#and the way seojin
hyunniesgirl · 8 months
More than words
Pairing: Lee Know x fem!reader
Summary: your best friends are getting married and you're their maid of honor. They just forgot to mention that the best man and your partner in the wedding is the guy who broke you heart.
Word count: 6,394
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, drunk people, just fluffy and a tiny bit if angst, also there's a screenshot/fake text close to the end.
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A/N: so, this was supposed to be a bday post for Lee Know but I couldn't finish it on time :( turns out I can't write under pressure and I still don't think this is good enough but I don't think I can do better this time lmao I'm sure he can feel my love even if it's a bit late(I wish) so happy late bday for my bias the most sassy and sexy man on earth!!!!
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You look at the invitation in your hands and sigh. You were really looking forward to your best friend's wedding. You were overjoyed when she told you Jeonghan had finally proposed and that she had chosen you as her maid of honor. You were excited to go out shopping to choose her wedding dress and enjoyed helping plan all the little details.
The thing is, Seojin forgot to let you know that the best man is going to be her best friend, your long-term crush and the guy who rejected you. Lee Minho, your wildest dream and worst nightmare embodied.
You, Seojin, Jeonghan and Minho had met in college and you fell in love at first sight. Yeah, kinda cheesy, right? You always had been a logical person so love at first sight sounded like bullshit to you, until it actually happened.
It was the strongest, most nerve wracking emotion you ever felt in your life. The way every move he made, every word he said, every smile he gave you, just made your entire world turn upside down.
You never really put a lot of effort into hiding that you liked him, seizing every opportunity to hit on him but he never really gave you the time of day, brushing it off as a joke.
A year ago, you decided to confess to him. You told him about your feelings for but it was no surprise when he turned you down.
You already guessed he didn't feel the same way as you did, you just thought it best to regret what you have done rather than what you haven't. And you did regret doing it in the end. Your heart was broken and you felt empty, you haven't spoken to him since that day. So to know you'll have to spend a whole weekend in his presence is not something you're looking forward to.
You came to the airport right after you clocked out of work. It's not a long trip, so you try to make yourself comfortable while you're in the plane.
As the maid of honor, you have to help the guests during the weekend, this is your job so Seojin can relax before her wedding.
So when you feel someone sitting by your side, you put your best smile on, ready to introduce yourself.
Your smile disappears when you see Minho there, he has his usual smug smile on his lips and an eyebrow raised, staring at you and waiting for you to continue.
"Oh, it's you", you say, feeling your cheeks warm, turning around to look out of the window.
"I expected a more heartwarming greeting", he jokes, "we are partners for the weekend after all"
'Don't even get me started on that', you think, sighing.
You should be nice to him, at least while you're on wedding duties, he didn't do anything wrong after all. But you're embarrassed, the last time you talked to each other was when he rejected you.
"How have you been?" He asks when you don't say anything.
"Fine", you give him a forced smile, "and you?"
"As usual", he answers, shifting in his seat, uncomfortable.
"Dating someone?" You ask and his head snaps at you, he didn't think you'd want to know something like that. You sure are having the same reaction, cursing yourself with every name you know, you really can't help yourself, you're an idiot.
"Not really", he clears his throat, he thought you'd have forgotten all about him after so much time but he feels strange knowing you still want to know about that, "you?"
You shake your head, no. You're not dating anyone since you didn't get over him yet. It's pathetic really, a whole year went by and you're still hung up on him.
You don't talk much for the rest of the trip, you just make small talk about his plans with Jeonghan for the weekend. Minho missed you, more than he could have expected, so it's nice having time with you again.
You have always known Jeonghan is rich, but to book a room for every one of their guests at a five star hotel it's a whole other level of wealthy. You're already dreaming about the long bath you're going to take on the hydromassage in your room, after that you're going to lay in the comfortable hotel bed and relax for the rest of the night, maybe check again your plans for tomorrow.
"Mr. Lee", the receptionist says to Minho, giving him the keycard. She looks at you, waiting for you to get closer to the counter, "What can I do for you, Miss…?"
"Oh, it's Y/N L/N", you say, stepping closer. The woman taps something and frowns.
"You're in room 143", she says and you smile politely, waiting for your keycard, "together with Mr. Lee", she points to Minho, who's looking at his keycard and showing it to you.
You take a deep breath.
"There must be a mistake, we are not together, we have to be in different rooms"
"I'm sorry, there must have been a mistake in the booking", she smiles apologetically, "we can give you a full refund"
"There's no need, I can just stay in another room"
The woman presses her lips in a thin line, looking at the other receptionist by her side.
"I'm sorry, but we are fully booked"
You take a moment to understand what she's saying. So there's no room for you? That's great.
"I'll just go to another hotel", you sigh, stepping away.
"I'm afraid it will be hard for you to find another hotel miss, it's the weekend and there are a lot of weddings happening at this time of the year"
"What am I supposed to do, then?", you ask, trying not to freak out.
You can't stay with Seojin since she's the bride and the other bridesmaids magically found a partner to bring to the ceremony so there's nowhere for you to sleep.
"Just stay with me", Minho sighs, running his hands through his hair. "It's your room too anyway"
You stare at him for a whole minute, trying to think of a way to get out of this, but you can't. You have to stay close to Seojin for the wedding plans and you really want to stay in this hotel.
"Do you have a better idea?" He asks, seeing the frown in your face.
You sigh, shaking your head, there's nothing much you can do. You follow Minho to the elevator, pressing the bottom and waiting for the doors to open. A crowd starts to form around you, pushing you together into the confined space. Minho is crushed against the wall and you're being pressed against him, as if things aren't already bad.
"We should have waited to catch the next one", you whisper and he sighs.
"Is not like we had a choice"
You want to fight him, you want to blame him for all this situation. If he didn't reject you, you would be together now and you wouldn't mind being pressed against him. You wouldn't mind the warmth growing in your lower stomach just by the touch of his skin on yours.
The moment people get out on the second floor, you step away from him, trying to hide your red face. You walk together in the corridor, your mind is so full you forget the situation you are in, but when you enter the room you see the bed. There's only one bed. You completely forgot this is a room for a couple, as if it's not enough that you have to sleep in the same room with Minho, you'll have to share the same bed too? If there's a god, he must be laughing at your face right now.
"Do you want to shower first?" Minho's voice takes you out of your thoughts and you turn around to look at him.
"Yeah, thanks"
You grab your bag and go into the bathroom. It's okay, you don't have to freak out, you are in a five star hotel, in a really nice suite, you can manage to survive the weekend.
When you packed your things, you were planning on sleeping alone so you are lucky you actually brought pajamas even though you always sleep in your underwear. This pajama is not the most decent one but it's what you have at the moment.
The hot bath does wonders to relieve your stress, you use the expensive shampoo and hair conditioner and massages your body with some nice body lotion, ready to have a good night of sleep.
Minho's seated by the bed when you get out of the bathroom, his clothes are folded by his side and he's scrolling on his phone. He lifts his eyes towards you, freezing instantly. What the hell are you wearing? He feels the warmth going up his neck, cheeks and his ears.
"A-are you done?" He stutters for the first time since you've known him.
"Yeah, the hair conditioner is really nice, look how soft my hair is now", you step closer to him, tilting your head so he can touch your hair.
"I'll try it myself", he walks past you. You must have taken a lot of time in there for him to be in such a hurry.
When Minho gets out of the bathroom you're already sleeping, you're laying down on your stomach with your round ass bursting out of your shorts or whatever is that thing you're wearing, he's sure he'll go crazy in the next two days if you keep this up.
When you go into the restaurant and see Seojin, you want to commit a murder. You know that face she's making, it's the face she has when she did something mischievous and is trying to hide it.
"So it was YOU", you slap her arm, sitting in front of her at the table. The other girls didn't seem to have arrived yet.
"I don't know what you're talking about", she smiles looking at you with doe eyes.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about, really, you put us in the same room?"
She sighs in defeat. Seojin knows better than to keep pretending, you know her too well to believe in any excuse she'll come up with.
"I just want my two best friends to make up", she smiles, "it's my wedding after all"
"I get that, but you could have thought about a better way", you sigh, calling for the waiter and asking for a bottle of wine. "I won't ruin your weekend", you smile, grabbing her hand to squeeze it, "but you're done for when we go back"
She shivers, you're really scary when you get mad. But it's worth the risk, she knows you're not over Minho and she wants to help you get together.
"Leave the whole bottle", you ask the waiter that just came back to your table bringing the wine and two glasses, "and keep bringing more when you see I'm out of it", you ignore his look of pity.
You're going to have lunch with Seojin and the bridesmaids, then you're going to pick your dress up and bring it to the hotel for you to wear tomorrow.
Soon enough the bridesmaids arrive, there are only three, Seojin's cousins and Jeonghan's sister. They won't shut up about their partners, that aren't even official or anything. You can't believe they brought just about anyone to your best friend's wedding and you absolutely are not being petty because you were forced to stay in the same room as Minho because they all had partners.
After setting the date for your meeting later in the night, you go to pick up your dress. You had to make some last minute changes and were lucky they were available to assist you immediately.
The first thing you do when you get to your room is to try on the dress, making sure it's perfect for the next day. You struggle a bit to put it on, since it has a zipper in the back, but you manage it.
You stare at your reflection in the mirror, you look nice. The green really enhances the color of your eyes and it's going to look perfect with your makeup and hair done.
You feel a sudden tug in your hair, a few strands got stuck in the zipper somehow. Perfect. You pull it a couple of times but with no success until you pull it so hard the zipper actually breaks.
"Oh no no", you whine looking at the big problem you have in your hands.
The door opens behind you and Minho enters, staring at you for a moment, you look beautiful. He would have admired you for a whole hour if it wasn't for the desperate look in your face, that's when he sees that your dress is open in the back with some of your hair stuck in the zipper.
"Are you alright?" He asks, you look at him trying to calm yourself down. What are you going to do? The wedding is tomorrow.
"I messed up", you tell him, tears brimming in your eyes, "I ruined my dress, how am I supposed to go to the ceremony?"
There's no way you can get it fixed, there's a lot of weddings happening this weekend and it's Saturday afternoon, there's not going to be a tailor available.
Minho can see the gears turning in your head, you're overthinking. He gets closer to you, grabbing you by the shoulders, making you look at him.
"Hey!" He says, loudly enough to catch your attention, "calm down! We can find a way to fix it!"
He's looking deeply into your eyes, telling you to take deep breaths and you do just that, calming down a bit in a few minutes.
Minho had his fair share of broken hearts, sometimes he was the one crying over the end of a relationship and sometimes someone else was in that position. He liked you more than as a friend, he knew that since the beginning of your friendship but he never opened up enough to form another type of relationship with you. So when you confessed to him, he felt so many things at the same time.
He was happy that you felt the same way as him, mad he didn't know about it sooner but mostly, he felt scared, your friendship was so important to him that he didn't want to ruin it by dating you. What if you two broke up later? How could you still be friends?
That fear made him turn you down, he regretted it the moment you walked out of the cafe you were meeting up and in a certain way, he did ruin your friendship, since you didn't speak to him after that day and he couldn't bring himself to contact you too.
He knew Seojin was the one who pulled this stunt of putting you together in the same room, she always loved to play cupid. He just didn't expect he would like the situation so much, he missed you a lot, more than you could ever imagine.
Seojin was waiting for him at the lobby, she wanted to go for a walk and talk, to settle some little things about his role in the wedding.
"Finally, you're here!" She smiles, squeezing him in a hug and he does the same.
"Did you wait long?" He asks.
"Nope, I just had lunch with Y/N", she answers, eyeing Minho and waiting for his reaction to the mention of your name, he chuckles.
"So, did you have to put us in the same room?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms. Seojin smiles, giving him puppy eyes.
"If I didn't you wouldn't speak to each other, I'm sure of it", she huffs.
"I would try talking to her, you know that"
"Yeah, but she'd probably run every time, that's why I had to go to this extent", Seojin starts walking and Minho follows her.
"I guess you're right", he says, tucking his hands in his pockets.
"Didn't you regret turning her down? I know you like her too"
"It doesn't matter if I regret it or not, she hates my guts now"
They walk for about five minutes before Seojin takes a deep breath and starts talking again.
"I know I shouldn't meddle into this but you're both my best friends so I feel like I have the right to intervene when you're just being dumb", Minho glares at her, "I'm sure she still likes you, Min"
Do you, though? You can't even look him in the eyes. You don't want to talk to him. He wants to believe in what Seojin is saying but he's afraid he lost his chance with you.
When he sees you almost bawling your eyes out because of the dress, he knows he has to do something, anything for you.
"So, I called someone I know that lives here in the island with her family and her grandma is a former tailor, she wants to check the dress and see what can be done", Minho says, looking at you sitted by the bed, your hands gripping the ruined dress.
You get up in a jump, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing him.
"Thank you so much, Min, I don't even know how to repay you", you realize too late how close you two are from each other. Stepping aside, you give him a sheepish smile, mumbling a "sorry"
He clears his throat, turning around and walking to the door, trying to hide the blush in his face.
Seojin held the position of the most beautiful woman you've ever seen… until now. You're seeing Minho's friend but she doesn't look real, she's so gorgeous that for a moment it looks like she's walking in slow motion.
What takes you out of your haze is the awkward interaction between them. Minho said she is someone he knows but are acquaintances close enough to ask for favors? And the way they are interacting tells you they're not friends either.
She's smiling at Minho and he's just there, nodding, there's not a single glance of affection in his behavior. He's not like this, sometimes he may seem cold and a bit mean, but he's the sweetest with the ones he likes, you know that because you used to be one of them.
"So, I'm Mina", she looks at you with a big smile and you greet her, telling your name. "Is this the dress?" She asks, looking at your garment bag.
"Yes, thank you so much for accepting to help", you say and she chuckles.
"Anything for Minho", she looks at him with a smile and you feel your chest ache even though he keeps a straight face.
She leads you into the house, it's a beautiful traditional construction. Her grandma is waiting in the living room and she asks Mina to make some tea while she looks at the dress.
"Can you help me bring the things?" She asks Minho and he nods.
The old lady is very nice, she tells you about her years of experience as a tailor and how she had to fix absolute disasters in her days, so your case will be easy peasy, she just has to replace the zipper with a new one.
"Give me half an hour", she reassures you with a smile and then looks around, "can you go see why my granddaughter is taking so long?" She asks and you nod, getting up and following a path you think leads to the kitchen.
"Does she know about us?" You hear Mina's voice and stop in your tracks, you shouldn't eavesdrop, right? Then why can't you move? Your heart starts beating so loudly you're not sure you'll be able to hear his answer.
"Let's not talk about that while she's here", Minho asks, sighing. "I'll meet you when you come to Seoul and we can talk"
You can't breathe. So they are not just friends, you feel dumb. Of course Minho would like a supermodel like her, even though you are beautiful you can't really compete with that.
You go back to the living room. You can't look at their faces after what you heard, is it immature? Yes, but it's not a secret that you're not over Minho and listening to him, thinking about him meeting with another woman just makes your heart break again, even though you thought the pain you were feeling would end after he rejected you last year.
"Are you alright?" He asks when he sits by your side, smiling slightly at you and you nod awkwardly.
Would you have gotten over him already if he just had said you are not his type? He just said he couldn't be more than friends with you, was he trying to be nice?
The old lady refuses to get paid for fixing your dress, she says it was so easy it shouldn't even count as a service, in return she asks you to come by again when you're in Jeju because she liked you. You thank her again, saying your goodbyes and walking to the car while she asks Minho for something only a man can do, since her son is not home yet.
You put the dress in the backseat of the car, finally breathing relieved.
"So you're the one I should thank", you're startled by Mina's voice behind you.
"Oh, for what?" You ask, turning around with a hand on your chest.
"For bringing Minho here", she smiles sadly and you frown. "I guess he didn't tell you", she says.
"I know that you're a thing or something like that", you say, is she trying to rub it in your face? Is she feeling threatened?
"Oh", she laughs, "no, we are not a thing"
"I don't understand, then", you say, trying to not smile, feeling a weight being lifted out of your chest.
"We dated a few years ago, but I did something terrible to him, I know he hated me after that", she sighs, "I've been trying to meet him for so long to apologize but he never gave me the time of day, so imagine my surprise when he willingly called me to ask for a favor", she smiles, "I guess you must mean a lot to him"
You feel your heart sink, did he really do that for you? You don't know what she did, but you know Minho doesn't forgive someone easily and he surely doesn't like to owe a favor to someone that did something bad to him.
"Anyways", she says awkwardly after you stare at her without saying a thing, "thank you, I hope you make him happy", she smiles, nodding to you and heading back.
Make him happy? Does she think you two are together? Did she notice you were jealous?
So many questions and no answer at all. You snap out of your thoughts when the gate to the house is closed with a loud noise. Minho walks to you, opening the door.
"Are you not getting in?"
You don't speak much on your trip back to the hotel, your head is just so full of thoughts you don't think you'll be able to form a sentence if you try to speak. Besides that, it's almost time for your outing with Seojin and the other bridesmaids, Minho's also in a hurry so you guess he has something planned with Jeonghan and the groomsman as well, so you both run to your room to get ready.
You're the first to shower since you'll take longer to dress up. You don't take too long, letting Minho go in while you do your hair and makeup in the wall mirror in the bedside.
You put on a tight navy blue dress, it's long enough to cover your ass but not enough to make it proper.
Minho comes out of the bathroom already dressed, he's wearing a white button down that looks heavenly as if it was made just for him and jeans that just embrace his toned thighs.
"You can take a picture if you want", the smirk on his lips makes you scoff, taking you out of your state of haze.
"Well, it's no secret that you're handsome", you point out, "I did fall in love with you after all"
Minho stops in his tracks, he did not expect you to bring that up. Do people that still have feelings for the other joke about it? He wants to believe he still has a chance, but the way you act, so nonchalantly, makes him insecure.
"You're pretty too", he says, ignoring your remark.
"Not as much as Mina", your voice sounds more bitter than you meant it to be, "she's really gorgeous"
You turn around, picking up your purse, you don't want him to see your face full of contempt and jealousy. You walk out of the room, not waiting for his answer, cursing yourself till you get to the lobby to find your friends.
There's nothing like a girl's night out to take all your worry away. You drink, flirt with strangers, play games, take a tour around Jeju eating delicious foods, go to karaoke and walk by the beach.
Around midnight the bridesmaids take a taxi back to the hotel but you and Seojin want to drink more and have more fun since it's her last day as an unmarried woman.
The fresh air of the beach sobers you up, you're still a bit dizzy, but not as wasted as before. Your friend is worse than you, she's stumbling and laughing at nothing.
"I love you so much", she says, grabbing your face and cupping your cheeks, "you know that, right?"
You chuckle, putting your hands over hers.
"Of course I know, and I love you too", she smiles, stumbling and falling down on the floor.
"My butt", she whines, caressing her sides.
It seems like she's too wasted now, it's time to go back. You call Jeonghan, asking him if he can come pick you two up by the beach and as the gentleman he is, he didn't drink because he knew his fiancee would get too drunk to even walk and need someone to pick her up. You laugh at his answer and wait for him, it's good to know Seojin will have someone to take care of her like that.
You all were friends in college and you love Jeonghan, but you were always closest to Seojin. She came up to you and asked to be your friend on the first day of school when you were all alone since you didn't know anyone in the city, much less in that university.
You stare at the waves in the ocean, it's really calming to feel the breeze and the sound of the sea.
"My love", Seojin screams, looking behind you. She gets up and runs before you can help her. You turn around to find Jeonghan and Minho coming in your direction. Seojin jumps into her fiance's arms, giggling and kissing his face.
"Are you alright?" Jeonghan asks her and she nods frantically, mumbling 'better now' while resting her head on his shoulder. He looks at you with a brow lifted, questioning and you chuckle, nodding.
"What about you?" Minho asks and you roll your eyes, walking in a straight line to prove you're fine but your body betrays you and you trip on your own feet. You don't fall since Minho wraps his arms around your waist holding you. Why do his hands feel so good on you, when he's holding you? Why must you still feel this way after being rejected? Don't you have any pride left? Those ungodly reflexes he has are annoying sometimes, you'd rather he'd let you fall face first on the sand.
"Are you sure?" He asks, a judging look in his face.
"Yes, I'm sure", you say, stepping away from him.
Maybe you're still a little bit tipsier than you thought.
He glances at Jeonghan and he shrugs, they take you and Seojin to the car, securing you two on your seatbelts. The trip back is noisy, unfortunately Seojin is not a sleepy drunk, she gets even more energetic in her intoxicated state. So she tells Jeonghan and Minho about everything you did during your outing, every detail, even that three guys tried to take you home after you drunk flirted with them.
You give your goodbyes in the lobby, since they are staying in another wing of the hotel. You and Minho go to the elevator and you notice he's drunk too, he tries to hide it, but he keeps stumbling and has to lean on the elevator's wall to keep standing.
"I think you're much prettier than Mina", he blurts out of nowhere and your head snaps at him, a frown in your face. "You didn't let me finish earlier, I was going to say that you're the prettiest girl in the world for me"
The doors to the elevator open and he walks away, like what he just said didn't leave you completely lost. You feel your heart beat faster, following him to your room and leaning on the door after you close it, staring at him while he walks around the room.
Your mind is full of thoughts, why is he always so nice to you? You suddenly have the preposterous urge to tell him again you're in love with him, it must be the alcohol, but maybe you need him to tell you he doesn't like you in that way, maybe if you're humiliated one more time you'll be able to let him go.
"You shouldn't be nice to me", he looks at you, brows furrowed in confusion, "if you do I'll cross the line you drew last year", you stumble a bit, trying to get to him and he holds you. "I'll kiss you if you don't stop me", you say, noticing how close you're from each other.
Minho doesn't say anything, his head is spinning a bit and he's sure you're bluffing. He's so wrong, though. He realizes that only when your lips come crashing on his, he doesn't even have time to process what's happening before you push him away, stepping aside.
"I-I'm sorry", you say, 'of course he won't reciprocate', you think.
However, contrary to your expectations, he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing his hand on the small of your back and pulling you back to his embrace, kissing you. His lips are soft and his movements are rushed like he's been waiting to do that for a long time.
Maybe you're just dreaming while awake, it's impossible for him to be kissing you, right?
You wake up feeling your head hurting like crazy, your mouth is dry and you feel sick. Suddenly what happened comes crushing in, did you actually kiss Minho? And the most important part, did he reciprocate? You can't remember, the last thing that you recall is kissing him but everything after that is just a blur.
You look around the room, trying to find him and when you realize he's nowhere to be seen, you can only draw one conclusion. It seems you've been rejected once more.
It's okay, now you feel like you can get over this crush, you two didn't have a future anyway. You want to cry, you really do, but you can't show up to your friend's wedding with puff eyes and you don't want to stay in this room for long, you don't want to meet him again until the wedding. So you grab your dress and the things you'll need and take it to the bridal suite.
Minho is happy, you still like him after all. After you two kissed you fell asleep, he tucked you in bed and watched you. You were always a sleepy drunk, when he's more like Seojin. He feels energetic until the exhaustion hits him.
He wakes up early, to grab some coffee and hangover medicine for you two, but when he comes back waiting to find you awake, you're nowhere, your things are not there either. Did you regret kissing him? Maybe you just wanted to feel something familiar with him. No, he's not going to let these intrusive thoughts make him assume things, he needs to talk to you.
And he would, if you answered his calls or his texts. He freaks out even more when his phone buzzes with a bunch of texts.
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You're trying to distract yourself, telling stories about your college times with Seojin to the other bridesmaids and helping the bride relax before her big moment. You don't want to tell her about the whole thing with Minho, you don't want to turn her big day into a drama about yourself.
She keeps frowning while looking at the phone, the ceremony is going to start in less than thirty minutes so it's understandable that she's nervous.
She looks at you with desperate eyes.
"The wedding planner just texted me saying there is something wrong with the menu, can you check it for me?"
"Of course, I'll be back as soon as possible", you smile reassuring her. It's weird though, you went through all the details with the staff before meeting with Seojin.
You walk to the kitchen, looking for the wedding planner and finally finds her talking to the waiters.
"Hey, what's wrong with the menu?" You ask the older woman and she looks at you, confused.
"What do you mean?" She asks, "there's nothing wrong"
You frown, looking around. Seojin clearly told you the wedding planner was the one to report the issue, so it's impossible for her to not know about it.
"Hm, Seojin told me there was a problem?!"
"She must be confused, honey, brides get really stressed, maybe she read some of my texts wrong", she tries to reassure you and you nod, not really buying it. Seojin is a perfectionist, she wouldn't make this kind of mistake. But if the wedding planner is telling you there's nothing wrong then there's nothing you can do about it.
You walk back to the bridal suite, twenty minutes till the ceremony. When you open the door there's no one else there, where did they go? You look around trying to find someone but they're not even in the dressroom. The door opens behind you and you turn around ready to ask where's everyone, when you see Minho closing the door.
He stares at you for a few seconds, waiting for your reaction.
"Did you regret kissing me?" He asks, taking a few steps towards you.
"What are you talking about?" You say, trying to sound nonchalantly even though you want to cry just by looking at his face.
"You kissed me, you should take responsibility", he gets closer.
You feel your throat dry, taking a step back.
"You're the one who left me by myself", you mumble.
"I just went out to buy meds for us, why did you assume things?"
"Of course I'd assume things, you rejected me once, why wouldn't you do it again?" You point out, feeling angry and your answer feels like daggers being shot at him.
He takes a deep breath, grabbing both your hands and holding it close to his chest.
"There's not a day I don't regret turning you down that time", he sighs, "the truth is that I liked you since the first time I saw you but I couldn't ruin our friendship and I was so scared that I wouldn't be enough for you, like I wasn't enough for her"
You know about who he's talking about and want to kick him for even thinking you're anything like Mina, but most you want to punch her in the face, she broke his heart and left him in crumbles.
"I would never do anything to hurt you", you whisper, he's so close to you know, you can feel his breathing hitting your face.
"I know, I was scared that time and I'm still scared", he lifts your hand to his lips, "but if you give me one more chance I promise I'll be better, no one's gonna love you more than me and I'll always be there for you"
You waited for this for so long you're not even sure if it's happening.
"Can you pinch me?" You ask and he smirks.
"I can bite", he slides his hands to your waist, getting closer and giving a peek to your lips, biting your lower lip, making you shiver.
"Now I know it's real", you say, staring into his dark eyes.
"Should I take this as a yes?" He asks and you nod.
"I have been yours ever since I met you, there's not another answer but yes when it comes to you"
He smiles, the brightest smile you ever seen on him, then he kisses you, and he wants you to remember this one for the rest of your life.
Walking down the aisle with the other bridesmaids and groomsmen, arms linked with Minho's while exchanging knowing smiles, you can't help but imagine if one day it's going to be you two there. Minho on the other side is already planning how he's going to propose, because he's absolutely sure next time it's going to be you in a wedding dress and him waiting patiently for your hand.
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You Are My Queen Now | Part 12
Word Count: 14k
Genre: Smut, angst, fluff
Summary: Growing up as a child of a minor lord, you had it instilled in you since a young age that you needed to find yourself a rich and affluent husband that would not only provide a comfortable life for you, but would also help further your family’s position in the court. So it was of the utmost importance that you remain a virgin in order to land such a coveted husband.
The problem lies when the man you secretly love, Prince Beomgyu, suddenly and unabashedly propositions you.
