#and we're gonna walk our puppy boi once he signs off work and then watch a movie at home and unwind 🥰
peaceinsilence · 3 months
my hubby went out and bought me coffee, flowers, some samosas, and wine today for International Women's Day 🥹💘
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mrsaguapapi · 1 year
Ch 1 
Chapter 2
Critical Hit
The Vibe:
She's a Rainbow-The Rolling Stones
I lie awake in bed, on my back and limbs sprawled out like a starfish; thinking about last night's strange series of events.
Fucking sorcerers. They're just damn wizards without hats.
"Strange people," I say out loud to myself, "Yukio, we're gonna go into the city today," I say out loud waiting for her to come to me. I feel her jump up on me and rest in my lap; I pet her and continue, "We'll go for a walk, maybe stop at our favorite ice cream shop. How does that sound?" Yukio wiggles her tale and licks my hand in excitement.
I get up and begin my morning routine feed Yukio, eat 2 bananas, shower, brush my teeth, and throw some loose curls in my hair. The great thing about Japan's winter months is that I can wear my hair down without frizz-altering humidity. I'll throw some box braid in a few months to prepare for the summer heat.
I walk to my closet and hold my hand out feeling for the tags on my hung-up outfits. Each outfit is put together and hung in garment bags along with a shoe that matches; Each bag has a permanent tag written in brail so I can tell which is which. I have a personal shopper who specializes in helping the blind; she comes in and organizes my closet every once in a while, occasionally swapping out old outfits for new ones.
I find the label of one outfit,
Chunky black leather ankle boots| Stone-washed, high-waisted capri jeans Forest green knitted long-sleeve halter tank top Long black overcoat
I'm 25 now and it's been about 10 years since I lost my sight, I can barely remember what colors look like, and my memories have faded a bit. I told my shopper to pick whatever and that,
'I'm blind but I still wanna look hot
I get dressed and grab my sling bag with my essentials, wallet, keys, and my foldable cane and pack my bag; as well as leash up Yukio and begin our walk. We do our usual stroll in the city walking past several markets and shops and listening to people laugh and gossip like no one is listening. It was a nice little hour and a half of constant eavesdropping; some people watch the Kardashians I go and ear hustle the streets.
We stop at the ice cream shop and I decided to just get a vanilla milkshake and grab Yukio a puppy cone to enjoy. We sit outside the shop on a bench enjoying our cold treats when my phone vibrates and begins to speak a text to me,
Hey boss, can you stop by and sign for delivery? They are refusing to release our product until the owner signs off.
"Yes," I say
"I'm about a 10 min walk away, be there asap"
"Yes" I reply
I put my phone back in my bag and stand up, "Come on Yukio gotta stop by work real quick" I say to her as we navigate to my restaurant.
When I arrive I hear Kai arguing with the delivery boy in the foyer of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry it's a part of our new policy," the boy says
"You think you could have notified us first? Our owner is blind she needs to know these things ahead of time"
"Kai," I say, "Thank you, I can take it from here. Wait out here with Yukio for me?
"Yes ma'am," he says before taking Yukio's leash
I walk into the building and throw my customer service voice on, "Hi how can I help you?" I ask
"Are you the owner?" he asks
"I am"
"I thought the owner was blind"
"Well, that was incredibly ignorant." I say pulling out my cane for a little bit of flair, "Is this better?"
The delivery boy clears his throat and hands me a clipboard and a pen, "I'm sorry ma'am, can you please sign for this?"
"Yes," I say taking the pen and board, "Can you guide me where to sign?" he takes my hand with the pen and places it on the board prompting me to sign there.
"Where should I unload these?"
"Take them to the kitchen, Kai will guide you, and for now on Kai can sign off on these. Thank you" I say before walking out "All taken Care of, you now have the authorization to sign off," I say holding my hand out for Yukio's leash.
Kai places the leash in my hand, "Thank you, boss, sorry for the inconvenience"
"It's no problem, honestly. The delivery boy is going to unload in the kitchen, you got it from here?"
"Yes ma'am! Have a great day!" he says before walking away inside
I let out a long sigh, before turning around and beginning to walk away.
I hear someone clear their throat from my side, "Excuse me Miss" a man says causing me to stop in my tracks and look at him, "Kiyotaka Ijichi. Gojo sent me to pick you up for your interview"
"Um?... What interview?" I ask
"The interview for the Combat Specialist position," he says a little nervous
Not this shit again
"I already turned down his little offer. The answer is no"
"Ma'am I-"
"You know what, call him please?" I politely demand
"Yes Ma'am" he obliges rather quickly.
The phone rings twice before Gojo Answers, "Gojo Mrs. Himari-"
I quickly take the phone from his and put it to my ear, "Gojo what the hell man"
"Heyyyy! Ari, what's up?"
"Don't play dumb, what weird shit is this? Why is there a man waiting for me outside my business, I could have sworn I told you no, did I not? "
"You did. Come on, at least come to the interview and check it out."
"Why? Why would I do that? I don't need a job"
"Because It'll be fun. You seem like you could use a little fun. I saw the way you fought it was natural for you, even with being blind. You can't tell me you aren't a little bored with your mundane life? I have a feeling you weren't always this 'humdrum'"
I scoff, "Oh whatever, don't pretend you know me, asshole."
