#and if that alone wasn't enough they were playing loud music in the ass crack of dawn today
notdrifting · 2 years
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pls be patient with me today guys, i’m mad as hell with some irl stuff my roomates are doing and i’m physically too angry to think straight now, i’ll try and work on some stuff but no promisses bc holy shit i’m so angry rn
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topsytervy · 3 years
New Years with Rafe
Just a little post about Rafe and you on New Years that I whipped up cause my lonely ass will be sat on the couch with a pizza next to my dog as I rewatch JackSepticEyes Little Nightmares playthrough instead of cuddled on the couch with a gentlemen non-canon Rafe.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, swearing, poorly edited so probably spelling errors, if you haven't watched All Dogs Go To Heaven small spoiler for it but not big enough to spoil the entire movie I think, and I think thats it.
Word Count: 1,089
Blurb: you spend New Years Eve with Rafe instead of going out and partying cause you two want to keep people safe. No shade. Just facts.
You and Rafe Cameron had been best friends for as long as you could remember. You were only a year younger than him and just graduated high school, heading off to college a couple months later before COVID and Rafe ended up moving with you.
"I don't know, Y/N. You living in an apartment alone or in a dorm with a stranger just doesn't sit right with me." He told you honestly as you packed your things.
"What? You wanna move with me and away from all your loyal subjects?" You joked, adding a little bow to it. 
"Yeah. Why not? Besides New Years will be boring if you're not here to almost flash everyone at a party and I stop you just in time." He grinned.
You smacked him. "It was once and it was windy, Cameron." He laughed, grabbing a pillow to act as a shield. "But if you're so worried about me, I wouldn't mind a familiar face around 24/7 even if it's an annoying one." 
Rafe stood up and clapped his hands. "Then it's settled."
However, New Years parties were on hold (well, supposed to be on hold but you know how some people are) due to COVID. 
"You were right about New Years being boring." You mustered through a yawn as you sat on the couch, curled up under a blanket as you and Rafe watched TV. A wine cooler sat between you two and you reached for the bottle, refilling your glass before refilling Rafes. "I think I'm going to turn in early. 2020 doesn't deserve a nice send off. It deserves a fuck you, get out, and never come back or I'll get a restraining order against you." You went to stand up but Rafe grabbed your hand.
Rafe checked the watch on his wrist. "Five more minutes. Just five. You made it this far, Y/N/N. What's five more?"
You blinked at him and he stuck out his bottom lip, pouting at you.
You rested your head on his shoulder and sighed. "Fine. But if I fall asleep, you have to carry me to bed." 
"Fine by me. Wouldn't be the first or the last time I do."
It was so much easier to stay awake when you were away from your bed and surrounded by strangers and loud music.  You and Rafe decided on a childhood movie marathon to help keep you two awake but it wasn't really helping. Rafe wanted to watch All Dogs Go To Heaven despite it always making you cry. And crying would only fuel the sleepiness.
"I really don't wanna go into the New Year crying." You mumbled as he put the disc in. 
"I have so much confidence that this is the time that you won't let tears fall." Rafe reassured you.
"Yeah. Wait until we get towards the end then my heart will crack and the tears will fall."
Now here you were watching Anne-Marie hearing everything Charlie was saying that would lead to her running out and getting kidnapped. 
"The tears are coming." You whispered, feeling your throat tighten as you held back sobs.
Rafe wrapped and arm around you. "She just got taken and they're about to tell everyone. This isn't even the saddest bit."
"It's just the sense of all the dogs, even Itchie who was pretty cold to Anne-Marie, are all spreading the word and willing to do anything to protect this little girl that half of them didn't even meet." The tears began to fall as you spoke.
"Okay, okay. I see your point. Maybe this was a bad movie to watch." Rafe rubbed your arm. 
"It hurts so much worse when you lose a pet cause it's like 'wow, my pet was exactly like that with me. Willing to do anything to protect me', ya know. It just fucking hurts man." You blubbered.
"Want me to turn it off?"
"Alright. I'll pause it when we hit 15 seconds to midnight. Sound good?"
You nodded, sniffling as you tried to calm yourself down. Rafe reached for the box of tissues on the end table and grabbed some for you.
"Thank you, bub."
"You're welcome, Y/N/N."
The time came a couple of minutes later to pause the movie and begin the countdown, you had composed yourself for the countdown and Rafe nodded.
You brought the blanket closer around yourself as you two counted down.
"3...2...1… Happy New Year!" You two cheered. Rafe reached onto the floor and grabbed the bottle of champagne he had purchased, opening it and pouring some for you both.
You two linked your arms and brought the glasses to your mouth, chugging the beverage before unlinking your arms from each other. 
"To getting through 2020 together." You grinned.
"And to going into 2021 together but in a different way." Rafe added before grabbing your face and bringing his lips to yours.
You paused for a second before wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing back, pulling him impossibly closer.
Rafe pulled away first, grabbing the champagne and refilling your glasses. You kept an arm around his neck, a hand playing with his hair as you held your glass in the other.
"How'd you know, Cameron? I thought I was pretty good at keeping my crush on you secret." You asked, taking a sip from your glass.
"Oh yeah. If I wouldn't have found your journal and read it while I was waiting for you to get home one day after you graduated, I wouldn't have known at all about your little crush. You really don't flirt much, huh?"