Warnings: fingering, cunnilingus, overstimulation, missionary degradation, sub!gyu, dom!gyu, sub!oc, dom!oc, breeding kink, inaccurate portrayal of an old wedding, oc has a mini panic attack, knife and blood play, self harm and harming others, mentions of past rape, slapping, smothering gyu with your pussy lmao, pregnancy, extremely unhealthy relationship dynamics, manipulative characters, mentions of and justifications of rape and blaming someone for their own rape.
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It’s been about a month since Beomgyu officially declared war on Taehyun. 
Beomgyu doesn’t tell you much about the war but from what little he’s told you and what you’ve gathered, Taehyun’s wasn’t doing good. Even though he has gathered more allies now other than Ryujin’s father, like Lord Seojin who joined up with him after that disastrous meeting and Heejin’s family who turned against Beomgyu after she got kicked out of court, as well as their various associates, but the best they can do right now is merely hold their ground. 
Beomgyu doesn’t seem concerned about the war or the loss of some of his allies. Instead, he focuses on strengthening his relations with the existing members of his court and continually gaining the public’s support. 
“You’ve gotten slimmer again.” You comment as you move your brush over his skin, noting how his back lost much of the bulk it had when you first saw him again. “And your hair got longer." 
You’re having your painting session with just him today. Lately, he’s been so busy with meetings and the like and so he’s using this as an excuse to spend more time with you. He had volunteered to let you use his body as a canvas and now he was laying on his stomach over a large sheet as you paint his back with vivid red colors. 
He cranes his head back and grins. "You said you loved your lanky idiotic best friend."
That’s true, and he’s starting to look like him too. But will you ever be able to see him in that way again? You know your love for him will never go away–it hasn’t even waned a little bit after everything he’s done and you’re sure even if he were to kill you, your heart would pump the last of its blood with love for him. But will you ever look at him the same way again? Will you ever trust him? Will he ever be your knight in shining armor? Will he ever be the innocent warmth you seek against the coldness of the world? 
He has hurt you too much, too much. But the gods have turned their backs on you long ago and only the devil would embrace you. He beckons to you with open arms, a soft smile and the promise of the whole world in your hands. 
And how can you refuse his bastardized gift–your fallen angel–when you incited his revolt against the gods? You’re as doomed to the fires of hell as he is, you rotten sinner. 
As the bloody strokes of paint take shape, Beomgyu tries to get a peek at what you’re painting. "Are those wounds?"
“Yes.” You confirm monotonously. "Ripped wings."
“Am I a fallen angel?” He frowns at that, the negative connotations hanging in the air. 
“The devil.” 
Beomgyu pauses for a minute, perturbed by your words. You don’t know why he always acts so surprised by them, as if he just expects you to get over everything he’s done and forgive him already. 
"I am not going to get upset by your sharp words anymore. You chose me. That tells me all I need to know." He says, hurt apparent in his voice despite his words. "You pouting and sulking is not going to save him and you know that very well. So you might as well drop it and start enjoying yourself."
He shuts his eyes and rests his head on his arms again, trying to give off the impression of nonchalance, but the way the sun hits his face illuminates his thick eyebrows with a golden glow that highlights the way they are pulled together in a small frown, and hanging in that beam of sunlight are the little frustrated puff of air he lets out, like a sullen little puppy who has been chastised. 
He’s right, however. Sulking won’t save Taehyun. You know what you should do and you refuse to do it. You feel it with every dig of the dagger into your skin as you move–the dagger Beomgyu let you have back, not because you asked for it but so that it would act as a constant reminder of how your words mean nothing. 
Because if they did, Beomgyu’s back would be stained with real blood instead of paint. 
You chew on your nails as you anxiously await the results of Wonyoung’s test. Your menses has been late for over a week now, when it has always been a punctual visitor every month. So what could be the cause of such uncharacteristic delay? Well, there was only one possibility at the forefront of all your minds. 
You tried to maintain denial at first. You did not even mention anything to Beomgyu about it, hoping your fears would be proven wrong with time. But it was no use. He knew your schedule better than you did and he was on you after only a day of absence. 
Of course, he had turned to Wonyoung then, excitedly asking her if this meant that you could be pregnant, but she had prudently advised him to wait a few days to see if it was just tardy.
And so you did. Those few days were some of the longest of your life, the hours of the day  seeming to stretch on forever as you awaited your fate. But there was one thing that made it better–Beomgyu presence. In fact, during those few days he hardly ever left your side, choosing to relegate his duties to Wonyoung so you wouldn’t have to wait alone. 
It was heaven and hell, just like everything that is Beomgyu. That week cut in time just for the two of you was utterly joyful, and you cherished the chance to spend entire days and nights with the love of your life, wrapped away in each other’s presence. But the circumstances of that week never escaped your consciousness–the possibility that you could be pregnant a looming cloud over your sunny paradise. 
And now is the moment of truth. 
“What is it, Wony?” Beomgyu asks, jumping out of his seat as Wonyoung gets back into the room.
Her unreadable expression was like an icy grip on your heart, and her revelation squeezes it into a tenderized pulp. “She’s pregnant.” 
Beomgyu lets out a shout of joy and takes you into his arms, twirling you around before Wonyoung promptly stops him. “What are you doing, idiot? You’ll hurt the baby!”
He jerks to a halt, apologizing profusely and jumbling his words. “I’m so sorry–I didn’t realize–I’m just so…” He trails off and looks at you with teary eyes. “I’m so happy. We’re going to have a family!”  
You get teary-eyed too, but for a different reason, and just nod, not trusting yourself to speak. But Beomgyu still notices your gloomy mood right away. “What’s wrong, baby?”
You didn’t want to say anything. It was no use. Beomgyu will do whatever he wants anyway, but you just can’t help it. You burst out crying, “My child is going to be a bastard!” 
“Oh, darling.” Beomgyu coos, cradling your head and pressing it to his chest. “Wony, leave us alone, please.” 
You sob into his chest as you hear Wonyoung walk to the door and get out before shutting it behind her. Then Beomgyu pulls your head back to brush your tears away and gives you a big smile. “Our child will never be a bastard. I promised you that, didn’t I?” 
“But–” You’re cut off as he gets onto his knees. “Marry me, baby. Be my queen.” 
You can hardly take in enough breath to form your next words. “How? People will know we lied.” 
Beomgyu smiles knowingly and kisses the backs of your hands. “Who will? The public? I can easily sell them a made up story about us finding comfort in each other after the betrayal of our spouses, and even if they don’t buy it, what are they going to do? I feed and protect them. You think they’d choose a warlord and a foreign king over me? And the nobles–most of them know the truth and don’t care. They only care about maintaining their power and riches and that idiot jeopardizes that.”  
“You have it all figured out, don’t you?” You ask bitterly, your tears drying up. Beomgyu has everything planned out, even this. From you testifying in the trial, to securing the letters, to impregnating you. He is always two steps ahead of you. 
“Does it matter?” His hands squeeze yours tightly. "Don't you want to finally be my wife? To be recognized in front of everyone? Don’t you want your child not to be a bastard?"
Once again, Beomgyu comes out on top. It's so disheartening to see how someone like him can so easily twist the narrative in his favor and squash the side of the truth under his iron boot.
If you had stayed with Taehyun or spoken out against Beomgyu, would it have made any difference or would he have silenced you too? Would he have called you crazy? Locked you up? He certainly wouldn't have been able to marry you. Would that have been a punishment for him or for you?
It's no use speculating on what would’ve happened. You can't change your mind again, every time you do something disastrous happens. You have a child now. You have to protect them. 
I'm so sorry, Taehyun.
“Okay.” You give in, trying to hold your tears in but they burst forward in a loud sob. “I will marry you.” 
But Beomgyu doesn’t dwell on your obvious turmoil, and through your tears, his wide smile looks distorted and monstrous. “This is just the beginning, my love. Soon, we’ll have everything we ever wanted.”
He pulls out the ring that he once offered you on that fateful night at the beach and puts it on you. This time, there was no escaping–your once hero soon to be struck down. 
Back at your chambers, Beomgyu can’t keep his hands off you. He’d gotten so excited about the news of your pregnancy that he had to retire the both of you back to your chambers so he can have his way with you. 
“Look at you, baby.” Beomgyu murmurs, prompting you to stare at yourself in the mirror that he has you positioned in front of, bare and exposed in his arms. “You’re ethereal, exquisite. You were made for this, weren’t you?”
What is this? Being toyed with? Owned? Used? 
He spreads your pussy apart with his slim fingers–the treacherous thing puffy and wet for the taking, having surrendered itself to Beomgyu long ago. 
“You’re going to be even prettier all swollen up with our baby.” 
He rubs the pads of his fingers over your clit gently, getting you as worked up as he is and making you watch your hole pathetically clench around nothing. 
“You’re so wet.” His hand slides down to scoop some of your slick on his fingers, and in doing so making you jump as his fingers brush over your hole. 
“Oh? You want my fingers, baby?" He coos, hand sliding down again so the tip of his middle finger slips in and you squeak. You’re so fucking sensitive. You feel him chuckle against your back. “Hmm, you like that, don’t you? I already got you pregnant but you’re still so needy to get filled, huh?”
He sucks in a sharp breath as he eases a finger inside you. “So tight.” He groans, stuffing another one inside, making you gasp as you grab onto his arm. You can feel his hard cock poking against your back as pumps his fingers slowly in and out of you. “Am I not fucking you enough, pretty?”
He’s really not. Yes, he fucks you way more than Taehyun ever did, but he’s still somewhat mindful of how upset you are at him and while he’s not shy about taking you, you suspect he still holds back quite a bit. 
Despite your lack of response, Beomgyu reads your reaction clearly enough. “I’m sorry, baby. We’re going to have to remedy that, won’t we?” He purrs darkly, slamming his fingers into you, the palm of his hand smacking against your clit as he repeats that actions again and again. “Just have to loosen that tight pussy up a bit.” 
“Beomgyu…” You whine, clinging onto his arm as your legs automatically try to close against the sudden onslaught. 
“No.” He growls, using his other hand to shove your legs apart. "Keep your legs spread. Want to see your needy pussy swallowing up my fingers."
You whimper, your leg muscles tensing up as your arch onto your toes and give in to his rough ministrations. 
“Yeah, that’s it. Love it when you act like such a whore for me.” You can hear his own need in his voice, and you know he won’t be able to hold back much longer. “Come on, show me how much you need it. Spread your legs wider and put your feet in the air." 
"You're such a pervert." You gasp out even as you do as he says, letting him feast his hungry eyes on your lewd display. 
“Fuck—” He can only manage a few more pumps of his fingers before he rips them away and yanks the both of you up to your feet. 
Beomgyu carries you to the bed and lays on your back at the center where you immediately spread your legs and pull them up next to your body the way you know he likes. He hurriedly takes off his clothes before climbing onto the bed with you, but then he pauses, taking a moment to loom over you with his dick in his hand as his eyes rake up and down your body. 
“Fucking perfect.” He gives his cock a couple of jerks while his other hand finds your pussy and stuffs it with his fingers once again. “Can’t believe I get to have you like this. I’ve waited so long just to have my princess warm up my bed like this every night, all spread out on her back and waiting for me to fuck her full.” 
“Then what are you waiting for?” You mewl impatiently. You hate it when he makes you wait. It exposes you for the hypocrite you are. “Just fuck me already.” 
He bites his lip, a cheeky grin etching itself onto his face. “Oh, I will, but why don’t you whine a little more for me first?” 
Like hell you will. He’s been acting like a little shit for too long now, as if he won’t cry if you close your legs and decide to leave him high and dry. 
“No. Why don’t you be a good boy instead and fuck me before I get bored and just get myself off?” You raise up on your forearms to lend more credence to your threat, and Beomgyu doesn’t care to call your bluff, not when he’s so worked up because of the pregnancy.
“No!” He yelps, and you almost get whiplash from how fast he replaces his fingers with his cock, gasping out a little whine as he slides himself into you. “You’re so mean.” 
“Me? You’re the one who is teasing your pregnant fiance when you should be keeping me fucked and happy like you promised. Or were those just empty words?” You rile him up even more, knowing it will make him lose control and it does. 
“No. I can. I can.” He insists, his hips smacking into yours. Beomgyu hates when you imply that there is something he can’t give you, partly because of his fervent need to prove himself to you and partly because he’s so afraid you’ll look for it someplace else. Your escape really fucked him up more than he already is, and so you’re quick take back your voiced doubts or he’ll go off the rails. 
“Yeah, that’s a good boy. Show me how well you can fuck me.” You clutch onto the sheets below, holding onto them as your body jostles with every vigorous thrust of his hips against your. 
God, he’s so fucked in the head but it’s hard to think about that when his cock is filling you up just right and he’s fucking you this good. And the bastard knows it too. 
“You sound so good.” He groans happily, "Come on, whine louder for me, my needy girl."
You give him what he wants. “So good, puppy. Fucking me so good.” 
“Yeah, is this what you wanted?” Even though his question might sound domineering, you can easily detect the neediness and desperation for validation he always wants from you. 
“Uh-huh.” He barely lets you affirm before his lips are on yours, tongue greedily pushing into your mouth as he kisses you frantically. It’s so good, too good, and at times like this when the heat of it all sears your brain, you can’t think about how wrong it is to allow him these moments, to give into him so easily and willingly. 
You feel his hand rest on your belly, his fingers splaying to cover as much of it as he can, and he pulls back to murmur heatedly, “Once this baby is out, I’m going to knock you up again and again. Never going to let a night pass by when you’re not filled to the brim with me.”
“You want it, my queen?” He whimpers, his hips stuttering but he still drives his cock into you harshly, making you struggle to keep your eyes trained on his drunken expression. “Want my cum in that tight pussy?”
“Yes. Give it to me, puppy. I need it.” You moan, pushing him to the edge. 
His hand quickly moves down to your pussy, thumb flicking your clit earnestly to help you over the edge with him, and you scream at the sudden spike in pleasure, your pussy clamping down on his cock as it spurts inside of you. 
“I love you. I love you.” He whimpers, only able to grind against you now as your pussy milks him dry, the little movement still too much on your poor pussy and your body jolts with little spikes of overstimulation each time he moves. 
With a final jerk of his hips, he’s drained. He rests his forehead against yours and presses a soft kiss to your parched lips. “We’re going to have such a big, happy family, my queen.” 
You’re so fucked out that you can do nothing but hum as he lays down next to you and takes you in his arms, the heat of his body combining with the heat in the air to keep your poor brain feverish and blissful. 
And he keeps it that way too–with his cock firmly stuffed inside of you throughout the night. You awaken every few hours by the thrusts of his hips to find yourself in different positions on the bed–once on your side with one of your legs nudged up to allow him easy access to your pussy, once plopped onto your stomach as he takes you from behind, once with your body splayed on top of him as he pushes his cock up into your pussy… every time you would whine and he would shush you, telling you to just go back to sleep and let him do all the work. 
And so you do, happy to just lie there pliantly while he brings the both of you mind-searing pleasure that chases all your pesky worries away.
“I have something to show you, baby.” Beomgyu tells you one morning, leading you to the room adjacent to yours. 
You have no idea why he’s taking you there. As far as you know, that room wasn’t of any particular note. But you find out as soon as you step inside, choking back your emotions as you realize why exactly he was showing it to you. 
The walls of the previously nondescript room were now painted in baby blues and soft yellows–an intricate but complimenting mix of you and Beomgyu’s favorite colors–the room decorated with masterfully sculpted furniture and filled with all kinds of toys and trinkets. There was a large bed to the side for resting and even a bookcase filled to the brim with what you just know are mounds of fairytales from all over the world. But the centerpiece of the room was the small crib colored with those same soothing blues and yellows and framed by a large white drape with a statue of an angel sitting on top of it. 
It’s a nursery. He has transformed the room into a nursery for your child, and it's fucking perfect. It’s everything you couldn’t have even dared to wish for as a kid and the fact that a child of yours–you, the lowly born lady everyone regards as Beomgyu’s whore–will have this room to call their own brings tears to your eyes. 
“Do you like it, my queen?” Beomgyu asks, but the grin on his face tells you that he already knows the answer. Of course, he does. He knows you so well, that’s how he knew to make this without you even asking.
God, how can he be so demented, yet so utterly perfect?
You throw your arms around him, pulling him into a heated embrace. “It’s perfect.” 
“Our children are not going to want for anything, you know that, right?” He promises you and you nod, kissing him. And you wish he would’ve left it there, let you enjoy this beautiful moment without reminding you of the horrors he built it with. 
“But this is just the material aspect of it. We have to be there for them too. Will you be there for them?” He asks somberly, demanding that you pledge yourself to him, that you won’t choose anyone else again.
“Yes.” You answer in a small voice. 
“I want to build a good life for them, my love, keep them safe from those who would wish to harm them. Which is why I must get rid of the complications you created. You understand that, right?” 
You hold your tears back, pressing your lips into a thin line so you wouldn’t sob, and nod. “Yes.” You pull your arms off him but he holds onto them. 
He wraps your arms around him again, and kisses your taut lips. “We’re going to be so happy.”
Happy. Is that what you look like to him? Why couldn’t he have just let you enjoy this moment? Why can’t he let you live in blissful oblivion for just a few more seconds? 
But he wants you to choose, and now you have to–choose between the love of your and the child he gave you, and the man who dared to stand up to him and show you another way. 
The answer is shamefully clear to you. You wish it was harder. You wish you would’ve struggled more with it, but you didn’t. You choose Beomgyu and the baby. You can’t let your child live the same wretched life you did. You’ll do anything you can to protect them and love them and spare them from this horrible world, and if it means playing along with the delusions Beomgyu is selling you, then so be it.  
You will try to be happy, for your children. You will raise them to be kinder, gentler, and hope they grow up to be the kind of people who will despise the likes of you.  
“How is the pregnancy going? Is the sickness too much to handle? Are you taking the herbs I’ve gave you?” Wonyoung asks you when you meet up with her for tea and a chat, referring to the bouts of vomiting you’ve been going through lately. 
“Some days it’s better, some days it’s worse.” You tell her, shrugging. “But your brother is always right next to me and he makes sure I’m drinking all the herbs and eating well.” 
She smiles in relief. “That’s good. We want this baby to be healthy and happy.” 
“We?” You ask, taken aback. “You want me to have this baby?”
When Wonyoung had told you that she wanted to talk to you alone about the baby, you had internally freaked out. You hadn’t really talked to her about it ever since she revealed the pregnancy to you and you worried about what she’d have to say. 
You’d gotten so much pushback from Kai when you married Taehyun despite his initial welcoming, and it was one of the most painful things you’ve ever gone through–to finally feel like you were accepted and wanted and protected, only to have it all ripped away from you when the actual family member is in jeopardy. 
You weren’t stupid. You knew Wonyoung's priority has to be her brother’s safety and wellbeing, and you being pregnant with his child threatens that. You know that. You expected it, and you told yourself that you can take whatever abuse she has to hurl at you, that this child was Beomgyu’s way of trapping you anyway so her opinion doesn’t matter. It’s not like you wanted it in the first place…
But then why the hell is your heart almost beating out of your chest? Why are you so scared of what she has to say? Why does Wonyoung’s acceptance or lack thereof matter so much to you? 
You know. It’s because you actually want this child. You want to be Beomgyu’s wife. You want to be accepted as part of his family, to not be treated as second class. You yearn to belong, and whether by good nature or by design, Beomgyu’s family gave you that and you’re so scared of having it ripped away from you again. That’s why his plan is so effective. He knows well just how much of a hypocrite you are. 
Stop pretending to care about them.
Wonyoung frowns. “Why, of course. Why wouldn’t I? It’s what you and Beomgyu want, isn’t it?”
“Yes but…” You trail off hesitantly. “Don’t you think it’s too risky? That people may catch on?”
Despite Beomgyu earlier reassurances, you still worry that the news of the pregnancy and the intended marriage will hurt him. That’s another proof of your hypocrisy. You can’t stand the idea of him getting hurt. 
“Oh sweetling, is that something you’ve been worrying yourself with?” She coos, taking you in her arms like her brother so frequently does and you nod shamefully. “It doesn’t matter what they think. You are having this baby and we will protect you. You’re part of our family, as is this child, and we will not let any harm come to either one of you. You’re one of us now, sweetling."
Maybe she’s telling you what you want to hear just like her brother does, but you can’t help feeling emotional. They want you. They want this baby, and they’re not going to leave you behind.   
“Wait,” You sniffle, confused. “If you didn’t call me here to tell me not to have the baby then what did you want to tell me?” 
She takes her hands off you and straightens herself up. “Okay so this is not an exact science and it’s not always correct,” She starts, looking a bit unsure of herself which is a first from the usually confident princess. “But I have done a further test on the urine sample you’ve given me and I may have an inkling of what the sex of your baby is going to be.” 
You gasp, straightening up too, and waiting for her to continue with bated breath. You don’t know if she pauses for a while or if your world just freezes around you, but eventually she speaks up. 
“It’s a baby boy.” She tells you at long last, and you gasp, but she puts her hand up to halt your reaction. “I haven’t told Beomgyu because it might not turn out to be true and I don’t want you to feel pressured about it but I thought you’d like to know.”
“I-I… Thank you, Wonnie.” You gush tearfully, overcome with emotion, and she takes you into her arms, embracing you heatedly. 
You did it. You’re going to give Beomgyu an heir. Your dreams really are coming true. 
Unlike Beomgyu’s family, the rest of the royal court isn’t as enthusiastic about your marriage news, with some even daring to voice their opinions about how it might weaken Beomgyu’s position in the war. But Beomgyu stands strong and firm, informing them that the wedding will take place, and that if they want to try their luck joining up with Taehyun, they’re more than welcome to. That shut them up fast. Of course it helped that he could afford to splurge to buy their silence, but he was also clear that if anyone even thought about standing in his way, there would be hell to pay. 
So with the entire royal family united, and the court more or less supportive, the wedding is announced to the public, and Beomgyu makes sure to spin a pretty picture about how all this came to be for his people.
“I know this might come as a shock to some of you, and to some it may even seem like proof of what the traitors have been saying, but I ask you to hear me out before you cast your judgements.” He beseeches his people, once again playing the innocent role to perfection. "In these turbulent times, in which both me and her have gone through one of the worst pains one can imagine - being brutally betrayed by those we loved so dearly - we came to find solace in each other, and by keeping each other's heart close we found the strength to live. That's when I realized how precious it is to have had her loyal heart my whole life. First as a friend, then family, then as a victim of circumstance I so desperately had to save... and now, surprisingly, I realize she saved me as well. I now find in her a love I thought only existed in books. I find in her the only one that could truly understand my heart, that has always been by my side, that has always seen me for who I am and that I now know will be in my heart forever.” 
“I know that this announcement might seem sudden, maybe even too soon, to some of you. But it took me my whole life to realize that happiness has always been right beside me... I could not waste another day not letting her know how much she means to me. They may have been lying when they accused us of those vile betrayals, but the gods saw fit to make truth out of those lies, to bring forth love from the hate they spewed. And If we are to die at their hands, then at least we’ll die in each other’s arms.”
Beomgyu’s impassioned and romantic speech tugs on the heartstrings of those present, and they once again believe all the pretty lies he sells them. Can you blame them when he doesn’t even need to lie to you to get you to do what he wants anymore? 
Taehyun never stood a chance. People like Beomgyu will always come on top. 
Though the response to the wedding news has been mostly positive, it wasn’t entirely so, and Beomgyu does lose some of the public’s support because of it. It even put some of the nobles who supported him before on the fence. 
But it didn’t matter to Beomgyu, he was still on top and he was sure that he would win back all the people he lost when they saw that they wouldn’t be risking anything by continuing to support him. 
Most importantly however, he gets to marry you, and that’s what he really cares about. And so the wedding commences. 
It’s an extravagant and public event–probably not the wisest decision in the middle of a war, especially following Ryujin’s death and the accusations she and Taehyun have been hurling at Beomgyu and you, but Beomgyu didn’t want you to think for even one second that you’re less than Ryujin in any way and so he had to top his previous wedding in every aspect. He wasn’t going to settle for a small, private affair. The wedding had to be grand, spectacular–a visual representation of his overflowing love for you. 
Yes, it might’ve not looked good, but it felt good for everyone involved–the nobility who got extra benefits for standing by him, the common people who received a huge feast and precious little trinkets to keep and got to see their king walk amongst them, but most importantly you who got to finally belong to the love of your life in front of the whole world. 
That’s another proof of your hypocrisy. You adore every stupid, reckless detail of it all–his elaborate display of love and devotion for you. You eat it all up. 
The wedding was sunflower themed of course, just for you. Everything from the decorations to your veil to the huge gold necklace Beomgyu wears were either real sunflowers or embroidery and jewelry made to mimic sunflowers and the sun with rays coming out of it. Even your dress, which was the most magnificent piece of art you've ever seen, was embroidered throughout with sunflowers of all sizes. It all looked so gorgeous, the flair of yellow scattered throughout casting a radiant and hopeful glow on everything it touches. 
Still, you have the decency to feel shame and guilt about how much you’re enjoying this, the unwelcome feelings transforming the beautiful carriage you’re riding in on your way to the temple into a cage where you’re trapped with your self-deprecating thoughts. They gnaw at your feet and compel you with an overwhelming, irrational urge to burst open the door and run away from it all. But you know it’s futile, for there is a much bigger prison outside made up of the countless citizens flanking the road to watch the royal carriage pass by. You see them waving at you through the window, visitors coming to witness the curious caged bird their king has acquired.  
You can’t breathe. You can’t breathe. You can’t–
Suddenly, you jolt when you feel a hand on your thigh, and you look up wide-eyed at the queen next to you. “You’re shaking, child.” She observes kindly, and you blink. 
“Oh, I suppose I am.” You stare at your legs as you will them to stop jerking. Curious. You’ve never been known to do that anymore. It must’ve been a habit that you picked up from Taehyun…
No. Don’t think about him. Don’t let yourself go down that road. You’re doing this for your child. It’s over. 
You hear a sigh coming from the queen and your eyes snap back to look at her in shame. “I’m.. I’m trying.” You don’t know why you’re explaining yourself to her but you just can’t handle being a disappointment to one more person. You need support. You need acceptance. You can’t keep fighting anymore. 
But the royals know that all too well. They’re masters at reading people and giving them what they want. “It’s okay, child. It will all be okay. We’re all here for you. We’ll be with you every step of the way.” 
Yes, just like a warden guards their prisoner, the owner must keep their prized pet safe. But the door was open once… you were free once, and you still came back. So how can you protest now when they’re cutting your flight feathers away? 
So you swallow your useless feelings and let them guide you where they want you. You let her take you by the hand as you arrive at your destination and lead you out the carriage and up the vast steps of the sacred temple. 
She stops at the landing and turns the both of you around to face the crowd gathered beneath. “Wave to your subjects, dear. They’ve come to celebrate this day with you.” 
You raise your hand shakily, and the noise from the crowd surges in response to the small action, shouts of “My queen!” “You look beautiful!” “Gods bless you!” reaching your ear but not making it to your brain. 
You can’t process their words, can’t make out their meaning. You feel as if you’re a stranger in your own body, as if you’re watching through the eyes of someone else. 
Ryujin. That’s what she saw on her wedding day. This exact scene, and look where she is now, rotting in the ground.
“Can we go inside now?” You whisper urgently to the queen and she regards you for a second, no doubt taking in your frazzled state, before she nods and turns you around, walking you towards the grand door and giving your back to the chorus of disappointed shouts of “Stay!” “Look at me, my queen!” “Why are you leaving so soon?” and “The other one was nicer.”
That last one almost knocks you to the ground. They’re not done with the spectacle yet. Funny how in all your years imagining this very moment, you never knew that you’d be nothing more than a spectacle for these people. None of them really care. They’re just here for the show. 
