#animal feed supplement products
is-the-owl-video-cute · 9 months
So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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prettymunchkin · 28 days
Optimizing Livestock Health: Feed Activities and Biosecurity Best Practices by Optima Life Sciences
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Ensuring maximum health and productivity is crucial in this dynamic world of livestock husbandry. Optima Life Sciences is very well aware of the vital role of biosecurity and feed operations that prevent disease and promote livestock well-being.  
We’ll discuss the best practices recommended by Optima Life Sciences in this blog article for maintaining the health of livestock by using efficient feed management and biosecurity procedures.
Some best practices for feed management are: 
The proper sources must be chosen when it comes to feed management, according to best practices. Choosing a reliable supplier who maintains a high priority on quality assurance and follows stringent safety guidelines when it comes to feed ingredients. At Optima life Sciences, we stress on how crucial it is to use cutting edge processing methods to get rid of infections without sacrificing vital nutrients in the feed. Every aspect of feed management, from handling cleanliness to storage options, is carefully tuned to reduce the chance of disease transmission.
Some best practices for Biosecurity are:
Biosecurity can play a significant role in the success of a swine operation. The purpose of a biosecurity program is to protect animals from foreign pathogens they have not been exposed to. A biosecurity program helps minimize the impact of illness that are hard to identify. Make sure you are operating with biosecurity in mind when removing culls or mortalities from the herd. A technique such as stage loading could be a possibility for culls. Be cognizant of the contamination risks associated with rendering trucks. Inspect your animals regularly to ensure they are healthy and safe from disease. Vet any new animals before purchasing them to ensure they aren’t bringing disease to your property. Consider identifying an area as a quarantine zone for animals coming onto the farm which can be kept isolated from the other animals. 
With the combination of complete biosecurity policies with best practices of feed management, Optima Life Sciences can ensure a comprehensive approach to disease prevention in livestock production. While reducing the effects of disease issues, our customized solutions put animal health, welfare and productivity first. Providing our clients with surveillance networks because we recognize that early diagnosis and reaction to disease outbreak depend on proactive monitoring.  
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prettymuch1192 · 4 days
Preventing common nutritional deficiencies in poultry flocks.
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Diseases can spread quickly throughout flocks of poultry and issues with their health can range from minor to fatal. Because of this, it's critical to identify the signs of common poultry health problems so that you can treat the issue and find a solution. 
Detecting a nutritional deficiency can be difficult. The symptoms are vague, including poor growth in young birds, poor feathering and a general unhealthy appearance. All these signs can indicate numerous issues. By the time the indicators are obvious, it’s often too late to save the bird. The Results of malnutrition also differ depending on the bird's age and function. 
In laying hens, too little calcium and vitamin D decrease egg production and create thin eggshells. Production chickens that are used to hatch chicks also need appropriate levels of vitamin D and other nutrients so the embryos within the eggs can form.
Another nutrient deficiency observed in chicks stems from insufficient vitamin E.
Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and is absorbed from the intestine. It’s important for the integrity of cell membranes in the body. A deficiency of vitamin E affects many parts including the brain, reproductive system and blood vessels. Without the proper amounts of this vitamin, birds can develop encephalomalacia, also known as “crazy chick disease.” Affected birds are off-balance and fall over, as cells in the brain are affected. Blood-vessel walls become weak and hemorrhage. Once the damage is done, recovery is impossible.
Improper feed storage is often the culprit. Vitamin E is subject to oxidation. When feed is kept in a bucket that’s exposed to the sun or in an area with high humidity, the vitamin is destroyed.
Water is very important. People often forget that water is a nutrient and it's a very crucial one. Birds can survive multiple days without feed, but they can’t survive a few hours without water. Providing easy access to clean water year round is very critical. Unlike other animals, chickens can't lick to stay hydrated. It's equally important to provide cool water that hasn’t been overrated by the environment. 
Right diet is very necessary for the right bird's formulated feeds to deliver the appropriate nutrients for chicken at a specific stage of life. Give starters feeds to birds from hatch to about 6 to 8 weeks old. Options are available for young layers and young boilers. You can also maintain feed quality by storing it where it is safe from dampness as well as rodents and insects. By using airtight containers pests can be kept out and fat oxidation and feed from rotting.
In Conclusion, avoiding nutrient deficiencies in flocks of chickens require a different methods that includes giving them a nutritious diet, making sure that they are having a good supply of necessary of vitamins and minerals, keeping the water clean, avoiding overcrowding, keeping an eye on the quality of the feed and giving them room to digest. Regular health check-ups also ensure that any problems are solved quickly, contributing to the maintenance of healthy, productive and thriving flocks. 
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rita0605 · 3 months
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In the dynamic landscape of livestock production, the pursuit of efficient and sustainable methods to boost animal growth and optimize resource utilization has led to the emergence of Metalean, a groundbreaking herbal growth promoter poised to redefine industry standards.
Metalean represents a paradigm shift in the approach to livestock management, harnessing the potency of herbal ingredients to unlock unprecedented levels of performance and efficiency. Unlike conventional growth promoters, Metalean eschews synthetic compounds in favor of a natural formulation, aligning with the growing demand for eco-friendly and health-conscious agricultural practices.
