet raised her head from her tea, standing up at once at the state of the four.
"loraine? what is happening?" she questioned in concern, not sure to walk to her or not as she was being assisted by her son.
anthony and kate stood as well in alarm. the viscount caught sight of raphael and understood what this could be about. he dodged the furnitures in the way as he led them, "to my study."
everyone in the room followed suit with heavy steps as they crossed the hall. now crowding anthony's study, benedict let her sit on the couch, providing her his handkerchief as well.
raphael sat on another chair at the side while the rest remained standing in anticipation and worry. anthony sat on the edge of his table, arms crossed while lightly biting his lips.
raine let out a heavy sigh, trying her best not to let her voice break, "father has passed."
anthong uncrossed his arms, placing his right palm on his forehead, his head casted down in defeat.
"god..." violet muttered in sorrow, closing her eyes as well as kate neared the woman, both supporting each other. they were aching for the girl in front of them.
as she opened her eyes again, her gaze landed on the wounded man this time. she spoke in a solemn manner, "does the guest need to rest for the moment?"
"no, lady bridgerton. thank you," he replied, sitting up from his leaning as he interlaced his fingers in seriousness, "but i must relay the current circumstances to the lady as soon as possible."
he did not continue as if waiting for loraine's permission that it was alright to divulge such information in the presence of other people. the young silva nodded absentmindedly, staring into nothing.
raphael understood what she meant and inhaled deeply, revealing the causes of it all, "general has discovered an anomaly in the communications and reports across brigades and regiments six months ago.someone has been tampering and altering the papers, giving false reports and causing miscommunication. just before we returned here for your debut, two battalions fought each other, unaware of their british ancestry."
he turned to address the silva solely, "that is what your father has been working on, believing that we may get hints here in central london."
she thought back on the moments her father was almost not present, missing events and time with her. she even ranted about it without even knowing the gravity of her father's duties. she wanted to slap her past self.
"and we did." the colonel continued, "on the day our carriage was attacked when we were going to the ball," he paused, clicking his tongue with hate in his following words.
"i would never miss the shine of the british insignia."
raine, for the nth time of the day, shut her eyes closed at the information. realising the gravity of the situation, she could not help but mutter in pessimism just what the people in the room were thinking as well.
anthony, as the viscount of the house, interjected, "if that is the case, you both have to stay here."
raphael stood up, turning to the man with respect, "lord bridgerton, i appreciate the thought but we cannot. our presence here right now endangers your family already."
he was not wrong about that at all, but the other was adamant on ensuring their safety, "the family is acquainted to the queen and close to her confidant. we do not know if the queen is involved or not, but at the very least, that will offer even the slightest protection than being out at all."
"anthony..." raine called, unsure what to say next. she would like that, in all honesty, as this was the only other home she ever knew. but, she also would not like to put them all at risk.
he turned to her reassuringly, "there is nothing to worry about. people will not bat an eye in you staying here longer as you have always did, and raphael will simply not let people catch a glimpse of him." he looked at the wounded man with no offense, "which i assume must be easy for a colonel."
raine nodded at anthony's plan, accepting it as raphael conceded as well, following whatever sound decision the daughter of his superior would make.
the girl raised her eyes to the dowager in pure shame of their temporary solution, "i apologise, violet."
the matriarch neared her on the couch as she placed a hand on her back and her chin on top of the girl's head, hugging her for what little comfort she could offer.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
loraine was no stranger to staying up late and deep into the night. she has always loved it, and the joy that the silence would bring her was comforting.
now, although void of joy, she still looks for the same comfort under the same sky.
"do you need anything?" benedict entered the drawing room, sitting across the lady so as to not disturb her peace—if she had any left.
raine sneered weakly, "aside from my family? nothing."
"anthony told me." he began, his guilt starting to show, "i am really sorry i was not there with you at the ball."
she did not reply immediately. in fact, she did not reply at all. she was not petty. she understood that it was not an obligation for him to be there at that moment. and so, she settled with a nod for acknowledgement.
"do you want to talk about it right now?" he continued to ask, wanting whatever it is between them to disappear so that the young lady would have less on her plate.
"you do not have anything to be sorry for." she replied in a very exhausted voice, wanting everything to be just done with.
benedict chose to explain his side nonetheless, "i was with lady arnold. we—"
"i know." she interjected pointedly without intending to sound bitter.
"no. not like that." he defended with a sigh, "we met at the hawkins balloon, and she was a follower of the sciences you were enjoying."
it was lost between them—whatever they are now. they were not each other's, but they could not deny the feeling of possession.
"i met her at the ball again and mr. cooper joined us after a while. they were teaching me about their stuff... just like you have always done in the past."
she did not want to care. she should not have cared at all, yet she replied, "what about?"
he smiled at her inquiry, taking it as a sign of even her slightest regard for him, "i could not bother to listen to them."
raine did not know what to say. even in this time, he could make her feel something other than pain. however, the exhaustion is too much, pounding whatever warmness she might have felt. he was exhausting—the push and pull he was doing.
"i would like to be by myself, please."
benedict opened his mouth, likely to insist he stay, but he closed it as he casted his eyes downwards. he exhaled and nodded resignedly, pushing himself up from the chair, looking at her last before turning to leave.
"good night."
she just wants to go home, but nothing feels like home anymore. so, no later, she stood as well and made her way to the piano. in the dead of night, she was thankful for the moonlight as she sat in front of the instrument.
there is something big coming—bigger than love, bigger than loneliness.
in the midst of despair, she decided to write the piece her father wanted and she's staying up all night for it. she has thought for it to sound like mozart's lacrimosa but went against it in an instant. lacrimosa was weeping, mournful even. but her father? she was certain armand did not shed a single tear against his fate. he would have gritted his teeth and spat the blood on the fate's face.
and so, she slammed her fingers on the keys, note per note, octave per octave. while the tune was full of hurt, it was not the type that would make you curl in bed. it was the kind that would make you stand and run... faster, faster than you ever can.
for what is hurt but the prelude to rage. and once the pain goes away, the real battle starts.
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks @perseny @everavenclaw @datingbtr @peetahpahkah @omy0
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bumblesimagines · 19 days
The Clouds and The Stars
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Request: Yes or No
Sequel one shot to The Sun and Moon!
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Married life... such a curious thing. Many grew up with an expectation as to how it would be, mostly based on their own parents' relationship. There were the happy parents who formed a love match and loved each other with their whole hearts. There were the friendly parents who were more friends than partners but still cared for one another. Then, there were the saddening parents who either due to a forced marriage or perhaps because of time grew to despise each other, only tolerating each other for the sake of their children whom they unknowingly harm with their arguments and jabs. 
(Y/N) grew up with friendly parents. Lucy and Henry had ended their respective social seasons by marrying under the guise of being madly in love in order to chase after what they truly wanted, even if their desires had to be kept behind closed doors and only exposed to trusted individuals. Secrecy had always been a part of his life, even when it involved marriage, and he supposed now, as he lied in bed and watched the sun peek through the curtains, he'd truly followed in his parents' footsteps. At least, however, he'd found someone. Found more than one, in fact. 
"Love," (Y/N) couldn't help but smile as Anthony sighed into his ear, his muscular arm tightening around him and pulling him closer to his chest. Anthony buried his face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply, lips pressing against his skin before he hooked his chin over (Y/N)'s shoulder. He gently nudged him, a soft grunt leaving him when (Y/N) remained still. "Love."
"What is it?" (Y/N) chuckled and finally shifted, moving onto his back and peering up at Anthony when he propped himself up onto his elbow. Anthony smiled at him, cheeky and pleased, one hand moving to cup his face and rub his thumb soothingly over his cheek, a warm twinkle in his dark eyes. (Y/N) felt his skin flush under such an adoring gaze. 
"I simply wished to see my husband's beautiful face, is all." Anthony cooed, and (Y/N) smile widened tenfold, a bashful and breathy laugh escaping him. They weren't married to each other, not legally or in the eyes of the church at least, but in their hearts and to their families they were. Many in the ton suspected but with Queen Charlotte's silence and Lady Whistledown calling their dance together a 'much-needed change for such dreary balls', anyone with suspicions or beliefs remained silent. Of course, they still had to remain a secret, lest someone grew annoyed enough to reach out to the church. 
"Such a charmer, Anthony." (Y/N) spoke teasingly, sighing softly against Anthony's mouth when he swooped down to kiss him. Anthony pressed harder against his lips and fully rolled over, laying ontop of the painter and only pulling away to trail kisses down his jawline and to his neck. Always so hungry, so needy and clingy. "Anthony, we have things to do-"
"They can wait," Anthony murmured against his skin, one hand slipping under his shirt while the other took his hand and locked their fingers together. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and released a breathy laugh, breath nearly hitching when Anthony needily rolled his hips. "We have time."
"It's an important day, Anthony. Francesca will need her brother today, you know." (Y/N) reminded him, dipping his fingers beneath Anthony's chin and gripping it lightly so he could tilt his head up. Anthony sighed dramatically, putting his full weight down on him and bringing their intertwined hands toward his face, a gentle kiss pressing against the back of (Y/N)'s hand. (Y/N) smiled.
"Suppose we should be quick, then." Anthony grinned mischievously, his free hand pushing up (Y/N)'s shirt and head dipping to pepper kisses along his stomach. 
"Anthony!" (Y/N) tried not to laugh too loudly, mindful of those still slumbering in the nearby rooms. He could hear the maids and servants bustling around, likely readying the house and preparing breakfast. Such a big day for the Bridgerton family again, and yet, there lied the Viscount, acting like a hormonal boy all over again. (Y/N) swatted at his shoulder and pushed himself up but it only prompted Anthony's head to dip even lower. "Anthony Bridgerton!"
Releasing a muffled laugh, Anthony finally relented and sat back, his hand still keeping an iron grip on (Y/N)'s no matter how hard the painter trying to pull back. (Y/N) groaned again in fake annoyance that only made Anthony giggle like a child and reach out to pull him onto his lap. He leaned in, pressing their lips together again. (Y/N) melted against him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, squeezing Anthony's hand and feeling his fingers tighten even more. 
"If only-" (Y/N) leaned back, briefly interrupted when Anthony pecked his lips again. "-you put this much effort into having an heir with Steph." 
"Mm, I've been busy and she seems more than content with her... lady friends," Anthony said, nuzzling his face into (Y/N)'s chest. "If you'd been a lady, I'm certain you'd be expecting by now." 
"Yes, I'm aware. You've made that abundantly clear, Lord Bridgerton. I don't understand how you can have this much stamina." (Y/N) shook his head with a soft laugh, sweetly kissing the top of his head and exhaling softly. "But, I am not a lady nor your wife, Anthony. You need an heir. I'm sure it won't take too many attempts."
"And what of you and Kate? I'm sure you nor she will have this difficulty if you try for children of your own. We have each other's blessings, you know. If you'd like to have a child-"
"We've been breaching the topic, actually." (Y/N) revealed, finally untangling his hand from Anthony's and rising up from the bed, searching for the clothes he kept in Anthony's home for days he spent the night. Because of their predicament regarding Anthony's position as Viscount and their inability to wed publicly or have children, both men agreed to take on brides. Stephanie provided the perfect candidate for Viscountess and (Y/N) had always held affection for Kate. "She's more than happy to have children. She thinks two is a good number, in fact, so they have someone to keep them company."
"How many do you think Steph will want?" Anthony sighed, standing up as well to get dressed.
"Well, if you have a boy first... I think you'll both be content with just one." (Y/N) chuckled, slipping his coat on and adjusting the ends of it while Anthony began taking clothes out of the closet. The thought of parenthood, of fatherhood, hung over the two of them, both exciting and nerve-wracking. The four of them would care for the children together, that'd already been agreed upon, but still... bringing life into the world? It made (Y/N) queasy yet... pleased. 
"If you and I could have children," Anthony whistled sharply, a grin spreading across his face and fingers swiftly buttoning up his shirt. "We'd have a bigger brood than Mother." 
"I don't doubt it." (Y/N) retrieved Anthony's coat from its spot draped over the armrest and approached him, helping him slip his arms through and adjusting it for him. He smiled, finishing the last button of his shirt and fixing the collar before tugging Anthony closer to kiss him. "You're insatiable, Anthony."
"Only for you." Anthony cooed, gearing up to lean in again but the sound of the door opening made him pause.
Stephanie dramatically gasped at the sight of them, lifting a hand to her head and fanning herself rapidly. "Oh, Kate, what ever will we do? How could they do this to us?" She gasped again, a teasing smile stretching across her face as Kate giggled and gently nudged her and walked further into the room. (Y/N) rolled his eyes at Stephanie but smiled widely at Kate, pulling away from Anthony to extend his arms out toward her. 
"My darling wife." He greeted warmly, coiling his arms around her waist and planting a kiss between her brows. Kate hummed softly, leaning her head down to rest it on his shoulder. Stephanie stopped at Anthony's side, taking a quick look over his clothes before nodding approvingly and curling her arm around his. 
"Shall we get to it? Breakfast is ready and Violet has been fretting over Francesca nonstop. She's worried about the poor girl." Stephanie told them and Anthony sighed heavily, leaning over to kiss (Y/N)'s temple and nod to Kate. The Viscount and Viscountess fell into conversation and exited the room, leaving Kate and (Y/N) alone. 
"So, my darling husband," Kate began with a small laugh, lifting her head and smoothing out his shirt with her palms, her keen eyes searching for anything out of place before rising to look him in the eye. She smiled, pecking his cheek. "We have a long day ahead of us, as you know. Ready for this social season?"
"As long as I have you and Anthony and Steph, I'll always be ready."
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salvawhores-world · 1 year
Tolerate it - Anthony Bridgerton x Oc
Anthony bridgerton x Emma Norwood
Warnings - Angst, Childhood friends to lovers, Anthony being a bitch.
A/N - This is my first lore from the series Taylor x bridgerton. I was begging for some Anthony angst here we are. Mothers song from her most underrated and favourite album is here.
Do not Steal my work.
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Anthony Bridgerton and Emma Norwood, now Emma Bridgerton, had been married for years, their love blossoming since childhood.
Their friendship, nurtured by Viscount Bridgerton and Earl Norwood, their fathers laid the foundation for a deep and enduring connection. Even before understanding the complexities of love, they were inseparable.
While their marriage was far from perfect, Emma devoted herself to being a dedicated viscountess, committed to her family and to Anthony.
Emma expected reciprocation from Anthony. She longed for his complete presence in their marriage and for him to cherish their bond as deeply as she did. Yet, despite her fervent efforts, she found herself wanting. The last two pieces of the puzzle were missing—the heartfelt acknowledgment of her contributions and the unreserved affection that she craved.
“I sit and watch you reading
With your head low
I wake and watch you
breathing with yourEyes closed
I sit and watch you
And notice everything
you do or don't do”
“Eloise has suddenly developed a keen interest in witnessing the race. I thought I might accompany her there. Besides She's also mentioned running out of books to read. I'll check if there's an exhibition where I can get her some," Emma uttered, delicately pouring a cup of steaming tea for herself.
She sat across from Anthony, who remained immersed in his newspapers, brooding in silence, responding merely with a faint hum. It felt akin to conversing with an unresponsive wall.
As the days drifted by, with each morning finding Anthony deep in slumber, his countenance peaceful, Emma would gaze at him, his breath flowing steadily.
In the presence of her husband, she would awaken, yet a chill clung to the bed—a frigidity that mirrored his heart, their union. A silent witness, she would sit, observing the unraveling of everything they held dear, crumbling into disarray.
“You're so much older and wiser and I
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid
Use my best colors for your portrait
Lay the table with the fancy shit
And watch you tolerate it”
"Sister, focus your attention here," Gregory exclaimed, his notebook spread out before him, jolting Emma from her reverie.
Her gaze, fixated on the door where her husband engaged in conversation with Daphne, was interrupted. She had known Anthony since their earliest days, certain that even as a two-year-old, he had attempted to cradle her tender newborn self in his tiny arms. Observing him now, her heart swelled.
He appeared older, wiser, and handsomer than she had ever known him to be throughout the passing years.
"My apologies, Greg. Now, where were we?" she apologized, returning to her task of aiding him with his studies.
Emma sensed Anthony's presence behind them. "How is your Latin progressing, Gregory?" Anthony inquired of his younger brother, who replied with respectful deference.
“Emma, may I have a word with you?" Anthony stated, nodding curtly. The couple excused themselves from the young boy's side.
"How are the preparations for the forthcoming ball progressing? It marks our first grand event since Colin's engagement," Anthony questioned.
Emma reassured him, "Worry not, Anthony. I have personally overseen every aspect. Rest assured, everything shall be executed flawlessly, precisely as you prefer." Emma's countenance brightened.
As she relayed the ball's particulars, Anthony merely responded with nods. No matter what Emma did, it never seemed to be enough. Would she ever experience the same love from him, bestowed upon her as it once had been?
