#and yes i love poppy with bangs
baexpoppy · 1 year
this outfit suits her so much 🥰❤️‍🔥💋
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* I miss her so much 😭
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marigolddove · 1 year
This Love Hurts Us
💔 Lovesick!Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: Possessive Behavior/Obsessive Behavior
Characters: Wally, Poppy, Howdy, Barnaby, Sally, Frank, Eddie and Julie all belong to Clown.
     When the symptoms first showed, you had noticed it almost immediately, and so did a few of the others; namely Frank, Julie and Poppy.
     Wally had grown more attached to you than before, which no one knew that was even possible, and oftentimes would grow visibly nervous and irritable when you and he weren't touching. Then came the begging, he would plead and damn near cry for you to spend the night with him at your home or his, he didn't care! He also didn't want you to spend time with anyone else anymore he needed you so badly it was hurting him, you remember him gripping your wrists so tight it stung as he looked into your eyes and told you how much it hurt.
     The next day, Home locked him inside, you remember that day because you had intended on seeing Wally that morning at his home to make sure he was feeling better after the heartbreaking news he had shared the night before. You had felt awful denying him, but you didn't feel comfortable sharing a space with him, not only because of your crush on him but because of the intensity of his claims. It had been too sudden, you never thought he could ever feel the same, but suddenly he did and it felt…wrong. So very wrong.
     That morning, you made your way to Wally's home, but every step you took made your heart feel heavy and something in the back of your mind told you to turn around; but you ignored it and soon you were on Home's front porch, hand raised ready to knock. It seemed off to you that all of the shutters were closed and that home did not greet you as they normally would. 
     You ignored all signs of something being off and knocked, and soon after you flinched at the sound of a thump against the door, it almost sounded like something barreled into the door; then the door knob eerily turned, and turned and shook but the door didn't budge.
     Suddenly, "Neighbor," Wally called from inside, his voice didn't sound like him at all, he sounded hoarse and so sad, "Neighbor, is that you? Oh please…please say it's you, I need to hear you. I-I need to see you."
     "Yes, it's me Wally, are you alright? What's going on, why is the door locked and all the shutters are closed too?"
     "Oh Neighbor," Wally purred from behind the door, his voice muffled, "You're worried about me, you're just so sweet, I love that about you." Your heart flips at his confession.
     "I missed you all night you know, it was so mean not to spend the night with me, so so mean. Even after I told you how much I hurt for you, but I can't be angry with you, because I love you so much." He's rambling now, and each word causes butterflies in your stomach but also a chill down your spine, "I was going to go see you last night because it hurt so bad, I couldn't wait for morning to come, I'm sorry if that sounds scary."
     "Why didn't you?" You breathed, unsure whether he would hear you. He did.
     "I was so close to getting out of here, but Home beat me to it–" suddenly there was a bang against the door, Wally must have hit the door, "They locked me inside, cut me off, I don't know why!" The door knob jiggled as Wally continued to try and open the door, something about the sudden irritation and aggression in his tone made you step back further from the door. 
     As if he knew he startled you, his tone became very soft, almost like talking to a kitten, "Oh, I'm sorry, so sorry my heart, my love, my darling." The use of his surname as an endearment in reference to you made your heart flip once more and caught you off guard, "I hate that you have to s–hear me like this, but not seeing you is making me a little…crazy." 
     "I see that now." You say, not really knowing what else to say to that, "Wally I'm going to go get Frank or Howdy, they might know what to do for you I'll be–" 
     "NO!" Wally's desperate shout stopped you in your tracks.
     The knobs begins to jiggle again, a bit quicker and more frantic, it causes a panic to begin to bubble in your stomach.
     "Wally, I can't help you, you need medicine or something, not me."
     "No, no, no no you can help me, you can! You are, right now I swear! I need you, not medicine, please don't leave me here, please Y/N don't leave!" The panic in his voice and the shaking of the door and the knob caused the panic growing inside you to implode, suddenly without warning you ran. You ran hard and fast, hearing Wally's cries behind you, you didn't even know where you were running; and then you collided with someone.
     You let out a yelp and two large fuzzy paws reached out to grab your shoulders, saving you from a nasty fall. Looking up you find that you've run straight into Barnaby, he looks down at you worried and confused by your shaking and heavy breathing.
     "Whoa there, little buddy, what's got you in a rush?" You don't answer, you just throw your arms around Barnaby as best you can and sob into his fuzzy fur.
     He lets you do this until you've calmed down enough to hiccup out an explanation, it's quick and confusing for him at first, you have to repeat yourself quite a bit until he understands the situation. Once he understood, he took you to Poppy's home and gave her a brief explanation before leaving you in her care until he returned.
     You don't know what happened to Barnaby when he went to visit Wally, but whatever it was seemed to turn his usual goofy demeanor into a sullen one.
     You remember Barnaby making you promise not to go see Wally or call him, even after what had happened the idea of cutting Wally off upset you, and you tried to argue; but the seriousness of Barnaby's stare made you hesitate and in the end you did promise. 
     For a few days everyone, except you, still tried to call and visit him, no one ever told you what was said during those calls and visits, but whatever happened caused everyone to stop. 
     It wasn't that your friends had stopped loving him or didn't care about him, but based on what little you were told they were afraid of him and his sickness; and most importantly they couldn't handle the pain of seeing him as he is now. 
     The first time Wally called you after the sickness completely changed him, it had felt like someone ripped out your heart, threw it into the street and stomped on it again and again without mercy.
     The call came one week after home took it upon themselves to quarantine and isolate him from you and the others. One week since you'd last heard his voice.
     It had been the middle of the night, ever since your last conversation with Wally you had been staying up later and later at night. Sleep didn't come easily anymore, and when you did sleep you had nightmares about him. You could still hear his voice crying out to you, for you, so scared and in pain.
     You were lying wide awake in bed holding back tears as you remembered all the sweet memories you shared with Wally and everyone and wondered if you would ever get to make more; when suddenly you were interrupted by the shrill sound of your telephone ringing downstairs. 
     'Who could be calling me at this hour?' You wondered to yourself, a part of you was afraid of the answer, but nevertheless you made your way downstairs to the phone. Hesitating briefly before picking it up and placing the receiver to your ear.
     There was breathing on the other end, but no one spoke.
     "Hello?" You timidly called out, wondering if the caller knew you picked up the phone or not.
     The caller gasped in response before speaking in such a pitifully sad tone, "Neighbor?" Dejavu hit you like a sack of potatoes, "Oh, oh neighbor–" his voice cracked, cutting himself off, a short sob came from his end and your heart sank.
     "I've missed you so much, I-I didn't think y-you would pick up." He spoke between choked sobs, "I never tho-ought I'd see you o-or hear you again!" 
     You didn't respond, how do you respond to this?
     He continued, "Please, please don't go away again. I'll be good, I promise! Just speak to me again, you can say anything! Anything! No one has come to see me, I said horrible, nasty things to them; but I didn't mean them! I just needed you, I need you still, so please don't go again, please!" His crying turned into pleading and desperation, his voice raising in pitch and intensity as he spoke. He didn't even seem to take a breath.
     "Whoa, Wally–sweetie, please take a breath and calm down." He whined at your term of endearment, it caused your heart to flutter and crack at the same time, how long had he been like this? So desperate and alone? 