"Come on, will it kill you to humor me?"
I hold my head back and rub my brow bone in frustration, "If I say yes will you leave me alone?"
"Yes," he says rather quickly
"Was that a lie?" I follow up
"Yes" he laughs
"Goodbye Gojo," I say before handing Ijichi the phone, "Hang up on his ass"
"Yes Ma'am"
"Take me to this damn interview" I sigh and check my attitude, "Please" I add
"Right away Ma'am," he says before opening a car door
"Yukio you first," I say. I hear her climb into the car and follow her.
Ijichi closes the door for me and climbs into the front seat, "Jujustu High is in the outskirts of Tokyo, we'll be about 20 min okay Ma'am"
"Okay, thank you," I lean my head on the cool window pain and relax for the short car ride.
----------------------------------------------- When we arrived I could smell the blossoming trees and fresh air. We must be near tons of trees and greenery. Ijichi leads me and Yukio through the halls of this supposed school; after a few more turns we stop and Ijichi opens up a door, "I have been instructed to go only this far. Please navigate yourself to your seat the principal will be with you shortly"
I bend down and unleash Yukio as well as pull out my cane, to help with the walk, "Thank you" I say before walking forward through this big room and eventually making my way into a seat with Yukio sitting beside me on the floor. There we wait for about 10min before I hear a large man walk through the room and sit behind the desk that rests in front of me.
"Himari Sanada?" he asks
"In the flesh" I dryly respond
"Principal Yaga, nice to meet you," he says, "Gojo says you're a natural fighter"
"I suppose, I am"
"How open are you to sparring with some of us?"
"You want me to fight you?"
"Yes, no point in getting further into the conversation until after I see your skills. The position is for combat not speech"
"Well, I'd really rather not. I have warded off senseless violence, Unless absolutely necessary."
"Is that because of your previous occupation?"
"Okay, so not only have I been stalked at my place of work, but you've also looked into my past. Don't get it twisted just because of what you read, you still know shit about me" I say showing my frustration
"I know you're the adopted daughter of former Yakuza boss Tonaka, at the ripe age of 6 you began training with your father, and by age 11 you were running point on missions for him, I know you lost sight due to a degenerative optic nerve condition at the age of 15 and that somehow you came out from that horrible fate stronger than ever. They called you Kokushibyō, the Black Death. You were a career criminal, an assassin"
"What are you getting at?" I dryly ask
"Mrs. Senada, every day these cursed spirits get worse and worse and jujutsu sorcerers are becoming even more of a rare breed. Last year the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, we lost nearly a hundred of our Sorcerers in that battle. As we raise the next class of fighters I see that they are lacking in hand-to-hand combat and weapons proficiency. Our children are dying, we need help."
I breathe in and cross my arms while rubbing my neck.
"I was almost hopeless and then I hear of a blind girl who was able to not only navigate her way through a curses pocket dimension but then went to kill said curse that she couldn't even see. You didn't have a cursed tool, which leads me to believe you have mounds of cursed energy within you. You seem like you want to live a good life, like a good person, and that you don't want to hurt anyone anymore and I want that for you but why let your skills waste away when you make good use of them?"
I sigh loudly and roll my eyes, "Fuck you for making me feel" I say in disgust, "If I agree, we do it my way, How many students?"
"Nine total, but we want you to focus on the first years for now; Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, & Nobara Kugisaki "
"Okay, who's currently in charge of teaching them?"
"Kento Nanami part-time grade 1 sorcerer, from time to time teaches hand to hand; took the time to personally train Yuji Itadori, who is probably the most skilled out of the three of them. As for weapons, Atsuya Kusakabe grade 1 sorcerer, and teacher here; skilled swordsman but no honor, he would 100% leave you behind if it meant saving his own skin."
"Noted." I stand up and dust my pants off and grab my cane, "Well if we are gonna do this, I'd like to fight the first years as well as Mr. Nanami."
"Why not Atsuya as well?" he asks
"Well from what you just told me, I've got a clear understanding of what kind of fighter and man he is. A coward and cowards are shit fighters" I respond. Yaga says nothing but laughs under his breath as stands leading me out of his office.
He leads Yukio and me outside to what I assume is an open field by the feel of the grass under my feet. Eventually, we come to a stop and I hear a few familiar voices, "ARI!!!" I hear Gojo yell, "Are you ready to tussle?" He asks.
"Are you ready to shut the hell up?" I snarkily say. Next to him, I hear the smallest most hidden chuckle coming from Gojo's side.
"Ouch right in the heart, why don't you like me?" he asks fawning sweetness
"Because you're annoying" I laugh at him
"She's right," Nanami says, he must have been the one who chuckled
"Ari, glad you came!" Yuji says before hugging me
Fucking golden retriever
"Down boy." I laugh
"Sup," Nobara says, "You can't see him but our black cat is next to me. Say hi Megumi"
"Hi" The boy plainly says, "Is that your dog?" he says with a hint of excitement
"Hey, girl, nice to meet you Megumi, yes this is Yukio" I respond, "You can pet her". Megumi quickly takes me up and that offer and kneels down and pets her head.
I listen around me a little further and hear that there are a few other people there whose voices I don't recognize.
