#and karlach can't be recruited at the time
mirrorhouse · 4 months
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Let me think... why are you really here?
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the-potato-beeper · 2 months
i got to the tiefling party in bg3 last night and i can not stop thinking about it. i am very sad about it actually, bc i didn't recruit Karlach soon enough, so i didn't have high enough approval to romance her 😭😭😭😭😭
instead, i'm romancing Wyll! he was my second choice, so after having a bit to reflect, i'm still pretty happy with how the party turned out! he sadly turned down my offer to dance, i think i only had medium approval? but! i was able to talk to him the morning after and confirm i wanted to date him, so that's going well, i think!
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meanbossart · 1 month
regarding the drow as a companion, do any of the others have little quips when he's recruited? something along the lines of shadowheart's little remark about karlach throwing her over her shoulder.
I can imagine Gale saying something, like "OH! Really? He's coming with us? Well... Erm, sure, better with us then loose in the wilds, I guess" while glancing around nervously LOL
You did get me thinking of something else though, camp reactions!
Shadowheart: "I'm aware that drow aren't known for their integrity, but theirs is a perseverant kind. I think having one at our side in our present predicament could serve us well." (TAV: "Have you had any experiences with drow before?") Shadowheart: "I might have. I might haven't. All kinds gravitate towards my Mistress's calling… And the spider queen hardly leaves them a choice."
Gale: "Our new friend is surprisingly shy for a man of his stature, couldn't get as much as a "good morning" out of him yet… Well, with a little time, I'm sure he'll warm up to us. Maybe a nice pot-roast will help! He does have ah... Hungry look in his eyes."
Lae'zel: "A blade is only as effective as the one wielding it, and I'm not sure who - or what - is handling the drow you've dragged into camp as of recently." (TAV: "I'm wielding him.") Lae'zel: "Tchk! Have it your way. But I won't come to your rescue if you fall on your own sword."
Astarion: "You have quite the flair for rescuing rabid strangers off the side of roads, don't you? Not that I'm complaining, the more the merrier! Just make sure to put this one back in his cage when we go to bed at night."
Wyll: "A drow on the surface is strange enough a sight… But this one seems… Especially peculiar. I hate to be the one making hasty judgments, but I hope you've made the right choice in allowing him to shelter at our camp."
Karlach: "New guy's a little closed-off, but hey - I sure as hell don't mind just looking, for now. Speaking of looking, Can't wait to see the big lad in a fight, I bet he can mince a fucker to bits in an instant."
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walk-the-fade · 3 months
Coming from DAi, Ive seen so many ppl write their inky as a kid or at youngest 18 bc it changes the dynamic between them and the party...
Has anyone done that/ considered how it would change the relationship with Tav?
Lae'zel being frustrated and terrified that her survival is dependent on a teenager. She's taking orders from someone barely old enough to know their way around life on a good day, but now finding her people and being purified fully hinges on this kid's survival and she will be damned if she doesn't die to protect them.
Wyll sees himself in them, wide eyed and terrified at 17 when he bound himself to a devil and his father cast him out. The gods are cruel for giving children their toughest battles. He's going to give them every piece of advice he has and pledge his blade to their cause.
Gale being even more hesistant to open about The Orb and Mystra and his condition because he thinks it's too much for them. They should be tucked away in a library, they should be walking through Baldur's Gate worried about trinkets and sweets and being home on time so they don't worry their mother... not tasked with saving Faerûn from a cult.
Astarion thinks its annoying at first. "Free" for the first time in 200 years. Illithid tadpole squirming in his head and he's stuck following a literal fetus in hopes of survival. Its laughable. He almost –almost– feels bad about having to feed from them, but young blood is always sweeter. And when they earn his approval he's bitter on their behalf. Forced to be a hero, some beacon of light before you've even explored life and it's simple pleasures? Appalling.
Karlach... oh boy Karlach burns hot when they tell her exactly how old they are. Its stupid- its unfair- ITS BULLSHIT quite honestly. The nickname Soldier becomes so much more. This kid doesn't give up. They can't, Mama K will do everything in her power to stop it. They need a friend in these tough times and shes more than willing to be that person. Gods....
Shadowheart is a little surprised, but she's the one that underestimates them the least, for sure. They're not that much older than when she was taken in by The Dark Lady and her followers. She knows that you become strong when you need to be. It may be unfair but that doesn't make them any less capable as long as they understand the task at hand. She will see to it that they stay on the right path. And when her faith shifts she realizes neither of them deserve to struggle.
As for Halsin, it makes his heart ACHE in his chest when someone so young comes to his rescue. His knee jerk reaction is that they need training, gudiance... protection. But he quickly realizes that's only half true. They are young sure, but they are not helpless. He will help them in anyway that he can whether it be in battle against The Absolute or by carving them little wooden animals while they sleep and leaving them in their tent. They deserve a little happiness amongst the chaos.
Minthara (assuming she has been recruited at Moonrise) is surprised more by the fact that they chose to show her mercy than by their age. Given her upbringing, survival and violence go hand in hand and if this kid has survived this long, faced power of absolute and survived? Than they are worthy of her respect, hands down. She may not always agree with their methods but she will certainly not hesistate to stand beside them.
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pennyblossom-meta · 4 months
Gale/Karlach banter
Similar to my previous post: Gale/Wyll banter.
Warning: VERY long post.
Because the dialogue lines are so many, I won't add screenshots in some sections.
I'll add more items from Gale's side either here on a separate post.
Update: added some more dialogue lines
Act 01
Gale intervenes on Karlach's behalf (currently impossible to trigger)
Gale: Easy, Wyll. She's no devil. There's no fight to be had here.
Recruiting Gale
Karlach: Well done getting the wizard on board. He can zap from afar while I smack up close. But if he tries to get me to read any tomes, I will scream. devnote: Context, Karlach does not like to read
Recruiting Karlach
Gale: An ally fresh from the Hells themselves. Our company grows stranger by the minute - and all the better for it.
If Wyll is the avatar
Gale: Hunting one devil, allying yourself with another. Our journey gets more curious by the second.
First night at camp
Karlach: Gale's pretty lost in his thoughts, isn't he. Poor guy. Roughing it like this can't be his style. devnote: Genuine empathy
Taking a walk through the forest
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Gale: Nothing like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit. devnote: Brisk, invigorated Karlach: I was just thinking the same thing, but less poetically. devnote: dreamily Gale: And without so much as a stirring from our tadpoles. Karlach: A girl could get used to this. devnote: relieved and happy
Blighted Village
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Karlach: Looks like this town was ransacked - by soldiers, if my eyes don't deceive me. Gale: Quite cruelly, too. Karlach: Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here. Gale: If nothing else, I hope it was a mercifully short one.
At the Grymforge
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Gale: The architects who built this must have been remarkable. A pity their vision didn't stand the test of time. devnote: Observing, not sure what to make of it Karlach: All's not lost. I mean, just look at this place. devnote: Impressed with what she sees Gale: You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you? Karlach: Hope keeps you going.
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Karlach: Just when I was getting used to the sky again... Gale: Fear not, Karlach. Sun, moon and stars will still be there waiting for us. devnote: Reassuring Karlach: Meanwhile, this place is pretty spectacular, isn't it? Gale: No book or painting could ever do its strange beauty justice. But perhaps our stories might, when we return to the surface. devnote: Agreeing with Karlach, enjoying the sense of wonder as you explore
Act 02
Plains, near the Temple of Lathlander (or is this in Act 01?)
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Gale: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep? Karlach: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say... a long way away. devnote: dreamily Gale: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky. Gale: No matter - what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway. devnote: Black humour/finding the bright side
Mountain Pass
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Karlach: Man, adventuring is thirsty work. Gale: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale. Karlach: That sounds like heaven! Wait. Used to? Gale: Oh, yes - long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still - at least your thirst for knowledge is quenched. Karlach: Ugh. devnote: Groaning at Gale's cringe joke
On the road to the Shadow Cursed lands
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Gale: Do you feel that? A darkness, pulling at the strands of the Weave. devnote: Alert, sensing something Karlach: You'll still be able to do your wizard thing, though, right? Gale: Of course, but that doesn't make the shadows less dangerous. devnote: Reassuring Karlach, whiloe remaning concerned about the wider dangers Karlach: Joy. devnote: sarcasm
Shadow Cursed lands
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Karlach: Doing all right, Gale? Gale: Oh, you know... Still alive and kicking, despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of darkness and decay... devnote: Almost with a sigh - that's just how things are. Grim humour to it Karlach: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Last Light Inn, Shrine to Selûne
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Gale: A hidden shrine, dedicated to the Moon Maiden herself. Even amidst this darkness, Selunites are stubborn enough to cling on. Karlach: Pretty beautiful, isn't it?
