#and people tell him his goal is stupid and childish
pepplemint · 1 year
The gun devil without adding major spoilers brings up a really interesting aspect of devils taking over dead bodies re: if and how much the soul of the original owners are actually still alive, aware and in control
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eijirousbestie · 21 days
since ur one of the realistic bakugou writers (just like what that anonie said) what do u think about: 1.him being jealous over his s/o. we always see those possessive or jelly bakugou writings, but i think it's kinda over exaggeration sometimes. 2.with affectionate s/o? like, i know things may be very awkward at the start of their relationship but what if his s/o suddenly has the urge to pepper kisses all over his face & hug him so tight? srry if it's stupid😭
Jealousy + Affection
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He’d unsuspectingly pull them into his room when they aren’t looking, closing the door behind the two and standing tall with a displeased frown on his face. Jealousy is one of the feelings Katsuki rarely ever feels. And when he does, he absolutely hates it. It doesn’t make sense to him. He has everything he could ever need. An incredible power, insane strength, intellect like no other and a tongue as sharp as a knife. What the hell would he ever be jealous about? Or at least that’s what he would’ve thought before he got close enough to someone to call his own.
“We needa talk,” he’d grumble, brows knit together. “That ‘new friend’ of yours is pissing me off. I swear they only ever need you when I finally have you to myself.”
He’s realistic. He knows they’re not just gonna drop someone for him just because he doesn’t like them for unproved reasons, but that still doesn’t mean he won’t stop wishing they will. Until then, he’ll keep taking extra measures to make sure they can make up for lost time spent together. He’d spend extra time giving TLC he usually wouldn’t, feeling like he’d need to remind his partner where home really is.
In no way is he being overtly possessive or trying to tie his partner down. That’s just crazy as hell. He’s just worried about the third party’s intentions with his person, untrusting of what their motives may be or what their influence is on his partner. He knows they can handle their own but still it’s just a normal concern.
Then again, this is Katsuki we’re talking about so when he has his mind set on something it’s hard to change his mind about it, but he tried to be flexible for them. He tries. Jealousy is a bitch.
Having an affectionate partner isn’t always the easiest for Katsuki to deal with but that doesn’t mean he won’t try. Most likely this person would be one of the very few relationships he’s had throughout his life. Being career and goal focused for years on end left him with no time to think about all that lovey dovey bullshit other people his age would drown in. But everybody wants somebody, even if it’s just a friend.
And that’s how the two had started. Being friends with Katsuki is no easy feat. Having to put up with constant yelling, bickering and outrageously childish arguments, it wasn’t a cake walk. But it sure as hell was still fun just like any other friendship. The two had gotten along unsuspectingly well even though their personalities were near opposite. Him being reserved and self righteous; them being outwardly friendly and super connected to people.
In most cases Katsuki wouldn’t give someone like them the time of day, but of course they’re a rare case. His rare case. Katsuki could find solace in them knowing that whatever stupid shit he might spew could easily be returned with matched energy. The sense of mutual respect would then blossom them into a budding relationship, one where he could feel safe enough to fall with them completely.
At the beginning, yes it was a bit awkward. He wasn’t the skinship type at all and didn’t really understand why someone had to be glued to another person’s skin damn near 24/7. But after being slowly acclimated to hand holding, he starts to warm up to mutual touch. Having gotten used to being hugged up by them since the earlier stages in their friendship, of course he knows all their tells months into their new relationship.
Occasionally coming in for a hug, he’d accept, letting them do so as long as it wasn’t overly performative. There’s a happy balance in everything so he’d gotten to learn how to take it with stride after a while. Well, only if they hadn’t pestered him with too much physical contact in one day. One too many hugs? He’d put a palm to their face and lightly shove them away, not using any real strength to hurt them. Only enough to send the message that he’s all hugged out.
Of course, if he noticed he’d been neglecting their love language of touch, he’d concede, but in his own way. Loungin on the couch with them, he may glance down and notice their hands resting in their lap as they focus on the television. His gaze would drift up to the side of their face, watching their expression closely before taking their hand in his and putting it in his lap instead, lightly stroking the back of their hand with his thumb.
Katsuki can be a hardass sometimes. Most of the time. But he’s incredibly perceptive of people, especially those he holds close to his heart. So of course he’d do what he can to make them feel comfortable around him all while keeping himself comfortable and preserving his own boundaries.
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mollisangelus · 11 months
Perspective Is A Fickle Thing
Dom! Alpha! Izuku x Soft! Omega! Reader
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: Izuku is super out of character right now, but bare with me, it'll get there. Everything will make sense.
TW: None!
You found yourself thinking about that day a lot. You talked so much, that you ended up going somewhere else to get dinner. It was just so easy, which you found surprising. You didn't like new people much. The best part was the way he even paid for it, the memory burning into your mind and causing blush to dance along your complexion quite quickly.
"It's a shame Ura couldn't come, but duty calls." 
You sighed and nodded, "Yeah, she just seems to always overwork herself.." 
Just then, the waiter appeared, check in hand. "I hope you both enjoyed your night, an adorable couple really. I'll be right back to grab the check." With that, he was gone before either of you could protest. Not that Izuku seemed like he was going to, his eyes on the check as he goes to grab it. 
In your flustered state, you clumsily grab your small purse and dig to grab your card. It takes you a minute or so, and Izuku is confused as to what you are doing until you pull it out. 
"I'll pay tip too, so don't worry!" With that, you go to place your card in there and write a note to split the cost, but Izuku is quick to stop you. 
"Don't be silly, I'm paying." His hands are on yours to keep you from the check, and his eyes seem to burn in your skin. You feel the spotlight and your spine tingles. It was just like earlier. It was like you were left no room to argue, but you were awkward naturally anyways.
"Oh, okay.." you mumbled, biting on your bottom lip in nervousness. 
You both ended the night with him giving you his number and driving you home, because it was much too dark and late for you to walk and take the bus. He insisted. It felt like a date, for sure, but your conversation was aimed towards business, which was obviously his goal.
It was a business date! That's right! Perfectly normal, I mean that is why you had a meeting in the first place! It just proves that it went so well! 
After coming to that conclusion, you felt so light on your feet for the next week and a half, and your enthusiasm for work seemed to triple! You had so much work to do if the number 1 hero puts his faith in you! So, as you're tinkering with one of Uraraka's sidekick's gadgets that were recently crushed one day, you get a text. It was odd, you don't talk to many people, especially outside of work. Anyone in your circle would just come to you. Your curiosity wins this time, and as the cat screams, you peer at your screen. The childish name 'green boi💚' is on the notification, with 'new message' underneath. You mentally curse yourself for the high school girl butterflies, yey you're still quick to unlock your phone and read. 
"Let's have dinner again, I'd like to talk about a proposition."
You freeze for a moment and your thoughts race. What does that mean? Proposition? You start to type your confusion till your stupidity hits you like a bus. A job, he wants to offer you a job. Your cheeks flare as you text back.
Quickly, you texted back, "Wow, I'm honored! Just send me when and where!" Anxious butterflies flutter in your stomach as you type, and you have to double back on words. It wasn't that big of a deal, even as you try to tell yourself that though, your omega and heart are soaring. Your nerves seem to be burning out as you bite at your lip, waiting for a response. 
"I'll call you." 
Then before you could make an excuse, your phone was buzzing with his contact name lighting up the screen. Shock flares through you, and you juggle your phone clumsily with your surprise.
As you struggle to keep a grip, you shakily swiped up and put the device to your ear. "H-hi..?" God, you must sound so weak right now. Not very confident business woman of you.
"Hi! I'll pick you up around 8, alright? So just send me your address. I had to call cause my hands are a bit busy at the moment." You hear movement in the background and clink of something on a table.
"O-oh, okay! You don't have to pick me up, I can walk…!" You were so quiet, so nervous. You did your best to keep the cheerful chip at the end, but your heart hammered with each stutter.
"Nonsense, I'm not making you walk in the dark." It was final.
"Are you sure?" You appreciated a gentleman, but you couldn't stand being inconvenient. Not even in the littlest ways. 
"____. I'm picking you up, send me your address, okay? I have to go, I'll see you at 8." This time it really was final, the sound of a hang up in your ear. 
You could have protested, could have insisted you walk, but you're immediately typing your address like you were told. Just who is this man?
A/N: can you believe I'm alive? I'll try to at least finish this before I lose hyperfocus.
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harunovella · 2 years
so can you keep it secret? ; e.y.
synopsis: Porco Galliard hated Eren Yeager, that was a given. It was the way he looked, the way he behaved, how he carried himself... And you couldn't help but be curious about this man. Why did your step brother despise him so much? And why did it feel so good sneaking around and falling deeply for your step brother's arch nemesis?
cw: college au, female reader, minor age gap (5 years), strangers to lovers, fwb (eventual couple), car sex, thigh riding, smut, long-haired eren (goth!eren) bc that's a warning in of itself, minor blood, everyone is aged up (18+)! srry if i miss any! MDNI!
wc: 11k+
an: so my spiderman!eren au did so much better than expected (it's at 500+ notes thanks?!) and I have a few other eren stories that I had on my ao3 so I thought I'd slowly integrate them over here... enjoy and reblogs are much appreciated! xo p.s. this originally was a two parter but I squashed it together... p.s.s. i'll make a masterlist when I post more!
Eren had finally made it, he was going to finally graduate medical school and finally get his father off his back about following in his footsteps. It wasn't like Eren hated the path he was on, it just wasn't ideally the career he wanted. He had lived a life wanting to explore the world, to travel and be carefree, but then his parents reminded him that he needed an actual career with a great salary to be able to do such thing. So, as a way to keep his childish dreams from being anything but that, he decided becoming a doctor would at least give him the money he needed.
However, things didn't always go so easily.
He wasn't the lively boy he once was, things changed, life happened... and people who didn't really know him saw him in a different light. It was one of his final courses, a semester long project to get students prepared for working in dynamics with others in their field—a supposed required course for every major to take. A way to improve the social skills of this generation wherein the older ones believed they lacked due to their technological obsessions. Word for word, exactly how Eren remembered his counselor said way back when he first started his journey.
That's how he ended up paired with the only person in the entire university who couldn't stand him or his entire existence. Eren didn't seem to care about others false opinions, he never paid them any mind, after the person he'd become—which was just antisocial and goal driven—he was mistaken for a druggie, womanizer. Something he wasn't.
Sure, he had his fair number of tattoos and piercings, and he had his hair long and always hanging over his face or pulled back in a messy excuse for a bun, but that didn't mean he was a delinquent. It was just who he was. However, to Porco Galliard, that did not seem to matter. Appearances—to him—were everything. And, of course, Porco was his assigned semester long partner.
Lucky him.
Porco didn't seem to care if Eren was in the top 5% of their class—something no one expected from a expressionless man like himself. He also didn't seem to care if his father was a medical genius or that he did come from money because of said father, no, Porco always saw Eren to be beneath him. And, in all reality, Eren just didn't care for Porco either. He was a rich snob who always had to have the final word.
"Maybe he's just jealous that you're anti social and still get the ladies for having a pretty face," Sasha would tell Eren whenever he would mention Porco's childlike hatred towards him. 
"Though it doesn't help that you look like a pothead manwhore," Jean would add, earning a smack on the arm from Mikasa. "What? He does! His hair and that emo vibe he gives off!"
Yet somehow everyone else saw him as just that. Something he wasn't. Sure, he had his fair share of stupidity when he was in that age between who he once was and who he had become, but that was all experimental and he didn't really like it. It wasn't something he wanted to pursue, but with the look he found to be the most... him, brought on that constant speculation. He gave up on denying it, the ones who knew the truth were the only ones that mattered anyway.
And so did you.
At least, eventually, you would learn.
Eren could remember that day as if it were yesterday. The day he first met you.
The moment he had arrived at Porco's home to begin their semester long project. How he entered without receiving a hello from the dirty blond, how said man left him to his defenses as he went to use the bathroom. Eren stood at the doorway with his hands deep in the pockets of his jacket, eyeing the surrounding home. It was well furnished, minimal frames lingering about, a two story townhome Porco managed to afford on his own. Or, at least, Eren recalled him mentioning when he had eavesdropped on a conversation. However, as Eren walked further into the home and spotted the tiny backyard, a young woman was crouched tending to a small garden.
He couldn't recall Porco having a sibling or someone he lived with, or maybe he just didn't care in the moment to remember. His head tilted at the sight, eyeing her as she watered the flower bed, a bucket hat on her head, and a sundress snug to her body. Sandle cladded feet digging into the dirt as she smiled to herself.
It was you. He hadn't known who you were, but he had recognized your face from one of the photos he had passed by earlier. You stood up and brushed some loose strands (that slipped your braid) behind your ear. Were you Porco's sister? Girlfriend? No... The one thing Eren did remember was that Porco and Pieck Finger had a thing. Or, rumored to have.
Watching you as you reached for your water bottle, uncapping it and chugging away the contents, Eren felt entranced. The way you tilted your head back, how beads of water slipped down your chin and neck. He blinked a few times before he looked elsewhere. Maybe it was because he hadn't had sex in a while, seeing as you so easily piqued his interest.
Sometimes he hated being the antisocial person he had become, it made him feel more desperate for human contact than he should.
Eren snapped himself out of his thoughts before he turned away. If he was to be left on his own, he might as well do some snooping. It wasn't like he cared to be scolded by Porco, he already got pointless insults from him daily, anyway.
That's how he found himself on the second floor, standing before a room covered in pastels.
Clearly, this was not Porco's room. The amount of posters and trinkets around, the floral bedsheets... A beanbag, stuffed animals. Magazines and a vanity full of makeup. A bunch of Polaroids hanging on a string of lights. It was your room.
Eren walked towards your desk, a collection of colorful pens and sticky notes amongst journals and books (and other educational tools), sat on its surface. Leaning over and eyeing the photos, seeing the consistency of you and some friends, he furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of a pair of recognizable faces. Gabi Braun and Falco Grice. The former being the little cousin to one of Eren's friends—Reiner Braun—and the latter being the little brother of an acquaintance of his, Colt Grice.
"What are you doing?" A voice had spoken up, causing Eren to nearly jump out of his skin as he turned to face the person.
To face you.
What he did not expect was to see a subtle smirk on your lips, you leaning against your own door frame, and arms crossed. Your feet were bare and your hat was gone. Just you, your sun dress, and (you must've undone your braid) loose hair.
He recalled the innocent look you tried to put off, the way you had lowered your arms and held your hands together before turning your smirk into a gentle smile. It was an act, clearly, he saw right through it. He wondered how often it was used. You must've been a Venus fly trap. "I was looking for the bathroom."
"Well, you're in my bedroom," you had chuckled, shaking your head. "Though, I do have my own personal one. There is no spare one up here. The two bedrooms have their own, then there's the half bath downstairs," you had explained, then stood up straight to approach him.
The whiff of your perfume had hit him—a scent he would never forget—so sweet yet so seductive. Something a siren would conjure. His heart had skipped a beat when you were mere inches away him, his eyes landing on your neck. He thought about the water that had trickled down your skin. His focus slipped from your clavicle down to your cleavage before it swiftly made its way up, to your lips, and back towards your eyes. "Apologies..."
He knew he should've walked out, knew he should've made his way back downstairs... but he couldn't seem to. He was too enthralled by your beauty. There was something about you... You must've been a siren.
"Hey, where the hell did Yeager go?" Porco had called out, causing both your's and Eren's eyes to widen. You didn't think twice when you grabbed Eren's hand and shoved him into your bathroom before shutting the door. Like nothing, you came up with a lie, shouting back how you didn't even see whoever this Yeager person was. All while Eren listened in from the confines of your bathroom (a place he would soon grow accustomed to). You were such a liar.
After that day, you and Eren would encounter one another more often than not. With him working with Porco, Eren would become a common guest at your shared home. Not only that, he would eventually pursue something with you that was beyond friendship.
Porco had a habit of disappearing on Eren in the midst of their group work to do god knows what. It was a different excuse each time he ran into you; majority being phone calls while others he straight up would lock himself up in his room to game with some online bodies who were from a different time zone. All an excuse to stay away from Eren. In those instances, Eren would be left alone to do his part—and any other homework or studying he had to do—before the Galliard man would return... usually an hour later.
Eren had hated that.
Keywords, had hated.
As days turned into weeks, and his presence became more prominent in your home, you grew more and more acquainted with the long haired man. You, unlike Porco and Eren, were soon going to start your freshman year as a college student. You were in the midst of your last summer break before classes would begin, fresh out of high school and already exploring the world with your best friends.
Except, those outings became almost less and less the more you found yourself trying to get close to Porco's arch nemesis.
Eren Yeager was no mystery man to you. You knew of him. You would hear Porco rant about him all the time and, well, you kind of grew an unhealthy obsession. Sure, Porco wasn't a big fan of Reiner Braun... but Eren Yeager? Now that was pure hatred. And, out of pure curiosity, you wanted to get close to this Eren person.
And that's what you did.
Porco Galliard was your step brother, an addition to your life when you first started high school. You had always wanted a big brother and he became that. He was standoffish and quite harsh towards you at first. Being as he was half a decade older than you and wasn't fond of the idea that his father was marrying your mother... he kind of took that out on you. He told you he had an older brother he lost and didn't need a replacement the day you two met. However, as time passed, he started to realize how much of an ass he was to you and slowly opened up. It also helped that his father didn't appreciate how he treated you when you were nothing but kind to him. Probably why Porco took the role of the overly protective big brother a little too serious.
It was a bit suffocating, at first you didn't mind, but the older you got... the more irritated you became.
You understood where he came from, but you were already an adult. Technically speaking. Someone who was entering the real world and was no longer a child. Yet, Porco never could see or understand this.
It was one of the many reasons why you started seeing Eren behind his back.
What started off as shameless flirting on your end blossomed into something... raw. You recalled the ways he'd look at you when he thought you weren't paying attention, or how you'd let your hand linger a little too long on his thigh. Little touches and glances lead to you making out with him at one of Gabi's cousin's parties (yes, your group of three always attended them seeing as Reiner could never deny his precious cousin). You had basically thrown yourself at Eren and had half expected him to deny you... not indulge and lock the two of you up in a bathroom.
From that day on, the two of you started something you couldn't seem to stop.
What you claimed to be a way to relieve endless sexual tension, with Eren being the first man to ever do any of that with you, became something of constant need. Which eventually blossomed into the constant desire to simply just be near one another. What once was shameless hookups became a secret relationship. The reason you were already reaching your five month mark with him.
"I can't believe you're actually dating him," Gabi said as the two of you sat at one of the couches in Reiner's home. It was his annual Christmas party. Your first semester of college went smoothly, what with you having a now graduated boyfriend who loved to give you rewards every time you did well in classes. The incentives were a nice form of motivation. It also helped that he had gone through all the same classes you went through and was the perfect tutor. Now on your winter break, you felt as if you could breathe freely. Somewhat. Porco still hadn't figured out that you were dating his quote unquote enemy.
After that forced group project of their final semester, the two so happened to take part in the same residency... Which meant Porco and Eren seeing one another more. Which meant even more complaints and rants from your step brother.
"Why are you surprised?" You asked as you sipped at the cup in your hand, eyes lingering towards the hallway that lead to the kitchen. From your spot on the couch, you could see Eren leaning against the wall parallel to the island table where two of his best friends—Armin and Mikasa—stood at. They must've been doing something, a wall blocking your vision as you could only see the two walk by every so often. Eren would open his mouth and speak a few words before brining his own cup to his lips. Though his closest friends and your own as well knew about your relationship, you couldn't quite do much in public. When it came to Reiner's home, it meant Porco was somewhere nearby. Or, at least, some of his close friends were. Whenever he'd enter a Braun party and spot Yeager, Porco would turn and walk right out.
Except this time, he was still lingering, mingling with Pieck and Bertolt in the dining room as Colt and Reiner were shooting darts.
The house was packed, Reiner always managed to befriend almost anyone and everyone from all walks of life. There was no wonder why you always found yourself in a corner with Gabi, it was overcrowded and as fun as it was, you didn't trust college boys. Especially when they were drunk. It was enough that you were taken and couldn't quite show it, but it was another thing having to constantly dodge their advances. You hated it but with Gabi around—and her temper—it helped. Only a semester in college and she made a name for herself.
"Because of Porco," Gabi shook her head as she sipped at her drink. "I mean... he hates Eren."
"Yeah, I'm well aware," you snickered, eyes looking back into the kitchen as Eren was now talking to Jean—another good friend of his you met a few months back. Another friend who knew of your secret relationship. "But I don't hate him."
"Obviously," Gabi clicked her tongue. "I'm just glad no one in Eren's group has a big mouth."
Nodding, you took a sip from your cup, "Connie and Sasha have a bit of loose screws, but they know how to keep a secret. I don't worry much about it. Plus, it helps that some of them have already graduated or soon will, it isn't like I'm on campus making out with Eren."
"The perks of having an older boyfriend," Gabi sighed, earning a swat from you.
"Please, you and Falco have been in love with each other since you were in your single digits—"
"Shut up!" Gabi hissed, earning a laugh from you. 
Just as you threw your head back, your eyes landed on said blondie. Lifting your head up and smiling at your best friend, you eyed your now empty cup before standing. "I'm gonna get a refill while you smooch up your boyfriend," you said as Falco approached, you patting his arm as he then took your seat. "Have fun!" You said as you leaned in between the two from the other side of the couch, earning a blush from Falco and a hushed curse from Gabi.
"You're such a fucking idiot, Kirstein," Eren grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
"You are, bastard!" Jean fired back.
"You both are idiots," Armin laughed as Mikasa sighed. You walked in, unsure what was happening, only knowing it was just them four there within the chaos of junk food. The kitchen was littered with dozens of opened and unopened beer bottles, tons of liquor, bags of chips, plates and napkins... all strewn all over the place. You felt bad for Reiner, but he never complained, Bertolt and Annie always helped him clean up since they, too, lived in the home. You'd often offer, but Reiner always said you did enough by being Gabi's best friend. It never ceased to make you laugh.
