#and his eyes oh man am i a sucker for brown eyes
princelancey · 2 years
He has such pretty eyes
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steddieas-shegoes · 25 days
Congrats on 3K followers, which you so deserve! My request is because The Hold Steady's song "Stuck Between Stations" is stuck in my head and the lyric is, shockingly, "Tonight it's like he's stuck between stations". Have a wonderful writing weekend!
Thank you so much! I decided to take this super literally and do something a little silly. Hope you enjoy!
The train was late, but what else is new?
Eddie watched the board as the estimated arrival time kept going up. He’d have to text Elliot to let him know he’d be late for their appointment.
At least Elliot was a regular client of his and would understand.
Eventually, only 18 minutes late, the train arrived.
Eddie shoved through the crowd to get on, not even caring if he had to stand sandwiched between sweaty people as long as he got to his shop.
By some miracle, he managed to get the only empty seat left at the back of the car.
And it was next to possibly the hottest guy he’d ever seen.
He was wearing tight jeans and a polo, glasses, a nose ring, and his hair was perfectly mussed. Eddie was such a sucker for the preppy hipster look. It never turned out well for him, but dammit if he didn’t try anyway.
“Mind if I sit?” Eddie asked the guy.
“Nope,” he replied, not even looking up from his phone.
He was furiously typing something, and Eddie was doing his best to not read anything.
But it sure was difficult and Eddie had pretty good eyesight and also never learned manners.
It’s not even that she left me for someone else. She tried to say that my coming out as bi ruined our relationship. Our relationship was ruined way before that! And she knew saying that would make me feel like shit so-
“Am I entertaining you?” The guy said from next to him.
Eddie startled and looked up, right into the warmest brown eyes he’d ever looked into.
“Sorry. It kinda seemed like you were working on a novel. I’m an avid reader.”
The man snorted and put his phone face down on his leg. “I’m Steve. You should at least know my name if you’re gonna know my business.”
“Eddie. I am sorry. Even more sorry your ex was clearly a piece of shit,” Eddie nudged his shoulder with his own.
The train started moving and Eddie glanced up at crowd of people in the car.
“Yeah, well. It was bound to happen. I wanted to settle down, she wanted to travel and focus on her career. Would’ve never worked,” Steve sighed. “Onto the next!”
Eddie snorted. “How long were you together?”
“Three years.”
“It was coming for a while,” Steve shrugged. “I feel like I mourned the relationship while I was still in it. Plus, she moved in with her new boyfriend, so it’s only a matter of time before I move in with mine.”
Eddie felt a weird pain in his chest. “Oh, you’ve got a boyfriend?”
Steve smirked at him. “Not yet.”
The train slowed and then came to a stop. The usual announcement for the next station didn’t start. Instead, an announcement let them know they were experiencing a short delay.
Eddie groaned and let his head hit the window next to him.
“I’m sure my shoulder is more comfortable than the window.”
Eddie’s head shot up at Steve’s suggestion.
Steve was blushing, looking down at his phone like he hadn’t even spoken. Maybe he hadn’t. Maybe Eddie imagined it.
“If you want. The last short delay took 25 minutes,” Steve continued, finally looking over at Eddie with a small smile.
“I have to let my client know I’m gonna be even later,” Eddie pulled his phone from his pocket to send another text. It may not go through underground, but at least he could say he tried.
“Client? Are you a therapist?”
“Close. Tattoo artist,” Eddie finished up the text and put his phone back in his pocket.
“Oh, my friend Will is a tattoo artist! He keeps telling me to get something, but I’m not the biggest fan of needles.” Steve looked apologetic. “I’m worried I’d pass out.”
Eddie was already planning exactly what he’d tattoo on Steve’s body.
“You’d be surprised how many people I tattoo who don’t like needles. Is it a pain thing or just the needles in general?”
“Both? I guess?” Steve was slowly leaning closer to Eddie’s side.
“Well, the pain is easy. I have a numbing cream I recommend to first timers or people getting something done in an especially sensitive spot that works great.” Eddie let his arm rest across the back of the seat, skin brushing against Steve’s back. “The other part is a little harder, but usually I go the old school distractions method.”
“Like a toddler with a shot?” Steve laughed.
“Exactly! I play music they like or put on a show they wanna watch. Sometimes we just talk the whole time. Sometimes they prefer to just close their eyes and pretend they’re somewhere else. Everyone’s different.”
Eddie watched Steve soak in that information. He technically didn’t take walk-ins anymore except for special events, but he’d be willing to have Steve in his chair right after Elliot’s appointment. He’d stay late. He’d do it for free if it meant having his hands on Steve’s skin.
“Have you ever had someone leave before it’s done?”
“Twice,” Eddie nodded. “Once was a drunk guy who insisted he was sober enough to do the tattoo and halfway through, he threw up and then just walked out. Don’t know if he ever bothered to get it done. The other was a woman who had chosen her ribs as her first tattoo ever. Don’t ever do that, by the way. Not a great start. She quit on the second word of the lyrics she was getting.”
Steve snorted. “What were the lyrics?”
“I hate to say it, but I don’t remember. I’m sure she regrets even trying all the time.”
Steve laughed again and leaned his head on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie let his arm wrap around Steve’s shoulder and squeeze.
“So? You gonna get one? Did I convince you?” Eddie said quietly. He didn’t want to ruin this moment between them, stuck between stations for the foreseeable future.
“Hm. I’ll consider it. Do you have room on your books for me?” Steve turned his face into Eddie’s shirt.
“I’m sure I can make room for you, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart already? What a sweet talker you are,” Steve mumbled against his shoulder.
“I read people pretty well and you are a sweetheart. No doubt about it.”
Steve groaned. “Are you always like this?”
“Not at all.”
Something in Eddie���s voice must have sounded genuine. Steve looked up at him, his face close enough to Eddie’s to feel his breath.
“This is kind of crazy.”
“What is?”
“This. I feel safe here with you. I’m ready to let you give me a tattoo even though I hate needles.”
Eddie’s fingers traced patterns along his upper arm, mindlessly planning out a tattoo already.
“Could give you one right here,” Eddie tapped his bicep. “Something small, dainty linework, a sunflower maybe.”
“A sunflower? Isn’t that kinda feminine?” Steve’s fingers were tracing a pattern on Eddie’s thigh. “Not that I’m against it because of that, it just doesn’t seem to fit me.”
And maybe yeah, if Eddie thought about it, he could see how Steve’s body type was thicker, muscular, closer to jock than city hipster living off of coffee and cigarettes. Flowers might not be the first thing someone would think of when looking at Steve.
But when talking to him, when seeing how soft he got with an arm around him, how he turned into the affection, it was pretty obvious he should be covered in delicate work.
He deserves delicate things, Eddie could already tell.
He wanted to give him that.
He wanted to give him anything.
“Someone as radiant as you needs something that represents that. Anytime you’re ready,” Eddie couldn’t help the kiss he pressed to the top of Steve’s head.
The short delay turned into a long delay, but Steve and Eddie talked the entire time. When they finally got moving, Steve stayed on even though the next station was his stop.
“Think I’d like this tattoo artist to take my tattoo virginity,” Steve smirked at him as the train started moving again.
“As long as you’re okay sitting through my appointment first. Might get boring.”
“Doubt being near you could ever be boring.”
Getting stuck on the train with Steve turned into barely leaving his side for weeks, months, years.
Nothing felt as natural as being with his sunflower.
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r0tte3nlungz · 6 months
the best patient ✮ | e.jaeger
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MDNI-> warnings: afab reader, nurse!y/n, erenbrokehiswrist, cheater!eren, stoner!eren, dealer!eren, (pretend hes also a metalhead bc i love metalheads. and toxic eren oh my god its unhealthy), mentions of weed, blowjobs, hairpulling, missionary, cowboy, multiple creampies, dirty talk, eyerolling, tit sucking, hickies, pussy eating, cum swapping/sharing/consuming, squirting (cuz it wouldnt be a dysaren fic without squirting!), erens gf visits.
a/n: sorry im so inactive im actually so busy like all the time :( (save me.) anyway, enjoy this quick fic i wrote instead of doing my assignments!! i am a sucker for toxic,cheater,stoner,dealer,metalhead,has piercings eren. based on a scenario that i created with a character.ai bot ( i am ashamed.. it was a xiao bot.)
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"hello. im nurse y/n and ill be taking care of you for the duration of your stay here." you say, walking into the ER patient room as you scan my clipboard for the details of the person staying here.
Name: Eren Yeager
DOB: March 30 XXXX
Height: 6'0 ft
"weight, ethnicity blah blah... reason of hospitlization: distal radius fracture..." you read to yourself, glancing up from the clipboard to meet eyes with the man in the hospital bed. his long brown hair was up in a messy bun, he had tattos running from his neck all the way down to his arms, and from what you can tell, he was built, rather... nicely. (he was buff asf.)
the man looked miserable. he had swollen undereyes, and his skin looked dry, but still, for some reason you found him incredibly attractive.
"hello nurse." he mutters, clearly tired.
"hello." you repeat again. "im just here just to check up on you." you explain to him, sauntering closer to his bed.
you flip the page on your clipboard to a new, blank sheet. "i will just be running some tests, checking your vital signs and see how you are healing."
eren nods compliantly.
you take that as a sign of consent and start writing some things down on paper. "he seems to be doing fine...even his arms are nice fuck." you get distracted, looking at his arms, the way the veins pop out. mentally youre drooling. his fingers are long and thick, and there are indentations of multiple rings on them which only gets you more excited.
you flip your page back to the information sheet from before, checking the notes: "frequent smoker and sexually active."
"so it says here you are a frequent smoker?" you ask him, just wanting some sort of confirmation from him.
eren nods again. "yes" he whispers. "some nicotine but mostly weed."
"oh i see." you say, writing that information down.
"i can get you some. once im out of here at least." he looks up at you.
"im sorry?" you mustive heard wrong...right?
"ive seen you around before." eren explains. "at parties...you know mostly smoking. like that last one...you were with jean and connie."
oh. you didnt hear wrong.
three days ago, on your day off, you had went to a party with your friends jean and connie. they said it would be a good idea since it would be a chance for you to finally relax from your stressful job, so you relunctantly went. that was your first time smoking weed. it was wonderful and you guess eren saw the whole thing.
"you must have it wrong... i dont typically smoke." you explain to the brown haired man.
"i know, jean and connie told me it was your first. looked like you had a good time though." he smiles tiredly up at you.
you were taken a back a bit. you didnt know that the two of them knew eren. do they know that he's in the hospital right now? are they the reason he broke his wrist? where were they?
"i see..." you ponder a bit. "are they here with you tonight? somewhere in the hospital i mean."
"yeah. theyre here with my girlfriend too since she's the only sober one who can drive at the moment... they just went back to my place to grab some things for me before you came in. they wont be back for a while." eren clarifies.
"goddamnit he has a girlfriend." you sob internally.
"thats good to know." you fake smile, looking back at your clipboard. "it says here youre also sexually active... are you taking any sort of pills perchance?" you continue with your questions, trying to get back to professionalism.
"nope its all just me." he giggles with a coy grin on his face. youd hate to admit that his laugh turned you on a bit.
you finish up your report of eren, rechecking his vitals once more to confirm things. "okay it seems as though youre on the right track... it can take up to 6-12 weeks for your wrist to comepletely heal. otherwise, you might want to lay off the weed consumption till then." you finish up.
before you can leave, he call out. "wait.."
you turn around. "what is it? are you alright?"
