#and yes you worded this correctly
energywarning · 2 years
Who does octo girl speak more like, Eight or Marina?
In my head I keep thinking she knows how to speak inklish (inkling?) Fluently but speaks in a formal way sometimes (like eight does). For example, consistently calling 4 "Her prince" but that's kinda formal so it colldies with her general way of speaking.
( I hope I worded this correctly)
How does cherry speak ? Time to find out!
. Shes rather eloquent, "formal" in a "speaks on a formal level" , but not necessarily polite? shes not a slang girl. shes rather well. Uh . She tries to speak as clearly as possible and it can come off as brutally honest cringe depending on who shes talking to... and she is rather... aloof ? She doesnt get along with people easy, because once again she has trouble shutting up and ends up saying whatever shes thinking. And usually shes not thinking very nice things of strangers that she doesnt trust. So shes not like. A social talker ? Has trouble with social cues. Like a certain amount, and when she knows its wrong she does it anyway. With friends shes cheery instead of standoff ish sure but she still has those semibold quirks,
2. Indeed she does call alex her prince ! She thinks its a very clever nickname... Alex thinks its kind of dumb though, esp considering that like, she didnt really save her on purpose as in she was not aware of cherry's existence. Cherry doesnt really care though...
But overall id say her way of speaking is Not similar to marina. And not eight either,? well not fully at least. like they share similarities ( bad at social cues+ speak in a "formal" way) but the way they go around it is like quite different.
So basically... Shes eloquent but not poetic in the way she speaks ? She does not phrase her words prettily (except when shes trying to like . Talk to alex LOL) i guess its rather cut and dry. She says whats on her mind. And while she can hold her tongue technically she doesnt want to or fails to notice she has to so its rare for her to shut her mouth or wait for the good moment to say something. Misses many social cues. she has very good knowledge of the inkling language on an academical level (bought any and all inkling books she could find when she got to the surface and for a while her life was just bartending (then after some times tattoo artist) job, go home and back to Learning Inkling)but informal/new words she has trouble with bc shes a loner (skittish around people does not trust easy AT ALL) and doesnt really bother learning about inkling culture, the trends the slang and so forth. So on a certain level cherry s inkling is much better than eight but on the everyday slang thing eight is better i think. Because like eight is able to pierce the meaning of whatever is said after a certain point on the surface even if she never heard of the word b4 while cherry is clueless abt this unless she gets to look up a translation of what she didnt understand "what the hell does swag mean*forgets the rest of what was said to her and becomes focused on this word*". Cherry also genuinely has almost no accent compared to marina or eight.
Thank you for the ask anon ! If you have any other questions feel free to send me another ask !
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lazylittledragon · 2 years
someone being upset/disappointed that a famous person they liked turned out to be shitty is absolutely NOT the same as putting them on a pedestal/having a parasocial relationship and you need to stop pretending that it is
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lethally-hedonistic · 10 months
Hey I've lately seen a lot of people complaining about how the alterhuman/otherkin/Lycanthropy/ and so so so much more communities are never represented right so my goal is to fix that! I'm a snow leopard therian, questioning lycanthrope and conceptkin. I'm asking around about one specific thing right now, if you were to see more writing about our communities, what would you like to be represented more? ^^
hi, so!
I wanted to take my time answering to make sure I actually think this through first, since my identity is one of the chronically underreprested in the community. why's that, you ask? well, cause it doesn't have a name. and it's not being questioning. it also can't have a name, because, well.... that's impossible, is it?
what I mean by that: there's some of us whose identities are vague. who can never seem to settle on anything, because no label ever feels Right. identities that one could write ten essays about, but never sum it up in a word or two. I realize I'm not being very specific, but that's kinda the point, is it not?
I'm alterhuman. I'm nonhuman. I don't have any other labels to myself. Sure, I can take more, but.... on a core level, I'm just alterhuman. I experience humanity differently, and that's the main point. Why doesn't really matter, because all of us will have our own reasons.
Sure, I flicker, I have a canine identity going on, feline sometimes, sometimes robot, even fictional at other times. But I'm never all of these things all of the time. I've called myself a vast array of things over the years, because my identity is everfluid. It shifts, and it changes over the years. It's not a stable thing and that's okay too.