Central to Metalean's allure is its ability to enhance Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), carcass weight, and overall feed efficiency, thereby maximizing the return on investment for farmers while minimizing environmental impact. Through targeted modulation of metabolic processes, Metalean optimizes nutrient utilization, ensuring that every ounce of feed translates into tangible gains in animal growth and productivity.
Moreover, Metalean's herbal composition imbues it with a host of ancillary benefits, ranging from improved immune function to enhanced stress resilience in livestock. By bolstering the overall health and well-being of animals, Metalean fosters a robust and resilient farming ecosystem, reducing the reliance on antibiotics and other pharmaceutical interventions.
Beyond its tangible advantages, Metalean also offers a compelling narrative for consumers seeking transparency and traceability in their food choices. As awareness grows regarding the provenance and production methods of meat products, Metalean's natural and herbal profile resonates with discerning consumers, instilling confidence in the integrity and sustainability of the supply chain.
Furthermore, Metalean's role in promoting photogenic lean meat underscores its potential to elevate the visual appeal and marketability of meat products, catering to evolving consumer preferences for premium-quality, aesthetically pleasing food options.
Visit us - https://vinayakingredients.com/feed-additives-and-supplements-in-india/swine-feed-supplements-and-nutrition/metalean-protein-optimiser-for-swine/
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jayrockin · 1 year
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Centaur Aliens Lifespan: 80 years Adult weight: 500-1000 kg Adult height: 2.5-4 meters Visual range: near infrared to blue Diet: Obligate hypercarnivores Centaurs' evolutionary ancestors were savanna pack predators who used ambush to hunt prey, nomadically following prey animal herds as they traveled round the global continent every year. Modern centaurs emerged when they started to use tools to help with hunting and land management, eventually resulting in some groups settling down and becoming reliant on fishing, animal agriculture, and food preservation to survive. Centaurs remain obligate hypercarnivores, meaning approximately 70% of a healthy diet is meat and animal products, but they opportunistically supplement their diet with grain, starchy tubers, and small amounts of roughage and vegetation. Similar to humans, centaurs have a bisex reproductive system with an inseminator sex and gestator sex who gave birth to live young, but functionally are more akin to Earth's marsupials. Centaur’s distant ancestors had larvae that lived in the soil like grubs before pupating into adults, and their viviparous silk eating clade first emerged after parental care of the larval stage evolved. While other members of their clade have development and pupation both happen in-utero, centaur litters leave the womb early and feed on their parent’s nutritive silk until they are large enough to pupate, spinning a cocoon on their parent’s back. They emerge as an imago, resembling a miniature adult with the physical capacity of an six-week old kitten. Centaurs are pseudo-eusocial, with a social structure hierarchy somewhat similar to meerkats. At its most basic level a clan consists of one matriarch, a female who is responsible for bearing the clan's young; the entourage, who are the matriarch's partners and usually mostly male; and the clan's "workers," who are not involved in reproduction. These non-reproductive clan members are generally either the matriarch's children, childless relatives, or individuals married in for their skills or political purposes. Read more about centaur biology on my janky eternally work-in-progress website here, or look at the old centaur reference post here. PATREON | STORE | Runaway to the Stars
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dumpstermaster · 28 days
Hi. I don't usually speak up about these issues mainly because I don't exactly have a following, and I'm pretty sure only mutuals will be able to see this post.
Let's open our eyes to what's going on for a second. Let's take a break from consuming things that distract us from reality. From what's been happening across the sea. From the tides that are ebbing and flowing with the blood of the innocent. From the cries of children, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters stripped of their home and of their lives.
From the people who are desperately reaching out to us for help.
I have been privileged enough not to wake to the sounds of bombs mere miles from where I'm sleeping. I have been privileged enough to wake up and not smell sulfur and ash in the air. I have been privileged enough not to live in cramped spaces that breed disease, lacking food or clean water.
The people of Palestine need you to amplify their voices. They need you to scream for them now more than ever.
Rafah is currently being bombed and invaded. The border between the Rafah to Egypt crossing is currently being lined with tanks.
I know that it all feels hopeless, but please do not give up. There will be another opportunity. There will be another opening. While the invasion of Rafah is currently taking place, a ceasefire resolution is still being negotiated as we speak. Do NOT give up hope.
I didn't want to make this post without supplementing it with something that is actionable, but as someone with little means to help monetarily, I understand if you cannot directly donate to the links provided below. However, please do not underestimate your voice. Being able to spread this to someone who is able to contribute funding is equally as important.
So what can you do?
The simplest thing you can do is share these resources. Share them to as many people as you can. Amplifying the voices of the disparaged means that more people who are able to give aid can be reached. Research any local movements, any protests happening in your city or town, and attend them if you can.
And when your voice is hoarse from speaking, from screaming. When your legs hurt from the march. When you aren't able to reach as far as you can, as you want to, as you need to, the next thing you can do is listen. Keep updated on what is happening. Keep your eyes open. The more people mobilize and direct their efforts to help, the more people come up with new ways to give aid. There is always a next step.
