#and i would v. much appreciate it if you keep other ships out of the notes on this post. ty.)
thatswhatsushesaid · 1 month
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content warning: canon-typical 3zun 🫠
bonus huaisang, as a treat:
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nightswithkookmin · 6 months
Vmin and common goals
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Someone just commented on a recent post how VMin may have chosen not to serve because they had different goals towards their MS.
now I don't dispute that at all, everyone in BTS have their own goals and objectives.
we've seen Vmin interact over the years and we are all very well aware that Vmin's friendship has never been predicated on commonality.
In deciding teams, they aren't always going over and beyond to be team mates because they have common grounds- commonality is a Tae Kook thing. It's established fact in the Fandom.
We have spent so many blogs spelling out the uniqueness of each ship in BTS and BTS themselves have by themselves explained what each person means to them over and over again.
For Jungkook, Tae is the one he has common grounds with. So no, I don't expect Vmin to have common goals towards their MS. They are Mars and Jupiter and rarely gravitate towards the same things.
While V wanted to flaunt his shaved head around Jimin was much reserved on that note and who does he turn to? Jk.
The foundation of Vmin's relationship while not built around common interests and goals is built on mutual respect, love and appreciation for who they each are. It's built on the mutual need for support and holding space- safe space emotionally and spiritually for each to replenish, heal and grow together.
On that, Vmin has always, to me being more superior to any other ship in BTS because to me that sort of intimacy between people is priceless.
Having someone you lean on, tell your secrets to, share your vulnerabilities with, be there for you at your lowest point fight for you and defend you is just divine and any one who has this level of intimacy from another human being is truly blessed.
Jikook are that too- is what we are saying. They are that and more.
If you pay close attention to the sort of conversations they say they have- coupled with their need to be both emotionally and physically close to eachother it doesn't take much to figure out that those two are intimate partners too.
You can't hide intimacy I keep saying.
So given as Jikook and Vmin are both intimately close to each other, you should understand why I think Jikook just ended Vmin if physical and emotional support and companionship is the reason they chose to go into MS together.
This is not about common goals. If it were, Tae Kook would have been the ones to serve together. They live for the thrill and adventure. There's a reason there's so many conspiracy and misunderstanding around Tae Kook's friendship with the constant, they said they both wanted this, they both wanted that but someone or big bad hybe is keeping them apart.
Except now it's not hybe, it's his tattoos getting in his way. They say.
It would make so much sense for Tae Kook to serve together too if the whole reason for choosing to be comps hinged on their goals.
Tae talked about his goals for MS in the live and he talked about wanting to build his body and becoming strong physically so he doesn't get shoved around and so he can do lots of concerts. He said he's taking risks with his unit but knows exactly what he is doing.
What are Jungkook's goals too? What is informing his decision to go with Jimin? Why not go with Namjoon then?
We've seen Jungkook hesitate to choose teams where Jimin was in a team which conflicted with his goals. We've seen him cheat to be on teams with Jimin even though he said he didn't want to be on that team. We've seen him say he want one group but end up in a group with Jimin- if a person keeps acting this way isn't his goal Jimin? To be wherever JM is?
Isn't that a sign of severe form of attachment too?
If Vmin's attachment is soulmates what the heck is Jikook's attachment is my question cos those two attachment is very nuanced between them.
If it's all about common goals he knows what he needed to do to achieve those goals and yet here he is. Picking trash at dawn and falling in line.
Jikook is a special kind of love.
And has it occurred to anyone they are each other's companions? Years ago I kept saying idols need companionship to function else they will mentally expire. I screamed at hybe to let Tae have a girlfriend or boyfriend because his need for intimacy wasn't being fully met and that was taking a toll on him.
I said Jikook don't look like they have intimacy issues to me. Out of all the boys, they were the ones most content.
But has it occurred to anyone that perhaps they were content and could be highly functional because they each propped the other up?
If JM wasn't in JK's life I doubt he could have BTS at all. Which is facts given as he nearly even left the group but for Jimin asking him to stay.
Jimin grounds him when he's up in his idealistic adventurism.
Jimin is there to remind him why he is there. To remind to be subservient and not so rebellious, to comfort him when he's under mental pressure from trying to conform to a life so out of his realm of possibility. He is non conformist at his core and MS is bound to be tough on him.
Listent to the members when they say even Angel Hobi seems tamed.
That place will tame Jungkook and its going to be hard on him.
Jimin is what the doctor ordered.
This is about companionship plain and simple. Let's call a spade a spade and not a big fat spoon.
Do you know Jimin's goals towards serving too????
He doesn't want to gain weight, he can't stand being away for 1.5 years, it's going to drive him mad.
And the fact Jimin is all this for V and he didn't choose this over his desire to chase the thrill tells you just what he values and prioritizes.
He has psyched himself up. He can do this with or without Jimin but for Jikook they need eachother and that more important to them.
Nevermind that, even married couples breakup where their goals and priorities don't aline and they go another way. So no, don't tell me this make or break moment is because they have different goals as if that in itself don't matter.
And sure, since they are just friends we can forgive that. It's not really a big deal honestly. I will ditch yall for pussy too🥲
And yes we have seen Jimin Ditch V over and over for the D- remember when he called V crying and V asked him to come over but turns out he was in JK's room caressing phone screens with him?
If Vmin's goals don't align that's fine, Jikook's aligned perfectly well.
The universe must be pulling strings on their behalf.
They will come out even more closer than before and watch then explain how it's because of their shared experiences in the ditch
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Maybe the biggest gift is the friends we made along the way 🎂
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Happy Birthday, V!
Was staying up way too late and getting way too emotional over these fictional gonks last night, but yes... I've wanted to do a bigger scene like this for so long, and what better occasion than male V's canon birthday today!
These aren't all my favourites from the game (the sofa wouldn't be big enough for it xD), but the people Vince would like to invite over for the occasion for sure, let it be a year or two down the line when they all actually are in the same area at the right time and come together like this (and uuuhhh... obvious problems with one certain ex-bodyguard set aside and solved because I said so!). It would really be a special thing to have everyone there that's been with him during one of the worst times of his life. Thanks to them (amongst many others) he even gets the chance to celebrate another birthday.
Some more ramblings about some of the interactions I'm picturing here and why I placed everyone the way I did under the cut xD And some more pics to come in a separate post later :3
Front and center obviously Vince and Kerry and Judy, my faves, my loves <3 I think this would probably be one of only a handful of times Kerry ever meets Judy in person. He only ever hears her over the holo and knows her from what V told him, because she left Night City before they got a chance to meet prior to the game's endings. I think they would go along so well though, and besides Kerry, Judy is the person Vince feels closest to out of the group pictured here, and he'd be so excited to know Kerry and her get along as well.
Then Judy and Panam... I lowkey ship it so hard, and I mean, they would make one power couple, but at the very least I think they'd become good friends, maybe Judy even travels with the Aldecaldos for a while or joins them, like in the Star ending when she's romanced.
I put River in the back and center cause he's the biggest of the bunch and I think he'd love being there, watching over everyone in a way (and keeping an eye on Takemura, cause he doesn't trust him xD). I'd like to think him and Viktor get talking about boxing, workouts, maybe make plans for a friendly sparring match. Maybe they've even met before on some occasion, only just realizing it now. Viktor is btw out of the whole bunch the person Vince has know the longest, almost as long as he knew Jackie in my background story for him.
Goro keeps himself in the back because he definitely is the odd one out of the bunch (probably didn't wanna come in the first place), but maybe he's starting to realize this moment that a life without Arasaka is not the end of the world after all. That there's always room for new beginnings, no matter how unlikely it seems (but he's still gonna give V shit, and V is gonna give him shit, obviously XD they're bickering like an old couple probably, much to Judy's and Panam's amusement who previously were rather wary of Goro).
Then a pair I only really got thinking about when I set this up were Misty and Kerry because... It does kinda make sense, and I think they'd get along really well? Like, Vince and Misty have known each other for a few years, and he likes her a lot, but he's not as close to her as he was to Jackie for example. She was definitely a positive guidance throughout the whole mess in 2077, and he really appreciates her for always seeing the good in everything. And I think Kerry would be a bit confused about her in the beginning, but since he also has spiritual leanings I think they'd find a lot of common ground. I also think Misty would just treat him as Vince's partner, some guy, not be all in awe about him being famous - aware of it, but ignoring it, because it does not matter in the grand scheme of things how rich and famous you are but whether or not you're a decent human being.
And Nibbles is there because she lives there, obviously, this is her penthouse, her sofa xD Needs to make sure everyone behaves!
I had been thinking about including Rogue in the scene, but then I also thought... she probably wouldn't come xD Be like "nah kid, thanks, but you do you", and she's not that close with Vince on a personal level. Same goes for Claire, I love her so much, and while I think she and Vince get along very well, they're not as close (or maybe she just didn't have time).
I was pondering also if I wanted to include Jackie and Johnny in some way, because they can't be there physically for known reasons (and even though Vince wouldn't have invited Johnny just to annoy him, Johny would have come anyway to annoy him back, so there's that XD). Decided against it in the end because the ideas I had would have meant more editing than what I was ready to do just now, but I have some more ideas with Vince and Jackie and Johnny that work better in a different setting anyway.
if you've read this far, here's a piece of birthday cake 🍰
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siancore · 4 months
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Second part to this fic.
A/N: This is from Bucky’s POV and takes place in the 1940s while Bucky is at war. Written in the form of V-Mail letters from Bucky to Steve. He wants to tell his best friend about meeting Sam and being smitten, but V-Mail was read and censored by military postal workers. Bucky could be dishonourably discharged and receive a court martial for being homosexual in the army. LGBT+ soldiers were given ‘blue tickets’ to discharge them from service because their ‘character was deemed undesirable’ — around 9,000 soldiers received a blue discharge during war times in the 40s. I hope this gives context to his correspondence. Thanks so much for continuing this journey with me. Enjoy!
Dear Steve,
They said these letters would get to their destination quicker and without much fuss. Better than regular old mail. I hope this finds you well. Hope you’re keeping out of trouble. It’s cold over here, but I don’t want to waste time talking about the weather. Stevie, I’m smitten, Pal. Just my luck to meet the sweetest Buttercup before I had to ship out. My Sweetheart has the prettiest brown eyes I ever did see, and a smile that’s as bright as the sun. Why can’t this world be a better place? Why can’t me and my Sweetheart settle down somewhere and live a nice life? I know there’s a war to be won, and things ain’t as simple as I would like them to be, but sometimes I just want something for myself. Sorry for going on and on. I’m maybe a little homesick. I wish you got to meet my Sweetheart before I left. You two would get on real swell. I miss you, buddy. Take care of yourself.
Yours truly,
J B Barnes.
Dear Steve,
I hope this letter finds you well and happy. Thank you for sending a letter back. I hope you had a nice time at dinner with my folks. My Ma sure does love feeding you. Thinks you’re too skinny, and I think she might be right.
We’re shipping out to the front in Italy tomorrow. My Ma is worried, and she has every right to be. From what the other fellows have said, we’re likely to see combat action real soon. Truth be told, I will be happy to join the fight. As you know, I’m not good sitting on my hands.
How is it being the most eligible bachelor in New York, New York? I bet the dames are lined up around the block for you. Just be yourself, Pal. You will find that special someone. I’m lucky to have found my Buttercup. Wish I had an address to write my Sweetheart. I only know the name of the locality: Delacroix, Louisiana. V-Mail must reach down South. All of the Southern boys are writing to their loved ones. I should at least try, don’t you think? I’m endlessly charmed by a Southern Beauty. Like I said before, Buddy: I am smitten. You will grow tired of my ramblings I’m sure.
Take good care of yourself. I’ll write again when we arrive.
Your Pal,
J B Barnes.