And what I'm trying to say here is, I'd like to see identities which are... Unstable. Identities that change, that don't have these moments of "this explains everything", or "need to seek out the right term". Some of us are 'just' alterhuman, and I want to see that talked about too.
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kaeyapilled · 10 months
So with the hangout.. do you think that settles the issue of mistranslation or not of Kaeya and Diluc being brothers?
is it even possible to settle it? i feel like there must be some insane cultural difference between me as a western person and chinese people when it comes to adoptive siblings because, i honestly don't see how the biological son of the guy you consider your adoptive father isn't, by extension, your adoptive brother; how would that relationship not be familial? even when you bring in the "sworn brothers" trope as a means of queercoding, which is a concept ive had explained to me more than once – like, okay? i agree that it's true you can't properly translate/localize that, but. how else did you want them to translate it? even if the word brother was never used once in the eng translation, how do you make it so that kaeya and diluc calling the same guy "father" doesn't imply some uncomfortable things if he and diluc are romantically involved..? but then, who knows, maybe i just don't have enough knowledge about how censorship works in china, how they do queercoding over there, how they deal with adopted relationships, whatever. it's fine. different cultural upbringings, no? it's funny when it's the western side of the fandom discussing this, though. because you'll have these extremely white people arguing with you about the intricacies of chinese BL media. as if either of us knows what the hell we're talking about. anyway, none of this matters in the end because most klc shippers just... like the incest. and the day we stop arguing about mistranslations and simply accept that people either 1) see this relationship in a different light due to their cultural background or 2) are a little bit of a freak online is the day i will finally know peace as a kaeya fan
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zeussim · 9 months
What are your favourite parts of my cc in general?
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nemotheenvisionist · 2 months
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Just little comic about a realisation I had
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frowerssx2 · 1 year
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Dialogue is already something when you're a professional over-thinker, but dialogue for characters who already exist and have personalities and ways of speaking? Also something
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silverandebony · 1 year
*i misremembered and the one tagged with appalachia&appalachian gothic isn't Explicitly saskatchewan (all of the pictures with location captions are apparently from saskatchewan so i'd be inclined to guess it probably is too, but there's no way to know for sure). so who knows!! i don't know what appalachia looks like! maybe it IS appalachia! in which case why is it also tagged saskatchewan
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[Image ids: three cropped screenshots of 'regional gothic' style tumblr picture posts and their tags. The first picture is a truck at an empty intersection with a hazy yellow sky; the second is part of a building mural depicting a nature scene with canada geese captioned 'rural saskatchewan'; the third is of the edge of a town on a foggy day, with old, short buildings fading into the mist, captioned 'uranium city, sk'. Tags common across all three posts are: ethel cain, southern gothic, regional gothic, rural gothic, midwestern gothic, kansas, and midwest. Two of them are tagged with 'gibson girl'. Additionally, the truck picture is tagged with appalachia, appalachian gothic, twin peaks, and hayden anhedonia; the mural picture is tagged with small town usa, small town, small town america, small town canada, great plains, prairies, prairie, and prairiecore; and the foggy town is tagged with 'ghost town, liminal, liminal spaces, and foggy day.
End id.]
I also went back to the blog to see if those posts were still there so I could take better screenshots (they weren't; hooray reporting things for spam) but upon further scrolling I realized that every tagged post. Every. Single. Post. With Tags. all of them. Are tagged with southern gothic and kansas and saskatchewan. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME. WHY ARE YOU USING ALL OF THEM THESE ARE NOT THE SAME
*coughs* anyway. Among all of these, in all their spammy mistagged glory, there is one I would like to give a special shout out to, for in my opinion being the most wildly tagged:
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[Image id: another screenshot of a tumblr picture post. This one is a picture of a small motel with a rundown fence in the foreground. A colour filter has been used to make the picture look washed out and fit the regional gothic vibes. This picture has been tagged with: gibson girl, americana, appalachian gothic, midwest gothic, preacher's daughter, regional gothic, rural gothic, southern gothic, hayden anhedonia, ethel cain, nebraska, kansas, motelcore, appalachia, southern aesthetic, saskatchewan, alberta.
end id.]
