#as the name suggests common )
pkmnprofloblolly · 2 years
i entirely lost the plot while planning a response to a question and ended up on a sidetrack about the most recent common ancestor of the fox pokemon (genus Vulpes). Vulpes are the true foxes, though some other pokemon (like eevee) are colloquially called foxes they aren't as closely related to these guys. this tree is based on what we know from genetic evidence of the surviving members of the genus!
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this little guy is Vulpes cinus, the earliest-known fox pokemon we've found, from 8 or so million years ago. it's only known from skeletal remains and we don't have enough material to revive it like some other fossil pokemon, so this reconstruction is entirely hypothetical! we do know that it was most likely a fire type based on its bones, though.
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blaiddraws · 1 year
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remember when i said gunsmoke au was probably the angstiest submas au of mine? yeah? yeah. i think I've got a new record
[next part]
edit. [master post]
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hdra77 · 1 month
Is Your slugcat Friendly to other slugcats?
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they are known as a cryptid by other slugcats. a strange beast that is neither a lizard or a slugcat. an abnormality with an upper body of a prey and the lower body of a predator. they have extremely low reputation towards all creatures and that obviously includes slugcats! so no, they are not really friendly to other slugcats. they pretty much eat anything that falls into their trap. they are very cunning but can sometimes appear to be docile when they're not hungry also ft. random slugcat i came up on the spot lol
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mixmioart · 2 months
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Also, have to treat my ocs equally: here’s a selection of good charli (plural of charles) I’ve drawn recently
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creaturefeaster · 9 months
wanted to draw all the side character mimes but im quickly realising there's many of them that dont have solid designs yet and also i feel like im forgetting some
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astralfandoms · 12 days
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okay here me out guys
i legit have like a scenario (aka a fic that we have written out but have yet to publish anywhere) where essentially benjamin starts "befriending" winn out of spite/jealousy (tldr; gets jealous of brian hanging out with mac so is like "fine i'm gonna hang out with this mouse toon instead") but then it turns into trust as the two end up bonding
and so benjamin ends up teaching her how to box!!
also benjamin accidentally looks like the "let's take ibuprofen together" meme without winn in front of him lol
also bonus doodle because i thought of it as i was drawing this
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kaxenart · 5 months
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There's a lot of things wrong with the both of them, but it is of utmost importance to me that they share some weird little thing together.
I have like a pile of ideas to get through. Maybe more fanfiction.
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pigeon-feet · 2 months
its very amusing to me when skilled horticulturists know fuckall about native plants
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mantisgodsart · 6 months
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Pretend to be what you will, but under the light of the full moon, there's no more room for playing at civility (you are a monster, and you cannot control your nature)
#our art#bug fables#finished#watercolor#vi#wereweevil vi#werecreature#we use a specific paint for the eyes and claws and such here and it doesn't show in a still picture but it shimmers blue-green in the light#anyways. FUCKED UP BEAST!!!#this is for a cool & fun fic we've had in the works for um. uhh. (pause as we look at the date)#...actually don't worry about it we'll finish it eventually#wereweevil form draws inspiration from both mantids and wild boars!#we're going with the theory that weevils and primal weevils are NOT the same species#but rather different species entirely that tend to cohabitate and have some aesthetic similarities because of it#golden path weevils are a VERY altered form of weevils that have adapted very far from their original form over time#and primal weevils are a member of superorder dictyoptera split off from an ancestor like...#googling it suggests the common name we're familiar with is not actually common since it didnt bring up results but the wood mantis#but honestly it could either be a split from one of the Flat Fuck mantids or a roach w those raptorial forelegs#while golden path weevils have evolved specifically to eat seedlings and are most likely a split of acorn weevil#primal weevils are Something Else Entirely and have the “everything and the kitchen sink” diet of a roach#though they do prefer plumplings and have over time developed teeth specifically for cracking them open and eating them#their mutualistic relationship with golden path weevils stems from this: cracking open otherwise difficult plumpling prey for GP weevils#and receiving the benefits of a pack of allies for hunting more difficult prey in return#primal weevils are most likely an awakened species from what we've seen of canon but we doubt roaches would acknowledge them#as related much less potentially another form of roach#seeing as the roaches in game seem to be purely based on a handful of “pest” species and not the absolute wealth of roach species out there#that have unique adaptations or mimicry or anything of the like#we don't think they would take well to mimic roaches or anything of the like. also ties in to our hcs for levi.#if youre not one of the core species of roach then you dont get considered a “roach”. there are probably plenty of mimic roaches out there#just not acknowledged as Roaches because the Roaches bugarians are familiar with were a single culture with only a handful of species
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ride-a-dromedary · 7 months
Since Larian won't give it to me I'll give it to myself, but I like to believe that Halsin had siblings as part of the familial package, whom were all child named after animals (including Halsin himself), and in my mind he had four:
-An eldest brother (the only of them besides Halsin who got old enough to reach his awakening and name himself, though Halsin is ashamed to admit that he can no longer immediately recall the name he chose - he had been Kan for so long, Halsin cannot easily think of him as anything otherwise)
-An elder brother and sister (Cath and Gyrah, who were infinite blessings - or curses depending on who you asked - upon their family for being twins, and just shy of reaching maturity)
-And a later arrived younger sister (Who they all called "pup" because her name was Ly, and the nickname stuck so persistently that she would joke it would end up being what she changed her name to. She could only be bribed into doing things with the promise of toffee apples, which were a rare treat for them when their father traveled outside of the forest)
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listenupcupcakes · 2 months
soldier what is your opinion on mayonnaise
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archersgoon · 8 days
ok ate my sandwich we're back in coherent territory. anyway i've been thinking about naming conventions in lumatere recently & have come to the conclusion that bartolina & trevanion's initial intention with finnikin was most likely that he'd be 'of the river' & trevanion changed his mind after she died. like. they live in tressor + trevanion's whole family died like 3 months ago & we see with jasmina (although arguably the situation here is slightly different due to her being royal) that one's place-name can work as a memorial (or whatever the word is). so i think the original plan for them was to name him finnikin (pattern suggests that this is a rock name) of the river but when bartolina died she (understandably) became the most prominent thing on trevanion's mind like if finnikin was all he had left of her then of course he had to have her place-name. what more could the son of bartolina of the rock deserve?
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to-the-starlit-west · 6 months
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As It Should Be, Derek Mahon
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pridory · 8 months
triandra, plumeria, carmelina, violetta, espie, rhys, ina, eden, florette, verbena, sol
the keeper of abundance, [prns] who slumbers in petals, [prns] who bathes in sunlight, the creator of life, the gentle caretaker, the roses' thorns*, [prns] who brings life, [prns] who is connected to the land and earth
*can be replaced by any plant w thorns
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mac-lilly · 10 months
Question for my international (especially American) mutuals:
Have you ever seen this kind of dish, and if so, what do you call it?
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I've got an idea for Willex Wednesday - it's been bothering me for a few weeks already - but I need some information before I can tackle it.
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Katnep Nepkat
< are we br:ng:ng these back ? >
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