"i have a problem with something and i just cant seem to be able to do it myself." eren tries saying shyly, but the look in is eyes seemed to be more sinsiter than you thought. "after all... i did just break my wrist..."
he looks down at his jeans, putting the spotlight on the constrained buldge in his jeans.
youre flushed. "oh..." what were you supposed to do in this situation?? didnt he have a girlfriend?
right he had a girlfriend.
"im sure your girlfriend can help you out with that."
eren's eyebrows crease. he did have a girlfriend and she was amazing. she did basically everything for him. so why now was he so damn attracted to his nurse to want to take a risk and cheat on everything he had???
he presses his lips together before speaking, "i lied. i just didnt want to seem like a pussy to ya." sentences were forming right as he was speaking them. hopefully it was enough to fool you. "please. its so uncomfortable..."
his throbbing cock was being compressed by not only his boxers but also by his black rocker jeans. it was true. it was extremely uncomfortable so why not relieve it with the cute nurse who also happened to be the cute girl who had been sitting with his friends not too long ago, taking a drag from a joint he sold to jean and connie.
you were relunctant, but then again, you could feel your panties getting damper. you walk up to him slowly, keeping your eyes locked with his. you sit down on the bed beside him.
he feels your soft hands on his buldge and from that he lets out a restrained sigh. "fuck." he huffs.
god, there was no way this wasnt turning you on too. eren knew that. he saw the way you bit your lip as you started to unbutton his jeans.
"how long will they be gone?" you ask, hinting at the group of friends eren had mentioned previously. "for a while.. my place is pretty from from the hospital." he watches you slowly pull down his zipper. "fuck baby youre making me go crazy."
you smile, finally releasing his cock from his boxers. he was hung. youre eyes widened and he lauged.
"too much for you baby?" he questions.
"no..." you whisper, slowly kitten licking the tip, tasting his precum before fully sheathing his cock in your mouth.
eren moaned. loudly.
"holy shit!" he huffs. "oh my god..." he leans his head back, grabbing your neat ponytail to guide you while sucking him off.
"ugghhfff!" you choke on his length, tears coming to your eyes. but you like it. it felt too good. at this point, your panties were soaking wet at this point.
"fuck baby you gotta stop or else im gonna cum." eren gasps, pulling you off from his dick. "cmon take it all off... show me."
you look behind you to make sure that the door to the room was closed. you look back at him with a playful look, pulling off your uniform and undershirt to reveal your cleavage.
eren smirked, watching as your skin reacted from the cold air, goosebumps forming. he reaches behind you and releases the hooks of your bra.
he sighed at the sight of your tits. they were beautiful. you were beautiful. he kneads at your chest as you remove the rest of your garments, underwear included.
you were fully exposed to him. internally, eren was freaking out. externally, he was entranced by your body, drooling a bit.
"eren?" you ask, waving your hand infront of him. he snaps out of his trance. "are you ok?" you look at him with a worried look.
"im ok baby. sorry. lets keep going." he says, rubbing his tip on your clit. he can feel your wetness and he smirks once again,
"you are dripping baby..." he whispers in your ear. "i dont even need to prep you..." eren slowly shoves his cock into you.
you were in heaven. both of you were. to him, you felt so fucking tight. he doesnt even know if youre a virgin or not. how couldnt you be? "youre so tight..." he groans, restraining himself from prematurely giving you a creampie.
you have never felt so full in your life. in your life, you've only fucked one guy and the rest had been occupied by your plethora of sex toys. but eren... eren was different. you were filled to the brim. eren could see the buldge of his dick lightly poking through your pudgy tummy. that made him go feral.
he started thrusting into you faster, sucking on your sensitive nipples, licking around the skin as well. he left mulitple hickies in the places where only he could see them. you still were on your shift of course, he wanted to be courteous.
"mmm..." he heard you sigh, smiling as he kissed your body.
eren lifts you up so now youre straddling him. he keeps his pace constant but you wanted to take control. so you start bouncing on his cock. he watches as your tits move with you, again trying not to prematurely cum.
"mmmhf!!!!" you try to conceal your moans, but it was so hard. "fuck daddy please!! i need more!!" you were being greedy, but it felt too good.
"youre bossy baby." eren laughs. he thrusts up, faster than before. "fuck im gonna fucking cum." you watched him gasp, bringing your face closer to his, kissing him with so much passion. he kissed back.
sure he had a girlfriend, but maybe now he's finally gonna break it with her. just for you.
"ah ah..." you gasp, feeling his thrusts slow down. you whine.
"shush baby, let me cum inside before i fuck it back into you." he moans into your neck, creampie-ing your cunt. you try not to scream as you feel the heat in your stomach release as you cum as well.
your eyes roll back into your head and oh how he loves the sight. yeah hes all yours now.
eren picks up his pace once again, like he said, fucking his cum deeper into you.
you scream before he slaps a hand over your mouth. "shut it baby... dont want everyone hearing how much of a slut you are."
"mmfgf!" you groan in protest.
eren doesnt stop his pace until he's shooting his thick load into you once again.
he's catching his breath as he pulls out, plugging your pussy with his fingers so the essence wouldnt leak from your cute slit.
youre all fucked out by the way. he watches as your face contorts into pure pleasure, feeling the band in your stomach snap as you twitch on his fingers.
eren shoves his mouth onto your pussy, licking up the mess in between your legs, tasting both him and you. he licks up your slit to your clit, flicking it with his tongue. youre overstimulated and tired. your couldnt take it anymore. you gush once more on his face, the liquid dripping down his chin and onto the sheets of the hospital bed.
"aahh..." you breathe heavily, recovering from your third orgasm.
"that feel good baby?" he says, bring his head up to meet your eyes. he could see hearts in them.
"mm... i think we're going to have to change the sheets." you giggle.
"well it was worth it." he watches as you sit up, making sure youre not in any discomfort. he rubs your back and fixes your hair. "you look beautiful like this."
"do i?" you say, questioning his taste.
he nods before leaning in for a comforting kiss. "let me take you out." he whispers.
you nod-
you glance behind you to look at the door.
"eren! its mikasa!" you both hear from the other side of the door.
you look back at him in confusion. "mikasa?"
he rolls his eyes.
"my girlfriend."
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ariseur · 3 months
So excited to see a new DMC writer on Tumblr 🎉🎉 could I request just some domestic headcanons with Dante?
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domestic dante hc’s 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
dante (devil may cry) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
thank you for this req!! saw the lack of dmc fics and decided to just make some myself lol. hope you guys enjoy my stuff 💕
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
few curse words? just lots of fluff mainly
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ oh my gosh please take care of DANTE because he honestly neglects himself and his place
❥ whatever you do, don’t imagine you and dante doing dishes—an activity he absolutely hates—while you tell him all the gossip you find out
❥ he simply gasps and ‘ooh’s at everything, mouth occasionally dropping open at certain scandals
❥ he’s literally the perfect person to gossip with
❥ whatever you do, don’t imagine running your hands through dante’s hair as you lather the shampoo, the suds tinted a dark red and brown from all the blood and grime of his job as he throws his head back with a groan
❥ whatever you do, DON’T imagine dante placing his hands on your waist as he tugs you closer to him, feet coming down from their resting spot on the desk so you could stand between his legs as he looks up at you with gazing blue eyes
❥ i am feral oh my goodness
❥ and definitely don’t imagine tending to the bruises and scrapes that he comes home with
❥ even though dante’s body perfectly capable of healing itself, he loves when you baby him
❥ because he’s at work a lot or is tryna pay off his bills, he loves just coming home and spending time with you when he can
❥ honestly collapses on the couch (or bed, whichever’s closer) and encourages you to join, face still buried in the pillow as he beckons you over with an open hand
❥ if you wear makeup and fall asleep with it on, dante will try his best to clean it off for you
❥ except he’s like.. rlly bad at it lmfao
❥ but the thoughts there!! he’s trying his best 💔💔
❥ the type of guy to call you the cheesiest nicknames tho
❥ like.. babycakes? really 😭?
❥ also gives light swats at your ass if you bend over, i’m sorry but it’s true
❥ likes touching you with at least some part of his body, if you sleep then your legs gotta lock or if you’re on the couch his arms around you
❥ but good luck because this man is a FURNACE
❥ if you have anemia / low iron or like any other condition where you can get pretty cold, this man is your lifeline
❥ read a fic about dante carrying like tons of bags after he spoiled you and went shopping with you despite not even having money to pay bills at the devil may cry and let me just say i am an avid believer of that as well
❥ you’ll literally be walking away from a cute necklace or pair of shoes and then you turn around and think wheres dante?
❥ then you just see him hauling ass towards you as he tries to keep up with all the bags he has in his hands while you spot the small rectangular velvet box in his hands
❥ ugh
❥ i wont him
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
DANTE watched as soft snores fell from your parted lips, hair splayed out below you crazily. he knew those would be a bitch to comb out later, but he couldn’t focus on anything else on the fact that the sunlight was hitting you just right, your skin coated in a deep gold as it reflected off your body.
you could’ve told dante you were an angel, and he would’ve believed you in a heartbeat. he’ll admit, he was a sucker for moments like these. even if seemed odd in retrospect, he just enjoyed seeing you so serene.
his eyes flickered around the room, trying to find a way to occupy his brain without waking you up before they finally fell on the black plastic remote that lay under your head.
dante’s hand slowly inched over, fingers almost tip-toeing their way over to you as he touched the remote. he was careful to pull it from under you, tugging it very slightly despite the weight of your head resting on it.
you stirred, making dante’s eyes widen as he paused his movements and bit his lip, even making a point so as to hold his breath. you licked your lips, dry from sleep as your head turned over to the other side of the pillow, sighing as you felt the coolness beneath your face.
dante exhaled in relief, before grabbing the remote and turning the tv off as he made sure to turn the volume down so you wouldn’t awake. even if a few minutes later you did anyways.
your eyelashes fluttered open as you caught dante muttering something at the tv, his eyes glued to some crappy reality tv show as they cut to an interview of a girl on the show. he scowled when he saw her, to which you softly laughed, tone gravelly from the thick coat of sleep still layering your voice. dante turned his head, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear as he softly shushed you and coaxed you to go back to sleep.
“‘s alright, just go back to sleep baby.”
“can’t really go back to sleep when you’re shit-talking the contestants, dante.” you smiled at him as he admired you, gazing down upon you as you stretched your limbs and rubbed the sleep away from your eyes, attention turning to the tv.
“what season is this?” you asked. dante’s hand never left your hair as his hands ran through it, careful not to snag on any tangles before responding with a quiet, “three.”
and in that moment when you looked back at him, eyes filled to the brim with nothing but adoration, he could’ve sworn his heart had stopped. dante felt as if the sun favored you, because every time you stepped in it, somehow you looked absolutely ethereal.
yeah, dante thought, he liked these small moments you two shared.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this is my only account. there should be no works similar or identical to mine under any name on any other website. i am not on wattpad or ao3 or anywhere else, only tumblr. i do not give permission for my work to be plagiarized, translated, or shared anywhere else unless it is reblogged here on tumblr.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hey can you maybe write a fic about Eddie helping his gf through getting her period really bad at school love ur writing x
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AN | Eddie Spaghetti, the best and softest boyfriend. We all deserve an Eddie 🥺🥰
Warnings | Language, Period talk
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You wished you could have stayed home. Realistically it probably would have been the best idea, but you also knew that your mother would never allow you to skip school for something so menial such as your period. Even though it was a well known fact that your periods could be brutal sometimes, making it almost impossible to think or focus on anything but your cramps. But you were tough, Eddie always reminded you of that, so you were going to suck it up and deal with it. 