You feel your knees buckling and your chest tightening but the queen never lets her grip on you wane, dragging you behind her firmly. You absolutely cannot collapse right now. You’re not allowed to. 
Wonyoung greets you at the doors, and her warm smile as she extends the lovely sunflower bouquet to you helps ground you for a second. 
“You got this, sweetling.” She murmurs in your ear when she bends down to kiss you. Your only answer to her is a shaky intake of breath as you walk through the threshold. 
As soon as you do, a line of dancers on each side of you start moving to the music that begins playing, elegantly leading the way down the aisle and towards Beomgyu in the distance. You can’t see him well from all the way over here, and you lean on the queen and try to focus on the delicate moves of the dancers as you move forward, little bursts of sun glimmering in your vision from your decorated veil, the light scattering further when refracted by the tears in your eyes–tears of happiness, tears of melancholy, they all mix together until you can’t distinguish between the two. 
You start to swoon as the queen leads you up the marble stairs and to the platform Beomgyu is standing on. Traditionally, your father would be the one giving you away, but Beomgyu didn’t want to put you through that. He didn’t want you to have to face your family on the day that is supposed to be the most joyful of your life, and so he spread word that your mother was sick and your father had to stay behind to attend to her, but that they both begged you to go along with the wedding and not postpone it. That way you’d all come across as wonderful, selfless people, just the image Beomgyu liked to sell. 
Beomgyu doesn’t wait until you’re all the way up the stairs. Instead, he meets you halfway, taking you from his mother and leading you the rest of the way to the chorus of ohhs and ahhs at the eagerness of the love-struck king. 
You are so close to fainting now, and as Beomgyu starts to lift your veil, your hands almost shoot out to stop him. 
But with the dazzling yellow reflections out of your sight and Beomgyu’s radiant face coming into view, your world goes back into sharp focus. Standing in front of you isn’t a strange man who doesn’t know his own heart, let alone how to let you into it. It’s Beomgyu, the only person as sure of his love as you are, adorned in his white and golden attire and holding everything you’ve ever wanted in his being, looking at you like you hold his own world in your hands. Nothing else matters. 
There is no hesitation from either of you as you relay your vows out loud, a sense of giddiness and almost urgency coloring the fanciful promises that pale in comparison to what you’ve already proven you’d do for eachother. You don’t take your eyes off one another for even a second, and as soon as the priest announces you husband and wife, you’re swept up in a kiss that you couldn’t tell which one of you initiated. 
The following celebration is held almost entirely outside as you share your joy with the whole city–Beomgyu seemingly intent on making up for all the times he had to hide you by proudly parading you around in front of everyone. 
You have your first dance in the spacious courtyard of the grand temple. The orchestra playing is large, as was required in order to allow the music to be carried out in the open area. It also had the added bonus of involving not only the royal's musicians but some of the more talented musicians from the common folk. Such involvement of the people in the wedding preparation and ceremony allowed the public to feel personally involved and attached to it, therefore strengthening their loyalty. It also led to some of them being paid handsomely for their contribution and further cemented Beomgyu's reputation as the kind and generous king. 
It’s an incredibly emotional moment for you. You don’t want to cry yet again but you can’t help yourself–standing here in the middle of the grandiose courtyard as not just the people present, but the heavens themselves look down on the first act of your long estranged souls claiming each other again. 
It somehow felt sacrilegious, and perhaps it is. 
After all, Beomgyu committed some rather grave sins in order to make your union possible. Maybe you should be hiding. Maybe you shouldn’t be parading around like this right under the noses of the scorned gods. But it still means so much to you that he’s doing all of this for you–the devil’s revolt for the sake of love–and you honestly can’t tell if the cold surge of nerves that freezes your lungs is because of the fear that you’re partaking in this horrible sin or because of the exhilaration of finally getting what you’ve always wished for.  
You try not to think about it much, pressing closer to Beomgyu to ward off the coldness as you let him guide you, starting from the movement of your feet up to the swelling of your chest as you take in your breaths. You follow his lead–taking one breath in and then out, just like he’s doing, and that’s when you discover how feverish he is too, his breathing shallow and rapid as he peers at you, cheeks flushed and irises barely visible. You wonder if he too can’t see the faces of those around you, if whatever mangled mixture of fear and ecstasy is only letting him focus on the person in front of him and nobody and nothing else in the universe. 
“You look… ethereal.” He confirms your suspicions, speaking with the little air he manages to breathe in. “The most beautiful creature the gods have ever created. And I can’t believe I finally get to call you mine.” 
He’s saying that to you? The man so beautiful you’ve doomed your everlasting soul to hell just to stay with him? 
But you don’t say anything. There is no need. You’re here, aren’t you? That’s all that needs to be said really. So you rest your cheek against his chest and let the beat of his heart overpower your weaker rhythm. 
The position greatly hampers the dance but Beomgyu refuses to separate you from himself to execute the moves and you refuse to let go of him. You don’t care. Let the dancers entertain the crowd. You need this more than them. 
After the first dance, the cake is served, and it is huge, superfluously so. It also required a ton of workers to make–just like the orchestra and the extravagant decorations adorning the city. It was made in the shape of the palace and you’re struck by how skillfully it was made and how similar it really looks to the palace. 
You’re given the first bite, another hidden affirmation by Beomgyu that he and all his wealth now belong to you. But the cake is so big, almost everyone gets to have a taste, even including a sizable portion of the common folk gathered around. 
The rest of the celebration is held outside of the temple walls and in the heart of the city itself that bears witness to the odd mingling of the nobles and the common folk in a strange dance that is the first of its kind. Both factions treat each other like strange zoo animals, with fascination yet guardedness, and maybe that’s for the best because it prevents any major instances from happening and disrupting the celebration. 
Of course, there are a multitude of guards keeping the peace, and especially protecting you and the royal family, but this kind of interaction is still unprecedented. But that’s to be expected from “the people’s king”. 
The city is abuzz with excitement, and even as the evening descends, the moon casts a soft, soothing shade of yellow on everyone present.
Aside from the celestial decorations and delicious snacks and drinks provided by the palace, there are dozens of booths manned by various common people to sell their wares to the crowd gathered, and you see the noble and rich flock to them to indulge in the odd street food here and there or buy overpriced trinkets to remind themselves of this strange day when they’re back safe and comfortable inside their gilded mansions. It’s a win-win for everyone involved. 
Beomgyu really made the best out of this possible faux pas. He turned the awkward wedding into a festival of sorts–a day where the rich and poor, the privileged and disadvantaged can come together and celebrate beside each other the union of the kind, generous king Beomgyu and his loyal damsel in distress. 
“Would you like something to eat, my queen?” One of the servants passing out food approaches you, and you try not to act too startled by someone other than Beomgyu calling you “queen”. 
You take a look at what he’s holding to see an assortment of strange looking sweets, most of which you’ve never seen before, but it’s no surprise. You know Beomgyu has enlisted the help of cooks and bakers from all over the world, asking them to make the delicacies of their people just for you, and this must be the result. 
“Oh, I don’t know what to pick.” You hesitate, stumped in front of the wide variety in front of you. 
“Here, try this, my love.” Beomgyu offers, picking up a reddish piece of confection and bringing it to your mouth. You open up, taking a bite out of it and humming in pleasure. Not just because of the food–which tasted delightful–but because for the first time, you don’t feel the need to shy away from his public displays of affection. You’re his wife now. You’re allowed to be together like this. It might even be seen as endearing to some, as you’ve been told. 
“Hmm, is that strawberry?” You ask, and he shrugs. 
“I don’t know.” He answers, bending down and kissing you, tasting the candy on your lips. He pulls back, licking his own lips cheekily. “Yes, strawberry.” 
“What was that for?” You laugh, incredulous at the sudden kiss. 
He shrugs once more, as careless as a little boy. “You asked me what the flavor was.” 
“You have the rest of it in your hand. You could’ve tasted that.” You chastise, no edge to your voice at all. 
“Yes, but it tastes much sweeter from your lips.” He grins, popping the rest of the thing in his mouth before pulling you into another kiss. “What do you think? Is it sweeter?” 
You hum in agreement, your hands finding themselves around his neck, without any input from your brain, and pulling him into yet another kiss that is broken abruptly when you hear a familiar tune reach your ear. 
You pull away and turn to the band who just started a new song, a song that you know all too well. You snap your head back to Beomgyu who is grinning at you. “No! It’s that ridiculous song you used to sing to me all the time!” Your outraged cackle is carried into the heavens by the light air. 
“It’s not a ridiculous song.” He protests, acting wounded. “It was the clumsy confession of a lovesick little prince that you so savagely crushed every time. Do you know how much it hurt that you not only didn’t notice what I was hinting at but that you would make fun of me every time I sang it to you?” 
“Oh, you poor puppy.” You pout mockingly. “Maybe if you sang it better, I would’ve received your inelegant confession a little more kindly.” 
He gasps, scandalized. “How dare you? Maybe you just can’t remember how good I sounded.” 
Beomgyu starts belting out the sappy love song along with the music, attracting the attention of the people around you. You squeak, embarrassed at his display, and you try to hide behind your hands and step away but Beomgyu is having none of it. He is relishing how flustered he’s gotten you. It’s been so long since he has last pulled something like this or even that you’ve been in the mood to receive it. It reminded you of your younger years and Beomgyu won’t let this golden opportunity pass him by. 
He drags you in front of him and dances around with you to the song, all while shouting out the lines and cackling every few words. This dance is much more fun and lively than your first one as you finally start letting go and enjoying yourself. 
And the difference in response from the crowd is palpable as they cheer you on. You and Beomgyu dance and laugh and dance and laugh. You haven’t gotten a sip of alcohol the whole day but you feel drunk. For the first time you allow yourself to forget everything that led up to this moment. For the first time, you are just a silly, lovesick girl getting married to the man she’s loved all her life. For the first time, you let yourself buy into the revelry of everyone around you, let yourself think they really are happy for you. 
But then you see him, the crack in your perfect illusion, the stone thrown at your glass house.
Before you stands the man you met the last time you headed down to the city before beomgyu's marriage. The man Beomgyu introduced you to as Ryujin, and the man who now must see through all the lies Beomgyu has weaved.  He doesn’t say anything to you but you can see the recognition and realization in his eyes.
Your house of deceit shatters around you, driving thousands of shards into your liar’s skin, the pain ripping you out of your selfish fantasy. 
Beomgyu quickly notices the change in your demeanor, and he follows your petrified gaze to see the man that’s effortlessly terrorizing your thoughts. He bends down to whisper in your ear. “Relax, my love, he’s not going to say anything. He’s not that stupid as to risk all I’ve given him. He’ll shut up and keep taking my money and my help.” 
And that’s what it really is. No one will ever stand up to Beomgyu. They all have families to tend to, lives to live, jobs to protect–no one will ever risk that for something as trivial as the truth. Who cares if Beomgyu is lying and Taehyun is in the right? They will still stand behind Beomgyu because that’s what will bring them more profit, more stability, more gain. They’re all liars. 
And that’s when you see it. They don’t actually accept you. They’re not happy for you. They just want what you have to give. They smile at you the same way they smiled for Ryujin, and they would tear you apart the same way they did to her if it meant they had something to gain from it.
A second look at the crowd gathered around you transforms their kind smiles into duplicitous smirks, their happiness for you into greed for what they could take from you, their good wishes into poisonous intentions. 
You feel sick. You don’t want to dance anymore. You don’t even want to be here anymore. Every eye that lands on you feels like tongues of flames, every hand a potential strangler, every soul a demon waiting for your downfall.
You can’t do this anymore. You want to go back to the palace, to be safe and away from the hell Beomgyu built around you to keep you in his clutches. 
“Baby, baby, breathe.” Beomgyu cries urgently, and you realize you’re hyperventilating. 
“I want to go home.”
“But the celebration isn’t over.” He tries to dissuade you but you shake your head urgently. “Please, take me home.” 
One look at the desperation in your eyes and he’s whisking you away from everything, tucking you under his wing and hastening back to the palace. 
Beomgyu tries to hold back. He tries to coax you into opening up and calming down, but you know he can’t help his excitement. This is the day he’s been waiting for for years.
“Baby, he will never speak a word of it to anyone.” He assures you, his lips following close behind his words, sealing the promise in. 
And you know he’s most likely right, but neither possibility makes you feel much better. On the one hand, he stays silent just like all the others and Beomgyu has his way. On the other hand, he speaks up, causing a small ruckus but ultimately no one believes him and once again Beomgyu has his way. 
That’s the way it is and always will be. 
“Let’s just focus on ourselves, okay, love?” He murmurs, slowly stripping you of your dress, his lips covering every inch the fabric leaves exposed until soon enough, he’s on his knees, kissing your stomach behind which your baby lies. “Let’s focus on our child.” 
You have to give it up to Beomgyu. He outsmarted you and everyone else at every turn, and here you are, standing there like an obedient little doll as he hikes one of your legs over his shoulder before burying his face in your cunt, moaning out loud at the taste of you. He takes his fill of you, his tongue insinuating itself between your lips as he laps up your arousal eagerly. He has you right where he wanted, and you begged him for it too–begged for his messed up love and attention, and now you have it, till death do you part. 
"You're finally mine. I can’t believe you’re finally mine.” He murmurs in awe as if he didn’t meticulously plan and scheme for this very moment, as if he hadn’t been dictating and manipulating your every move until you ended up here. 
You should be happy. Damn it, be happy, you bitch. You wanted this. You did this. You caused this war and you abandoned the one man who allowed you to be your own person. So be fucking happy, give in to the pleasure and decadence Beomgyu is offering you, give into his sweet, poisonous temptation that you allowed him to feed you and be done with it. Stop hanging on the fence. It’s not fooling anyone, not Taehyun, and certainly not Beomgyu. 
But you can’t. You can’t just let the luxurious celebration or the soothing moonlight or his soft touches and earnest eyes make you forget what he did to arrive at this moment–the pain, the lies, the betrayal… He didn’t just hurt Taehyun, or his father and brother… he hurt you too. It was on a night just like this–maybe as beautiful to Ryujin’s eyes–when he took you against your will in order to ruin you for other men. He didn’t listen to you as you begged and pleaded for him to stop. He didn’t care that he was breaking your heart. All he cared about was ensuring that you stayed by his side and he was perfectly willing to break you in order to achieve that. 
He forced himself into every aspect of your life–he forced himself on you, he forced himself into your marriage, how he's working so hard to erase any sign of the life you had without him. 
No, this isn’t perfect. This is messed up, just like the both of you. 
"My queen. You are the only thing I ever wanted and now you’re mine."
Have you ever not been his?
He gets to his feet, making you taste yourself on his tongue as he kisses you. Then he tries to nudge you towards the bed but you remain fixed to the ground where you stand, giving him pause.
“Come on, need you, baby.” He pouts, kissing you, but you won’t kiss back, which makes him grow frustrated. “Please, won’t you let me have you?” 
You can’t hold it in. You can’t lie to yourself anymore. This is not the dream you’ve always wanted, this is the ghoulish version of your wishes that the gods are taunting you with for being such a wretched sinner. 
"Now you're asking?” The illusion of the perfect night shatters on your sharp words. Your dream wasn’t for free. It was built on tears and blood, some of them your own. “You didn't ask when you forced yourself on me."
"Baby…" He's shocked by you bringing it up again on your wedding night. Did he expect it to just be brushed aside and not mentioned again? He probably did. He never really owned up to it, just blamed it on you, made excuses for why he did it, tried to make you forget it even happened. 
He must’ve counted on you being dazzled by the glamor of it all, on you being swept off your feet by his extravagant show of courtship that you’d forget about all his atrocities even if for one night. But you suppose even someone as smart as him can fall prey to wishful thinking.  
"What? You’re uncomfortable hearing what you did to me?" You mock cruelly and he winces. "I'm sorry." 
That makes you lose it and you slap him, unable to hold yourself back when faced with yet another lie spilling from his mouth. He holds his hand to his face in shock but doesn’t retaliate. 
"You're not sorry. You got what you wanted.” You sneer, anger bubbling up in your stomach and leaving a sour taste at the back of your throat. “But I want to hear you say it anyway. Show me how pretty you can lie.”
“Baby–” You slap him again, as hard as you can, and this time there are tears in his eyes as he looks back at you. “I’m sorry.” 
“On your knees.” You order him, and he obeys, slumping to his knees so hard the sound makes you cringe. But you refrain from showing him any mercy, drawing your hand back to slap him again, on both cheeks this time. 
He takes them in stride, quickly turning his face back to you following each one, apologies spilling from his tongue to attempt to assuage your wrath. 
But it’s not enough for you. “Say it more. Cry for me." You growl, hitting him again and again. 
"I'm so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m s-sorry."
You don’t know why you insist on hearing it when each time he says it, it fills you with more rage. Maybe it’s because you’re hoping to hear a genuine apology from him–hoping that one of his pathetic emulations of sorrow would sound close enough to the real thing to allow you to trick yourself into believing it. 
But your striking hand turns red and sore long before that fabled utterance leaves his mouth, and before his reddened cheeks and teary eyes beg you for a break.  
“Get up.” You scoff, dragging him up by his hair and throwing him on the bed, and he lets you throw his weight around without a fight. “Take your clothes off and lie down. Hands above your head.” 
You turn your back to him to go grab something that could be fashioned into restraints of some sort. You don’t have the luxury of having spare ropes lying around and maids paid and willing to restrain him the way he did to you, but you’ll make it work. 
You settle on a thin, long piece of cloth that you take with you back to the bed, only to find him still dressed. “What did I say?” 
Beomgyu flinches and starts taking his clothes off, mumbling, “Wanted you to look at me.” 
You scoff, glaring at him as he strips, but that’s good enough for Beomgyu. At least you’re paying attention to him. When he’s done, he lies down on the bed and you climb over him, tying his limp hands to the head of the bed and making sure he can’t get out of them. You are no expert in such things, and you may have put them on a little too tightly, but you don’t care. He deserves all the pain. 
“What are you going to do, my love?” He finally wagers to ask once you’re done. 
“What? Are you scared of what I am going to do to you?” You ask, and he shakes his head. “I know that whatever you do to me, I would’ve deserved it. But I also know that you love me and can’t be without me. So whatever you have in mind, do it. Take your revenge on me, hurt me, make me suffer, do whatever it takes to come back to me.” 
His words infuriate you more. How is it a punishment if he wants it? He can’t even give you that, can he? This is another means to an end for him, a way for him to get what he wants again. “You really don’t care, huh? As long as you get what you want, you’re willing to hurt yourself, hurt me, hurt anyone.” Your voice drips with spite. 
“It’s for the best.” He maintains and you rage, putting your hand over his mouth and nose, suffocating the words inside. “Shut. Up. Shut the fuck up.”
You keep your hand there for a while, smothering him, and yet he lies still, the only movements coming from him are the small jerks of his muscles as they try to jump into action to push you off before he prematurely aborts the action. He becomes so starved for air that the moment you release your hand, the breaths race to enter his body as he heaves them in, and yet you don’t hear a peep of protest from him. 
Whatever. You’ll find a way to make him hurt. You’ll find a way to have him begging for you to stop. If you’re going to let him win then you should at least make him suffer. Maybe then you wouldn’t feel as guilty for giving in.
“You want me, right? Did all of this just to get me?” You ask cryptically and he regards you warily as you climb up his body and position yourself over his face. “Then take your fill of me, baby.” 
You sit down on his face, smothering him before he gets the chance to regain his breath. You don’t know if Beomgyu doesn’t notice your intention or if he simply doesn’t care, because as soon as your pussy is on his mouth, he gets to work, kissing and licking at it as if he’s been waiting for you to do just that. 
Damn him to the seventh hell. 
You make sure to hold your sounds in as he all but devours you, his tongue sweeping along your slit, hungrily lapping up your juices that he so easily commands. Does holding back even make a difference when your body is always so honest with him? 
Yes, because Beomgyu is greedy. It’s not enough for him to have physical evidence of your desire and damning need for him, he also craves the spoken confessions, whether reluctant or enthusiastic he doesn’t care. He just wants you to say it. 
So you bite down on your lip until you taste blood, uncaring about how harshly you’re gripping his hair or how roughly you’re grinding yourself on his face. And Beomgyu takes it, eagerly mouthing at your pussy as his teary eyes peer up at you, pleading with you to say something. 
You hold in all the moans that struggle to get out when his lips wrap around your clit and suck, all the sighs that are trapped in your throat when he pushes his tongue inside you, all the “good boy”s that ache to burst out of you when he sticks his tongue out and lets you ride it. 
You only speak when the air in his lungs reaches a critical low and he finally starts choking under you. But you still don’t immediately get off him. 
"What's wrong? Want to breathe?" You taunt, and he whines into your pussy, arching his back and prompting you to glance backwards, your eyes landing on his leaking cock that is dripping onto his tummy. "You like this, you fucking pervert? Like choking on my pussy?"
He moans again, his body jerking under you from the lack of oxygen, and you finally rise up, letting him heave in some much needed breaths. Then the idiot uses that precious air to whine, “Tell me I’m making you feel good.” 
“What does it matter what I’m feeling when it has always been about you.” You hiss, reaching back and taking his cock in your hand, jerking it off slowly. “As long as you get your cock wet, nothing else matters.”
He shakes his head harshly. “No, that’s not true. You don’t even have to touch me. Just let me make you feel good.” He whines, sticking his tongue out for you to sit on again, perfectly fine with you suffocating him if it meant he’d continue to taste you. 
But you don’t. He’s not getting what he wants. Instead you grab his tongue between your thumb and index finger and pull on it. 
“Bastard.” You sneer, spitting in his mouth, but once again, that only makes him moan. 
“You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” You mutter, letting his tongue go and he pulls it back in his mouth and swallows, smiling. “I know. I wear it like a badge of honor. I never would have gotten you if I wasn’t a little crazy.” 
“Are you proud of what you’ve done?” You question in disbelief.
“Hurting you? No. Everything else, yes.” 
“As if you could separate the two. It all hurt me.” You shake your head. “You’re a monster.” 
“And yet you want me. You love me. What does that make you?” 
“Yes, I am a monster too.” You finally admit, and he smiles, smug. “Should I show you how much of a monster I can be? Perhaps I should celebrate this night how you celebrated your first wedding and get someone to take you against your will, make you feel what it’s like.” 
"I know what it's like." He grits. 
"Oh, please. You dare compare what she did to you to what you did to me?"
“It’s the same, you just won’t admit it. You’re only angry she took what’s yours. You don’t care about how I feel or how much it hurt me. You’re even blaming me for it.”  He growls, smirking bitterly when you don’t deny it. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You would never let anyone else touch me.”
“You’re right. You’re only mine. I can’t let anyone else have you.” You tell him absentmindedly, an idea popping into your brain, and you ignore how his smile gets wide, getting off him. 
“Where are you going?” He asks worriedly. The crazy bastard would rather get slapped and smothered than lose your attention. Well, you’ll give him all your fucking attention. 
You return to the bed, brandishing a new item as you straddle his legs. He frowns at the sight of the dagger you’re now holding, the metal of it gleaming in the candlelight. 
“What are you going to do with that?” He questions you, and you chuckle, trailing the sharp tip from his belly button all the way up to his neck. “Are you scared now?” 
“No.” He answers steadily, craning his head back to expose more of his neck for you. "Come on, kill me and save your precious murderer." He taunts carelessly, "You can't do it. You can't live without me."
“Oh, puppy, I know. And I know you know. You know me so well, as I know you.” You drawl, moving the knife slowly back down towards you. “And I know the one thing you’re scared of… losing me.” 
At that, you raise the dagger up and put it to your own neck, and just like that, his expression dramatically changes. 
“What are you doing? Careful.” He scolds, all confidence fleeing from his body. 
You cock your head at him curiously. “What? Scared I’ll hurt myself?” You taunt, moving the dagger downwards and pressing it against your chest.. 
“This isn’t funny.” Beomgyu tenses. 
“Oh, but I disagree.” You laugh, wincing a bit as you drag the knife over the skin above your left breast. 
“Stop it!” He screams, attempting to get out of his binds for the first time. His eyes follow the trail of blood slowly seeping out of the superficial wound. 
“But it just got interesting.” You mock, making another cut and causing Beomgyu to scream. “Please, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything, just stop it.” 
“What can you do?” You bark, “Go back in time and not rape me? Stop yourself from interfering in my marriage? Not start a fucking war to get me back?”
He clamps his mouth shut and you mutter dejectedly. “No. Of course not.”
You grab his cock again, stroking it. You pay close attention to his reactions as he tries to stay focused, tries not to let his brain fog up at the pleasure, but your touches are deliberate and purposeful, touching him just the way you know he likes, and before long you hear his little frustrated puffs of restrained pleasure. 
“Does that feel good, puppy?” You purr, gliding your pussy over the base of his cock while you cradle the head of his cock in your palm, your thumb swiping at the sensitive spot just under the tip. 
“Yes.” He huffs, still valiantly trying to stay alert but you can see the haziness taking over his eyes as he peers through his long lashes at where you’re touching. “You know just how to touch me to have me wrapped around your fingers. Please, just fuck me and forget about all this madness.” 
“Easy for you to say when you’ve gotten everything you ever wanted.” You circle your hand around the head of his cock and move it in a twisting motion that has his jaw slackening and whatever comeback he had die on his tongue. 
“Do you want my pussy?” You ask curiously as if you don’t know, rising up on your knees and lining his cock with your entrance before sinking down the slightest bit, letting the flushed head breach your hole before quickly taking it out. 
“Oh, please!” He mewls, his hips pushing up to chase your warmth. 
“Stay down.” You suddenly growl, all fake sweetness gone from your voice as you point the dagger back at yourself and Beomgyu immediately stills, whimpering, “Okay, okay, just put that down.” 
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. You’re not in control here.” You spit at him, wishing that by saying it you could grow to believe it. For his part, Beomgyu nods obediently, keeping his mouth shut. 
You sink down on his tip once again, letting him enjoy the warmth for a few seconds before pulling off him. You repeat the same thing over and over again, for no reason other than to see him pant and whimper and struggle to stay still. 
“Does it hurt, puppy? Look how red your cock is. You must be dying to bury it inside my. tight. wet. pussy.” You tease him, punctuating every word by giving him a short taste of your pussy. 
“Yes, hurts so bad. Need you so much.” He sniffles. 
“Yeah.” You coo, sickeningly sweet to distract him from the coming attack, “Tell me, did it feel good when you forced me to take your cock on your wedding night?” 
Immediately, his defenses go up. “I had to–” 
You press the dagger to his abdomen and make a long shallow slice that has him sucking in a sharp intake of air as the trail of the dagger blooms red. “Don’t you dare lie to me. You came. That must mean you liked it. Or was that something that you had to do too?” 
Beomgyu chews on his lip anxiously, afraid to say anything that would push you off the edge right now when even his excuses can give rise to such an outraged response from you. 
“No, you just wanted to claim me. You couldn’t handle another man taking me when you’ve worked so hard on me.” 
He tries to reach out to you but the restraints keep him in place so he settles on whimpering, “I just loved you too much to let you go.” 
“Well, here I am.” You grab his cock, lining your pussy up with it before sinking down on it, sighing, “There you go, just what you wanted. Are you happy now?” 
“No. Want you to be happy first.” 
“Stop lying.” You hiss, making a deeper cut over where his heart lies. “This has only ever been about you.” 
Beomgyu he shakes his head in denial still, letting you marr his skin the same way he marred your soul. 
“No? So if I told you that I would be happier dead, you’d let me go?” You ask threateningly, pointing the dagger at your belly. “If I told you I don’t want this child, would you let me carve it out?” 