"Oh, hey," hearing your name as you were pouring yourself another cup from besides Armin, you turned and were greeted by his sweet smile.
"Hey," you smiled back, then noticing how everyone was looking at you—including Eren. "What are they arguing about now?"
"Some dumb shit," Armin waved off as you grinned.
"Nothing new," Mikasa shrugged as she approached you, gently bumping her arm against yours in an endearing way before whispering, "Eren's been waiting for you."
Blushing, you looked at the grey eyed beauty, "Porco's still here..."
Frowning, Mikasa sighed, "we'll cover up for you if he asks or anything."
Smiling, you nodded, "thanks." Walking past her and greeting Jean, you casually sat on one of the barstools adjacent to Eren. Sipping at your cup and pulling out your phone from the pocket of your cardigan, you scrolled through your social media. Without noticing it, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean all exchanged looks before discreetly ditching the space, leaving Eren alone with you. You tried to keep yourself busy, liking photos here and there, reading a few DM's you hadn't checked before a shadow casted upon you. Looking up and seeing Eren with his arms crossed over the counter as he leaned towards you, you bit back a grin. "Hi."
"Hey," he nudged his head. "How are you?"
Biting your inner lip, you fought the smile forcing it's way onto your lips, "I'm good... yeah, classes just ended... passed them all. How are you?"
"I'm alright," he sighed before one of his hands moved, tracing the tile on the counter as your eyes bounced between the many silver and black rings that adorned his fingers. "A bit bummed out though..."
Lifting your eyes from his fingers (that you were very well versed in) up his jacket covered arm, towards his neck and jaw, your eyes lingered on his plush lips. Oh, how badly you wanted to kiss him. "Why's that?" You asked, eyes still studying the handsome man before you, from the piercings that decorated his ears to the loose strands of hair that slid from his bun, towards his stunning emerald eyes (that seemed more interested on the counter than you), you shifted in your seat.
"I've walked under a shit ton of mistletoes, my girlfriend was nowhere in sight, but when she was, I couldn't kiss her," he pouted as your heart skipped a beat. The two of you had seen one another a few times throughout the night, walking by each other even, almost as if the other was a ghost with the lack of acknowledgment. You both hated it. "Kinda afraid she kissed some other man."
"Oh, poor you..." you played along, mimicking his pout as you tilted your head. "Though I doubt anyone would cheat on a pretty face like yours."
Finally lifting his stunning eyes to meet yours, Eren's toothy grin presented itself to you, his pearly whites on display as your heart throbbed within your chest. "Is that so?"
Nodding, you walked your pointer and middle towards his hand, your fingers gently trailing along one of the veins that was on full display. "Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a man like you before. I'm kind of jealous. I mean, damn, she's a lucky girl... too bad I can't be seen with an older man. Especially one that looks like you," you frowned. Eren wanted nothing more than to take your hand and run into the nearest bedroom. "What, with all those piercings and that fashion sense... how are you a doctor?"
Eyeing you as he licked his lips, Eren took in a deep breath, "I sadly have to remove the earrings and hide any visible tattoos. Lucky for me, they're pretty hidden under my work attire."
Smiling, you pulled your hand away. You noticed the way Eren's own twitched, wanting to yank yours back. "That's a shame, if you were my doctor I'd want to see it all on full display."
Sucking in a sharp breath as he could hear his blood pumping, Eren looked at you with hungry eyes, "you're a little minx."
Grinning, you settled your cup and stood up, "I've gotta go... I'll see you around."
Feeling his heart drop, Eren stood straight, eyes slightly widening. "Where you headed to?"
"My boyfriend's car, he's waiting for me," you shrugged before walking off, smiling to yourself as you knew Eren would follow.
You slid past the crowd that had huddled up in the home, chanting Sasha and Connie's names—they must've been doing some sort of drinking or eating contest. Your step brother was still busy in his own world, unaware of your body walking out the front door. Mikasa, Armin, and Jean—who were now in the same vicinity as Porco—noticed you (followed shortly by Eren) exiting.
Walking past the stoners and a few couples making out on the porch, you strolled along the collection of cars, further down to where you knew Eren parked his car. He always kept it away from the rest, not trusting anyone around his car—and also for instances like these when he wanted the two of you alone.
Reiner's shared house was situated along a row of homes that sat before a park, a park in which you now walked along, spotting Eren's ride. Just as you approached it, the doors unlocked and the lights flickered. Eren wasn't too far behind. Opening the backseat door, you slid in, on your hands and knees as you made your way to the other side. Soon after, you felt the car shift as the door slammed, your body being tugged back. Now facing Eren, your sudden giggle was interrupted as his body hovered over yours, lips crashing on to your own with such desperation.
Eren slid his tongue past your parted lips, meeting your own as his hands grabbed onto the meat of your thighs, parting them and situating himself in between them. Though his car wasn't tiny, it wasn't massive either for either of you to be completely comfortable. However, you two had become pros when it came to having fun in the backseat of his ride.
Running your fingers along his hair, pulling it out of the bun it was in, you slid his hair tie around your wrist before you felt Eren grind up against you. Your heart skipped a beat at the pressure against your clothed core, Eren's bulge pressing against his jeans, begging for freedom. One of your hands slid between your bodies, palming against his hardness as a moan escaped the man before you, the kiss becoming sloppy as he couldn't seem to put his focus on anything else but the pressure you gave him. You grinned as you felt his hips jerk against you, your other hand settling against the back of his neck as you lifted your head enough to meet his lips once again.
In an instant, Eren had you straddling him, your thighs parted as you moved both of your hands into his hair once again. Your breathing was heavy, your lips desperately meeting one another as you began to grind your hips against him. Eren's fingers slid under the skirt of your dress, pressing into your thighs and bruising the skin. You grew impatient, your forehead pressed against his as you shifted and situated yourself against one of his thighs. The sounds of your shared breathing filled the air, Eren's parted lips catching your own as you began to rock yourself against him. The friction, that pressure you needed against your bundle of nerves had you seeing stars. You felt so needy—extra needy. It was enough that you had to sneak around to see Eren, which made the both of you even more desperate than you should've been.
You felt like a bitch in heat, every time you were alone with Eren, you always found yourself riding his hand, his thigh, or even his face, to get off. After all, that's how your relationship first started. And he (almost) always made it about you and your pleasures. He never complained. He liked seeing the way you unraveled before him, the look of pure ecstasy across your face, how your eyebrows furrowed and lips parted. The way you squeezed your eyes shut, how quickly you breathed, and the grip you had on his shoulders or head, always leaving behind angry crescent marks against his skin. He wore them—and any other markings you gave him—as a badge of honor. He loved making you come.
Reaching down and tugging at your panties, Eren pushed them as far as he could before you did the rest, allowing yourself to feel freely. Your slick staining his black jeans as you eagerly rubbed yourself against him. Eren watched in a daze, his head thrown back against the head rest as his fingers pressed into the flesh of your bare ass. You held onto your underwear, placing it in the pocket of his jacket. "Keep it," was all you said. Eren didn't even question it, he never did. At this point, he had a whole collection of your underwear in its own drawer—and not just from when you stayed the night.
Feeling your grip tighten as your moans became louder and quicker, Eren slid his hands higher and helped guide your hips. Helped you find your release as you orgasmed before him, the heat burning up your body as you lowered your head to his shoulder. You knew that wasn't it, it never was one and done. You soon found your lips on his neck, licking at the skin, lazily biting and leaving marks behind.
Eren undid his belt and pants, lifting his hips with you as he pushed his jeans down his thighs. Your own hands moved down to his underwear, tugging down the waistband and letting his length spring free. The fact that neither of you had spoken a word showed how desperate you were. Eren was in a haze and you were straight up horny. After weeks of studying for final exams, unable to free yourself from your step brother's watch as he knew you were changing due to college, you were hardly able to sneak around with Eren. You couldn't even remember the last time you two fucked.
Normally, Eren would tease you for being so damn desperate, but he was feeling it just as bad. He missed you. He really missed you. He dreamt plenty about you, fantasized and thought about you while he was supposed to be focused on other things. There wasn't enough porn in the world to make up for the itch he needed to scratch. You two were truly addicted to one another.
Eren slid into you with little to no resistance, he wondered if you kept busy while he wasn't around to make up for the lack of his presence. He didn't want to think about it. All he wanted to do was fuck you. Fuck you and fuck you and fuck you as much as he could in the back of his car before anyone could see you. He truly hoped Mikasa was keeping her word. He needed this time with you.
Lifting his hips to meet your own as you raised and lowered yours, the two of you groaned and moaned out each other's names. Tears lightly pricked your eyes, you felt like you were seeing god—though, to be fair, Eren always looked like a god in your eyes when you were being intimate. You could hear the angels singing. God, how you missed his dick.
It was embarrassing, you knew neither of you would last long. You fucked each other, eagerly needing to feel one another. Eren hissed as you yelped when he gave you a rough buck of his hips, tearing into you. Your body shook—as did the car. Your skin slapped, the sounds melting with every other obscene noise your bodies were making. From your mouth to his, down to your pussy. Everything was so loud and fast and hot...
"E— Eren—" you stuttered, gulping, trying to catch your breath. Your eyes squeezed shut, your head fell back as a scream ripped from your lungs.
"Fuck— Fuck, baby, it's been— it's been too long," Eren shook his head, head falling back as you squeezed tightly around him. Eren was going to come, he could feel it, you were already reaching your climax and crying out and it was only making him choke out on his moans. "Wh— Where do you—"
"In me— Fuck— Yes!" You shrieked, riding out your high. You didn't have to tell Eren twice, he came hard, shooting ropes of his seed within you until you were practically overflowing with it. It wasn't often, but whenever you did let him come in you, he loved watching the way his own release leaked deliciously from you. It almost always lead to him fucking you again. It was a wonderful thing that you were on the pill.
"Shit..." Eren breathed, taking a moment to collect himself as you did the same. "We should go back inside... Get cleaned..."
"Yeah..." you whispered, now looking down at him with hooded eyes. A lazy smile was on your lips as your hands moved up to push his hair away from his face. You leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss, nuzzling your nose against his before gently nibbling at his jaw. Eren sat there, his hands falling to his sides before he reached up and fixed your own hair that was a bit tousled.
Gazing up at you, a smile mirroring your own—one of satisfaction and a bit prideful at the sight of your blissful expression—he leaned in and kissed you. "Let's go."
Sighing, you opened the door and climbed off of him, adjusting your dress and shivering. Not only had you purposefully left your panties in Eren's pocket, but you could feel his release trailing down your leg.
Eren stepped out after fixing himself, shutting the door behind him before locking his car. He reached for you and brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, wrist, then tugged you to him as he kissed your lips. Your arms wrapped around his waist, his towering frame hunching over to deepen the kiss. His tongue met yours, yours hands tugging at his jacket, you smiled... but then suddenly you were standing there. Stunned. Your arms now open before you and Eren's body gone.
You blinked, and you blinked again and again, yells and grunts were heard, the sound of rustling and curses echoed into the night sky. You couldn't process it, too dazed. What the hell was happening?
"Porco! Porco, stop it!" You recognized that soft voice... it was Pieck.
Why was Pieck there? Why had she been calling out to Porco?
A gasp left you, one that made you light headed. Your eyes landed on Porco, clutching onto Eren's collar with one hand as his other was curled into a fist, punching at Eren's face. Your heart dropped, your eyes widened. Blood. Blood was everywhere. You screamed, you screamed so loud all you could hear was ringing. You reached for your step brother, tried to pull him off, but he shoved you back. You fell into Pieck's arms as she held you tight. Her usually calm voice yelled at Porco to stop, begging him to leave Eren alone. You tried reaching over again, voice cutting in and out as tears streamed down your cheek at the sight of your boyfriend taking every single hit.
He didn't block his attacks, he didn't even fight back. Why wasn't he? Why was he letting Porco do this?
Everything was happening so fast, your ears continued to ring, your vision blurred. Suddenly, Reiner was there to pull Porco back. Suddenly, Jean was there with Armin to tug Eren up to his feet. Mikasa was before him, checking his injuries as Bertolt and Annie stood before Porco to block his view. Gabi and Falco were beside you in an instant, speaking, saying things you couldn't pick up. All you could focus on was the blood that stained the sidewalk, the sound of your heart racing in your ears, and the sudden need to crumble to your knees.
To then black out.
"Hey." You were pretending you couldn't hear him, you stood there with your back pressed against the wall, a cup in your hand. Gabi and Falco stood before you, childishly bickering over something as you kept to yourself and watched it all unravel. It was always like this, you third wheeling and never seeming to mind, you didn't need to go to the movies when you had them. "Gabi snapped?"
Biting your inner lip as you fought a grin, you turned your head and tilted it up in acknowledgment. "Hey... Yeah, nothing new," you sighed as you eyed the emerald eyed man beside you. Eren had his hair down—a sight you adored—as he dressed in a pair of black jeans, a band tee, and a jacket over it. You tried to be discreet, definitely not checking him out in front of him... but how could you not? He was too handsome for his own good. Sometimes moments like these happened when it was just you two, eyes lingering, silence weaving between the two of you. You could smell his cologne. It made you want to tremble. Sometimes you hated his charms, even when he wasn't trying... he always had you enamored.
"About what?" Eren curiously asked. He was being quite social with you when your step brother wasn't too far off. It was another one of Reiner's gatherings, you were sure Porco hadn't noticed Eren just yet.
"Oh, you know how Gabi thinks she's always right," you waved a hand before leaning in, "when she's not."
That earned a snicker from Eren as he kept his focus on your two best friends, watching with such amusement. "Poor Falco."
Grinning as your eyes trailed his pretty face, freshly shaven jaw, perfect nose and lips that always appeared in your dreams, you turned your attention over his shoulder. Jean stood in between Sasha and Connie, lecturing them like a father. "Though, they remind me a lot like a pair of somebodies," you said, looking back at Eren as his eyes shifted to meet your own.
"Do they?" He arched an eyebrow as you nodded.
"You and Jean. Always bickering like a married couple," you teased, earning an eye roll from Eren. "I'm not wrong, everyone thinks that."
With a scoff, Eren crossed his arms, "Jean wishes he could land me."
Letting out a small laugh, you shook your head and turned your focus back to your best friends, "well, if he can't, I wonder who can? Mikasa?"
"I was thinking Porco," Eren teased, earning a snort from you as you were in the midst of drinking from your cup, nearly choking. Eren rubbed your back as you patted your chest, clearing your throat.
"Oh, you're funny," you pointed a finger as he flashed you a smile. A smile that always had you weak in the knees. "Though, you kinda have that mellow feel sometimes—like Pieck. I can see it."
Shaking his head, Eren removed his hand from your back before he brought it to your chin. "Eh, I wouldn't want him anyway."
Eyeing him as he kept his gaze locked on your face, gently shaking your head as he held your chin, your heart fluttered. "Who'd you want then?" You asked, blushing without a warning. Why'd you ask that? You were bold around him, sure, but in the comfort of your home. Never out in the open.
You just wanted him so bad.
"She's kind of hard to get," he sighed, letting go of your chin before resting his forearm above your head, against the wall you leaned on. "Got this overly protective step brother who hates my guts..." Lifting his free hand, using his thumb to push around the ring on his middle finger, your eyes widened as your throat locked. You?
"Oh?" You whispered, blinking, staring at him with a racing heart. "And that stops you... because?"
Stopping the movement of his thumb, he lifted his gorgeous eyes to meet yours, "not sure if she's into me."
"I'm sure she is... if she's been hinting at it for a while... Who knows, maybe she's willing to sneak around..." you trailed, voice coming out more breathy than intended. You couldn't help the way your breathing quickened in anticipation. You hoped he was catching your drift. After all, your words were pretty direct.
"Sneak around, huh..." Eren nodded. "Maybe I'll try that." Suddenly he stood straight, turned in his spot and walked away.
"Wh— Where are you going?" You nearly called out, getting off the wall and watching him with wide eyes.
"Gonna head to the bathroom, maybe I can find her there."
Without hesitating, you settled your cup to the nearest flat surface—the top of a speaker—before you followed after.
Your knees buckled in as you looked at Eren, then at Porco, then back at Eren. You could hear your stepbrother cussing at Reiner, trying to fight the solid man off, threatening more violence. Eren stood with a bloody nose and busted lip as Mikasa asked him questions. If he was okay, if he broke anything, if there's any pain... Jean and Armin watched him with worry.
"Go to him," Pieck whispered to you as your world finally snapped back into motion. You turned your head and eyed her with confusion. What was she saying? How had she known? "I may be quiet but I see things. I noticed the way Eren would look at you, how he treated you compared to everyone else. It also doesn't help that I just saw you two kiss. Go to him, stay with him, make sure he's alright. I'll handle Porco, okay? Please don't overthink it."
Slowly nodding, you eyed Porco as he continued to thrash around in Reiner's grip, Annie and Bertolt still blocking him. Turning your head and eyeing Eren, a look of... well, there was nothing. No sign of emotion. Expressionless. It was a defense mechanism, it was how he looked when he felt too much at once and shut down. Or maybe he saw this coming and had nothing to say. With a frown still on your lips, you walked over and gently gave Mikasa's arm a small squeeze. Her and the two men looked at you before giving you space, you taking Eren's hand in your own. "I'm going home with him."
"Okay," Jean nodded.
"Let us know if you need anything," Armin spoke.
"Please let me know when you make it," Mikasa added as you nodded.
Pulling out his keys from his pocket, you guided him back to his car, putting him into the passenger seat before you took the driver's. You adjusted the seat and rear view mirrors, seeing Porco in the reflection as Pieck now stood before him, completely blocking his view of your leave.
The drive to Eren's place was quiet, nothing but the hum of their air conditioner and the occasional noises the car made. Eren kept his solemn gaze ahead as you gripped the steering wheel with both hands. Your heart was all over the place and you constantly had to blink away tears that suddenly made their presence known. When you arrived, you were quick to park his car and rush to Eren's side, taking his hand once again and guiding him into the apartment building.
The moment you made it to his floor, to his door, and into his home, you sat him on his couch before gathering what you needed. You knew where things were, aware of the ins and outs of his apartment with the many times you visited and stayed the night—claiming to be at Gabi's. Bringing back his first aid kit, a damp towel, and some water, you settled it all on the coffee table before him.
Eren watched as you disappeared into his bedroom, the sound of his bathroom sink running lasted a few moments. Then he heard drawers opening and closing, minutes later you returned with clean hands and socks on your now bare feet. He hadn't even noticed when you removed your heels—maybe you had done it in his room—he wasn't sure.
He couldn't stop hearing the ringing in his ears, the white noise that had yet to leave him. The moment you wiped away his blood and cleaned up his wounds, up until the very second you started shedding tears and fought a whimper, the sounds around him came back to normal.
Your hands fell from his face as your head now hung. Tears fell down your cheek and collected on the ground between your feet. You tried holding it in, tried fighting it back, but your body trembled and a small gasp of air broke the silence.
Carefully, Eren brought you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face in his neck as you clung to his shirt. "I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm so sorry... It's— It's all my fault... I pursued you, I suggested all of this, I—"
"Stop," Eren finally spoke. "Don't blame yourself. I'm not going to let you feel guilty over your own happiness."
Feeling him gently push you back as you eyed him with blurry vision, your heart sank at the sight of his now bruising cheek and split lip. "Why didn't you stop him?" You asked, voice low. Your hand gently traced around the bruised areas, pouting as your eyebrows narrowed further. "You let him hurt you."
Sighing, Eren brought one of his hands up to your face, thumb brushing against your bottom lip as his fingers moved to hold the back of your neck. "As much as I would love to fuck him up, I wasn't going to. Not when it would make matters worse. Not when it would hurt you more. It's enough he had found us the way he had... I mean, hell, I hate to say I get where he's coming from."
"But his hate towards you is so stupid!" You shook your head, more tears surfacing. "It's judgmental and ridiculous! He hates you because, what? You look a certain way? He doesn't even bother to get to know you. You're not a bad guy! You're— You are so kind and you care so much for the ones you love. I see it. I see how you are with Mikasa and Armin. Sasha and Connie... Hell, even Jean! I feel it, too... It's not fair..." your voice lowered as did your eyes.
Watching you with soft eyes, Eren tightened his arm around your waist as his other hand moved from wiping your tears, to cupping your cheek. "I wish I could kiss you..." he whispered, earning a small smile from you.
"No, your lip..." you shook your head before sighing. "I just... I wish— I wish he would see it. I wish he would understand."
"What if he doesn't?" Eren asked, studying your every look. The way your eyes trailed around his shirt, how your hand fiddled with the material, only to stop at his question. "I won't stop loving you..."
Blinking a few times, your heart skipped a beat, eyes trailing up his body to meet his own. "You... Eren?"
Gazing at you, he nodded, "kind of hard not to." Letting out a small chuckle, he looked off to the side, bringing his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it. "I haven't been in a relationship in a while. School was a lot on my plate... I guess I caught you at the right time, huh? I've loved you for a while now, about a week in. Maybe it's because I haven't been doing this for a while that I fell fast, but that sounds shitty, so I won't say it's that. I just..." sighing and lowering his hand, he reached for your own—the one that held his shirt—and gave it a small squeeze. "I wish I said it sooner, but I didn't want to scare you away. Who's to say you want something forever with an older man like me?"
Smiling, your eyes softened as you shook your head, "you're like five years older, don't make a big fuss about it." Loosening your grip from his shirt, you moved your hand to hold his. "I wouldn't have left. Sure, I would've been a bit terrified, I mean... a week in?" You teased, earning a laugh from him. "My past relationships didn't last too long. I've had like two before you, all lasted a few weeks. Different circumstances... After having a step brother around, it was even harder to go on dates."
"Clearly," Eren huffed. "You're young... You've just started living, you haven't even hit your 20s yet—"
"Don't give me that," you glared. "I can enjoy my life on my own while simultaneously enjoy it with you, Eren. Nothing will get in the way of what I want. And what I want is you. I have you. I mean, I was such an obvious flirt because of how bad I wanted you," you laughed.