“I greet you with a battle hero’s welcome
I take your indiscretions all in good fun
I sit and listеn, I polish plates until they gleam and glistеn”
“Please, please, PLEASE, Em, what must I do to persuade you? Aren't you my best friend?" Benedict exclaimed dramatically, pacing around Emma with a palette and a few brushes in hand.
“No, Ben, I cannot. I have an abundance of tasks to complete, and besides, I lack the patience to sit idle for hours," she replied, ticking off items on her to-do list as she moved about the drawing room.
“Be my muse, my inspiration!" Benedict shouted, now on one knee with his arms outstretched. Ever the dramatic soul.
“Ah, so my viscountess serves as your muse, I presume, brother?" Anthony interjected rudely, peering up from his newspaper.
Emma rolled her eyes and placed a plate of cakes and a cup of tea in front of her husband. "Your wife happens to be my closest friend, brother," Benedict retorted, his words dripping with resentment.
Anthony's voice dripped with underlying insinuation as he grumbled, "I care not for whatever attachments my wife may hold with you, Benedict, so long as she remains mine."
His words carried an unnerving implication, fueling Benedict's frustration and leaving Emma heartbroken, struggling to hold back her tears.
Benedict was livid. How could Anthony speak of Emma in such a manner, reducing her significance? Being only a month older than Emma and of the same age, Benedict and Emma had been inseparable since childhood. How could Anthony entertain such unsettling thoughts?
The first thing Benedict sketched was Emma adorned in a pristine white wedding gown, with Anthony as the groom and himself as the best man—a depiction of a joyous, harmonious family. It pained Benedict to witness his cherished friend enduring such anguish because of his own brother's actions.
“While you were out building other worlds, where was I?
Where’s that man who’d throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life”
Sitting before the crackling fire, Emma completed the final strokes of her latest letter, sealed with utmost care. It had been a week since Anthony's departure to France, lending his aid to Colin with an investment.
Throughout this time, she had heard little from him about his whereabouts. His sparse correspondence consisted of a mere few lines, informing her of his well-being and the status of his return. As the flames danced, memories flooded her mind.
"EMMA!" Young Anthony's voice reverberated through the verdant hills of Kent as he dismounted his horse and hastened toward his beloved.
Emma immediately abandoned her embroidery, leaving behind a beautiful napkin and her friend Daphne, running into the embrace of her dear boy. "At last, you have arrived," she murmured, her words muffled by the tightness of their hug.
"Being away from you feels like a cruel punishment. I detest Oxford," he grumbled, their gazes locked as they pulled away from each other.
Emma's smile illuminated her countenance. "You cannot fathom how weary I have grown of reading words. Hearing your voice is truly enchanting," she confessed, his forehead meeting hers as he leaned forward to gently kiss her brow.
"I am sorry for leaving you behind. If I had the power, I would abandon my studies or…or find a way to smuggle you in with me," he gasped, his breath still uneven from his exertions.
Emma laughed, a melodic sound that echoed through the air. "It is merely a matter of one more year, Anthony. Soon, you shall be here, And find me waiting for you, and we will be together," she reassured him.
"Together forever," he whispered, their foreheads touching in a tender embrace. "Together forever," she nodded, the young couple venturing forth into the sunset, their hearts entwined.
Overwhelmed by the memory, Emma found herself breaking down, tears streaming down her face as she gazed at the sealed letter and clutched the same old delicate napkin with the exquisitely embroidered "A." It was the sole remnant of so many cherished years.
“You assume I’m fine, but what
would you do if I
Break free and leave us in ruins
Took this dagger in me and removed it
Gain the weight of you, then lose it
Believe me, I could do it”
"I am fearful” Emma whispered softly as the couple prepared themselves. Her mind was awash with countless thoughts, and she felt like she was drowning.
Emma feared that if this torment continued any longer, she would shatter her wretched excuse for a marriage and flee. The burden had become unbearable.
The person she loved more than anything didn't even acknowledge her existence, breaking her spirit day after day.
"Fear not, my love, for it shall be a splendid occasion," Anthony assured her, adjusting his cufflinks before the mirror glass.
The fact that he didn't even inquire about his wife's distress infuriated Emma. In that moment, she entertained the idea of packing her belongings and escaping under the cloak of night, returning to her parents' residence in Kent.
Her father would undoubtedly welcome her with open arms, allowing her to indulge in her passion for reading and sketching.
Would Anthony come to fetch her? Would he realize his grave mistake and rediscover his love for her, prompting a fresh start? If she dared to voice her grievances, her father would surely confront Anthony and defend her honor, for that was precisely what Edmund would have done.
"I shall meet you outside when you are prepared," Emma stormed out of the bedroom, leaving her bewildered husband gazing at his own reflection in utter confusion.
“If it’s all in my head, tell me now
Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow
I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it
I sit and watch you”
Emma pleaded for him to take action, to salvage their marriage, their love, and her very being.
Anthony remained oblivious, trapped in the mechanical motions of life. Emma yearned for it to be a mere figment of her imagination, longing for Anthony to stand beside her, embracing her, easing her worries, and drying her tears.
She wished to scale walls, shatter barriers, and bridge the divide between them, perhaps desiring him to reach out and yearn for the depths of her love. Yet, all Emma could do was watch him tolerate it.
Do not steal my work.
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asa-writes · 7 months
Aphrodite of Old Hall - 07
"The Ton dissipates"
Anthony Bridgerton x F!OC / Benedict Bridgerton x F!OC 18+ MINORS DNI Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: alcohol and smut if you squint
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It hadn't stopped raining for over two days now and to add to insult, there was a beastly wind blowing through the grimy London streets. Elisabeth sat in front of the fireplace and read a book. It wasn't anything that interested her - Old Hall's libraries seemed only to contain religious and botanical books, much to her chagrin - so she looked up at every little sound, hoping someone would come in and talk to her. As always, her mind was all over the place. The sounds Anthony had made yesterday had turned everything inside of her into a hot, trembling jelly. Sweat dripping down his muscular chest and his strong arms holding her, roughly caressing her... She felt like a lovesick puppy. He was supposed to be the lovesick puppy, not her!
Putting the book down, she wandered over to her secretaire, out of which she pulled some of George's letters. At least he always knew right from wrong, maybe his words would bring her to her senses... Lifting the paper up to her lips, she tried smelling the perfume he had spritzed on it, but alas, it had faded away long ago. Like him, she thought and shook her head, a sad smile on her lips. He would've laughed at her sentimentality. Hearing gentle knocks on the door, she turned around to see a footman holding a silver tablet with a single red rose and a letter. "Milady, hand-delivered by Lord Anthony Bridgerton. He is waiting in the entrance hall." Damn. God damn that man, always coming to her when she thought of him.
She walked over to the footman and took the gifts. "Thank you. You may escort him up here." He went as quickly as he came, leaving her alone again, the wind howling around her sitting room, which Stephane had gracefully given her. Unclipping her pince-nez and straightening the front of her dress, she gave herself a small, reassuring smile and sat down on her settee, pulling her skirts in a way that looked more glamorous. The door opened and a wet, tousled Anthony walked in. "Good morning, Elisabeth, I hope I'm not disturbing you." Grinning, he walked up to her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Elisabeth pushed him towards the chair next to the fire, shaking herself playfully like a wet dog. "Good morning to you too, you wet mop. Did you seriously just walk here in this weather? I'm surprised that you haven't been blown away."
Rolling his eyes, he grinned. "I have, just yesterday evening..." She shook her head, blushing. After a few silent seconds he pointed at her decanter of Schnapps. "That is not water, is it? I would strongly discourage you from drinking it. I wouldn't want you to get sick." Elisabeth grinned. "You believe me to be so foolish? Come, try a bit." Pouring him a short glass, she gracefully presented it to him. "Prost!", She said, winked at him and finished her own. Clearing his throat, he raised his eyebrows. "That was... Stronger than I expected." Giggling, she poured herself another one. "You'll get used to it. At least I hope you will - my cook prepares a mean schnapps pudding, which almost dissolves, for it is so drenched."
Anthony just shook his head and took off his jacket, trying to get it to dry in front of the fire. "Have you read my letter yet?", He asked rather impatiently. Sighing, Elisabeth shook her head. "Why-ever should I? You are here with me, you could just tell me!" Rolling his eyes, he gallantly offered to open it for her. "Gestures, not words, that's what you said, didn't you?" She nodded. "Well, then turn away please." He looked at her quizzically. "I wrote it for you, no need to hide anything from me." Bashfully looking down, she retrieved her pince-nez from her bedazzled black reticule. "I... I can't see well..." Damning his wet clothes, he stood up and sat next to her, carefully putting the ridiculously hideous things on her face. "There. No need to be ashamed, my dear. As long as you can see me without them..."
She looked up at him, her eyes bigger than teacups. He gently broke the wax seal and opened it for her, trying his hardest not to look at her. By god, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and known, but there was no way she would keep those if they were to be married. Surely, he could find someone to make a more agreeable pair for her. Then again, it didn't really matter that much to him. She knew, hopefully, what was best for her. "There you go, dearest."
"Unto my dearest Lady Elisabeth, Seeing as the majority of the Ton had scrambled away to their country estates, (there shall be no end in sight with this weather) I have decided to take my family and go to mine as well. May I take the liberty of inviting you to come with us? I had a most interesting talk with Benedict, who has told me that the die had been cast and that he shall not be courting you anymore. As soon as the weather will end, we will certainly return again, for Eloise has yet to find herself a suitor. Yours ever lovingly, longingly and adoringly, Lord Anthony Bridgerton P.S. Oh, might I add that your bedroom has a secret passage to mine that nobody knows of?"
It was most fascinating to watch her read; her eyes darted from one side to the other - she read faster than anyone else he had known. She gasped, blushed and fluttered her eyelashes. Quickly taking off her pince-nez before looking up at him, she beamed, her cheeks reddening gently. "I must thank you... You... you love me! When are we leaving? Are you sure that your family is alright with me coming with you? However might I repay you?" Anthony chuckled and kissed her. Her lips still tasted of (what he presumed to be cherry) schnapps. She looked so fascinatingly beautiful when she tripped over her own words, looking up at him like her life depended on it. Like yesterday...
"One after the other, Ellie. No need to thank me, my love. Yes, I love you... And have to damn myself for not telling you yesterday. We could leave now, if you would want us to, I am completely at your will. I am the family's head so no, they wouldn't mind at all. Do you even need to ask me about the repayment?", He said, whispering seductively at the end. Glancing at the windows, she quickly straddled him and took his face into her soft, gloveless hands. It took a lot of control to not just pick her up and lift her skirts... She did know how to drive him wild. "Anthony...", She whispered, caressing his cheek, "I'd be delighted. I'll tell my servants to prepare a suitcase. Until it is ready, I shall like to come with you to your house, so we could all leave together..."
He slid his hand along her thigh, looking at her face faltering as a look of pleasure had rolled over her. "Really? Looks like you enjoy this a lot more..." Stopping just short of her mons pubis, she took a sharp breath, quickly standing up and flattening her dress. With a sly grin, she shrugged. "We do have a long carriage ride in front of us and, not to mention, the connected bedrooms. Now, as I've said, would you like to escort me to your home?" In his mind, he would've very much liked to just do her on the floor, but having her teasing him was a thousand times better. Standing up and putting on his rather uncomfortably damp coat, he quickly walked up to her and smacked her beautifully plump buttocks. "Then that is what I'll do, dearest. Just you wait..."
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peterpparkrr · 2 years
(Not) the same as it was - ch. 3 | A Bridgerton Series
Series: (Not) the same as it was
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x OFC
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Lady Josephine Wescott has a semi-honest conversation with her godmother. A young Josephine Saville and Anthony Bridgerton fall in love.
A/N: This is a short chapter but there is a LOT more meaty goodness to come! As always thank you for your patience with me as I struggle to write multiple fics at the same time.
previous part // next part
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Bridgerton House, London, 1814
“Will you marry again?” Violet asks her as the pair sit across from each other. 
For the first time she can remember, it’s just the two of them in the room, no other Bridgertons are running around, distracting their mother. Which means that Jo is the sole subject of Violet’s attention. 
If she didn’t love Violet, she’d be terrified.
“I don’t know,” Jo admits. She knows that she should. She has nothing from her first marriage, and of course, she could live with her father, but it would look odd from the outside. A Dowager Countess moving into her father’s Edinburgh townhome? 
The gossip would never cease.
Everyone will expect her to remarry.
“Why did you never remarry, Violet?” Jo asks her godmother.
“How could I?” Violet replies as she shrugs her shoulders slightly. Jo can already see the wetness that’s pooling in Violet’s eyes. Her sheer love for Edmund is still written across her face all these years after he’d passed.
“That’s the same way my father talks about my mother,” Jo replies with a small smile, thinking about her parents' devotion. 
In her childhood, Jo had never realized just how lucky she was to have two shining examples of sheer matrimonial devotion. How rare that kind of marriage was. 
Jo had been so naive then.
“And how is your father coping with his daughter being so far away from him?” Violet asks. “I know that he and your mother were already planning the move to be closer to you before she passed. He must be lonely up in Edinburgh by himself.”
“My father was the one who wanted me to come to London. He twisted Aunt Elizabeth’s arm until she agreed to chaperone,” Jo admits to her. “I think he hoped I’d make a love match this second time around.”
“These men may surprise you,” Violet tells her. Hoping her goddaughter would stay open to the possibility of marriage. “I know the conditions were very different the last time you were here, but I hope you will allow yourself to open up to the possibilities.” 
“Everything has changed. I’m not the same person I was when I left,” Jo tells Violet softly.
“You never did tell me what happened between you and Anthony, Josephine,” Violet tells her softly. “I’ve never asked Anthony, and I don’t want to pry…”
“There’s not much to tell, we grew apart,” Jo replies. She does her best to keep her voice even, but she knows that she can’t help but give away that there’s rather much to tell on that subject. Not that she has any interest in sharing it.
“What about Eloise, is there any hope she’ll be interested in finding a match this season?” Jo asks, swiftly changing the subject. 
Violet allows for the not-so-subtle redirection. Though she can’t help but want to table the discussion for another time. When she can press Josephine with hopes of discovering what it was that caused it all to go so wrong between the pair. 
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Aubrey Hall, Kent, 1802 
Christmas Eve with the Bridgertons and Savilles had always been a grand affair. With the current count of children now at eight with the recent addition of baby Gregory, Aubrey Hall was fit to burst from all the excitement. 
It was near impossible to not be swept up in the chaos the younger Bridgertons had created thanks to their many new presents.
“Have you seen Anthony?” Jo asked Benedict as the pair stood near the fireplace, watching Josephine’s father show Colin and Daphne how to swing the mallets of the family’s brand-new Pall Mall set.
Why her father had thought it was a good idea to gift the Bridgerton children, the most blood-thirty, cutthroat brood of children Jo had ever met, a competitive game that required mallets would be a mystery to Jo. 
“No, he disappeared a while ago, I think he wanted to be able to hear himself think,” Benedict tells her.
“Ahh,” Jo hummed as she surveyed the room. 
“I’ll be right back,” Jo told Benedict. 
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“Anthony?” Jo called out as she stepped through the doorway of the library, having followed the faint glow of candlelight to the room.
“Oh, Jo,” Anthony greeted her as he stood from the chair he’d been sitting in.
“I was looking for you,” She replied as she made her way over to where was standing by the window, her hands hidden behind her back.
“You found me,” He replied with a small smile.
“You missed most of the gift-giving, the drawing room looks like a battlefield,” She tells him.
Anthony grins.
“Thank you for the present, it’s beautiful,” Jo adds as her right-hand reaches up to play with the necklace she’d immediately clasped around her neck once the bow was removed from the box.
The chain was delicate, and the small pearl drop-down was understated but perfect in her mind. She had no idea how Anthony had known she would like it. She can hardly imagine him asking her mother or his own for their input on the gift.
And the potential meaning that it might have from the pair. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Anthony replies.
A necklace was not a gift given to a friend, not from a man. And Jo was well aware of that. And so, despite the potential ramifications it might have, Jo had made a rash decision, deciding that this was her moment, it was now or never.
“Don’t you want your present?” Jo asked him.
“I didn’t want to assume you got me anything, I didn’t see anything from you in the pile,” Anthony admits.
“I didn’t want to give it to you in front of everyone,” Jo explains.
“What did you get me, Miss Saville? Certainly not something salacious?” Anthony teased as he gazed into her eyes intently, his mouth curled into a smile. 
“Close your eyes,” She tells him as she steps toward him. 
Anthony obliged, his eyes fluttering closed as Jo studied him. 
“Should I hold out my hands?” Anthony asked, his voice dipping just below a whisper. 
“Yes,” Jo replied quietly.
Anthony brought his hands out in front of him, holding them open, palm up. 
Jo considered him for a quiet moment of anticipation. Anthony Bridgerton was the most handsome man she had ever known. If she was an artist she would paint, or sketch, or sculpt him for the rest of her life and never tire of using him as a subject. He was perfect. 
