#and sorry again for losing you ask
Hello, @katditca I see that you have been so gracious to want a small potion from me, though I do apologize for losing your note - I suppose I lost it while traveling; a grave oversight that I hope to remedy.
Now I see that you are wanting a little bit more time to spend doing the small pleasures of life, to relax for just a moment longer. And though it may be a more difficult potion, I am happy to provide for you.
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Life was ever-changing and also at such a high speed that it made it nearly impossible for one to keep up with it. But you always had to try, for if not you would be swept up with the tied and dragged further away from shore.
But at times it was hard to fight the current that was life.
You never complained much, for truly there was nothing to grand to be complaining about in the first place, and nothing ever really seemed to bother you for you were always more than accepting of the flaws of man and willing to be patient for the sake of peace.
But such skill, such generosity, to be able to handle the burdens and trials of those around you with a smile in order to keep things calm - to sacrifice some of your time to ensure those around you had whatever they needed - weighed heavily on you.
It was not like you didn’t want to do it. You loved very deeply and helping those that needed it was part of that nature, you wouldn’t trade that for anything. But at times, it seemed more of a burden than a blessing, and you risked going off into the tide.
Bakugou, however, wouldn’t let that happen.
He may not speak much, words often failing him as he has never used them much, but he could listen, and he could see; and what he saw was how weighed down you were with the current you were swimming. He wanted to help you, truly, but how could he when the current he was swimming in was just as brutal?
There simply was not enough time within the day to spare; not without a little help at least, and though Bakugou was not only a fan of reaching out to someone else for help - he can and would easily swallow his pride to ensure you got what you needed.
He wasn’t a fan of the peddler and found her tone to be mocking as she inquired about his visit - about a request for a potion - stating how it wouldn’t be easy to brew but she could make an exception in his case; how lucky was he. And he sat there, for what seemed like hours, watching her create the potion he requested with ease, her humming to an imaginary tune causing his patience to wane and eyes to twitch, but nonetheless, he endured it for you; for a small vial of time - being told it must take two people to drink the potion for it to take effect.
He mixed it with your favorite hot beverage, and him doing the same when you got home that day; he could tell your day was long, perhaps even brutal, but you still cast him that sweet smile he fell in love with, claiming your day went on fine.
“I know you’re lying” he mumbled, allowing you to sit first before he followed suit, carefully handing you your mug “You can tell me when it gets too much, yeah?”
“I know…” You sighed out, blowing away the steam from your drink before taking a small sip “It’s just, today was manageable, nothing bad really happened. So, overall can’t complain.”
“But you could.” Bakugou countered, taking a sip himself and moving to sit more comfortably.
“I’d rather just enjoy my time with you, okay?” 
You leaned into his side, allowing yourself to fully relax as his arm wrapped around you; enjoying his warmth as you both slowly sipped away at your drinks; not noticing how time started to stand still, how the clocks stopped ticking, and the sun ceased falling over the horizon. It was only when you went to go place your mug in the sink did you begin to notice; how a small sparrow sat at your windowsill, unmoving. How the trees stood still, in the middle of a breeze. How a petal of a flower stayed in the air mid-fall.
“Katsuki..?” You called out, eyes unable to cease looking at the spectacle they saw “What’s going on…?”
“I managed to get us a bit more time,” He explained, arms wrapping around you once more as his lips pressed to your neck “cause I think we needed a moment to breathe, together. So why don’t you come back to the couch and we can cuddle for a little bit, okay?”
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May the little bit of extra time you get together be filled with love, my darling sweet. And please, take it easy tonight, you may find yourself a little out of sorts - it tends to happen when you're within time that doesn't move.
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cherrytraveller · 7 months
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sorry that i've deprived you all of a wip preview, anyway; deity-fies your local bad future mystic magic nuke
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sopuu · 11 months
I was wondering if you have any tips for your perspectives? i dont really know how to do them that well but it seems you have a great handle on them! Btw I love your art! its soft and happy, I really love your stuff :D
thank you sm!! i love hearing that my art looks happy it's such a nice description 🥺
and for the tips! you've probably heard of vanishing points and horizon lines a bunch of times so i'll try to just give a quick run down of how i understand them + their uses
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[2024 edit: just wanted to clarify that this third pic isn’t like a definite rule (none of these are tbf)- the horizon line can be placed at the top and still be close to the ground if you draw the grid right, same goes vice versa!]
tbh once you get the idea of how they work it gets easier to figure out where the points should be. it might help to think that the subject is what determines where the points are instead of the other way round if that makes sense? i learned a lot just by looking at storyboards for fun bc they're everywhere in them jhfkdg
also these grids aren't restricted to being only for the walls or the floor of a room- you can rotate it, put them anywhere you think you might need clarification on where the space around them is etc. just use as many as you need for whatever you need
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having multiple grids (like ^ where its above and below the character) especially close together narrows the focus to what's in the middle of them as well!
