#anon pls don't do that LMAO
hime-bee · 25 days
Hol up you said Lucien is a surgeon right 😏
*breaks a bone on purpose* "Oh Mr. Holidayyyy~~~" (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)(⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
"Unfortunately, I am a neurosurgeon, which means I don't operate on bone. I can refer you to an orthopedic surgeon."
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inkykeiji · 1 month
clari! i saw your earlier post, and wanted to let you know that i've started on those playlists i mentioned before! as of right now, i have a few songs for a playlist based on tag, you're it!! tag is one of my absolute favorite fics in the world, so i figured it would make sense to have it be the first playlist i make. i do intend to make a playlist for your other works once i finish this first one up! :D
sending you love and good vibes <3
hi sleepy!!! <333 omg that is so flipping exciting!!!!! ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞ i am literally so beyond flattered that you want to make playlists for my work (how cool is that!!!) but i do want to remind you not to feel pressured or obligated at all—if you suddenly feel like you don’t want to do it anymore or you’re not having fun, please don’t feel like you *have* to continue or feel any sense of expectation at all, okay? <3 i’m already extremely honoured that you even want to do such a thing!!
sending so so so much love ur way bb!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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billy-crudup · 2 months
I’m pretty sure they stole your gifs 😭 https://x.com/thecinesthetic/status/1771912353556345265?s=46&t=xOPYlg5WuVo88INEmeb-QQ
i saw someone else repost this set on twt a few months ago and they got 50k+ likes lmaooooo honestly, i don't really mind people reposting my gifs... to me it means that they liked them enough to post them somewhere else :) as long as they don't tell everybody they made those gifs, i'm fine with it. ofc i would prefer them to credit me, but that almost never happens 😬
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taegularities · 1 year
who do u think would be most into titties from BTS? a most to least? andd what are ur thoughts on tae's and look's possible kinks?
owhh gosh, i’m sorry for getting to this 3 days late, but this was so difficult lmao let me know what u think of this 🤣 also !! disclaimer, ofc i don't know the boys' sexuality, so this is just me guessing. hypothetically <3 also if you see any mistakes, no you didn’t. i didn’t sleep much last night LOL
i'll do least to most, to make it more interesting !! [NSFW warning]
7. hobi realistically, i think he's the guy to appreciate all parts of your body equally. not saying that the other boys wouldn't, but i think he's just very thoughtful when it comes to giving away his love. and i know there are a lot of theories about him being a dom, but i actually think he's a switch? and focuses on spending a giggly, fun time with his partner. they'd be fooling around a lot. concentrate more on their feeling than what they prefer 🤔
6. yoongi i think he's (despite all the dom fics) just a very shy person overall. similarly to hobi, he'd focus a lot more on making you feel good, whatever that includes. i imagine he'd love all parts equally. but if i could decide, i'd say he's more of a person who’s 95% focused on giving you a good time. he’ll let you decide what that is. will keep asking you what you want him to do. if that includes tits, then that’s what he’ll do and enjoy doing. 
5. jin gosh, okay, the thing with jin is that i’ve never looked at him from a sexual perspective. he’s more like a comfort person to me, like a big brother? so i’m never sure what he might be into, or what he’d prefer. but from what i can guess, i’d say he’s more into softer stuff? like neck kissing, hugging you close, being basically flush against you when cuddling you or making love with you, so he’d maybe, like hobi, focus more on the feelings and act itself than what he prefers about your body. ugh honestly, i’m not sure, help me out !!!
4. jungkook placing him in the middle, bc it probably depends on the situation. during sex, he might be more into ass, considering how he keeps spanking the members every now and then like it’s nothing. similar to tae, i think he’d like grabbing your ass and releasing his tension with a clenched jaw and gritted teeth, since you’re obviously so hot 💕 but then again, while cuddling and chilling or before falling asleep, he might be the guy to place a hand on your tiddies, just bc he finds it comforting and calming lol. yeah, i think it depends. –– kinks: he’s a pretty sensitive guy, so i think neck kisses or teasing him would drive him wild. he loves adrenaline, so maybe he’d be into public sex or anything that’d force you to shut up. will love it when you practice power over him, but won’t hesitate to fck you against the wall either. will love to put his strength to use. blindfolding (bc he’s sensitive, heightened senses), praising (both sides), consent, etc. etc.
3. tae tbh, i think tae is more of an ass guy, too (no one mention feet !!! LMFAO). it’s the big hands and the sus demonic behaviour.. i really think he’d pin you against a wall or the mattress and dig his nails into your ass lol. or enjoy his time spanking you before making love to you. i mean, he’s a romantic guy, so i’m sure he enjoys a sweet, loving time with you as well, but i’d say he has his beastly days lmao. but the reason that i’m placing him so high is bc that man obviously has an oral fixation. and he won’t stop at your ass. he’ll use his tongue around your tiddies until you’re squirming and begging for more – and he might even like that better than the ass grabbing 😐 –– kinks: likes to make you cry (in a good way), will praise you, eat you out until you’re dry, feet or whuteva, loooong foreplay with lots of orgasms, loves eye contact, likes it rough, likes to leave marks, likes it when you kiss down his body, huge fan of oral in general, oh i’m sure he loves handcuffs and sex toys and whatnot :’)
2. namjoon namjoon is a handsome, sweet intellectual, but i feel like he’s also very much into kinks and sexual stuff... i mean, that’s the man who made expensive girl and downloaded p0rn, risking getting a virus on their computer and whatnot. so i’m sure he’s into giving you the best time 🤣 he has these pretty, full lips, and i can’t even give a proper reason why i put him so high, but my gut feeling is telling me he’d love to have that mouth around your nipples, okay 😔 might be his d*ddy aura, but i feel like he’d have a lot of fun with your tatas.