You smacked him, mouth agape. "You read my journal?"
"Okay, underneath random books on your desk is a shit hiding place for a journal. Hide it in your underwear drawer or something. Literally anywhere else is a better hiding place than where you had it." He laughed.
You rolled your eyes. "Just unpause the movie so we can finish it and go to sleep, Rafe."
"As long as I get to sleep with you in your room tonight."
"Your room is warmer. I wanna sleep in there."
"Then we'll sleep in my room." Rafe grinned as he kissed the top of your head and resuming the movie.
"Now I have an excuse to crawl into your bed at 2 AM when I can't sleep and want your body heat."
"You never needed an excuse to come cuddle with me, sunshine. You just didn’t know it." 
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yelenasdog · 4 years
visions (warren worthington iii x fem reader)
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genre: angst
summary:  why must visions become reality?
words: 1.1k
warnings: ANGSTY PURR ✨🗣, x-men apocalypse spoilers, mentions of physical fighting and death, just some sad stuff. in terms of fluff, this is a decrescendo.
a/n: hi! reader is a mutant and has a strand of very very light hair that has a bluish tint and sparkles, as well as extremely light eyes and sharp canines! other than that there is no predetermined factor of appearance! also, y/n was not used so if u wanted to read this an x an oc or x another fem character, that should work well!
"Move over!"
"No way, your wings take up the whole bed anyway!"
"That's mutantphobic!"
A loud laugh sounded from the smaller girl resting in Warren's arms, her cheeks growing sore from all the smiling she had (and always was around him) been doing.
"I'm a mutant too, y'know, so I don't quite see how that could work."
He shuffled about for a moment, moving so that one of his beautiful wings would rest over her top half, bringing her an unprecedented level of calm.
She looked over from where she lay on her back, stretching one of her hands to lightly run her fingers over the sharpened tip of his wing.
Warren watched from his position on his stomach, a fond look coming across his angelic features, one that seemed to creep its way onto his face whenever he was in her presence.
Pale moonlight streamed in from the cracked window just above their heads, Illuminating the strand of her hair that appeared as a sparkling sliver of the Arctic Ocean. 
Warren would oftentimes find himself twirling it whenever he would snuggle up to the girl on nights like these, the contrast of the soft texture feeling pleasant on his calloused fingertips. It also shined light on her glorious eyes of the same color, that he could (and has) get lost in for hours, drowning.
A chilly breeze found its way through the glass panel as well, Warren's immediate response to pull her closer, which he did.
His wing that previously was on top of her suddenly curled under her to the best of its ability, pulling her close enough to him to where he could take grip of her with his own strong arms.
She smiled, her sharpened canines glistening faintly in the white hue of the moon's glow.
Then it was quiet for a bit, just some rock song playing softly in the back, accompanied by the howling of the wind. It lulled the pair into a serene state, an implacable emotion filling them up from their tippy toes to the tops of their heads.
And in that moment, with his golden curls all astray, and wings so ethereally spread, she wondered what she was experiencing?
It was love, she had decided. And she could only hope he felt it too.
She, for one, had felt it many times.
Like when she washed his wings for the first time, an incredibly intimate memory she held. She had softly washed away all the dirt and grime, and he had felt comforted to the fullest extent. He had never had someone to help him with that before, and the extra assistance had embarrassed him at first, but now it had become second nature to the pair.
Or perhaps the times that fights in the ring had become too personal for Warren's seemingly stone cold heart to handle alone. The gravity of those he had killed, and the guilt that came from surviving off of it would routinely threaten to crack his confident exterior. 
She would spend her time on those days (or more regularly, nights) allowing him to cry to her, to let his emotions break free.
She would never know how much it meant to him.
He let out a grunt, his emerald eyes staying shut as he shook around his head on the pillow, trying to find a cold spot (as even with the open window, he never could seem to shake the burning sensation that dug deep through the fibers of his body down to his heart and soul).
"Don't ever let anyone touch your wings, alright?"
His eyes opened at that, curiosity getting the best of his sleepy brain that was begging him to just ask what she meant in the morning. But nonetheless he persisted.
"W'dya mean, sweet girl?"
She looked anywhere but his eyes, running fingers across the top of his left wing. He resisted the urge to giggle at the tickly feeling left behind, though she wouldn't have minded if he had let one of his musical laughs slip.
"I'm not quite sure, honestly."
He laughed, her heart fluttering at the sight of his smile.
"I guess," she took a pause, trying to better articulate what she had such a hard time putting into words.
"That mutants still aren't safe. And I don't want you to ever lose your wings. Y'know, have to hide them..." her voice wavered, and it was fairly obvious that not only what she said held more meaning, but that she still had more to say.
"And?" He asked, now fully awake with concern lacing his features. His head was tilted, eyes slanted, while hers was hung, looking to her fumbling hands.
"I just don't want you to get hurt, Warren."
At those words, his expression softened and his wings instinctively spread out to cover the both of them with a loud swoosh.
He pulled her to his bare chest, cradling her head in his arms.
"You have another vision?"
She nodded, her cries muffled, but her tears very much evident as they wet his ivory skin, leaving a shimmery sheen in their wake. “Warren, it was horrible," she cried, turmoil the only thing on her mind.
"Y-your wings were gone and replaced with, with some horrible metal."