“You wouldn’t.” He croaks, tears filling up his widened eyes. 
“Are you sure about that?” You bottle up every icy tendril of fear trying to grip your heart as you dig the tip of the dagger into your skin. Beomgyu completely loses it, starting to yank harshly on his binds so hard it rattles the bed and almost throws you off. 
“Good job, Beomgyu. You almost made me stab myself.” You lie but he immediately ceases his struggle. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." 
"Stop saying that! You're not sorry." You shout at him, and he wails as you cut yourself again.
“Please, I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt yourself. Don’t leave me. Please, stop this.” He cries inconsolably, large teardrops splashing down his red cheeks. “If you don’t want the child then we can get rid of it. Just don’t leave me.” 
That stops you in your tracks. “You would give up our child?” You ask incredulously and he nods. “I would do anything for us to stay together.” 
His words unsettle you deeply. So even the child you’ve both been dreaming of can be sacrificed in his relentless pursuit of you? What will he not do in order to keep you? Is anything sacred to this monster you love? 
Beomgyu grows uneasy at your silence and he calls out to you in a weak voice. “Princess…My queen, please say something.”
“There is no redemption for you, is there?” You ask, and he presses his lips together stubbornly. “I don’t want redemption. I just want you.” 
And there it is, proof that there is no redemption for you either–the tightening of your chest at his heretical proclamation of his love for you.  
“You’ve ruined me. I should hate you. I should kill you… but you’re in my blood like poison.” You mutter bitterly, clenching your pussy around him in a way that has him bucking his hips up into you. You suck in a sharp breath at the spike in pleasure as his length fills you up to the brim. 
”But none of that matters to you, does it? As long as you get to fuck me, to own me.” If it’s hypocritical for you to say that while bouncing on his cock then the irony is not lost on you, but who do you have to impress anyway? Beomgyu knows you too well for that. “You only think with this cock.” 
He shakes his head but his hips have a mind of their own and they continue to thrust up into you so you discard the dagger and press your hands against them to keep them in place. “No. Down boy. You will lie back and take what I give you. Just like you did to me.” 
He whimpers pathetically but obeys. Only when you’re sure he’s not going to move do you start moving over his cock again, bringing forth more pathetic cries from him. 
“There you go, cry louder for me, my monster.” You sneer, your nails digging into his flesh as you ride him ruthlessly. 
“Yes, anything you want.” He babbles, struggling to keep his eyes from rolling back. 
“This must be heaven for you, marrying me, knocking me up… it’s everything your twisted mind wanted.” 
He nods shamelessly. “Waited so long.” 
“How does it feel then?”
“So sweet. So–ahh–so good.” 
“You want to cum, don’t you?” You narrow your eyes at him and he nods eagerly. “Already? God, you’re pathetic.” You degrade him but Beomgyu doesn’t care, eating it all up. “Only for you.”
“I know.” You say dismissively, as if you don’t crave that validation just as much as he craves your attention. “Cum then. Spend your seed inside me.”
“Yes, my queen.” He answers with the devotion of a priest offering up a sacrifice to their god. You feel his warm seed filling you up and you slide your hips against him deliberately, milking his cock. “That’s it. Does that feel good?” 
He nods. “Y-yeah… so good. Want to make you f–fuck–feel good too.” 
“Aw, how sweet. Why don’t you then?” You coo, picking up your pace over his spent cock once more. 
Beomgyu’s look of shock only lasts a second before realization sets in. But he bites his lip, holding in his cries of overstimulation. 
“What? You’re not going to beg me to stop?” You ask mockingly and Beomgyu shakes his head. “No. You can use me however you want. I’m yours to break.” 
Your lip curls up in a sneer. Once again, he won’t give you the satisfaction of having hurt him. You’re almost tempted to grab the dagger you had discarded just to make him freak out again. 
But you’re painfully close and edging yourself while letting him cum doesn’t exactly sound like a punishment for him. So you trade your energetic bouncing on his cock for more deliberate swivels of your hips that allow you to snake your hand between your legs to rub at your clit. 
Beomgyu eyes immediately follow your action. “Untie me. I want to do that for you.” 
“Oh, you want to? So I should let you, because Beomgyu always gets whatever the fuck he wants, huh? No one else matters.” 
Beomgyu shakes his head harshly, crying pitifully, frustrated that you’re twisting his words. “No. That’s not it. Just want to make you feel good.” 
But you won't give him a break, even if he's all pussydrunk. “Want. Again, it’s all about what you want.” 
“No, no, no…” He wails, shaking his head in denial, his mind too fogged up to argue with you.
“Don’t lie, Beomgyu. You said you wanted to fill me up every night, right? So do it. Cum in me until you ruin me for everyone else, just like I know you want.” You goad him. “Claim me just like the animal you are.” 
“Yes, my queen. Anything you want. I love you so much.” He sobs as he cums a second time, not trying to deny your filthy allegations anymore. As his hips buck up, frenzied by the second orgasm, he pushes you over the edge too, the both of you shuddering in ecstasy, joined together like you are meant to. 
Orgasming together with Beomgyu always feels almost spiritual, the way the barrier between your two beings blur and for a few seconds you become one. In those few seconds of utter bliss, you feel like you might just tumble into his body and never come out again. 
It’s an intense feeling and it leaves you exhausted, the both of you, but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to give him a break. Powering through the discomfort, you keep riding him, not giving him a moment’s reprieve, and Beomgyu’s body twists and squirms under your merciless ministration. 
“No more. Please stop.” 
“What? Don’t you want me anymore? You did such disgusting, sick things for this pussy, didn’t you? Acted like a rabid dog and tore down anyone who stood between you and me but now you want to stop? No, you're going to lie there and fucking take it.” 
“Please, p-please, aghhh—no more.” Beomgyu cries, his body contorting under you but you hold him in place, your hands bruising his slender body. 
You laugh at his struggle. “Come one, Beomgyu, you don’t expect me to stop just because you’re begging me to now, don’t you? That’s not what you taught me. So come on, be a good mutt and take it.”
Your pace is brutal, the fury coursing through your body searing off your nerves until you can’t feel the overstimulation and the pain anymore, the only thing on your mind is to make him hurt for what he did to you. 
And he does, cumming and crying, crying and cumming. You don’t really know how many times he orgasmed because after a couple of times, his drained balls didn’t have any more seed to give you. But his tears never stopped, overtaking his useless pleas until nothing but garbled cries left his swollen lips. 
“Nghhh–ahhh, pl…ease…” You hear Beomgyu croak when you finally slow down, and you look at his face to see it drenched with tears and drool–his lips bitten raw, his pupils dilated, his cheeks flushed, and his whole expression fucked out. “C-can’t…” 
He manages to articulate what you can plainly see. He can’t handle any more. His body trembles beneath you, and his limbs fall uselessly against the bed. He has no fight left in him. 
You grab the dagger again and point it at him. He doesn’t react, no more wise words, no more challenges, he just stares at you and waits, entirely drained. So then you direct it at yourself and he musters up energy from thin air to beg, “Don’t… leave…me.”
Beomgyu is not afraid of death. He’s afraid of being without you. You know what that feels like all too well. Isn’t that why you haven’t killed him yet? 
You use the knife to cut off his restraints, and as soon as he’s free, he reaches out to you, weakly, powerlessly, but you let him take you into his arms, embracing you like the devil welcoming a sinner to hell. 
There are dark circles under his eyes and the both of you are covered in blood but his smile is serene as he looks at you. “We finally belong to each other.” 
“I have always belonged to you, Beomgyu.” You reply defeatedly, finally giving up. 
A/N: next chapter is the final chapter so be sure to let me know your predictions/wishes for the end! i love to read your theories and hear your thoughts ❤️
also here's a poll. it won't affect the ending at all, i'm just curious lol
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gigisdoll · 2 months
Cw: noncon,manipulation,, seojin is a bad person, fingering, reader is described as smaller than seojin
Pairings; cheon seojin x reader
Notes; JSAKSIUSOWIW she is doing things to me :(( i needdd to get this out also @pepemyfantasy dm'd me if i upload any shi like this😵‍💫
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All you've ever wanted was to become a singer, a star, a person prodigies look up to, just like cheon seojin. She was your idol, your star even... so when you were offered vocal lessons from her you couldn't say no! but seriously you couldn't. if you did she would've made sure your life would be over until you came back to her.
once you arrived at Hera Palace you went straight upstairs. getting confused on where you were supposed to go you met a nice lady named suryeon! she was so nice and warm you felt so safe with her :)) ur innocent eyes and small stature made her drawn to you specifically, as well as the way you talked, so nervously n fidgety you were so cute! but when you asked where seojin's room was she was quite mad... i mean why wouldn't she be? a thieving witch like seojin shouldn't have access to such a naive n sweet girl like you! but you headed off to her place anyway cus u were extremely excited to finally meet your idol!
but when you do she's already so bossy :(( she keeps saying to resonate better but this is your limit? or get a higher note when you've already hit the note perfectly so she can keep you for longer than necessary :// n suryeon did not trust her very much!!! n she was right cause seojin didn't trust herself either. controlling herself was so hard for her... and the way you sat there, looking all pretty she was trying hard to regulate herself n not take you right then and there!!! ur cute smile n pretty lil eyes made it even harder for her ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) as the night went on the rain got heavier n heavier , n darker nd darker! it'd be foolish of her to allow such a pretty girl out of her sight, at night nonetheless!
you kept asking if she was sure she'd let you stay, cause you know you needed to come back home, cause your mom would never let you stay over at a strangers house. "dont worry... i've called your mom and she has agreed to let you stay... " no, of course she hasn't, why would she? you didn't need to know that anyway. pretty girls like you shouldn't need to go anywhere without someone like her!! so obviously she invited you over for dinner like any sane person would?? but it was quite... uncomfortable for you.. her hand on your thigh slowly crept up underneath your skirt, to the point she was barely an inch away from your cunt.. nd as you ate dinner her fingers drew small circles on your inner thigh. but no matter how much you squirmed, or squealed her hand never moved away, even a squeeze or two would occur occasionally.
"ya'know y/n....you'd be such a popular singer... only if someone thrusted you into the spotlight.. " "you... you think so? " "mhm" she smirked slightly, while her hand started to cup ur cunt "and i know just who can help.. " you squeaked as her finger hooked on your panties n pulled em off quickly, "ms. cheon!-" her hand went over ur mouth as she collected your slick along her fingers "god... you wanted this didn't you? you wanted me to fuck you didn't you? that's why you wore this fucking skirt. " your hands gripped on her shoulders as her pointer teased your entrance "whore... trying to get fucked by me huh? want my fingers? hm? " at this point you were on the table, her finger pushing through your entrance, her finger was deep inside of you... but she wouldn't move her finger. " fucking hell, admit it or else your walking out of here high and dry" "please... wan' your fingers so bad! ms. cheon... " your whining got louder n louder as her fingers glided in and out of you quicker than anything you've ever felt.
you felt weird "ms.cheon! please go slow...! " "what? dont tell me your a fucking virgin?" you silenced yourself, telling her your answer "even fucking better... " she already knew, you don't a come across pretty girls whose cunt hasn't been stuffed full. "trust me, i know what i'm doing... " your head was dizzy, you could barely think. you became jello in her arms, allowing her to lie your body down on the table. "please- ms. cheon! " "don't you want to be a recognizable singer? you'll need me to even get into SNU. " her fingers curled up n your eyes got blurry as her pace quickened inside you, you whined loudly "you like that? huh? " all you could do was nod, unable to think very well. "have i already made pretty girl dumb? i bet i did.. " your hands gripped her shoulders tight, as your nails made small half moons on her back. why'd you let her do this? cause you needed any chance you could get to being a popular singer. this was what you needed, a chance, and although ur dignity was left for dead. it'd be okay.
a loud whine escaped your mouth, as the knot in your stomach snapped. you felt dirty, defiled. the fact you let n even enjoyed her having her way with you "i know it felt good.. right, pretty? " you only nodded, not wanting to anger her "felt.. so good"
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lgcmedia · 7 days
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Okaaay so! I'm sure every eterval just saw the article that was put out right?? Anyway, I was camping on the page looking for any news and it just happened to post right when i clicked on! I'm already super excited for the show as a side note but the thing that stood out to me the most is that they're adding two new members to V&A. Specifically, these guys are gonna be put in Versus. Do they fit the vibe I know... I'm a fake LGC group stan and didn't pay attention to LGC Spring Boys!! So teach me about them. I'm about to go on a hunt for all the pre-debut content they have. All I know now is that Akio is an amazing dancer, he's from Japan and seems like a total cutie? But also hot and tall at the same time so it's confusing me in the best way. And! It seems like Seojin's a got an insaaane voice and has been training for a really long time and even already did his military service???
I'm really looking forward to how they're gonna be on the show because it's where a lot of us will meet them for the first time! Does this mean they are god-like producers like the other V&A guys?? For whatever reason, some haters (obviously not fans :/) were saying they won't live up to the other lineups and I'm confident they'll be proven wrong. I seriously can't wait.
[ + / - ] This again? You're way too excited. They honestly don't impress me and I have to agree with the "haters" … Park Seojin is an ancient trainee and he still needed serious dance lessons after he disappeared. They say wine ages nicely in the basement but I just see something rotten. Not to mention, Akio is super boring and is frankly nothing more than a pretty face… Not memorable at all. Does he even know how to sing or speak Korean well? [ + / - ] anyway!!! our cutie akio is a dancing machine and has more talent in his pinky finger than you!! im cheering for him as someone from hokkaido. after seeing him during spring boys… I can't wait to see how much he's grown!!! and he isn't just a dancer. his voice is sooo pretty, too. just you wait til you see him on stage ♡♡♡ all who speak against akio shall fall [ + / - ] the audacity of some ppl to say that THE Park Seojin can never live up to the previous lineup when he outsings all of your faves? you should feel grateful that he chose to grace kpop with his talent because he could very well be a rock god instead! I will curse every last soul who slanders our oppa's name. Park Seojin, congratulations on your debut!!!!!!
▷ load next 15 comments?
(A/N: This was originally posted on May 30, 2024.)
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june-pop · 11 months
The Penthouse Headcanons
Hey!! This is my first post I’ve ever done. I never thought I would actually make one here but here I am😭 anyway I’m making this because I really love this k-drama but I don’t see a lot of stuff about it in here so I’m doing some headcanons….because I can
- Most of the Hera palace kids don’t know how to cook except Rona, Jenny & Eunbyeol
I just get that vibe from them. Minhyuk and his dad rely on their mom for cooking and cleaning. The twins have their own maid who does that. Seokhoon might know basic stuff but not enough. I definitely think Jenny cooks with her mom sometimes. Ha Eunbyeol learned to try and impress Seokhoon. Rona definitely helps her mom around the kitchen
- Seokkyung can’t sleep when there’s thunder and lighting at nighttime.
This ain’t exactly a headcanon, Seokhoon confirmed that in season 1? I believe. I remember he said that to his father. I just felt like this needed to be brought to light
- Shin Suryeon’s love language is definitely quality time. You can’t tell me otherwise
- Seokkyung and Seokhoon definitely find comfort and security in each other.
I feel they both suffer from nightmares due to multiple reasons so I can imagine one of them waking up to the other texting or calling in the middle of the night about how they can’t sleep, and the other person shows up at their room a few minutes later and they just end up talking or cuddling to sleep
- Mari definitely saw Rona as her own daughter when Yoon Hee died.
She took her in and even left her husband because he didn’t want to have anything to do with Rona. That’s some motherly love right there.
- Shim Suryeon took many self defense and fighting classes
Have you SEEN the way this girl handles Joo Dantae sometimes😭the lord knows getting into a fight with her will leave on the ground with a broken nose.
- Ha Yoon Chul takes Eunbyeol to go eat out secretly behind Seojins back
Seojin only has her daughter eat certain and extremely healthy foods that are “fit for singer”. Yoon Chul just wants to make sure his daughter can enjoy all types of food and take her out so she doesn’t stay cooped up inside the penthouse.
- Kang Mari definitely likes women👌🏾
I rest my case….
- Jenny had a crush on Rona at one point, but it eventually went away
- Yoon Hee and Rona have karaoke nights
- Min Hyuk had a biiiiiigggg crush on Seokhoon
That was actually revealed by min Hyuks actor that it was originally written for min hyuk to be in love with seokhoon
That’s all I could think of😅 what are some of your headcanons?
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lgcseojin · 1 month
✱ TRACK 014
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⸻ VERSUS MISSION / Q2 schedules
There is a suffocating pressure that weighs on Seojin's shoulders. Not only is the filming of the song camp his first official appearance as a member of V&A — and more importantly: Versus — but he is expected to join them for a popular magazine photoshoot and stand with them on stage at the Waterbomb festival and KCON, of all things. There are certain expectations from the fans. An introduction via his producing skill in particular is not something he came to expect, nor did he think he would have his entrance on the heels of two departures. The shoes he's meant to fill seem like rather big ones when he views them from afar.
His confidence wavers like an unsteady tide against a beach. Just as he thinks he is sure, he takes a step back into choppy waters that pull at his legs. Becoming too certain about what comes next only meets him with things like disappointment and second-guessing himself. It is not the first time a promise of debut has been dangled in front of him in such a tantalizing way. He is confirmed, he practices — he waits.
In that waiting, little questions bloom into doubts. His mind drifts to the spring he experienced three years ago; a traumatic one, to say the least. What if his dream is pulled out from underneath him now, too? What if all he's prepared for turned out to be for nothing? What if? What if?
A ghost calls out his name, beckoning, questioning when uttered a second time until he finally snaps out of his trance. When he widens his eyes again, he finds himself in a room, face to face with an empty space. A blink, he remembers. He hears the clamoring of fans from the other side of the barrier. He gulps but swallowing expectations tastes like gargling gravel. He looks to the mic pack in his lap and the still hands that forget how to function. ( He wonders if he even remembers how to play the guitar like he used to. ) It's not like you to be this way. Park Seojin doesn't get nervous.
A hand slaps itself against his cheek ( his own ), hard enough to hear the tap. It's enough to pull him out of his trance for good.
"Okay! I...—" he clears his throat; it's not like him to hesitate, but he feels that pressure to deliver a perfect product. He put his complete faith in the other members' strengths and specialties and they must have put in his own. He assures them they're in good hands — reliant on each other despite the circumstances.
Seojin expels another sigh, standing now to join the rest where the stairs meet the stage. He can see the arms of fans holding phones and signs; clear as day in the light cresting over the platform edge. It sends his heart into a frenzy and he sucks a breath in. All he needs to think of is knowing the moment the music starts, none of his stranded thoughts will matter.
You've finally made it now, haven't you?
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lgcwenjun · 4 months
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camera rolling ... lai wenjun - newkids newdreams profile!
he's still in disbelief, nothing about this feels real. wenjun wonders for how long he's been running towards this dream – he wonders if he'll actually be able to achieve it. after all, he's simply just a trial member. either way though, the word member has his heart thumping a little fast in excitement.
taking a seat, he realizes then how he's gotten just a little more used to a camera in front of his face. if he really does debut with nknd... would this be his future? in truth, wenjun had never thought of himself as someone who stood out – and he wonders if his nervousness shows on his face. probably, wenjun's never been good at masking his expressions.
"hello, my name is lai wenjun," he bows to the camera before giving it a wave. "i'm turning twenty two this year," he gestures 'two' with his fingers and smiles. would people know this? oh – probably. but at the very least, wenjun thinks he should introduce himself. unlike the other nknd members, wenjun hadn't always been the most public trainee out there. which he didn't quite mind, he'd always been someone who felt as though they blended in the background well. except maybe, he wasn't. he takes in a deep breath to focus.
Q: between dancing, singing, rapping, producing and lyrics writing, which skill do you want to be recognized for?
"ah..." he bites on his lower lip. "definitely singing," he answers honestly. "i was never a naturally gifted dancer. it took me years before i felt like i could catch up with everyone else. i think i'm still lacking a bit... but when it comes to singing..." his voice trails off just slightly. "i'm confident," he nods his head with a smile – if there's anything that he's truly confident in, it's his singing. he knows that he isn't the best vocalist out there, but he's fairly certain that he's at the very least, above average.
"it would be nice... to one day be able to share my voice... i think of that a lot," he finds himself saying.
for some reason, a little more comfortable with the camera in front of his face.
Q: which role would you ideally like to have in the final lineup?
wenjun shifts in his seat. "the final lineup..." his voice trails off. "that..." he nibbles at his lower lip slightly. "i'm not a core member. i'm a trial member," he begins, and he wonders just how honest he can be on camera. hopefully honest enough. again, he can't seem to help the expression on his face. "i'd like to be a main vocalist," his cheeks turn a little red – he's always been a little shy when speaking of the things that he'd like, of things that he yearned for. but if not now, then when? when would be a good time, wenjun thinks.
"is it okay for me to hope for that?" he says aloud, and when he catches himself doing so, he laughs a little embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
Q: on which youtube show would you like to appear?
"all of them!" perhaps wenjun's a little too excited when he speaks, his eyes light up and he brings both his hands to his cheeks to calm down. "ah i – i've never been on a youtube show so... i thought it would be nice to be on one. it's always looked so interesting, and they're fun to watch. i wonder what i'd be like in front of the camera," he laughs for a moment, and then realizes exactly what situation he's in.
in front of the camera.
"oh! i mean... well i guess i know now!"
after a moment of pondering, he continues. "noeul hyung has a youtube show now... it would be nice to film that with him! i also really liked seojin sunbaenim's noraebattle... something like that would be fun too!"
Q: what's your ideal concept?
"something fun and youthful. i think i'd suit bright concepts pretty well," he nods his head and takes a look at his hands. "something that shows off... my boyish charms? that would be a nice concept to have," he nods his head slowly as he ponders over it even more. "concepts that... heal your heart? is that how i should say?" he gets a little embarrassed, and begins rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "something that makes you feel at ease!"
Q: is that a concept that wouldn't suit you?
"sexy, bad boy concept," wenjun probably answers this a little too quickly, but his eyebrows are furrowed and he nods his head very much like he's confessing something to the camera, before he breaks out into another laugh. "i don't think those kind of concepts suit me. because i'm not very bad," he says. "i've always been a rule follower. i don't think i've broken any rules, even back in school. i've always been too afraid!"
Q: as an idol what do you want to achieve?
"hmm..." he ponders over this question for a while, before giving an answer. "the rookie of the year award. that's definitely something i've always wanted. because it's something that you can only get once in your career." he'd be lying if he said he'd never imagined it – getting the rookie award and standing on stage, while thanking his family and friends.
"and then of course, if i... if i'm dreaming big, a daesang. but i probably still have a very long way to go. i haven't even debuted yet. but i've been told it's always good to dream big."
Q: is there anything you would like your group to be known for?
"our music. i think that's the first thing. i'd love for people from all walks of life to enjoy our music," he smiles – it's nice, just thinking about it. our music. music with his name.
"our good personalities. i think... everyone in newkids newdreams is very nice, and have warm hearts. i think it'd be good if others knew that as well!"
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nuoyipeach · 5 months
Play Pretend
Lee Taeyong X Kang Seulgi
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warning: single parents
tags: @gerardeveryway @gomseulgiii @innssanityyy @seulyongggi (+anon requested)
"Baby have you got your report card yet?" Taeyong asked while buttoning his shirt and walking out of his bedroom. His eyes scanned the living room until it fell on the figure of the ten year old laying on the couch lazily, groaning as a response. "Hurry up, let me sign it before you go today." he ordered heading into the kitchen.
The young girl sighed before getting up and fixing back her school uniform, taking out a file from her backpack and handing it to her father at the dining table, where he drank his coffee. Taeyong took it and looked through the card.
"B- in Geography?" he looked at his daughter, raising an eyebrow.
"The teacher is mean OK!" she exclaimed. "I swear daddy she absolutely hates kids and decided to teach just to punish us."
Taeyong chuckled watching the girl pout and slouch into the chair opposite to him, shaking his head before taking out a pen from his pocket and signing the card, handing it back to her.
"Well, you still got As and Bs mostly, so I guess that counts for a little present, don't you think?" he watched as she sat up straight with gleaming eyes, nodding enthusiastically causing her father to laugh.
A smile on his daughter's face was his immediate ecstasy, the cure for all the sadness he felt since her existence.
"After school today, I'll pick you and we'll go to the mall, you can pick out one thing, budget is 40,000 won."
The girl got up and ran to her father's side, hugging his neck tight. "I LOVE YOU DADDY YOU'RE THE BEST!"
"Wow, all for one present huh." he fake sulked, making the girl sigh in exasperation, and he just laughed at her, giving a soft kiss to her cheek. "Go get your bag now, you'll be late."
"Seojin please calm down." Seulgi's voice shook as she didn't know what to do anymore, her one year old fussing in her arms as she sat in the clinic. She was so tired, but couldn't rest a second at the thought of her baby sick to the point of crying.
"Kang Seojin." she looked up as the nurse finally called them in after what felt like forever, and quickly headed in to the doctor's office with her daughter in one hand and the baby bag in her other. She was quick to fall into the patient's seat opposite the doctor, who was focused on his screen before turning to them.
"Hello, I'm Dr Lee." he greeted, and Seulgi responded. "So this is Kang Seojin, one year old, baby girl, right?" she nodded, and noticed the doctor eyes her fussing baby who had calmed for a second when seeing the new face. The doctor typed away in his computer, before motioning her to sit on the bed and lay Seojin on it.
"So what seems to be the problem Ms?" he asked taking is stethoscope off his neck.
Seulgi looked at her baby still fussing uncomfortably, pulling on her shirt as a sign to carry her again. "She's been like this since yesterday, it's never happened before so I'm incredibly worried. I don't know what to do, it doesn't seem like she's got a temperature, and everything else seems normal. I'm so scared and tired..."
The man took note of the baby's breathing, who had calmed again slightly feeling the cold metal pressed to her chest. Seulgi watched as the doctor smiled at her, making playful expressions while moving the stethoscope around. She wondered if he had listened to her at all with how attentive he was being to Seojin's behaviour, but she knew paediatrics were very smart.
"OK, her breathing seems normal." he put the tool away, then looked at Seulgi, pointing to the baby's little dress. "May I?"
Seulgi stared confused, until she realised what he was asking permission for and felt touched, nodding immediately. He lifted the dress and with light fingers pressed around her tummy, making sounds at the same time to entertain the infant. She watched the way he interacted with her daughter, and almost felt sad if not for the fact she was in public.
"OK, seems like she's a bit bloated." he put her dress down and sat the infant up, holding her hands and playing with them a little as he continued speaking. "I suspect she's having trouble with gas. Has there been any irregularity in her meals? Or maybe something new you've been feeding her recently?"
Seulgi stared at her daughter and thought for a while. She hasn't fed her anything new in the time she's been sick this way, so the only option could be the first.
With a guilty face, she looked at him and answered. "It might have been the meal times. I work as a teacher, and uhm, she only has me, and I only have her..." she bit her bottom lip trying to stop herself from sounding pitiful. "I take her with me to the school and keep her in the day care part time which is free for me as a staff, but I've had to take an extra afternoon class recently, so she stays there a little longer than usual, so me feeding her gets delayed until I get home..."
The man stared a little perplexed. "Doesn't the daycare feed her?"
"They do, I still have to pay just that because she's so young so she requires special meal preparations, but I can only afford to do one for her in the time she's there. She does have some baby snacks in case, but it's not really enough to count as a meal you know..."