Dear Steve,
Thank you for the drawing pencils. I’ve been using them while waiting for directives. I’m sorry for not writing sooner. Camp life is tough. Feels like the rain ain’t stopped since we put boots on the ground. Some of the fellows in the 107th have fought some skirmishes, I am still waiting to see action. I know you said you found a way to be of service, I just want you to promise me you will be smart about it. Every little bit helps our cause, I just want you to be safe. I am proud of you no matter what you do. You have a good heart, my friend.
I appreciate your encouragement. I thought about writing my Buttercup, but I don’t think that would be a good idea. Different sensibilities down South, you see. My Sweetheart’s folks probably would not appreciate letters from a sergeant in our armed forces sending unsolicited letters to their unwed offspring. It is a different world in the Southern states I’ve been told, and I don’t want to cause my Sweetheart any grief. Dreams of pretty brown eyes and sunshine smiles will have to sustain me for now. At least I can write you and go on and on about my heart’s yearnings for a certain Southern Beauty. You are a good friend to me, Stevie. Thank you for never judging me. I will write again soon. Give my Ma a cuddle from me when you see her next.
Your friend and brother,
J B Barnes
Dear Steve,
Thank you for TWO letters and drawings. Your comic renditions made me smile. I’m sorry for the long wait in between letters. I have finally seen combat action. I am well. Did not get hurt. My Ma was so worried. Rebecca wrote me as well. All of your letters make me less homesick. It’s a different world over here, but I will not waste time retelling the horrors I’ve seen.
I hope your mission is going well. I am proud of you. I hope your date book is full and you are having a marvellous time.
My heart feels heavy. Would it be such a terrible thing for me to write my Sweetheart? Maybe my Sweetheart’s parents wouldn’t mind a soldier writing to their unwed s — child. I don’t want to cause a stir. I wish I at least had a photograph, though I probably don’t need one. My dreams are filled with brown eyes and high cheekbones. Pretty smiles and soft skin. You must think I’m a love struck fool, Stevie. HaHa! Maybe I am. But when two people have a connection like me and my Buttercup do, it reaches beyond the borders of nations. It stretches through time. I don’t have words to explain. Just know that your best friend is love sick and not any less of a man for admitting so.
I don’t know when I’ll be able to write again. Be sure to keep up with your medicines and treatments. Be safe and well.
Your Friend,
J B Barnes
P.S. Maybe when I return home, you might draw a rendition of my Sweetheart for me. I will pay you all of my hard earned money.
Dear Stevie,
I had to write this soon after my last letter, so you will probably get them around the same time.
I got new directives. We’re in the fight now. I just wanted to let you know not to worry too much about me if you don’t hear from me soon. I’ll be busy doing my part.
I won’t win the war until you get here, Pal. That’s a promise.
Signing off for now.
Your Brother in Arms,
Bucky Barnes
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blainesebastian · 1 year
date night (ccg universe)
words: 3,181 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (3 combined requests) “ @aloversblog requested: luci has a panic attack for the first time and austin calms her down + @aust1nbutlersgirl requested ccg and austin’s first date after having luci + anon requested Austin and reader come home exhausted and unwind by giving each other a custom massage” warnings: none notes: i am back from disney and v sleepy slkdjf but it was so worth it! thanks to anyone who reads, comments, reblogs or likes :) much appreciated!  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
It feels like it’s been a long time since you and Austin had a proper date even though you know that’s not the case. There’s a lot of playing catch up—not just with jobs, passions, your body being yours again, or alone time, but what normalcy looks like now. It’s not that you’ve been thinking about how to take a break from Luci, from being parents, but…carving out space to be with your husband will only strengthen your bond as parents. To be honest, you’re not sure why you hadn’t thought about it sooner. You suppose you wake up busy, there’s barely a moment to settle let alone plan an entire date.
It ends up being Austin’s idea.
You’ve just gotten out of the shower, a large towel wrapped around your body as you comb out your hair and the bathroom door opens. Before you can even turn to look over your shoulder, you feel Austin come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.
A soft laugh leaves your lips, a gentle squirming of heat in your chest and sinking between your legs when his nose and lips dip into your neck. He breathes you in before placing a kiss on the pulse of your throat,
“I love the smell of your skin when you just get out of the shower,” He whispers and it’s ridiculous how easy he can make your heart skip beats like that.
“We are not foolin’ around when I’m clean, Austin.”
He smirks and places another kiss on your shoulder before shaking his head, “I’m offended that you think I’m only after one thing.”
You roll your eyes and laugh when he attempts to take down your towel. You turn in his arms and playfully smack his shoulder with the brush in your hand, “Predictable.”
Austin leans down and nips at your bottom lip with his own, “Can’t help it, I miss you.”
And you do understand what he means—you miss him like that too, having time for intimacy, time just made for one another, the feeling of his skin on yours, sounds from his mouth fluttering along your skin, the way his fingers would curl against and inside of you. But not just sex, either, the love language of spending time and having him near.
You reach your hand up to cup his cheek, running your thumb along his cheekbone before you lean up on your toes and kiss him. He hums and picks you up, setting you on the sink counter and slipping between your legs. Your hands move under his shirt and skate your nails down his back, keeping him close, heat pulsing insistently lower and lower. So much for that shower—
And then Luci starts crying.
The moan that leaves your lips turns into a groan, your forehead moving to rest on his shoulder. Austin lets out a short breath, looking over his shoulder at the bathroom door—she’s definitely wailing, maybe a nightmare?
“I’ll get her,” Austin squeezes you, hesitates, not wanting to pull away. You completely understand that feeling. He rights himself, his cheeks a bit flushed, eyes dark as he runs a hand through his hair. “We’re goin’ on a date.” He declares and you raise your eyebrows as he begins to back up out of the bathroom, “I’m serious, a date.”
You let out a light laugh, sliding off the counter. “Alright.”
It takes a few moments to calm yourself down, get your heartrate to stop pounding in your ears, but once you towel dry your hair and pull on some clothes, you feel a bit better. Less like your legs are completely made of jello. Turning the light off in the bathroom, you wander down the hallway to where Luci’s bedroom is, leaning against the doorframe as you watch Austin sit on her bed.
He tugs the covers back and picks her up into his arms, “Shh,” He whispers, “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Austin soothes, moving her hair away from sticking to her wet cheeks or her forehead. You wince lightly at the sounds coming out of her mouth—whatever she’d been dreaming about obviously scared her.
Though, to be fair, this is the same girl who watches dinosaur videos and kinda likes the idea of aliens and ghosts, so, she’s much tougher than she seems.
“Someone have a nightmare?” You ask, coming in to her room and turning on her nightlight, a small multi-colored lamp on her nightstand that projects pretty pastel colors onto her ceiling. She hasn’t been using it lately, but maybe it’ll help.
“Monsta.” Luci cries, hiccupping as she rests her head on Austin’s shoulder. She’s got a firm grip on his shirt as he keeps her close to him, gently rocking her back and forth.
“There are no monsters, baby, I promise.” He croons, brushing a kiss over her forehead.
Luci does not seem overly convinced, pointing at her closet. You smile a little and move to open up the door, turning on the light. You move some clothes around and motion to her that everything is fine.
“Nothing here.”
“See?” Austin whispers, pressing a kiss to one of her cheeks.
“Bed,” She murmurs, sniffling. She uses one of her hands to wipe her face even though it doesn’t do much. You know that she’s rather distressed by this whole nightmare thing but…she’s kinda cute with her hair a staticky mess, cheeks flushed, in her dino pajamas against Austin’s chest as they try to figure out this whole monster business.
“Under the bed?” Austin asks and you hum lightly, moving towards her bed and kneeling on the floor. You make a very big deal at pulling the covers up and looking underneath.
“No monsters, just some dust bunnies and—” You pull her black dino stuffed animal out from where it fell near the one bedframe leg, it must have tumbled off when she was having her nightmare. “Found a friend of yours. Did you lose him?”
You have the dino kiss her nose and that seems to get her to relax, even giggle as she playfully pushes him away from her face.
There’s a sense of relief that settles on Austin’s shoulders that Luci is no longer upset and both of you tuck her back into bed. Austin lays her down and you put her dino stuffed animal back into her arms. She squeezes it and when her dad pulls the blankets up to her chin, she leans up and gives him a big kiss on his cheek.
“Wow, thank you.” He grins.
“Hey, you got one for me?” You pout from your spot still on the floor and Luci giggles before giving you one too.
You smirk, blowing a raspberry against her neck that makes her laugh before standing with your husband. She seems in much better spirits and leaves the timer on for her nightlight in hopes that it’ll help her fall asleep a bit faster.
“Night baby,” Austin says, slipping his hand into yours as he turns off the bedroom light, both of you stepping into the hallway.
You take in a long breath, moving to the bedroom with him again, your fingers laced like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and maybe it is. You plop yourself onto the bed, allowing him to pull away so he can take off the jeans he has on,
“You know, as someone who’s seen a lot of horror movies, we should probably take her whole ‘monster under the bed’ thing more seriously.”
Austin laughs, mostly air leaving his nose, “Don’t even start.”
You grin, your eyes grazing over his body. No matter how long you’ve been together, this is a sight you never get used to or tired of seeing. You’re particularly fond of the freckles that spackle the tops of his shoulders and his cheekbones, especially after he’s been out in the sun. The wide curls in his hair near his forehead, the shape of his mouth, the delicate silver chain he always has on.
“Did you mean what you said?” You ask, raising your eyebrows when he looks over at you. “About the date thing?”
He smiles a little, wandering over to the bed. Austin reaches out and brushes some hair around your ear, “Course. Just you and me—we’ll get a babysitter for Luci, see if Jillian’s available.”
And you kind of hold your breath because…it’s a great idea, selfish for sure, but you find that you’re trying to convince yourself for a moment. Austin must sense your hesitation, trailing his thumb along your cheekbone, a silent conversation of it’s okay.
Then, “I still know how to wine and dine you; you know.” He points out, making you laugh.
Austin slips between your legs, gently pushing you to lie back on the bed as his own body molds on top of yours, finishing that kiss you started earlier. Austin knowing exactly what you need, that, for sure, you have no doubt.
It’s no problem for Jillian to watch Luci, she accepts before you can even get the full question out. It’s a relief because…despite being away from your daughter before, it’s a weird sensation of worry of leaving her to be with Austin. Even though there’s absolutely nothing to worry about? Regardless, the feelings are mostly quelled with having Jillian being the one watching her.
The last thing you want is for your husband to think that you don’t desire this whole date thing, because you do, it’s just…figuring out how it all fits into your new normal.
The beginning of the night is a bit rough, admittedly, you’re tense and stuck in your thoughts. When dinner ends, Austin playfully takes your shoulders and massages them,
“You’re gonna get wrinkles if you keep scowlin’ like that.”
And he makes you laugh and eventually, you begin to melt into his company. Everything’s fine—Luci is safe, having fun with her aunt Jillian, there are no SOS texts and you get the whole night with your husband, time sometimes that is never guaranteed with how busy you both can get.
Once you head to a familiar bar for a drink and you have not one shot, but two, you’ve definitely loosened up. There’s longevity to this date, plenty of the night to string out to get a tiny bit drunk—then again, Austin’s always held his alcohol a little better than you, so you might be the only one getting tipsy.
You’re leaning against the bar, facing Austin, his one arm resting on the bar top while the other remains on your waist. A soft laugh leaves your lips as one hand comes up and covers your face,
“God, how am I already kinda drunk?”
Austin tugs the hand away, grinning, brushing a kiss over your forehead, “Because you’re havin’ fun. Not a crime, you know.”
And you suppose that’s true. You’ve both done what’s responsible—Luci’s with Jillian and you took the subway here so there’d be no worries about driving. Though at this point one of your main concerns is falling asleep on the subway…you suppose there are worse things.
“You think Luci misses us?”