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Karlach: Whoa! Almost slipped there. Gale: You wouldn't be the first, I'd wager. It's been some time since these walkways felt the carpenter's hammer. Karlach: You gonna catch me if I eat a brick? Gale: With my reflexes? I'd catch you before you so much as stubbed a toe. devnote: Confident
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Karlach: Huh. A brewery. Why does Reithwin Ale ring a bell? Gale: It was known to be quite the tipple - a cask or two still exists, if you know the right alekeep... devnote: Enjoying being the expert on this. He definitely knows 'the right alekeep' Karlach: You must have good taste. Not me. Can't afford it. Gale: A common misconception. Even the simplest of flavours are elevated by the choice to appreciate them. Don't deny yourself such pleasures. devnote: Kind/encouraging
Moonrise approach
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Karlach: Ready to enter the belly of the beast? Gale: It's the stairs I'm dreading. I shall close my eyes, and pretend I'm climbing my own, far superior tower in Waterdeep. devnote: Facing an obstancle with cheery determination Karlach: In that case, welcome home.
Moonrise Docks
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Karlach: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, right? Gale: And give the Absolute free reign to use us as target practice from the banks? I think not. devnote: Yeahhh… no. Karlach: Phew. My mum always said the Chionthar was unlucky.
At the mind flayer colony, under Moonrise Towers
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Gale: It strikes me that, for a mind flayer colony, there are remarkably few mind flayers about the place... devnote: Observing, not sure what to make of it Karlach: Squiddies have gone to war, is my guess. Gale: On the Absolute's behalf? Now there's an alliance I'd have been quite happy without.
Act 03
Blushing Mermaid
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Karlach: Man, it's good to be home. First round on who? Gale: She who thirsts buys drinks the first. devnote: Like it's a well-known saying (first half) Karlach: You won't pin me down with a rhyme, wizard! devnote: Jockeying with Gale Gale: She who declines gets the worst of the wines. devnote: Like it's a well-known saying (second half)
Counting House
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Gale: They say wealth offers a form of magic. Alas, it's one I've rarely dabbled in. Karlach: Nor I. Never had more than a few coppers in the city, and any soul coins in Avernus went straight to Zariel. Gale: Make no mistake. Souls are sold for coins up here as well. All too cheaply, in most cases.
Sorcerous Sundries
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Gale: Look around you. Indulge your curiosity. Sorcerous Sundries is the finest purveyor of magical miscellany for miles around. devnote: Showing his friends around, trying to sound impressive Karlach: Where's the axes? devnote: looking for battle-axes to the dismay of bookworm Gale Gale: What they sell is far more precious than mere sword or shield. They sell knowledge, ingenuity, the wisdom of mages past. devnote: Showing his friends around, trying to sound impressive Karlach: Sounds like more your thing than mine.
Breakups and relationship status
Karlach's side
Player breaks up with Karlach over Gale
Karlach: Fuck off if you're here to talk about Gale. I already know. devnote: Wounded/ sadPlayer was partnered with Karlach, but ended up choosing Gale. Karlach found out on her own and is now reacting. This shouldn't be a mega aggro 'fuck off,' more like a 'go away'. Karlach: Couldn't tell me to my face, huh? Had to wait 'til I just... just figured it out. devnote: sad/bitter
Karlach: Whoa. What? You... want to be with Gale...? devnote: Copping on that the player is here to breakup with her Karlach: Since when?! devnote: angry and hurt
Karlach: I should've known Gale would weave his spell on you. Who could resist? devnote: Bittersweet. Player is dumping her for Gale. She's sad but still on good terms and trying to keep things light. Karlach: I know I had... well. You know I liked you. Like you. But I want you to be with someone who can make you happy. If that's Gale, that's Gale. devnote: Heartbroken but mature. (...) Karlach: Hope you don't regret throwing over all this fire for all that hot air. One'll get you through winter, the other'll recite you a lot of codices. But hey. To each their own. devnote: Heavy on the subtext. She's putting a lighthearted/ sarcastic spin on the fact that the player just friendzoned her for gale.
Karlach: When Gale's on page one hundred thirty six of a supremely boring recitation, and you look over and there I am throwing a lasso around a giant centipede and riding it to Chult, I'll have my comeuppance. devnote: Still keeping it a bit light/teasing
Karlach: Gale climbed out of the Weave long enough to waggle his eyebrow in your direction, huh? devnote: Still a little light. She does like Gale, despite his high-falutin-ness, so she doesn't mean this to hurt him.
Player chooses Karlach over Gale
Karlach: I thought you and Gale were... I don't know. Karlach: Gale will be all right, right? Of course he will. He's Gale. If he can take a hit from Mystra, he can take it from you.
Gale is the player and is in a relationship with Karlach
Player: My future's no more certain than your own. But when I dare to imagine having one, it's always you I see beside me. Karlach: I'm seeing you at a desk. Pile of books up to the ceiling. And me barging in with a brace of rabbits for supper. Karlach: You start chopping carrots. I stoke the fire. And every night is the best night we've ever had.
Date with Karlach, Gale is the player character
Karlach: You know, it does. There's always a bit of a veil about you - I guess it's the magic, but there's something else, too. Something I want to discover first-hand.
Q: Tell me a secret
Player: I once claimed to have read all six volumes of 'Lichen and Its Curative Properties' to impress a comely botanist. Alas, a falsehood. Karlach: You mean you haven't read all six volumes?! Gale Dekarios, I'll never look at you the same. devnote: Teasing
Player: I'm afraid I'm doomed to repeat past mistakes, no matter how I try to avoid them. Karlach: I know what you mean. Changing is hard. Every time I think I've figured it out, boom, there I am again, behaving like some version of me that never learned a damn thing.
Gale's side
Gale: And what of Karlach? Her heart can surely break, though it burns.
Breaking up with Gale for Karlach
Gale: Karlach, yes? You burn for each other in more ways than one. Gale: I... I thought you would show me the respect of telling me first, but no matter. You can tell me now - who is it to be? Me, or her? Player: I'm sorry, Gale. I want to be with Karlach. Gale: Don't be - she has a good heart. Poor phrasing - she has a terrible heart. But she's surprisingly caring, considering it.
At the tiefling party
Gale: You might be in for an adventure with Karlach. More than you bargained for - with a bit of luck. Gale: Or perhaps more than you bargained for - full stop.
Talking about Tara
Gale: You remind me of her somewhat. You share her fierceness, and her passion.
Be my God, boat scene
Gale: I'll always have you, Karlach.
Act 01
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Gale had first stage of romance/attraction with player - not yet anything official. Gale: Karlach... a hypothetical question for you: devnote: Attempting nonchalance Gale: If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another, unnamed individual, what might that someone do about it? devnote: Attempting nonchalance Karlach: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale. And leave out the hypotheticals. Gale: Talking. Right. I'm good at that.
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Gale: You know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality... devnote: Hint of flirtation, mostly just trying to be helpful Karlach: Ugh. Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what? Gale: Actually, I was thinking of poetry. Karlach: Oops, sorry. But... now that I think of it... is mage hand especially hard to learn?
Act 02
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Gale: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach. devnote: Romantic, indulging in the poetry of the image Gale: Passionate, primal, capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort, or inflicting the profoundest damage. devnote: Listing the qualities of fire. Romantic, indulging in the poetry of the image Karlach: That's... pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But now I will.
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Karlach: So, Gale - got any book recommendations for me? devnote: With concern Gale: You can read?! devnote: Taking the piss - knows full well Karlach can read, and that she's always claimed not to enjoy it Karlach: Very funny. Yes - I can read. School put me off big boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing. devnote: Friendly rather than flirtatious Gale: Say no more - I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep. devnote: Jumping on the opportunity to give a book recommendation (a favourite hobby) Karlach: Ooh! Something with magic, please. And no devils. devnote: i.e. 'anyone who would reject you, Wyll, just can't appreciate you.'
Act 03
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Gale: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach? Karlach: I sure am. If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
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Karlach: How's the orb treating you, Gale? devnote: With concern Gale: Oh, quite well as a matter of fact. Since it was stabilised, it's been humming along nicely. devnote: Upbeat, things are looking up Gale: I have noticed one adverse side-effect. I seem to be losing hair in some, er, unexpected places. devnote: Upbeat mood wavering - this is a bit embarassing Karlach: I can only imagine. devnote: i.e. 'anyone who would reject you, Wyll, just can't appreciate you.'
Karlach dies at the end of the game, Gale is the player character
Player: Karlach, please... I'm not ready to go on without you. devnote: Distraught, lover is dying.
variant 01: Karlach is dying, Gale is a friend
Gale: No, Karlach. Stay with me, please. We've shared too much to part like this.