Avoid supporting companies who are supporting or are compliant to Israel's genocide. There is a useful app called Boycat that you can scan the barcodes of products with so it can tell you, using its ever-expanding database, if its brand is compliant to ethical standards. One of the current campaigns it's supporting is that of Palestine.
For folks who are able to donate funds, here is a list of charities and fundraisers you can donate to:
eSims For Gaza makes sure that people in Gaza are able to maintain communication with their families overseas, and allows journalists to secure more visibility on what is happening on the field.
The Gaza Sunbirds are a para-cycling team focusing their efforts and resources to helping their community by routing supplies to families in the Gaza strip.
Gxza Health provides telemedicine to the people in Gaza in need of medicine and healthcare. They are partnered with UNRWA to get medication delivered to patients.
Palestine Red Crescent Society is a part of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent and helps facilitate aid to the people in the Gaza strip.
Sulala Animal Rescue is an organization focused on rescuing, treating, and feeding strays in Gaza City, with hopes of possibly opening a permanent shelter with international support.
Medical Aid for Palestinians supports Palestinians by providing medical aid to those who need it.
Anera provides warm meals and facilitates medical aid for refugees in Palestine.
Baitumaal provides emergency aid and poverty relief to communities that are under-privileged, including a service to sponsor children who have been orphaned.
If you want to directly sponsor a Palestinian family, a grassroots movement called Operation Olive Branch is currently working hard to amplify the voices of Palestinians who are in need of funding to escape their current predicament. You can find over 800+ families in the spreadsheet that they maintain, with gofundme campaigns operated by the families themselves. OOB also heads the Perinatal Project, a project that specifically caters to people in need of urgent prenatal, postpartum, and infant care needs.
I will make new posts as time goes on and the more resources I am able to gather, but for now that is all. Please share as much as you can.
From the river to the sea.
Free Palestine
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[ID: a digital drawing of a hoopoe bird holding a large watermelon slice in its beak. The watermelon is dripping red, and the bird’s face and front are likewise covered in red: it could be watermelon juice, but it looks a lot like blood either way. The background features smudges of black and red behind the bird. /end ID]
(Art by me. Image description by my friend @quaxorascal)
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saint-ambrosef · 4 months
PSA: the vast majority of commercial dog food is terrible for your dog, and you cannot feed a dog a "vegan" (or vegetarian) diet.
Dogs are what is called facultative carnivores, meaning they can and will eat food that is not part of their typical, ideal diet if circumstances call for it. This is why they are often called omnivores (the line between facultative carnivores and omnivores is debated). Comparatively, obligate carnivores, like cats, cannot process non-carnivorous food at all.
This means that although the primary and default diet of domesticated dogs is other animals, dogs' digestive systems are capable of digesting other food sources like plants if a carnivorous option is not available: in other words, if they're hungry enough, they can "get by" on less ideal food sources.
Although dogs' systems can tolerate some plant material in their diet, they will not thrive on a long-term diet high in carbohydrates. This is because while dogs' pancreases do produce amylase (the enzyme that breaks down carbs), it's not nearly as much as true omnivores like humans, and can even vary quite a bit from dog-to-dog. They also don't produce cellulase at all. So a diet high in plant material for too long can be hard on their systems and lead to long-term serious health affects that will shorten their lifespan, such as early organ failure and heart disease - yes, even if they "seem great" on the day-to-day.
Ideally, a dog's diet should not be more than 15% plant material. However, the vast majority of commercial dog food is only 30% animal-derived ingredients, because 30% is the industry required minimum in order to be commercially sold. Even a lot of brands that boast about having "high animal protein" are often only hitting the 60% benchmark. Why? Because plant foods like legumes, sweet potatoes, and grains are a much, much cheaper way to "bulk up" the dog food than using 85-95% animal products. And then they artificially add in a ton of vitamins and nutrients to make them "nutritionally complete" (because plant nutrients are less bioavailable to carnivores), whereas a dog would easily get them from a diet with correctly proportioned inclusions of organs and bones.
Don't even get me started on ""vegan"" dog foods. A diet that is 100% plant based is straight up animal cruelty for a facultative carnivore like dogs and you cannot change my mind. You're literally taking years off your pet's lifespan in the name of your ideology. If you want a pet you can feed a completely plant-based diet without consequence, get a rabbit.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an easy or cheap pet, and dogs aren't an exception. I understand that feeding a dog a proper diet is an expensive venture. The best dog food you can buy at the pet store will still be below the ideal, and it will cost $$$. Just do the best you can for your circumstances. Even occasionally swapping commercial food for a little raw animal supplementation can help. Avoid kibble with legumes or potatoes.
And if you're thinking of getting a dog... I mean this gently, but you need to seriously consider whether you can actually afford to feed them. Don't get pets unless you can afford all the care they require.
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Or, they’re contracting the services of an out of house animation team to supplement the existing animators and speed up the production process while simultaneously lightening the load of the in house animators so they don’t overwork them to keep up with scheduled release dates.
In spite of what you believe, not everything is evidence of Viv being a bad person
If that were the case, why didn't they do that from the start?
Helluva Boss is a YouTube show, Viv isn't dealing with any network executives who are breathing down her neck and a set deadline.
