hi annie! 🤭
mercury, taurus, 1H💕
Heyo Aerie!!
mercury ⇢ are you a talkative person?
For sure. Barely shut up.
taurus ⇢ what's your favorite food?
I rarely answer this the same but I am a chocaholic so maybe that?
1H ⇢ describe your style
Day to day is a little 70s, a little boho, and a little all American
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And my work outfits are genuinely pretty put-together and simple
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Astrology ask list
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
Luke and 🌷
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guy + emoji moodboards
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Question about the gay bitches: did they parallel one of them sleeping on the couch and their kid?
They did 🥺
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How are the gay firefighters? What's the couch theory?
Gay firefighters are great, 911anon!
Couch theory hmmmm how best to summarize.
There’s a lot more layers to this but on a base level:
Earlier this season, Buck is cooking for Eddie and Christopher (Lasagna and it’s his third try) when Christopher makes fun of him for not having a couch. Buck reveals that he associates his couches with his relationships and that he’s worried about picking a new one (couch/relationship).
In the last episode, we see that his mother (who he’s largely estranged from) has bought him a new couch. Try as he might, Buck can’t fall asleep on it both due to interruptions and apparent discomfort. When feed up with people visiting, he heads to Eddie’s where falls asleep on Eddie’s couch before Eddie even returns from the kitchen with drinks.
Buck’s actor (Oliver) has revealed that the couch Buck’s mom bought won’t last.
More in-depth analysis here, here, and here
Basically, couch theory is a canonical idea about Buck relating couches to his relationships with people.
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
boop day to you, dear Annie
Luke 🌫️
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guy + emoji moodboards
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
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i thought this was harry styles
I also thought he was Harry at first!!! I scrolled past, then my brain processed the Canucks logo on his mask and I scrolled back up like 👀! But no! It’s my beloved Quinn Hughes
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I think, in that picture, it’s something about his furrowed eyebrows, light eyes, slight curly hair, and bad posture lol
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ijustdontlikepeople · 4 months
Hi!! If you’re still doing vibe checks can I have one, pretty please 🥹💛
I’m so sorry this took ages!!! I really hope u like it!!!
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
Hi annie! Are we winning? I don't watch hockey. But I'll root for your team! Love your “× internet” stuff. Happy april fools! 
The way I didn’t realize this was an April fools joke and supposed to be Luke Hemmings until I saw Sam’s 😭
I thought I made a nice new friend 🥺
lol I’m glad u enjoy my x internet (hope that wasn’t a joke lol)
The islanders are currently fighting for a Wildcard spot for the playoffs. They play tonight at 7pm est against the Philadelphia Flyers who currently have that wildcard seed. So it’s an important game. 🤞for my boys
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
annie my love what's ur favourite hockey boys headcanon
My favorite hockey headcanon 🤔 hmmmm how about I tell you about some of my favorite narratives. Like these things actually happened.
Danny Briere and Claude Giroux living together for two years in Philly and in Germany during lockout (a NHL Strike), sending out two Christmas cards with Danny’s kids and their names combined, and Claude redoing Danny’s guest room (not one he was living in). I just have questions on all of those apparently true details.
Also, narratively, Trevor Zegras saying publicly that he and his teammate, Jamie Drysdale, did everything together- “peed together, slept together”-and then Jamie getting traded the same week across the country. Trevor immediately getting hurt in his first game without him post-trade, and then, absolutely losing it in his first game back after surgery, getting multiple penalties and destroying a camera in penalty box. I’m just fascinated. There are layers here. Even more than this.
Some real hockey narratives are better than true headcanon lolololol
Sleepover asks
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
🐮 annie my beloved pretty please
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For uuuuuuuuuu
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ijustdontlikepeople · 16 days
28. do you collect anything?
Hi Allie!! Thanks for the ask!!
28. I collect a few things! My ever growing book collection is my pride and joy. I have a collection of nutcrackers (one for each year I performed in it) that is no longer currently expanding. And I (try to) collect postcards from every place I visit! I also have pretty much every physical ticket and playbook I’ve ever received and that may be less of collecting and more of being a pack rat. Oh also cards. I don’t throw away cards generally.
Fun questions to ask
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ijustdontlikepeople · 5 months
No but the thing with Davo looking like Ash sent me on a spiral because even though Luke can kinda look like Ash under the correct circumstances, I didn't think Davo looked like Luke, but then I pulled pictures of Jack Hemmings and now I think that if you put Davo between Luke, Jack and Ben, you can make me believe he is a 4th Hemmings easier than you can make me believe he's an Irwin. I think he makes sense in the middle here lol
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I'm also having an existential crisis because I can no longer figure out if I actually think Davo looks like Luke kslakapksspalpaala
This is so fun for me, on a personal level. So many 5sos moots talking about the best hockey player in the world.
