#and leathally adorable
dragonbornphoenix · 1 month
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Draco as an animagus. That'll be all. Thank you for coming to my presentation. 🐍
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thelemoncoffee · 9 months
ya know what'd be funky as hell? a child fame au with Shuichi.
like, Shuichi became famous as a child detective when he was pretty younge after solving that one case, and kept his popularity for a good while. as he got older tho, his smarts became less novel and wonderous, and his fame faded. well- not entierly, the Kid detective Shuichi Saihara is still very well known- but only the idealized kid version, no one knows fuckall about his older self.
in modern day, he's in his mid 20's and is going to collage, majoring in creative writing as a hopes to eventually craft himself a new path in life away from detective work. he doesn't particularly like being a detective, especially not after going through both the classic trauma stress, and the stress of fame. he does his best to disconnect himself from the child popculture idolzied, and he personally thinks he's done a decent job at it by being a slepdeprived bisexual punkrocker. sometimes people will hear his name and go "oh isn't that also the name of that one kid detective?" and he's like "yeah i get that alot" standing there in full garb and running off hopes, dreams, and a leathal amount of monster energy.
so basically- Shuichi was famous as a 7y/o detective who was crazy smart and really adorable in his little suit, and now is a antisocial 24y/o punk who hasn't slept in three days and is trying to run away from his past but it's fiiiiinee
gotta love grown up versions of kid celebreties who are both wildly different and total trainwrecks as adults.
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crownleys · 10 months
I have to ask about AvaGetssSword haha! I can guess it's Ava and a sword, but is there a story behind it? What made you want to draw it? Also love the idea of the compilation of Farah and Ava art you mentioned! They have such a fun dynamic.
I adore your art and am very excited for when/if you will share it!
Ah, thank you for this! With AvaGetsaSword I was mostly thinking about Unit Bravo and the times they're in combat situations, and while I know the Agency seems to tend towards non-leathal weaponry I couldn't help thinking about how cool it would be if Ava got to use those hundreds of years of experience with swords in Wayhaven's current time! So it was half an excuse to imagine what that gear might look like for her and half an excuse to draw her looking hot af (which lbr that's my motivation to draw Ava at least half the time)!
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And thank you! I honestly really love Farah and Ava, and I do ship them juuuuust a little so the purpose of that was to take some of the dialouge/scenes from the F romance route and give it a twist in that direction!
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writing-whump · 8 days
Hello hello hello ☕ is here!
I guess I can ask what's your OCs favorite type of movie, documentary, or series this time. What would they prefer to watch while having some me-time, to have some fun, or resting? Actually I wonder their favorite movie though but I thought that it might be too specific and harder to choose, but of course please mention if they have a specific one/ones! And of course, not all of them has to like watching somethings, some of them might not prefer this kind of action.
How do I deserve these beautiful questions each day 🥰✨️
Isaiah: He likes political thrillers, movies inspired by real events and likes to compare movies from different countries. French and Czech movies just have a completely different flavour than Americans or English. He loves Perfect Strangers (French and Czech version), Masaryk (political thriller based on real events), Cop war (old French version and the new Slovak version). Otherwise he is pretty open to various genres, action or more dialogue heavy, even the occasional romantic comedy. He is the guy you tell your mood to and he will chose the perfect movie for you.
Seline: She loves series and movies both and is super into binging shows. Mainly into dialogue heavy and calm movies, thoughtful and romantic or downright action thrillers or action comedies for fun. Fave movies would be Pride and Prejudice, Last Night, After Sunrise, Becoming Jane, The Mirror has two faces. She also loves animated movies like Spiderverse, Luca, Princess Mononoke and the like.
Matthew: He likes the superhero genre a lot. Marvel movies, Avengers and all that jazz. Thrillers and detective movies are also great and he is the only one who actually enjoys horrors. He likes Avengers Infinity War the best.
Hector: Mafia movies all the way. Godfather is his fave classic lol. He also likes Tarantino movies for all the gore and good fight scenes and epic battles like in Gladiator and Troy.
Arnie: He likes watching movies in general very much. For relaxing he likes sitcoms like Big Bang Theory or Friends, but he loves scifi and mind games movies. His fave is Inception. He is also fan of specific actors like Dicaprio, Wahlberg, Crowe, Hanks, etc. He also watches anything that does well on Netflix, like Yellowstone or Bridgetons just to see what the fuss is about.