1. jimin come on, jimin is a kinky brat. he’d love playing around with you. i think he’s more a switch than a dom or anything, but i really feel like he’d be into tits a lot. he’d tease tf out of you, twisting your nipples, licking them, slapping them, biting them, etc etc etc. he’d chuckle when you whine, and play around your breasts, toy with your nerves. i think he loves ass, but he might just like playing with your tits a bit more. and also.
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astrxealis · 2 years
i hate your writing lol
good evening anon !! omg ... i appreciate that you feel so strongly for my writing T___T sorry you feel that way! i think playing the critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy fourteen will help you :) it has a free trial that includes the whole base game a realm reborn and the award-winning expansion heavensward that lets you play up until level 60, all that with no restrictions on playtime! i think it'd be a much better use of time than sending asks like this <3
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sanhaoche · 2 years
thank you @insideline for the tag! i love reading about you all and also talking about myself :)
Rules: tag 9 ppl you want to know better
Last song: unsure and can't check on spotify as i've since listened to an episode of you're wrong about but i'm currently obsessed with maggie rogers' new album so i'll say horses off that bc like. horses. running wild. i wish i could feel like that for just a minute! alt pop needs more women who wail and maggie gets it. thank you maggie for your service
Last show: last show i finished i think was abbott elementary? which was very good. last show i got at least mildly obsessed with was superstore before that. by that i mean i think i read almost all of the superstore fic on ao3 in like one night. my last concert however was carly rae jepsen at a lovely outdoor venue and it was an extremely beautiful experience :)
Currently watching: only murders in the building season 2! the finale is out on tuesday and i'm so excited and happy to be watching something that comes out an episode per week again instead of all at once lmao god. i haven't been into some of the choices this season (cara delevingne my parasocial enemy) but yeah. fun mystery and a bit of peril wrapped in an overall very comfy vibe. i also started watching the sandman bc i remember being into the comics like a decade ago (😩) but i'm less confident i will finish that. other than that unfortunately i think i've watched every good video essay on youtube at this point but i'm still making my way through some of the wait in the wings videos about musical theatre productions. and i am WAITING for michael's microphone to tell me about gossip girl!!!!!!!!
Currently reading: vagabonds by hao jingfang! she said NFTs suck and she was right (idk actually i'm only a third through lol). i've also been halfway through a place of greater safety by hilary mantel for hmm over a year but i WILL finish it. one day. anyway idk why i keep sabotaging my goal to start reading more again by choosing books that are a million pages long and slightly hard to get through.
Current obsession: um scotty james and the daniel ricciardo bottom agenda. let the man get fucked by his guypals for god's sake he needs it. rotating my WIP in my mind instead of writing it even though i am mostly making myself finish it to relearn how to write fiction after not doing it for like a decade. fantasising about buying a sewing machine instead of finishing my 2 ongoing crochet projects. going for dinner with friends as often as possible before it starts getting dark early and cold again. finding new recipes to try while i'm on leave from work before i start getting sick of having to cook in the evenings again. thinking about sinophobia, as always. fantasising about going back to china again.
i always come to these late so i feel like a lot of people have done this already lol. @nottiinrosso @20timesisay @maidenpole i don't think you have yet? but also no pressure. and anyone else who hasn't done it but wants to!!!!
@undetectorist YOUR TIME HAS COME ALSO. @dorothywilde as well x
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levi-supreme · 1 year
Pet play kink? ;) hehe.
Hmm.. false XD
Anonymously send me a kink!
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vrmxlho · 1 year
DONT DOUBT URSELF KIRA seriously ur smaus r so good and funny and i feel bad requesting them bc ik you’d like to write hcs and fics too but i’m just obsessed w smaus recently 😭
thank you anon you're the sweetest 🥲
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ofalltheginjoints · 2 years
helloo can I ask how you made the heart overlays pink in this set? I have the same overlays saved so I'm assuming you got yours from the same creator (unless you made them your own) haha but I wondered how you did the effect without having to worry about the black background? thanks!
hiiii!! definitely did not make them myself, no lmao! usually, when i'm doing an overlay like that i just set the blending mode to lighten or exclusion, but for this one, i wanted the hearts a specific color and i wanted to give them extra layer effects (drop shadow/outer glow in this case) which won't stick to the heart if the black bg is still there so i ended up just manually removing the black with the magic wand tool from each frame. i'm sure there's a much easier way to do this, i just don't know it lmao
as for how i made it pink: once it's bg is gone, you can either do it frame by frame with the paintbrush or you can just slap a color overlay on that bad boy
i hope this helps, i'm not very good at explaining things so if i missed something or u have a more questions pls feel free to ask for clarification! <3
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softshuji · 2 years
Tch *holds out arm*
Oh. *Takes your arm* thank you. Now let's leave, quickly, someone will try coming after me if they know where I am and I'm- I'm- trying so hard to do the right things. You came in a car right? Let's just go, without anyone knowing. You can put your gun away I'm not gonna try anything.
