#and thats not great. not even good. but it is certainly better than Not calling for a ceasefire
familyvideostevie · 8 months
october second
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day two: remus lupin you and remus make soup on a fall day | fluff, a bit suggestive | 1.1k
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Sometimes the best days of your life are the most simple ones. Today is one of those days.
It’s barely fall but you’re in the mood. You’ve swapped out your flowered dish towels for ones with bright leaves on them, put out the tiny ghost figurines you bought last year, and you’ve packed away your sundresses in bins under your bed. The windows are open to let in the cool air and you’re standing in front of your fridge in a sweater that’s almost certainly too ragged to wear for another season.
The front door to your place opens and you hear your boyfriend’s keys rattle. “Anyone home?” Remus calls.
“Kitchen!” you call back. You think he laughs but you’re not sure. You’re too focused on how you have…nothing resembling a meal in your fridge.
“You look troubled, darling.” Remus leans on the door frame, arms crossed as he smiles softly at you. “Did the milk do something to offend you?”
You sigh. “I can’t figure out what to cook for dinner,” you say. “I don’t know if I’ve got the right things for what I planned to feed you.” Remus often cooks but you’ve been trying to improve your skill and had claimed tonight as one of your nights.
He shoves off the jamb and makes his way to you. You tilt your cheek up and he brushes his lips against it. Before standing behind you, hand on your hip. “Hm,” he says. “Do you want me to go to the shop? I can. I would’ve if you’d told me before.”
“Well, I didn’t know I’d run into this problem, before,” you retort. He chuckles and you lean back into his chest. Remus is one of the most sure things in your life — yes, that’s his personality, but also he makes an effort to be so for you. And you for him. He is good at soothing your anxieties about things going wrong, about problems and your own fears of all the unpredictable things about life. You, in turn, remind him to slow down, to take moments for himself, to ask for what he wants even if it puts you out. (It never puts you out.)
So, sure, a thwarted dinner is something you can handle together.
“Hang on,” Remus says. He shuts the fridge door and moves away from you, one large palm dragging across your shoulder so he can keep touching you as he looks in one of your cabinets. “Just as I thought,” he says.
He grins your favorite grin, the one that makes him look boyish and unburdened. “You’ve got everything we need to make Potter soup.”
“Excuse me?” you sputter. Remus laughs and starts to pull things from the cabinet.
“James’s mum has a really great dish thats basically potato curry but better,” he says. “And I’m good at it because she likes me best and taught me how.”
“I’ll be he loves that,” you say. He grins at you again.
“You should have seen his face when she asked me to help make it over the school holidays when we were 17.”
Remus regales you with stories of boyhood shenanigans as he instructs you on how to help him cook. You chop vegetables, simmer water, gather spices. He’s patient when you’re quite slow at peeling the potatoes and plants a kiss on your temple every time he moves around you. You turn on the radio and try to no avail to get him to dance with you, though he laughs.
“You’re a marvel,” he says once the soup is simmering. The kitchen is warmer than it was, the stove and your efforts heating it up despite the now-evening chill coming in through the open window. You hop up onto the kitchen island and he steps between your legs.
“I slowed you down,” you say. He shakes his head.
“No one has ever had a sous-chef as gorgeous as you,” he says. His palms stroke up and down the soft material of your pants. You brush some hair from his forehead and trace your favorite of his scars down through his brow and across his cheek.
“You know,” you say, dragging out the words. “You didn’t kiss me proper when you came in.”
Remus raises his eyebrows at you. Really? his eyes say. “You were a bit busy being cross at the refrigerator, darling.”
“Excuses, Lupin,” you say primly.
“Lupin?” he scoffs. “Wow, I see how it is.” His hands wander up to your hips and he tugs a little, pulling you forward on the counter. You swallow a yelp.
“And how is that?” you say softly. Remus trails his fingers up your sides, making you squirm, before curling them around either side of your jaw.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Your boyfriend is often considered the calm one compared to his friends. He keeps them in check, he’s levelheaded, he’s mature. But he’s also a flirty shit when he wants to be. Like right now, it seems.
“Don’t tease,” you whisper. Remus relents, leaning in to kiss you soundly. It’s the kind of hello kiss you’d expected when he came home, the kind he gives you in public. A firm press of his lips, thumbs stroking the soft skin of your cheeks. And then it turns into something else. You hook your ankles around him and pull him even closer as he licks into your mouth with a moan that could have come from either of you.
He kisses you deeper, pulling away only to get a different angle, to press a finger to your pulse point to feel your heart go wild. It’s so cliche, making out in the kitchen after you’ve cooked together, but you love it. You love him.
You don’t know how long passes but when the timer goes off you have to push him away. His lips are swollen and slick, hair a riot, eyes bright despite their blown pupils. “Well,” he says. “You look a bit disheveled.”
You smack his shoulder. “Speak for yourself.” He backs up and you hop down from the counter to check the soup. “Does this look right?
Remus follows you, hands petting down his hair, and nods. “We made a bit much, didn’t we?”
You hum. “We could call everyone to come over,” you suggest.
He laughs. “We just snogged in the kitchen for who knows how long and now you want to invite all of our friends over for dinner? Are you sure you don’t want…something else?” His hand drags up and down your spine.
You shiver and then your stomach rumbles. “I’m hungry,” you say. “You can be filthy later.”
His expression says who, me?
“Plus I want to see James’s face when he realizes someone else can make this better than he can.”
Remus laughs and heads for the phone.
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dreamsy990 · 7 months
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so, re:chain of memories, huh?
warning! its been a little while since i played through recom, so the game isnt as fresh in my mind as some others. sorry for any innacuracies!
spoiler alert, this is my second favorite kingdom hearts game. at least of the ones i've played so far. i get that this isn't like. a POPULAR opinion but fuck you i have almost nothing but positives to say about it.
let's start with the easy stuff first. recom introduced a new card-based combat system. i cant compare it to the gba version, since i didn't play that, but i can say that for what its worth i DID enjoy the combat. recom is by far the hardest game so far (at least for me) and almost every boss took multiple days for me to beat, even with my hp maxed out. it took me a while to get the combat system, but id honestly love to replay the game now that i have a better understanding of how it works. the card system requires a lot of quick thinking and i get that it isnt everyones taste but its CERTAINLY mine. every fight is difficult and feels genuinely rewarding when you win. the movement, like kh1, can use a lot of work, but i wouldnt call it terrible. just kinda sluggish. i think my favorite boss fight was larxene. shes a pain in the ass but i love her.
i think riku's side dropping the deck building mechanic isnt terrible, but i wish i could reorder his deck at the very least. and the lack of healing cards is. not fun. basically any damage you take is permanent unless you HAPPEN to get mickey and its simply Not a fun time. im not very good at games okay.
i have a lot less to say about the worlds than the combat. they're definitely the worst aspect of the game, though. the idea of making worlds with cards is fine! it just leads to kind of repetitive world design. the stories are forgettable, so forgettable that i literally forgot them. and i could make a point about how thats the idea its a game all about forgetting things!! but honestly that just making excuses for it. the worlds couldve kept the idea of forgetting things without literally making them forgettable. i say this about every world, except for one. because DESTINY ISLANDS
destiny islands is just. so fucking good in recom. its the climax of both sora and rikus stories and i think theyre both amazing. id have to say i prefer rikus, soley because of the visual storytelling you get from his side of it, and thats not to say soras is bad at all. but something about zexion telling riku that its his fault his home was destroyed, as riku sees a version of himself turning into a literal monster? thats just good okay. its really good.
i ADORE the characters in this game too. everything we get from them is sooo good. it's the introduction to the organization and all of them (except lexaeus who did literally nothing) are a treat. axels my favorite ofc, but larxene is such a fun villain, you love to hate her. shes really the star of the org cast in this game. sure, axels may have said its his show now, but larxene stole the spotlight.
its namines introduction, too, and i love her. on one hand, shes just really kind. she wants a friend, she wants someone to talk to, she wants to meet sora. on the other, shes just a little bit fucked up actually. sure, shes honest with sora, but shes the tiniest little bit guilt trippy and i LOVE THAT. her response to sora saying he wants to get back his own memories and forget her is "oh okay. you want to remember your REAL friends, huh? theyre the ones who REALLY matter to you? yeah anyone would want that. no friends for namine i guess." like shes just a bit salty and we love that for her. i want slightly guilt tripping and salty namine back nomura.
but ofc one of my favorite new characters in this game HAS to be repliku. god i ADORE repliku. his hatred for riku is sooo fun and the way he fights with sora is great too. like in soras side i thought he was a neat villain but rikus side? hes amazing omfg. one of the only villains i liked in rikus story (sorry lexaeus, you werent good until days)
over all, this game certainly isnt everyones cup of tea, but its DEFINITELY mine. it's the game im most excited to replay at some point, mostly because of the amazing boss fights. 9/10. its got issues, but the story and characters are so good that i genuinely could not care less about like. most of them.
