#and when we pick up in s4 they're already broken up
lucascsinclairs · 2 years
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Every Lumax Scene in Stranger Things: s3e8 - The Battle of Starcourt
“Make mistakes, learn from 'em. And when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave. “
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
I've been seeing a lot of people saying it was a problem that Mei didn't save Red Son from the scroll of memory in TEW as a callback to when he talked to her in EYD. I personally don't like the idea and think it's a kind of silly complaint, it wouldn't fit in the already quickly paced special or really add anything to the story/Mei's S4 arc.
To me, it just seems like another case of the LMK fandom not being able to think of Mei outside of Red Son, but I'm not sure if that's just me being a hater (lesbian) so I'd like to know what you think? Your analysis is always interesting and fun to read!
Aw, thanks anon! <3
I think a majority of the LMK fandom would sacrifice Mei in a blood ritual if it meant Red Son would have more screen time. Which is uh, not an opinion I share (<- Mei is their second favorite character).
Look, I love parallels. I post a lot of 'em on my blog, and I've made a few parallel predictions myself. But, and here's my hot take: A Red Son and Mei convo in the scroll just wouldn't have fit in the special.
Logistically, the only time this conversation could have happened was post-battle, after everything had settled down and they were able to get everyone out of their scroll pieces. The 3x11 convo between Mei and Red Son only happens because Red Son is desperate—he needs a hero, he needs Mei to save his parents, and Mei is worried she'll lose control. A convo at the end of 3x14 wouldn't have stakes for Mei to urge Red Son back into the outside world with, making the parallel fall kind of flat. There's just not that same weight or urgency.
If exploring Red Son's (or any of the Demon Bull Family's) time in the scroll were to happen, it would be at some point in s5 when it would be the most significant and impactful. You don't just...waste something with so much narrative potential for the end of an already jam packed special. Now, this isn't me saying we're guaranteed to get anything like this in the show, but it is me saying that the special wasn't the place for it.
Plus like, a 3x11 parallel would have to have Character A comforting Character B about some fear, with Character A assuring Character B that they're needed and that they can help—they're not going to make the situation worse.
If anything, I'd argue that we do get a parallel to Mei and Red Son's 3x11 conversation, it's just that it's between Wukong and MK—which, BASED Mei and Wukong parallels moment:
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((This is also all assuming that going into the scroll is even necessary for a non-broken scroll piece lol.))
It really does feel like a lot of people just can't see Mei as her own character. If it's any consolation, I don't think you're being a hater anon! I think you're just picking up on what was most important to show in the s4 special.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
theres this south park episode where two kids get shipped by some asian girls and the whole town of south park starts shipping them too, so they fake a break up so everyone will leave them alone but it backfires bc one of them is a lil too good at acting and accidentally makes everyone believe the other guy cheated on him. The whole town becomes depressed and at the end they get back together to make everyone happy again, so like imagine that but with sarumi lol I had a south park phase a couple of months ago, I'm sorry. It's from the episode "tweek x Craig" btw!
Somehow I imagine this happening post-ROK, where all the clans assume Yata and Fushimi are dating (and they would be correct on that). Like say Yata and Fushimi have been spending more and more time together as they start becoming friends again and maybe they are actually crushing on each other but neither one is able to admit it. Of course their respective clans have noticed that they're spending all this time together and they all support this relationship, like the S4 boys know that Fushimi's been interested in Yata all this time and they think it's wonderful that he and Yata have finally gotten together. One day Doumyouji and Hidaka are visiting Bar Homra and Fushimi happens to stop by to pick Yata up, after they leave Hidaka says it's nice they finally hooked up. The Homra guys are like wait they finally hooked up, no one said anything to us. Hidaka's like isn't it obvious and thinking about it the Homra boys have to agree, like yeah they do spend a lot of time together and Yata seems way happier now that he and Fushimi aren't enemies, I guess they're finally dating.
The rumor even gets over to the Silvers and now three clans are shipping it. Yata finds out when one of the Homra guys accidentally lets it slip that they're all supporting him, Yata's like wait supporting me in what and the Homra guys are like you and your relationship with Fushimi. At the same time Fushimi overhears some of the S4 alphabet talking about him dating Yata and he wonders if Yata told them something. Yata calls him right about this time and they meet up to talk about it, Yata's like yeah I don't know why everyone thinks we're dating, giving this weak laugh and maybe also trying to not very subtly find out if Fushimi is, like, into this idea because Yata might be. Unfortunately since this is an emotion thing Fushimi absolutely misses Yata's not subtle hints and instead takes this as Yata admitting that he isn't interested in Fushimi at all and Fushimi figures well why would he be of course he only wants to be friends it was stupid of Fushimi to hope otherwise. Fushimi says it's annoying that everyone keeps gossiping and Yata's like 'I guess...we could break up?'. Fushimi shrugs and is like yeah I guess we could, it would make everyone leave us alone. Yata's like all right cool so we can like break up in front of everyone and then go on being just friends. Fushimi's like right just friends. Yata smiles all totally just friends nothing else and Fushimi agrees, just friends.
So a couple days later Homra and S4 have a mission together and when the mission is over Yata and Fushimi put their plan into motion and have a fake fight (somehow I imagine this fools everyone except Munakata, who's already been in this rodeo so to speak). They 'break up' in front of everyone and separate, Yata sending Fushimi a text afterward just to remind him that this was all fake because he is a bit worried about Fushimi taking things personally. Fushimi texts back that he knows that but maybe he really is somewhat gloomy because this is just a reminder that Yata won't ever love him. Unfortunately the squad have been around him long enough that they can tell Fushimi is extra gloomy and now they assume Yata must have broken his heart. Doumyouji idly comments that didn't one of the things Yata said sound kinda like he cheated on Fushimi-san and this immediately gets the rumor mill going, eventually Yata walks into Bar Homra to see everyone glaring at him and even Chitose is like seriously Yata cheating isn't cool.