another way to do this is to think of the subjects being in a box and looking at them from an angle-
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and if you want you can break them down to simpler 3D or 2D shapes to see which parts have to get smaller
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if you were looking for more perspectives on poses i talk about it a little at the end here
i hope this was clear enough! it's a bit hard to explain but once i learned not to be too hung up on accuracy (ofc to an appropriate degree) and freehanded the grids it makes it a lot more fun to play around with :)
also take everything i say with a grain of salt bc i too am still learning 👍
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
Johnny Cash doesn't sound like a real name to me anymore I'm too far gone, christ
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harvestmoth · 6 months
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more rejuv things but its. its just this guy again, im sorry shes all i can draw
#everyday im like i wanna draw :] and then i just end up with this thing on the page#i refuse to draw hands holding. because i cannot and im too lazy to figure it out#oh yea a couple of these i havent posted before because theyre lame to me but ill put them here for now#anyways!!#i was gonna say something about a couple of these but i forgot#oh well#pokemon rejuvenation#does she. lose her ribbon in blacksteeple. i forgot#she still has it to me..#to me her c15 hair tie is a torn part of the ribbon#anyways again. yesterday i finally figured out what the rejuvrp is. very cool stuff im so incredibly intrigued by it#i have no idea whats going on! but it looks so cool ill try to read it more later.#oh right again about the rejuvrp thing. the character designs ive seen are so so so cool i want to draw them so bad#i think i have to ask about that first though and there is! no way i am going to do that!!! i do not want to bother them#and i think my heart would explode from the fear of it all before i even typed the message.#that and im very lazy! theres a very good chance i wouldnt even draw it in the first place#anyways unrelated but i think if i get another comment from someone on something i Will Actually Explode.#i see someone said something and it kills me on the daily. what is happening... thank you.. i appreciate it very much...#sorry to whoever read all of that. um. hi youre really cool and i hope you have a good day/night#i think being on twitter has done something to me i have to leave it immediately. anyways back to twitter#wait actually i should go back to playing rejuv. im still in the grove from when i first posted the gym leader melia au. im afraid to leave#also play pokemon rejuvenation no i will not stop saying that everytime i post one of these
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Dream heard it’s polite to check in on one’s...friends. He couldn’t have come at a better time.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 3 months
guys wtf i just had the most detailed dream last night about a girlfriend that doesn’t exist,,, like idk how to explain it 😭😭😭 and i don’t even remember her name, it’s at the edge of my memory but i can’t recover it. but i remember like all the events and her face.
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skylarbee · 7 months
if any of you are still feeling weird about that infamous interview, here is what alex said about it (and why that ashley girl doesn't like him). i really want to point out that what alex says here is the exact same thing us, miles fans have been saying since forever. so, if you are a fan of alex, but throw shit at miles, just remember that your favourite also supports him. and maybe think twice before starting arguments with miles fans and keep in mind that alex has the same opinion about it all.
Alongside Arctic Monkeys, Turner has a long-term side-project called The Last Shadow Puppets with his best friend, the Birkenhead singer-songwriter Miles Kane. During the promotion for their last album, the two did an interview with a female journalist from the music webzine Spin. Turner was being his usual unforthcoming self, so Kane attempted to break the ice with some groan-inducing banter. This included inviting the journalist up to his hotel room when she asked what he was doing after the interview, which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid (he realised as much the next day and emailed her to say sorry). The result, though, was a lengthy op-ed calling out Kane’s unprofessionalism and the misogyny of the music industry at large. Personally, I found some of her complaints against him a tad flimsy — holding eye contact for too long, high-fiving her, “yanking” her in “for a not entirely consensual kiss on the cheek” as she said goodbye, and not least the idea that interviewing a rock star is ever supposed to be an exercise in professionalism. What did Turner make of it all? He sighs. “I think he made a joke he shouldn’t have made and realised he had misjudged the situation.” I thought it was a bit OTT, I tell him. “Yeah, I’m not sure it was deserving of that response honestly, but you just can’t make a joke like that.”
(from 2018, this interview)
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moongothic · 3 months
On the train of your last ask, what are your thoughts on dragons sexuality?