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biggiedraws · 1 year
okay i just finished rewatching fma brotherhood and can we please talk about how fuckin 15 ed is. like lots of anime protagonists are 15 but ed is *so* 15.
like- he needs to disguise the car so he makes it into a 15 year olds idea of a really cool car, and its so cringe the adults force him to change it. he makes ling a sword and puts a little skull on the handle (for literally no reason except that he presumably thought it would be cool, even though they were in the middle of getting their asses kicked by envy) and then gets defensive when ling calls it lame. he gets riled up unbelievably easily over NOTHING. his fighting style is scrappy- hes experienced but not disciplined, and he'll use whatevers on hand to get the job done. he'll mess around in the middle of a fight, use unnecessarily flashy moves/weapons, and hes just generally a nuisance in combat. he gets really flustered when people insinuate that winry is his girlfriend, and then when he DOES confess to her 2 years later he uses a fucking alchemy metaphor because hes a NERD.
im saying all of this with affection by the way- hes a cringe 15 year old because 15 year olds are cringe! i feel like most of the time these high school age protagonists are basically just adult characters with more naive ideals, or theyre a bit more emotional, or they have "childish" interests. ESPECIALLY with these high stakes action-adventure stories, where the fate of the world is in their hands. but a kid can have the weight of the world on their shoulders and still handle their emotions poorly, act recklessly, goof off at inappropriate times, and generally think and act in a way that adults wouldnt. and still be mature and competent characters! i mean, ed is a GREAT protagonist. he has a full understanding of the stakes and he knows how and when to get serious. but he also does shit like breaking into a secret government laboratory, alone, in the middle of the night, with no plan, and nearly gets himself killed in the process. because hes a reckless kid! and if he HADNT done that, they never would have found out the enemys plan in time!
and its just so perfectly executed- instead of childish traits being sprinkled on top of adult problem solving and emotional regulation, him being 15 informs how he acts all the time! sometimes this is a good thing because he solves problems in a unique way, and sometimes it causes even MORE problems. its a fundamental aspect of his character that contributes to both his strong and weak points.
and my absolute favourite part is that hes still treated like a person worthy of his title and reputation- not only by the adult characters, but by the narrative itself. but he isnt treated like an adult either! the adults around him dont talk down to him, but they also dont have adult expectations of him. theres a whole bit about how the adults shouldnt stand by while the children are on the battlefield- insinuating that while the children are worthy of standing on the battlefield alongside them, they also feel some responsibility to lead them since theyre the adults. which is super reasonable! its probably the best take on adult mentor figures for child main characters ive ever seen.
and yeah theres an argument to be made that it was pretty fucked up of mustang to recruit ed to the military at 12 years old. but he was super upfront with him about what it would entail and didnt force him into it. so watching it as an adult, yeah, its fucked up. but the target audience is kids and thats how kids want to be treated! yeah its a lot of responsibility, but ed knew that going in AND he has a huge support network of trustworthy adults who are looking out for him. hes fine. and hes DEFINITELY better off than most high school age protagonists, who are just sort of thrust into high stakes, life-threatening situations with little guidance. the dynamic is less "you are The Chosen One who will singlehandedly save the world" and more "i mean you certainly have the skills and we really appreciate you working with us but what the fuck is a child doing in the military. who authorized this?? youre going to get yourself killed PLEASE be more careful!" and like. if youre gonna have a show about a 15 year old saving the world, then thats definitely the way to do it.
and what really seals the deal is how pissed ed gets when people treat him like a kid. thats the most 15 year old thing ever! he FEELS like hes being talked down to and disrespected just because hes not given the same expectations and responsibilities as the adults. watching it as a 20 year old im super impressed by the way the adults treat ed, but i can also understand why ed gets so frustrated. its the nature of being a teenager and thinking you can handle more than you can. which really just solidifies how fuckin 15 he is
btw im not saying ed is the only well written teenager in the show. hes just the clearest example- hes so LOUD about who he is and it makes it really easy to talk about his character traits. also hes like my favourite character ever and i just have to talk about him. so like al and the rest are also really convincing kids, and a lot of this stuff kind of applies to all of them! im just talking about ed because i want to lmfao
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It rly annoys me when ppl call rossi a racist for (checks notes) being forced by a group of bullies when he was 9 to pee on a black boy who was also being bullied. In fact, in the episode itself, rossi is shown clearly regretting n feeling guilty abt what happened, even tho he was literally 9 yrs old and also a victim in his own way.
Am i saying that rossi has never ever even thought of anything racist ever? Of course not. Ffs, even today many ppl, including me, will catch themselves thinking in ways that actively oppress many many people, but especially people of color, and especially black people. Its systemic. Its in everything, its almost ridiculous.
Let's think logically. Yes, rossi has a reputation; and after he left the bau, he reallyyyyy lived by it. But do y'all really think he could've been that good of a profiler, been respected by his peers and others that came after him, by gideon and hotch themselves, if he was a racist piece of shit? Do you? Do yall really think if he was racist he could be objective when necessary? And if he wasn't, dont u think it would be noticeable? Yes, he might still be respected as a great agent, but not as a good person, certainly not by hotch or gideon who obviously liked him before n after he left the bau.
Then again, he had a reputation to uphold. This suave cocky guy, works alone, thinks hes better than everyone, rich as fuck, etc etc. And thats what we and the team see when he first comes in. He's not there to be part of the team, hes there on his own mission. He doesn't need nobody.
So what does he do? Makes sure that he is useful ofc, but not likeable or attachable. He makes morgan n jj go to that bar knowing that they would lose respect for him afterwards, n he keeps picking on Derek, the next tough guy next to hotch, since hotch knows him n would see right through him. He makes no effort to understand Garcia at first, n he does everything to show that he comes from another time, he did things differently, n he doesn't care if they dont like it because, at first, he also does not care.
But morgan saw through him, cuz hes nothing if not smart n sharp and, importantly, a people's person kind of guy. He understands emotions (even tho sometimes he doesn't want to inspect his own n might lash out when hurt and frustrated, especially if those that hurt n frustrate him are the very very few he trusts), and so he understands rossi, cuz hes not stupid. And after that, the team just naturally grows on rossi, as they ought to do.
I dont think rossi is racist. I think he knows how he comes across n uses it to self isolate at the start, but then he drops it when he realises thats not rly what he wants, especially when he realises that the team can help him find who hes looking for.
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estradasphere · 4 months
listened to the new vacon album!!!!! (i had to make a japanese spotify account cuz it doesnt release in the US until midnight orz) my thoughts on it below, mostly copypasted from when i was liveblogging it on discord lol
HATED JOHN - regret version
i'm not sure if i like this version of hated john better than the original hmmm.... his voice is certainly more dynamic but it doesnt feel like he's used to singing like that haha. a lot of voice effects being used too. i guess it's not better or worse it's just different p: instrumental sounded identical to the original to me but i'll have to relisten, i wasnt paying much attention to it
actually, he sounded like he was influenced by symaG's cover of hated john
2. Woodpecker
2nd song is woodpecker which was the one single he dropped so ive heard it plenty before. still a banger
3. ElecTravel - choo-choo version
electravel starts with a train chugging noise lol he's going all in with the toybox album theme
otherwise sounds pretty damn close to the original so far. vocal delivery is sliiiiightly different. actually i think i like this version better
man he still has that problem where his vocals kinda get drowned out by the instrumental sometimes though
OH he added an extra verse! kinda
ok first original song we havent heard before. toy cheese-- WHAT THE FUCK
ok nvm i was just thrown off by the sample at the beginning. this is fun
…this literally just sounds like a jingle for a toy commercial. i think that's what it's sampling
what is he dooiiiiinnngggggg i cant deny that his flow is really good though
5. モーニング・ベーコン - tee-hee version
morning bacon time!!!
yeah he's getting drowned out by the instrumental during the kinda whispery parts. i dont remember if that even happens in the original. ill definitely have to relisten to them and compare afterwards
but yeah his voice is absolutely more dynamic on the album
oh seems like he's changing up the lyrics a bit too
i think i just heard his mic peak 😭
instrumental seemed the same
6. D-D-Donuts
second new original song time
this sounds like a childrens commercial again. vacon i know how you can make boatloads of money just license this to hasbro
very catchy though…
his flow is so GOOD
7. 微熱パレイド
BINETSU PARADE YAAAYY i wonder if saegusa redid her vocals too?
sounds like she did
still whispery but sounds a little clearer to me
absolutely whimsical album this is. the silliest hiphop ive ever heard. dude just wants to rap about food and toys and have a good time i can respect that
8. Afro Man - hold tight version
AFRO MAN-- dude you're too close to the mic
how did he get Less professional. wait thats the problem. these sound like first drafts not remixes. i mean theyre still good songs but
hes getting drowned out by the instrumental again too ahhhhh like yeah his beats are really good but be more confident man
9. Xanadisco
xanadisco… is he gonna rap about drugs please rap about drugs thatd be so fucking funny
ohhhhhhh i really love this instrumental
yep this is my favorite song on the album so far no notes
why is it called xanadisco though. its not really disco…
10. Be-li-va Voyager
another new original now
THIS IS ALSO REALLY GOOD!! why did he save his best songs for the latter half of the album
just say what you waaaant cmoonn~~~
i love the occasional turntable scratch he throws in there lol
11. Love my JANE - repaired version
love my jane… sounds identical to the original so far except the guitar is a little louder?
yeah it sounds like he didnt even rerecord the vocals he just remastered the instrumental slightly?
