#and our day is ruined
millenniumdueled · 2 years
oh noooooo i missed the end of the event on the app game i've been playing
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
I was gonna say I’m being so brave about going to the doctors alone today but I’m not. I’m dragging my feet and very anxious.
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mogitz · 2 months
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)."
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." 
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)."
-Sarah J Maas on Lucien Vanserra and his MATE Elain Archeron
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crispyliza · 2 months
Ao3 down
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delineate-creates · 7 months
Day 25: Dangerous
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wysteriaisapenguin · 27 days
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Collab with @gummybuggy (Please check her out, she's really fun and draws some cool horse engines!)
Whoa, two James for James day!!! One's a human and the other's a horse, but they're both so ✨splendid✨ in their own way~
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chaos0pikachu · 4 months
I love when BLs try to do that fake out death shit like bitch you ain't dead, get up, drink some milk
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naranjapetrificada · 11 months
There's a lot people want out of Ed and Stede's reunion but a thing that just occurred to me that I would LOVE to see is Lucius (who lived, dammit!) pissed at Stede. Like yes he'll be mad at Ed for obvious reasons, but imagine him giving Stede a dressing-down similar to his Ed lecture in episode 7? Like maybe during an episode where the two of them keep talking past each other and struggling to reconnect?
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shiplessoceans · 2 years
Rewatching Episode 9 "Act of Grace" (because life is hard and I deserve joy on occasion) and noticed something.
Chauncey has clocked Blackbeard and Stede. He's aware they share a relationship or the least, a deep connection.
We know because he uses it against Stede to force his confession.
"Blackbeard confessed to the crime moments ago."
"He did? (Insert Ed confessing)....But that's not true..."
"Why would he lie?"
And that's the question isn't it?
Stede and Ed shared a little moment on deck with the boot touch, maybe Chauncey noticed, maybe he heard them reassure each other or noticed their inability to take their eyes off each other before Blackbeard was hauled down to the cells and Stede was taken off for questioning.
Stede is told Ed confessed to spare him. But he won't let Ed take the fall and Chauncey is counting on that fact. Why else would he still be questioning Stede if he already had the culprit?
After the Act of Grace I remember thinking it was strange that Chauncey says:
"WHY?! Why do you all show such loyalty to this....nothing?!"
He addresses the question to Stede's crew, not to the most feared pirate on the sea. I was actually expecting him to ask Blackbeard "Why? Why would you give up your life to save him?"
But he never asks and on top of that, doesn't seem shocked when Ed yells "ACT OF GRACE!". He mostly seems pissed off that Ed exercised that loophole.
Chauncey suspects. He knows something is going on between them.
Which makes his accusation that Stede brought history's greatest pirate to ruin all the more devastating.
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londonspirit · 8 months
I am soo pissed on behalf of our beautiful cast!
I mean, they KNEW they couldn't talk about their amazing show (and mind you, I TOTALLY support the strike, no questions asked!) but whoever thought playing a stupid game for the WHOLE FUCKING HOUR needs to be given a VERY stern talking to!!!
You have six amazing actors on that stage, all with a shitload of life under their belts (sorry, Con *cackles*) - you could've let them talk about ANYTHING, could've asked about basically EVERYTHING, and they could've still adhered to the strike rules and made it a fun panel!!! (Somehow this now feels like the con itself didn't trust that they would actually do this which makes me even more mad!!! They've been on the lines, they KNOW what can and can't go, no matter how badly they WANT to talk about OFMD! GEEZ!)
But you go and have them play a stupid game, where two of them barely understood a thing (and you didn't do jack shit about it), the questions were silly and boring (which Rhys actually pointed about because that man was (rightfully) ANNOYED AS FUCK!) and for those of us at home some answers weren't even readable because the camera person didn't know where to go first.
They all TRIED so hard to play along but it was just sooo embarrassing to watch, and I feel so soo sorry for everyone, the amazing cast on stage and the people in the audience. (Even worse for poor Matt to have his first convention be like THIS!) (Yes, i am VERY mad at the wealthy studio assholes who are not able to see that paying their artists a living wage would benefit EVERYONE *grrrrrr*)
There could've been sooo many other ways to run this panel and sadly they really fucked it up. (Right now watching DT who's just rambling along about pizza and bagels, audio books, his dogs and all the NOT SAG things he'd done, (while adhering to the rules!) which is adorable but also a very good example as to how to do SO MUCH BETTER!!! (but then again, that moderator was PREPARED!)
So yeah, that was a terrible disaster and an utter train wreck, and I can only hope every other con after this (while the strike's still ongoing) does better - for the sake of the cast AND the audience!!! NOBODY deserves this!!! /rant end
Please understand I am NOT mad at ANYONE striking - they are NOT at fault! It's the fucking greedy studio bosses who think they can get away with their sleazy shit!!! But I am sad that the convention people weren't able to come up with something less humiliating for a cast that deserve the fucking WORLD!!!