And so Jo placed her hands in his, wrapping her fingers around them as she stepped to him and pressed her lips to his, her own eyes falling closed. 
Jo hesitated for a painful moment when she felt Anthony freeze, and when his hands pulled out her own her eyes flew open and she was certain she had made a terrible mistake. 
But she opened her eyes to see Anthony already looking back at her, not in- as she had feared- horror, but with an unexpected expression that she could not fully recognize. 
Anthony’s eyes were dark as she stared back at him, but before she could open her mouth to apologize Anthony’s hands reached up to her cheeks, and pulled her face back to his own, returning her kiss with one of his own, one that felt impossibly deeper, and that lit something within her as her own now empty hands reached for the lapels of Anthony’s jacket, pulling him as close as she could manage.
When they finally broke apart the grin on Jo’s face was so wide it almost hurt.
“I-I… you have no idea how long I’ve been wishing I could do that,” Anthony admitted in a hoarse tone as he looked at Jo, brushing a loose strand of her hair back behind her ear.
“Happy Christmas, Anthony,” She told him in a soft whisper.
“I asked your father if I could court you,” Anthony admits.
“You-you did?” Jo asked, the shock evident in her voice. Her father hadn’t said a single thing to her.
“Is that alright?” Anthony asked nervously. 
“I’m the one who kissed you,” Jo reminds him with a shove at his shoulder.
“It’s more than alright,” She adds as she links her hand in his, brushing her thumb over his own. “Just promise me one thing. Promise me we’ll always be friends first?” 
“Always. I could never lose you, Jo,” Anthony replies, punctuating his promise with the press of his lips to her own.
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abridgertonfantasy · 2 years
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[SUMMARY: Anthony Bridgerton is attracted to Daphnes friend Selene whom he has promised to help find a suitor for. Never acknowledging his attraction to her until one day he physically is unable to hide his desire for her and does not know how to handle it.]
"Are you drunk?" You whispered making him once again chuckle finishing the last drop he had in his glass.
"To keep sane in a room full of men who wish to have you, absolutely."
Chapter ONE:
Anthony and Selene Chapter TWO
That evening at the ball, you did your best to act as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. As Daphne planned, men all around couldn't help but make their way to you, craving the sight of you, little did she know the affect it had on her own brother.
"Where is Anthony?" The mention of his name distracting you from your surroundings.
"I..I don't know-"
"Wasn't he there when you came out of the room?" Daphne turned to you remembering clearly that she left her brother alone in the parlor.
"I never saw him," you lied.
"How strange," just as she was to ask you another question, a man walked up to you.
It was John Smith.
"My Lady," he bowed down to you gracefully.
"My Lord," you responded alike, just as you caught Anthony walking in through the main door, a drink already in his hand.
Anthony was dreading having to see you again after what had just happened. How was he to explain any of it to you? Once he laid eyes on you, that dreadful feeling immediately turned into jealousy. John quickly bringing your attention back to him asked you for a dance. Politely you agreed and went off to waltz. Anthony stood afar watching how this man looked at you, the smirk on his lips as you innocently smiled. Each step you made causing your breasts to slightly jump out of the infamous dress you wore, Anthony squeezed the glass in his hand, he knew exactly what was crossing Johns mind. What on earth was his sister thinking having you wear this to have all these men with their eyes glued on you. As you both waltzed you reached closer to where Anthony stood, Johns eyes never leaving you.
"I bet all of the men here would only kill to have my spot right now," John spoke with a smile, Anthony hearing his words.
"What makes you say that?" You tilted your head as you danced.
"Oh, because I'm having a dance with the most gorgeous woman in the room after all." He spoke confidently, his words making you smile.
"Don't you know the right things to say," Anthony hearing your response only made him tighten his grip on the cup before chugging the rest of it in seconds. Of course it wasn't the best idea, but since what happened earlier Anthony did not know what to do with himself. Just as the dance finished, Anthony watched yet another man approach you for a dance and then another. Cursing at himself he walked towards Daphne who stood watching in delight.
"What were you thinking putting her in that dress?" He whispered leaning towards her as he kept his eyes on you.
"What? It's got the job done hasn't it?" Daphne laughed.
"Men already fell to her feet before this, now it's just more work for me to do,"
"Anthony, why don't you just let it be. She's smart at choosing." Daphne insisted.
"Neither you or her know the kind of men out there, plenty of these men I've been around to know more than you or her would ever know." Anthony explained turning back to you when he noticed you walking his way looking at Daphne. He couldn't face you in front of his sister this close, quickly he walked off leaving the ball room.
Watching as Anthony practically paced for the door you quickly followed him out not allowing him to notice. Quickly he entered a room as you looked around behind you making sure no one would notice and followed him inside. As soon as you walked in you closed the door shut behind you and found him pouring himself a drink.
"My Lord-" his head snapped up in disbelief that you were in this room with him.
"What the bloody hell are you trying to do to me?!" He walked towards you in a whisper. He knew he couldn't handle being around you with his sister in a public setting let alone face to face alone with you in a room.
"Are we not going to talk about earlier?"
Anthony sarcastically chuckled as he took yet another sip of his drink walking closer to you.
"There is nothing to speak about,"
"Why of course there is! Not to mention I've been watching how you've been staring at all who I've danced with tonight and it's not a pleasing look,"
"Forgive me darling for knowing exactly why these men are desperate to have you close tonight, I know who these men are and trust me, none of them are worthy of your existence." As he spoke the scent of liquor quickly came to you.
"Are you drunk?" You whispered making him once again chuckle finishing the last drop he had in his glass.
"To keep sane in a room full of men who wish to have you, absolutely."
"So tell me the truth," you spoke softly, your words making his eyes land directly on yours.
"Tell you the truth?" He responded calmly.
"What truth? That every time I am near you I feel weak to my core, the thought of having to find a husband for you, drives me mad. The fact that my dear dear sister suggested you wear this very dress-" his eyes uncontrollably traveling to your cleavage before he looked away. Never had you expected Anthony to have any kind of feelings for you, he was so well at hiding them.
"The fact that you just so happen to be my younger sisters dear friend-"
"So what?" You responded making him raise his brows.
"So what?! Do you have any idea how wrong that looks on my part as I promised to look after you."
"I'm not a little girl, my Lord."
Anthony stood silent, what was he to say to that, you most definitely weren't a little girl.
"How do you think I've felt hearing these men compliment you all night, not one of them expressing enough how beautiful you are, because there is no amount of words that can fully express it. You are breath taking Lady Wilson." His words making your lips part, of all the men who complimented you tonight, his made your heart flutter. He couldn't help but look at your lips as he stepped closer, giving his all to not allow himself to fall into this very tempting moment.
"Kiss me," you whispered taking him by surprise.
"Now why...-" his jaw tensed.
"Why would you say that.." he whispered before practically charging to you and pulling you against him. Instantly he took your lips with his, his lips trailed to your ear lobe, down your neck reaching your cleavage.
"My Lord," you whispered looking down at him as he kissed the soft plump feel of the top of your breast when the door unexpectedly opened. Quickly you both turned away from each other as Benedict walked in taken by surprise. He could tell he had just walked into the middle of something and raised his brows.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I um...I'll be off now." He quickly closed the door as you turned back to Anthony in a panic.
"I think he saw us," you whispered.
"I should go," you quickly turned leaving the room as Anthony stood speechless. He couldn't believe what he had just allowed himself to do, let alone drunk. This wasn't how he wanted to kiss you, this wasn't how he wanted the first time touching you to be...
Should I continue this story?
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fanaticfangirl001 · 1 year
Tolerable, Dutiful and Half A Brain
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Ch 2: The Interview of Miss Ottoline Greggett
Author's note: Fun fact: Ottoline means "Prospers in battle" in French. I picked it because I saw it in a Bridgerton themed baby name inspo video on tiktok.
Chapter 2 
Dearest Gentle Reader, 
There is of course another unknown identity at present.Though this one you  will be able to unearth.I speak of the season’s diamond wherever she may be. 
Your Move, Your Majesty. 
Eloise’s torment begins right after her attempted presentation. She didn't even get a chance to speak to Ottoline. The two typically chatted about their favorite authors during dull moments at balls. She practices dancing with her youngest brother as Benedict pokes fun from the settee.
Her dance lessons are interrupted by Anthony announcing he needs his father’s betrothal ring. 
“Did someone catch your eye at the presentation brother?” Benedict asks. 
“I thought all of the young ladies looked beautiful.” Franchesca says. 
“Not particularly and all the young ladies looked the same. Like young ladies. I’d simply like to be prepared for when the opportunity presents itself.” Anthony answers. 
“The opportunity?” Violet asks. 
“I’ve compiled an index of the season’s eligible misses and arranged interviews.” Anthony nods confidently in his interview system 
“Interviews, Dearest, I shall be more than happy to give you my ring when you find someone with whom you are very much in love. Besides, it is safe keeping at Aubrey Hall.” Violet answers as she walks over to Benedict and says to him  “See that he is quite well.” 
“Me?” Benedict asks. 
“I’m not in need of coddling. I assure you all everything is in order.” With a check of his watch Anthony leaves the house to begin his interviews. 
Within the weeks, Anthony has crossed off many young ladies, for either being immature, naive, foolhardy or simply giving the wrong answer. He checked the list for the last of the ladies on his list, the forgettable and boring Miss Ottoline Greggett. He had heard very little about Miss Greggett, just that she is intelligent but fretfully boring to speak to. She is well acquainted with Eloise and Penelope. Boring could be good, thought Anthony, it would help him know that will never fall in love with her throughout the marriage. All he needs is a tolerable, dutiful, suitable enough hips for childbearing and a brain. That of which Ottoline had several of. Her older brothers are quite the bunch taking up a full table at the Gentlemen’s club. None of them scamps or rakes. Anthony takes a deep breath as he knocks on the door for his late interview of the day. A butler answers the door and takes Anthony into a drawing room with Ottoline and Arabella. 
“Ah Viscount Bridgerton nice to meet you. I’m Arabella and this is Ottoline. We have some tea and cakes prepared.” Arabella introduces. 
Ottoline closes the book and pushes it to the side. “Hello Viscount.” 
“Hello Ottoline, you have a lovely home.Rather a big home to fit you and your brothers in your childhoods.” Anthony sits down. 
“Thank you, yes it is. We have always been quite tight knit, my brothers and I.” Ottoline pours the tea.
“Would you like to have multiple sons?” Anthony takes his teacup. 
“I hadn’t put a number on my future but I’d rather have more daughters than sons.” Ottoline passes a tea cup to her sister-in-law.
“Why is that?” Anthony asks. 
“My father explained that every man’s daughters are diamonds and that daughters are an expression of wealth. Not monetary wealth but the wealth of life. Love and sorrow, everything that makes life worth living.Daughters are a celebration of life itself. I would love to bless a man with many diamonds.” 
“I have never heard of fatherhood quite explained like that. It’s a rather unique perspective.” Anthony says a bit bewildered by the unexpected answer. 
“May I ask you a question, since you have turned this visit into an interview.” Ottoline smiles disarmingly. 
“Of course.” Anthony says a bit taken back. 
“How many children were you in want of? What subjects are expected of them in their education? How would you like them disciplined? If one child or many had the new condition asthma  could we buy a second home near the seaside. The salty air does wonders for the lungs.” Ottoline asks in one breath. 
“At Least four. Literature, Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Art. I’d like them to be well-behaved. Yes we could have a house on the seaside.” Anthony answers. 
“I’d like to see all my children have lessons in several subjects: rhetoric, horticulture,astronomy, and what of dogs? Do you like them? Could we get several for the children to play with? I grew up with plenty of dogs, mostly schnauzers due to my uncle's penchant for travel. He would bring us puppies from Germany after a Botanist conference. What if our sons have a penchant for travel?” 
“I do see the logic of rhetoric for young men but why ladies? And yes I do like dogs, and a penchant for travel is no problem, my brother Colin already has one.” 
“If a young lady is to stand a chance at arguing with her husband within the first few years she needs some lessons in crafting an argument. And good,the boys can accompany Colin on his travels to Greece and Venice.” Ottoline trails off sipping tea. 
“Young ladies should not argue with their husbands in the first place and I do not believe our sons should travel with their Uncle Colin, he is still young.” Anthony demands. 
“If you do not believe in arguing with a spouse than why are you indulging me in this fictitious debate about our children. 
“I’ve had enough of this conversation. Good day Miss Ottoline, Miss Arabella.” Anthony abruptly stands and storms out of the house. 
Arabella shakes her head at Ottoline. “Why did you have to do that?” 
“Do what?” Ottoline asks. “He’s the one who went straight into these invasive interview questions. Like he needs to be wed tomorrow. We are both trying to find a spouse. Why does he get to interrogate people.I only had my own questions.” 
“Fine, we will practice questions for the next suitors.” Arabella sighs. Getting Ottoline married would be harder than she thought. 
Anthony returns home frustrated. His family seemed to notice over dinner. 
“How did the interviews go, brother?” Benedict laughs. 
“Rather uneventful except for the last. I thought Eloise’s friend Ottoline Greggett would be the most welcoming and most forgettable but she was the opposite.” Anthony vents. 
“Oh and what did she say? I haven’t spoken to her in ages.” Eloise perks up. 
“She said that all daughters are diamonds to fathers, and that daughters are expressions of the wealth of life. Love and sorrows and everything that makes life worth living. Anthony says angrily stabbing chicken with his fork. 
“Oh that’s beautiful Anthony. She seems wonderful.” Violet muses. 
“There’s more of her radical beliefs.” Anthony starts up again “ She wants all the children educated in subjects beyond the general education. She wants lessons in horticulture, astronomy and rhetoric, so our daughters can stand a chance arguing with their husbands within the first few years of marriage.” 
“Quite smart.” Violet can’t help but laugh at the marriage argument lessons and her son’s growing anger by the answers he pursued with his interviews. His other siblings are just as amused at Anthony’s frustrations. 
“She wants dogs too, schnauzers, a seaside house on the off chance one of our broods has this new condition called asthma, and our sons to go on adventures with Uncle Colin to who knows where.” Anthony finishes. 
“I’ve heard the sea air is good for any lung conditions.” Violet pipes in. 
“I’m sure Colin would love to be a fun traveling uncle.” Benedict adds. 
“That is not the problem, Ottoline Greggett is .” 
“Why does she bother you so much, you just met her?” Eloise asks.
“Her reputation is that she is boring and too intelligent to be a wife. I was expecting a dull conversation, not a lively debate about fictitious children.”  
Anthony sulks off into the study after dinner like he has for weeks now after the various interviews. 
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balteredsworld · 12 days
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anthony, 9th viscount bridgerton + lady victoria helen lear — an affinity, ch 1
the lady lear returned from her studies in austria, hailing the ton at once with an impressive hand for the harp, but an even more accomplished sharpening of her tongue that one poor viscount bridgerton was forced to contend with—though one totally warranted over his criticism of her playing. this author can say this was not the happy reunion the ton would have hoped between the estranged companions, all too used to unadulterated, unaccompanied triumph. the viscount bridgerton and lady lear were lauded as the ton's finest, precocious heirs, competing for notoriety and the ton's praise. so nurtured there, their rivalry was only natural.
lady whistledown's society paper, 1812
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thescandalousladyk · 1 month
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Tulips and Torment
Eleanor Montague has many reasons to be grateful to Anthony Bridgerton.
1. He took her in for the season with only little objection.
2. He only wins every third argument, and that is a generous estimate.
3. He is rarely at home.
But grateful as she ought to be, Eleanor cannot forget the past and neither, it seems, can Anthony. Every moment spent in each other's presence is torture.
A perfect foundation for marriage, Anthony is convinced, and Eleanor, left destitute by her father's death, is hard-pressed to find a wealthy husband. Between Lord Bridgerton and Lord Rutledge, she knows whom to choose.
And then, between tulips and torment, something else blooms.
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mschievousx · 21 hours
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
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ix. nine: need your love
loraine did not sleep a wink at all. writing only a quarter of the piece for her father yet, she was too tired to lift her fingers anymore. it was a surprise that the family did not ask her about playing the piano last night. they must have missed the way she slammed her fingers on it. that or they chose to be silent about it, respecting the girl's sorrows.
when the sun showed up, the bridgertons coming down one by one, she simply pretended she woke up earlier than them as they crossed each other on the stairs on her way to freshen up.
after they have all done their individual activities and had breakfast together, lady bridgerton ushered her children in the drawing room. the young silva had told her yesterday that she wishes to inform the others too, if it was okay with her. she believed that they deserve to know as well, considering they had their moments with her father too.
"why are we gathered here?" eloise asked, noting the expressions of the people who already know.
violet lightly coughed to compose herself and get their attention, "we have something to tell you all, eloise."
she turned to the young silva, gesturing for her to continue. the girl nodded, pausing to herself and thinking the right words to say. but there really was no easy way to say it, is there? the person they once loved is dead. there is no way around it.
