popponn · 4 months
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AYATO AYATO AYATO AYATO AYATOOOO. this is guy soft in a kind of suspicious way but you know when he loves someone he will truly do his best for their own good. i want to look at him closer sometimes soon but for now young master i love you and your voice and hey can you appear more
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I literally just sent you an ask but I'm here to send another if that's alright!
Ler sanemi, Lee genya + tanjiro
Mmmm... He may not have a chance, it's 2 vs 1 and... Who am I kidding, let's go for them!
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Lee: Genya Shinazugawa and Tanjiro Kamado
'How dare you say that to Genya?!' 'Tanjiro... There's no need... He didn't...', Tanjiro puffed out his cheeks angrily, Genya was crying because of something Sanemi told him, well, Tanjiro didn't know, Genya was crying because of something else. Accusing Sanemi was just a guess of Tanjiro's
'What are you talking about brat?! I did not say anything! I just saw it!' 'You lie! Genya is now part of the Kamaboko Squad and I won't let one of my friends cry!' Tanjiro crossed his arms, lifting his chin trying to intimidate, intimidate a Hashira
'Tanjiro! My aniki did nothing! I cried because I accidentally hit myself before seeing you! He didn't tell me anything!', Tanjiro's smile froze, feeling the furious glare of the Wind Hashira, he had screwed up.
'So. Trying to intimidate and accuse me, huh? Very good...', Sanemi cracked his knuckles while smiling. 'Tanjiro! Run!- WOAH!', Genya tried to warn, but nothing helped, both he and Tanjiro were thrown to the ground and immobilized by Sanemi
'Ahahanihihiki! Nohoho!! Spahahare meee! It was Tanjiro! Nohohot meheheeh' 'GAHAHAHA!! GEHEHENYA!!', Sanemi didn't care, they were both to blame.
Tanjiro for blaming him and Genya for not having spoken before, but of course the intensity of the tickling was different, Genya's were gentle and Tanjiro's were strong.
'Do you think I care!? You two made me angry and now you will suffer my wrath, pray to the gods that someone comes and saves you, why won't I stop!', Tanjiro and Genya believed him, he could be bitter and all, but boy did he like to torment with that game so childish
'EEEEEE!! ANIKIII!! NAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHAHASEEE!! NOHOHOT THE NEHEHEHCK!!' 'Hey!! WAHAIT!! HAHAHASHIRA-SAHAHAMA!! FOHOHORGIVE MY MIHIHISTAKEEE!!', Tanjiro and Genya tried to take him down with different attacks, but, Sanemi was a hashira, they had no chance and doing that only increased the tickle
'First you come and accuse me. And you think that I will forgive you and just let go? Not at all, let's see let's see. Who am I going to snort at first?', nope, no fun for them
They didn't know how much time had passed, but it was probably a long time because they were crying from laughing so much and their stomach was starting to hurt a little. Even though Sanemi had figured out who made him snort first, that didn't stop his attack.
With Genya it was subtle, because he didn't want to hurt him and because he knew how sensitive he was, and with Tanjiro, well, it was the opposite...
'Sanemi, what are you doing?', that familiar voice. Giyuu
'TOHOHOMIOKA-SAN!!! *squeals* HEHEHELP US!!! *screams* WAHAHAHA!!! *snort* PLEHEHEASE!!' 'HEHEHELP!! *screams* NEHEHEHEMI!!!*snort* ANIKIII!!!', Giyuu sighed and shook his head, he saw Shinazugawa angry, I guess he had what
'Sanemi, let them go', he brought his face closer to Sanemi's, who released them out of shame. Giyuu smiled, satisfied.
'Are you two alright?' 'Yehehehees! Thahahanks! You sahahave us!' 'Hehehehe!' Giyuu sighed and turned to Sanemi, wiggling his fingers.
'Don't you learn, Shinazugawa?', meh, Sanemi will be fine, Giyuu, maybe not
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justsomeoneunordinary · 8 months
Hello, for the prompts, may I ask for some Senju brothers or Uchiha brothers angst? Or combined, something about how Hashirama still has his brother but Madara doesn't?