"Yeah, because Porco made you curious," Eren teased.
"There's no denying that," you shrugged before taking in a deep breath, looking him in the eyes, those emerald pools that always pulled you in. "I'm glad I did. Even if I was more attracted to your looks at first," you cringed, but Eren smiled. "I grew to love everything about you. Even the dumb things you do that can bug me, you're a man after all."
Laughing at that, Eren pulled you into a hug and breathed you in, closing his eyes for a moment and sliding his fingers into your hair, pressing against your head. "A man in love—"
"Shut up," you grumbled through a smile. "I love you, too..."
Tightening his grip, Eren took in a deep breath before letting it out, leaning back and resting his forehead against yours. "If all else goes to shit and he kicks you out, you can live with me. It's kinda lonely being on my own."
"Eren..." you sighed, pushing back and looking at him. "Don't tempt me."
Shrugging, he brought his hand to your cheek, brushing his thumb just beneath your left eye, "I don't care, you can come in tomorrow with your bags and I'd welcome you with open arms."
"I don't doubt it," you smiled before standing up, taking his hands in yours. Pulling him up to his feet, you guided him to his bedroom. Undressing one another, left in only your undergarments, the two of you slid under his bedsheets. Holding tightly onto him as you practically cocooned yourself around him, the two of you fell asleep.
When morning had come, you and Eren shared a shower before dressing and making yourself breakfast. You were anxious, to say the least, having to go back home to an angry Porco. A Porco who—without a doubt—will give you a migraine from all is yelling and the potential crying that'll come from it. You knew you'd be just as angry, refusing to let him treat you as if you were a mindless child who couldn't make decisions. Refused to let him belittle Eren when he hardly knew him. It wasn't what you were looking forward to. You could only imagine if he had already told your parents or if he decided to keep it to himself.
Though, in all honesty, your parents already knew about Eren. It happened a month into your relationship with him, you two were together at the local mall, window shopping and having dinner together. You knew Porco wasn't a fan of the mall, always complaining about how packed it was—and that night he had his own plans. However, you didn't expect to run into your mother and step father, who had spotted you holding a boy's hand. Eren's hand.
You could remember how your heart dropped, the way your eyes widened and your hand twitched into his grip. Eren had been dressed in ripped up jeans, a distressed black tee, hair down and arm tattoos on display. It wasn't like you were embarrassed to be with a man like Eren, not ashamed to be with a guy who looked like he was plucked out of 90's rock band... you just didn't want this meeting to happen in public... Nor did you want them to react the way Porco did whenever Eren was around. Judgmental and with distaste.
Maybe luck was on your side, or the world wasn't truly cruel, because your boyfriend was nothing but respectful and your mother (plus step father) were nothing but kind. Although you had gotten a few questionable looks your way, and a few phone calls after that moment, they had no right to criticize. To tell you how to live. After all, you weren't living under their roof.
Plus, when they learned that he was on the road to becoming a doctor, they definitely eased off on questioning your taste.
"What are you doing?" You asked as Eren parked his car in a visitor spot rather than leave you out front. "Eren—"
"It's you and I not just you," he said as he slipped out of his seat and pocketed his keys. You quickly exited the car, rushing to his side after shutting your door and shook your head. "I don't want you getting attacked for something that's not your fault."
"Eren, you can't— He will only be even more upset!" You reasoned, but Eren didn't listen. Instead, he walked down the road and up to the townhome that was yours, you quickly following. "Eren—"
Looking down at you, he gently got a hold of your chin, eyes boring into your own, "I rather take the heat again than you, get yelled at and be the punching bag, enough for him to hear how much I love you. It may not be reasonable, but, we are in this together, aren't we?" Seeing you nod, he left a soft kiss on your nose, then forehead before letting you go.
Sighing, you pulled out your keys, ready to unlock the door before you... only for it to swing open. Eren tugged you behind him instinctively, you nearly losing your footing as your step brother and boyfriend were now face to face. It felt like hours had passed with how long they stared at one another before you finally spoke up. "Porco."
"Why the fuck is he here?" He spat, causing you to suck in a deep breath.
"Enough! He's my boyfriend, you had your fair share of abuse yesterday when you nearly beat him to death!" You snapped, lowering Eren's arm so you could step in front of him. "What you did was wrong, instead of approaching us like a mature adult, you beat the living hell out of him. And for what? You thought that'd make him run away? That I'd break up with him? If anything, it made you look completely foolish," you clenched your fists. "Your hate for Eren is pointless. You don't like his looks? Grow the hell up. You still look like a frat boy and you don't see anyone complaining!" You went on, now pointing a finger at him with eyes narrowed.
Porco stood before you, stiff and unable to counter. "Yes, I kept it a secret from you for this exact reason. You overreacted and not only hurt him, but you hurt me. I'm not asking you to love the guy, but I'm asking you to respect me. He is my boyfriend and I love him."
Feeling himself flinch at the word love, Porco took in a sharp breath through his nose as he kept his eyes locked on yours.
"And he loves me too," you nearly whispered, not realizing that you had tears pooling up in your eyes.
Gulping, Porco lowered his focus to the ground, recalling the events of the previous night. He had everyone hounding him, telling him he overreacted, that he fucked up. Reiner yelling in his face saying how he hurt you more than Eren with his actions. Annie nearly beating the shit out of him herself, Bertolt trying to ease the tension... Pieck saying you were an adult now and were allowed to be with whoever you wanted to. And somehow he knew, deep down inside, his long lost brother would be just as ashamed as they were.
It also didn't help that as he was ready to open the door, he overheard what Eren said to you. How he'd take the heat. How he loved you. Porco hated that. Hated how wrong he was. How stupid he had been behaving.
"I heard..." was all he said, eyes still low.
Your own widened, blinking before tilting your head in confusion. "Heard... what?"
"What Yeager said, about loving you. I heard it before I opened the door," he grumbled.
Eren, though silently listening the whole time, stood behind you with a subtle blush on his cheeks. He watched the way you took a small step back, how Porco stubbornly looked anywhere but at you. Placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Eren broke his silence, "you're lucky I love her as much as I do, I would've fucked you up worse—"
"Eren," you hissed, looking back at him as he shrugged. So nonchalant.
"Psht, whatever, Yeager," Porco glared as he instantly looked at the green eyed man behind you.
Rolling your eyes, you pinched the bridge of your nose, "look, I don't ever want to see you two fight again." Removing Eren's hand from your shoulder, you slipped your hand into it, noticing the way Porco's nose scrunched up. "Porco, I think you have something to say to Eren."
Sucking in a sharp breath, Porco crossed his arms, "I don't know why I have to apologize—"
"I'll move out," you quickly said, earning a look of shock from Porco.
"Wha— Fine! I'm sorry, Yeager," Porco huffed.
Smiling, you tugged Eren inside with you, "how hard was that?"
"Wait, why are you bringing him inside? He—"
Grinning, Eren lifted his fist and nudged Porco on the chest, "I am her boyfriend after all, Pock."
Grounding his teeth as he watched Eren walk past, making his way up the stairs with you, Porco called out, "I'm heading out, I better not see him when I return!"
"No problem, I'll be in her room where you can't see me," Eren smiled as he leaned over the railing, you shaking your head and tugging him with you.
"Stop instigating," you sighed, hearing a grumble from Porco before the front door slammed closed.
"It's the least I could do after he busted up my face," he huffed, sitting on your bed as you shut your bedroom door.
Stepping in between his legs, you cupped his cheeks and left a gentle kiss on his lips. "You still look handsome as ever," you gazed, gently tracing along his hairline, pushing away the hair from his face, behind his ear. Quietly gazing at one another, you continued your ministrations, softly caressing his cheek, brushing your thumb along one of his eyebrows, pressing your finger against his bottom lip.
Eren's hooded eyes watched you as you studied his face with a sweet smile on your lips. Giving your ass a small squeeze, he gave it a light tap before sticking his tongue out. Wrapping his lips around your finger, he watched as your cheeks flourished with heat before he leaned back. Letting your finger fall from his lips, he scooted back on your bed and brought you with him. Settling you on his hips as he fell back against your pillows, he trailed his hands up and down your thighs. "You were so assertive out there."
Grinning as your hands fell onto the expanse of his hard chest, you licked your lips, "I was defending my boyfriend."
"Yeah, and it was hot," he said, caressing and squeezing your thighs. "Porco took it better than I thought... After last night, you would've thought he would've gone for a round two."
"I have a feeling Annie and Reiner did something... Though, Annie probably beat the shit out of him..." you sighed, unbuttoning the top buttons of his plaid shirt to expose his chest. "She's always had my back when it came to Porco."
"I would have murdered him if I didn't hold back—"
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes. "You must really love me to take all of that."
"I do," Eren said, looking you in the eyes. "I really do..."
Blushing, you leaned down and kissed him as your hands caressed the skin of his chest. Moving your kisses down his neck, you licked a stripe up the column of his throat before meeting his lips once again. "You're such a gentleman."
"Only because he's your family," Eren lowly spoke.
"Yeah, but you still are one. Such a handsome... kind... sexy, gentleman," you breathed against his skin before finding that sweet spot just below his ear, marking him. "I could fuck you right now."
"Is that so?" He hummed as you nodded. "Why don't you?"
Lifting your head and looking deeply into his own, you shook your head, "I just told my brother about us..."
"And you also brought me up to your bedroom in front of him," he added. "Not like he can do anything about it."
"Not now," you sighed, sitting up and pulling off of him, earning a groan from Eren. "I need to check on my garden."
"Sure, leave my dick aching while you water your flowers," he groaned, arms crossed behind his head as he started at the ceiling.
"Come on, help me," you tugged at his jeans, Eren looking at you with an eyebrow arched before he forced himself up with a lazy groan. "If you help me, I can finish faster, and then I can fuck you."
Before you could process it, you were in Eren's arms, making your way down the stairs and towards your tiny backyard. "You better keep your word."
"You feeling better?" Annie asked, sitting across from Porco. There was a local cafe they met at weekly—as long as their schedules allowed it. Porco, Pieck, Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt taking the same outdoor table, talking about their week, work, and life. This time around, Pieck requested it be earlier after the previous night's events.
"Yeah, totally, after you kicked the shit out of me," Porco glared, rubbing his side that still ached from Annie's beating. When you had left with Eren, Porco got his karma in the shape of Annie's sneaker covered foot. "Still fucking hurts."
"Good, now you know how Eren's face feels," she crossed her arms.
"Though I'm sure your sister kissed it better," Reiner teased, earning a low curse from Porco telling him to fuck off.
"Alright you two," Pieck spoke up. "So tell us what happened before you got here."
Sighing, Porco leaned back in his chair, "she came with Yeager, scolded me, proceeded to tell me she's in love with him and he loves her... threatened to move out, I apologized, then they went up to her... room..." he frowned, crossing his arms. "God knows what the fuck they're doing all alone there. I shouldn't have left—"
"Your legal step sister alone... in a home she helps pay for... What are you? Her father?" Bertolt scoffed. "Let her be, stop worrying so much, you'll lose the top part of your hair like you did the sides—"
"It's a fucking hairstyle, Gumby!" Porco snapped, earning stifled laughter from the rest of the group. "Whatever, I know she's legal and basically an adult now, but Yeager better not fucking hurt her."
"I'm sure he's broken her back plenty—"
"Fuck you, Braun!" Porco shouted, standing up and pointing, only to be tugged back down to his seat by Pieck. "I don't want to think about it!"
Lifting up his hands in defense, Reiner leaned back in his seat, "I'm just stating the obvious. I've seen her walking funny plenty of times and I've caught them fu—" cutting himself off, Reiner scratched at his goatee. "Never mind."
Blinking as Porco eyed him in shock, he clutched onto the seat he was in. "You... caught... them?"
"Like... once or twice—"
"Once or twice?!" Porco exclaimed.
"More like a handful," Annie added, earning a look from Porco. "What? Your step sister isn't innocent. None of us are. Why are you so damn surprised? Good for her for getting action from a man who makes her happy. I wouldn't want anything less."
"That's because you're always on her side!" Porco cried out as Annie shrugged while Reiner looked anywhere else but at Porco. "You too, Reiner! No surprising there since you guys always take her side!"
"What? I like her more than you, anyway," Reiner was now the one shrugging as Annie nodded in agreement.
Sinking into his seat and crossing his arms like a stubborn child, Pieck rubbed his upper arm as he mumbled, "assholes..."
"I haven't done this since I was little," Eren said as he wiped some sweat from his forehead, leaning back on the lawn chair after pulling his hair back into a low bun.
"Garden?" You asked, handing him a water bottle as you sipped on your own.
Nodding his head as he twisted the cap off, bringing the bottle to his lips and nearly chugging its entire contents, you watched in awe. The water slipped down his chin and along the side of his neck, causing you to bit your inner lip. "Yeah, my mom had her own garden in my childhood home. It was her favorite place to be. She always had me watering the plants when I was a kid, she was always the happiest when we were out there, surrounded by the flowers and under the sun."
Snapping out of your thoughts, you settled your bottle down besides his now empty one on the small, wobbly table. "That's so sweet... No wonder you're so good at watering," you teased, moving to sit on your knees. Eren sat with his legs spread, the space in between his thighs now being occupied by you. Your hands reached up to his shoulders, smiling at the sound of Eren's small laugh.
"I'm good at other things," He said in a much more hushed tone, eyes lowering to your lips.
Repositioning yourself as your legs now hung over his thighs, either knee pressed into his sides, you scooted yourself closer. "Like what?" You asked, moving your hands to his flannel, unbuttoning the remaining buttons before opening it up.
Moving his hands onto your thighs, giving them a squeeze, he pulled you even closer to feel his hardness. A small gasp left you as Eren leaned in and blew against your ear, biting onto your earlobe and whispering, "making you wet, of course." You felt his hands move higher, slipping underneath the loose shorts you were in. That morning, you had borrowed one of Eren's shirts and gym shorts, though baggy, it was better than staying in the dress you wore the night before.
Eren's fingers slid underneath your panties, gripping your ass before pushing your hips against his. A small whine left you before you huffed, "Eren... Someone could hear us..."
"Then you'll just have to be quiet," he whispered, lips now hovering over your own. "I'll be quick."
In a matter of seconds, Eren's hand dipped through the front of your shorts, into your panties and against your heat. Your slick coated his fingers as he swiped his fingers up your pussy, then finding your bud. Rubbing circles and making you squirm, Eren smiled against your lips as he kissed you, swallowing your moans as his tongue slithered into your mouth. Your heart raced as his finger prodded your entrance, pushing in as you bucked your hips. Using his free hand to press against your ass as he began to thrust his finger, he pulled out and added a second one. Your mouths just barely grazed one another, kissing the corners, his chin, your saliva spreading. Your eyes squeezed as Eren thrusted his fingers in you, curling and finding the spot that'd make you come. "Eren..."
"I said I'd make this quick," he mumbled against your cheek, pushing his fingers deeper as his thumb pressed against your clit. "I'm keeping my word."
Burying your fingers into his hair, as you turned his head so he could kiss you properly, your lips desperately met his as you chased your release. You clenched around his fingers as he continued his ministrations until your juices coated his hand; and just as you shook against him as you came, Eren pulled out his fingers and presented them to you. Your chest heaved as you watched him bring his slick covered fingers into his mouth, licking away every bit of you from them. "That's..." Not even bothering to finish your sentence, you pulled him back into the kiss, earning a chuckle from him as you eagerly kissed him.
"Not again!"
Pulling back and seeing Porco (amongst Pieck, Annie, Bertolt and Reiner) standing at the sliding glass doors, you covered your mouth. Pieck gave you a sweet smile as Reiner gave you a thumbs up, Annie carrying a look of indifference (though keeping an eye on Porco) while Bertolt fought a grin. Eren looked over his shoulders at the crowd and sighed.
"I said—" before he could finish, Pieck pulled him away as Annie and Bertolt followed, Reiner giving you a big grin, mouthing good for you! before Annie reached for him and yanked him back.
Smiling while shaking your head, your eyes left Reiner before settling on Eren. Your eyes then widened, "I hope he only saw us kissing..."
"Well, he couldn't see much anyway with my back facing him. Not like Annie and Reiner haven't caught us plenty—"
"Eren," you groaned.
"Don't worry," he said, kissing you once more before leaning back and smiling at you, "now Pock knows our secret and can't do shit about it."
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alright, I know, I'm late to the party because it's been literal days but here are we are ready to talk about ep. 7+8:
do you all know that football meme, that "they had us in the first half"-meme? that's how I felt after the first 17 minutes of ep. 7... my lord I was so sure jihyun was fine and then they pull this shit on us I was genuinely scared.. so thanks to jaewon for putting me out of my misery by saying he just almost died
I was actually kind of shocked that something genuinely serious happened, because I thought it would be enough for jaewon to back away from jihyun if there was just the tiniest possibility of him getting hurt but I guess we went the drastic way, anyways I'm really glad he's alive
also seeing what the accident did to jaewon was so painful to watch.. he looked so bad and to see how his "friends" just glossed it over and being like: "oh I'm glad you're back to your regular self" like wtf are you saying, do you see him?? he was barely present the entire time, literally just a shadow of himself
we literally only saw his impression change twice - both times involving jihyun - once, when he's about to punch taehyung and the second time when jihyun speaks about his behavior in the surf club
what I also liked was how hard jaewon tries to get jihyun away from him but when they properly meet again in front of the classroom he can't even say no to jihyun asking to talk
well, back to the seniors.. they - emphasis on eunji and taehyung - are still assholes like wow you really don't even have the slightest bit of empathy left in you, have you? I found it pretty crazy how well you could tell in these episodes that neither eunji nor taehyung actually care for jaewon like at all, it feels like they see him as a trophy to carry around and show off and boost their egos with
that being said, I'm so glad taehyung got punched and eunji got absolutely devoured by jihyun, serves them right
taehyung is just so insensitive and childish, he makes me go insane, what was he expecting when he said that about jihyun? that people would clap?? no you idiot, be glad jaewon didn't break a bone or two
and eunji?? is she not embarrassed? her entire behavior is so embarrassing oh my god.. I know she can tell that jaewon doesn't want to be with her because she's not stupid, she just doesn't want to accept it, she can't accept being rejected and left and - what's even worse for her - she can't accept being left by jaewon for another man and I get it, it kinda sucks but you gotta face reality at some point, babes
and considering all that, it's so funny to watch how jihyun gets her blood boiling by simply existing, like she hates him so much and it's so amusing because jihyun couldn't care less, he just doesn't care
so the whole scene of them in the park was so satisfying to watch because with how the characters are positioned - eunji standing and jihyun sitting - and with the camera angle - looking up to eunji and down on jihyun- it's supposed to seem like she is above jihyun and then he just complety verbally destroys her because she already came into the conversation insecure, trying to cover it up by provoking jihyun but just didn't work
I genuinely believed in her redemption arc but at this point I don't think that's happening anymore
alrighty, next up, how sassy did jihyun get after literally almost drowning?? I really liked how he was joking around with his friends talking back to them and all that
and seeing his determination to get jaewon back was great, like he's better than me because I could never, he has a goal and he wants to achieve it
the thing that also stuck with me was him saying "I want to heal his wounds." which we all know he said with good intentions but I think jihyun also has to learn that the only person able to heal jaewon's wounds is jaewon himself, yes he can be there for him and be his support system but jaewon has to want this himself
I also really liked that we saw more of joon pyo in these episodes and he could redeem his "annoying childhood best friend"-image.. he's just a really sweet guy who, yes, is a bit much and a little awkward at times, but he has a good heart and really cares for jihyun
now onto the last bits of ep. 8: that hurt, it really hurt.. I get why jaewon pushed him away, I really do but that was not it, bestie.. I wanted to give jihyun a hug so bad
but honestly even though that was quite painful and I think jihyun might be a little thrown off, I think he's gonna keep pushing.. he was so sure about getting his man back I don't think he's stopping now
what I'm saying is, I hope they get back together and we get a happy ending on wednesday because otherwise.. well idk what I'd do otherwise
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ultfreakme · 5 months
"Sure. So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't. You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind."
I was so sad, when reading this, what do you think?
Hm, I think whomever said this obviously has their own reasons for disliking Geto and I'm cool with that. I really don't want to like, argue this specifically and try to come up with something that's like "um actually, you're wrong" because this is how they view the story and Geto's character. I personally am partial to evil characters as long as I think they're fun. But I do want to engage with this, and I'm thinking that's what you want too Anon?
To break it down:
Geto's incompetent and acts like a Disney villain I understand why it can come off like that. Disney villains usually have simple, straightforward motives, the older 2-D ones acted flamboyant and show-y, in which case Geto fits into it all. I think the OP meant his reasons are shallow but I think Hidden Inventory gives you a perfect, deep insight into his spiral and how he ends up being so extreme. Geto seems incompetent but to put into perspective, he's been working on this cult for 10 years(and is rather successful), when he was fighting Yuuta, he was also technically simultaneously fighting literally every sorcerer in Tokyo and Kyoto. There's been hints throughout the movie and especially in the light novel, that Geto wasn't exactly fighting to win. He's not in his right mind like you can see it in the way he is towards the end of the fight. Gojo says Geto doesn't want to be saved. I think Geto could have survived after fighting Yuuta, he had just lost an arm and yeah that's a devastating blow but JJK characters have moved pretty well for a good while after worse injuries(Nanami was half burned and was fighting, Toji was literally speaking with his guts blown out, Todo had his hand chopped off, there's probably more I'm forgetting). Geto COULD have gotten out but as we established from Hidden Inventory, he would allow Gojo to kill him, that part stands above his own ideologies. It's subtext, but it's like Geto was giving up. He wasn't intending on winning, he even made escape plans for all his cult family members but not for himself? That's not something a man who's sure of victory does.