Seulgi felt ashamed as her flaws as a mother laid out to the doctor, and she could only pray he didn't judge her or spread the news of a mother being this incompetent. She watched as he stared at Seojin deep in thought, before picking her up and placing the infant on her lap, motioning her to come back to the table.
Once they sat, he typed away in his computer before speaking again. "I see no father listed in her records?" her eyes widened, even more embarrassment washing over her as she nodded.
"She has one, biologically, but... he didn't want anything to do with a baby. It's been just been me since then."
"Well, I can give you a prescription to help with her current bloating, however if her missing a meal continues it won't help in the long run."
He saw how she clearly hated that hypothesis. "What can I do? I took up an extra class for more salary just enough for us two. I can't afford them to feed her twice either." she felt her voice nearly crack, quickly looking away and taking deep breaths to stop herself breaking down.
The doctor rested his chin on his hand, elbow on the table, as he thought about a solution. "How about babysitting?"
"I can't offer enough for people to accept..."
He was deep in thought again, before suddenly raising his brows as if making a discovery. "How about someone young? They won't ask for much." Seulgi stared at him confused, which he clearly noticed before continuing. "You see, I am a single parent myself actually. I have a ten year old daughter, and she goes to the local private academy. The issue is, their classes start eight and end at two, not nine to five like the public schools, and due to office hours I also get off at five. She ends up going home alone, and honestly I trust her but it worries me."
Seulgi empathised deeply with him. She knew despite him having a higher paid job than her and being able to afford niceties more, being a single parent was never easy no matter what.
He continued as she nodded, assuring she was listening. "You work at the local public school right?" he asked, to which she nodded. "Great, hers is just a few minutes walk from there. If you don't mind, I was thinking maybe she could watch Seojin after her classes. That way you won't have to pay double for the daycare meals, and considering she's only ten you won't have to offer too much for babysitting fees either. As her father, I can assure you that it's fine."
Seulgi took his idea seriously, her mind crossing out thr pros and cons of it all. "How will she watch her? I mean like, where?"
"Well, I usually use my lunch break to pick her up and drop her."
Seulgi still wasn't convinced. "But, you don't know my house, and I'm not sure I can let Seojin go to another one like that just yet."
He realised her concern, and nodded before responding. "Where do you live?"
"Well, it's a ten minute walk from the school..."
"Oh that's not far at all, I can just drop them there from now on, and pick her up after work."
"Are you sure?" hesitation filled her voice as she realised how burdensome it sounds on his part. "It sounds like a lot of trouble on your part..."
"It's not don't worry, your place sounds closer to here than mine, so it'll be quick too. I'm only offering because I'd like for her to pick up some responsibility instead of being alone for so long, and it's only for three to four hours."
After much more hesitation, mental debate, and some final thoughts, Seulgi decided it was the only option that doesn't compromise her daughter's health further, so she didn't have much of a choice anyways. Sighing, she agreed to the idea, planning for a meet up first before the young girl would start her job.
The doctor wrote something on two separate note pages. "I'll write her prescription to get her current bloating down, you can pick it up at the counter. And here's my number." he passed both papers across his table as they stood, and smiled putting his hand out. "My full name's Lee Taeyong by the way, my daughter is Lee Yoora."
After a quick lunch meet at a cafe, where Seulgi saw how Yoora adored Seojin and clearly showed signs of being responsible, she finally agreed wholly to the plan, and now sat in her classroom staring at the clock. Yoora should have picked up her daughter by now and already reach their home, and she had promised to let Seulgi know when she does.
Seulgi had left a pre-prepared meal for Seojin, as well as some lunch for Yoora, and left instructions for everything on a paper on the fridge. If her instincts were right during their meet up, Yoora should have no issue navigating everything.
Her phone dinged, and she was quick to grab and check the notification.
Lee Yoora: hi! we reached your home, Seojin fell asleep, do you want me to wake her and feed or wait?
She let out a sigh of relief, and smiled at how seriously the young girl took her job.
Me: hi yoora, glad to hear that. it's time for her afternoon nap, so why don't you go ahead and eat first. lay her on her mat in the living room and check on the fridge, I've left some directions, and lunch for you in the fridge
Yoora sent back a thumbs up, and Seulgi relaxed, focusing back on her classroom where students started coming in after lunch time. Unlike before she felt much calmer teaching the class, though hints of worry did wash over every now and then at the thought of whether Seojin was doing OK.
As soon as school ended, she clocked out and went home right away. She stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath to steady herself, then opened it to find the house completely calm and quiet. She went in further until she heard a soft giggle from Seojin, and finally peeked into their living room/dining space to see Yoora on the table doing work, while her own daughter sat in her baby seat next to her simply entertained by the jingling fluffy pen the older girl was using to write. Yoora was smiling too, and Seulgi watched a bit longer when the ten year old looked back at the infant and teased her with the fluffy end, causing her to laugh more.
Her heart tickled at the sight of her baby so happy in the care of someone else. Seulgi had felt so alone since having Seojin, with the man leaving her, and her family living too far away to be able to help at all, she was overjoyed that there was someone else her baby could finally learn to trust. She had feared Seojin might have had a separation issue from her, but luckily that wasn't the case as she sees now.
"I'm home." she decided to finally announce herself and entered, greeting Yoora before taking her daughter and kissing her cheek. "I see you two had fun today." she chuckled as she spoke, before turning back to Yoora. "I'll take her now, why don't you finish your work while I make us something to eat?"
"Oh no I don't want to bother you." Yoora waves her hands, but Seulgi shook her head.
"It's fine, you'll need nutrients to keep you brain running."
Their routine soon became natural, and Taeyong was the most relieved when seeing how happy Yoora had been the past couple of months whenever he picked her up. Sometimes he'd end up a little late due to patient emergencies, but Seulgi reassured him it was no issue for her, and if anything it was more helpful as she was able to get more done without worrying abt Seojin. Yoora also loved the arrangement as Seulgi being a teacher helped her with some schoolwork.
"Daddy we should invite them over next weekend. It's Ms Seulgi's birthday on the tenth, I wanna do something special for her." Taeyong listened to his daughter, and hummed in response. He figured it would be a good way for the two adults to get closer, especially considering he barely knew about them as much as Seulgi knew his side.
Once he tucked away Yoora for bed, he went to his room and pulled out his phone, thinking for a little before sending a text.
Taeyong: good evening seulgi. how are you & the little one?
He waited a few minutes before a reply came in.
Seulgi: hi dr taeyong, we're doing well
Taeyong: great to hear!
Taeyong: so yoora & I were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner next week, say Saturday?
Seulgi: oh, I think it should be fine. what's the occasion?
Taeyong thought for a second, before deciding to make it a surprise.
Taeyong: just a simple dinner party
Seulgi felt hesitant despite having agreed to it already, and once the day came she stressed about what to wear and dress Seojin in. In the end she settled for a simple sleeveless yellow dress, reaching just below her knees, and a black cardigan over it. She then dressed Seojin in a similar yellow dress with ruffled sleeves and white tights.
She called a taxi and reached the Lees apartment just according to their agreed time, following the text of instructions on which floor and house number to head to. As she stood in the elevator, one hand with the baby bag and the other carrying Seojin, she suddenly felt a slight wave of tension. She didn't know why, but she felt oddly nervous entering Taeyong's living space. They've barely met much ever since the arrangement, just simple greetings exchanged when he picked up Yoora, and once more when she went for a follow up check for Seojin with him.
The elevator stopped, and she sighed stepping out and finding their door. The apartments weren't luxurious, nothing more than simple and modest, but still nicer than what she could afford. Another wave of nervousness washed over her until she found their door, taking a deep breath before ringing the bell.
The door swung open fast as a beaming child appeared. "Hi Ms Seulgi! Come on in!" Yoora cheered, taking the bag from her hand and leading her inside to the living room. "Sit here. My dad's coming out, food is ready too, even for Seojin. Come on Seojin let's go play!" she spoke so fast before swooping the infant from her mother's arms and running to her room, where Seulgi could look into and saw a floor mat prepared for Seojin to play on.
"Hi." a deep voice from behind made her stand and turn, smiling at the man appearing before her in a white collar shirt and dress pants, the top two buttons of his shirt left open. "Yoora sure loves Seojin, she couldn't wait for you guys to come sooner, got ready way before me." he chuckled, motioning for her to sit again as he did next to her.
"I'm glad." Seulgi responded, her eyes drifting to the children again. "I've wanted for Seojin to grow up with people around her. But being alone with her doesn't give me much time for playdates." her voice drifted off, and Taeyong sympathised deeply. He hesitated in questioning the obvious, but figured it would be OK to do so given their similar situations.
"How about any family?"
Her eyes darted towards him, and he almost regretted asking it until she sighed and shook her head. "My parents aren't happy about everything. They still keep in touch, but they live back in our hometown so we barely meet unless during chuseok or seollal. Any other relatives... I just don't keep up with." she looked down at her lap, biting her lip which he noticed started quivering, before her eyes landed on Seojin again and she smiled sadly.
"I don't regret having her, I love my baby to the most. I just wish I could have given her a better life without so much... stress about others."
He didn't know what took over him when Taeyong's hand suddenly slide across the couch and held hers, their eyes fixed on each other as he gave it a reassuring squeeze. He waited for a little, until she gave one back, and they exchanged soft smiles before he released her hand.
Both parents unknowing of the spark each other felt inside.
"How about you?" Seulgi broke the silence. "What's your story with Yoora?"
Taeyong chuckled. "I guess it's only fair. Well, you can see she's quite old. I was a second year med student actually when her mother got pregnant. We weren't ready for anything obviously, but she gave birth to her still. But..." this time he sighed, eyes drifting towards his daughter, except unlike Seulgi, guilt took over his face before he spoke very softly. "I haven't told Yoora the truth. Her mother is alive and well, but her family was some rich powerful one. I honestly didn't know much about her considering we were just a fling to be honest, but when Yoora was born they forced her to give up the baby and transferred her to complete her studies overseas. She called me immediately to take Yoora, haven't seen her since."
He looked back at Seulgi, and chuckled again seeing her bewildered expression. He swore never to speak of this in his daughter's presence, but he was glad it finally get it off his chest and talk about it.
"My family was upset with me obviously, but my sister did her best to help until I finished my degree and started working at the hospital. Once I had enough I moved out with Yoora and well, here we are."
They sat for dinner, Seojin seated by her mother on Yoora's old baby seat while Yoora sat on her other side. Taeyong watched as the two paid attention to the infant, a new kind of happiness filling up in him. He's always wanted a domestic family life, but between his shifts at the hospital and raising Yoora, he had no time for meeting new people let alone finding the right one.
As they finished eating, the children were back in Yoora's room while he invited Seulgi out to the balcony, handing her a glass of wine. She accepted with a smile, and they stood in silence out in the dark night, both leaning against the railing of the balcony, looking anywhere and everywhere.
"Do you ever wonder what would your life be like if things were... different?" Seulgi's voice broke the silence, and he turned to see her gazing out at the city. He stared at her for a while before taking a sip, thinking of an answer.
He knew exactly what she meant.
"Sometimes... I love her, but this life isn't what I wished for her."
She sighed, eyes darting down to her drink. "Can I confess something?" she peeked to see him still staring at her, and nodding slightly. "I never wanted to be a teacher. Before this job, I had a basic corporate one just to keep things going for me. That's where I met my ex, and I thought things would go well between us. But... when I got pregnant, I knew I wanted to keep my baby, even when he rejected it and broke up with me. That's when I left that job and started as a teacher here."
She took a sip, waiting for some form of response. She saw through the corner of her eye how he looked at her, suddenly moving closer until they stood shoulder to shoulder.
"What was your dream job?"
"A mother."
Silence filled again, nothing but the sounds of the cars and few people going past the building down on the road. Taeyong kept his eyes on her, wondering if she was going to explain further. But she didn't, which wasn't exactly needed because he knew exactly what she meant.
"I wish the same." he spoke softly, her head finally turning towards him as their eyes met. "When Yoora was born, I was too young to care about my future. But now I know that, no matter how much I love her, this isn't what I wanted her to have. I want her to have a mother, siblings, a family life, something even the most capable single parent won't be able to fill up themselves."
They're eyes locked, a look of sympathy in both as they stared at each other for a while. Seulgi suddenly realised how long they had been staring, not to mention their close proximity, and quickly looked down shying away, taking a last swing of her wine. Like Taeyong, she had no time or space for a new relationship, especially when her daughter had just newly turned one. And as far as she had heard, no one wants to start a relationship where a child is a given from day one.
She peeked towards him again, and noticed his eyes stayed on her. Pursing her lips she turned to him fully, his glass now empty as he gazed at her, his eyes changed from sympathy to something else. He got up from leaning on his forearms and faced her as well, and she saw his eyes dart up and down her face.
"I'm glad you came into my office that day." he spoke softly, the distance between them getting smaller. "I see how happy Yoora is when coming home from you. She talks as if Seojin is her sister, even in school..."
She gave a shy smile in return. "I love having her around, and I know Seojin does too."
A quick smile appeared on his face before disappearing again, and Seulgi suddenly felt hot despite the light breeze.
Taeyong knew what he was thinking about wasn't exactly right, or wrong, it was in fact a very grey area. She was beautiful, she wanted the same as him, she brought everything he ever wanted to fix his life. The seal was his daughter loved her.
A gust of wind lightly blew past them, Seulgi blinking as some of her hair went onto her face. But before she could push it back, his hand was already up, fingers lightly pushing her hair off and putting it behind her ear. Their eyes locked for much longer, his hand still on the side of her face, his knuckles unconsciously tracing her jawline. She didn't move or flinch, not even when he suddenly cupped her cheek, his thumb rubbing her cheek this time.
The air felt heavy, Seulgi finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden. She wanted to move, but his touch felt so comforting all of a sudden.
"You've done well."
Three words, full of meaning. Seulgi had felt so stressed, scared, disappointed sometimes even with herself, she didn't realise that these three words was all she needed to hear to feel a wall break down in her heart. She felt so calmed, so soft, that she didn't bother to reject when his lips were suddenly on hers.
Taeyong played it safe, he moved close slowly, hovered his lips over hers at first, and when she remained still, he gave a soft kiss first. But once she kissed back, he let go of all hesitation as his hand moved to hold the back of her neck and pulled her closer as their kiss elongated.
Her skin felt like it was on fire, especially where he touched. She didn't know where it went, but his other hand was suddenly on her waist, simply placed there with no grip or push. Her one hand remained holding the wine glass by its stem while the other slowly gripped his shirt on his arm.
"Da-" they heard a light gasp, enough to break their kiss and quickly detach as they looked at the source of the sound, fear filling up both parents as they faced a still Yoora, looking as if she had faced Medusa and turned to stone.
No one spoke a word, Taeyong feeling guilty, Seulgi embarrassed, and Yoora still in shock. After about two minutes she gulped, looking at either adults, took a deep breath in, then out as she thought of what to say.
"So... you two a thing?"
"NO!" both parents simultaneously answered, shaking their heads.
Yoora looked more confused, then to their shock, a little disappointed. "Oh... thought it was a birthday miracle."
"Birthday?" Seulgi asked confused, to which the young girl covered her mouth before sighing.
"It was supposed to be a surprise. I remember your birthday was the past week, so I wanted to surprise you tonight. That's why I was calling you in actually." her eyes then turned to her father, who stood staring at the floor as if he was caught doing something shameful. "Was that your present or something daddy?"
Seulgi felt a tug at her heart. She hadn't celebrated her birthday since becoming pregnant, and even before that it was spent with a simple wish from her ex-coworkers during their lunch break. Her parents would send her gifts, but that was the most.
The father and daughter were quick to notice tears welling up in her eyes, and Taeyong signalled Yoora too take her inside to where she had readied the cake. She nodded and quickly grabbed Seulgi's hand, pulling her inside until the dining table, where Seojin was seated in the baby seat staring at the cake in awe.
"Mamma!" the infant called out to her mother, pointing towards the candles while laughing. Seulgi silently stared at the scene before her, feeling a deep warmth in the pit of her stomach at the words on the cake wishing her by name.
Happy Birthday to the most amazing mum, Seulgi
"Do you like it?" Yoora's voice took her out of her daze. "I wasn't sure what flavour you liked, but I noticed you baked red velvet cookies for your home so I got that!" she cheered a little shyly.
A tear finally spilled onto her cheek, but with a smile on her face as she nodded at the young girl. "I love it Yoora." she sniffed, when a hand cupped her cheek again, thumb wiping away her tear. She turned to see Taeyong next to her, and they smiled at each other. "Thank you both, you really didn't have to do this..."
"Of course we did." he replied. "You mean a lot to Yoora, she loves you. And well, you've taken a role in her life I could only attempt to."
Seulgi got the meaning behind his words, suddenly remembering the kiss back on the balcony. And through the rest of the night as they cut the cake and sat together talking, that memory flooded her mind every few seconds when she looked at the man in front of her.
Even as she went home and sobered up and laid in bed holding her daughter close to her chest, she started visioning how things would be if the four of them were a family.
Stop it Seulgi....
As the next week came, Seulgi sat with Yoora helping with her homework while waiting for her father to pick her up. Seojin was in her floor mat napping, her mother looking over at her every few minutes to keep her in check.
"Oh you know, Seojin said unnie today." Yoora suddenly spoke, getting Seulgi's attention off the book as she gasped with a smile. "I've been trying to make her say it to call me, took a few days but she did it. Is this how you felt when she first said mamma?"
Seulgi chuckled, filled with joy at the young girl's excitement. How she wished this was regular...
The bell rang, and she left Yoora to finish up to go open the door. Taeyong appeared with a smile, and a hand carrying three gift bags. She looked at them perplexed before giving him way into the living room, where he stopped and cooed at sleeping Seojin.
"What's all this?" she asked pointing to the three bags in his hand he had put down. He gave a more cheeky smile, then motioned her to sit next to her on the couch.
Yoora appeared out of the dining area, exclaiming softly at the sight of the bags before dashing to sit on her father's other side.
"I got off faster, but I knew Yoora would hate me picking her up earlier." he joked, getting a pout from the younger girl and a laugh from the woman. "I got some stuff for everyone."
Seulgi looked even more perplexed as he handed Yoora the smaller bag, which she immediately opened and pulled out a little purse from and hugged her father in gratitude. He pecked her cheek before turning to Seulgi, handing her a bigger bag. She took it reluctantly, opening it to look inside, gasping aloud as she saw the bigger purse inside.
"This... Taeyong it's a lot." she looked up and saw him smile at her. "I can't accept this, please."
"Please do." he put his hands on her as she was about to push it back to him. "I want you to have it. I noticed you'd carry everything in Seojin's baby bag, and you know, every woman should have that one good purse."
She was awed by his logic, still in shock when he handed her another smaller bag. "This is for Seojin, can't leave out the special one." he chuckled, taking out a small doll that rung a bell when moved around.
Seojin woke up hearing the bell, and was immediately up balancing on her feet and making way to them. Yoora called to her before grabbing the toy from her father's hand and taking her along to her toy corner to play.
Happiness filled Taeyong, and it was clearly evident on his face as he couldn't stop smiling for the whole time since entering. Seulgi on the other hand could only stare at the bags, hers full while Seojin's empty, while her face remained expressionless.
Once he looked at her and noticed it, he shifted closer to her on the couch and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Hey, what's wrong?" she looked up to see his eyes full of genuine concern.
"Taeyong, this is expensive... thank you but, its just so much for me."
She stopped when his other hand suddenly cupped her cheek, again, pushing her face to maintain eye contact as he smiled softly. "Please let me have this. I've always wanted to do something like this, and you know, you're thr closest that Yoora could have as-"
"Stop." she cut him off and abruptly got off the couch, push his hands away and dropping the bag to the floor. Right now, many thoughts ran through her head, but there was one she needed to clear up, to get off her chest. "I'm sorry Taeyong, but... I'm not here to play pretend."
She watched his knitted eyebrows as he stared confused, still sat down. "What do you mean?"
Sighing, she finally let it all out. "Taeyong, I love Yoora, but... she's not my daughter, she's not Seojin's sister, and you're not... you're not my husband. I don't know what happened that night with us, but it's made things so confusing for me. I agree this arrangement was really great for our kids, and to some extent for us as well, but I don't want it going some place without any guarantee about how it will end. Seojin is all I have, and as much as I hate it, I've come to accept that finding someone to full up the hole in our life is nearly impossible..."
Like the other night, a single tear fell down her cheek, except this time it wasn't a happy one. Stress and sadness piled up in her as she vented everything, and now the silence suffocated her. Before he could response, Seulgi turned away wiping her face and headed into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and pouring out water for herself.
Except her emotions got the best of her as her hand shook picking up the jug, water spilling around the cup. A hand held hers to steady it, and she weakly released as the jug was taken away from her. Taeyong then took the cup, filled it, then helped her hold it. She took a quick chug of water, trying to drown any emotions that had bottled up until her throat.
"I'm sorry." she put the cup down hearing his soft voice, a hand on her back while the other he used to turn her towards him. "I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I know how hard it must have been, believe me, I've gone through it for ten years. But I can say this, no matter how great your life gets through everything, the tiniest piece of you will always crave for what's missing. And so will your child..."
The tone of his voice changed, which lead Seulgi look up at his now sullen face.
"She never says a thing, but I know and can sense how much Yoora feels the emptiness of a mother. Ever since she started coming here, she's been so happy... you don't know this, but she talks about you both a lot in school, not just Seojin. In fact, they had an assignment a few days ago to write about their mothers, usually Yoora would sit out of things like that, but when she came home with a well graded paper... I knew at that point that you're so much more to her than just the mother of a baby she watches over."
This time, his eyes remained down, and Seulgi could see the slight tears welling up in them. His hands slowly dropped down as well, and she was the one to hold his face in both her hands, pushing up to face her. Once their eyes met, he quickly blinked away the tears.
"I promised myself that if ever I get the chance to marry someone, my first priority would be Yoora. But believe me, that's not the only case with you..."
He was quick to grab her hands when she was about to retract them the moment she heard those last words, confusion written all over her face and even in her eyes.
"Every time I see you with either girl, I just get drawn to you. Ten years ago, as a medical student with an accidental baby, I wouldn't have looked at you this way. But now, as a working single father, I see you and I think, this is what I want." he pulled her closer, arms circling around her waist. "You're such a hardworking woman, somehow you manage to balance work and taking care of an infant. I can't imagine how hard it must have been those first few months after giving birth. But you've persevered. When you told me about how alone you were, I realised it didn't matter that I did it for ten years or more, because you started alone without help, and nothing makes you any stronger than all this."
Staring into his eyes, she could tell he was being sincere, every word was meaningful.
"What I went through, Seulgi, it was hard. And seeing you that day at the hospital with Seojin in your arms crying, your face filled with fatigue, stress, worry, I wanted to do so much more to help you. And now, seeing our daughters so attached, plus how attached mine is to you alone, I wondered, what if we were a real family? I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable today, but I wanted to test the waters by gifting you, obviously because you deserve it, but to also see how Yoora would react."
"You... want us to be a real family?" her voice shook. Taeyong sighed, staring at her silently before closing their distance and giving her lips a soft kiss, pulling away fast. He watched her expression, and noticed it was the same as last time. Except now, they weren't drunk.
"I'm willing to try." he pulled her in for a hug, one hand in her hair pushing her face against his chest while the other remained on her waist. A short smile crept on his lips when feeling her arms snake around him as she hugged him back. "I see the way you look at Yoora. And I promise, I will the same with Seojin."
"How do I look at Yoora?" she asked in a quiet voice.
"Motherly. And as her father, nothing can make me fall for a woman more than how they feel about and treat my own daughter, she means the world to me."
This time, a more comfortable silence took over as they remained in each other's embrace, Seulgi's index tracing circled on his back while she thought about his idea.
"Will you be present in both their lives?" she asked again.
"If I don't, you can kick me out of the house. I'm sure Yoora would agree to it." she smiled at his response when feeling him chuckle softly, but his words still carried seriousness.
"Will you treat Seojin fairly?"
"I promise with all that I have, I will treat her as if she's my own."
Sighing, she thought of one more thing. "And if let's say, we... have another one?" she gulped asking this time, in fear of his answer considering the sensitivity of this final question.
Taeyong pushed her out, but his hands remained holding her arms as he faced her, smiling though his eyes remained serious. "Maybe not anytime soon, let's focus on Seojin first. But, if you want another, what kind of husband would I be to deny you of that?"
"Sit Yoora." the young girl froze as they entered their apartment, scared of her father's sudden serious tone. He only ever spoke like this one time before, when she got in trouble in school for punching a girl (which she still claims was deserved because she was making fun of her).
She sat opposite her father in the dining room, but unlike last time she noticed his nervous expression as his hands fumbled, his face clear that he was deep in thought of what to say.
"What's wrong daddy?"
Taeyong sighed hearing her concerned voice, and finally decided to speak up. "How would you feel about Seulgi becoming your mum?"
"What?!?" she stood up, whether from shock, excitement or disapproval he couldn't tell. But be understood it soon as a cheeky grin took over her lips. "Are you serious, you're gonna marry her?!" she asked aloud, to which he motioned her to calm down.
"Nothing is confirmed yet baby. It's... just more of a thought. We're still discussing, and how you feel about it is important to me, an-"
"Daddy shut up please and just propose already!"
The fear of accommodation filled both parents. As per Yoora's approval and request, they decided to move in together sooner than planned, and planned to get married in before Seojin turned two years old, which gave them five months for now.
But even if Yoora agreed happily, it was a whole different case when living under the same roof. Taeyong had cleared out an empty guestroom for them, but Yoora had coerced them into letting her share her room with Seojin, saying it was too big for her alone and she wouldn't feel as lonely at night. Seulgi was worried about Yoora's sleep schedule, but the first three nights proved it to be an OK arrangement.
Seulgi remained in the guestroom, until a week later when they sat for dinner, and Yoora spoke up all of a sudden.
"Don't you think married couples should live together?"
Taeyong stopped eating and stared perplexed. "We are though baby?"
"No. Why would parents be sleeping in different rooms?"
This time Seulgi cleared her throat and decided to answer. "It's my idea Yoora. I just didn't want to overstep boundaries, I know how it's always been you two only."
Yoora hummed, nodding as she acknowledged Seulgi's concern as if she was an adult too. Later on however, as Seulgi helped Taeyong clear away dishes, he suddenly stopped her moving away as his hand grabbed hers in the kitchen.
"She's right you know." she cocked her head sideways, as if to ask what he meant. "Yoora. We should be in one room."
"But... isn't it too soon? I'm worried she'll feel like we're invading her space and life an-"
Her face flushed when he stopped her talking with a quick kiss on the lips, frowning with a pout at his antics to which he simply chuckled.
"She wants to feel like a family, it's been so since that essay assignment... but don't feel forced, if you want to take time before officially moving in with me, go ahead. I'll make her understand."
Seulgi thought about it, hands still holding his while her thumbs rubbed the back of his palm. A cute habit he noticed by now that she was doing again, she bit her bottom lip when deep in thought, and he couldn't help a quiet laugh escape his lips.
She looked up, causing him to stop immediately, waiting for something. "Let's try tonight?"
Yoora was the happiest, standing aside her father in her beautiful light pink dress, holding the box enclosed with a ribbon, in which she carried two very important rings.
She giggled seeing Seojin toddle her way across the aisle from the entrance up to the stage, throwing flowers whenever she remembered to, until Taeyong stepped down a little and picked her up, lifting her in the air before kissing her cheek, both giggling along with the small audience. He then stood her by Yoora, who looked back at the entrance as everyone stood, and she was sure she saw an angel appear into the wedding hall.