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hwanchaesong · 21 days
Can I request a San and a seongwha version of the virgin reader request pleasee?
Too scared to show name so I'll leave an emoji🐈‍⬛
a/n: hello 🐈‍⬛ anon, imma just make this as a headcanon so i can post both of them at the same time. tysm 🩷
mdni! Seonghwa's under the cut
San & Seonghwa w/ a virgin s/o
💜 Choi San
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very very very sweet but also wild ‼️
like, you'd tell him that you're ready and he WILL pounce like a cat
he will pepper you with kisses to calm your nerves down
eskimo kisses to make you giggle bc he thinks that you, smiling under him is the MOST BEAUTIFUL scene he has ever seen in his life
man will make sure that you're comfortable at all times, guiding you throughout and watching out for your expressions
will definitely ask you your preferences
"are you okay? is my baby feeling good?"
"tell me if it hurts okay?"
like, he hears ONE grunt from you and he is stopping all motions to check up on you
will go missionary bc like i said, he has to see your face while doing the deed (it is a need)
he'll take it slow. make-out, smooching your skin all over
he won't forget to shower you with compliments
"my baby is so pretty"
"no no no, don't cover yourself. you're literally perfect"
"you feel so good, fuck, baby you're so tight"
body worship ‼️ you are a literal goddess in his eyes so he'll treat you like one
MIGHT be impatient when it comes to prepping you but dw!! he'll make sure that you're dripping and ready
uses his tongue and fingers VERY WELL
he'll have you mewling his name in no time
also, dancer hips galoreeee
he uses his hips so well. every thrust is loving but also it goes so damn hard
he's had you shaking and moaning
you wouldn't want any other man to take your virginity
you trust him and he will do everything in his power to make you feel safe and happy
you are HIS pretty baby, and he'll take care of you like that
🩵 Park Seonghwa
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y'all be making out in his bed or something then suddenly you go 'pls take me'
and he's like: ??? "baby are you sure?"
he'll ask you that about 10 times before he's convinced and lemme tell you. HE'S SO CARING BUT ALSO A LIL DEVIL
he's so good in riling you up
feathery touches that leaves goosebumps on your skin
sweet, hot, and messy kisses in your lips and all over your skin
removing your clothes is like unwrapping a gift for him, he's delicate but he also got these predatory eyes
he delves into you like a hungry lion, but a sweet hungry lion
he asks you every damn time if he's doing okay, if you're okay
"You're not in any pain are you? Okay good, please tell me if you're uncomfortable"
leaves marks all over you bc he's possessive af
also will not stop unless you've came at least once using his finger and once on his tongue
he darts it out like a chameleon in every performance so yeah, he'll use that tongue technology on u 2
licks and bites galore
he goes all in once he's sure that you're all prepped up to take him
moves slow at first then he'll probably lose control bc ur moans are music to his ears
also a lil bit teasing
"do you want me to go faster, baby?"
"say please"
"does my baby wanna cum? go ahead then"
uses a lot of petnames and will probably curse a lot bc he loses himself in u
pls he loves u so much he's willing to do anything and everything for u after this. he's basically at your mercy lmao
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to you kissing them and then running away
requested by anon: "Hello I saw that your request were open so I wanted to know if you could make a svt reaction to their s/o running away after kissing them ??"
notes: THIS IS THE CUTEST IDEA EVER. anon i am forever indebted to you pls this is adorable i loved it so much
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he doesn't think much of it when you walk over to him while he's on his phone on the sofa, thinking that you want to ask him something. hums in acknowledgement of your presence, then gets rlly surprised when you lean down super quick and peck him on the cheek. gets doubly surprised when you turn on your heel and sprint off, sitting there in shock for a few seconds before running after you, fully prepared to tackle you in his arms and demand even more kisses until he gets his fill
you're probably taking a walk in the park, having dragged jeonghan out of the house. he's complaining, wanting to go back inside. that is, until you lean over (after having looked around to make sure there aren't too many people around) and kiss him full on the lips, right in the middle of walking. you pull away, but before he can say anything you're jogging down the path before breaking into a full-on sprint and he's yelling n running after you, wanting to know what that was about, partly aware that it's a ploy to get him to exercise but partly wanting to know if he can get more kisses
to be really honest i think that, considering the man that joshua is, he'd just do the exact same thing. when you grab his face and kiss him rlly hard and then suddenly run away, he stares after you for a long moment before turning around and running off in the opposite direction. you turn back, wondering why joshua isn't running after you, and it turns out he's zooming down the street away from you and is basically a dot in the distance.  comes back for you eventually, especially if you send him loads of annoyed phone calls cz he does Not answer his texts
thinks that something terribly dangerous is happening when you suddenly run away from him, and doesn't even look back to check if that's actually the case before he's screaming and running with you upstairs, thinking that someone has managed to set fire to the toaster again. realises it was just you being silly tho, and refuses to give you proper kisses for like a day until you apologise for making him scared and running away after giving him a kiss
is kinda a little dazed by the sudden kiss, so it takes him like 3 whole seconds to realise you're not in front of him anymore. he can hear you laughing from the other room though, and like the lovesick idiot he is, he probably just chuckles and touches his lips, staring out of the door that you ran out of with a sappy sweet smile on his face. goes to find you and kisses the hell out of you while teasingly asking if you ran away bc you became shy?? huh??? were you shy after kissing him???? <3