Dylan: Into action movies and buddy comedies or cop movies like Rush Hour or Leathal Weapon. Fight cheroegrapies and boxer movies work great, he adores all Rocky movies and sequels.
Rip: If it has fast cars or hired assassins, he loves it. His faves are Ford vs Ferrari, Fast and Furious, Collateral and The Jacakall.
Thank you for the question!!💕
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darkmatter-nebula · 3 months
I’m not sure if I already sent this request in?? (Sorry if I did- im confusing myself!)
But I was wondering if you could write a Drabble about Hunter getting really sick with palistrom sickness (a disease which affects palsitrom based creatures.) and Colli and his family taking care of him??
Greetings! Thank you for the request!
I apologize for not writing it earlier, my dear anon. My day was very eventful again.
Drabble: Palistrom Sickness
It was a not so quiet day on the Boiling Isles as a certain small starboy with a heart as pure as freshly fallen snow and otherwordly fluffy lavender hair took loving care of his beloved big brother Hunter. The young Grimwalker had the Palistrom sickness.
Colli never left Hunter's side. "My beautiful little Sunshine." The blonde boy whispered as Colli placed a soft kiss on his forehead. The kindhearted eternal little boy was determined to make him feel better. "I love you, Hunter."
"And I love you, Colli. More than anything." Hunter didn't fail to notice the concerned expression on Colli's adorable multi-colored face. Fortunately, the Palistrom sickness wasn't leathal. It almost was the Grimwalker version of a cold.
Hunter put tenderly his hand on the blue side of Colli's face and caressed lovingly his beloved little brother's freckled cheek. The immortal celestial boy crawled next to him under the covers of his and Hunter's shared bed.
The former Golden Guard's magenta eyes were filled to the brim with endless love and adoration for him. Darius felt his heart swell as he checked on his sons. The Abomination Coven Head found Colli and Hunter peacefully sleeping in each others loving embrace.
The End
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owlbloop · 2 years
Fallen Stars:
-Can't be that off prediction wise lol. Didn't exactly predict much about the episode
-Terry already best boi
-New favorite mythic creature
-Callum just trying to shush him
-Me when I buy a new book
-We all do Ezra
-Hah! The veggie thing is actually kinda cute
-Random thought? Dragon rider Soren lol
-The animation definitely improved
-Terry looks so awkward lol
-Awwww. That looks ominous but he's adorable
-Watch Terry be a flat out necromancer. Interesting that Claudia likes the blooming life abilities so much
-thats actually pretty funny
-Truth. Wlw power couple for the win
-...Does Terry get panic attacks ever? Does Claudia? Does Terry have a dramatic backstory?
-...Makes sense
-"But only the one time?"
-"Am I about to vandalize an ancient book?"
-Roll credits
-I see both sides
-Okay.. now I'm kinda getting vibes of old arguments against needing legal queer marriage
-i will never get fart humor
-Honestly I respect Virens view
-im also respectful of Claudia not wanting to lose the only family she has left
-I'll admit this seems more for Claudia than Viren
-Definately a bit of a pun of Viren and Callum
-Okay. So my timing of prediction was slightly off
-That eye roll… You know what. Fair. Callum did just get this chucked at him
-Okay. He may need to vent if he wants to get his emotions stable
-Great boundary acceptance Rayla
-Ominous but valid Terry. Definitely think, particularly with the cuddle monkey explanation just before, Terry got the backstory. Maybe it's why he cares so much about helping Claudia with her dad
-I do actually understand that
-Claudia may be autistic is all I'm saying
-This will be great
-It was great
-Wait… if Terry steals someone's breath trying to protect claudia
-Solid nat ten Callum
-Love the armor. I'm just imagining dragon prince as riders of pern
-Thats totally what I would do and will come back later
-That can break or bruise ribs alright
-Probably unpopular opinion.. if Terry kills Ibis here I won't blame him considering the other option is likely loosing Claudia to Ibis' hand
-If that makes you sick Claudia…
-Ill add a if he thinks he'll lose Claudia
-Neat snake form. Easy nerve damage spell
-Not helping Soren
-Fair enough ezra
-Yeah I'd panic if I was Claudia. A choke hold like that can cause serious permeant injury
-Wow. That's a really good parrelel speech and scene. Both of them are trying to protect themselves and it just escalates so fast
-That might have been poisoned and either way is very close to an artery. Realistically she'd probably have throat bruising, bruised or broken ribs, both interfering with breathing, probable concussion, potential further fractures, would devolp solid bruises, alongside solid blood loss even if it hasn't hit anything major
-I am not a killer. I just risked potentially leathal injuries
-.....I. the way Claudia doesn't even try to get away
-Terry realizing he just killed someone
-I called the angst and literal darkness of the title, more or less the Raylum reunion, and the breath casting, but I'll admit I didn't get expect this situation
What Terry did was drastic but I don't really think he had more than two choices
There was so little time
Either he had to do something big enough to completely stop Ibis from casting the spell, or he'd watch his girlfriend get electrocuted to death. That's gotta be traumatizing.