Her eyes trailed her new mother, just as her father's did as he covered his mouth, surely a tear appearing in his eye. Never did Taeyong think he'd get to experience this as he became more of an adult, standing at the altar next to the officiant, watching his almost wife walk towards him in the most beautiful white gown, her face hidden behind the thin mesh veil through which he could tell she was just as nervous and emotional as he was.
And once the rings were worn and both said their I dos, Yoora was the first to cheer lifting her little sister up in her arms and twirling around with her.
"We're a family Seojin!" she let her go and tugged her along to their parents, going first immediately into Seulgi's arms and whispering into her ear. "Thank you for becoming my mummy."
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hello anon, as you may know it doesn't always end up EXACTLY following the request, but I hope you still like it! (it's kinda hard to follow exactly cuz the flow just doesn't always come through like that) also I wrote it in what I call a "creative juice adrenaline rush"😅 so I hope it's good bcuz I wrote this fast lol
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lgcxnoeul · 4 months
off the record
"Huh," He mumbles, stumbling into the padded area where he had left the two men alone. He sported one of his mischievous smiles, teeth and all. He lifts the fancy plastic cup, tapping on the side with his fingers. "There is a smoothie bar towards the back and the lady looked at me weird when I asked how much the add-ons would be? She just scanned my bracelet and didn't charge me at all." He settles in between them, taking a sip of the purple concoction and he wrinkles his nose when he realizes the chocolate powder hadn't masked the veggies he had added to the smoothie. "Do you think I got scammed?"
Despite feeling out of place in the spa-like jjimjilbang, he made himself comfortable on the padded platform. He offers the plastic cup to Seojin, practically forcing him to take a sip. "I thought the plastic was glass, but duh! You can't use glass when we're all in socks..." He mumbles, staring ahead when a group of older women past them and eye them with disdain. He was desperate in filling the silence between them, but perhaps, he was going about it the wrong way. "Should we talk candidly about what's eating at us, or are we going to pretend like everything is all dandy and unicorns? I would love to do the latter, but my rash has returned and you're both not making it any better."
@lgcseojin & @lgcbk
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ffion451 · 1 year
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Chapter Sixteen: Vanilla | The Centre Cannot Hold: KTH (m)
Chapter characters/pairings: Taehyung x f!reader | AU/Genre: non idol au, angst, smut (see warnings below) see series m.post for fic summary etc.
Rating/Chapter warnings: ⚠️🔞 M - Adults only! 🔞⚠️SMUT (f>m oral, m/f unprotected sex - a little bit rough)
Word count: 4.8K
<<< Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Seventeen >>>
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Taehyung relaxes into the scent of vanilla, its warmth reviving him as he sips his latte in the busy café. Seojin’s thrums with energy; life, in all its vibrancy, gathers around the tables, sipping at coffee, eating pastries, laughing and gossiping. In a corner, quieter than the cacophony of laughter and conversation, sits an older woman in her seventies. More so than any of the other people there, Taehyung finds his gaze drawn to her: she fusses over a little Pomeranian in a carrier on the seat beside her, giving it little treats, smiling widely as another woman of a similar age joins her. 
Taehyung’s attention returns to them time and time again; he is entranced by the grace of the two women and their close bond. He watches all the little things they do for each other, slicing cake and pouring tea in a practised ceremony, flicking a crumb of cake from a lip with a delicate flick of a little finger. He’s amazed by the gentle way they anticipate each others’ movements, words and thoughts. As they come to rest they sit in easy quiet, each of their right hands on their cups, their left hands entwined on the table where promises of gold catch the late afternoon light. That’s real love, he smiles, wondering if in fifty years time you two might be doing the very same thing…
“Hey, I didn’t think we were allowed here anymore?” Jihan asks, startling Taehyung; when he recovers himself, his hand over his pounding heart, he stands and greets his friend with a hug.
“Didn’t Aera ban you?” Jihan teases before a look of dawning comprehension falls over his face, “Wait, when Jihoon said he needed to speak to you… What was that about exactly?” Taehyung’s affection for Jihan surges; even now, after all the time that has passed, he avoids speaking your name, obviously not wanting to hurt Taehyung.
“Yes, it was about her,” Taehyung confirms, unable to contain his grin, “He wanted to tell me that she loves me and to ask me if I knew that I love her.”
Jihan stares agog, on the edge of his seat, “Well? I mean of course she does. You do too, right?”
Taehyung laughs, “Of course I do,” he decides not to keep Jihan lingering in suspense, “So last night I told her, and she told me, and now we’re together,” for a moment he’s struck by the simplicity of it all, and can only smile daftly.
Jihan has to clasp his hand over his mouth to stop himself from swearing loudly, then he’s off his feet again  and hugging Taehyung clumsily, “Wait - so why are you here with me and not over the road with her?” he asks when he settles down.
Taehyung’s smile falls a little, “She doesn’t live there anymore,” he says, “And I’m giving her time to tell Ellie about us… It’s been awhile and I’ve heard nothing so -”
Jihan laughs and interrupts, “So you called your favourite person to stop you from going straight over there and demanding to see her?”
Taehyung smiles, “Actually, I don’t know where she lives yet, so no,” he admonishes with a disappointed click of his tongue, his tone superior, “I called you because you understand more about me and her than anybody and I just wanted to tell you.”
Jihan looks abashed, “I’m sorry, I’m obviously very happy for you, you can tell me all about it…” then his eyes narrow as his sharp mind spins, “So…that’s it, is it? You didn’t also want someone to help you theorise how Ellie will react?” he asks astutely.
It’s Taehyung’s turn to look abashed, “Well yeah,” he admits, “That too.”
⍟ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⍟
“I just don’t understand,” Aera shakes her head; the front door opens and shuts, but nobody pays any attention, “After all the things he’s done, the way he’s treated women and the things he’s said to you -”
“He’s a dick,” Ellie interrupts.
“Wait, wait a second,” comes a breathless call from Jihoon as he skids in, not bothering to knock, kicking his shoes off as he enters the kitchen, “We all make mistakes…”
“We wondered what happened to you,” Ellie says, suspicion in her tone as Jihoon walks past her to the sink, “You’ve been suspiciously quiet.”
Jihoon pours himself a glass of water, drinking it in one. Breathless, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and turns to face his friends, ‘Well, I came because I was called,” he explains, nodding in your direction.
Your friends look to you for explanation, “I know Jihoon spoke to Taehyung and set last night up, so I thought he’d throw some light on things,” you offer.
Jihoon nods, “Listen, I know you guys don’t really like Taehyung,” he says to the others, “But at some point you have to admit that what she did to him was wrong to start with. You know that don’t you?” He asks, turning his attention to you.
As you open your mouth to agree, Ellie interrupts, “She did what she had to!”
“Ellie, I love you,” you say, “I really do - and I love that you always have my back, but you know you had your doubts about what I was doing back then. You all did. I love that you love me enough to agree with me even when I’m in the wrong, but we all have to admit I brought a lot of the situation with Taehyung on myself. That’s my responsibility.”
“Maybe it is, but maybe we should have called you out, that’s what good friends should do,” Aera admits, and Ellie bites her lip in consideration.
“I did call it out - but I should have done more,” Minho admits, turning his attention to Jihoon, “Is that what you did?”
Jihoon nods, “Yeah, I thought something had to happen… but I think I should’ve said something sooner and probably to you guys too.”
Minho nods quietly in agreement, “Yeah, you’re right. We’ve all been too silent about all this.”
Ellie looks non-plussed, “Said what?” she asks impatiently, looking at you and Aera who are as confused as she is.
Minho and Jihoon share a look of understanding and Minho turns to you, “I’m sure I speak for everyone, whether they’ll admit it or not,” he says glancing around them, “When I say that we suspected Taehyung had feelings for you before but we didn’t know…”
“He is emotionally constipated,” Jihoon says sagely, drawing a general murmur of assent.
Minho continues, “But I think after it happened, when you cut him out, seeing things spiral, we all knew that he had real feelings for you and we should have said.”
“I didn’t!” Ellie says indignantly.
“I did,” Jihoon admits, telling you all about the night he escorted Taehyung from his party, explaining how crushed Taehyung looked, how desperate to see you he seemed, how broken when Jihoon wouldn’t let him, “I knew then he really cared, but he’d hurt you so badly that I thought it best to let it go. I’m sorry,” he concludes.
You smile and reach for his hand, “There’s nothing to be sorry for, you’re a good friend.”
“We should have been more honest with you,” Minho says strongly, “We let you carry on with your insane belief that he didn’t have feelings for you, even though that hurt you and made everything worse, because we didn’t think he was good for you.”
“When you say it like that, it makes us sound like bad people,” Aera says in a small voice.
Again, you open your mouth to reassure her, but Ellie gets there first, “Except that we were right!” She turns to you, “It’s not like I don’t like him, but I have serious doubts about him. He’s possessive and demanding and now we’ve seen how cruel he can be, that bothers me. I’m worried for you.”
Everyone waits for your reaction and you sigh, “You’re right,” you admit, “I’m not an idiot - I know he’s no saint, but I love him and I can’t change that. And even if I could, I don’t think I want to. I’m not going to dive into his head first - I will take it slow, I will be careful,” you promise and Ellie visibly relaxes as you take a breath, “But my life is happier with Taehyung in it and I trust him.”
“What do you need from us?” Aera smiles, “Obviously, we’ll accept him… hey, he should come for dinner here tonight,” she suggests and everyone nods.
“Thanks,” you smile, wondering what else you should say, not wanting to admit you’ve already invited him.
“Look - we’ll be more honest with you,” Minho says, sensing your unease and taking control, “And you have to stay honest with us. I know it’s your life and you can do as you want, but we take care of each other. Trust me, I want nothing more than for him to make you happy, but if it isn’t working, we’ll be here, always, yeah?”
“Thank you, I love you all,” you smile as they nod in agreement, “No more secrets and half-truths,” you promise.
Ellie grins, finally satisfied, “We better get on with this cooking,” she prompts, shaking her arms out, “And you, matchmaker, can tell us all exactly what your role was in all this…” she commands, gesturing at Jihoon who smiles guiltily and begins his tale, starting with the role Jihan played.
You move towards the counter to start prepping veg, but Aera blocks your path, “Nuh uh,” she laughs, “Go change into clothes that actually fit you first before your sleeves catch light, then you better call Taehyung and invite him.”
Blushing, Ellie pauses her conversation with Jihoon for a moment to turn to you, “Maybe you could invite Jihan too?” she stutters, suddenly embarrassed,  “We haven’t seen him in a while…”
Minho snickers and makes mocking kissy sounds; she throws a dishcloth at him as you all laugh, “Oh, you can all fuck off,” she whines as the front open and closes again.
‘Well?” demands Jessi from the doorway, causing all five of you to turn, “Did you?” she asks, pointing at you.
“Did I what?” you ask, feigning innocence.
“Did you fuck him?” she demands, her exasperation obvious.
“Yes!” reply your other friends in one loud voice.
⍟ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⍟
Laden with bags of extra things Ellie thought of, Taehyung and Jihan follow your instructions to just head in on arrival. Hearing his own name, he silently mouths “Shhh,” as he looks at Jihan, saying nothing as they linger in the hallway. He hears the combined voices of you and your friends, and the sound of a speakerphone and wants to know what’s being said about him.
“Minho -” you say, sounding serious.
“Wait,” he says, “Telepathy moment. I know what you’re about to say, but you’re wrong. You don’t need to have the conversation, let me tell Jiho and let him pass it on. Give Siwon the space to deal with it before he has to face it, or you, or worse, you and Taehyung.”
Aera’s voice pipes up over the speaker too, “Telling him yourself will ambush him. It would be harder for him.”
Jihoon joins in from the kitchen, “It’s gonna be a blow for him, dude, because it’s Taehyung. He’s gonna feel like he was nothing but an interruption.”
You sigh, “Ok ok ok,” Taehyung smirks at the habit you’ve picked up from him, “You’re right, I guess. It just feels cowardly that’s all and I said I’d stop being like that after what it’s done to Taehyung.”
Taehyung misses your friends reassuring you, lost for a moment in a surging sense of joy to hear the love in your voice, to hear your love for him… How did he never see it before? He picks the conversation back up as you speak again, “You guys are coming back over soon, right?”
There’s instant agreement from Aera but then a pause, and you speak, “I telepathically sense Minho wants to keep working but he needs a fucking break and I insist he comes over!”
Minho laughs and gives in, “Just control Mr Octopus, yeah?” he says, “If he was handsy before I dread to think what he’s like now…”
You just laugh as they hang up the phone. Gesturing to a smirking Jihan, Taehyung comes into the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter.
You smile, “Hey, thanks,” Ellie echoes you, shyly greeting Jihan as she takes the stuff out and starts preparing it with Jihoon.
“How did you carry two all this?” you smile at Taehyung.
He grins at you, “Well, octopuses have lots of arms…” you blush as he pulls you to him and kisses you, “How can I help?”
“You don’t need to,” Ellie says, “Go on and lay the table. Jihan will help, right?”
Jihan nods, smiling just as shyly as he does whilst you and Jihoon exchange a look, Jihoon fake gagging behind their backs. It’s then that Jessi appears, calling to you to help her with the plates.
Taehyung is thankful as he helps lay things out that things seem smooth, at least on the surface. He’s not sure how well your friends will accept him into their inner circle after everything that has happened, but he figures if he can make you happy that they will. He could tell that you were apprehensive, but positive, earlier and he’s optimistic. 
As Jihan astutely pointed out, Ellie might be the most cynical of your friends but she’s not really the one who has to be convinced, that’s Minho: you may live with Ellie, you may be the softest with Jihoon, but it’s Minho that understands you best and Minho’s whose opinion matters the most to you. Jihan had also pointed out that Taehyung doesn’t need to convince Minho that he can make you happy, that won’t be enough. No, if Taehyung wants Minho in his corner, then he must convince him that he is good for you.
Watching you lay out knives and forks, he smiles but finds himself stuck on that thought. He knows that he loves you; he knows that he’d do anything for you… but is he good for you? He can only hope so. With no answers, his mind drifts elsewhere and to darker places; though he’s touched at your consideration for Siwon, he’s still a little jealous. He accepts that you may feel some fondness for your ex but he’s not sure that he can cope with Siwon’s ongoing presence in your life.
⍟ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⍟
Later in the evening, you all sit around the table, drinking wine and laughing. Jessi, who has no reason to doubt Taehyung, helps lift the mood and makes Taehyung feel less of an outsider. His hand rests over yours on the table, and it all feels so good: with the soft music, low lights and laughter he feels like he’s the main character in a romcom. He’s never really felt like a boyfriend before, but in this moment, he is swept away with the easy romance of it all and more certain yet that he is hopelessly in love with you.
“So how’s DD?” asks Ellie, raising her eyebrows at Jessi, curious about her fuckbuddy arrangement.
“Who’s Didi?” asks Aera curiously.
“It’s initials,” says Jessi grinning, “Can you guess what they stand for?”
“Dangerous Dom?” suggests Minho with a laugh; Jessi shakes her head, clicking her tongue in disappointment.
“Demented Diversion?” Aera chimes in; another shake.
“Demon Dick?” laughs Taehyung.
“Halfway there,” says Jessi.
“Daddy Dick?” laughs Jihoon.
Taehyung and Jihoon both notice the collective shudder that passes through the women, and Minho, at the table.
“What?” queries Jihoon, confused.
“Calling someone Daddy doesn’t do it for lots of us,” Aera explains.
Jessi nods, “I’m a full grown-ass woman, I don’t want to be treated like a little girl,” she laughs, “and I don’t have any Freudian hang ups thanks…”
Ellie nods, “I still call my father Daddy when I want something so I’m sure as fuck not going to call the person railing me that!”
“We’re not kink shaming anybody here!” laughs Aera, holding her hands up, “Sorry if we’ve offended any of you.”
Jihoon raises his hands, “Not me!”
Jessi eyeballs Taehyung, “What about you, tiger? Is it a kink of yours? Are you kinky?”
Your mind instantly rewinds to last night and his hand around your throat as he fucked into you like an animal.
“Me?” he says innocently, shooting you a dark, loaded look, “Definitely do not want to be called Daddy…”
“Probably because he wants 3 million kids,” laughs Jihan, “It could get gross,” and everyone giggles whilst you smirk internally.
“But are you kinky, lads?” Jessi probes and the boys, blushing, demur.
Taehyung gets up and stretches, “Completely vanilla,” he lies smoothly, “need the toilet.”
As he passes you, he squeezes your shoulder and kisses you on the head. He’d forgotten this, the frank, direct honesty between you and your friends and how open you all are; he knows he’s going to need to adjust to it. He smiles to himself hearing the group break into laughter as Jessi explains what DD actually stands for.
“What?” she protests. “Did y’all think I was hooking up with him for his sparking personality?”
⍟ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⍟
As the evening winds to a close, Minho, Aera and Jihoon are the first to leave, Jessi catching a lift in their Uber to catch up with DD, denying that anything serious is going on. Ellie and Jihan dither for a while, but, under the pretence of giving you and Taehyung privacy, they head out for drinks together: Taehyung smirking at Jihan and you winking at Ellie as they head out.
As the door closes behind them, you turn to Taehyung, who’s smiling at you softly.
“Upstairs,” is all you say, taking his hand and leading the way to your bedroom.
⍟ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⊛ ⍟
As soon as your bedroom door closes behind you, every fibre of Taehyung’s being begs him to throw you on bed and fuck you, but he restrains himself as your hand, with painful softness, caresses his face, your thumb gently stroking his lip. He wants you to take the lead, he wants to show you that there’s more to his feelings for you than just the need to take you roughly.
Unable to control himself completely, Taehyung wraps his arms around you as you kiss him, his hands fisting into your clothes as you deepen the kiss. When you lick into his mouth, your tongue playing against his, blood rushes to his cock, now painfully constricted by his jeans. He wants you desperately but he’s determined to let you keep control for now. You make it difficult for him when you pull back; you lick your lips as though you’ve just tasted something delicious, before you kiss his neck, making him groan aloud.
He moans again, unable to contain himself, when you nip at his earlobe. The gesture, followed by a flick of your tongue, is lascivious, but when you speak, the usual shyness he associates with you is there, “Please lie on the bed,” you ask softly.
Taehyung obeys swiftly, resting against your pillows, raising his arms to take hold of your wooden headboard to signal his submission. He watches as you strip, not completely naked but into a silky set of underwear that he wants to tear off with his teeth. His cock throbs as he realises he’s never seen this set before: the ones you wore last night, he thought those were your sexiest, the ones he knew you wore when you wanted to feel good, wanted a boost. Now he realises that, as your friend, he never knew that you had others… These are clearly the ones you wear when you want to get fucked. Blood pumps painfully into his erection as he understands that you’ve worn these for him. Fuck, he couldn’t want you more. He finds himself almost panting with anticipation as you climb on the bed and lie beside him, your hand gently brushing the painful bulge in his jeans, your palm stroking gentle circles over the throbbing head of his cock.
“Baby, it hurts,” he whines, before sighing in relief as you undo his belt and jeans, pulling them down before freeing his cock with your own soft sigh, “What’s that sigh for?” he asks.
Too shy to look at him, you lean closer and exhale over the sensitive head, “Your cock is so fucking pretty,” you whisper. He’s about to offer a smart reply when your lips softly kiss his tip over and over, making him hiss through his teeth. He wants to hold your head in place and force himself in your mouth, but holds fast. You don’t tease him for too long, soon your kisses become kitten-soft licks which build to a gentle sucking of his head only. His mind goes blank.
He adores the sweet torture of the little that you give him, driving him wild. He wants more, but restrains himself, his hands gripping the headboard as he prays for more. You deliver: your hand wrapping about his base as you take him in your mouth, taking him deeper as you glide your hand with the exact amount of grip he needs up and down his shaft. 
He moans when you release him, your tongue swirling under his swollen head before you turn your mouth to his balls, your hand still working his shaft as you tug, suck and nibble at him, “Fuck, you’re good at this,” he wheezes.
Finally, only when he’s a panting mess, whining your name and begging for you, do you finally pause your glorious assault on his cock, kissing a featherlight path of kisses from his base to the tip. He’s grateful for the pause: he’s determined to come in your cunt, not over your fist. He groans lustily as you pull his jeans and boxers down his legs and throw them to the floor and uses the opportunity to pull his tee off. His eyes burn into yours as you slide your underwear off slowly, his mouth hanging open as the silk slides down your thighs, followed by your bra easing off your breasts, the soft flesh still marked by the bruises he’s gifted you.
Taehyung is still ogling your body when you climb over and straddle him. You move to kiss him, and he groans into your mouth as you slide your folds along the length of his throbbing, desperate cock; the undulation of your hips continuing as your tongue licks into his mouth. As you rock against him, he struggles against his desire, his hands on your hips, guiding you to move faster against him, “Fuck, you’re so good baby,” he moans between kisses, “So good…”
You break from his mouth, kissing his neck and throat as you moan with pleasure: it’s the mewling of his name in two breathy syllables of utter desire that breaks him. In seconds, his grasp on you turns firm as he swaps your positions, straddling you.
He looks at you, overcome with desire, “Sorry but I need to be inside you,” he moans, shoving your thighs apart and pushing the head of his cock through your folds to your tight centre.
Your breath shudders with lust, your voice shaky but determined, “Fuck me, Tae,” you beg, “Fill me up…”
In one strong thrust, he buries himself in you, starting a slow rhythm of deep, driving thrusts, no thought in his mind but the hot tightness of your cunt and how it swallows every throbbing inch of his ravenous cock. 
The more you moan for him, the harder he goes, hooking his hands behind your knees and pushing the towards your head so he can drive deeper within your hot, permissive cunt. He presses his body close to yours, his mouth finding yours in a sloppy kiss. He growls with pleasure as your arms wrap around him, nails pressing into his skin as you cry out for him. He keeps his pace slow, drawing out the ecstasy of fucking you for as long as he can, edging both of you for long, tortuous minutes.
Eventually, feeling like he’s been fucking you for hours, he can take no more. He kneels back and grabs your ass, lifting your hips to drive even deeper, his eyes glued on his throbbing reddened cock thrusting in and out of your dripping centre, covered in your wetness: he’s never been so turned on.
“Please,” you moan, and he looks at you, a fucked out mess beneath him, your eyes wide, “Come closer, I need you,” you beg.
He covers you once more, kissing your ear, “I’ve got you, baby, I’m here…” before his hips belie the softness of his words, hammering into you with a violent, powerful need. Your bodies melt into one another, a sweaty mix of fluids, love and lust as Taehyung drives into your compliant body until your reach your peak.
“I’m so close baby,” you moan, “Please don’t stop.”
“Never will,” he groans, grinding more fiercely against you, desperate to see you come undone. You do, convulsing beneath him, clenching around him in a pattern of spasms that makes him cry out your name before he plunges himself once more to the hilt, his own explosive orgasm taking him by surprise, spilling his release inside you.
Yet again, Taehyung collapses on top of you, his heart pounding as his sweaty skin slides against you own. Finding a final reserve strength in his weakened body, he rolls on to his side, keeping your body tightly pressed to his, holding your leg over his hip so his cock remains pressed inside you.
You beam at him, fucked out and sated, before you kiss him gently. He takes the opportunity to deepen it: you kiss for long minutes, lost in each other until his softened cock slips out of you releasing a mess of fluids.
“I love you,” you whisper, reaching for him again as you both writhe in the mess you’ve made, kissing with increasing fervour, each kiss hungrier than the last, his cock stirring again.
You pull away, pushing him to one side, “This is gross,” you mutter, looking at the soiled sheets, “I’m going to shower,” you say, wrapping a loose, unsoiled sheet from the bed around yourself. 
Lying on the bed, Taehyung groans in disbelief. You turn and look back at him from the doorway; he looks at you in betrayal and then to his erect cock, before looking back at you in challenge.
You only smile, dropping the sheet as you disappear towards the bathroom. On your bed, Taehyung wraps his hand around his cock, sliding his veiny hand along his sticky length before he hears you call, “I’m getting in the shower, you gonna fuck me in it?”
Taehyung moves so fast that his feet tangle in the sheet you’ve discarded and he stumbles forward, crawling on his knees as he scrambles to the bathroom. Clambering back to his feet in the bathroom doorway, he tries to get hold of himself but as soon as he sees you smiling and giggling sweetly, water flowing over your body, your wet hair clinging to your face, he gives up all pretense of being cool: he wants to be stupid with you, he wants to feel this silly, childish joy. Laughing, he flings open the shower door, colliding with your body as he pushes you out of the warm stream of water and against the tiled wall and kisses you. It doesn’t take long for the kisses to become heated, and within seconds, he’s lifting you by the ass, his cock prodding at you, as you moan for him yet again. It’s sex at it’s messiest: a lustful, dangerous, slippery meeting of bodies and neither of you have the stamina to last long before Taehyung is groaning and spilling himself in you again. 
Everything that follows is new to him: never before has he wanted to be so gentle with someone, but now, with you under the warm water, he handles your aching body with tender devotion, kissing you softly as you soap each others’ bodies.
Later, entwined in fresh sheets in your bed, you chat sleepily together about everything and nothing until you finally drift to sleep. Pressing a tender kiss into your still slightly damp hair, Taehyung beams to himself in the soft darkness, amazed by how much can change in so short a time.
“You’re mine now,” he breathes aloud. He feels his eyelids get heavier and is amazed at how quickly sleep comes again now you’re back where you belong, cradled in the safety of his arms. As he succumbs to sleep’s gentle pull, his last thought is that, this time, nothing on earth will bear you away from him.
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<<< Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Seventeen >>>
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rageprufrock · 7 months
Could I please have some more comphet porsche as a little treat? 🥺
Alas I’m on my way to Seoul rn so honestly we will all be lucky for me to get out of this trip alive without getting arrested for trying to acquire Lee Seojin as my bride.
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lgcminseo · 2 months
gossip queen !
It was ironic that she had traded one brother for the other one, but Seojin was the superior Park brother and that wasn't her being salty about her ex-nemesis/crush. Perhaps, she was being unfair comparing the two brothers. She had more in common with Seojin despite their age difference and she found their acquaintanceship to be quite sweet. At this point, he was more like a mentor than a brotherly figure. She was hoping that one day she could bravely ask if the two of them could be friends. Her trainee friends had informed her that there were certain trainees that had seemingly disappeared without much clarification from the coaches. It was obvious when trainees had left on their own regard, or had been asked to not return, but she knew there was no way that Seojin was one of them. In her typical curious nature, she opens up their previous conversation and quickly types the best bait message she could conjure up:
병장박 ❯
what's that medical condition where you overexercise? is it that rare? should i be scared? can someone be allergic to exercising?
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appleofthemoon · 1 year
I heard a rumor that ni-ki killed his best friend's crush when he made her cry after she confessed to him.
Poor y/n, I suppose Seojin's rejection was pretty harsh, I mean he could have just said "I don't like you in that way" but instead he chose to say "Why would I ever like a fatso like you ? All you are is brains, ugh why don't you go eat a salad or something", but y/n didn't tell riki.
Infact, I even heard that Seojin's girlfriend and her posey tormented y/n for weeks until riki and heeseung found her crying in washroom, covered in small cuts.
I saw him storm out a while later, and he looked so angry I felt a bit scared. but the weird thing is, nobody has seen Seojin, his girlfriend Seora and her friends in weeks, I don't think heeseung was involved, he seems too nice, plus he took care of y/n while riki just stormed out.
