#and i still didnt find wat i was looking for
sammi-xox · 11 months
looking for cc makes me wanna tear my eyes out
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flweurlilac · 8 months
Venti, Itto & Zhongli finding out about chubby!fem!reader works in a brothel industry.
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Cw : slightly smut, fluff, stalking, ppl spelling ur truth and make rumors abt it. The rest is just that this men are gawking over u and wants to be the men you fucked to in brothels, lol. Reader is Poc (i dont claimed what skincolor reader is so stay safe🤞🏼)
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• Dude got flabbergasted. No seriously, when he was playing with his instrument at diluc's tavern and then he accidently hear from one of the people in the diluc's tavern about how they see you performing yourself in such place called "brothel" He swear he almost faints.
• he cant believe this, he actually want to talk about this topics to you but everytime he sees your doe eyes coming at him he's just like "god dayummmm"
• he cant believe that someone as innocent as you (from the look) can work in such a dirty & unholy place.
• he ends up stalking u and follows u at the brothels you work in and by god if only he can, he wish to be those lucky men that gets the opportunity to fuck your deliciously fat pussy.
• but he get mad jelly tho.
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• bro is huge and built like a bull beast, but Once he confirmed that those story about how good your pussy at the brothel is was true, his honest reaction was "WAT DA HELL"
• cant look at you in the same way again, always find himself flustered and stuttering around you once he recognize your appereance around him.
• one time where he was talking to you he accidentaly asked you about the fact of the rumors about you worked in a brothel industry.
• he actually didnt meant to do it, he just accidentaly ask you about it.
• and to his surprised, you — calmly just responds "yes, it was true darling. Is there any problem with that?"
• he can feel his cock hardened once he heard you called him "darling" In such a seductive matter. Holy mother of god you have such an innocent face like an angel but your charms are as good as a devil.
• it doesnt take him long to ask you if he can also be one of those men that fucked you in the brothels.
• now it is up to you: would you accept it? Or would you rather refuse his dreams? (Pls accept his dreams, he's gawking for it!!!)
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• spills his tea after he heard that unholy news.
• ask to his comrades about the truth of it and was flabbergasted once he find out it is true.
• purposely always walking pass the brothels you worked in just so he can check if you're in it or no.
• cant look at you with a normal expression again rather than a '👁👄👁' expression.
• make the conversation between you and him 100× much awkward.
• he still love you though and would defend you if someone talks bad about you. I mean.. Bro just need a couple of hours to think straight cus he just cant seem to believe it.
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quodekash · 1 year
because that’s when you know im obsessed with it
(disclaimer: I meant to do this literally two weeks ago but I didn’t think I had enough but I stopped for a bit and my adhd brain promptly forgot about it for a week and then remembered and then forgot for another week, and honestly i meant to actually make this for like a month before that but i didnt actually start finding the quotes until two weeks ago, but it’s fine I’m here now)
—- —-
Akk: Ayan is a little bitch.  Wat: Why?  Akk: Number one, he’s little. Number two, he’s a bitch.
(episode 1-3 core)
—- —-
Namo: The floor is lava!  Kan: *helps Thua onto the counter*  Akk: *kicks Wat off the sofa*  Ayan: *lays on the floor*  Namo: ...Are you okay?  Ayan: No. 
(im 80% certain this is a deleted scene from the beach episodes)
—- —-
*Akk and Ayan are planning to break in somewhere*  Akk: We need to distract the guards.  Ayan: Right.  Akk: What are we gonna do?  Ayan: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.  Akk:  Ayan:  Akk: Deal. 
—- —-
Akk: Aye, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.  Ayan, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than his size: Spooky. 
—- —-
Akk: I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back.  Ayan: Why are you telling me this, I don't care.  Ayan, right after Akk leaves the room: I miss him already.
—- —-
Aye: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.  Aye, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor. 
—- —-
Akk: I fell—  Aye: From heaven?  Akk: No, I literally fell—  Aye: In love with me the moment you saw me?  Akk: MY ARM IS BROKEN!  Aye: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest. 
—- —-
Aye: Are we fighting or flirting?  Akk: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-  Aye: Your point? 
—- —-
Thua: Two bros!  Kan: Chillin' in a hot tub!  Thua and Kan, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK! 
—- —-
Akk: I owe you one.  Aye: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even. 
—- —-
Thua: I want to kiss you.  Kan, not paying attention: What?  Thua: I said if you die, I wont miss you. 
(its okay thua, he's not ignoring you, he has adhd. just kiss him, he'll be happy, trust me)
—- —-
Kan: And now for a gay update with Akk and Aye.  Akk: Getting gayer.  Kan: Thank you, Akk. 
—- —-
Wat: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Thua recently.  Kan: No, Wat, it's not what it looks like, I swear.  Wat: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous?  Kan: No! You’re the only one for me.  Wat: Is that so?  Kan: I promise! Thua and I are just dating, okay? He’s my boyfriend.  Wat: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved?  Kan: You are still my one and only best friend! He’s just the love of my life, nothing more!  Wat: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right?  Kan: Of course bro!  Wat: Bro...  Thua: What the- 
—- —-
*at 3am*  Kan: *runs into Akk’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  Akk: *wakes up* Dude!  Kan: *cackles*  Aye: *sits up from where he was sleeping behind akk* What the fuck, Kan? Kan: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT- 
(the original vine is now playing over and over in my head and its probably my favourite vine and its literally them and i love it so much gerjdhgbrh)
—- —-
Kan: This totally sucks, man.  Akk: This is horrible.  Kan: Yeah, I know, I mean look at everything the curse did to those rulebreakers today.  Akk: No, it’s not that, it’s Aye. Akk: It’s just like, I can’t get him out of my head and every time I look at him I have these pains in my chest, and I just know it’s his fault, that bitch! 
(AVPM QUOTE LETS GOOO and yes it is perfection and is exactly canon i take no criticism)
—- —-
Kan: Did Thua just tell me he loved me for the first time?  Akk: Yeah, he did.  Kan: And did I just do finger guns back?  Akk: Yeah, you did. 
(oh you sweet sweet maybe-bisexual man)
—- —-
Aye: *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?  Kan: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*  Aye: Aww, it's a love note for Thua?  Kan: No-  Aye: *opens it*  Aye:  Kan:  Aye: I can't read this. 
(is it because the contents are too explicit to read or because kan's handwriting is awful? you decide)
—- —-
Kan: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car?  Akk: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Aye, deer!"  Kan: ...And what did you say?  Aye: ..."Yes, Honey?" 
—- —-
Kan: I love you.  Thua: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.  *Kan and Thua kiss passionately*  Wat, to Akk: You owe me 20 dollars. 
(HES BEEN SAYING IT FOR YEARS AND THEY FINALLY DID IT. IMAGINE THE VICTORIOUS FEELING WAT FELT IN THAT MOMENT. NOT TO MENTION THE JOY AT HIS SHIP FINALLY GETTING TOGETHER. BRO IS AS PHENOMENAL AS TIW AND I LOVE HIM SO FREAKING MUCH (someone write a crossover fic where tiw and wat get together and plot their ships' getting together. if someone has already written this, please tell me)
—- —-
Kan: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.  Akk: Throw rocks at he.  Aye: Hot Dogs.  Wat: Kill him.  Kan: Thanks guys. 
—- —-
Kan, trying to sound happy: *about Aye and Thua* They’d make a cute couple, huh? Akk, holding back tears: They certainly are standing next to each other. 
(first few episodes core. specifically when aye is whispering in thua's ear and theyre both just standing to the side watching it happen and completely unaware that this means they are gay and in love with one of them)
—- —-
Thua: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!  Kan: Um...Neat.  *later*  Kan, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Akk. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.  Akk, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Kan. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Aye confessed his love for me?  Kan: Didn't you thank him?  Akk: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him. 
—- —-
Kan: How is the most beautiful person in the world?  Thua: *blushing* I—  Aye, butting into the conversation: Akk is perfect, thanks for asking. 
—- —-
Wat: Do you love Kan?  Thua: Yeah, I do.  Wat: Akk! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 baht!  Akk: We all love Kan. You should've asked if he was IN love with him.  Thua: I thought that was implied.  Akk: ...  Wat: ...  Thua, looking straight at Akk: Congrats Wat, you just won 100 baht. 