Geto doesn't get pushback Oh he absolutely does. No one's engaging with him on his ideologies on-screen, sure, but Geto atp is not someone you could reason with. Shoko engages with him, calls him out on how childish he is but Geto doesn't engage he straight up ignores her and just politely chuckles, he doesn't want to. It's a dead-end and that's what extremism does to you. On top of that, it's been explicitly stated that the sorcerers agree with him on some level. Nanami still respects him, Shoko worries about him, Gojo too. Because they know where he's coming from. His end goals are stupid but the starting- getting tired of being exploited and being forced to watch everyone you know and love die for ZERO credit or help, is exhausting. No one pushes back because no one can wholeheartedly oppose the root of his problems and they don't WANT to. If Geto isn't listening, and a good chunk of the adult sorcerers who can speak with him don't want to, what's the point of forcing an engagement? We as the audience know why he's wrong, it doesn't need to be spelled out in a conversation with Geto specifically. There are other parts of the story that engage with the argument itself, but Geto isn't present. Ultimately, the ideology is refuted very thoroughly by Kenjaku, Yuki and Gojo! In the anime episode where Yuuji got his heart-ripped out and is in Shoko's office about to be examined, Gojo tells Ijichi "hey, I could just kill everyone and do what I want but that's inefficient. what I can do instead is build a good, strong community of sorcerers who use trust and teamwork to change the system from within" or smthg like that. That's Gojo refuting Geto's way of working. Yuuta does say "hey back off stop hurting my friends" but like, it's obvious he's also talking about every other non-sorcerer, he's just using his friends as a launch-point. The movie shows Maki specifically because we've built an emotional connection to her, so the idea of a character we and the MC knows personally dying puts into perspective the devastation of Geto's plans. It's hard to understand the effects of killing every non-sorcerer- the scale is too big(it's why kids shows can say "we're ending the universe!" but not "I'm going to rip your mother apart limb from limb", one feels worse), so we concentrate it on one person and now we can imagine the horror every other person will feel.
Geto doesn't give pushback It's because he doesn't give a shit what others think. If you wanna join, go ahead, if you don't, well he doesn't care to convert you. Even with Yuuta, on the surface it looks like recruitment but his final plan is killing Yuuta to get Rika. He didn't even seem serious in his talk with Yuuta. Geto doesn't argue being like "hey MY way is the high way" because sorcerers aren't his final enemy. They can believe whatever they want, as long as they don't get in his way. He lets his cult members and his daughters engage with non-sorcerers and doesn't push his ideologies on them. He doesn't engage with non-sorcerers because their opinions mean nothing to him. Geto's oddly lax about his ideologies(hence the split in his cult family on whether they should respect Geto's body as Kenjaku or follow his ideals, if Geto was stricter this wouldn't even be in question). There's also the fact that Geto's self-aware enough to know that his goals are fucking ridiculous. It's why he doesn't ask Gojo to join him, or even Shoko. Isn't it odd that he points out that Gojo's very capable of following through Geto's plans, but Geto doesn't ask his bff4ever to even consider this? Gojo ASKS him "hey explain yourself" but Geto chooses not to. He's thinking of himself as this martyr who's gonna go on this dangerous, impossible path to create a world where the people he loves, the sorcerers, are safe. His cult, his ideologies, it didn't make him happy. He thought this is the sacrifice that needed to be made and he was willing to bear the burden. His ideologies are like his power; they put him above others by destroying him.
The rest is OP expressing they dislike his character and that's cool, that's their choice and me liking him or contesting this is not to change their minds, just to....idk engage with this because I think it's fun.
I like Geto because of these things. I'm reasoning all this but I know he's evil, irredeemable, but I think he's a prime example of how selflessness can go horribly wrong when you don't engage and communicate. We see how lonely he is, how isolated the JJK society makes their sorcerers. Perhaps this lack of communication and engagement with his ideologies with Geto himself in-story is intentional- I think it is because the manga's all about love and loneliness when it comes to the special grades, the distance power creates.
Thanks for the ask Anon, I think it's best to ignore people who dislike characters we like, it's always going to drive us around in circles trying to discredit or disprove them XDXD(I did this with Jiang Cheng from Mo Dao Zu Shi, and it was really draining after a while).
Geto my belove pookie princess criminal!
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funmalibmillie · 7 months
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Can you tell that I had way too much making the first half of this pic if I made up some supportive images on Canva for it? I'll be posting the images I did that accompany my new bkdk fanfic piece "Ripple" on Archive of our own. Check out Chapter 1 of Ripple: Chapter 1: Denki Bares the News
It’s the morning before the celebration of the New Year 2200 and this was a rare opportunity for Best Jeanist to give Katsuki some time off from hero work. Alright, Alright…gave is putting it lightly. Forced. Forced is more like it. Katsuki told Billie Jeans that he was fine. He’s just had a lot on his mind recently which made him just a tiny-smidgen-you-can’t-even-see-it-through-a-microscope upset! A lot being a green haired, green eyed freckled asswipe that has haunted his every wet dream almost every night since the end of the war in their first year. His hand has amazing stamina at this point. He just…can’t tell Deku his feelings for obvious reasons. Katsuki has been breaking his ass to reach his childhood goal of the Number 1 Hero spot. There is no time for shitty extras and sappy romances; they’ll just get in his way and he’ll never be number 1 with such distractions. Especially when one of the people in his damn way right now is Deku ranking 5th in the recent fucking hero charts with Katsuki at the 6th! THE 6TH! Stupid Nerd! Stupid Starry Freckles! Stupid Blinding Smile! Stupid Forest-laden Eyes! Stupid Chiseled Greek God Body! Stupid Voice that got deeper as they got older and now sounds like vocal chocolate that Katsuki wanted to lick into oblivion! S-Stupid EVERYTHING! Everything is out of order! First is Katsuki (ALWAYS) and then Deku (IF HE’S LUCKY!). So Katsuki Bakugo does NOT have time to take a vacation or date or do any other distracting thing when he could be doing more to up his ranks! Seriously, Universe?? Go fuck yourself.
Billie Jeans seems to disagree and thinks Katsuki’s “unwillingness” to not stay after work; his increased—albeit-already-abnormally-high-for-your-average-22-year-old—irritability toward anyone simply breathing; and his not-so-subtle-but-totally-not-a-big-deal “ExTReMe UsE oF FooORCe” as obnoxiously mentioned by the media on small-time villains will get in the way of his hero work. 
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Standing high on his designer Levi-branded soapbox, Denim Head went on the same rant he’s told Bakugo over a thousand times about how similar he was to the younger man as a hot-headed, childish, and arrogant new hero years ago. He paid a high price for his cockiness one day, when due to his lack of attention, a villain he apprehended broke loose, causing the death of a civilian and a still-missing child. That incident forever changed the way the fashion hero performed his duties, and he’s never stopped looking for the missing kid. He targeted the hot-headed ash blond because he didn’t want Katsuki to make a similar mistake and—blah blah blah. 
Shit happens, ok?! I mean, Katsuki’s not heartless anymore, but he still knows that things don’t always come out perfect in a hero/villain situation. Jeansie didn’t go into much detail, but it wasn’t his fault, it was the villain’s. Right? Right. As for Katsuki, this was totally unrelated. So what if the younger blond hero used a howitzer impact on a petty purse thief last month? Makes the shitty villain more convinced to not do it or other crap like that again. Faster reform for the snatcher and a bigger message to the remaining extras in Japan who might want to try the same stupid crap on his watch. It’s win-win situation, right? But NNoOoOooOo. Apparently, that and yelling at reporters and making 1 or 2…or 4 dispatch workers cry within the last 5 days is means for Billie Jeans to give his explosive ash blonde sidekick of 3 years an ultimatum—take at least two weeks of earned leave or take two months of suspension from hero work. Guess which one Katsuki picked?
Sigh…so there he was. Begrudgingly at the favorite brunch restaurant of his Bakusquad (Raccoon Eyes, Soy Sauce Face, Shitty Hair, Ears, and Sparkplug), on the verge of getting kicked out since Damn Denki can’t hold his alcohol from the bottomless mimosas the table ordered. Katsuki doesn’t drink alcohol frequently and if he does, he has his reasons, but he doesn’t get shit-faced like the rest of his (don’t-tell-them-this) friends. It’s just wet carbs to him and he’s on a tight eating regime and sleep schedule. Mina is currently laughing her ass off and trying in vain to prevent the Chargedolt from getting on top of the table and singing a recent pop song VERY off-key. Soy Sauce Face and Shitty Hair are loudly yucking away about the MMA fighter line-up coming this weekend and Ears is just sitting coolly and seemingly unaffected…oh she has noise reduction buds on (good idea). And out of the corner of his eye, a poor young waitress stands off to the side, shaking her head, which Katsuki is sure he hears her say before she storms away, throwing off her apron: “They don’t pay me enough for this shit.” Tch. Same, Girl. Same.
“Guys! Guys!” loudly slurs the blonde electric hero. Luckily, it was was too early in the morning to be that crowded, but Mina’s always anticipated the rowdiness of the crew and booked a semi secluded area of the restaurant. 
“Keep it down, Denks!” Demands Mina.
“Got it!” Continues Denki at the same volume. “Did you hear? Shindo is gonna propose to Midoriya tonight at the New Year’s Hero Gala!”
 “HHHHHAAAAAANNNNNHHHHH???!!!!!!!” Katsuki interjects, hiding a twinge of sadness and jealousy under his signature angry scowl. He knew of Deku and Pan-Quake dating but didn’t think they were that serious. 
Mina: “Oh, yeah, you didn’t know Blasty?”
Katsuki (tries to not express his annoyance): “Tch. My guess is Pan-Quake is just trying to use Dumbass Deku for his hero ranking to boost himself up.”
“Uh…” Speaks Kirishima, “Kats, I don’t know about that. I think Shindo’s been serious from the get-go about Mido since the provisional licensing exam.”
Sero mentions brightly: Literally swooped him off his feet that day!
“Haven’t they only been dating for about 8 months?” Asks Jiro, she seems to be suddenly engaged with conversation now that the voices have returned to reasonable decibels. 
Sero: Yeah, but I think they’ve been off and on for the past couple of years. They’ve known each other for while, and they work at the same agency now, right? Mirko’s?
Denki (Sighs slowly while staring into the distance, sitting his chin in the palm of his hand): Oh, yes. My lavender lover is at Mirko’s, too!
Jiro (smirking): So is Momo.
Kirishima (bringing the conversation back to the greenie): I think Yo-kun’s been chasing after Midobro since he got back from his overseas mission after we all graduated. 
Mina: Naw, even before then too, Babe. Remember when all the hero schools partnered more after the war? Whenever we combined with Ketsubutsu, Yo-kun had nothing but heart eyes for Midoriya then too.
Denki (coming back to earth): Well…If my gossip is right, and it always is, Shindo is going all in. Even the Sahara Desert doesn’t compare to his thirst for the green bean.
Sero: Didn’t Izuku save him from Muscular when he went on his vigilante shit?
Denki: Holy fuck, you’re right!
Mina: No wonder he’s head over-heels!
Jiro: I mean, yeah, have you guys even seen the new magazine highlighting the top 5 heroes recently??
Oh…Um…Yeah…Katsuki definitely saw the new magazine and NO he didn’t get it because of the shitty nerd even though that was his first time buying the magazine since All Might retired. He got it for…for…analytical purposes…yeah…ANALYTICAL PURPOSES for when he outranks Deku in the next hero billboard charts in a few months. Nice to get an idea of what they’ll ask him when he hits top 5. And NO, Katsuki absolutely didn’t go home and read and reread the entire article on Deku for over 45 minutes completely ignoring the rest of the magazine. And under NOcircumstances-NONE-NADA-ZERO-did he jerk off once or twice or four to Stupid Deku’s photo spread! Katsuki was still having a hard time focusing, not just on the magazine which he may or may not take out later for more analytical purposes, but marriage? The nerd? To some extra like the human vibrator of all people? Didn’t Deku have standards? And plus, aren’t they all too young? Yeah, they’ve seen some shit with the war and everything, but for Katsuki, that only fueled him to get to his dreams faster of being the number 1 hero, not…ya-know…fall in love or anything like that. Or admit his love to Number 5 for that matter. He’s had a few flings and one-night stands to get the edge off, but he’s not longed for anything beyond that, well…it doesn’t help perhaps that he mostly imagined his partners with freckled and scarred skin, green hair and green eyes, but still.
Kirishima: Woof. Who hasn’t seen it? Our little Greenie’s come a long way, hasn’t he? Super ma—
Denki: —I’d like to make him come a long way, if you catch my—
Jiro: Puh-lease Denks, it’s 10 in the morning!!!
Denki: Okay! Okay. Either way, it’s definitely happening tonight. My sources—
Kirishima: What sourc—
Denki: Doesn’t matter. My sources say that Shindo No-Mo-Ho has had the ring since the summertime, and was actually planning on taking our Mido to Yuuga’s Restaurant and Vineyard to propose then, but ya know…hero work and all that.
Sero: Did you say Yuuga’s? As in Aoyama Yuuga? 
Mina: Yes, the one who refused to tell us how or why he managed to bitch Mineta.
Jiro: In all fairness, Grape Juice was a sick bitch to begin with.
Denki: He goes by WineNDine now. Remember? Either way, Whatever magic or quirk our blond drag glitter queen pulled, had Mineta singing a new tune when we came back as second years.
Katsuki found himself tuning them out on their next wave of gossip, his thoughts going toward a man of green. As a matter of fact, when was the last time he talked with Deku? Like really talked? Was it Auntie’s and All Might wedding a year and a half ago? Shit. He really dropped the ball in keeping up with him. Izuku texts him every now and again, but Katsuki rarely responds back and if he does, it’s normally short responses. Nothing to keep the conversation going. Now that he thinks about it, he hasn’t heard from the nerd in a while.
Mina (reaching over the table to wave a hand in Bakugo’s face): Blasty…Yoohoo?! Are you still on earth with us?
Katsuki (shaking out of his daze): SHUT THE HELL UP!
Denki: Ah, there he is. So…how are you feeling about this Kats?
Katsuki: Fuck do you mean. Dunce Face?
Kirishima: Come on Bakubro, we all know you’ve been pining for Mido for a long LONG time now. Holding in your true feelings’ not very ma—
Katsuki: —I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Throwing up their hands together in perfect practiced choreography, Jirou, Kirishima, Sero, Mina and Denki all grunt in unison: UGH, HERE WE GO AGAIN!
Katsuki: WHAT?!
Kirishima: Seriously?! Bakubro, how long are you going to do this for?!
Sero: Well…you know what guys? Now that I think about it, it’s too late isn’t it?
Mina: To tell the truth? It’s never too late for that, even it’s just to get it off your chest. –nods at Sero then returns her attention to the irate blond—Blasty, you’ve almost died! Both of you! All of us! Multiple times! None of those moments ever showed you that maybe—just maybe—that life is too short to handle your relationship—
Denki: Or lack thereof
Mina (continues over Denki): —the way you do?
Jiro: We all know he confessed to you the night of the graduation party.
Katsuki: Wha-how do you know that, Ears?!
Kirishima glared at Katsuki—a rare sighting on his normally happy-go-lucky friend: Bro, because he asked us for advice on how to approach you about it. 
Oh no. The nerd got the squad involved? Shit. 
Sero (voice downcast): Yeah, Kats, he wanted to see if we might know how you’d respond.
Denki: We all told him yes, that you…
Katsuki: —that I what?
Mina: that you liked—maybe even loved—him beyond the platonic sense.
Jiro: Yeah, Bakugo, the signs were all there. By our 3rd year—hell even before then—you shifted when it came to Midoriya. You may have spewed the regular insult, but it didn’t have as much bite as it did as in our first year.
Kirishima: When you two sparred or went out on your internships or just hung out with everyone during game night, you were a Wonder Duo. Like you two worked so perfectly in sync as if you were made for each other—on and off the field. It was incredible to see that, it was super ma—
Sero: —Plus, it was the way you looked at him sometimes Kats. Don’t think we never noticed. By the time we graduated, you would get more and more “angry”—sero puts up air quotation marks—by the tiniest stuff Midoriya would do. You paid attention to him more; you’re damn eyes were pretty glued to him.
Denki: You even smiled more! God, the first time that happened, I thought you were demon possessed! I was half tempted to asked you for your TIC (Toga Identity Code)!
Mina: So, imagine our surprise on graduation night, when you came back down from the roof top alone huffing and puffing with poor Midoriya nowhere in sight? We only learned later that he locked himself in his room for two days only to suddenly pop out afterward and tell everyone he’d taken a job overseas for a year.
Of course Katsuki remembers that night. Too fucking well actually. While he has many regrets he refuses to voice—other than his apology for how he treated Izuku when he was younger—the one he made that night…made the top spot.
On graduation night, bathed in the twilight's bittersweet purples and pinks, Izuku mustered his courage. Sweat coated his palms, and his heartbeat reverberated in his ears like a dolorous chant. The time had come. 
Katsuki always paid close attention to details. It was in those details he found his next move. Always a man of action. Every knoll and cranny of the UA whispered tales of his own journey of a hero in training. For three years, they had been together — him, his friends, and his insecurities, and most interestingly…Izuku. The feelings that blossomed for the greenie over time were just as vibrant as the man itself. Tonight as he followed Izuku to the UA rooftop, the echoes of his past were overpowered by the pulsating rhythm of his heart.
The door to the rooftop creaked under their history, blending with the laughter of nervous anticipation. 
"Isn't it beautiful?" Izuku asked, gesturing to the vast cityscape bathed in the moon's tender glow. The neon lights flickered on and off like fireflies.
Katsuki nodded hesitatingly, attempting to purge the sinking feeling from his heart and replace it with the grandeur of the scene. Everything to Katsuki was Izuku. The latter had been a constant. The anchor in his raging storm, keeping Katsuki together and grounding him though he didn’t admit it.  But there was a strange energy in the air tonight, a sense that something irrevocable was on the brink.
"I've, uh, I've wanted to tell you something for a while now, Kacchan," Izuku began, drawing Katsuki's attention away from captivating view of the city they’ve saved countless times as a Wonder Duo to the more mesmerizing view of the man beside him. This wasn't the same scrawny, quirkless boy who Katsuki betrayed and used as a punching bag. This Deku was different. This was Izuku.
At first glance, he would pass as the person the blond used to know. Same green eyes that sparkled with peridots and emeralds, but these held an added depth to them, hardened like a diamond under pressure. His hair was still viridian evergreen but ran wild like tiger stripes, earning him an air of rugged charm. His well-worn ridiculous ‘T-Shirt’ t-shirt hugged his bulkier frame, revealing the physical testament to a sudden life of heroics as the ninth and final wielder of One for All. Katsuki examined Izuku, his heart squirmed in its cage, caught off guard by an overwhelming rush of emotions. God…could the nerd have looked more glorious? 
His voice trembled slightly, “Kacchan, I…uhm…”
Katsuki’s never been a man of words. Neither was he a patient one and his nervousness definitely didn’t help lighten the mood, but he barked with no bite: “Spit it out, nerd. Haven’t we gotten past you being nervous and shit around me?”
Izuku: Well, it’s…this…is not that easy.
Katsuki: Come out with it, dumbass, I ain’t getting any younger!
Izuku: I love you! Or rather I like you a lot. But like…like like. Is that too much? I just—”
Izuku rambled on but the world spun around Katsuki, and he didn’t hear a damn thing. A strange feeling, a cocktail of excitement, relief, and dread, settled in his gut. The confession mirrored the blonde’s feelings and stirred a gale in his heart yet; he utterly feared the repercussions. He wanted Izuku. Gods, he wanted him. Strip him bare, bend Deku over and ram into his ass right then and there with all the stars and holy hosts watching above them, but Katsuki couldn’t. The blond didn’t want to address those types of feelings. Not right now. After dying at the war and learning of the sacrifices made to keep him alive, he became even more determined to pursue his dream of the Number 1 Hero spot. He didn’t want to make time for…this…but in the future, yes. Oh gods yes, Izuku please. And if he was honest, he felt Deku deserved better. Preferably someone who didn’t come up with the name “Deku.” Someone who didn’t hurt him. Someone equally loyal and bright and blinding. Izuku’s freckled Adonis body only knew Katsuki’s hands as an abuser, a bully, a rival, and the blond didn’t know if his hands could be anything else for Izuku beyond that. Coming back from his thoughts and catching the nerd in a mutter, his heart ached at his decision.
Izuku: “I-I have been in love with you for—uhm—for…geez…ever? I just didn’t want for both of us to graduate today and not tell you how I fe—
Katsuki couldn't meet his gaze, feeling himself a traitor: I don’t love you.
Silence followed his declaration — pure and unwavering, casting a hallowed spell over them.
Izuku, the bright ray of sunshine that he his…Izuku’s smile didn't falter, but in his eyes were trees of the deepest rainforest rocked and bent relentlessly back and forth from a hurricane of hurt. Katsuki wanted to take the words back then and there. The blond cared for him, loved him with a passion as explosive as his quirk, but his own insecurities and fears of commitment clouded his senses. He was too afraid to accept that he could be enough for Izuku, that he could, in fact, love him, worship him the way Deku deserved.
Izuku: I….oh. Oh. I…
Katsuki eyes brimmed with an uncanny mixture of regret and guilt. He tried to hide his hitching breath, and he felt the world beneath them give away.
Katsuki: Sor-, I-, Deku, Y-you need get over me. Get over this. I-I’m s…I just. I’m not in love with you like that.
Izuku (stutter completely gone): I understand. Thanks for being straightforward, Kacchan.
Katsuki: Tch. W-whatever nerd. We won’t speak of this again. This will stay between us, y-yeah? Just—let’s just get back downstairs.
Izuku: I’ll head down in a minute. –wipes at a tear falling down his cheek— Enjoy the party.
Leaving Izuku on the rooftop, Katsuki returns to the commotion below. Despite the masses moving with Jiro’s music, he can feel eyes on him as he made his way to kitchen. 