Take a moment to appreciate it. Bask in its questionable glory. Allow yourself the time to question why?
I think it's the 'alberta' tag that really makes it for me here. The 'nebraska' as well. The latter I assume is from the title of one of Ethel Cain's songs, which would explain... to some degree... how it got there. Why 'alberta' though? Why this picture, out of all of them? Is it actually from Alberta? (It could be; I've seen similar looking things) If it's from Alberta, why is it also tagged 'saskatchewan'? 'kansas'? 'appalachia'? 'southern gothic'? Do not each of these preclude all others? If it's Saskatchewan or Albertan, why is it tagged 'americana'?? Is it for views??? If you want it seen, it's already got the tags! Regional and rural gothic are fine! They'll probably get you a lot more views than tagging something with a Canadian province ever will! I just. I don't understand. why. why have you done this. please stop. i'm begging skfjjsjfjj
in conclusion: tumblr has tagging etiquette and i am begging the young aesthetic bloggers to take a moment to learn it. it will save you so much being reported for spam and having your posts and or possibly your entire blog taken down because of it. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a blog to go report specifically because of this
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Why did tumblr put the fucking community label button where the tags button should be stop FORCING US to use your shit and let your user experience be a happy one my GOD
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dwarrowdams · 2 years
I thought I was prepared for the balloon shifter omegaverse book.
If it had just been that, I think i would've been fine, but it also featured certain fluids that taste like funnel cake icing and balloon noises during/after sex and that was just a liiiiiiittle too much for me (but in a good way).
Anyways, take this as your cue to write whatever weird shit you want because even if it's fucking wild, I'm sure people will read and enjoy it.
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sourkitsch · 2 years
When I was a boy, newly interested in art, my mother took me to the Metropolitan Museum. We looked around the lobby, and when we discovered that there were no art classes being offered, my mother lost interest. I begged her, I wanted to see something, so she let me go upstairs alone. The Met then wasn't like it was now: it was like a big warehouse for scholars. When I got to one dark room filled with paintings I heard a tapping sound, like a cane on the floor. I was fearful, somebody was coming towards me. This guy came up to me -- he had polished shoes -- he put his walking stick on my sternum and pushed me down. He told me 'Dirty little boys like you should not be in museums like this.' Years later I realized who that man was: James Rorimer the director of the museum.
from Jerome Witkin: Painting History, Memory and Fantasy
The Met now has a number of Witkins in its collection.
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beholdthemem · 2 years
On one hand I don't have the patience for the kind of people who declare themselves the judge of what does or does not qualify as 'problematic' in a ship, because I've noticed that it inevitably seems to boil down to 'You don't ship the thing that I do, and I don't think that ships besides mine should exist' using progressive sounding buzzwords that kind of fall apart the minute you investigate them closer. ('That's pedophilia!' Two year age gap between an 18 and 20 year old. 'You're homophobic!' Shipping a bisexual dude with a female character.)
On the other hand, I also do not have the patience for the type of people who unironically use the word 'antis' when talking about people who don't like their ship, because every one that I have ever talked to has the BIGGEST fucking victim complex about shipping something unpopular and seems to consider themselves genuinely oppressed because of it to the point where I want to be like
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oh-lacy · 1 year
hey there! i love ur blog and u never fail to put a smile on ur face. ur super kind and amazing and im so so glad that we're mutuals
hi anon!!! thank you so so much! i don't know who you are (which is the point but i digress) but im so happy we're mutuals too!!!
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hrokkall · 2 years
Wanna share your voice claims ideas? 👀
Genuinely do Not think I have enough to warrant making even half a list but P03 sounds like Edgar from Electric Dreams 1984 in my brain but ONLY extremely specific scenes like this particular bit for about 10 seconds when he’s being unplugged.
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Unstoppable force (whatever insanities the enstarsblr throws at us) meets immovable object (my having exactly one braincell that's just rotating wataei around like on a carousel)
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