oh nvm there's like 1 bar of new vocal delivery in here thats it
still a great song. he didn't really Need to do anything to it besides adjust the mixing a little. so he did not
last song. this sounds like a track from sonic spinball
oh my god it really does HAHAHAHA
not a bad thing. sonic spinball ost slaps
not sure if i like the vocal effects he's using but the delivery itself is good
ooh when most of the instruments drop out for a sec its pretty groovy actually
yeah he's almost belting now haha thats definitely not something he wouldve done like 5 years ago. good for him for working on his voice
ough... definitely sounds a little overwrought at times though
also there was a brief moment of silence and i could just baaaaarely hear him breathe that was awesome actually
fade out aaannnddd album over
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mynameis-a · 10 months
hiiiii ^^ can u tell me abt dogs n dog breeds?? im rllllyyyy curious
every dog was bred for a specific job or purpose! and although most dogs only serve as companions nowadays, those work-related behaviors are still prevalent!
golden and labrador retrievers were used in duck hunting! they would run over to where the bird landed and carry it back over to their owner! they have whats called a “soft jaw” basically meaning that they can grab fragile things (for example: a duck) and not grab it hard enough to damage it in any way! this makes them great service dogs, because they can go and grab things for their owner if the person isn’t capable of getting it themselves!
its pretty obvious that most white, fluffy, double coated winter dogs were used to pull sleds around. but samoyeds actually had a different purpose! and that purpose being to keep people warm when its cold! because of how fluffy and warm they are, it was pretty common to just hold onto one for a but of warmth! combine that with how affectionate samoyeds are, and you’ve got yourself a very easy to cuddle dog! i personally think they would be good emotional support dogs for this exact reason, i would certainly feel better after hugging one of those guys!
most small dogs were initially bred for companionship. but did you know that weiner dogs were actually used for hunting? the dachshund was originally used for hunting badgers! (its actually in the name! dachs is german for badger and hund means dog!) their long body was actually useful for getting through the dens!
a lot of dogs that were hunting dogs are probably very surprising. you probably wouldnt expect frou-frou show dogs like standard poodles or afghan hounds to be hunters, but they were! (pretty much any dog that has the word hound, spaniel, or terrier in its name was bred for hunting.)
and you know borzois? those silly dogs with the long noses that can stick in a pringles can and those dorky eyes? hunters again! but its even more ridiculous than the high matinence dogs because these guys weren’t going after ducks or deer or badgers, no. they were killing WOLVES. eventually the wolf hunting stopped and their prior name “the russian wolfhound” went into a bit of retirement, but still! WOLVES!!
also i feel like, with the people this dog is often associated with, peoples perception of this breeds purpose might be a bit warped. the great pyrenees is a guard dog through and through! but because they kinda look like a sheepdog (specifically the marema sheepdog) and are commonly on farms, some people think that they’re herding dogs. but if you’ve heard about that one pyrenees that killed an entire pack of coyotes, i think its pretty obvious.
on the flip side, the german shepherd is not a guard dog! people always think its a dog thats gonna protect them with their life but nope! they’re sheepdogs just as much as a border collie is! if you want a good family dog to protect you (that wont get profiled as a “dangerous” breed) go with the pyrenees!
the vast majority of tiny dogs were meant to be companions and nothing more. which is a bit sad that those are the ones that so often get written off as mean or aggressive. as long as you treat them right, those “yappy anklebiters” will be the sweetest little things! chihuahuas are actually very affectionate dogs! you can carry them around and dress them up in little outfits! just make sure they’re comfortable like you would with any dog!
thats all i can think of right now, and i hope this was what you wanted! :D
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lurking96 · 2 years
Chapter 358: The Man Who Improved Just a Little
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It´s certainly a title. Yes not the official translation yet but there were a few more translations out there. While they change the words a little the meaning stays pretty much the same. Maybe this is what Horikoshi meant when he said that he will get a big moment both fans and Antis will like. The fans get to see him battle and pull off some moves while the antis get the title and the affirmation that he didn’t change all that much.
He is getting a new powerup. Certainly some interesting moves. Not gonna call that part stupid. However it depends on the follow up. If it´s something that won’t hinder his movements or cut down his speed. Even though it seems bulky and heavy. I honestly would like a good explanation for that otherwise I call his plot armor striking again. It´s cool and all but hopefully has some form of drawback. Otherwise it just seems like some asspull so he can keep up with OFA and such. Now to come to the title and what we see. How it relates. Unless the official changes that drastically it´s a confirmation to his “developement” and “atonement” not being that great. Being rather “little”. From what we see so far he wants to move on. To leave the past behind him. Take steps forward. By itself it´s not necessairly awful. However seen in context. There arise problems. More than once we are seemingly pushed towards comparing Endeavor and him. Just look at the chapter before where we had Endeavor and now him. Endeavor while his journey could certainly be better, could certainly improve. I am not calling it perfect. He is trying to atone. To make up for his past. Attempt to fix it. But he seems also fine if it doesn’t work. If his victims want to distance he gives them the chance. He knows forgiveness is not something he can simply claim. He has moved more. Now we come to the person starring in the current chapter. The apology stated “his truth”. He wants to move on. He wants to show his feelings on the matter. He wants to leave it in the past. There isn’t much concern for the victims feelings there. In the apology Midoriya was mentally drained. There was no chance for him to push back. To show his side. It was about the other freeing his own mind. The comparison with endeavor shows us that their roads to “Atonement” are different. That one is trying to better and work with the victims feelings while the other ignores them for the most part. It´s interesting. Both had the same goal. Endeavor has reached it and is trying to change. While the other claimed that after everything his goal hasn’t changed. It stayed the same. Just the road to the goal needed him to adapt a bit. As far as the translations go for this chapter he still wants to move on. Sure acknowledge his own weaknesses and fear but thats more to reach his goal and not to acknowledge his victims feelings on the matter. So far not acknowledging the others feelings had been more or less a red line throughout his journey. It´s more about his own feelings. About his own goal. How he “destroyed” All Might. How he moved without thinking (While we see flashbacks that seem like thinking), how he is telling “His” truth. How he is moving on like others. And I honestly do see that going on in the future. The victim is an important part. Forgiveness is not something you can just grab for yourself. It´s something that is given to you. Ignoring them. Trying to leave the past behind. Only changing a little. This is not Atonement. At least not good. As this keeps continuing. I see this as something that maybe other characters or the series will call out in the end. I honestly and hopefully doubt that we will not see the Main Characters view on things. That we will not see him getting help. He had been sidelined for too long. Yes sometimes a main character can be static. But this one has far too many parts that do not work for a static one. That point towards the direction that he may get acknowledgement. Anyway that´s me. I did like this chapter so far and I am looking forward to the official translation and how this may continue. I am feeling validated by it so far.
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wafaelsx · 1 year
the reality of long-term solitude (III)
i’m not so great at structuring these things. imma just write as i go but basically something a friend told me a couple of years ago is starting to click. i find that oftentimes i accept what people tell me as true in the moment while i still have my doubts, because i don’t particularly enjoy discourse unless it’s just so pertinent to moving the conversation forward. i believe we were talking about what we’re looking for in a partner, and i said i want someone who completely understands me. i had the presumption that if i met someone that i was already very compatible with, that in due time she’d come to, solve me perhaps. it’s funny because that’s the last thing i want from anyone else, even friends of mine. i believed that whoever i end up with for a long term romantic relationship would domesticate me in a way. i had a mental image in my head of myself as a pet, and my partner as my owner, but not even in a ddlg kind of way as it probably sounds. i don’t particularly like being dominated or what have you, i’m pretty ‘vanilla’ on those fucking bsdm tests. part of me, i suppose, was and still am tired of living, in the traditional sense. i think if i found someone that i was extraordinarily compatible with personality wise, and was also moderately attractive, i’d be willing to marry this person. i keep going back and forth between referring to my potential partner as a woman and them, but i’m heterosexual.. believe it or not. hopefully i can find a fucking woman before they’re not even called that anymore. but in any case, the vision in my head is something like i’m left to my own devices for about 65% of the time, and the other 35% of the time would be spent with them. this time i would also surrender to doing actual activities, going out, whatever the fuck. i kind of see myself as a bit of a science experiment in a way in that regard. i envision myself being like shown off in a way, like ‘look at this guy, he sure is something! i also fuck him, for reasons that may not be apparent!’ because i do believe on the surface level, there isn’t much to desire in me as a person. i’m probably a lot funnier than most people, because i have an easier time finding humor in situations, or making connections others wouldnt, based on my knowledge of, i mean everything. i’m probably also a bit smarter than the average person. those two attributes alone make me unique in a sense, other than that i don’t know what you’d see in me as a person, both personality and physical attraction wise.