You asked for this. I’m not sorry at all—on the contrary even >:) Tho, I wouldn’t call this angst, just… sad. Because despite all the angst I love to read, I just don’t know how to write it myself.
AO3 link
The shocked gasp Hashirama’s caused Madara to lift his gaze from the bowl in front of him for the first time that evening to see what the ruckus was about, only to find Tobirama grinning smugly, holding the last bit of takuan between his chopsticks and leaning away from Hashirama.
“Sorry, anija, but you snooze, you lose,” Tobirama said, his grin widening as he shoved the pickled dish into his mouth.
Madara’s breath caught in his throat at the sight before him, unable to comprehend what he had just seen. He’d seen Tobirama’s smug expression more often than he could count, usually carried with an air of insufferable smart-aleck-ness, but this… this was playful.
Madara hadn’t even known Tobirama could be playful at all.
“You traitor!” Hashirama screeched, slamming his hands on the table. “You don’t even like takuan!” And with those words he lunged at Tobirama, apparently ready to snatch the food right from Tobirama’s mouth.
Madara could do nothing but watch as Tobirama half-choked and half-laughed, his usually curt, cold face now open and soft, trying to break free from Hashirama’s tight grip—and in the midst of this brotherly bickering, Madara’s vision blurred, Tobirama’s grey hair morphed into long jet-black hair tied in a ponytail, the red eyes turned into warm black ones, and suddenly it was Izuna sitting opposite of him with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes and a fake-innocent “Anikiii” on his lips.
Madara immediately narrowed his eyes in suspicion, wondering what his brat of a brother was up to this time, but before he could even answer, Izuna leaned in closer and with one quick motion stole the last dango from Madara’s stick directly with his mouth.
Madara gaped in indignation, stared at Izuna’s smug grin now chewing on the sweet treat, blinked at his empty stick and emitted a small noise reminiscent of a boiling tea kettle.
“Aww, don’t be mad, Madara,” Izuna giggled. “I have younger brother privilege, so I get to have the last bit.”
Madara felt his hair bristle in outrage. “Not from my stick, though, y—”
“—ou little shit!” Hashirama’s high-pitched screech of doom snapped him out of the flashback, Izuna’s sassy face replaced again by Tobirama’s mischievous one, so unusual compared to his otherwise cold expression, yet fitting in a way.
It rudely reminded Madara that ultimately, Izuna’s murderer was a younger brother just like Izuna had been.
Madara slowly blinked away the lingering vision before his eyes away and let out a soft sigh, his gaze back on the table so that he would have no longer to look at the brothers fighting on the floor across him. He had known giving in to Hashirama’s pleading eyes and accepting the invitation for dinner had been a mistake from the start.
The chopsticks made no sound as he carefully set them aside and then quietly stood up from the table, while the other two occupants were too distracted with their playful fight to notice Madara heading for the door.
Living in this village without Izuna by his side had been easier when he could still demonize Tobirama instead of seeing him as just another human being—worse, as someone’s family member, even. Nothing really held him here anymore, if he was being honest.
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paleparearchive · 2 months
A Miraculous Birthday with Aniki
Monet's Birthday 4★ story (3/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: atelier 2 (night) | Characters: Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Bazille, Manet
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Sisley: Monet! Happy birthday!
Monet: Woaah!? That scared me!
Renoir: Didn't you expect this was going to happen when you arrived at the party?
Bazille: Since we're talking about Monet, he didn't think anything about it at all.
Monet: Hahaha, Bazille exposed me. Thanks for celebratin' me this morning and at night too! I'm soooo happy!
Bazille: … I guess you don't have any congratulatory gifts, then.
Monet: Ah, that thing? I quit that, I'm givin' it back. I'm still a lil' unsettled, but when you're bein' celebrated, ya should accept it with open arms–
Bazille: Manet-san told you that, right?
Monet: Huh, how do you know…?
Bazille: I talked to him about it. About your situation.
Monet: You did…? But why Manet-san?
