#and it could be a coincidence but like. Augh
blissfali · 1 year
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eydi-andrius · 1 month
Corporate Hell (Vox X Reader)
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Synopsis: You met your old boss in hell.
Warnings: 🚨 18+ 🚨 If you're a minor, PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT! Non-Con, drugs, cursing, implied murder, nudity, mentions of polyamory relationship, uploaded right after I finished writing, and probably more.
a/n: Vox has been on my mind lately. This is probably not good but I have to get him off my mind. The brainrot I had for this capitalist, sadistic, bottom, sub, bi, television set augh!
When you woke up and realized you're in hell, you kind of accepted it right away.
Yes, in your past life, you were just working for someone and it wasn't really your fault the exploitation of the workers happened.
However, being a bystander and complacent to his demands without doing anything is a different side of the same coin kind of evil.
You did try, you know.
To change your fate.
Do the most illegal shit to survive.
It was fun..
At first….
Until it wasn't.
Maybe being in the corporate for years, fucked you up so much that at this moment you wished you’re just working a normal office job.
You thought that it was better than being on the street 24/7. Barely sleeping because you're afraid to wake up surrounded by actual evil denizens, or else, dead again.
So with that decision in mind, you applied as an assistant in VoxTex Enterprises since this work was closer and almost the same as your old job.
A good coincidence if you’ve asked.
Weird. But a good coincidence is a good one, so even if it was kind of sus, you shrugged it off and applied.
You’re not even fully out of the building, when someone comes out rushing, and calling your name, yelling you're hired.
You were delighted and thanked him profusely, but then, you swear you’ve heard someone yelling from the top floor and fell to death just now.
Well, just like you always do, you shrugged it off.
It was a normal day in hell, so it wasn't that big of a deal.
With that in mind, you hoppingly went home.
Finally! A job you're comfortable doing.
On your first day, you met Papermint, the big boss’s secretary.
You were confused at first because you thought you applied for a simple assistant job. Not wanting the same mistake you did when you were still alive. Working as a secretary of a tyrant and exploiter businessman.
Yet, like always, you shrugged it off, since your work is merely the president’s secretary assistant, so it's not that bad.
And if you're lucky, and the owner is a prick, you won't see him often.
Most rich people look down on the poor, anyway.
So silently you prayed that he was the same type, who only wants to meet his secretary and no one else.
There are moments in your life wherein you wish the floor opens up and swallows you whole.
At the moment, you wished that a miracle happened and the floor did just that.
It seems like your luck must have run out since you came from hell because right now, in front of you, was your old boss, who died from a freak accident when a jumbotron fell on him while he was hosting an event.
His look may have been different but the vibe and aura was still the same old him. Sporting an LED screen as a head this time, but still wearing the same pattern of tux and same exploiter grin he had when he was still alive.
“Don't you think it must have been fate? Imagine that there's a lot of rings in hell you can be thrown into but somehow you fell in the same place I was put in.” He grinned, elbows placed atop of his table, hands intertwined together, as his head rested above it.
He looks happy, glad even, that he was able to meet someone he knows. His old secretary nonetheless. How lucky an old boss could be.
The urge to punch him straight on his screened face was strong but you were able to put up that “always professional” smile.
“A good coincidence, I may say.” You agreed, although, in gritted teeth.
It was obvious that he sensed your dissatisfaction in your situation and you watched him guffaw at your probably constipated look.
Papermint looked between you and Vox, but mostly at you, confused and kind of scared. And you don't blame him.
You made a mental note to clear up the misunderstanding and to assure him that you don't plan on taking away his job later. He can marry his position and you care less about it.
You just needed a safe job.
Now, you realized why the offer seems too good to be true. A free apartment, a good bonus, even better than what you have when you're alive.
For the first time in your life, you prayed, but it was filled with curses so you're not sure if heaven approved of it.
You were convinced that Vox made sure to make Papermint so busy that he had no choice but to force you to stand in for him.
The way he looks so dissatisfied whenever his secretary came back done and perfected whatever he asked. He was so mad that he ordered the poor secretary to monitor a new technology that wasn't even thought about yet. Announcing it live on television even. You swore you heard him crying before the door from his office was closed.
The event he wants you to attend with him is Val’s new bar opening. This guy knows you don't drink. He must have had something in mind to force you to come in with him.
At this point, you’re already aware of his relationship with Valentino and Velvette. They're in polyamory relationships, in both personal and in business.
You just rolled your eyes at it. Knowing him in real life, you're not that surprised. The only reason why he was stopping himself to do it in the mortal realm was his fear of ruining his image. Being gay and in a relationship with more than one partner was frowned upon, no matter how powerful you were. So him living his dream here in hell, is probably a dream come true.
Standing in the corner, you looked around and watched the bunch of people doing the most heinous and lustful act that will get you canceled. If you can gouge your eyes out and put holy water on it, you would have done it. Just to clean them and at least, keep the little innocence you still have.
As if sensing eyes boring on you, you looked for it and on your right, you stared at Vox and Valentino, who were both staring at you. Val was whispering something in Vox’s ear. A mischievous grin was plastered on his face, and your boss nodded in whatever that was. Val then picked up a glass of, probably alcohol with pink hue and glittery swirls, and handed it to Vox.
Vox, whose eyes were already on you, nodded, a silent order for you to come closer.
With a deep sigh, you trudged your way towards him. If you have a choice, you’ll be out of this place. This wasn't your scene and you thought, Vox feels the same too. Yes, he drinks often but you were sure that he barely visits bars, unless Val was there, or he misses Val’s touch.
You stepped back when Vox handed you the glass, with the weird looking alcohol inside. You grimaced at it, now that it was closer for you to see, it looks so suspicious.
“I’m sorry, I don't drink.” Gulping, you denied the offer. You said to yourself that you’ll deal with the consequences of your denial after.
Sensing Vox moving closer to you, you flinched and closed your eyes, waiting for a slap or a punch from denying him. However, instead, you felt his hot breath on your ear as he whispered, the smell of bourbon and his perfume mixed with the sickly sweet smell in the air.
“I know you don't but Val wants you too. I don't want to handle one of his tantrums right now. I had a long day, so please, just drink this. Just a glass to keep him satisfied. He doesn't like seeing someone sober in his bar. A bad reputation for him.” He begged, although on gritted teeth.
Unsure, you looked behind him, and even when his eyes were covered by sunglasses, you squeaked in the mixture of surprise and fear when you caught Val looking at you. He is expecting you to drink whatever he gave Vox and he obviously is not expecting you to say no.
Damn...for once..you kind of agree with Vox. No one wants to deal with Val’s tantrums. It was way worse than Vox’s and Velvette. At least those two were reasonable. Val is just evil. Period.
With no choice left, you pick up the glass out of Vox’s hand, raise it for Val to see and mouthed congratulations, before drinking it straight up, no stopping.
Whatever that drink was, it was weird. It has no taste but it feels awfully cold as it goes down your throat, then, once it settles down in your stomach, it turns warm, almost bothersome. Slowly, you felt something slithering in your veins. It was so subtle, but for someone who's already tuned in to whatever was in their body, you felt the way it moved.
Valentino’s grin only widens, before he turns his attention back to the harem he has on his shoulders and lap. Completely ignoring your descent to madness in whatever you drank just now.
Feeling unwell, you excused yourself and rushed to the nearby restroom.
When you got in there, the line was so long, some girls and ladies were even standing in line. And you felt bad asking to use the room first, you’d rather vomit and ruin on the marble floor.
Your mind is already on haywire, scared that you’ll do something you will regret when you realize that you have in your purse Vox’s VIP room’s keycard in this bar. He wouldn't mind if you use his restroom for a bit right?
With no choice left, and with dwindling dignity about your situation, you rushed over to where his room was. You don't even remember how you got in there, but you collapsed on the tiled floor, and vomited everything you had that day.
Face covering the whole toilet seat, you clutched the rim for support.
It was odd.
No matter how much you puke, it seems like the heat coursing inside you worsens. In fact, when you vomited, the heat in your stomach tightened its hold on you.