Game finale (not epilogue)
Karlach is the player character
Gale gave the Crown to Mystra
Gale is in a romance with Karlach
Option 01
Gale: It's curious. After all the wonders and monstrosities we've witnessed, waking beside you seems more unreal than any of it. devnote: Wistful/peaceful - spent a romantic night with the person he loves Gale: I'd forgotten what it felt like, to greet a sunrise without fear of it being my last. devnote: Wistful/peaceful Gale: Oh, hells. I'm sorry. Barely awake a moment and I've already put my foot in it. devnote: Kicking himself, he's accidentally rubbed salt in his partner's very sore wound Player: Don't be. At least one of us will get the cure we were hoping for.
Option 02
Player: Don't be. It's not your fault. Gale: Come now - resignation doesn't suit you half as well as optimism. We'll find some other means of fixing up that infernal engine of yours. devnote: Caring/Encouraging
Option 03
Player: Knowing you, I'd expect nothing less. Gale: You always find a smile where others would soak in their sorrows. And I promise - you'll have reason to smile soon enough. Gale: When we get to Waterdeep, we'll search in my library. It's bound to contain the odd scroll on hellish thermodynamics. Or a spell that might diffuse the heat in such a way that - Gale: Ah. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Do you... that is, would you consider returning to Waterdeep with me? devnote: A bit nervous to ask - this is Karlach, after all Player: I can't. My only hope of survival is to return to Avernus - and I'm not going back. Gale: What, then? You intend to die here? Now? devnote: Refuses to believe it - essentially been told his partner is submitting to her illness
Option 04
Player: I'd love to, Gale, but I can't. My engine is done. Fully cooked. Gale: I - I don't believe it. I won't believe it. Gale: If you go were to return to the hells - temporarily - it would buy us some time. I could put something together, a means of keeping you stable at least. Please, let me try. devnote: Trying to convince her, scared by what she's saying (that she's ready to die) Player: And hand myself to Zariel on a platter? No thanks.
Option 05
Player: Say nothing. Concentrate. You feel like you might explode any second. Gale: I know that look. It's your heart isn't it? Not to worry - you have one of the finest wizards in the Realms at your fingertips.
Gale suggests going to Avernus with Karlach
Player: I'm not going back, Gale. I can't. Gale: What if... what if I went with you? devnote: Scared by his own suggestion
Option 01
Player: I couldn't let you do that. You deserve better. Gale: I deserve the chance to live my life with the raging inferno I love. If that means relocating to the hells, so be it. I've heard Avernus is quite lovely this time of year. Gale: Besides, it would be quite something to study infernal magic in its natural environs. I say 'natural' in the loosest sense, of course.
Option 02
Player: If you were with me, I might be able to handle it. Gale: There's nothing we can't handle - I promise you that. devnote: Essentially his partner just refused treatment for a terminal illness. He's putting a brave face on it so they can enjoy the time they have left. Gale: It's taken me long enough to find you. I'll be damned if I'm letting you go.
Option 03
Player: No, Gale. Neither of us is going to that pit. It all ends here. Now. I just want to see the sky one last time. Gale: If this is the end, then we face it together. That, at least, I can promise you. devnote: Heartbroken - his lover is dying next to him, thanking her for loving him
Gale is the player character
Karlach is a mind flayer
Gale goes back to Waterdeep
Player: I think this is where we part ways, Karlach. Karlach: I accept your assessment. You would have been an excellent helpmate in my exploration of what it is to live. But perhaps we are both of us too... changed. Karlach: Where will you go now? Player: Back to Waterdeep. I've a warm fire and a long-neglected reading list to get through.
Karlach is dead, was partnered with Gale. Karlach: I can see Gale? Withers: Indeed. His story has marched on since thy great victory - as inevitable as time itself. Let us observe.
Note: will do the rest in a separate post.
Misc banter
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Gale: I think your new form rather suits you. It has a certain... cephalopodic charm to it. A tentacular tingle. devnote: Karlach will live! Yay! But she is a mind flayer
Gale: I can imagine no finer ceremorph for the job.
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Gale is the player character, hasn't shared his backstory Player: I've a... condition I need to manage. I'd still be looking for a cure. Karlach: We have more in common than I knew. I won't pry for details. Right now, at least. devnote: Karlach wants the goss but won't pry
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Gale is the player character, shared backstory Player: Wandering the wilds of Faerûn searching for a cure to the orb. If I lived that long... Karlach: Living a normal lifespan is so yesterday. Believe me.
Gale: Revenge is a dish best served hot, it seems. At least when you're in charge of the menu. devnote: Dark humour - your friend achieved her goal, but you know she'll not live long enough to celebrate
Gale: Ceremorphosis is Karlach's only chance of survival. It must be her. devnote: Impressed, finding this all very interesting
Gale: No sense dawdling. Karlach has precious little time left to her - we'd do better than to waste
Gale: I've not seen infernal flames like that in quite some time. Why go to Avernus, when you can bring Avernus to us? devnote: Curious/pondering - a rhetorical question, no response from player
Gale: I know well the pain of seeing your life's hourglass running empty, grasping at any means of slowing the grains as they slip inexorably through your fingers. devnote: Sincere, a note of pity - Gale once thought he was fated to die because of the orb, so her truly understands what she's going through Gale: Your fate may be ordained, but your actions are not. Make each breath count, and what time you have with us will never be wasted.
Gale: Karlach's fate may be ordained, but her actions are not. She will make each breath count - we can be sure of that devnote: Finding solace in the thought
Ilithid transformation
Player: It's okay, Gale. Karlach wants to transform. She'll do it, for herself and for us. Gale: Then I will hold my peace. But if the time comes when even her sacrifice is not enough, call on me, and I will be ready.
Gale thinks that becoming a mind flayer is his best chance at getting the Crown
Gale: I know Karlach has the best intentions, but her kind heart is not going to help me get that crown. Let me do this.
About Gale, Mystra, Elminster, etc
The dialogue lines for this section can be found in the file /Dialogs 2/Companions/Karlach_InParty_Nested_TopicalGreetings.html
Karlach: I couldn't help overhearing what Elminster said to Gale. Not every day a god asks for a chat. Karlach: Hey! Maybe I'm invited too. I can be the muscle.
Karlach: I couldn't help overhearing. So Mystra wants to talk, does she? Not every day a god asks for a chat. Karlach: ...can I come?
Karlach learns about Mystra's message
Karlach: Fuck me. There's devotion, and then there's stupidity. If the god of magic can't handle this without sacrificing Gale, she's no god at all.
Player: I don't think he'd do that to himself, even if Mystra commanded it. Karlach: Good. I'm one hundred percent sure there's another way to bring down this cult. No true god would ask such a thing from her faithful. That's for certain. Karlach: Poor Gale. He must be in bits after hearing that. I'll distract him. Tell him I haven't read a book since secondary school, watch his face melt off. devnote: Being cheeky
Player: I'm not sure. I think he's of several minds. Karlach: Well, tell him to pick the right one. Better yet, I'll do it. Fucking wizards, man! They always need help picking the simple, obvious option. Karlach: If Mystra can't think of another way to stop the Absolute than sacrificing Gale, she's no god worth worshipping. I'll say that to Gale - in, you know, gentle terms.
Meeting Elminster Karlach: Aw, was that Gale's granddad?
(variation, if the player is Gale)
Karlach: Aw, was that your granddad?
Gale is the Player, talks about Elminster's message from Mystra
Karlach: Aw, was that your granddad? Player: That was Elminster Aumar - the most famous wizard in the realms. Player: Yes it was. Good old Grandfather Dekarios, come to check in on his doting grandson. Karlach: Lovely! You should've introduced him around. Elders love me, and I love them. Player: I'm joking, Karlach. That was Elminster Aumar, the Sage of Shadowdale, one of the greatest wizards to ever live? Karlach: Huh. Doesn't ring a bell. But all right! Must've had something important to say, if he came all this way. Good news, I hope. Player: It relates to a 'condition' I have. I carry an orb of corrupted Weave within my chest. It seems Mystra wants me to detonate that orb and destroy the 'Heart of the Absolute.'
Player: He brought instructions from Mystra. I'm to find the Heart of the Absolute, and destroy it by detonating the orb in my chest. Karlach: The orb in your chest? Shit - I knew something was going on with you, but I didn't know the particulars. Karlach: Well. Turns out we have more in common than I knew. Except I'm trying not to blow up, and you've been instructed to do just that.
Karlach: Wow. That's... that's big, Gale. This is Mystra we're talking about. Goddess of magic - and she's asking you to sacrifice yourself. Karlach: What are you thinking? devnote: As in, 'What are your thoughts about this serious revelation?' Player: This could be my chance at redemption. I have to at least consider dong what she asked. Karlach: Only you can decide if that's really true. If you owe her your life. As for me, I'm positive we can stop the Absolute without losing you, Gale. Karlach: Keep that in mind, all right?
Player: I'm not quite sure yet. It's a big decision. Karlach: No kidding. What could be bigger? Look, I know what it's like to house something dangerous inside you. But I don't know what it's like for someone else - someone I trust - to ask me to use it against myself. Karlach: If you need a friend, you know where to find me. Right here. Right now.
