#and this is lazy work butttttttt
saiko-yuko · 1 year
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-This will most likely be a smut/Lemon only page so please be warned if you're sensitive to that type of stuff
-NO MINORS/FUJOSHI'S HERE PLEASE!! Even though I'm +17 ( turning 18 this year!!) I don't mind people also +17 or over but people younger then that, DNI with my page
-I'll be writing for Genshin and One piece put there will be a specific reader for them. Genshin= Male/Female!readers, One piece= Male!Reader. This will be a non GN!Reader page because I'm bad at using the pronouns
-I will age up the characters that you ask that may be +17 up to +18-19, but I will not go for characters younger then that when It comes to smut or relation ships, but if it's for fluff such as Parent!reader Au, Kid!reader, Ect
-I won't write anything that involves oc or an oc that you made
-Please if your making a request make it specific so I know what I'm writing about such as, what Reader it is when It comes to Genshin, and what you want
Who I'm not/am writing for:
Who I'm NOT writing for when it's smut:
Genshin: Klee, Diona, Sayu, Dori, Xiangling, Noelle, Collei, Fischl, Bennett, Razor, Barbara, Xinyan, Shinobu, Yanfi, Keqing, Xingqiu, Kokomi, Aloy, Yun Jin.
One piece: Chopper, Brook, Jinbei, Sai, Franky, Leo, Orlumbus, Black beard, Kuma, Kokoro, Big mum, Tom, Zeff, Vinsmoke Judge, Shimotsuki Koushirou, Moria, Igaram, Shinobu, Pound, Higuma, Krieg, Shiryu, Arlong, Foxy, ( And many others I want to name simply because I'm to lazy to do that shit and also I haven't made up to Cake island but I do know about her since I'm quiet new at One piece.)
What I'm NOT writing about:
-Piss k.
-Torture k.
-Self harm
-Gun play
I DO TAKE REQUEST!! But It will take some time since I'm very busy working on a fanfict on here butttttttt Once I'm like done or sum I will be writing the request.
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imalovelymoth · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for tagging me @retlasute 🤩🤩🤩 Due to how inactive I am on tumblr, I never thought I was going to get tagged so I appreciate it very much!
I also don’t really talk to anyone on this app I’m just going to go with @rreeaahh bc 😌
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
So I actually just read on Ao3 and I’ve never written anything on it. However, that doesn’t mean I wont try to make something on that platform.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
I think my first answer also answers this question 😗😗😗
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Any honestly, it just depends on which fandom I feel like I want to write about.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hahaha, so…I technically haven’t posted any fics at all so…(yeah ik, shame, shame, shame)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As you can tell, I don’t post any of my writings at all bc I’m extremely inactive, which means that I don’t get any comments. Though, I wouldn’t mind responding to a few comments, it’s nice receiving positive feedback from others. It gets me motivated and helps me improve on my writing!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Never really finalized anything, but I have written angsty pieces that make my heart wrench in ways I cannot describe. There also pretty complicated to write but I still like writing these kind of things.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As I mentioned earlier, I haven’t finished an actual fic. I’ve some cheerful things and such so yeah
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet 🫣🫣🫣 (obviously)