I wonder if y/n knows...do you?
w. harassment, assault
i never did understand why y/n fancied someone like seojin—all that idiot had was his family's name. meanwhile, you have ni-ki who has talent, humor, and utilizes his brain rather than letting it just sit there like an accessory.
poor girl, it's clear how intimidated seora was by her. i mean, why else would you bring your lackeys with you? she's nothing more than a jealous, pathetic, plastic figure; that's why she and her boyfriend go so well together.
i actually bumped into y/n the day after that.. shitshow, even offered some ointment. don't get me wrong, heeseung did a great job wrapping them up, but my gift would help leave less scars. besides, the last thing she needs is a reminder of what inferior worms did to her.
i did notice that too; it's quite bittersweet. personally, i would have loved to have a little chat with those losers.
but ni-ki beat me to the shovel.
come send in a rumor you heard ( accepting five more before closing it for the season ) !
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1437purplehearts · 23 days
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🥀Genre/tags: strangers to friends to lovers, girl next door, guy next door fame,jk, fluff, angst, smut, young adults (18+) may contain mentions of kissing, sex in numerous instances, it might get a bit explicit… (18+)
Reaching the door of a small conference room off the left end of the first floor, I hear Nari’s voice as she mentions my name. A bit nervous to enter I took a deep breath before turning the handle my hand was resting on pushing it open softly. As I entered I get a good look at the person she was speaking to, before she stands from her seat next to the tall buff man who was dressed nicely in a casual grey button up shirt, unbuttoned by two buttons, a pair of black of trousers and who’s shoes were just as shiny and black as the short locks on his head which were neatly parted to the side and a few pieces dangling his face.
“Oh you’re here. That was a lot faster than I thought it would be for you to get here considering it’s hitting rush hour. How was the cab ride?” She made her way over to me to give me a quick hug before directing me to sit down on the empty lounge chair closest to her.
The room was small but it was enough to fit a black three seater couch, two arm chairs and a round coffee table that a large oval shaped Starseed Entertainment branded rug cushioned underneath it. They were placed strategically in front of the big windows that faced the back of the building which was just a huge courtyard made up of seating, cherry blossoms trees, a variety of other flowers and greenery. On the opposite wall a projector screen was installed I assume was used for presentations if anyone needed to and a built in storage unit sat beneath it. It wasn’t like one of those boring boardroom set ups that we would normally meet in with a big group whenever we worked on an important project.
“I actually got a ride here from a friendly neighbor. So not too bad.”
I made my way over and sat down placing my purse behind me. Nari had made her way back to her seat as well and gestured back and forth between me and the man next to her. He looked like he may have been around the same age as Nari. He had this really intense persona to him. I could tell he was mature and well educated. Probably what every girl writes in their diaries about when they describe their dream guy.
“Oh that’s great you’re getting acquainted with the other people living there. Y/n this is Namjoon. I was just telling him about how I met you and the work you did for XG. He’s filling in for his manager Lee Seojin today as he fell sick last minute and it was too late notice to reschedule. Also, Samh won’t be joining the meeting today either he was not so lucky to beat the rush hour today after going downtown to check the progress of the new filming site being set up for their next promotional video.” She informed me sweetly smiling as she always did.
“Nice to meet you.” I bow slightly from my seat as he does the same standing slightly to reach out and shake my hand before getting seated again. He smiled a genuine smile, I my heart couldn’t help but skip a beat as he scanned me quickly finding my eyes, which I diverted as his dimples caught my attention and I nearly melted from the exchange. I’m sure my cheeks were red as roses.
I clear my throat and shift my focus back to Nari as she begins filling me in on really important business proposal that she thought would be great for me to start making my own industry connections.
“Even though Samh is not here we can still get through the meeting. I can fill him in later about what we discussed just start because I don’t want to take up too much of Namjoons time.”
She picked up her tablet that was on the table and quickly read over some notes she made.
I pulled out my phone going over to my notes app just in case I needed to take any information down as well.
“So I believe I’ve mentioned it before but Starseed is looking to expand its resources potentially partnering with other big name companies like VIBE. Namjoon is actually one of the artists there.
Did she just say VIBE? Like the same VIBE JK said he worked for?
I was clearly surprised by this news. I was under the impression that Namjoon maybe might just be some sort of assistant. I wonder if he knows JK personally then? My eyes shot up over to him and I do another once over. Seeing the surprise on my face Nari quickly adds.
“I know you don’t have too much knowledge about some of the existing groups and solo artist from the Asian scene but that’s why I wanted you to come to this meeting today. The partnership with VIBE specifically would open so many opportunities for you. I want you to be our line of connection with them of course using your writing skills helping them bring their different groups and project concepts to life. Namjoon here has years of experience with networking and building professional relationships. He will be introducing you to the companies production team as they work on debut projects for the trainees there.”
I simply nod and Namjoon adds to the conversation.
“We have a team of people rather than an individual that helps with these things of course because there’s so much to do and many artists to handle. ”
“That’s right…” Nari points out. “I know we brought you here on the basis of just being one of our contracted writers but I know you are capable of much more and this just really feels like a great opportunity for you. I don’t think I’d trust anyone else with it if I’m honest. However it’s completely up to you if you feel comfortable enough accepting a bit more responsibility. What do you think?”
Trying my best not to fidget with the hem of my skort or anything else that would make me look uncomfortable I folded my hands together and rested them on my lap, straightening my posture before replying.
“I think you’re right about it being a great opportunity….It’s definitely more than I would’ve imagined when I took the offer to work here. I’m really grateful and excited to be working with you…” I pause not sure if I should address him by Mr or just by his name.
“You can call me Joon. I don’t mind it.” He said smiling sweetly. “I really look forward to working with you too.”
“Thank you Joon.” I respond feeling less anxious and relaxing my shoulders a bit before Nari begins again.
“Awesome! Some work will be done here as usual but there are many occasions you will go to at the VIBE building to work with their team.”
“Yeah because our company houses so many artists and a lot of time needs to be split between them and it’s just easier if we don’t have to keep traveling back and worth to meet you here to go over things and as sets are being built for videos, photoshoots and performances… I’m sure you’ll be inspired everywhere you turn.” He adds.
“I can’t wait.” I smile thanking them both before I’m handed a business card from Namjoon as the meeting come to an end after Nari gets a call and excuses herself most likely to her office leaving the door open as I start to gather my belongs while he lingers a bit. It was silent for a moment before he spoke almost startling me.
“Man like this place is really something… I mean my company is definitely a place that draws one’s attention but this. This is dope. Really like…look at this courtyard.” He walks towards the window peering out. There were a few people walking through sitting and chatting.
I’m not sure why he was really sticking around but I had planned on going to my writers suite to work on a new song that I had stuck in my head and since we were done. I thought he’d be heading out too but I guess not.
“Yeah it reminds me of the place I first met Nari.” I decided to walk over and stand next to him to have a look. I quickly was made aware of how tall he actually was and made sure not to look directly at him as I’d feel really small even though I’m an average 5’5 in height.
“Yeah? How long have you know her?”
I was under the impression Nari would have told him when we met but I guess it wasn’t relevant to their conversation.
“About one year. 4 months. How about you?”
I feel his eyes on me. “I’ve known her since my trainee days. We are actually really close. It was easy to fill in for Lee Seojin because of our history. She seems quite fond of you.”
I let out a soft laugh. “Yeah well she sort of became one of my best friends but we still maintain a professional relationship most days. It has been none stop work since I got here and it only gets busier.”
“Trust me I know how it can get…” He says turning fully towards me now. “However, I’ll
make sure that you aren’t all work and no play.”
I raise an eyebrow at him only glancing for a few seconds before looking back out the window.
“I meant you will have a fair work life balance. I mean how do you stay inspired to write if you don’t have experiences to write about?”
I nodded in agreement. Most of my songs I write are about personal experiences or experiences that friends or family have shared with me. My imagination on it’s on wasn’t always enough. I’d end up writing about the same stuff over and over again.
“I’ve already invited Nari but there’s an art show happening soon that I think you should see. If you want to come?”
“Oh yeah sure I’d love that.”
I said and finally gain enough courage to face him directly and give him a friendly smile which of course he returns then looks over my head at the door which indicates he’s prepared to leave.
“Well I’ll see you around y/n. It really was nice to meet you.” With this he bows his head slightly then excuses himself out.
I waited at least two mins before exiting behind him to go to my writers suite where I wrote and played around with melodies on the keyboard and guitars that were left there for me to use as needed. Right before I turn to go up the staircase I spot Nari with Namjoon but this time instead of appearing like two professionals they were standing close enough to touch and whatever they were discussing wasn’t business related. I could tell by the blush in her cheeks and the deep dimples of his cheeks as he looked down at her affectionately. I giggle and make my way up the stairs before they saw me spying on them.
Hours go by with me in my suite it’s nearly 8PM and my phone buzzes from a text.
I pull it off the desk in front of me and see a text from Nari.
Kim Nari 🪷: Hey I’m getting ready to head out. What are you doing for dinner tonight?
Y/n 🥀: hmm I’m not sure tbh any suggestions?”
Buzzz Buzz
Kim Nari 🪷: I was thinking since it’s a friday night you’d want to have a night out? Before schedules start getting crazy. Which btw I will be sending you some calendar events.
Y/n 🥀: Yeah sure I’ve done enough writing for the day. I’ll book a ride home and meet you there after I change?
Kim Nari 🪷: Yeah sure I will send the address of the bar. See you there.
Buzz Buzz
I take a look at the address and grab my purse making sure to turn out the light as I exit the writer suite. No one else was still here besides me and the cleaners. I had to hurry home and get changed. I booked a ride share since of course my assistant was out and I didn’t know if I was ready to ask JK for a ride yet. There’s no reason for me to use him like he’s a personal driver. I’m just grateful he got me here this morning.
It takes them 10 mins to get here. I was already waiting at the bottom of the stairs and slide right in the back saying hello to the driver who was really nice. I arrive back home after 30 mins because of the evening rush. It’s now 8:40 pm plenty of time to get ready.
I slide off my shoes and hop in the shower before getting ready.
“Yah! Where are you bro?” Tae shouts over the loud music thumping rhythmically in the background as he staring drunkenly at me through face time.
I chuckled and shake my head at him.
“I literally just got here. Had to park the Harley in a good spot.” I say as I continue locking up my helmet to my bike. Tae and Jimin invited me out tonight to this new club. I only agreed because I literally had nothing better to do and I needed something to get my mind off of my new neighbor. I hadn’t heard from her since this morning. Not that I’m keeping track or anything but I don’t know… I sorta thought she would use my number since I gave it to her and told her to call if she needed. I guess I shouldn’t expect to be needed? She barely knows me and I just so happened to do her a favor because it was just the right timing to do a good deed.
“Hurry your ass in here! Maybe try and get laid tonight too. You’ve been hiding away from us for 2 weeks.” Tae shouts at me and I roll my eyes. I know I didn’t need to show up to work for a few more days so I just enjoyed the alone time and bonding with Beaumi. I’m not really that into taking random girls home to expend my energy and kick out immediately after.
It’s too risky to do that anyway. There’s always someone lurking around with a camera waiting to take the perfect photo of me to try and expose me for shit that normal people do everyday, like breathe.
“The only one trying to get laid is you. Also I haven’t been hiding from anyone.” I state as I start to walk towards the back entrance of this bar just like Jimin instructed me to do. There was a tall guard standing directly in front of the door dressed in all black with matching black shades so you couldn’t see his eyes. He sees me and immediately steps aside to let me pass.
“Anyway I’m coming inside bye.” I don’t give him a chance to respond and nod a thank you to the guard and step through the red door. It was nearly pitch black but floor lights lined the floor just enough you could see where you were stepping and two doors with lights right above them one to the front
of the bar the other probably some sorta of dressing room or storage. I could not only hear the thumping music but I could now feel it. This meant the DJ booth was somewhere close by too. I stepped through the door to the front.
Neon lights and beams light up the place just enough you could make out the silhouettes of everyone and find your way to the bathroom and bar but if you were looking for faces it was a bit hard to see. I squinted my eyes as I try to remember the directions Jimin gave to meet them once I was in. The floor was huge and crowded but it had a second level peering out above it. I turn to my right to find a set of stairs the opposite side of where the DJ booth was indeed located on a raised stage and made my way up. The lights were a bit brighter here and I could see thee drunk Tae dressed in a red suit no shirt with only a few buttons keeping him from being completely exposed, with slicked back blonde hair with dark roots. Throwing back what’s probably like his 20th shot of alcohol.
Jimin sits to the side away from him on the black leopard patterned lounge sofa. His hair slicked back a bit more messily then Taes and he was dressed in all black a mesh top underneath exposing just enough to look the way only Jimin could. There were a couple of random girls and guys sitting or standing next to them. Specifically one guy dressed in all white the complete opposite of Jimin with messy long hair staring at him from behind his glass of alcohol while he leaned on a near by wall. Jimin completely unaware I chuckle to myself and make it over to them.
“I see you definitely got some eyes on you tonight.” I tease as Jimin looks up confused. I tilt my head over to the admirer and one look from Jimin was all it took for the guy to shyly excuse himself intimidated by his beauty.
“Ah shit!” Jimin shouts a bit annoyed because he scared him away.
I stand there amused when Tae finally sees me and daps me up, barely able to do so without stumbling a bit and almost splling his entire drink on the girl sitting next to Jimin who was also staring him down.
“Woahh be careful dude.” I say as I keep him steady and pat him on the back. Giving the girl a super apologetic expression. Jimin quickly comes to her rescue grabbing a ton of napkins from the table offering to clean her up. She seemed shocked and just agreed. Probably because who in their right mind would pass up on the opportunity to be wiped down by Jimin in public? I shake me head even more amused before I try and direct Taes ass to sit back down and forceful handing him a bottled water from the table. There were so many empty shot glass and beer on the table my own stomach started to hurt and I hadn’t even order a drink yet. I’m definitely gonna need one dealing with this guy.
Tae sits with a grunt and unscrews the bottom lazily then chugs the bottle until it was flat then discards it on the table with the others, then lets out a big burp and had Jimin ready to scold him. Tae laughs at himself.
“I see you’ve wasted no time to try what
looks like the entire bar menu…” I say taking a seat on the edge of the couch. “What’s good?”
“What kind of question is that Kook?” Tae asks side eyeing me then taking a grip of my shoulder and shouts one of the servers over.
“Hey Reina! Get my guy here one of your finest beers.” He says winking at her.
“Sure thing.” She winks back walking away to get what he asked.
He of course took the opportunity to also stare at her ass. Which was barely being covered by the short skirt she was wearing. She was a tall girl, sporting a neck length bob, and you could see from the way her hair was parted behind her ear the hidden blonde streaks. She had a small but defined nose, lips just the same and her eyes were shaped like a foxes.
“You’re also clearly already well acquainted with the staff.” I point out.
“Ha yeah well. I’m gonna be trying to get a lot more than acquainted tonight.” He states as she comes back handing me the beer clearly hearing him.
“Hey Reina, join me on the floor?” He states as he’s leaned back on the couch manspreading.
She just stares at him almost unsure how to respond but of course…
“Take the lead I’ll follow.”
Next thing you know Tae springs off the couch taking her hand pulling her away to the dance floor. I shake my head and take a sip of my beer.
“So where the hell have you been?” Jimin asks scooting closer to me holding a glass of what I know is straight liquor.
I shrug. “I really just been trying to adjust back to normal. Trips to the gym, bonding with Beaumi, I’ve been to the office a few times but you know I didn’t really have anything scheduled during this time.”
He takes a sip of his glass before responding. “Yeah I admit coming back after all we went through it’s been a bit weird. Especially because there’s been a bit of drama surrounding the company. You know some crazy lady was plotting to take VIBE down while we were away?”
I shake my head and turn to him. “Who isn’t trying to do that? Like seriously even when we aren’t away.” I state.
“It’s ridiculous that so many people really can’t stand to see us be successful.”
“That’s the price of fame I guess.” I shrug taking another sip of my beer and stand up to lean over the balconies edge.
I squint scanning around the place taking in all the details of the club and just as my thoughts go to drift. Right in the line of a spot light pointed near the entrance, I see her. She was with someone who looked familiar. I studied her face which was freshly but gently coated in makeup as she turned her head to the person next to her I catch reflections of shimmer on her skin. She was wearing a sleeveless black laced dress, curls were hanging down brushing her shoulders, a big change from the bun she sported this morning. I gulp and a take another drink of my beer before looking her way again. She must have been looking about as well because we locked eyes and she looked just as surprised to see me. I lift my bottle in her direction as if to say hello and she smiles before being dragged away into the dark by her friend.
I smile to myself and take another sip of my beer before turning back to Jimin.
“You been down on the floor yet?” I ask him.
He stands joining my side peeking over the edge. Spotting Tae who was letting Reina grind against him as they danced.
“Not yet. I was waiting to let everyone get a bit more drunk before taking the floor. Tae has definitely accomplished that. We probably shouldn’t stay too far from him though. No telling what he’d get into without supervision.” Jimin states turning back to the girl on the couch holding his hand out for her. She accepts it as he signals me to follow him down.
I follow them but once we reach the others I can’t help but wonder where y/n went off to. I’m just there shuffling back and forth to the music nodding my head until I spot her by the bar. I tap Jimin to let him know I was going to get another beer and head in her direction.
As I get closer I can see her smile more clearly as she laughs at whatever her friend was saying. There was an empty chair two away from hers I silently take as she continued to talk to her friend oblivious to my presence.
“Haha I’m telling you…he’s so sweet and I’d been crushing on him for years even though we were just friends. We hung out at this art show together one time and he got to talking all this deep talk about what he thought the art meant and how it made him feel in relation to his current life and the lives he’s watched others experience. How it inspired him to write and I swear I had to have been so mesmerized by his words that I just stared at him until he stopped talking and smiled with those dimples of his. They definitely are dangerous. Practically illegal the way they make my heart skip. He asked me out on a real date and we have been sorta together.” He friend narrates her story to y/n as the bartender starts in my direction I slide my glass over for a refill.
“It sounds like you’re in love haha.” Y/n teases.
“Ha… yeah love… is a strong word y/n.” I couldn’t see her face but I can imagine the cringe on her friends face the way she says it.
“I mean if Namjoon wasn’t the person he was I wouldn’t have gotten myself into anything with him. I can’t say that I’m opposed to falling that deep but I’m just not there yet.”she finishes.
I furrow my brows at the mention of Namjoon’s name and shift slightly enough to try and make out her friend’s face. Which when I do, I immediately remember who she was.
This was the girl NJ had been spending a lot of time with even before enlistment. I knew her from our trainee days but I personally didn’t get all that close with her. She was always really nice whenever she’d come around with the company she was interning for, to chat business with Lee Seojin. Joon was apart of most of those meetings of course as the leader of our group. so naturally he got to know her more personally. Nari was her name. It comes to me now that I heard y/n say it in the elevator earlier today and when she was telling me about where she worked. I don’t know why I didn’t pick this up then. Probably because I was too distracted by the beauty sitting next to me now.
“Hmm I guess that makes sense. You always told me there’s more red flag potential here than there is green. Just from the conversation had with him earlier I can tell he’s a rare one.” Her soft voice carries on.
“Yeah veeeeery rare.” Nari chuckles.
“I can only imagine what’s it like to even be mutually in like with anyone. I haven’t even ever had a boyfriend.” she groans.
I lift my brow still eavesdropping.
“What? Seriously y/n? Never?”
“No… I feel like I’ve always picked the wrong ones. I always liked them too much and they never cared to get to know me and like me for me. They only wanted one thing and I stupidly thought I could convince them I was more and they would actually care.” She shrugs then sips her nearly empty drink.
What she doesn’t say is that she once allowed herself to indulge in the thing that they most wanted with one guy who she’d become friends with in college, before a crush developed and he broke her heart into pieces that she didn’t think could be repaired. After what he did to her she lost nearly all the motivation to believe she could ever experience a genuine connection. She lived in survival mode most her life too. So trust wasn’t all that easy for her to extend when it comes to romantic relationships. Her father was a non existent her mom couldn’t be there emotionally for her growing up because she was working so hard to raise her. Her mom was always too tired to do anything more than provide basic parenting. She loved her mom either way but she didn’t have the sort of bond with her as all her other friends did with theirs. She would spend lots of time on her own wishing for what could’ve been.
“Damn I’m sorry…” Nari says as my heart silently breaks for her knowing there’s probably more there than she is sharing and I take a peek at her.
She shakes her head waving it off twirling around her straw in the now empty glass. The bartender notices and attempts to tend to her.
“Would you like another miss?” He asks her. He was a simple looking guy slim frame, dark hair, dressed in black shortsleeved dress shirt and name tag.
“Yeah please.” I’m assuming she didn’t open a tab because she goes to pull out her card to pay but before she does I move just next to her at the bar addressing the bartender.
“Could you put whatever she’s had or wants tonight on my tab please?” I say completely aware that she’s probably in shock from experiencing yet another good deed from me in the first 24hrs of us officially becoming acquainted.
“Oh no… ha you don’t have to do that.” She laughs nervously as the bartender moves to fulfill my request.
I turn to her the corner of my lip turned up into a slight smile as she faces me now when he doesn’t acknowledge her reluctance to allow me to pay, looking shy the way she had the first time we bumped into each other the night before. Nari is looking at me too surprised of my coincidental presence but doesn’t say anything as I nod a hello towards her and she smiles in return probably not wanting to kill the moment with the acknowledgement that she knows me.
“Y/n I’m gonna go to the restroom before we hit the floor. Be right back.” Nari gets up before a reply could be rendered and makes her way through the crowd leaving us alone.
Y/n scuffs a little under her breath at Nari because she didn’t even know if I was a complete stranger or not.
“I know I didn’t have to. I thought it would be nice. The way it is running into you here.” I seat myself once more directly beside her never moving my gaze from her eyes. They were studying me now just the same. I couldn’t help but peep the fleeting sadness in them. I shift my eyes to her hands as she nervously played with them until the bartender was back with her drink and watched her take a sip.
“You know It’s really funny that we keep bumping into each like this. I’m starting to think it’s not a coincidence and I actually have a stalker situation at hand.” She jokes as she turns to me with her straw in her mouth as she takes another sip.
I glare playfully as I tilt my head feening as I’ve taken offense to her words.
“If I’m not mistaken I recall I arrived here first. So it must be you doing the stalking then?” I say with a challenging lift of my brow.
“Only a stalker would know exactly when I arrived.” She challenges me back, causing a cheeky grin to creep onto my face.
“Touché.” I poke my inner cheek with my tongue and advert my eyes to the dance floor before they find there way back to her face.
“So… uh… how was your day?” I ask her.
She snorts putting her drink down turning her back to the bar to face the floor.
“My day was pretty good. It wasn’t too busy I just had my meeting and discovered I’ll be taking duties assisting the production team at VIBE.” As she says this she side eyes me.
I feel the nervous heat trailing up my body. How am I going to hide from her who I am if she’s literally going to work under my nose and she’s close to someone who knows? I run my fingers through my hair. Which was still pretty long but I had decided to have it trimmed a little bit into a wolf cut earlier today to keep it a bit more tamed and to keep myself distracted from waiting for a possible text from the very person I’m looking at now. I sense her gaze on me as I do this.
“Oh so I’ll be seeing you not only in my living quarters but also at my place of work? Also like what are the chances we end up in the same bar,at the same time, on the same night?” I point out.
I hear her snort again followed by a breathy giggle. Why do I find that sound so adorable?
“You really are trying to make your case for the stalking allegations huh?” She asked amused.
I chuckle shrugging. “I mean you’re not really providing evidence that suggests otherwise.”
“Touché.” She mimics my earlier answer in defeat.
The music suddenly gets louder as Nari makes her way back to us. I stand up finishing off my beer. She sips the last of her drink as well watching me. I turn to her just as Nari reaches us glancing curiously between us two.
“Care to dance?” I ask them. Holding out my hand for y/n to take.
She looks at Nari for confirmation and she speaks up.
“Sure why not? We didn’t come to just sit on our asses. Let’s party!” Nari says beginning towards the floor bouncing her shoulders up and down in a playful manner.
We follow ending up not too far from the guys and their companions for the night. Tae sees us and gives me weird wink probably thinking I scored for the night. He taps Jimin to look over too but he just rolls his eyes at Tae and continues minding his business dancing. I laugh to myself and start to feel warm as the beer begins to hit me and I can tell the drinks are hitting y/n too as she starts dancing with Nari. The club played a mixture of Korean and western music but Feel something by Chris brown is what the DJ decided to slow things down with.
She sways her hips left and right running her hands up her side until her hands were in the air. I’m watching her intently as I dance to the rhythm. Nari was in her own world dancing and mouthing the lyrics and didn’t pay us any attention.
Y/n winds her hips in a circle slowly turning her back towards me but not quite touching me. My eyes trail from her bare back down her body studying the direction of which her hips go. The loose skirt of her dress following suit. I grip my bottom lip in between my teeth subtly daring to get closer as she feels my presence at her backside. She turns her head ever so slightly to look at me over her shoulder. I peer down at her taking in her scent as we dance dangerously close but still untouching. I glup as she turns to face me, eyes on my chest. Her body moves meticulously to the changes in the melody and she begins to dance into Nari whose back was turned into hers. I take my eyes off her hips and meet her eyes stepping closer as she reaches out to pull me in gently by my shortsleeved v-neck,silky, black shirt. Tattoos and muscles exposed. I raise a brow at her and she shrugs it off. Our faces were inches away now I could feel her breath on me. I reach to take her hand from my chest smirking at the surprised expression twinkling in her eyes as I pull it up to my shoulder and slowly grip onto her waist making sure not to move my hands anywhere else. I see her blush as a beam of light flickers past her face she focuses downward as we continue to dance into each other. I tilt my head courteously and take my hand from her waist, using hers to turn her around so her back was to me again. She takes the bait as Feeling lucky by Bibi and Jackson Wang starts to play changing the pace. I feel her lower half shyly brushed against my lower half but I didn’t push her to get closer.
Nari continues to dance along in front of her mentally noting the intensity we were creating on the floor. From the corner of my eye I see Jimin and Tae approaching with their dance partners following them. Reina holding a serving plate with shots. She offers us one and I take one for me and hand y/n one as our bodies part from each other.
“Wooahhh fuck!” Tae shouts after downing his shot.
Jimin of course takes his with a straight face as the rest of us scrunch our faces at whatever concoction Reina just handed us she disappears with the empty glasses before returning. Tae leans on my shoulder now taking a good look at y/n then back at me patting my back. I rolls my eyes and shake him off glad she didn’t notice because she continues dancing now with the other girls.
Jimin standing beside me also looks at her then at me. “Well well what do we have here?”
“No idea.” I shake my head grinning to myself after responding, not caring to entice them with any information about my new neighbor yet. Especially because I’m completely unsure what is happening here.
We continued the night taking more shots and dancing until we couldn’t anymore ending back up on the upper level trying to sober up at bit by eating some bar food. I was sitting back against the couch with my eyes closed trying to protect them from the lights y/n next to me struggling to eat the fries in front of her.
“Hey y/n I’m going to head home you coming with or?” Nari asks her as she grabs her bag to head out eyes flickering back and forth between me and y/n. I wasn’t aware of this with my eyes closed but y/n voice has my eyes fluttering open. She was clearly drunk.
“I..mhm..you go I need to sober up a bit more before I move anywhere.” She says laughing at herself as she misses her mouth as she tries to bite into the handful of fries she was holding.
Amused I glance over at her. Clearly not as affected by the alcohol.
“Jungkook…Can you make sure she goes home safely?” Nari asks me.
I look between her and her drunk friend and nod. “Sure.”
Nari glares down at me challengingly .“You better or I’ll have your head, got it?” She threatens.