"Well, did I at least look bad ass?" He smiles boyishly, and she only frowned and burrowed her head into his chest. His expression became neutral, an unreadable expression plastered on.
"Who did it?"
"I didn't get a name." She sniffles, sitting up and placing her hands on either side of herself. She closed her eyes and turned to the wall, beginning to recall all she could, even though it was the last thing she wanted to do.
"There's 4 other people-"
"Are you one of them?"
A beat passed, tensions in the cool air began to rise.
Then there was a sigh from Warren, and he wasn't sure if it was of relief or of a despicable anguish.
"That's him."
Her eyes flew open, her pupils dilating. He said her name, taking hold of both of her hands tightly as if his life depended on it. Which in all honesty, it felt like it did.
"Who is he?"
A single tear slipped down her cheek for her lover, for the world.
She was frozen, fear had infiltrated her completely, every cell, every vein, every muscle. 
And thereupon, even Warren's wings couldn't make her feel safe from what was to soon come rain havoc on their lives.
Her voice was only a frightful whisper as she spoke, the usual captivating power it held totally absent. Despite that, there was no room for mistaking what she said, the word remaining completely clear as it fell past her lips.
ok miss girl! i see u! i did that! i hope u enjoyed that v short angstyness lol. ok now go take an electronics break and drink some water and eat some protein!!!
luv u bye!! xx hj 
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electric-alt-cookie · 4 years
However expected or unexpected it may have been, a small Christmas party was held within Caramel's home. Caramel himself didn't consent, but whoever had invited the individuals kept it small.
Most important in attendance: DJ, Lemon, Knight, C-4, and Caramel resided in the unexpected party. Cyborg was invited as well, but was forced elsewhere.
"Aloe is making them bake Christmas goods at the lab..."
Knight mumbled, finding himself somewhat alone in this 'party'. Some other robot offered him some fruitcake, which improved his mood slightly, but it didn't help the fact that Cyborg wasn't there. He didn't feel complete without them.
DJ chirped, a few other bots and cookies agreeing with them. The music meister found themselves playing the game of falling blocks and making lines competitively with others at the party. Even so, they seemed to be the winner each and every time.
The other android, Lemon grumbled aloud while staying next to Caramel. The poor mechanic may be a mess, but at least he can do is stand by him while the only other comforting figure was busy with gaming.
"You don't need to be an ass about it, though. He was trying to help."
That remark... Certainly didn't net him any points with the others. Especially with DJ in particular.
Moving along, Aloe's name continued to be a repetitively mentioned topic, along with various other Christmas gestures. Gift sharing, Aloe, red and green, Aloe, C-4 trying to be intimidating and Caramel needing to tell him not to, Aloe... And each instance of the scientist's mention held negatively. Lemon found himself with a sense of heaviness in his chest with all the slander occuring around him. With Caramel busied with C-4... Perhaps he could slip away and-
A loud slam could be heard as the door to Caramel's abode was forced open. Yup, the wall was certainly cracked, but at least Knight seemed to be happy. From seemingly nowhere, the not-so-brave soul ran to the individual that opened the door. Cyborg, of course, what else could it be? Well, to Lemon, the realization that Aloe's now alone.
On Christmas.
"Cy! I'm so happy you're here! But... How did you get out of Aloe's?"
"Simple! I just burnt the oven down on 'accident' and left!"
"That's... Not very nice, C-"
"Ooh!! You guys have that one block game?? C'mon Knighty, let's play!!"
With Cyborg dragging their partner off, Lemon sighed and found himself leaving early. After all, being all alone on a special day was something he wouldn't prefer anyone to experience. Especially after... He spent his birthday alone.
Shaking off the thoughts, the android wandered through the late-night snow and patches of ice where cookies, cyborgs, and robots alike all shared their wishes, high hopes, and various other positive adventures. Aloe was missing out on all of this... He must be lonely.
Soon enough, he was at the entrance to Aloe's home. He stepped through, finding the scientist himself messing about with his scouter whilst standing around aimlessly. Noticing the android come in, Aloe seemed to be caught off-guard.
"Android? Hold on- Before you come in- care to step out for a moment?"
Though confused, Lemon took a step back and let the automatic door in front of him close. There was some stuffling, and Lem could've sworn he heard Aloe laughing, but nonetheless he waited for Aloe to give his word. And upon doing so, he stepped in just as before, finding himself face to face with the scientist. He was grinning.
"It seems you've fallen for my trap!"
"Trap? What trap?"
"Look above you, dear Lemon."
...a mistletoe.
"How very mature of you, science man."
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peterknowsshit · 3 years
Road trip (Leg 1, Part 5) Pride in the Pines #TheRedDoorsWrite
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-I knew there was a reason I packed this shiny gold vest at the last minute. I had even pulled it out of my bag at one point, sure there was no way in hell I was going to need it on the trip. But just like every other time my fucked up version of a Spidey sense was tingling, I ultimately gave in and trusted that it meant it would come in handy at some point. And low and behold, here we were. We had seen the advertisements all over Northern Arizona for Pride in the Pines. And decided it would be a fun thing to check out before we rolled out of the state to continue our trek west. As I eyed myself in the mirror, it felt like something was missing. Reaching for one of my hats hanging on the pegs near the bed, I tried my usual brown one on for size and shook my head. I may not know shit about fashion. But I knew that didn’t work. Tossing that one on the bed, I reached for the black one. There it was. That was the missing piece. With a grin and a nod, I made my way out of the bus in search of @MyJokersWild-
[I could have watched him a thousand times try on hat after hat and the reaction would have still been the same. It was no secret that @PeterKnowsShit was a fine specimen to look at but put him in that button up and vest? Well, let's just say that soft sigh that left my lips was paying homage to women across the world that ever had a thing for a man that knew how to rock an entrance and the color gold.] My Gods.. [When you did the spin for me to fully take it all in, I couldn't help but laugh almost nervously.] You can't be serious right now. Peter Pan! [Wolf whistling, I wasn't even sure I knew what I was asking but I did know one thing, the festivities that awaited us that night were something I was never going to forget, especially with the likes of you in that hat.]