9. Do you write smut?
Hahahahha *laughs nervously*, I have tried and it come out really bad. Well, it wasn’t really smut, it was more like spicy but not explicit, if that makes sense. It’s not really my forte.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have, and it’s…a lot honestly. They can be fun to write at first but after some time they can get very complicated. Plus, I also don’t have a lot of brain energy to just finish it up because it so much more work to make crossover, ykyk🥱😴🫠
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! I actually do want at some point (whenever that is) but not right now bc I’m not very diligent abt that kind of stuff
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Gosh where do I start 🤔🤔🤔 I have so many favorite ships that I honestly can’t pick which one is my fav. But, but, but, butttttttt, I’ll just pick one for the sake of this question and that would probably be wolfstar ❤️
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There’s this one short story I want to finish writing. It’s going pretty smooth right now but I sometimes forget it exits and I get lazy whenever I start writing it so 😶
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m pretty good with details. Sometimes I go bit too much on detail with certain things that are but unnecessary to what I’m writing. I like describing how a character, setting, event looks like and what’s happening. I also really like writing about the personalities of my characters bc it just gives me enough insight on who they are as person
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get very lazy with my writing. Like if I’m going to write about this really good idea I have I sometimes get a bit discouraged abut it and then I just decided to not to do it bc of how complicated it would be. That’s why I start to slack a bit on pieces of writings I make. Smut writings are something I’m not the best at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actually find it pretty cool whenever a characters dialogue is another language. I actually have written characters that speak another language such as French (which I know very little) and Spanish but I sometimes I use google translate for help or bc I’m lazy. I might even ask like people that I know such as friends or family how to write describe something in that language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Erm soooo FNAF really got me into writing. I did like writing before but it wasn’t like fandoms and stuff it was more about characters I made etc.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I honestly don’t know. Like I have written fics but I haven’t posted any at all…so like idk
Omg, I completely forgot I made this and it’s be more than a week, literally 2 weeks if I’m exact. I’m so sorry 😭😭😭 school has been a real pain in the ass lately but I finally posted so yay!
Also thank you once more to @retlasute for tagging me 😄 I’m so sorry for the 2 week delay!
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
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daichi rarepair week - day 4: pets
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apeironaxiomaton · 3 years
11, 19, 23
a random act of kindness -- two of our professors deciding that they were just going to bring us over a bunch of groceries back in november because my roommate mentioned in passing how we were trying to save money on food that month after having taken both our cars in for repairs.
rant about something you’re passionate about -- (it’s so hard to answer this prompt on command; you’re always second guessing how passionate you are about what comes to mind. I’m just going to adapt something I said when listening to Bridge over Troubled Water this weekend) so, Simon and Garfunkel’s live cover of “Bye Bye Love” is the penultimate song on their final album together. and there’s so much that is being implicitly communicated by recording this song, in this way, in this order on the tracklist. first of all the song itself fits into one of favorite kinds of songs, where a blatantly depressing lyric is paired with an almost oppressively upbeat musical track. the context of putting this song here makes it very obvious that it’s also supposed to be a goodbye to performing together as a duo: that’s reinforced by using a live recording where the fact that it’s a performance for an audience is forced to stay at the front of you mind. the only thing that’s keeping Paul and Art together singing like this is the fact that the crowd is cheering and clapping along for them; both of them have already given up on this. plus choosing this specific song as a goodbye means something: it was a song that was in their setlist when they first started playing together, so releasing it as their second-to-last track ever is also coming full circle. and you balance that with how bitter the lyric is and it really emphasizes how sick they were of this and of working with each other by this point, how much it’s not like how it was when they started singing together--but the crowd doesn’t care about that! the crowd either doesn’t hear it or chooses to selectively ignore it! and then you realize that there HAS to be some canned audience noises and studio overdubs on this recording (it sounds the most obvious at 1:59); there’s something about how the crowd sounds that, if not wholly fake is certainly artificial and lands in the uncanny valley for me. which is such a cool effect because it reveals that the pressure that’s pinning them to the grindstone of touring and working together is ultimately kind of fake, something that they’re in control of, something they can leave behind. it’s really cool to me that the choices that they’re making with this one song and the context they created around it are able to implicitly convey a lot more than it looks like is happening on paper.
feel good song - so many I could choose that i feels wrong to single only one out butttttttt the first one that comes to mind is Belle and Sebastian’s “Lazy Line Painter Jane” which is also their best song. it’s not necessarily a “happy” song--it’s about being on a precipice in your life. but the songs that are best at dispelling a bad mood sweep you up into their own world and overwhelm whatever you were feeling before you flipped the record on and this song’s hazy glasgow street swirl is the perfect world to get swept away in and the song builds to such a wonderful catharsis. 
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dickbaggins · 6 years
yet again Kirsten seeks to expose my secret shame. Here’s a list of all my current(-ish) works in progress.