It feels like whatever you digested was heightened when removed from someone’s system.
You were sweating. Eyes unfocused as you drink the water from the faucet. Not caring if it was clean or whatever. You just want the heat inside you gone. It is uncomfortable, borderline painful.
Looking at your reflection in the mirror and seeing your disheveled appearance, you concluded that Valentino drugged you.
That piece of shit!
You screamed bloody murder as you released the frustration. Normally, you can handle it, and forget it right after work, but with your situation, you could barely think.
You wanted to hurt someone. Punch somebody. Bite a person’s limb. God! Whatever you could do to feel better.
Removing your pumps from your feet, unbuttoning your shirt, zipping out your skirt and throwing them all on the side. You sighed a bit in relief when you’re all in your underwear. The heavy feeling of your corporate attire removed from your being.
Looking around, you find the room’s shower, and it was one of those rich people showers, where the water comes from all sides. Thinking it would be a good idea to get rid of this heat permanently by having a cold shower, you stepped in, removed your remaining clothing, and completely forgot that this wasn't your room.
You sighed with relief when the cold water cascaded all over your body. It was so welcoming and it helps with clearing up the fog in your mind that came from whatever drug Val put in your drink.
You thought the hell was already over until you felt warmth pooling in your core. Your middle vibrates with want and need.
Of course. He will not drug you with just any normal drugs. With his history, using a love drug is probably common. You screamed in annoyance and thanked the cascading water for drowning the sound of your pain. The more you try to not focus on the feeling, the more it tugs in your middle, and you want nothing but to end it.
You already weighed your option. It is most unlikely that Vox will stay here tonight. He seems busy with his networking with some rich folks and you probably don't need a lot of time to get off. Just a bit of time to release the knot and feel better.
You slowly put your hand on your center, and shuddered at the feel of your fingers when it brushed your clit. It was already engorged and sensitive. Whatever that substance, it was potent and strong. The result was fast and effective.
Using your left arm, you bite your hand, trying to stop your moans, as you slowly play with your folds, circling on your bud, making sure your fingers are wet enough before putting them inside of you. You shuddered when you felt your core, squeezing your fore and middle finger as you slowly pumped it, in and out of you.
You sighed in relief when it reached the part you’re most sensitive and responsive to.
A moaning mess, you closed your eyes from the heavenly feeling, you made sure to pump your fingers faster, hitting your g-spot repeatedly, and barely keeping it in as your legs shake from want and anticipation of your impending orgasm.
It was all fun until you heard a static voice, moaning, and ordering you to move your fingers faster. Calling you a good girl. And almost like a whisper begging you to bend more so he can see you clearer.
You may be horny but whatever that was made you stop, and you immediately whip your head back from the direction of that voice, and from what you’ve seen, all color left your body.
The whole room is transparent. In fact, the walls were made of clear glass. You have sworn that when you entered, it didn't look this way.
Panic sinked in, you instantly cover your boobs, using both of your arms. Leaving your core, free, and all for him to see.
You heard him tsk in annoyance. He grunted in disapproval and removed his hand from stroking his dick. He is naked, all of his clothes were thrown to the side. He was sitting on his bed, and a remote was near his hand.
You concluded that whatever happened to you must have been a set up.
“You monster!” You yelled and accused him, you tried to step back and move away from his eyes, but you just watched him follow your movement and smile whenever your boobs jiggle when you move.
What a fucking pervert!
“You set me up!” You tried to look around but there is no towel in sight to cover yourself. It was as if the place was barren. So you sat down, and you saw how his face turned crestfallen when he was denied a free view of your pussy.
“You fucking psycho! What do you think you're doing to your own employee, you sick fuck!” You continued yelling profanities at him and you just watched him sniff in disapproval, and shake his head.
“I did not. In fact, I didn't know that whatever Val gave you was laced in drugs.” He came clean, raising his hands in surrender.
Although, you don't want to agree with him. Vox is not the type to use drugs as underhanded tactics. He loves his reputation way too much to be doing something so low. It must have been Val.
“He must have been jealous of you.” He admitted after some thought, and you shuddered in fear when you realized how scary being the subject of Val’s ire.
“I am only your secretary’s assistant!”
“Doesn’t matter. Once he sets his eye on you, he will do something about you.” He looked bored as he put his hands on the side, and relaxed a bit. His upright dick wobbled at the slight movement of him, the tip was still red and swollen from not having its release.
You didn't realize that your eyes were glued on it, until you heard Vox chuckling in amusement, and your eyes instantly went back up to his.
“What exactly did I do to get his attention?” You asked, confused and scared.
“I’m not sure. He isn't the pickiest demon I know, you know.” He replied with a purr. You don't even have to look down to see that his hand already went back on stroking his dick. Your blatant stare turned him on again.
“Come on, sweetheart! Let me help you out.” The moment he stood up, even though you're sitting on the tiled floor, you did your best to move back away, without losing sight of him.
He is grinning. And you know well enough that he enjoys whatever it was you're doing to keep him away from you.
The moment he was in front of the glass door of the shower, you stood up and boxed up. You don't care anymore if your boobs are hanging out. Your swollen folds cold from the air.
No. Actually, it wasn't. The feeling of painful heat was back again, and your core involuntarily squeezed nothing from anticipation.
Seeing the naked Vox in front of you, the feeling worsens, as if it is clawing out of you to be released.
“Knowing Val’s moods. He probably gave you something strong.” He explained.
“Let me eat you out.” He followed, looking like he was salivating.
“Are you insane? Did having that LED screen head make you stupid? No! I will not have sex with you.” Trying your best to insult him away, you cursed at him, yelled at him, even spit at his feet. But all his focus was only on you. Like a predator, already locked in on his prey.
You tried to fight it, you really do, but when you felt something dripping down your legs, wetness was visible in your core. You know you already lost.
You didn't even fight back, when Vox stepped forward, and cupped your breasts. His hand is molding in the shape of your mound, as he massages and plays with your nipples. He tugged at it, and he shuddered at the sound of your moan.
He is enjoying it, and you can feel how his manhood is poking on your hips.
“Alright, sweetheart. This is what’s going to happen.” He suddenly let go of your breast, his hand cupped your face and forced you to look up at him. You felt your eyes water, and at this point, the fog in your head is back. Your mind is blank, body working on instinct.
“I will eat you out, fuck whatever drugs was in your system, and you’ll stay quiet about this incident, okay?” Your body seems to be moving on autopilot as you nodded, not really understanding what he said. Realizing that you're already lost in the sedative in your system, Vox cursed at Val for whatever he did tonight.
You let Vox carry you like a princess to the bed, you even circled your hands around his, looking at him like he is the most wonderful thing you ever saw in hell. You stretch the moment your back hits the satin sheet and relinquish the cold feeling of the fabric on your skin.
Not giving you time to move away, Vox set himself between your legs, head already in your core and mouthing your folds like it was his.
Your moan echoed in the room. You shivered at the feel of his mouth, and cried when his tongue finally graced your walls. It was long, and weird. You know he is a demon, but having this tongue on you right now is the evilest thing he ever did in his time in hell.
His grip on your leg tightened, when he felt you shimmying away from his face. You felt the familiar tug in you and cried out when your orgasm hit you like whiplash. You felt how his moan vibrated in your insides and rode his face until the feeling of your end made you feel like a jell-o.
It was only a brief moment of relief, you closed your eyes, still high from your orgasm, when you felt him crawling above you, and kissed your cheeks with affection, you thought he was incapable of.
Opening your eyes, you gave him a toothy grin, and put your arms around his neck.
You felt him cupping your core for a moment, and holding his dick in front of your entrance, before dipping in and your back was raised from euphoria.
He was relentless as he moved. It was primal, as if, for someone who could have sex with anyone, he seems like he doesn't know what he is doing and only moves by pure instinct.
You were too out of it, when you placed your hand on his cheek, and kissed his lips softly. He was staring at the way he hides inside of you. How he fits perfectly. Fascinated on how you accepted him right away for someone who was so adamant on saying no.