     "I'm-I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me, Y/N. I don't want to feel this way, I want to love you but I don't want it to feel like this." He whimpers and squeaks a little at he tries not to cry again, "Loving you before was so much easier, now it just hurts all the time. Please make it not hurt, please I just need to see you, to feel you and hold you; it makes the pain go away." He's confessing that he loved you before?
     "Wally, please, calm down, you don't know what you're saying. This isn't you, you're sick, so very sick. I promised I wouldn't go see you–"
     "Who did you promise?" His ability to change his tone so swiftly left you dizzy and a little frightened. He sounded so serious and…dangerous, compared to his whiney bittersweet tone before.
     Feeling like you said something wrong you try to back peddle, "I-no one, just myself." You lied.
     "Who was it? Julie? Howdy? Frank?" He wasn't buying it.
     "No one! I promised myself, only me!" You stood your ground.
     "Alright then, if you say so my dear. I don't want to upset you." His tone was still scary, you didn't like this new Wally, he was unpredictable and frightening. You could tell he still didn't believe you.
     "Well a promise to yourself isn't too binding, right? You could always just break it and come see me anyway, no one would be offended by it. I think I need you more than you need to keep a promise to yourself, don't you think?" He spoke darkly, he definitely did not believe you, he was trying to get a rise out of you. You wouldn't take this, even if you do love him and know this isn't like him at all.
     "Well I think it's important, there was a time when you would have too." You said, irritation clear in your tone. 
     Everything went silent, and just as quick as before his tone changed, now soft and sweet.
     "Oh, y/n, you're right. How silly of me, so silly, anything that's important to you is important to me my darling." He cooed in your ear through the receiver, causing a shiver, you were glad he couldn't see you now as your face flushed.
     "Oh how I wish I could hold you, I do hope you'll change your mind about seeing me soon. I'm just not the same anymore without you, but for now hearing your voice is enough. Please, just speak to me, about anything and everything." His voice sounded so dreamy, you wondered what he was doing now, was he sitting in his favorite chair playing with the phone cord? Leaning against a wall as he stared at nothing at all, dreaming of you? Your face flushed even deeper at the thought. 
     "Well…" and so you complied with his request, going on about this and that, any hobbies you'd taken up or any mishaps that may have occured while he was absent; all while he seemed to listen intently, only very abruptly responding to something you'd said, as if he didn't want to hear his own voice for long. This went on for maybe an hour or more until suddenly your story about Frank accidentally catching Sally in his net the other day is interrupted by your own yawning.
     You both remain silent after the yawn, a bit of tension in the air now. 
     "Are you tired, neighbor?" Wally asks very calmly.
     "A little bit" you admit nervously, worried how he might react to you falling asleep or leaving him to go to bed.
     "I see." 
     "Can you take your phone to bed?" 
     "N-no, it's too far, and I can't take it to the couch either." 
     "You can pull up a chair or move the couch closer to the phone can't you?" Was he really suggesting you stay on the phone with him until you pass out?! Maybe before the idea would've thrilled you, to be so desired by him, but in reality it's a little suffocating. 
     "Now, Wally," you start, but he interrupts.
     "I don't want you to go. You can't go." His voice is deeply serious, but there's a hint of doubt and nerves.  
     "Wally," you start again, just as serious, "I promise you we can talk again, but only after–" 
     "NO!" There he goes again, "No no no you can't do this to me again! Don't you understand?! I'm telling you I hurt, why do you want me to hurt?!"
     "Wally–" "No." 
     "Wal–" "I can't wait for you again!" 
     His shouting is the final straw, panic builds up inside you again and in response you slam the phone down onto the receiver. Staring down at it in disbelief. 
     Suddenly, the phone rings again, causing you to flinch and yelp. You pick it up, but immediately slam it down again before picking it up and placing the phone down on the table next to its body. He couldn't call you anymore, not until you put it back properly.
     Your weariness and sleep deprivation pile onto your broken heart and you sink to the floor and weep.
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weaselbeaselpants · 6 months
cw: gross shipping weirdo nonsense.
VivziePop stans trying to say Chaifootsteps is a literal irl zoophile for writing an AUToothlessxHiccup fic where Toothless could talk is ridiculous...and that's coming from someone where ToothlessxHiccup is one of my personal absolute NOTPs. Sorry Chai.
tbf I think people are fair to find talking-ToothlessxHiccup stuff creepy in the same way they do HorsexRider from Centaurworld icky- not because there's any irl connotations with animals but because in canon that's just a very nonsexual relationship because it's a pet and it's owner. It crosses that same barrier as incestshipping for me even w all parties are adult and consenting- my aroace spectrum legit can't get over how this particular thing designed to be unsexy by the writers is made by someone watching it to be sexy in different contexts; but, I'll manage. ((also yes I'm implying that if a feral characterxhuman bodied character's canon relationship is portrayed smexual I don't care. mf this has been in fairytales since the dawn of time. Hardmode monsterfucking when the feral can talk and percieve =/= zoophilia, and especially not irl zoophilia. Me and everyone else just prefers anthro for the same reason we wish Lore Olympus Persephone wasn't portrayed so tiny- it just reminds us way too much of the people we've seen with...specific 'interests'))
I hate ToothlessxHiccup and Elsanna but I'm sorry I'll take a person who knows they're being a weirdo and can dial it back once in awhile for the sake of others vs Lily Orchard saying that Elsa and Anna isn't just implied because she legit wanted their relationship* for her and her sister; or the zoos I've met who legit want Ash and Pikachu to bang because "that's the purest expression of love between animal and trainer". If Chai was using anything along the lines of those responses, it'd be different.
And, of course, I can't not point out that the whole reason anyone's going after Chai at all is because he's a critical-person meanwhile prominent Helluvaverse stans have proudly made incest and rape art unapologetically with 0 self awareness. They're doing this as a smear campaign and yes they're also being massively transphobic and abusing an sa survivor while they do it.
my biggest thing with proshippers will always be: 1, do you have boundaries and know how to dial the disturbing shit you've thought up back for the sake of people who can't handle it? and 2, do you know the fictional scenarios are really not okay in real life circumstances, especially when it's sexual shit? Chai respects both of these things. Lay off him. Poppy from ZenaandPoppy has 0 boundaries and calls people who don't like her exposing incest survivors to incest porn "puritans". That's disgusting. That's evil. That's the kind of person that makes sane people throw fits because you should w you hear that.
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daycare-au · 5 months
I made cookies for everyone!
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"Oh my!.. these look so splendid how about we hand them around together!! I'm sure barnaby will love them!!!"
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"my feathers these are wonderful! You made them?.. we just must bake together some time, yes?"
"cookies?.. for all of us? How thoughtful lil fella! Double the arms Double the cookies?!.. I'm only pulling your leg! Haha!"
How supreme! how marvelous! How stunning! *gasp* such astonishing work, my good friend! I'm sure our dearest poppy would admire them!
*Creeeakk* *BaNg!!!* crackk* *creekk!*
"Oh, I'll translate! They look marvelous!.. I can't eat it, but they look great.. Could you.. leave it on my window lege?"
(Later on, it attracted bugs, and home had a freak out..)
"Aah! Thanks, little guy!" *takes a bite* "Hey! They taste just as good as they look!!"
"Cookies?! Cookies!!!" *Shovels an entire cookie into her mouth* "OH!! OH!! I have a new game to play!! Throw dough!!!"