—- —-
Akk: Are you trying to seduce me?  Aye: Why, are you seducible? 
—- —-
Aye: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.  Wat: Oh, you’ve been?  Aye: Once. In Monopoly. 
—- —-
Wat: When I was a kid, Kan told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.  Teacher Sani: They are!  Wat: FOR REAL?  Sani: No! Why did you fall for it again? 
—- —-
Thua, on a random band name generator: Oooo! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my friend group. 
—- —-
Akk: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.  Ayan: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both. 
—- —-
Ayan: Hey, Akk, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?  Akk: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.  Ayan: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?  Akk: Can't really say I have.  Ayan: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.  Akk: Sorry, Aye. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody. 
—- —-
Ayan: Talk dirty to me, baby~  Akk: The dishes.  Ayan: Wh-  Akk: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times. 
—- —-
Ayan: My hands are cold.  Akk: Here, let me hold them.  Ayan: My lips are cold too. Akk: *covers Ayan's mouth with his hand* 
—- —-
Akk: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.  Ayan: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.  Akk: ...  Akk: You mean ring bearER, right?  Ayan: ...  Akk: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. 
—- —-
Ayan: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.  Akk: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit. 
—- —-
Akk: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.  Ayan: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.  Akk: I said within reason, Ayan. How about I murder that guy?  Ayan: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?  Akk: Well, duh. What kind of question is that? 
—- —-
Ayan: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.  Akk: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.  Ayan: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??  Akk: Is it working? 
—- —-
Akk: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.  Ayan: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.  Akk: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??  Ayan: Is it working? 
—- —-
and now, for my personal favourite...
Ayan: Akk is playing hard to get.  Ayan: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of. 
—- —-
that's all for now, but i promise, i will be back
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pwnyta · 2 days
Now that the battle has officially ended in BNHA...
...I mean whatever Hori... at this point I guess I should just be happy hes not an insufferable douche now...
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The award for MOST FUCKED UP MESSAGE goes to...
Girl what...
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Award for ...really he died in the end anyways? After all that??? goes to-
...Seriously... wat?
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For seeing Bakugos ''death'' AND 'Holy shit your arms really did get chopped the fuck off thats craz- oop theyre already back!'
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Holy shit that mother fucker can draw hands... if only he could draw out a plot point half as good....
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Award for Literally we wasted so much fucking time on you and for what goes to...
Seriously what the fuck...
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(I guess I didnt get a panel for Hawks while I was clipping panels... LMAO Hawks.)
Award for HOLY SHIT TOKOYAMI!!! goes to...
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...??? I mean hes kind of a king for this NGl.... '...just dont take Dark Shadow from Tokoyami!'
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Award for MOST CONSISTENT HOMIE goes to....
They really are THE BOYS. Theres no force in the world that could stop them from being homies!
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The award for ...HORI WTF DID YOU MEAN BY THAT??? goes to....
Lock getting told he wouldnt understand what its like being discriminated against and the Todoroki family without Shoto panel!!
....Hori what did you mean by this? Its such a bad look Hori?
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Award for AYYYYE MY BOY GUNHEAD goes to
There he is!!! MY BOY! LOVE YOU BUD!
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Award for IDKY your hear but im so proud of you! goes to....
Girl why are you here at this point... everyone else has a connection to each other... except you? Whatever Im just happy to see you girl. I did a hear pun cuz ears....
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Award for MOST UNSTOPPABLE BITCH goes to...
Seriously you could cleave this bitchs skull from her shoulders and she'd find a way to headbutt her opponent...
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Thats the end of part 1 of BNHA AWARDS!!! Feel free to send your own awards (make sure you give me a chapter number example) in my ask box and I'll keep going (nobody will) but we'll be back for ROUND 2 in a moment!!
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ge · 5 months
🎭— omg those vendors drawing cm as an old peaceful man with a beard... .... thats so funny to me for whatever reason
that suddenly remidns me of this one fic on cm finding paintings tang bo made of him and cm in the past... idk its sticks to memory cause like... painter tang bo.... muse cheong myeong omgee.... tb not even needing cm around to paint him because. he knows his features by heart but he still has him pose for him and cm just complains but sits there anyways....
also love the trope i see in their fics where cm finds a painting of tang bo and things that... theres just something not right... its tang bo except its not exactly him. the features he distinctly remembers of tb arent the same as on the painting... i love it sm
eueue i think i know wat fic ur talking about.. tang bo being able to paint chung myung even when hes not there because he remembers his face so clearly vs chung myung slowly forgetting what tang bo looked like after his death and has no physical portraits or mementos of him that are accurate to how he truly looked FIGHT!!!!!
there are a few fics that touch on chung myungs speaking out on portraits of tang bo that look wrong and i EAT THEM UP EVERY TIMMMEE THEYRE SO GOOD.. to everyone else he looks delusional spouting off nonsense about how some hundred year old dead guy didnt have that sharp of a nose or hair that dark, but to chung myung, he is the only person alive who would have been able to give an accurate and careful description of the dark saint..
i like to hc that chung myung cant paint at all besides still life and that tang bo was the more artistically inclined of the two so even if chung myung wanted to fix the errors of the portrait hed be unable to, and no matter how hard hed try, hed also find it impossible to even begin describing tang bo how he exists in his memories.. failing memory aside, even if chung myung could remember the minute details of tang bos face, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, the bronze hue of his hair when the sun hit it just right, he wouldnt be able to put it into worlds.. just like the beauty of the sunsets on mount hua, tang bo was indescribable..
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pixnmix · 1 year
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I read some time ago about a failed aphrodisiac fanfic. And it gave me this little sketch in mind
Viktor x reader
( english is not my first language so I'm sorry for my mistakes). Also I will love some opinions.
Is he really your enemy?
You and Viktor weren't exactly best friends but neither enemies, you had a neutral relationship although on many occasions you would find ways to tease each other. With time, unfortunately, a kind of incessant rivalry between the two of you began. When Viktor was wrong with just one thing in his formulas, you were the first to highlight this in front of others, you were trying to humiliate him with the mistakes he makes since he was supposed to be a mistake-free genius. Instead, he wasn't so bad as to include other people in your private matters. It went straight inside you with remarks about your favorite hobby, the design for the academy uniforms that you both work on. When something came out well and you really liked it, he suggested changes to the one who was coordinating you, just to see you sigh. You didn't know that but sometimes he thought you had a cute facial expression when you got annoyed.
Long story short Viktor had clients from outside the academy with different requests. This time, one of the zoo's directors had trouble breeding pandas and had turned to Viktor for a serum that would make them reproduce faster. At first he didn't want to interfere in the laws of nature, but he was eventually convinced by the director and created an aphrodisiac potion for pandas. Today was the day when the director came to take the potion, to your bad luck when he turned to the door to get out, you entered. Viktor didn't think to put the serum in a safer container and because of that, the bottle broke upon contact with your shoulder.
"Ew...Gosh what's that, it smells so bad." You said in an angry tone but you stopped when you saw the director and apologized.
" Y/N go fast and get that shirt down and wash yourseld." Viktor said as he pushed you towards the lab shower (Viktor sometimes sat in the lab for days so he was given a personal bathroom there).
"What the fuck? Was it something dangerous? Viktor I'm not going to undress in a lab bathroom." You said as you tried to open the door as Viktor had already managed to lock you in the bathroom.
Meanwhile Viktor said goodbye to the director making him to leaves and you sat quietly in the bathroom. It was just you and the mirror at the sink, you sighed and tried to wipe the sleeve with water when suddenly the awful smell dissapered. You started to feel very warm. Something inside you wasn't working well and you knew it.
Interrupting the silence Viktor knocked on the door to check if you were okay. "Y/Ndidn't panic but that was the horny serum for the panda, I don't know what effect it has on a human, but I think it's an easy one. Within three hours it's going to be all over, I promise." he said as you started to feel really hot now. It had become very uncomfortable so with your clothes still on you got in the shower and let go of the cold water hoping not to be so hot anymore.
" Viktor, I'm gonna kill you, I promise! " You managed to say, the effect getting worse. You started panting to reach more air because suddenly you feel like you didnt get enough.