“Don't neglect me.” You begged, with a pout. As you pulled his face to come look at you.
His assault stopped for a moment. He was just staring at you, eyes wide, and mouth agape. Until, something flashed on those pupils and he moved his face closer to you.
“I do not care if it was only the drugs talking but after this, don't expect that you’ll be back on your normal life in hell. You are now mine. Everything about you is mine. Mine to protect, mine to take care of, and mine to destroy. No matter how much you begged for me to leave you alone, I won't do that. You already sold yourself to me. And this may be the reason why out of all the people I know of it was you who found me again.” His eyes were intense and voiced laced with dark promise.
“Alright. I am yours, Vox.” Not really understanding what he said, you responded.
That night, everything was a blur. You don't remember how many times he bent you over, how much you soiled the sheets, or how many times you marked each other like there is no tomorrow.
It was wild, uncaring and fast. You’re probably going to regret it the moment you’re back to yourself and realize the damage you have done.
But tonight, you cannot deny that you enjoyed the attention. His attention.
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frozenjokes · 4 months
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A Meeting Of Three Future Pirates (i enjoyed this little scene and wanted to draw a little thing)
in which Scar refuses to tell Mumbo his name, and Grian is determined to get an answer
Ao3 Link for the fic!
Luckily, the day passed without incident. That is, until Mumbo turned around and Grian was gone.
Gone and already halfway across the docks towards Pirate- for goodness sakes, what did Mumbo expect! Why had he described him so accurately? Not that it was difficult to pick Pirate out in a crowd, he stood out just as much as Mumbo did- augh! And now, here Mumbo was with an armful of cleaning supplies, bumbling while Grian was making a beeline towards a bad decision.
“Hello there, sir! Might I have a moment of your time?” Grian spoke before Mumbo could, and Pirate, quick as ever, wasted no time before turning around.
“Well hello there! What might a mysterious cloaked figure such as yourself be looking for?” The salesman lilt was in full display, Pirate facing Grian with open arms. Grian turned briefly back to Mumbo with a quick wink. Oh god. Mumbo dropped what he was carrying and hurried forward, but stopped in a strangled breath as he opened his mouth. He couldn’t call either of their names; he didn’t even know Pirate’s, but Grian’s was just as bad to yell on a crowded dock. Mumbo didn’t get to make a decision before Grian continued.
“A name, if you have one,” Grian smirked, and Mumbo couldn’t see his face, but he knew Grian was smirking, “See, I’m here on behalf of Mumbo Jumbo, we’re acquaintances-“
“His last name is Jumbo?”
“Yes, it’s very silly-”
“I don’t think so! Well, I do think so a little bit, but in a good way! It’s kind of whimsical, yeah? You guys are friends? Ah, that makes sense. He gets so worked up about the name thing it’s- oh! There he is behind you! Hello Mum-”
“Shut it!” Grian pointed hard at Pirate’s face, so aggressively, his hood nearly came off, but other than a quiet ‘oh, okay,’ Pirate didn’t look discouraged at all. Quite the contrary actually, which could only be an awful sign- “I’m here for your name, and if you don’t tell me, I’m gonna tell you what he’s called you.”
“Gri- G- Please don’t do that!” Mumbo tried, but only Pirate paid him any mind, smiling and waving in a fashion that made his heart beat a little faster.
Pirate laughed, clearly irritating Grian, though he didn’t give any indication that he noticed, only looking back at him brightly, “Funny coincidence! I was actually wondering about that! I’ve tried asking, I’ve even offered to guess, but Mumbo doesn’t have the same appreciation for games that I do. Just between you and I though, secretly, I think he likes guessing-”
Mumbo bristled, unable to help himself, “I do not like guessing!” but even Pirate ignored him this time, Grian holding all of his attention.
“I wouldn’t be so sure you want to know.”
“Oh believe me, I do! Not much phases me, I’ll tell you that much. Go ahead and hit me!” Pirate was clearly not prepared for Grian to take that literally, but Mumbo winced as he said it, knowing full well Grian could never help himself, and sure enough, his fist landed squarely in Pirate’s gut before Mumbo could even say a word of warning. Pirate gasped, folding over, but Grian jumped back like he’d been stung, eyes wide under his cloak.
If Grian had any talent at all, it was pointing and screaming. The dock erupted, sailors and fishermen and everyone else having returned from their trips for the evening, all spurred into action by the shrill (and if Mumbo was being honest, quite feminine sounding) scream. Mumbo, only a close distance away by now, ran forward in an attempt to help, but despite being stronger than most people tended to assume, he was no match against the beefy, adrenaline filled sailors with everything to lose.
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qqtxt · 1 year
[🌸] infatuation w/ txt.taehyun [4/5]
✿ pairing: taehyun x reader / idol!txt / employee!you / fluff ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 1000 words for each member [word count: 956 words] ✿ in which they have the biggest crush on you and they try to take the first step in letting you know... [masterlist 🌸] / other members will follow suit!
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you have a motto that you live by and that is: if it can kill me, i’ll kill it first. well, that used to work if you’re going to... y’know, hunt a bear or fishing or something related to survival. no one quite prepared you for how it would be working under a big corporation; much less hybe corporation.
were you a slave to the corporate world? not really... but you weren’t the type to succumb to just anything... but this job was important to you and you know it. it pays well, it teaches you new skills, it allows you to transfer to different departments to get a change in perspective, so in all, it’s a pretty good job. sometimes, the job gets to you a bit too much that you focus on it to the point your tunnel vision zones in, and you can’t quite notice...
[🐿] taehyun “are you planning to flood the whole building?” a voice snaps you from your trance and you notice how you’ve almost filled your cup to the brim, about to overflow if it wasn’t for–”oh, taehyun. hey!”
he tries not to smile too hard, unable to poke fun at the fact that you could’ve easily drench the floor with water from the water cooler. it’s pure coincidence that taehyun bumps into you here but he won’t let the opportunity pass when you step to the side to allow him to refill his water bottle.
at his silence, you’re shifting back, one step, two, three and–”not gonna wait for me?” he pouts a little, glancing at you as he focuses on filling his bottle and you remain at where you are with the cup in your hands. you offer him an awkward chuckle, shrugging, “didn’t know you wanted me to wait.”
“augh, now you’re hurting my feelings.”
you can tell there’s no malice in his tone, especially when his eyes are sparkling at you like that. despite the hours of practice, it doesn’t seem to wear him out; instead, he looks like he could still run a marathon and make it first. when he’s done, he closes his bottle and holds his hand out, “to make it up to me, hand it over.”
you blink down to the cup you’re holding, which consists of just plain water. uncertain, you extend it to him and he chuckles lightly, shaking his head. he doesn’t know if he’s about to combust from his sudden surge of confidence or he wants to bury himself under the rocks for trying to be bold, only for his message to fly over your head.
he gulps and shakes his head, pressing his lips together as he points with his eyes to your other hand; empty, just... just your hand. he sees you’re confused, but you don’t hesitate to hold out your other hand. carefully, he reaches for it and places his hand in yours, slowly lowering it down so that he can–”lemme walk you back.”
your eyes are blown wide, but there’s this... giddy feeling blooming in your chest with the way he’s shy yet somehow trying to be confident with his advances. you follow suit and walk beside him, leisurely, each step closer to your destination that still seems so far away–yet not far enough to relish in the moment. taehyun notices the silence but doesn’t mention it, glancing at you from time to time to see how you’re masking your smile by looking down to your hand in his.
then you do it.
your fingers instinctively fill the gaps between his; a signal, a sign, a stamp to his chest that you... somehow, someway, reciprocate his feelings for you. at the feeling, taehyun tightens his grip on his water bottle, trying not to falter as he walks with you back to your desk.
as you two reach where you’re meant to get back to work (despite it being off-hours and no one’s left in your department), you gaze up to taehyun who’s staring at you a bit too hard. you try to let go of his hand by shaking it a little and he doesn’t let go, a small frown etching his lips.