"Well, I'll be!! You make one fine cookie! My thanks, kiddo!"
"Wha-... a cookie?.. made by you? What a kind gesture!.. I'm not one to turn down a thoughtful gift!"
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stardust948 · 5 months
Frenemies AU
[Building a giant flower parade float]
Ozai: Why are we putting up with this again?
Kya: Poppy won the spin game, so she gets to choose the float.
Ursa: We're going to be on T.V.
Ozai: Oh yeah.
*Poppy walks in with Hakoda and Bato wearing bee costumes*
Poppy: Ta-dah! Since the float's garden theme, I made the costumes cute little bugs!
Hakoda and Bato: -_-
Ozai, mockingly: Aww you two look adorable!
Hakoda: You do realize that she wants us all to where these.
Ozai, to Poppy: I'll pop your head like a zit.
Poppy: *squeaks*
[After the float is finished]
Poppy, giggling: Yay! Flower power! Woo-hoo!
Ozai: Poppy.
Poppy: *still cheering*
Ozai: Poppy. Poppy. Poppy-
Hakoda: Time?
Kya: 1:27 am
Hakoda: We better get going.
Ursa: Why? Check in isn't until 7.
Bato: The parade is in Little Omashu and this thing goes 4 miles per hour. If we leave now we'll just barely make it.
Hakoda: Alright people! Into the flower!
Hakoda: Oh, here are the keys.
Bumi: Oh no. I can't drive with you kids in there. My liscense is semi-suspended.
Ursa: What happened?
Bumi: Well see, I was driving through Ba Sing Se with these people I met at the circus and-
Hakoda: We'll let Bato drive.
Ursa: Circus people?
Bumi: One woman had an extra finger on her-
Hakoda: Let's not talk about it!
Hakoda: Which tunnel are we in?
Bato: Well it's not the Secret Tunnel.
Poppy: I love that song! Secret-
Ozai: NO!
*loud sound*
Ursa: What was that?!
Bato: I think we have a flat tire.
Everyone: *groans*
Bumi, goes out to investigate: Yes that is indeed a flat tire.
Kya: Do we have a spare?
Hakoda: We don't even have a trunk.
Kya: Hey let's ask those guys for help. HEY YOU!
[Group of rough looking men walk up]
Hakoda: Yeah maybe they... can help us...
Men: *pull out weapons*
Hakoda, grabbing Kya's hand: Get in the flower!!!
Bumi: Right behind you!
Hakoda, calling the police: We're in Bai tunnel. Hello? They hung up!
Bato: Man, nobody's gonna come to this tunnel at night.
Kya: Hey the Painted Lady would!
Ozai: Do you have Painted Lady's number?!
Kya: No...
Ozai: Then how are we gonna call her?!
Kya, disappointed: We're not.
Ozai: I know we're not!!!
Bumi: There's a 24/7 gas station not to far from here. I'll go get help.
Bumi: Oh officers! I'm so glad I found you!
Police: What seems to be the problem?
Bumi: I was riding with children in a giant flower to the parade parade.
Police: Uh huh...
Bumi: Next thing I know, the tire went pppffftttt! Then these thugs roughed up the flower a bit and Kya wanted to call Painted Lady but alas we don't have her number so I escaped to find help and why are you taking out your handcuffs?
Police, arresting him: Get in the car!
Bumi, struggling: No you don't understand! Those children are dressed up like bees! Help! Help me! Freedom!!!
Poppy: Where is Bumi? He should have been back by now.
Ursa, looking at Ozai and Hakoda: Well we have two guys here in this flower. I think they should go for help.
The boys: !!!
Bato: Excuse me?!
Ursa: You're the only one who can drive the float which leaves you two.
Ursa, taunting: Unless you're scared.
Ozai: Of going out dressed like this? Yes!
Hakoda: They'll eat us alive!
Kya: I'll go.
Hakoda: No! Fine, we'll go.
*Goes outside*
Hakoda and Ozai: *standing around trying to look tough*
Ozai: Oh good they're gone. I mean they had better been or else!
Hakoda: Yeah! We can handle-
*Glass shatter*
Hakoda and Ozai: *take off running*
[Returning to the float bruised and battered]
Ozai, banging on the door: It's us! Open up quick!
Ursa, letting them in: What happened?!
Ozai: We got jumped by like 6 guys!
Hakoda: I swear one of them was wearing Bumi's hat!
Poppy: No not the peacock one! That was my favorite.
Hakoda: Where's Kya?!
Bato, pointing to the blankets: She's asleep.
Ozai: How in Agni's name are you asleep during a time like this?! *removes blanket revealing pillows*
Everyone: !!!
*knocks on the door*
Kya: Guys it's Kya. I got help!
Hakoda: Where were you?!
*Sees Painted Lady standing beside her*
Everyone: ???
Kya: Ta-dah!
Painted Lady: Hello! I was on my way back from a comic convention when Kya flagged me down.
Kya, smugly to Ozai: And I got her number.
Ozai: ಠ_ಠ
*after fixing the tire*
Kya: Want to come to the parade parade with us?
Painted Lady: Sure!
Ursa: Alright let's go!
*Drives off in the float*
Bumi, running from the police: Wait!!!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
Hello!!! Thank you for tagging me 😊
I am wondering if you can write some NY/CA/NJ or CO/NV please 🥺
And yes I can most definitely write some NY/CA/NJ for ya :]
California slowly blinked his eyes open, squinting a little as he reached for his glasses. As he put on his glasses, he could see New Jersey on the other side of the bed, scrolling through his phone and gently scratching a still sleeping New York’s scalp. Cali leaned over and gently kissed NJ on the lips, getting a slightly surprised sound from the shorter northeasterner.
"Hey poppy." NJ said, gently pulling away from the kiss and brushing Cali’s hair from his eyes.
"Heyyy…." Cali said, his raspy morning voice causing NJ’s face to heat up a bit.
The twos’ attention turned to NY when they felt him shift in his sleep. They both looked down and their faces softened a bit. New York’s expression was rather peaceful, rather than serious. His long messy brown hair that had been tied into a braid the night before was a bit of a mess, his partially near-white bangs (I gave him poliosis btw <3) covering his face. His breathing was steady and quiet, rather than rapid and panicked. His arms were gently wrapped around a rat plushie that the other two had stolen for him (they both got scolded, but NY still loves the plushie and cherishes it). The Empire State quietly snored a bit, but it sounded more like gentle purring.
"Oh god he’s adorable….." Cali muttered.
"I hate that I agree wit’ ya…..I guess it’s nice when he’s not all tense and high strung though…." New Jersey said, though he muttered the last part as a blush spread across his face.
"I don’t wanna wake him up," Cali said, "…But we have a meeting at 10." He gently rubbed his thumb along NY’s arm, feeling all the scars that plagued it.
"Who the ell’ schedules a meetin’ that early?"
"Gov, clearly." California responded with a sigh.
"Guess we should wake up sleeping beauty then…" NJ said quietly, sitting up more.
"Beauty sure is right…." muttered the Golden State.
"What was that?"
"Nothing—" Cali said quickly, turning away so that his blush couldn’t be seen.
"Sureeeeee~" NJ said with a smirk before leaning down towards New York. He leaned down towards NY’s face and gently placed a few kisses on his cheek and jawline, causing NY to squirm a little in his sleep and let out a tired groan. "C’mon sleepin’ beauty. Get up."