"I'm coming in...Viktor said while he had already entered. He approaches you and leaved his cane leaning against the tiles, he also lets himself down to be on the same level as you."Look at me, keep breathing...You know... seeing yourself like this still gives me some satisfaction, this is what you get if you don't know how to knock on doors before entering" He laughed slightly.
"You son of a bitch" You said as you grabbed him by the collar and stood up towards him. The tiles being wet, you slipped on it, Viktor being with his feet under you and holding on tightly to the waist not to fall worse. " This is all your fault"
"Gosh, Y/N you're cold as ice...you will catch a cold, why didn't you get warm water?" Now he was really worried, seeing your cold skin with your red expression. "...lets go to the sofa".
"No, don't move" You started rubbing against his leg as he had reached a sensitive point.
"Y/N stop, that's inappropriate..."He said while he was trying to stop you.
" Innappropriate? Innappropriate is you not helping me right now. I feel like I'm dying...just do it with me" suddenly you had a moment of pleasure and got off of him panting.
"Sorry but I'm not taking advantages of you in this state, later you will be mad...but I will try to do a quick antitode" he managed to escape from you and quickly got out of the bathroom leaving you there. It didn't take long and he came back with the antidote. The pain of the needle woke you up to reality and you realized that although it sounded inappropriate, you would have wanted him to help you in another way, the dirty one. In those thoughts, you realized that you felt something for Viktor.
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mythrilskirt · 7 months
not to be a cranky old man about pokemon (again) but they're soooooo fucking weird about gender like in gen3 when males spoke in blue and females spoke in red. wat. and in gen7(?) when salazzle and tsareena couldn't be male because the cuntosity was too severe. rampant homphobia. the invention of gallade. evil. but its still fine for kirlia to be a huge gigantic sissyfag? IN👏CON👏SIS👏TEN👏CY👏!!!!!! all while making every single named character look like a drag act, most pokemon look either like a furry porn or a drag act, and reserving a whole asexual genderless category for pokemon they didnt design sexy enough. i just find it all very strange, darling.
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iheartmyipod · 2 years
wat r ur thoughts on frontiers so far??? i havent been 2 invested in recent sonic stuff but im watching a live playthrough and the atmosphere is sooooo cool it def seems like a step in the right direction 4 the series XP
dont want 2 spoil someone accidentally:P VVV
OMG LITERALY ITS SOOOOO GOOOOD sum aspects kf it reminds me of unleashed which is awesome 2 me cus rhats one of my faves… i dont pay much attention to actual gameplay in sonic i mostly like the storys and characters but frontiers is supeeer fun and i love being able to explore and do the challenges and the stages are pretty cool too … im not the best at them thiugh…. Seriously ive been talking myselr so much about how much i adore it its like they made a game just for melina i never play video games but this is so so fun to me. I was kind of confused at first tho ill be honest it is overwhelming with how big the islands are (im on the second one right now i forgot its name:P) but ithink im getting the hang of it its SO FUN EXPLORING SOOOO FUN and i like how sonic even mentions he likes how muchcroom there is to explore … omg the characterization im not too sureabout for amy i dont know if its her voice or what but THAT IS NOT AMY ROSE! I always get sad when she is written as more mature i miss 12 year old amy…She is so sweet though i still love her forever.&knuckles is so silly i love seeing sonic knuckles interactions OMG jusy so happy to see sonic characters talking to eachother and being friends i LOVEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also sage js so interesting i have no idea what is going on with her i didnt keep up with anything about the game before it released cus i didnt want spoilers but i like her. Very interedting veeeery interesting i like how they bring back phantom ruby stuff(i assume) along with lore established in sonic adventure i think it really ties the world together in a way i always craved im so hapoy they are building more on chaos and angel island and master emerald lore seriously … ALSO I LOVE THE DESIGNS FOR ALL THE CREATURES SO MACH OMG the koco are adorable i want keychains of them and in the second island the enemies are so sick oh mai god . … the little kocos true old form or whatever look like chaos mademe go nuts i got so excited i wonder wat it allll meaaansss…. Hopefully i will FIND OUT! Also the msyic so badass im so hapy after i finish the game i know i will be listening all the time its just too good>< i love how huge the game is too and there is socmuch you can do in it if you want to. Also im super into the weather and time changes i think it is so cool but makes you think sonic is staying awake for days and in the rain so gross he needs a shower .. I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS ASK I HAVE BARELY TALKED ABIUT IT TO ANYONE Nothing beats sonic adventure though🤷‍♀️lets be real.actually i miss sonics adventure attitude wah but i think in frontiers it is kind of saying they are older and not so much kids anymore which could explain why amy is like that… still not into it personally but i always think its interesting to hear them acknowledge past events.okay im done.okay. ITS JUST SO COOL before it came out i kind of thought i would not apply anything in the game to how i view the sonic world in my head (cus thats how i feel about sonic forces LOL i just ignore it) but its surpriseing me how much i like it i havent liked a sonic games  world building this much since sonic unleashed ... still i dont think frontiers will be like the basis of sonic for me but it gives super intruiging bits and pieces that i will hold on to forever in my brain. OKAY.i played at schol today in my math class its so hard playing in public cus i need to chill💆‍♀️OKAY IM DONE. okay but also like for me i usually dont really care much for new sonic stuff i like the old stuff wayyyy more but i agree this game is like a huge good step for the series GAH OKAY
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nyopilled · 11 months
ENTRY #1: 02/07/23
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today's song: https://open.spotify.com/track/2BxHcK2q5xnkuHqHDEuYB9?si=VS43BGhVQtmm5vQBcm_OvQ
i said this wld be my online diary n i dont rlly know wat to post on here so ig this'll just b an archive :p
today i ate pizza ! the pizza was good .
i also got caught up on genshin n honkai star rail cuz i didnt log on yesterday (touched grass) . pulled on the regular banner n i got a kaeya constellation + a five star catalyst. i think ill use it for klee . the idea of grinding for it tho... 😓 im not strong enough i already have my hands full w alhaitham....
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i played minecraft too ! twas fun ! it was very relaxing . also watched a few episodes of uramichi oniisan bc it's currently scratching my brain correctly in a world where many things r getting on my nerves. icb its summer 💔 its so hot ... i cant do it...
i also looked at buying pink dresses for summer ... i rlly want these two (T ^ T) i will definitely find a way to get them , its now my goal ((o(^∇^)o))
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anyways i think that the twt rate limit thingy hasnt rlly affected me at all bc i usually play games or read manga during the day .... i still havent reached rate limit... but idk its still annoying to have twt restricted like that . most of my friends r on there n theres just smth special abt twt like its jst. yk. so i hope that dumbass gets his shit together n improve it or else . ill Intervene.
thats all.
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additional notes: i thought about kumatani mitsuo a lot today. why cant he be real 💔
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dominating women
life is either the hunter or the hunted
u will only get the girl if u over-power her
if she is more powerful than u
if u see that she has all these high level equipment
these high level stats (status) 
and if u are not on that level u cannot simply defeeat her
in order to get whatever u want from her
u have to be more powerful than her
u have to see the weakness in her shield
somewhere that u dont find too powerful 
that makes u put her on a pedistal
where u dont give her the power
and u just remain as urself but see the cracks in her armour
if u wanna do things with her
u have to be able to control her
to dominate over her
go out to bars clubs events raves
but dont go for the top the prettiest the baddest baddie
with the lingerie
and the hot friends
and the perfect body
u gotta go for the simi pretty
semi good looking
semi good body
but see some flaws in which makes u comfortable in being urself
u have to be the best self u can possiblly be
to get what u want
everything that u want
if u want something bad enough that u go 
and work for it every day
u have a real obession for it
if u dont u wont take action
but u have to be greater than her in order 
for her to be under ur control
she has to be a weaker opponent than u
if u will be to defeat her
u will need to be wealthier
more interesting than her
and she will fall for u
she will want u
and when u have women
than wants u
that sets off a bomb of sexual energy all around
and the 9s and 10s around
will automatically flow towards u somehow
and then u can decide to keep her
or use her as tool to get the 9s an the 10s
only can do that
if u defeat the lower level bosses
first u go in to the bar secene
u attack a level 1
find someone who is the weakest
start a convo with them
and u move on to a level 2 boss
and level 3 girl
4 5 6 7 8 
when u have about 8 interactions
who cares if u go up to a 9
or a 10
an they reject u
who cares
u already talking to 8 different girls
8 different levels of people
and they
whether or not u defeated them
or they defeated u
u still gain lots of experience than if u just
for a lvl 9
or 10
and go up
and talk
and get complete annilated 
completed wrecked
and u only open 1
with a lvl 9 or 10 expectation that u might win?