But honestly? It fucking sucked.
It was barely halfway through your second class of the day and you were already suffering. It was going to be a long day…at least you were able to look forward to the evening with your wonderful boyfriend. If you made it that far anyway. Dramatic? Yes. Justified? Also yes. 
At least you had enough foresight to keep a bottle of painkillers in your locker. Maybe that would help a little bit - worth a try anyway. You excused yourself so you could go to the restroom, grabbed your bag so not everyone had to see what you were doing, and stopped by your locker first. 
When you closed your locker again, a small yelp escaped your lips. There was none other than Eddie, standing there with a big smile on his face, “fucking hell, Eddie!” 
“Sorry sweetheart,” he pressed a playful kiss to your cheek, “thought you heard me coming.”
“You’re silent like some kind of weird ninja,” you waved your hand around to which he only grinned, “or I’m too wrapped up in my own thoughts. Wait - what are you doing out of class?”
“Doesn’t matter - penny for your thoughts?”
“Fine,” he sighed dramatically, clutching at his heart as you just snorted at him, “I saw you leave class and followed after you. Had to make sure my best girl was okay.”
“‘m fine,” you murmured, trying to play it off like it was no big deal. You didn’t need him to worry about you on top of everything else, “you can go back to class, Eddie. I was just running to the bathroom.”
“When did you decide to start lying to me?” he raised an eyebrow curiously, your face flushing with warmth when you realized how easily he could read you. You opened your mouth to speak, but he put a finger on your lips to keep you from speaking, tutting gently, “honesty is the best policy, my love.”
“Eddie,” his name came out as a smushed murmur as he shook his head, “‘n not lying.”
“Wait,” his brows furrowed for a moment, pretty chocolate brown eyes studying you intently. You wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss him, but his finger was still squished against your lips. It didn’t stop you from pressing a kiss to it, “I know what’s going on! It’s your least favorite time of the month, aka you’ve gotten your period.”
Your fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling his hand away from your face as you looked at him incredulously. Your heart melted as you looked at your metalhead in surprise, “h-how do you know that?”
“I…how wouldn’t I?” he looked at you in confusion as though it should have been obvious that he possessed this piece of knowledge, “you get it every month, it’s pretty much like clockwork for you….it’s not that hard to keep track. ‘specially after that one time when the condom broke and -”
“Eddie!” you hissed softly, looking around to make sure no one had been listening in. Luckily, it appeared to be just the two in the quiet, abandoned hall, “don’t worry, I remember that too. But, you…you keep track of it?”
“‘course,” his smile was always so magical - all toothy and sweet, showing off his dimple, “how else am I going to know when you’re suffering? I have to make sure so I can take care of you.” 
Oh. Yeah, you were a sucker for this man, pure and simple. Your eyes prickled with tears, causing you to blink rapidly in order to try and keep them at bay. Eddie reached over and put his hand on your face, brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek, “I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you,” he kissed your forehead before reaching for your backpack, “now let’s get out of here so you can rest.”
“Cut class?”
“Well yeah,” he answered as though it was the most obvious thing, “I know how bad your cramps can get and I think it’s better for you to rest than try and suffer through the rest of the day. Besides, these are doctor’s orders.”
“Oh? And just what doctor happened to make these orders?”
“Doctor Best Boyfriend Ever,” he cheesed, you giggled. You were madly in love with him, “now c’mon, let’s get out of here and let me take care of you.”
“Well, I have to listen to the doctor,” you nodded, leaning over on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. You grabbed onto him, gently holding it as you looked at him with the softest eyes, "thank you, Eddie."
"There's nothing to thank me for," he promised softly, "I would do anything for you."
"Can we stop and get some chocolate on the way home?" your voice almost dropped to a whisper as you looked at him with bright, shy eyes, "and maybe pizza?"
"Of course, princess," he swung your backpack over his shoulder, "now let's get outta here before we get caught!"
-─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Less than hour later you were padding after Eddie into his trailer, arms empty as he struggled to balance everything. You’d offered to help but he wasn’t having it for a moment; you were going to relax and rest and he would take care of everything else. He’d decided that you were going to spend the day at his, opting not to take the chance and going to your house in case one of your parents came home early. As good as they were, they wouldn’t understand you needing to leave school early.
“Home sweet home,” he beamed, setting your backpack down and pizza on the counter…along with the bag of sweets you’d collected at the store. You’d fully intended on buying the things you wanted and the supplies you needed, but Eddie had beaten you to it and taken everything to the register and paid for it himself. As if he could get more amazing. 
“I love it here,” you sighed softly as you walked over to the couch and almost collapsed on it, reaching for one of the soft and well-loved blankets, “it always feels like home here, ‘cause of you.”
“I love it when you’re here,” his heart constricted in his chest and he thought he might die from the sheer amount of affection and love he held for you, “how’re you feeling?”
“Okay,” the painkillers were slowly wearing off and you felt the onslaught of cramps starting to come back, “tired, getting crampy. Hey, my love, you’ll tell me if I’m being too annoying, right?”
“If that ever happened, you know I would,” you heard him shuffling around in the kitchen, “but that is impossible, so you never have to worry.”
You laughed at his silliness, and it was only a few seconds before he came over to you and kneeled at your side. Unable to stop yourself, you reached over and brushed his curls out of his face, “hi handsome.”
“Hi beautiful,” he held up the heating pad before reaching under the blanket and placing it on your tummy, “I know you like the heating pad for cramps, so I got one to keep here.”
“Oh Eddie,” before he could turn to plug it in, you tenderly grabbed his face and pressed a kiss to his lips, “you are so wonderful.”
“I’m just…trying to help,” his entire face turned pink at your praise as he made quick work of plugging it in. He handed you a bottle of water, a few more painkillers, and a candy bar, “and I hope this is helping.”
“It is,” you really couldn’t have asked for anything or anyone better, “Eddie? Can I ask you for one more favor?”
“Of course,” he touched your face so gently that it made you want to melt into him, “anything, princess.”
“Will you cuddle me?” your soft lips pulled into a pout, causing Eddie to chuckle. As if that was really a question - the man would cuddle you no matter what, “you don’t have to, if you don’t wanna. I feel all icky and gross, but -”
“You are perfect,” he insisted firmly, leaving you no choice but to accept what he was saying, “and you are not icky or gross or anything like that. I will gladly cuddle with you, sweetheart.”
“But if I get blood-”
“You won’t,” he stood up to kick his shoes off, and discard his jacket, “and even if you did, so what? It’s just blood, it’s all natural, what your body is going through is normal. It sucks and I wish I could make it so I was the one dealing with it, but it’s okay.”
“Okay,” you sat up and scooted over so he could lie down. He slowly did so, and pulled you on top of him, settling you between his legs so you could rest your head on his chest. He made sure the heating pad was right on top of you to help as much as it could, “you’re so warm, like my own personal heater. And you’re so comfy.”
“Ahhh,” he groaned playfully, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, “I knew you only wanted me for my body.”
“I’m a woman of taste,” reaching for his hand, you threaded your fingers through his and rested them on your tummy, “what can I say? You’re the total package - handsome, smart, funny, and multi-talented? What more could I want?”
“Silly girl,” there was nothing but gentle affection and fond teasing behind his words, “what more could I want? Nothing, that’s what.”
“Hmm,” sleep was quickly making your eyes heavy and you felt yourself falling under the siren call of slumber, “me neither. ‘m gonna marry you someday, Eddie Munson. You’re not just boyfriend material, you’re husband material.”
“Funny,” and oh. How his heart was beating wildly in his chest, surely threatening to break through his ribcage, “I was just thinking the same thing about you. Gonna marry you, princess, but I’m gonna do it right.” 
“Whatever you do will be perfect,” you murmured already half asleep, “because it’s you.”
“Oh honey, honey,” he sighed wistfully, “I love you, but I think right now you need to rest and later we watch a movie and eat lots of snacks, yeah?”
“Sounds perfect,” you agreed, “love you so much, my Eddie Spaghetti.”
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Something Special
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x gn!pilot!reader
Masterlist Part Two
Summary: “Oh, am I supposed to break orders just for you? Like you’re special or something?” OR You aren't sure where you stand with Rooster, but you know he didn't tell you that he might not make it back from the mission.
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: Angst. Swearing. Sadness, some more angst
A/n: This one's pretty sad, I might do a part 2 to make up for it lol. I'm just a sucker for angsty Rooster though. I'd love to know your thoughts, thanks for reading! <3
The path your heavy footsteps took felt sickeningly familiar, your body knowing the way to his room with your eyes closed. Stalking through the barrack’s halls, you turned corners with only one thing plaguing your mind, torturing it. 
Other pilots passed your reddening vision, ones that you might’ve smiled at on other days – but not today. Not even to Coyote still laying in the med bay you passed as he recovered from passing out. Not when your fist balled so tight your nails dug into your palm and your throat tightened with each step, threatening to choke you out before you ever made it.
You spotted his door, the one you’d knocked so quietly on for months now so no one would hear – only for him to kiss you breathless on the other side of it. But you didn’t bother to give him any warning this time. The hinges creaked as you threw the door open, screaming at you to stop before this all started. Your eyes found Rooster’s as he startled, sitting up from his bed with a hand on his chest.
“Jesus, you scared the shit out of–”
“Shut up,” you told him, almost relishing the way hurt flashed across his face. The door clicking closed behind you was the only thing accompanying your ragged breaths you couldn’t care to hide. “When were you going to tell me, Bradshaw?”
His eyebrows sunk together, his head tilting to the side. “Oh, of course. I’ll tell you right away about whatever vague thing you’re yelling at me about,” he said, his voice coming with a slight bite.
“You’re an ass. You know that?” You crossed your arms, gritting your teeth so hard your jaw began to ache.
He let out a disbelieving laugh as he stood. “And you’re a stubborn dick. Now that we’ve exchanged pleasantries, can you actually use your words and tell–”
“Are you going on a fucking suicide mission? Is it true?”
You already knew it was. But your face hardened, refusing to show him any emotion. Covering up the heart on your sleeve. Maybe you should’ve started this with honesty, that you were more hurt than angry, more scared than anything. But the deep ridges of your rage felt comfortable, right, for what he’d done to you. Or hadn’t done.
Rooster’s mouth opened and closed, his mustache twitching as he struggled to say anything. You just raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to tell you that somehow this was all a misunderstanding. You could handle looking like an idiot, but this? The truth? You weren’t so sure.
His hand dragged down his face, the brown of his eyes void of its usual warmth that you often sought out – passing in the halls, across the table in boring meetings, standing before your plane with your heart in your throat.
“Who told you?” he asked, looking everywhere but you. And his question brought a horrible realization in front of you, trickling down your spine alongside other secrets he kept from you. 
“Rooster,” you gritted out, forcing your voice to stay steady. “When Coyote couldn’t fly, and they were looking for someone to replace him… did my name ever come up?”
The silence left between you two vibrated, buzzing so hard it ached in your chest. “Tell me you didn’t talk to Maverick, or Cyclone for christ’s sake, and convince them not to pick me.” Too many moments passed, his face unyielding and so unlike the man you’d come to know. When he didn’t answer, just shifted his body from one foot to the other, you tiredly whispered out, “Bradley…” 
“Who told you? The mission is confidential.” Rooster moved toward you, his jaw hard set and ticking. You weren’t on the mission – thanks to him apparently – but with being at the same base, you’d found opportunities to get bits and pieces out of Hangman and Maverick. The fact that Rooster didn’t tell you though weighed heavier on your mind.