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kilucore · 7 months
i genuinely think i would be fine with izzys death if the episode was just better paced and had more time to breathe.
none of the crew were given a second to react to it, only ed who's narrative is serviced by it. it makes no sense because the whole season was izzy building relationships with the crew. sure, they know he's a goner, but theres not even a lingering shot on frenchie, or wee john, or jim, or FANG. the funeral comes off as a formality because we see the whole crew leave within seconds. the immediate next scene is a wedding and everyone is happy and not even a little off kilter.
this is the first time someone from the crew dies on screen (sorry ivan), and this is how they react? i doubt it. it doesnt make sense. it needed room to breathe
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doll-elvis · 10 months
“At some point, Elvis and Dixie must have had a little spat, although I have no idea what it was about. Elvis would not sit in the car with us at the movie and left the drive-in unannounced. Gene, Dixie, and I later drove home and found Elvis sitting on Dixie’s front porch. He had hitch-hiked all the way back to South Memphis and was waiting on Dixie to get home…”
he was so young and so in love 😭 ♡
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(excerpt and photos from ‘Unlocked: Memoir of Elvis’ first girlfriend’ by Dixie Locke Emmons”)
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latenight-dnd · 1 year
Feeling like a big fucking stupid idiot brain moron. Therapists be like “oh set alarms so u remember tasks, it’ll cure ur adhd” but then I am cooking and I set the alarm to go turn off the stove and then the alarm goes off but I’m doing a task so I turn the alarm off and say I’ll do it after the task and BAM. Adhd strikes. I have forgotten the task, or that there ever was an alarm. My house is full of smoke.
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
SOCKS!! Ruin explained that he copied some of Solar's code and gave it to Eclipse which is why he has become the way he is, or as Ruin said "slightly better than your previous self" Eclipse can keep denying it but he really *is* trying to bring Solar back and it makes me so happy SOBS If Eclipse does get redeemed and Solar comes back, I want these two to be like twins!!
Also, the part when Ruin brought up Earth and how she needs to learn to be cruel, and Eclipse told him "Why don't you leave her out of the conversation?" I was like "Protective Eclipse? (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)" Then Ruin chuckling and saying "Are you... No, I'm not gonna say any more. Don't want to ruin the surprise." Like say it!! You can't leave us hanging like this!! AAAAAA
vbhjdfk I love seeing this and how people perceived what Ruin told Eclipse. If anything this just makes this a whole new person not really a Why he's become this way. (To be fair though, New Moon, Earth, Lunar and Sun after EVERYTHING?? The previous eclipse did?? They're jaded enough to roll with this Eclipses nonsense to a degree. Lunar literally just came to terms with his trauma with Eclipse! Something Eclipse never thought he would, heck if anything was more proud of Lunar lashing out. Our beautiful emotionally constipated man.) AND YEAH ECLIPSE BRINGING BACK SOLAR!!! It really was reverse reverse psychology. Puppet went 'go bring that back please.' 'NO... MAYBE... IM THINKING' As he's watching everyone around him just... react the way they are. He's literally not getting thru to any of them by antagonizing. Reluctant twins.. dfbvkjdf We love to see it. (Now wheres killcode) I do like that Eclipse just went 'This aint about her'. It speaks a bit of volumes. But ALSO i havent watched that episode of Earth grieving and Eclipse so i feel like i missed something there. BUT YEAH!!!! Ruin thinking she needed to be cruel... no bby... THIS EARTH is a sweetie and i love her. Also i think Ruin couldve either meant 'are you changing' or 'are you bringing back solar' in context. But i could be wrong with that. Anyway- love eclipses inquiry about Bloodmoon as well. Bloodmoon is interesting cause they dont question their existence too much just 'We still wanna kill thats UScore' vs Eclipse who HINGES on identity a bit here. (His previous self did too, I mean literally he WAS moon, mans got baggage for days. We love the struggle.) So its interesting cause this iteration of Eclipse, while not the original, is still acting like Eclipse (solars code or not). He's in no position of power, Everyones either DONE with him or like Lunar, finally moved past that. No ones threatened nor entertaining his monologues anymore. Sun was so FED UP. Eclipse's motivation on bringing back Solar?? Either to say HE ECLIPSE THEIR MOST HATED DUDE, brought him back. or like... Ive seen the theories of switching them out. Either way he's a bit motivated by the fact he hates everyone and hates what solar had. No one would mourn eclipse.
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apollos-olives · 4 months
yall ever see someone use ai art and you just.... can't mention it because you just met them and are trying to be friends for the sake of community
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14dayswithyou · 11 months
Let's play fuck, marry, kill, make your choices wisely 😉
✦゜ANSWERED: I wasn't sure if you were talkin about me or the main cast, so feel free to clarify/ask again!! Also!! Y'all are welcome to let me know who you'd fuck, marry, and kill in the replies >:3
Kiss: Elanor (on da cheek) Marry: Ren (my pink househusband) or Violet (my cottagecore wife) Kill: your landlord <3
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