it doesnt work that way
in order to 
u know
do wthat of which u want
those nasty lustful things
like doing it 
in public lol..
u have to dominated her in comversation
in physical attraction
u have to be a boss arund her
and she picks up on that confidence
she sees u dont carre
and she sees that u are greater
and she follows
she likes beingn submissive now to u
who is so much more powerful
and fun and crazy intereteing
even if u are not
a little alcohol will get u going
let ur crazy thoghts go wild
dont mind
there always more chances
but do start small
start with the ugly fat girls
the no style girls
where tshirts
and hoodies
and jeans
not the girls wearing lingerie
and shorts
or skirts
and no pants
with leggings
the girls who looks chill
like u can just be bros with them all night
and its fine
if anything
ur meeting a real friend
who u might just grab a drink with
or meal
or actually become mates
who know
im currently 27
i been wanting to do a rave dating since
or 19
or 21
or 22 even frsure..
but im 27
its been 5 years
5 years time of 
not being able to date anyone
of wasting 5 years doing wat
server for bonchon
2 years
2 year cashier at chef 
2 years at daiso
no result
no girlfirends
no buy.
didnt buy anythign
didnt try anything risky
didnt try
didnt risk
no friends
no group of friends
just ne est friend isaac
we got along so ell
its crazy..
maybe it was fate we finally meet
i wonder how i open upto him about this
i guess i can only taech him
i show him
its no big deal
that i can pull
0 notes
ijzermansdriesen · 3 years
#i thought i was better#apparwnetky noy#started crying looking at the name of a fic#shouldn't have gone to ao3#i still haven't watched tge damn last clip#evwrutime i think about anything fire on fire starts playing in my mind#ugly howlinh what has my life become#what jas this come to#i canteven watch seaosn 3 for comfort or wtfocksowm or 4 ....i dont know how this is supposed go get better if i cant wat'- 5heb DAMN CLIP#i dont kmow when it woll hrt less lol#the fact is that we've nit seen them hapoy in love together...like ..realky with each itger since last clip in 2019. and the way they were#falling climbinh laughing hands all over each other arms slung over shoukder reaching out for kisses smiling in the kisses half hugs#bare chested piggyback rides rolling in the sand hair all over their faces running intothe sea sunlight idk idkdidk this was the first time#in the longeat time actuakkybseeing their love up close them their own oaralles their own little world and it focking hurts#i dont know why it hurts it's not like i cant let go or want them to be back or o#i think it's more like ...a feeling of loss....at ....not having had more of this...mire than these last few seconds...justva few#few more moments like these throughput the seaosn#i had almost guven uo on ever finding out what watching tgem in season 3 had fekt like#but i did end uo feeling it in tgese last few parallels. and it was so focking orecious i cant seem to ........ accept thatvwe didnt getmor#bro am i being ungrateful..............idk...........fuck#i wsih i could watvh the clips#.......#seeing cast photos is anotger atory altogether#now Herbots posted ?? lol#i cant believe it ended with guving us a taste of what it coukd have been. for just a few moments more.#... ...
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geordon · 3 years
I think there's a pretty big difference between lashing out when scared/stressed and being an angry person.
Between having an amount if anger in you that comes out when things get bad and being the one that makes thing bad
Between violence in reaction to something and actively wanting to cause harm
And I think some people could really do better in understanding that difference
#geo dialogue.txt#idk ive just been thinking about how the vrai fandom characterizes gordon#and how some people apparently watched a wat different series than i did based on the fanfics ive either read or looked at the tag of#and some people try to skirt the line in a really weird way of oh no he literally attacked ben but then snapped out of it#which could maybe work in Specific Circumstances but. the one im thinking of was literally just. the kitchware was all on the counters#bc ben didnt know that that isnt how it should work. its such a disproportionate response#but the rest of the fic treats it like this isnt a major thing. like. i Inderstand that people respond to trauma in wild ways#i get that. but if you attack someone over something that small then maybe you should tell them it would be best if they hung back for a bi#then you should go directly to therapy and get that sorted bc thats messed up and you cant pretend everything is fine bc you cried abt it#and you know what? the entire rest of the plot of that specific fic wouldnt have happened. which id be fine with#bc it involved gordon deciding to play with bens feelings to find out what those feelings were#which would suck and be awful even if it wasnt involving someone who spend a good chunk of time as a science experiment#if youre going to characterize gordon as someone with barely controlled anger issued whod do that then dont chicken out#if youre going to make him do these things then dont continue on to talk about how hes still a good person#maybe i only have strong feelings abt this bc im someone who lashes out when cornered & also with a sibling with really bad anger issues#but it really bothers me when people completely ignore that pre rescas gordon greeted everyone cheerily#and that post rescas gordon genuinely wanted to try to save as many peopld as possible#and acab stream gordon actively wanted civillians gone before the shooted started#that doesnt read to me as someone who'd attack someone who was trying to help but didnt know how#anyway hi i have a lot of feelings about things and got reminded of this in particular#not tagging the fandom stuff but if yoy wanna reblog or add onto this feel free
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themerrypanda · 2 years
Repost time! This one was based off the prompt: “Write a short involving a group of at least 3 separate parties communicating with one another via text or phone call.”
Title: Addicts Anonymous
Word Count: 1,006
Summary: Dr. Kim Zhang, MD, a psychiatrist based in Zuzu City, alongside her personalized appointments, also hosts anonymous chatrooms for addressing her clients’ and guests’ mental health and leading them to help each other improve. This evening’s session is specifically for addicts seeking to wane from their addictions from the Stardew Valley area.
Anonymous Addiction Recovery Group - Stardew Valley Area
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
DoctorKimZhangMD: Welcome to today’s Anonymous Addiction Recovery chatroom. Thank you all for coming!
3SpicyChickens: youre welcome
ThankTehBusDriver: whatever
DoctorKimZhangMD: It’s good to see you two back again!
DoctorKimZhangMD: I see we have a new guest with us today. Welcome ObsidianVoid420!
ObsidianVoid420: hey
DoctorKimZhangMD: In these chatrooms, we talk with each member of the group one by one. We talk about how long you’ve been dealing with the addiction (substance disclosure not necessary), what you have done to fight the addiction, and then suggest tips and ideas on how to cope.
DoctorKimZhangMD: 3SpicyChickens, would you go first today please?
3SpicyChickens: sure
3SpicyChickens: since college, I sometimes drank, like in parties or with friends
3SpicyChickens: it started being a problem about five years ago, but I didnt accept that it was until a few months ago
3SpicyChickens: since the incident, ive been trying to cut down. I still go to the bar, but I go home for a couple hours first. I started drinking only one beer each night rather than three or more
3SpicyChickens: I tried to go without the one beer like dr zhang suggested last week, but its hard. I make it a couple hours, but during the last hour the bar is open, I end up buying one
ObsidianVoid420: have you tried choosing a s***ier beer?
DoctorKimZhangMD: ObsidianVoid420, please refrain from swearing.
DoctorKimZhangMD: But ObsidianVoid420 has a good point with choosing a different drink. May I suggest water?
ThankTehBusDriver: water is so boring
ThankTehBusDriver: wat about sparkling cider?
DoctorKimZhangMD: With or without alcohol, BusDriver?
ThankTehBusDriver: …
3SpicyChickens: sparkling water might work
DoctorKimZhangMD: Good idea! Let us know next week how well the sparkling water works 3SpicyChickens.
DoctorKimZhangMD: ThankTehBusDriver, your turn.
ThankTehBusDriver: fine.
ThankTehBusDriver: I only joined this group a couple weeks ago cuz my kid asked me to
ThankTehBusDriver: I dunno what her problem is
ThankTehBusDriver: since my bus got fixed, I work now. if anything, I feel more justified in spendin my hard-earned wages on beer.