“Is that why you didn’t tell me? Because it’s confidential?” you spit out, voice mocking. It was a valid reason, but he told you everything against your lips, bodies facing one another on his too-small bed in between dusk and dawn.
He came closer still, angry breaths filling the space between you two as his eyes refused to leave yours now. “Oh, am I supposed to break orders just for you? Like you’re special or something?”
That made you pause, the first time you’d done so since learning the news. Your gaze unfocused, drifting down until they fell on his hands. Hands you had once trusted to hold you despite everything else going on – now they merely looked like a stranger’s. Had you so badly misunderstood where you fit into his life?
With a sad laugh, you shook your head as you thought out loud, “Yeah, guess I thought so. Especially when you’re going off to get yourself killed.”
A groan came from the back of his throat. “I… this is bigger than us. I just–”
“It’s fine,” you told him, raising your hands up in surrender. As you stepped back, you could’ve sworn his fingers twitched, shifted toward you just an inch. “It was my mistake.” Your voice came out as a whisper when you opened the door, letting it close behind you softly. Biting the inside of your cheek, you didn’t let tears fall until you made it back to your bed, alone.
You didn’t hear the news from Rooster, that he’d been chosen to go on the mission. No, you’d picked up on it as the whole base seemed to come alive as the day neared. And he stood at the center of it. You’d done your best to avoid him and his usual routine that you had memorized just to sneak spare moments together here and there.
Time you might have had to yourself was spent in the gym, or anywhere but your room in case he decided to come by. You knew he hadn’t though, not with the mission hanging over his head. 
It wasn’t until the morning of the flight that you saw Rooster again in the hallway outside the locker rooms – you on your way in to change for a workout, him on his way out, carrying his flight gear.
“Oh,” you said, stepping back so you didn’t bump into his chest. You stared at his helmet, the design on it so him. And all you could do was focus on your even breathing as he cleared his throat.
“Wasn’t expecting you here,” he said, his voice void of the anger it had before.
“Could say the same.” You still kept the grit to your words, unable to let them go as he stood there before you – ready to go on a mission he wouldn’t let you take. 
Rooster nodded, pursing his lips. “I, uh, couldn’t wait around. Too many nerves, so I got ready early. Before we head out on the aircraft carrier.”
“I know how that is,” you breathed out, knowing you should offer him some sort of reassurance. But couldn’t he offer the same? Give you something to hold onto besides hope. Hope. As if that could make you feel any less helpless standing back here while he soared above. Alone.
You nearly couldn’t take the silence crackling between your bodies, hanging much too heavy on your already aching shoulders. Picking at your nails, you were about to wish him luck when he spoke up.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, exactly?” you asked, voice tight as you stared at and through him.
You saw the way his jaw ticked for just a brief moment before he let out a long breath. “For not telling you the truth… about everything.”
Trying to focus on the grounding feeling of your arms crossing over your chest, you whispered, “But you’d do it again if given the chance, wouldn’t you, Rooster?”
His chest heaved when he answered, “Yes, baby, I would.”
And you couldn’t stop the scoff that escaped your mouth – at the pet name, at his answer, at everything he seemed to stand for.
“Were you trying to protect me from danger, or were you protecting yourself from this?” you asked, gesturing between the two of you. “That fear you’d have of me flying up there, of getting my chance to be more, is what I now have to live with. Maybe forever if you don’t come bac–”
“I’m coming back, okay?” You stared him down like you didn’t believe him, and you weren’t sure he believed it himself.
Shaking your head, you gritted out, “And if I had gone on this flight, said this exact BS you’re trying to tell me, you wouldn’t have batted an eye? Bradley, you’re a fucking hypocrite and you’re god damn scared.”
“Of course I’m scared!” he shouted, moving forward until his body pressed against yours. “Maybe I don’t make it back, but you will. You’ll be here, and you can keep living.”
His anger seethed from him, his throat straining. Still, you pressed your hands against his chest, pushing him back. “Or it could be you here, on the ground and safe. Since when do you get to choose who lives and who dies?”
“Since I lost my fucking parents, that’s when. If I have the chance to stop from losing another person I love, I’m going to take it,” he said, ripping your hands from him. His eyes, now turned dark and pupils large, moved frantically across your face. 
Your stomach sank, dropping down, down, down and turning to stone. “Don’t,” you whispered, the corners of your eyes beginning to sting no matter how much you begged them to quiet, to dry, to shove any emotion away.
“I…” he stammered, reaching out to grab you again. “It’s true, I love you.”
Gritting your teeth, you turned your head away. “Don’t, Bradley. You don’t get to do this to me.” Tears finally spilled over and onto your cheeks. The feeling that this conversation was a goodbye seeped through your skin, settling into your bones.
“Please,” he begged, grasping onto your arms. Maybe you loved him too, maybe that’s where your unyielding rage stemmed from as he caused you this pain. But you wouldn’t let that hurt you, not when him dying would kill you.
You grabbed his hands, giving them a final squeeze. “Good luck up there.” The look of his tearful face as you backed away wouldn’t leave your mind, not when you refused to leave your room until you were sure Rooster was gone.
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windrush-child · 2 years
You’re right for me, Ecstasy (one shot)
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Reader x Lewis. 3.4k words. Smut.
Lewis Hamilton falls for a grid girl. Things don’t go well. Luckily, fate has a fable for second chances. Unreliable narrator cuz we’re messy like that. Thanks for the prompt ideas anons. Title inspired by the weeknd’s Don’t Break My Heart.
Warnings - Hate sex and highly questionable morals.
Rio de Janeiro. A mild November day. When you see him standing in the middle of the street, you have to do a double take. The tray with empty mugs nearly slips from your hands as the realisation hits. He caught your eye as soon as he turned round the corner with his friends (or security guards, maybe?), chatting in a language that seems so out of place. The simple black turtleneck and jeans make him look almost inconspicuous, if it weren't for the delicate pearl necklace that rests on top of his collarbones. Few people would know he's a famed racing driver if they ran into him on any random weekday like this. The worst thing, though? He saw you, too. He's also stopped talking to his friends, peeking over as if he's thinking, is it really her?, reluctant. And now, he's walking over. Shit. It feels like your feet have frozen to the ground. This can't be real. What the hell is he doing up here, out of all bloody places in the world? How did he, nearly one year down the line, end up in front of the small, unassuming Café you work at, in a small, unassuming backstreet of Santa Teresa?
"Hey" Begrudgingly, you look up. Big, brown eyes before you, a cautious smile, and the familiar smell of his cologne which strikes you in the most painful way possible. Where has your voice gone? "Good morning," you say, dryly, trying to sound like he's just another customer on just another day. Hoping he can't hear how he's sucker-punched the air out of you with only a word. Lewis shifts from one foot to the other. "I wasn't sure whether it was you at first," he says, attempting half a smile. You can feel his gaze all over your skin. "It's, uhm.. it's good to see you again. How've you been?" You press your lips together, can't bring yourself to say the same. "I'm doing alright," you respond, slowly wiping the table surface so you don't have to look him in the eye. Lewis draws in a breath. "Do you work at this place?" he asks. What a stupid question. "Looks like it," you answer, dumping the rag on the tray. You should be taking your lunch break right now, can't really pretend to be busy either when there's just a single old man at a table in the corner. "I've been working here for most of the semester. Money's tight, you know." "Right." He nods to himself, eyes on the ground before he looks back up. "So... you're still at university, then?" he adds, a graceless attempt at small talk. It's so unlike him to be this clumsy, it almost catches you off guard. You grab the pack of cigarrettes from the counter behind you when you're done cleaning up, pull one out and stick it between your lips. "I am," you mumble as you step further out into the street, desperate to create a safe distance between you and the man. He shoudn't be here. You shouldn't be talking to him. "What are you doing up here, anyway?" you ask as you light the cig. "Oh, you know, different things." he starts, "A friend is showing me around some places in the city today. And I also have a race on Sunday." "Busy as ever," you interrupt, a hint of bitterness in your voice that you hope went over his head. Don't start, now. Lewis makes an Mhm sound, both hands in the pockets of his trousers as if he doesn't know what else to do with them. "I thought you stopped?" he says, offhandedly. It takes you a moment to realise he's looking at the cigarette between your fingers. You could take this as an attempt to have a normal, non-threatening conversation. A first, cautious step into mending the broken pieces of your whatever-ship. You could ask him an equally innocuous question, or just make up an excuse to get out of the situation. You choose to be petty instead. "So what?" you shrug, blowing smoke. "It's not your business, really." Lewis rolls his lips, looks like he wants to chuckle. "I see." Just when you think he'll finally leave, he hesitates once more. "By the way," he says, "They're still looking for personel at the circuit in São Paulo, for the evenings and such. From what I've heard, they pay very well." You take a long drag of your cigarette. Seems like Lewis hasn't forgotten your career as a grid girl back then. And how could he have? It's the only reason your paths ever crossed.
"Thanks for the tip," you say. Your eyes linger on his back for far too long as he walks away.
São Paulo, Race Day.
You had sworn to yourself that last year was the last time you're doing this. That the glitz and glamour of Formula 1 just wasn't for you. Too many ruthless, absurdly rich men who believed the world belonged to them; and that anything was possible if you just named a price. But when you met Lewis, one fateful evening after a race, he'd seemed like an exception to the rule. He was kind. Didn't treat you like a consumable that was hired for the sole purpose of his entertainment. Most people, even those close to you, would secretly judge you and the other women for "looking pretty for the cash". But Lewis never did. He understood that money didn't grow on trees, and that this was just a means to an end. It was part of the reason why having sex with him felt so liberating, so mindblowing every time. With him, you could be careless, didn't have to worry about the potential stigma. It was the type of sex that would make you cuss and sweat; that had you crying out into the bedsheet while he gave it to you good. The kind that had you holding on to each other for the entire night, and say things that should've never been said out loud. It escalated from a one night stand to two, then countless more when he flew you out to Mexico and COTA the following weeks. Neither of you dared to put a label on it, though, not even when Lewis had made a habit of treating you to dinner on Sundays; not even after the occasional pregnancy scare that turned out to be a false alarm. You were just a grid girl, after all. It was what doomed your little romance to failure in the end. Lewis couldn't handle his jealousy, couldn't stand seeing you around men that weren't him, yet wouldn't commit to you either. Maybe he didn't have the guts to do it. Maybe he lacked respect, and you were just a toy for him to play with till he got bored. In the end, none of it mattered.
The pay is indeed good, you think as you stow the bundle of cash into your bag at the end of the day. One of the other girls, Magalenha is her name, had convinced you earlier to come dancing with her at the after party by the track. The semester has been very draining, so why not have a bit of carefree fun for once? A shower, fresh make up, and a backless sundress is all you need to feel like the night is yours for the taking. Your newly found friend decides you're having a Cosmopolitan, giggles with you as she points at people that clearly can't dance, and three drinks in, she even manages to snap a selfie with a wasted McLaren engineer.
Fate can be such a bitch, however. You're waiting for your Caipirinha at the bar when you spot him on a dance floor. It's the time of the night when the beats get deeper, heavier, and hotter - You can tell. Through the low, purple lights and the haze of liquor in your body, you watch Lewis' tattooed hands, how they slide over a woman's waist from behind, down to her lower back as she grinds on him to the rhythm of the song. He's breathing hard, sweat pearling on his forehead as he pulls her closer by the hips. She smiles when he seems to whisper something into her ear. You turn away. Blood-red in the face. He has to be drunk; disgustingly, shamelessly drunk. When you look up again, just to put the sharp blade to your heart once more, Lewis is staring back at you. Your head is spinning as you dash for the exit of the venue, as quickly as your high heels allow, desperately trying to make yourself believe that this has got nothing to do with him. You're simply walking, no, running back to your hotel because it's time to call it a night - the shameful rush of jealousy isn't real at all, and neither is the bitter ache in your stomach.