I sit up nodding at her not really intimidated because I know she means well. “You can count on me.”
Satisfied with my answer she hugs y/n before waving at the other’s disappearing down to the floor.
I look over at y/n spotting an unopened water bottle, I grab it twisting the top before taking her hand placing it there for her to take a drink. She doesn’t fight it and takes a few sips in between eating the rest of the fries. I look over at Tae and Reina as she’s trying to sober him up from the 100 drinks he’s downed tonight. Which I know will result in the worse hangover of his life tomorrow when he wakes up but he will somehow magically recover to fully function at work.
I shake my head shifting my gaze to Jimin. He wasn’t nearly as affected by the alcohol as any of us. He was just leaned comfortably on the couch with his companions head laid on his chest watching the lights. He might not be unfiltered the way Tae was but I knew he wasn’t going home alone tonight.
Once I felt sober enough I help y/n up from her seat and say goodbye to them.
After heading out the back entrance before the bar started clearing out, I walk her to my bike.
I wasn’t too drunk to drive it home and luckily I kept a spare helmet in the storage compartment hooked to the back of my bike. With one hand holding onto y/ns waist to steady her enough she doesn’t fall, I unlock the compartment and grab the helmet closing it back.
“Ok now you miss will need to sit in front of me so I can make sure you don’t fall off here.”
I help her sit on the bike with her legs swinging off to one side making sure her dress doesn’t lift. I feel a tug on my dark pants as I step back.
“Uh…” I start but see her eyes are closed when I look to her face.
Her bracelet was caught on the loop probably happened when I leaned over her to make sure she was on correctly.
She’s just there patiently waiting for me to take her away completely unaware of the current situation. Before I could let my mind drift off and acknowledge how peacefully cute she looked, I shake my thoughts away and untangle the bracelet ears hot from the weird placement.
I then place the helmet onto her head making sure the strap is secured. The helmet was a bit big but it would be enough to protect her if anything happened but I’d never let it.
I hop onto the bike behind her leaving just enough personal space between us. I loop my arms around her frame caging her in on both sides, grabbing the handles before setting the bike stand free with a kick, starting the engine it to go.
Her arms were rested on her lap. Which is not the best place for them as we have quite a lengthy ride to our destination.
“Before I take off completely you should hold on to something at least.” I say to her.
“…and you can lean back into me too if it makes you feel more secure.” I add with my nerves nearly taking over me.
I felt warm and relaxed as I listen to JKs voice behind me. Just like the air was too…warm, so was the sound his vocal cords made while speaking. I hum in drunken satisfaction as I feel a breeze and follow his direction leaning back into his chest. I can feel his heart beating quickly but I’m not sober enough to question it. I hear him clear his throat, body stiffening slightly as I loop my hands around his waist for security as I was seated in a sort of cradle position in front of him and rest my head on his shoulder. His hands adjust their grip on the handles and I feel him relax a bit before he pulls away down the street back to our apartment building.
We arrive only 30 mins later entering the garage. The familiar wet rubbery smell engulfing my nose. I was nearly all the way asleep but as Jk puts down the break I feel the now cold air take over me as he strips away his warm body from mine bracing himself to climb off. I sit there pouting arms crossed with my eyes still closed refusing to move when I hear his chuckle. Only then did I open them.
“Did I disturb your nap?” He ask with this annoyingly attractive amused grin on his face.
I roll my eyes, sighing and slide off the bike slowly but surely. He takes my hand to steady me then reaches to unbuckle the big helmet on my head. I stare lazily at him as he does this studying his face as his brows furrow in focus. From his forehead to his lips and then…oh? The tiny mole underneath them on his chin. He finally gets it loose then lifts it from my head. I’m still staring at the mole because I can’t seem to get over how cute it was sitting there on his face. He looks at me confused. “Is there something on my face?”
I giggle and shake my head. “Nooo I’m just tired.” I lie and say knowing it didn’t make any sense to say.
He licks his lips looking into the reflection of the shiny black helmet before deciding to let it go before putting helmet away. Then we make our way to the elevator then up to the 6th floor. The elevator ride up was quiet and felt like it was going in slow motion as I lean against the wall closing my eyes again trying to take a quick nap until the door dings open.
“Mmmfh.” I groan and force myself from the wall that I wished was my bed. Jk was the first to exit the elevator watching me carefully as I make my way into the hallway. He doesn’t leave me to walk to my door alone and as I fumble over my feet, then with my purse for my keys he stands there patiently with his hands in his pocket. When it feels like ten years of searching blindly for them I pull them out and struggle to unlock the door. I feel his soft but slightly calloused hand on mine gently prying the key away and unlocking the door for me.
I turn to him. “Thanks.”
He bows slightly chewing his lip ring as he straightens himself. “Will you be alright getting yourself to bed?” He asks clearly concerned I would somehow injure myself on the way to my bed.
I give him a lazy smile as I step into my apartment. “I’ll be fine…good night Jungkook.” I said pronouncing his name correctly this time unlike the first time I’d said it. His face showed his appreciation for it before he steps away.
“Good night y/n.” He says before he turns to go the opposite end of the hall I close it once he’s opened his door and head towards my bed stripping away each layer of clothing as I do, deciding I could totally wash off my makeup in the morning as my head hits my pillow eyes closed for good tonight.
Thank you for reading 💜
xx JungkooksSnakebite xx
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cookiesuga55 · 1 year
Stream of Consciousness Science Cuties NamJin
Every day, Namjoon sits next to his crush in the science lab. Kim Seojin is quiet, shy, and barely speaks to Namjoon. But, Namjoon doesn't really mind. There are little moments that make up for the lack of words, like how Seokjin's cheeks heat up every time Namjoon's fingers brush his when they're sharing slides to look through in the microscope.
Namjoon knows that he's on the nerdy side himself, and he's not ashamed of it. But the day that Seokjin sits down and the little pokémon charm peeks out of the zipper of his book bag, Namjoon positively lights up. It's the first time the Seokjin properly talks to him, and Namjoon considers it a massive win.
He tries to pay attention. He really does love biology, but something about Seokjin keeps distracting him. Maybe it's the softness that appeals to Namjoon, he isn't sure, but Seokjin's full dumpling cheeks, cute double chin, and rounded waist for some reason make Namjoon practically salivate. He finds himself peeking at the man's soft tummy that presses against the inside of his fuzzy sweaters, pulling them tight and rounding him out. Seokjin's thighs swell against the restrictive fabric of his jeans, and Namjoon can't help but stare at the way his creamy skin bulges out of the illegally high rips up his thighs. Namjoon bites his lip as he notices a few little pink stripes on the other's waist and soft hips when he bends down to get his textbook, and his sweater creeps up. Namjoon knows he's being weird... and potentially creepy. Honestly, he's trying not to stare. But how can he not notice how pretty the other man is? How can anyone in the lecture look anywhere else besides Kim Seokjin? No one else seems to have the same problem as him, and Namjoon sits on his hands for the rest of the hour just to be safe.
The weeks pass, and Namjoon slowly coaxes more words out of the other who seems to be growing considerably more comfortable with him, especially once Namjoon starts sharing half of his protein bars that he doesn't really need anyways. But it's so worth it, because of the way that Seokjin's eyes light up whenever he offers half of his food at the start of class sneakily underneath their table. It's really adorable... so Namjoon keeps doing it, just to get closer to him and glimpse the pretty smile that he might be getting addicted to.
As much as he tries to be good, one moment is burned into his mind, and Namjoon almost wishes that it hadn't ever happened. The previous group must have spilled some of the solvents they were analyzing on the floor, and been too rushed to clean it up. There was a nearly-invisible puddle right by Seokjin's seat, and Namjoon was on his way back to their lab station with some paper towels to clean it up. Just as he was bending down to wipe up the saline solution, Seokjin's tennis shoe entered his vision. Namjoon watched his foot slip practically in slow motion. On instinct, he shot his hands out, firmly grabbing one of Seokin's thighs, and the other steading the man's thick waist. Namjoon didn't even realize what he was doing until Seokjin was clutching the edge of the table, nearly toppled over, but successfully held up by Namjoon's hands that sank into soft pudge.
Heat exploded on Namjoon's cheeks, and he shyly looked up from where he was kneeling. From this low perspective, he could see the very bottom swell of Seokjin's belly that his sweater loosely hung over, how the chub gently spilled over the waistband of his jeans that was right in line with his face, and how- Namjoon gulped- Seokjin's perfectly rounded tummy looked full and distended like he'd just eaten a big lunch.
A string of incoherent words fell out of him, laced with apologies as Namjoon blushed even harder and peeked up higher to take in Seokjin's equally mortified brown eyes and his prominent double chin. The second that his friend- were they friends?- was stable and not in threat of slipping, Namjoon let go of the warm softness that filled his hands. His palms immediately felt cold, and he could have whined that he wasn't touching the perfect man any longer. Maybe he did whine, but he really hopes that he didn't.
Namjoon busied himself with cleaning up the spill as Seokjin plopped onto the lab station's stool, and he only glanced up once to see how Seokjin's plump asscheeks were too big for the measly circle of wood that was probably designed only for twigs like Namjoon. He stood up fast, nearly smacking his head on the underside of the counter if Seokjin hadn't grabbed his shoulders and given him a small smile as he pulled him out of harm's way.
Namjoon stuttered apologetically, asked if he was okay, and finally righted himself just to shove his glasses back up his burning nose. He definitely sat on his hands. They ached from feeling such delicious squish, and they threatened to chase another handful of the soft warmth.
Namjoon tried and failed to keep himself from glowing the entire rest of the lesson once Seokjin let out a breathy "thank you, Joon-ah," right next to his ear and gently squeezed his shoulder.
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lgcseojin · 5 months
✱ SEOJIN'S JOURNAL ( 2006 - current )
This journal is property of Park Seojin. It contains sensitive topics and precious thoughts. If you find this, don't open it or else he'll come find you and take you to Suplex City! Go away.
Septembur September, 2006 The therapy lady said if I pretend I'm talking to God then I can write eeeasier. I dunno. Don't wanna talk to you right now buddy. Cuz somtymes sometimes I kinda wish you didn't make me so I'm upset at you. And I hate cake and I don't wanna blow out anymore stupid candelsles. It just makes me feel real mad. Speshully Especially when Miss Heejung tries to give me hugs. I don't want none of that I just wanna go back to my friends somtimes.
November 30th, 2006 Mr Dongwoo Dad said that the baby is gonna come any day now. I'm gonna be mad if the kid is born on my birthday no way am I gonna share. It's my day!! I want somethin that's mine.
December 25th, 2006 Didn't write in this thing cuz I forgot. Anyway. Christmas is real fun. I got an RC racer thing!!!!! It goes so fast hahahah!!
January 15th, 2007 The baby was really late. They called her Dahye. She looked at me kinda funny but she didn't cry when I hugged her.
September 3rd, 2007 I got moved to a different class and stuff. I wanna throw books cuz now I'm not with my friends. But the teach said we were dissruptin class or whatever. I get to sit next to a girl now and she stuck her tongue out at me so I stuck out my middle finger. Her name is Boram.
March 14th, 2008 Girls are weird. I gave Boram my chocolates cuz she gave me some and then she said she was gonna throw em in the toilet. Whatever. I didn't like her anyways.
May 21st, 2009 Hahahah!!! Jaehyuk hyung came to school today and brought a real lizard. Yep it was real I checked and everything. Haesung said we should dissect it but we were like no way. I wanna make it my pet. It looks so sick! Not sick sick but cool
June 17th, 2009 I bought a guitar!!!
November 27th, 2009 A weird lady said hi to me when I was walking home. She had really long hair and a funny smile. She looked real sick (the real kind) and said my name. Maybe she's one of them no homes people or a ghost or somethin
November 29th, 2009 The weird lady tried to give me a bag of chips and grab my hand. Did she think I was 5 years old or somethin. That shit don't work on 11 year olds. So I ran away real fast. Skinned my knee. It fuckin hurt.
December 1st, 2009 Stuff sucks real bad right now. I'm real sorry God. I don't wanna go back no more. I just wanna stay here now. I'm sorry.
December 1st, 2010 She called again. I can't have one day.
December 1st, 2011 Sorry I keep ignoring you. Lotsa shit is happening lately. That lady hasn't even read this since like 2 years ago. Why do I even bother? How did I do it again? Hi, God? Haha. I'm good, I guess. Bored right now. Eating some kinda bread dad bought in Japan. Way too sweet but whatever. Birthday went okay. They gave me a party and it wasn't anything special I guess.
January 20th, 2013 Got nothing else to do so I'm gonna write in this again. Fuck this city. Fuck everything. I don't wanna move and leave everyone behind. This sucks so fucking much. Seoul seems like it sucks anyway. But at least Jaehyuk is there... Ugh nevermind. It makes feel sick to write while the car's moving all over the place, and Dahye won't stop pinching me. I'm gonna give this kid a headlock.
April 30th, 2013 Some kid almost ran me over with his bike so I grabbed it and he fell on me. Buncha stolen shit fell outta his jacket and everything. Hahaha. He begged me not to tell anyone. I think he's a grade below me even though he said he's like 13 I think. Seems real smart. Name is Cheol... something. I guess he's ok when we started to talk but if he runs me over again I'm gonna pummel him for sure.
August 2nd, 2013 Mom had the baby today. The kid is real cute and she grabbed my finger super tight. I'm gonna be honest. I kinda felt like crying and stuff. She's real cute, Dasom. I wanna protect her.
October 12th, 2013 Jaehyuk wants to start a band or whatever. Know I never mentioned it before but I kinda like to sing and I know how to play guitar. I'll give it a shot. He introduced me to some guy named Taewoo from another school and I asked Cheol if he wanted to join, too. Here goes nothing I guess.
February 23rd, 2015 I asked Minkyung out. I know you don't know who that is yet, God. Sorry about that. I was being an idiot just being in my head instead. She's in the same class as me. She's got short hair like to her neck kinda length. It's really funny. The class was playing soccer and she kicked the ball at my head. She seemed real scared about it and she came over to check on me and grabbed my face. That's what it's like to fall in love right??
July 9th, 2016 Long time no see, huh? Lots of good news happened so far. Well, kinda. First, I'm still going out with Minkyung. :) Second, I entered a singing contest and I got 3rd place, so a guy with a card came up to us and all. He was from a company... entertainment company. Legacy or something. Well, I auditioned and made it. Cool, right? Weird, though... Didn't think this could be a thing for me. Well, I'm gonna mooch these vocal lessons and see what happens I guess. Taewoo won't stop calling me a fucking sell-out though. Bastard. Anyway... the next news is awkward kinda. Mom and dad decided to foster this kid. He's like 12 or 13 or something and he's already getting on my nerves... Feel bad for him though. I know what it's like.
June 14th, 2017 Shit sucks. What a joke. See if those fuckers mess with Hyunseung again. I'd kick their asses all over again until they leave him alone.
December 2nd, 2017 She called me again. I don't get why she just won't leave me the hell alone. I can't do this shit. I don't care if I'm her "real son". Why did she have to find me? You left me there for like almost 7 years and now you wanna keep trying.
March 1st, 2018 I decided to start over. It's for the best, probably. Dim is over. I left the company. Me and Minkyung decided it would be better if we broke up. I couldn't even look at her anymore after I went off the deep end and didn't wanna be around anybody for a while. It was like shit was falling apart and I didn't wanna be like that and hurt her. Then have to leave her. And the guys. I feel like shit. I don't even know if this is the right choice. I'm taking you with me. There's still a lot of space to fill.
March 28th, 2018 It's the fifth day of basics. A week in and I've got some smart idea to start a journal. Apparently it's supposed to be "good" for me as an outlet but like... For all I know, some guy will take it, read it, and make fun of me. Whatever. This is stupid. The food sucks.
March 30th, 2018 Guy named Jung Woobin joined today. Kind of a nerd, but he's in my temporary unit and the bed next to mine. Might as well make friends. He keeps talking about random shit. Maybe I can see if he likes Slam Dunk. Well, I'm not here to make friends anyways, am I? Nothing else interesting happened. Entries are gonna be short till something interesting happens.
April 5th, 2018 Week two. Not hype. Hate waking up fucking early. This sucks ass. Some guy lost his shit and ran off in some random direction. They labeled him as a deserter. Feel kinda bad for him. Just glad he wasn't in my unit.
April 8th, 2018 New recruits came. There was overflow in bunking so they stuck a guy with us. I get a chaebol smell off of him but he seems alright so far. Let's see how he does during the first week.
April 21st, 2018 I'm tired of this Kang dude. Nearly kicked his ass before we got stopped. What a prick. He snores when he sleeps, too. I'm gonna plug his nostrils.
May 1st, 2018 Transfer to marines unit today. Off to Pohang. Wish me luck.
July 30th, 2018 Finally got time to sit down and write. Shit's been intense. The C.O. is no fucking stickler. He makes our squad wake up up to an hour earlier than the others. Set our alarms as the wake up song that blasts outside. Today, I swear we got to bed at midnight and got up at 3:30am. Wanted us to get our rounds done early so we can get a head start into the MMA training so we're in top shape. Tomorrow, our platoon is supposed to meet with the American marines that are stationed here, too.
October 10th, 2018 My English isn't that great but I kinda talked to this guy and we became friends. Tall, wavy hair, super ripped. Said his name is Andreas like the fault line but I dunno what that means, really. I can just call him Andy, he calls me Jin. His Korean is pretty good, actually. Hahaha.
October 11th, 2018 We sat by the river when everything is done and he and his friend taught me how to skin a rabbit. Then, the guy said he was gonna go rock fishing ( I think, I couldn't get his accent but I think he was from Australia or something ) and pulled a catfish with his bare hands. I'm serious! Wish I coulda taken a picture...
October 14th, 2018 It's the last day of the collab camp thing. Andy gave me a book. D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths. I guess I should get better at English... But he said he's staying in Seoul after this. And his dad's got a boxing gym or something. Once I'm out, I'll check it out.
December 1st, 2018 They remembered my birthday. Never thought I'd get a Chocopie with a candle sticking out of it. Whatever works. I don't like sweets anyway and it's cold as balls.
February 13th, 2019 I'm on break for seollal! Came back home for a bit to see everyone. I know I saw them in between but still... This is nice. Chan must've gotten real tall over the summer. Dasom ran up to me and hugged me real tight. As for Dahye, she shook my hand. What a weird kid. I missed them so much. Gonna go spend time with them now. I won't forget you at home. Promise.
March 26th, 2019 A new guy joined us today. Real jumpy, that one. Said he got transferred to our unit for some reason he won't say. Rumor is that he tried to kill some guy and he's in a gang back in Daejeon. I don't believe it for a second. What a stupid story.
April 3rd, 2019 Caught Lcpl. Shin creeping around the place after dark not in his bunk. I got up to take a piss and he almost scared it right outta me. This is like the 2nd time this happened. Since our ranks are the same there's not much I can do. Should I tell the C.O.? Shit, why am I asking you? I don't think you would know what to do either.
April 17th, 2019 Fuck it, we finally ratted on the guy. The hell is he doing lurking around the latrines all the time... Must be some kinda weirdo. I guess that's why he was transferred. Shoulda kicked him out instead. Woobin said he saw him with a knife when he got out so I dunno what to think anymore. Lt said it isn't a big deal. That the guy's gotta be touched in the head, whatever that means.
April 22nd, 2019 Something or some dipshit keeps knocking on the barracks again. Can't fucking sleep. Shit sucks.
May 24th, 2019 Things were quiet for a while. There was a weird smell coming from the latrines and it wasn't cause of the crap they serves us. Found a dead bird strung up with shoelaces. Can't eat tonight.
May 28th, 2019 Can't sleep. Knocking again. The alarms went off. Glitch, I guess.
May 31st, 2019 Some shit went down. Two of the guys started wailing on each other outta nowhere. Screaming real loud about something. I didn't really bother trying to figure it out when we got them off each other. They were reprimanded. Only 9 of us, so this shit really stirred things up. Must have been some kinda disagreement. But everyone's fucking tired. Climbing drills are tomorrow.
June 1st, 2019 The ropes were cut. Or frayed. Or old, or something. It's my fault, isn't it? If I didn't pull so hard then Hwang wouldn't have fallen. Everything's okay. He said it wasn't cause of me. They took him out for a short medical leave. Hope he's okay. But I'm still shaking. I'd only tell you this kinda stuff, God.
June 5th, 2019 There's only 6 of us right now in the unit right now until the others get back. Feels real quiet right about now. No one really wanted to talk. Least, not to me. I still got Woobin but he seems like something's real wrong. Shin's got the world under his feet, though, the way he's strutting everywhere. Kept trying to show me his rabbit pelt. Freak.
July 7th, 2019 That fucking knocking again. A slam. Piss off so I can sleep already.
July 19th, 2019 It's raining. Real hard. Had to go fix something and found Shin out there doing... something. Whatever it is, he didn't like that I caught him and fuck I don't know what to do. It can't have been something bad, right? I didn't really see. It was dark.
July 23rd, 2019 I'm gonna kill that piece of shit. What kinda asshole takes a picture of my mom and just. He's dead. Next week. Mark my words, God. I'm confessing ahead of time if something happens. I'm kicking his ass when he comes around.
July 29th, 2019 The fucker still lives. Unfortunately. Opened my eyes and saw him hovering over my bunk. I swear. I saw it. How long was he standing there? How many days? Shouldn't think too much of it...
August 2nd, 2019 I looked over and he was just sitting up in bed like that. Awake. I don't think he ever sleeps, come to think of it. Woobin said the same thing. I started to keep my knife with my under my pillow.
September 6th, 2019 We woke up and Shin was gone from his bed. Nothing from the usual. C.O. came in and told us the military officers came and got him. Said what happened stays with us. They're making Woobin testify but he won't tell me what happened. Guess I'll never really find out. Gotta keep an eye on the news maybe later. Feel like I need to take 8 showers though. Maybe 10. Hopefully there won't be too much to write about now.
September 30th, 2019 Holy shit. Just a little bit longer and I'll be outta here. Sgt. Park speaking. Cool, right? I should have something positive here after all that. Everything seems like it's okay again. I think. I guess I thought about it a little more... All sorta guys come through here and you never know who's gonna end up being totally insane. I left out some details but, God, I'm sure you saw what happened anyways.
October 15th, 2019 One more month! I get to lead new recruits today. I asked Woobin to help and he still almost passed out running with us. Guess some guys really don't get that fit here, haha. Here's hoping we can still be friends when we leave. He's outta here next week... Gonna miss him something awful.
November 10th, 2019 I'm free!!! Gonna stay with the family again for a bit until we get my place figured out. Don't really plan on going to school or anything, but dad helped me find a job at some restaurant. I gotta go to Gangnam for it since it's all ritzy but it pays well. I'm kinda excited. Really feels like I started over again... Also, went to the bar still in my fatigues ( yeah, I know, I was lazy ). Craziest thing, the people you meet again. Some guy in uniform, another in a sparkly jacket. Funny where we end up.
December 2nd, 2019 Saw the guys yesterday. We got super smashed and they said I climbed a tree. Wait. Why am I still writing? Nothing interesting is going on. Let's not make this a habit.
January 8th, 2020 Nevermind. Something kinda crazy happened. Went to Vampire Den for the open mic night again. Just to sing. I got that card again. This shiny one. I guess I must have been outta my mind and had it in me to go for an audition. It was worth a shot. I'm almost at the limit they accept trainees. Fuck what am I doing? Shit.
January 9th, 2020 The call came. I made it. They said I gotta move into the dorms now. At least I got a couple months to myself.
January 20th, 2020 Shit man. So many kids around... This kid ( had a real unique name ) I'm roommates with said that he's graduating high school soon. Crazy... I think I'm in way over my head if this is how things are gonna be, but fuck it, right? At least I can still keep my job. Guess I'll just start making some friends around here. There's plenty of guys my age. Yushin's even here, too. Well, anyway. I don't gotta keep writing in this right now so see you later.
July 24th, 2020 Hey guess who's gonna be in a band again? Well kinda. It's still a bunch of practicing. We'll see what happens but I'm feeling optimistic, I think.
April 21st, 2021 This just in for another episode of Shit Sucks... They pulled the band stuff. I guess there weren't gonna be enough resources for it. Dunno what to do now. Feels like everything's crumbling apart around me. I can just hide away in my room for the rest of the year, right? Just not sure what they're gonna do with me now. Gotta get better at dancing. I'll do it later.
May 23rd, 2021 Shit just keeps happening. I saw her with someone else. I don't want an explanation. I'm tired of this push and pull shit. Going here and there without saying much. She lit my heart on fire and put it out with her fucking shoe. I loved her. At least, I think I did. I guess that doesn't matter now. Nothing should have come from that day and why did I even bother going through with it. Over and over again. Wasted my own heart. Nothing matters anymore, does it? Fuck it all. I should go somewhere. Don't look now, God.
August 17th, 2021 I guess some okay things can happen. But these blind dates the guys keep trying to set me up on are a waste of time. Better to not put in effort like that. Anyway, dad's heart thing has gotten better, too. He wanted me to start picking up his new medicine after practice every day.
September 19th, 2021 It's hard to want to sing again. Or want to do much of anything again. Maybe I'll get better by next year.
September 25th, 2021 Met this girl. Well, already did. Sometimes, she'd be at the pharmacy when I picked things up. There's dimples in her cheeks when she smiles at me. I mentioned I was interested in producing music and she asked me for some pointers. We're meeting next week so I can help her, I guess. Worth a shot. Come to think of it, I think we went to the same high school.
October 18th, 2021 She's cute. Fuck, I'm so screwed. I remember now. I sneezed on her in the hallway once. She said it was two times, but I don't remember the first one. We already talked a lot. It's weird. Something dangerous about her. I'll watch my step...
October 31st, 2021 I feel drunk even though I'm not. She said she liked me and I wanted to run. I think I already like her, too. I just can't be what she needs right now. I shouldn't be writing this stuff down. I'll save it for songs. My own head. See you.
December 5th, 2021 She said there's a beauty in being impulsive. She is coy and bold. She wants to kiss my cheek because something compels her to. She yearns to see me. I can't forget anything she says. She speaks in poetry and laughs in music. I don't flinch when she reaches out to touch me. So.. What now...? I kissed her on the shores of some snowy Sokcho beach. When she says now that there's nothing innocent about the way I kiss her with that smirk of hers. When she said she's looking for someone to break her heart because she's just being realistic. Not to feel burdened because I make her happy. She'll be patient for me. I think I might be going a little crazy. Emotionally, spiritually. She makes me want to sing again.
December 1st, 2022 Aside from one good thing, this year was kind of a bust. Hoping for a better one next year. Fuck, I'm getting old. Did they forget about me?
March 20th, 2023 Finally got a project! With actual songs. Not sure what it's gonna entail but ... here goes nothing, as usual. :)
March 30th, 2023 And when it comes to spring, I learned that it's made of heartbreak and not love.
August 12th, 2023 Fuck, what am I doing with my life? It's so close I can taste it but I can't help but feel like there's so much missing.
October 30th, 2023 What am I doing? Part two. Everything is all jumbled up. There's nowhere to put that anger brewing in my head. I almost messed up my hand because of it and ruined everything for myself. Might start writing some songs again...
December 1st, 2023 The first birthday I really felt like I deserved. I guess I made it this far, huh? And there are people who care about me, love me. It's still really overwhelming to think about, but looking back, this is what I always needed. And I should have been more grateful for what I have around me in the form of other people.
January 1st, 2024 I think it's gonna be a great year. Love is real.
January 14th, 2024 Oh. Fuck.
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