ThankTehBusDriver: we can bettr afford it now
DoctorKimZhangMD: So have you or have you not cut down since last week, BusDriver?
ThankTehBusDriver: …
ThankTehBusDriver: no
DoctorKimZhangMD: Have you considered that your kid may be trying to look out for you?
ThankTehBusDriver: …
DoctorKimZhangMD: Studies show that driving while hungover can be just as dangerous as driving drunk, even after the alcohol has left the body.
DoctorKimZhangMD: Your child may want you to be safe at work, and spend positive time with you after.
3SpicyChickens: doc’s right. my goddaughter said I seem happier when im not drinkin much.
3SpicyChickens: and its easier to connect with her when im sober. Im not complaining about headaches as often
3SpicyChickens: i cant always make the best choice for myself, but I can do it for her
3SpicyChickens: i want to be the godfather she believes me to be
DoctorKimZhangMD: Thank you, 3SpicyChickens. I can see that your goddaughter means a lot to you.
DoctorKimZhangMD: BusDriver, will you talk with your daughter before our next meeting?
DoctorKimZhangMD: Talk about her interests, your hobbies beyond drinking? Favorite movies, shows, games? Perhaps you can find an activity you two can enjoy together after work.
ThankTehBusDriver: …
ThankTehBusDriver: ill think about it
DoctorKimZhangMD: Thank you, BusDriver.
3SpicyChickens: heh
ObsidianVoid420: lol
DoctorKimZhangMD: Jokes aside, ObsidianVoid420 are you willing to share your experiences today?
ObsidianVoid420: idk
ObsidianVoid420: i came here to see if this group can help me with smoking
ObsidianVoid420: i hadnt realized it got so bad until i went through a full pack in a day
DoctorKimZhangMD: In many cases, people are driven to addiction because it serves as an escape. 3SpicyChickens, ThankTehBusDriver, would you share what you each were trying to escape?
3SpicyChickens: emptiness. I felt like life was never going to get better again, and didnt know how to enjoy the present
ThankTehBusDriver: im still angry at my ex
ThankTehBusDriver: its been 20 year
ThankTehBusDriver: drinking lets me forgit that b******
DoctorKimZhangMD: ThankTehBusDriver, please do not swear.
ThankTehBusDriver: B****** DONT COUNT AS A SWEAR!!
DoctorKimZhangMD: ObsidianVoid420, do you know why you smoke? What emotions you feel and what leads you to feel that way? You don’t have to share why if you don’t want to.
ObsidianVoid420: yeah i have an idea
ObsidianVoid420: i just feel angry and annoyed all the time
ObsidianVoid420: but i dont know how else to calm the nerves but by smoking
ObsidianVoid420: nothing else works
DoctorKimZhangMD: It sounds to me like there is something to either confront or accept. If it’s something that cannot change, it seems you have not fully accepted it yet. And if it’s something that could change, you are unsure if it will, even if you try. So you escape instead.
ObsidianVoid420: …
ObsidianVoid420: d***, you nailed it
ObsidianVoid420: sorry
ObsidianVoid420: er… what do i do now?
3SpicyChickens: you try.
3SpicyChickens: try something. start small if youre not comfortable with big yet
3SpicyChickens: and be patient. sometimes results come slowly
DoctorKimZhangMD: Exactly what 3SpicyChickens said, ObsidianVoid420.
DoctorKimZhangMD: It’s okay if no big changes happen right away. Like water flowing over a rock, it will take years for the rock to become smooth.
ObsidianVoid420: like how you can make a lot of changes to programming code, but little to no results will show until the last change is complete
ThankTehBusDriver: …yeah, sure
DoctorKimZhangMD: Actually, that’s a very good way to look at it! Would you let us know what change in your metaphorical program’s code you make by next week?
ObsidianVoid420: …er …sure
ObsidianVoid420: ok
ObsidianVoid420: if im back next week. i might be busy with work
DoctorKimZhangMD: Whenever you can make it, I’m here for you.
3SpicyChickens: I’ll probs be here too
ThankTehBusDriver: no promses
ObsidianVoid420: thanks
DoctorKimZhangMD: Alright, and that concludes our meeting for today!
ThankTehBusDriver has left the chatroom.
DoctorKimZhangMD: Remember your assignments!
DoctorKimZhangMD: Thank you everyone for joining today, and I hope to see you next week!
3SpicyChickens: yw
ObsidianVoid420 has left the chatroom.
3SpicyChickens has left the chatroom.
DoctorKimZhangMD has closed the chatroom.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Fate of the Clouds
 Gajeel x Fem Reader 
“Hi” you say softly, sitting beside him against the side of the guild house. “Leave me alone” he turned away from you, his voice gruff. He smelled like fireworks and his hair was singed in a few places. You reach out and pinch the end of a lock that was smoldering “all that gorgeous hair, would hate for it to burn” you twist on your butt, laying your back against the sun warmed grass and placing your feet up against the building, you place your hands behind your head as you looked up at the clouds. 
“Why?” his voice was laced with annoyance that you were 50% sure was fake. You look over at his face “why what?” you smile softly at him and you watch his guard fall just a little bit “why won’t you leave me alone?” you sit up again, crossing your legs and resting your hands on your thighs as you study him for a moment “Gajeel, if you really want me to leave and I’m making you uncomfortable, I will. But honestly, I’d like to get to know you. So if it’s alright with you, i’d like to lay here by you and talk, unless you don't want to, then we can just sit together.” 
You watch his emotions in his eyes, he couldn’t understand you. You were sweet and cute and he heard all about how strong a wizard you were. You watched him tear apart the guild hall but you were here by him. Telling him you wat to get to know him? He couldnt decide if you were joking or not. When he doesnt say anything for a few minutes you lay back again, smiling as you look up at the sky. 
After ten minutes go by and your eyes flick down to him, he’s looking at his hands in his lap “Do you mind if I talk to you? You don’t have to respond '' your voice was quiet, like it was carried to his ears on the breeze, his gaze froze on a scar he has on his knuckle “I dont mind” his voice was quieter than you had heard before. His usual anger was gone, just like you suspected it was just a cover for his real feelings. You sigh softly and look back up to the clouds “there is a cloud up there that looks like a horse” he looks up then, his eyes searching, you chuckle and pat the ground next to you softly. He looks down at you, considering, trying to figure you out, to see if you could be hatching a plan. 
He sighs and moves over so he was laying beside you, tensing and watching your face when you scoot closer to him, moving your head down next to his so you could find the cloud again “there” you point up and it takes him a moment to tear his gaze from your soft smile to follow your finger to the right cloud. You move back into your place and smile as you watch the cloud float away and become a blob again. 
“When i was younger..,” you look at him “now you have to promise me you wont tell anyone this, okay? Pinky promise me and since we’re friends you cant break it” you hold up your hand, pinky out and wait for him. His head turns, looking at your eyes and then down to your hand. His fingers drum against his stomach before he hooks his pinky around yours. You smile and pull your hand still connected to his and kiss the back of your thumb, pushing his hand towards his lips next “kiss or it doesnt work” his cheeks flush and he huffs in annoyance but kisses the back of his thumb anyway “thank you Gajeel” you whisper before your hands rest against your stomach again. 
“When I was younger, I had a job on a farm. I would use my water magic to help the crops among other things. I once rode a horse to check for the cows and was feeling really proud of my horse riding skill, I rode down the wrong path, got scraped off the back of my horse and thrown down the mountain. Had a nasty cut on my neck and i wasn't trusted riding alone again. I know this story is stupid, juvenile, but the point is this; trust is something that is really hard to earn, but worth every second. Sure i have other stories i could have told you, other magical ones where i fucked up missions. But all of them have the same point. Proving that you can grow as an individual, proving that people are worthy of a second chance, it’s nice that we even have that opportunity.” you point out another cloud “ooh look at that one! It looks like a starfish!” you chuckle and notice the smile on his lips  
 “Forgiveness has always come easy to me. I truly would like to be your friend and get to know you. No jokes, no dirty tricks. I’m here if you’ll have me Gajeel” he sighs gently, his hands holding his shirt in his fists, his knuckles turning white, after a few minutes his hands release his shirt and he relaxes into the grass.