Kirishima looks nervously at Sero, Mina, and Denki before speaking: “Bakubro, y-you um-“
“What Shitty Hair?” huffs the blond, irritated by the existence of people in general at the moment, saddling roughly at the kitchen island bar.
“Nothing Blasty, here’s a drink!”  Interrupts Mina, giving Kiri a woeful smile and a slight shake of the head. “Congrats on uh…getting an offer at Best Jeanist’s Agency.”
“Tch. Of fucking course. What would Billie Jeans do without me?” He spits, his eyes never making contact with theirs’s.
Denki shakes his head and offers a wince that passes as a tired smile. He sighs. “Yeah. Yeah Kat. Congrats.”
The night weighed on Katsuki like no other. When the nerd returned from the US, he became an even greater force to be reckoned with: more confident in his sense of self, more fluid in his quirk, more socially adept, more devastatingly beautiful, and Katsuki just didn’t know what to feel. His feelings never changed for Deku; they only deepened. As they deepened, Katsuki grew more distant.
Katsuki can barely form a coherent thought. He needed some time to himself. The nerd wasn’t seriously tying the knot right now was he? They’re in their 20’s for Kami sake, should they be really thinking about heavy crap like marriage when they have the rest of their lives to go for that sappy shit? And why fucking Pan-Quake? Katsuki abruptly rises from his seat, grabs his wallet and puts cash on the table for his portion of the meal. He’ll get to the bottom of this.
Katsuki: Just leave it alone, guys. As long as the nerd is…happy.
Kirishima: Kat. We were just—
Katsuki makes a predatorial glare at the squad before pacing out: Leave. It. Alone.
Denki (woefully too inebriated to care about the death glare): Wait, where are you headed out to, Kats?
Katsuki (already walking away shouts over his shoulder): Picking up some shit for the old hag! Now, fuck off!
As the blond makes his way out toward his car, he whips out his phone to do something he realizes he hasn’t done in a while: initiate contact with Izuku. Upon closer inspection of the text message dates when he presses send, he comes to a startling discovery:
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“Holy shit. How did I forget the nerd’s birthday?”
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vesselmade-a · 8 months
the fight scene between mahito and itadori is truly one of the best moments in the entirety of the manga. the action itself is spectacular but nothing compares to what it all means. I honestly think reading this part gave Itadori his own 'awakening' of sorts so that’s exactly why I’m making this post about it. Full analysis below!
Itadori begins this battle in a very bad place. He lost his battle with choso (despite choso’s realization). He’s just come back into his own body after Sukuna took control and destroyed the majority of their surroundings. Besides this he also killed a massive amount of civilians in the process. And worst of all he arrived back in time to see Nanami killed as well as Nobara. Itadori is essentially broken , mind , body and soul in the beginning of the fight and it certainly doesn’t get easier. 
I will add though that we have seen how much itadori has grown since the exchange event. He’s already exceptionally strong and fast and has high durability. (In this fight specifically it’s my opinion that because of the 15 fingers he manages to hold himself well in this fight). He shows pure adaptability when fighting a curse stronger than him. Like with the grasshopper we saw how he quickly adapts, overpowering/outsmarting it. and then thanks to mechamaru he took the fight into the bathroom to limit choso’s abilities under the water.
Now over to mahito… he begins the fight on a high note. He’s thriving because he just killed Nanami and was even happier that itadori showed up to see it. Ever since their first battle it had been his goal to break Itadori and this was the perfect way to do it. Mahito defines the term adaptability and it shows how he and itadori are truly opposites. They are true rivals.
Mahito easily beats Itadori down , going on about his childish heroism. Here’s the full speech:
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❛ I bet you thought you were gonna do some pest control! Or ghost exterminations like in some make-believe story! You came to Shibuya with half-assed determination didn‘t ya?! How naïve, you stupid brat! This is war! Not a battle to fix what‘s wrong! But a clash of truths! You and your fragile justice! You are me, Yuji Itadori! I kill without a second thought, just like you save people without a second thought! The instincts of a curse against the so-called dignity obtained by human reason! It‘s a battle to determine who will be left standing in a 100 years! How the hell did you think you were gonna beat me when you don‘t even realize that? Tell me, Yuji Itadori have you ever stopped to count how many curses you‘ve killed? No, right? Me neither, me neither. ❜
mahito is truly a good villain. and here in this speech he does have a point to what he’s saying. He’s calling out Itadori’s naïve mindset. Just as Itadori’s nature is to exorcise curses to save humans , mahito plays with human lives. That’s his instinct, he is a curse and it’s just his nature to do so. To deny this is to deny what mahito is as a curse. But soon it’s Todo that comes in and manages to pull Itadori out of the abyss he’s in right now. He was ready to give up, to accept death. The fact that he’s mentally coherent in that moment shows just what kind of person Itadori is. 
It’s pointed out that it had to be Itadori who burdens these deaths, Nobara and Nanami. It’s him who shall carry their souls and legacies with him. He is a jujutsu sorcerer ; told to not look for meaning in death because it’d simply be disrespectful to let the memory of those who died go out with Yuji. He apologizes to Nanami and swears to take on all his suffering and add it to his own. 
Later on Mahito takes on his true form and realizes his full potential and challenges Itadori with his newfound power. This new body is tougher and he gets beat down quite a bit before he realizes what he must do — use black flash. Now, as stated, there’s not a single sorcerer who can use black flash on command.
Though when they go for their finally hit Mahito fully expects black flash but instead receives divergent fist. This throws everything off balance and Itadori manages to get in a black flash before Mahito returns to his original form. It’s here that Itadori gives his speech:
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❛ You’re right…mahito…I’m you. I wanted to reject you — convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now; I'm gonna kill you. Even if you come back as another curse, I'll kill you. Change your name. Change your form. I'll kill you again. I don’t need to find meaning or a reason. Maybe a hundred years after my death, the meaning behind my actions will become apparent. In the grand scheme of things…I’m probably nothing more than a cog. But I’ll keep killing curses…for as long as I can. That’s my role in all this. ❜
He has finally come to terms with this new world he’s been thrust into. He doesn’t need a reason to save people or kill curses. He is Mahito’s other side and he can no longer deny that. And with acceptance follows overcoming. It is his role to kill him. He points out that, maybe in the future a reason will come along but for now Itadori no longer needs that answer. 
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In the end mahito becomes the prey of the very monster he created.
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hellbornhades · 1 year
The Greene + Gyles Family
Part 1:
It's Moving Week for Sean and Rosemary, though both of their families don't seem to care too much. Especially Rose's. It hadn't even been a week with the two friends living in their apartment before Rose's parents wanted to drop by!
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Rose: "What are you guys doing here?"
Kenneth: "What do you think? We're here to celebrate our baby girl's first apartment in the city!"
Rose: "Dad, this is only temporary, you know this. I still want to move to Brindleton and start a farm! Grow things, and be happy and quaint AWAY from the city."
Kenneth: *chuckles* "You were always a big dreamer. I just hope an old fellow like me will get a chance to see you achieve your goals."
Meanwhile, outside of the apartment Sean found his mother slinking around the lobby while taking the trash out. She seemed pissed and really uncomfortable. He let out a sigh and went over to help her.
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Sean: "Deep breaths mom, you know what your doctor said about anxiety and the such."
Lois: *follows her sons wishes and takes a deep slow breath before exhaling* "Yes, yes. I remember."
Feeling uncomfortable by his mother's distance, Sean decided it would be best to just stay quiet and keep his mom calm.
As the weeks go on, Sean finds himself really enjoying Rose's late night talks. Like... A lot!
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Rose: Can you believe that people think vegetables have feelings the same way as animals? I was at work when I heard this and couldn't stop myself from laughing so much, I ended up with the Hysterical Moodlet.
Rose starts chuckling, remembering the incident. Sean laughs with her, but his eyes lingered on her face for a moment, staring at her full lips as she continued to laugh.
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Rosemary being the kind person she is decided that she wanted to surprise Sean with a friendship bracelet. Of course she knew they were well above that age group for such childish things, but it also didn't stop her from wanting to make some anyway.
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Rose: "Sean! Come here I wanna give you something!"
After some convincing, Rosemary and Sean were able to commemorate their friendship with cute colorful bracelets!
Sean: "This is just like when we were kids!"
Rose: "Then you should remember our chant from when we were kids."
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And again Sean got that stupid look on his face again.
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Rose: "You okay, Sean? Don't tell me your going t-"
Before Rosemary could even finish her sentence, Sean had already made his move.
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Until he realized what he did.
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Sean: "Crap, uh, Rose, hey.... Uh... I didn't-"
Rose: "Oh, Sean, don't worry too much. It was perfectly fine~"
That morning, though Rosemary isn't ready to tell Sean yet, she can confirm that she has fallen head-over-heels for him.
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///B-B A K A///
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Part 1/??? (Wanna make it only 2 chapters) Originally gonna be one full story but got to long so had to slit it .
Managing a world class football team was as difficult as people thought it's was, Yes you have to deal with fans and annoying weirdos and schedules, and paper work. Your "annoying" captain,who you claim you dislike.
He makes it hard for you to concentrate, mostly when he's all sweaty and is in his element. You couldn't help but watch in amusement as he dances across the field,but you love it most when he cause the other players to lose balance and fall. Then he'll make the goal, with his back turnt and would lightly tap the ball into the net, ending it with ' dance till you die you cripples'.
You love it when he says that lines!,You love his tattoos and his adorable personality. You loved when he would give you a certain look after he makes a killer goal.
He would always looks your way when he shoots,he would give you a wink and a smirk. You would blush and look away. You would shoot him a glare or just ignore him at most times.
But the inner you would be fangirling like crazy. You'd be squealing and jumping around like a school girl in love. You would even say to yourself:'Take that fangirls!'
But when he would appear in front of you with a wide grin after scouring the final goal, he would ask you if you were watching.
By then you snapped out of your thoughts and pushed his face away. Telling him to get away from your face and no you weren't watching. And how annoying he was.
"Don't say things like that (y/n)-chan, It hurts my feelings".
"Well that's was the point, now go away I have important things to attend to and you're not one of them".
He would feel so offended.
"Don't say mean things to your captain (y/n)-chan it's not nice ya know?".
"Well when your captain is an idiot I think he well deserves it". You snapped as you dismissed yourself from the feild.
He only chuckles at your response.As he hides the pain.
"She really hates you,huh captain"
"Nah she's just playing hard to get".
"No she actually hates you man".
'I don't hate him you idiot,I love him ,I hope I'm not coming in a little hard on him to make them think I actually hate him. Am I?.
You hope you weren't.(Sunday, 1:45 am)
...(Monday, 10:00 am)
You honestly never understood it,Not in the slightest.Everywhere you walk,it was starting to get annoying.
You just hated how his name let's another woman's mouth , you know it was stupid and childish but you honestly couldn't help it.
You could have easily toned them out but your ears would perk up whenever his names leaves their lips.
"Omg, did you see Lavinho's game last night!?".
"No I couldn't make it,I had work".
" Oh poor you,you missed it when he said his iconic lines and shot his killer goal". The third girl squealed as she hugs herself tightly.
"I was able to get a picture with him I love how friendly he is with his fans,he even let me hold his hand!"
you mange to tone out some of it, you hear this almost every time.About how nice he is with his fans.
So you turned your focus back to what you were doing previously .
You didn't care much about that and honestly you were about to leave until...
"Do you think he has a type?".
Your ears perked.
"He definitely is,but I think he would look great with ( female sports play) they'll look so cute together".
"She's too quite for him,he needs some one to much his energetic aura.
"W-well opposites attract ya know!".
"But I think he goes better with (C/n). They both are energetic and he seems like the one who's into pda and the type to seek attention from his partner''.
"Yeah he needs a energetic and sweet girlfriend".
"I wish I would be his girlfriend!".
One girl teased as the others laugh.
"Yeah as if!".
'Is that ture'. You said to yourself. 'He needs someone who's into PDA, someone energetic and sweet , who doesn't mind expressing her feelings and love for her lover'.
You were nothing like that, Nothing like that at all. For some reason you fond it hard to express your feelings. And you weren't very good with PDA .
You had a lot of past relationships that didn't end well because they would end up leaving you alone with your lack of affection towards them.
You thought that you'd never find a perfect someone, till you got accepted into FC Barcha and met Lavinho.
He treated you with respect and was so sweet, he made you feel special and bashful like.
Something you haven't felt in a while from a man.
So your first response to his friendlyness was...to insult him. He was a bit taken back.His teammates were pissed at you for talking to their captain like that.
He only chuckled and told them to relax. That it's nothing to worry about.
"Now why does something so pretty have such a cold heart, hm?".He asked.
"Are you implying that a girl can't be pretty and have a cold heart?".
Your question caught him off guard.
"N-no I didn't mean-".
"I'd watch what you say to me from now on...Ass captain". You said as you turn on your heel.
'he thinks I'm pretty'. You said shyly to yourself. ' The Lavinho thinks I'm pretty, omg he think I'm pretty!'. You shouted this to yourself. 'Or does he?, he might be just saying that'.
'Yeah he's just saying that'.
From then on your relationship with him was comedy gold.And over time you start to develop feelings for him . You didn't want to believe it,so you always insulted him as a result of showing that those feelings weren't real.
A small smile came to your lips as you remember the past. It help you relax.
You got interrupted when you heard the girls giggle loudly.
A small sigh left your lips as you got up from your seat finally having enough.
And of your day could get any worse, You've just found out that later on that day that Lavinho will be doing some kind of collab with [C/N].
You cringed at the thought of the two socialize together.
You honestly didn't want to show up....
But you did and when you got there you could see cameras and cars outside.
'Geez all this for one person'.
You thought to yourself.
You entered from the back of the building and when you entered you where met with a particular site.
From where you stood you could see the two of them talking and laughing together.
She had such a pretty laugh,You can see why people like her so much.
And she must be laughing at something he said.
She seems to make him truly happy too.
You may have only been in the room for 5 minutes or less but you could tell just by the way they look at each other ,the way they could just vibe together naturally made you realize that...
"Those girls were right".
You cringed at the words you said out loud . You didn't want to believe it,but you just have a suck it up and deal with it.
You didn't even realize that you've turn your back towards them and made your way nearly outside.
''[Y/n] there you are!". You heard a familiar voice.
You were violently yanked back inside and pulled into the arms of the famous soccer player .
"This is (y/n),my amazing manager I was telling you about". He says as he pulls you towards the female celebrity.
You try to pull away from him but his grip was strong.
"Its nice to meet you,Your captain has told me a lot about you. Are you guys dating?".
This comment caused you to stop shuffling.
"Hell no!". You shouted.
"Oh I'm sorry,he just talks about you a lot I just thought that you guys were together.
"Well,you're wrong". You declared as you continue your prying.
Lavinho lets out a laugh.
"Despite how amazing she is".He pauses, before he roughly bring his large hand down to your head."(Y/n) has an ice cold heart, she could even be heartless for all we know". He joked as he laughed, before he gives you a violent head rub.
'Is that all he thinks of me?, A ice cold girl with no heart'. You suddenly stop trying to pry his hand away and just shoved it .
Your sudden out slash took him by surprise.
"You're messing with my hair, Don't you have an interview to finish".You said coldly,as you pushed passed the two.
"You let her talk to you that way?".
Lavinho scoffed. "That's her being nice".
The interview finally came to an end, meaning you got to go home.
You didn't bother saying goodbye to your captain since he was to busy chatting it up with (C/n).
Usually, he'd escort you to your car, claiming that ' it's not safe for a girl to walk the night by herself'. Even if it's just out back.
But honestly you could care less , you didn't wanna talk to him anyway. "If he wants to spend his time with the stupid celebrity, then that's fine". You said out loud as you entered the room to your house and plopped yourself on the bed . You were so tired of overthinking you were quick to fall asleep.
....... (Tuesday, 8:45 am)
You woke up a little earlier than usual, you honestly thought a good nights rest could clear your mind. But it just seems like a endless reality.
"This is all so stupid i-" .
A notification from your phone interupted you .
You rolled you eyes and tried to ignore it but two more notifications followed soon after the first.
You cringe at the sound ringing In your ear,you immediately grabbed your phone to check what was going on.
An immediate regret,the moment you entered you password you were bombarded with tweets, Instagrams, and news about the Collab from last night with Lavinho and (C/n) .
See this would have been the perfect moment to turn off your phone...but nooo,you just HAD to see what the news had to say about this.
Maybe cause,a part of you wanted it to be something negative? .
'The couple we've all been waiting for'.
One headline read.
'The two fans have been dying to see'
Another read.
'Is this the beginning of a couple fans have been waiting for?'.
The third of many articles to come.
You tossed the phone aside in frustrating.
"Great way to start the day" . You say out loud. Despite how annoyed you were, you wanted to hear others opinions on this. So you turned the notifications on for on of the articles.
See, now you're just punishing yourself, giving yourself a reason to feel sorry , or a reason to get your heart to accept that Lavinho is not for you and just to stop trying to control things that are beyond your control.
"It's gonna all blow over soon, it's just a stupid one time Collab".
Is what you told yourself over and over again till you got to your work.
"She's should be gone by now , which means everything should go back to normal".
You hoped, but that was quick to disguard when you saw a shit tone of cameras and cars parked outside.
More from the day before in fact, You rolled your eyes .As you enter the building to see the same sight you saw prior.
You were, as usual, greeted by your captain and (C/n) tagged along.
"Nice to see you again,(Y/n) how are you?''. She asked.
''Well we talked yesterday, nothing much has changed in the last couple hours". You said kinda snarky.
Leaving her a bit dumbfounded."Yeah obviously!,Silly me,always asking stupid questions!. She giggled loudly while stating that obvious.
''Well we have an interview soon,Lavy we should get going soon''.
'Did she really just call him Lavy as if they didn't just meet each other yesterday!'.
''How bout you (y/n)? Do you wanna-''
."I have actual work to do,I wouldn't have time for an interview". You said harshly as you tried to politely dismiss yourself .
"That's (Y/n) for you,always working hard''. Says the taller male as he grins.
But the celebrity could tell that you were just a off .She frowns a bit as she watched you walk further and further away.
Finally lunch break,best part of your day . Usually you would head over to the cafe across the street for some peace and quiet.
Especially after a day like today,You couldn't look at the two any longer.
But the moment you say down a familiar (C/h) sat in the seat in front of you.
"Hey, (Y/n),right?".
She questions as she removed her sunglasses , revealing her beautiful (E/c).
You scoffed and rolled you eyes at how pretty she was .
The more you look at her the more you see your chances with Lavinho decrease.
"Yea". You answered clearly annoyed .
"Ok then, let's cut straight to the point, do you hate me ?".
She blurted out , leaving you a bit shock.
"uh no". You mummer.
" Oh thank God, I thought you hated me". She said as she released a breath .
"Why would you think that?".
She raised her eyebrow and gave you a look .
"really?". She asked . "You know the reason, Lavinho~~~" She sings the mans name . " You like him don't you! ".
Now this got a reaction out of you. "Wh-what! No I don't, there's no way I could ever like an idiot ass captain like him". You rebuttal. Not realizing just how red your face really was .
"But you're blushing! You do like him dont you". She hollers as she points at your red face.
This was all embarrassing for you, Not only was she right but other people were looking as well.
"Damnit I don't like him!". You exclaimed loudly.
"There's no need to hide it, He talks about you a whole lot and I think you guys look cute together".
Her words made you pause and look up at her .
"W-wait so y-you don't like Lavinho?". You ask this shyly when you heard her prior words.
Your question caused her to laugh.
"I won't deny he's definitely attractive but I don't see him that way".
After hearing those words , you felt as if a bearded was lifted off your body.
"If that's the case I guess you could say I have...Some feelings for him". You whisper the last part just low enough for her to hear.
"I knew it!". She excitedly said as she grips the hands of the woman in front of her.
Causing her to flinch a bit.
"Omg he totally likes you too, all he ever dose is talk about how great of a manager you are!".
"That's just Lavinho being Lavinho he's always super nice. And he only ever talks about my manager skills and nothing else". You say this kinda sadly,You never opened up to anyone like this before. And it felt good to tell someone how you actually feel. Instead of hiding it behind a toxic face.
"Well'',She starts off, "Maybe if you gave him a chance-".
"No!''. You shouted louder then you enticipated.
"If you don't, then I might just slip in and take him for myself~".
This tease triggered something in the girl,Causing her to lash out on the woman sitting across from her.
"Don't you dare!".
"I was only messing around with you , I wasn't really gonna steal your man, but someone will if you don't make your move~ So you better take your shot,And I intend to help you with that".
'Just how did i get myself into this?'
"(Y/n)!", Are you ready!? ". A female voice shouted to you from behind the crowd.
'Oh yeah,she's how'.
So here you where , patiently waiting behind your captain who was currently busy with his fans.
God you were so nervous, you hope this goes right. You and (c/n) have been planning this for the longest time.
She wanted it to be something big and flashy, but you just wanted something simple and not where there are so many cameras.
You just needed a moment with him,alone, behind the stadium away from all this crazyness.
You finally managed to pull him aside. It shock him at first since you didn't ask him rudely but shyly and politely.
But here you finally are, just the two of you.
You were nervously tapping your foot on the ground.
"Listen",You started nervously.
"I'm all ears".
"Um". You started, but nothing else was coming out. All the memories of your past relationships flooded your mind.
He noticed your nervousness.
"Why are you being so nervous?".He says as he came closer, like really close."You're never nervous around me".
You didn't know what to do at this point, his voice had become low and raspy and his bright, yellow eyes that are usually filled with light and glow,were now darkened.The way they would look when he's in a game.
And now thoughs eyes were looking at you. They were making you even more nervous.
"Uh I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time bu-".
"(Y/n)". He interupted. "I already know". He says as he makes you look up at him.
"(C/n) told me,that woman can't keep her mouth shut".
"I-if you're gonna say no then-".
"God you're so cute (Y/n)". He whispers as he leans down, tilting your chin upwards.
His sudden action made your face turn even more red.