you're not running away from this guy lmao nice try. honestly you'll probably try to do this like 5 times and fail, bc he keeps holding your waist or your cheek or your wrist whenever you kiss him like the goddamn heart-flutterer that he is. even if you're placing the fastest kiss on his cheek known to man, you're never going to be fast enough to run away bc somehow he has a hand on your arm and he's giving you a longer, deeper kiss and oh okay maybe you don't want to run after all—
kinda just blinks there stunned, utterly confused about what just happened. finds you really cute when you pop your head back into the room when he didn't follow you tho, cz you look so adorable when you're all disappointed. tells you to do it again and that he'll definitely chase you this time, which he does, and with great vigor, and suddenly you're running for your life through the house and onto the streets with woozi sprinting after you
he's reading when you come up to him, and he offers his cheek expectantly bc he's honestly gotten used to you just kissing him randomly now. sits there still looking at his book for a good few seconds when you speed away after pecking him on the cheek, before setting it down with a sigh and running off to find you. pretends to be annoyed and exasperated, is secretly endeared. definitely does the same thing to you a few months down the line
he's impressed by the way you managed to make his heart flutter ngl, bc the job of being the flirt is meant to belong to him but you just did it so well. grins after you like an utter fool, and after he catches up with you he's sweeping you in his arms and kissing you even more. tells you often that that was the sweetest, most heart-fluttering thing you could have ever done (as if he likes getting left behind???). probably melts if you do it again pls this man is actually so whipped
when you lean in and kiss him very very gently and sweetly, he doesn't think anything of it, smiling and readily responding. but when you pull away, laugh, and then start running off, he's shocked and immediately starts whining, asking why did you start running away that's so mean :((( is complaining the entire time he's chasing after you. accidentally loses you, ends up playing impromptu hide and seek. hug this baby and give him even more kisses afterwards tho otherwise he's going to be sulking at you for days
after kissing him so nicely and gently, you have the audacity to just giggle and run off??? keeps yelling after you that you're sooo dead if he manages to catch you. almost trips over his own feet, gives up chasing you and just phone calls you n begs for you to come back and kiss him properly bc at the end of the day he's still a smol baby n he needs real kisses and not just whatever that was </3
the most confused. thinks that something must have happened, looks around confusedly but sees nothing wrong. then thinks that he was the one who did something wrong, but he's never had you run away like that before?? takes him a whole thirty seconds of thinking before he starts jogging after you to ask what was that about. gets all sulky when you tell him you did it Just Because, won't talk to you until you offer to buy him food
if you run away he's just going to laugh, if i'm being really honest. blinks after you, and then he's grinning and waving and yelling "bye! have fun!" as if you're running late to some important meeting. he's on his phone when you finally circle back to him, and just grins when you whine that he didn't react properly. apologises and tells you he'll react well next time, asks if you wanna go get something to eat and then, cz he is definitely a prank reuser, he kisses you on the cheek then runs off himself, getting you to chase him
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request guidelines
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b1rds3ye · 9 months
hi!! this is my first time doing a request so idk if I'm doing this right haha but uh, I was wondering if you could do like. yknow the masked one you made for the 141 (I can't remember the name rn💔)? I thought of like, a sequel idea. like, what if during combat an enemy manages to take reader's mask, and so reader panics and like, rips the enemies throat out with their teeth (or if that's too violent, just goes basically rabid on them lmao) and how they would react?? if this is too violent or specific dw you don't have to!! anyways, I love your content it's totally awesome ur writing is amazing! have a good day!!
YES I LOVE THE BADASSERY AND THE UNHINGEDNESS!! If I'm your first request I'm so flattered anon pls do feel free to drop by again <333 Also just going to do general rabidness because ngl the throat thing sounds like an infection speedrun and we want our masked reader to stay nice and healthy <333
Word Count: 1.2 (it got a little long WHOOPS)
Warning: Canon typical violence, reader does get a lil sadistic and unhinged <333
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Beyond Task Force 141 and Laswell, many - if not all - allied soldiers wondered about what lay under your mask. Obscuring even the eyes, your visage was more unreadable than Ghost's. Larger than life, a soldier among men.
There was a running joke that there was just nothing under your mask, perhaps an eldritch horror of sorts. You let the new recruits entertain the thought, it kept morale up as they conjured more myths of you. They said that no one has seen you without your mask. They were partially right.
It simply was that no one lived to tell the tale.
You were never one for close combat, but fighting terrorists was never smooth sailing. The chaos of battle had all of the 141 separated against the tight streets of Las Almas. How uncanny that you could not see your allies but hear their gunfire. Running out of ammo, you couldn't lament at your misfortune as a shoulder pummeling into your chest, sending you to the ground and the air out of your lungs. Head bashing against the floor you groaned as you furiously clawed up to whatever heavy weight was crushing your body. You were starting to make up the figure of a man hovering over you through the blurry haze of a concussion that filled your sight. The distant static of Price's voice through the radio, probably asking where the hell were you but you had more pressing issues at hand.