 He doesn't get any bad vibes from you, if he had to put a picture to how you feel to him, he would picture a field of daisies on a summer day. “That one” he reaches up and points “that one looks like a dragon with a rider on it’s back” you chuckle and follow his finger to the cloud you could see the dragon but figured the rider smudged away “it does! That’s so cute” his cheeks flush and a true smile sits upon his lips. 
After another ten minutes storm clouds roll in as well as cold winds, you shiver and sit up again, turning towards him as he sat up next to you, you reach out slowly and when he doesn't move or say anything you gently run your fingers through his thick hair, pulling out the pieces of grass that stuck to him. “Thank you for letting me sit with you” you smile sweetly up at him, even sitting by him he was much taller and bigger than you. “Thank you, for wanting to” he avoids your gaze, his cheeks dusting pink yet again. 
Every day you would eat meals with him and talk, slowly you would convince others to give him a chance. Inviting others to sit with you both, he slowly opened up more to you and you would cloud gaze and chat about your missions and other things you have witnessed or experienced. but even then, you had to take missions that kept you apart occasionally. 
Excitement was flooding your system, you were a few blocks away from home and you haven't been back for a few months, your last mission was difficult and you spent some time in the hospital. You were so excited to see Gajeel you almost couldn't handle it, forcing yourself to take normal steps and not to run. 
You open the door and look around at everyone, looking for your specific person. Gajeel was in the back of the room, deep in conversation with Levy. Your smile disappears and you feel your heart skip before it crumbles into your stomach. You were happy for him, proud of his growth in the guild. You blink back your tears and then clear your throat softly, working your way through the crowd to the stairs to the dorm. 
You were supposed to be back today, where were you?! He was checking the door every few minutes, his heart racing and his foot tapping against the stone floor. He had gotten back from his mission a few days prior and was waiting for you, you sent him a letter saying when you expected to be back and he kept that letter in his inside jacket pocket. “Hey Gajeeeeel” Levy says as she comes over to his table and he groans internally, he just wanted to talk to you,. 
After humoring her for a few minutes he hears the door close behind him, he turns his head and looks for you but doesn't find you, his eyes lock with Mirajane and she points across the crowded room. When Gajeel followed her finger he sees the end of your hair and bag disappear up the stairs “excuse me” he says, cutting her off and standing quickly, running after you. 
The moment your door closes it’s being opened again, you gasp and your bag falls to the ground “why didn’t you come to me?” he asks, his eyes filled with hurt. You smile up at him and reach behind him, closing the door gently. “You looked busy” you laugh nervously and he furrows his brow “no, dont, don't do this, okay? I was counting down the seconds until you returned, I always count the seconds until you return. So please, come see me immediately next time. Okay?”  your breath hitches as you look at him, his words sinking into your heart. His eyes were wild and his hands were stretched out towards you, he wanted to hug you but you haven't broken the physical touch barrier.. until now. 
You throw your arms around his neck and he tenses, his breath hitching “I missed you so much Gajeel” you whisper and his body relaxes against you, his arms holding you to him tight as he buries his face into your hair. “I missed you too” you pull back and smile up at the dark haired man “wanna get some food and cloud watch and catch up?” you ask and he nods “i’d love to” he says, his gruff voice extremely softer than usual. 
Sitting at a table downstairs you eat your fill, after being gone for so long and not eating enough, it was like you were in heaven. “wow i cant believe you took 5 different missions in two weeks” you say as you finish eating. He laughs “i just took smaller papers so i could back here when you would '' you smile warmly, but he was too busy eating to notice the sweet look you’re giving him. 
You end up on your spot on the grass outside of the build, watching the clouds and talking. You show him your healing wounds that will most likely scar and tell him about your time in the hospital. He looks worried about you but tries to laugh it off “you were scars like badges” you giggle “well duh. I work hard for them” his finger tips brush one of your healed scars and he sighs “i wish you didnt have to get hurt though” he whispers and your heartbeat skips. His eyes meet yours and you smile softly, his eyes looking down to your lips and you almost lean forward to kiss him but before you can he’s turning his attention back to the sky. 
I am such a coward he thinks. How am i supposed to fix this? How do i get back to that moment. His eyes are on your face, watching the clouds reflected on your shiny eyes, the tufts of moisture that you gaze at like you’re reading his fate, and he gets an idea. “look at that one” he points and you don’t really know which one he’s talking about “which one? What does it look like?” He laughs “come see it from my perspective” he all but whispers and you roll on your side, bringing your face close to his to trace his eyesight to the right cloud. But his eyes were on you, on your smiling face and bright eyes, you were gorgeous.
“That one. Right there. It’s a cloud that looks like a cat” you reach out and place your hand on his bicep, your small hand traveling softly down his arm until your hand rests against his bracelet “I can’t find it” you whisper and pout, how could you be so adorable? “It’s right there I don’t know how you can’t see it” he chuckles and you turn your head around, trying different angles before you turn and look back at him “I can’t find it-“ your breath hitches when you notice his gaze is on you, a small smile on his lips and his eyes gentle. His hand moved to cup your cheek “you’re beautiful” his gruff voice was a low whisper, the wind blowing your hair behind you and rustling his into his face. Your hand moves without thinking, brushing his hair out of his eyes and cupping his cheek for a moment. 
“Did these hurt?” your fingers gently brush the studs along his eyebrow “they were magic” you hum, probably hurt as much as the guild tattoo. “These too?” your first finger gently slides down the side of his nose and he nods, his eyes never leaving yours, “what about .. these?” your thumb runs along his bottom lip before pulling it down gently, letting it smack against his teeth as you brush his chin studs. His eyes flick down to your lips and you lean in almost all the way before your eyes flick up to his “Gajeel.. Did you really miss me?” you whisper and a strangled groan escapes his throat “every day” his lips touch yours and you feel sparks burst across your skin, your hand moving to tangle in his hair as he pulls you closer to him. 
You pull back and sigh, your eyes closed for a few moments before they flutter open and meet his. He has a soft blush on his cheeks and a smile “should we form a group?” you ask and he laughs, bringing a smile to your lips “probably” he says as he brushes his fingertips across your cheek “but.. More than that right?” he asks with furrowed brows and you chuckle, pressing your lips softly to the tip of his nose before turning and looking up at the clouds again, like you could read your fate in the tufts of moisture. 
 “I love you Gajeel” you whisper and his breath hitches “you do?” he asks, reaching out and turning your gaze back to his. You smile and nod “yes” he smiles softly, a soft sigh of peace as he presses his forehead to yours “I love you y/n” 
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woolydemon · 3 years
what are your thoughts on blurr?
I HAVE... MANY OF THEM. This is gonna be a long one (also im assuming ur talking abt tfa blurr)
First impression
I was just scrolling though the TFA tags before finishing my first watch of the show (bc... I'm like that I guess. I am willing to spoil myself stuff just so I can see fanart of them before I finish the show </3) and OF COURSE I saw him.
I immediately was like "OH,, HIS DESIGN IS FUN,," and he was a lil hyped up for me based on how ppl are like "look at this lil cute boy <33!!!!!"
Impression now
He's... not a "lil cute boy <33". But thank goodness he isn't bc I love him for that.
hearing his voice for the first time caught me off guard since ppl were drawing him.. In a certain way that doesn't quite indicate how much of a cringe nerd he actually is. He's just such a weirdo!! And thank god for that!! I wouldn't want him any other way, also I related heavily to his talking habits that's where the roots of kinning happened </3
What's also cool is that he is still kinda badass while still definitely being such a dweeb, like he ran across the galaxy!!! How did he do that??? Fucked up. Also despite being somewhat eccentric, he is definitely one of the most level headed characters on the show and that's just a fun concept to me :]
Favorite moment
probably all 13 minutes he appears in the show?????? (listen. i like him a lot)
like idk even his appearances in Velocity are interesting bc like... What is he thinking while all of this is happening.
is frothing at the mouth with rage at being controlled like a remote control toy car?? Is he freaking out over the fact he almost killed bumblebee?? is he impressed by how bee was able to quickly access situations and respond accordingly to them?? The possibiwittys..
but aside from that i just love seeing blurr being blurr at any moment, I give him full permission to infodump at all times
(also i love seeing him banter with bumblebee, wish we got more of that dynamic but alas </3)
Idea for a story
ooogh... i got some ideas.