I have zero issue with outsourcing when it comes to animated shows, most of the shows I grew up watching were outsourced to South Korea, the Philippines, and sometimes Japan.
Yes, traditional hand drawn animation is very time consuming, and if Viv wants to outsource the animation for a couple of scenes? I have zero issue with that.
The problem is that, everyone knows that Spindlehorse is a toxic work environment, that's why Viv keeps posting the same job offers every couple of months on Twitter, because nobody outside of her inner circle wants to work there.
She keeps getting fans to work on Helluva Boss because she knows they'll work for dirt cheap, but once those fans realize that working on one of Viv's shows isn't all that fun, they quickly leave to find work elsewhere.
Now sure, not every former employee has had the same experience, but it's kinda wild how some people who used to work on Helluva Boss don't seem to want to acknowledge the show or Viv on social media.
Scrolling through Viv's social media feeds, it's pretty obvious she isn't business savvy. She sucks at promoting her shows, she'll gladly throw away money to hire big name celebs to do voices for Helluva Boss while working with an indie budget, and she doesn't plan anything in advance.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that she's started to outsource some of the animation because she can no longer afford to pay a lot of the in house animators.
This is the same woman who fucked everyone over by hiring Kesha during a time when Kesha was dealing with all sorts of legal troubles, causing production on the season one finale to become an absolute nightmare.
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hawkshadowwrites · 1 year
best thing that’s ever been mine
vegaspete, 2.8k
one shot, complete, rated G
Tags: Fluff, Professional Cuddling AU, Cuddling & Snuggling, therapy dogs, mentions of anxiety and depression, Vegas is going through it, pete is very very cute, allusions to pet play (kink), pete is a puppy (fluff)
Vegas shows up to pet some therapy dogs and finds Pete instead:
ATTACHED ART BY @kiiyuq !!!
read below or read on ao3
Vegas loves dogs. Always has.
Growing up he always wanted one of his own, a puppy that was his. One that could sleep in his bed next to him, that he could take on walks, that he could feed and cuddle. A dog that would love him no matter what. A dog that would always love him.
His father refused, said animals were for vagrants and common folk, that people like them in upper society don’t have dogs. They don’t have pets.
His father also had a lot of opinions on propper animals, instructing him to take care of some hedgehogs as he was younger only to berate and scold Vegas when they died off one by one.
His father had opinions on a lot of things, really.
Like that Vegas isn’t living up to expectations, isn’t following the path set for him, isn’t bringing honor to the family. It doesn’t matter that Vegas is unfathomably intelligent, managing a double major in record time with near perfect grades. It doesn’t matter that he has done every single thing his father has asked of him, the fact that he still has the audacity to pursue something like an English degree is unforgivable.
Vegas is on his own now, after all of that. Working part time to supplement his income — as his father refuses to pay for a single textbook — and works twice as hard to finish his degree.
He didn’t even really pay attention to the fact that he was stressed, or depressed, or anxious. All of those things are a baseline for him. Why would he point out that he feels hopeless and worthless and broken? That’s just who he is.
Apparently, though, normal people don’t feel those things. And all of this is perfectly normal, that it’s just brain chemistry, that lots of people face these problems, which Vegas finds ridiculously contradictory according to the previous point that normal people aren’t feeling miserable from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep.
At least, these are things the college therapist explained to him, gently, as if Vegas might crawl over the desk and strangle them with his bare hands.
It crossed his mind, at least.
Vegas would rather gouge out his own eyes than submit to the mortifying ordeal of being perceived, of being forced to talk about things that upset him, to talk about his feelings. Even though it was nice to have a space with someone who actually listened to him, and who he felt didn’t look down on him or want to use him for something. Someone who wasn’t constantly comparing him to his cousin.
Still, his sessions haven’t been as productive for his overall mood as the therapist would have liked, so now Vegas is given a new task.
Visit the campus therapy dogs.
Apparently, once a week, a mental health organization comes on campus with trained service dogs, designed to help people with depression and anxiety and other mood disorders. That they can help bring joy and help relieve stress. Vegas thinks this is a weird concept but he isn’t going to complain, not when he can picture a gray Pitbull with wide eyes, head in his lap. Or maybe a black lab, fur soft under his fingers and tail thumping against the ground as Vegas scratches its head.
It’s just a fact that Vegas loves dogs, so what does he have to lose?
He writes down the date and time on a paper and takes it with him, noting that the soonest is a few days from today. He at least will be able to move through the mountain of homework he has, call Macau, go to the store and meal prep, do laundry, and perhaps finish reading his book.
Just a usual days list of tasks.
Vegas tries to forget about it, not wanting to waste all of his time and energy on something still so far away, but he fails. Once the idea has been placed in his mind he can’t stop thinking about it. He wonders what it would be like to actually gain a service animal. Is that allowed? To have with him, always.
It doesn’t matter anymore that his father wouldn’t allow it, the school campus refuses and his off campus housing also prohibits pets. But service animals are an exception to that rule, right?
The days pass slow and fast, all at once and not at all. But finally the day comes and Vegas feels a flutter of excitement in his stomach. He shouldn’t be this nervous, or have this much anticipation. It’s just a normal thing.