Through your struggle and flailing limbs you managed to wring the enemy's pistol off of them with a painful twist of their wrist. And they retaliated tenfold, a large sweaty hand reaching down and pressing your head back against the ground. Your adrenaline makes you writhe further, he was going to suffocate you, or worse, poison you with how fucking awful his hand smelt as the stink of burning gunpowder replaced any of your oxygen. But no, he committed a far worse crime.
A singular pull and the grating tear of fabric as your mask is pulled off of your face.
A heavy moment where your enemy looks down at you and his gaze is not like before. It's clear, it's deep. It is not looking at your facade but at you and you are no longer a soldier. You are merely a human, so fragile, so weak. One that is on the verge of death in a foreign land surrounded by bodies of fallen comrades and enemies alike. One whose mythos is all but lost at the victorious and leering smirk of an enemy as they take in your face.
That simply won't do.
Pulling your knee up to create space between you and the man, you pull out your tactical knife from your waist and drive it into his torso. His smile falls only to land at settle on yours below him, just like his blood that trickles as forbidden crimson down your hands and seeps into your uniform. It's disgustingly warm. He grows heavier as he loses all control over his body and you heave to throw his figure off to the side. You stab him once again for good measure. And then again. And again. Quick, short jabs down with a sharpened blade that cuts through uniform, flesh and bone alike. You did not count how many times you drove your blade down, numbers were too complex when your mind was running faster than any comprehensible speed. There was only one goal. To make sure no one knows what happened.
A harsh grip on the shoulder yanks you back up and you swipe with your armed limb to cut your new assailant's neck but they were onto you. Catching your arm, they pull it up as they hold onto your shoulder once again with a tightening grip that digs into your uniform. But they do nothing more, no matter how much you thrash and kick.
"Wake up, Sergeant," your opponent seethes and that voice makes you still, a buoy that floats across through your rage. Deep and grounding and your captain's.
You nearly stumble back but Price catches you before you crumple to the ground in exhaustion. The adrenaline was escaping your body leaving you with barely the energy to stay upright. Your head lolls back for a second before you bring it to the side to look at your direct superior, the remnants of a concussion making your vision blurry.
"You broken?" he asks.
"Negative, sir,” you respond immediately but he looks a little doubtful, a singular eyebrow raised as he inspects you. Not your body, but your face. The dilated pupils and the taut muscles told more than any wound.
"Can't say the same about your wee friend over there," Soap whistles as he tilts his head to behind you. “Christ, you did a number on him.”
You dare turn to look over your shoulder but Ghost already situated himself in front of the body. But between his feet you could already make out the indistinguishable mass of tattered fabric and discoloured flesh. Fresh blood filled the rivets between the cobblestones, the remnants of the body inching its way closer to you-
"Was it the mask?" Simon brings your attention back to him. You nod dumbly. He only dips his head in what you can only describe as understanding as he folds his arms, fortifying his stance in front of the mess you made. You weren’t going to see your handiwork, he was too kind to ever let you.
John drops his hands down to his sides as Gaz approaches you with your mask.
"Remind me to never get on your bad side," Kyle offers you a sympathetic smile.
"Learnt that the first day I saw 'em on duty," Johnny retorts and you instinctively smile as you take your mask from Kyle. The hardened plaster of your mask had cracked, the fabric that hugged your neck had become torn but it'll do for the remainder of the mission. Slipping the mask back on, Simon offers a nod of approval while Johnny tugged at the fabric for a few finishing touches.
Ultimately the mission was successful. The task force returns to base and although none of the boys mentioned the carnage you left, there are still whispers of it on base. You had hurried to debrief and get your mask fixed but it seemed some privates caught sight of you and that was enough to spark rumours. Your mask had gotten so fractured that a shard was left back in the streets of Las Almas and revealed one of your eyes to the rest of the world. Such a small organ but so vivid. The privates saw, and more was added to the myth that was you. There was now no question about what was under the mask. No lovecraftian horror or empty space, no monster beyond comprehension. No, what was under your mask was terrifyingly human.
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Masked Reader Masterlist Call of Duty Masterlist
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kwanisms · 9 months
[1:58], Yeonjun & Soobin, requested by anon
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╰┈➤ M1 "what? Does that feel good?" & M30 "I promise I'll be gentle"
wc: 1.2k
warnings: smut, 18+ (minors dni), adult language sexual content: threesome, unprotected sex
a/n: I have no excuse lmao pls enjoy this Yeonbin content cause I loved writing it
You had only meant to check on Yeonjun; to make sure he didn't need a touch up on his makeup. What you didn't expect to happen was for him to make a move.
Ever since you'd become their makeup artist for international events, Yeonjun couldn't deny his attraction to you. He flirted with you often but each time you brushed it off, trying to remain professional. The other artists no doubt had told you that he was just being himself. But he wasn't. He wasn't just playing around. Not with you.
He'd finally managed to catch you alone backstage at Inkigayo in the dressing room as you finished cleaning up. He'd finally made a move, pushing you against the makeup table, his lips crashing against yours. Initially, you'd given in before coming to your senses and pushing him off, reminding him that nothing could ever happen between the two of you.