Bazille: You're the type of person who won't listen to me when I tell you that you don't have to pay anyone back. So I reached out to someone who you would've definitely listened to in order to tell you what you didn't want to hear.
Monet: I-I see…! Aaah, so that's why Manet-san knew ‘bout my problem. So it's no coincidence he came to the terrace…
Bazille: Well, it wasn't a bad idea in the end. I'm glad Manet-san changed your mind.
… Maybe that's how much he cared about your birthday.
Monet: M-Manet-anikiii…!!
Sisley: I wonder if there's something so special about Manet-san turning his attention to you on your birthday.
Renoir: If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be a "miracle", don't you think?
Bazille: You're actually right.
Monet: Sob… Sob… I'll follow Aniki for the rest of my life…
Manet: It looks like you've learned your lesson.
Monet: Aniki!
Manet: You don't have to think about what you're going to do, just accept it. Don't make the same mistake twice.
Monet: Yeah!
Manet: Keep up the good work.
Monet: …! Aniki, are these art supplies a gift…?
Manet: Your landscape paintings are not bad. Show me a work of art with these materials that will impress me.
Monet: A-Aniki…! I'll do it! I'll definitely, definitely paint a picture that'll impress ya! Aaaaaaaah, I can't do this! I gotta go paint it now!
Sisley: Uh, ah, w-wait!
Renoir: Sigh, he's already gone.
Bazille: This is no time to stay still. Let's go after him!
Hey! Monet!
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Monet: Yeaaah, time to paaaint!
Sisley: It's late and the party is already underway. Come on, calm down.
Monet: But Aniki gave me art materials!? I got no choice but to paint, ya know!?
Bazille: So do it tomorrow!
Monet: Nobody can stop me now!
Bazille: I said stop, idiot!
Sisley: Please stop, Monet…!
Renoir: Wouldn't it be better if we asked Manet-san to stop this again?
Bazille: Wouldn't it be even worse if Manet showed up under these circumstances…?
Monet: Heck yeaaaah! Just you wait, Manet-aniki! I'll definitely impress yaaa!
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Good. Glad we came to an understanding.
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We can really never seem to catch a break nowadays. It's always. "Go here" or "stay here" or "lets go back"
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Y'know what'd be nice? A break. A nice break from chaos. But we cant seem to get one-
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I-I guess that's a good enough example?!
*Pochi carry's the laptop to the location of the scream.*
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"Please.... Wake up.... Aniki!!"
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". . . . . .what. . . . ." "Aniki?"
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"Why.... Is everyone staring.... You should've.... You could've just left me.... You have people to save in Oita...."
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Wow... That's such a great example. Couldn't of said "There working for MAIK" jeez Chuko. Atleast try and think positive.
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*Incident? Like the Incident Yuki was saying to Teruteru? The one Vanilla.... Died in?*
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Okay I have no idea what the hell kinda incident your talking about, but that's sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
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6ad6ro · 4 years
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tifalockhar7 · 3 years
hi its me bigbadbro.tumblr.com
if that blog ever gets deleted again, you can find me here instead
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Sakyo Furuichi] Gratitude and Repayment LIVE! SR — Backstage — A Yakuza's Serious Dance Battle! — Part 1
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Duplicate card image for now because Tumblr is being difficult.
Part 1 - Part 2
Thank you Vera for the raws!
Translation under the cut
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Misumi: 1, 2, 3, 4!
Sakyo: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Sakyo: ... Like this?
Misumi: Yeah, that's perfect~!
Misumi: Sakyo, you've improved a lot!
Sakyo: I guess I have if you compare it to how I started. I wonder if it'd be better if I did it a bit more like this, though...?
Sakyo: (...? I feel like someone's watching me.)
Taichi: Seeing Sakyo-nii dancing feels so out of character~!
Kumon: For real!
Kumon: Ah, if we record a video of Sakyo-san dancing and put it up on the company's channel, it'd go viral, wouldn't it!?
Taichi: That'd be great! Okay, let's get to it...
Sakyo: Oi, the hell do you think you're recording?
Taichi: Huh!? Umm, we just wondered if we could record you dancing and~...
