#and you bet your ass I am
finalshaper · 1 year
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hi guys. shitty picture of my computer screen (because I’m too lazy to take an actual screenshot and chase it down) showing off shaxx I made in TS4. sans his scars because I forgot and notably lacking the green/brown heterochromia. you agree
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soaqrudyz · 10 months
soap who regularly brings ghost tea just because he can walking into his room and only blinking once when he finds ghost maskless
ghost takes the mug with a gentle “thanks johnny” like always. unlike always, soap unthinkingly responds, “thank you, gorgeous.”
a stunning pink nips the apples of ghost’s cheeks and he huffs, shoving soap away with a muttered “piss off, i’m working.” he does, always does, but the thought of that flush, rising to the very tips of ghost’s ears haunts him (the irony is not lost on him). he realizes he’d do anything to see it again.
the names become a part of the routine, nearly as important as the tea itself.
“thanks, johnny.” ghost will say. “no problem, sweetheart” “anytime, darling” “my pleasure, beautiful” soap will return.
its on one of these days that karma decides to strike him down. ghost has just taken the still steaming mug from his fingers, cradling it. soap prepares himself for the usual, an easygoing smile on his lips and his heart beating ever so slightly faster in his chest. the usual doesn’t come.
“thank you, love.” ghost murmurs, voice rumbling in the small room and casting an avalanche of emotion over soap’s steadily heating frame.
love? LOVE?? that wasn’t part of this, ghost was supposed to be the one fighting down nauseous butterflies not soap. that rat bastard, soap thinks, stupefied, he thinks he can outplay me? i’ll fucking show him.
he takes two confident strides forward, places a steadying hand on the back of ghost’s chair and the other on a stubble laden cheek, and leans down to press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. ghost goes rigid, soap can feel the blush against his nose.
“always, simon.”
when ghost pulls him in for a real kiss, messy and hurried but full of longing and want, soap only thinks he could get used to the taste of tea if it was off the man’s lips
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enigmaticdoctorscully · 5 months
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🩷smoochy smooch🩷
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laurents-secret-diary · 6 months
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oh damen we're really in it now.mp4
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cupiidzbow · 2 months
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we’re autism4autism have i ever mentioned that
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laurenkmyers · 8 months
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ottoslab · 1 year
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here’s a fun fact! My psychonauts timeskip au is over a year old as of March 28th! How wild is that!
This wasn’t really made to commemorate that, though the timeline works out pretty well! I just had to strong urge to see if I could get all of my camper designs in a lineup without fretting too much over poses and details and stuff. The answer was apparently yes! My bones hurt! This was so many characters!
had to stop myself from going too far otherwise I was never going to get this posted, but I did do a little collage-ish sketch of whereabouts they all end up in the future
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Ok! Ok! Thank you. I’m going to go try and make sure I don’t draw for at least 24 hours to give my hands a rest
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osarquivosmagnus · 10 months
Can't stop laughing at the clip of qmaxo saying he can't be beat at combat to qETOILES who obviously says "oh I can beat you for sure", so qmax is like "okay, hit me. Hit me now." And when qetoiles does he just. Moans. And goes "HIT ME AGAIN" and qetoiles screams "NO IT'S OKAY. YOU WIN YOU WIN" what even is this server
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yharnamesque · 11 months
Bloodborne Observation Notes
Back in 2018 I had a very stupid idea: what if I went through my favourite game, Bloodborne (2015) by Fromsoft, and noted down every single thing I could see? Well that’s what I started doing. Did the main game, took a several year break, came back and did the chalices. I mean it when I say this is my favourite game, it is so stupidly important to me, and I wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t
So I present to you, broken down into territories, all of my notes looking into every single detail I could come across in every single area of the game. I made these to be shared, for everyone to see and to use how they want. The only thing I ask for in return is you share them about, and give credit plus a link back if they end up influencing your own work. This is my contribution, my gift, to the community, and I hope it serves you well
The links below will go straight to the folders themselves rather than all the individual documents, but they’ll still be listed out here for easy reference as to what is where
Progression + Foreword
Iosefka’s Clinic
Central Yharnam
Old Yharnam
The Hunter’s Dreams
The Hunter’s Dream
The Hunter’s Nightmare
The Cathedral Ward
The Tomb of Oedon / Oedon Chapel
The Cathedral Ward / The Grand Cathedral
The Upper Cathedral Ward
Healing Church Workshop
The Abandoned Workshop
The Altar of Despair
The Forbidden Woods
Forbidden Woods
Hemwick Forest
Hemwick Charnel Lane
Castle Cainhurst
The Unseen Village
Hypogean Gaol
The Graveyard of the Darkbeast
The Nightmares of Yharnam
The Lecture Hall
The Nightmare Frontier
The Nightmare of Mensis / Mergo’s Loft
Central Pthumeru
Lower Pthumeru
Cursed and Defiled
Great Pthumeru Ihyll
Lower Hintertomb
Ailing Loran
Lower Loran
Great Isz
Cut Chalices
Great One Beast
Alternate Moon Presence
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redactedcrowart · 7 months
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tfw you're just a little guuuuy just a little maaaan
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voulezloux · 1 month
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All Louis’ life, he’s known he’s been different. There’s always been something at odds about how he felt. As the eldest daughter of seven kids, he knew something was wrong with his body. Something was off, he just couldn’t quite put his finger on it. His mum dressed him in dresses and tights, plaits in his hair as he wandered around with the local neighborhood boys. They called him a girl, called him she and Rosemary when his name is Louis. He had told the boys as such, but they would tell him Louis is a boy’s name, not a girl’s. Louis is a boy. He knows he is.