"…don’t wanna….." mumbled a half-asleep New York, giggling a tiny bit as NJ placed a few more gentle kisses on his cheek, jawline and ear."
"Well you have to babes, we have a meeting in a couple hours." Cali said, chuckling when NY sleepily groaned and tried to hide in the mess of blankets.
"C’mon doofus. Don’t make me get the spray bottle." New Jersey said, smirking.
"noooooo….." mumbled New York, staring up at them both with puppy eyes.
"Ughhh…..I guess we can cuddle mo-" New Jersey started to say, only to be cut off by California.
"No we won’t be. We have to get ready for the meeting. And Jersey, stop being so susceptible to the puppy eyes, they aren’t THAT cute."
"I don’t fall for the pu- *sigh* okay, maybe I do, but it’s not my fault that he’s f(speaks Jersey)kin’ adorable and knows it!"
"Yeah yeah…."
Just as New York was about to fall back asleep, his face suddenly lit up as he felt two kisses on both his cheeks, one on each side. He covered his blushing face with a groan as the other two laughed a bit.
Eventually though, he managed to con Cali into letting them cuddle more, and how he did that will never be known…..
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sarilolla · 3 months
do you have an idea of what your broppy child(Dren) would look like?
YES! I forgot to reveal the hanahaki kiddo's information... But it's basically the same in and outside of the au-
So here's their information! For them both! Basil is not in Hanahaki tho, only Briar
Briar Gary:
14 years old in Turn Back Time/From newborn to 14 in the Hanahaki Death Epilogue
Pink skin/fur with freckles like Poppy
Bluebell-colored hair, usually a bit longer than they prefer, with bangs that cover their eyes. Tail tip is the same color (I love giving tails to Trolls)
Eyes are basically carbon copies of Branch's eyes, it's uncanny. Except they don't have the crow's feet- Bangs tends to cover them tho, either because of how people react to their eyes in Hanahaki or because they're not so fond of their birthmark
Has a "birthmark" covering left eye of a generic flower shape, it's lighter than their skin/fur
Nose is a darker pink/slightly purple
Usually wears blue/purple clothing with different embroidery on it, and wears both feminine and masculine outfits
Has a necklace with a pretty sea glass pendent on it, a gift from their cousins. It's pink
Carries their violin around with them everywhere, a gift from "Uncle" Trollzart. They like to combine Pop with both Classical and Country
In Hanahaki they avoid the nickname "Bittie B", but in Turn Back Time they sometimes are referred to as "Bittier B", especially by JD and Clay. They're about as enthusiastic of the nickname as Branch is of "Bittie B"
Wears Branch's old hug time bracelet in Turn Back Time with the Forget-me-not, but has a White Lily in Hanahaki
10 years old in Turn Back Time/Doesn't exist in Hanahaki
He/him (will probably experiment with more pronouns later)
Dusty purple skin/fur (sorta similar to Rosiepuff's skin/fur)
Indigo blue hair, always has a braid or two in it, and many hair clips. He's not the best at controlling his hair, so he likes to keep it out of the way. His tail is more prehensile than his older sibling tho
Pink eyes, not as uncanny similar to Poppy's like how Briar's eyes are to Branch, but it's close still
Nose is blue
Wears jumpsuits or leotards like Aunt Bridget and Aunt Viva, usually in white, but also wears a limited edition BroZone vest in blue (all the time) (biggest BroZone fan ever, insists Mom can't compete since she was invited to join the band so she can't be a fan anymore)
Also has a sea glass necklace, but his is green. He also has more beads and tiny trinkets on it
Sings all the time. Knows different instruments, but he prefers to sing
Is nicknamed "Bittiest B" by his uncles, but loves it
Has a Baby's breath hug time bracelet
So uh yeah, those are my kiddos. I love them :)
Thanks for the ask^^
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 3 months
Shook's Weekly OCs: #014
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Oops, mean to to post this earlier this week too but I had a bunch of stuff to finish for the TTRPG me and my irl friends are doing so- I have just finally gotten to it cjhbvcjv-
But holdups aside, welcome to the first (of a couple) Shook OC that is based off of a figure from Japanese legends; with Shūten being based off of, well. Shuten-dōji, the name kinda makes it obvious huh cjvbcjv-
Funnily enough, the idea for her actually came from my good friend pika (@nubcatnoises), who was making a funny girl gang based off of the three great evil yokai and let me slide in and take the oni because of course I would do that, I love making funny oni :] Which like. After doing my research I have Thoughts on the story of Shuten-dōji, many of which are 'man I love when gifted kids are vilified' but I won't get into that here jchvbcv this is funny OC time not 'shook tells you why this widely considered evil character was right actually' hour lol
Anyways, facts:
Her actual name isn't Shūten, that was just an affectionate nickname her caretaker gave her that she decided to use as her name after she swore off using her real one.
She ran away from home at a young age for various reasons, and has a very sour view of humanity as a result. That isn't to say she doesn't like anybody though; she really cares about her fellow gang members and her girlfriend (who yes, is based off of Ibaraki-dōji. More on her at some point)
She isn't actually an oni, but is still quite strong and can outdrink most people (she is of legal drinking age ofc, girl is like 25). (Also, small design note: Even though she doesn't have them since she's human, I drew her bangs as if she had horns :] )
Her eyes actually slightly change color depending on her mood, getting darker if she's angry or lighter if she's depressed. Her pupils will also turn bright yellow when she's pissed.
The tattoo she has on her arm is of a traditional oni mask surrounded by red poppies.
She likes to lightheartedly tease those she's close to, though she always is sure to stop if it seems like they're not taking it as a joke like she intends.
I wish I had more to say, but as she's a fairly new OC I haven't had much time to flesh her out yet. But even so, man I love how her design turned out, she's so cool...
Hoping to get back on track with these and finish the three WIP ones I have this coming week! It may be hard since I also have birthday art + gameshow stuff + a comm to do but. I will try lol-
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anneimaginesundertale · 5 months
9. First day at work or school, and tgis is probably the only time I'll put in two but Blue and Randy, it's too perfect not to combine XD
"I'm going to KINDY-GARD-EN!" Randy sang at the top of his lungs. Your older child bounced in his seat at the breakfast table. "I'm going to KINDY-GARD-EN with DAAAAADDDYYYY!"
You managed to hide your laughter with a big sip of coffee. At the counter, Blue became very focused on packing two lunch boxes. Next to you, your daughter Cherry banged on her high chair. "Kind-eeeeee-garden!!!!!" she shrieked. "I go with Daddy!"
Oh. Ooo...
"No!" Randy turned to his sister before you could. "Only I go with Daddy today! You're too little. You stay with Mommy and have fun here!"
Cherry's big eyes filled with tears. "Mommy?" she asked, looking at you as if someone had kicked her puppy.
You swallowed your coffee and gave her a big bright smile. "That's right, Cherry Berry! You and I get to stay home and have fun with the cousins. Uncle Sweets is going to bring over Gracie and Gideon to play with us, and Uncle Boss is going to bring Poppy. We'll have a Two Crew Party!"
That seemed to calm Cherry for a moment, but then she asked, "Someday too?"
"Uh, no, honey. Someday's going to school with Auntie Anne. She's starting pre-k, just like brother is starting junior k."