I love seeing stories abt him dealing with the cube trauma but sometimes I think about what if he just went over to shockwave in prison and lashes out at him but in the end it just. Doesn't make him feel better and he's like "WOW. THIS SUCKS I NEED THERAPY"
Then there's an AU I've been thinking of where Blurr joins the crew from the start bc Ultra Magnus wanted someone to keep direct tabs on Optimus for him (and also intel didn't want to deal with him anymore so they just willingly sent him away </3) then u explore how he fits into the crew now (bonus points if he actually joins illegal street racing on his own terms this time, and then bee finds out and is like "dude what the fuck". There's reasons for this of course- this didnt come outta nowhere)
Then there's all the blurrbee fics that are in my brain, but the one I find rlly fun and interesting is Blurr gets forced to have a partner bc the cube incident and of course he's like "no!! I want to avoid social interaction bc i have social anxiety problems" but he looks at the list of new elite guard members for him to mentor and he sees. Bumblebee on that list. Apparently Bee's got the chops to be a really good scout, plus his reputation as a member of Team Prime made them willing to accept him into the Elite Guard. So now Bee is mentored by Blurr and is also Blurr's emotional support bot, plus they go on fun adventures and fall in love <3 good for them
Unpopular opinion
as I've said.. blurrs not a "lil cute boy". He's not some pushover!!! he's immensely stubborn and does not let willingly let anything get in his way!! He is also super intolerant of bullshit so he's probably going to shut down any of that before it gets out of hand
also while i do rlly like the idea of longarm and Blurr being friends, I think it's rlly funny if they were bitter workplace rivals and constantly going back and forth being extremely passive aggressive while maintaining professionalism. Like how blurr was sent to earth by longarm before he was able to get his breakthrough on the Flipsides case!! I imagine that conversation being like
Longarm: hello agent Blurr, I know you have been dedicating a lot of time and energy in figuring out who amongst the entertainment guild could possibly be a sleeper agent but I'm afraid I will have to postpone that by sending you in earth to monitor Optimus prime and his crew uwu
blurr: oh. .. thats. Completely fine sir. *Cuts to him later banging his head against the wall*
Favorite relationship
hmm.. I wonder whats my favorite relationship with Blurr in it?????? wat a mystery.. /j
OK Yeah. Its Blurrbee. I'm just so in love with their dynamic in the show and also what ISNT in the show. There's actually this bit in the Allspark Almanac where Blurr talks about how he thinks of Bumblebee as slightly annoying but has his heart in the right place and??? That's so sweet?? Blurr genuinely has a good opinion of Bee from the start and respects him which is. Very different from how a lot of other bots see Bumblebee.
I'm just saying, blurrbee dynamics ARE THERE and they are INTERESTING!!! Please think abt them please think abt them plea
Favorite headcanon
I think Blurr is very defensive of any friends he manages to actually have. Like he cares abt ppl like Wheelie and Dug Base A LOT.
You can call him a weirdo all you want, he doesn't care. But you start making fun of how Wheelie or Dug Base talk?? Ur gonna face his righteous fury!!!!!! He will end ur life and I might not be joking about this
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zmayadw · 3 years
Evening to all :)
Time for the next part :)
Have a nice evening :)
I woke up with a terrible taste in my mouth. I had no clue what time was it, but the sun was out already, making me squint my eyes. I got in sitting position slowly, banging in my head intensifing with every move i made. Ugh, i'm never drinking again, i scolded myself. Squinting, I focused on the little alarm clock that was on the night stand. 10.34. Whoa, i cant remember the last time i slept this long. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I filled the glass with wather, rinsing my mouth a few times before gulping down two glasses. My stomach growled at it, i just hoped not to throw up .Taking a shower would be a wise thing to do, so i just threw the clothes i had off and entered the shower. The warm water felt good, i just let it pour over me for a while. I wrapped myself in the towel taking some painkillers for the headache. Getting back to the room, i dressed up, and sat on the bed. I felt a bit better, but still not enough. Coffee, i tought, thats what i need now. I got up, going for the purse i threw on the floor when i got in, searching for my phone. Shit, i cursed, it wsnt there. I checked every pocket, even Jake's hoodie, but my phone was nowhere to be found. Crap, i probably left it at a the Aurora last night, when Jessy and me wer taking pictures. Or at lest i hoped so. Well, i was going for coffee, so i could stop at the Aurora eitherway. I grabbed my backpack with drawing stuff. Who knows, i might be up for some drawing, no matter I still felt woozy from last night drinking. I putted my sneakers on, grabed my stuff and car keys. Walking wasnt an option this time, i wasnt feeling well enough for it.
When i parked my car infront of the Aurora, I saw Dan's car was still there. I smiled as i left the car, guess i wasnt the only one sleeping late today. I hoped Phil was there already, and my phone too. I entered the Aurora, relieved at the sight of Phil behind the bar. I was washed with the smell of coffee, and as i neared the bar, I pleadingly said to him, sitting on the stool „Please, please, please, tell me i'm not wrong and that is coffee i can smell.“ Phil turned arround , not noticing me when i entered. He grinned at me „You are most definitly right! Would you like some?“ „Yes, pretty please.“ I said, as i putted my hand on the bar, and leaned my head on it as on a pillow. Phil chuckled at me „Want any sugar with it? Or milk?“ „Yes, please.“ I replied, and he vanished through the storage doors. He returned with a big cup of coffe putting it infront of me. I rised my head, took the cup, taking a deep breath of its smell, before taking a big sip of it. „Thanks, Phill, you're my saviour:“ i smiled at him as i settled it back on the bar. „Here to help.“ He said, winking. „Rough night?“ he asked teasingly. „Oh, i dont know how you can be so cheerful.“ I started „I feel like a truck hit me lastnight.“ He laughed „Practice to perfection.“ „I think i would need years of practice to be even close to that kind of perfection!“ i said, making a skeptical face. He smiled at me „So, to what do i owe the pleasure?“ he asked. „Dont get me wrong, im glad to see you“ he said, that devilish spark in his eyes again „But i doubt you came just to see me.“ „You caught me.“ I said, even tho it was nice seeing him. „I was hoping that i might have left my phone here yesterday.“ He shook his head at me, crouching down searchin for a few seconds under the bar, giving me my phone as he got up. „Better be carefull next time, good thing i noticed it as you left.“ „Yay, thanks Phil, again.“ I told him, giving him a big smile. „I owe you big time! Both for the phone, and coffee.“ His phone rang then „Sorry business calling. Be right back“ he said, answering his phone and going through the storage door. I checked my phone with him gone, finding out few missed calls and messages from Jessy. She was worried i havent answered her jet, so i decided to call her while waiting for Phil. The tone barely sugested it rang when Jessy's voice boomed from the other side. „Finaly! Do you know how worried i have been? Are you allright? Where wer you? Why didnt you answer me before?“ It made me smile a bit, her worrying for me like that was so sweet. „Im sooooo sorry Jessy“ i said pleadingly „I left my phone at Aurora last night, i just got here to get it.“ Phil returned at that point, and i mouthed to him 'Jessy's' name, indicating who i was talking to. Her voice boomed again, and i moved my phone a bit from my ear, wich made Phil laugh. „Ofcourse you did! Its no wonder after all the whiskey you had! Dan is still sleeping like a log! You two really had it last night!“ „Aww, Dont be cross, Jessy.“ I started pleadingly again „I promise next time we wont over do it.“ Phil was grining at me now, and i stuck my toung at him, trying to calm Jessy down. „C'mon, you cant tell me you didnt have some fun yesterday.“ I started „I have some pictures on my phone as a proof of it.“ Phil threw his thumb up, showing me i said a good thing, and i grined at him. „Alright, i admit last night wasnt all that bad.“ Jessy started, sounding calmer now „But you're still not off the hook completly.“ „Thanks, Jessy“ i started, grining as a sign of victory to Phil. „You can scold me some more at lunch, if the deal for it still stands.“  „Ofcourse!“ Jessy cined cheerfuly from the other side „Dan will be a sleep for God knows how long, and im already bored here.“ I quickly moved my phone from the ear checking the time. „Its 12.20 now, when do you want us to meet?“. „I'll meet you around 14 at the Aurora. I doubt Phil will mind you hanging there with him till then.“ She replied, teasing me. „Somehow i think you're right.“ I said, looking at Phil with a devilysh smile. „Cya later, Jessy.“ I sadi, lovering my phone. Phil looked at me,a bit confused „Wat was that about?“ „Oh, just Jessy being Jessy.“ I told him, grining. „Fine, fine, be all mysterious.“ He teased me. „Awww, c'mon, you wouldnt find me so interesting if i was an open book.“ I told him, smiling sheepeshly. He looked at me, with that intensifing look again, making me feel heat spreading through my body „You're not wrong about that.“ Crap, what are you doing again, Maya, i scolded myself. Phil was definatly into me, and i was toying with him like this. It really wasnt my intention, i didnt want him to get the wrong impression about anything. But it felt so easy for me, talking to Phil, compared to Jake. Why does all have to be so tough and complicated with him? It feels like walking on egg shells every time im with him: dont do this, dont say that. Shit, it shouldnt be that way, should it? Was i really that much into Jake? Blah, i dont know anything anymore. I wish he would be more open with me, it would make things so much easier. I was lost in my toughts when Phil finaly snaped me back to reality „Maya? You allright?“ I looked at him, shaking my head,  to clear it from all the 'Jake' toughts. „Yeah, sorry.“ I started „Guess the coffee didnt kick in properly yet.“ Phil looked at me, and i could see he didnt really belive what i told him, but decided not to take the matter any further „If you say so.“ Was all he said. I smiled shyly at him. „Do you mind if i just hang here for an hour or so, before metting with Jessy? I dont feel up to driving back to motel, and the coffee isnt bad here either.“ I tried, smiling, waving my empty cup at him. Phil looked at me, rising one of his eyebrows, and smiled devilishly „How could i say no to a beautifull woman?“ He took my cup, winked at me vanishing through the storage doors. I could feel my cheeks flushing again, and my heart beating faster. Shit, shit, shit..