“what a shame, i wanted to keep holding this hand...” he mumbles softly, but you catch every word. it strums your heartstrings; lightly, playfully, teasingly.
you clear your throat and you’re able to shake his hand off to take a seat back to your desk. setting your cup down, you pick up a file and turn to see how he’s expecting a response; be it a rejection, an acknowledgement, something.
“well... you can hold this hand again after your practice,” you look down to your file, trying to hide your face but taehyun already sees how wide you’re smiling, especially when you mumble after: i like holding that hand, too.
taehyun composes himself, trying hard not to combust. he steps back and nods, about to make his way back to his dance practice room but he makes sure you hear: “ah... i’ll have a hand to hold now, after practice. should be coming back in an hour to claim that reward.”
he stalks off to the corridor, when he’s almost hidden from plain sight. you peek from your file to see how he’s jumping up and down, bouncing around and seemingly kai saw everything, now squealing in joy. kai hits him, taehyun hits him back, the two hit each other playfully as they run back to their dance practice room; their laughter and sounds of joy echoing across the floor, reaching you and your burning cheeks as you hide your face in the file, feet tapping on the feet in elation. 
you cannot wait for when taehyun’s practice was over.
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cirrusin · 7 months
Haiiii ur DGM thoughts are always juicy what are your thoughts for Kanda or Lenalee (*>∇<)ノ
hi <3 kanda and lenalee are such insane characters i love them
i have a bit of a theory about the relationship between kanda's hallucinations (of his past life) and mugen's ability to create illusions but idk how to word it yet .. in any case kanda's sheer capacity for love and loyalty is astounding. when you meet him initially youre like what a rude cunt doesn't he care if finders die?? and admittedly kanda still has negative tact but now WE GET IT. if people willingly served and died for an organization as corrupt as the order i wouldn't respect them either tbh. what does it mean when the order has stooped to levels that even the earl says are fucked up? but the way kanda continued to fight for the order for the precise purpose of finding that person from his past, and the way kanda refuses to leave the battle even after finding alma just to repay allen. man .... something something his ruthlessness for the sake of love . then the way kanda "killed" alma to continue living and find that person from his past (WHO WAS ALMA), what a perfect tragedy jesus christ!!!
and lenalee IS SO FUCKING INTERESTING!! it's been a while since we saw lenalee and allen's "dream worlds" but i haven't forgotten. they're mirrors of one another separated by what seems to be a lake? with the same moon!! god i could write a whole essay on the dream worlds in dgm, because somehow we see nea mourning mana in allen's dream world and by extension lenalee's mirror world, and we kind of know allen's connection to the earl but where does lenalee lie? there's something to be said about how dark boots and crown clown have both acted independently of their users but somehow i don't think she's the heart, she seems like she's being set up to play a larger role that we haven't seen yet. i'm so excited to see where she goes!!! aside from that, it's no coincidence that dark boots now looks like shackles around her ankles :( all in all lenalee is such a sad character too like she's the perfect representation of somebody who's lost everything and would do anything to prevent that happening again ... she was terrified of lvellie when she was young and she's still terrified of him now (side note, her sibling-like relationship w kanda where she kept running to him whenever lvellie visited.. augh)
but i hope lenalee and kanda both end up fully defecting from the order 👆
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consumeroflemoans · 2 months
Hello, you asked for Vilidia asks and I'm gonna try my damndest to deliver because I crave content of them as well, so I'm just gonna knock out a few scenarios I have in my head, they're a bit half baked, but I hope that's fine
So the social event thought, Vil is famous, Idias family is kinda too, he's bound to be forced to attend something at some point and does acting coincide with conglamerate shit? Probably not, but I don't know how being famous works and a man can dream
This then could lead to a classic run-in and then "chilling outside because you're the only person here I like or maybe even know", but what I personally think is just a tad funnier is if the rest of Idias whole extended family was also present and Vil can be introduced to those guys for a nice little "wtf Idia has friends/a boyfriend", depends on wether he'd be willing to tell them, and not only that it's Vil fucking Schönheit
Of course there's Mr. and Ms. Shroud which in and of itself already good, but an idea I've seen floating around too is that Idia has a cousin who could be TWST Zeus and I like that thought plus aunts, uncles, whoever you want really
Secondly, something smaller is that I like to think Idia at some point in his life is going to get glasses because I have glasses come on, he sees more blue light than sunlight
And now that could go over into funky glasses frame shopping because just because glasses are made to make you see better doesn't mean that they aren't just as much capable of looking fun and I think Vil would agreePlus you could also get a nice chain to attach if you wanted to
Proceeding with more fashion stuff, now it's no uncommon scenario to see Vil dress Idia up a bit, but I also like the thought that by the end Idia is so flustered that his hair is entirely pink and now the outfit colours Vil picked out don't work anymore
I might come back at some point and tell you about more thoughts, but I feel like that's enough for now and I hope you enjoyed them
Have a nice day :]
Dude I am going absolutely insane
Vil and Idia at some stuffy party they don’t want to be at is golden.
I absolutely adore Vil having the chance to meet Idia’s family but also consider:
They’re the only two outside and already familiar with each other. Vil notices Idia visibly uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to have to dress up and socialize, that much is obvious. They stand in silence for a long time, far enough apart to not intrude on one another. Vil mentally debates the whole time, wondering if he could be irresponsible for just one night. He wants to help Idia, but he has an obligation to make his presence known at the party. Eventually he decides, sweeping over towards Idia in whatever elegant gown he donned. Vil asks point blank if Idia wants to get out of there. Idia’s obviously taken aback but stutters out an agreement. They take a night out, finding some gazebo far from any human life and spend the night together. They’re still in their formal wear as they explore together and chat, but neither of them mind much. Outside of the obligations of the party, it’s nice to have a chance to be themselves.
Augh actually on the topic of Vil and family I feel like he’d be kind of shocked by Idia having a large family. It’s always been just him and his dad, so him suddenly having a massive extended family would be so fun. Also I feel like he’d be the kind of guy to absolutely adore kids. He might not have them for himself, but he loves Ortho and any of Idia’s younger cousins. Idia finds it really endearing seeing Vil get along so well with his family.
I’m just imagining Vil looking over the options with Idia, both of them trying to find the perfect one to match his vibe. They can’t seem to find the perfect one, so they take matters into their own hands. Both of them have the money and talent to design custom glasses. Vil would sketch out designs for different outfits and scenarios while Idia would build the frames and add some sort of techno magic to them. He can’t have boring regular glasses after all.
Omg one of my favorite things ever is them combining Idia’s technological genius with Vil’s skill with design. They could pull together so many cool tech savvy outfits
Just them trying fashion together!!! Aaaaa Vil dressing Idia, standing back to appraise him, and saying Idia looks stunning. Idia immediately breaks, his hair flaring a bright pink and Vil watches him smugly. Vil adores how easily he can break Idia and he often will whisper small compliments into his ear just to see that reaction. They pass each other in the halls and Vil leans down for a brief moment to say Idia looks cute. Idia tugs his hood over his head and quickly shuffles away, now unable to think about anything besides Vil.
Swipe you thank you so much for feeding me. As promised I am kissing you platonically /silly
Now excuse me while I die
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kindheart525 · 3 months
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All this oracle nonsense was starting to get in Swift’s head. He tried not to let it get to him, but it did anyway. He was starting to wonder what fate could possibly have in store for him, if “fate” was even a thing. It was all hypothetical, of course. He didn’t really believe it.
Prophecy’s warning to him was something about being dispossessed, something with a fool’s gold bar. What could that possibly mean? An extreme weather event washing his home away? Losing money over some bad decisions?
No, it was impossible. There was nothing even remotely suspicious in the weather forecast, Swift had checked…not out of paranoia, of course. Plus, he was responsible with his money, unlike a certain coworker of his. She must have gotten his prediction mixed up with Lemon’s.
Not that Prophecy really had anything to do with it. Once again, it was an unlucky coincidence. It had to be.