"my father has passed."
she uttered in one breath, the second daughter walking to her at once with a quiver, "oh, raine."
violet's lips formed a thin line as she turned to her other kids, "armand's death is a complex situation, so i ask you all to not let the news leave this home."
her two youngest nodded forlornly as francesca was the only one who found her voice despite the news, "of course, mama."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the three people in the center of this battle settled in anthony's study once again. it has been their office, the only place they can plan with no worry of listeners.
"we must plan our course of action." anthony voiced with tenacity in his eyes.
the lady turned to him as she took a sit on the couch, "we, anthony? no, you are not involving yourself on this."
he regarded the silva in a scolding tone, "there is no need for you to go through this alone. we can help. we can ask lady danbury, the duke of hastings—they will be willing to help."
she could understand his earnestness to be of any form of aid to her. her family was there for him all those hard times before. but this one, she was adamant to let him stay out of this.
"i am not involving civilians in this, anthony. if i could, i will not even involve father's soldiers."
raphael turned to her at the mention, the look of disagreement clear on his features, "raine, with the general gone, we are all at your disposal."
"and this is me saying i will not dispose of you all!" she looked at him directly in the eyes with firmness, placing no room for arguments. the young silva's voice has never been so clear and intact than that.
their heated exchange was interrupted when a knock on the door resonated in the room. major thorpe informed them of his presence before the viscount responded for him to enter.
the soldier acknowledged the two men before going straight to the girl, passing her a letter with the highest legislature's seal. she opened it with unfavorable feeling as gilbert stepped back and out of the room.
raine slowly stood up, eyes still on the paper as raphael walked to her and peered at the paper. his breath hitched at the contents he read, turning away as he raised his head with closed eyes in defeat. the girl dropped her arm hopelessly.
"the parliament has called for our presence."
anthony shut his eyes closed at that. now that the higher government is involving themselves, it will be much harder to find a way out. raine continued in disbelief, "tomorrow afternoon."
"it will be my death." the colonel stated, acceptance and denial mixed in his tone.
"i will go alone." she declared firmly to him once again.
raphael wanted to scoff but he could not bring himself to do so at the graveness of their situation, "absence is punishable for high treason. i am dead either way."
"they have figured we know." she said in realisation, ignoring the former's disagreement of her idea.
the government knowing that they now know of the crown's atrocities to its own people is the most terrible thing that could happen in their current position. they are being left with almost no move or strategy to execute.
"you cannot go." the viscount expressed his thoughts, "there will be a ball tonight. you can attend and we can use it in our advantage to get the ton on our side."
she really appreciated the fact that anthony was so invested in helping them get out of this, but there was simply things that are hard to get out of. she let out an exasperated sigh as she ran her fingers between her hair, muttering to herself, "how did things turn to this?"
raine wanted to tear her hair so much, punch someone, or run yards away. she badly wanted to release the tension that has been building up in her for days, and now this on top of that.
she looked at anthony, "i will not go to the ball, but you must. your absence will reach them and they will link you to use, extending the target to you and your family."
the girl was trying to control her breathing. one problem at a time. she chanted to her head, but fate had other plans. because just after she is trying to deal with one, another came in the form of a newspaper.
gilbert came in, not bothering with a knock this time as urgency in this one is much higher. he immediately handed her the newspaper, announcing the news himself.
"it is out, my lady. they have released the death of the general.
"what?!" raphael exclaimed in immense anger, head noticeably heating in fury.
raine read the headline with incredility in her tone, "they are claiming my father betrayed the crown."
in just a span of a single night, the government had managed to turn the story around. this is very disadvantageous for them. the government releasing what happened first would mean them getting the support of the people first. and the support of the people, no matter how uninformed, is a monstrous force.
raphael continued to read the contents of the column aloud, "they named us under suspicion as well as the rest of the troops."
raine passed the newspaper to him as she sat down in weariness, head casted down in deep thinking, "fuck, they have pushed us to a corner."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the bridgertons have already left for the ball tonight. loraine situated herself in her guest room, joined by raphael as they go through different ideas and strategies on what to do for tomorrow.
they needed a very good plan, or else no one is getting out alive. and so far, there has not been one good plan at all.
"we must parade then, on our way, to sway the people's favor." raine pitched, focusing on turning the people to them so that at the very least, the government could not do anything rash immediately.
the colonel clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he shook his head disapprovingly, "they will not be swayed by a single parade of traitors."
the two have been at this for hours now, their ideas getting more and more desparate as the time passes. he looked at her solemnly as he continued.
"you must understand, we are not under suspicion, raine. they have decided we are traitors and we will be written in history as such."
the young silva wanted to tell him otherwise. she wanted to tell the man that the life they have spent on defending the country would not go to waste—that their legacy would not be reduced to something as shameful as treason.
she bit her lips as she herself shook her head in worry, "we can at least try—put on theatrics so that we will at least leave alive after, no matter the sentence."
there was no way out, raphael knew. hence, he admired the girl for trying so hard to save him, to save the soldiers, to save herself.
he inhaled before throwing a pitch of his own, one he was sure the girl would strongly disagree, "we could play like i have taken you hostage as we exit. this way, you will be free of their suspicions."
she placed her pencil down harshly and turned to him, "while you take the fall? no!"
he sighed resignedly, leaning back on his chair, "stop trying to find a way for me to live. no one will believe i do not know anything about the general's plans."
the girl was about to respond, when he continued, "raine, what we should be planning for must be directed on ensuring that our story will not fall on deaf ears. there is no getting out of this unscathed. the thing we must fight for is the truth."
he pushed himself away from the table. he stood with a notable grief on his step, ruffling her hair childishly—the only little act that would bring them the smallest joy in this moment, "we can talk about it again in the morning."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the miserable planning earlier took a toll on her. even the room could not offer her any comfort. and so, she stood up and made her way to the balcony. perhaps, the fresh wind would greet her gently.
raine has been awake for two days straight now, and although she can clearly feel the exhaustion, she had no intention of sleeping. depending on how tomorrow goes, she might not even come out of it alive. there is no point in sleeping now if she will have an eternal one soon. and so, she would like to relish the little moments.
however, her peaceful silent conversation with the night is disrupted when a rushed sound of footsteps grew louder and louder, nearing her.
a certain second son appeared on the balcony.
benedict placed a hand on his chest as he bent down, catching his breath as cold sweat run through his features.
raine looked at him in confusion, "what are you doing here? is the ball done?"
"you must not go tomorrow."
he ordered pointedly as if a command as he stood up straight, chest still heaving deeply. the young silva scoffed at what he said, finding it utterly idiotic.
"i will not if i could."
he paused, trying to think of other things that could convince her, but he knew that she really could not. doing otherwise would mean execution. and so, he tried to calm himself, jumping to the other side and chose to comfort her this time.
"you will be okay. in truth, you really did not know anything about it in the first place." if she could not avoid it, then at the very least there would be not a lot to worry much, "you are not a traitor."
however, they should really worry—extremely. because everyone knows that when your enemy is the crown, there is almost no way to win the match.
"my father was not and look what they did."
"then you cannot go!" he exclaimed in distress and angst as he walked aimlessly near her.
"they know we are staying here, evidently by the letter." her voice began to increase in volume at the persistence of the man, "it is a form of intimidation. they will make you all traitors as they did to us, and i will not let that happen!"
"i will not let you go as well." he defeatedly respond, almost beggingly as he reached for her hands.
"you already have!" raine took her hands from his immediately, as if repulsed by his actions, "in the gardens two nights ago!"
"then i will not this time!"
benedict declared with striking determination, unwaveringly. he let breaths to come in between them before he continued in a softer manner, like an artist that does not know what to paint next.
"this urge to run away from what i love is a sort of sadism i will no longer pretend to understand."
raine wanted to slap him. to punch him. to shoot him. he dares to say such words in misleading context. she was right; he really was exhausting. she looked away, trying her earnest to not let the tears fall from her empty eyes before turning back to him.
"this has always been you, ben. you say one thing today and different the next. you never make up your mind."
"well, this is me." he offered with a gesture presenting himself, "i am here to make up my mind for the first time."
raine has heard it before, when her parents were sitting at the balcony. her father said, thank you for loving me when i still tasted of heartache and war. it was then she saw her mother crying and realised it can also be a form of happiness.
and she wanted to cry because of happiness at his reciprocation. but, she fears it was too late for that.
"is it fun for you to see me chasing and crawlimg for you? declaring my affections rejection after rejection?" she found her voice getting stronger once again, despising the way he acts as if their exchanges before can be simply shrugged by his presence now, "loving you has always been as easy as breathing, but tonight, i am gasping for air."
at her accusing tone, he could not stop himself from defending his person. unknowingly to him, his own voice were laced with malice as he retorted.
"that is because you surround yourself with fire, raine. despite the close proximity, i cannot cross." he took a step back, completely in contrast of his attacking words, "is it fun for you as well? to make a fool of me by the childish notions of your love."
raine gritted her teeth harshly at his words. she can accept his rejections, no problem. but to call her love fake? to call it childish? she stepped forwards to him, pushing his chest with her index finger, rage clear on her features against the good night.
"i am tired of explaining over and over again. just like the fire, my love for you burns!" she stopped the action, throwing her arm back harshly as she directed all her will to her voice, "it will always because it must!"
"and you think me not burned?" he stepped closer, ire and passion blending in his sharp voice, "raine, i am ablazed! its flames are scorching me day after day. you haunt me! your presence screams, even in my dreams—especially, in my dreams."
benedict looked at her piercingly in the eyes, "i dare not love you just as humans should dare not travel the stars. i am not worthy of such heavenly body."
he charmed, his voice gradually becoming smaller, trying to find the peace within him. he ran his fingers between his hair, looking away in utter shame of his words. he sighed heavily, opening his eyes to catch sight of her once again.
"i have seen you since you were an innocent young. i have been with you throughout everything." his voice small, like a child confessing his sins, "i have seen you grow into such a fine lady as you always were, even as a child."
the realisation of his words did not come to him, seemingly decided to divulge his side of ugliness and his twisted love—his deviant nature, all for her to see.
"does that not make your bones curl?! does that not disgust you enough?! for goodness' sake! the voice in my head is a monster, raine. he does not whisper. he has been screaming for me to do things—to grab you, to seize you, to put you under me. do you know how hard it is to drown him down?"
raine could do nothing but watch the man she has yearned for all her life reveal his innermost aberrant tendencies. it was a kind of undressing.
"i held lady arnold in my arms, her mouth exploring myself and all i can utter is your name, just as i have always done with other women. is that not sickening enough?"
he gazed at her beggingly, as if a cry for help—a cry for her to free him from whatever this is. he took a step back from her defeatedly, like a man afraid of touching what he loves in fear of it breaking.
"like the fire, i cannot touch you."
and at his final confession, she walked towards him, steps evident with striking determination and eyes filled with passion.
"then let me."
she took a hold of his collar and pulled him to her, their lips connecting desperately and mouth starving for each other. maybe, there was nothing more to say. perhaps, she has said everything.
his hands and lips moved in reflex, deepening the kiss as he pushed her back on the wall. she grasped on the back of his head as he lifted her leg, his lips brushing her ear as he settled on her jawline. his other hand explored her harshly, his mouth dangerously grazing her purity.
they took themselves away from the wall, lips longing for the other again as he guided her slowly inside, fighting for each other's taste. playing their aggressiveness in front of the door, he wasted no time in turning the knob, pushing themselves inside.
in contrary to what edgar allan poe said, years of love were not forgotten in the hatred of a minute. it was amplified.
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks @perseny @everavenclaw @datingbtr @peetahpahkah @omy0 @idek-what-to-put
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salvawhores-world · 1 year
Sparks - Anthony bridgerton Part 1
Single dad! Anthony Bridgerton x young!fem oc (Florence Channingworth)
Warnings - single dad anthony, tooth rotting fluff, crazy bridgerton siblings , age gap. Uncle Ben has my whole heart
A/n- reader is of Eloise’s age. I imagine her as Emma Watson from belle and little women.She is nineteen and Anthony 30. It was quite common in those days and the age gap holds a key to the plot hence is emphasised more often I started writing this imagining girl dad Anthony had me in fits. It seems I’ve more than 1 part hehehe. Do not steal my work.
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Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, once renowned as the charming rake of London, experienced a profound transformation the day his precious daughter, Ava Bridgerton, came into the world four years ago.
She became the very center of his universe, reshaping his priorities and molding him into the doting father he had never anticipated becoming.
Love for his daughter consumed him entirely, radiating from him in every interaction. The viscount's rakish tendencies were forsaken, for he no longer had time nor desire for them.
The idea of marriage had never been on his radar, but with Ava as his eternal companion, he found contentment beyond measure.
As for securing an heir, he entrusted that responsibility to his brothers, Benedict, Colin, or even young Gregory, confident that the viscount legacy would be safeguarded.
The Bridgerton household was bathed in warm sunlight as Ava's little legs propelled her eagerly towards her father's study.
“Dada!" she exclaimed, storming into the room. Anthony glanced up from his towering stack of papers, his heart instantly alight at the sight of his precious daughter.
Amongst the strict protocol of their home, Ava alone had the privilege of entering without knocking.
With eyes filled with adoration, Anthony beckoned Ava closer, opening his arms to envelop her in an embrace. "Yes, my little love?" he responded, his voice laced with affection and a touch of wonder.
“What do fencing and farming have to do with becoming with child?" Ava's words tumbled forth, her curiosity shining brightly.
Momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question, Anthony's sister Eloise's penchant for stirring up intriguing discussions had once again cast its enchanting spell.
Clearing his throat, Anthony sought the right words to navigate this delicate topic with his beloved four-year-old daughter. He couldn't bear to deceive her – Ava deserved nothing less than the truth.
Ava continued, her voice hushed and tender, her tiny fingers delicately twirling Anthony's thumb as he lovingly caressed her hair.
She recounted the events of their recent tea gathering in the drawing room, where Aunt Eloise had dared to inquire about the nature of conceiving a child without the prerequisite of marriage.
He silently chastised his mischievous siblings for placing him in such a predicament.
Leaning against her father's comforting presence, Ava continued to unravel the tale. Uncle Lin’s mention of farm visits, swiftly followed by Uncle Benny's playful reprimand and their grandmother's firm disapproval of improper conversation.
Anthony couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration at his siblings, convinced that they were intentionally conspiring to complicate his life.
In his heart, he secretly harbored thoughts of committing a murder– if only he could get away with it – with Colin and Eloise at the top of his imaginary list
Looking up at her father with her innocent eyes, framed by bangs that mirrored her Aunt Eloise's hairstyle, Ava sought answers. Anthony knew his little girl was wise beyond her years, her intellect far surpassing her tender age.
He sighed inwardly, contemplating how to address her inquiries. He yearned for the eloquence of his late father, Edmund, who always had the right words at the ready. But he reminded himself that he was Anthony, not Edmund, and that he needed to find his own way as a father.
"Like your grandma said, Ava, these are improper topics of conversation for now, my love," Anthony said, his heart aching at the disappointment reflected in her big brown puppy eyes. His little girl deserved the truth, but he also wanted to protect her innocence.
"Dada," Ava began, her voice filled with determination, "it's contradictory. You're not married, but you have me. You and Uncle Lin and Uncle Benny all fence, and they don’t have children. And none of you are married either." She presented her observations like a mini-lecturer, her inquisitive mind seeking understanding.
Her questions were indeed profound for a four-year-old, and he wished he had all the answers poised at the tip of his tongue, like his father Edmund always had.
"Sweetheart," he began, his voice filled with tenderness, "you are my very, very smart girl, aren't you?" His eyes held a mixture of pride and adoration.
“Being with child is a big concept, my little baby. When you grow up and your little head is ready, I promise to explain it all to you. It will be easier for you to grasp and understand."
Ava nodded, her eyes brightening with trust and innocence as she settled comfortably on her father's lap.
As their conversation continued, the father and daughter delved into other delightful topics, their interaction a heartwarming testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.
As dinner approached, Ava's determination to perfect her teacup sketch alongside her uncle Benedict in his art studio remained unwavering.
Anthony entered the drawing room, expecting to find his daughter. However, to his surprise, he discovered Colin and Gregory engaged in playful banter, while Francesca and Eloise quietly indulged in their book.
"Colin, you are hereby forbidden from opening that barbarous mouth of yours in front of my daughter ever again!" Anthony declared, his voice laced with exasperation.
Without hesitation, he swatted his brother on the head, eliciting a chuckle from Francesca. "Well, it seems I missed the epic incident that transpired this afternoon," Francesca remarked, her eyes still fixed on her book
“Perhaps my little Ava could regale us with the tale," Francesca suggested, peering up from her book to look at Anthony, who was busy rolling his eyes.
"Ah, the remarkable talent she possesses for storytelling," Eloise chimed in.