Personally I think he’s Demi something (more attracted to personality than looks or gender)
Honestly because we don't know that much about the guy it's kind of hard for me to form an opinion, and if Crocodad Real then we're going to find out his orientation eventually (since we gotta find out if that was a contributing factor to the Dragodile Divorce (assuming they're divorced)) so I'm kind of okay with not forming any headcanons, since the headcanon could get thrown out the window
If anything, what interests me is how Dragon's orientation could impact the story-- like when I've discussed the Dragodile Divorce I have mainly focused on speculating how Crocodile would've felt about it, but how Dragon felt about that is interesting too
Because if he's straight then yeah that probably contributed to The Divorce, but how did Dragon feel about it? Learning that the love of his life is now happier than ever before after transitioning and being happy for him, while also losing the version of Crocodile that he fallen in love to begin with? No longer feeling thet draw to him because of the thing that has brought him so much joy and comfort? Knowing that even if they did take down the WG the family Dragon had hoped to have would never come to be, because their relationship would now end? And that it would be on some level his fault, because he's not attracted to Crocodile anymore?
Like even if Dragon took things well and the divorce happened "on good terms", it would've been sad for Dragon too.
But then there's a slightly juicier option, because what if Dragon was bi, but the Divorce happened under unpleasant circumstances (be it Dragon lashing out or things getting violent because he couldn't recognize Crocodile) and he didn't figure it out until it was too late?
Because you'd still have Dragon going through some if not all of those previously mentioned feelings, of having to come to terms with the version of his significant other whom he had fallen in love with no longer existed, the family had pictured in his mind would never become a thing, that those things were be kind of his fault and that he had hurt Crocodile deeply in the process. But then he'd be looking at some news article of Crocodile's most recent heroic stunt, seeing his handsome face with that usual, unbothered expression, and realizing he still loved him? That he still wanted to be with him, wished they were together, even now that Crocodile was a far more handsome man than he was? And then the realization that he's bi hitting him like a fucking truck But it's too late. The divorce already happened. He already hurt Crocodile too deeply. Knowing Croc, he had probably already moved on. There was no fixing it, the relationship was over. At least for now, trying to go see Croc could be dangerous due to the WG and not wanting to risk the WG finding out about them and The Kid and Croc would probably be furious if Dragon even risked that at this point, after what he had done. Oh, and then Crocodile killed thousands of innocent people attempting to usurp a country by manufacturing a civil war. Something Dragon can't forgive. (Not to mention, hearing he had been taken down by their own son... Oof)
But what if despite all that, and not knowing the full circumstances behind what had happened (like the fact that Crocodile didn't know who the hell Luffy was), Dragon still loved Crocodile? What then?
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#Moon posting#Asks#Dragodile#OP Meta#Answering an unusual amount of asks today because 1) Compensating for being AFK for a while and#2) The Tumblr News are deeply fucking upsetting and I need something to lighten my mood desperately ngl#So clearing my ask box it is wheeeee#Sorry this is a little incoherent lmao#Something about Dragon looking at Crocodile and being like ''why the fuck are you more handsome than me'' cracks me up okay#When your transgender husband gives you gender envy#I just love the story telling potential bi Dragon would give us because like. Yeah if they're straight then the relationship is joever#But if he was bi then there's that theoretical possibility they could maybe reconcile and get back together#And the fucking drama? The possibilities? I'm so here for that man give it to me#Luffy and/or Ivankov telling Dragon to get over himself and admit that he still loves Crocodile and wants to be with him? Gimme#Dragon taking a deadly blow to protect Crocodile because he doesn't want to lose him again? It's a trope for a reason#OR Dragon craddling a dying Crocodile begging him not to die because he still loves him? Oh yes#Crocodile trying to sneak away while everyone celebrates the destruction of the World Government#And Dragon showing up like ''I don't wanna lose you again pls don't go ;_;''#And Croc telling him to either piss off OR to hurry up and get on the ship so they can leave before Luffy finds out#I am. Obsessed. Dragodile Retirement Romance let's fucking go#THE POSSIBILITIES MAN. Like I don't wanna get my hopes up because I doubt we'll get Canon Gay Dragodile BUT IT COULD BE SO GOOD
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lavampira · 3 months
you know the day is going to be a doozy when you wake up with anxiety already eating you alive 🫠
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money-and-dandellions · 4 months
continuation to this post:
Meg who unintentionally and absolutely illogically gets worried when Lester gets sick after the ghoul incident and he doesn't really understand why would she do that
until he does
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eyeballing at gl:tas halbarry even barry didn't appear at that show at all (idk I feel like if barry appears in gl:tas the halbarry fandom will explode)
Can we all agree that the portrayed writing for the characters in GL:TAS is one of the best-perceived versions (<- Might be me but that show actually understood the characters, let me be honest...) Especially the comics they have on this show...