But the thing is, it’s not.
Because when he gets to the room that the event is supposed to take place, when he opens the door expecting to find the dogs, all he sees is a cute boy with a collar and dog ears, in an oversized sweater, staring back at him.
The room is almost set up with a large cage along the wall — fully stocked with comfortable looking pillows and blankets — some toys surrounding the cage, and a few extra large dog beds in the middle.
Vegas blinks, sure he is just hallucinating, but no, it seems to be not a delusion caused from undue stress and lack of sleep, but in fact, an actual guy dressed like a dog surrounded by dog toys.
“I’m sorry,” Vegas says slowly. “I must have gotten the wrong room.”
He didn’t. He knows he didn’t. He double and triple checked it.
The guy smiles and Vegas is first and foremost almost knocked over by his dimples. Dimples.
“Are you Vegas?”
Vegas nods, a little taken aback that the guy knows his name. Vegas takes the opportunity to examine him, noting that the cuffs of his sweater are extra long, over his fingers that he has curled at the ends. The sweater looks soft, a material that invites touch. It’s big on him, slipping off one shoulder to expose a collarbone and Vegas feels very overwhelmed in a lot of reasons.
“I’m Pete,” he explains. “I’m going to be your therapy dog for today.”
“My… what?”
Pete just smiles up at him and something about the warm brown of his eyes and the way his dimples dip into his cheeks has Vegas’s skin flushing. This has to be some type of joke.
“Did my therapist put you up to this? Is this a prank?”
“No, absolutely not.” Pete brings one hand up to adjust the puppy ears on his head before dropping them in his lap. “I help out with the other dogs, train them and volunteer when they are here. But there are times they can’t make it and usually don’t schedule themselves to come if there’s only one or two people signed up. So that’s where I come in.”
Vegas shifts on his feet and thinks about where to shove his hands; on his hips? Clasped behind his back? In his pockets? Crossing his arms? Why don’t people think about this? Is he over thinking this?
Pete makes a soft nose and Vegas snaps back to attention on him, trying to ignore the blush on his cheeks. “You can start by taking off your shoes, if that makes you more comfortable.”
Vegas wants to snap that nothing would make him more comfortable, but he leans down to pull off his shoes anyway. He’s grateful he’s wearing his normal black socks today, and not any of the embarrassing ones that he only gets away with when he’s wearing boots.
He really should leave.
This is really fucking weird.
“Who are you?” Vegas asks instead.
“I’m a biology major, but I also participate in a lot of the drama productions. I just like being a puppy sometimes, and find a lot of people need more hugs than they think they do.” Pete doesn’t move closer to Vegas but the longer he is standing with Pete sitting the more uncomfortable he gets.
He’s in jeans though, and a blouse that is extremely wrinkleable. He also has no idea what he is allowed to do or supposed to do.
“Come a little closer to me,” Pete suggests softly.
Vegas wonders how often he does this. Wonders who else has seen Pete like this in a sweater and black athletic shorts and fluffy socks, smiling at him like he is the best thing he’s seen all day.
Vegas knows for a fact that can’t be true. He is usually the worst part of someone’s day.
But he pads forward anyway, socks quiet on the rug, feeling his stomach flip as Pete looks up at him with an unfairly soft expression.
Vegas can’t remember the last time he was hugged by someone, and he really can’t ever remember a time that someone looked at him like that. People don’t look at him like that. Vegas is the asshole, the jerk, the black sheep. No one ever wants to be with just him, without the Theerapanyakul name or the money.
He gets in close enough that he is standing almost directly above Pete, and he is irritatingly, even cuter up close.
“I won’t bite,” Pete laughs softly. “I’m here to do whatever is most comfortable for you.”
“I’m very, deeply, extremely uncomfortable.”
“I can see that.” Pete slides his thumb along the ridges of his knuckles, still covered by the cuffs of his sweater. “Do you want to maybe sit down and I can put my head in your lap? Some people like that. Or I can start by a simple hug?”
Vegas tenses. He doesn’t mean to, but he hasn’t been held in so long that the idea scares him. What if he’s a bad hugger? What if Pete thinks he is weird? What if he makes Pete uncomfortable and he fucks this up too?
He sits anyway. This is all about trying new things, after all. He looks over at Pete who hasn’t moved, clearly waiting for Vegas to tell him what is okay to do.
Vegas looks down at his hands in his lap and twirls the ornate family ring around his finger a few times. Pete’s hair does look really soft, and the idea of Pete laying with his head in his lap is… nice.
“The first one,” Vegas mumbles, scared to admit it. This is weird, right? This is weird. He shouldn’t want this. He shouldn’t be this nervous or out of sorts with physical contact with someone. If this goes poorly he never has to come back, so there’s nothing stopping him from allowing something silly.
Pete must be used to this because he nods and shifts around, dropping down on his back and gently rests his head against Vegas’s thigh.
Vegas would prefer to kill everyone he could before admitting it, but the moment Pete rests the weight of his head on his thigh, he feels better. He is warm, but solid. Something tangible and real.