anyway, my friend’s response to my desire for my partner to understand me in an all encompassing way was quickly shot down, basically. he told me that no one will ever truly understand me, because humans aren’t capable of doing that, not even for themselves to an extent. this probably should’ve been obvious to me, i know. i’m not naive in many ways, but as it pertains to romantic relationships i certainly don’t have it all figured out. my attempts at such have all fallen pretty much flat, and i can’t say i’ve found that those experiences made it easier for me to find someone new, as many might allude to. they were swings and misses, wholly, and i get frustrated with myself thinking about my missteps in that regard. a lot of things u just have to experience to get it, and i will say this is probably one of them. advice about ‘‘women’‘ or ‘‘how to get pussy’‘ or whatever never sounds very good coming from anyone, especially cause whatever advice they give you probably won’t work because they aren’t you, and don’t understand you. the nuance involved in courting a partner is quite complicated in my own estimation. there isn’t really a guaranteed way to convince someone that you’re worth fucking, and to be honest, you’re probably better off misleading them in a way if thats your goal. lying isn’t necessarily what im getting at, but it seems in my experience that what women found attractive in me wasn’t actually who i was, so when we make it out the ‘‘talking phase’‘ and they see me a bit more transparently, many of them were quick to throw in the towel. i’m a bit of an obsessive person, so it’s been hard for me to let go of people from my past. all in all, i chalk it up as a learning experience and i’m pretty unfazed by my past dealings with women. it doesn’t keep me up at night, but i do sometimes wonder what, or if i had actually done wrong, or if it just wasn’t meant to be. i will also grant that sometimes u meet people at the wrong part of ur life and the maturity difference/difference in actual place in life proves too great to overcome. logic tells me pretty much every relationship ive seriously been involved with couldve been salvaged, or maybe a better way of saying it was i doubt that we were different enough to not eventually work it out, if we both tried. most ppl arent patient tho with relationships, and i get it. people often bring up just the staggering amount of humans on earth as an antidote to your dismay about unrequited love, or what have you. i think that’s a pretty stupid thing to tell people when theyre going thru it, partly because i dont think the logic actually holds any water. i think most people could be in a committed monogamous relationship if they were both mature enough, i think thats the biggest determining factor above everything else i’m still very young, so most women i encounter are not really enticed by the idea of lifelong commitment. i believe if we have enough in common and we like fucking each other more than average, what else is out there really? i think those two things together are probably extremely difficult to find in one person, especially for me.
i probably have more to say, but i can’t think of how i want to format it, even in an approximate sense. so i’ll try to sum it up with these closing thoughts. i guess i’m just saying i realized that i have to learn to live with myself. oftentimes i express my thoughts or beliefs, and i can see in real time how my words are just failing to land on people, even my own fucking parents. maybe this all just sounds like an emo wall of text, idk. people are more unique than i suppose i had considered, so to ask of someone to solve any other person would be quite the undertaking. i also realize that before i can be successful at anything, i’m going to have to change in a very profound, fundamental way. the answer isn’t clear to me, i’m unsure what lies ahead.
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bleedingpeanutbutter · 5 months
The muse and the grind
I am writing this blog post after taking a break from working on a chapter of this book I am writing, my first novel. I’m fairly certain it will be terrible but maybe my third and forth ones will show some promise. Later I am also suppose to work on music for the next record, I have artists literally waiting on me to put down vocals but I just can’t make it right. Today seems particularly difficult to get in to the groove of things. Stephen King writes two thousand words a day and says some days he says the words flow easy and other days not so much. Maybe its the power of the habit, maybes its that the muse shows up when you work consistently. Im certainly no expert but it seems the key thing a creative person must do is create. Some days its a struggle to get to five hundred words down and other days two thousand flow out like its nothing. 
I took the advice of James Altucher and try to create idea lists. Just come up with 10 things a day you could write about, or ten things a day to start a business about or whatever you are trying to to. So on this list I have a title for a Bleeding Peanut Butter post called “The muse and the grind” and its beyond easy to procrastinate, in fact I have mastered that skill. That’s one of the reasons I started this blog. To improve my writing and interviewing skills and force myself to have something to write about. To kick out the cobwebs so to speak.
It does seem though that if you show up everyday and put in the work the muse will arrive as well. But boy today is one of those slogging through mud days. Especially since everyone is in quarantine for the Corona virus. It would be so much easier to finish the book I am reading (Duma Key), just play video games, or cook some good food. I don’t have the best advice in the world right now other than the advice I recently got, you write a book one word at a time. I suppose thats true of music as well, write music one note at a time. Record one instrument at a time. One foot in front of the other. Even bad work is better than no work. Bad work you can at least edit most of the time. With no work you are just being a fraud. Creators create, if you don’t create can you call yourself a creator? 
Man, talk is cheap. Everyone wants to be the next great famous artist or the write the great American novel but almost no one wants to put in the grind day in and day out to get there. I can promise you that everyone famous for their art at some point put in the work to get there, I would bet they still do but now that have a team in place to help them along. 
I’m not completely sure my writing is worth reading or music worth listening to because there are so many great artists out there, but art should in some way be about what you need to create. It needs to fulfill you first, if you can write the book you would want to read or the album you would want to listen to I think thats a huge step. Recently I heard someone say that artist have great taste and when an artist starts out and is dissatisfied with their work they know its bad because their tastes tell them so. Their skillset just has to catch up with what they know is good. Once again, practice makes perfect. So make the muse your bitch my showing up everyday, there is no way around it. 
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lemonlovemeanslove · 5 months
while im on the topic, i wonder how much i personally have contributed to this problem, bc when it comes to making friends irl, where i can see what the person looks like before i get to know them, i have always hanged out and made friends with pretty people, with people that i find attractive. not bc im attracted to them per say, its more of an unconscious thing. and yes my idea of beauty goes beyond what social media said bc ive been friends with plenty of fat people, but thats bc i dont see fat as not attractive, not in other people , with me its more difficult bc ive been bullied by my mother about my weight since age 14 so im kinda sick when it comes to this topic in general, but that doesn't change the fact that the girls who i would consider to be amongst the best looking out of all girls ive been friends with was also the biggest, in both height and weight. But it feels like an excuse, bc if i don't find fatness to be a deterrer from beauty, doesn't that make me just as shallow?
i also realize that i actually dont have the greatest authority on this topic, being conventionally attractive, which my sister (who is STUNNING btw) reminded me of when we were talking about how looks really aren’t that important, when really, they are, its just that we have always benefited from that fact, and never really been victims of it (expect from our mother who HATES and i mean HATES our bodies, like my sister has never in her life been overweight, even by the bullshit medical definition, and yet she’s been called everything under the sun by our mom lmao)
I just think that i might actually not be that objective when it comes to this stuff. Like me not wearing makeup has NEVER been a on im going against society thing, or I actively dont want to participate in this aspect of the beauty change. I thought of it was boring and the idea of wearing something on my face is a sensory nightmare for me. i feel like im being suffocated when i wear makeup or nail polish, like i can feel it on me, which made me anxious. But if I hadn’t come from a family of good looking people with great skin, if i at any point in my life had struggled with acne, or anything similar, would I have submitted? despite how unpleasant wearing makeup is for me from a sensory point of view? bc im most certainly fucked up about weight and food and eating, and how falling into phases of disordered eating plenty of times in my life. idk if any of it would count as an eating disorder, i dont know what ''counts'' or what doesn’t (sorries if this is a very triggering way of speaking about this stuff just trying to be honest). But if i didnt know that my face was ''good'' lol, would my mess around body image be worse of? if i could rely on my face? bc its always been a comfort for me, being pretty. like im not a model which is fine bc i dont want to be, i don’t really want to look different face wise, I do really like my face. I would never rate my fave tho bc i think its sick to rate yourself the sick sick behaviour like never ever do it if people ask u to do it tell them no im not doing that weirdo. but like, when ive been upset of felt like a failure and i walk past a mirror i can stop and go well at least i have that god i love being pretty. i don’t really think that makes me a bad person, just that it's probs bad FOR me. to centre my looks less, which i dont do a lot compared to most girl my age (which isnt really saying anything given how fucked up everyone is nowadays) is probably in my best interest. But it's HARD. bc i really enjoy being pretty. i enjoy finding myself pretty I enjoy others finding me pretty. like this whole thing started bc i was introduced to a stranger and the first thing she said to me was wow ur really beautiful, like she looks great, and my friend said yes im always telling her that. and it make me feel GREAT. maybe better than i should. def more that we should, as humans.
At the same time, i worry about not being good looking enough for my family, like my parents are good looking, essentially my mom, who is gorge, and all my siblings are good looking, and i get this worry sometimes, like, what if im the least good looking of my siblings (i think this bc im the biggest out of all of them) which is crazy bc were siblings so we all look alike and several people have asked if me and my older sister are twins when they first meet us and she is pretty much my idea of beautiful but idk. Im fucked up both ways, i guess. I was never never ever self-conscious about my weight until my mother, so now im sick in that regard, but im also sick in the way i use my looks as a crutch. I need to work on both, admitting it to myself is probs a good first step or whatever. rant over i think
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defensefilms · 1 year
Sixer Watch: Playoff Expectations+Round 1 Predictions
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I am torn when it comes to the 2022-23 Philadelphia 76ers.
I am fully bought in to how they have performed up to now, being 3rd place in a relatively competetive Eastern Conference and that’s been a result of players being in fairly good health, the offensive play of our guards and the continued dominance of Joel Embiid.
What I will concede though is that this group have performed well this year.
James Harden has been great for the Sixers this year, he may not be the 30-point monster he was in his Rockets days, but as the 2nd star, and how he affects the game when he is drawing fouls, I cannot knock James Harden this year, he’s been good, sometimes even great and he lead the league in assists with 10.8 per game.
Tobias Harris is certainly among the most maligned/criticised players in the league, he looks to have taken a step back as far as scoring but what he does contribute is being willing to take the challenge of defending anyone in a 1-on-1, so he is looking for way to contribute more.