Player: Now that I'm over the shock, I'll probably ignore her request entirely. Karlach: I'm glad to hear you say that. It is shocking. Imagine asking someone to - to end themselves like that. Karlach: Nothing's ever simple anymore, is it? Whatever you decide, I've got your back. But I think we can defeat the Absolute without losing you, Gale.
Player: That remains to be seen. Karlach: Oh? What did he say? Player: I'd rather not talk about it right now. It's a lot to process. Karlach: All right, soldier. But look, if you're in a fix that can be solved by fire or fists, just point me in the right direction. I mean it.
Player: Elminster's no ordinary elder. He's the most renowned wizard in the realms. Karlach: Your grandfather is the most famous wizard in the realms? Karlach: I should've guessed. I mean, you're pretty powerful. Makes sense that it's in your blood. Player: No, Karlach - I was joking before. Elminster isn't my grandfather. But he did tell me something quite serious. Karlach: I'm listening. What did he say?
Karlach: Wonder if he's (Elminster) a wizard too. He's certainly got the beardliness for it
Karlach: Karlach doesn't worry, she acts. So if Gale needs me, now's the time to tell me.
Karlach: Wow. 'Chosen of Mystra.' I guess I should congratulate Gale. Right? devnote: Karlach is happy for Gale. Suspicious of Mystra but trying to be supportive. Karlach: I trust him to know what he's doing. To know how far to go for Mystra. I just hope he knows he doesn't need her favour to be fucking fantastic.
(variation, if partnered with Karlach)
Karlach: Wow, Gale. 'Chosen of Mystra.' Congratulations, I think? Karlach: I trust you to know what you're doing. To know how far to go for Mystra. Just know that even without her - even without any of the gods - you're still pretty fantastic. Karlach: 'Chosen of Karlach' has a ring to it, right?
Karlach: Whoa. I've seen a lot, but never been threatened by a god. Karlach: It sounded like Gale really meant it. He really wants to take control of the Karsite Weave. Karlach: He really wants to be a god. devnote: She's not bought in. She's assessing Gale here. Measuring him.
Karlach: Interesting. devnote: Suspicious
If Gale is the player character
Karlach: Interesting. I'll keep that in mind. devnote: She's starting to lack trust in Gale here
Gale is noncommital about returning the crown
Karlach: Wow, Gale. So you spoke to Mystra, right? Karlach: Pretty spectacular stuff. But I think you were right not to do her bidding, no questions asked. Karlach: I respect the gods, but they don't always understand what they're asking of us. Maybe immortality makes it hard to know what it's like to be one of us piggies. Karlach: Proud of you, though. It takes some man to hold his own in front of the divine.
Karlach: Wow. So Gale really talked to Mystra, huh? Karlach: Pretty spectacular stuff. But he's right not to do her bidding, no questions asked. Karlach: I respect the gods, but they don't always understand what they're asking of us. Maybe immortality makes it hard to know what it's like to be one of us piggies.
Gale is blessed by Mystra Karlach: You're glowing, Gale. Mystra must be very pleased with you indeed. Don't forget us little people when you're the Chosen of the God of Magic, hm?
Karlach: Gale looks chuffed as cheese. Mystra must be very pleased with him. Let's hope she's got his best interests in mind.
Gale agrees to return the Crown to Mystra
Karlach: Wow. Gale is the 'Chosen of Mystra'. Congrats to him, I think? Karlach: Hope he knows what he's doing. We haven't fared very well with other Chosens so far.
Gale uses Shadow Weave
Karlach: Hope you know what you're doing, Gale. I'm no paladin for Mystra, but she probably has good reasons for forbidding Shadow Weave.
Karlach: Gale's walking a thin line. Let's hope he doesn't fall headfirst over it - again.
Orin kidnaps Gale Karlach: That bloody freak won't get away with this. That's my wizard she took. And we're going to get him back. devnote: Seething
Gale is resurrected Karlach: This fella Gale has as many lives as a cat. Handy guy to have around, huh?
Karlach: You all right, Gale? Looking a little shadowy about the gills.
Karlach: Is Gale all right? He's looking a little shadowy about the gills.
Items and Netherese orb comments
Karlach: Wide berth, buddy. I have some good equipment I don't want you swallowing.
Karlach: The people you meet, I swear... devnote: A little bemused
Karlach: Much as I commiserate with your, you know, thingie. devnote: 'tough ticks' is a karlachism
Karlach: I like Gale, but I'm keeping all my good gear well out of sight. Karlach: Everything fancy he touches meets a grisly end. Karlach: I commiserate with his situation, though. It's tough ticks housing something you can't control.
Gale is the player character
Karlach: Hey now, what happened to that fancy bit of gear? Player: It's a long story involving the Weave, an ancient tome, and a failed attempt to please Mystra, goddess of magic. Karlach: Hm. And now you have to consume gear Karlach really wants because... Player: Because I have an orb of corrupted Weave within my chest. If I don't keep feeding it with magic, I'll explode with enough force to destroy a city. Karlach: Well, shit. And I thought I had it bad. Karlach: That's a tough hand, Gale. But I'm glad you told me. A chest-bomb shared is a chest-bomb halved, or whatever. Karlach: If I spot anything that'll help, I'll hand it right over, pal. We're in this together.
Player: Because if I didn't, I'd be dangerous to all of us. Karlach: Are we talking some kind of were-wizard situation here, or...? Player: I have an orb of corrupted Weave within my chest. If I don't keep feeding it with magic, I'll explode with enough force to destroy a city.
Player: Just because. Karlach: Wizards and their secrets. Buddy, I could ruin that mind of yours with the stories I could tell. Nothing you say could scare me. When you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen.
Player: I had to consume it. Sorry if that scuppered any plans you had for it. Karlach: I'd mind less if I knew the full story. Never seen a fellow suck the magic-marrow out of an item before.
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BG3 Companion Headcanons: Wicked Grace (Or, Well, Talis¹)
I got to thinking about what it would look like if we had a similar scene with the BG3 companions as the infamous Wicked Grace scene from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Enjoy:
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Lae'zel: She doesn't really see the point of a game seemingly so dependent on chance rather than true strategy – she and Gale share a bonding moment over this – and refuses to participate after losing by an embarrassing margin in the first game. However, she does take a "strategic vantage point" from which to keenly observe the proceedings, and makes a private vow to win back her honor in future, after the sting of defeat has eased.
Astarion: He's the one who suggested the whole affair in the first place, but he quickly finds himself with cause to regret it. On the one hand, he ends up... enjoying himself to a certain degree, but on the other, he does not come out of it with anything near the unquestioned victory he expected. He's not used to playing against opponents with a comparable skill level, so his attempts to cheat his way to victory only succeed a fraction of the time. His stress levels increase after Lae'zel taps out and takes up haunting the table, and the inconsistency with which she calls out his cheating is worse for his nerves than if she did it every time.
Shadowheart: Astarion may have suggested the affair in the first place, but she's the one who manipulated him into it, by "casually" noting on a mission one day that it was a shame none of them had a deck to play with, as she was a great enjoyer of the game even though she had never had any great skill with it. In fact, such games were highly emphasized among Sharrans for their unparalleled utility in information gathering, manipulation, and subterfuge.
Gale: He starts out very certain of his skill and assured victory, then begins making several pointed comments about how it would be a different story if they were to bring out the lanceboard when he begins losing ground — and articles of clothing. He makes a decent showing for himself, but folds out just after the midpoint of the evening to join Lae'zel in treating the remaining players as the prime entertainment they are.
Wyll: He played with some of the Fist recruits as a teenager, but he's a little out of practice. He gets fleeced for the first few rounds, but settles into it, keeps his wits about him, and quietly gets his own back by the later rounds. He regularly catches his opponents off-guard with an unexpected quip, and Karlach has to excuse herself for an entire round after snorting ale out of her nose in a horrid mix of foul steam and boiling liquid. He apologizes vigorously, but can't stop laughing along with the rest of them, and it certainly doesn't make him stop.
Karlach: She's actually a brutal opponent, but unfortunately stymied by her recent experience being with the rulesets used by those devils willing to play in Avernus, and, prior to that, the heavily amended rules favored by the seedier neighborhoods of Baldur's Gate. No one – particularly not those currently winning – is willing to switch to a different set of rules in the middle of the evening, but Karlach makes them promise that next time, she gets to pick the ruleset. She calls it a night after the Ale Incident, clapping Wyll on the back before flopping down next to Gale and Lae'zel, and picking a new target to cheer on each round. (Her cheering is distracting enough that said targets are typically grateful when her attention lands on anyone else. This is on purpose. She is having a grand time.)