"Kindy-garden," Randy corrected.
"Yes." This particular fight was not a fight you were going to win, so you'd given up days ago. "Randy and Someday are going to be big kids and go to school today, and the Two Crew all gets to party here."
"And," Blue added, noting the looks on both children's faces, "we'll all have a big family dinner tonight once everybody is home. All our family and friends will come to celebrate, because it's a big big day!"
"Big day," Cherry repeated.
"That's right." You took your cue from Blue and spoiled a little surprise. "You and the Twos are going to help me make decorations, and help Uncle Sweets make cookies."
"Yaaaayy cookies!!!" Cherry banged on her tray again. "I do it now!"
"Not now. Eat breakfast first."
Randy was still looking a little torn. "Can I help with cookies?" he asked.
You leaned over and hugged him. "I'll save some for you to decorate after school," you promised. "The party won't be until dinner time, so there's time for you to help too."
"Yay!" Randy hugged you and then turned back to his breakfast. "Come on, Daddy! Eat fast so we can go! We have to get to school!"
Both your boys bolted their breakfast. Blue sent Randy to his room to get dressed. You cleaned up Cherry a bit and let her out of her chair. She toddled off in the direction of Randy's room. You'd have to go after her, but you took a moment to have a moment with your husband.
"I'm really proud of you," you said, hugging him. "You're finally a full time teacher!"
"I know!" Blue bounced in your embrace, beaming. "I'm so excited!" He leaned in and whispered in your ear, "And a little nervous..."
"You'll do amazing," you assured him, and sealed the promise with a kiss. "I'm so proud of you, love." One more kiss and then the two of you separated to go and deal with the wild giggling shrieks coming from Randy's room. (Somebody decided the bed was a trampoline, apparently...)
Twenty minutes later, you watched your husband and your son get into the car and drive away. You and Cherry waved until they turned the corner and were out of sight.
"Mama sad?" Cherry asked, noting the tears in your eyes.
"Just a little, baby," you said. "I'm going to miss Daddy and brother."
"They come back," Cherry assured you, and your heart melted. You hugged your daughter close. You were so, so happy and so blessed to have the family you had.
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wh-au-fanatic · 8 months
Willow in the Mob au. (because yes)
her name: Willow Darning
her appearance: is 6'2, has buttercream-yellow skin, short and slightly curly royal azure-blue hair pulled into a lowtail, has her bangs covering her right eye, and is wearing a red button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a black bowtie with a white diamond in the center, a black bean vest(that's an actual color, this is the hex code: #001101), obsidian black fingerless gloves, smokey black pants with thin maroon strips on it, and dark scarlet shoes.
does she have any stiches: yes, across her face and down the sides of her arms.
her personality: sweet, silent, smug, secretly protective over everyone, a little chaotic at times, basically half of Sally, a dash of Poppy, a bit of Howdy, and a pinch of any past personality she had.
Her relationship with everyone.
Wally: Sees him as an older brother, respects him, accidentally called him "Ube roll" and apologized multiple times. Wally said it was ok. (he will only allow Willow to call him that now)
Julie: Surprisingly gets along well with her, actively lets her test chemicals on her(she's immune to multiple poisons because of it now), asked about the thing in her closet one time. Never got an answer. (She somehow befriended it-)
Sally: Sees her as a twin sister, chaos buddies, sometimes has the weirdest conversations, Sally caught her singing a female version of the heat miser song one time. Said "It was amazing and illegal at the same time."
Poppy: Cooking companions, Poppy teaches her things from time to time, likes to pet her feathers sometimes, doesn't know how Poppy got in the mob in the first place. (next to Eddie- speaking of)
Eddie: Gets mixed feelings around him, southern brother figure because yes, actively called him "Himbo Haribo", said his shadow sounds so happy yet so sad one time. (No one knows what that means)
Howdy: Unofficial yet official assistant, helps him make drinks sometimes, Howdy's like her unofficial legal guardian, vents to him sometimes. Reviled something that's kept a secret.
Barnaby: Besides Wally, I think, she's aloud to pet him, keeps reminding him to clean the staples from time to time, *MIGHT* have helped him blow something up-, the first time they met she vowed to secretly protect him.
Frank: Is his nearest vent/therapy friend, has to physically *drag* him to bed sometimes, knows that he's gay and responded with "Hi gay, I'm bi." One time when they were alone, Willow slowly looked over to him and said "I know you remember your past. I remember too, but it's only in pieces. Itty bitty chitty chatty bang-bang pieces... but that also means, you know who's truly at fault here." She then denied that ever happened.
the others: She's seen Robbie and Dusty a couple of times, she and Lovely have a love/hate relationship, she's never met Harvy or Mari, she straight up doesn't know that Zach and Besty exist, and she's only heard about the doctor she's never seen him in person.
(I forgot about Home, oh God- *clears throat*)
n e way- She's seen Home, but she's not afraid of him. Not anymore.
Mob au belongs to @clownsuu
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merakiui · 2 years
May we see the songs on your Azul simp playlist? Pretty please 🙏
Yes, of course! The playlist consists of songs that I think fit Azul's overall character/vibe, so I hope it can be an enjoyable list.
