#and i DID!!!! he's extra condescending now and im a huge fan
normalsexhaver · 10 months
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1. Kneel.
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2. Oh, come on. Let it hurt.
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"You have given me everything. Thank you."
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vanityloves · 3 years
V for murdoc bc im interested :o
thank you for the ask!
word count: 497
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Murdoc is extremely prideful about basically anything you can think of. But what he's most proud of is the making of Gorillaz - outwardly boasting about how it was all HIS idea to get everyone together, how it's HIS band regardless of how much or little he really contributes. Everything is about him - those are his songs and "if you liked that imagine what rrreal songs i can crank out - those, were only the demos." 
He's been the type to boast ab the celebrities he's slept with and adds another notch under his belt. I think truly, the things he's actually talented in would be his bass playing and would show off if he was given the chance. There's no room for an 8 minute bass solo? Well, maybe the world isn't ready for that greatest to grace their ears just yet, touch luck for you hardcore fans.
He's cocky about his 'sex appeal' and his charismatic nature. He can convince you to listen to him even if he's the worst man you'll ever lay your eyes upon. He can sell himself like no other - getting record deals and extra gifts by chatting up the hosts. Unfortunately, this can also go the opposite and his 'moves' aren't for everyone and is now banned from pubs, sets and stores across the world.
Jude doesn't show off to balance out Murdoc's need for attention. You already get enough of one bloke, why need me to bring anything to the table, right? They have their moments though - being a bit vain from their 'glory days' of being a child star (i say loosely) had them come with a tame outward attitude and a lovely personality, so to speak. So they bat their lashes and talk all sweetly when it comes to having guests. But they'll slip in the fact that they've been on catalogs in the past and know how to do a bit of modeling, but its not a HUGE deal, just something they did for fun. 
Other times they show off their strength. It's no secret that they work behind the scenes of concerts, making sure no one sneaks in, walking the band down the carpet, ushering them into cars, etc. They like to be 'subtle' about it - oh, you need help carrying your things? I can get it for you with one hand, it's no problem. You need to move the furniture around? Why didn't you say so, where do you want me to set this down?
They take pride in being non-judgmental and understanding - after all, they have the man who hates everyone, including himself, sleeping in the same bed as them; not even they know why or how but they don't bother questioning it anymore. They're someone you can come to no matter the issue and they'll listen. They might come off demanding or condescending w/ their advice but they mean well. 
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badwolf-winchester · 6 years
A Soul So Dark it Scares The Devil part 2
So after a lot of consideration i have decided to so a second part to this. I hope you all are ready cause i sure am 😄
Warning: i dont own supernatural or its characters.
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
One more thing: Please dont steal my writting i work very hard on this and do it becuase i love it.
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The crisp cold air stung my face as i walked as fast as i could to my appartment. Today marks my 10 year deal and by the end of the day i will be dead. Its not like i didnt see it coming i mean who can really forget about a deal you made with a demon. Its bad enough my soul was causing a ruckus in hell but it was to the point Lucifer himself visited me a couple of times to try and bargain with me to take it back. However, those visits consisted of me telling him to go screw himself and then one of his henchmen comes to take him back to hell to deal with as he likes to call "Hell's new ruler." To be honest i was quite impressed with my soul for having taken over the place so quickly but again it wasnt a suprise. When i had my soul, this nagging voice kept telling me to do things.. things that i honestly didnt want to do. It would always whisper to me "kill them." Or "I wonder what his head would look like on a spike." As you can see the voice wasnt the kindest of neighbors you would want living in your head. That's why i needed to get rid of it, not becuase i wanted to live out my life without morals but more to get rid of that sweet whispering voice. This is why i tricked Crowley into taking it 1 year into my deal.
After entering my apartment i quickly threw my keys onto the desk by the door. Shrugging off my lether jacket i haphazardly dropped it onto the couch before making a beeline to the fridge for a beer. Sighing i rack my hand through my black and red hair before taking another swig of the cold beverage. My heart pounded in my ears as i try and get a grip on myself wondering what was happening to me. never, since i got rid of my soul, have i ever felt this way before. Quickly glancing at the clock on the stove i see it reads 11:30 almost midnight, as i realize i only have 30 more minutes the feeling in my chest spreads and tightens. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to ground myself i open my eyes and looked at my hands.. are they shaking? No thats just ridiculous i cant be... afraid? My eyes widen as realization dawned on me. "Im... afraid. I'm actually afraid right now." I said to my self, placing my hands on the counter i bow my head and let my hair fall in my face. Slowly i start to chuckle then grow into a full on laugh, as it turns into only what can be deacribed as a mad man cackle the clock strikes twelve. At the first stike of the grandfather clock in the living room i suddenly stop laughing. With each chime i hear howls and barking get closer, but once the 12th chime struck everything was silent.
Suddenly a crash broke through the bone chilling silence as glass scatters and skids across the floor. Without thinking i grab a knife from its sheath on the kitchen counter and slowly make my way to the source of the crash; my bedroom. I advanced to the door and was about to open it when a hand jerked me back and covered my mouth. The sudden jerkiness of the intruders movements made me drop the knife in suprise, as i tried to squirm my way out of the tight grip the door to my bedroom broke off its hinges causing me to freeze my antics. A snarling invisible hound slowly but loudly stomped on the ground as it got closer, its nails scraping against the wood floor as it huffs out in short hot breaths. The arm that was holding my midsection tensed as the hound got closer.
In a shaky voice the man that was holding me said "Now Leena no need to be so hostile.." at this the Hell Hound gave an extra loud snarl signaling that she didnt like his choice of words as she readied herself to pounce.