Still, the whole thing consumed Swift’s thoughts more than he would have liked, so much that he couldn’t even get through a simple grocery trip without thinking of her—
Swift found himself suddenly pushed back like he had run into a wall, as another voice cried out in frustration. In his paranoid state he hadn’t been watching where he was going; he quickly realized it was another pony he ran into. His vision was a blur as his fellow shopper went down with him, their paper bag crumbling between them, until he finally saw who it was.
“Oy gevalt! My olives!”
She was the first to spring up, lamenting the jar of olives that had now spilled across the ground beyond hope of salvage.
Then she took notice of the stallion who did this.
“Hello, Swift Valor.”
Her tone was even and civil, but she was annoyed. Both that he had spilled all her groceries and because their last interaction had been so sour.
“Sorry, uh—let me help.”
Swift started hastily picking up her bagels as soon as he could get up, honestly feeling a little bad for being part of this mess. But he was also pissed that coincidence had brought him to this mare, once again.
“Thank you.”
Prophecy accepted his help, straightening out her bag and stuffing some more of her groceries into it.
She almost reached for a bagel herself, but she pulled away, not wanting to make any more physical contact with him after that run-in.
“Ugh, the olives are beyond saving. But I suppose I’m not surprised, I sensed something inconvenient would happen today.”
“What an unfortunate coincidence.”
Sorry for being such an inconvenience.
Swift thought sarcastically, taking her comment as a jab against himself. Out loud, he made sure to emphasize exactly what this was—a coincidence.
“How are your friends doing? Golden Opportunity and Lemon Wedge?”
Of course she remembered.
“They’re not friends, they’re coworkers.”
The stallion corrected her in light of recent events driving them apart, summoning a sanitizing wipe with his magic to clean her food off. 
“And they’re just fine. Same as always.”
He lied, not wanting Prophecy to know what had really been happening.
“So they’ve been emotionally and financially stable?”
She already knew.
“Well, not exactly,” Swift admitted begrudgingly. “Golden’s pet died and Lemon lost a pretty big bet a while ago. Both very unfortunate incidents.”
“Ah. Just as I predicted,” Prophecy nodded to herself. “Please, send them my condolences.”
She was never happy to see her bad visions come to pass; she was merely a messenger for it all. So she meant it, but Swift saw a passive-aggressive smugness.
“This has nothing to do with your predictions!”
Swift finally blew his top.
“How can you really know it was more than two awful coincidences? That ferret was not young, and Lemon is terrible with money anyway. Anypony could have seen this coming, you know, with actual observation. Plus, nothing has happened to me, so you can’t say you’ve been proven right yet.”
Prophecy emphasized, not being able to help from smirking a little.
“Wha—no, that’s not what I mean!”
Swift started to panic, realizing what he had said.
Damn it! She’s getting into my head!
“There’s still time for you.”
“Statistically unlikely, but okay.”
But then Swift stopped her.
“Wait! Ugh…let me at least make up for the olives. Sorry for snapping like that.”
He produced a clutch of bits out of guilt. Though he was convinced he was right in what he said, the attitude was still uncalled for. Even he knew this.
“I accept your apology.”
She took his bits and his words graciously, but didn’t leave him with the satisfaction of forgiveness. Especially not after he basically insulted her profession to her face, again. Instead she offered a warning.
“Hopefully you still have plenty for security. If you’re so convinced my vision won’t come to pass, you can make sure it doesn’t.”
But Swift brushed her off like always.
“Sure, Prophecy. I’ll see you around.”
And he went on with his day, feeling strangely vindicated by this encounter. He was right: she was just getting into his head. Now that they met again, he could see she was trying to mess with him.
Plus, if her visions really were true, then those olives had cost quite a bit. He would have to give up a couple of his more expensive groceries to make up for it; in a way he was already “dispossessed” just like she foretold. He could certainly make a solid argument for it.
That meant his prophecy had already come to pass, hypothetically. He was safe now. Right?
Previous (for Swift): Spilled Salt Previous (for Prophecy): Gentle Sheen Next: Hanging Horseshoe
Background by BonesWolbach
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zerotimediana · 2 years
you know what i think it's fine to believe jupe DID have a connection with gordy. fine in the sense that like this movie is about the difference between the Gazes right so sure Gordy is 100% a wild animal who should not have been put in that situation. absolutely. and there's definitely credit to the idea that it was coincidence, just the table cloth that spared jupe's life.
but i think it's also an interesting and somewhat nice reading to feel like yeah Gordy did see jupe and Recognized him as a comfort or safety. maybe only in the way he would see a favorite toy or food or something but nonetheless recognized him and jupe's Gaze as a Good Thing.
kind of in the way the haywoods used the "i see you" sign before taking on jj separately, where looking and being seen was by all means deadly. like, the idea of looking out for each other by mutual choice and recognition as a weapon against spectacle. jupe and gordy being as friends as a wild animal and a little boy could be as coworkers might have also been that choice despite the circumstances
i think it even makes Jupe's corruption of that bond for spectacle and profit even more fucked up! even more proof of his corruptibility and perpetrator of the cycle of violence showbiz foments. idk idk ultimately its ambiguous and no reading is wrong but augh its making me Think
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chain-draws-stuff · 5 months
EndKing!Steve AU
Chapter 16
what a fool...
Mesa pov:
I was almost out of the small town following where my portal was...that's when
I looked at the bush next to me and...
A little furbal with Grey, black, and white stripes on its body(racoon) came out of the shadows, I almost got a heart attack when that happened...but I wasn't expecting something else to come down from the trees and tackled me, pinning me down to the ground. It was a person? No...the man had horns curved upwards, claws and a tail.....this was no human...then what?! I wasn't able to move not even an inch 'what kind of sorcery is this?! I can't move...' I thought to myself as I prepared for there next move...the creature stood up and running away sparing my life...'what was that...' be fore I could even turn around I was nocked out...
I couldn't remember what happened but all I know it that I was back to my castle lying down on my bed as if it was all a dream...I got out and wore the rest of my armor
(I'll tell you my hc for Mesa once I'm finished with this chapter and yes he's a cyborg)
I got to the hallway and I see that the pleaug was still spreading...slowly but surely. I had to act fast, but before I even got the chance to move towards the throne room pain rockets throughout my entire body.
I was aching in pain but as seconds passed the pain began to sooth and dissappear. I got up and continued to the throne room and headed to the back of the room to enter my (hidden)laboratory and luckily got a sample of the creature (soo...I guess it wasn't a deam?...) I placed it to one of the tubes and then placed the tube on the table and began making some random potions because who knows what else the pleaug could do?!
As I was making potions Just in case and as I was almost done with making I heard a glass break from the other room (the potion room and yeah he has 2 laboratory for bc he has too many potions) I rushed to the potion room and I saw the blood sample in the tube was broken...the blood was spilled on the ground...just great, unfortunately I didn't had another one...I was puzzled...who could had made the tube break and fall? I was the only one in here after all...and the only one who knew...I shrugged off the feeling and went back towhay I was doing...
????:....what a coincidence...looks like I'll be taking 2 dimension...what fun~
In the realm of the dead...
Steve pov:
The dragon I were having a nice convesation about random...stuff then began...
I looked around and looked at my arm see that it had a small Crack on it...
????:Child...you can't stay here for long...
The dragon spoke with worry and calmness
Steve:...but what about you?...
????:ill be fine. Besides, you can visit me whenever you'll go back to sleep
The dragon spoke with calmness as if this had already happened to him multiple times...I was asleep thus whole time? (yeah I get it players can't sleep in the end...BUT ENTITLES CAN)
???: hey...atleast you'll have someone to talk to when your alone...
The dragon smiles at me...I smiled back, the world was breaking I didn't know how to get out. The dragon places one of it claws on my hand as it went close to my ear and said...
????:Wake Up.
I woke up from the dream and...everything was fine...I was back to reality seeing my claws as I looked at my arm and the crack was gone... I got up and went to the closet and change...to wearing my elytra and the armor on the armor stand. I knew the whole castle at the back of my hand, it is my castle after all. I remembered tha the phantom was going to take me somewhere...I got ready and brought my sword.