You tried so hard to ignore his attempts to get you alone after that but he somehow managed to corner you and each time it got harder and harder to resist him. Which is how you found yourself in your current… predicament.
Your skirt was hiked up, panties discarded on the floor of the hotel room, Yeonjun sat on the edge of the bed under you, his black pants undone and pushed halfway down his thighs along with his underwear. Your hands rested on his shoulders, breath shaky as you slowly raised and lowered your hips, his cock sliding in and out of you. Your eyed fluttered shut, a soft moan leaving your lips as you continued.
You felt his hands slide down your back, gripping your ass firmly. "Goddamn," he murmured, lips ghosting over the sensitive skin of your neck. "You don't know what you do to me." His hot breath fanned over your skin as he guided your movements with his hold on your ass. "You're gonna get me in trouble," you whispered, voice shaking as the tip of his cock brushed against the one spot that had your eyes rolling back.
Opening your eyes, you looked down at him, his black hair falling in his eyes as he looked up at you through heavy lids. You moved one hand to brush the hair out of his vision. "God, you're so beautiful," he moaned. Your walls clenched around him, drawing another deep moan from the back of his throat.
"Jjun," you whined, head falling and your forehead resting against his. You felt his hand make contact with your ass, forcing a hiss out of your lips as your walls clenched around him. You heard him chuckled lightly.
“What? Does that feel good?”
A sudden knock at the door caused your head to snap up. You froze, unable to move or react before the door opened and shut quickly. Light footsteps moved through the suit until Soobin came into view. His eyes widened and jaw dropped. The three of you said nothing, only staring at one another until a smile cracked across Soobin's face.
"I fucking knew it," he said, a dark chuckle escaping from his lips. You looked down at Yeonjun who glanced up at you. Your gaze turned back to Soobin who ran his fingers through his hair.
"I mean, I sort of suspected something was going on but obviously this confirms it," he continued, rambling.
You looked back at him, watching as he shook his head, his blond locks falling into his eyes. Eyes scanning him, you noticed that what he'd walked in on was affecting him, even if he wouldn't admit it. That's when an idea popped in your head.
Turning back to Yeonjun you leaned in to whisper in his ear.
Yeonjun's eyes widened at what you were suggesting. He pulled back to look at you questioningly. You nodded at his silent question and a devilish smirk crossed his features. He turned his head to look at the younger man. "Hey, Soob," he said softly, drawing the blond's attention.
Yeonjun nodded towards the door. "Lock the door," he said, the smirk still present on his face. Soobin looked from his hyung to you. A small smirk was present on your face, too.
Was Yeonjun suggesting what he thought he was? He turned quickly and crossed to the door leading to the hallway, turning the deadbolt and moving the chain before returning to where you and Yeonjun sat.
Yeonjun was the first to speak. He looked at Soobin. "Take out your phone," he ordered. Soobin's eyebrow raised as he slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Text Gyu. Tell him you aren't feeling well. Lie, I don't care," he explained. Soobin unlocked the device and quickly typed out a message to Beomgyu.
Yeonjun turned to look at you.
"Hey princess," he whispered, moving one hand to caress your cheek. "Keep going," he said, giving your ass a light smack. You gasped, lifting your hips and sinking back down on him, a groan leaving his lips.
Soobin felt his cheeks burn, unable to take his eyes off the scene in front of him. You glanced over your shoulder, a light laugh escaping you.
"You just gonna stand there and watch?" You asked, drawing his attention. Clearly, he was confused and looked to Yeonjun for clarification.
"W-what?" Soobin stammered.
Yeonjun chuckled and looked over at the younger man. He nodded towards Soobin. "Take off your belt and come over here. I have an idea," he said.
Soobin moved quickly, reaching to undo his belt and followed Yeonjun's instructions, walking over to the bed as you continued to ride Yeonjun. Soobin waited for more instructions.
"Take your belt and bind her hands," Yeonjun said, nodding at the belt in the blond's hands. Soobin hesitated but at Yeonjun's insistence, took your hands behind your back and carefully used his belt to bind your wrists together.
"Done," Soobin said shakily.
Wrapping an arm around your waist, Yeonjun scooted further back onto the bed, pulling you with him, making space for Soobin. "Get on the bed and do what I tell you," Yeonjun ordered as Soobin slowly climbed onto the bed. The older man gently took your chin in his hand and turned your head to look at him.
"Eyes on me, baby," he whispered as you felt Soobin's hands carefully ghost over your body, sliding down your sides and grabbing your hips much harder than you expected him to. You let out a moan as Yeonjun thrust up into you. "Just keep your eyes on me," he whispered as you felt Soobin's lips brush against your shoulder.
The sensation of having two sets of hands on your body was heavenly. You let out a whimper, feeling Soobin's teeth sink into your skin, your walls tightening around Yeonjun's cock and pulling a deep guttural groan from him. "Go easy on her, Soob," Yeonjun said, attempting to regain his composure.
“I promise I’ll be gentle,” you heard Soobin murmur, his lips still against your skin as he fumbled with the button and zipper of his pants with one hand while the other held onto your hip.
Yeonjun looked up, reaching up to cup your cheek. The pad of his thumb brushed over your bottom lip, watching as your lips parted. His smile returned as he slowly pushed his thumb into your mouth, almost moaning when your tongue swirled around it. "Oh," he said breathlessly.