(UHM YOURE SO RIGHT BTW. I would explode)
So, if we ever got a glimpse of Hal's civil life + league life in the show every now and then... I feel that we would get to explore partially his relationships with people, like how they did for characters in the show. Not to mention, we don't exactly get Hal content, because that DCAU GL and FLASH over different media has kinda been John and Wally, unless we talk for movies but I also love that duo though, they're funny...
I would let the people in charge of GL:TAS write for Barry... Or PLEASE if he did, I would enjoy seeing them with The Brave and The Bold dynamic... (Would literally kick my legs and giggle). I could image that the series version of Hal and Barry would be a take on their friendship, specifically with how they act with one another. They would also personally portray Barry as a nerd, let's be honest... Or just the way (If anyone has ever seen Star Trek: The Original Series) (TOS) Spock (<- Star Trek reference, uhmm K/S is so Halbarry..)
It's a literal crime that they canceled this show, have you SEEN the promo art for GL:TAS season 2 (<- The art by Bruce Timm, I hate him but we get to see a little glimpse of what could have been)
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I have to say, I'm pretty enamored by TotK's Phantom Ganon. Not only it's a great boss fight in general, with amazing mood and music giving off some intense FromSoftware vibes at times (nobody mentions how often I die to it I have yet to find any reliable method to handle the general overwhelm as I'm a very mediocre gamer), but it's also such a good characterization of Ganondorf as a character too, with the duality between the messy, unhinged, compulsive urge to grab things and immediately tear them apart, and on the other hand (lol) the veneer of grace, control, and strategical deployment of his power.
so, basically, his two genders.
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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this is getting ridiculous can’t they be apart for more than two days?????? 😭😭💞
dude wtf?!?!? 😵 the way my heart jumped, jesus christ Aleksi what are you in Oulu for AGAIN, for the manyeth time since the end of the tour?! this is indeed getting a bit ridiculous and I can't handle it 🤧
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I know we don't talk and there's stuff we may not agree with. But I am truly sorry you've dealt with a lot of drama over fictional crap. And I'm sorry if my posts in the past ever contributed to that. Hope you have a better day.
Hey... That's all fine, don't worry! After all, it takes a lot of time and Insight to realise that Gehrman is a very gentle and respectful man and Godrick is an absolute gigachad kdkdkshdffhhgfds /lh /lh
But yeah, on a serious note. It was quite frustrating to find out the real motivation under all that... mess was something so pathetic, but at the same time this is what happens when people make engagement with media and fandoms a moral, political act. Not necessarily a problem, after all, I was the one who concluded that the way a fan judges fictional characters and other fans will very well reveal how cruel they are to real people who do something bad, or how much they will forgive based on personal sympathies. And my mad ravings about caring about female characters! I think the problem comes when a fan is so insecure that they have nothing else besides this defence of ideals through fandomry. If your only way to assert yourself is to be a good guy punishing the bad guys, and that mad raving loredigger discovers there is NO bad guy, what is left of you?
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This is why it is crucial to have passion for nurturing rather than for undermining! I think if you speak like this, you've found this truth too? This is true that I don't know you very much (mutual-in-law thing), but to be honest.. you didn't poison my fandom experience at all? I tend to never be aware about discourse until someone basically calls me for help fhdhgsdgdfs Can't scout the fandom tag regularly!
But not only it actually was a quite long ago I saw a "negative" post from you, but also I've seen through the posts that my friends liked or reblogged from you that you've actually became very eager person to defend people's passion and interests! I think the post that particularly got stuck with me was when you resented seeing someone's light die after some Redditor asshole "well aktualy"'d a thing they were excited about creating (not exact wording but maybe you remember too)? Like... you are fine, man. At that point I realised that you were a good fan and in the end valued people's creativity and passion over personal preferences. That you never wanted to be THAT guy, even if your interpretation could not be further from someone else's. Coming to terms with what actually matters in fandomry is very mature and I am happy to see this attitude!
I am still glad that you messaged me about this though; I did not expect this, but thank you! I think I will continue getting involved in fictional discourse because my autistic senses cannot ignore factually incorrect takes with a clear insidious motive, and.. eh, sooner or later, I'll piss off the wrong guy again. Don't feel bad for me when it inevitably happens :p I've accepted the shortcomings when I decided to be the debate guy. Simply laughing at some gremlin starting a discourse with the girls in DMs and not stressing over it is only funny until I realise that newer fans could get misinformed right off the bat.
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ddeongies · 6 hours
hii just wanted to say that you make the best aus i really cant wait for your next update pls never stop writing
hi hi hi sorry for the late reply!! thank you so much for this ask it made me 🥺🥺🥺
i hope you keep enjoying my writing!! i definitely have more planned and written that i'm so so excited to post :))
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