Minthara: She treats the initial invite with icy disdain, noting that she has far more productive things to do than to engage in such puerile pursuits. The camp is small enough that she can't entirely avoid the bright cluster of gathered individuals raucously ribbing at and laughing with each other. She ends up drifting nearer, noting that in Menzoberranzan they played for much more meaningful stakes than mere coin. Everyone's in a good enough mood to leave that one alone, and so she somehow ends up standing just behind Halsin's shoulder. She offers blunt and often biting commentary berating his strategy for being too hands-off, falling silent only when he wins that round — albeit with a gambit that would have lost him some fingers in Menzoberranzan. He looks at her with a gleam in his eye, but doesn't press his point, merely tilting his hand to allow her a better view, and they proceed to form a fairly successful team.
Halsin: He plays up his ignorance at first, claiming cards to be "an invention of civilization", but acquits himself with the skill of a reasonably accomplished dabbler. As the night wears on, he admits in a quiet, humor-laced aside that his master, the previous First Druid, was an inveterate card sharp, and Halsin's own skill was merely what he acquired in self-defense. When Minthara joins him, he ignores her more bloodthirsty suggestions, but incorporate those that suit his own strategy, culminating in an unpredictable, yet startlingly effective strategy.
Jaheira: She's brutal. A terror. They overlook her the first round – innocent, unknowing fools that they are – more focused on their own petty squabbles with one another. She smiles calmly, refuses to rise to any of the general ribbing, then sweeps the entire pot at the last minute with a play that leaves them all gaping at her. From that point, they are gunning for her in particular — and she makes them fight for every single copper they regain.
Minsc: No one is certain whether he knows what game they're playing. He will make absolutely absurd plays, then come in at the last with a card laid out on Boo's direction that somehow turns it around. His chaotic playstyle means he's never first — but he's also, inexplicably, never last.
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¹ "Some games of skill are detailed below, but games of chance are also popular. Wagering on any sort of game is also a favorite pastime.... Talis Deck: A deck of seventy-eight cards, typically made of lacquered paper or parchment, in a wooden case. The deck is similar to a tarot deck." Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3E. 2001. p. 96.
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nakmor-leigh · 2 months
Assigning rock/metal/punk songs to the companions because why not
Footsteps - Pop Evil
I've walked an empty mile/ Wore down this lonely soul/ I take these footsteps/ Go higher/ Go higher
(Really hard not to give him the love songs i have saved bc i love him so much)
Leviathan - Volbeat
Horns that sprout out from your head/ A glowing light beneath the surface/ You said that you and I/Could make 'em all terrified/ And clean up the whole world
(Not only does this song reflect Wyll's journey to find and awaken Ansur, but it's WYLL, WYLL is the leviathan!!)
I am the Fire - Halestorm
Roaring like the sun/ And I am the one/ I've been waiting for/ Screaming like a siren/ alive and burning brighter/ I am the Fire
(Very on the nose but i couldn't find a song that fit both her personality and her story like this)
Fear Inoculum - Tool
Exhale/ Expel/ Recast my tale/ Weave my allegorical elegy
(This song fits in overall vibes, lyrics, and even long-windedness [affectionate]. Literally sounds like someone casting a spell)
Haunted - Evanescence
Long lost words whisper slowly to me/ Still can't find what keeps me here/ When all this time I've been so hollow inside
(Yes yes "Bring Me To Life" is a very Shart song but, aside from Evanescence being a Shadowheart BAND in general, i think the lyrics of Haunted fit her the most)
I'm Not Jesus - Apocalyptica
When your world comes crashing down/ I want to be there/ If God is looking down on me/ I'm not Jesus/ Jesus wasn't there
(Me 🤝🏽 Astarion: surviving horrible abuse and being very bitter about it 🥲)
Indestructible - Disturbed
Another mission/ The powers have called me away/ Another time/ To carry the colors again/ My motivation/ An oath I've sworn to defend/ To win the honor/ Of coming back home again
(This entire song is her entire personality and character motivation)
Looking Down the Barrel of Today - Hatebreed
Once had a shotgun to my head/ They said i wasn't worth the bullets/ Now the world is my trigger/ And I'm here to fucking pull it
(I gotta be honest, i haven't recruited Minthara yet, so this is just off what little i know about her. She can have a badass fight song, as a treat)
When Legends Rise - Godsmack
Throat is dry/ My vision's fading/ I'm paralyzed/ And left here waiting/ Taking time/ Just one step forward/ Won't lose my mind/ I'm here to stay
(Jaheira is awesome and a legend. She keeps trying to give up the fight but always finds herself stepping up again because it's the right thing to do)
Tribute - Tenacious D
So we played the first thing/ That came to our heads/ Just so happened to be/ The best song in the world/ It was the best song in the world
(¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It sounds like his exact type of story telling, and exactly like something that would happen to him lmaoooo)
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trappedinafantasy37 · 27 days
Minthara and the Wizard
It kind of is a bit of a running gag in the game that Minthara doesn't hesitate to shit on Gale and it is absolutely hilarious. Now, she makes it very hard to tell, but Minthara actually does like Gale (she actually likes all of the companions, she just won't admit it, except for Lae'zel and Karlach). I'm pretty sure she has a line of dialogue somewhere where she admits that she just like fucking around with his head.
But I was thinking about something today in regards to Minthara and Gale's relationship. Now, I've noticed that Minthara actually has a lot of overlap with the other origin companions. But the overlaps show in ways you wouldn't initially notice. I think when you first recruit Minthara, she does dislike him at first and she says something about wizards having a habit of blowing themselves up and Gale is readily available proof of her point. She feels that because wizards have a short lifespan, it isn't worth the time or effort to get to know them.
I also saw a post pointing out how Minthara criticizes Gale for the bomb in his chest but not Karlach despite the bomb in hers. Some think this difference is caused by misandry and that Minthara just hates men. I mean, misandry probably does play a role in her perception of Gale, but the real difference in attitude is because of the difference in circumstances between Gale and Karlach.
The bomb in Karlach's chest is not her own doing, but someone else's. The bomb was put there by someone else against Karlach's will and she now has to live with the fatal consequences of someone else's actions. Sure, you could say that Karlach's mistake was trusting the wrong person. But Minthara does not see trust as a weakness and is something she values deeply. She does not criticize Karlach for the bomb in her chest cause Karlach did not bring it upon herself.
But Gale, on the other hand, the bomb in his chest is his own damn fault and Minthara does not pity him for it. Gale has to live with the consequences of his own actions, knowing that they could lead to his demise if not handled correctly (especially since his bomb is the magical equivalent of a nuke). This is where the overlap begins.
Gale let his hubris override his sense of reason and self preservation, much like Minthara's hubris overrode hers when she tried to take on Moonrise. That hubris put Gale and the lives of others in peril, much like how Minthara was tortured by Orin and watched her own men be turned into thralls. Gale has been condemned to death by a god he once worshiped, just like Lolth left Minthara to die in Moonrise. And now Gale has to choose to either become a god or die, much like Minthara feels about becoming Absolute or dying herself.
Minthara has no pity for Gale's situation because she believes that he deserves it, much like Minthara has no pity for herself as she feels she deserves what happened to her. She does not see herself nor Gale as victims of their situations, but people who have to live with the consequences that they brought upon themselves.
I think this initial dislike and constant bullying of Gale is just her deflecting her own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy onto him, failing to realize he feels the same way about himself. She does learn to like him over time when she does get to know him more. But now she can't just stop bullying him cause then he'll know she likes him and she's not gonna feed his ego like that.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 13 days
Majexatli as a Companion
[Part 1/?]
[Questions from here]
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Where can your Tav be recruited?
Majexatli can be recruited in Act 1. They are found on the Risen Road, by the hyenas. When approaching for the first time, a cutscene will play, in which the player sees a dire coyote eating one of the hyenas and being attacked by gnolls. The dire coyote races after the gnolls beyond the trees and out of sight, allowing the player to investigate the dead and dying hyenas on the road. 
After the player begins combat with the hyenas, Majexatli will join initiative, rushing into combat to assist the players from where the dire coyote has disappeared. Once combat ends, Majexatli will introduce themselves and their tadpole will connect with the players, indicating that they too were on the Nautiloid.
Your tadpole squirms in recognition, their fragmented memories becoming your own. Flashes of verdant forests, vast grasslands, kneeling before a gathering of druidic elders, wandering overgrown paths, the title of Faithwarden. With each flash, however, an undercurrent of hunger, growing in intensity with each passing memory until it erupts into something blood-red and razor-sharp.
The Dark Urge will get a unique dialogue option here, relating to the bloodlust in Majexatli’s memories. Druids will also get a unique dialogue with an insight check where they can mentally speculate on Majexatli’s druidic background and note that Majexatli’s druidic armor is very different from most druids. Druid players will also recognize the title of Faithwarden and note the high honor of the title. Rangers can notice that their armor and clothing seem more reminiscent of a ranger than a druid. Clerics can notice their lack of a holy or druidic symbol.
Majexatli will offer their assistance to the player, saying that they are an accomplished druid and alchemist and that they can help navigate the area.
