#and i gained hyperfixations!
wheelybard · 11 months
Me, getting obsessed with something that came out 10-50 years ago and is no longer popular:
Others: YOU HAVEN’T [got into said thing] YET!?
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bashzzey · 2 months
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Some recent aggie arts!
I adore nesting guide a lot.. I like to call them Nellie 👉👈 Bonus Journey, Rain World and Death's Door fanarts from same aggie session :]c
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madootles · 2 years
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fma fma fma
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I need all newcomer FNAF fans to understand that William is not a normal child killer. Not in the sense that he has some great depth, but rather he is fixated on killing/hurting children to a weird degree. There is no normal degree, but he somehow found a weird degree.
I made a post about this a couple years back, and I did get the facts slightly off, so I will give an updated take. Ahem
He did not just kill 5 children at Freddy's, when Freddy's opened 2 years later he got a fake identity to kill 5 kids again. He used his apparently very wealthy company and his insane level of technological genius to build several highly advanced machines that function like they are from the 22nd century, have stuff like 'voice mimic lure' and many other advancements, and he used these godly accomplishments to kidnap and kill more children. He discovered Scarecrow-esqe hallucinogenic gas and used this for, you guessed it, torturing kids in his underground lab. They had like a whole fake house down there with a bed and a dinner table and everything bro was intricate.
After he became undead, he went to a fake pizza place he knew was a trap juuust so he could see if there were any actual kids here to kill.
So film fans if you are asking yourself if William is just a normal child killer, the answer is no. It is more that he is on some sort of crusade upon children everywhere and dedicates his entire existence to killing or hurting more kids. It's his goal in life, it drives him. He would invent time travel but only if every time the device was used to travel in time, it kicked an orphan in the balls.
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cartoonnerdygoat · 10 days
I'm so sorry to anyone following my blog. I got into a youtube series about personified political ideologies and there will be nothing else I'm capable of thinking about for the next few days.
I'm shipping political ideologies now. Send help.
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saturnniines · 1 year
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i haven’t even drawn normal john yet what am i doing.
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lsleofthelost · 7 months
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descendants tweets [23/?] Chad edition
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roachesforthewin · 8 months
My Personal TIMKON Recs List
i made this for my friend recently and thought i’d share it here because you tumblr bitches love pain and little gay dudes (just like me fr)
all of these have good young justice, batfam and superfam (though sometimes it’s minimal) representation (because i don’t read them if they don’t have good rep, sue me). Plus Tim and Kon personality and character accuracy, obviously.
Also these are all Ao3 recs because i like to consider myself as not a heathen
Funk Ass
- sun kissed by merils
beach episode, queer young justice fr fr, Kon rep is off the charts (ashgs quite possibly the conner rep of all time, just the phrases he uses /$)/ so real!!)
- Baby Talk Me Down (Take Me Out) by sage (lemontongues)
ahhhsh this one is unfinished but i desperately wish it was, either way great fic and great character rep + conner civvy life insights
- Out of The Frying Pan, Into the Casserole Dish By JpegdotJpeg
martha kent (& the superfam!) is the best person ever, plus tim is the most autistic little dude (we love him sm)
Haven’t finished but amazing rep/haven’t read yet but plan to
- Robins and other flightless birds by Ionaperidot
ahsgshsh this one qualifies for [literally kill yourself after reading (pain)]category but i put it here just cause :-| uhh BW adopts fucked up kids good for him: JJ!tim, Catatonic!jason COA!dick etc
- Straight on ‘til morning by merils
haven’t read this one yet but i’ve heard really good stuff about it! plus good kon character development/ exploration (from what i’ve heard)
- there you were by mindshelter
the blorbos deserve pain, don’t you agree? (i haven’t read this one in a hot minute and have forgotten what it’s about but i remember it being good)
- Buy Back the Secrets by sundiscus
okay no this one LITERALLY AHSGGSGS bro just read it, uhh civvy tim and superboy interactions, 5+1 things, good sibling Jason (a rarity unfortunately), funny ass dialogue
sexy times (good for them)
disclaimer! none of these fics are like solely focused on smut, but that plays a large ish role thats why they’re in this category
- take me to the airport (call me from the platform) by Hayleythewriter
This has an idiots to lovers tag…there’s not much more to say. except for great sibling relationship portrayal of Damian and Tim that doesn’t involve murder attempts Yay!! (DC wouldn’t even dream of it)
- What happens in Vegas by Ididloveyou_once
Stupidest bitches alive fr (mostly tim) + Cassie Sandsmark being a bitch, we love to see it! and and and it has an interesting subplot/s so woowoo, also minor Birdflash👀
- Scions by winterlive
Conner Luthor is a bitch and i love him + lex luthor is a good dad WHAT!?! oh HA and Clex which is soo good.This was honestly one of my favourites sheerly because of good character representation and BW not being a terrible father
- Trust Fall by Ididloveyou_once
Again good sibling rep between all of the batboys, mostly Damian and Tim tho YAY! (it’s seriously a rarity do not take it for granted)
Literally kill yourself after reading these (Pain)
- when your bf hits the street and turns into meat that’s amore by CarrionCarnival
self explanatory title, heavy gore :loved it, literally my favourite fic on this list (i adore gore what can i say)
- You are Shaking Fists and Trembling Teeth by Bored_Liege_bow
implied TimKon, aftermath of conners death Rip timothy d-w
- my dear devoted delicate by blenderfullasarcasm
pushing daisies au, sad af + good exploration of loss on tim’s part through his life
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Phineas and Ferb embodies the antithesis of hustle and crunch culture because the fundamental lesson of every single episode is that your passions are no less fulfilling if they only last for one afternoon. You are no less passionate, just because you are passionate about a variety of things or even an entirely different thing every day. And your achievements aren’t worth less just because the fruits of your labour disappear. Even if there is no proof that you did anything, absolutely nothing to show for what you accomplished, no physical gain for all your hardwork, that doesn’t mean that you gained nothing.