Coupled with that is how Doc Rivers has found solution for the lack of a back-up center and lately the Sixers and Doc Rivers have this by putting PJ Tucker at center when Embiid is on the bench. It’s a good move because PJ is not as moblie as he once was, but he can still be disruptive on defense
It’s a solution that has helped our rotations and the reality is that Tyrese Maxye shouldn’t be the only young Sixer who is on an upward trajectory this year, and the other players including Danuel House Jr, Shake Milton and Paul Reed have not been able to take that step forward.
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Playoff Expectations For The Sixers:
I am going to be honest, I have zero expectations for the Sixers.
And I don’t say that out of negativity, pessimism or anything like that, because I think this team, for the most part has made every improvement you could possibly ask of them.
Firstly, is the fact that we are not the best team in the conference. Boston and Milwaukee are both better than us as far as depth and as far as how they’ve played this season.
Secondly, I understand what the Sixers are and what they aren’t, and for the Sixers to win a championship I need Doc Rivers to do something he hasn’t done all season, and that is to trust the Sixers’ young players and really commit to thier development, which is something Rivers would have had to start doing from the beginning of the season for it to be effective and pay off in the post season.
We are a top team in the Eastern conference but the issue with our depth is that we will not be able to limit our lineups to just 5 or 6 players.
It’s an issue that has gotten a lot of attention among Sixer fans, but the problem is we have essentially had the same problem since Brett Brown was coaching the team, and veteran head coach, Doc Rivers, hasn’t helped much with how little he trusts young players, unproven or undrafted players.
We’ve been aware of this issue for a long time, when Tyrese Maxey went down injured in November of last year, our guard rotation was basically non existent.
Doc clearly sees the value of Tyrese Maxey, going as far as to call Maxey his “son”, and while thats okay, it is troubling that players have to get so far on to Doc’s good side in order to get real minutes. Remember Doc Rivers is the same coach that signed his son, Austin Rivers, to a contract with the Clippers, so all this “family business” sentiment, has typically not been good for Doc’s teams in the past.
Currently Doc has signed one of his other sons as a skills coach for the Sixers, but Doc needs to get out of his own way in order for more of our players to develop into legit contributors.
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Round 1 Predictions:
The Sixers playoff journey begins on Saturday night against a Brooklyn Nets team that has been thrown together rather than undergone any kind of roster contruction.
This is as good a time to play the Nets as any, because their players haven’t had as much time to gel, and the guy that leads them in scoring is really functioning as a primary scorer for the first time in his career and I actually wish the 76ers had found a way to keep Mikal Bridges but he fell victim to the Elton Brand era, and had we found a way to keep him, we would have had a guy that would have been a perfect compliment to Embiid.
Bridges has been the saving grace for a Brooklny Nets team that looked like they would be back in the draft lottery searching for answers sfter they traded Kyrie and KD.
Nets Head Coach, Jacque Vaughn, has done a great job of improvising and making tough decisions and if the rosters we more even, I might actually pick him to win the coaching matchup.
But even with all those positives for the Nets, the Sixers should dominate this series.
I expect the Nets will come out gangbusters in game 1, but that should only prolong the inveitable, because ulitmately, all the hot 3-point shooting nights, the Mikal Bridges scoring nights or the improvisational coaching of Jacque Vaughn, should not get in the way of the Sixers getting to the 2nd round.
Sixers in 6.
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farlooms · 2 years
Hey man you good?? not really sure what's going on but it seems like some rough shit is going down for you right now. You seem cool and I hope you can find some time to take it easy soon. Hope you're safe and are feeling alright soon
wah thank you anon this was very sweet of you :'^) 💙 its really appreciated
im not the best rn (esp bc ive got other concerns presently) but im doing largely better than i thought i would. sonic frontiers has been a great distraction and im really excited for both the next mp100 ep and for scvi soon so i have things to look forward to (and of course silksong, but thats a bit more distant). i have my gf, of whom i adore, who ive been calling with all night & thatts helped a ton. and its not even been 24h since the fallout, so i cant blame myself for still being quite shaken.
more than anything im just a bit embarassed/apologetic that i had to air some personal bullshit out on here like that. idve certainly rathered it be a bit more private if possible (though that option was...a bit dangerous, i fear. or at least it certainly felt that way). but nonetheless i feel a bit...freer, now. liberated, perhaps. its certainly less weight on my shoulders. im hoping to move on quickly- but wont blame myself if im still affected by everything a few months from now (or hell, even longer). something like what happened to me isnt something you just get over in a day or two, but who knows. maybe a year from now i'll hardly even remember what was done. maybe i wont remember her name, or her face, or her voice. at bare minimum, i have both hope and desire for recovery. i'll move on. i'll be alright.
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reigenhusband · 3 years
Psychic Wedding Time!
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Art by @/cowboyologist
After months of holding back, we finally tied the ole knot! Me and the conman are officially hitched today September 10, 2021!
This silly little blonde anime man means an awful lot to me and its really more than I can say. These months with him have been a great help.
When I went through some of the roughest things I've ever gone through, I had him to think about for comfort. He is a little part in what keeps me going and I wish I could thank him for everything. He sparks a lot of joy so I think I'm gonna keep him!
I've never been happier and I'm so lucky to call him husband! He's had such a positive impact and I love him so, so much.
Special thank you to my friends and of course our son Mob who carried the rings!
Under the cut is a little fic about getting ready for the wedding. Thanks everyone for your support!
Reigen squinted at his reflection, dark eyes hauntingly focused on a strand of hair that didn't take to the product he put in it. A grunt of dismay rumbled low in his throat.
"Just a second, Serizawa. Almost got it."
The taller man's voice wavered but he managed to hold fast and keep his confidence. Reigen could almost hear his hands wringing. 
"Er...Well. Its just...you've been staring at yourself for a little over 20 minutes now and you haven't moved and…"
Reigen sucked his teeth and pressed his palm firmly to the side of his head. Damned strand of hair! Slick like the rest of it! Don't you know know day it is?!
"What I mean is..! Are you alright?" Serizawa finally asked, his voice heavy with concern. "Since it's your wedding and all I figured you'd be nervous but you seem really on edge. Is something bothering you?" 
The blonde twitched.
 "W...what are you talking about? Of course not! I'm calm and-" He stopped abruptly and slammed his hands flat on either side of the mirror, his eyes wide and bloodshot upon inspection of his suit. A fleck of black thread pervaded his white vest and he looked around frantically for the lint roller. "You thought you could hide but you can't best Reigen Arataka." He muttered as he furiously went over his all but pristine wedding attire. 
His best man scratched his own cheek nervously and looked on with clear uncertainty. "If you're sure." 
Once he was satisfied after a thorough inspection and having Serizawa scrutinize the back, he dropped into a chair. Nearby was a table decorated in what was probably a thousand congratulatory flowers from clients. He exhaled and stared a hole into the arrangement of colors. His heart was pounding. His brow, coupled with his hands, were visibly slick with chilled sweat. His stomach was full of stones. 
He met his own gaze in the mirror again. He looked well kept and yet...disheveled at the same time. Come to think of it, his face was flushed the shade of his usual pink tie. The last 3 days without sleep also hollowed out dark circles under his eyes. His shirt collar began to feel more and more constricting as time went on no matter how much he tugged on it. 
Maybe he really was scared. 
He didn't doubt that he loved Mitty. In fact, he wanted to be with him more than anyone. A case of cold feet wouldn't change that. It was himself he was wrestling with here. 
Spirits, monsters, and deadly espers. He'd faced them all and came out on top. But they were nothing compared to these looming expectations to be a person to rely on. This wasn't something he could bullshit his way through. This was marriage. Mitty was going to see the warted underbelly of when he was Reigen the man instead of Reigen the psychic. His fiancé was going to experience sides of him he only revealed when he was alone. Would he still like him even then?
Reigen was good at a lot of things but this had to be the one that counted most. Could he really be a good partner forever? 
Was he really going to cut it as a husband? 
"Hey, Serizawa?" Reigen asked, not looking at him. 
The man's shoulders lurched at his name suddenly being called. He straightened his back. "Oh! Yes sir?"
"Do you think we'll be good together?" 
Silence sat heavily for a moment. Every second felt longer than the last. 
His friend seemed taken aback by the question but nonetheless looked at the ceiling as though collecting the right words to answer. "Well…"
Another moment passed and Reigen waited with his hands clasped and breath baited. 
"I've never been with anyone so I can't say for certain what a good relationship is but," A compassionate smile spread across the esper's face before he continued, visibly more sure of his words. "I think you and Mr. Mitty understand each other. You always seem to know what the other is thinking. You motivate each other to be better and you seem happy when you're together. And...and you trust each other too. And I think that's whats important." 
Reigen looked at the velveted floor. "Then…"  
"You've become more honest by being with him and he talks like you're really important to him. So please...get married if it makes you both happy! I think you can really be something!" His friend was beaming with 
what Reigen could only say was genuine assurance. 
"I really believe you'll take care of each other." 
His co-worker actually really was resourceful. Maybe someday he ought to pay him more. The uncomfortable feelings waned slightly and his shoulders slowly slacked. Mitty was waiting for him so now wasn't the time to lose it. 