"You're in for a long night, sugar."
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wheeboo · 2 months
big spoon, little spoon | boo seungkwan
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SYNOPSIS. in which ask your boyfriend if he wants to be big spoon or little spoon. PAIRING. boo seungkwan x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship WARNINGS. kissing (in the dark lmao), one curse word, terms of endearment, just boo being rlly affectionate :< WORD COUNT. 1.2k
requested from anon: congrats on 2k lovely!!! ❤️❤️❤️ for ur event may i please req seungkwan + #6 list one? thank u ahhhhh and congrats again - #6: "I don't think I have ever felt safer than in your arms."
notes: thank u my love !! i hope u enjoy <3 i had too much fun writing this pls 😭😭
join the 2k celebration!
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"Okay, so big spoon or little spoon tonight?"
Seungkwan just freezes from where he stood in the bathroom doorway, toothbrush still dangling at his lips with bits of foam at the corners of his mouth. You're literally staring at him like you're waiting for him to answer and that it wasn't actually a rhetorical question.
"Are you asking me𑁋okay, wait." He marches back into the bathroom to hastily spit and rinse out his mouth, before coming back out with determination in his step. "Are you asking me if I want to be big spoon or little spoon?"
There's a playful lift to your lips as you sit down on the edge of his bed, and Seungkwan can very much see that slight mischievous look to your features. He can already feel the heat of the moment shoot up towards his ears, and he prays that the room is dark enough to hide it.
"Yeah, I am. Since, you know, we always sorta switch around every day," You say, nodding with a teasing grin. "And, well... I'm being considerate, as your partner and all. I gotta know all your preferences..."
God, Seungkwan feels like he's sinking into quicksand at his feet. Are you really at his place every day? He hardly ever thought about how often you were here, like how these nightly rituals had practically become routine now. He swears his heart does a little happy flip-flop at the thought.
It all started with movie night dates that bled into you two eating breakfast together, dinner dates that turned into you helping wash dishes at three in the morning, and then that particular comfortable silence that settled completely at this point. Every day, there always seems to be another reason for you to stay a little longer, another excuse to linger until the streetlights cast an orange glow through his curtains.
And Seungkwan knows he won't ever get tired of it𑁋he won't ever get tired of having you around. Not now. Not anytime soon. Not ever.
He runs a hand through his hair, feeling whatever embarrassment he had in his chest start to dissipate and replaced by a rush of warmth.
"Okay, well, as your very considerate and caring boyfriend..." He crosses his arms together. "what do you prefer?"
You purse your lips together, as if deep in thought. You didn't mind being either little or big spoon, but the thought of Seungkwan having his arms around you right now𑁋if you could describe it𑁋felt like being wrapped by a warm cloud, a feeling of pure, weightless security that chases away all possible worries.
But it isn't just about the comfort, although it's certainly a big part of it. It was the feeling of being safe and cherished, completely enveloped in his embrace. It was the feeling of home.
A slow smile graces across your face.
"I'll take little spoon," You answer gleefully, already crawling more onto his bed and tucking yourself under the covers with a little wiggle. Whatever façade Seungkwan had been putting up crumbles completely at the sight. A blush creeps up his neck, barely visible in the dim light, but his smile widens.
He chuckles softly as he joins you on the bed, slipping under the covers beside you. After flicking the lampshade off, he carefully maneuvers himself right beside you until he feels your warmth hit his skin. Then he slowly circles his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his body, with your back meeting his chest. A low, contented hum leaves his lips as he simply holds you.
You wriggle in slightly, and he adjusts his hold, letting an arm curve over your stomach and the other one under your body to pull you even closer, fingers momentarily brushing against the hem of your shirt. You feel your legs entangle together under the blanket, and you swear the world gets smaller, quieter.
Seungkwan thinks you fit perfectly in his arms; it's like you've always belonged there.
"Comfortable?" he asks, voice muffled against you.
Your chest rises up and down with a soft sigh. "Mhm..."
The moments that pass are purely silence as he continues to hold you. You could probably fall asleep at this second, yet you feel the way Seungkwan's hand drifts lower from your waist, tracing gentle circles on the fabric of your shirt above your stomach. It's light, just barely there, but it sends a shiver down your spine nonetheless.
And then you feel him moving around behind you, breath tickling your skin, before his lips press a brief, tender kiss to the nape of your neck.
Maybe you can sense the small smile to his face right afterwards, too.
"You're so soft," he mutters, but there's a bit of tentativeness to his tone.
Your heart squeezes tightly in your chest. "I𑁋Aren't we supposed to be trying to sleep?"
"Sorry," Seungkwan apologises, but you can still hear the smile in his voice. He presses another gentle kiss to your neck, then draws back, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly. "Just like holding you like this."
The giggle that leaves you is shaky, nervous, as if there's a small, timid butterfly trapped in your ribcage struggling to take flight. He can probably hear the way your heart is pounding like a damn drum right now, but he doesn't comment on it. Thank goodness.
A thought crosses your mind, and it takes you a minute to cave into flipping yourself over to face him. A groan escapes him from the sudden change in position, but he quickly settles. The two of you can't really see each other that well since the room was basically suspended in darkness, but you can clearly feel his presence beside you, all comforting and familiar.