Callum's reactions to Rayla returning really do feel natural
Claudia's reaction really does seem both real and odd at the same time. She doesn't freeze or flee or fawn or fight, she just surrenders, accepting nobody is going to be there to stop Ibis, barely flinching at the idea of dying via lighting
I wish Ibis didn't die though
Ezra's speech held so much nuance that I so rarely see in conversation. People deserve to be angry, they're going to feel hurt, you can't just move past something without aknowleging it, and even in the fight.. Claudia is fighting for her dad, Ibis is fighting for his work and home, Terry is fighting to protect his loved one, all of them are fighting out of love more than anger, and maybe if they were angrier or more open, fought verbally, maybe Ibis would be alive and Claudia less hurt. Maybe. But we can't know and nobody really wanted to hurt anyone. Also Ezra deserved his trauma getting acknowledged
If the flower comes back later imma cackle. Also, as ridiculous as the petichor thing is I feel like I'm missing some aspect of intentionality in Claudia liking the rain so much
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villxinoux · 2 years
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(𝐏𝐄𝐍)𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: lavendel .
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: she / they .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂: sagittarius / gemini / gemini .
𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 / 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍: taken .
𝐢. after finishing my four year education to become a sign language interpreter i have only worked as an interpreter for a little over a year. after that i’ve used my expertise in sign language to work socially with people with disabilities, children, etc. currently i am working at kindergarten with deaf children & i’ve never had so much fun before. 
𝐢𝐢. my living situation is three adults & six animals in a 2-room apartment ksksksk. however, in the middle of december the whole chosen family is going to move to a big house that we’re going to be renting on the countryside!! my houseshold is me, my fiancée, our best friend, two cats ( zelda & smilla ), a dog ( elsa ), a hamster ( nugget ), a turtle ( garnet ) & a snake ( cornelis ). 
𝐢𝐢𝐢. i am a practicing pagan / witch. after escaping a very toxic religious household i found myself in practicing magic, rituals, manifestation, divination, wellness & kindness. i don’t talk about my practice a lot because it is very personal & dear to me, but it’s been a big part of my well-being for the past three years & something that can reflect a lot in my magic-aligned muses that i write.
    chaotic gremlins!! i find that while i love all kinds of muses, those with an attitude, a strong personality, chaotic nature and/or a quick mouth are definitely the most dominant & the ones i tend to keep writing no matter the weather. this goes both for tumblr rp & tabletop rp. the characters that keep things fun, that are unpredictable & a little stupid, are the ones that make me happy to write.
𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅: fluff so leathal come & die with it, call that fluff therapy come cry in it, fluff like water you could slide in it, fluff like a bird come & fly in it, fluff like a rollercoaster come & ride in it. no srsly, i LOVE fluff. i am a depressed, anxious human who find comfort in my hobbies & when characters are happy i am happy. 
𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓: i like everything surrounding smut, but i am a little bored of writing the smash itself. the way characters interact in flirting, foreplay, aftercare, dirty talk, everything is just so fun to explore & it is such a great way to expand chemistry. however, when it comes to smash i have written it so much in the past that now at twenty-four i am just bored of it. 