(the reinforced shadow sword from chapter -)
I waited for a few minutes at the edge of the island as the phantom was hovering the void...the phantom nodded signaling me to follow them...we flew over biome after biome, island after island. We were far from the kingdom thats for sure...as we flew over islands and rivers we finally got to the...
I flew down to the ground and proceeded to walk forward to the stairway down to the lower levels of the abandoned structure. I wasn't sure what this place is...'what in he multiverse is this...' I thought. I escaped my mind as we got to the lowest level, I came to see a waystone on the center and statues on each corner...but there was one missing...I came down to see that all of these statues were the old rulers or old guardians of the end...the figure told me that they all used to be human...like me...I looked back at one of the statues and looked back at all of them...they all looked familiar. Have I met them before? I looked behind each statue seeing glass behind each statue had its own phantom to represent itself...all of hem we're still alive...just banished and sealed away. I looked back at the one with the Phantom who had turquoise eyes. It's horns were facing upwards but slightly curved.
(I'll show you guys what they look like soon enough or maby after this chapter and also there names)
I looked at the name of the phantom and it was...----. The one without a statue and hadn't had a glass window, the figure told me that, thats where they used to be placed petrified and turned to stone...until I came...and took the crown which caused them to be setted free but...there body was yet still bound in chains, all of them were. And said that I was chosen to set them all free. Like I was special...
What a fool to believe such promises...
End of chapter 16...
First chapter/previous/next
My apologies if this was kind of short I was on a rush while doing this. Anyways I'll soon be posting my hc for Mesa and the other hc I have and ofc my new oc's for the EndKing!Steve AU and I have to re-download minecraft on my tablet because my brother deleted and yeah I think I'll be making the stairway down to hell :]
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
oooo your answer about belos changing up how he treats hunter gives me thoughts. (this turned out longer than I planed but I have so many thoughts
slightly off topic but kinda related is the concept that Belos is only able to inhabit dead/decaying things, and how his human body actually 'died' but he's been possessing it. Eventually it gets difficult to keep that up though. But based off that I think his change in behaviour is because of how divided he is?
like physically he's been torn from his human body and splattered to pieces, and the only amount of him that was able to actually get to the human realm was only a small amount of his body.
So like, he just.. doesn't have all his thoughts. His memories are scrambled and his goals are mixed up because he isn't whole. (Plus I'd imagine he's probably disorientated in the human realm, it's nothing like he thought it would be and still not like the demon realm).
So with his faulty thinking he just. Caleb looking person? Sounds(?) like Caleb? A person he's able to connect to (back to the belos-possesses-dead-things. Hunter is made up of parts, a lot more susceptible to the possession goop than a """real""" living person. But not susceptible enough that belos has full 100% control).
Which to Belos? He might interpret that as a sign that it was destined rather than coincidence, plus with Flapjack around (probably one of, if not thee thing Belos viewed as "entrapping Caleb into the Demon Realm" the lines between Caleb and Grimwalker blurred too much.
tldr belos physically lost a large part of himself, therefore his thinking abilities are highly altered, and with all his psychological stuff going on he latched onto the only thing he really understands, wants, and knows after his world(s) have been destroyed; Caleb. Even if it's not really Caleb, because what else could drive him now?
And alternative that's funny-sad-not-funny is that Hunter could've been a nickname Belos gave Caleb because they were witch hunters, and he's been calling the grimwalkers that for irony, but when they become too much like caleb he just.. why not accept his brother is back?
been putting off answering this cause of business & wanting to give it a proper amount of thought/attention but I JUST
I FUCKIN LOVE THIS IDEA. I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE SAID HERE. Idk how supported by canon it is but its not exactly REFUTED and it's just!! REALLY fun ????
Like, how did I not make the connections between Belos possessing dead things, grimwalkers being partially "dead" in a way, he fact that only a tiny amount of goop escaped- meaning he might not be "all there" because of his body being so utterly decimated.
I also fucking ADORE the idea of Hunter having been an actual nickname, maybe like a kind of pet name Philip and Caleb threw back and forth at each other? I might integrate that into my Kidnapped Caleb AU, we'll see.
It's sooo weird cause he acknowledges that Hunter isn't Caleb (talking to Luz about how he'd thought this "one" was a lost cause, he clearly knows Hunter is his creation) but then he keeps calling him his brother/Caleb and its like MY GUY. WHAT are you DOING.
And yes belos is SOOO obsessed with saying things are "destined" to happen I can see him having An Emotion and just, latching onto it as Destiny. That's basically what he's been doing for 400 years why STOP THE HOT STREAK NOW!
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natcracken · 1 year
Finding the Master Sword in TotK is the closest I've ever seen a big budget game get to the Outer Wilds formula. I won't be mentioning any specific discoveries, just the structure.
Once you complete the first task for Purah, there is nothing stopping you from going directly to the sword other than knowledge of where it is and a stamina requirement. Put a pin in stamina, thats the biggest deviation and its for last.
Most players will of course not have this knowledge so the game has several different paths of different intrusiveness to push you towards this discovery.
The least obtrusive is to just intuit it. If you are just curious about what you see and get lucky, you may arrive at the destination with no prompting from the game.
Or you may have prior knowledge of the games inhabitants and recognize that something is out of place and investigate.
If you arrive either of these ways you will have no context for how this came to be. You may be able to come to the acursed realization from the areas color scheme, but you might not and can't be sure. This is the most subtle Outer Wilds-like element that other game puzzles lack: the process of discovery informs other aspects of the story. The characters, the world, the lore. All get fleshed out during the pursuit of the answer. Luckily TotK has this in spades. (Perhaps even too much with the memory sequences)
If you rush ahead of the "intended path" and pursue Gannon, you have the option to reveal murals that give you a massive clue. These are explicitly brought to your attention in the intro sequence (although you can miss them if you ignore Zelda fangirling over them.) However the realization that the murals should be taken literally and are actionable in the gameworld are left as an excersize for the player. I can forsee a path where a player tries to rush the ending, sees the answer, gets gatekept by the difficult enemies, returns to the intended path, and doesn't realize the mural they saw during this escapade was important. They're in for a massive "augh you IDIOT" moment down the line. Especially if they don't recall the mural when they make the discovery, and see it again at the end of their playthrough; reminding them of it.
And then there are the geoglyphs. Theres lots of nuance within this route. If you follow the recommended path to the Rito Village you are highly likely to come across a character that tutorializes the glyphs and introduces them as a main quest. They are present in many other places on the map in case you miss them. But you are more than capable of finding them early. If you head southeast from your first landing in Hyrule you may be in for a particularly late-timeline sequence. BotW players are at another advantage in this quest. Just recognizing the geoglyphs as something new is an advantage. A first time player aware of the franchises reputation may just assume that "ancient chalk art" is part of the lore. Some of them around the center of the map are especially adeptly placed to feel like they "belong there".
Next is the godess statue. A player doing the intended route, with prior knowledge, who missed the NPC, may simply choose the visit the godess statue as its on the way. They are in for an upsetting surprise on that front, but will also access the geoglyph map. Having most players visit this area early on their quest is an especially adept trick to make some later gut puches land hand.
Aa you gather the geoglyphs you have a slim possibility of intuiting the truth from the name of the game itself. The droplet animation is very deliberate and its not to much to figure out that these are the Tears of the Kingdom (could also refer to the special stones but their shape is just off enough that I think its just a mythic coincidence). How are these Tears, not just droplets, "of" said kingdom? Oh
And last (as far as I'm aware) is the great deku tree. Clearing the lost woods in this game is a whole other discussion and I dont think its handled as elegantly. I imagine returning players might feel especially cheated here. But once you find your way in and complete a fight, the deku tree will straight up tell you where the sword is, even giving you a moving map marker. This is the only path I think was handled poorly. The "reward" of being told exactly where to go may actively rob you of this discovery, one of the strongest moments in the entire game. I can see a mechanically inclined player being satisfied, or path version where you figure out the mystery and just need assistance with the location. But as a standard route it lacks the finesse of the others. It almost feels like a "last resort" option to catch any players who can't figure it out by other means; but a better last resort already exsists in finishing the geoplyphs. When analyzed from a discovery and exploration perspective, this route is a trap. It appears like a grand path in the same way as the geoglyphs, but with none of the narrative or character development that comes with it. So its simmilar to luck or intuition but without the discovery of them. Its all of the downsides of the other routes without the shining moments that offset them.