I think you go throw Davo into the Hemmings Bros and I’d be like sure. Like I wouldn’t question it if you told me. But I’m not actively making that connection and I’d probably be thinking he looks least like the other brothers, but again would not actually be questioning it which I think is the gray space with this sort of idea.
I think Ashton and Connor have such different shaped heads that I’m less inclined towards them.
OG Post
P.S. Also you’re the third person to say he’s more Hemmings. Which is particularly funny considering the period that Luke and Ash looked so much alike
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ashton irwin's one true love is ashton irwin
He is his own target audience and biggest fan and we could all take some cues from that lol
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ijustdontlikepeople · 6 months
my stupid ass being like "wow how did annie do that so fast" and then it occurred to me that we don't actually need to listen to the full songs.
Trshhitdf jess… i mean it happens
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But are the gay bitches together or do they have a kid? I'm so lost with this show
I’m obsessed with the phrasing of the question, nonnie. Lol
Spoilers below for 911 & 911: Lone Star
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This is Eddie Diaz. He joins 911 in S2. He’s a single parent, estranged from his wife and the mother of his child.
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This is his son Christopher Diaz, Eddie’s son.
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This is Buck. Buck and Eddie are partners in the field and quickly become best friends (after a short enemies to friends stint).
Buck and Eddie are not together in the show, but Buck is canonically the person Christopher goes to when he scared or angry and can’t go to his father. We frequently see Buck cooking for the Diaz boys, babysitting Chris, or helping in some other fashion (like assisting Eddie with creating a skateboard that was safe for Christopher to ride - Chris has Cerebral Palsy). Eddie eventually changes his will so that if anything happens to him, Buck will be Christopher’s legal guardian. Additionally, we frequently see how much Eddie and Buck care about each other. When Eddie has a PTSD episode, Buck is the one that he talks to. When Buck has issues with his family, he goes to Eddie. Etc.
There are hints going on that could be foreshadowing or could be queerbaiting. (People on separate occasions have assumed Christopher was Buck’s, that Buck and Eddie were a couple, and that Buck is gay.) This definitely could be queerbaiting, however, the show has a happily married lesbian couple with an adorable child
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(Hen, Karen, & Denny)
And the spin-off has a very cute gay couple
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(TK & Carlos)
So they writers definitely aren’t against lgbtq+ couples so it’s not an impossibility that they may eventually be canon.
TLDR: Buck and Eddie are not canonically in a romantic relationship. Chris is Eddie’s son and Buck plays a kind of additional paternal/familial role in Christopher’s life.
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ijustdontlikepeople · 2 months
may I ask how you did this edit? it's a beautiful effect and I'd like to replicate it (only if you don't mind sharing, of course). tumblr.com/ijustdontlikepeople/739905108314324992
Hi anon! Thank you!! I’ve always been very fond of this guy and I am always happy to talk about making stuff!
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It’s been a little while so my memory of the process is a little blurry and unfortunately, I cleaned out my project storage last week so I can’t go back layer by layer anymore but here’s the best of my memory
So, it started when I saw this base image and Davo looked very “heavy is the head that wears the crown” and I loved it
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I brought it into PicsArt on my phone and cropped it so he was a bit more centered.
I went through the PicsArt stickers for an “orb” or “light burst” this is the one I used
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To place the orb behind Davo like I wanted I added in another layer of that original photo, and removed the background until I just had Davo’s head
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They should be layered original photo, burst, head, like above. Now you can see some spots in his hair and such that the orb light is not visible through so you go back through and erase bits of the Davo head layer. you don’t have to be too too particular about it bc the same photo of him is underneath.
If I remember right, the brightness of the orb wasn’t as high as I wanted so I doubled up on the same sticker
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I think I one was centered over his left eye and then the other a few inches above it, and the i placed them both back behind the head layer again
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Then added a sticker halo
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Then I moved over to lens flare
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I picked a light orangey one and placed one over his eye, lining it up with his Iris, then blending it with the light setting and duplicating the the layer and repeating for the other eye. I could have sworn that I gradually erased the edges so it faded into the rest of the photo but the software isn’t giving my an option to erase? So I’m not sure if that’s a change on their side or if I’m misremembering
From there, you apply and then go to FXs. (I may have tinkered with some color levels last time before this step but I don’t remember)
I’m not sure exactly which filters I used. I feel like there were two or three. I am about 80% sure I used these with roughly these specifics.
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His face is cut out of PLRD which is done first than VINYL
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So they didn’t turn out exactly the same but this about the gest. It’ll all be a little different depending on your starting photo. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk about what you’re making, my DMs and ask box are always open! I can give u my discord too if that’s easier! I hope this was a least a bit helpful!!
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