After a few seconds of letting his feelings iron themselves out, he stood and smoothed his hands over his suit jacket. "Well alright then. If thats what you think then I guess there's no backing out of this one." 
Serizawa pressed his hands together in delight. "YES! I've got your back, Reigen!" 
The door into the hallway opened and a set of black eyes peered into the room. "Master, It's starting. Are you coming?" 
The jarring announcement had him scrambling to fix the piece of hair he'd been fussing with. 
"OF COURSE." He jabbed his thumb into his own chest to feign total confidence. "Right behind you, Mob!" 
He held his breath. Alright, let's do this. 
Mitty POV
Teal eyes darted around the room carefully. 
"Hey...Dimple? You there?"
The whizzing of the spirit materializing buzzed next to his ear. 
"Yeah whaddya want? You're on soon, aren't you?" 
Mitty jabbed his right hook into the air where the voice was coming from. "AGH WHAT THE HELL?"
A swift flash of green dodged his reach. 
"HEY, why are you hitting me?! You asked for ME, remember?" The ghost clucked his tongue in disapproval and floated a few inches away for safety. 
"On edge? What for? You're the one who wanted this, right?"
"W..well….yeah, sorry." He looked at his clenched fist and opened it. "...sorry." He said again more thoughtfully this time. 
Dimple raised a spectral eyebrow. "Whats wrong? Having second thoughts? I mean it's Reigen so who can blame ya."
Mitty scowled while straightening his tie in the mirror. "Hey! REIGEN'S…." His voice softened closer to a whisper. "A pretty good guy. Get off my case. Aren't you supposed to be my support? You're being kinda harsh!" 
"Well kid, something is obviously on your mind so let's hear it. Wedding starts soon right? Yeesh. Once you do all this he's your problem forever." 
"I'm not worried about him!! I'm more worried about...me."
"About you? What're you talkin' about?! You're too good for him!"
"Thanks for the flattery. You still can't have my body though."
"Well I didn't want it anyways, ya bastard. You're weak compared to Shigeo. I'm just being honest here!" 
"So? Out with it, What did you want anyways? You're talking nonsense here!" 
Mitty wrinkled his nose in discomfort.  "I just needed to ask something. But you can't run your mouth off like you always do, you old gossip. You're like a knitting circle."
"TCH. like I'd blabber your business to someone. It's all so boring."
"Yeah, yeah just listen, alright?!"
Another few seconds passed. "So? Say it. We don't have all day, you know."
He was looking at his hands again like he was somewhere far off. "Well. D...D'you think I'll be good at this?" 
"Good at what, exactly?" 
"Being married." 
Dimple's form rippled with thought. "You're seriously worried about that?"
Mitty was going to make a sharp remark but his head dropped and his face buried into his knuckles. "Yeah."
Dimple deflated slightly in exasperated defeat. Humans could be so ignorant. 
"Listen. That fraud never shuts up about you. You think you're not good enough? You should hear him talk. It's annoying how you both don't realize things."
"Realize things?"
He sighed and shrugged his tiny arms. "I hear everything whether you like it or not. You two idiots never stop talking and moaning about the other is too good for the other. It's getting old, really." 
"HUH? He says that? No way! But he's always beaten me at everything! I always thought he was way out of my league." 
 "Kinda the opposite actually but...sure. What I'm saying is…! You're both seeing the best parts of each other. Keep doing that and it'll be smooth sailing."
"Yeah but...what if he stops seeing the best in me?'
"You planning on making things hard?" 
"Not really. I just know I can be difficult to deal with." 
"So is he. You really think you got this far because Reigen's all roses and sunshine? 'Course not. You've seen all the stuff he does and you still like him, right?" 
He certainly was flawed, that was for sure. Mitty spent most of Reigen's antics with his eyes rolled up in his head but that didn't mean he wasn't enjoying the moment either. 
"Then it's the same for him. Sure it won't always be fun but that phoney won't give up on you just because you're annoying. He's way too persistent. It kind of ticks me off." 
I'm annoying???  That stung but he shook it off.
Reigen was going to have to deal with him for the rest of his life once they said the right words. But if Dimple was right...would it be so bad to annoy each other for the rest of their lives if the other was willing to put up with it? 
Reigen seemed okay with it so far. Mitty would just have to listen to him make a fuss about his coffee table clutter until he died. But really, he wouldn't have that any other way. His voice was kind of cute when he hit that inhuman octave he had when he was in disbelief. 
The door from the hall swung open and a blond clad in what was perhaps the most blinding and loud suit he had ever seen poked his head in. 
"Oh, You're still in here? It's bad luck to be late on your wedding day! Master Reigen is waiting. " He cocked his head to the side. "Or did you need some help with your suit? Its looking a little plain." 
Hanazawa. This kid would try to accessorize his suit in the worst way possible. He put up his hands to wave him off. 
"N-nah, kiddo that's alright. I'll be right there."
Hanazawa, after a few more attempts to get Mitty to let him help retreated back into the hallway. When it was quiet again he eyed Dimple. He was abrasive and unpleasant. He always had a motive for everything and rarely had something nice to say. 
But he came through when it mattered. 
"Hey Dimple?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
Dimple wouldn't meet his eyes and levitated towards the hall. He didn't want to acknowledge he was helping, he supposed. It was in character for that tsundere blob.
"You ought to get out of here now if you wanna make it on time." 
He stood and dusted himself off. 
"Welp. Here goes everything."
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reel-fear · 2 years
NO, PLEASE KEEP TALKING ABOUT WASP,, I love reading people's thoughts on him and his probably wasted potential as a character
YESSSS TY FOR ENABLING ME, now, if Im being honest I dont Actually think Wasp had much potential to be a good character. Or at least a good Rival to Bee. Maybe Wasp could've been a good side protagonist or a one time rival to Bee but Im gonna go under the assumption of 1. Not changing his role in the show [aka being Bees rival] and 2. He's still a villain. And in that I think Wasp was doomed to be bad, From The Start And to explain why I'm gonna take this as an excuse to talk abt why the Other Villains in TFA [mostly] work as great rivals to our cast and why Wasp Doesnt. [And why Shockbee being canon would've been better for the show's writing and Im not entirely joking abt that]
FIRST OF ALL: What even makes a good rival? In my opinion a good rival has to do three things: 1. Make a meaningful impact on the protag
2. Help us learn both good and bad things abt the protag through some sort of connection or parallel
3. Challenge/put the heroes to the test based on their core values beliefs or even just their most prevalent traits.
How do the TFA Villains do this? Well I'll be brief LOCKDOWN VS RATCHET:
I think Lockdown in Thrill of the hunt has to be one of the Best Rivals to a character I've ever seen. This is because of the huge impact he leaves on Ratchet, scarring him forever both mentally and physically and the way he reveals both flaws and good traits Ratchet has. We learn of how Ratchet never lets go of the past and how it's broken him down through guilt and trauma, but we also see how when push comes to shove Ratchet is willing to face his trauma and his past by Facing Down Lockdown. The ultimate symbol of said past. Through this Ratchet grows as a character and becomes all the more complex and interesting. MEGATRON VS OPTIMUS:
This'll be the last example but these two are also fantastic. Megatron obviously leaves quite the impact on Optimus, he kickstarts the entire show and time and time again his evil actions are what call Optimus to act and realize he can be a hero. One of the best things about them tho is the way their arcs parallel each other, in the S1 finale, we see the worst of Optimus as he yells at his crew and acts coldly to them. We see Megatron do the same and it tells us that if Optimus doubled down on seeing his crew as nothing more than tools who when they break are worthless could become just like Megatron willing to break down whoever he feels isn't worth keeping around anymore. Obviously Megatron is the ultimate test for Optimus his schemes his evil plans force Optimus to learn to become a better leader, gain victory through teamwork and most of all avoid the spiral Megatron goes through that has him grow more and more disgusted with his crew. Until he loses his mind in trial of megatron and kills all of them. now let's contrast this with Wasp. WASP VS BEE
Wasp makes little to no impact on Bee's character as far as we see, Bee doesn't really change because of Wasp n thats already not a good start. Another thing is Wasp doesn't really reveal anything about Bee we didn't know. We knew he can be stubborn n oblivious yeah, we knew he can't really talk to people and isn't all that smart and we certainly dont learn anything Good abt Bee as he stupidly stumbles around dealing with Wasp. And the final nail in the coffin is to simply put, Wasp n Bee have little to no connection or parallels through out the show. Sure they're connected by that One mistake Bee was manipulated to make but what does that tell us? Bee was too quick to trust? Bee jumped to conclusions based on his bias towards Wasp not being nice to him? Maybe u can assume those things but the show certainly never even humors those possibilities.
wasp is nothing more than a Physical obstacle to Bee which is bad because a rival should be more than that. Maybe Soundwave can get away with it since hes a minor villain but Wasp is Bee's obvious rival! It's just not good enough to justify all the time we spend with him. And the worst thing is Wasp I dont think ever could have been anything more. The connection he has with Bee is minimal, he only had S3 to be developed and he just has very simple motivations of wanting to attack Bee so if he did anything other than that towards Bee it would be strange and not make sense. However the worst part in all of this is Shockwave standing right there as a character who objectively would've been a better rival and here's why: SHOCKWAVE VS BEE 1. Shockwave's impact on Bee could've been huge, a huge part of Bee's character is his undying loyalty to his friends. Multiple times throughout the show Bee takes hits for his friends/while trying to help his friends [Taking Meltdowns hit for Bulkhead, Taking Star's blaster for Sari and being stabbed trying to go help sari] Bee would take a million and one bullets for his friends so imagine how horribly shocking n baffling it could be for him to find out one of his friends was manipulating him this whole time... What does he do?