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓: i adore angst, but what makes me different from other muns is that i literally cannot sleep if i don’t know that angst is going to have a resolution LMAO. i am too much of an empath for unresolved endings & will cry. i love suffering with just a little patch-up at the end so i know that babies (muses) will be okay,,,
     honestly while i love both, memes tend to be more fun? spontaneous writing that can lead to anything, muses just going wild & doing whatever they feel like doing, for me that’s where the magic usually happens. theads based on memes can become long, intricate & character-developing just as plotted threads can. however, deciding on a setting/meeting & going from there can also make it easier for characters to thrive in their natural envoirment & not in a forced one. literally they can both go either way? idk man you tell me.
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thriftrescue · 2 years
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Eggplant Puppy. Yellow Pepper Bunner. Tomato ... Chipmunk. 
(at least that’s how I call it)
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Amnesia AU
Everything is perfect. Din is Mand'alor and Luke is his consort. They are incredibly popular and their rule prosperous, of course not without difficulty, Mandalore is thriving. Children are being adopted left right and centre, force sensitive ones attend Luke's school in the capital, the mandalorian people are united and their shrinking numbers growing once more.
The people love their Mand'alor and adore his consort. They represent mandalorian ideals and, most of all, they are ridiculously in love.
On paper, everything is perfect, no one should be displeased with how the culture has adapted and grown. But some are. Some are seething in the dark waiting for a plan and a moment to strike. They believe this Mand'alor and the whole of Mandalore are poisoned by the Jedi's presence, and ruined by the acceptance of different interpretations of the Resolnare. It makes a mockery of their history and traditions.
These people have been brought together and organised by Clan Vizla (minus Paz whom they disowned long ago). Until now they had no idea how to fix the world, that was, until someone mentioned a group of women who were once nightsisters and could perform interesting things with the Force.
They have nothing but contempt for Luke whom they blame for their ruined lives, and agree to help - for a price and certain conditions. Along side money they want their pick of Force sensitive children to train and indoctrinate. Despite being mandalorians their desire to get rid of Din and Luke overpowers their desire to protect children. A deal is struck.
They decide to make Din and Luke forget eachother, to revert them to who they were before they ever met. And they make the people forget Din and Luke, forget the people who helped them prosper. The head of the Vizla clan takes the throne, and the council is filled with members of the group.
Din finds himself on a random planet. Luke on another. Both are used to this, after all they've forgotten the life they made together in Mandalore, they've forgotten they used to wake up next to their husband, they've forgotten they had a home.
Din still has Grogu, he resigns himself that no Jedi is coming to help them and once again begins, well continues, his life as a bounty hunter. The world has forgotten Din Djarin, Mand'alor the Uniter, but remembers Mando the best bounty hunter money can buy.
The world has forgotten Luke Skywalker-Djarin, consort to the Mand'alor and Master of the New Jedi Order, but remembers Luke Skywalker last Jedi and Hero of the Rebellion.
But love and the force are stronger than the usperpers realised, or could ever know.On a planet, in a ruin and exhausted Din Djarin meets Luke Skywalker once again.
There is about the Jedi. There is something about the Mandolorian. They run into some, what they thought were, deactivated droids. They fight side by side. It's beautiful. It's leathal. Their eyes meet as the battle ends and the universe stops.
They agree to live on the planet for a few months, so Luke can train Grogu to be safe with his powers so he can stay with his father.
They cook, they laugh, they spar together and watch one another tend to Grogu's every whim. And once again, Din and Luke fall in love. But, its harder this time, they forgotten the life they built, a life made possible by helping unite the mandalorian people and revive the planet. Now they feel the approach of their separation, once Grogu is confident enough they'll go their separate ways, perhaps forever.
Meanwhile, Mandalore is in crisis. Ruling is hard, and keeping the mandolorians from in fighting even harder.
There are rumours of a coup, lead by Paz, Bo-Katan and Cara - who are unable to shake the feeling that something that once was is no more and that somehow they, despite their wild differences, are a team united under something.
Knowing they will loose a trial by combat against Bo-Katan, one of the members flees with the darksaber. They come across an unimportant planet and hide in an unimportant village. But it is not as unimportant as it seems. Strolling through the market they spot, to their horror, a mandalorian, a jedi, and a tiny green child.
Despite their regression to their past selves they have found eachother yet again. They inform the council, who order their deaths.
They attack the, no longer, family. The Darksaber is the only option to destroy them. But threatening Din Djarins loved ones, even if he is refusing to acknowledge it, is the most foolish thing anyone can attempt.
They loose the Darksaber. Once again Din becomes Mand'alor.