"That's precisely why you should never leave a child in the company of starving artists and heartbroken poets." Colin, couldn't resist adding
Sighing and brooding, Anthony made his exit from the drawing room, muttering under his breath, "Vicious bunch, the lot of you."
"Wow, would you just look at my incredibly talented little baby," Benedict exclaimed in awe, gazing up at the teacup sketched with Ava's tiny, charcoal-smudged hands.
“Uncle Ben, I can't seem to get this part right," she admitted, pointing to the saucer beneath. Before Anthony could enter the room, he was greeted by the heartwarming sight of his daughter perched on his brother's lap, receiving guidance.
"Ah, children," Anthony called out, his voice filled with affection. "Dada!" Ava's eyes lit up as she spotted her father, proudly presenting him with her sketch.
“Look, I made a teacup!" Her smile radiated pure joy, Chubby cheeks adorned with smudges of charcoal. Benedict gently wiped off the smudges, his adoration for his niece shining brightly.
"This is absolutely beautiful, my dear. I'm certain we have Uncle Ben's guidance to thank,” Anthony praised, beaming at the masterpiece.
Ava turned around, planting a sloppy kiss on Benedict's cheek. "Thank you, Uncle Ben. You're the absolute best!" she declared, her love for him evident in her words.
"And you, my darling, are my favorite person in the whole wide world," Benedict replied, his heart swelling with adoration for his beloved niece.
“Now, come on, you artists, I'm sure are both famished. It's dinnertime," Anthony interjected,
Anthony, guiding Ava down the stairs, holding her hand on one side, while Benedict held her other hand. In that moment, Ava truly embodied the cherished spirit of the Bridgerton family, loved and adored by all.
On a delightful morning, Eloise found herself in a fit of frustration, adamantly insisting on going to the spring book fair.
Violet, ever the concerned mother, refused to let her daughter wander the streets unaccompanied.
Naturally, Ava, who mimicked her beloved aunt in everything, also insisted on joining them at the fair.
As Anthony entered the room, his hat gracefully handed to the footman, he greeted the ladies amidst their bickering. "A very good morning to you, ladies," he chimed in, a twinkle in his eyes.
"Anthony, please talk some sense into your sister and daughter. They insist on going to the book fair," Violet pleaded, finally finding a moment to pour herself a cup of tea.
Eloise, walking towards her brother, continued to grumble, "Why must there always be this permission nonsense? Colin practically flies out of the door like a leaf!"
Little Ava followed her aunt quietly, her chubby hands swiftly grabbing a biscuit from Daphne's saucer on the way, earning a teasing glare from her aunt.
"But Eloise, we have an entire library here. What could you possibly find there that you don't have already?" Anthony questioned, genuinely curious.
Eloise's annoyance grew by the minute as she replied, "How will we ever know if we don't go, Anthony?"
Ava, standing beside them, joined in, her sweet voice chiming, "Yes, Dada, please! I want to see too!"
Anthony's gaze shifted downward to his daughter, her little hands holding a half-eaten biscuit, with crumbs lingering near her lips. He couldn't help but be captivated by her big, brown puppy eyes that mirrored his own.
Crouching down to Ava's level, Anthony lovingly brushed away the crumbs around her mouth. He then turned to Eloise and made a decision.
“Fine, if you both wish to go, I shall accompany you," he declared, lifting Ava into his arms as she hugged him tightly, brimming with joy. Together, they walked out of the room, embarking on their book fair adventure.
"Wow, it's like she's holding a secret Bridgerton family spellbook," Colin exclaimed with a mischievous grin, earning playful nods and from his siblings.
"Next time someone pushes Anthony to the edge, we'll just send in Ava, and poof! Instant peace and sanity restored!" His statement elicited laughter that echoed throughout the room, as they imagined the adorable Ava as their secret weapon against Anthony's moments of frustration.
The overcast afternoon provided a pleasant ambiance as Anthony held little Ava's hand, strolling amidst the book fair with his sister, Eloise.
Random lords greeted the viscount while Eloise searched for an edition of Elizabeth Gaskell's new novel. Little Ava, pointing and laughing at various sights, brought an air of joy to the group. Suddenly, they heard a commotion at one of the book stalls.
"Cease your wailing like a child for a toy! I arrived here first, and thus, I shall claim this book," a girl's voice asserted as they drew closer to the commotion.
Eloise noticed the very same novel clutched tightly in the lady's hand. Anthony observed a girl of Eloise's age, donned in a pastel lilac gown with meticulously arranged and adorned hair, clearly new to ton.
"Proper ladies do not engage in reading. Have you no inkling of decorum?" a young man, a year or so younger than Anthony, retorted with a haughty tone.
The girl scoffed at his words, her gaze ablaze with determination. “Only Illiterates do not engage in reading for the simple reason that they cannot, but then there exist individuals like you, whose intellect fails to grasp knowledge despite indulging in literature," she retorted with a fierceness in her stare.
In the midst of this exchange, Ava, clapping her tiny hands, caught the girl's attention.
Anthony furrowed his brow, looking at his daughter with confusion. "Most admirably expressed, miss," the girl turned and bestowed a smile upon little Ava.
Anthony glared at the man, disapproving of his inquisitive gaze towards his daughter, holding her hand firmly.
Delving into her pouch, the girl rummaged for pennies. "I should like to obtain that book," the man persisted.
“I should like to consign you to a hasty grave," she retorted through gritted teeth, his embarrassment palpable.
Having paid the shopkeeper, she raised her gaze and ordered the man to depart. He hastily retreated, disappearing from sight.
Approaching little Ava, the girl gracefully lowered herself, crouching before her. “Hello love I gather you possess an affinity for literature," she inquired, her voice gentle and melodious.
“Yes, miss, I love reading. My aunt Eloise here introduced me to the world of books," Ava responded, her pudgy finger pointing towards Eloise, who reciprocated the girl's smile.
"I daresay both of you possess exquisite taste," the girl affirmed with a smile. "Yes, and you are very, very pretty, almost like the angels my uncle Benny writes poems about," Ava complimented, leaving the girl in front of her in awe.
"Well, it takes one to see one. I'm sure your uncle would know," the girl responded referring to Ava,her smile enchanting.
Eloise introduced herself, saying, “hello , Eloise Bridgerton."The girl replied, "I am Florence Channingworth, and it is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Miss Flor... Flow... Flower, I am Ava Bridgerton." Florence beamed at the little girl's enthusiasm.Unable to pronounce Florence's full name, Ava chimed in eagerly,
“And this, is my father, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton," Ava introduced her father. To say Florence was captivated by him would be an understatement. His countenance radiated extraordinary handsomeness.
"Good afternoon, Miss Channingworth," Anthony greeted, surprised by the magnetic presence of the young lady.
Love at first sight was a notion he had never subscribed to, but Florence's interaction with his daughter and her boldness in confronting the discourteous man intrigued him.
“Greeting, Lord Bridgerton," Florence replied, unable to divert her gaze from him.
“You are the daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, if I am not mistaken, Miss Channingworth?" Anthony inquired, recognizing the prestigious name.
Cascading waterfalls, enveloping him in a momentary trance. He quickly composed himself as she replied, "Indeed, my lord, I am the daughter of the Duke of Gloucester. We have recently arrived in the ton."
"I was precisely in search of that particular book, but it seems there is only a solitary copy available," Eloise interjected, her eyes fixated on the coveted novel as if she had discovered a long-lost treasure.
“Yes, it was just released, Miss Eloise, as you are undoubtedly aware," Florence replied, meeting Eloise's gaze with understanding.
A glimmer appeared in her eyes as she continued, "However, might I propose an arrangement? I shall embark upon reading this book, and within a week's time, I shall pen you a letter and hand it over along with the cherished novel."
"And perhaps, dear Ava, you and I could engage in a discourse about the book, if your father deems it agreeable," Florence suggested, turning her attention towards Ava and Anthony.
"Who cares about what Ava and her father do? I'm up for the discussion with you," Eloise exclaimed with infectious excitement, causing a mischievous grin to spread across Florence's face.
In the midst of the enthusiasm, little Ava pinched Eloise on the arm, for leaving her out prompting a surprised yelp from her
"Of course, Miss Flower, I... I would very much like that," Ava chimed in, her grin widening. She turned to her father, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
.”Wouldn't we, Dada?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation and a touch of cheekiness.
Ava looked up at her father with wide, pleading eyes, silently pleading for his approval.
Anthony couldn't deny the sparkle of joy in his daughter's eyes or the genuine warmth emanating from Florence.
"Of course, anything that brings happiness to my girls," he affirmed with a smile.
With a beam of satisfaction, Eloise exclaimed, "We shall eagerly anticipate our literary discussions, Miss Channingworth!"
“As shall I, Miss Eloise,” Florence replied, her smile radiating a genuine fondness for the spirited girl.
As Florence bid him farewell, her eyes lingering on him, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing.
"I shall bid you adieu," she said, her gaze filled with a captivating tenderness.
"Have a splendid afternoon, Miss Channingworth," he replied, unable to conceal the fondness in his smile.
He watched Florence walk away, her graceful figure etching a bittersweet image in his mind. Little Ava, always observant, waved goodbye with unabashed enthusiasm, while Eloise radiated with excitement, relishing the newfound bond with her new book friend and the treasured novel she had acquired.
The Viscount couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events.
One moment, he was drowning his sorrows at White', and the next, he found himself engrossed in a conversation with three delightful ladies, discussing novels amidst the lively ambiance of the book fair.
"Dada, let's hurry home! I must inform Uncle Benny about the angelic Miss Flower, so he can compose more delightful poems," Ava exclaimed, her words breaking through her father's trance.
Her innocence and eagerness melted Anthony's heart, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth enveloping him.
After four eventful days, Florence found herself comfortably seated at home, diligently penning a letter to Miss Eloise.
She carefully wrapped the cherished book in a neat brown paper, preparing it for its journey. Lost in her thoughts,she heard a murmur,
"And this love letter is for..." Suddenly, her peaceful reverie was shattered by a familiar voice, causing her to let out a startled exclamation. The ink from her pen spilled onto the letter, creating an unfortunate mess.
She turned around to find Simon, her dear friend and brother, towering over her. "Simon!" she exclaimed, slightly exasperated as he enveloped her in a tight embrace.
“Please release me! You've ruined my letter," she protested, her words muffled by his hug.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my own sister. How are you faring? Are your romantic novel daydreams finally coming to fruition?" he teased, casting a mischievous glance at the book and the ink-stained letter, his eyes catching the familiar last name "Bridgerton."
"Shut your cheeky mouth! I met a companion at the book fair the other day, and I was penning a missive to her. But thanks to your irritating antics, it's all ruined now!"Florence's frustration grew, and she couldn't help but retort.
"Just when I thought you'd be elated to see me, it seems you prefer the company of strangers over your dear brother. I am utterly wounded," he remarked with a hint of jest. Simon feigned hurt, his expression mockingly pained.
"Ah, it appears my children have already commenced their squabbling." Before Florence could reply, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of His Grace, the Duke of Gloucester, her father. He entered the room and caught sight of his daughter and Simon, engaging in their playful banter. With a light-hearted tone, he commented.
"Father, Simon has appeared and started to vex me," she said, pointing towards the mischievous Basset boy.
"Well, why don't the two of you take a stroll together and catch up? I wouldn't want my children serving each others heads to me for dinner, which will surely happen if you remain cooped up in the house," their father suggested with a knowing smile.
Simon's smirk widened as Florence let out a groan. "Oh, Flo it seems we'll have to personally deliver your book," Simon remarked playfully.
"Have I mentioned my disdain for the male species?" she quipped, glancing at her father before walking away with the book in hand. Before leaving, she planted a kiss on her father's cheek, and he smiled warmly at his daughter's antics.
"I'll take good care of her," Simon assured her father, and the Duke of Hastings pulled him into a heartfelt embrace. "Welcome home, son," he said, his voice filled with genuine emotion.
The Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Hastings shared a deep bond, one that extended beyond their friendship and into the realm of family.
"Tell me more, Uncle Lin. Do they have angels like Miss Flower in Greece too?" Ava's newfound fascination with Miss Florence had taken over the Bridgerton household.
She was perhaps the first lady, outside of her aunts, who shared similar ideals—an uncommon occurrence that Ava found intriguing.
Ever since that day at the book fair, she had pestered Benedict for multiple poems, asked Eloise every day if she had received the letter yet, and requested Anthony to share more stories about Florence, given his knowledge of her father.
Unfortunately, Anthony could provide little information, as Simon had only mentioned the Channingworths in passing. Nonetheless, Ava seized every opportunity to bring up the Channingworth lady.
"Whoever this Flower is, will she ever bloom, or are we to be left with just stories about her?" Colin jested, eliciting laughter from the Bridgertons.
The entire family had gathered in the drawing room for their afternoon tea.
"His Grace, Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings, and Miss Florence Channingworth."Just then, the butler announced Anthony's excitement and confusion mingled together, and Eloise and Ava's eyes widened with anticipation, their gazes fixed on the entrance.
"Bridgerton!" Simon's voice filled the room with excitement, and the Bridgerton family promptly rose to their feet, showing their respect for the Duke of Hastings.
Anthony couldn't contain his joy and immediately pulled his best friend into a tight embrace. "Basset, it's good to see you," he greeted him warmly.
Florence, following closely behind Simon, observed their surprise reunion with curiosity. Unbeknownst to her, Anthony and Simon had been the closest of friends since their college days.
As she took in the scene, little Ava couldn't contain her excitement and dashed towards Florence, her pigtails bouncing with each step. Florence, delighted by the young girl's enthusiasm, knelt down to embrace her.
"Oh, I was waiting for you !” Ava exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. Florence's face lit up with a radiant smile. "And I’m just as excited, dear Ava," she replied, her voice as sweet as honey.
Caught in a moment of awe, Anthony couldn't tear his gaze away from Florence. She seemed to embody everything her presence ignited a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time.
As Anthony continued to gaze at Florence, he couldn't help but be aware of the significant age difference between them. She was around Eloise's age, and he knew it would be deemed improper to entertain such thoughts about a young lady like her. Yet, his heart seemed determined, well the heart want what it wants.
"How are you, Ava?" Florence asked, her attention now fully focused on the little girl.
"I'm fantastic! Uncle Simon brought Miss Flower with him," Ava exclaimed, pointing towards Florence. The room burst into laughter at Ava's innocent mix-up of names.
Florence chuckled, her eyes meeting Anthony's. "Well, I'm honored to be in the presence of such esteemed company," she said, her words accompanied by a playful smile. Anthony's heart skipped a beat, and he felt his cheeks flush.
The shared glance did not go unnoticed by Lady Bridgerton, who exchanged knowing looks with her eldest son, Benedict, and Daphne. It seemed that Anthony's foolish heart was betraying him.
The Bridgerton family sat together in the elegant drawing room, their laughter and warmth filling the air. Anthony's mother, Violet, sat regally in her favorite armchair, overseeing the lively gathering.
Ava, perched on Benedict's lap, tugged at his sleeve, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Uncle Ben, do you think Miss Flower is an angel in disguise?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
Benedict chuckled, ruffling Ava's hair affectionately. “Well, little one, Miss Florence certainly has a grace and beauty that rivals the angels," he replied, casting a playful glance at Florence, who blushed at the compliment.
“But Ava, you're the one who sees angels, remember? Perhaps you can tell us if Miss Florence truly is one,”Anthony suggested, a playful glint in his eyes as he leaned closer to his daughter.
Ava's face lit up, her imagination running wild. "Oh, yes, Dada! Miss Florence can be my angel friend, and we can have tea parties and read books in the clouds!" she exclaimed, earning delighted laughter from her siblings.
"Well, in that case, I hope you remember to save some tea and biscuits for your Uncle Simon. I wouldn't want to be left out of the heavenly tea party," Simon quipped.
"Simon,, I believe tea parties in the clouds require a certain level of etiquette. Can you manage that?" Florence asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"Why, my dear sister I'll have you know that I can be the most refined cloud tea party guest you'll ever meet!" he proclaimed, causing Florence to burst into laughter.
Violet couldn't help but notice the transformation in her son, Anthony. The genuine smile that graced his face as he listened to Florence's laughter brought a sense of joy and nostalgia to her heart.
"Miss flower! Will you play with me and tell me more stories?" she asked, her voice filled with pure innocence.
“Of course, my dear Ava. I would love nothing more” she replied, her voice filled with genuine affection.
Soon the time for Simon and Florence's departure drew near, Ava's face crumpled with sadness.
She clung tightly to Florence's hand, her eyes welling up with tears. "But Miss Flower, you can't go yet! I don't want you to leave. Will you promise to come back soon?" she pleaded, her voice quivering with genuine distress.
“Oh, my sweet Ava, I promise you that I will see you soon” Florence's heart ached at Ava's visible sadness.
She knelt down and cupped the little girl's face in her hands, wiping away her tears with gentle affection.
she assured her, her voice filled with tenderness.