Eventually you will get enough information to pursue the answer yourself. If you don't figure it out and complete all of the geoglyphs first, you are treated to a more comprehensive sequence that explicitly tells you what happened and where to go. Either way you will come up against the stamina check. This is the greatest difference from the Outer Wilds formula as it gates your progress based on a mechanical stat. You must have completed enough shrines to have started investing in stamina (most players invest in a buffer of health first so this may be quite late in the game.) Or have made enough main quest progress to reveal the trading shrine. Either way you must have completed at least 20 shrines or traded equivalent heart containers. This is completely in line with series tradition, its in fact a subversion as a player may have been collecting health to prepare for this only to get dunked on with stam. But I can't help but feel like this was too much of a hedge. What does this gate actually stop you from doing that the mystery already doesn't. The overwhelming majority of players won't rush the geoplyphs; they will do them as they travel along the main quest or in their own rambling; so it doesn't block them. It only blocks players who either get lucky or intuit the answer themselves. And those groups deserve better. Congratulations on your discovery! Now fuck off untill you grind more levels.
I can only assume this was an act for caution. They looked at metrics for how many people rushed gannon in BotW and decided to hedge against stuff like it, in this case to preserve balance. Except TotK already had a system for that. The mob drop + combining + world scaling system keeps your dps tightly locked to the difficulty of the areas you're in. You can get slight advantages if you push into late game areas and then scamper off with the loot. Having the master sword from the very start of the game would not change this. There was no reason to be as cautious as they were when players can already snag royal guard weapons from the castle, only gated by the same unlock that gates getting to the sword.
With one exception: players who used guides. This player will be rightly gatekept from a reward they did not earn. I hope that this is just a coincidence are game are not being actively developed around gamefaqs and ign. Its a players own responsibility to curate how they engage with 3rd party media and if they want to cheat themselves out of their own video game then let them. And mock them. But don't develop around them.
I don’t really have a way to end this. Lots of naysaying in the back half and thats pretty much just me being a pedant. The overwhelming majority of players (me included) will follow an intended path with slight deviations here and there, and be completely fooled into thinking its a matter of either our own genius or tenacity and not extremely tight design. This is of course the mark of masterful design. This sequence is an acomplishment, a gamble on their own mastry of player psychology that paid off. I just can't help but wish they were just that more confident to let the game handle its own outliers. It can.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
tldr: totk goty. Re4makestans can cope. Get autobuilded on idiot
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one-winged-dreams · 11 months
ships: adri and jean, adri x nines
Dogs don't wear clothes.
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It's not that it was any spectacular occurrence to see Jean minus his clothing, at least in his own sanctum. His usual button-up was hardly ever buttoned-UP regardless, and by that notion, it was clear that if clothing was not required he would not wear it.
"My digs, my rules," he had told Adri when the then-fledgling had moved in with him, and he had made true to that promise. Thankfully, after a while, and including their history beforehand, the younger kindred hadn't seemed to mind all that much. And after a while, he even proved just as unlikely to wear too much, at least to sleep.
But certain occasions that coincided with said traditions were best avoided, and so Adri pleaded with his sire to make himself decent when expecting company.
When EXPECTING company.
Jean's mind was so numbed out by the fuckery on the tv he had put on as background noise, that it wasn't until the door unlocked that he came into awareness.
"Sun's not coming up for a while, figured you'd be out fuckin' around with Nines," he called out before catching a familiar whiff all too late.
"Oh shit, hey Nines," came the casual response to the Brujah that had entered alongside his now-furious childe.
"OH JESUS, uh fuck, hey Jean," Nines' eyes were suddenly darting around the room, trying to fixate on anything but…
It was this opportunity that Adri took to shriek like the damned, grabbing his boyfriend's shoulders and whirling him to face the opposite direction.
"CHRIST ALIVE, JEAN, WHAT DID I FUCKING ASK OF YOU?" The only expression that Jean could make out past all the red hair was bared teeth.
He offered a light shrug in response, removing himself from the bed and, excitable as he had been, requiring a bit of effort to shove everything into its proper confines as he slid into a pair of lounge pants next to the bed.
"I didn't get no memo, kiddo, relax. Nothing you ain't seen before." He didn't really make too much of an effort to defend himself.
Adri fumed. "Yeah, nothing -I- haven't seen before, but also nothing NINES wanted to get acquainted with."
"It's uh, it's cool. I get it, Jean, you're good," the man in question offered after clearing his throat.
"See? Nines's cool, he understands," Jean offered a lazy grin, all teeth.
The smallest of growls filled the room for a moment, both non-growling individuals making a notion of how cute it was.
"Goddammit Jean, you're impossible!"
Impossible man that he was, Jean winked, clicked his tongue, and fired off some finger guns.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Autoresponder, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4961
TT: Hmm.
GG: Welp, let me have it!
TT: Have what?
GG: A hard time for botching up the pooch!
GG: I think I just locked the door with that muttonheaded stunt. And now that mirrored obelisk is good as gone.
TT: I wasn't going to say nothin'.
TT: Hell, I was asleep at the wheel too while you were busy fucking up, and I have an IQ of, hold on, robo-calculating...
TT: Robo-calculating...
TT: Robo-calculating...
TT: Robo-calculating...
GG: Oh brother.
TT: Robo-calculating...
TT: About 500 billion.
GG: That is really, really robo-smart.
TT: Don't get human-fresh with me, Crocker. I'm about to bring all five hundo-billy points of my stringent cyborg IQ to bear on your dumb problem. Check it out.
TT: I took note of the captcha code to the thing, and recorded a digital flashsnap of its appearance through my photographic silicone memory canals.
TT: Which is to say I looked at eight alphanumeric digits a couple minutes ago, and remembered them.
GG: Ok?
TT: So give the bunny the wallet. I'll have him run back to the house and make you a new obelisk with the same grist you just collected from it.
TT: He can stash it in the wallet and run it back to you, and then you can open the door. You shouldn't be waiting around too long, cause he's real spry.
TT: Which is exactly why you should wait here. You'll just slow him down.
GG: Alright, I think I can do that.
GG: What should I do in the meantime?
TT: Let me think about that.
TT: Robo-calculating...
GG: Oh stop it!
TT: K.
GG: None of our friends will answer me. What could they be up to?
GG: You must at least know what Dirk is doing.
TT: He's slicing up some drones.
GG: Some what?
TT: Big red robots. He'll be busy for a while.
TT: Roxy I'm not sure about, but there is a pretty high probability as governed by the immutable laws of mathematics that she is preoccupied similarly.
GG: She's fighting robots too, you mean?
TT: I don't know. Maybe.
TT: Dealing with them, in some way, perhaps.
TT: If so, it wouldn't be a coincidence.
GG: Why?
TT: I think the Condesce is attempting to force the issue now.
GG: What? What issue!
TT: It's likely that it's a coordinated assault. Sending drones both to here and Roxy's place.
TT: She's probably trying to get everyone else to stop dicking around and join the game already.
GG: Are you sure she's not just trying to kill them?
GG: It wouldn't be her first assassination attempt.
TT: Yeah, but come on. Dirk has been a sitting duck here for years. Roxy too.
TT: She could have wiped them out any time with a swarm much bigger than this one. Or just nuked them.
TT: Her "assassination attempt" on you was pretty weak too.
GG: But it nearly worked!
GG: I would be dead right now if not for the whims of GCat.
TT: Right.
TT: Like I trust the motives of that fucking thing.
GG: So, you're saying she's only pretending to hunt us?
TT: I believe she probably would genuinely like to kill us. She is a psycho after all.
TT: But it's also obvious to me she needs us to begin playing this game, for whatever fucked up purpose she has.