Austin shakes his head, a smile tugging the corners of his mouth, “Last time I checked she was bakin’ a cake with aunt Jillian, so, m’gonna go with a resounding no.”
There’s a soft pout on your lips, “She better leave us some to eat, that sounds amazing right now.”
Austin hums and playfully grasps your chin with his fingers, drawing you into a slow kiss. It never fails to send heat circulating right through your body, like ivy reaching out, coiling, settling. You lean up into the kiss just when he begins to pull away and you don’t give a shit about PDA or whether anyone is actually paying attention to the two of you—it feels too good being pressed up against him, one of your hands brushing underneath his shirt to trace the skin of his lower back.
You two only pull back to breathe, nuzzling your noses in a soft bunny kiss.
A popular pop song comes over the speakers and despite that this is not a dancing bar, a handful of people are swaying to the rhythm of the music where its free of tables. Your eyes light up, squeezing Austin’s hand because you definitely need to move to this.
“You don’t have to come,” You tell him, knowing that while he’s danced plenty of times (especially for a so-called-role) he doesn’t always enjoy doing it.
But he’s walking with you, shifting away from his spot at the bar, “And let someone sweep you up while you’re out here? Not happenin’.”
Austin lifts your shared hands in the air and playfully twirls you, a soft laugh leaving your lips before you end up against his body. Your arms wind around his shoulders as you both dance to the thrumming beats pushing throughout the bar.
There’s one more shared drink and another round of dancing before heading home for the night, snuggling close to Austin on the subway and almost falling asleep (you definitely know yourself). You’re not as tipsy as you were before when you walk through the door, though everything is still very much rose-colored, and you’re exhausted. You sway a bit on your feet by the front door to take your shoes off, holding onto Austin’s arm to stable yourself.
Jillian tells you both that Luci was an angel (which means she was probably a little gremlin, but aunt Jillian knows exactly how to handle that) and that there’s leftover cake on the kitchen counter (score). You definitely owe her a thank you lunch or something, even though you know she’d do it again in a heartbeat. Luci’s obviously asleep but as you grab the leftover cake and two forks, Austin checks on her before closing her bedroom door until there’s a smidge left open.
He follows you into the bedroom, doing the same thing with your door as you sit down on the edge of the bed. You hum, taking a bite of the cake,
“Just as I suspected,” You lick your lips, “Chocolate.”
Austin smiles, moving to you to wipe icing off the corner of your mouth with his thumb before leaning down to kiss you. Then, out of habit, he cups both of your cheeks and drags his thumbs along your cheekbones after pulling back.
“You had a good night, right?”
You set the cake aside on the nightstand before nodding, dipping your chin into his hand and pressing a kiss to his palm, “The best.” You pull your head back to yawn, finally standing from the bed to take your clothes off. You hold onto Austin’s arm to steady yourself again before you strip down to your underwear, swapping out a bra for a sports one.
You haphazardly take your makeup off in the bedroom before ending back up in bed, covers half pulled back as Austin changes clothes. You watch him, because how can you not, a small smile tugging the corners of your mouth as he crawls over your body to lay beside you.
You press your face into the pillow, lying on your stomach, letting out a long sigh as he draws his hand along your shoulders, “Tired baby?”
You hum before nodding, closing your eyes, “You wouldn’t be givin’ out any massages tonight, would you?”
He smirks lightly, quiet for a moment before he makes a noise in confirmation, “Yeah, but it’ll cost you.”
When you open up your eyes, he’s tapping his cheek and you grin as you lean back to press a kiss there before getting comfortable on your stomach again, drawing the pillow underneath you with your arms.
There’s always been something about Austin’s hands, the way he’s able to use them. His fingers move across your shoulders and begin working stiff and sore muscles.
It only takes a few minutes for you to realize you're completely unmatched against Austin's touch, the way he's able to take you apart, melting underneath him. You feel him lean down to press a kiss to the back of your shoulders, his hands trailing up and down your spine, working along your sides. You squirm just a little, a soft laugh leaving your lips,
Austin hums knowingly, moving his fingers to press into the muscles in the back of your neck. There seems to be a lot of firmness lingering there, tenseness. A comfortable sigh empties from your chest and maybe this was a completely bad idea because you're not even gonna be able to pay back the favor.
"You're puttin' me right to sleep." You mumble.
You can feel Austin smile, settling half of his body on top of yours. His arms rest along the ones you've got around the pillow and he buries his face into your neck, breathing you in. Seems like that's his exact intention.
The next thing you know it, your eyes are fluttering open to sun pouring in through the curtains...which you find super offensive because you've got a pounding headache centering from your ears? Somehow. It's doing this pulsing from your eardrums and pooling behind your eyelids and—
"Oh my god," You mumble, turning in bed to face Austin and press your face into his neck to hide.
Your husband shifts in his sleep, slowly waking up, his hand moving to brush through your hair and keep your close. He stretches his legs out, yawning, but both of you doze in and out until a handful of hours later your bedroom door is opened.
Luci makes her way inside, using the small steps at the end of the bed to crawl up onto the mattress...then ever-so-gracefully plops herself in-between your and Austin's bodies. You feel yourself start, your heartbeat pounding in your ears and even though you kinda feel like death, you can't help but smile as Luci begins to giggle.
"Oh you think that's funny?" You ask her, Austin rolling onto his back and blinking sleepily. Cute. You quickly scoop her into your arms and tug her under the covers, her laughter echoing against the walls of the bedroom, "C'mere you little gremlin."
Austin reaches for the covers and pulls the sheets over everyone's heads, creating a cocoon of warmth, Luci snuggling down between their bodies.
"Did you have fun last night with Aunt Jillian?" Austin asks, threading his fingers through her staticky hair.
She nods, then, "Want pantates."
"Pancakes?" Austin raises his eyebrows, "Full of demands this morning."
You can’t help but laugh as Luci recounts the entire night for both of you, not skipping on any little detail…definitely going to be held up in this bed for a while. Austin lazily drags his hand over to yours, lacing fingers as he listens to your daughter.
The date night was simple but everything you could have asked for—makes waking up on mornings like this, the three of you tucked under the covers and sharing stories, even more special.
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
Boy Next Door
part 12: Alex’s POV
pairing: alex (from adult world) x fem!reader
CW: fluff
Taglist/ @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff @quicksilversg1rl @dahmevan @iruzias @alexxavicry @soaringcloud @laynna-mcknight t @humdrumexistence @simp4petermaximoff @sultrysullen @evan4ever r @zoebens0ncult @therewasnothinginthekoolaid @therealsagasenior
wc: 1.6k
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this chapter is entirely in Alex's POV for something a lil diff, enjoy!
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"Don't you think you guys should go out on a date?"
I stood across from Amy, my arms crossed over my chest as I leaned a hip against the front counter. I had been keeping my work colleague, Amy, up-to-date on my current situation-ship with Y/N. She was so excited for me to come into work every day and give her the spiel, that she bombarded me with questions every-time I'd walk through the door.
"Yeah, I think we should," I took into deep consideration her suggestion, realising that apart from walking Weston, hanging out at our apartments and grocery shopping, we hadn't been anywhere formally. I had to admit, I wasn't a formal person, I never really took anything too seriously.
"Go to the new restaurant down the road from here, it looks fun, or maybe a movie? I dont know what does she like?" Amy asked, stacking porn magazines into our sliding glass door shelving.
"I don't-" it dawned on me that I wasn't really too sure what she liked, apart from cooking, and hanging out at home. She seemed like she came from money, and if I'm being honest, totally innocent and naive. I wasn't even sure what kind of movie she'd like and we'd spent so much time together over the last few weeks.
"I don't really know," I confessed, rubbing a hand over my face and greeting a customer as they walked in. I flashed them a big smile but, inside I was nervous and kind of concerned with this new revelation.
I really liked Y/N, we seemed almost polar opposites, but we got on like a house on fire. She taught me how to be responsible, more mature and adult like, and I showed her how to... orgasm and smoke weed?
"A safe bet would be dinner, but I'm sure she'll like anything you plan. She seems to really like you," Amy was good at putting my anxieties at ease, and I really appreciated her reassurance.
"Thanks Ams," I shot her a genuine smile, ruffling her hair as I passed her to serve our lone customer.
"What do you want?" Y/N was good at humbling me when I came to her door shirtless with my hair wet at random times in the evening. She always looked good, her hair over her shoulder, her lips curled into a mischievous grin. She wasn't as hard to crack as I originally thought though, but she was still keeping me on my toes even after all this time.
"I have a proposition, my little squirter," I felt like I was always risking upsetting her with my playfulness, but maybe she was getting used to it, because she only rolled her eyes in response.
"What might that be?" Her cheeks were now a hue of red, and I know that I did a good job at flustering her. She was so easy to work up.
"Dinner, maybe movie after?" After much deliberation I decided that maybe I'd go out on a whim and go with both options so that if one disappointed, there was always the other to fall back on.
But like Amy had said, Y/N's eyes sparkled with intrigue and her lips formed into a little smile. Her smile only made me smile more; it was so contagious. I raised my eyebrows waiting for a response, tapping my wrist with my forefinger to let her know she was taking her time.
"Okay-" she tucked a sole strand of her hair behind her ear, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, "what time?"
"7? Movie is at 8.30," I knew she liked when I was forward and took charge. I was always like that anyway, I didn't like fucking around to try and come to a plan.
"Okay, see you then," she closed the door as I saluted her, and walked back to my apartment to change my clothes and maybe have a bowl or two. I hadn't been on a proper date in years, and I didn't want to fuck this up. The pot should be able to calm the nerves that were rampant in my stomach like a swarm of giant butterflies.
"What movie have you been wanting to see?" I hadn't revealed to Y/N what movie we were watching because frankly, I hadn't chosen one. Call me a genius, but I thought I'd just buy the tickets there so that the movie definitely couldn't disappoint.
The restaurant I'd taken her to was the one Amy had suggested, fairly new and actually quite hipster. I should've known she'd suggest something so alternative, when she told me I'd have to really look out for it because it was off the beaten track. I was worried enough when they didn't answer the phone to book a reservation, let alone have to scour the Main Street for its location.
"Nothing really calls out to me, maybe the new rom-com," she smirked at me as if she knew I'd hate having to sit through a romantic comedy, but she was dearly wrong.
"I've been looking at that too, sounds cool," I smirked back when she pouted in defeat. She was just too cute.
"How's the food?" I looked down at the supposed lasagna on my plate, that had been unnecessarily deconstructed to look different. To say it didn't look too appetising was an understatement. I couldn't wait to devour a large popcorn and a pack of Reese's in the theatre.
"Pretty good," she was simple in her response, but I'd noticed she hadn't eaten as much as I did. I knew she didn't want to be rude, I was paying an abnormally big price for two unpalatable meals, and she already felt bad pushing it around mindlessly on her plate with her fork.
"You don't have to lie to me you know? You can say it's shit," I let out a laugh, not caring even an ounce that she didn't enjoy her meal because I didn't either.
"Okay," she pushed her plate into the middle of the table with a light giggle, "it's shit."
"Good," I let out a sigh of relief, "let's head to the earlier screening then, I can't even tell who's working here and who's a patron."
She held my hand tightly as we left the restaurant. Her palm was slightly clammy, but I didn't mind it. She was probably intimidated by the sight of the dingy alleyway that led us back to the street from the restaurant. Even in such dim lighting she looked undeniably beautiful, and honestly, all I could think about was making her cum again.
She gave my hand a squeeze to bring me back to reality, looking up at me all doe-eyed and almost concerned. I didn't realise that I'd fallen victim to my x-rated thoughts.
"2 tickets to.. that one please," I found it too embarrassing to say the actual name of the movie, opting to point to the movie poster above our heads instead.