"Wh-what do you think yo-"
"I'm sorry (Y/n) but you talk to much,Just be quiet and let me..."
He pauses and let his lips finish the sentence as they were pressed gently onto yours.
He was about to pull away but you didn't let him, you've been dreaming of this moment for years.
"Someone's desperate". He says between your locked lips.
You pull away flustered at his comment. "Sh-shut up!".
"Relax, (y/n) no one else is here".
Or so the two of you thought,From a dark ally not to far from where you two stood was a shadow watching for all the juicy details that would soon be quite troublesome for the new couple.
Ok chapter one complete!
Reblogs are highly appreciated 👍
Request are open as well, um since holloween is right around the corner request are only gonna be open for Yandere read(female) I'm talking menacing , anything related to my two stores I'm all you need and Love letter and blood but more .
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mehthepharmacist · 8 months
All I’m wondering is are you mad at me or are you just not interested in me. You’ve always been nice to me and given me encouragement through my undergraduate. In fact you’re one of the reasons I even made it through BMD with a 3.1gpa. I’m writing this letter to tell you thank you. I hope I don’t have to tell you goodbye.
Orgo 2 was the first time I ever saw you and I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the class. I remember you missing the first lab because I asked the guy next to me to be my partner. Then you walked in the next week and I immediately dropped him and asked you to be my partners. I had missed other opportunities to be partners with the people I wanted and I was determined that was not going to happen with you. Thank you for accepting. You taught me how to esthetically organize my notebook. I still have it today with your signatures my partner. I thought your notebook was the most beautiful of the whole class. I remember our partnership being awkward we didn’t talk a whole lot, but I loved every minute of it. I didn’t realize we were in the same class section until Dr. P called on you to display your Diet Coke to the class. I wish I had moved to sit with you.
My favorite class with you was anatomy. I walked into class on the first day, saw you sitting on the back left all alone, and I knew I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to enjoy your company. We didn’t talk much. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to be friendly. Thank you for helping me study in that class. I had no study method until that class and you helped me crystallize a method that I used for the rest of my undergrad. I was so excited to study with you. I thought our relationship was actually going somewhere during that time. I hope you took the Chick fil a coupons. The story behind them was my dad’s business worked for chick fil a and instead of payment in cash they paid him of cards.
I remember every moment we passed in the hallway of the HAHN. I wanted to ask you to lunch everyday and one day I finally muster up the courage to do it. Thank you for accepting. That lunch was also awkward. I tripped over my words so much at that lunch. I hope I didn’t say anything of offense to you. I asked what your sister was studying and you said biology. Then I think I said something about how BMD was a harder degree than biology. I regret giving that implication and wish I could redo that conversation. I’m sorry I never talked to you after that lunch. I really liked you but was too petrified to say anything to you. I went to the library as often as I could in the hopes of seeing you and one day finding the determination to talk to you, but that day never came. I saw you one day leaving the library we greeted each other and I said this was the second time going to the library that day. You wished we well and that was the end of the interaction.
I’ve been contemplating with myself why I never talked to you about starting a relationship and I came up with several conclusions. 1) I wasn’t ready. I acted so puerile while I was in college. I was no different than how I asked in high school. I feel so childish right now writing this stupid letter. I wanted to finish school before getting married and I didn’t want to date for very long before marrying. So I was determined to not get into a relationship before graduating. 2) I felt inferior. I didn’t have my life together. I wanted to be a dentist, but I was not taking to steps to follow through with that goal. You had a goal of going to pharmacy school and you achieved that only having to apply once to Harrison school of Pharmacy. That achievement was so attracting. 3) I liked being single. I didn’t want to give up my single life. I could do anything I wanted when I want to do it. I had no obligations to see anyone or be anywhere. I didn’t want to loose that freedom.
Reasons why I wanted to have a relationship with you. 1) I loved your friendship with your sister. I grew up in a church with many broken families that were always at each other’s neck. You were one of the first sisters who had a healthy relationship. I remember you two sitting on a bench in the foyer of ILB before your sister went to Physics 2 lab. You were just catching up on the day. I wish my brother had gone to South with me. 2) I loved your relationship with your parents. Many families I knew had parent that were nonexistent, in jail, or always on drugs. On Facebook you always had fun with your parents. That was so attracted to me. I know you might think that is such an insignificant detail about your life, but it was the world to me. 3) you were a Christian with a healthy relationship with God. That is such a rare thing to find these days. You lived in a city away from your parents and found a church to attend on a weekly basis. I can’t say that I would have done the same thing. I love post on facebook of you going to ladies events with your mom and sister. There is no one in my friend group who does that. 4) your ambition for the medical field. It’s not just that you want to be in the medical field, but that you strived to be a Dr. in the field. The best of the best and holding such a load of responsibility. This combination of attributes is why I wanted to have a relationship with you.
I hope this letter find you well. I might be a stalker and creep, but I just want to tell you I love you and thank you for being apart of my life at USA. My encounter with you has been the greatest learning experience of my life. I’ve learned to act on my feeling. I was partially successful in this when I asked you to be my lab partner and sitting with you in anatomy was the best decisions I made. What I failed to do was start a relationship with someone who possessed all the personality traits I wanted to a wife even though it went against my relationship goals. I guess at this point it’s obvious you’re not interested in me. I just with I could have heard you say it. I seemed as if you were interested because you went to lunch with me. I guess that interest left when I never talked to you again. I’m sorry I could never talk to you.
I remember our texts in Aug. 2019, but I don’t want to talk about that.
I currently live on my own and I’ve made up my mind I’m better off living alone. I took a job as a perfusion/anesthesia assistant. I love it and want to do this for the rest of my life. The perfusion part not the assistant. I’m applying to perfusion school and I think I have a pretty good chance of being accepted this year. I hope to find a nice girl in school or I might show up in Dothan one day. Haha.
Be the best pharmacist you can be.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
So these groups are fighting and drinking every law in the book and getting pulled in for it. But what they were doing to Lily was just harassment and they're doing it to our son. So we're going to play with them in a big way all over the world let them know they're going to die I'm sending the orders now and why
Thor Freya
It's the only thing that gets your attention Trump and I've got your attention and I'm decimating your forces it's just much too big and you can't see it you have a small narrow-minded Outlook so I'm having my Army do it now and I didn't come up with it and my wife and Thor and Freya and then acting it now and you're going to hate it because it's how you treat people and I have seen a lot of satanists who treat people badly but you people are a stinking heap of s*** you go around bothering people expect them to leave you alone you go on harassing people and don't expect anything back when it comes back you dismiss it until they actually kill you fully now there's nothing really wrong with that right now because we're using it it's just a gosh darned annoying
Zues Hera
What's odd is you send it out and all sorts of people pick it up he says yes that's cover and they go on wackiness is correct it's been happening a little he says no revenge for how he's talking to us and that's another reason why we whack you he says and we kill you before you can get revenge because you're not here to get revenge on me and to cause it to happen after years and years of harassment you're going to prison you're going to jail until you die there because you're violating your people's rules and laws and your violating hours you're not getting anything out of it you're just a suck bag well it says that and it's true and they're all killing us and we should probably shut up and just get killed that's true as we really suck at what we're doing and it hasn't done anything and we're just telling everybody the story and riding and getting beat up and doesn't do anything for us sincerely it does nothing it says this s*** had kid of mine is influencing me and I believe it and it's wrong and it won't stop doing it and I'm already weakened and I'm doing things that are very stupid cuz Tommy f is having me do it and worst part is Dave is and it's his race and we're not bothering to go look for the most part and we're not trying to stop them or revive them ourselves somewhere to get the AI and we're hardly curious why they would go to Saturn I understand what you're saying what pieces of s*** we don't care about the matrix all these people are skinned alive I don't care about that for no reason it's extremely childish and people are bothering us today anyways cuz it's bja he says he has an army and he wants me to shut up and he says the goal is to go in and make it quiet and to do that you have to like wipe out a few areas of us I do understand what you're saying and Dave used to do it so now I'm kind of thinking about it he hits us personally we take huge huge hits and people want that not being fair to ourselves
The attacks and harassment on your clan will continue and two fruition until you're racist erased she can figure out all you want it's someone else is doing something and so on but I'm not a victim okay if I'm victimized we have to get up and over it and Olympus should be aware that we cannot allow it to happen
Zues Hera
We're going after you to s*** heads and the third one and the others and we're going to lay low and we're going to kill you in public just like they die in The pyramid shortly others of you will die beforehand like Dan will die and explosion and be burnt to death while the snake has him entangled and it's in Thailand and it's coming up pretty quick and he died several times in The sopranos and everyone sees it and everyone hates him and we hate him and he's right you can't be looked as being victimized and it's too much and we're going after them and we are sending the orders out now to eliminate their clan
The max approved it more or less they didn't say no the last time we sent it out they can't stand them and there's ruining their plan and they're ruining everyone else's because they're blasphemes they want to prove us doing it but they are saying others should do it before we do
0 notes
fairlylino · 3 years
MIRROR MIRROR— hwang hyunjin.
Tumblr media
pairings: dom!hyunjin x sub!fem!reader
genre: [s]
word count: a lot idk. i got carried away
warnings: nsfw, degrading, choking, recording, fingering
note: bye so i think we all felt some type of way after Hyunjin posted these. So enjoy what I made here after seeing those pics kkkkkkk. (if there’s any grammar, no there’s not.)
“You disgust me so much right now it’s not even funny.”
Another argument about a misunderstanding. Hyunjin and the rest of the members were just getting ready for an award show. You being the supportive girlfriend and friend you are joined them whilst getting ready, being there if there’s any help when needed.
What was the issue? You giving the other members more attention than your own boyfriend. Laughing, joking around with them whilst you were ignoring the actual person you were here for.
Those are his interpretations, not yours.
All you did was be an entertainment whilst the boys were getting their hair and makeup done. After all that takes a lot of time to get ready eight persons in a not-so-long time.
“Can you at least tell me what I did wrong so I can take you seriously right now?” you spat back, following his way faster steps.
He turned around, taking you back as he walked towards you now, and not away.
“Oh, so I'm a joke to you?”
A confused look on your face, made him only scoff and turn around to walk away again.
“The only thing you might be is childish right now. That’s all,” you said, not following and staying at your place, knowing he’ll turn back around after your comment.
“You have nerves to be all bratty with me right now,” he rose a cocky eyebrow, getting dangerously close to you.
His eyes giving you death glares. You only looked up at them, not breaking the eye contact. Not daring to give in.
“I’m not bratty. I’m just being logical unlike you,” you gave him a sarcastic fake smile, feeling his glares only becoming darker.
You were pushing him to the edge, but that was your goal. Two could play this game.
“So I’m stupid?” He tested, warning you with his eyes not to say anything wrong, your face dangerously close to each other.
“You. Are.”
He only devilishly chuckled, poking his tongue on his cheek, shaking his head, his hands on each side of his hips.
“Be all bold with me now. But just you wait until this fucking award show is done,” he threatened, with a voice calmer than ever.
You only looked up at him, giving him a smirk, reaching closer for his face for a little peck on the lips he didn’t give back.
“Don’t come home without a win,” you provoked, fixing his collar and turning around to leave backstage.
Why did you not stop and made things worse? Basically, because he needed his own medicine. You had to explain yourself so many times, but it only went it in one ear on left through the other.
Going backstage, you watched the award show through the monitor. The people there were really nice so you didn’t worry about feeling alone or awkward. It did take a while though and you were pretty exhausted from getting up so early to stand around the whole day.
But you stayed. Because you wanted to congratulate your friends in person. And because they promised a dinner night as well.
Watching the boys through tv made you realize how professional they became. It made you kind of proud. You noticed something;
Hyunjin. His expression was cold and you could tell that he was faking all the smiles behind the mask. He’s performing Red lights in a couple of minutes and you couldn’t wait to be honest.
It made you grin that the reason he looked so upset was because of you. You were sure the fans noticed that something was wrong.
It only made you think how hotter the Red lights performance will look now that he’s angry.
You didn’t think time will pass by any time soon, but it was once they announced their final winners and goodbyes.
Hearing cheer from in front of you, you walked closer to the noise, only to be greeted by your favorite boys.
“Congrats! You all did so well performing!” You clapped, hugging each of them.
Once it was Minho's turn, you felt piercing glares on you, like they could cut you in pieces.
Giving Minho a hug, you looked over his shoulder to meet Hyunjins dark eyes and clenched jaw in front of you.
You didn’t take it too far but made sure to never break eye contact with him.
“Congrats Minho!” you smiled at him innocently. He grinned at you, saying his thank you and breaking the hug.
It was now Hyunjins turn and you didn’t hug him, but only stay in front of him. The rest of the boys were already heading outside, leaving you and him almost alone.
“Congrats on your win baby,” you said coldly, stepping closer to him. He stood still, just watching you with his eyes, a stoic expression on his face.
You got on your tippy-toes to reach his lips, but he didn’t even try to tilt his head down for you.
“Let’s go, they’re waiting,” he said, ignoring your move and grabbing your wrist, leading you outside.
Once you met the boys, you tried to act like everything’s okay, so you took Hyunjins hand in yours, wrapping your hands around his arm.
“Let’s go eat! I’m so hungry,” Han whined, and Changbin and Felix agreeing.
“Yeah right! Let’s go guys,” Chan nodded, letting the boys get into the car.
“Actually,” Hyunjin spoke, holding tight on your hands so you won’t escape. “I feel kind of sick. Me and Y/n will go home.”
“What?” You and Chan said at the same time, looking at him confusingly.
“Yeah…” he lied. “It’s better when I just rest for the end of the day.”
“Alright man, whatever you say.”
And so he really made you cancel dinner, not even telling you why, nor talking to you the whole car ride.
“I hope you’re happy,” you hissed, aggressively taking your shoes off, putting your bag on the kitchen table, and heading to your bedroom, towards the bathroom.
He calmly took off his shoes too, hands in his pockets, as he followed your steps, listening to your complaining.
“Not that you ruined the whole fucking mood for today. No fuck that, the whole weekend, and now you ruin the fancy dinner with the boys too!” you shouted through the bathroom, taking your accessories off.
You knew he heard you. You made sure he did.
“Always acting like a fucking child, but not having the balls to say why and explain!” you continued.
“Are you still talking?” he finally entered the shared bedroom, resting his body against the doorframe.
“I’m not even halfway done!” you hissed at him, undoing your hair and letting it loose.
“Why are you so mad about not being able to eat dinner with my friends?”
“Maybe because that’s literally the highlight of the day and your celebrations on the wins you did? We were supposed to have a great night and just because of your childish behavior we can’t do that and join them.”
He stood back on both feet walking towards you, grabbing your wrist. “Just say that you’d rather spent time with them rather than me,” he said, tightening his grip.
“What part upsets you the most that you’re not there right now? Not being able to joke around Bangchan? Or is it the flirting with Lee Know?”
You didn’t say anything, basically because he didn’t let you.
“And you think I’d sit there from across the table and watch you have fun flirting with all of them? Whilst you’re ignoring me?”
You looked up at him with your eyes, with furrowed eyebrows. “Hyunjin, what the hell are you even saying?”
“I’m saying…” he started. “I’m gonna get you back to your senses and show you who you belong to,” he said, dragging you to the bedroom, throwing you onto the edge of the bed.
“You think I forgot all the things you said all boldly at the award show?” He said standing in front of you. You only looked up at him, with an upset look.
“All the time I was thinking you’d actually ask me what’s wrong and do something about it, you instead only did it worse and continued, starting a bigger issue.”
He looked disappointed, angry, and tired. All the time he never said anything. Only showing coldness.
Was it because he was waiting for you to approach him? Due to that fact, did you really give him less attention than the guys, because he kept being so cold to you?
It only clicked on your mind now, but it was a way too late to change anything.
“You’re so gonna regret all the things you said. You won’t even be able to, because I’ll ruin you so fucking much you will cry for mercy.”
You swallowed hard, looking up at him with a more concerned look now rather than upset. He chuckled sarcastically at your face.
“Not so bold now are you?”
“Hyunjin, look I-“ you tried to explain yourself but could you though? You fucked up and you had to pay for it.
“Don’t even try and stand up.” He placed his hand under your chin, ordering you to lift your body up. You were nervous because you don´t know anything that he's going to do. “Aren't you tired, we should just head to bed and-”
“No,” he said, lifting his hand onto both sides of your arms, going up and down with his fingertips. “I'm tired of someone's behavior, not tired myself. And we will fix this right now,” he gave a cold smile, never breaking eye contact, enjoying your worried and not-so-bold expressions. 
“I love you Y/n. You know that?” 
You were confused. More than ever. What was his plan? His goal? You couldn't tell. But his sudden calmer self worried you for what's about to happen. 
“I do,” you nodded. “And I love you too.”
He huffed. “ Yeah.” 
His hands went down to hold onto yours, walking you around the bed, in front of you and his big dresser.
“Look at you, Y/n,” he said, getting behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder, admiring you through the mirror. “You're such a pretty sight. Your body is to admire for. And your beautiful face the peak of everything,” he cooed in your ear, his hands going up to rest on your hips. You could feel your heartbeat faster by every word that came out of his mouth. 
“Look at you. Don't you think you're beautiful?” he asked, his hands exploring your body, from the waist down to your hips and vise versa. 
You didn't say anything and just looked at him through the mirror, but his eyes were fixed on your body. When he noticed you weren't answering, his eyes lifted up to meet your own, your heart felt like it stopped beating. 
“Don't you think so Y/n?” he repeated, his voice sounded more stoically.
You only nodded, swallowing hard.
“Cant you talk? Speak.”
“Yes,” you said barely above a whisper. But he heard you clearly.
“Exactly. You know you're beautiful. You know you could have every guy you want. That's why you try to get closer with my friends right?”
You were so taken aback that you opened to say something, but nothing came out, you only shook your head lightly. 
“Which one do you think is the most handsome? Is it Minho? Chan maybe? I think your type is Felix though, hm?” 
“No,” you shook your head, looking at him with a confused look. “It's you. It was always you.”
He chuckled, pressing his forehead on your shoulder as if it was genuinely funny what you said. 
He lifted his head back up, dropped his fake laugh, and looked you dead in the eye. “I don't believe you.” 
“No,” he cut you off, putting his finger over your lips, his other hand staying around your waist. 
“You look beautiful in that dress, by the way,” he changed the subject as if nothing just happened, looking down at your body instead of looking at it through the mirror. 
“Red is totally your color. It tones your body perfectly,” he said in your ear again. feeling your waist and resting later on your hips, pulling you a bit closer to his. Bodies touching. 
“It had me hard the whole time,” he whispered. His breath hitting your neck, goosebumps coating your whole body, making you tilt your head to the side. 
“Can you feel it?” he asked his hands on your hips tightly, pressing your arse on his bulge. You could definitely feel it. 
You nodded shyly, watching him through the mirror. His eyes were slightly closed, taking in your scent, pressing his lips on your neck every now and then, but never kissing or sucking on it like you wished he did. 
“Gosh, the dress is so beautiful,” he said, his hands going up from your body to your shoulders. 
“But I'm rather curious about what's underneath,” he said, his fingers going behind your body, onto your back, holding onto the zipper.
You didn't say anything, trying your best not to let out any noise. You were craving him so bad. He was driving you crazy. 
He didn't make things easier for you at all. Not with the way he looked breathtaking in that suit, showing his collarbones and slightly his chest. The fact he recently cut his hair too only made you more turned on than ever. His upset looked were a bonus. 
You took a deep breath, feeling his fingers slowly unzipping your dress. You felt it getting loose around your shoulders, making him pull them down. 
And that's when your dress fell from your body, leaving you in your black laced lingerie. 
“Unbelievable,” he sighed, shaking his head once he looked at your body through the mirror. 
“You drive me absolutely crazy. Black? Really? Was this planned?” 
It was. You knew how much he loves that color on you, especially because he got it for you as well. You wore it because you were hoping to celebrate his win privately. 
You just didn't expect it would end up like that.
“Why aren't you saying anything?” he asked, putting his head on the crook of your neck, his cold hands traveling around your whole upper body, making you feel like shaking and body forming goosebumps. 
“I...” you sighed once you felt his fingers going more and more down, resting on your abdomen. 
“I'm listening?” he asked, he waited for you to speak up for him to do the next step. 
“I don't know what to say because... Oh fuck,” you gasped, pushing your head back once you felt his hand slip under your panties, getting in contact with your already dripping, aching core. 
“Because?” he asked, his middle thinker going in circles around your clit, making you feel hazy. 
You gasped, your hand going behind to the nape of his neck, holding onto him. 
“Because I'm... confused,” you breathed, slowly starting to move your hips to feel more friction under there. 
“Do you want something, doll?” He asked, noticing your inner whines and your bucking hips.
“Please...” you whispered, not able to keep your eyes open. 
“Please what? Use your words.” He finally started to move his fingers against your core, making it impossible to stay quiet. 
“Fuck... Yes, that,” you moaned, resting your head on his shoulder, your breathing starting to get heavier. 
“Oh, you want me to finger you? Make you feel good hm?” He whispered in your ear, making you moan out loud once you felt his two fingers slowly sliding into you. 
“Yes,” you nodded. “Yes, please,” you begged. 
“Like that?” he asked, moving further in, making you bite onto your lower lip. 
You nodded, gasping once he starting going deeper and deeper, adding another finger in. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped, holding tighter onto the back of his neck, making him put his head in the crook of your neck, finally kissing it. 
It was all so much to you. His fingers going in and slipping out perfectly, his lips abusing your neck with kisses, licks and bitings while he moved his bulge against your ass and his other hand squeezing your breast, slipping it in to play with your hardened nipple.
You felt so dizzy. All you wanted was to reach your high. You were so close. 
“Hyunjin,” you moaned, tilting your head to the side, not able to keep your eyes open. 
His hand left your aching breasts, gripping onto your jaw, making you face the mirror. 
“Look at yourself while I make you feel good,” he said, quickening his pace with his fingers. 
You felt tears forming your eyes by the way you were so close it was too good to be true. 