-My grin was instant when my eyes landed on my pretty bird, and I let out a chuckle at that wolf whistle- Well, I was second guessing the C-3PO vest. But if it gets that reaction out of you… -winks as I walk up and place a tender kiss to your lips- Have you ever hit up one of these pride things before, babe?
Not here but elsewhere I have! [It wasn't my first rodeo at a PRIDE celebration and once I had turned into a free spirited teen like my mother, there wasn't one I missed since. Whether it was to pay my respects to those few that had gone before me, celebrating in their honor and in general or to be with others of my kind, I always looked forward to the month of June every year. This year however, was even more special because I got to spend it with you. That fact fueled my excitement the more I checked you out in your attire for the evening and I gave you a quick kiss back, careful not to get any more glitter on your clothes. Let alone your mouth as our chariot awaited. Our sights set on downtown where you could already hear the buzzing of the car horns and music blaring from loudspeakers. The energy alone, was calling our names like a corner street light coming on would. That being the signal from childhood that it was past time to come home.]
-The closer that we got to our destination, the more palatable your excitement got. And I found myself stealing even more glances than usual at you. It didn’t help the way that colorful eyeshadow seemed to make your eyes pop even more, and briefly had me wishing that my vest had been a more vibrant color to match- I’ve been a couple times for various reasons. -grins- It’s always a good time. But I have a feeling this year is going to top even those. -places a hand on your thigh, giving a playful squeeze- Anything in particular that makes Pride for you? Something you have to see or do to make it complete?
You mean besides one of the famous shows and a joint? A toast at the end of the night! Mmm, pancakes at IHOP or Denny's sounds amazing too. [Who was I kidding? Of course, I only had to ponder your question for a moment when instantly a shot of Peppermint Schnapps with a Miller High Life came to mind, a dear old friend's signature drink in memory and a tale that would spark laughter in all those who heard it was soon to follow as you made the drive for us and parked once we arrived in true stoner fashion. One of the clubs had to be in our sights but not before we made our way over to the walkway of tents you had every plan of showing off to me then. The smile on my face only widened the closer we got as I heard the hostess with the mostess over the outdoor intercom system. The celebrations
-As we made our way through all the different tents, most of them adorned with shirts that said things like, ‘Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve,” I couldn’t ignore the loud booming music from the drag tent. My eyes occasionally flicking over there to catch glimpses of big wigs and colorful lights. By the time we reached the end of the row, I turned to you with a raised brow- What is it with Liza Minnelli and drag queens? This is like the third one I’ve heard...
It won’t be the last either. She is an icon, mine. Judy Garland’s daughter. [Smiling as we made our way down the rest of the strip, the make-up was flawless, not a hair out of place and as I walked through with you, to the human eye, we were mingling with the stars. Liza, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Cher, and Lady Gaga, were all in attendance and let me just say, they did not disappoint. Nor did Mariah Carey number three four and five. Between merchandise booths from local artists and the bars open for curbside, there wasn’t a stone left unturned when it came to celebrating, or showing our love and support for our community, our friends and our family. Having reached the end of the row, we were having to make a decision to go either left or right. Either way we chose, the day of adventures already proved we were in for a treat and I ducked my head inside the first tent on my right to see what was going on inside, dragging you with me. The scent of that powerful herb hitting my senses like a ton of bricks was too inviting to ignore once I caught wind of it.] You smell that, Peter Pan? [That’s when we found them, or maybe I should say they found us. There she was as if I had plucked her right out of the movie itself and before you know it, her voice like velvet filled the air. Mother Judy. It was Dorothy, in the flesh. “My my, if he’s Peter Pan, hold up Tink. They do not make men like him anymore, honey.” I flat out snickered. That smile growing incredibly wide as the ladies, Mariah number six and myself, fawned all over mine as we shared not one but three blunts going around our little drum circle and what they had signed us up for next was something that was going to go down into the history books indeed.]