1. Nanowrimo 2016 - This doesn’t have a name because I am really bad at naming anything! Anyway, this is 50k of wincest(-iel?? I don’t know and the story doesn’t know either) au trash. It is the gilded age and the Winchesters were once a proud upstanding family of archaeologists-cum-hunters, until sweet lil Sammy disappears at...what did I do, 15? Maybe 16? Twinky, anyway, is the main thing. Well, as you can imagine the whole family goes off the fucking rails and 15 years later, broke alcoholic Dean’s taking whatever job he can find (...in the field of archaeology at least, I don’t mean to imply he’s a whore here in a rare departure for me) and this job in Egypt sees him finding a cursed object in a tomb that unleashes a supernatural being that looks (and acts and smells and feels) a lot like his lost Sammy (especially from the inside out). Then the plot gets really confusing and I’m too lazy to sort it the fuck out. But there’s lots of fucking! In fact, it’s mostly fucking, I wrote like 50k words of fucking with a terrible plot. So I don’t know what’s going to happen with this one! You can read the first chapterish-partish-thing here which I posted when I was far more optimistic about the whole garbage fire. 
2. Nanowrimo 2017 - I refer to this one as ghost!daddy in my head. 50k of a J2 au with aborted genneel subplot and some JDM/Jensen in that JDM’s a ghost who likes to watch Jensen crank his dick. Even that sounds like I’m giving away too much but there’s a lot to give away. Basically, sensitive morose Jensen has one of them ghost bait shows on the TV (but he kind of hates it) and Jared has a sciencey show, also on TV. He’s like a science hunk, you know? And a total skeptic. So to shake things up, he guest stars on Jensen’s show in a spooky haunted hotel that was in upstate New York but that I now think is on the Jersey Shore or in Cape May or something. Ghost!daddy gets jealous that Jared and Jensen get along so well together (with their dicks, primarily) and decides to make Jensen his forever and ever and also the hotel is super fucking haunted already and uuh...I don’t know, there’s a lot of drivel to this one. The first chapter is up on my patreon, you can get a peek for a dollar. 
3. Filename: frankbilly.odt - They fucking overseas! No, there is slightly more to it than that but not by a lot. Billy wants that d, Frank misunderstands the situation and thinks Bill’s just some exhibitionist (although I mean yeah he is), which he can totally lend a hand with, so to speak. Bill rolls with it for a while and then dlgkadgkag I don’t know I have to write the rest of it and decide between pining and fucking or a healthy heap of both. I was going to just go with fucking butttttttt I’m getting FEELINGS from it so who knows.
4. frankbilly2.odt - they fucking but in New York (or somewhere, idk, there’s a chair involved so I guess it could be anywhere)! Absolutely totally plotless fucking that is just Billy goading Frank on. 
5. j3 au - which I just started today. Cute young stoner!Jared spies on his hot new neighbors and then gets involved. With his dick. 
I’m 100% sure I have more but these are the ones that I’m actively working on or planning for at the moment. I think everyone I could possibly tag has already done this but if you have not, consider your ass tagged.
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heroheart · 7 years
i really wanna watch s2 but is it That bad??? :((
ummm ok i'm gonna try and answer this as objectively as i can but it gets very very long so i’m putting this under a read more in case yall think i’m Whining
(ok it’s really long)
the one thing that makes me very sad about season 2 of sg is that, for me, it's lost the main feminist undertones™ that made me wanna watch it in the first place. (kinda comes with the loss of caIista fIockhart/cat grant, and the forcing of mon eI into the scene.)
james's character was almost completely binned.-- literally overnight from 1.20 to 2.01, kara, who'd spent the entirety of season one pining for him 'james is one of the most incredible people i've ever met. he makes me be a better superhero.' (paraphrased) immediately turns round and tells him that they're better off as friends, after one date (continuously interrupted by Crime™ which is ok??? that's what happens when you're secretly a superhero???) but she's literally... she was always smitten by him and i don't? know why they decided to get rid of a relationship built on so much respect and trust?
on the subject of james, i don't think their relationship would've worked out (purely because james has always been in the shadow, whether it's standing at sg's side or superman's, and as the season unveiled guardian, it kinda made sense tbh. but kara and james had so much chemistry which was immediately trampled all over with the arrival of mon eI.)
kara's relationship with mon eI has hindered a lot of her character growth, which is very sad. especially as the show is literally... about her... she's the titular protagonist... if anything, a character should allow her to grow (even negatively. for example, max Iord. even then, max Iord's character was a device for baby superhero kara to understand that she can't decide who lives and dies.)