The guy behind the counter gave me a slight scoff before going to print our tickets. I almost wanted to punch him just for looking at me like that. It wasn't a side of me that Y/N had ever seen before and I was hoping to keep it that way. I took a deep breath, smiling through grit teeth as I snatched our tickets and led her to the snack station.
"What was that about?" She asked me, giving my hand another squeeze. She was too smart to let anything slide passed her, and for that I only adored her more. I was never really a relationship guy, I always just slept around, preferring to having my fun and then not have to wake up next to them in the morning. But something about Y/N made me want to wake up next to her and stroke her hair and make her breakfast in bed. It was a weird feeling to say the least and I didn't know how to push it back down.
"Oh nothing, he was just scoffing like an idiot, I'm not gonna stand for that shit," I was entirely honest with her, and she seemed to agree when she nodded her head.
"Yeah what was his problem?" She let out a tiny chuckle as my eyes bugged out at the sight of the popcorn, bursting from their cardboard boxes and spilling with golden-buttery-crunchy goodness. I had to grab two, and maybe that was me changing the subject, but it worked.
She followed me as I paid, grabbing a measly bottle of cold water and setting it down next to my mega-sized coke and raspberry slushy. It was almost ironic, our drinks perfectly representing our person.
She was already snacking on her popcorn, holding both boxes to her chest and trying to eat the pieces that were falling from the top. She looked like a little mouse, but in a cute way.
"Okay Stewart Little, save some for the movie," I joked, as we slid through the aisle and sat in our designated seats, way up the top and right in the back corner. Why would I want to sit anywhere else?
"Shut up Alex," she snapped back, as the previews started and she snuggled up to my side. I held my breath as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, seeing if it would stop the hard thumping in my chest. I was always afraid she'd hear it and know how I was feeling. Why was I so afraid to show my feelings?
"Thanks for taking me out on a date, Alex," she smiled with her pearly whites and it was almost all I could notice illuminated by the movie screen.
"You're welcome sweetheart," I had to keep it cool, turning back to the screen and digging my hand in the popcorn, pretending I didn't notice the way her face heated up. My god, was she probably going to be the death of me.
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ryuichirou · 1 month
More replies!
Anonymous asked:
Ryuichirou!! I've been seeing your (very beautiful) art for some time and i must ask: what is you opinion on the twst background characters, such as Neige, Rollo, Fellow Honest and etc?
Your art has been a great source of inspiration for me to keep drawing, i love your artstyle! Especially the way you draw Silver, but then again i might be biased since he is my fav lololol
Thank you so much, Anon! I am very happy that you like my art, it means a lot to hear that. Yesterday we discovered that we draw Silver very rarely, and I hope to fix that soon… He is a great boy and a very lovely one to draw.
Can’t say much about Fellow Honest – we haven’t seen his event yet; we love Rollo very much! I talked about him in this reply, plus posted a bunch of comics and drawings of him. He was one of the first twst characters we’ve seen even before knowing what twst was, and I still think he has one of the best designs in the game.
We also like Neige! For the most part we talk about him in the context of shipping him with Vil though, so pretty much all of my drawings with him are related to their relationship. This is a hc post, but I’m also kind of sharing my thoughts about him a little bit there… In general, I love what Neige represents and how nicely he contrasts Vil, and I think he could be used in a lot of different scenarios despite basically being just a very sweet and unassuming young man.
Anonymous asked:
Tan lines on Savanaclaw Rook
ANON, I’M GLAD YOU GOT A NEW KINK OUT OF IT! Welcome to the Savanaclaw Rook appreciation club.
And yes, he would 100% have very obvious spots on his body with different colouration, the only thing is that this could hardly be called a tan line when it’s just… plain red burnt skin 😭 Rook and his little red triangle patch on his chest area because of the V-neck that he wore as his old dorm uniform…
(still sexy)
Anonymous asked:
Savanaclaw rook's a whole different breed, I hope Vil hosed him down before letting him come inside... I mean, inside the dorm!
Prefect: "mf looks like he fucked the flag of Poland"
Idia: "mf looks like an electrode gijinka"
LOL what a way to describe his unique complexion!
Now you made me think about Rook standing against the Pomefiore building wall patiently waiting until Vil’s done hosing him down. But also about some other preparations Vil could’ve made him go through before the other coming inside thing  (who am I kidding, there were no preparations, they’re kinky like that)
Anonymous asked:
I had a weird fever dream after taking meds where Malleus and Silver both wanted to surprise Lilia with sex and showed up at the same time without realizing the other had plans already, leading to a foursome where Lilia had to enlist the help of Sebek.... It was very hot. However I think realistically Malleus would show up for sex, and Lilia would be extremely busy playing some stupid game he told Silver to get him when he asked him what he wanted for his birthday, and Sebek would walk in on Lilia fucking Silver and Malleus and go absolutely completely braindead 😭 oh well....... It is a good fantasy..........
Anon, I can’t express how happy I was when I read that they ended up in a foursome because when you said that they both showed up without realising the other had plans already, I thought it would be an “oh no” interaction LOL But I am very glad that in realm of your dreams, everyone celebrates Lilia’s birthday in the best way possible: by inviting Sebek to help Lilia fuck both Malleus and Silver. What a party.
Let’s hope that in reality Malleus would still find a way to make Lilia pay attention to him without breaking the game or something lol
And Sebek… good luck, brother 💪
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the-hinky-panda · 6 months
The Lens: Part V
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Author's Note: So this was supposed to be the last part of "The Lens" but then...Sorry, not sorry guys! Enjoy!
“I see your armor.” 
“It’s called humor, Fin.” 
But no, the seasoned Sargent is right.  It is armor. Each joke, one liner, sarcastic flavored word, is just a gauntlet, breastplate, shield. It is the protection that Terry has painstakingly built around himself. And if other people are able to notice it, maybe it’s time to start paring it down. He can’t live his life with his guard constantly up, keeping everyone at arm's length. That night, he goes home and tries to figure out where to start with the dismantling of years of armor. What are some battles that he’s lost in the past, battlegrounds that he can pay tribute to in an attempt to heal wounds. 
He’s done what he can with Rose. That ship has sailed, especially when he hears that she’s taken up with a fellow EMT. He can’t have any more regrets when it comes to her so he packs away that unsung future and moves towards a more attainable one. When Benson offers him a permanent position on the Manhattan SVU team, he takes it. He starts to look for a place closer than the Bronx and wondering what the next step is going to be when fate throws him a bone. 
There’s an advertisement on the page across from the midtown rentals that he’s been combing through for an art gallery not far from the SVU. He recognizes your picture, The Gate of Babylon. There’s going to be an open house tomorrow night and he’s already clearing his schedule for  it. He doesn’t know for certain if you’ll be there; you don’t always attend the open houses. But he’s hoping that fate is going to smile on him again. 
His nerves start to fail him when he’s standing in the doorway of the renovated warehouse. There has to be close to two hundred people milling around the wide open space. This is three times the size of the small opening he went to a few months ago in the Bronx. This is Dom Perignon filling the glasses and Guerlain perfume filling the air. That’s why it doesn’t surprise him when he finally lays eyes on you, he barely recognizes you. 
You look like a painting, or a fashion model from the runways of Paris. Your hair is slicked back and resting in a bun on the base of your neck. You're wearing a black blouse with a deep v-cut neckline with a gold pencil skirt, and gold heels. You’re walking elegance and he’s frozen to the spot as he catalogs this moment. 
But then your head turns in his direction; your eyes immediately meet his. The surprise, shock even, reminds him of this immense gamble. Three months ago was your rooftop encounter. Three months of radio silence from him after he dropped you off at your apartment, hair disheveled, dress wrinkled, and that beautiful smile of a hopeful woman. And he had completely ghosted you. He waits for any sign that you’ll give him a chance to explain himself, apologize, and beg for a second chance but a well-dressed man in a tuxedo steps next to you and pulls your attention away from Terry’s sudden appearance. 
Terry watches as the man’s hand settles at the small of your back, as he whispers something in your ear and you smile. Your attention is focused on a reporter and her photographer who take pictures of you and the tall, dark handsome man next to you. He should have known, should have realized that someone as bright and beautiful as you would find someone who would properly appreciate you. He should have known better; he really should have. He puts his hands in his pockets and leaves the open house, bitterness very strong on his tongue. 
When he leaves the warehouse, he wanders blindly around the neighborhood. It’s an upscale part of Manhattan, wandering into an unsafe part isn’t a concern. He berates himself for letting three months pass without so much as texting you. He’s lost in his self-flagellation when he passes in front of a diner window and someone is tapping on the glass to get his attention. He looks and sees the other relationship failure from his past motioning for him to join her. Resigning himself, he goes into diner and walks back to where Rose is seated in one of the booths. 
“I was just getting ready to text you,” she greets.
“Really?” She motions for him to join her and he thinks, why the hell not? May as well rub salt in the wounds at this point. “What’s up?” 
“I wanted to tell you before you heard it through the grapevine but, Brian asked me to marry him. I said yes.” 
He expects to feel a second wave of failure and regret but as he sits there and waits for it to come, it doesn’t. Instead, he feels relief. Any chance he had at making things work with Rose are completely gone now and it’s like being set free. He’s actually happy for her and tells her that. 
Rose laughs but there’s a nervous tinge to it. “You are? Really?” 
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “I never wanted anything bad for you. I’m…I’m just sorry you were there for the shittiest time of my life. And that it rubbed off on you.” 
She nods. “Well, I guess it just shows timing really is everything.” 
Isn’t that the moral of the story? He sees Brian come into the diner and stands up to leave so Rose and Brian can spend time in peace. He knows how hard it is to find that shared time together. He shakes Brian’s hand and gives Rose a hug. But as soon as he lets go of her, he sees your face in the window of the diner. At first he thinks it’s just a figment of his imagination, your sudden appearance at this particular moment in time, still dressed in your black and gold outfit. But it’s the hurt in your eyes that makes him realize this is, in no way shape or form, an illusion. You turn immediately away and start off down the sidewalk. He says a hasty goodbye and runs out of the diner after you. 
You’re already crossing the street to the next block. Shit, you can move in those heels and you show no signs of slowing down. He breaks into a jog and catches up with you at the next crosswalk. Now he just needs to catch his breath. 
“Snaps, look-” 
“No, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have followed you. That was just,” you sniff and wipe tears from your eyes, “it was just stupid.” 
The crosswalk sign turns and you immediately start to cross when he grabs your elbow. “Snaps, stop, please, listen to me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I dropped you off three months ago and never returned your texts and calls. I’m sorry I screwed that up so badly.” 
“It’s okay, Terry. It is.” 
“It’s not. It’s not okay. I fucked up. I showed up tonight to apologize, see if we could…” he lets the question drop off because you won’t look at him. That’s when the lights of a passing car catch the diamond ring on your finger. He had been right. You did find someone else, someone to love you like he missed out on doing. 
You gently pull away from his grip and clear the tears that are stuck in your throat. “It, uh, it was good seeing you again, Terry.” 
He watches you turn around and walk down the sidewalk before getting into an Uber. 