2. We could've learned how Bee would react when faced with this kind of situation, when him being loyal to his friends would put him in conflict with his other friends. We could see him struggle and falter grappling with it, but we could also see how great that undying loyalty of his is and see him overcome this.
3. Shockwave puts Bee's core values to the test just by existing. He's a friend of Bee's and Bee loves his friends more than anything but now he's betrayed him and may even be trying to keep manipulating him through all of this. Through parallels we could see the way Shockwave has broken bee and Contrast the disloyal nature of Longarm with the extreme loyalty Bee has.
Unlike wasp Shockwave just by being there could put Bee to the ultimate mental test, making bee question how loyal he should be if theres a chance that loyalty isnt shared, knocking Bee's already fragile confidence down and making Bee question himself n his values. [and he also got established in S2 so thats also way more in his favor] Before Bee could go through a wonderful character arc... what that character arc is? Well forgive me but I have a few ideas
1: If I had to pick the one I think the show would actually go with, I'd say Bee would go through a character arc abt learning that even if some bots out there will abuse n use his loyalty against him, his loyalty is a wonderful trait he has and also abt proving to his crew [and himself] that hes more clever n talented than they think by finding a way to take down Shockwave while being less than half his height. This is pretty straight forward-
2: This is the one I would prefer which would be one where Bee's arc is about how his kind heart and loyalty can change others for the better aka Shockwave redemption arc bby yeah we getting Shockbee in here u knew we would- Anyways, something interesting abt the autobots n how fucked up their culture really has to be, now I dont feel like gathering a ton of evidence rn so Im just gonna say trust me when I say I think Sentinel is the ultimate culmination of the autobot beliefs. He's harsh on the con prisoners borderline tortures them while saying it's just necessary and while he poses as the good guy deep down he's disloyal and far too military focused. So I think it's clear loyalty and kindness are probably not valued traits within autobot society which I think could really tie in with the way Bee has been outcasted from said autobot society his entire life. But bc Bee understands how that feels and is a kind person he always ends up falling in with fellow outcasts like Sari Bulkhead and most importantly Longarm.
And through that kindness n loyalty Bee actually manages to make Shockwave reconsider being a con and destroying the autobots. However Shockwave goes through with the reveal anyways n everyone is like 'see bee being kind n sympathetic isn't good actually' While Bee ponders on whether or not he could ever hurt Longarm after everything they had together and if that makes him even more of a failure than everyone thought. His self esteem at an all time low =[ BUT THEN, at some point in the show Shockwave reveals he can't hurt Bee either and when he considers the possibility that any Autobot he does hurt could be Bee's friends or family he finds he cannot hurt them either. Shockwave at some point confesses this to Bee who is surprised n tells him he's sorry for all he's done and if Bee doesn't want to be "Friends" anymore he understands But Bee tells Shockwave he still cares for him too and they hug it out as Bee's confidence lifts realizing that his strong loyalty n kind heart is all he needs to be considered valuable and the autobots were wrong.
Later down the road I think it would make sense for Shockwave to be massively important to the autobots winning against megatron as Shockwave being willing to help the autobots purely by being given kindness from Bee, would prove to the crew, the autobots [and Bee] he was always more vital to their success than they realized.
N then they kiss onscreen <3
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duckugou · 3 years
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Kenma x GN!reader
Im trying to stray away from my comfort zone of just writing readers that use she/her so bear with me
sorry if this lowkey sucks but it was inspired by harry styles song golden
cw: big cursing, huge fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, comfort, aged up!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Being a streamer comes with perks. Being comfy at home, not having to face people in real life every day, playing games, typical shit. Another perk is making good friends.
Meeting people on a voice chat is common for Kenma -guys and gals alike. What he wasnt expecting one night was the sweetest voice on the other end of his headphones.
"You're all fucks- I'm better at this game than all of you combined. Try me."
To think that was the sentence that made Kenma's ears perk up and burn.
"What the hell ever- we have the great Kodzuken on our side." One of the guys said, half joking half dead serious.
"Oh yeah, he isn't even speaking up to defend your pussy asses- probably knows I could beat him too." You could hear the smirk in that last part.
"U-uh, no. You can't beat me. Nobody can actually. Not at this game." Kenma rebutted , confident in his gaming skills but not so much his speaking skills to this stranger.
"Oh man, you certainly sound confident. Come on, Kodzuken- 1v1 me then. Show me who the best really is."
Kenma suddenly felt nervous. Should he really demolish this stranger? Isn't it polite to let the person you like win? He didn't like this person yet but god their voice was attractive.
"Fine. Send the request." He decided.
"Sent, fucker."
The game resulted in a tie because this stranger actually knew what they were doing. They both threw friendly insults at each other the whole time of course, making each of them laugh a little.
"Okay fine. The great Kodzuken himself almost beat me. Im almost honored to have a great streamer almost beat me."
"Well you almost beat me too- uh-" Kenma stuttered over the fact that he didn't know how to address this stranger.
"Oh! Call me Y/n." The person giggled.
"You can uh, call me Kenma."
"Oh you don't want me to repeat your title over and over like everyone else?" They laughed.
"No, friends don't call me that. They use my name name." His ears were burning.
"Friends, huh? Guess that means you owe me your number so we can schedule a rematch where I can properly beat your ass."
"Huh, guess so."
A few months had gone by and Y/n and Kenma were as close as they could be. They found out they live close by each other and began hanging out a lot.
Y/n would be in the back of his streams on occasion and wouldn't hesitate to speak up during them. Thats the thing about Y/n. They've always been so outspoken. Since the start. Everything they talk about comes so easy to Y/n. Nothing is held back. Kenma knows everything about them. He on the other hand is still a bit closed off. Quiet. The two are so opposite yet so alike. Kenma doesn't speak much about himself, opting to listen.
Especially when talking about past relationships.
One night, they were sat in Kenmas room in separate chairs, letting conversations flow.
"So, you've dated but why have the relationships ended?" Y/n asked.
"Ah, I dont know- its not important. Why did yours end?" Kenma flipped the question as he always does.
"One guy cheated," Y/n tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, missing their mouth and brushing it off. "One girl left because she was leaving for school, and one guy just didn't mesh with me. Your turn." Y/n pushed the question back.
"Uh- well. I don't click with people easily. I'm pretty closed off so when I date it usually ends in hurt feelings by accident or they get sick of me." Kenma finally admitted.
"Huh." Y/n flopped onto their stomach on the bed after setting down the popcorn. "Don't you like anyone though? Like- if you liked someone enough, do you think you would give opening up a shot?"
"I mean I guess. Nobody ever takes the time to...pry me open." That got a laugh out of Y/n. Good. "But yeah I do like someone."
Sitting up suddenly, Y/n became visibly excited.
"No god no- it isnt important." Kenmas ears burned again.
"Come onnnnn. Its gotta be someone big time cool to earn your heart. I have to approve."
Y/n pulled Kenma from his chair to the bed, not letting go of his hand as he sat down.
"Theyre very cool- and very sweet. Understanding. Someone who stands up for me and makes me comfortable-" Kenma began gushing.
"Do I know them?" Y/n interrupted.
"Y-yeah. You sure do." Kenma scratched the back of his neck.
"Oooh ok, a guessing game. Describe them more- their looks!" Y/n held his hand tighter, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Well- ok." Kenma took a deep breath and decided he could be vague enough. "Theyre short. As short if not shorter than me. Competitive. Very cute smile-"
"TOO VAGUE give me the JUICY DETAILS" Y/n pushed.
"They uh- they have..pretty eyes." He was staring at this point, eyes wandering around Y/ns face to find more things to describe. "cute nose too I guess. Squishy cheeks. Glasse-"
"WHO THE HELL IS IT KENMA- its starting to sound like youre describing me." Y/n laughed.
"No- I'm totally not!" Kenma rushed.
"Tell this person you like them. You look so happy when you talk about them. Its kind of sickening."
"I can't just do that." Kenma stated flatly.
"Yeah you can."
"DO ITTTT. Nothing to be scared of- it's CUTE. They would be dumb to not like you."
Kenma sighed, knowing he couldn't tell Y/n the truth about who he liked. What does he usually do when he's put in a corner like this? Oh thats right-
"Who do you like then Y/n?" He asked, proud of himself for deflecting again.
"Oh thats easy. You." Y/n said, letting go of his hand and laying back on the bed, leaving Kenma sitting up and stunned.
"What? No I mean a crush idiot. Who do you liiikkkeee?" Kenma pushed, hoping he didn't hear Y/n wrong.
"You, Kenma. I've had a crush since our first tie in a game. Thought that was obvious-"
Kenma flopped back on the bed as well. The both of them looking at each other.
"Oh. My person is uh... really... open and honest." Kenma said quietly.
"Is that why you wont tell them?" Y/n asked just as hushed.
"Yeah... what if right now they say yes but then their feelings change one day? That would hurt so bad. Worse than not telling them ever." He whispered.