"Stop!" Lewis' voice carries through the street, but you keep your eyes straight to the pavement. "Will you hold on!" he says as he catches up to you, trying to grasp your elbow. You smack his hand away. "What, Lewis?" you snap. The venom in your voice nearly makes him jump. "Just leave it, okay? You're causing a fucking scene." To your misfortune, Lewis doesn't listen. "I didn't know you were at the party," he blurts out, almost stumbling over the words. "I didn't do it on purpose, I swear-" You're silently gnashing your teeth as you turn to him, glaring his stupid face up and down. "Fuck- Come here," you say, dragging him along by the fabric of his shirt, through the doors of the hotel lobby. Nobody needs to see you fighting it out on the street. Surprisingly, he follows without protest. Only when the door of your room falls shut with a loud bang, you let go of him. "Alright," you start, tossing your purse to the floor. "Say what you gotta to say, then!" Lewis sighs, runs a hand over his face. He should've drunk less. "It's not... look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings earlier, but-" "You're not hurting my feelings," you scoff, angrily kicking off your heels. "It's been a year, Lewis. I couldn't care less about who you're fucking tonight." He's frowning at first, but then raises his brows. "Oh, you don't care at all?" he says. You don't like that tone in his voice. "Is that why you can't even talk to me normally? You've been ignoring my phone calls for months. Every single message, too." Suddenly, your blood pressure spikes. "So you show up at my job in Rio because you can't take a hint?" you blurt out, impulsively lunging closer. The man has gone completely mad; there's no other way. "Why would you even want to talk to me? You've made it more than clear I wasn't your type." you spit, pure contempt. Lewis huffs, shaking his head in disbelief. "You know damn well it was never about that." He's trying to sound calm now, but by the tremble in his voice, you can tell the anger is finally getting to him. "You may not have said it-" you return, bluntly pointing a finger at his chest, "But we both know you thought it. You want a good girl, don't you, Lewis? No way you could ever love someone that's beneath you." "Bullshit," he hisses as he grabs your wrist hard, pulls you so close that you see the livid flicker in his eyes. It's almost satisfying. "You were the one that bailed on me 'cause you were scared of your own feelings. You rather kept sleeping around instead of committing to this," Lewis says. You're going to smack him in the face. "Or did you conveniently forget that?" There's hot bile rising in your throat, the awful feeling of knowing he's right. You want to scream at him, call him a stupid asshole. "Because you never even wanted me in the first place!" you yell. "That is not true!" "Then fucking prove it!"
There's silence, until something changes in Lewis' face. All of a sudden, the air inside this room feels too thick. Too warm. He's breathing hard. "Take your dress off," he says. You can feel the rumble of his voice in the pits of your belly - It short-circuits something inside of you. Fuck. You do it. Clammy hands, shaking knees as you peel yourself out of your clothes, skin hot from wrath, but even hotter from the way Lewis is staring you down. When he grabs you by your hips, pulling you into him, your heart stumbles. There's no warning when Lewis pounces on you, lifts your body easily to throw you onto the bed with him. It's not a fair fight, never was as he pins you down under his weight, making you squeal when he wraps a big hand around the base of your throat. "You want me to show you, huh?" he growls and charges at your mouth. You should bite his lip until you draw blood when he kisses you, make him regret ever starting this. Instead, you're moaning as he licks into you, wet and rough and messy, can't stop yourself from grinding up into his body. Oh, he's driving you mad, knows it too when he presses his palm over the soaked spot on your panties. "Shit," he curses when he pulls away, gets his fingers slick as he slips them into your underwear and inside of you, a filthy noise. "Just can't help it, can you?" he taunts, makes you whine when he pushes up into a spot, then again when he suddenly pulls them out. "Fuck you," you say, and Lewis laughs, because there's no bite behind it at all. With how ready you are for him, he knows he's got you in the palm of his hand.
He makes short work of your panties and tosses them to the floor, followed by his own shirt, before you're getting up on your knees to unbuckle his belt. As he stands at the edge of the bed, watching your every move, you make sure to dig your nails into the soft skin of his groin while you're tugging at his briefs. Lewis hisses, a threat of white, sharp teeth. "Behave," he warns, has grabbed a fistful of your curls to get his point across. His cock feels warm and thick as you're holding him in your hand, hardened up and reddened at the tip. By instinct, you wrap your lips around the head, impatiently trying to swallow, whimpering when he hits the back of your throat, too heavy, too big. Lewis controls the pace, pulls you back and forth by your hair, till spit is dripping down your chin, the taste of his arousal pooling on your tongue. Fuck, this is obscene. One more time he takes you, so far down himself that tears prickle in the corners of your eyes, until he pulls out with a harsh groan, wet and throbbing. Lewis tugs at your hair, angles you up so you're looking at him, don't have the choice not to, bulging, strong arms around your body holding you up into his chest, as if to make sure you won't slip away. If someone cut this moment out of marble, right here and now, you'd look like a sculpture of the Renaissance. Such beauty in being at his mercy. His gaze roams over your face, considering you with utmost diligence, the mess on your lips, the heaving breaths you're taking. Under the scrutiny of his eyes, your skin feels like it might burn off. "Have you been sleeping with other men?" "No," you answer, voice thin. It's the truth. He exhales, chest moving with it. "Good," he says.
Lewis sweeps you off your knees, lays you on your back with smooth strength. You want to be ashamed of how easily your legs open for him; of how you grab and pull at his shoulders. But you can't bring yourself to be, not tonight. Your eyes are shut tight when he clutches your hip with one, the base of your throat with the other hand, a cruel, anticipating throb where he lines himself up with your entrance. When he pushes in, you cry out, the stretch blind-siding, too tight. You can feel him everywhere, all at once, gasping when he presses deeper, till he's buried up inside. "Mhm...fuck," you whimper, don't remember him feeling like this. You look up to find Lewis watching you, gaze flickering back and forth between your trembling lips and liquid eyes. He's taking deep, ragged breaths, stays still. "Are you okay?" he asks, voice rough with exertion. He feels like he's going to burst, a tight, hard knot low in his belly. "Yeah…yes, I am" you sigh, reaching out so you can wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down and close, and he lets you. He starts rolling his hips into yours, fucks you slowly and thoroughly, makes you fall apart underneath him. The room fills with moans and the sound of your bodies meeting as he takes you, heavy, practiced strokes. Every nerve of yours feels overstimulated with him, with his smell, the strength in his body. You want to cry, tell him you're sorry for breaking his heart, want him to say he's sorry for breaking yours, too, but can't grasp a single thought, not when he's doing this to you. "Oh god, I-" you whimper, but Lewis feels it before you do, is picking up a punishing pace. "I know, sweetie, you’re doing so well…" he purrs, has you crying out when he changes his angle, hits those places deep inside till you're taken by the throbbing heat between your legs. Lewis presses his mouth into your neck as he fucks you through it, has to fight tooth and nail to hold back because he knows he'll be in trouble if he doesn't, straining hard to not lose himself in you. It's almost too late when he pulls out, barely in time, his vision whited out from pleasure as he spills warm and wet on your belly. Lewis is panting and cursing while he pulses against the hinge of your hip, arms threatening to give out under him, baring his teeth. You don't think you've ever seen him come this hard.
"Fuck," he sighs, says it again, shoulders heaving as he leans back on his heels. He looks out of his mind, holding on to your thigh, can't do a single thing except to feel you under his palm. You're watching him in silence, because you don't know what to say.
Lewis does get up, eventually. But only to fetch a washcloth from the bathroom, and to pour some warm water on it. You're relieved when you see him come back to bed, worried for a moment he'd just get dressed and leave without another word. Instead, he's cleaning you, slowly running the cloth over your skin, starts with your face, then your neck, down to your belly to wipe away the mess he’s made. It's heart wrenching, how mindful and gentle he is with it, like this is still a part of it all, an act of aftercare. You wish he'd never stop.
When Lewis is done, he sits still. "We shouldn't," he begins, but trails off again. "I don't care," you say, shaking your head. "I don't care." It bursts out of you right then, can't help but reach out for his face, fingers in his beard, and then you're kissing him, deep and sincere as you pour it all out into his lips. "I'm sorry," you blurt out. "I'm so sorry that I lied to you. I'm sorry that I ran away." It's starting to sound like a prayer now, the way you're whispering against his lips, a dying, pleading flame that hopes he can forgive you. Lewis looks at you, his face in your hands. His dark brown eyes, so harsh and unforgiving earlier, have gone so soft. He leans in and presses a lingering kiss to your lips. Vulnerable. "I know. It's okay," Lewis whispers, doesn't have to think twice about it. He'd give you the shirt off his back had you asked for it, knows it in his heart. "I’m sorry I didn't treat you like I should have," he says, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
You give him your lips, your tongue, let your hands slip into his hair and down his neck as you kiss him the way he loves it. Lewis is intoxicating, the most potent drug in the universe. He's tasting you with such devotion, slow licks of his tongue, moaning low into the kiss, almost sounds like he's hurting. Don't break my heart again.
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litgwritersroom · 3 months
amelia. Rip her apart I don’t care how.
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Amelia Gets her Heart Ripped Out
S6 |Amelia/Heartbreak | 700 words | @i-boop-you
It's a miserable morning, but it perks up for Amelia when she bumps into the Portuguese Squeeze at the coffee shop.
Not for the faint hearted, but for the Amelia haters.
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It was a chilled morning in January. The city was awake but the dusky morning hadn’t gotten the message yet. Amelia trudged through the puddled streets, shielding her £500 blow-dry from the drizzle of rain.
She wasn’t really a city girl, more of a beach girl, but she was in the city visiting her twin sister and she couldn’t wait to be gone again. She’d take sunsets setting above the seaside over the miserable grey skyscraper hell anyday. One thing the city did get right though was its coffee.
With some time to spare, Amelia dipped her head into the nearest Starbucks. There was another across the street, but that one didn’t have the cute barista this one had. Sure, he always burned the milk, but his shiny smile more than made up for it.
Amelia went in prepared with her most winning smile for him, but as she flashed it upon entrance, her face slipped, that winning smile faltering. Before her eyes stood a handsome stranger with swishy brown hair and a golden tan.
Cute barista who?
“Oh,” she said, stunned into silence momentarily.
He visibly took her in, leaning back with widening eyes as he looked her up and down. Well, if he didn’t like it, she’d stolen everything she had on out of her sister’s drawers before heading out, so it would be entirely her twin's fault. His gaze was intense, smouldering, like he saw right through her, but knew everything about her at the same time.
“Olá,” he said, side stepping out of her way, “excuse me, gaja bonita.”
“Oh, Spanish?” She asked.
He smiled coyly. “Not quite,” he said, taking her hand in his, “I am Roberto. The Portuguese squeeze.”
“Roberto,” she said, matching his accent and rolling his name on her tongue like it was a sweet treat. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Amelia.”
“Tell me, gaja bonita, but where are you going on such a poor morning? Surely a lady such as you should have a … man … to fetch her beverages?”
She fluttered her lashes at him. “I’m single.”
“Excelente,” he smiled, flashing her another stunner. “Perhaps I could then treat you to a drink? That way you would owe me one back, and I am a thirsty man.”
“I’d be happy to return the favour, Roberto.”