If allowed, Majexatli will either join the player's active party if there’s room, or be told to head to the player’s camp.
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
I can't imagine Majexatli being recruited before some of the origin companions, but I've included everyone anyways for the fun of it.
About Wyll: The Blade of Frontiers... I haven't actually heard of him, I'm afraid. He seems a good man, though, and rather charming...
About Karlach: It's nice to have another tiefling in camp. I imagine she's one hell of a fighter, too, anyone who's lived in the hells has to be.
About Astarion: Hm. I'd keep an eye on the pale one.
About Shadowheart: If I've learned anything during my years, it's that you should always have a healer with you, regardless of whatever they have going on. Shadowheart will be important if we want to stay alive.
About Lae'zel: Lae'zel is quite the warrior, it's wise to have her around. I don't know much about her people, but if she says she knows the cure for our parasites, I'm willing to follow her lead.
About Gale: Stranger as it is, I've never met a wizard. Gale seems quite knowledgeable. He's kind of everything I imagined a wizard would be like, if I'm honest. Very... wizardly.
About Halsin: (sighs) I suppose it's good for Halsin to finally join us, given how long he's been in our camp.
About Minthara: I think it's good to have Minthara with us, as long as she stays on our side that is. I might not agree with everything she says, but she's quite impressive in battle.
About Jaheira: Hm. Another druid.
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Raise approval: helping people in need, killing people who are abusing power/authority, respecting nature, some violence, survival skills (foraging, gathering plants, gathering loot from killed beasts) being kind to children
Lower approval: senseless cruelty, delighting in the suffering of others, expressing disgust for monsters, abusing authority/power, taking advantage of innocent people, neutrality, maintaining balance or status quo
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alicelufenia · 2 months
would you recommend pursuing a minthara romance with her current state?
and follow-up questions—can a resisting durge still work with minthara? will she hate us? do you have to go all or nothing?
Despite every Minthara fan's protestations she is literally the most stable and accessible ever right now.
Her romance dialogue works, as little as it is (you "only" need external tools to access one set of dialogue, whereas before it was two or more, but even then it wasn't a big deal). Her kisses from patch 6 are 🔥🔥FIRE🔥🔥 and have a chance to trigger an easter egg dialogue where you feel strange after one of your kisses. Pretty sure that's unique to her, so that's cool.
Knocking her out in a "side with the Grove" run is as simple as using non-lethal damage on the last blow. She has banter with and comments on every other companion (except Halsin; they used to be mutually exclusive so they'll just ignore each other. Honestly preferable to them remaining exclusive)
As usual the most reliable way to recruit her is still to side with the goblins which is not everyone's cup of tea. If you can though, it is EASILY the best experience; her act 1 romance is incredible and ties in beautifully with her recruitment in act 2 (hint: enter her mind rather than fighting the guards first)
It's also recommended cause she still doesn't have an act 3 romance scene. The quest to retrieve Orin's Netherstone effectively becomes her companion quest, which is okay. Romancing her without her act 1 scene is still totally possible, get ready to say and do some questionable things (not too bad tho: my Tav is Oath of Devotion and I have 89 approval in act 3 without breaking my oath)
Resisting Durge CAN still romance Minthara, they have an epilogue scene together and everything. Telling her you intend to resist will earn you a warning that she'll end the relationship, but nothing happens if you do. The only thing that will end your relationship is cheating on her. On the upside, that means lots of reactions to everything you can do by end game.
Hotfix 21 added dialogue where she claims to break up with Redeemed Durge after rejecting Bhaal, then hotfix 22 removed it (it didn't actually end the relationship so Larian only knows why) Minthara fans have STRONG opinions one way or the other as to whether this addition/removal was good or bad (my opinion is that no reaction is less satisfying than SOME reaction, but especially with Larian's announcement that they will end creating new content for bg3 soon, we can't realistically expect anything more here either way)
Bottom line: you can romance her in any playthrough, you just need the approval. She has by far the least romance content out of all the companions except maybe Halsin, but if you enjoy her dialogue and like to headcanon-fill in the blanks you will still have a good time (I certainly have!)
Every Origin character has special lines and epilogues with her too. Fan favorites seem to be Karlach and Gale (don't know anything about the others personally)
Thanks for your question, hope that helped!
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lynnlovesthestars · 28 days
The Vault.- Work in Progress page.
Hi, welcome to my work in progress page, where I'll update with the status of the current pieces I'm writing, and to give a sneak peak on what's coming up.
When im mentioning OC, im always referring to my oc @wisterialynn
Status: I (Idea), W (Writing), E (Editing), B (Beta reading), T (To post), P (or strikethroughed, posted)
Genre: DDDNE (Dead dove), A (Angst), F (fluff), S (Smut), H (Hurt no comfort), C (hurt with comfort)
It includes requests
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Untitled (Astarion x reader), where reader gets gravely injured and Astarion doesn't like it. W C F
Pretending pt. 3 (Astarion x reader) After a night of cuddles, waking up in an empty bed feels oddly wrong. W C F
Pretending pt. 4 (Astarion x reader) the shadowcurse is way more dangerous than what it seems H W
Little bump (Astarion x reader), dadstarion headcanon T F
request (Astarion x A Tav who rides a very large wyvern, with them having a bond similar to Daenerys and Drogon or Daemon and Caraxes from GOT/HOTD??) W
request (Could I ask for a Astarion x Durge!Tav I've done 2 Durge playthoughs and wish , which ever companion you romance has a reaction when Durge rejects to be bhasls chosen and gets killed but brought back to life by withers [...]) E
Untitled (Astarion x reader) teaching magic to Astarion F I
Bloodshift (Astarion x oc):
Untitled (Astarion x OC) Dddne, oc has gone through some harsh things for the past 4 years, and he has doubtful ways of coping. DDDNE, H, I
Untitled (Astarion x OC) where oc has a gift for Astarion, but he didn't think it through, featuring the couple rings you find in the graveyard near moonrise towers. C W
Untitled. (Astarion x OC) modern au, where Astarion has had a crush on oc for a long time, but does the wrong thing and almost fucks it up. W C
Untitled (Astarion x OC) college au, Artist !oc and best friend! art model! Astarion C W
Rooftops (Astarion x OC). What if they met after the fall of the netherbrain? C T
Nightmares. (Astarion x OC), study of their nightmares and their backgrounds, written in parallel. T C
Untitled. (Astarion x OC), where one can't hide anymore that they have to be caught in the middle of compromising moments, ft. oc background mentions S T
Untitled (Astarion x OC) Guardian angel au. I
Untitled (Astarion x OC) Background study of OC's trauma, ft smut. S E
Untitled (Astarion x OC) study of oc trauma, ft. hurt comfort. C W
Untitled (Astarion x OC) Miniseries walking through their relationship and rewriting scenes from the main game based on how oc would react. I
Holidays (Astarion x OC), for the holiday challenge on ao3, where the two lovers confront the fact that they have lost a lot since the last moment of peace they had. (W C
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Untitled (Karlach x reader) finally you get to touch Karlach how she deserves. Inspired by the dialogue in act one- which is bugged in my run so i can do it over n over again) S W
Letters (Karlach x Dammon) title is self explanatory. F W
Untitled (Karlach x ??) Karlach has a twitter gossip account in anon and plays matchmaker. Modern au, socmed au, (Current plan for next milestone to recruit one reader's oc?) I
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masquerade (Wyll x reader) meeting at a masquerade and falling in love I
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Untitled (Gale x reader). The netherbrain has been defeated and only the gods know if you'll survive the fall. W C
Untitled (Gale x reader), you are low on magic items, so you look for alternatives to help your wizard crush. W S
this kiss https://youtu.be/d-QO55xmS5A?si=8Zup_Dgz0iroNNgt W F
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Untitled (Jaheira x reader) sequel of dinner is served. S I
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Untitled. (Shadowheart x reader) there's only one goddess in the shar temple until you kneel betweet her legs and the Lady of Loss is forgotten. S W
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Shattered. (Lae'zel x reader). Vlaakith broke her heart, and it's you that has to pick up the pieces. C W
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request (Could I request headcanons for Harleep, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor with kind and patient gn s/o? This is quite self-indulgent of me because I have been told I'm too nice & so patient so I'm curious how they would react XD) W
request (Could you do a separate scenario thing with the companions(Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Lae’zel) The scenario I was thinking of is Tav who’s married to the companions(separate) is arguing with their child in another room about Uno.) W
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bladesmitten · 4 months
(anon about Wyll getting hells-tormented and transformed in front of everyone) I'm just going insane about him and think I misremembered his first dialogue after the scene a little dkjsk (got mixed up with another backstory line perhaps? about how he doesn't regret the pact and would do it again? or another one maybe it's been a minute since I played :((( ) BUT STILL
just!!! Mizora keeps dishing out torments and he keeps taking it and keeping up his brave heroic face!! and he keeps trying to be as good as possible no matter the sacrifice and augh my heart HE WAS WILLING TO GET KILLED!!!!