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kiisaes · 2 years
thoughts about bkdk being canon?
i sorta answered this already (here if u're curious) but i suppose i can answer again, this time more in depth and specific to bkdk :')
this turned out WAY longer than i thought so erm. more under the cut LOL
personally i don't think bkdk will be canon. before bkdks throw tomatoes at me, it's not because i dislike them as a ship — rather, canonizing them would be canonizing a main boy x boy relationship in an extremely popular shounen series. i've expressed my pessimism way more times than i should LOL but i truly don't think shounen jump would be willing to take this risk. let it be known that shounen jump has allowed canon lgbt ships and characters in their IPs — blue flag is perhaps the most well-known example of a main relationship being between two guys — but blue flag is not nearly as internationally famous as mha. the more eyes on an IP, the more cautious its choices have to be. it's why the most popular shounens tend to be "stereotypical", "cliche" and "cheesy"; this is what works with its main demographic (teenage/young adult males, to be exact), and if a series gets as big as the likes of mha, it's only smart to keep following that trend.
now, horikoshi does have a tendency to subvert expectations, even within his incredibly cliche hero school story.
bakugou is a subversion of the morally dangerous, edgy rival character by being one of the most heroic, straight-laced teens in the series (as well as genuinely apologizing for his faults that he recognizes are his own). even though he looks and acts like that, his motivations and aspirations are always admirable, even pure and childlike at times. unsurprisingly, people hate him for not being either fully evil or fully good, despite how horikoshi specifically wrote him to be a healthy balance between both his failures and his accomplishments.
deku is a subversion of the stereotypically boyish, emotionally stunted, shounen main character by being unashamedly emotional, awkward and sensitive regarding feelings other than anger or happiness. aka he cries a lot, so much so that average shounen dudebros genuinely hated him for being "soft" and "a baby", but praised him during his vigilante arc where he was ... well, for lack of better phrasing, far more similar to existing shounen protags for being less openly empathetic and more badass. you could honestly argue that deku's entire character isn't meant to be typically badass, flashy, or otherwise appealing to the standard shounen audience. his character arc literally deals with being the hero no one thanks or acknowledges, but he continues to selflessly help others despite the lack of appreciation.
ochako is a subversion of the one-note, intentionally-less-interesting-than-the-mc love interest character — it may not look like it at first glance, but ochako has her own arc that is both connected to deku, yet simultaneously not dependent on him that's been festering in the background since she developed her childish crush on him. the more i read this series, the more i'm convinced that she was never meant to end up with deku. she was only meant to play that role before she comes into her own skin and uses her attraction to deku as a way to be her own kind of hero. or horikoshi is going to shove them together last minute, in which, well, fuck me i guess.
all might is a subversion of the gary-stu archetype, because instead of being the perfect human specimen the way he always presents himself to the public, he's constantly physically deteriorating. not to mention he's a subversion of the know-all mentor character, because he honestly kind of sucks as a mentor. this comes from his own faults as a selfless hero, unable to properly learn from his own mistakes until it was too late. also because he's never taught anyone before so like duh. love him though. i am a toshinori supporter first, everything else second
there's other characters that have been subverted too but you get the idea. horikoshi is very good at writing characters, and to an extent, character relationships. that might be his biggest strength outside of, obviously, his art. and clearly he likes subverting our expectations, otherwise he wouldn't write his main characters like this. he knows what's the norm, uses those tropes as a baseline, only to go out of his way to overthrow those norms the further he develops each given character.
however! i don't think horikoshi will go so far as to subvert the stereotypical main ship (izuocha) and instead pick the relationship between the main two characters (bakudeku). rival relationships in shounen are pretty popular anyway, and mha is not the first shounen to have a deeply meaningful relationship between the male main character and the male main rival/deuteragonist. naruto and haikyuu both have oddly homoerotic friendships between the main two rivals and neither of these relationships are romantically canon.
the reasons why they aren't isn't ever explained why, but i sincerely think at least a sliver of the reason is because both characters are of the same gender. case in point: haikyuu only has a handful of canon boy x girl relationships by the time the series ended. so little that you could literally count the number on one hand, despite the amount of characters in the full cast. and yeah a vast majority of those characters were guys, but those guys were left presumably single, or at least their relationship statuses weren't disclosed. haikyuu did what naruto didn't, which was consciously understand that the most impactful relationships within the entire series were always between two men. for example, hinata and yachi are canonically close friends, and furudate could just pair them up without much thought. but they didn't, instead opting to keep hinata single and keeping his most important relationship with kageyama. likely somewhere there, no matter how faint, furudate didn't canonize kagehina due to fear of backlash, even though it'd make sense chemistry-wise.
bakudeku is in the same boat, where deku could be paired up with ochako if horikoshi just stopped giving fucks — they have a good friendship, with ochako having a crush, or at least a strong admiration, on deku — but he is decidedly not. at least not yet, but it'd be weird to canonize them after taking deku's long platonic feelings for her into account. deku has been entirely single this whole time with nothing aggressively romantic happening between him and ochako (except for the blackwhip situaiton, which ochako's VA herself mentioned as not inherently romantic, but as a chance for ochako to showcase her heroism). i'm inclined to believe this is part of horikoshi's subversions: specifically keeping deku and ochako away from heartfelt, desperate moments where their connection can be brought to the forefront. this makes it even stranger that horikoshi gives bakugou a lot of the standard damsel-in-distress roles, such as being taken hostage by the sludge villain, being kidnapped by the league of villains, and even being carried by deku during their fight with all might. granted he was carried over the shoulder, but he was specifically carried, lol. compared to ochako, bakugou is put in much more danger, consequently "depending" on deku to save him, as much as he hates that.
narratively, this makes bakudeku the most purposeful relationship, from their connection since childhood and having it develop slowly but surely during their adolescence.
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their relationship is significantly meant to represent change and equality, as their relationship arc is parallel with many of mha's core themes. canonically they are the two students that inspire the rest of their class to be better heroes. the character deku interacts with most is arguably bakugou, if we put their history into account. even though bakugou was his bully for most of their lives, deku still unconditionally cares about him, even without bakugou asking him to. most times, it's actually against what bakugou wants, which is for deku to leave him alone. he also has the most emotional investment in bakugou, since he canonically sees bakugou as his image of victory, as well as someone who instantly triggers his emotional response as opposed to his logical response. literally like 80% of deku's "outbursts" where he acts utterly irrationally (and not always in a heroic way) are related to bakugou. see: sludge villian,
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bakugou's kidnapping (in the original japanese version, i believe he says "give him back" in a distinctly possessive way, as if bakugou is genuinely his. but i could be wrong, idk how to read japanese),
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deku vs kacchan 2 (instead of trying to talk down bakugou, he ends up fighting him even though it's against the rules, just because he can't exactly say no to bakugou's unconventional way of dealing with his feelings),
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blackwhip's awakening (there is murder in his eyes. monoma insulted bakugou and deku was ready to kill him),
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danger sense's awakening (same as blackwhip's awakening, but amplified to 100 given how bakugou was straight up stabbed in front of his eyes),
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and bakugou's apology. (this one isn't deku being impulsive, more that bakugou appealed to his emotions and it worked way better than any of their classmates' attempts lol)
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through a few of these given pieces of evidence, it's also evident that bakugou cares a hefty amount for deku, just in a more lowkey, less obvious way. this feeling gets distinctly more desperate when deku runs away, so much so that bakugou bluntly tells everyone that he knows deku best (something he probably would have never verbalized earlier in the series), mobilizes his class to chase him down, and eventually talks deku into coming back. so it's also canon that bakugou cannot stand the thought of deku not being near him — "it makes me wanna keep him at arm's length" and whatever.
in literally every story-related way imaginable, it makes sense for bakudeku to be canon. in terms of relationships, they have the most developed, dynamic, and interesting one. they get the most screen time. the proof is quite literally in the story. everything bkdks look at for bkdk proof is canon, a somewhat rare situation shipping-wise, where two characters that aren't together in canon already feel like they are together in canon. at this point, all they'd have to say to make it canon is "i like you". so why the hell am i such a fucking cynic about them?
i've already mentioned up there that it's already pretty damn hard for a shounen jump to canonize a gay ship. it doesn't matter how popular the ship is in the fandom; if the mangaka and/or the manga distributor doesn't want them to be canon, then they won't be canon. it's made even worse that deku and bakugou are the main characters; if they were background characters, they honestly might've had a better chance in my eyes.
because here's the thing: canonizing bakudeku means that mha (and to an extent, shounen jump) is now officially supporting the lgbt community. which it already techncially is with its side characters like toga (either bi or pan), magne (trans) and tiger (trans), but they're side characters. purposefully not as important as deku and bakugou, who are the poster characters for merch, advertising, and spin-off material such as movies and games. regarding the lgbt community, japan is more conservative than the US — they haven't legalized gay marriage, and the overall understanding and acceptance of it is lower than the western world. all of this combined makes it very hard for any canon lgbt content to be big, mainstream and serialized. this isn't to say that japan doesn't allow any shows involving gay characters, but those shows are considerably more niche, many of them falling under bl/gl instead of any other broad genre. even yuri on ice, which was a big hit for what it was worth, only got one season and a movie that is seemingly never coming out.
mha is, in every sense of the word, not a niche series. horikoshi would be risking a lot making his male main characters romantically involved with each other, because mha is not a series that can fly under the radar and be solely picked up by smaller groups that are more accepting of queer people and relationships. it'd be like making luffy from one piece canonically gay. and i have never read one piece but i'm pretty sure all the dudebros in both the west and in asia would flip their fucking shits. it doesn't matter how close deku and bakugou are. as long as both of them are guys, their canonization will be inherently "political". at best, people would complain about why romance should be in a story like this in the first place (a common homophobic argument against lgbt relationships, since they have nothing against the male mc dating the main girl). at worst, people would be outright homophobic, aggressive towards the direction the manga is moving, and horikoshi could face serious repercussions regarding funding and advertising.
shows in the west get screwed over constantly for including lgbt relationships. steven universe had to fight tooth and nail to include ruby and sapphire's romance, and even harder for their wedding. the owl house's lumity faced something much similar, and the show even got "cancelled" — i know it's a glass half-empty idea, but i think they got cut short partly because of lumity. kids cartoons always try sneaking in lgbt content, but either they get cut, hidden, or relegated to background characters where you'll blink and you'll miss it. we're getting better i guess, but the undeniable truth is that if even the US is this finicky about lgbt representation, then there's no way japan will fold so easily.
if bakugou were a girl, then bakudeku would be canon by now. if deku were a girl, then bakudeku would be canon by now. it's the same shit every time; shounen series write the most groundbreaking, mindblowing relationships between two dudes, only to never make them official due to their genders. instead, they're stuck with having the most important dynamic within the entire narrative, but it's strictly platonic. i don't think it's because shounen mangakas are inherently homophobic. i don't think horikoshi is homophobic at all. i simply think that they'd rather play it safe, knowing their main audience. shounen is not written for any fandom demographics. we're big, but ultimately we hold no power over the story.
when i say i don't think horikoshi is homophobic at all, i truly mean that, because — i think if he had it his way, he would've made bakudeku canon by now.
there's already so much shit. a baffling amount of shit to prove their loyalty to each other, how they affect each other and their arcs, how they're save to win, win to save. how bakugou is a key component of deku's character, and how deku is probably the most important character to bakugou's entire development. horikoshi is deliberate in how he writes them. he's deliberate in how he framed bakugou as "the girl" that "the hero" needs to save. he's deliberate in their complimentary personalities and values. he's very fucking deliberate in how he specifically makes their relationship the most changing, beneficial, and understanding. if horikoshi didn't care about these two and their connection, he wouldn't have done all this. he would've latched deku and bakugou onto other characters, or had them be standalone individuals. but no; their entire existence is about dependence. about finding that middle ground and growing together, intertwined.
he's also not afraid of adding lgbt characters into his series, as long as those characters don't get a large amount of screen time. like previously mentioned, toga is canonically not straight, having interest in both deku and ochako. and she's written pretty damn well too, with her attraction to deku and ochako playing a huge role in her characterization. like i said before, horikoshi is good at writing characters and relationships. i don't doubt that he's capable of writing lgbt relationships too, if given the opportunity. i'd actually shit bricks if horikoshi made togachako canon. somehow i find that more likely than bakudeku. sick and twisted.
he also made magne and tiger, who are both wholly unimportant characters and one of them fucking dies. but the point is, i believe that horikoshi would want to make more characters lgbt, he just very possibly cannot right now. there's too much at stake; he's a popular mangaka writing a hugely successful series, with an insanely wide outreach. there will obviously be a sized portion of his reader base that just absolutely hates the gays. i'm pretty sure he's aware of this.
all this said, i find it hard to believe that horikoshi doesn't like bakudeku as a canon duo. not a romantic relationship exactly, but at least as an official partner duo. they're constantly paired up promotionally anyway. it would take horikoshi zero effort to make them future pro hero partners. it would probably take him more effort to justify why they aren't. what i'm trying to say here is this: horikoshi is possibly trying, in the most subtle ways possible, to allude to their relationship deepening in the coming years. just, well, not strictly romantically. in the same way his fellow shounen mangakas either stuck to heterosexual romances or no romances at all, he will likely settle for a simple platonic relationship between bakudeku. but he won't confirm nor deny that bakudeku are more, the same way furudate didn't say shit about kagehina. it's up to your interpretation. they could be just friends or dating or married; just know that the mangaka himself likes the idea that his main two guy characters are this close with each other.