Principal Yaga speaks up, "Fushigoru, Itadori, & Mrs. Kugisaki front and center." he commands. The three take their time making their way to the center of the field near Yaga. "You three one at a time will fight Mrs. Senada. The match will be over once one of you are unable to continue."
"No need for one at a time, all at once is fine" I chime in folding my cane away and taking off my coat, and placing them on the ground with my sling bag; I begin to approach the others, stopping when I stand in front of the first years.
"Okay, then you heard her," Yaga says walking away, "You may begin"
"Umm this doesn't seem fair," Megumi says a little unsure, "You're blind and it's three against one"
"Worry about yourself," I say, "attack when you're ready"
The Vibe:
Swamp Bitches-Doechii, Rico Nasty
We all stand there for a few minutes, I hear them contemplate and whisper amongst themselves
"Itadori, you bulldoze and rush ahead, you've got the strength for it, Kugisaki and I all will come around the sides"
I'm sure they think I can't hear them.
"On the count of the 3. 1..2..3!"
Itadori quickly approaches throwing several punches, I manage to bob and weave between his attempts and block his last hit with my forearm, which hurt like hell; he's definitely got the strength and the speed but he's sloppy as hell. While blocking his hit with my arm I take my free hand and punch him in the side causing Itadori to topple over in pain; I finish him off with a right hook and he falls to the ground.
Finally making her move, I feel Kugisaki come up behind me and try to restrain my wrists; while she was focused on my hands I took the opportunity to knock my head back hitting her in the face. She let go suddenly in pain and I swiftly back kicked her in the stomach.
I hear Fushigoru rush toward me and decide to run towards him head-on; just as we were about to meet I used the momentum from the dash to drop kick him in the chest knocking him back to the ground. From the force of my kick, I fall down too but quickly recover rolling back and making my way to my feet.
Taking a second to assess the situation, I listen and hear Itadori sound asleep, I must have knocked him out. Kugisaki is on the ground trying to stand back up but not finding the strength in her legs. Lastly, I focus on Fushigoru and hear him coughing and gasping for air.
"Your reflexes are shit," I say out loud, "Your sight is a privilege that you take advantage of and you underestimated my strength. Lots to learn," I say that last bit under my breath. I go over to Fushigoru and bend down to him, he still wheezing, I put my hand on his chest, "Calm yourself and Breathe" I say as I breathe in deeply and out slowly encouraging him to do it with me. He does and eventually, he calms down a bit, "You and Nobara most likely have bruised ribs, take it easy and go help her up" I say standing up and holding my hand out to help him up. He walks away holding his chest.
I make my way to Yuji and bend down to make sure he's okay, he's still fast asleep, "Yuji wake up" I said shaking him. After a few seconds of this, I give up, "Gojo come get your kid" I speak up a little louder, "He's not waking up any time soon; honestly, they all should go to an infirmary" I say
"I see why they called you the Black Death, quick and painful" Gojo says
That stings, I hate that fucking name
I think Yaga notices my uncomfortablity and quickly speaks up, "Gojo take your students to Shoko"
"WHAT! Why do I have to go, it's getting so good" Gojo protests
"Kugisaki and Fushigoru can't take Itadori to shoko they are clearly injured. Go and be responsible for once" Yaga plainly states
"Fine" Gojo says defeated before he basically throws Yuji over his shoulder and begins walking, "Come on you two" he says to Megumi and Nobara who follow behind.
"I thought we were friends Ari" Nobara says as she walks away
"We still are" I laugh and yell behind her.
"Alright Mr. Nanami, you're next" Yaga says
I hear him take a deep long sigh as he makes his way to the center of the field, "Lets make this quick, you know how I feel about overtime"
I softly laugh at his demeanor as I take my position on the field, "This should be good, You can start whenever" Yaga says
We stand there for several minutes sizing each other up and planning our first move, "I am a VERY patient girl and I promise you I'm not moving first 'Mr Overtime'." I say taunting him.
"Teasing me won't work. Considering one of my only friends is Gojo, I have HIGH threshold for nonsense." he quips back, "I want to go home so I suppose I'll I make the first move" He says before suddenly throwing a punch
I quickly block him but he's fast, he manages to sucker punch me in the stomach knocking me back a bit.
Fuck, he's got some strength
I hear Yukio begin to bark and growl, she thinks this is a real fight , "Yukio Stay" I command. Swiftly I recover not allowing myself to feel that pain. I advance towards him and throw a series of punches at him, starting with two at his stomach, two at his chest, and a upper cut to his face now knocking him back. I hear him grunt as he quickly regains his stance throwing a left hook in my side and his right to my face knocking me to the ground
Jesus fucking christ that hurts; I think he broke my nose, Clearly he's got speed and brute force. I need to be more agile and quick on my feet to keep up.
While down, I take the opportunity fuck with his head, "Oh god" I wine and moan, "You broke my nose you asshole; what the fuck" I begin to cry real tears (Low key does really fucking hurt).
Nanami instantly regrets his actions and comes near me to offer a helping hand, "Shit are you okay? I knew we shouldn't have done this; i was afraid you would get hur-" he says before I punch him in throat cutting him off. He instinctively grabs his neck gasping for air; I stand up over him and side kick him in the face knocking him down to the ground.