the one where louis is trans and afraid, harry is cis and brave, and being 100% yourself is easier said than done.
don't be afraid to love (and love again) (83.2k)
written as apart of round 7 of @onedirectionbigbang
art by @wendersfive
listen to songs that inspired the fic here
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trolithfoxyflint · 3 months
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Vincent gets used to [Halloween Town] in small increments. Here, he blends into the environment so well that residents are surprised to find him a newcomer.
He speaks with the Werewolf, avoids the awe-struck vampires and listens to the band in the evening, perching on the light pole to overlook the sprawling township.
-Smoke and Mirrors Keep Us Waitin' On A Miracle by Gothams_Only_Wolf (@bamfcoyotetango ) on Ao3
I’ve been rereading some of my older Ao3 bookmarks and idk what possessed me, but I had to draw something for this one lmaooo
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chaoticbooklesbian · 1 year
I've been harping on Headless being amazing for a while now, and I would hope everyone who's read my ravings has watched it by now. In case you haven't, though, it's now easier than ever: @shipwreckedcomedy just released the Complete Cut on YouTube! The full series, as a single video, that you can watch like a movie!
This show has an amazing balance of spookiness, silliness, and mystery, with an amazing cast, great writing, and an absolutely fantastic soundtrack!
Follow Ichabod Crane, the new science teacher at Sleepy Hollow Middle School, as he meets the Headless Horseman, makes friends, and solves the mystery of the Horseman's missing head and his own history with the town. There's twists and turns, babes and bards, an honest-to-goodness HEIST, and so much more! Check it out!
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buff-muffin · 5 months
Random little One piece modern AU thoughts and I guess scenes I had about mainly Luffy
1. Luffy is the best guy to take to karaoke. While he isn’t the best singer he’s also not the worst. However he sings with his whole chest and heart and will sing duets with anyone no matter how lovey or metal. His energy always brought everyone out of their shells he just has a bad habit of singing when it’s not his turn
2. I feel like in a modern AU Luffy would still be friends with a lot of the people he met in series just under different conditions. Like water 7 instead of the mayor almost being assassinated he just. Met him. Like on good terms. idk, maybe Luffy saved tyrannosaurus and now they just exchange animals pics and the occasional “hey I’m heading to insert place where should I go to eat” and Luffy just introduces the Baratie with no heads up to Zeff and Sanji and when Sanji spams the group chat freaking out he just says you’re welcome :D
3. Luffy keeps the contacts of everyone he’s met and keep them under their nicknames. Monster granny, hammock, split head ect. It’s the only way he can remember them after all. When nami had gotten nosy and decided to go through his contacts she obviously asked who tf ice pops was. Imagine her surprise when Luffy confidently answers that it’s the mayor from a few towns over.
4. In a modern AU the ASL brothers were totally still bush kids. Like. Dadan’s (probably community house) was right by the woods and they would have a similar childhood to canon with less killing wild animals. But they also a thousand fucking percent had a Nintendo Wii. Like Ace and Sabo fought tooth and NAIL for player one and Luffy was banished to player three with the dingiest controller known to man (not even the safety strap could protect that thing from getting tossed at the tv) And speaking from my own experience as a younger sibling Ace totally spent a whole summer trying to unlock every character in Mario kart.
5. Law met the straw hats in collage at 2 am when they got kicked out of a bar and he was trying to mind his own business. While they saw him in their intoxicated state and said “you’re my friend now :)” Law was genuinely worried half of them had alcohol poisoning. An hour later he found himself in one of their apartments two of them passed out. One of them throwing up. All while he makes a grilled cheese for Luffy, the so called infamous man on campus who is crying sitting on the floor cause he’s starving. Law stayed the night to make sure none of them drowned in their own vomit and like imprinted baby ducks they have not left him alone since.
6. Luffy has been going to riots and movements for years. He started going with Sabo and Ace growing up when they were teenagers and hasn’t stopped. He also never thought to mention it to any of his friends until they saw him on the news at a protest absolutely fucking SENDING a tear gas canister back at the cops
7. I kinda wanna believe while devil fruits don’t exist in modern AU the character still has quirks semi related to their fruit. Like Robin is just, double jointed everywhere and could bend her arms and fingers in all the worst ways. Luffy can either contort his body to hide in tiny places OR he has stretchy skin. It’s nothing more then party tricks but it is cool
8. Luffy was definitely a gymnastics kid. Not in like. The competing sense. But in like the, one of the adults in his life would drop him off there twice a week for an hour. Did he participate with the other children and learn how to roll? NO! He was flinging himself full speed into giant foam mats and climbing rock walls without a harness. He was a menace to society and he was only taken to blow off some energy and it WORKED. Until he was kicked out.
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haikyuustuffs · 5 months
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