#(though I think people just want Red Son angst asfdadsf)
imminent-danger-came · 10 months
I've been seeing a lot of people saying it was a problem that Mei didn't save Red Son from the scroll of memory in TEW as a callback to when he talked to her in EYD. I personally don't like the idea and think it's a kind of silly complaint, it wouldn't fit in the already quickly paced special or really add anything to the story/Mei's S4 arc.
To me, it just seems like another case of the LMK fandom not being able to think of Mei outside of Red Son, but I'm not sure if that's just me being a hater (lesbian) so I'd like to know what you think? Your analysis is always interesting and fun to read!
Aw, thanks anon! <3
I think a majority of the LMK fandom would sacrifice Mei in a blood ritual if it meant Red Son would have more screen time. Which is uh, not an opinion I share (<- Mei is their second favorite character).
Look, I love parallels. I post a lot of 'em on my blog, and I've made a few parallel predictions myself. But, and here's my hot take: A Red Son and Mei convo in the scroll just wouldn't have fit in the special.
Logistically, the only time this conversation could have happened was post-battle, after everything had settled down and they were able to get everyone out of their scroll pieces. The 3x11 convo between Mei and Red Son only happens because Red Son is desperate—he needs a hero, he needs Mei to save his parents, and Mei is worried she'll lose control. A convo at the end of 3x14 wouldn't have stakes for Mei to urge Red Son back into the outside world with, making the parallel fall kind of flat. There's just not that same weight or urgency.
If exploring Red Son's (or any of the Demon Bull Family's) time in the scroll were to happen, it would be at some point in s5 when it would be the most significant and impactful. You don't just...waste something with so much narrative potential for the end of an already jam packed special. Now, this isn't me saying we're guaranteed to get anything like this in the show, but it is me saying that the special wasn't the place for it.
Plus like, a 3x11 parallel would have to have Character A comforting Character B about some fear, with Character A assuring Character B that they're needed and that they can help—they're not going to make the situation worse.
If anything, I'd argue that we do get a parallel to Mei and Red Son's 3x11 conversation, it's just that it's between Wukong and MK—which, BASED Mei and Wukong parallels moment:
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((This is also all assuming that going into the scroll is even necessary for a non-broken scroll piece lol.))
It really does feel like a lot of people just can't see Mei as her own character. If it's any consolation, I don't think you're being a hater anon! I think you're just picking up on what was most important to show in the s4 special.
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