"I like being held by you too," You confess quietly, each syllable laced with your own hesitancy. "I... I don't think I have ever felt safer than in your arms, to be honest."
The sound of Seungkwan's breath hitching echoes throughout the room. Are the walls closing in? He's not hallucinating or imagining any of this, right? He wishes he could pinch himself, but he's busy holding you, and you're the only thought filling his mind right now.
He leans in closer, ever so slowly. He can see the faint outline of your face thanks to the sliver of moonlight cutting through the curtains.
But just as his lips are about to meet yours, you feel a sudden contact at the tip of your nose. You flinch a little, scrunching your nose up for a second, and Seungkwan pulls back immediately with a gasp.
"Oh my go𑁋did I just𑁋" He stammers frantically, cheeks heating up with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, uh..."
"Baby," You call out affirmingly, aimlessly bringing a hand up to cup his face through the darkness. Then you lean in to press a kiss to his lips, or specifically... the corner of his mouth. Close enough, anyway. "There we go."
Seungkwan just blinks, eyelashes batting furiously as he feels you shrink back into his hold. This time, you place your head at the crook of his neck, breathing fanning against his skin and making him shiver in your hold, even though he's supposed to be the big spoon.
"Let's go to sleep," You murmur lowly, and if he wasn't used to how pretty your voice sounds when you're tired by now, he should really get his shit together.
And so, Seungkwan just secures his hold around you, but not before mouthing a set of three words that he knows you can't see in the darkness, but hopes you can feel in his embrace.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @etherealyoungk
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19burstraat · 6 months
ketterdam dashboard simulator
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who up boeking they canal
10,345 notes
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drydens follow
I can't believe some of you log on here and thirstpost about barrel vagrants. it makes me so sick. these men are the very pits of society and have never honoured ghezen a day in their lives. there are so many other young men who make their living in a reverent way. have some dignity.
#ghezen #inghezenssight #ghezenhonouring #churchofghezen #handofghezen
2 notes
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lionsroar12 follow
omg HOW is kaz brekker winning this he's SO problematic he's not even good for the economy he killed members of his own gang and kidnapped councilman van eck's son
cranky coz your gang fell apart aren't you
17,860 notes
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oskervoexchange follow
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guys is this a mandela effect or what bc I SWEAR this painting used to be in the university district art museum, I literally saw it this week??? but I went today and it was GONE?????? there wasn't even a plaque?? guys pls I'm so confused why is everyone acting like this is normal for ketterdam? do priceless antiques just VANISH? am I being gaslit?
450 notes
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guys I'm so sorry I've been MIA :( I found out that my landlord was using my rent on the staves rather than fixing my black mould problem so I pushed him out the window and told the stadwatch he must have fallen and died because he wasn't honouring ghezen and got away with it. anyway I think maybe the black mould explains the dirtyhands/sturmhond fic I was writing sorry :( but I WILL finish my fairy queen of istamere meta post once I've moved into my new lodging
670 notes
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dregsconfessions follow
SUBMISSION: sometimes I lie awake thinking about the time I fell down an entire flight of stairs at the slat when kaz was at the bottom, and he just stared at me (still lying on the floor), and then asked if I'd changed the beer kegs at the silver six yet. GIRL NO?!?!?!
#submission #dregs #dirtyhands #admin comment: laughed so loud my upstairs neighbour threatened to shoot me
546 notes
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dregsconfessions follow
ADMIN NOTE: if the razorgulls don't fucking stop sending anon hate to this blog we'll tell dirtyhands n he'll send you your own IP address back
#see what happens you hack job seagulls
500 notes
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it's us, the real kerch tourism board, here to tell you what we're putting in the new summer season pamphlet. we got 1) three pages all about kaz brekker that end up being more of an advertisement than a deterrent 2) list of slipperiest spots in the barrel where you will fall over and get a concussion when ur drunk 3) top 10 ways to get your wallet stolen by a child in broad daylight 4) paintings of the komedie brute 5) advert for sten's stockpot 6) map of public toilets
570 notes
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kerchtourismboardreal follow
we are not affiliated with any degenerate impersonator accounts who claim to be us. we are the only real kerch tourism account.
23 notes
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kerchtourismboard-real follow
grafcanal smells like piss and you should bite everyone you see wearing the mister crimson costume
450 notes
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stensstockpot follow
it's all 'fuck sten's stockpot' and 'I got food poisoning from the special at sten's stockpot' until you realise you don't have the money for cilla's fry, and then you come CRAWLING back to the loving arms of sten's stockpot and our special. you fucking traitors. you'll be back! you'll all be back
canaljumpings follow
what's in the special sten's stockpot
stensstockpot follow
it's a surprise ;)
bertskerch follow
nah I thought this was the real stens lmao
stensstockpot follow
bert smit you still have 45 kruge to pay on your tab and if you don't cough up we'll send our debtors to break your legs
230 notes
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exchangingbabey follow
my grisha girlfriend who still wears a kefta and says things like 'nikolai lantsov is a bastard': ugh they're still debating whether or not the council of tides should be able to control kerch shipping, I hate inter-country politics
me: I think I hauve the queen's lady
4500 notes
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(insp) (insp)
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