“Can—” Vegas starts but wrenches his jaw shut. He is already embarrassing himself enough, he doesn’t need to do more.
Pete, though, once again seems to understand. He turns his head just slightly so that he is looking up at Vegas and smiles that disarming smile again. “You’re allowed to touch me. That’s kind of the whole point.”
Vegas swallows back the thought of doing more than just touching, that Pete shouldn’t say such things because now Vegas is thinking about a host of inappropriate scenarios. He shakes it off and lifts one hand and hesitantly places it on Pete’s chest.
The swear is as soft as it looks and Vegas can’t help but slide his hand down to feel the texture. Pete is warm. So warm, and so firm. Firm in the way a body holds weight, that it exists and takes up space and is real. But he also feels soft.
He looks fit and trim, but Vegas can feel that he has this softness to himself that wraps him in a layer of comfort. Pete releases a small breathy sigh and curls closer into Vegas.
His heart jumps into his throat and Vegas wants to never let him go. He can’t help it, really, not with how attached he is already. Slowly he lifts his other hand to Pete’s forehead and brushes some of the bangs off his face and Vegas is dismayed to find out that his hair is just as soft as he thought it would be.
He wonders what else Pete does, if Pete enjoys playing puppy full time. That if this is just some silly joke for him or if he would look at Vegas with wide dark eyes if Vegas called him puppy.
He wants to know, but doesn’t.
He wonders what it would be like to hold Pete in other ways, to lay his head on his tummy and hide his face and maybe Pete could tell him softly that he is good. That he is doing a good job.
Vegas aches with it.
He feels tongue tied and out of sorts, feels like he wants more more more more more. More.
Pete makes another sound as Vegas combs his fingers through his hair again and Vegas wants to try something out.
“Pretty puppy,” Vegas says softly, scratching behind Pete’s ears, careful not to dislodge the actual puppy ears Pete is wearing. Vegas isn’t really sure what he was expecting but it is not Pete emitting a breathy moan.
Vegas freezes as Pete flushes but doesn’t pull away. Doesn’t try to deny what happened, or play it off as something else.
“Does my puppy like that?” Vegas does it again, this time massaging his fingers into the nape of Pete’s neck and the back of his head. “Such a good boy, aren’t you?”
Vegas is only marginally prepared for Pete’s moan this time, and when he continues to apply pressure against Pete’s skin, Pete makes another desperate sound.
He has a feeling that this is not included in the standard service, that whatever Pete does with other people, it’s not this. Vegas feels a little insane, frankly, and isn’t sure how to possibly address this feeling. He wants to make Pete moan again, and again, and again. Make him moan as he becomes — and stays — desperate for him. He also realizes all in a rush that he is half hard, quickly in danger of becoming fully hard.
“I don’t normally do this,” Pete says softly, shifting to look up at Vegas. “And even though this is free and not anything paid, I need you to know that I don’t… I’m not inappropriate with people.”
Vegas suddenly feels like shit. Of course he doesn’t do this, and Vegas is being absolutely pathetic by getting hard with the smallest amount of physical contact. He thinks he should apologize, but the words are stuck in his throat.
“But,” Pete says again, soft enough that Vegas has to strain to hear him. “What I do on my own time…”
This is a dream, surely. Things like this don’t happen to Vegas. He doesn’t randomly meet cute boys with dimples that moan when he calls them puppy, who make his heart flutter in his chest with what feels like genuine joy. This is just too good to be true.
Vegas must not have said anything or reacted in time because Pete suddenly looks anxious, not fully pulling away but trying to create a little bit of distance.
“I’m so sorry, oh my god. I think I missed read the situation. This is really inappropriate and weird and awful. I am really so sorry.”
Vegas thinks about cutting him off but he is distracted by what is clearly present signs of arousal through the crotch of Pete’s pants. Looks like Vegas isn’t the only one feeling things after all.
“Easy puppy,” Vegas chides, allowing the urge to rise up in him and fall out. He wants to take care of Pete so bad. In so many ways. “I didn’t say no, now did I?”
Pete shakes his head, but doesn’t respond.
“I’ve always wanted a dog, you know,” Vegas hums thoughtfully. “But I guess a puppy like you is just as good. Better, even.”
Vegas is overcome with the need to feed him, to crawl into his bed at his apartment and pull Pete in his arms and wrap all of his limbs around him.
Pete just watches him, silent and waiting.
“So what do you say puppy, do you want to come home with me?”
Pete smiles, and it cuts through Vegas’s heart in a way he knows he will never be the same again. “Yeah. Yeah I’d love that.”
Vegas discovers many things that night. One, that Pete is a phenomenal cuddler. Two, he really, really loves being called puppy. Three, he is incredibly eager to eat food out of Vegas’s hand. Four, his tummy is as soft as expected. Five, he is profoundly easy to talk to.
And six, that Pete cuddles just as well without clothes than he does with them.
And seven, when he wakes up in Vegas’s arms in the mornings, Vegas thinks that he might finally be able to be happy.
He has a dog now, after all.