✧ poor unfortunate souls - lollia
✧ onion boy - isaac dunbar
✧ i know - cut capers
✧ xs - rina sawayama
✧ sibyl - wotaku
✧ mafia - wotaku
✧ your love (déjà vu) - glass animals
✧ life itself - glass animals
✧ space ghost coast to coast - glass animals
✧ money - ayla d'lyla
✧ life could be sweet - ayla d'lyla & miss madeline
✧ doin' time - lana del rey
✧ bang! - ajr
✧ boy in the bubble - alec benjamin
✧ mr. saxobeat - alexandra stan
✧ devil i know - allie x
✧ casanova - allie x
✧ simon says - allie x
✧ old habits die hard - allie x
✧ bitch - allie x
✧ sad girlz luv money - amaarae & kali uchis
✧ trouble - annella
✧ 7 rings - ariana grande
✧ grrrls - aviva
✧ casino - azari
✧ shadow shadow - azari
✧ beatdown - baby boys
✧ enemy fire - bea miller
✧ find an island - benee
✧ snail - benee
✧ supalonely - benee
✧ dangerous - big data
✧ chateau - blackbear
✧ make daddy proud - blackbear
✧ be around - blooom
✧ own me - bülow
✧ black madonna - cage the elephant
✧ social cues - cage the elephant
✧ i like it - cardi b, bad bunny, & j balvin
✧ she wants me dead - cazzette & aronchupa
✧ picky - chanmina
✧ why do you love me - charlotte lawrence
✧ ohmami - chase atlantic
✧ swim - chase atlantic
✧ tidal wave - chase atlantic
✧ paint it, black - ciara
✧ solo - clean bandit
✧ r.i.p. gossip sea - cosmo
✧ heart afire - defqwop
✧ casino royale - derivakat
✧ lost in paradise - dj-jo remix
✧ koala - grady
✧ bocca della verità - hiiragi kirai
✧ autophagy - hiiragi kirai
✧ love ka? - hiiragi kirai
✧ razzmatazz - i don't know how but they found me
✧ hat trick - jonathan thulin
✧ king - kanaria
✧ poison berry - kuraiinu
✧ maybe, i'm afraid - lovelytheband
✧ waste - lovelytheband
✧ loneliness for love - lovelytheband
✧ genius - lsd
✧ sex money feelings die - lykke li
✧ hip - mamamoo
✧ oh no! - marina
✧ cry baby - melanie martinez
✧ copy cat - melanie martinez
✧ shut up - mia rodriguez
✧ feeling good - michael bublé
✧ come dance with me - michael bublé
✧ loser - neoni
✧ i~ya i~ya i~ya - neru
✧ yesman - nilfruits
✧ traffic jam - nilfruits
✧ club = majesty - nyanyannya
✧ emperor's new clothes - panic! at the disco
✧ money - poppy
✧ friends - raye
✧ mr. heartache - sekai no owari
✧ soul 4 sale - simon curtis
✧ villain - stella jang
✧ jack pot sad girl - syudou
✧ midnight parade - taisei miyakawa
✧ kirai kirai jigahidai! - takeaki wada
✧ trash and trash! - takeaki wada
✧ junky night town orchestra - 3
✧ the motto - tiësto & ava max
✧ stress fish - tophamhat-kyo
✧ mister jewel box - tophamhat-kyo
✧ kruel kreator - tophamhat-kyo
✧ everything black - unlike pluto
✧ revenge, and a little more - unlike pluto
✧ clown - updog
✧ people i don't like - upsahl
✧ phony - tsumiki
✧ lead your partner - tao tsuchiya
✧ money, money, money - abba
✧ oroka na orca - uratanuki
✧ wolf in sheep's clothing - set it off
✧ the dream granter - vane lily
✧ phantom swing - rigël theatre
✧ breathe (brklyn remix) - mako
✧ mirror - wakakun
✧ big balling - lil hero
✧ sea castle - purity ring
✧ kirari - fujii kaze
✧ shinunoga e-wa - fujii kaze
✧ mood - dpr ian
✧ so beautiful - dpr ian
✧ mr. insanity - dpr ian
✧ nerves - dpr ian
✧ no blueberries - dpr ian
✧ yumekui shirokuro baku - nem (the trio cover + the mv = perfection)
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ohanny · 1 year
i finally got to sit down and enjoy so here is cutie pie 2 you episode 3 reaction/recap mess :'D
ok i just typed it into youtube search bar and i saw the 3/4 thumbnail of nuer and syn and am screaming already so that's great
zee's hands are large and i am not sure what i should do with this information
kuea exactly how big of a dumb dumb do you feel like right now?welcome to being an adult, where you can have both marriage and a career wow
i am so glad lian is so chill like yes king, communicate, explain to this dumb dumb we are out of high school (also i am glad this is like a 4 episode arc because you know if this was a full 12 episode season this drama would have been milked for hours)
zee's jawline makes me feel things and stuff
kuea is an adorable baby though, practicing his stage presence
lian and yi ahahahaha
bitches do love a good montage. i am bitches.
will these two ever get any cooking done on these counters
oh they are actually planning a barbie dream wedding together. this is such character development. but nooo, is kon diao out of a job now? YOU DID GREAT SWEETIE
lian is working double time being both a dad and a daddy, someone give this man a raise
kuea: i am saving myself for marriage
lian: while i respect your decision, i will make it very difficult
that is going to be one cold shower
whoever swoops max's hair like that also needs a raise
diao: we are so early we're lucky the employees got here first
yi: lian commented on me being late once so now i have the neurotic need to add all potential events from a mechanical breakdown to car sex into the estimated travel time
diao: why are u like this?
diao: i'm just a babyyyy
yi: when did i ever scold you
diao: *whips out a receipt so long you'd think we're watching one of those extreme coupon-ing shows*
wayyyy to change a subject yi
to be fair, if he said my name in the "nong diao" tone i would marry his scolding (hot) ass and red flag trust myself to change this man for the better over time
still holding onto a hope of a grey's anatomy wedding switcheroo :')
diao lowkey pissed about the most unromantic proposal ever
i am not looking at poppy's thighs i swear
when has foei ever been okay lol
the way i thought kuea was wearing taylor swift "blank space" merch for a second there hahahaha
lmfao these two literally have zero clue about what is going on in their own wedding
lian: yi will be here soon
yi: has been there for 5 hours at this point
diao you smol boba ball alskdlaaslkdfj
syn has a cute pout and bangs that tickle his eyeballs and i will literally physically fight anyone who says one bad word against him. i don't care he's fictional. he is my precious.
literally everyone at this wedding:
Tumblr media
foei knows he done fucked up and oh my god, diao officially pulls the best disgusted faces in this show. mention mustard yellow and he looks like you killed his dog.
look at these boys actually participating in planning their own wedding the day before
lian: fix this or you are fired
kuea: babe <3
foei: i love how my financial security is a joke to you all
NUER AND FLOWERS pls it is a crime this couple gets no attention because obviously they be coupling better than anyone
nuer and syn making up excuses to ditch their friends as if they would notice if they suddenly disappeared at this point ◔_◔
i love how yi is just like that's it, i don't want to be sober anymore
OOOH so they didn't just wanna fuck this is a bachelor party, yes yes, i get it now :D
kuea surprised his best friends showed up at his wedding like did you actually invite anyone?!?! how?!?!?!
nuer: i am healed
syn: and i am honest lalalalalala
are you even besties (derogatory) if you don't do synchronized wine sipping at an abandoned pool on the eve of a wedding and express your emotions in the most businesslike manner ever?
again, i do not have eyes and thus am incapable of noticing max's thighs
lian: i am the happiest man on the planet right now
yi: lol let me try and change that
oh yi you need therapy
not nuer and syn and their evening prayers and a pillow wall because of course there is only one bed and no blankets because why would there be
me: you know he can't just kiss it better every time
diao: shhh
ooooh, early season one confident gay nuer making a bold comeback
biting my first, screaming, crying.... you have no idea how excited i am about tutor and yim having their own series
YIM LOOK AT YOU *jumps out the window*
damn nuer, you and your... lessons ˙ᵕ˙
so when is their show dropping anygays? asking for a friend.
ooooooh just casually stargazing here, by the ocean, on a blanket nailed down with lit candles as one does, like a sexy fire hazard
yes, lian is making this waiting for our wedding thing very hard
also zee is like a schrödinger's twink or something because give that man a polo and he looks like a stiff wind could knock him over but have him take his shirt off and suddenly it is laundry day helloooooooo
how on earth can all these people unbutton shirts one handed like what is this skill and on which level of gay do i unlock it???
lian: can i play with you instead?
kuea: hiaaa
gravity: oops ◔w◔
as someone who has done it on a beach let me tell you no amount of blanket will protect you from sand. anakin skywalker hated it for fucking REASON so for once i am going to say keep those pants on, it is not worth it
yes. you do not want a chafed raw booty crack for your actual wedding night.
okay i said you can have a marriage and a career but if i had zee promising to make me the happiest person in the world i would straight up forget cosmic-exo hahahahaha
oh. my. god. they will be in the rain. wet.