Sakyo: I heard you saying you'd put it up on our channel. I don't wanna show people an imperfect routine, so don't record it.
Taichi: Huh~!? This is worth showing too, though!
Kumon: Exactly! I'm sure there's people who wanna see us practicing, too!
Sakyo: I don't care. Quit it.
Taichi: I thought that was a good idea, though~.
Kumon: Yeah, what a letdown...
Sakyo: ... Jeez.
Sakyo: (Just because I don't practice dancing much, these guys keep coming in and making a big deal out of it.)
Sakyo: (Wonder if I should look for a quieter place to practice...)
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Sakyo: Okay, I'll be heading home soon.
Chairman: Yeah. ... Ah, that reminds me, you're having a concert soon, right? I'll send flowers again.
Sakyo: Bon would appreciate that, too.
Chairman: Hah, I wonder about that. Plus, I'm sending them in for you, too. Not just Azami.
Sakyo: Thank you.
Chairman: Well, sorry for keeping you back.
Sakyo: No, excuse me.
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Sakyo: (Speaking of the concert, I was looking for a place to practice dancing. Ginsenkai seems quieter than the dorms, but...)
Sakyo: No, someone might see me.
Sakoda: Anikiii! So you came today!
Sakyo: ... Things are gonna get even noisier if this guy finds out.
Sakoda: What?
Sakyo: Nothing. I'm done with work, so I'm leaving.
Sakoda: You're going home already even though you came all the way here!? There's something I wanna talk to you about, though!
Sakyo: ? What is it?
Sakoda: The concert! I'm excited for you guys' concert!
Sakoda: I'm inviting everyone in the Family!
Sakyo: Don't just invite everyone.
Sakoda: Huh?! This is your and Azami's big moment, though...!
Sakyo: If all these thugs showed up, the rest of the audience would be terrified.
Sakoda: In that case, we just gotta think of how not to scare them! Just leave it to me!
Sakyo: I still worry about leaving things to you, but... Anyway, I'm heading out.
Sakoda: Okay! I'll go with you to the entrance!
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Misumi: Ah! It's Sakyo!
Sakyo: Ikaruga. You going home after work?
Misumi: Nope. I'm practicing my dancing~.
Sakyo: Dance practice? Without a training room?
Misumi: Yup! Dancing outside is fun, too! Do you wanna try it with me this time?
Sakyo: Sure... I was just looking for a good place to practice. It'd help a lot if you took me with you.
Misumi: Leave it to me!
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ineffablehusbands · 5 years
this preview for ep 6 has Hyakkimaru’s voice narrating 😭😭😭
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fishcakers · 3 years
Nooooo my fav cinnamon roll dead T_T I really like him soo much. I will miss his Anikiii towards Kiryu. Why everyone who called Kiryu, Aniki dead??? My homie Shinji Also the same. It hurts man, I cried. Why everytime Kiryu having a good friend, they will left him soon?! Yakuza 3 is the most emotional
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ask-a-cool-spaceguy · 5 years
“Aniki.... Aniki, I'm lonely... Anikiii.... Aniki, please hug me. Aniki, I love you. Anikiii...” She just stood there, holding her arms up. -@ask-alesbo-and-abitch (Riley)
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“Don’t worry! I won’t let ya feel lonely for long!”
*Big hug!!*
“Love ya too sis!
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akiv-x · 5 years
Dororo: Anikiii!
Dororo:you should smile aniki!
Hyakkimaru: you should smile for me then i'll smile for you
Dororo: did you just-
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ya-suka-bliat · 5 years
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– Prosciutto anikiii!
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good-viagem · 5 years
ONE-CHANN... sumidona, coroi
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noirkat · 2 years
Pesci: "Anikiii! How are we going to transport Riz! He's so big!" Prosciutto: *sees Diavolo's pickup truck whose back could probably hold a little water*
The half mer members can't all fit in the passenger seats, so some are forced to transform into a mer and stay in the back of the truck 😂 It's a little cramped but they've got a get away vehicle 🤷🏻‍♀️
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6ad6ro · 4 years
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