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acti-veg · 3 months
Hi I don't know who to ask but I wanted to ask a fellow vegan since anywhere else id be told to eat em. So I have two chickens they are my pets, ones a male ones a female. They're both bantam(?) chickens and so the female lays an egg every 26 hours or so, I've tried leaving eggs in there, fake eggs, taking them away etc but she keeps laying. I re-feed them to her but then she just pops out another, is there any way to make her stop without destroying her lifespan, and causing her pain or future problems? Everywhere I read it says that sometimes procedures or shots to reduce egg amounts can be bad for them so I'm a bit lost on what to do. Shes my baby so I need her safe and happy, and laying an egg half her size must be painful I imagine. thank you!
The best thing to do is to prevent them laying using implants or injections. This is a pretty painless procedure, and lasts about 12 months. Hens implanted reportedly live longer, which makes sense since they aren’t as likely to suffer from the health defects associated with excessive egg production, which presents a far higher risk than any potential side effects from implants or injections.
If that isn’t an option (it’s illegal in the US) the eggs can also be fed back to the birds as you said, they’ll still produce more but at least it helps them regain some of the calories and protein used to lay it, and they can benefit from their own production, rather than us taking it for our own gain. Any excess could potentially be donated to a food bank or used to supplement the feed of other companion animals as well.
I’d advise speaking to your local vet and checking that they are happy to register and discuss options with you, if you haven’t already. They’ll be able to talk you through what is involved and help you make an informed decision. Best wishes to all three of you anon!
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prettymunchkin · 30 days
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At Optima Life Sciences, we prioritize disease prevention in feed activities and biosecurity through meticulous best practices. From sourcing high-quality feed to stringent processing techniques, we ensure the elimination of pathogens. Our storage and handling procedures maintain cleanliness and prevent contamination, complemented by regular sanitation protocols. Quality assurance via rigorous testing and traceability of feed sources enhances safety standards. Integrated biosecurity protocols, including controlled access and comprehensive staff training, further fortify our commitment to minimizing disease risks. With Optima Life Sciences, farms can trust in effective measures that safeguard animal health and uphold a secure environment for livestock production.
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prettymuch1192 · 18 days
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Preventing common nutritional deficiencies in poultry flocks is crucial for maintaining their health and productivity. At Optima Life Sciences, we focus on providing balanced, nutrient-rich feed solutions that ensure poultry receive essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Our specialized formulations prevent deficiencies such as rickets (due to calcium or vitamin D deficiency), anemia (iron deficiency), and poor feathering (protein deficiency). By using high-quality ingredients and precise nutrient ratios, Optima Life Sciences helps poultry farmers promote optimal growth, robust immune function, and enhanced egg production, ensuring their flocks thrive and perform at their best.
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rita0605 · 3 months
Metalean: A Promising Photogenic Lean Meat Growth Promoter
In the realm of livestock production, the quest for efficient and sustainable methods to enhance meat quality and yield has led to groundbreaking innovations. Among these, Metalean emerges as a noteworthy contender, heralding a new era in the domain of lean meat growth promotion.
Metalean distinguishes itself as a photogenic lean meat growth promoter, harnessing the power of herbal components to optimize various facets of livestock development. This herbal growth promoter offers a multifaceted approach, aiming not only to enhance lean meat production but also to improve Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), carcass weight, and overall feed efficiency.
One of the key advantages of Metalean lies in its natural composition, which aligns with the growing consumer demand for sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices. By leveraging herbal extracts, Metalean sidesteps the pitfalls associated with synthetic growth promoters, offering a safe and environmentally conscious solution for livestock farmers.
Furthermore, the efficacy of Metalean in enhancing FCR, carcass weight, and feed efficiency underscores its potential to revolutionize livestock management practices. Through optimized nutrient utilization and metabolic processes, Metalean empowers farmers to achieve higher yields with reduced resource inputs, thereby promoting economic viability and environmental sustainability.
Beyond its tangible benefits, Metalean also holds promise as a catalyst for innovation in the livestock industry. Its photogenic properties not only enhance the visual appeal of meat products but also cater to evolving consumer preferences for aesthetically pleasing food options.
Visit us - https://vinayakingredients.com/feed-additives-and-supplements-in-india/swine-feed-supplements-and-nutrition/metalean-protein-optimiser-for-swine/
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anarkittyuwuuniverse · 9 months
I think there's something interesting about how veganism mixes with ideas of anarchism, civilization and progress and such because it seems like it can actually quite easily be framed in two completely opposite directions. Like a lot of anti-civ anarchists have taken up veganism in their praxis, and it makes sense why. Not only is factory farming probably one of the most horrifying and oppressive industries that exist today, but a lot of anti-civs also believe that the domestication of animals was kind of the catalyst for civilization's beginning, and since a lot of vegans are kinda categorically against domestication of animals you can see how these ideas pair well (and then anti-civs will extend this to an opposition to domestication of the human animal as well, whatever that means to them). But then there are also people like Peter Gelderloos who will point out how veganism can be used for the expansion of global capitalism and industrial agriculture, because a plant-based diet would be the more effective way of feeding a continuously growing population of consumers. It brings to mind this one vegan anarchist I used to be mutuals with who since blocked me because I disagreed with them that "opposing industrial agriculture is ecofascism", hmmm.... One can also make the case that veganism is actually dependent on civilization. That vegetarianism only really became an option with the domestication of animals because we then could get our B12 vitamins through animal products instead of meat, and that a completely plant-based diet only became possible with the invention of B12 supplements. Idk I'm not really concluding anything with this post, I'm just kind of expressing some thoughts, like I'm still a vegan and still believe that avoiding animal products is probably the best option in this specific historical context, but I'm still not completely sure how human/animal relationships should look in an anarchic future. I would really love to hear what other anarchist vegans and anti-civ inclined people think about these topics. I know that @pinabutterjam has some really interesting ideas about vegan scavenging of meat, and I would really love to see more animal liberationist thoughts grapple with these complex nuances, that can think outside of the boxes the philosophy has kinda fallen into, especially the very rigid utilitarian and hyper-rationalistic tendencies of people like Peter Singer and Earthling Ed (it was a breath of fresh air to read Flower Bomb pair veganism with Stirnerian egoism).