-Sitting there in that vest, you would think I would be the brightest one in the room. But the way these women were dressed made it look like I was wearing a potato sack of boredom. And the more times I was passed to, the more vibrant everything seemed to become. Looking down at the blunt in my hand as I slowly exhaled, I popped my brows. This shit just might give my homegrown pride a run for its money. I was so lost in that thought, that I didn’t even notice the music getting louder, and was caught by surprise when an impeccably manicured hand pushed me back. Before I could utter a word I was overwhelmed by the smell of expensive perfume and hairspray. Not my pretty bird. Definitely, not my pretty bird. I wish I could tell you which one it even was that was now using me as a prop to their show but all I could see was hair. Lots of hair coming to swallow me whole. It got in my nose, my eyes, and as I coughed and choked a little at the taste of aforementioned hairspray, in my mouth. As I worked to pull my head back and breathe non aerosol air, I briefly wondered if this was the way that I was going to go. A long ass life burned out in a blaze of glittery glory. But just as the desperation was starting to take over, the song ended and my lap was free again. Taking a big gulp of air, I realized even though the wig had departed my lap, there was still enough hair in my mouth to make another of my own. Shooting @MyJokersWild a look of desperation, I attempted to pluck the hairs from my tongue-
A human chair? My Peter Pan? [I laughed. That blunt now long gone but the conversation between Dorothy and myself had still been in full swing as I chanced glances @PeterKnowsShit’s way, making sure he was alright with the sudden burst of attention he was getting. The second his hat went however, all bets were off, that long hair of his not just my undoing but the collective “Girrrrrl.” that sounded around the makeshift dressing room could have been heard two streets over if you asked me. “Do you see him, Dorothy! Right off the cover of one of those romance novels. He has to be in the show! The crowd will eat him up honey if I don’t first!” All those big hopeful eyes were on him, even the Mariahs’ were laying the eye fucking on thick and I couldn’t help but nod my head, giving him a wink.] Just one song.. [Cracking up, I was still high as hell but managed to get back up on my feet, Dorothy already joining @PeterKnowsShit with the rest of the ladies and I gave him the universal hand gesture for grabbing a drink, knowing that if I was feeling thirsty as hell, so was he as our newfound friends began to help you get ready with the sounds of I’m coming out starting to play.]
-I was still picking the hair out of my mouth when I vaguely heard @MyJokersWild referring to me as a human chair. And damn if that wasn’t an accurate description of what I had just been through. I was still reeling so much from the first round that I didn’t even fight my hat being plucked from my head and placed atop another wigged one. Was that one of the Mariahs? Hell, if I knew. But I was interrupted from that thought process when the chorus of, ‘Girrrrl,’ sounded around me. Now my eyes were darting between dramatically made up faces as they plotted my ass being part of the show. What the hell was going on here? Bringing my eyes back to my pretty bird as she joined right in on the encouragement, I knew I was outnumbered- What all does this entail? -my brow cocked in a show of are you fucking kidding me when Liza number one answered with, ‘Don’t you trust us?’ I had to bite back an answer of, ‘To thoroughly suffocate me and make me the first vampire ever to die at the hands of a drag queen? Yes.’ Apparently I wasn’t going to be answered as a chorus of laughs now filled the dressing tent and suddenly I was being accosted by brushes and pink fuzzy blobs of nope. Now, I was cursing every thought I had about not being colorful enough because I was sure by the time this was done, I was going to be everything but bland. Suddenly a blast of cold and perfumed something hit my face, causing me to blink rapidly- Fuck! That burns? What the hell was that? Satan’s piss? -Another round of laughter at my expense as my hair was tousled and then they all stepped back admiring me. ‘You know what he would be perfect for?’ Liza number one turned to one of the Mariahs with a knowing nod. My eyes flicking between the two of them as they seemed to have a silent conversation- What? What would I be perfect for? I’m not wearing a dress. -Finally they seemed to hear me as Mariah shook her head, “Oh, no, no, honey. A dress you will not wear. You’ll just join Belle over here in her rendition of Beauty and the Beast. Damn it, I forgot the mask. But we’ll make it work.” Next thing I knew, I was in the middle of the stage, bright lights shining on me as I looked out at the crowd which was now packed. I had made it clear to them that dancing was not my strong suit. So, if they expected me to do anything complicated, they were going to regret it. After many attempts to teach me to “flow” across the stage and me nearly tumbling off the side as I blinked through the mountains of spray glitter they had sprayed on me, they finally took my words to heart and allowed me to stay put in a chair. Luckily, this time around the wig was some complicated up do that stayed out of my face. And Belle proved to be a little more hands off as she danced around me, mouthing the words. What I hadn’t accounted for was how fucking long the song was under those bright lights. Now, that damn vest was working like a sauna, causing me to sweat. And wouldn’t you know it, Belle was sweating too under that dress and wig. She was also getting awfully fucking touchy again. I tried, man. I fucking tried to be a good sport. Grinning through the pain as that shit dripped into my eyeballs. I wasn’t going to see right for a week. Then she propped herself in my lap again, sweaty body to sweaty body as she casually slid that glove from her hand, and flicked it out into the crowd just in time for another fucking song to start. Glaring up at Belle with red, glitter filled eyes, I mumbled- I thought it was just one song? It took a few notes before I recognized what fucking song it was now. Just in time for Belle to stand, ripping off her dress to reveal a sparkly bodysuit beneath, and striking a pose as she mouthed the lyrics, ‘It’s raining men!” To my horror several leather clad men jumped up on the stage and began gyrating around me. I attempted to get up only to be slammed back into the chair and held there by Belle’s surprisingly strong grip, a quick shake of her head that had a small drop of glitter sweat flicking from the end of her nose and smacking me right in the middle of the
forehead. Nope. This was done. I promised one song. I struggled with Belle as she motioned for her dancers to help her out. Now the Village People from Hell were holding me in place as Belle did dances that would make a stripper blush. Then it happened. That glittered up chest was being pressed to the side of my head as I clawed and fought for freedom. I don’t know what the hell those boobs were made of, but it definitely wasn’t soft. And as she turned to the crowd in a dramatic flourish, I seized the opportunity to jump up and yank myself free of her hold. Only to trip on that motherfucking wire of her microphone. Haven’t these people heard of wireless microphones? Instinctually, I reached out in an attempt to break my fall, which only brought Belle down with me, in a faceplant right to the groin that I couldn’t have planned if I tried. With a shove of Belle, I was up off that ground and jumping from the stage in a beeline for the exit of that damn tent. Only stopping once I was sure I was free to send @MyJokersWild a text- Oh dear God, it got in my mouth again. Help!
