#and it was kinda discouraging
tea-cat-arts · 1 year
How many Kevin enthusiasts actually are there on this website? Cuz there's like 5 of yall I consistently see in my notes on Kevin posts, but I'm kinda curious what the actual head count is
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valentjin · 2 months
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if you've ever wanted a giant transparent png of the Ascended Fiend floor decoration in the House of Hope for some reason, well, have i got the post for you
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tea0w0stache · 9 months
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autism strikes again
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antihibikase-archive · 8 months
One of the biggest things you have to overcome as an artist is like feeling possessive over concepts I think
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freaky-flawless · 9 months
I attempted my first doll repaint and let me tell you...she looks so good in dim lighting from a distance.
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bloos-bloo · 3 months
Sorry for going quiet, been busy- here’s some art I did today
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painted-bees · 5 months
reading through your hinote tags it was interesting to learn that Raf still likes preforming and even misses playing large shows, but avoids getting sucked back into it. As an adult, you'd think he could just return to preforming on his own terms and play any stage he wants. Does a fear of success keeps him away from it? Sorry if this was already explained somewhere and I missed it.
Sssorta haha! He doesn't want to gain too much traction and attract media attention, because it'll inevitably liken his current career/his current self to his past...And almost none of the things he had said about himself, very few of the views he presented in interviews and such, none of it was really him, what he believed, what he liked, or how he, himself, wanted to be perceived. He likes playing the character on stage, but hates the notion of that character following him and being projected onto him in day to day life. On one hand, he doesn't want random people to see him and know him accurately--which is why the stage persona is so great. But on the other hand, the media personality his mother curated is too far removed from his own tastes and sensibilities, that it feels like an ill-fitting skin and makes him physically uncomfortable to be identified as and associated with it. Increased visibility as a performer would kinda force him to contend with that in a way he really would rather not. It's not worth it for him. AND he does not want to attract his family's attention. He doesn't want them contacting him about his career. He wants to be as tiny and invisible to them as possible.
Secondly, and more acutely, though--his symptoms after a show--any show--really suck. He gets nervous leading up to a performance, but it's usually perfectly manageable. He's normally in relatively good spirits about it. Then on stage, he gets a nice little thrill and the feeling of "man, yeah! I need to let myself do this more often!" But then, once the show is over, he's in the backstage bathroom vomiting, and spends the next week struggling to recover from a depressed hangover with 0 motivation, energy, or excitement for anything. He hasn't...figured out how to avoid this extremely consistent pattern. It's weird, because he feels fine during the performance, even if there's a break in between or some such. But as soon as it's properly over, the nerves hit him hard--and once the anxiety passes, he's just an exhausted, deflated, apathetic husk with a very, very low mood about it. That's what kinda keeps him off the stage, and prevents him from doing shows on any kind of consistent basis. He can only really commit to doing them if he's feeling really good about things--and if he can afford the inevitable "crash" week that always follows. If that were less of an ailment for him, he might be more inclined to at least humor the idea of reinventing his persona and returning to musical performance on a more serious/professional/consistent basis. Alas.
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dailydegurechaff · 1 year
Tanya and Visha celebrating Pride Month, even though neither of them probably knows what it is.
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happy pride everyone
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chrollohearttags · 9 months
last rb…yeah, I didn’t wanna say nothing or seem ungrateful but it gets hard to find the motivation to post sometimes when it seems like your work is going unnoticed :/I got 20+ google docs I’m truly wondering if I should even bother bc it’ll probably go into the void tbh. And I’ve noticed that a lot a ppl will say they don’t want to post certain things (i.e. smut) on their blog bc it’s “graphic” or doesn’t fit but then ignore angst, fluff, etc. so we don’t know what y’all want ☠️ we know it’s a song we keep singing but it’s why I can’t blame a lot of people for leaving. It’s not easy to keep churning out work + all of our daily responsibilities only for it to go unnoticed. (And it’s even worse if you tag your stuff with black reader..no I will not elaborate) but we just want to see that it’s appreciated idk.
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sketchy-tour · 2 months
Happy Easter if yall celebrate it!!!!! Otherwise I hope yall have an absolutely fantastic Sunday!!!!
Aaaa I feel like I'm not as chatty as I once was on here. Been a bit all over the place! Also feel silly making a ton of text posts with no art so I try and limit how often I blab on here.
But just know I still appreciate all of you who follow and like my art! Every bit of interaction I still see and it still baffles me to see such kind words. It means the absolute world to me!!!! 💖💖🌻
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yummycrummy · 10 months
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He will bite his nose
Ref pic below
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gunstellations · 2 years
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in dangerous waters
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 5 months
Im so sorry people are being weird to you I dress in a sort of alt fashion too and had to abandon crop tops because people would like, bark at me and shit.
Anyways you look super cool dude 👍 absolutely fuckin' swagged out head to toe.
BRO: Its sucks you had to abandon somethin' ya liked just 'cuz some assholes can't control themselves. You shouldn't have had to. Hope one day you're able to return to them.
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BRO: Thanks. Bet ya looked fuckin' sick, kid.
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luinen-bluewater · 6 months
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Thanks for the tag @captastra 💕 (I know I'm terribly late, sorryyy I'm the worst!)
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Btw here you are, Tino and Raphael, two self-absorbed drama queens meeting for the first time. ✨
(It's a panel of the mini-comic I'm slowly working on. And considering how sleep deprived I am, it's a miracle I managed to finish sth not work-related in the first place lol) No pressure tags: @heniareth @mellowcherryblossoms @ouranian @arendaes @harprdraws @leaves-and-inks @lethendralis-paints @arrow90-art @ghilegab @poetikat @siforth @headraline 💕
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lilyrizzy · 5 months
not to be rude but that might've come across as rude but really no offence I really enjoyed the other fics you posted and I'm really thankful you decided to share them with us but the last two gave me major ick
Anon, your first message called my writing "terrible and disgusting" so I'm not really sure how that isnt intended to be both very rude and offensive.
If you enjoy my other writing that's great, and if some of it isn't for you/gives you the "ick" that's no problem at all! Just please, fuck off out of my ask box with your disingenuous "no offences", and learn the basic skill of not engaging with content you don't like.
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hijacksecrets · 6 months
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Y'all... I'm so sorry but I really don't have any more ideas for the trollhunters AU 😭 I am SO flattered you guys like it so much and happy to have inspired you guys, but honestly I feel so bad 'cause I only really posted it because I didn't think I'd make more, if any content for the AU. It was just sitting in my folders collecting dust for like 9 months, and aside from the one recent comic I did for the funny scenario, I don't really see myself making more content for the Trollhunter's AU 😭😭😭Especially not lore stuff.
I feel REALLY bad that the AU got pushed to the back-burner, I didn't expect so many of you guys to like it so much.
BUT I'm very happy to let you guys take what ideas I had and run with it! I'm sorry I don't think I can contribute more to the AU other than what I've already posted. Maybe I'll revisit it at some point, who knows?
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