“Ah excelente. Please, let me …”
He strolled off, practically floating - wait, was he floating? It was hard to tell with the cape on – and he ordered from some barista. He looked back at her, and when he saw her lovestruck stare, he cocked a grin, exposing his sharp canines.
They exited out into the dark morning again, smiling bashfully over at one another all the while until Roberto asked her, “Do you have any place to be this morning? I was planning to stroll through the park if you would care to join me.”
“That sounds lovely.”
So they set out, never straying from the path, all until they got to the gates of the cemetery. Roberto steered her to a bench under an old oak tree that loomed over the graves.
“Spooky,” Amelia said with a pout, looking in. “Death makes me so sad.”
“How so, gaja?”
“It’s just so sad to think of the life left behind.”
“Ah, think instead of the life they lived, and all it came to.”
“I guess. It’s pretty secluded here.”
It was cold, so Amelia slurped down her drink despite the burnt milk to keep herself warm.
“Are you chilled?” He asked, scooching closer.
She nodded, casting a doe-eyed look up at him through her lashes.
“Yes, it is cold, is it not? And you … you are so warm-blooded.”
Amelia giggled. And he smiled. That beautiful smile. God she was a sucker for a lovely smile. He leant in closer, his lips puckered, his eyes on her neck –
He reached up to her chest –
Her heart hammered away –
His lips brushed hers –
And Roberto hissed, revealing his vampiric fangs, and in one strong swoop, he punched through her chest, grabbing a hold of her still beating heart. He ripped it out and squeezed it until it exploded, spraying them both with blood. 
With her oozing away in his hand, he whispered, “I am Roberto, vampire, and Portuguese squeeze.”
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 6 months
Lt. Governor Randy McNally
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Featuring Tenn. Lt. Governor Randy McNally
Here I am on a trip to Nashville, TN to hook up with a guy who happens to be Tennessee Lt. Governor Randy McNally. We've been communicating through Instagram which have been mostly supportive, and arguably flirtatious. Nowhere near cyber-sex, but I had the 79-year-old grandfather so horned up with my pics that we had to meet. And I’ve always been daddy fodder.
When I got to Randy's room, he was ready and waiting. He was still in his suit, watching porn he’d ordered and already sporting a big hard cock too which was already turning me on. I walked further in and he followed me with his eyes. Hmmm, this might be fun, I thought.
"You look sexy." I said in a playful manner as he got up to greet me with a kiss. As I began to kiss him back, I slowly felt the silky smooth texture of his tongue sliding in my mouth. I felt his hands grab my bare ass and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his cock growing hard as my own stiff cock rubbed against him.
“Finn, you can turn a rainy day into rainbows and sunshine!” He said as we momentarily broke our kiss.
Quickly, he started unbuttoning my shirt, unzipping my pants, and basically tearing my clothes off as he moved his tongue around inside my mouth. This are not the actions of a ‘grandfather’ working to ‘encourage’ Tennesseans. These are the actions of a perverted 80-year-old man looking to fulfill his closeted sexual desires. And I love it.
I asked him if he’d been with a lot of guys before, and he told me just one and that all they’d done was jerk off together. I told him he was in for a treat.
By now he was working his shirt off as we made our way back to the bed. He was hopping on one leg as a shoe came off, followed by his sock. He shook his shirt off his arm, as he got his other shoe and sock off. His pants fell to the floor. His jockeys were tented out, as he stepped out of his pants. He slipped them down, and I had to stop undressing, and stare at his wonderful dick. All six inches of it pointed out and was framed by his grayish brown pubic bush. His nuts were hanging low to his body. He spun around, like a dancer and showed off his butt grinning before saying, "It's all yours, Finn."
I was just staring at his body. The body Randy was giving me. I was overcome with lust as all my blood had to be in my 7- inch dick. I broke my trance when Randy moved to me, and as he was undoing my belt, he whispered, "Like what you see, do you?"
I could only nod. I placed the palms of my hands on his chest, as he opened my pants. His hand was on my hard dick, feeling and testing the size.
"Oh, yeah." He moaned, as he ran his hand down my tender, sensitive cock. I was afraid I was going to cum right then.
Slowly, Randy lowered himself until his mouth was at my crotch, and he ran his tongue up all seven inches, before gently pushing me towards the bed as our bodies melded into one. His hard dick was teasing mine, as once again, our tongues found the other's mouth. We squirmed up onto the bed, without letting go of our grip on the other. Hands everywhere, as we hugged and rocked each other.
Randy started kissing my chest, travelling lower and lower. He took my cock into his hot mouth, and I knew this was what I wanted. His mouth left my hard dick, as his tongue licked my nuts. I had to tell him that I wanted to taste his cock. But this married grandfather was a ferocious cock hound. He couldn’t get enough of sucking my cock, and from the way he was doing it, mine wasn’t the first dick that old Randy had sucked.
I grabbed his head and started fucking his mouth. No mater how hard I shoved my cock down his throat, the old cock sucker took it and pushed his face against my crotch for more. His mouth was so hot I thought it was going to burst. I couldn’t remember it getting a blow job this good. I was getting close to cuming when Randy suddenly pulled away.
At first I thought that he had enough, but then he turned his cotton white ass toward me and said, "Do it, Finn. Fuck me. Fuck me now. Please, Finn. I need to be fucked."
I took one look at his hairy ass with his set of bull balls hanging down between his legs, spit on my hand and slicked up my cock the best I could. Seeing his hairy ass and his huge balls started my cock throbbing. Hell, I thought I was going to shoot off before I could get my head into him. But damn if his hairy asshole didn’t almost suck my cock inside. I knew then and there that Randy had been doing more than just sucking cocks. And talking about hot!
Then I was holding his hairy ass with both hands and fucking him so hard that Randy was shaking his head and moaning like a two-dollar whore. Suddenly, this 79-year-old East Tennessee Republican was screaming, "fuck me" over and over again. Every so often he would squeeze my dick with his ass muscles, rocked left and right, spreading his legs a bit wider as I continued to pick up the pace.
I was close to emptying my seed, when I put him on his back, and fuck his ass the way he would have fucked his wife, missionary style. I begain running my hands all over that wonderful, hairy chest while my cock repeatedly drilled his ass as old Randy grabbed his cock and started jacking it. By the time I was getting close, my married man was begging me to fuck him harder. And from the look on his face, he was getting close too.
I double my effort and pounded his butt even harder. That did it. With a loud cry, he grabbed the bed sheets and his cock spewed cum all over his chest and stomach, his body convulsing with each spurt. It was only another three or four strokes before I slammed up against him and held myself there, my dick in him as deep as it could get.
"Fuck!" I gasped as my cock began to throb, pumping my load into his ass. Another married man conquered and another notch on my bedpost.
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drama-nonsense-v · 5 months
10 BL boys I want carnally <3
Thank you for tagging me to do this @blneobin <3 I'm a little behind on this but i FINALLY have time today to write it so here we go! I've had so much fun reading all the one's I've seen thus far~
Keita Machida - Kurosawa (Cherry Magic Japan)
I absolutely ADORE this man. Attentive and kind and he's ssooo pretty. He is 5'11" (180cm), I want to climb him like a tree, thank you. I would do anything he asked. I have watched this show so many times in the last 6 months since i first watched it, its a little ridiculous. (eepy Kurosawa...oh how i adore him)
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Khaotung Thanawat - Ray (Only Friends)
I love this man so much it hurts. I adore everything I've watched him in thus far but there is a /reason/ Ray is pictured in my about me on this blog. I related to Ray so much and his and Sand's scenes....oh wow... I have so many edits and gifs saved in a folder on my computer of this man, I am unwell about it (someone should recreate their dancing in the parking garage scene with me...)
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Nut Supanut - Solo/Way (Oxygen/PitBabe)
I adored Nut in Oxygen (is it a little stiff, yeah, but i still liked it) I am a sucker for puppy like characters like Solo and hes just so incredibly Handsome. And Way is just...oh my god. Nut is legit the one of two reasons I started watching PitBabe. (Obsessed with the fact that Way is still kinda Puppy coded. He can take his frustration out on me, I'd consent to that)
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Jimmy - Peun/Mohk (Vice Versa/Last Twilight)
I enjoyed Vice Versa and Jimmy immediately caught my attention when I watched it. And now with watching Last Twilight, many of my friends know just how UNWELL I am about this man. Mohk is so kind and attentive and he's so so handsome I cannot handle it. I made so many people watch the clip of him getting angry with August. When he got super quite? Lost my mind. (Look at him...look at his arms, are you kidding me??)
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Ja Phachara Suansri - Leo/Punn (Don't Say No/Be Mine SuperStar)
THIS MAN IS 6'2" (188cm) THAT'S NOT FAIR. HE'S SO TALL (i'm a little jealous...) Ja is so pretty and him just throwing around First in Don't Say No like he was nothing? I lost it. The scene in the pool in Be Mine SuperStar where Punn and Ashi are talking and then Punn stands up? I was UNWELL (Punn is also another Puppy coded character and I will forever be a sucker for it)
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Perth - Ae/Kanghan (Love By Chance/Dangerous Romance)
When I tell you some weird things came out of my mouth when I was telling my friends about Perth, I wish I was kidding (@darkroseespeon can attest to that). He's so incredibly ridiculously handsome and his smile is absolutely infectious. He's another that I would do anything they asked. (cue to me just repeatedly saying "he's so pretty" as i was trying to find a gif...)
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Nat Thewphaingam - Nawin (Laws of Attraction)
I was living with some roommate when I was watching Laws of Attraction and they had a good laugh watching me LOSE MY SHIT when this man came on screen. I was immediately obsessed with Nawin. The bgm, the bloody tank, and the brass knuckles? I was a gonner. Truly in love with his antics and i would give a lot to be under him. (do you see his arms? the lighting? just...HIS FACE?)
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Ji Sub - Jae Won (The Eighth Sense)
OMG one, this show is so important to me. Two, Ji Sub is a meal I could eat every day. I don't even have much more to say than that. He's just so handsome and he had such sad eyes... Jae Won, once they're finally boyfriends, is so sweet I just adore it so much. I love this man. (He was so cute in this scene I cant...)
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Us Akkarachotsopon - Tay (Kinnprosche)
Tay is fully the embodiment of my never ending delima of do i want him or to i want to /be/ him???? His fashion sense is glorious and I will never be over it. The minute I start talking about it, its hard to get me to shut up. I would give ssoo much to take care of Tay and love him like he deserves. (Where the post that's like "i'll do anything for a boy with big brown eyes" or something like that. Also, this shirt?? I need it.)
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
Am I cheating a little bit by talking about all four of them? Maybe. But I have made SO many people who are not into BLs watch this show FOR A REASON. I love it so much and I love all of them so dearly. AiDi and ChenYi's fashion? IMPECCABLE I'm obsessed and want to recreate some of their looks so bad. All their scene once they're finally together??? unbeatable to me. omfg. ZongYi and ZeRui's kitchen scene?? In shambles. SHAMBLES (I have a stuffed animal I named ZongYi cause he's so precious to me...and I want to get one to name AiDi)
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Aaaahhh this...took me way longer to write than anticipated. Though part of that time was looking through endless amounts of gifs. to which, thank you to the gif makers, y'all make my day (haha xD) I have no idea who hasn't done this yet, (@mb-bls idk if you have or would want to?) but if you see this and want to do it, tag me so I can read it!!!!
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hellhound5925 · 7 months
One shot - Sargent Hunter
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I don’t really have any this time, Just a fun romantic evening. 18+ just incase.
Masquerade (Part Two)
Lol I’m not putting one here but I’ll link part one incase you are new here! There will be a smutty Part Three because I know some of ya’ll are suckers for it (so am I).