The show’s very soul is that the joy of doing something is, in and of itself, enough of a gain. If you enjoyed doing something, if you found it fun or interesting for just an afternoon and then never wanted to do it ever again, that’s enough. That you found happiness, even if fleeting and momentary, is gain enough. You don’t need to have “something to show for it” at the end of your passions, you don’t need to have physical evidence of your work, the memory and the experience are the important parts and are the only parts you need to focus on.
And furthermore, relaxing or spending a whole day staring at something or playing video games or reading or even doing an activity that you didn’t enjoy but that you tried to see if you would: all of these things are shown as just as valid and important. If you spend an entire day staring at the sky, the show promises that you have accomplished the same goal as if you built a rollercoaster. If you get something from it — and that’s if you get ansolutely anything from it, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, Anything — then the activity was worth doing.
Phineas and Ferb says embrace your want for knowledge, learn things that are absolutely meaningless in the so-called “real world” and share these worthless things with your friends and have fun. Find your self worth in how much you enjoy living, enjoy every moment that you can, and don’t feel bad if you tried something new and didn’t enjoy it! You don’t have to make a career out of your passion. Your passion is enough, no matter how long it lasts, and your joy is worth it.
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umblrspectrum · 9 months
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thanks iz
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banana-pancake5 · 17 days
Does anyone else hyperventilate when they’re really excited?
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sunset-mp4 · 1 year
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i say this to myself-
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sisterkosho · 3 months
If anyone in the Tokrev fandom is on Twitter and interested in following me btw, my acc is here. A majority of my following rn is from the JJBA community, and while I’m absolutely NOT leaving that fandom any time soon, I feel like I’ve been Haitani posting into the void. 😭 It seems like the TR fandom is kinda dead on there, so I’m hoping to find wherever y’all are hiding.
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syndromeblaze · 1 month
ya'll I gotta apologize
my autism decided that I was not gonna finish anything about What Hungers Below after I lost literally everything about it. But I was able to save a wip infection ref tho it's not the prettiest,I have not canceled WHB nor do I plan to do so because I really do like my AU! I just got a new hyperfixation rn and it's hard to focus on WHB with said new hyperfixation and the ideas with it! Thank you for reading this and Please enjoy the wip ref
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God it's ugly af 💜💜
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ackee · 3 months
ive gained like.. 15 lbs since i got on anxiety meds. my goal is like 60 more but UGH its so far away..........
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orcelito · 1 year
a note for people who may not have noticed this:
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at the start of chapter one, we get this view of Vash's wanted poster. notice that bit there about the murder of "Count Revenant Vasquez"
and then in trimax chapter 37, we see here:
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Count Revenant Vasquez.
That's Conrad.
now the interesting bit is that Conrad hasn't died by the time we see that wanted poster. he's currently busy working to revive Knives, then follows him around once he's alive again. for Whatever Reason, Vash is being blamed before Conrad's death for his "murder"
which makes me contemplate a few possibilities. Conrad was present around the time of the July Incident. and not only that, but we see in chapter 28 that Vash was looking for him just prior to July
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so like, What's The Deal? "Count Revenant Vasquez" is not "dead" by this point, just acting oddly in his big house. perhaps after July with his disappearance, people attributed his "death" to Vash, along with all the rest of July... but why would they focus on just him, rather than all of July? is this Nightow wanting to keep the reality of July under wraps this early in the story? or was Conrad really That socially important that his death would stand out among all the rest of July?
and another thing to consider is how Vash knew to look for him under that name in the first place. Vash was pursuing Knives at this point, the whole Point was that he managed to find Knives in July, but he did it by following the trail of Conrad. he met Conrad when he was a child, the second human he ever met, so maybe he somehow managed to deduce that Conrad was helping Knives out?
except when Vash sees Conrad in trigun chapter 20
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he recognizes him, but he can't place from where. is this his July amnesia getting in the way? the general passage of time? it HAS been a century and a half since he officially met him. but if he knew to look for him by that name to find Knives, he must have known Conrad was following him around... and then perhaps as part of the amnesia of everything surrounding July, Vash forgot Conrad too.
it's interesting! brings the question of how Vash caught wind of Conrad's involvement with Knives in the first place. we do see that Vash has his fingers in information networks (like when he talks to the "shoemaker" in May City to try to gather information), so maybe that's how he found out? which honestly I find fascinating, given that Especially this early in the story, we just see Vash acting the fool. but even Years prior to the start of the story, he shows a level of resourcefulness and intuition that is Very much not congruent with his act of being a "fool".
and then he shows up to confront Knives in July and his plan is to just
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show up, point his gun at him, and then... ???? something? which obviously blows up in his face in a MAJOR way bc Knives easily knocks him out & then has Conrad experiment on him.
which. isn't directly related to the Conrad point lol it just baffles me how smart yet dumb Vash is constantly. high intelligence, low wisdom build for SURE.
but yeah! I didn't notice the Count Revenant thing my first read through, so here's this detail for anyone else who might've missed it like i did
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