I feel my nose bleeding down my face, so i back up a few paces and swipe the blood off my face and wipe my hands in the grass, "Get up" I say before I take my hands and placing them on both sides of my nose before I quickly break my nose back in place, "Fuck me that hurts" I yell.
I hear Nanami groan and struggle to get back up, eventually he stands back and begins to speak, "That was a shitty cheap trick" he says with a raspy voice
"That was shitty is that you came into this fight thinking it was an easy win. I'm a fighter in my own right treat me like one." I say holding my hands up a defensive position.
Nanami rushes me and throws a few more punches, this time with less focus; he is pissed, "Your anger is making you sloppy" I say before grabbing his punch and twisting his wrist as I swing my legs around his neck using my weight and his to pull us down hard to the ground. I soften my land with body and quickly crawl up him resting my legs on his upper arms pinning him down and for extra measure I have a hand around his neck and my other ready to knock him unconscious if he moves, "Do you concede?" I ask. He says nothing but uses what mobility he can and taps my leg with his hand.
I take the hint and release him and roll off of him and eventually stand up. I offer a hand to him to help him up; I can tell he's hesitating, so I gesture again for him to take my hand and eventually he does. I help him stand up, this is the first time I've been this close to him and actually let myself be aware of his height and how he towers over me.
He smells so nice, like evergreen trees and lemons
"Good fight" he says to me bringing me back from my inner thoughts. Eventually he lets go of my hand and for some reason I'm a little saddened by that. Yukio makes her way to me and begs at my feet. I bend down and pick her up and reassuring that i'm okay.
"I've seen enough" Yaga says pulling both of our attentions, "You've got the job if you want it"
"I'll take it" I say, "You have me Mondays and Wenesdays for hand to hand training. Fridays for weapons and Sundays will be open to staff who want extra training. I own a restaurant so my Tuesdays and Thursdays will be dedicated to that unless discussed beforehand and Saturdays are for me."
"Deal" Yaga says, "Welcome to Jujustu High"
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Live Laugh Love~ Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
Masterlist | Taglist | Request
Georgie Cooper x Reader
Summary: To appease his worried mother, Sheldon employs the techniques of a self-help book to try and make a friend.
Warnings: None
AN: I plan to write a new chapter once a week. It may change at the end of the school year. On the other hand, I tried to add more to the story. I hope you guys like it.
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Y/N's Pov
I am walking to lunch, and when I round the corner, I see Mary and George looking through the lunchroom window and talking to each other. I make a confused face while listening in on their conversation. "Look at him. It breaks my heart," Mary says sadly. "Poor little guy. Sitting all alone", George says sadly while responding to Mary's comment. "I don't know why his brother or even Y/N can't sit with him. Actually, Where is Y/N. I don't see her anywhere."
"I'm right here," I say, spooking Mary and George before continuing with, "Also, I tried to sit with Sheldon on his first day, and he said it would be best for me to sit with people who have the same intellect as me. I found that rude because he meant Georgie, and I am so much smarter than Georgie. Anyways, Georgie doesn't sit with him because he says In school, they don't know each other". I look between Georgie and Sheldon, then look at my godparents. "Yeah, come on Mary, when you were in high school would you have lunch with a nine-year-old," George asked Mary. "Yes, I would have," Mary responded.  "Well, there is something wrong with you." I took George's words as a sign to leave.
"Well, I'm... gonna... go," I told the married couple before heading into the lunchroom to sit with Georgie and our friends. I sat down to Georgie, trying to fit as many grapes as he can into his mouth. "Fourteen," he yelled out while all of Georgie's friends cheered him on. Georgie spits them all out before turning to me. "What did you think," Georgie asked me, trying to get my opinion on his 'cool' trick. "Georgie, if I wanted to see you stuff your mouth, I would just wait till dinner. In other words, not that interesting," I told my best friend. Georgie replied with a sad "oh" before going back to talking with his friends. I went back to finishing my newest sketch of a finch.
Georgie and I walked into the house. "Georgie, would you do me a tiny little favor," Mary asked Georgie while he was getting a drink out of the fridge. I sat with the girl I thought of as a little sister before saying hi. Georgie responded back with a "like what" before Mary asked Georgie to sit with Sheldon. I already told Mary why I don't sit with Sheldon. Missy with her smart remarks told Georgie, "Don't do it. I ate with him in second grade, it really hurt my social life." Georgie walked off while replying to Mary with a "No thanks". I kicked Missy under the table, then gave her a 'seriously' look. I shook my head and followed Georgie to 'help' him with his homework, which was more like do his work.
I don't follow Georgie because I'm his lost puppy. I follow Georgie to help him. Without me, Georgie would grow up to be a homeless man with great hair. I am basically Georgie's Guardian angel.
"Georgie, why do I always end up doing your homework? At this point, I don't even think you know how to read. Those magazines are just for show, and you know it. You probably only look at the pictures," I said to Georgie while sitting on his bed doing our geometry homework. "Aw, come on Y/N, don't you know that you're the smartest out of both of us. Without you, I would probably still be in the 5th grade. You were right about something though, those books are for looking, but I can read you." I roll my eyes at Georgie's comment before looking down and smiling.
I admit I might have a bit of a crush on Georgie but we're best friends, and how could I ever compare those girls in his magazine. If I tell Georgie that I like him, that could ruin our friendship, and that would be weird because we live together. So, I just stick to being his best friend. That way our friendship isn't ruined and I can still be as close to him as I can.