When Phil came back with another full cup of coffee i asked if its ok if I sit at one of the booths, to wich he said  fine, since he did have some work to be done. I took my stuff and coffee setteling at the booth. I had a bit over an hour before metting with Jessy, i hoped some inspiration for work might come to me. I took my stuff out of the backpack, took my sneakers off, sitting with my feet up on the booths perch. I liked drawing like that. Leaning my drawing pad on my knees i tried to focus on my work, but my toughts just kept wondering off.  I tought about Phil, sneaking glances towards the bar. He was good looking, always nice to me, even tho everyone warned me that he was a 'no good' considering women. He never showed any sign of it towards me. He was easygoing, i enjoyed his company, we definatly clicked. Then there is Jake. I was definatly drawn to him, cant deny that. When im near him, it feels like when a moth is drawn towards fire. Cant fight it, its driving me crazy. But nothing with him is easy. Its like taking one step forward, then not one, or even two, but ten steps back. Its so frustrating. And with all that had happened, i feel like all the progres we had was completly gone. My head was still too woozy for thinking of stuff like this. I setteled my drawing stuff down, taking my coffee, leaning back in the booth. Maybe Jessy would have some advice fore me. Two heads are smarter then one, or so they say. But i should definatly talk to Phil, at least try to explain things to him. I dont want him thinking im giving him some false hope here. As if he could sense my toughts, he turned around, took his coffee and walked towards me. „Mind if i join you?“ he asked, and i smiled „Ofcourse i dont. I guess my inspiration is still sleeping, so no work to be done at the moment.“ He grined „Thats good for me. I can have the pleasure of your company for some more then.“ I chuckled at that, siping some more of the coffee. But i tought again about talking with him about everything.  My face must have gotten some serious expression, 'couse Phil looked at me a bit serious, before asking „Whats bothering you, Maya? I have a feeling you want to talk to me about something.“ I looked at him, those deep eyes of his gazing intensly at me, trying to dig up my toughts. „I do.“ I admitted after a moment „But to be hones, i dont know how to start .“ „Well, just do your best.“ He said, and i started to get the feeling of a knot at my stomach again. „Allright.“ I said, but the words didnt come easy after that. „I like you, Phill.“ I said finaly after a moment of silence. He chuckled „Ok, thats a good start.“ „Ah, but that was the easy part.“ I started „Now comes the tricky one.“ I could notice him tensing a bit, like he knew where this might lead to. „Ok, go on then.“ He said. „I enjoy your company, talking to you, its so easygoing. I feel we clicked, that theres some 'spark' between us, and i know you noticed the same.“  „You're right about that.“ He replied. „But..“ i started, and Phil interupted me, sighing „Ahh, there it is, the famous 'but' part.“ „Please, Phil, just let me say what i have, then you can hate me.“ He looked at me, his face getting a soft touch „I couldnt hate you, Maya.“ „Dont say it untill im not done talking.“ I said, a bit sadness creeping to my voice. „Alright. Please, continue.“ „Ok. As i started earlier,i like you, but i dont want to get your hopes up.“ I settled my coffe on the table, my hands fidgeting with the cup. Why was this so hard? „Shit, Phil, im a complete mess at the moment.“ I started „I myself dont know what i want, and its tearing me up inside. There is someone, and i dont know where I stand with him. And i dont want to start something new, if im not a 100% sure that its the right thing, that its something i really want. With no loose ends catching up on me.“ I looked up at Phil, him still not taking his eyes off me. „Am i making any sense to you here?“ i asked, lovering my head. I really didnt want to have this conversation, but that was me being honest. All of a sudden, i could feel Phil's hand covering mine, and i looked back up at him. He still had that softness written all over his face. „I appriciate your honesty, Maya.“ He started „Now let me be honest also.“ „Ofcourse“ i said „I expect nothing less.“ „Good.“ He looked at me more serious now. „You know i like you, you said it yourself. I dont know why, but i felt drawn to you the moment i saw you. Theres something in you that makes a man bedazled by you, i cant explain it differently.“ He paused for a moment before continuing. „And i get it, you dont want to get into something half hearted. And i applaud you for that. Because, if anything was to happen between us, i wouldnt want it that way either.“ He looked at me now, his gaze intensifing again, and i started to feel that heat again. „If it was to happen“ he continued „I would prefere if you wer in it with every inch of your body and soul.“ I was mesmerized by his words. He was so open with me, the words came so easy to him. Why cant it be like this with Jake. „Allrighty, that was pretty honest there.“ I said finaly, making an aqward smile. „You wanted me to be honest.“ He said, adding „And just so you know, im not going to make it easy for you.“ He looked at me now, with that devilish spark in his eyes again. I looked at him puzzled „What do you mean by it?“ He grined at me „Its like this: i will continue to act like i did so far, and you can do the same, cause, lets face it, we both like it.“ His grin widened, and i smiled back at him. „Good, you get me. But, until i get a confirmation from you about freely taking it a step further, i will do whatever i can to maybe, just maybe, help you feel a bit less messy and steer thigs in my favore.“ „And what if it wont end as you hope it would? Can you be ok with just being my friend?“ i asked him. He looked at me for a moment, before answering. „Honestly“ he started“i cant say i wouldnt be dissapointed, a little hearth broken probably, but i would respect your choice. And yes, Maya, if that would be so, i would gladly be just your friend.“ “Thanks, Phil, i appriciate all you said.“ I told him „I was kinda affraid of having this conversation with you.“ „You, affraid? I cant belive that“ he said, teasingly „Belive me, i was scared as hell.“ I said, adding to it „But im glad we had it. I didnt want it to become aqward between us at some point.“ „Not gonna happen.“ He said, winking at me. I smiled „Shit, you know, even thou i had enough yesterday, i could actualy use a drink right now.“ Phil lughed so hard „Awww, you really did get scared. We are in a bar afterall, you just say the words and ill bring you that drink.“ He said, looking at me with one raised eyebrow. „Only if you join me“ i said, grining at him „ And if you dont tell Jessy about it.“ He got up from the booth, smiling and winking before he left for the bar „Deal!“
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