“Look how good I make you feel. Do you see it on your face?” he whispered, looking into your half-lidded eyes through the mirror. 
“Yes,” you whined, your legs starting to weaken. 
“Such a beautiful sight. I want to capture it,” he said in your ear, biting onto your earlobe, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Never stop looking away,” he ordered, fingers quickening their pace once he pressed on record, making you moan out loud whilst trying your best not to close your eyes and look away. 
“Hyunjin I´m...” you cried. “I'm gonna come.”
“Oh yeah?” he teased. “How bad?” 
“So fucking back. Hyunjin I'm so close,” you cried once you felt him slow down his fingers. 
“Fuck, please,” you begged, moving your hips to reach your high completely. 
He stopped. 
Your eyes widened. 
You felt his fingers slip out of your panties, making your core ache in pain. 
“You´re so pathetic,” he hissed, putting his phone back down. “You think you deserve to cum?” 
Your teary eyes only looked at him confusingly through the mirror. You turned around to face him properly. 
He rose a cocky eyebrow at you with a devilish grin, frustration filling your body. 
“Hyunjin, please,” you whined, holding onto his collar whilst he only looked down at you with his eyes.
“What makes you think I'll actually satisfy you tonight? Do you think your slutty self deserves it?”
You looked at him with lustful and begging eyes. “I will do anything. Please,” you begged, stepping closer to him with your hands on each side of his face. 
“I need you so bad, Hyunjin.”
He was so enjoying it. He was so angry at you, but he enjoyed every second of you begging him to use and destroy you. 
“Do whatever you want but please don't let me hanging like that.” You sounded so pathetic, so needy and so small in front of him. He didn't think he could get any more turned on.
“Get on the bed,” he ordered. 
You did as you were told, climbing onto the bed slowly, sitting on your knees. 
You watched him slowly take off his accessories, along with his suit. The only jewelry he left on was his necklace he never took off. 
It was a gift from you. His favorite item. 
Taking off his shirt and pants, he was left in nothing but his underwear. He looked ethereal, absolutely breathtaking. 
The room was very dim. The only light was the yellowish led lamb next to the bed and the city lights of Seoul. 
And even through almost darkness, you could see his toned body and arms, making you swallow hard. 
He was now sitting in front of you, his thumb on your chin as he admired your face. “I hate you for having me addicted to you,” he cursed, stroking his fingers against your cheekbone.
“Hyunjin...” you spoke softly. You needed to clear this. “I never meant to-”
“Shut up,” he said, his hand immediately gripping onto your neck, making you fall back onto your back. 
He was hovering over you, hand still on your neck, squeezing it every now and then, making it hard for you to breathe properly. 
“Don't look so scared,” he said, his thumb against your soft lips. “I didn't even do anything yet.” 
“Hands over your head. Now.”
You slowly did, confused on why, but you still did. 
“Simple rules Y/n,” he said. The way he was hovering above you drove you crazy. The way his skin was glowing and the way he looked so cold made your core ache. 
“Your hands will stay there. No matter what. I will not hear a single sound coming from you, understand?” 
You looked at him with puppy eyes. 
“If I you see or hear anything coming from you, you won't be cumming at all tonight.”
He finally went down, his plump, soft lips brushing against yours. You parted your lips, waiting for him to finally do something, but instead, he only acted like it, and went straight to your neck. 
As if the one side of your neck wasn't bruised with kisses and marks already, he made sure the other side of your neck was too. 
You bit on your lower lip as he went further down to your collarbone and in between your breast. He was quick to undo them, freeing your breasts and coating them with kisses. You felt his nose and face in between them, making you suck in any sounds that wanted to escape. 
You felt his fingertips brushing over your hardened nipples, flicked and pinching them lightly, making you shut your eyes closed. 
“It's funny,” he started, whilst squeezing your breast as if they were stress balls, never leaving his gaze from them. 
“That I have you under me while my friends can only imagine that in their nasty dreams.” 
You wanted to scream. He was driving you insane with both his words and hands. 
“I can't wait to fuck you dumb until the only name coming out of your mouth is my own.”
You didn't know when, but his underwear was suddenly off and you felt the tip of long dick teasing your entrance, making you turn your head into the pillows. It was pure torture to not moan out loud right now. 
“I don't think I need to do anything for your pussy to get in. You´re so fucking wet already.”
You looked away, eyes closed, face buried into the pillow. 
He noticed that and grabbed you by your jaw, making him look at you with your glossy eyes. 
“Awe... Is it too much for you not to scream my name? To stay quiet? Hm doll?”
You bit on your lower lip, only looking at him. 
“Do you want to scream my name? Beg for me to make you cum?”
You nodded, hoping he'd have mercy. 
“If you even dare to hold back, I´ll make sure to never let you walk again, got it?”
You sighed out of relief. “Yes, thank you-”
You cut yourself off with a loud moan, once you felt his cock slam into you without a warning.
“Fuck;” you cursed under your breath, trying your best to keep your hands up. 
“You´re fucking mine? Understand?” He hissed, placing his hands onto your wrists to keep them at their place and to slam himself into you even more. 
You cried out loud, not able to answer him, only moaning out his name. 
“Not Minho´s, not Chan´s. Mine,” he said possessively, hitting your walls through every hard slam. 
“Does it hurt?” he breathed, his necklace tangling back and forwards by every thrust into you, whilst his hands were tightly holding onto your wrists, watching your breasts move around. 
You only nodded. It hurt so much that you couldn't even talk.
“Good. You deserve it,” he hissed, slamming even harder into you, making you yelp.
“Hyunjin, fuck!” You cried eyes shut close, breathing heavily, almost there. 
“Fuck,” he cursed too, feeling his thrust getting sloppier. You supposed he was close too. 
“You´re gonna cum?” he asked, looking down at you. You nodded, hoping he'd let you.
“Do you think you deserve it?” 
You didn't nod but neither did you shake your head.  
“Who do you belong to?”
“To you!,” you said almost immediately. “To no one else. Only you.”
“Fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back, now closing his eyes too. 
You watched him reach his high too and it only made you cum faster. 
The way he sloppily thrusted into you, with his eyes lightly closed and eyebrows furrowed, you drooled at your beautiful sight of your beautiful boyfriend's features. 
“Fuck, you´re so tight,” he hissed, mouth lightly open, thrusting into you one more time before you both reached your highs. 
He dropped next to you after a couple of seconds, and it was quiet, the room only filled with heavy breathing. 
You turned towards Hyunjin,  climbing onto him, cupping his cheeks. 
“Baby I´m sorry that I acted and made you feel like that. I don't want your friends, I only want you. Please get that,” you begged, stroking his sweaty face with your thumb. 
His eyes were closed. With an exhausted look, he still managed to crack a smile. “Good.”
“I love you Hyunjin.”
He grinned, nodding his head, still out of breath. “I love you more.” 
“You forgot something,” you glared down at him, his hands were resting on your lower back. 
He just gave you a raised eyebrow, waiting for you to continue.
“You didn't kiss me once.” 
He lazily chuckled, sticking his lips out. You playfully rolled your eyes and pressed your lips onto his. He answered quickly, lips moving in sync, turning into a short makeout. 
“Happy now?”
“Yes,” you smiled, rolling off of him, next to him, cuddling yourself into his chest. 
“Now let me sleep. I'm exhausted.”
As Hyunjin was waiting for his turn to shower, he lazily scrolled through his phone, until he remembered the video he recorded of you in front of the mirror. He could watch it over and over, and not get tired of it. It never failed to make him hard as well. 
As he was watching the video endlessly, an idea popped into his head.
Scrolling through the chats, he stopped once he found the person he was looking for. 
Grinning at his devilish idea, he looked at it once again before pressing on send. 
from Hyunjin (sent: 11:12 pm) * one incoming video* 
from Minho (sent: 11:15 pm) “???”
from Hyunjin (sent 11:17 pm) “my bad wrong person lol”
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Will you stay?- Bang Chan imagine.
Contains: friends to lovers au. , Divorce, smut, fluff, blindfolding, oral sex, explicit sexual stuff etc . Minors don't interact.
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Never once on your life, you thought you could get your shit together and laugh genuinely at the worst in world. falling out of love is worse but it's even more worse if it's your it's not you who fell out of love. Married at 22 and the honeymoon phase hardly lasted for a year and by the age of 26 got yourself labelled as a woman who sabotaged her own marriage in thirst of money. Your ex husband was bitter about your success even before you got married. He thought as a woman, you just did bare minimum and got yourself a high positioned rank by sleeping with one of the rich rags. You tried hard enough to hold on to that rotten red string , but he had the scissors and just cut you off. You weren't willing to sacrifice your career just because of his Immature mindset, yes you loved him, but can't a women love her own hard achieved success more? That's the question you wished to ask everyone who pointed there fingers at you. After divorce you didn't feel pain just numbness. Your self-hatred coming more stronger than ever, even hating the job, you tried Saving since years, getting life on track seemed impossible and at the end just quitted. Moved out of the city just to move back to your home town, the root of your real pain. It wasn't really a town but rather a more flashy city, expensive shits which you were unable to afford in childhood but now it wasn't any big deal. Earth is round and sometimes precious people find you all by themselves. Your highschool friend, the only friend you had throughout your lifetime because of your anti social tactics.
Bang Chan, the social butterfly who almost knew every single student in whole school, he was the hottest guy you ever saw in your life and also the kindest. You had crush on him even before you both were friends, he was your senior,used to help you with those shitty math sums, crack jokes every now and then and scolded you whenever you procrastinated. He came to congratulate you even on your graduation day, even though there were many more students whom he met you were still glad atleast someone bought you a beautiful bouquet of tulips and bellflower. The last time you saw him was before you moved out in search of cheap collages without informing him, as you thought you were just one of many friends he had and won't ever notice someone like you existed.
But god, how much wrong you were.
You met Chan after almost 9 years in convince store and his reaction was almost priceless , like finding treasure. He was now more handsome, beautiful and god-like even after all this years his style of dressing didn't Changed much, he still looked like Kim Kardashian at 2021 met Gala. nevertheless his smile still had those healing properties with his Cresent moon eyes. He was absolutely stunning.
The first sentence he spoke after confirming your identity was 'I missed you' and then tons of lectures and questions . Knowing how narrow-minded you were he gasped dramatically. Cheesiest ways of saying how could I forget my best friend and so on. That day was probably the best day of your life and maybe even the day after years you really smiled. You both exchanged numbers and addresses and his home was just 10 minutes away from yours. Destiny indeed.
Now it's been over 7 months since you met Chan again and he never made you felt like you were just one of his 109 friends. Chan made you feel special, after knowing what kind of disaster you faced he was even more supporting of you, you both used to spend weekend together watching variety of shows and movies going to stargazing, best friend goals. After many years you knew even if Chan had many people to confide with he never really did. He was alone, just a night owl obsessed with work. You were happy. And he was happy too. Being just friends was enough for you, but not for him . He was slowly trying to find courage to confess his love to you. He liked you fuck from highschool days. He found you once randomly staring at him across the room and when you suddenly disappeared all his fantasies were scattered, he knew your dreams and was willing to help you with your every step. knowing how messed up your household was from your neighbours he felt guilty for not being able to give you happiness. He loved you, but was helded by his own insecurities.
Not anymore though, he wasn't the same coward who just stared at the love of his life from distance. Being the extra human he was, he bought you one of the most expensive restaurant of the whole country, man was loaded. After driving for almost 5 hours you both finally reached there .
Now a nervous Chan sitting infront of you. You being oblivious to the fact that he has a beautiful diamond ring and a confession to make. Chan handed you the menu card and every single dish had an extraordinary name, without much thought you placed the order.
"atleast tell me now, why are we here?" You asked the man infront of you who was behaving extra weird today, he looked sick and was occassionally asking you random questions.
"No reason, I was in mood for long drives and... You know have a nice meal" Chan said fidgeting with his fingers he was acting like a flustered high school guy it was clearly indicating that he was lying but you didn't really care, Chan was weird sometimes.
"Sounds fake, but okay. By the way you aren't sick right?" You asked Chan out of pure concern as he was sweating profusely even in an cold AC room.
"I am fine, just feeling a little hot. Don't worry", Chan said it was more like he was convincing himself that he was fine and shouldn't worry. He wasn't a teenager but a human with responsibilities who once again fell for someone out of his league, he used to think that and he still sees you as a literal goddess. While he was lost deep in his thoughts, the waiter came with food , and this was his opportunity to shoot his arrow. You both started eating and talked like being in paradise.
"did you liked anyone in highschool?", Chan asked you out of blue making you almost choke on food. The only person whom you liked throughout your highschool days was the guy sitting infront of you and you didn't really remembered much guys and the best answer was probably saying a lie with little truth.
"no one lol", you answered trying to sound chilled but since highschool crush topic was out you weren't able to keep your curiosity with yourself.
"What about you, liked someone?", You asked trying to sound nonchalant and not desperate and bitter.
This was the Exactly the conversation that Chan planned in his mind. And here started his way to either heaven or pit of rejection.
"I loved someone", Chan said and you this time you really choked from the depth of your heart, you thought Chan was anti romantic type of guy as he never talked about of his female friends with you or bragged about his non existent dating life. Trying again to not sound jealous or bitter you spoke again.
" Who was that lucky bit-- I mean girl yes girl? Who was she?", You asked, almost letting out the bitch loudly. You weren't sure but you saw Chan smiling cheekily, he was really getting old acting weird more and more everyday.
"Well... Someone from our school",Chan said and you swear you didn't made a disgusting face showing pure jealousy. The best human in your life and your first ever crush had crush on somebody, you didn't knew why you were feeling so fucking bitter but you weren't able to handle the curiosity anymore.
"Tell me her damn name", you asked Chan in a frustrating tone not being able to keep jealousy to yourself.
"Why you being angry", Chan asked followed by his small laugh.
"I am angry, just the food was a little spicy you answer me now, her name?", You answered Chan with your defenses up and still sticking with your previous question.
Chan in response got a little serious now,you thought he was being childish now, he wasn't a kid who was given a dare to name out his crush yet he was acting like one.
"You won't leave me right, I mean after I answer your question?", Chan asked you and you didn't knew what to say in response you were now a little sus about him.
"fine don't answer, keep secrets", you said and continued eating. The next thing Chan said made you now choke and die on food.
"I loved you and I still love you" Chan said looking down at the table head hanging down like his teenage self just confessed he watched porn infront of his parents. You were shocked, frozen and the your heartbeat 10x faster, you didn't knew how to react and tried to find humor in this extraordinary situation.
"Chan, you kidding right?", You asked Chan with a nervous smile on your face. Chan looked up at you , his eyes trying to find yours but you avoided the eye contact.
"I am serious, I liked you from HighSchool times, I saw you for the first time in library when you were looking at me, I swear you were so beautiful and even now after all this years after seeing you I can't, I can't help but fall for you all over again, sorry"
Chan confessed, his voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability his sentences were scattered here and there and incomplete explanation but still you understood everything he really poured his heart to you, you felt like crying even if you both weren't such stupid cowards back then, then today you won't have turned out a divorced women and Chan a guy who grew out lonely even if he had a world for him.
"What should I say Chan?", You asked Chan you were sounding like a girl whose bf told her to breakup even if the situation was exact opposite. Even if you love Chan , you didn't think about him reciprocating same feelings back to you. You were beyond insecure with your love emotions. One thing was sure you won't be able to love Chan without being a bundle on him. Your emotion Baggage was too big and you didn't want Chan to get his heart too with your stupid emotions.
"I love you and I will be really really good to you. Please try staying with me I will try really hard to earn space in your heart, please?" His confession was like literally begging. You weren't able to believe if he was real or not, if it was a dream that will end as soon as cruel morning comes, this felt like fantasy. Chan was a amazing man, he had everything money ,honour ,beauty a nice heart. He was like a character written by women so perfect so delicate yet strong, and he loves you this fact was enough for to lose your mind. but you thought you were a taint to his beauty, you were a character full of inferior complexes and a person too easy to dislike thats what illusion you made about yourself. A random extra in her own story.
"I will pay the bill, let's talk later", you said and walked away immediately to pay the bill leaving a clueless and disheartened human behind. Chan was able to see how you stopped yourself from saying love you too and throwing yourself in his arms. He wasn't same from HighSchool a guy who gets overwhelmed by his own emotions and gets unable to see others. He knew you had atleast a small space for him in your heart and to make a big room for himself he had to throw out all your insecurities and self hatred. He followed you like a lost puppy and he wanted to pay for food but you already did and now you were already out of restaurant searching for his car to get back.
Chan sitted beside you, without doing anything silence and awkward air surrounding you both.
"start the car", you said breaking down the silence, you were extremely worthless and trash as you made the only one person whom you love feel like nothing.
"Just answer me, will you try dating me please", Chan said his voice again passing draggers into your heart. Trying to form any logical explanation you spoke again.
"I am not looking for relationship right now, see Chan you are amazing, but I can't make you happy now and did you forgot that I am divorced, please understand" you said expressing your real insecurities and fear, fear of not being able to keep a man happy.
"you don't want relationship because you divorced that fucking trash of a man?", Chan asked he was getting frustrated you thought but he just wanted to make you happy and not deny what your heart wants.
"my mind isn't stable, I might just irritate you everytime with my mood, you will will get tired of me and leave me -- I don't want to be alone again I will die if you leave me", you confessed tears threatening to fall out of your eyes there wasn't any doubt that you loved Chan he filled the void in you in just months made you happy but you didn't wanted to just take and take and give nothing in return. Chan's hand found yours interlocking your fingers with so much delicateness that you might cry.
"you think so low of me, just stay by my side I will make you so happy that you will hardly get time to think about your past, trust me", Chan said his fingers slightly lifting your chin up to look into your eyes, you looked in his eyes filled with so much care and this was your last straw before breaking down in his arms.
"I love you, I love you so fuckin much, you were my first love my only friend, my everything, please-- please love me", you confessed tightening your arms around Chan, his scent making you feel safe and like home, his one caressing your hair and other wiping away the tears. Even though the scene was more like a dramatic clique scene whatever emotions you both felt was unexplainable.
"So you my girlfriend now hmm?"Chan asked you for first time in night his voice containing pure happiness and excitement.
"I have a sexy boyfriend", you said smiling from ear to ear against Chan's chest. The label boyfriend making your heart flutter, you didn't knew happiness like this can even exist.
"My love", Chan said his voice sweeter than honey, suddenly the night was more starry."now can we go home?" You asked Chan finally breaking the hug, reality hitted you now Home was 3- 4 hours away.
"I made a reservation in hotel, we gonna spend night there", Chan casually said making your heart jump out of your chest.
"pervert, you planned everything seriously", you said dramatically and giving him a playful digusting look.
"I booked two rooms", Chan said now starting the engine making you feel embarrassed. "Who is pervert now~" Chan said in air teasing you more.
The rest of the ride you both talked about anything and everything. Confessing how you used to find ways to always be in each others vision etc. Both of you finding a new thirsty side of each other. Nothing felt uncomfortable, it was happiness those inhumane laughs crazy tricks you both used to pull everything was heaven. After some time you both reached infront of a gaint hotel , it looked expensive af but regardless Chan knew how to waste money and you were tired of lecturing him about savings.
"let's go", Chan said removing your seatbelt and getting out of car to open the door for ya. He was being so cheesy gentleman and you were enjoying every minute.
"room 42 and 43" Chan said to the receptionist and she handed two keys to him. Thanking her then getting on elevator, you were a little disappointed that you weren't sharing room with Chan, yes you were pervert and total simp for Chan, he was too hot and your sexual drive was getting higher each passing second. The elevator doors opened and you got off. Chan handed you the room key and softly kissed your forehead, both you wished it was your lips.
"if you want anything, just knock okay?" Chan said in his lovely tone, I want you you internally screamed, nevertheless you gave him a nod and got inside that expensive room .
Starring at the ceiling while lying on the bed your mind was full of Chan, you knew he wasn't probably sleeping and was wasting time in watching random shit on internet and you were hungry, hungry for Chan, it wasn't your fault that Chan was so hot. Trying to fall asleep and fidgeting here to there you finally decided to knock on Chan's room door. A danger zone. You noticed how the door flunged open in less than few seconds.
"Hi" you said scratching back of your head and trying to think what next to say.
"Hi..?"Chan said being confused.
"there is cockroach in my room, let me stay with you" you said a clear white lie. Taking impulsive action were never good for you.Chan sighed before opening the door fully and signalling you to come. This was your happiest day ever.
"whY you lying", Chan asked you as you plopped yourself on sofa besides bed. He asked the sentence in a sarcastic way.
"Do you you wanna kiss me?", You asked Chan with a straight serious face catching him off-guard, you didn't wanted to waste more time, you wanted to do everything with Chan, yes fucking on first day of dating was a little too early but you fantasized about this gorgeous man since ages, in your eyes he looked total dom but his reaction to your question was making you doubt your thoughts.
"Are you sure", Chan asked you clearing his throat.
"Are you virgin?"you asked Chan, he was being too nervous.
"Obviously not"Chan answered you in duh tone, rolling his eyes. And it was getting awkward.
"The cockroach must have gone by now I should go, bye", you blabbered and got up ready to leave, you were about to open the door but Chan grabbed your hand and before you knew anything his hands were on your cheeks cupping them softly and his lips so close to yours, Chan's eyes were looking straight in your orbs , your heartbeat stronger than ever.
"Can I?", Chan asked your consent his thumb softly brushing against your lower lip. This man had totally made you insane, something stirred inside you. Chan was perfect he was everything you wished. You gave him a small nod and slowly his lips touched against yours, you wanted to cry, his lips felt so good, he didn't rushed his movements everything was happening in slow motion, he holded you with such a vulnerability like he was afraid that you will go, your hand reached his head, fingers moving through his soft locks. You felt his tongue inside your mouth , you felt a electricity run down your body when the kiss deepened.
We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that every other kiss I’ve had in my life has been wrong.