As Anthony held Ava in his arms, he spoke softly to his daughter, his voice filled with tenderness.
“Ava, my love, Miss Florence has other responsibilities to attend to. It would be impolite to keep her waiting. She will visit us again, I promise," he reassured her, soothing her with his comforting presence and gentle strokes on her hair.
Florence couldn't help but admire the beautiful bond between Anthony and Ava. It tugged at her heartstrings and stirred a mix of emotions within her.
She found herself yearning for a family of her own, with a loving husband and a precious child. She quickly scolded herself for entertaining such thoughts about a married man and redirected her attention to the present moment.
Ava's sniffling brought Florence back to reality, and she knelt down to her level, offering reassurance.
“Ava, my dear, I will come to see you once you have finished reading that book with Aunt Eloise." she promised, a warm smile gracing her lips.
"It was a pleasure to meet all of you," Florence addressed the Bridgerton siblings, her eyes filled with genuine appreciation.
The chorus of reciprocal sentiments filled the air, as each sibling expressed their gratitude for the encounter.
Turning to Lady Bridgerton, Florence extended her gratitude, a sincere smile gracing her features.
“Lady Bridgerton, your family is truly remarkable, and your granddaughter is a delight. Thank you for welcoming us into your home unexpectedly. It has been a joy to meet you all."
Violet Bridgerton beamed with affection, her eyes filled with adoration for her family. "My dear Florence, my granddaughter and I have taken a liking to you. Please continue to visit us. We would love to hear more from you and have the pleasure of your company," she warmly expressed, turning her gaze towards Anthony and Ava
Eloise, unable to contain her excitement, interjected, "Miss Florence, I can't wait to read this book! I will get back to you soon with my thoughts and opinions." Her enthusiasm was contagious, and Florence couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's eagerness
"Eloise, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the book. Let's drop the formalities and simply be Florence and Eloise," she suggested with a warm smile.
"Yes, just Florence and Eloise, like two kindred spirits” Eloise's face lit up with joy as she nodded eagerly. "We shall," Simon said, extending his arm for Florence to take
. With a graceful smile, Florence accepted his arm, her heart feeling a mixture of emotions. The time had come for them to bid their final goodbyes and return to their respective homes.
Florence, known for her directness, couldn't resist her curiosity as she broke the silence during their carriage ride back home.
"Simon, I must ask, how was the viscount during your time at Oxford?" she inquired, her eyes searching for any hint of the truth in his expression.
Anthony's mysterious aura had intrigued her, and she wanted to unravel the layers surrounding him.
"Like most men are during their college days," he replied evasively, not eager to delve into the past. He had reservations about where Florence's curiosity might lead.
"Ah, the epitome of enlightenment, I suppose," she quipped, a touch of amusement in her voice.
“But it's interesting to see you, someone usually guarded, open up so easily to him and especially to his daughter. It's not a side of you I'm accustomed to. Be cautious, Flo, this is unlike you," he warned, concern lacing his words.
“Ava is a little angel, and I don't wish to discuss this matter any further," Florence declared firmly, closing her eyes and leaning back, seeking solace in a momentary escape.
She had no desire to entertain Simon's doubts and observations, feeling weary from the day's events. "Wake me when we arrive," she added, giving him no room for further discussion, leaving Simon to sigh in contemplation.
"Dada, wouldn't it be jolly if Miss Flower came and lived with us?" little Ava asked her father, snuggled in bed as he finished reading her a bedtime story.
Anthony, lost in his thoughts, pondered the idea for a moment. "Well, my darling, I suppose it would be rather splendid," he replied, his mind racing with possibilities.
"Do you like Miss Flower as much as Auntie Eloise and I do?" Ava questioned innocently, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Anthony struggled to find the right words to express his feelings. "I... umm, she's a delightful lady," he responded, trying to choose his words carefully.
Ava's excitement grew as an idea popped into her head. With an animated expression, she suggested,
“Dada, why don't you invite Miss Flower to join us at Aubrey Hall next week for a jolly vacation? You're older, and if you charm her with your wisdom, perhaps she will consider the invitation."
Anthony couldn't help but smile at his daughter's ingenuity. "Did you just call me old?" he gasped dramatically, attempting to divert the topic, causing Ava to burst into giggles. "My dear baby thinks I'm an old man," he playfully teased, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course," Ava replied, giggling uncontrollably. Anthony seized the opportunity, asking mischievously, "Say that again, my dear."
He began tickling her, eliciting a symphony of laughter from Ava. Eventually, he stopped tickling her as she drifted off to sleep, leaving Anthony alone with his thoughts about Miss Channingworth.
As he sat in the quiet room, a myriad of emotions swirled within him. The innocent admiration of his daughter, coupled with his own growing fascination, made him ponder the possibilities that lay ahead.
One fine morning, Simon ventured out for a hunting expedition, while Florence strolled through the park with her dog, relishing the radiant sunlight.
In the distance, she spotted a familiar sight—the unmistakable pigtails of a little girl. "Ava!" she called out, her voice carrying through the air.
Ava, sitting with her father in a picturesque garden set up for a picnic, turned around upon hearing the familiar voice. With hesitant steps, Ava approached Florence, who reassured her, "Don't worry, love, he won't cause any harm," as she observed the little girl's initial hesitation to pet the corgi.
"Hello," Ava greeted, gently caressing the dog with her small chubby hands. "Miss Flower, what is his name?" she inquired. "His name is William," Florence responded.
"William, you are such a good dog," Ava exclaimed, as the corgi nestled against her.
“Goodmorning Miss Channingworth, the weather is fine today” Anthony made his presence known, acknowledging Florence with a warm greeting.
She looked ethereal, like a divine being, donning a sage green pastel gown that complemented her caramel brown hair, adorned with a pretty head accessory.
"Indeed, Lord Bridgerton. I suppose you have a lovely picnic going on," she remarked. "Yes, Ava seems to adore the sunshine. And now she's taken a liking to your dog," Anthony replied, pointing out the little girl's fascination with the canine.
"I am pleased that William is receiving more affection," Florence smiled. Anthony gestured for her to take a seat, to which she gracefully complied.
“So, how long will you be in London ?" Anthony inquired, offering a succulent strawberry to her.
With a mischievous smile, Florence retorted, "Why, Lord Bridgerton, have I started to annoy you by crossing paths with you at every possible turn?"
Anthony stumbled over his words, flustered by her playful remark. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I was just curious," he stammered, watching her bite into the juicy fruit.
Suddenly, Anthony's mouth felt dry, and he loosened his tight collar slightly. "In fact, I am glad to have encountered you. It's a refreshing change from the insufferable people in the ton," Anthony confessed, his throat tightening.
"Well, perhaps after the upcoming season ends. It commences in two weeks," Florence revealed.
"Ah," Anthony responded, caught off guard. "Are you looking to marry?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Florence replied, "Not really. I plan to sit out this season since I delayed it by a year. I want to observe how things unfold before making any decisions. I am not particularly fond of marrying just for the sake of it. I seek someone who sees me for who I am and not merely as their wife. I know it may be too much to ask for, but..."
Before Florence could finish her sentence, Anthony interrupted her, his gaze locked deeply into her eyes. "Miss Channingworth, you deserve nothing less than what you desire," he declared passionately, stirring intense emotions within Florence.
The shared gaze between them spoke volumes, as their connection seemed to transcend the bounds of ordinary conversation.
"Dada, did you invite Miss Flower to join us at Aubrey Hall for a vacation?" Ava questioned her father, standing by William who wagged his tail contentedly.
“Oh, I forgot," Anthony admitted, realizing his oversight. "Dada, how could you?" Ava playfully scolded him, finding her place between her father and Florence. William conveniently positioned himself by Ava's side, adding to the picture of a complete and happy family.
Florence couldn't help but admire the domestic scene unfolding before her, cherishing this precious moment on a sunny morning.
"Miss Channingworth, I would like to extend an invitation for you to come and stay with us at our country home in Kent for a vacation," Anthony proposed, his words interrupting Florence's thoughts.
Florence was taken aback by the offer, unsure of what to say, and Anthony's intense gaze only intensified her nervousness.
Would it be awkward? Should she accept? "I insist, please," Anthony reiterated, noticing her hesitation.
Meeting Anthony's longing gaze, Florence finally found her voice, "Yes, I would love that. I'm sure Ava will be thrilled." Deep down, she knew the invitation meant more than just a vacation for Ava.
"For Ava," Anthony affirmed, a sense of relief washing over him at her acceptance. Florence met his gaze and echoed his words, "For Ava." Both of them understood that the invitation held a deeper meaning, extending far beyond a simple vacation.
Have you lost your mind?" Simon exclaimed when Florence mentioned that she would be leaving soon to join the Bridgertons in Kent.
His disbelief was evident in his voice as he tried to comprehend her decision.Florence sighed, understanding Simon's concern.
"I know it may seem sudden, but Viscount Bridgerton invited me to spend some time at Aubrey Hall with them," she explained, trying to rationalize her choice. "It's just a vacation, Simon, and Ava is looking forward to it."
Simon's brows furrowed as he looked at her intently. "But you barely know them, Florence. It's not like you to impulsively go off and spend time with strangers," he protested, his protective instincts kicking in.
Florence nodded, acknowledging his valid point but kept quiet Simon sighed, realizing that Florence had made up her mind. "Just promise me you'll be careful and keep me updated," he urged, his concern for her well-being overriding his initial shock.
"I promise, Simon," Florence reassured him, grateful for his concern. "I'll make sure to keep in touch. You know I won't do anything reckless."
Simon nodded, reluctantly accepting her decision. "Alright then, but remember, if anything feels off or uncomfortable, you can always leave. Your safety and happiness come first," he emphasized, wanting her to prioritize herself above all else.
As they bid each other farewell, Florence couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about her upcoming adventure with the Bridgertons.
To be continued…
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asa-writes · 11 months
Aphrodite of Old Hall - 01
“Soiree at Lord de Gressy’s”
Anthony Bridgerton x F!OC / Benedict Bridgerton x F!OC
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none :) 
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Glancing at the thick, dark clouds above, Elisabeth shuddered and wrapped her coat tighter around herself. "Damn you, Stephane, for bringing me here. Why must you live in this abominable cold country?", She grumbled and guided her horse through the park, trying to avoid it splashing up any grime.
"I'm charmed to see that you have not changed, my dear," mused her brother. "I shall not even answer your question." He paused and grinned. "Can I count on your presence at today's soiree? Sarah has been planning it for over a month and after today's callers I am confident that you will have all of the attention you could get."
Steadying herself, Elisabeth sighed and glanced at the trees which had tried hard to cling onto their freshly grown leaves. "I guess, thank you. Now, if there's a soiree, don't you think it's high time for us to return?", She said. Seeing her brothers' questioning look, she shrugged and pointed at her crumpled riding habit. "Would be improper of me to come like that, don't you agree?"
Not wanting to get more involved in female fashions (Stephane avoided the topic like the plague, for there was usually no end in sight when it came up in conversation) he agreed and guided his horse, an auburn stallion called Brutus, towards the parks' exit and furthermore down to 'Old Hall' - his lavish mansion.
The footmen helped him and Elisabeth descend and opened the front door, where they parted ways. Before she could go upstairs into her chamber to get changed, her lady's maid Mary hurried towards her with a letter in her hands. "Lady Elisabeth, oh, I thought you'd come too late! I shall get you ready at once, by Her Ladyship's orders, of course." Completely out of breath, the elderly lady held out a helping hand to Elisabeth, which she held as they ascended to steps. Hurrying into her chamber, she opened the letter and let Mary undress her.
"Thank you, Mary. We wouldn't want to disappoint her Ladyship, would we?", She said with a grin, shivering. Mary, slowly regaining her usual breathing pattern, tried to suppress a broad smile. "Never, Lady Elisabeth." She switched her corsets and guided a stunning crimson dress over her Lady's shoulders. Opening the letter with a knife, Elisabeth motioned Mary to bring her her spectacles, for if there was one thing Elisabeth could not do - except for anything musical, but that was common knowledge - that was seeing anything clearly without those beastly things.
"Unto Lady Elisabeth de Gressy, I am more than truly sorry for not visiting you in the morning. Business called. I can assure you that you shall have my undivided attention this evening. My family will also be attending - have you been introduced? If not, I shall definitely see to it. You have placed me under your spell yet we haven't exchanged more than three words - I want to get to know you, if you'll allow me to. Awaiting your gracious presence, Lord Anthony Bridgerton"
Putting the letter away, Elisabeth grinned and folded her spectacles. Mary closed the last buttons and guided her towards the dressing table. "An admirer, Lady Elisabeth?" Glancing at her through the mirror, Elisabeth waved it off. "Hardly spoken to him." Mary smiled and removed the ribbons from her long black hair. "Only you know what you want and need, my Lady. You're wise. Now, diamonds or pearls, my Lady?"
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The chattering of the ton stopped as soon as Elisabeth stood at the top of the stairs. A young man with blond hair and a wide smile ran up to her and gave her his arm, so that she could lean on it, which she did. After he had escorted her down the stairs, he bowed and kissed her hand. "An honor to meet you, Lady de Gressy. Hopefully we'll get introduced soon.", He said, glancing up at her, not daring to come up from his bow. "Thank you.", She said coolly and made her way to her bemused brother. The blond man nervously looked at her and retreated to where he came from.
"I never knew that grand entrances were your kind of thing”, Stephane said and took her hand. She smiled and looked into the sea of guests, who by now had resumed their activities. Her dark eyes twinkled in the candlelit hallway as she discreetly winked at him. "How else would I make my presence known? Lady Whistledown herself had speculated if I would attend, so I decided to literally and figuratively show her." Stephane rolled his eyes and started walking towards the drawing room, which was where the refreshments were.
After a servant had provided them both with a flute of champagne, he leaned closer to her and nudged her. "I heard that you had received a letter from a certain Bridgerton. Need to get acquainted?" His moustache wiggled as he spoke, resembling a running mouse. Elisabeth, wondering where he had gotten the information from, nudged him back. "Do what you think is wise. I've yet to find out if he or his brothers are to my liking. His sister is the Duchess of Hastings now, isn't she?"
With a nod, he walked towards a gaggle of men and women dressed in similar shades of blue who were standing near the fireplace. As soon as they noticed them coming their way, they turned around and the last few mutterings between themselves had stopped. Stephane bowed and Elisabeth curtsied. "Lord Bridgerton. What an honor it is to have you and your family here with us this evening.", He said smoothly and gave his best smile towards an older lady, presumably the late Lord Bridgerton's wife.
Lord Bridgerton was the only one that Elisabeth had known (from sight alone; the others had been mentioned in Lady Whistledown's scandal sheet) and his posture straightened right away. "The honour is all mine, Lord de Gressy. Lady de Gressy, may I present to you my mother Violet, Viscountess Bridgerton, my brothers Benedict and Colin as well as my sister Eloise." He pointed towards each of the mentioned people; a man with curly brown hair that nodded respectfully with a small smile, a man with slightly less curly brown hair and a wide smile and a young woman who gave her a forced smile and a small wave.
Stephane straightened his cravat. "Lady Elisabeth, I had not known that you were acquainted with Lord Bridgerton. What a delight!" He said smoothly. With a quick glance at his wife, who was currently eating a few grapes, he bowed again and excused himself. Seeing the slight discomfort of the small young woman being left alone with all of them, Lord Bridgerton took the chance of asking her to take turns around the room. Elisabeth accepted, very demurely one might add, and told the rest of the Bridgertons what a delight it was to meet them.
"My brother intercepted your letter, so it seems.", She said nonchalantly and looked up at his well-groomed face. His jaw muscles clenched and unclenched again, after which he also looked at her. His facial expression was practically unreadable. "Hmph." That was, for more than a minute, the only thing he said, while constantly looking at the woman on his arm. There was something about her, something about the way her left side of the mouth always seemed to be curving up, as if she found something to be terribly funny.
"Are you waiting for me to say something?", He growled. She fluttered her eyelashes and gave him a sweet smile. "Have I done something wrong, my Lord?" He slowly exhaled and glanced at her lips, which she was slowly wetting with her tongue. Unbelievable! "Of course not, my Lady. I just- you- Um, I did not expect you to be as... Astonishing as you are. I should have called on you this morning."
Elisabeth smiled and fanned herself. "You flatter me, my Lord. Tomorrow's another day... Carpe diem, as learned people should like to say." Her eyes fell upon a figure that was quickly approaching them from the side. Covering her mouth with her fan, she lightly touched Anthony's hand. "Lady D's coming." His hand tried reaching hers again, but it was too late; Lady Danbury's cane had already thundered down inches from his foot.
With a sly grin and a wink, she dismissed their bows and curtsies. "I've been searching for you, my dear Incomparable, but it seems like you have already found a man that won't turn into a lapdog in your presence, eh?"