TT: She might even need us to win it too, for all I know.
TT: Her antagonism is all part of the dance.
GG: Then you're saying Dirk and Roxy aren't really in danger from the robots?
TT: Oh, I wouldn't say that. They're still pretty deadly and they shoot missiles and stuff.
GG: Augh! I just want to talk to my friends and see if they're ok.
GG: What about Jake?
TT: No idea what's going on with him right now.
TT: I'm sure when the time is right, the witch will keep pushing him along to join the game as well.
GG: Then I guess I'll just sit here and worry about everyone quietly until Seb gets back.
TT: What about your troll friend?
GG: What?
TT: The alien whose name you don't know.
TT: You could talk to her.
GG: Oh yeah!
GG: I forgot about her.
GG: But I suppose that's because she's always the one to contact me. I never get a response when I message her.
TT: Well, you could give her a try. Maybe things are different now.
TT: I could hack into her system to get her attention, if you think that would help.
GG: You can do that??
TT: Nah, just messin' with you.
TT: Later.
timaeusTestified [TT] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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sadinasaphrite · 2 years
Whumptober Day 23 - Deuce
Deuce bumps into a face from the past.
Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | “Hold them down.”
Read on AO3!
Fic under the cut!
“No fuckin’ way. Deuce? Is that you? Almost didn’t recognize you with the new hair.”
Deuce stiffened and his heart dropped. It had been years, but he’d recognize that voice anywhere. Hell, he didn’t want a confrontation. He and a number of the other Heartslaybul students had gone into town for some specialty shopping and some time to relax off-campus. How did this asshole find him?
“When’d they let you out of juvie, Chuck?” Deuce asked, turning to face him.
Chuck had been a student at Deuce’s middle school, a thug running at the head of a gang. He wasn’t part of Deuce’s crew, but a rival group that they often butted heads with. The fights had stopped after Chuck was arrested. He’d expanded outside of school yard delinquency and started robbing convenience stores, attracting the attention of the law.
“You play the game in the clink, and they let you out on good behavior,” Chuck said with a lazy, confident smile, “even if you’re just as bad.”
Deuce gave him an unimpressed look. “What the hell? ‘The clink?’ Chuck, you went to Juvie for two years, not fucking prison. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have places to be.”
“Whoa, slow down,” Chuck followed him. “That’s all you have to say? Two years, and we haven’t talked.”
“The last time we ‘talked,’ I broke your jaw,” Deuce said.
“Yeah,” Chuck’s voice went icy. “Yeah, you did. And we haven’t forgotten.”
“We?” Deuce repeated.
In response, a half dozen other thugs emerged out of the streets and surrounded them, some he recognized, some he didn’t. Deuce’s heart pounded in his chest. He’d been in too many fights to not know what was coming.
“You gathered up a posse and came all the way out here from the Queendom of Roses for a grudge match?”
“Nah,” Chuck said. He gestured to his cronies, who started herding Deuce toward an alley. “This is just a happy coincidence.”
Deuce grit his teeth and stood his ground.
“I’m not the same guy I was in middle school,” he said. “I’ve turned over a new leaf. I don’t fight anymore. Just let it go, and go about your day. We never have to talk to each other again.”
“That just sounds like you’ve gone soft.”
Chuck jerked his thumb and a thug seized Deuce by the arm. Deuce jerked his arm free, then spun on his heel and landed a punch on the thug’s face. With the first blow thrown, the others mobbed him, dragging him out of the street and into an alleyway. Deuce fought viciously, punching, kicking, and thrashing, but even he couldn’t take on seven punks by himself.
Not without magic, at least. Fuck. None of these punks were mages. Even dropping a single cauldron would land him in hot water. The risk of expulsion was too great. He couldn’t tell his mother his future had been ruined by another fight. Dammit. Well, this wouldn’t be the first fight Deuce had lost a scrap. He could handle another beating.
Not that he wasn’t going down without a fight, of course. He had the satisfaction of feeling a cronie’s nose crack under his knuckles. A fist slammed hard into his gut and Deuce doubled over.
“Hold him down!” Chuck snarled.
Another fist in his gut drove Deuce to his knees. Hands seized his arms and shoulders, wrenching his wrists behind his back. Fingers tightened painfully in his hair and forced him to look up at Chuck.
“You look good like this,” Chuck sneered. “Gonna make you lick my boots.”
The smart move would be to stay quiet and let Chuck gloat. He’d inevitably get bored and leave. A shame, Deuce thought, that he wasn’t known for his brains.
Deuce spat in his face.
“Augh!” Chuck snarled and wiped the spit from his eye.
“Oh, nice shot,” Deuce sneered. “Let me see if I can get the other one.”
“Don’t you dare!!” Chuck slugged Deuce in the jaw hard enough to make his teeth rattle.
“No crack,” Deuce said, stretching his jaw and pretending to be unphased. “I thought you wanted revenge. Can’t even break my jaw when you have me pinned down.”
Fury flared in Chuck’s eyes. “You want revenge? You want me to break you??”
He looked wildly around the alley, finding a discarded length of pipe. With a savage look, he retrieved the pipe and stood before Deuce.
“I’ll show you broken.”
Chuck froze and turned around. In the entrance to the alley stood Ace, Riddle, Trey, and no less than three copies of Cater.
“Seems like an uneven fight, there. Mind if we even the odds?”
Chuck and his flunkies fled without throwing another punch.
“Deuce! Holy shit, are you okay?” Ace ran to his side and carefully helped him to his feet. “You look like hell.”
“I feel like hell,” Deuce grimaced. “Thanks for bailing me out there. I promise I didn’t start anything, Housewarden! They were some guys who knew me from… from before and I tried to be non-confrontational, I really did, but—”
Riddle held up his hand and Deuce fell silent.
“There were plenty of witnesses as to what happened. They’re the ones who told us you needed help.” He gave Deuce a small smile. “You do not need to justify yourself to me. I trust that you did your best to avoid a confrontation. …And keep in mind that you don’t need to face your fights alone anymore. Though I am glad we were able to resolve this conflict without breaking any rules.”
Deuce sagged in relief. “Thank you, Riddle.”
“Now, let’s get you to the nurse’s office!”
With his friends at his side, Deuce returned to campus. Riddle was right. He may not have a gang anymore, but the crew he was running with now was the best he’d ever had.
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ttaibhse · 1 year
it is actually crazy how much less pain ive been in since i started eating in the mornings ie before yoga/exercise and now i can like actually concentrate on what im doing instead of just like shaking and trembling trying just to survive the fucking video. which like that's what i thought it was supposed to be like lol i would be like yeah this is Exercise. but now i can actually concentrate on what muscles im using and not straining my back and Engaging my Core as they say it actually does fucking help. and i'm like. have i really been making myself so much worse for this whole time. i guess it could be a coincidence but like.......... augh. lol
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tiktaalic · 2 years
underrated very scary ACK moment for me is when dean is having the sex dream(?) (bear with me) and Cas is sort of passive and retiring until Dean wordlessly remembers April-the-reaper, and then Cas is instantly more dominant. Dean doesn’t clock that as a weird thing to have happen, which makes the dream-logic of it hit SO good/unsettling/uncanny valley. like how a dream will kind of shift halfway through sometimes (while keeping the same general setting) if you’re half-awake and put half a thought together. or maybe halia’s actively fucking with dean’s conscience and is responsively feeding him scenarios that will fuck him up worse. or maybe it’s all a coincidence and dean and cas(?) just hit the same brainwave at the same time. it’s ambiguous but it gave me that creeped out “something’s NOT RIGHT here” frisson so good
Augh ack so good at making me feel physically nauseous. And it never loses that aspect! The first time I read it I didn’t know about the MCD and was reading more and more frantically in the final stretch but rereading when you know what it is but are hazy on the details is horrific because everything feels so weighted with doom. You know somethings going to go wrong but you don’t remember which piece it is so it feels like it could be any of them. And then when you rereread with familiarity you find all these little things to pick at and turn over and muddy the waters even more. Perfect piece of literature no notes.
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