Paz, who was sent to find the missing council member and bring them back to Mandalore for Bo to fight, arrives to see his Vod standing with the saber in hand and a Jedi cradling his child.
He tells them everything. They return to Mandalore.
For many, at Din's appearance, the spell is broken. With the mist cleared they rejoice for their Mand'alor and consort.
Din and Luke, who were target most intensely, still do not remember, simply assuming the people are celebrating due to tradition and the removal of a tyrannical government.
Luke convinces Din to stay. Din convinces Luke to Stay.
Asoka Tano visits Mandalore, Bo insists she can restore her Mand'alor and his consort, even if they insist nothing is wrong. They're happy. They're safe to fall, to be in love without fear of parting.
Sensing the twisting of their memories through the Force Asoka promises "I can return you to your former lives." But Luke and Din are looking at eachother with such open adoration and, as they lean their foreheads against one another's while cradling their child, Asoka decides to leave it. They deserve to fall in love and rediscover peace and home once again.
And they do.
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theredquilt · 3 years
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Leathal Levels of Adorable
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snowydaffodils · 4 years
Hogwarts!AU: Kim Namjoon - Gryffindor!
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Kim Namjoon counted the days to his eleventh birthday, just so he can finally receive his hogwarts letter the second it arrived.
His father, a muggle lawyer, and his mum, a pureblooded Slytherin and a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic, always held the highest esteem for education. Naturally, Namjoon grew up to be knowledgable in both worlds.
As a kid, he was always so proud of the books his family owned. There were magical books on one side, some that moved on its own (one was even chained because it kept growling), and also muggle books on the other.
His excitement for Hogwarts is mainly based on the gigantic library he had only ever heard about.
Like this kid was the only one who was actually excited to study.
He's a big fan of the Minister of Magic - Hermione Granger - and wholeheartedly supported her campaigns for equal rights for all magical creatures.
In his first year, Namjoon was so astounded by the beauty of the Hogwarts castle that he leaned a little too far from the boat and fell to the lake.
Hagrid had to drag him out of the lake and back on his boat after Jung Hoseok screamed in horror.
McGonagall did a quick drying spell when he finally stepped into the castle just so he wouldn't embarrass himself during sorting.
But then he was sorted to Gryffindor, and people were confused. But when they finally got to know him, they finally understood why.
Rumors about his mum being the direct advisor of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter didn't go unnoticed, so the crowd had suspected him to be sorted into Ravenclaw.
He thought he was an obvious Ravenclaw, himself.
Jung Hoeeok, who he made friends with on the train, was sorted to Ravenclaw and Namjoon was already smiling ear-to-ear because he was so certain they were going to be sorted together.
Madam Hooch always had one eye out for him during flying classes. He's so clumsy that Madam Hooch made him fly no higher than three meters high, because no, she shall not risk a kid's death in her class. The broom just wouldn't listen to him!
Kim Namjoon's perception on justice and his knowledgeable traits made the Sorting Hat mumble to itself for five minutes straight, arguing for and against Ravenclaw and Gryffindor before eventually yelling Gryffindor in the proudest way possible.
He excelled in all his classes (all but flying) - it was a no-brainer to him. Namjoon could theoretically perfect every spell and charm to exist. That is, if he doesn't break his wand or accidentally slipped while performing a spell and thus ruining his magic coordination.
Namjoon kind of envies natural Jung Hoseok, who Madam Hooch was keen on recommending to the Ravenclaw quidditch captain effective immediately after the first flying class.
But soon he became Hoseok's number #1 supporter, and later added more names on his supporting board (namely Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook).
Is in the chess club and debate club since first year.
Got into rap music in second year when Hoseok brought an MP3 player to the train and showed some music to the group.
When Hoseok found out that MP3 players don't work in Hogwarts, Namjoon made an alternative that works under magic, instead.
He could've sworn Hoseok shed a tear.
"...Thanks, mate."
Kim Namjoon, who thinks that Hagrid's hut is the most comfortable place ever, loved dragging Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin down to the hut (sometimes Min Yoongi as well if he actually caught him out of bed), to have a cup of hot chocolate and listen to Hagrid's many tales of Hogwarts' students.
"You're welcome."
Later on, he dragged his juniors, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as well, and the hut became their studious escape.