I’ll be right back... [Famous last words and sure enough, I sing-songed all four of them before I ducked completely out of @PeterKnowsShit’s line of sight, realizing the words had left my lips before I could stop them as my mind finally caught up, and of course I knew better. I. Knew. Better. A jinx, was a jinx was a jinx as my dad would say and in this case, it was a given that the moment you did say those words, the next thing you knew, you’ll be two songs deep into a rescue mission while still waiting for those celebratory free gratis drinks you were gifted for helping out. My Peter Pan was being a good sport about the whole thing, totally and completely on board through the rainbow filled haze we found ourselves in.. One song, @PeterKnowsShit had agreed to just one and I had reassuringly went along with it because seeing him up there, well, it just added to the “Remember that one time..” list of memories we were making here. So when I saw Dorothy’s head pop up not a second later out of nowhere while I was standing in line for the bar, I couldn’t help but wonder what awaited me upon my return. My view of the stage had been nearly blocked off by paying customers more than ready to wet their whistles and before I knew it, Dorothy’s arm was hooked around mine, dragging me to the front of the line, calling in a favor or two no less, I was sure when the stools before us suddenly opened up and the invitation presented itself. “I can’t thank your man enough! All of us have had our fair share of turns playing Beast for Crazy Belle all month! The goddess herself has smiled down upon me with the likes of you two!”] If you don’t mind me asking, why do they call her crazy? [When I was met with a “You’re about to find out.” Drinks now in hand, or one hand rather, I watched as Dorothy graciously grabbed my free hand and helped me climb up on the stool to get a better look, seeing how she had done the same only seconds ago. Before I could fully take it all in, a flash of gold filled the sky as a surge of bodies surrounded and began piling up on the stage. The big finale was raining men literally. And just like with lightning, realization struck again.] Oh no… [It wasn’t just a finale, it was an encore too. Every performer from along the boulevard, was making their way up to the stage just in time for us all to see @PeterKnowsShit almost levitate, and yes, I mean close your eyes and up you go levitate. It wasn’t even ninety seconds later that he was in that sitting position one minute, and almost off the stage the next… Almost. Life as we know it sometimes has a way of making our wildest dreams come true and in that moment as the stage was descended upon by every color of the rainbow, I laughed at the sight of you popping out of what could only be described as a huge pot of gold. And while you were magically delicious, Belle was no match for your Beast literally when she met him in the form of your crotch. That was it. You were gone in a sea of wigs galore and lifting my head back, I let out a loud whistle before taking a leap of my own down off the stool, drink still in hand when I got that incoming text alert from you. “Oh dear God, it got in my mouth again. Help!“ As quick as my fingers flew across the screen with an “OMW” back, I was just as quick to fire off another one too.] I can’t believe you stuck your dick in crazy! [Hitting send, I laughed again and sent a follow up before pocketing my cell as I made my way outside, in search of you. That’s right. He didn’t know it yet but I saw it all and pancakes were most definitely on the menu. I just had to know if @PeterKnowsShit preferred Denny’s or IHOP.....]
-The sound of @MyJokersWild calling my name jarring me out of my trance as a grin instantly spreads across my face at the sound of your laughter. I was about to point out again that had I known she was referred to as Crazy Belle, I would’ve resisted the whole thing a little harder. Only I was interrupted by the waitress appearing at our table with our pancake orders. Now my mind was effectively redirected to the doughy goodness that would soon be filling my mouth. And by the time both plates were set in front of us, I had already placed the blueberry syrup I knew was your favorite in front of you, and was reaching for the OG for myself. Taking the time to draw designs on my pancakes with the syrup as I poured, I only looked up at your question. “Thinking about the night again?” That knowing smirk you sported causing me to chuckle low, and shake my head.- Baby, I’m going to be thinking about last night for ages to come. -picks up my fork, cutting off my first bite, and popping it into my mouth before offering you a closed mouth grin- #TheRedDoorsWrite #Pride
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obrienpascal · 5 years
Our Deal
Author: dylanobriens-world
Summary: Mitch Rapp is assigned a partner by Stan Hurley. Her name is Nastasia Aleski. The two of them go through some highs and lows and eventually Mitch finds out some bad news about Nastasia and can no longer trust her. But things start to backfire that can lead them both dead.
Author's note: Hey! So I wrote this on AO3 so I will continue this story on there but I wanted to post the first chapter here:) hope you enjoy!!
AO3 link: is above^^
I knew I had to wake up to go to the bar to meet my new partner my mentor Stan Hurley said I was going to have. He did not mention if it were man or a woman. Although, by the way he looked I can tell he knew who the person was just wanted me to find out myself. I lifted myself out of bed cracking my bones. The dark clouds made it seem it was four in the morning even though it was seventy o'clock at night. It was raining all day meaning I stood asleep till it was time to meet this John doe.