Yata wants to walk the whole thing back now because he's tired of being called a cheater and anyway doesn't it seem like everyone's in a bad mood now that we 'broke up.' Fushimi clicks his tongue all are you trying to get me to take you back, being mostly sarcastic but Yata's like actually I think I am. Fushimi gives him this acid look like I'm not going to be your fake boyfriend Misaki and Yata gives this nervous cough as he's like 'well...what if you were my real boyfriend?'. Fushimi freezes and Yata ends up admitting all his feelings, that he was actually really happy when he thought Fushimi might want to really date him and he didn't want to ruin their friendship but he's been in love with Fushimi since middle school even if it took a super long time to realize it. Fushimi eventually admits his own feelings too, they kiss and agree to 'get back together.' Yata's like and you'll tell everyone I didn't cheat right and Fushimi gets this wicked grin as he's like I don't know, maybe you need to make it up to me first.
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sol1056 · 6 years
Do you think Lance's romance arc is well written?? I was kind of hoping he will learn that he doesn't need a romantic relationship, but clearly that's not the direction they're going for.
This is walking the thin line of shipping, except for the heavy-handed hints in the plot that it’s potentially canonical. On that count, I’ll go with it.  
I feel like Lance is going to end up with the girl not because of anything he did, but because he’s the lesser of two evils (compared to Lotor, like, literally). And besides, he’s spent all this time moping in the background to the detriment of anything else on his plate, so, like, give him a consolation prize or something. 
No, I don’t think his arc is well-written, at all. There’s two parts to my reaction, actually. One has to do with the Lance I remember from the original series. The other is that I’m not that kid anymore, and now I need to see (not just be told) a solid and healthy relationship, if I’m to believe in it.
original recipe Lance
There’s one irony about Lance – as a kid, I actually shipped him with Allura. So hard. (Yes, kids are perfectly capable of seeing two characters and thinking they belong together. Don’t @ me.)
Lance v1 seemed to genuinely like Allura, but he never really said anything. Never did anything. He was a flirt, and snarky, but he wasn’t mean about it. Lance seemed to know Allura would never end up with him, too. So there seemed to always be a line he wouldn’t cross. 
And I recall liking the way Lance would call Keith out on things, but it was equally obvious he was on Keith’s side, absolutely loyal. One of the things I admired about Keith was that Lance’s tone or apparent attitude never seemed to bother him. (Keith’s patience mystified me as a kid.)   
Lance and Keith are a good example of something I think a lot of people miss when talking about shows for kids. The focus is almost always on role models – who you want to be – and we miss that it’s equally important to have analogues – who you know you are. Keith was a role model, but Lance was an analogue. I admired Keith, but I couldn’t really relate to him.
As an analogue, every time Lance was accepted and appreciated despite the way he’d argue or snark – it gave me hope that there might be people who’d like me like that, too. Lance was a kindred spirit, and I wanted to see him be happy, so I could believe the same might be possible for me, too, someday. 
I’m sure you can imagine how baffled I was – and then kinda disappointed – with the new version of Lance.   
redoing Lance version 2.0
His arc started way too late, and it’s hard to get past where he’s been at for over half the series already. He should’ve wised up – or had someone, anyone, wise his ass up – very early in S1 about his unwelcome flirtation. By mid-S1, he should’ve apologized for the way he’d acted, and promised to do better. In S2, that’s where their friendship should’ve started. Let him do the emotional labor, while pretending to be fine. Let his crush become more, but have him keep it to himself (and the audience).
Flip the script in S3, where Allura returns the support when Lance is the one struggling. Have Lance call Keith out not just on being a dick about leading, but also on the necessity of apologizing to Allura for leaving her behind. Maybe even arm-twist Keith into giving Allura tips on piloting a lion. 
Assuming the clone plot (another ugh) was still in place, by S4 we should have Allura and Lance be as close as Lance and Hunk (allegedly) are. Let Lance be aware he likes her, doubt she likes him, and decide that’s okay. When Lotor shows up in S5, Lance isn’t threatened by Lotor’s advances so much as worried for the way Allura’s doubting herself. Make him an actual friend, damn it, not just some territorial possessive fuckboy. 
And when Allura gets her heart broken, let Lance have a bit of pride. Have him talk to Hunk, or even Shiro, and decide on his own that he’d rather be seen and chosen for himself. Not as rebound or as consolation prize – the difference between “I don’t like him so I’ll pick you” and “I’m picking you because it’s you.” Show that a guy can have boundaries and self-respect and want to be liked for himself, too.
Scatter little scenes through S7, showing the two of them finding their footing again as friends. This time around, let Lance be the one who’s ignorant of Allura’s growing attraction. But always framed in a sincere friendship, one where they’re each vulnerable around each other like they aren’t with anyone else. And maybe their own in-jokes by this point. By the time we get to S8, I’d be rooting for them both, so hard. 
In a way, it’s like any other arc. Victory is hollow – means less, matters less – if it’s just handed to you. Nope, you gotta put in the effort and earn that happy ending, kiddo. Even if your final destination is as simple (and as phenomenally hard) as falling in love. 
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