His Hagrid's hut trips may or may not include curious questions about Hermione Granger and her two friends (yes, he knew of Harry Potter, but couldn't care less about him. Hermione was his star) and their adventures in Hogwarts.
He also loves befriending the magical creatures that Hagrid introduced him to, and is later on able to excel his Care on Magical Creatures subject without opening the monstrous book (although his mum had one at home and had made a non-monstrous copy).
All his peers respected him for: first, his extremely good grades; second, his unrivalled arguments on most values and campaigns that he promoted to his peers (and many students supported his campaigns because of his many speeches); and third, his membership as one of the notorious six at that time and later on seven that kind of ruled Hogwarts (also, maybe his good looks helped).
Also, by third year, he had broken three different wands.
By third year, Kim Namjoon had an unwavering leader charisma.
Some students made a rumour that Namjoon made a blood pact with some demon - gaining intelligence in exchange for living in clumsiness.
Kim Seokjin may be the oldest of the group of friends, and was prefect before him, but he listens to Namjoon like a house elf (albeit with a lot of nagging as he do as he's told).
Obviously, Kim Namjoon became a prefect in his fifth year, and later on Gryffindor's head boy.
Nobody had to ask if he was chosen for the role. He didn't need to even mail his friends on the news.
He just received seven owls all congratulating him on his newest achievement that summer before fifth year.
The same thing happened when he was chosen as Head Boy.
Somehow, even the usually indifferent Yoongi sent him a short note.
Yoongi somehow convinced Namjoon to let him use the prefect bathroom using his prefect benefits.
"The Slytherin boys' bathroom? You'd think they know where to shit."
He was the prefect that gives points for every single kind deed he sees, and gives massive deductions to bullies, no matter the house.
Also, the prefect that still breaks rules, especially to go out at night and stargaze.
Astronomy scores on top of his year.
Ravenclaws all look out for him in academic competition.
His elegance and eloquence (also his various choice of words that he use when he talks, especially on a formal occasion) made many others look up to him.
One of them was Jungkook, who eyed him with so much adoration when Namjoon helped him with the way to class on his first day.
He loves writing poems, then sending some of his works to the Daily Prophet.
By the end of fifth year, they offered to publish a book of compilation from all the poems he wrote.
Holds cyphers in the room of requirement with the rest of the gang, sometimes putting up posters that Jungkook designed and garnered up quite an audience.
Outstanding grades in all his OWLs and NEWTs.
Got a pretty good position in the ministry and eventually climbed up and worked close to Hermione Granger.
When he was on comfortable speaking terms with the Minister of Magic (a.k.a he wasn't frozen or stuttering), Hermione thought she was back in Hogwarts and was taking her NEWTs exams from the questions he keeps asking.
A teaching position in Hogwarts also intrigues him.
Prepares all the accommodation for his group of friends to watch the Quidditch World Cup.
Was sent by the Ministry to hold the International Wizarding Competition of Magical Skills (basically a non-leathal Triwizard Tournament) for the first Hogwarts' participation and the first time in Hogwarts during Jungkook's seventh year.
Somehow was able to find ways to let the group of friends watch the tournament after Seokjin's begging to watch Jungkook in action.
"Namjoon, please! It's Kookie! I can't miss it for the world! Besides, look at Jimin and Taehyung - they're bawling like mandrakes! Come on, just this once!"
Seokjin said that through a Howler.
Namjoon just sighed.
But Namjoon, the one who brought all sorts of justice and right equity to the wizarding world.
Stands tall on his stances and never wavered through his post.
Is the most active Ministry member, and folks could see all the results of his work clearly.
Kim Namjoon, who will fight for his ideals, without a single fear.
Kim Namjoon, courageous, full of chivalry, and is a man of justice.
Kim Namjoon, a candidate for the Minister of Magic.
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breanime · 3 years
I'm watching the show leathal weapon and RICHARD CABRAL IS IN IT??? I was so surprised to see him
I still haven't watched it, but I've seen slips and gifs and he is adorable!!!!