There was silence. They knew what they both just admitted. Kenmas heart started racing. This might've fucked everything up. He might lose them. But they like him too so why is he so scared?
Y/n held his hand again.
"I know that youre scared because I'm so open...but hey... If you wanna give it a try..." Y/n whispered, scared about whether or not their honesty fucked them over.
"You might be right this time Y/n." Kenma whispered.
The space between them was closed due to both of them being drawn together like magnets in that moment. A sweet kiss.
"Let's try it then. I'll work on... being more open if you'd like." Kenma said.
"Kenma. I dont want you to change one bit. I like you the way you are."
Acceptance. It was the best thing Kenma has ever felt.
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decided to post some of my ideas for a ninjago/atla au besties. tell me whatcha think
under read more cus its kinda long lmao
some background first…
here, the first spinjitzu master is smth that doesn’t actually exist in avatar bc i couldn’t for the life of me figure out what to make him so now he’s like… he’s basically the child of all the original benders: the badgermoles, the sky bison, the dragons, and the moon spirit combined. he was born of their powers, and he was the first avatar, kinda like this au’s version of raava i guess?? so this au’s version of vaatu is the overlord, and like in ninjago, they have this never-ending rivalry. and the overlord is an avatar, too, but more of a dark one. it only cares about corruption and evil.
the first bending master, as he’s called in this au, manages to banish the overlord into the spirit realm, but he knew that one day, it would return. so he creates a land called ninjago and fills it with people of all kinds, each corner of the world having one type of bending. he gave the humans bending, but only one type for each person.
he didn’t want a repeat of the overlord.
so then he has two sons: wu and garmadon. he hemmed and hawed over what elements to give to them, but eventually he chose. wu gets airbending, the element of life and serene and calm. garmadon gets firebending, rough and harsh and the element of destruction. his fire is violet and incredibly hot.
everything goes fine, and the first bending master manages to keep balance of the world as its avatar. except the overlord does indeed return.
garmadon gets corrupted by its spirit and is bitten by the great devourer. he becomes obsessed with power and wanted to be the avatar more than anything in life. he believes that his father was holding his powers back because he didn’t trust him. and he believes that his father was going to hand over his power to wu after he died. and he couldn’t have that.
wu notices his downward spiral and suggests that he take a trip to visit the mortals. maybe that would help him realize that there is reason for their father being the only avatar in the world.
so garmadon goes down into the mortal plane. and meets fire lord chen and his second in command clouse.
fire lord chen is quite interested in an old legend of what is called the serpentine: ancient tribes of snake people said to have been born from the hatred and despair of the overlord, led by the toughest and the greatest, the great devourer. chen wants to bring these serpentine back, and at first garmadon agrees to help him, if only to get revenge on his father.
but he snaps out of it, because he realizes that its the great devourer’s fault in the first place that he’s like this. he betrays chen and clouse and warns wu of their plan, but without telling him whose plan it is. together, the brothers manage to gather together an alliance of the greatest bending masters in the world. garmadon wants their father to help, but wu gives some unfortunate news.
the first bending master is near his deathbed. he is very, very ill, and he is thousands of years old at this point. he wants rest.
so, naturally, garmadon is conflicted about this. he’s ecstatic bc he thinks that he can gain the powers of the avatar once his father passes, but also he’s sad, because, well, thats still his dad after all.
but anyway, the bending alliance manages to defeat the serpentine and seal them away in the spirit realm, like the first bending master had done to the overlord. this… turns out to be a bad idea.
fire lord chen and clouse both manage to shift the blame away from them, and since garmy was the only one who knew they caused the plan, he lets it happen. because he still is a bit evil.
something happens that gives him hope, though: he meets misako, who might be the love of his life. (also in this au that weird love triangle shit don’t happen) they get married, and for a while, garmadon seems perfectly sane. but.
the first bending master dies.
lloyd is born almost right after.
no one makes the connection, though, thankfully, but it is enough for garmadon to lose whatever sanity he had left. he completely goes insane.
he races back to their family monastery believing that he can and will gain the powers of the avatar, somehow, but he doesn’t. and that is too much for him to take. all of this… all of this… waiting… for nothing?
garmadon stares at himself in the mirror. he looks down at his hand, at the bite mark blemishing his skin, and grabs a ceremonial knife. he laughs to himself and places his hand on the mirror, slowly raising his knife towards it… he thinks he can stop all this pain in one easy swoop.
garmadon, sneering at himself: maybe… maybe this will fix it… if i just cut off the damn thing…
first bending master, in the mirror: i would not recommend it, son.
garmadon, face falling: why are you here?
first bending master: i came to speak with you. and to try and help you.
garmadon, snarling: don’t pretend like you care about me! i know what you really think. you think i’m a monster.
first bending master: i think you’re conflicted. the part of you that wants to be the avatar so badly you are willing to kill for it… that part of you clashes with the real you. the one that wants everyone you care about to be safe. your brother, your friends, your wife… your son.
garmadon: *laughs and turns around* why should i care about them, father? they don’t care about me! not my brother, not my wife, not my so-called friends, and certainly not you! the only one who does care about me is my son, and thats only because he doesn’t know any better. he’ll leave one day too.
first bending master, solemnly: you are wrong. i do care about you. i always did. i love you, garmadon. i do.
garmadon shakes, his hand gripping the knife tighter. his mouths trembles, and eventually turns into a scowl. he whirls around to face the mirror and slams his knife into it, shattering it into pieces.
he gets worse from there on. he begins to attack people left and right, villages and cities, even going so far as to consider breaking the serpentine free. he doesn’t get that far, though, because his brother interrupts him.
wu is very concerned, bc, well, garmy was a bit weird but never straight up insane like he is now. so he heads over to his family’s old monastery. there, he finds garmadon, seething and stewing. garmadon doesn’t take his arrival well.
garmadon: ugh! for once, can’t you just leave me alone?!
wu: no, i cannot. this isn’t you, brother! you must snap out of it!
garmadon: this is me! this has been me for my entire life, wu! i can’t change it now, and i can’t even be the avatar. what’s the point?
wu: the point is that father trusted us to take care of ninjago once he passed on. we have a duty.
garmadon: father was a fool, and father was selfish! i am remaking the world in my own image, an image that won’t let anyone have the kind of power that he did, except for those who are worthy!
wu: that’s crazy! you can’t just pick and choose who gets to be the most powerful bender in the world!
garmadon: isn’t that what father did, though, when he died? who is the new avatar, wu?! tell me!!
wu: i don’t know. and neither will you, if you keep this up.
garmadon: *laughs* are you threatening me?
wu: i am.
garmadon: fine. you want to take control of ninjago over me? fine. fine. fine. i challenge you to an agni kai! the battle that was always meant to be.
wu: very well.
garmadon: for the record… i’m sorry it had to end this way, brother.
wu, sadly: no. you aren’t.
cue final agni kai type fight, light vs darkness. fire vs air. obviously, wu wins, and manages to chain garmadon up so he can’t attack anymore. garmadon then has a complete psychotic breakdown like azula, complete with the spitting fire and sobbing hysterically while wu watches sadly.
wu banishes garmadon to the spirit realm, because he doesn’t think there’s anything else he can do.
ninjago is saved.
or so he thinks.
see, chen and clouse are still around. as are the serpentine, biding their time in the spirit realm. they meet garmy and decide that they should work together. garmadon, so torn up by hatred and despair, agrees to help them, if he gets to destroy his brother.
meanwhile, everything is going good.
lloyd is the avatar, obviously, but he’s only like. thirteen when he finds out. he’s an airbender avatar and lived with koko (bc its my au and i get to pick the mom i use) in one of the air temples (idk which one tho). he’s raised believing that he’s just a random kid who happens to serve the avatar, kinda like kyoshi.
that avatar he believes he serves is none other than morro, the adopted son of airbender sage wu. morro is four years older than lloyd, and he was just revealed to be the airbending avatar. morro, of course, is thrilled. but he also gets an incredibly big ego over it, believing that he is better than other people bc he is the avatar. the reason he was thought to be the avatar was because he appeared to waterbend at one point, but it is later revealed to have been simple airbending that pushed the water.
but morro doesn’t realize or know this until its too late. and when he does… its a shitshow.
basically, lloyd and morro are sent to meet with fire lord chen and his daughter skylor, along with wu, koko, and some of the other air sages. skylor is a chi blocker, an incredibly talented one who has mastered all of the different bending fighting styles even tho she herself is a nonbender.
ok so clouse is obviously there. he recognizes lloyd via koko and is fucking pissed. he’s like my ex-boyfriend rival’s son is here?? what the hell?? so he keeps a close on eye on lloyd bc he doesn’t like him. morro, meanwhile, is treated like a king at the palace bc chen wants to get into the avatar’s good graces.
and uh. well, as it turns out, morro isn’t the avatar…
they’re attacked by the serpentine, bitter at the bending masters for having locked them underground. morro is excellent at fighting, but lloyd has more adrenaline.
and lloyd firebends.
cue shock and horror and anger from all sides.
wu is the most horrified of all. the son of his brother… the man he banished… is the avatar?
so yeah thats the background AT LEAST. i dont really know what happens after that but lloyd runs away or something. i will write more i promise!!!
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