and everyone in camp just watching that happen like.. that's Quite A Moment for him to go through right in front of a bunch of people he's only known for (usually) a handful of days at most? and Karlach is right there realizing he was 100% willing to get killed by his patron for her to live! and everyone else in camp is also witnessing all of this!
it's kind of an insane thing to meet a guy and go "oh he's cool and hot and has the tadpole he can come with :)" and then find out the "devil" he's hunting is actually another tadpole buddy and then shortly after that you watch his patron torture and transform him in the middle of your camp and he gets back up and keeps going!! and you're standing there like,,,,, your man just got marinated in all the hells at once,,
and you can talk to him afterwards and reassure him and all but listen. listen.. I just think people who talk about Karlach or a tiefling Tav (or the grove tieflings? do they talk about the grove tieflings?) helping him out with horn care are onto something I think he could use a little more... is the word 'aftercare'? just wouldn't his skin and muscles hurt after all that... what if he needs a little massage :( a gentle head rub :( he needs to go to a spa in Baldur's Gate (and it goes without saying that he (and every one of the tadfools yes but this ain't about them) could use a good therapist)
(technically Mizora was "within her rights" to give him whatever punishment wherever she felt like it but she should also consider dying a thousand deaths and letting him have nice things and leaving him alone forever) (I'm taking him away from her and holding his hands tenderly and– ahem)
...hmm that was more words than I meant to,, I was trying to be hinged and levelheaded in the first ask but then I thought about him more and that just... it happens when you've known him for a couple of DAYS... idk thinking about it made me go feral a little. hope you have a good one I love seeing you on the dash btw <3
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no i get it LMFAO wyll's rotating around in my head 24/7 like a perpetual microwave
it really is kinda crazy to think about all that happening, esp if you also recruit karlach on the same day you meet him 😭 you've known him for less than 24 hours at that point and he just up and makes a huge sacrifice in the name of doing the right thing. just another tuesday for the blade methinks! (also, obsessed with the wording on that - "marinated in the hells" 😭)
honestly, no wonder wyll sulks at the beach during the tiefling party. he has had no time to process everything that's happened - from hunting karlach in avernus, to getting tadpoled, the nautiloid crashing, saving the druid grove from goblins, helping the tiefling refugees, sparing the person you swore to kill, getting transformed into a devil, infiltrating the goblin camp, killing the three goblin leaders, rescuing halsin only to find out they have to go to moonrise towers anyway. all in - what? a week or two? not to mention he has a mindflayer parasite, the threat of mindflayer transformation looming over everyone in camp.
so the one time the party finally has time for rest and relaxation and celebration - that's the time it all hits wyll. he's permanently changed. because he did the right thing. he can't bring himself to celebrate despite all the good he's done. will the people still trust him to protect them? or will they only see a devil?
and AAGGHHH there really should've been more [tiefling] dialogue for wyll... comforting him... giving him advice on horn care... or even as a flirt option to just offer to take care of it for him. yknow. he deserves it and more!!
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mass-effect-galaxy · 3 months
Another Baldur's Gate 3 Roleplaying Idea: The House Baenre Retrainer
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After the concept for the "good drow", the Eilistraee Sworddancer, here is an idea for an "evil drow": The House Baenre Retrainer. She is one of the assassins of Minthara's mother. She is comparably young and holds no official rank in Lady Baenre's retinue, so Minthara doesn't know her.
She calls herself Jezzara, sometimes also Ssizzara or Shessara. She is no nobility but a classical rouge assassin from the depth of Menzoberranzan. That's why Lady Baenre entrusts her with the most delicate family matters. No one knows Jezzara and her connections to House Baenre, and since she hasn't the habit of leaving behind witnesses, it stays that way.
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Her current assignment, however, is a rescue mission: Minthara has gone to the surface with her entire retinue in pursuit of some bizzar cult. No one has heard of them since then and Minthara's mother is worried sick. Of course, she can't show openly that, despite all the times those two tried to kill each other, she still cares about her daughter. That would be a show of weakness and an invitation for the rest of Menzoberranzan to use Minthara to get to the head of the house.
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In fact, Lady Baerne wouldn't even admit it to Minthara. So, Jezzara has strict orders to not tell Minthara that she was sent after her, let alone by whom. Jezzara's orders are to go to the surface, find Minthara, get her out of whatever trouble she has gotten herself into, and bring her back alive; failing that, to kill everyone and their next of kin who could be held responsible for the death of Minthara and recover Minthara's body. You don't fuck with House Baerne and life to tell the tale.
Of course, getting infected by Mindflayers wasn't part of the plan, nor was falling in love with the target.
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Roleplay-wise, this is a typical red-eyed drow: arrogant, ruthless, cruel. She doesn't care about the surfacers. She is here to do a job, not to make merry with faeries like Shadowheart and Astarion, let alone an abomination like Lae'Zel (a drow would rather tolerate an illithid than a githyanki). So, if companions are recruited at all, she considers them "helpers" not "friends" and plans to kill them after the job is done (the "no witnesses" part).
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Because we will destroy the grove, no point in recruiting Wyll and Karlach. Gale would be a no-go too: Jezzara is a sellsword and that way quite greedy. There is no chance that she would feed valuable magical items to some wizard tramp.
While Jezzara doesn't care about the other companions, Minthara's wishes are her creed. This also includes the ending.
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thebearemoji · 8 months
Me talk about minthara now? Nnyes
Hhhhhhhhh I revert to a whiny little baby whenever I think about the fact that some portion of the bg3 player base will simply never encounter minthara in any capacity hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I am aware minthara is believed to be "rushed content", and that accounts for many of her bugs. But I don't really care about why she's a mess, im more interested in talking about the result of that reality.
So I've finished 2 runs of bg3 so far, one in which I played a generally very good character and one in which I played a generally pretty evil character. After completing the latter run, I'm left with several qualms about what felt like a simply inferior experience to my first play through. The most frustrating being that Minthara, who became one of my favorite companions, is completely chained to the much less satisfying "evil content" with no way to see her story otherwise.
For context, minthara can only be recruited if the player helps the goblins attack the Grove in act 1. This alone is enough to stop plenty of players from ever seeing minthara beyond that single misleading conversation in the goblin camp. Some players don't enjoy role-playing being mean/evil, and attacking the Grove is unfortunately about as despicable as a game can get. For some reason, you can't tell the tieflings to leave despite the fact that they're only collateral damage in the attack on the druids. You gotta kill every druid, and every innocent refugee, or no minthara.
But the deck stacked against my beloved drow doesn't stop there, not only do you have to kill the tieflings along with all their associated content and side quests, in order to recruit minthara you have to forgo recruiting Wyll, Karlach, and Halsin because all 3 object to the attacking the Grove.
3 companions for 1, a frankly unpleasant task of slaughtering tieflings even for someone who enjoys role-playing evil characters, not to mention she's been plagued with bugs that cause her content to fail to trigger. All those things considered, why would anyone go out of their way to recruit minthara...?
Well... i just think she's neat.
After the first encounter with minthara in the goblin camp I was not necessarily looking forward to recruiting her. I assumed she was a murder hobo and nothing more based on first impressions, but at the very least I was looking forward to getting a third companion who wouldn't nag at me for every choice I was making. At the very least, she would be another character in my corner.
However, much to my shock, she turned out to be far more nuanced then she seemed at a glance. Because the person the player meets in the goblin camp isn't minthara, but rather a puppet of the absolute wearing her skin. She has little to no control over her actions, including the roll she plays in the attack on the grove.
I really struggle to wrap my head around this choice to tie her completely to the grove. Especially considering she's being mind controlled, but there's no way to know that. Minthara is a bait and switch, someone who (despite still being evil) is nowhere near as bad as the game inclines you to believe. But you can only discover this if you help her do something truly despicable. So there's a companion who's a better person then she seems, but you can only find out about her better side if you're evil. Why? Why can't a good tav save her? Why doesn't she get the same opportunity at redemption that laezhel, astarion and shadowheart get? I know the reason is probably time constraints, but I'm mad about it.
I really think she's worthy of a closer look, i love me some good lawful evil energy. Minthara is a good example, I believe. She takes no pleasure in killing or violence, but she will also eliminate anyone who remotely impedes her without hesitation. And she weaponizes grudges like her will is sharp enough to kill on its own. She's fierce, eloquent and cunning, and also managed to make me laugh out loud with how dead pan she can be (see her response to dribbles: "Say the word and I will kill the clown. We will be heralded as heroes." with a look of pure distress on her face).
She's a lolthsworn drow who is now exiled after falling under the influence of the absolute. The place she comes from is harsh and punishing, and yet she was a noble. She describes the beauty and majesty of menzobarenzan (sp) in the same breath that she discusses battle. I wish she would've gotten a flash back cutscene like shadowheart. Either her home or Ketheric betraying her.