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braverook · 4 years
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DANNY  BOTH  ADORES  AND  HATES  WINTER.  a  sort  of  love  hate  relationship.  as  a  child,  living  on  the  streets,  defending  for  your  life  became  harder  during  the  harsher  weather  of  winter.  they  saw  many  kids  perish  whenever  the  snow  came  in,  how  the  rich  seemed  to  ignore  the  pleas  of  freezing  people  ever  more.  a  cruel  reminder  that  they  meant  nothing  to  society.
but  not  even  they  could  deny  the  absolute  beauty  in  which  winter  brought  in.  how  cobwebs  glistened  in  silvers  and  whites  as  the  morning  frost  clung  onto  it,  how  the  mist  disguised  the  smog  which  often  suffocated  them  ;  how  the  communal  fire  would  bring  families  and  friends  closer  together  in  a  unique  way.  SNOWBALL  FIGHTS  COULD  BE  LEATHAL,  but  none  could  ignore  how  it  made  them  feel  like  children  once  more  as  they  all  ran  around  throwing  them.  
as  they  grew  older  winter  only  became  more  special.  now  they  had  a  home,  a  place  for  those  suffering  to  stay.  WARMTH  TO  SEE  THEM  THROUGH  UNTIL  THE  SPRING.  it  meant  that  finally,  they  could  help.  some  of  the  other  rooks  would  gang  up  with  danny  to  give  blankets,  food,  warm  meals  and  drinks  for  the  nights  -  even  offering  their  services  to  fix  up  some  houses  which  fell  into  disrepair.  because  while  they  suffered,  no  one  else  should.  IT  HELPS  GROW  THE  COMMUNITY  IN  WHITECHAPEL  and  makes  it  like  one  big  family.  
THIS  BEHAVIOUR  IS  SEEN  IN  THEIR  MODERN  VERSE  TOO.  they’ll  spend  most  of  the  winter  days  /  nights  helping  out  in  soup  kitchens,  passing  out  blankets  and  warm  drinks  to  those  who  have  no  homes,  even  sparing  financial  aid  whenever  they  can  pass  with  it  so  some  can  have  a  warm  bed  for  a  while.  when  money  starts  coming  in  more  after  university  (  and  with  his  relatives  inheritance  )  they  buy  a  house  with  multiple  rooms  for  people  to  stay  in  over  the  festive  holidays.  
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squiredpengu · 5 years
As someone who usually takes the non-leathal approach in Dishonored, doing High Chaos is crushing me
Emily asked me how many people I've killed, drew pictures of me with red eyes, rats, and piles of dead bodies T^T
She drew me a daddy picture last time and I legit cried because it's adorable and this is crushing me.
I just want to be a good dad.
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nepetapounce · 6 years
As much as what happened on critical role tonight left me feeling crushed and empty (as I adore Molly -yes present tense, I’m still crossing my fingers for resurrection- and loved where things were going in the season), there’s something in this episode that myself and other DMs can learn from.
And thats what to do in that moment before a PC is killed.
As I’m sure we are all reeling from Molly’s death, I’ve seen people here critiquing Matt’s choice and saying what they would have done differently. Now, Matt’s baddie did what Matt thought he would and that’s fine. But as fellow dms, in our desperate cries of “why didn’t Matt do this instead??”, we can take our own ideas for this moment and use those alternatives in our own game.
When Molly had his last moment of defiance I started thinking about how I might do things differently. For example:
Lorenzo could have continued with the first swing before changing targets to the more aggressive beau.
He could have brought Molly to unconsciousness and used him as a hostage to allow his crew to take their injured druid and go unimpeded.
He could have made the injury non leathal and kidnapped the pretty teifling to match the others.
As a dm these are ideas I can use in my game should one of my players go down. other dms upset with Matt’s choices should remember it’s the dms right to act as the npc would, and that instead of huffing and puffing we can take our opinions and ideas and use them to get a personally more favorable outcome for our own games instead.
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shayde-n-friends · 6 years
Trope x 4
Dreamer - Badass Adorable ( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassAdorable ) He was considered a Hyper Leathal Vector by the Kaminoans and yet is completely innocent and kind at heart
Xavis - Butch Lesbian ( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButchLesbian ) Cuts her hair short and wears armor, is essentially a tank and she loves women. Easy.
Bulk - The Big Guy ( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheBigGuy ) A bit of a dunce with Muscle and Heart to Spare, he also fufills the “Dumb Muscle” trope.
Ajax - Kid From The Future ( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KidFromTheFuture ) She is Shayde and Vega’s second daughter from the future, desperate to warn them of the apocalypse but barred by fate…also wants to get a date from the past. Just because.
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