Oh wait I do have something 😂 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis and @cloneloverrrrr your female characters got a lil cameo (I hope you like it).
Reminder: Dance Macabre by Ghost inspired this ☺️
Standing out on the balcony was refreshing for sure. The busy evening life on Coruscant going about their business, humbles me and reminds me that I am one of so many people that live here. The speeders in the sky lanes offer their own chorus of sounds, while the buildings seem to glow by the way their lighting reflects of the foggy city air. The sky was still somewhat bright from the day light but beginning to dim. Coruscant isn't perfect but it has its charm.
"Rough night?" An unfamiliar female voice comes from over my shoulder. Her accent is not one I recognize.
"Something like that" I chuckle before turning to face the source of the voice. A petit woman with long brown hair offers a warm smile. Something about her causes me to open up. "I think I'm being stood up" I confess, tugging at my lacy glove.
"Girl in that dress I'm pretty sure you could have anyone in that room! You're absolutely stunning"
Her words cause me to blush, "You're so very kind." A clone in an aqua blue tux approaches, his silvery hair spiked slightly, making him stand out from the others. He offers me a smile before whispering something to the woman, who then turns back to me.
"It was nice meeting you..."
"I'm Anfisa. Give him a chance, it's still early."
Offer a smile I nod in response. She takes the hand of the clone, he sweeps her off her feet back towards the doors. I can't help the hint of jealousy that creeps into my veins watching her facial expression - one of absolute admiration - when she looked at the Captain. Maybe Hunter really isn't going to show? Rex is still an option...but it wouldn't be fair to him... Being so deep in thought I had not heard the doors opening behind me.
Spinning around, I'm ready to defend myself - natural reflex of being Mandalorian I guess. The minute I lock eyes with the man that was behind me, my entire body relaxes. At first I'm speechless, I mean just as I was starting to come to terms with the fact that he wasn't going to show? My eyes flick between him and the other members of the Clone Force 99 who are in the door way. Each of them dressed in full suits.
"Look I'm sorry if you thought I wasn't coming. Our mission ran a little longer than expected. I would've tried to contact you but I don't exactly have your code." As he continues he has my undivided attention, it's as if time itself stood still and we were the only two who are aware.
I don't say I word, partially because now I feel horrible for being irritated but partially because...well I'm still taking in the sight of him in a suit. The suit is red and black with gold accents to match me perfectly. It fits him so well, I can't help but wonder if it was a one of a kind, made only for him and exactly for him. His broad shoulders seem even more muscular and his thighs...Don't even get me started on the man's thighs.
Hunter seems to be feeling the same way as his eyes roam over my exposed shoulders and down the length of my dress. The way he studies me is as if he is trying to commit every little detail to memory. He makes his way back to my face, expression is gentle and in awe. Maker I've got it so bad for him, he makes me weak in the knees. If the universe hadn't come to a screeching halt already, it just did.
In a few short steps, he closes the gap between us. Reaching up he gently pulls the mask up off my face. I'm far too lost in the warmth of his brown eyes to protest. He places his free hand on my face and runs the pad of his thumb over my cheek, "I needed to see your face."
"I feel bad for being mad" I let out nervous laugh.
"Don't. You didn't know" his reassures me. When he removes his hand, I immediately crave the warmth of his touch.
Looking down at my mask in his hands he chuckles. The sound is music to my ears, the kind you listen to on repeat all day. It's warmth makes it way to my core, I hold onto the feeling never wanting to let it go. Hunter admires the mask turning it over in his hands as if its a worthy piece. A few strands of his wavy brown locks fall towards his face and only now I realized this is the first time I've seen him without a bandana. His hair looks so thick and soft, it's hard not to imagine what it would be like with my fingers tangled throughout.
He carefully reaches up and ties the black silk band back around my head, securing the mask on my face. His movements are so gentle yet tactical, the combination quite impressive.
"I like it" he admires his work.
I can't help but chuckle, "I thought you might." The only reason I bought this was because of his tattoo.
He offers me his hand, which I take without hesitation. The way our hands fit together is almost as if we were made for one another. Leading me towards the rest of the group who all offer warm smiles, except for Crosshair who just nods. We pass by them and enter the ballroom. The feeling of eyes on us is almost enough to make my skin crawl and I'm not usually the type to get social anxiety.
As if sensing the change, Hunter looks over his shoulder at me and offers a reassuring smile. He leads me through the crowd of dancing couples and pulls me in to him tight. One arm wrapped tightly around me, hand spread across my exposed back while the other still holds my hand. The two of us find our place amongst one another like two puzzle pieces coming together for the first time. My body immediately relaxes, leaning into his as an elegant symphony takes us over.
"I'm sorry...I'm not usually this nervous" I admit, feeling like he wont judge me. He leans in and goosebumps erupt all over my body.
"Let them stare, you're the most beautiful woman here. They're probably jealous" he whispers in my ear.
In that moment, I'm grateful he was holding onto me so tightly because my knees felt as though they might buckle. Ecstasy runs through my veins while we continue to dance. I'm dizzy, but not because of the way Hunter gracefully spins me. The dizziness is caused by the man himself, his entire essence. His gaze piercing into mine, strong arms protecting me from the world, the warmth that radiates from his body. This man knows what he's doing to me and its almost unfair. His protective yet gently nature unwavering, all contributing to the fact that the crush I have for this man...is deepening into the love struck fool.
He lets out another one of those chuckles that heats my core. Instinctively I lean my head into his, drinking in his scent which is gentle and woodsy. I never imagined he would use scented products because they might overwhelm him. A sudden sharp inhale tells me he's doing the same but I worry its too much.
"I'm sorry if its too much" my voice barely above a whisper, I can't find it in me to speak any louder but I know he can hear me.
"No, its not. But its probably my new favorite" he mumbles.
Turning my face towards his, we are so close his nose brushes over my cheek not covered by the mask. Both of us are breathing as if the tension in the air has suddenly made it quite heavy. Even though the music stopped momentarily and likely couples broke apart...we didn't. The two of us stood there, enchanted in the presence of one another.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the moon light coming through the double doors we walked through what felt like minutes ago. Hunter doesn't move but his eyes follow mine. An overwhelming sadness followed by a dull ache in my stomach reminds me that this night is coming to an end soon as much I might will it not to.
He turns to me, but I stare into the rays of moonlight for a moment longer. Slowly I pull my gaze away, turning my attention to Hunter, whose eyes roam my masked face. "What?" I ask rather defensively.
"Should we get out of here?" He asks as if reading my mind.
My stomach does a few flips as a smile makes it way onto my face. Without any hesitation he pulls away from me without letting go of my hand. He leads me through the crowd of people who are going about their own business. Stopping suddenly he turns to me, "Wait here. I'll be right back."
I watch as Hunter disappears into the crowd but I do as I'm told. The whole evening was so surreal, I replay the events over and over in my head.
"You guys make such a lovely couple" a woman with raven hair says from off to my left. She feels familiar to me like maybe I’ve seen her around the Senate before? Maker knows. Her date, the one and only Commander Wolffe offers me a glare which seems cold if you don't know the man. However, he's actually quite nice once you get to know him.
"Thank you" I smile back at her before nodding politely at the Commander.
Before I can even think, Hunter re-emerges from the crowed, grabs my hand, and rushes me out of the building.
Part Three here
Tag list: (Huge thanks to you for the help! My Romance Queen) @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
@idoubleswearimawriter @savebytheodore @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @jediknightjana @techs-goggles9902 @clonethirstingisreal
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viridiave · 1 year
8path2 demo first impressions like less than a week before the full release because I am. So bored.
It's mostly spoiler-free! Mostly!
Ochette - My starter! I relate to her a lot in terms of atmosphere and physique (because I too am small and brown and from an island country)! Mechanically, she's my favorite traveler because of just how much they've buffed the Hunter job - like?? You are just never going to run out of stuff??? For breaking and healing??? Her story's a little slow-starting for now and I'm keeping a close eye on it in case uh - some unsavory things happen. Culturally.
Castti - Out of all the stories, I look forward to playing hers the most. Castti was my second Chapter 1, and my god is it a wild ride. I also just love Castti as a character - like? She's nice without being too motherly or demure? Her personality has darker undertones to it that isn't immediately obvious but it's clear to us that she's ultimately a model apothecary that has a heart of gold??? She's steeped in so much mystery and I'm dying to know more about her
Throne - I was absolutely not expecting much out of Throne. I will admit that Therion's story tempered my expectations a bit - but her story came swinging out of the woodwork being so distinguishable from Therion's that it made me care about her so much like?? I want so badly to see her be free. Her Chapter 1 set the scene for her circumstances and personality so well that it made me attached to her gjdjfjf also her recruitment is S-tier 10/10 Throne is a dog person
Osvald - Man I was actually most excited for Osvald's tale when the trailers first dropped - and while it's still amazing in my eyes, I feel like the other Chapter 1's just whisked me away a lot better than if I just started with him like how I initially planned. That said, I am extremely happy about getting to play as a canonical DILF whose first chapter is a freakin prison break :DDDD
The amount of worldbuilding it establishes is also refreshing like - I just screamed when they explained that he was the only prisoner there with a muzzle and I want so badly to examine the implications of that.
Partitio - Partitio's Chapter 1 made me shed tears. I was not fucking ready. I was not READY for the way they handled his story - it was a refreshing and hard-hitting portrayal of commerce and it does so much for his character like??? There's too much that I can say about Partitio's well-founded optimism and circumstances and personality but I'd be here for hours and I would not be fucking past the scene where he asks his dad to pretend that there was meat in the stew. I love Partitio so goddamn much.
Agnea - Agnea's story is what I'd describe as a lighter Partitio - and I say this in that this was the second-closest time that this game was able to make me cry. I went into this expecting a light story about a girl who wants to make everyone smile, and I got it - but the way they went about it endeared me to Agnea so much that I unironically would bawl if I think about how sweet and earnest she is. I want to see her succeed so bad and my god the full release really can't come any closer huh :'''DDDD
Temenos - I did not expect to like Temenos this much. But then I played his chapter and it begins with THAT and I just - his story is going to make me scream. It already did actually - multiple times, whether it be because Crick is dying of the gay or because of the things it does to my Catholic Guilt?? I feel like I'll end up relating to Temenos the most out of the 8 just because of that angle of doubt it shines on religion even if I do feel like the insurgents are too heavy-handed.
Hikari - Oh Hikari gods bless you. He is precious and I mean this completely as in he is so full of love for his people and that just broke me. He embodies the spirit of 'these are my dear, beloved people. They are mine, and I love them all so much.' and I am a goddamn sucker for it. And he's not without intrigue outside of that either like??? The mystery behind the curse of the Ku Clan??? It mechanically being integrated as his Latent Power and how the voice acting reflects that??? God why is this game so good at this and why is the 24th so far away
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Got any snippets of the part 2 with Roo and Hangman? ;)
Ask and you shall receive.
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The preview is under the cut because it’s for an 18+ audience only. Sexually explicit conversations about oral sex (m and f receiving) in a public setting.
“I love making a woman feel good,” Rooster says. “Like to spend my time between her thighs, working her over nice and good,” he continues, dragging two fingers down through the condensation on his beer. You watch him swirl the wetness he finds there up the neck of the bottle, circling the opening. “Keep her on the edge until she’s begging to come.”
Suddenly he pulls back, breaking the hypnotic pull between the two of you. He looks away with a little smile. “But that’s just me. Hangman, how about you tell the lady what you like.”
Your gaze snaps to the other man, his dark brown eyes full of warmth and want. Your stomach flips and you let out a shuddery breath.