"Well I finished your homework and it's 10 o'clock, so I guess this is it. Have a good night," I said before heading out.
Georgie's POV
Y/N walked out of my room. I felt sad because she was gone. We talk all day, she does my homework, and we have practiced together, but I still miss her. "Maybe I like her," I mumble to myself while laying down staring at the ceiling. "Naw, that can't be," I said. I shut off my light and fell asleep.
I was leaving my art class when I see Sheldon talking to one of the cheerleaders. It's weird to be seeing Sheldon interacting with people without them running off and crying. It interested me so much I decided to listen in.
"Go wolves," Sheldon said in a monotone voice. Jessica closed her locker confused. Sheldon responded back to Jessica with, "You're a cheerleader, and by saying "Go Wolves" I'm initiating a conversation about something that interests you." "Oh, are you one of those special ed kids," Jessica asked still trying to understand what was happening. The older sister part of me kinda felt angry that she said that, but on the other hand she was talking to Sheldon. "My mom says I'm special. Would you like to be friends" Sheldon asks. She tells him, no, but Sheldon keeps going, "Are you sure? What if I told you I admired your boldly-applied makeup?" Jessica walks off offended.
I walk up to Sheldon frantically and say, "Sheldon, you can't say mean things like that. I'm at the top of the pyramid today, and Jessica is right underneath me." "Oh, I didn't know what I said was offensive. I thought that I was complimenting her," Sheldon says. "Well, just try not to insult people. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything to them." Sheldon replies with an "alright" before walking away from me. I watch Sheldon go before heading to my next class.
I got to my next class and I sat down beside Georgie. "I just ran into Sheldon trying to make friends," I told Georgie while I get the stuff I need for class out of my backpack. "I feel bad for whoever had to put up with Sheldon. That boy is not one for making friends," Georgie responds to my comment. "Well, I think it's cute, but I feel bad because he didn't make one friend." "You sound like my mom," Georgie says. I glare at Georgie. The teacher walks in and starts the class.
I hear Mary yelling about how Sheldon made a friend. I felt happy for him. I feel like Sheldon would really benefit from having a friend. I mean, I have Georgie, and we're inseparable.
I also heard Sheldon ask if he can start his rocketry hobby again with his new friend and I dipped. The last time he launched a rocket he killed a family of squirrels and my eyebrows. I wanted to bond with Sheldon so I helped him with his rocket.
I went downstairs to watch tv with Missy. She was watching DuckTales. "I'm surprised you're not with Georgie," Missy comments as I sit down with her. I roll my eyes and say, "Georgie isn't my whole life. I talked to Sheldon earlier, and now I just want to hang out with you. Sheldon has a new friend now, I have Georgie, but I feel like you don't have anyone to hang out with. So, what do you say tomorrow I take you to get your nails done." Missy's eyes go wide and she excitedly shouts, "Yes, I'm gonna go tell mom!"
After school, Missy and I went to get our nails done.
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(Missy's Nails)
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(Y/N's Nails)
When Missy and I got home Mary told us that Sheldon's friend was coming over. Missy and I sat down to talk and watch tv. There was a knock at the door, and that set Mary off. "He's here," she yelled. "Everybody, stay calm! Just a normal day, just a normal dinner," she continued. Missy asks if she and I can eat in front of the TV, which obviously didn't end well.
We're all sitting at the dinner table, except for Mary, when George starts asking Tam, questions. George makes it weird when he asked Tam if his mom was named Kim-lee. Me and Georgie look at each other with a cringed look.
Georgie releases us from the weird vibes when he asks Tam, "So, Vietnam, like in Rambo." Tam responds with a "yes" and then Georgie continues with, "That's a cool movie." Georgie asks Tam if he's in Rambo and I look at him and elbow him in the ribs. Georgie says, "oww, what was that for" before Tam tells him "no". Sheldon brings the conversation back to George's comment, but it is cut off by Mary serving dinner.
We learned a lot about Tam's family and life. It was very interesting. Georgie said a couple more stupid things, which earned him a few more elbows to the ribs.
I was in my room, getting ready for bed. Georgie walks in and sits on my bed.
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(Y/N's Room)
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(Y/N's PJ's)
"How was the day with my sister," Georgie asks me. I sign for Georgie to get off the bed and say, "We had fun. After our nails, we went to Dairy Queen and got a blizzard. I think Missy and I really needed today, you know." Georgie helps me make my bed and continues the conversation, "I missed you today." "Is Georgie Cooper jealous? Georgie Cooper didn't have someone to do his homework and now he's sad," I said mocking Georgie. Georgie grows a sad look on his face and says, "No, I missed my best friend. Not the girl that does my homework, or the girl that helps me clean my room. I miss the girl I talk to for hours. The girl that makes me feel special compared to the rest of my family. I miss that girl and that girl is you."
"Wow, that was deep for a kid that went a couple of hours without seeing me, but I know how you feel. Missy and Sheldon don't know how to do the things we do. I almost made Missy cry by insulting her earlier. I think I hang around boys too much," I say getting ready to lay down. Georgie climbs into the bed with me and we silently talk for the rest of the night.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Stole My Heart Part 2 (Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys! I know it’s short and I could have definitely gone in way deeper in the smut but I just don’t know how much you guys want to read into that! So comment and let me knowww also I want to know if you guys think I should start a tag list if so let me know as well so I could put you down for it! And finally send in some requests!!!