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What makes a chicken more or less difficult to raise?
The same reason a golden retriever is less difficult to raise then a husky. Some animal breeds just have different care requirements.
For example Leghorns are a VERY easy chicken breed to raise.
Leghorns are a fast feathering breed, that means chicks are able to thermoregulate and get off heat faster then other breeds.
They do not really need any special chick starter or supplements to raise them. Leghorns are not really prone to any health issues when they are young.
When leghorns are adults they are nonbroody and very productive so they lay lots of eggs that are easy to collect and hatch.
Leghorns are a bit skittish by nature which means they tend to be great at avoiding predators and surviving predator attacks.
Leghorns also have some of the best feed conversion, this means they need to eat less to produce more then other chickens, so feeding them isnt to expensive.
All of the above would make a leghorn quite easy to raise and even breed. They do have some health issues that typically happen to them later in life but they are one of the most popular egg laying chickens for a reason.
Silkies are more so an intermediate breed. I dislike that they are considered beginner friendly for many reasons.
Silkies need to be on a good diet with good thiamine levels as they are prone to deficiency which can lead to a host of problems but most commonly wry neck that ends up very hard to reverse and treat.
Since silkies are fibromelanistic that means their immune system sucks for the first few months. In terms of building their immune system they will always be behind nonfibro birds of the same age due to the mechanics of fibromelanism. This makes them very vurnerable to cocciodosis outbreaks that wluld even bother your other birds when they are young.
Silkies have the hookless/silked gene this means they cannot thermoregulate as well as a normal feathered birds. That means they are more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. The chicks will sometimes need heat longer due to that as well.
Due to their crest and sometimes beard some silkies become essentially blinded by their feathers making them vurnerable to flock bullying, predation, and starvation. Yep starvation and malnutrition is a COMMON problem with silkies because they cannot see. This means adults can still be prone to wry neck and other issues caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Their fluffy appearance can hide issues very well. If their owner is not picking them up often its very easy to miss things like malnutrition and mites.
Due to all of the above Silkies would be a harder breed to raise then leghorns in my example.
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mywitchcultblr · 5 months
I have to say this
Might lose followers, but whatever. I was lurking around on reddit and saw some posts that made me scratch my head
First, I have no problem with people who are vegans, do whatever the hell you want with your health and personal choice for yourself.
Edit: And I understand not all people who following plant based diet are doing this but still But I don't get people who insist on feeding their dog vegan food??
Doing it for the environment? You are already contributing to minimizing the harm that is done to the environment by choosing a different diet. Why dragged the dog into this?
The pups are not involved, nor they understand the complexity of human diet, politics, morality, and the slow decay of the environment that is caused by human civilization.
Dogs doesn't have to make a penance for the environment.
Minimizing animal exploitation in huge farm? You can buy eggs from a free-range chicken source, catch your own fish, or buy meat from a local hunter or sustainable local farm
Still feeling uncomfortable to feed animal product to your dog? Maybe you should get a different pet? Like a rabbit? Or I don't know let your dog hunt on their own and let nature takes it course, it's not your fault. It's just nature doing its own thing.
Yeah, there's argument that you can give them supplement or vegan kibble for dog? But animal product is already there, just cut off the middle man and give your dog the real thing...
I mean yeah dog is omnivorous, but their diet is still more on the meat side, not to mention they came from wolves, they evolved to eat meat. Setting the argument of manufactured vegan dog food aside, why go out of your way preventing your dog from eating the meat that they like and beneficial for the pup because of your own personal politics/morality, it is just odd. Dogs likes meat/egg/fishes, why take away their food preference?
What would you do if doggie sees a chicken breast lying on their floor? Take away the chicken?
Reminded me of those parents who hardcore banned their kids from eating sweets. But it's even worse because in this case animal products are good for dogs and an important part of their diet unlike candies for humans, Dogs evolved to eat animal product, they cannot comprehend your reasoning for not allowing them to eat meat nor they care anyway. I have the same thoughts about dog race or dog beauty contest. Airbud doesn't care about medals, maaan...
Sounds pretty selfish to insist that a golden retriever cannot have chicken because of the owner personal morality/politics
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I'm sorry, but this is delusional, you mean by YOUR own choice
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