the writers handle a lot of scenarios quite poorly. for example, winn gets a girlfriend, Iyra. she's an alien refugee from starhaven and most likely has ptsd from the treatment she suffered. she had an anger outburst, and the writers tried to ??? make it funny??? like it was a comedic moment??? smashing beer bottles and yelling at winn (who, remember, was raised by a serial killer...buddy) and i think it's important to highlight mental illness, but it was so calloused??? the writing was so poor here and let down her character.
with a lot of scenes, and a lot of episodes, i've felt as though the writers have thought of a Really Cool Plot (for example, alex being kidnapped because someone figured out who sg is and therefore that she was her sister. having maggie and kara working together, when they've butted heads before, to save the person that they care about the most. that's a sick idea. i like that.) but they change the characters in order to service the plot. for example, kara relying on her muscle and powers to save alex, and having to be taught that she has to use her words sometimes by maggie. this is by no means anti-maggie. this is the writers forgetting the copious sg speeches™ that kara's delivered throughout the series about hope and humanity and how we can be better. to me, it's just... lazy. it’s lazy writing.
mon eI is a problem for me. that's it. that's the bullet-point.
(ok no. mon eI is a problem for me because the writers wrote kara rejecting his advances MULTIPLE times throughout the first half of the season, only to turn around and be like 'actually maybe i can have it all' and suddenly falling for him in like 2 episodes? he personally embodies a lot of traits i don't like in general so. douchebag mcgee)
all female characters' screentime has cut in half. even kara's. what are you doing with this extra screentime what is going on why is this happening
SO ! MUCH ! HAPPENS ! sooooo much. so much. it's so rushed. the plots are cool, but there are so many of them. they're like - piling every single cliche and every single possible story arc into thie season, and it's just... a lot. this leaves a lot of the other arcs rushed and unfulfilled, and it's kinda like ... weird... for example, jeremiah comes back and kara and alex butt heads because he's a cadmus operative, and there were some really quite nasty things said by both of them (for example, it became a kind of blood vs adoptive family thing and that...yikes. i feel for both of them.) this was not resolved. this was not spoken about. the danvers sisters did not talk about this. the danvers sisters, who talk about everything, who talk about homeland theories and what they're going to have for dinner, and probably kara asking alex stupid shit like 'why have i never seen a baby pigeon', did not talk about a possible schism in their family.
for every 10 minutes of screentime kara/mel gets, san/vers gets 30 seconds. i adore alex's coming out arc. and i adore her relationship with maggie. i really do. however, to me, it feels like the writers are  like 'haha, see, we've got a canon wlw relationship... as long as we give them 0.2 seconds every 5 episodes, all is well. we're progressive. we appeal to the lgbt community.' and from what i've seen, the audience is largely lgbt. (hey, it's rare to find canon f/f pairings that don’t die so when you do, boy you jump on that.) i would love to see more maggie/alex i love them:/
the writers have been pushing the fact that romantic love > familial love since the start of the season and it's a useless rhetoric which i don't need to see lol
tl;dr: a lot of the characters are ooc, mon eI is a problem, and the core of the show has been lost.
butttttttt i'm gonna give you some actual good things which happen in season two.
Iena Iuthor, love of my life, light of my world. possibly one of the only saving graces for the season for me. a Good depiction of a woman in science, a ceo, and overcoming previous stereotypes and crawling out of the shadow of her family. i love her and she deserves better than everything this show's thrown at her
san/vers... my daughters... making alex a lesbian was the best decision season 2 made. one of the worst is not developing maggie beyond 'she's alex's girlfriend, she has trust issues, and is a lesbian cop with a traumatic past'. 
superman being present when kara is able to actually step out of his shadow. cIark also beginning to understand and appreciate kara's feelings on the matter. 
james stepping out as guardian!!! my boy!!! please devote more time to my beautiful boy because he didn't get nearly enough screentime as he deserved. actually, he pretty much disappeared for most of it.
                        honestly if you want to watch it, then watch it. what i say isn't gonna change that, and it's not gonna change what happened. maybe i'm just bitter and cynical and maybe it's not actually that bad i really don’t know anymore 
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