#and touched
blushnik · 8 months
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brattybottomdyke · 10 months
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cutthroat-coquette · 2 years
I wish there were hands on me…😔
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narukoibito · 2 years
I’m sorry did i just read that you’re going to try to update Unravel me on SUNDAY?
i just stared at that ask for like 10 minutes in absolute awe. I have been weekly checking for updates (in case i missed a notif) in a very no pressure, i just love your work, take all the time you need kind of way for i can’t remember how long. like this fic just lives open in my safari tab. im not processing this fully.
everyone cancel your weekend plans it’s time to reread Unravel me again. I’m geeking so fucking hard and even if it’s not Sunday that’s totally fine, take all the time you need but just the fact that there’s a potential for soon i honest to god might pass out
i love this fic and your work just so much. i’m so excited holy shit
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You have rendered me completely speechless! I don't know how to respond! 😭 You've been checking every week? You have it open as a tab?! I want to just...ahhhh! I seriously can't with the words with all these feels. I want to post about 50 gifs to try to express how much you have touched me. You are so, so sweet. Thank you!!!
I promise you, it will be up Sunday! ❤️
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wortverlust · 2 years
Hi Jo,
So we have a Levi appreciation discord created and run by the author of To Honesty and Comeuppence. We have several artists and writers in the group and we all love your work so much. I'm not sure if anyone has sent you an invite. I haven't until now because you're kind of like a celebrity in our discord. We adore your work and I've been to shy to ask until now. But if you'd like to join, we would love to have you. The group is tons of fun! I swear I'm done bombarding your ask now lol. Hope you're having a great day!
m-m-m-m-m-me…a-a-a-a-a-a-a..c-c-c-c-ce-celebrity... efowhfwehfwhfeuwhfowfhw-w-w-w-whatwhatwhatWHAAT?!
me while reading before passing out:
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
the men and boys are innocent too.
we cry "the innocent women and children" to appeal to the masses, to try and force their sympathy, but the men and boys are innocent too.
I have seen sons crying out for their mothers, their fathers, their siblings. I have seen them break down at the loss of their families. I have seen them cling to their dead and grieve.
I have seen fathers cradle their dead children, seen them kiss their faces and hold their little hands. I have seen them faint with grief when asked to identify the dead. I have seen them carry their sons and daughters. I have seen them fasting to provide what little they can for their families.
I have seen men and boys digging through the rubble with just their bare hands, I have seen them comforting strangers, playing with children, rocking them, hushing them, even if the face of such imminent danger. I have seen them cry, seen them grieve, seen them break down into each other's arms, seen them be selfless, beyond selfless, becoming something I don't have a word for.
I have seen the men who are doctors refuse to leave their patients, even when they have no medicine or supplies to give them, even when they're threatened with bombings. I have seen fathers who have lost all their children pick orphans up into their arms and proclaim them their child so they are not alone. I have seen men and boys digging pets out of the rubble.
the men are innocent too. the men and boys are being hurt and killed too. the men and boys are grieving too. the men and boys are scared too. the men and boys are fighting to save their people too. the men and boys deserve to be fought for too.
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ahsenyidizz · 4 months
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juiche · 4 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
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staygolden-ponyboy · 3 months
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aliters · 5 months
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i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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werewolf-girlfriend · 4 months
adding a keysmash to the end of a message like a dog sneezing on purpose to show theyre just playing
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vulturevanity · 7 months
21st night of September Thursday
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vorbisx · 10 months
Replacing physical buttons and controls with touchscreens also means removing accessibility features. Physical buttons can be textured or have Braille and can be located by touch and don't need to be pressed with a bare finger. Touchscreens usually require precise taps and hand-eye coordination for the same task.
Many point-of-sale machines now are essentially just a smartphone with a card reader attached and the interface. The control layout can change at a moment's notice and there are no physical boundaries between buttons. With a keypad-style machine, the buttons are always in the same place and can be located by touch, especially since the middle button has a raised ridge on it.
Buttons can also be located by touch without activating them, which enables a "locate then press" style of interaction which is not possible on touchscreens, where even light touches will register as presses and the buttons must be located visually rather than by touch.
When elevator or door controls are replaced by touch screens, will existing accessibility features be preserved, or will some people no longer be able to use those controls?
Who is allowed to control the physical world, and who is making that decision?
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sleepimali · 11 months
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Just me?
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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