ANYWAY. THE POINT IS. i do not think bakudeku will be canon. i refuse to get my hopes up, and i will continue to be a pessimistic little bitch until i'm proven wrong. i hope i am proven wrong. i hope horikoshi decides to make them canon, i really hope he does. but i'm just not sure if he'll be allowed that chance, or if he'll want to do it in the first place. in the meantime, i am fully prepared to see bakudeku as yet another failed mlm relationship in mainstream shounen, one that could have been genuinely revolutionary. oh well. at least we still have fan content.
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inchidentally · 5 months
tricky asks below! pls do not rb as that removes the readmore for some reason and I want to keep these out of tags <3
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the fact that we're having to to discuss friendzoning about two friends anon we're really in it now aren't we
I want to take a moment direct ppl to this interview if they like Carlos tho bc his interviews are always so intelligent and thoughtful. you also get a much more authentic persona out of him when he speaks in Spanish. there are more videos on that account from that interview too.
I love that he listed Checo and Fernando so highly bc of course he gravitates toward ppl he can speak to in his born language. the three of them personality wise are pretty different but whenever they move toward each other you can tell they're in compatriot mode.
but yea what he said re Lando and racing is exactly what Lando says - and what nobody ever wants to post except begrudgingly. the 'bromances' are dressed way up by fans and media but there is no deeper narrative and it's not that serious. when they're driving, all friends disappear bc winning is the only reason to even be in F1 let alone the only way to stay in it for certain. even the comments on videos like that are next to nothing bc they're not "shippy" videos. but it's authentic and true that these guys are F1 drivers first and foremost and wayyyy after that it's nice to have some regular buddies to hang with. we should all be able to put shipping aside and appreciate the actual drivers these guys are and the fact that they can put aside their intense competitiveness to be so friendly.
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asgfkasgfksag I love that last part anon. fr I've found it so funny that the larrie carlandos class Oscar in with all the women they despise bc it threatens their ship. it's like sexy Brazilian woman, sexy European woman, sexy IG Baddie, and... Oscar.
that's wild though about lestappen having their own larries. how in the hell do ppl look at Charles and Carlos and even bother pretending they dislike let alone hate each other. we literally have real life F1 examples of teammates who are neutral/uninterested in each other w KMag and Hulk and teammates who bitterly hate each other w Ocon and Gasly. if Charles and Carlos were even in a dislike/disinterest category we wouldn't see them giggling and touching right up to the last day at Abu Dhabi this year. and side note but we also wouldn't see their gfs enjoying spending time together during races and events either, which Alex and Rebecca do.
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I've seen that too it's insane. when has Lando NOT considered Silverstone the most important race on the calendar for him?? and nothing will beat his high over that podium until his actual win, nothing. (the fact that he kept saying how Oscar deserved to be up there with him was just the icing on the cake)
and like can they please just remember here that Lando was excited and happy on that podium in Singapore for himself as well???? that his own result meant more to him than a Ferrari driver?? yes he was happy for Carlos but Lando is sort of an actual F1 driver and if he could've knocked Carlos' ass aside and gotten that top spot for himself he very. much. would. have!! and that the double podiums that followed meant more to him bc y'know the team he drives for get more points?? carlando is a miniscule part of Lando's F1 career and Carlos is less a part of his life than Max V in terms of drivers who spend non-driving related time with him. after that being George, Alex and Daniel. and then Carlos.
yea honestly I'm not sure if the larry element has always been in carlando fandom and the latest Netflix/Liberty Media commercialization of the ship has just amplified it or if these are a bunch of new ppl who only go for the unhinged accounts. but that side of the ship literally view Lando as someone who responds to Carlos and does nothing else so huge shock that they try to override his actual choices and his actual race weekend with Carlos literally years after Carlos left him for Ferrari.
I'm guessing it's enraging watching Carlos do with Charles all the jokey sexual/romantic things they kept wanting him to do w Lando but sorry folks for all that we slow down certain moments and obsess over them sharing an umbrella to walk down the pit lane it's literally brotherly behavior. I've got another anon who brought up my tags of carlando being Charles and Arthur and it straight up is. all the physical carlando stuff is what they do. and I say this as someone who fully does twist all those carlando moments into something romantic/sexual lol. but gotta be able to keep that line between reality and fantasy.
fortunately Lando is chronically online enough to brush this crap off and Carlos just sees the carlando fan stuff as decent publicity. but fingers crossed it doesn't escalate even further to Sky Sports or F1 pushing it and fans getting so crazed that Lando or Carlos has to put their foot down. if it's already swamping McLaren social media and Lando's fan accounts then expect it to get even worse.
the lack of Oscar's presence in all of these places is probably the lamest thing bc good lord the guy has a long term gf can they all admit that as Lando's ACTUAL teammate he has more relevance to Lando's career than any former teammate? and can McLaren please get their act together next season and bring back Unboxeds and stop splitting up Lando and Oscar content when they never did this with Carlos or Daniel?? sorry Oscar ain't a wacky character but we all happen to love his dynamic with Lando.
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you just answered that question anon and it's exactly why I can't believe they want carlando back as teammates. as things are we get to have a nice sprinkle of carlando content throughout the season and no drama! do they truly want silly challenges videos so badly that they want to watch the entire friendship sink like a stone now that Lando would be challenging and beating Carlos AND that now it would be Lando as first driver and not Carlos? the Sainz family's warmth is there bc they never had to see Lando as a direct competitor or hindrance to Carlos' success. they'd turn on him in a fucking second when Carlos didn't get an update and Lando did or Carlos wanted to change the car but Lando didn't or Lando was the reason why Carlos missed out on a podium. the main reason why Charles and Carlos work so well through the drama is that they're such similar people and can keep a level head and distance from it all. Lando is n o t h i n g like Charles' personality. Lando cannot translate frustration and misery into anything, it just sits with him until he does better. Carlos literally said he didn't know what to do with Lando when he'd get into those funks. imagine all the god awful repeats of that carlando "breakup" clip from 2021 bc Lando can't hide anything on his face and he'd be fed up with Carlos or his family or himself and christ.
it would be so. so very bad. can they at least be happy that Lando's got a nice placid easygoing guy in Oscar as a teammate and carlando content still rolls in.
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I could def see the fact that Oscar is neither older brother or younger brother age for Lando and they do all the same gen z references and the same hobbies is probably part of whatever they perceive as a "threat". like it's still such a reach but it would explain the way Lando fan accounts try to post as little Lando with Oscar as possible but dredge up 2019 slowed down Carlos shoulder bumps and shit lol.
truly I personally don't know if the Oscar and Carlos dingdongs play much of a part for carlando fans bc honestly Carlos has quite a few regular enemies on the track alsgfjlsagf. by this time they've got to know that. Carlos sometimes can't drop the red mist even hours after a race so Oscar just happens to have come in for a share in his rookie season! but especially with how much Carlos has actually seemed to chum around with Oscar before and after drivers parades etc (even ignoring Lando a couple times to do so !!!!!! gasp horror etc)
side note that I'd honestly be glad if Oscar chose never to get into golf bc ohhhhh the shit fit if he went golfing at the same time as Lando and Carlos. even though Lando golfs with tons of people and they always play in fours anyway.
I still personally think that the mostly straight women who buy into the bromances to the point of thinking this is how gay relationships actually look are pretty cold toward Oscar bc even Lando has said that Oscar's brought out a new level in Lando's driving and that he likes how calm Oscar is. so the fact that Oscar and Lando aren't fake gaying it up and they're also not doing a bunch of physical touch that can be edited and slowed down to look gay to those women has got to look like Lando being I guess unhappy or like they have no chemistry. so they'll allow that Oscar can be cute sometimes and maybe sometimes he can be cute with Lando. for a treat. but that in their mind Lando is meh about Oscar and is just dying to have the guy back who... actively chose to leave ??
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I never saw that cartoon but I remember one from the summer that had Lando and Oscar together in a boat - SHIP CONFIRMED???? CARLANDO OVER??
jesus christ thankfully the drivers never see these comments.
and yikes at the meltdowns over that Carlos trip to Monaco bc he was with Rebecca the whole time and rumors were that they were looking at apartments. I do hate myself for liking gossip but it's literally in a sit back and enjoy the madness way lol.
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askfgakg anon are you by any chance part of the sainz family?
(if I didn't answer your ask here it's probably bc it's something I'd rather discuss privately/don't want to stir up in fandom. feel free to message me tho <3 tumblr may also have devoured it bc it still does that sometimes)
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markcampbells · 8 months
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you: Spock
I also got this from an anon so I'm assuming everyone's like we know how she feels about McKirk, what about Spock?? 😂
How I feel about this character: Okay, so… it is not the character, it is the fanbase. Spock is awesome! All three actors do an absolutely fantastic job! But the fanbase is kind of… too much for me. I'm not speaking so much about the intense love for him as I am talking about projecting things onto him that have very little to do with the writers' initial intent and then getting angry when canonical portrayals don't match up. Like, people will absolutely INSIST that Spock is gay and then get angry when he's paired with women in new incarnations, despite the fact that (a) bisexual+ people exist, so him being with a woman does not automatically make him straight, and (b) Spock was never intended to be anything but heterosexual anyway. I won't deny that SNW in particular has made some choices where I understand the frustration--I absolutely understand why Jewish fans are upset by the bacon scene--but I think the preciousness over Spock and his fanon is what puts people like me off him a bit. He's a great character, excellently portrayed, but I could really do without the people who can't recognize where their fanon ends and canon begins.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I understand the love for Spirk! But of the triumvirate and its satellite ships, it's kind of the least interesting to me. I like how Spock/Uhura works as a companion ship to McKirk! And I think SNW is doing really cool stuff with Spock/Christine and the idea that a young Spock would explore emotionality that way (especially after seeing his parents' marriage).
My non-romantic OTP for this character: The triumvirate, of course! Particularly in Star Trek V, I love the warmth and camaraderie of the camping scenes. I also really love his familial dynamics with Amanda and Michael (Sarek is… complicated…), and when it comes to Pike, the SNW S1 finale actually made me cry with how it portrayed their relationship and its impact on both of them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I kinda accidentally got into that earlier, didn't I. Oops. I think something that strikes me about Spock and how I relate to fanon is I actually see him more as aro/ace, but I understand how complicated that gets as a headcanon because it might imply that aro/ace people are unemotional, etc. I sort of see him as a keen observer of relationship dynamics (in McKirk fics, I always appreciate a Spock who understands they're romantically involved but keeps quiet out of discretion), but someone who doesn't necessarily desire a romantic relationship for himself.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I totally understand why the subsequent AOS movies past the first one used him sparingly--having him in the first movie at all is a base to bridge the universes on--but I would find more knowledge of what Spock did to rebuild Vulcan society and how he adjusted to a new universe fascinating!
my OTP: Secondary to McKirk, I really do see the appeal of Spones! I think they're an awesome ship and I want to write more for their dynamic (thus far I've written a friendship fic I'm still really proud of). I love both the silly memes people make about them as well as the serious meta people do about why these characters work as a pairing and their relationship to each other.
my cross over ship: I don't think about crossover ships that much! Although now that I'm thinking about it, I would find him having some sort of relationship with Garak fascinating. Garak lies and eludes constantly, and Spock is held to not lie but actually does, and I think they could play off each other in an interesting way. Plus Garak is so lively and jovial whereas Spock is more serious but also has a dry wit I think Garak would love.
a headcanon fact: In my fic I linked above, I tried to build more on the idea of Spock having a dyslexia-like condition that Discovery established. I thought it was pretty cool that Discovery gave a character who's well-known for his intellect a learning disability! I like the idea that it gives him a lot of empathy for those in similar situations and that he's able to use his past struggles to help those on ship crews or in academic settings who need it.