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apopcornkernel · 11 months
poppy's watched cdramas
與君歌 stand by me/dream of chang'an
i... did not finish this drama 😭 i only watched this because my mom was watching it and we were stuck in quarantine together, so. it was fun i guess but ultimately mid
蒼蘭決 love between fairy and devil
loved it, the ending was a little too abrupt for me but it still ended well! lived for the villain romance, had so much fun booing changheng (sorry), had even more fun staring at dylan wang's cheekbones. also i love how ride or die the main couple is for each other, it's absolutely not one-sided in that regard which <3 yes. and also episodes 30(?) to 36 i cried nonstop it was so cathartic. episode 35 specifically....... aha
琉璃 love and redemption
STUPIDLY long and rather cringe at times im not even gonna lie but the main characters had me by the THROAT i could not stop watching. yu sifeng is so so so unfairly pretty with bangs and chu xuanji in god of war mode,,,, i lvoe her sm. i loved how the gender roles of a typical cdrama relationship was more or less flipped, with sifeng always being the damsel in distress (not even joking or exaggerating about this one) and xuanji being the badass hero. i feel like a lot of cdramas tend to say their female mc is the hero and stuff but then in execution its ALWAYS the male lead saving the mc from danger and its just,,, idk i'm a little tired of it so i like that chu xuanji exists <3 and fuck haochen
傳聞中的陳芊芊 the romance of tiger and rose
REALLY REALLY GOOD one of the most perfect dramas ive ever watched. cinematography really high quality, an mc that i never got annoyed at and is so lovable, a petty murder cat love interest who is unfairly handsome at every angle. i was smiling and giggling with every episode. it's the true definition of a happy pill. i only wish Those 2 Specific Scenes did not exist
星落凝成糖 the starry love
i did not finish this 😭 i onyl watched it because it was the only thing i had downloaded on my phone. i don't recommend it tbh, sorry, the concept was interesting but the execution didn't do it for me. it was also really obvious how low budget it was and the acting & writing didn't really make up for it enough so,,,
今夕何夕 twisted fate of love
THIS IS THE BEST CDRAMA IVE EVER WATCHED I KNOW IM BEING SUBJECTIVE BUT LET ME BE SUBJECTIVE THIS IS MY BLOG okay okay so general travels back eight years to stop a great war but unfortunately she lands smack dab into feng xi's residence, who is an ally of the Bad Guy and very morally grey politician who will not hesitate to kill people for his goals. she keeps trying to assassinate feng xi's ally (the Bad Guy) meanwhile feng xi is just trying to put a ring on it. they are SO so funny and you KNOW i love villain(ish) romance so i ADORED this cdrama even though it was objectively mid and even though the last episode was trash. I DONT CARE i will defend this one with my life JUST WATCH IT im very incoherent ik but in my defense it's kinda hard to explain just trust me
星漢燦爛 love like the galaxy
currently watching!! it has zhao lusi who i trust with any drama, and the cinematography is great! some of ling buyi's dialogue i dont like but im still on board the main ship,,, i think i wouldve liked lou yao but i keep remembering he's daole from twisted fate of love and it jars me so bad.... also i have this thing where i automatically boo the second/third leads so really lou yao had no chance im sorry 😔 i find it really funny how obviously down bad ling buyi is update: i dropped this drama :(( i got all the way to episode 20 something and then i just couldn't be bothered to continue, i was honestly bored :((((
雲之羽 my journey to you
my sister rec'd this drama to me and oh man i tried. i was so ready to be hooked. but i just couldn't. like, it had gorgeous cinematography and beautiful costuming and i was happily surprised to realize the leads were clj's changheng and xiaolanhua, but omfg gong ziyu (changheng) pisses me off so bad he's like omg guys im an underdog they all hate me im struggling so bad i'm being oppressed etc etc AND THEN HE'S BEING OPPRESSED FOR BEING A RICH BABAERO NA PALAGING NAGBABAR LIKE BE SO FOR REALLL also shangguan qian and gong yuanzhi's scenes are infinitely more interesting than anyone else's, their one battle of wits already had me more interested than the entirety of the previous 5 episodes... and then when it switches back to include shangjue or gong ziyu or yun weishan i immediately feel all my energy get sapped. like they're so boring it hurts fgksjhg and the way yun weishan and gong ziyu speak don't help at all it's like 有時候……我也……睡不着…… DO NOT WASTE MY TIME LIKE THIS AND ALSO PLEASE SPEAK NORMALLY so yeah i got fed up by episode 6 and dropped it despite my sister's urging
天盛長歌 the rise of phoenixes
started watching this right after i dropped my journey to you BECAUSE FUCK YOU i swear that cdrama made me see cdramas as a chore again. anyways im loving it. ning yi looked so miserable in the first episode which is a great portend for things to come, and feng zhiwei is great i love her already and the cinematography is not bad as well, i'm just worried i'll get lost on the machinations and everything but i'm still having fun so far anyways hehe update from episode 19 or something!! i'm really enjoying it this is so good!!!! a little slower paced so if that's not your thing be warned but i am really liking it hehe
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kanouseis · 7 months
Top 5 Kamen Riders! (adaptations included)
okay so im gonna do this both ways as in favorite riders the shows and favorite riders the characters
for shows:
1. kamen rider w (wbk, my forever beloved, i dont think this will stop being my favorite soon. the fucking detective show. DUB E X crime and the city. fucking found family. hidari shotaro MY GUY. so much insanity just look at my header on here. phillip :')))) i have so many feelings and im forcing myself to stop here. ryu voice Dont Ask Me Questions.)
2. kamen rider ex aid (my first rider and yknow you dont forget your first rider. the gamer doctors are my beloved. the suits are so cool (taddle legacy!!!) kiriya is here AND HANAYA TAIGA. WHY IS HE LIKE THIS. taihii the most insane ship dynamic ever. POPPY MY BELOVED <33333 the character songs are So Good. i like real game and the taddle legacy theme a normal amount. EXCITE EXCITE ALL I GOTTA DO IS LIVE ON)
3. kamen rider ghost (big part of this is takeru which ill get to later. but goood theres so much good in this show. warera omou yue ni warera ari!!!! its literally so fun. and the messages are so good!!! life is beautiful and i never want to die. makoala and takekari marriages happened and nothing else is canon. THE BELT NOISE THE BELT NOISES. mugen ghost is my fav final form ever. that one henshin scene from the summer movie kills me. keep going go go go go go go gotta ghost!!!!!)
4. everything else ive watched so ooo and revice (ooo: i need to rewatch this one actually bc it made me feel so much but then i watched w next so yeah. ANKHEIJI LEGENDARY GAY OF ALL TIME. i love all the characters so so so fucking much but especially eiji this fucking guy. the greeed my beloved... the insert songs!!! so many times you can find me singing SONO SHUNKAN NOMIKOMARERU DAAKU SAIDO NO KIKEN NA YOUKUBO. so yeah you count the medals one two and three anything goes life goes on coming up ooo :')) (revice: free theraphy show fr fr. like just good vibes all around. loved this one so much. there is tragedy but we prevail. the music is fucking amazing i have listened to mirage mirror 73 times within a single month of discovering it. the suits!!! daiji and ikki and sakura the siblings ever. hana makes me emotional and also hanasaku oh my god heated drama between women. deep drop danger kamen rider demons INSANE belt noises in general. THE THEMES IN THIS SHOW YES I WILL LOVE MYSELF.)