Honestly I wish every character had gotten a flashback cutscene like shadowheart. It's a win/win of exploring the social aspect of the tadpoles by sharing memories and also adding a visual to the events the characters describe. But I digress.
Minthara's character trope may not appeal to everyone, she is still not a good person. But neither is astarion, and he's fandom favorite. Surely people wouldn't hold minthara's morality against her while also praising Astarion for some weird reason i cant put my finger on???? HaHA-
I wouldn't blame anyone who doesnt do an evil play through. The game didn't let me have fun with it, and playing games is about having fun. Why try to be evil and get nagged at by the game for 70 hours of gameplay when I can instead save everyone and enjoy myself?
So the reality is, Minthara may remain a cryptid for many players, riddled with bugs and cursed by the narrative to lose so that many other characters can win. But at the very least, I want to draw attention to one snippet of her dialogue. This is from a conversation after Orin is defeated.
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I can't shake the idea that the minthara I know and love is trapped within the person you meet at the goblin camp. In a similar vein to gortash's mother in baldurs gate, trapped behind eyes she no longer controls. At the mercy of the tadpole and the whims of the brain and the 3. A helpless victim desperate to get her chance at vengeance at those who wronged her.
And that knowledge will haunt me every time I play a "good" character. I will know that even though my goal may be to save them all, there is one that I quite literally cannot save. Because the game won't let me. And God damn it, she's too interesting for that to be her legacy in this game. Minthara worries that no one will remember her, but I will think of this dialogue every time my journal flatly instructs me to "kill the goblin bosses".
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loveofdetail · 7 months
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@sigilmint oh friend this comment made me so 😍
Short version: As far as in-game actions, really all you need to do is initiate his romance, betray the grove, roll to convince him to stay in the party, then continue his romance, roleplaying the situation however you want from there.
Long Version beneath the cut—this has a lot more to do with how my own out-of-game decisionmaking got me here, and how I interpret the macro-arc of my party/character.
My first bg3 campaign is a co-op game where we are mostly trying to do Good Route Things. Gale has been stuck in camp permanently because I was dead set on playing a wizard myself.
So I started my solo campaign with the vague notion of doing a Full On Evil Run. My character, Vuei, is a disillusioned and broken oathbreaker paladin. I was planning to romance Minthara because if she's only available in the evil route, might as well go all the way.
But I recruited Gale and immediately had a category 5 "Ohhh I can't not fuck him" moment.
Now, at the time I thought that betraying the grove would straight-up lock you out of his romance. Tbh I'm not sure why I thought this? But somehow that was the impression I'd gotten, so, I promptly jettisoned all my Evil Plans in favor under Get Under Gale's Robe ASAP.
I got all the way into Act 2 like this. Defeated and looted the whole goblin camp, made it to Last Light, all that.
Then one night I wanted to play but I was feeling too mentally wiped to make real progress and real decisions, so instead I loaded a save from right before saving the grove. I figured I would see what it was like, get to hear some Minthara dialogue, that would be that.
Instead I got one of the most immersive emotional rollercoasters a video game has ever given me.
I failed some rolls to deceive Minthara and started spinning a narrative where Vuei, who has recently lost everything and everyone they thought they valued, just... panics. Doesn't see a way out other than bending to Minthara's demands. Goes reflexively numb and nihilistic because apparently this is just the way the world works.
From there, the entire sequence from the combat itself, to Karlach (who was in my party) leaving me, to the reactions of various people at the party... it was just Moment after Heartwrenching Moment. I'm leaving some details out here because they really deserve to be experienced first-hand but at the end I was like. Staring at my ceiling processing all the implications for the characters.
Gale specifically delivers one of the Verbal Smackdowns of All Time to you afterward. You have to persuade him to stay.
But he does stay.
This was the point when I started getting the feeling that maybe his romance flag was still active? And the implications of THAT... my mind just ran wild with them. Who was this guy who would bitterly, righteously tell you that you're making him worse, then give you a second chance, secretly thinking maybe he's Not Actually So Different, then fall in love—ACTUAL love, not just 'I don't deserve better' resignation—with you despite it all?
I never reloaded my original save.
The game doesn't actually let you have any additional decompress-and-discuss dialogue after persuading him to stay, but in my imagination what I filled in was: a really painful heart to heart where Gale and Vuei agree Never Again. Where they are both at a loss as to how they can even go on from this. But they have to. So they will. At least they know the other feels just as guilty and ashamed as themself, and that counts for something.
It also made me think, why the pure black and white Evil Run/Good Run dichotomy? I really, REALLY latched on to the story structure of a party that makes One Huge Ruinous Fuckup at the very beginning that colors all their further attempts to Do Better, and that's how I RP'd going into act 2.
For instance: we couldn't rescue the tieflings but maybe we can extend the same grace to Minthara that we hope might be extended to ourselves.
In terms of game mechanics I actually took quite a hit here. Karlach took a bunch of great gear with her when she left (this may not happen in the current patch? unsure) and I decided my characters would not have it in them to go back to the goblin camp just to completionistly gobble up loot.
It felt like penance. The very beginning of the tangible consequences of the thing my character will regret most, for the rest of her life.
I felt closer to my remaining companions. Bound by atrocity. The last ones standing. By the gods it shouldn't have happened this way but after that we will NEVER doubt that we have each other's backs. I put Astarion in my party for the first time ever and this is when I began warming up to him as a character. Eventually when Shadowheart killed the Nightsong, it was like Vuei (and Gale) deeply disapproved but couldn't bear to cast judgement. The only thing to do is be there for her and hope she does better next time. We are all just hoping we'll do better next time.
The morning after our lowest point, we trudged resignedly to Rosymorn monastery. The stark, sublime grandeur of the landscape was a slap in the face. It was wrong that such beauty could still exist as though the world was indifferent to what we'd just done. It was wrong that we could literally climb above the ruins we made and in the distance they're just... another part of a breathtaking view. But here we are, standing on this cliff, somehow still able to feel wonder.
The new dawn imagery was both a lash and balm.
We carry on. We find a way.
OH ALSO I gave Gale Volo's eye and continued making Alterations to him as things progressed. Being vague because that's quite a bit further in but yeah, Gale Undergoing Changes is another big part of my vision here. It's All Connected.
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silver-horse · 10 months
So in order most to least excited, which companions arcs are you the most eager to see play out?
That's so difficult to answer because I can't wait to find out more about all of them but for different reasons.
If I only take into account who my favourites are then it's Shadowheart and Astarion. I'm super curious what she might discover about her past. Also Shadowheart is absolutely the most important companion for the main story! She carries the artifact that is the key to everything probably and everybody wants it. Larian even talked about how difficult it was to write around this. (Because what if somebody doesn't recruit her and they want to allow complete freedom in that.) With Astarion I feel like there is actually a bit less mystery. But I am very curious who that Maiden Fel is and why she sent the hunter after him etc.
If you had asked me a year or two ago, I would have said Lae'zel is third, then Wyll and then Gale would have been my least favourite. (not that I didn't like him, I am interested in all of their stories) Anyway their stories are changing and I dunno who my favs are anymore. lol
I'm curious if we can turn Lae'zel against the githyanki or maybe she could gain influence among them and then we could use them as allies against the mindflayers and the absolute??
In Wyll's case I am mostly concerned. Maybe that worry will go away once I see that they didn't change him too much. His story still the same, they just added extra scenes. But right now I can't be sure. And if they had to change the voice actor then they had to record every single line again, so they could have thought… oh we might as well change it more. (Plus it will be a bit difficult to get used to a new voice after 2+ years of playing this game.)
Gale is quickly becoming more interesting. When they added those circles under his eyes it was an improvement. lol Then he had the whole makeover with the earrings. And of course now we know about his intent to usurp Mystra. So yeah, I do like ambitious characters.
With Jaheira and Minsc I expect they won't do anything too drastic because they are far too beloved. I have now played the original games (in a rushed fashion so I will have to return to them) so I am curious what they will do with them. For me Jaheira is more of a fav than Minsc.
Karlach is in a very bad position so I wonder how that will play out. But I don't know her all that well yet. Ofc that means there is more to discover...
And Halsin wasn't originally designed to be a companion, so I dunno how important he will be? Fans liked him from the beginning (which was almost 3 years ago) and Larian immediately noticed and commented on it. lol So they had time to integrate him into the story more, I suppose.
Minthara was originally the one I had the least interest in. Just because in my main playthrough I know I will have to kill her. So that will be it. But I am planning a playthrough where I will recruit and probably romance her. And the panel from hell made me more interested because they showed a scene where she is attacked by the bigger baddies and we have to protect her. So I wonder if even she can be swayed to become a bit less evil after her own allies treated her like that. In truth an evil playthrough is sooo tempting. I might actually end up playing it simultaneously with the good.
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