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rye-sodaaa · 23 days
📌 introduction for me & my blog!! ^_−☆
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hello to anyone that comes across this post or my blog!! i’m pretty new to some stuff here on tumblr and posting any content on social media in general, but i’ve been planning on posting art and sharing some of my fandom related ideas more online. so i made my account and this blog for all of that :D
with that out of the way, let me give a small introduction to myself!!
some info about me!!
✩ my name online is eclairis, but I also go by rye or azu!!
✩ i’m currently questioning my gender as of now, but i go by they/fae/star atm!!
✩ 15/minor!!
✩ hispanic, i speak both english and spanish but i understand english better!!
✩ neurodivergent!! (autism & adhd) please be patient w/ me -_ -’
✧ on that note i also use tone tags and i would appreciate it if you use them as well!! :D
✩ i got small typing quicks (all lower case letters + often use emoticons [& sometimes kaomoji] and multiple exclamation and question marks :P)
✩ i draw very often, along with play some games!! (specifically miitopia and other miscellaneous games)
✩ for fandoms, i’m into cookie run, danganronpa, pjsekai/vocaloid, class of 09’ (the visual novel), panty and stocking, friday night funkin, the amazing digital circus, and omori!! i mainly talk about cookie run more though
(more info will be one once i finish making my carrd, i’ll share it once it’s finished!! ^_^)
now that i shared some info about me, let’s get to info on this blog!!! o(^▽^)o
blog info!!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
as i mentioned before, i’ll be posting my art on here along with sharing whatever fandom related stuff comes to mind!!
but that begs the question, what fandom stuff will i be posting in the first place??
well, i’ll be posting cookie run stuff on this blog, since i enjoy it a lot + i make fanstuff for it 90% of the time, but i may pair that with some of my interest and fandoms i’m in as well, though it’s mainly going to just be cookie run related ^_^
i may make a blog that’s for other fandoms in the future but im only thinking about it as of now!!
not only will i make stuff for canon characters, but i may share some ocs, plus some of my ships and oc x canons :D (call me cringe for that idc waaaa /hj /lh)
note: i’ll be posting only sfw stuff, some swearing and stuff will come up but i will not be making nsfw content. along with that, i won’t be making/posting any not great stuff (like illegal ships, homophobic stuff, etc.) so please don’t ask for any of that stuff /gen
i’m not sure how much i will post on here, but I’ll try posting often (possibly once or twice a week) to keep this active, but i do get busy at times with school + irl stuff so pls be aware of that!! 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
i’ll also have separate tags for my own posts, which include the following:
#rye-sodaaas-post for any post in general ^_^ (not including reblogs!!)
#ryess-reblogs for any post that I reblog (may not be used extremely often)
#ryess-art for any art i post >v<
#ryess-ask for replies to stuff in my ask box :3
aaaand that is all!!!! (๑>◡<๑)
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if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask them on this post or in my ask box!! i’ll try my to answer them :D
stuff like reblogs are greatly appreciated!! and if your interested in anything i mentioned here, feel free to follow me ^_^ /nf
thank you for reading this and have a good day/night!!!
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bloomboxygo · 11 months
ARC-V Month Day 16: Actually, he would say that
Alright, I know last post I told that the salt prompt was the next one I'd work on, but that proved to be more than I could chew. I need it to be accurate and thorough, so I'm delaying it for now, and I'll do easier, more lighthearted stuff.
I... At the risk of getting too off topic, I'm gonna mention the Monsters (mostly Melodious) a lot in these headcanons. After all, who else will? Still gonna have actual ARC-V characters here and there (Yuzu)
You know that I do Duel Spirits, so it makes sense that they have the Spirit World. The Melodious' home is a Conservatory, not a stage. They are performers who seek to soothe the souls of whoever listens (this is based off Cross Duel flavor text, RIP)
The Spirit World itself is kinda like a dreamworld crafted by the humans' desires in the real world. That's how we can get the new Melodious Fusions, the Synchro Superheavies, and all the new forms of Odd-Eyes, the performapals, and such.
Now, there's some implications that Aria and Sonata are related, as they gently hold hands to perform their techniques such as Tribute Summoning. Also Sonata is never seen without Aria. They're girlfriends. Based off of that, there are other ships of mine in this new world: Canon/Solo (graceful, but also tough with a short temper/ a cheerful, playful ball of positivity) and Mozarta/Cat Dancer
Elaboraring on the latter, Mozarta trained Cat Dancer to control her power and have her combined with the grace of a performer, as the Dancer's form wasn't refined at all. With that, Cat Dancer evolved into Panther Dancer and beat Mozarta at last, scarring her with vertical marks down her eyes, which she keeps as a reminder that she has to attain personal growth as well, and thus a rivalry, and love, was born. (She's the only maestra to have those marks in her body, and those are kept as Bloom Diva)
Oh yeah Cat Dancer's essentially Goku. Starts off as Blue Cat, the strongest of her kind, and trains more and more to protect the other Lunalights. There, she fused with Purple Butterfly to become Cat Dancer, which is SSJ1. Panther Dancer could be considered SSJ2 and Leo Dancer SSJ3.
Sorry if I bored you with that, let's get to the silly/cute stuff
The Melodious are open to new genres of music. Yuzu shows them, via Bloom Diva, some other musical trends that the Monsters have fun of. One time, Yuzu showed a famous song to Bloom Diva, who was endeared by it but also kinda confused. When she met the other Melodious, she found out that Serenade, Sonata and Solo were doing the Caramelldansen, much to many's shock.
Not all experiments were good. Yuzu had a Duel with a Duelie Club students who used autotune for her songs. It was so bad for the Melodious, it got turned into their favorite insult when they think something is really fake.
But some were great! They had an exchange program with a band of traveling performers of light and sound known as P.U.N.K.
Bloom Diva's pot is actually her feet. It's like her shins have turned into roots that could somewhat move beneath the pistil of the flower platform she's in. Nobody really knows why.
After some demonstrations by Yuzu and Mikiyo, Aria tried to emulate the more modern, idol style, as she thought that would boost her confidence and make her more open. It... Didn't quite work out, but the try was definitely appreciated.
Elegy got significantly better at performing once Yuzu's adventures were over. The Melodious felt they were affected more by her tragic, gloomier songs, and Elegy doesn't really elaborate why. Turns out, Yuzu's misadventures gave her a lot of new material and she's somewhat embarrassed of it.
Harmonia's still trying to get Melodious Pendulums to the Conservatory to this day. Sadly, her efforts seem to remain futile.
Superheavy Samurai Brave Masurawo is actually a statue built by the other big Superheavies in Gongenzaka's honor. Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakashi is a little flutist robot built by the little guys as "Masurawo's best friend".
The Lyriluscs, as you may know by my fics, are girlscouts. They were always that way as with these ideals, they've worked together and grown stronger together. Nightingale only takes the messages to heart...
While Promenade Thrush is strict about the respect of the rules. Heck, sometimes, when it's particularly bad, she turns into Sergeant Hartman for a bit.
The Windwitches can come in two forms: humanoids and constructs. Humanoids talk as a person would, but constructs only communicate with dings, bells and chimes. Winter Bell adds whistles.
I'm sure there's more I could put, but I'm a bit tired. And next part... Is gonna be a big one, let me tell you.
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sakuracyanide · 1 month
independent & selective zoisite of sailor moon. 90s canon-based with ample headcanon. multiverse. multiship. not spoiler free. do not interact if under 21. written by iri, established April 2024. personals can follow but do not interact with these posts, it interferes with tracking.
i. character focused, not ship focused. whether or not i ship a thing is largely based on if i feel our writing and characters click. i am multship and do not practice exclusivity on my blogs.
ii. i have precious little free and want to keep my non-work spaces chill and fun. we are smashing barbies together, please remember that. i work pretty hard to curate a chill space online which means i will unfollow for things like excessive negativity or serious real world topics being discussed w/o trigger warnings or under a cut. your blog is your space and i won't argue with you about how to run it, i take full responsibility for my online experience. unfollowing is very rarely personal & i'll still play with folks i break mutuals with, i just don't want to be sidelined by triggering content.
iii. speaking of little free time, activity will range from lightning fast to a snail's pace depending on how much i have going on in my offline life.
iv. if we're mutuals feel free to hit up my messenger. discord is available on request so long as you're chill with me forgetting to reply for 8000 years.
v. i have a lot of headcanons & use a mix of all canons, but the main version of the character i play is the 90s one. with that said i can veer into other canons (such as pgsm, musicals, etc) but please note that i only ship ami/zoisite as platonic soulmates.
vi. most importantly - i'm down to change or pivot direction to keep things fun in any thread.
vii. t feels important to mention have a medical issue that affects my memory so i would appreciate patience if i forget things. i don't mind being reminded to reply if something has been sitting for a long time! my short term memory and general sense of time is shot but i will wake up in a cold sweat six months later and remember i forgot to do something.
likewise, i genuinely do not remember if i have followed someone or not unless we interact often so i'd suggest blocking rather than softblocking if you don't want me refollowing. i don't take it personal, your space & your rules.
golden dreams. golden kingdom. set in the golden kingdom. a high-fantasy drama where i run wild with my headcanons. zoisite is madly in love with kunzite but is repressing it.
in the dark of the night. dark kingdom. 90s anime timeline.
the moonlight carries the mesasge of love. revival. after galaxia has been dealt with and metallia has been quelled, the reborn shitennou finally awake to their true power - their curses finally broken. marion, the reborn zoisite, makes his way from russia to japan and there - has to figure out how to make amends to the price he twice betrayed, and the guardians he tried to kill.
fragmentary abyss. honkai. one of diamond's four 'assistants', known for both his beauty and exceptional ruthlessness. zoisite has only ever known life in the ipc, and while he bears a stone name (and stone fragments) he is not considered to be a stoneheart.
all four of diamond's assistants are vidyadhara... though were may be the better tense. while all four were once high elders this is a title they can no longer hold. and the vidyadhara do not claim them as kin.
you see, these four were thought lost after the vidyadhara had to flee their homeland. their pearls were shattered, though it is difficult to know if this shattering occurred upon their deaths or if they were stolen and shattered in the attempt. there is no one left alive who can tell the true tale, and the men themselves hold but vague concepts of who and what they once were.
in time these fragments appeared on the black market, before finally falling into the hands of the IPC. they were pieced back together using fragments of cornerstones. they are not recognized by the vidyadhara as the same beings they once were and are viewed as abominations - the breathing equivalent of zombies. though they have access to many of the abilities now lost (shapeshifting, full dragon transformation, mastery of elements) they are unable to use cloud hymn magic and it is unknown if their mangled pearls will allow them to revive should they die again.
the sun goes out. genshin. in a past life, "zoisite" was the szhneznaya god dazhbog, who was said to rule over fire and the sun. dazhbog took many forms - a black tortise, a fire-breathing horse, a beautiful man and an equally beautiful woman. all imagery associated with this god has been lost to time, save for the descendants of his most devoted and the entities long-lived enough to remember his quick wit and sharp smile.