Whoever this person I was going to meet better like drinking at seven at night. It made me think if I should just follow my own path or let them lead the way. Yeah right, if anything they better follow my ass or their out of a job. I don't give a fuck what Kennedy or Hurley says to me. It wasn't hard for me to read people, I take one look at them and I know their intentions immediately. Are they hiding something? Did they hire someone to come with them to make sure I'm not going to kill them or such? It was a gift I had, Hurley helped with it at most but more of me.
Putting on a black shirt with my leather jacket, throwing on a pair of jeans I snatched from my floor and slipping on pair of Adidas shoes, I looked in the mirror realizing I need to shave. I could care less right now. My intentions were to go meet this new partner of mine. I grabbed my wallet and Marbelo cigarettes as well as my cell phone stuffing it in my pocket.
I undid the chains on my apartment front door. I trust no one which is why I put all these chains on my door. I walked out putting my key to lock my door then heading outside. The breeze flowed through my thick dark hair giving my the chills as I stepped into my car.
"Fucking weather," I hissed under my breath starting the engine. My gray Sedan took off to the bar Hurley said my "partner" would be located at. If they recognize me I'll be astonished they wouldn't make a run for it. I've killed many people. Most of them sleep with one eye open because they know I'm coming for them. It's smart, but doesn't stop me from killing them once I lay my eye on the prey.
My sedan came to stop parking in the bars lot. It was packed with vehicles and motorcycles. This better be one hell of a night. I sighed under my nose slipping my hands in my pockets walking into the bar. Immediately chatter fills my ears. Men rambling about the football game. Bar tenders walking around trying to sell drinks, and woman trying to seduce men and drag them to the bathrooms.
Not one of these people looked like a fit to be working with me. Let along able to hold a conversation with half of the drunkies here. I walked over to the bar and sat down on the stool. The man was on the other side taking an order while I sat at the corner with my back to the wall. It was what I always did anyone could sneak up on me. I always needed to be able to look over my shoulder. I fetched out a cigarette lighting it blowing out smoke to my left. Seconds later the man comes over to me.
"What will it be?" He asked cleaning a shot glass with a rag.
I put my cigarette between my index finger and my middle finger. "Just a beer." My tone louder than his over the loud music. They couldn't play better music? Couldn't even hear the game over the beats and the loud hollering from the crazed Giants fans. As my eyes were wandering about they stopped on a woman sitting alone in the corner her back to the wall.
Her long brown hair pushed to the right while she brought her cigarette to her red lips. Her breasts practically were screaming to get out of that tight red dress she was wearing revealing sexy toned legs. She uncrossed her legs when her eyes met mine. The mysterious woman tapped the end of her cigarette letting the ashes fall to the ground as she looked back at me with a flirtatious smirk.
I tried to look away but I couldn't. My eyes were glued to the beautiful woman just a couple of seats away from me. All of a sudden she stood from her chair walking over to me. As she sat down next to me she sat tall with good posture waving for the bar tender to head over. When he came over he tried hard not to stare at her tits. She didn't seem to mind though when he kept sneaking a peak.
Finally, he went to go make her drink then she rested her elbows in the counter bringing her hands together turning her head to me.
"Hurley said you never arrive early." She said to me with a honest tone looking at me with concentrated eyes. I did my best to hide my surprisement in my eyes. How did I not see she was my partner? It all ran so clear. This woman sat in a corner her back to the wall just as me. Along with that, she minded he'd own business letting all this ruckus smooth past us.
"Hurley can mind his fucking business." I snarl taking a sip from my beer. The nameless woman looks away letting out a giggle as the man comes back with her drink.
"Thank you, dear." She says taking it in her hands giving him a wink. The man blushes hard before walking off to another customer. I guess she had her ways to get out of paying for her drinks. Smart girl.
"Would you give me your name or it's a secret?" I ask waving my cigarette around as I spoke.
Her eyes batted as she turned to me sipping her liquor through a thin straw. As she let out a sigh of relief as she was satisfied with her drink of choice she moved her body more to me meaning she doesn't want anyone else to here what she's about to say.
"I am Nastasia Aleski" she smiled through her teeths holding out her small hand for me to shake. I took it in mine giving it a firm shake as I tried to study her face to find a any hint she was lying. I couldn't find any hint of her not telling me the truth or she was just good at hiding it. "I know who you are," she pauses leaning closely, "Mitch Rapp." She whispered that sending shivers down my spine. Nastasia moved away bringing her straw back to her lips.
"I bet you know I've killed people." I say in a low tone but loud enough for her to hear. Nastasia gives a small nod.
"So have I and every other insane person in this world. Your no different. Stan was very clear on who I was going to be dealing with. A sad man who lost his wife and hasn't been himself since." Why would he tell this woman all my deep personal shit if I haven't met her till today. The next time I see him he better hope I don't beat the living shit out of him. "But don't worry I too lost someone close to me. It's not a pleasant feeling."
"Who was it? A husband?" I guessed bringing my cigarette to my lips.