 Elisabeth tried her hardest not to giggle and blushed, whereas Anthony gave her a forced smile. "Thank you for thinking so highly of me, Lady Danbury." She tapped his shin and looked him in the eye. "She's a woman, not a girl, my dearest. Remember that. Now, I'm off, toodeloo my dearest..." And with that, she was gone.
'Woman, not a girl...' Anthony thought and saw the blush on her pale face, looking at him with her coquettishly innocent-yet-not brown doe eyes. "So, where were we... Flattery?", She said and continued walking, where they were slowly approaching the Bridgertons again. He cleared his throat (and hoped it should clear his head too, but alas...) and took her round, gloved hand, bringing it up to his lips, looking her in the eye. She was a Venus, an Aphrodite, standing there with her flushed pale face, strikingly dark eyes and slightly parted raspberry-like lips... "My Lord?", She breathed, barely audible. "People are watching, it is unseemly."
Flustered, he pulled back and released her, bidding her a good night. "Shall we see each other soon, my- erm, Lady Elisabeth?" With a gentle smile, she shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not... You'll always find me somewhere."
And with that, Anthony's night had ended - he walked home, lost in thought, Elisabeth danced until her shoes fell apart (literally) and Lady Whistledown's paper was hot off the press, as always.
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Next =>  "Queen of Hearts"
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xximpressions · 2 years
Falling For Fairytales (18)
Anthony Bridgerton x black!reader
Series Summary: Taking a slight twist on your classic Cinderella story, you are the daughter of a Marquis who died when you were 18. Several years later, you are told by your stepmother that you must marry this season, or she will engage you to her elderly Uncle. Having no money of your own, you realize you are going to have to strategize if you are going to avoid such a fate. So it's a good thing you run into a Viscount who sees marriage as a battlefield.
Chapter Summary: Epilogue
Word Count: 590
Bridgerton Masterlist
A/N: That's it! Thank you to everyone who left a review! Thank you to everyone who has followed along! Thank you to everyone for your time. I hope you enjoyed my first full-length story, and I hope you can leave a review below just to let me know what you thought of it. I don't care if you're posting it one day or one year after I've posted this chapter. I'll always want to hear from you guys 😊🥰😘
The marital bliss you experienced after wedding Anthony never did seem to fade.
You really had no doubt that your love developed ever more with each passing day.
As the sun rose over the horizon each new morning, you and your husband awoke slightly more enamored with one another than the night before.
Every time you shared a look, a touch, a kiss, it exponentially added to what you felt for him and what he felt for you.
Sharing that love was an easy feat when your son made his appearance in the world not even a full year into your marriage.
With him being the perfect combination of you and your husband, you counted your blessings every day for the gift that child was.
And a few years later, you soon had to start counting those blessings again when you fell pregnant once more.
This pregnancy was much the same as the last one.
With Anthony catering to your every whim like the dotting husband he was, time seemed nonexistent as you found yourself within your own little paradise. Before long, you were brought back to reality when it came time to call for a physician as your water broke in the early hours of the morning.
You were in labor well into the afternoon, but after bringing a daughter into the world, you could not help smiling as you peered down at the mere babe cradled within your arms.
You relaxed into your husband who sat next to you on the edge of the bed. He had been gently stroking the tiny curls on your baby’s head when he murmured out to you,
“What should we name her?”
Looking back at the newborn you held after taking a glance at Anthony, your grin was content as you said just as quietly,
“Well, we named the first one after your father.”
Anthony pressed a kiss onto your temple as if giving thanks before he replied while also gazing down at your new daughter.
“Then we shall name this one after your mother.”
You gave him your own kiss of thanks that was interrupted when you heard a knock on the door. It was briefly followed by the door opening to reveal your eldest and his nanny.
“Beg pardon, my Lord, but the child wanted to meet his newest sibling.”
Smiling, you both waved him in with open arms after dismissing the older woman.
At only a few months older than three years,  he was still a toddler who needed help climbing onto his parent's bed, and Anthony assisted in such.
Placing the boy on his lap, your husband encouragingly said to him,
“Come meet your new sister.”
You watched as your son began to move cautiously toward the baby you held while excitedly peering down at what was encompassed within those swaddling blankets.
As a little grin grew on his little face, his parents found it difficult to contain theirs.
You looked toward Anthony wearing that bright grin only to find it matched on his face when you made eye contact. You both went back to watching your children interact for the first time, and felt a peace settle over you at the realization that this was your family.
This was your hope.
This was your dream.
This was your heart.
And though you knew this was not the end to your story, you still could not help thinking that, in this moment, you had truly found your happily ever after and took great pleasure in rejoicing in it.
Taglist: @drownmeoutatsea | @easilyobessedbutflighty | @thatlizardlady | @gxlden-honey | @faatxma | @ssuirattigass | @oldfruitloop | @louderfortheback | @readers-posts | @americaswritings | @finnshelbyswhore | @mrsharringtonmunson | @honeylovemoon
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peterpparkrr · 2 years
(Not) the same as it was | A Bridgerton Series
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Series: (Not) the same as it was
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x OFC
Summary: Anthony Bridgerton and Miss Josephine Saville were the love match of the 1803 season. But when tragedy struck in May of 1803 the trajectories of their lives permanently altered. 1814 brings them both back to London for the social season. However, they now return as new versions of themselves as the Viscount Bridgerton and Dowager Countess Wescott. Though much has changed in the decade they’ve spent apart, they still find themselves helplessly drawn to one another. Will the pair reconcile their pasts, or will the destruction of their young love prove to be an irreversible schism? 
Warnings: Death of minor characters, grief/loss, angst
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Ch. 1 
Ch. 2 
Ch. 3 
Ch. 4 
Ch. 5 
Ch. 6 - coming soon!
338 notes · View notes
abridgertonfantasy · 2 years
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[SUMMARY: Elizabeth Jones is a friend to the Bridgerton family thanks to her father. She gets along with all except for Anthony until her father unexpectedly passes and she seeks comfort from him in the most intimate way.]
"I...I can't do this to you, Elizabeth," he barely managed to speak. You could still feel him against you, you knew he didn't want to stop. What kind of man would he be to take your virginity this way...yet...you didn't care.
Anthony and Elizabeth
Anthony Bridgerton was a very well known man for different reasons. Usually looked at positively by most, you couldn't stand the idea of him. One of the things that stood out about him for you was that he was a rake. Many of times you had seen the sights of him attempting to pursue a woman making you roll your eyes. The only reason you tolerated the man was due to the fact that your father was very close to his father who passed away, therefore you developed a close relationship with his family. After Anthony's father passed away your father vowed to help them in any way he could. It had now been almost two years since you had last seen the Bridgerton family as you were studying in another part of London. Returning home you were told by your father that you would be joining the Bridgertons for dinner alongside him.
That evening you arrived and as always were very welcomed by the Bridgertons.
"How long has it been? My have you changed!" Violet hugged you as she looked down at you with a genuine smile.
"Nearly two years, I meant to come back sooner but-
"Elizabeth! Oh I was just going to write to you!" Daphne ran to you with her arms open. You smiled at her with a hug when you noticed Anthony step in the room.
"Look who it is," a humorous smile on his lips with his hands behind his back.
"My Lord," you bowed your head with a sigh as he winked at you playfully without others noticing. Violet quickly left the room accompanied by Daphne to make sure everything was prepared for when your father would arrive.
"You look lovely," Anthony complimented you as he always had although you wished he didn't.
"Thank you," you responded as he stepped closer to you. Taking a step back you noticed the maid in the room watching with the corner of her eye.
"Now.." he looked down at you observing every feature of yours as he squinted his eyes.
"Something is different I just can't put my finger on it,"
"I don't know what you're talking about," you quickly walked off to the bookshelf ignoring his looks making him chuckle.
"Am I making you nervous?" He raised a brow, his question making you instantly turn back to him.
"You making me nervous? Don't flatter yourself, I just don't allow myself to be taken over by your little compliments that you love to hand out to every woman whom catches your eye. I don't need them from you." You responded stubbornly making him smirk, he always loved your quick remarks.
"As a matter of fact-" he slowly walked towards you, stopping right in front of you leaving you nowhere to go.
"Those compliments were especially chosen for you, My Lady." His eyes stopping at your lips before looking back into your eyes.
"There is no one else catching my eye other than the one whom is before me, but I am sure you already know that." His words catching you off guard. Anthony always found ways to flirt with you but this was the first time anything he said actually made your heart skip a beat. Quickly you caught yourself and snapped yourself out of it, who were you kidding, this man was a rake. Just as you were about to respond the sound of your fathers voice interrupted you both.
"Father!" You ran happily to him as he welcomed you with open arms.
"My dear Elizabeth," he whispered as Anthony watched with a smile, he always knew how close you were to him. He was all you had since your mother passed away at a young age.
"Viscount. How are you?" Your father stood straight as you stood beside him facing Anthony.
"Lord Jones, I am well, always a pleasure to have you." Anthony bowed to your father as you watched along, he always showed immense respect for him.
That evening during dinner you all enjoyed each other's company and laughter. A few times through out the meal you could feel Anthony's eyes on you but you would quickly look away. You never realized that your father caught Anthony's eyes on you more than once.
Once you both returned home you and your father sat in his office talking about all you've been up to with your studies.
"Elizabeth, I'm very proud of you" your father smiled at you.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, father. What is it?"
"What do you think of Anthony Bridgerton, what were you two speaking of before I arrived?" His question making you blush.
"Nothing at all, he asked me of my studies.." you lied as you looked away.
"During supper I watched the way he looked at you as you spoke-" he smiled as he looked away.
"It reminded me of how I looked at your mother when she told her stories." Silenced filled the room for a moment as he lost himself in the memories.
"Anthony is a fine young man." He looked back up at you, as you stood silent not sure how to respond.
"Yes," you whispered although you did not very much agree with the things you knew.
"He would make a fine husband for you."
"Oh yes- I'm sorry- excuse me?" You realized what your father had said as he stood up with a chuckle.
"His father raised him right, as did I. I trust him."
"I suppose." You whispered...you couldn't deny that Anthony was raised properly. He was respectful and a gentleman to you although you knew of the few women he attempted to pursue.
Your father kissed your head good night and left you in the office alone with your thoughts. Already you struggled earlier to fight off certain thoughts and feelings Anthony had made you feel earlier that day, only for your father to make you question yourself once again.
The next morning you had planned to take a stroll with your chaperone as you usually did in the day. You had a great relationship with your chaperone Mary and considered her a friend as you both took your daily walks. On this particular day, you both came across Anthony as you decided to walk in a wooded area.
"What are the odds?" He smiled at you as he began to walk beside you.
"Not much to do with yourself today, I suppose?" You responded with a hint of sarcasm making him smirk.
"None other than join the lovely Ms. Elizabeth Jones for a walk on this lovely day." He responded smoothly making you raise a brow, your chaperone close behind as you wandered deeper into the woods.
"Is this what you usually like to do? Get yourself lost in these woods?"
"I never get lost," you responded confidently.
"I enjoy these walks away from others." You stopped at a tree filled with cherries and began to pick some throwing them in your basket.
"You pick your cherries?" He watched as you continued to reach picking a few as you walked ahead of him.
"Yes I do,"
"What if their poisonous-"
"They're not." You responded once again confidently as you turned to him.
"Do you really think I would be picking them if they were poisonous?"
Anthony chuckled fascinated by your sarcasm but more fascinated by your knowledge, he always knew how smart you were. Turning away you continued to walk as Mary stood close by at another tree collecting cherries. Anthony continued to follow you as you walked farther away until you stopped and turned to him.
"Is there a reason you're following me?"
"Is there a reason you don't want me to?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Isn't there another woman somewhere who's caught your attention?" You sighed as you continued to walk, moving further away from Mary.
"Not at all."
"Hm...quite hard to believe." You grabbed more cherries as you heard him step closer to you.
"Why are you so stubborn?"
"I beg your pardon?" His question making you look up, a playful look in his eyes.
"I am not a stubborn person at all."
"Oh yes you are, very much so." He stepped closer with his arms behind his back, his movement making you step back and turn away. Distracted with the presence of the viscount you continued to walk and had not realized what you were walking towards.
"Well I don't believe so," you responded with your chin up as you turned back to him.
"Exactly, because you're stubborn." He tilted his head looking down at you when you suddenly realized a sound slowly getting louder behind you.
It was the sound of running water...there was a river just behind you.
You felt your heart drop and Anthony was quick to notice the sudden change in your eyes, but he couldn't make out what was wrong.
"Miss Jones-" he whispered low as he took a step forward making you jump and grab onto his jacket.
"No don't move!" You yelled in fear taking him by surprise. The sound of water sounding so close behind, how could you not have realized? So distracted with Anthony Bridgerton. Anthony stood still as he looked down at you with concern.
"What is it, My Lady?" He whispered as he allowed you to hold onto him.
"There's no one behind you," he continued as you began to shake your head, looking around in a panic you searched for your chaperone.
"No, there's water. I hear it, I hear the river!" You explained with tears in your eyes without looking up at him. You hadn't realized how far you walked. Anthony furrowed his brows as he tried to piece everything together. What had you so terrified of water?
"Just please, walk back slowly I don't want to fall back," you whispered. Anthony took a moment to look behind you before looking back down at you.
"You're not close to it Miss Jones,"
"I'm not?" He could feel you shaking as you held onto his jacket tightly.
"You have my word." He assured you with sincerity. Taking a deep breath, still holding onto him you slowly turned your head and noticed, you were not as close as you thought to the water.
Oh you felt like a fool.
"I apologize," you quickly took your hands away, anxiously placing them at your side as he looked at you with curiosity.
"No need to apologize, My Lady." He could tell whatever it was, was a true fear for you.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm...fine. I...I have to go." You quickly ran around him as he turned to follow.
"Allow me to accompany you both," Anthony called out towards you as he caught up beside you.
"That won't be necessary." You responded quickly.
"Please, I insist-"
"No! I don't need nor want your company! If it wasn't for your company I would've payed more attention to my surroundings and never found myself near this river." You screamed as he stood silent when a loud thunder bolted through the area with heavy rain to follow.
"Oh great-" you sighed as rain began to pour heavily all over the two of you. Your chaperone appearing near by doing her best to cover herself.
"Please, my carriage is near by." Giving in you silently nodded and along with your chaperone took his offer for a carriage ride home.
Walking into your home you were both greeted by your father with a smile on his face before he noticed you both drenched.
"Oh no, before you both fall ill, you must go dry off. Please, the maids shall fetch you both dry fresh clothes and then you shall both join me for dinner."
Not saying a word Anthony and you both knew you couldn't deny your fathers request and did as he asked.
Sitting at the table you noticed your father excitedly looking at you and Anthony.
"I didn't know you had plans with the Viscount today."
"I didn't." You responded softly.
"She was picking cherries and I happened to come across her." Anthony explained.
"Ahh, the cherries. She's always loves picking them for me. They are my favorite." Anthony smiled at you as you looked down at your food, the things he continued to learn about you although he had already known you for long.
"I'm not so hungry father, I'm actually quite exhausted. I'd like to excuse myself please." Anthony looked over at you with some concern.
"Are you alright dear?" Your father asked with worry.
"Yes. Just tired is all." You smiled politely as you walked to him and kissed him on the head before turning to Anthony.
"Goodnight, Lord Bridgerton," you slightly bowed before walking away, Anthony's eyes never leaving you until you disappeared down the hall.
"I'm afraid I've upset your daughter, my Lord." Anthony looked back to your father who frowned.
"How so?"
"I..quite honestly am not sure. She was just fine one moment and then suddenly fear took over her completely." He whispered as he looked down remembering the look in your eyes.
"I've never seen her look this way until she realized we were near a river-"
"Mmmm..." your father nodded his head as he realized what had happened. Anthony looked up as he noticed your father understood what had happened.
"Elizabeth's mother...my dear wife passed away in a tragic accident. My Elizabeth was only nine years old when she witnessed her mother drown." Anthony looked down with guilt realizing where your fear stemmed from..
"Of course you never knew this because I promised her we'd never speak of it, a few years after the tragedy was when I met your wonderful family."
Anthony looked down in disappointment before he stood up.
"I should apologize to her,"
"You did no wrong, Lord Bridgerton. You comforted her and made sure she returned home safely. You are well in my eyes." Still he felt guilty. Anthony knew exactly what it was like to be traumatized of watching someone you love so dearly tragically die before you. Suddenly he had a different understanding to you and your way of being.
"Your father raised a fine young man, probably the only I'd trust with my daughter." A look of genuine gratitude in Anthony's eyes by his words.
Still you could hear them speaking from the top of the stairs, yet you couldn't make out what was being said. Slowly you made your way back down and quietly took a peep into the room. Anthony was standing across from your father with his hands behind his back.
"You have my word, I will always make sure your daughter is safe in my presence." Anthony's words and clear concern for you softened your feelings for a moment. You knew it wasn't his fault what happened today at all, but you weren't one who liked to show others your feelings. Anthony catching you in a vulnerable state didn't sit well with you until you realized how concerned he truly became. Your father didn't exactly have bad judgment and he didn't approve of many men for you but he always had a liking to Anthony. Maybe he had always seen what you were just beginning to see of him.