during the archon war, dazhbog aided the cryo archon and gained a new dominion - war. the god was known as a fierce combatant, unrelenting and unwilling to call defeat. he achieved victory at any cost - and, as he would go on to tell others, that cost was very nearly his soul itself. when the dust settled his kingdom was decimated, and he had lost the will to rule as a god after witnessing the cruelty that his kind inflicted upon their own. dazhbog left this homeland and ventured to khanri'ah with his three closest friends, believing that the time of gods was done and it was time to entrust the future of the world to mankind. the four of them took human form and worked as guardians to the royal family. they served as loyal guardians to the kingdom.
which... ultimately proved to be their downfall.
dazhbog became infected with forbidden knowledge. there was still enough of him to save, though what survived was but a fragment. dazhbog and his fellow gods faded from existence, 'reborn' centuries later as ostensibly human children. he was found abandoned at the foot of a the rubble of a long forgotten god, and was raised by handlers to be an assassin.
each reincarnated guardian bears the scars of what they had witnessed that day - for dazhbog, renamed zoisite, this manifested in his left eye. no longer did it bare the star-shaped pupils of his chosen human guise, it now looked like a nova. multiple pupils all within one gaze, the mark of one who had glimpsed truth not meant to be known.
zoisite was raised within the fatui, and due to his great talent and thirst for knwoledge, was sent on a mission as a spy (how active he is depends largely on who he's threading with) to sumeru where has been living since he was about thirteen. he's a scholar in spantamad as is well on his way to becoming sage.
he has a unique talent for magic, allowing him to use all elements offensively. it's rumored that his distorted eye (which he claims to be blind in, opting to cover it with his hair) grants him sight beyond sight. in truth, his abilities allow him to tug at the fabric of the reality.
a question of duty .final fantasy vii. a member of the turks, "zoisite" joined shinra with the intentions of becoming a SOLDIER as all young boys do. when this fell through, the young man was instead recruited by the turks.
hailing from cosmo canyon, zoisite has a surprising connection to the earth - if you trace his lineage back far enough, you'll find cetra. but not nearly enough to hear the planet's call. even if he could, the young man's thirst for power dwarfs his sense of duty to it.
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fereldanwench · 9 months
How does your V feel about River. I just did a playthrough where my own V was crushing after someone else (Takemura) and that whole scene with the kids wanting her and River to get together made both me and my V wanna curl up in a ball and die from how awkward it was. Just curious as to your own feelings on River.
Ahhhhh, so I was writing a very long answer, and then Tumblr just wiped it on me. 😭 Thanks, Tumblr.
ANYWAY, River's romance wasn't for me or Valerie. 😅
I'm gonna put the rest under a cut in case anyone wants to avoid River critical opinions, and I really want to stress that this is just my preference. I'm not trying to convince anyone not to like their boy--I actually liked River outside of his romance, and I genuinely enjoy other folks' River ships. I also think a lot of my issues with the romance can be chalked up to neglect from the devs. But playing through it was nevertheless a minefield of squicks for me.
From Valerie's perspective, she basically saw River as a decent, principled guy while they were working together on the Rhyne/Peralez investigation, but thought their relationship, working or otherwise, would be concluded when they wrapped that up. She admires that he wants to stick to his convictions and go to IA with the corruption, but she is a much more cynical person when it comes to the powers that be, and he doesn't respond overly fondly when she says such.
So Valerie is very surprised when he reaches out for help with Randy, and she assumes it's totally out of desperation rather than any interest in her personally. Johnny, of course, picks up on it, which she sort of brushes off, but when River starts saying things like "I'll tell you about it over a beer sometime," she does get the sense that maybe he's interested in more than just her professional help.
By this point, though, Valerie is smitten with Goro. She's denying it to herself, and trying to keep her focus on the Relic and fixing her terminal condition (which River doesn't even know about), but either way: she has no interest in pursuing anything romantic or sexual with River.
She does help River with Randy, because despite any awkwardness she feels around River, she's not gonna let a kid potentially die because of it. But again, when they part ways, Valerie thinks that's that. So when he calls later, telling her that he misses her and inviting her to family dinners, Valerie is immediately like hey, buddy, don't do this.
I think the most in-character thing for her would be to not go to the dinner and just wish him well on the phone call, but since the game won't let you close out the quest without making an appearance, I made her suffer through the world's most awkward family meet-n-greet.
Valerie doesn't dislike kids, but she's not overly keen on them either, particularly those who aren't related to her, so playing with them and a man she's trying to let down gently is incredibly uncomfortable. She also doesn't particularly appreciate the way Joss probes into her family life or plans for a family life, and when the kids do the "raise your hand if you think River and V would be a good couple," Valerie has pretty much fuckin' had it.
And then, when they're chatting up on the water tank, Valerie is frustrated that River implies she's been stringing him along when she's tried as nicely as possible to tell him she's not interested. She's also sober and the daughter of an addict who lost her life to drugs and alcohol, so she does not find his "I can be awfully charming when drunk" comment endearing at all.
So, after all is said and done, Valerie doesn't really want anything to do with River anymore. She might be willing to help him professionally again, and she's still friendly with him, but she doesn't think of him as a friend.
As for my personal opinion on the romance, I think it was just incredibly underdeveloped (especially compared to the ladies), and that lack of development paired with the fact that he's the only male romance option available to female Vs ends up having a lot of frustrating and troubling implications.
It does kind of feel like CDPR made a very bold assumption that what women who are attracted to men want in a relationship is something that is heavily centered around family and children. As a woman who does not like that in real life or fiction and often has to defend my own child-free relationship, I found that very off-putting. And this isn't to say that it shouldn't exist at all--I fully support anyone who does enjoy this take on a romance, and I'm glad they got to have something they enjoyed--I just really wish it wasn't the only option.
I also don't like that there's no way to reject him without subjecting yourself to the awkward family dinner. It makes him feel very pushy if you're not into him, which I feel probably isn't the intent. I'm sure some folks would take the stance that it's more realistic, but I'm okay with forgoing a little realism if it means I don't have to have the uncomfortably immersive experience of telling a man I'm not into him while we're sitting atop a water tower and he's getting drunk. 😬😬😬
I also really disliked both his and V's responses if you chose the "ever feel lonely?" prompt, which I talked about here.
But the Peralez/Rhyne mission with him is actually one of my favorites in the game, and if his story had stayed more in that route, like fighting the corruption in the NCPD, I probably would have enjoyed him overall a lot more.
And if I remember correctly, Goro's creation also ended up affecting how River was utilized in the story--I think he was supposed to have a bigger role in some of the corporate happenings, but the writers realized they wanted someone deep inside Arasaka instead, hence Goro. Well, first it was going to be a more villainess lady character, and then it became Goro because they wanted to humanize Arasaka more.
So yeah. Those are my complicated thoughts on River. I mean, from the in-character perspective, it's pretty straightforward, but my own opinions on him are kind of ambivalent.
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ermbabyel · 2 months
{Hello! Here is my half of the matchup trade!!}
{☆} Name: Astraea 
{☆} Demon slayer and Aot! (Male results please! 
{☆} Female, She/her 
{☆} 17, 15-20 
{☆} INFP, (yay twinsies!!) 2w1 enneagram also know as the ‘Companion’. 
I’m pretty shy/ reserved most of the time though I make an effort to not come off as cold or unexpressive, I always try to smile and I love doing things to make others happy. I’m a nurturer at heart and I always strive to make things easier for everyone around me, even at the cost of my own time. I’m not very good at confrontation so I could see that as being a flaw in the sense that I could keep on bottling negative things up until I have a break down or something, so I could really use someone who would care just as much as I try to. I’m pretty sensitive, on the inside more then the outside, so I think if I was with someone who didn’t pay attention or care about my feelings, I would get worn out pretty easily. 
{☆} likes: I like writing, creating characters and stories to go with them. I like drawing and baking, as well as cooking. I like to read in my free time and I’ve always been fascinated by the sky, whether it’s at night or in the day. I could stare at it for hours on end and not be bored. (Idk if that’s weird or not lol) I love milk tea and onigiri!! My favorite colors are cream/white, light blue and dark blue. Dislikes: the thought of loosing everyone I’m close to, people that take advantage of others, and papaya I guess?? It’s hard to think of things lol. 
{☆} I have a pretty average body shape I think, edging toward curvy with a short torso and longer legs. I have a round face,long eyes lashes, a button nose and dark brown, small-ish upturned hooded eyes. My hair is inky black and curly/wavy depending on the day. I have round glasses and I like to wear cute clips and rubber bands in my hair. 
{☆} reading, writing, drawing, making fantasy maps, playing video games and more 
{☆} I like to wear comfy but stylish clothes, so baggy pants and a button up+ sweater or hoodie, sometimes a casual dress with leggings. I like to wear lighter colors, most of the time blues whites creams and green. 
{☆} Receiving: I honestly prefer quality time and acts of service the most. It makes me feel like I’m worth something and like the person actually likes to be around me. Giving: i tend to show people I love them by acts of service and words of affirmation. Once I’m close, the compliments will keep on coming. I’m very loyal and will do pretty much anything for a spouse as long as I love them and feel comfortable with them. 
{☆} Someone who shows appreciation for me, makes me feel loved despite my flaws, and someone who can understand my feelings. I don’t think I’d get along with someone who is materialistic, as I really appreciate it when people find beauty in the small things. Introvert or extrovert doesn’t really matter, as long as they’re not overbearing/macho or controlling if you know what I mean. 
Thank you so much!! I’ll get your matchup out asap!! ^^ 
Hi hi~! I absolutely LOVE your name! Also you seem like such a wholesome, pure soul 🥹.
This is a match up exchange and I’ve had so much fun with it! Please check out their page! 💜
In KNY, I ship you with…Tanjiro!
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You and Tanjiro are such pure and kind people! Your personality also reminds me of Tanjio’s too. Even though the saying is “opposites attract���, I truly think you and Tanjiro would make such a wonderful and loving couple. And I feel like your similarities will give you both a better understanding of each other.
Tanjiro will appreciate you taking care of him and healing him back to good health after missions. Although he feels great amount of guilt for making you worry about him. He still finds it very sweet and makes sure you know how grateful he is to have you!
Whenever both of you have any down time, Tanjiro makes an effort to set up cloud/star gazing dates. He absolutely finds your fascination with the sky so cute and endearing.
Tanjiro is very doting with his friends and family. And he wouldn’t be any different with you! I can see him always making sure you’re taken care of to. Making sure you’re eating and resting when you need to. I think he’d be very in-tuned with your feelings too.
Tanjiro loves all the cute accessories you put in your hair and will ask if he can braid your hair sometimes. He enjoys how playing with your hair relaxes him after a stressful training session. Nezuko definitely wants to turn after he’s done playing with your hair lol.
Overall, just a very pure and beautiful relationship~!
In AOT, I ship you with…Amrin!
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Another man who is super sweet and kind. I have a sense that you two are very loyal to your loved ones!
Armin will enjoy baking with you as a stress reliever. He’ll also playfully dip his finger in the batter and bop you on the nose just to hear your sweet laugh~
This boy gets SO blushy and flustered every time you compliment him lol. He can’t help but stutter a quiet “thank you” and gently kiss you on the cheek. He’s so happy, but his brain malfunctions and doesn’t know what to do. Also expect Jean to tease him every time he see you two together lol.
Armin also enjoys his laying video games with you. More so the fact that he can think up some strategies to help you beat the boss levels.
Armin admires your caring and nurturing personality. You give him so much strength and love on his more tougher days. He knows he can lean on you and he hopes to be a safe place for you too.
Armin would be so sweet and attentive to you. And I can see you being the same for him, which He’s very grateful for!
I hope you enjoyed your side of the exchange. I had so much fun with this~! ☺️
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