Warnings: Somewhat Sexual (16+)
"You can't be serious Jules" I spoke sitting up from my spot besides Jeremy.
"Do you know how much trouble I'll get into if I get caught?"
"I told you guys she wouldn't do it" Owen said standing up from his spot.
"But no one ever listens to me"
"Come on y/c/n! Julie and the Phantoms needs a manager for the night. Someone to talk business read over the contracts were probably gonna get offered tonight. We need you there" Charlie pleaded standing on the coffee table.
"What about Flynn? Her parents won't kill her for going out on a school night"
"Flynn doesn't know a thing about contracts you took college classes on business"
"Because I had to. I'm just as much of a high schooler as you Jules. I don't understand a thing"
"Says the girl with a 4.5 gpa. I didn't even know the numbers got that high"
"Because your gpa was 2.1" Owen spoke in a sarcastic tone earning a glare from Charlie.
"Look y/c/n you don't have to do it if you don't want to" Jer said taking my hands in his.
"All we're saying is if you did this. For the sake of the band, we'd really appreciate it. You know this is a big night for Julie and the Phantoms. The band. Your boyfriends in might I add" Jeremy spoke giving me puppy dog eyes. I turned to the side noting everyone with hopeful looks in their eyes.
"Seriously? You send in Reggie when all else fails?" I asked.
"Depends. Did it work?" Owen asked figgeting with his fingers. I sighed watching their faces deflate in defeat waiting for the no.
"I-I don't know how I'm gonna sneak out on a school night but I'll be there" I spoke watching my cast mates faces light up as they all jumped up in happiness.
"Yes!" Madison yelled jumping up to come hug me.
"I owe you big time"
"You're my best friend Jules. I'd do anything for you. You know that"
"But you did this for me too right" Jeremy asked extending his arms out for me.
"Of course Reggie. You know I can't resist those puppy dog eyes" I spoke walking into his hug. I smiled as I felt him place a kiss to my forehead.
A worried look plastered itself on my face as we pulled away. Quickly uplifting myself I turned back to the rest of the group. Owen and Charlie dancing happily.
"Julie and the Phantoms is so getting signed tonight! And it's all thanks to you y/c/n!" Charlie yelled high fiving Owen.
"Cut!" Kenny yelled.
A smile forming on my face as we all were able to break character.
"Come on babe we need to disinfect you" Owen said jokingly wiping away the spot Jeremy had kissed making everyone laugh out loud.
"Hey! Be lucky I didn't aim for the lips Joyner"
"There right here Jer!" Owen yelled puckering his own lips making me burst out in laughter as his arms wrapped around my waist.
I waited for everyone to disperse for lunch before turning to look up at my boyfriend who already had his eyes on me.
"Hey you"
"Hey you" He repeated smiling at me.
"Your a dork you know that?"
"And your hot. You know something about you acting just-"
"Turns you on?" I giggled feeling something poking at my leg.
"Seriously Owen it's like 12:00 o'clock in the morning and your horny"
"Have you seen yourself? Look it's lunch and no ones in Julie's room. We'll be quick" He whispered placing a kiss behind my ear.
"Seriously?" I whispered yelled.
"Come on baby please. I need you so bad right now" Owen said pulling me closer of it was even possible. I slightly groaned feeling his hard on press deeper into my thigh.
"What if we get caught?" I asked looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to us.
"We won't" He insisted.
"What is it with you and that set?" I asked dragging him towards the house making sure not to look suspicious.
"Maybe it's cause I never got to screw you in it" He whispered in my ear as we entered it.
Quietness filling the air. We hurriedly rushed upstairs knowing we didn't have a lot of time before people questioned where we were.
"Owen" I moaned as he pushed me up against the door not even waiting until we were inside to attack my neck.
"Mmm" He mumbled against my skin. Fumbling with the door knob behind me.
As soon as it was opened he hoisted me off the floor walking into the room. I began to nip at his neck knowing Sonya was gonna have a field day with him for the one.
"Really babe? A hickey" He panted shutting the door behind him with his foot.
"It's called payback" I said before he tossed me onto the bed immediately removing his shirt.
"In a rush?" I asked biting my lip.
"We don't have time for foreplay baby" He said tugging on my shirt as well. I sighed realizing he was right. He was quick to remove the his jeans and boxers not wasting any time.
Making sure to be as quiet as possible was a task when we could be caught at any moment. But it was definitely worth it.
We walked out of the house trying to not look suspicious. Realizing a few people had already begun returning to set for the next scene.
"Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice.
"Jadah!" I smiled at the young girl who ran up to hug me.
"Hey Owen" She said as she pulled away.
"Hi" He said waving slightly.
"Sacha told me I'd probably find you two together. I was wondering if we could run some lines together later. You know for our scene"
"Of course" I smiled.
"Hey guys" Charlie said walking up with Jeremy by his side.
"Woah guys you look rough" Jeremy spoke towards us.
"Yeah I think you should head back to hair and makeup before the next scene" Jadah commented as well.