Breaking the kiss Reluctantly in need of air, Chan rested his forehead against yours. He was hot almost like burning, sweating.
"Why are you so nervous, Chan?", You asked Chan hugging him tightly clinging like the last leaf to the tree.
"I am scared, I just love you", He said engulfing you in his arms. And you Finally felt, what real love feels like.
"Love you too", you replied softly.
"Do you wanna continue..?"Chan asked you his tone little less scared.
"Off course", you said looking at him with smile, something inside you told it was okay to let out your freaky side infront of Chan. Chan smiled back and suddenly turned you around , the large bed infront of you.
"Lie down there",Chan whispered in your ears , his low register sending shivers down your spine. This was exactly how you pictured Chan to be, your inner submissive almost died. You followed Chan's word and laid on your back on the bed, now you were feeling like a virgin. His eyes roaming through the room in search of something.
"Are you okay with being blindfolded?", Chan asked you as he came back with the tie he wore today and was rolling it slightly in his palms, and you swear you never saw a man so hot in your entire life. Getting blindfolded was one of your unfulfilled kinks.
"ye- yes", you replied your tone filled with thrill and excitement. Chan came back to you standing near you, his hand softly cupped your cheeks , before bringing the tie to use it in sinistrous way tonight. The cloth felt strange to your eyes, his cologne smell hitting you and Chan caught your shy smile, His heart felt so fluffy. Tieing a comfortable knot Chan sat on bed near your waist. His hands slowly crept near your stomach leaving a direct lingering touch on the sensitive skin, eventually going upwards while giving a little squeeze to add stimulation, his hands reached your boobs, you didn't wore bra, and he wasn't surprised maybe your nipples perked up enough to get noticed, his middle and index finger Rolling your sensitive bundle of nerves, the blindfold making his every touch more intense, your breath was heavy you let out a suprised moan when Chan gropped your right boob in an erotic way, this sole action increasing your wetness down there you were getting impatient. You moaned his name a little loudly when his lips came in contact with your sensitive neck, sucking in a painful way, inorder to leave a hickey.
"Should I touch you here", Chan asked you as his hand reached to your area where you needed him to the most, hands going directly inside your panties ,but not touching he was a teaser.
"yes please", you moaned almost breathlessly too tired of intense foreplay. You just wanted Chan to rip off your clothes and fuck you till sunrise. Getting satisfaction with your answer Chan finally removed every clothing of your lower body, leaving you completely bare, all at his mercy. His finger moved up and down on your opening , the wetness making Chan easily slip his one finger deep inside you.
" my baby is so wet, because of who?", Chan asked you as his finger was moving slowly inside of you and thumb rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves.
"because of.. you", you admitted without any hesitation trying to grind yourself on his hand, begging for more.
"Good", Chan said and without saying anything he added another finger inside you moving a little faster inside your cunt, rubbing your walls with a little pressure, scissoring them inside you painfully and making way for a third finger too and by then you were a complete moaning mess, his fingers were pleasure yet torture the blindfold making your senses weak. Mind full of whatever Cham was giving you. Your legs were shaking sign of your orgasm approaching you, by one hand Chan holded your thighs tightly to their place fingers now moving more faster to make you reach the peak of pleasure.
"Chan.. I--I-I-- wanna cum please", you moaned your little squeaks and begs almost making Chan's cock cum right inside boxers. With some final thrust of his fingers, you cummed the hardest you could imagine, squeaky sounds coming as Chan was fingering you through your orgasm, you almost crying from overstimulation. Moaning his name like a chant.
"you did well",Chan praised you finally removing his fingers from you leaving you empty, but it won't have last wrong. Chan removed your blindfold , the bright lights hurting your eyes, you adjusted your vision and the image of Chan sucking his wet fingers coated with your liquid came directly in front of your eyes. Letting out a helpless whine.
Chan plopped himself on knees on either side of your thighs, finally letting his cock out, leaking with precum, and he was big, thick , you didn't thought he could get even hotter.
"Ready baby?", Chan asked you as he fully undressed himself as well as removing your top, your mind hazey . The scene which you pictured since highschool finally happening.
"yes", you replied Chan, he came down to kiss you passionately and slowly entering inside you. You moaned painfully, tears pulling your vision, it was a painful pleasure. Chan kissed away your tears and hand interlocking with yours after finally being fully inside you he started to move at slow pace.
"you feel so good Chan", almost screaming from pleasure, your whines were fuel to Chan's ego and he increased the pace. Body slapping sound filling the room, his groans were most sexy thing you ever heard. Again and again his tip hitting your deepest spots.
"I am close", you moaned out breathlessly, pleasure becaming too much to handle .you released around his cock, reaching the peak second time at night.
After giving a few more thrusts Chan cummed at your stomach, he was still sane enough to not curse you with kids while being lost in pleasure."I love you", he said as he settled beside you hugging you tightly. This was heaven.
"love you too", you said , your voice a little hoarse.
"by the way I forgot that I bought a ring to propose you", Chan said, realisation hitting him, that he forgot to say the long ass paragraph that he was supposed to say while sitting on one knee. You smiled at his guilty face.
"don't worry, propose me after having shower", you said heart filled with pure joy and happiness . Happiness of knowing that You love someone who will always love you back.
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multiversallyy · 2 years
i was having a bad day in general but i got inspiration to write a piece based off a wonky set of headphones i have. enjoy!! warnings: implied verbal abuse, mention of bullying. the reader is a pessimist.  additives: gender neutral, teenager reader, sun and moon are separate beings/twins, interpretable (platonic or romantic) moon x reader words: 2325
Solar Summer Camp
Three years ago, the building known as the Magic Pizzaplex burned to the ground, leaving not a wire or cord in the wake except for evacuated animatronics - the latter part being something the media didn’t tell anyone, to make the scene more dramatic and draw more attention.  But the corporation was still well off; after all, its animatronics were money-makers, all it would take was some minor reprogramming to work with teenagers, and, well... you’ve got another (hopefully) perfect bot. Ignoring all the malfunctions that led to the fire in the first place...
Fazbear Co. decided to opt for the slightly-off-the-beaten-path option; one of which was repurposing the daycare attendants for an artsy summer camp. Taking place on the progressive end of summer camps, it was meant to be peppy and cheerful, and their public goal was to help teens find their creative side and “brighten their lives.”
And just a week and a half ago, you yourself had enrolled in this new summer camp. If you thought for a second this big corporation wasn’t going to overpromote itself, you’d be dead wrong.  One of the main attractions of this place was that one of its “titular” animatronics was making a reappearance here. The Sun bot was not only popular with the kids that it had helped raise, but it was also well-received by their parents and teens who thought the design looked cool, but would definitely not enjoy actually being around him.
Speaking of being around him...
You heard Sun shout his sing-song good-morning call; it had been 17 times already that you’d heard it and you were pretty sure coming here without making an investment in the future of earplugs was a mistake. Not to say he was annoying all the time, but he always said his greetings in a sickeningly happy or childish voice that irritated you. Aside from that, he was your typical camp counselor, a feat which you were sizeably more impressed by when you found out that it was indeed a robot, and not a person in a costume being paid either below minimum wage or 200 bucks an hour to pretend like he’s the happiest guy in the world.
Your pretending duty was to act like you couldn't wait to put some stupid scribbles on a canvas and show your disgusting abomination to everyone else to get made fun of over. But the advantage here was clear; some people were here for the same reason as you. Vague artistic talent, who came here half for free school credit and half because deep down, they were hoping maybe they could get better. Plus, it was slightly less crowded than your high-school. 
But with a counselor that you had never seen touch pen to paper, let alone one that was a robot? You had low hopes for this thing from the moment you figured out that it really wasn't a costume.
On the one hand, AI stuff is really impressive nowadays. On the other... They weren't showing off some artisanal skills with a costume. It was just an animatronic. One that you were almost certain was like 10,000 others, in 10,000 other summer camps.
At the time, you were almost totally pessimistic about the whole situation, you viewed it as a relief from your day-to-day. But on one summer night, there was yelling and hollering in the cabin. A panicked robot, three frat boys to-be, and you. 
“Ugliest shit I ever saw.” One of them spat, quite literally, talking about you. You hadn’t suspected it at first; the sun bot had directed you to a nice lunch tray of pasta and an orange for dinner in the cafeteria. “Look at ‘em. Chattin’ it up with a god damn bag of bolts.” “I know, right? That thing’s got at least ONE screw loose.” They were all not-so-discreetly whispering amongst themselves, and you were completely confused. You were starting to take a fondness to the sun; unlike the childish demeanor in his tone, he was actually capable of holding a real, intellectual conversation with you, rather than repeat copy-and-pasta responses like help bots for big sites and video game NPCs. The more you talked to him, the more you regarded him as a friend and not bitterly as an authority figure. 
You were stumbling into bed at night. You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep too soon.
You'd gotten too emotional over the words of the others. Something you endlessly scolded yourself for right about now. And that stupid sun bot, to you, did nothing but spout the usual bullshit of "bullying is bad, just be friends" speech that schools loved to use.
They called you a freak of nature. The rich kids from the privileged families who were probably going to end up being “famous” artists making ugly art for a shitty new brand of NFTs in the next 10 to 15 years or so. Even saying that to yourself, even reminding yourself that their snobby behavior could very well lead them to suffer in the confines of an office job, you couldn't shake it. The feeling of not belonging. The feeling of being a disgusting burden to others. Like a diseased thing that nobody wants to deal with.
You tossed and turned in your sleep, for what felt like forever. You shuddered uncontrollably in the overly air-conditioned internal weather under the blankets that were too light to be of any help to your cause. It was Summer. Why’d it have to be so god damn cold?
Just when you thought you might space out enough to drift off into a comfortable slumber, you could hear those very same kids acting like wannabe fratboys, hanging out and punching each other and probably drinking their asses off judging by the hiccups and drawled, still unintelligible words; in a couple rooms over where you could hear everything through the paper thin walls. The erupting anger that followed was enough to rid you of any drowsiness.
So, even though they wouldn’t play music for very long, you fumbled through your bag sat next to you on the floor. After a moment of frustration, your fingers met the relaxed, familiar faux-leather texture of your headphones.
Pulling yourself back up into the safety of the cotton sheets, you began to connect them to your phone, heard the familiar beep, and sighed. Until you took a closer look at your device list. 
Connected to DYCR Radio for calls and audio, 40% battery remaining
"What?" You ended up muttering it out loud. What was DYCR Radio? And, on closer inspection — why were you connected for calls?
The shadows began to feel uneasy, seeming as though they were dancing a cryptic dance in your dorm room. Just as you felt like getting up and turning on the light, you heard it. The sound of a skilled pianist. The melody was dark and haunting but so beautiful, and made the shadows in the corners flow like the ocean in a strange ocular illusion.
The tension simply melted from your body, and you let yourself lay down again as you checked the time, having a vague suspicion that it was the witching hour or something, and you were about to be involved in some vague horror story. But when you looked at the clock, it was 2 AM sharp, not the three-in-the-morning horror story you feared. 
No mistaking it; you were terrified for your life. But there wasn’t much you could do except listen. As the fear waned off your ribcage, you couldn’t help but appreciate it. 
It let you fall asleep, unbothered by any sort of intrusive thought, albeit with strange dreams.
That radio unintentionally made you base your entire visit around it. Your headphones would only connect to that radio at 2 AM on the dot, and it overrode anything you were previously playing. Then it didn’t, and you forgot to come back to listen. Then it played softly in the background of whatever you were listening to. 
Nothing stopped you from vigorously searching every corner of the Internet; consulting sources you didn't even consider plausible until now. You just needed a theory at this, not even the truth. Just a theory.
It took a major chunk out of your summer camp that you reasonably should’ve focused on, well, art; but you tied the sun robot to something. The Magic Pizzaplex, a building advertised to be full of fun for any age and managed by a corporation. And that sun robot used to be the daycare manager, or was of a similar model, judging by the photos and the comparison in your memories. But what you found most intriguing, something that actually helped you figure out what it was. The sun had a twin. A moon.
His job was to help put the bothered children to sleep peacefully when it was their bedtime. It reminded you of your own experiences. How it first came on when you were about to cry. How it was louder the nights when you were upset or harassed by your own thoughts. 
Was the moon really here? Watching over you at night, playing that haunting melody into your headphones that always made your heart rate slow to a relaxed crawl, and your body melt into your mattress as though you'd gotten to finally relax after a long day of work? Normally, you'd hate something watching you. You regarded your privacy as something very important. But the tunes, even though you recognized none of them, were familiar to you now. You trusted them. And you might extend that trust to whoever lay responsible behind them.
It was one of these nights that you wanted to settle down, and you felt your heart sink to your stomach with fear and worry as the little notification that told you that you were connected to the radio never showed up. It made you wary, and paranoid to be frank. You watched the shadows carefully, growing more and more concerned for your own safety as everyone truly and finally had fallen asleep.
At the tender hour of two-thirty in the morn, you heard a creaking noise from a few rooms over, or upon closer inspection, the ceiling from a few rooms over that made you freeze in place.
Creak. Tap. Clack. Creeaakkk.
It began to grow louder. And louder. It sounded like it was coming for your room. You made what you assumed to be an awful choice, grabbing your phone's flashlight and preparing to turn it on. And then the worst showed itself.
A pair of glowing, red eyes show themselves, on the corner between the ceiling and the wall. You shriek and promptly shine the flashlight, an angry hiss is the reward for your act.
"That's it. I'm done for, I pissed it off," you thought. "Game over, man."
"What?" You accidentally responded out loud, turning the flashlight off. "Is this how you repay favors, Y/N?" 
"N... no? I have... a lot of questions." You responded quietly, and got an equally quiet chuckle as it crawled down from its hiding place. It would be an underestimation to say you were scared for your life when you felt something perch its claws on the wooden board at the end of your bed. "Ohhhoho, I'm sure you do. You are always so full of questions..."
The red glow of its eyes brightened. You could see clearly its facial features now. "... You're the Moon, aren't you? You- you play that piano, on the radio?”
A wider smile drew across its faceplate, that was way more expressive than you thought it would be. "Yes.” When you had the chance to observe, you noticed he spoke slowly. His voice was slightly hoarse, but not too deep, and calm as well. The sound of a slight smile played over his short-lived sentences. 
You smiled at the thought that this animatronic played the piano. The same gorgeous, unpredictable, faint piano that you listened to near every night. 
"But... you humans are such fickle things,” it huffed. You flinched at the imaginary puff of air. “You listen to the piano. Night after night, tear after saddened tear, you come back. But when you see who plays it, you run like little deer." Bringing himself closer to your form — that comparably felt like an ant to his tall frame — he made a running motion with his hand in the dark to partner his sentence. His hand then fell limp, and rested on the mattress. His eyes looked down at yours in a saddened beast sort of way. "Don't run from me as well, starlight. You love my music so. Right?”
You were taken aback by the petname. You weren't sure how to feel, but you couldn't feel angry towards him in any way. "I won't." Oh, he lit up at the sound of that. "You're a little weird. But you're not bad at all. Kinda like me?” You offered a nervous smile. His expression softened. "Like... you?" His metallic head tilted to the side, like a curious dog.
"Yeah. Someone like you." It was sudden; you were lifted off the mattress, and when your body found somewhere to place its gravity again, you felt it lean against a torso of some sort. Startled as a hand met your cheek, you eventually relaxed into the cold but just as lulling and haunting as the music that led you to slumber every night. "But. Moon..." You looked up at him, catching a brief glimpse of his dim red pupil. 
"... summer camp ends in two weeks. And, what if I'm dreaming?" You brought your knees up closer to your torso, trying to make yourself even more comfortable where you were and to feel more secure, feeling a light, caring embrace that served that purpose. His voice then whispered to you and you alone. 
"Either way you will hear the radio tomorrow."
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histcrias · 3 years
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chapter six ━━ so dumb
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honestly, had it not been for your chat going crazy, you would not have even known eren was watching. and a part of you wished you didn’t know he was there, then you wouldn’t be basically forced into acknowledging him.
your streams were supposed to be your safe space where you could enjoy yourself with your supporters and friends, and now this annoying man who couldn’t seem to move on from your stupid dispute had invaded that safe space. why was he even here?
your grip on your mouse tightened as his name began to fill up the chat, appearing more and more as more people saw it. eren jaeger. half were excited, while the other half seemed to be having the same bothered reaction as you. apart of you wanted to tell your mods to filter out his name, but that really wouldn’t do anything would it?
instead, the best course of action was to address his presence. unfortunately, he was here, and unfortunately it was clear you knew. no good would come from ignoring him and pretending you didn’t know what was happening. so, you let a frustrated huff push through your lips, your breath brushing against your microphone.
“eren jaeger, how lovely of you to join us.” you finally spoke, narrowing your eyes pointedly at your screen. you were playing minecraft—again—pvp’ing on some server you had found. your index finger snapped rapidly against the mouse, as you took out your anger on the player in front of you.
ellasohot ew why is this white man here
erenslittlebaby EREN why r u here baby 🥺
inlovewyn Is it bad I ship 😳
erenjaeger hey yn.
‘hey yn’? really? that was it? he had the audacity to show his face in your chat after calling you a ‘self centered bitch’, and then all he had to say was ‘hey yn’?? ymir was right, men really were the worst.
“any particular reason you’re in my chat right now?” you inquired, shifting your attention back to the game at hand. you were being absolutely destroyed, barely getting in any hits as your opponent dealt you damage after damage.
erenjaeger nope. just enjoying the show.
you paused, staring at his message and not even noticing your opponent had won the match and left you with the respawn screen. was he... flirting? no, there was absolutely no way eren jaeger was flirting with you... right?
you chose to ignore his message, once again turning your attention to the game where you engaged in an intense one on one battle. you rapidly clicked your mouse, chewing the inside of your cheek in hopes of focusing better. but once again, you were defeated by your opponent, a small groan growing in your throat as the words ‘you died’ lit up the screen.
erenjaeger why are you so bad at this
“excuse me? i’m not bad at this. i’m just... struggling right now.” you responded to his comment, rolling your eyes at his childishness.
erenjaeger rly? because it looks like you’re just bad
“if you’re so good, eren, why don’t you get on here and show us?” it was probably a stupid thing to say, but his snippy attitude in the chat was beginning to put you in a just as snippy mood.
erenjaeger ok bet
well, you hadn’t been expecting that. your goal had just been to shut him up, and hopefully shut up the people spamming his name over and over, but instead it did the opposite. at first you didn’t think he was serious, shaking your head and going back to the game, but then your phone went off showing you that he had sent you a dm on twitter asking him why lobby you were in. you froze, lips parting to form an ‘o’ shape, having half a mind to reply ‘fuck off’, but truthfully the idea of beating his ass in minecraft was becoming appealing.
so, lips curling into a smug smile, you sent him the lobby information. “okay, chat, who’s ready to see me kick eren jaeger’s ass in pvp?” you turned to see your second monitor, watching your chat explode again at your words. they were so easily excitable, the sight made you giggle.
soon eren had joined the game, sending you a friend invite. you hesitated, but accepted it nonetheless. soon the two of you were in a game, while the game began to count down from ten. this was going to be easy, there’s no way he was that good at pvp, right? and he definitely wasn’t as good as you.
you switched to your sword, beginning to fling attacks at eren’s little avatar. ten seconds in and you could already tell he was much better than you expected, and in hindsight it was probably stupid of you to underestimate him, since he was now destroying you. you stared dumbly at the screen to see he had killed you.
“what the hell?! rematch!” you shouted into your microphone, still a bit in shock that he’d actually managed to beat you. you could feel your cheeks grow hot, and whether it was from embarrassment, anger, or a combination of both, you weren’t sure.
your phone went off again, and you glanced down to see another direct message from the boy, only this time he was asking for your discord. ‘why do you want it?’ you responded, knitting your eyebrows tightly together.
‘i want to call you, duh. that way i can hear your reaction to me destroying you live.’ he sent his reply quickly, and you gasped at the audacity of it all. if you weren’t so competitive, you probably wouldn’t have given it to him, but he knew just how to push your buttons and do what he wanted.
after a few moments in which you spent watching your chat, the sound of your discord ringing startled you. “should i even answer, chat?” you asked, beginning to regret this decision you had made.
ynjaeger22 yes!!! answer him!!!!
erenslittlebaby YES ANSWER NOW 😡
“fine...” you sighed dramatically, switching tabs so you could accept his call.
“god, took you long enough to answer.” you could practically hear his eye roll through your headphones. your fingers felt a bit shaky as you switched back to minecraft, ignoring his stupid remark. “you suck at pvp, you know that? like, even armin is better than you.”
“shut up. i’m just having an off day, ask my chat they’ll tell you i’m usually amazing.” you snapped, watching once again as the game began to count down.
“suure, let’s go with an ‘off day’, that’s usually my go-to excuse, too.” he replied smugly, and his tone made your blood boil.
“you’re so dumb. just watch, i’m going to kick your ass this round.” you said matter-of-factly, turning your chin upwards. he let out a laugh, a deep throaty laugh that caught you off guard. your stomach began to flutter.
“i’d like to see you try, yn.’
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authors note: IM SO SORRY THUS TOOK SO LONG i’m honestly just so slow at writing irl chapters but i finally finished woo!! <3
tag list: @quacksonlover81 @erensslutt @paradigm-e @1-800-simpingcowbaby @mika-kc @fandomtrashgoddess @sanguinesnail @snowyseungs @blazemay @turn-diamonds-into-snow @ashveil @sannieluvsmilfs @yatoe @bbyhaji @natcat2727 @stardusthyuck @bluecatton @hellostupiid @lazalee @why-couldnt-it-be @luvelyxp @mariaerdgzn @hoe4hq @chittaphon96 @poetrylalisa @3rens-r3t @sunasro @erens-piss-cleaner @sunfloweraron @persyhange @kaiho @mayaackerman @sirens-760 @hugemommymilkers @tobiosbbyghorl @chwlogy @ascybous @k3njirou @ironspider-girl @qiqiscocogoatmilk
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