and im not ranking gaim & gotchard since i havent finished them
now for rider characters:
1. shotaro/kamen rider w & kamen rider joker (the fucking guy ever. god. i like him so much its a little distressing. hes my best friend. i want to dress like him sort of unironically. i am feverishly waiting for my joker memory to arrive. HIS BACKSTORY MAKES ME SO SAD. LIKE I CAN EMPATHISE. SO MUCH. and his dynamic with phillip akiko ryu i :'))) the found family ever. yeah. i often rewatch w ep49 just for the joker scenes. i have his birthday as per my headcanon in my calendar. i am not normal)
2. taiga/kamen rider snipe (so. hes my type of character so fucking much. broken sad lonely fucker of a guy. i want to kill i also want to hug him and i want to make him kiss hiiro. saving people to save yourself,,,,, yeah. NICO TAIGA THE SIBLINGS EVER. babang bang bang babang bang shooting uh. his fucking emo fringe neon suit. the dog tags he wears for no reason. THE SNIPE PREQUELLLLL im gonna stop here before it derails but oh my fucking lord)
3. takeru/kamen rider ghost (YEAH SO. tied for my fav main rider with eiji. takeru is incredibly important to me if he werent the same age as my brother id call him son but alas. i want a hug from him i think it would fix me. his fucking journey as a character..... he makes me sad but like happy sad. like i appreciate life more when im sad about him. his scenes in the pacman movie literally kill me. you always gotta keep going chasing after life its the only way you can live. go go go ghost [i start crying uncontrollably])
4. daiji/kamen rider live (bonded with this guy 6 episodes into revice its insane. this character is insane. i need to hug him. his fucking character song is therapy for me. KAGERO YOU FUCKING EMO EBOY. daijis vcinema is so good and i felt so much. i love the evililtylive suit despite the stupid name. i just love daiji in general and i dont ever think about how his actor is the same age as me <3)
5. eiji/kamen rider ooo (MY GUY MY GUY MY GUUUUUUY. i need to give him a hug. hes been through so much. but he still. he still is Like this. like what the fuck genuinely. the scene from ep30 is in my head constantly. tied for my fav main rider with takeru bc god does eiji make me feel things. but this is so fucking long already if you need to hear me cry about him send me an ask bc. ohmygod. HINO FUCKING EIJI. i dont Ever think about him in zi-o. and ooo 10th is not real)
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thelivingmemegod · 6 months
Thoughts on the Junior High line? (Both series)
Junior High!
Ruby Anderson!
My sweet girl. She was DEEP in her Supreme phase here it’s very cute, it feels very juvenile, I love her necklace, I love her top, side pony, I love her checker sneakers too. Her under sweater with the red and black sleeves and the scrunchie. Her backpack is really cute too. I wish they had these in Rainbow High too (I wish basically everything things set in school had backpacks though, so not new at all lol-)
Poppy Rowan!
Please I’m hyperventilating SHES SO CUTE-
I love her backpack too! The sparkle print and the monarch butterfly patch are adorable. Her freckles are kicking my ASS it’s so cute
Sunny “this women is gonna end me” Madison!
This jacket, this shirt, this skirt, THESE SOCKS- all the pins and prints I’m- 😭
Her shoessss, her platformsssss I say she still has these platforms in Rainbow High and you cannot take that away from me.
She’s 100% a victim of the see-through backpack thing in America BUT she made the most of it and it’s adorable.
Her hairstyle is just darling, I love the rainbow clips, I love the buns and the curls and HER BABY HAIRSSSS (chokes)
Jade Hunter!
Jade is super cute!
Love the low cut colorblock pants, love the boxers peaking out, love the stripe croptop moment. All of these dolls have been proof that RH is better when they don’t let them make shoes see through. Love the shoes. Her twin ponytails and her scrunchies and her socks (especially the socks cuz you can’t even see them but they’re still awesome)
Once again, the backpack is fire.
Skylar Bradshaw!
Loveeee her sweatshirt, it looks so comfy. Her jirt (I’m sorry for this stupid ass joke I just love it) looks like she took a silver metallic posca marker and went to town on that pocket.
Her lil topknot hair is cute! Love the fact that her hair tie matches the tag she left on her shoe (which is a real trend!) I also really like the checker on the bottom and the printing on her socks. Another See-through backpack girl, at least it’s cute!
Violet Willow!
This boujee bitch went to a private school LOOK AT HER.
Most popular girl there.
The bangs are MUCH better and I love the pigtails with the fluffy hair ties. I love her cardigan, her button down, her plaid skirt, her knee thick’s and the diamond shoes. Her backpack is giving Channel grandmas couch REALNESS
Amaya Raine!
ADORABLE. Her sweatshirt is so, sooo cute, her pleated skirt is kinda weird pattern wise but still pretty cute cuz it’s like an add on to the sweater. Those BOOTS ARE THE STAR; YES GIRL YOU ARE FASHION.
Her white hair is really cute and I love the rainbow backing with the gold everywhere.
Krystal Bailey!
Her lip color aside.
Love the printed Jean jacket and skirt and ooooo those boots are HEAT gimmie.
The sorta satchel backpack with that latch is a nice change
Kendall River- 😭
Karma Nichols!
I like this more than the base doll actually- I like the high waisted shorts set in green and white and the jacket and the shoes. She looks sporty and I like that she’s holding her backpack more like a purse.
Sella Monroe!
Girl you needa learn some CONTRAST. But I do like sequin dress, her crown and her t-strap heels they’re cute. Also like her satchel/pure/backpack
Bella Parker
She has no waist but I actually like it for the juvenile look. I like her little bow tie, the black buttons, the straight on bow and high pony, love that she keeps her socks and heels between these two, cute detail. Her bag is also adorable and giving the same realness as Violet.
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longsightmyth · 2 years
[The duchess] nodded at Tawny and Hawke, her gaze lingering on him for a few seconds. I bit down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling. “Are you enjoying the Rite?”
Considering I only saw a few minutes of it, I nodded. “Is His Grace not attending?”
“I believe he is running late,” she answered smoothly, but the corners of her mouth tightened. She stepped closer, lowering her voice. “Remember who you are, Penellaphe. You are not to mingle or socialize.”
Armentrout, Jennifer L.. From Blood and Ash (Blood And Ash Series Book 1) (pp. 328-329). Blue Box Press. Kindle Edition.
Poppy says she knows and the duchess swans off.
“I have a question,” Hawke said.
I inclined my head. “Yes?”
“If you’re not supposed to mingle or socialize, which are the same thing, by the way,” he said, and I grinned, “what is the point of you being allowed to attend?”
My grin faded.
“That is actually a good question,” Tawny remarked, hands lightly clasped in front of her.
“I’m not sure what the point is, to be honest,” I admitted.
Armentrout, Jennifer L.. From Blood and Ash (Blood And Ash Series Book 1) (p. 329). Blue Box Press. Kindle Edition.
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But honestly hanging a lampshade on it does not make any of this make any more sense. Poppy should have been on the dais. Everyone is stupid.
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They CAN mean the same thing but not automatically. If Hawke (and by extension Armentrout with an E) is going to be an unbearable pedant I will simply out-pedant them. FURTHER I think it ironic that an author who has used multiple words incorrectly to this point chooses THIS to be the hill on which to die.
Also of course every lady wants to bang Hawke, because god forbid anyone not be attracted to the love interest. That makes Poppy’s ‘victory’ less sweet.
(don’t @ me it’s a whole patriarchal sexist gross thing where your achievement as a woman is linked to how many people want your partner)
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