Thinking quickly i rammed my elbow into the man's ribs and jumped to the right avoiding the Hell Hounds snapping jaws by inches. Unfortunately its claws grazed my ribs ripping my flesh like a hot knife to butter, as i fell to the ground i cried out in pain as hot sticky blood began pouring out of me. My scream was not the only one i heard, for when i turned my head i notices the Hell Hound didnt advance on me but instead was tearing the man, now realizing demon, apart untill it became quite. The only thing i could hear was the rapid breathing of the Hound, as if just noticing it wasnt alone still the Hound turned its head to me and began making its way towards me. Paralyzed by fear i could only hold my left side to try and stop the bleeding, when the Hound's hot breath fanned my face i closed my eyes finally accepting my fate. A minute passed and i could still feel the hot breath but it wasn't making its move, being brave i opened my eyes to come straight in contact to beating red eyes. The Hell houd tilted its head at me as if confused, then tore its gaze away from my face and looked at my hand that was holding my injured side. Whining it moved my hand away to inspect the wound and started licking it, as soon as its saliva made contact with my side i could feel the pain melt away. Completely confused and shocked i closed my eyes and let it continue till it thought i was fine. When it was done i re opened my eyes to see not just empty space but a black shadow of a huge dog with a upside down white cross in the middle of its forhead looking at me, as if it was natural the Hound sat down infront of me then proceeded to laydown with its head in my lap.
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Mustering up courage i placed my had on its head and started petting it. With happy grunts comimg from it and a whirlwind of tail waggs i started rubbing its belly only to be interupted my a flutter of wings.
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" A loud familiar voice boomed at me and the hound.
Whipping my head up i see Lucifer himself huffing in rage. Smirking i went back to petting the Hell Hound and chuckled. "What's the matter Luci surised to see me still kicking?"
Lucifer flared his nostrils at my mocking voice and stepped closer to me only to take a step back once he heard a threatening growl come from my new Hound. Running a hand through his hair in frustration he began to pace my living room trying to think.
"Why?! Why is it that the hounds are protecting you now?!" He yelled pulling at his hair. He turned around and glared at me when i started laughing.
"I can tell that you have failed at reclaimimg your throne. Looks like my soul is still reigning supreme." I said before getting up off the floor and dusting off the imaginary dust from my pants.
With eyes flashing red and rage evident Lucifer advances towards me only to be stopped when the Hell Hound jumps in front of me and snarls. They both hold thier ground before Lucifer backs down and pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head.
"Ok i get it Leena i wont hurt her." He said as he finally slumps his shoulders and leans on the back of my couch with his arms crosses.
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"We need to come to an agreement here you know that right?" He questions me as he sighs.
Raising an eyebrow i place my had on my hip. "Oh do we now." I said with a condescending tone.
Pushing off the couch he raises his arms in the air. "Yes we do, as much as i love this little cat and mouse game we have been playing it needs to come to an end."
Sighing i run a hand through my hair and look to Leena she is still on high alert and in a fighting stance. " Leena relax we are just talking." With hearing her masters comand she instantly straightens up then plops on her butt and proceeds to scratch behind her ears.
"Thank you." Lucifer says looking back up to me instead of the Hound.
"What do you have in mind for a situation like this." I said as i looked away crossing my arms.
Scratching the back of his neck nervously he replied. "Honestly i have no clue this sort of thing has never happened before." Putting a finger on his chin he went inro deep thought.
"Lucifer can i ask you a question." I said placing one of my hands to my side while the other grips my bicep.
"You just did." He said while smirking at me.
Rolling my eyes i looked him in the eyes. "Im serious. Its important and might be the reason for everything."
Apon hearing this he recrossed his arms and gave me a pointed look. "Go on."
Scratching my neck nervously lile he did previously i sighed before lookong him in the eye. "Is reincarnation real?"
"Well for certain beings yes. Why do you ask?" He said tilting his head to the side.
"Becuase i think that i may have been reincarnated." I said truthfully.
".....What makes you say that?" He said hesitantly.
"Before i got rid of my soul i would have dreams. Not the normal kind like real.. like i was re living my memories only that i was someone else." I said looking away from him to the window.
Raising an eyebrow he spoke with confusion. "What does this have to do with our current situation?"
Closing my eyes i turn back to him. "Does the name Lithium Nightstar ring a bell."
Disbelief washes over his face then anger and finally shock. I tilt my head to the side and call out to him. "Lucifer you ok there buddy?"
In a small but hearable voice he said. "How do you know that name.."
"In my dreams that's what you'd call me. I would always have dreams about you, not in this form but in your true form. I wouldnt be able to see you fully though it was like a bright light that a camera wasnt focused on. I dont remember much from what i dream but that name always stood out. Who was she to you?" As i said this his eyes became wide with awe and shock.
"She... she was the only one who understood me. She wasnt made by my father but rather from death. She was his only child. You see she didnt see me as a monster that people see today. She saw me as the angel i truly was or thats what she would say. She was my best friend and my partner in crime but most of all she was my wife. After i fell Death decided to punish her as well for she fell in love with me and i her." He said with passion and anger. As he spoke my head started to hurt so i placed my hand on my head and closed my eyes. Voices started to ring in my head and progressively grew louder untill i couldnt take it anymore, as i fell to the floor Lucifer jumped to catch me. His voice was but a whisper as memories came flooding back to me and incaded my vision, a bright light consumed me and i felt whole again... i had my soul.
Part 3 coming soon.
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