Nastasia shakes her head putting her drink down stirring it in circles with her straw. "My father just when I was a little girl. I was close to him more than my drug addict mother who left us when I was ten. Haven't seen her since and never want to see her again. I do miss my father dearly, sometimes I think he's in my dreams with me." She states looking in the different drink choices on the shelves in front of us. It was hard to read this girl she had years of practice to never let a stranger or anyone be able to read her.
"I'm sorry for your lost."
"I don't need your pity. Now, let's just get to business. Hurley told me to meet at Irene Kennedy's office with you by the morning. Kennedy also knows you won't make it there in time so she suggested I spend the night with you to make sure you get there in time because this meeting is very important." She stated shitfting in her seat to face me. Was she joking? We'd only just met also why isn't Irene telling me any of this? I knew the reason, it would have stopped me to meet up with the woman. It was hard enough to be read her now she has to be with me in my apartment.
"Mitch?" She called out grabbing my full attention.
"Right, sorry. All right, sure let's go now." I tell her stepping out of the stool. I held out my hand for her to get down on her high heels and she took it giving it a squeeze. Nastasia smiled hard releasing her hand out of my grasp waiting for me to lead the way. I walked out of the bar holding the door open for her and she thanked me walking tall outside. It was raining once again as it was darker than before when I just arrived here. The long brown haired woman started to shake at the cold temperature. Standing just outside the driver's seat I walked took off my jacket handing it to Nastasia.
"Thank you, Mitch." She greeted as I unlocked the car and she climbed in the passenger seat. Who knew my night would end in bringing home a woman who is my partner for however long Hurley keeps her in my life.
I drove away from the bar turning on my wipers wiping the rain drops away. She was still shivering so I moved my hand to turn the heat up. The rain was getting heavy by the minute which didn't help how cold my car was. The red light turned green and I drove up the road. Next I turned right and drove up to my parking space.
"This is me." I point to my apartment building. I took the keys out the ignition opening my door. "Well, I hope you can run in heels doll face." I smirk at her before leaping out of the car. I jogged to my front door looking for my key. Seconds later I heard heels clacking against the concrete then hopping up my stairs. I found my key opening the door rushing in as did Nastasia. She throws my jacket to the ground running her hand through her wet hair.
"Boy, was it raining hard. I have to get out of this dress." She says staring down at her wet body.
"The shower is down hall to the right. And I suppose your not going to wear that dress again so I'll just leave my clothes in the spare bedroom." I tell her taking my shoes off to leave them on the mat by my front door.
"Thank you, Mitch." She says once again leaving her heels on the mat then walking down the hall to the shower. I let out a exhausted sigh then walk to my bedroom tearing off my clothes. I didn't mind not showering till she was done. For now I put on a new pair of boxers and turn on the TV. Light flashed in my room from the lighting that just started. Right after the lighting it thundered loudly.
I was surprised she wasn't alarmed by that. Well, thunder storms are more for kids to be afraid of right? I lifted my head from my pillow and noticed it was now soaked. Oh well, I has to get out of bed anyways to give Nastasia clothing. I crawled out of bed to my draws. I opened the top one taking out a T-shirt then next to that draw I took out a pair of checkered red and blue pants.
Holding the clothes in my hand I walked down the hall opening the guest bedroom noticing she already settled in. Her phone was on the night stand along with her cigarettes and purse. Was it okay if I snooped a little? I mean she was in my home. I put the clothes on the bed as I walked over slowly to her cell phone. Finger prints can leave on anything. A phone you'll catch the finger print in a heart beat. My long finger was hovering over the home button until I heard a females voice from behind.
"What do you think your doing?" Nastasia questioned gripping the towel her angry eyes staring back at me. She walked over by me grabbing her phone. I stepped back pointing to the clothes.
"I told you I was bringing you clothes."
"You left out snooping through my phone." She snarled at me her nostrils flared up.
"It's hard to trust someone I just met who's in my home. So I wanted to check if your not someone Hurley did sign."
She let's out a long sigh closing her eyes, "Mitch. I know it's hard for you to trust someone but, I mean no harm. I'm just doing this business for Kennedy and Hurley that's all. You have absolutely nothing to worry about now please can I get dressed I'm exhausted." She explained unwrapping her towel slowly cuing me to leave. I raised my eyebrows then sprinted to the door. Without looking back I said.
"Enjoy your night," I closed the door behind me heading to the shower. I was exhausted as well and couldn't wait to finally get some rest for the hell I'm going to get tomorrow.
I turned on the water letting my boxers fall to the floor as I stepped into the shower. The warm water hit my back as it felt like a massage. I ran my fingers through my wet hair putting shampoo in it. I let the soap fall to the floor, next I washed my body then turned off the shower. I stepped out grabbing a towel drying my hair and face then wrapping it around my waist.
Maybe I should shave so Irene doesn't bother me about it tomorrow. I grab my shaver shaving my thick beard. I put it down rubbing my face as there no longer is a monster beard on my chin. I walk over to open the door walking to my bedroom. Should I check on Nastasia? Or just let her rest? I walked to her room as the door was cracked open. I peaked my eye in not being able to see much which made me open the door a little more noticing she was sleeping with the clothes I gave her snuggling one of the pillows. Good thing she was asleep for all I know she would've tried to leave. I did only meet her a couple of hours ago. Tomorrow better be one hell of a meeting. Otherwise, this woman is in my spare bedroom for no apparent reason.
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