My eyes widened really in taking Owens look. His hair was tousled, he looked like he was glistening under bright lights, and he just appeared completely disheveled.
As soon as Charlie noticed my face realization hit him.
"Don't" I muttered pointing out that Jadah was here and it was not the time.
"Don't what?" The girl asked.
"Nothing, nothing"
"It's obviously something. I know you'll tell me later so I'm just gonna go find mads" She smiled before skipping away. As soon as she was out of earshot I heard Charlie begin to laugh.
"Seriously?" He asked earning a confused look from Jeremy and Owen.
"What?" Jer asked.
"You can't tell dude? Look at them" Charlie spoke pointing towards us.
Jeremy took a step back taking in our appearance as my cheeks began to burn.
"Where?" He asked once he realized what had happened.
"You don't wanna know"
"Why not?"
"Because we still have a few more scenes to film in there" I spoke as Owen wrapped an arm around my waist.
"How'd you get her to do it?" Charlie asked the blonde who just smirked.
"It didn't take a lot of convincing"
"Owen" I scolded him.
"Sorry" He said sheepishly.
"Geez guys you just couldn't wait til later when we're not in the middle of filming"
"We were on a break" As soon as Owen said that Kenny came up to us breaking our conversation.
"Hey guys. So were shooting the skate scene next. We need a new board replacement for Julie's bedframe. The old one broke somehow so I'll see you boys in a bit" Kenny spoke before leaving.
My eyes widened along with Owens. Knowing Charlie and Jeremy were never gonna let us live this down.
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inconcieveable · 4 years
Chapter 2 bby. Have fun reading and any feedback is greatly appreciated. :)
Chapter: 2
Words: 1.7k
Roman P.O.V.
"Okay, i'll pick you up here later. You should be fine, just remember-"
"To look for the signs, make friends and don't beat anyone up we get it." Remus reiterated. Uncle sighed.
"Just.. be careful. okay?"
"We'll be fine uncle. C'mon Roman." Remus said, nearly dragging me out of the car.
"see you later," I smiled at Uncle as I shut the car door.
We stood in awe at the building in front of us. "Who knew schools could be this big," i whispered.
"I know right. Fucking hell."
We wandered around like lost puppies as we tried to find reception. "Look." I said, pointing to a sign that said "office"
"Thank-fucking-finally," Remus sighed as we started to follow the signs.
"Oh you boys must be Roman and Remus King, correct?" The receptionist asked, noticing us as she lifted her head from her computer, before she went to back to her work.
"That's us. We were told to come here and get our schedules?" I replied, noticing the "she/her" badge she had on her blouse.
"Oh! You're English!" She stated, looking up and giving us her full attention.
"Yep! We're good ol' Brits! Now can we get our schedules please?" Remus interupted, already annoyed at her.
"oh, of course! here-" She said as Remus snatched the schedules off of her. I elbowed him in the rib, somewhat harshly.
"ow! you bitc-"
"be nice" i chided. He responded by growling lightly.
"Sorry for him," I apologised to the receptionist.
"Its okay!" she smiled. "There should be a student coming soon to give you a tour.." She went on, explaining how the timetables worked, where to get lunch and how the one-way system on the stairs worked. Remus gave up listening pretty quickly and instead was looking out for the student that was going to tour us.
"hey babes" I heard as Remus nudged me. I turned to look at Remus as he nodded towards the student. click click. The sound of heeled shoes filled the room. A man wearing big, round sunglasses, a black jacket and obnoxiously sipping a Starbucks strutted into the room.
"Remy!" the receptionist exclaimed "Good to see you. Here are the new students, Roman and Remus king" She gestured towards us.
"sup bitch." Remus saluted. Remy giggled as I turned to Remus exasperatedly.
"I'm Roman. He/Him" I continued, sticking out my hand. He shook it.
"Remy. Also he/him." He purred, winking at me. He chuckled lightly at my eyes widening slightly at his confidence and forwardness.
"Oh, and who is this cutie?" He pondered, moving so he was in front of Remus. He took a slow sip of his Starbucks as he checked Remus out, eyes fluttering up and down.
"I'm- er- Remus. Um- he/him and all- hehe- did you know if you clenched every muscle in your back at the same time you'd break your spine? hehe" Remus spluttered quickly, not used to all the attention. Remy smiled affectionately.
"I didn't. Thanks for the knowledge Einstein. Logan's gonna like you." He said, muttering the last of the sentence.
"Remy dear, the receptionist interrupted. "May you please give our new students the tour so they can get to lunch on time?."
Remus looked to me, confused. "Lunch? Isn't it like half way through first period at the minute?." Remy chuckled again.
"Yeah, but schools here aren't as small as they are in England. It might be a while. Plus I need to take you to the Principal's office and god knows how long that'll take. So come on hon," he gestured with his head towards the door and took another slurp of his Starbucks as he placed his phone in his pocket. click click. I turned to Remus who just shrugged and started following Remy.
It was around lunch, when we had finished being dragged around and severely warned by the principal of the punishments for any misbehaviour. We trudged along through the canteen, making our way outside.
"that's a good spot," Remus said, pointing to a big oak tree, where no one was sitting.
"alrighty then."
Remus plonked down as we reached the tree. "heads up" I called. Remus barely had any time to react before I flung my bag towards him. He caught it milliseconds before it would've hit his face.