The next morning you woke up and went about your usual routine. Dressed in a purple gown, you made your way downstairs and greeted your father before notifying him today you would be off with Daphne for the day.
"Will the Viscount be present?"
"I...I'm not sure, father. I did not plan to see him."
"Hm," your father raised a brow with a smile, he was hoping to hear you would be spending more time with him.
"There is nothing going on with the Viscount if that's what your suspecting."
"That's not what his eyes tell me my dear.." he winked at you before leaving the room. It was hard to deny to yourself that you didn't like hearing how into you the Viscount seemed even after seeing you act as such a frightened fool the day before.
Enjoying your day out with Daphne, you both rode horses chaperoned close by. Speaking to one another of what you both had been up to in the time missed without seeing each other. Deciding to accompany Daphne back to her home you both found a group of men standing just outside the front door, you found it strange.
"I wonder what is going on," Daphne whispered as she walked beside you.
"I shall go find my mother, excuse me." Daphne politely left you in the parlor as you drank a cup of tea that was served to you. Quietly you placed the cup down beside you when Anthony suddenly walked in with a look you had never seen. He looked disheveled, his eyes widened, almost in some state of shock.
"Miss Jones.." he whispered as you stood up strangely.
"I..I have been looking for you. I must speak to you-"
"Lord Bridgerton if this is about yesterday, please I don't want to speak of-"
"Miss Jones," he calmly interrupted as he stepped closer to you, the closer he got the more you could see the strange look in his eyes.
"Lord Bridgerton?" You whispered.
"It's your father," your heart instantly sank.
"What's wrong with my father?" You asked with concern. The confusion and worry in your eyes broke him.
"Miss Jones, I believe your father has suffered a heart attack," your eyes widened as you stared at him in shock. A million questions flooding your mind, a heavy feeling in your chest as you placed your hand on it taking a deep breath.
"Well where is he? I must go attend to him, he must be wondering where I am-" you began to walk towards the door when Anthony stopped you leaving you more confused.
"What are you doing? I must go to my father." You insisted as you looked up at him and noticed tearful eyes as he gulped looking down at you.
"Lord Bridgerton, let me go-" you went to push past him but he held his ground.
"What are you doing?!" You yelled as your emotions began to get the best of you, in denial of what the possibility could be.
"Miss Jones...." he looked at you hesitantly.
"I'm afraid your father did not survive. I'm so sorry." He whispered as he looked into your eyes, suddenly you felt the world around you stop, you felt numb.
"Excuse me?" You spoke softly, you could barely be heard but he could see the tears in your eyes slowly begin to form.
"That's-that's impossible. I..I was just with him-" you shook your head and attempted to push him aside but he didn't move.
"Let me go see him!" You suddenly yelled, the broken sound in your voice breaking his heart.
"You're lying!" You cried out as you slammed his chest with your fists. He grabbed your arms as he struggled to find words to say. He could see the pain in your eyes, he remembered the feeling clearly.
"Please..-" he whispered attempting to hold you still.
"It's not true..it can't be true-" you cried as he looked down at you wishing he could say different. Soon Violet and Daphne walked into the room after hearing the news, Daphne with her hand to her lips as she watched how distraught you became.
"Daphne, have the maid prep a room. She is staying with us...for as long as she needs to." Violet whispered before quickly walking your way.
"It can't be true.." you whispered as you turned to Violet.
"I'm so sorry, my dear.." Violet quickly took you in her arms and comforted you as Anthony stood aside. A lump in his throat as he struggled to hold in the tears, his heart broke for you, your cries had sounded just like his mothers. He remembered those cries, the tears, the feeling he had when it happened to him.
"Come dear, let's take you to a room." Violet held onto you as you sobbed looking at the floor slowly being guided out of the parlor by her. Anthony quietly followed as the two of you went up the stairs slowly in front of him.
Laying in bed alone you could hear the whispers outside your door. Violet, Daphne and Anthony all trying to figure out what they can do to somehow ease any burden you had. They knew your father was all you truly had. After some time the whispers quieted down, you slowly stood up and put your ear to the door, complete silence. Carefully opening the door you saw no one was around, in that moment all you wanted to do was just leave the house.
It was later in the evening, it wasn't the best time for a young woman like yourself to roam off alone, let alone into the woods. Yet, during a time like this you didn't care what was right or wrong. Losing your mother young so traumatically and now your father, there was so many feelings you weren't sure how to process. Walking further and further you realized you were near the river. Not exactly sure what had taken over you, you suddenly didn't feel the deep fear you had felt at first. In that moment nothing mattered, your emotions were numb. Walking closer to the river you sat by a rock, calmly laying back on it as your eyes followed the water just as it began to rain. Oh it was cold, but you didn't care. Closing your eyes you let yourself sleep to the sound of the flowing river and rain.
Daphne had gone to check on you and quickly noticed the bed was empty.
"Elizabeth?" She walked closer to the bed and realized all your belongings were gone before running out of the room.
"Mother! She's gone!" Daphne ran inside the room making Anthony look up.
"What do you mean she's gone?" He stood up with his brows furrowed.
"She's not there, she's not in her room-"
"Where on earth could she have gone?" Violet muttered with her hand to her chest. Anthony stopped for a moment and remembered how he felt when his father died. He remembered wanting to get away from everyone, he remembered wanting to be alone.
"I know where she is.." Anthony whispered before turning to Daphne and instructing her to wait there just in case you came back first. Rushing down the stairs he ran outside, quickly taking a horse Anthony raced to where he knew you would be.
Riding through the woods he searched the trails for you, the rain pouring down heavily he turned left and right.
"Miss Jones!" He yelled loudly as he turned once again when he spotted your feet laying on the ground. His eyes bulged out as he patted his horse to race forward before he stopped at the sight of you on the ground. His heart stopped as he noticed how drenched you were from the rain, your eyes closed, he thought of the worst. Jumping off the horse he quickly ran to your side gently turning you over when you suddenly opened your eyes.
"Elizabeth.." he whispered as you stared up at him, feeling relief at the sight of you awake.
You didn't say a word, you seemed in a daze as you stared up at him realizing he said your name.
"Are you hurt?" He looked all over you to see if anything was wrong but there wasn't.
"I'm fine," you whispered making him quickly look up.
"I just...I just needed some time.." you mumbled as you pushed yourself up.
"In this cold rain, please allow me to bring you home." You quickly began to shake your head with tears.
"I don't wanna go home, there's no one there I-"
"My home, please." He put his hand out to you as he squinted from the hard rain falling on his face.
Slowly you took his hand and followed him to his horse as he bought you to his home.
Walking through the door you held onto his arm hearing a loud gasp.
"Oh dear, My Lady!" One of the maids whispered as she ran to you just as Violet came down the stairs.
"Oh my- please get her warmed up as soon as possible. Prep her a warm bath."
"I'm fine-" you insisted when you felt Anthony look down at you.
"Please Miss Jones, allow us to care for you." He looked at you with concern but certainty of what he wanted you to do. With a nod you were quickly led by the maids to a room as Violet noticed how quickly you did as her son asked.
"I'm glad she's at least listening to you, what was she thinking taking off that way?" Violet looked at her son and noticed his eyes had never left you as you walked up the stairs until you disappeared into the room. She wondered if he heard anything she said, she had never seen her son look so worried.
"Anthony," Violet called for his attention making him look her way.
"You need to warm up as well son, please before you fall ill." He once again hesitantly looked up in the direction of your room before looking back at his mother.
"I will let you know when she is settled, please go warm yourself up," she assured him as he eventually left to his bedroom. Violet watched as he walked away before looking up to your room, she wondered what had been going on between the two of you, whatever it was she had never noticed it before.
Some time had passed and Anthony was freshly changed into new dry clothes as you were. A maid had just left your room as he made his way up the stairs not wanting anyone to see him enter. Knocking on the door, he let himself in to find you sitting down on the bed staring at the ground.
"Miss Jones.." he whispered as he stepped closer, you looked up at him with sad eyes. The same look you had when he found you, the sudden fear sank into him once more, remembering how he felt when he found you on the ground. The last time he felt this kind of helpless fear was when his father died before him then he suddenly felt over come with emotions.
"What were you thinking?" His brows furrowed as he stared down at you.
"Please-" you shook your head as you stood up not wanting to hear a lecture.
"No!" He stepped closer to you face to face making you take one step back.
"Something could've happened to you! Then what? What was I to do then?!" His words taking you by surprise, his eyes looked in a way you had never seen.
"Lord Bridgerton-" you whispered as you realized he began to hyperventilate. He was so close to you, he had you backed against the wall.
"Something could've happened to you," he continued as he realized he actually thought he lost you for a moment. Anthony was coming to see that his feelings for you were much deeper than he ever thought.
"And what if I couldn't fix it, what if it was too late!" You noticed him blink back a tear.
"Lord Bridgerton..I'm sorry.." you whispered as you began to quietly cry. His eyes softening at the sight of you upset.
"I wasn't thinking, I just...I don't know but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.." you looked down covering your face as he looked down at you. You felt his hand gently pull your hands away from your face. He felt guilty for the way he yelled at you, his worry getting the best of him.
"I didn't mean to raise my voice, I apologize," he whispered as you continued to look down and cry. You could tell he was thinking so many things in that moment yet, all he wanted to do was hold you. Without expecting it you felt him pull you in his embrace, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he held you against his chest. You didn't say a word and simply let your head lay against him. The both of you easing down with each other's touch, your hands on his chest you slowly began to pick your head up and look up at him. His eyes instantly locked with yours for a moment you didn't move as you realized just how close to his lips you were. He noticed the way you looked at his lips, making him look at yours. This wasn't the right time, he knew this wasn't the right time yet you couldn't stop. Tip toeing just a bit you gently reached up and touched his lips with yours. Your heart racing in a way you never felt, you both closed your eyes and kissed hesitantly when you suddenly heard a gasp. Quickly releasing each other you covered your lips as you realized it was Daphne standing at the door.
"Excuse me," Anthony quickly walked out of the room and was followed by Daphne.
"Brother, what on earth do you think you're doing?!"
"I don't know what you speak of, Daphne." Anthony kept walking not daring to show his face to his sister.
"I know what I saw in that room. This is not the time to court a woman let alone Miss Jones, her father just died-"
"You don't think I know that?!" Anthony unexpectedly turned staring down at his sister.
"Trust me, I know what she's feeling right now I would never dare take advantage of a woman in that state." Daphne sighed at his response, she knew her brother was better than that.
"I know you wouldn't. Our job is just too be there for her now. She needs us." Daphne continued as Anthony nodded his head.
"Of course."
That night you lay in your bed feeling so many feelings at once. You had cried so much you felt you couldn't cry any more, all you wanted was the feeling gone. Thinking of Anthony for just one small moment you were distracted from the pain. The kiss making you smile before reality once again sunk in. Your smile fading, you couldn't sleep. The thunder could be heard loudly as you stood up and decided to go downstairs. In that exact moment Anthony caught you leaving your room, he followed silently behind you wondering where you would go until he saw you step into the library. Anthony was hesitant to follow you inside, he looked around making sure no one was near before walking in the room.
Inside he found you looking out the window watching the rain pour heavily until you heard movement behind you. Quickly you turned to find Anthony standing by the door, the sight of him instantly making you let out a breath of relief.
"Lord Bridgerton," you smiled but your eyes didn't match the smile, he had never seen you look so lost before.
"Miss Jones-" he walked towards you as you stopped by the piano, eager to hear what he would say.
"I would like to apologize for earlier-"
"Apologize?" A look of confusion in your eyes.
"For what?"
"My inappropriate behavior, it won't happen again. It should've never happened." You could tell he partially didn't mean what he said.
"There's no need for an apology, My Lord." In that moment the two of you stood silent. You found him staring at your lips just as you looked at his.
"Surely you aren't regretful," you smiled as you stepped closer to him, until you couldn't get any closer.
"I definitely wasn't," you continued as you looked at his lips.
"My Lady.." he whispered, never had you acted this way with him, yet it was hard for him to ignore.
"No one knows we are here..." you whispered, he closed his eyes as he felt your breath on his lips. You knew you were exciting him. Leaning in closely you touched his lips with yours, he didn't move knowing if he did, he wouldn't be able to stop. You turned his face down to you making him look into your eyes until he finally gave in and took your lips aggressively. His hands quickly pulling you close as you wrapped your arms around him. For a moment the the two of you stopped, leaning his forehead on yours as you both stood breathless.
"Anthony," you whispered making him open his eyes and look down at you. You had never felt so out of control with your emotions before, yet for the first time you weren't trying to control them.
"Take me here," Anthony stayed serious looking down at you still trying to catch his breath. He had never seen this look in your eyes before, you were broken. You were lost and didn't know what to feel. One moment you had a guard up with Anthony now suddenly all you wanted was for him to touch you.
Anything to stop your thoughts, anything to distract you from your sadness. He stood silent for a moment not sure of how to respond. Of course he wanted to have you but he couldn't allow himself...not this way.
"Not like this.." he whispered back to you. All he could remember was what his sister said. He was to care for you and be there for you...nothing more.
"Please.." you reached behind you and began to untie your dress, surprising him as you pulled down the dress off your shoulders.
"Please don't-"
"Please, Anthony. I need you," you pushed the dress far down enough that you revealed your breasts to him and could see him instantly weaken. Never had you shown a man such intimate parts of your body before. He was hypnotized by the site of them...you took advantage and continued to kiss him. Kissing you back eagerly he suddenly picked you up and sat you on the piano as you felt his lips trail down to your neck. You moaned as he placed himself between your legs removing what you had beneath without taking his lips off you. You had no idea what this would feel like, all you knew was that it must feel good.
"Yes," you whispered excitedly as he lowered his breeches and made you feel the tip of his manhood just at your entrance when he suddenly stopped.
"What is it?" You whispered out of breath.
"I...I can't do this to you, Elizabeth," he barely managed to speak. You could still feel him against you, you knew he didn't want to stop. What kind of man would he be to take your virginity this way...yet...you didn't care.
"Please.." with tears nearly in your eyes. He was your only chance at feeling something good even if it was just for a moment.
"You're the only man I'd trust for this," you whispered looking up at him. He could see the desperation you had for it.
"I need to feel something.." you continued as you watched the struggle in his eyes, the struggle of temptation.
"No one would know.." Anthony could no longer hold himself back and without warning he plunged forward making you gasp loudly. In one hard thrust you felt him fully in you as you trembled in his arms, his lips leaning on the side of your face. You hadn't expected it to hurt at first and stood very still.
"I'm sorry-" he mumbled roughly against you as you held onto him. Your lips apart as he thrusted again making you slightly whimper. Grabbing onto the collar of his shirt you looked up at him as he continued to thrust his hips against you. Each stroke making the pain fade away, each stroke only making you more wet. Anthony had lost complete control of himself, his hand caressing the side of your neck as you moaned. You could feel his hand slowly creeping to the back of your neck just as he grabbed a handful of hair and tugged at it making you look up. He was focused, he was breathing heavily as he continued to move, you had no words. You wanted to feel what you always heard about. That explosion of ecstasy, the sensation you'd always over hear the married women speak of when that very feeling started to build within you. He watched as your eyes changed with pleasure and curiosity all at once. Trying to understand what exactly your body was feeling in that moment, he felt you tighten up around him, your nails dug into his shoulders when you let out a moan that nearly made him explode. Holding him close, your lips against his ear, the erotic sounds you made, your body shuddered against him, Anthony had never reacted so weakly to a woman's climax before. Unexpectedly he cried out leaving you confused as he buried himself in you.
"Anthony-" you whispered as he hid his face in the crook of your neck and cried out once more with one last thrust before he stood still. Neither of you said a word. Slowly he bought you down to your feet as you looked up at him trying to catch your breath. You noticed he wouldn't look you in the eyes. Quickly he turned away and adjusted his clothing, he refused to look at you...he couldn't. The man felt shameful of his actions, he felt as if he took advantage of you yet...you knew this was what you wanted.
"Anthony?" You whispered as you finished fixing your dress.
"You should get some rest, guests may come tomorrow to give their condolences. You need all the rest you can get." With those words Anthony left the room leaving you alone as he struggled to accept what he had just done. This wasn't the kind of man he was, this wasn't the kind of man he was raised to be...this wasn't what your father thought of him. The thought of your father made him sick to his stomach knowing how much he trusted him. Anthony had no idea how he could face you again living in his home. How tempting it was to have you so close, to know you wanted this...why did something wrong have to feel so good.
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Bridgerton moodboard, anyone?
Literally no idea what I'm doing with this other than that the plot gremlins are clamoring for me to write something, so...yeah. There's that. 😅 This would be an Anthony Bridgerton/OC pairing, featuring Olivia Pembroke as the OC in question.
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