Bitch." he scowled as I sat down, a few feet away from the tree. "That tour took us fucking forever," he complained.
"I knowww."
"Why the fuck did we go to the dorms if we aint gonna get one for another week or so?!"
"I suppose it was so they could get the tour done in on hit?" I reasoned.
"Yeah.. Its still fucking shite though." I smirked as Remus sighed dramatically and brought his sketchbook out of his bag. Along with a pencil and rubber.
"I thought Uncle said not to bring that. It coul-"
"I don't give a shit. Let me have this one thing. Be thankful I didn't decide to bring my iPad." Remus scowled. I pouted at him.
"Well what am I supposed to do now?"
"Practice your lines for that shitty play your doing." He offered, throwing my back towards me.
"Excuse me. It aint 'shitty'. Its fun! Plus doing community plays will help me get to a good place in the future. you know this." I defended, air-quoting the word "shitty"
"Whatever. I still don't understand how you managed to find a theatre and audition when we've only been here for like a week and a half." I flicked the ends of my hair obnoxiously.
"What can I say? I'm just amazing." Remus snorted at that and through a crumpled piece of paper at me.
"nerd." He returned to his drawing, ignoring my "offended princey noises" as he called them. I stuck my tongue out at him as I rooted through my bag to find my lines.
Remus P.O.V
Watching Princey practice was always funny. Without fail, he would always go from sitting down, to walking around, practicing the delivery of the lines, script in one hand, the other flourishing through the air, within a maximum of 5 minutes. I leant back on the tree more as I stopped drawing for a second to watch my brother. He was walking back and forth, reciting about slaying some dragon thing. "Don't worry. I will save you! Begone evil Dragon!" he shouted, jumping into a fighting stance. His free arm acting like it was holding a sword. I burst out laughing at him. Roman turned around furiously, shooting death glares at me. Unfortunately for him, this only made me laugh louder. His eyes narrowed at me before he too, started laughing.
"You're a fucking dork."
"Yeah, yeah. Just lemme practice." I rolled my eyes before focusing back on my design. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it to look right. And boy, was i determined to get it right.
"Hey!" a new, chirpy voice said. I looked up to see a kid looming over me.
"can I help you?" I asked, trying to be nice.
"Yeah. I was wondering If you've seen our friend? they're around so-high, chestnut hair, blue overalls, yellow t-shirt, black jacket with a.... double headed snake? on the back." The boy explained.
"nah I don't recognise the description. Why would I have seen.. them?" he asked, noticing the pronouns used and feeling slightly proud of himself for noticing.
"It seems they're new Patton. That would probably explain why they don't recognise Janus and they don't know that we normally sit here." A different boy said. "where the fuck did he come from?!" he thought.
"Its alright Logan. Janus will find us and we can always sit somewhere else for today." the first boy, Patton? ,said.
"But vi-"
"Hold on lemme get that dipshit." I interrupted. I turned towards Roman, who was oblivious to the entire conversation as he was quite a few feet away. "OI TWAT!" I shouted. Roman jumped at the sudden noise and his foot caught on a visible tree root and he fell over, landing on his arse. I, once again, burst out laughing.
"Wha-" He cut himself off when he noticed the boys. He quickly got up and walked back towards us.
"He's much better at things like this." I explained between laughs as Roman arrived, cheeks dusted In pink from embarrassment.
"twat?" The taller one, Logan?, asked.
"Its a British thing." I said, waving my hand dismissively.
"Oh, you're British!" The smaller one, (Patton? I don't fucking know) said excitedly.
"Indeed we are." Roman said, entering the conversation.
I let Roman take over as I tuned out the conversation and focused back onto my design.
"I'd draw an extra petal there." someone said. I jumped slightly at that and turned to see someone sat next to me, snickering at my shock. I turned to see that Roman was sat opposite me, the boys from earlier were sat to my left and the person who I could only assume was 'Janus' was sat next to me. I stared into their face, searching for a sign that he was mocking me. "Janus. They/them." The person said, unfazed, confirming my suspicions. Once I felt satisfied with their intentions, I turned back towards my page where they had their hand.
"Remus. He/him." I said as I started sketching. I was trying to draw a rose, with its flowers wilting off. Kinda like the flower from Beauty And The Beast. The movie which I was forced to watch the other night by my brothers demands.
Once I was finished sketching the flower, I saw how much better it looked with Janus' addition. I turn to thank Janus, only to see them looking at me. Smiling at my own happiness towards the now finished design.
"Thanks," I said cheerfully "it looks so much better now"
"No problem," Janus simply said.
"Ah so you've decided to come back down to earth now?" Roman teased, noticing how I wasn't fixated on my page anymore.
"Fuck off." I said, sticking out my tongue. Roman giggled whilst Patton inhaled sharply. I turned to Janus, a confused look etched onto my face.
"Patton doesn't like swearing." they explained. I chuckled mentally. "Well i'm fucked" I thought, Laughing again at the irony.
"well at least he didn't fall over a tree root now," Janus said to Roman, smirking. I started laughing.
"I like this one." I said and everyone joined In with my laughter.
The bell cut the fun short though. We all, besides Logan, groaned as we started to collect our things and head towards our next lessons.
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