“I’m a selfish lover,” he tells you with a smirk, leaning in close. “Wanna see how far you can take me.” He drags his finger from your chin to the hollow of your throat. “Hear the sounds you’ll make when you do.”
The heat in his eyes have you pressing your thighs together. You lick your lips and look away, needing air but he grasps your chin and turns you to face him again. “I wanna see how well you can listen, darlin'.”
“Fuck,” you whisper. 
“Mmm, we’re getting to that.” He promises.
I promise I am working on it but it'll likely be a few weeks until it's out.
Remember, reblogs and comments feed the muse!
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xxmyhomexx · 1 year
Ok, since I am going to romance Zain because he's hella interesting, I started thinking of a love scene that might happen, but it also has no connection to the game, and that's just how my imagination runs because I'm a sucker for intriguing LIs. 🤷‍♀️ WARNING: NSFW
What if they are in Brazil and they're on a date, and Zain takes a genuine interest in her but she's a bit afraid because if their age range? He's about 10 years older at minimum, but Yasmin can't help but feel a connection to him.
In the lobby of the villa they are staying, she decides to chance it and accepts Zain's attraction. They go on a date, exploring small outdoor markets in Brazil as well as eating at a restaurant that makes the best food amongst the Portuguese culture. Around four hours later, they end up in a bar, sitting at an indoor lounge area enjoying each other's company. Zain takes alcohol very well, whereas Yasmin decides to just drink water.
"Come on, try it," Zain suggests. "You never know."
"Ok, but if I end dying of alcohol poisoning, I'm contacting my father's men." Yasmin side-eyes him as she sips a beer from a bottle offered, but the touch of its taste to her lips is enough for her to fling it back in his hands. "Gross!"
Zain chuckles. "I guess Mr. Kadir's daughter isn't fond of beer."
"Not that kind," Yasmin sneers. "It tastes like vomit."
"Like I said, I admire a woman of traditional value." Zain sets his bottle aside.
"Does this traditional value include a foot up your ass?" Yasmin raises a brow.
Zain smirks. "Only if you're the one doing it."
Both of them laugh as Yasmin sighs, staring into the fireplace and listening to the patrons in the bar. So much had changed in a long span of time, and she rested her head along the arm of the chair. While pondering, Zain took the time to admire her. The dress she wore was one he designed for her, shaping the curves of her figure comfortably without it tightly restricting her. Her elegant brown hair was loose around her shoulders in waves, her eyes winged.
He set his beer to the side and leaned in close, catching her attention.
"You're pensive," he noticed.
"I just...it's amazing how much my life has changed. I was just Yasmin Al-Aziz, daughter of Kadir, Sefer's most famous politician. But now...I'm out here, with his colleague. And I wouldn't even change a damn thing."
Zain takes in her words as he notices she wears the bracelet he gifted to her. He offers her a hand, helping her from her chair. They walk through the bar and a set of double doors, up a staircase taking them to a second level. The bar he chose was also a hotel, discretely making a reservation for the evening.
"I hope you don't mind," Zain flicks a key card between two fingers. "It's quite late, and I'm awfully tired."
Yasmin blushes. "I didn't bring pajamas, Zain."
"You won't need them tonight."
Yasmin crimsons as he takes her hand and escorts her into the room. It's about the size of a standard living room, with a chaise lounge right next to a lit fireplace, and a queen-sized bed with a purple canopy. In the middle of the room was a small table with a vase of roses.
"Oh wow," Yasmin was in awe. "You really planned everything out. Let me guess, you knew I'd say yes to this date, and thought you'd get lucky?"
Zain shrugged. "No, I never take advantage of a woman like that, especially one I've...grown too fond of."
Yasmin smug look faded, and now she was genuinely confused. Zain plucked one of the roses from the vase, causing his date to warn him of the thorns. However, they'd been cut, and he twirled it in his fingers thoughtfully.
"I'm not asking on behalf of your father, but as a genuine man. Yasmin...will you give me your heart? Fully and honestly, only committed to me?"
Yasmin didn't move, couldn't even answer. She eyed the man closing in on her, eyes following the rose in his hand. He inhaled its scent before holding it out to her. He let it trail across her cheek, down the hollow of her throat, to the region between her breasts. Her chest heaved when she felt the softness of its petals tickling her skin.
"Are you trying to seduce me with a rose?" She raised a brow.
"What?" Zain's lips thinned. "Of course not!"
Yasmin smiled sincerely. "I'm kidding."
She closed her hands around the one that held the rose. "Zain, I've already known who my heart belonged to a long time ago. This attraction between us...it scares me, but years are just numbers, and they don't add up to what I want now. I want you, heart and soul, no one else."
And with this, he slammed his lips against hers. His tongue invaded her mouth, tasting every inch and corner that he could lap up. Yasmin's also did, as if was a war of who wanted dominance over the other first. After several minutes, they broke a part, gasping for air. Yasmin knew where the next part lead them, but she was nervous...and a virgin.
"Zain," she gulped. "I-I've never done...it before."
He nodded. He walked behind her and she turned to face the fireplace, the orange flames dancing in her eyes. Two palms rested on her shoulders, and she closed her eyes when she felt them start to massage her, across her collarbone, blades, and down to her back. She heard the zipper to the back come down, slowly. Soon, the golden fabric pulled at her feet, leaving her in a set of red lingerie. He kissed the base of her neck down the crook of her shoulder, letting her head lull to the side.
"Beautiful..." Zain voice rasped as he started to rid her of the rest of her underwear. Soon, she stood bare in front of him, still with her back against his taught chest. A part of her should have been embarrassed, but the fire in her belly bubbled and crackled with determination. That was, until she felt one hand slide downward.
"Zain...ugh!" She buckled her knees together, locking his wrist in a semi-firm grip.
He smirked. "Already ready."
"Zain, I-I'm..."
"Sssshh," he purred. "It's to help you. Trust me, Yasmin."
She moaned as her legs finally buckled beneath her, causing her to hold on to the arm of the chaise for balance. With aide, she crawled onto the cushions as his fingers continued their magic.
"Z-Zain, please," she gasped. "I-I n-n-need you."
He kissed his way up her spine and toward the base behind her ear. "I'm right here."
In a haze, Yasmin couldn't hear him ridding himself of his clothes and ripping open plastic, slipping on protection. She grunted when he flipped her over on her back and dragged her toward him.
"Oh my god." She gasped. Zain's body was built like a Morroccan warrior, a six-packed lined with definition but not overly done. His biceps were bigger than she thought, but he was the kind of fit she liked in a man: natural, hard, the kind that made her blush. He kissed her once more, molding her body against his. The chaise ricked from underneath their weight, but it held to full support as he crawled on top of her.
He started to lick, graze his teeth, and suck at her collarbone, neck, anywhere he could find. He then trailed his mouth tortorously down her body, earning him a pleasant tune of moans and groans. She was so lost in it, she almost didn't feel a sharp cut into her body.
"AAAUGH!" It was sudden, swift, and full. She clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle the labor breathing. It burned and stung, causing tears to prick at the corners of her eyes.
Zain didn't move, didn't budge. He just ran his fingers through her hair, assuring her it'd be better in seconds. He ran his thumbs across her wet eyes and lifted her slightly.
"It's better," she was no longer in pain. "I can take it."
Slowly, she felt him start to move. He never peeled his gaze away as she interlaced her fingers in his, urging him to go faster.
"Yes, yes, like that," she pulled him in for another kiss. "It feels like Heaven!"
Suddenly, she flipped him over, now atop of him. Zain kept his hands on her hips as she balanced one hand on the arm of the chaise with the other on his shoulder.
"More, more. Zain!"
"Such a greedy, rebellious princess." Zain smirked. With a final jerk of his hips, Yasmin collapsed on top of him, exhausted but satisfied. She lay there in his arms for a few minutes, gathering her thoughts before he slowly lifted her and carried her to the shower.
In the bathroom, Zain shampooed and soaped the length of her body, running his fingers through her soaked main. She soaped the entire area of his back, across his chest before finishing off with his hair. Yasmin pulled his head down and kissed him, molding herself against him.
"I'll never get tired of this."
"I'll never get tired of you, Yasmin. Never."
This was all she needed. He was all she needed.
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contreparry · 1 year
ANNN IT'S FRIDAY AND i am a sucker for linguistics so please from the sexual tension prompts: "[ LANGUAGE ] : sender begins to speak seductively and fluently with the receiver in another language." with whoever you want!!!!
Here's some modern!Thedas Zevran/Surana for @dadrunkwriting! I sort of played around with the prompt, but I hope this still fills the brief!
"If I wished to seduce you, Bran Surana, I would not use the Ferelden language to do it," Zevran declared airily with a toss of his head. Bran rolled his eyes and bent down to pick up another cardboard box full of paperbacks. Shelving was monotonous work. Easy work, really, though it was physically taxing. But Bran liked to take the time to pop in his earbuds, listen to music, and think as he worked. Of course, Zevran (annoyingly charming and persistent Zevran) dropped by to keep him company (what did the man even do for a living?), so the earbuds remained in a tangled knot in his apron pocket, and The Screeching Void's latest album remained unheard.
If it had been someone else Bran might have been annoyed. But this was Zevran, and Zevran was different in ways Bran couldn't quite quantify yet. Unknown factors. Solve for 'X.' Show your work. Zevran ought to have been annoying. He was an incorrigible flirt who dropped into his life for the sole purpose of confusing Bran. He was glamorous and intimidating and impossible to explain, but Zevran would drink Morrigan's dreadful coffee and endure her nastiest glares just to spend time with him during his lunch break. And why him in the first place?
Probably because he was entertaining to annoy. Leliana told him his ears went cherry red when he was particularly incensed, and Zevran seemed to take great delight in teasing him. But sometimes, when they sat quietly and ate lunch, Bran would catch Zevran looking at him as if he was the greater mystery between them. But then he returned to his teasing, and Bran returned to rolling his eyes in turn.
"Nothing wrong with how us Ferelden's talk," Bran finally said, and if he deliberately leaned into his own Bannorn accent even harder... well, Zevran wasn't the only one who was capable of teasing.
"It's flat," Zevran retorted. "No drama, no flair! A dull drone from beginning to end."
"Rude," Bran replied. "If you really were trying to seduce me with those pastries you've failed spectacularly by insulting my language." Not that he was insulted, really, but when he had the opportunity to unsettle Zevran he had to take it. Turnabout was fair play, or so said Leliana.
"You have a pleasant manner of speech, my dear bookseller. Utterly charming. It suits you. But the language itself-" Zevran shuddered dramatically. "Truly. Orlesian is too flowery, but Antivan..."
"Antivan, of course," Bran rolled his eyes, and he reached down to pick another book out of the cardboard box. "Go on, then."
"Oh?" Though he couldn't see Zevran's expression, Bran heard the smile in that single, short exclamation. Bran snorted and placed the book on the shelf.
"Seduce me in Antivan, if you're so certain it will work," Bran ordered. "Though you are working at a disadvantage, my knowledge of the language is slim-"
Zevran's hand joined his, wrapping around the spine of the book. Zevran's pinkie softly touched Bran's index finger before he retreated. Bran glanced over at Zevran, who looked at him with a solemn expression in his amber brown eyes.
He spoke, the words almost musical, and Bran tried to pick out at least one word he recognized- there was a "you" in there, and something that might have been... flower? But it was less the words he said and more the earnestness in Zevran's face, the gentle timbre of his voice, the rise and fall of the way he spoke- Bran flushed and shoved the book into its place on the shelf.
"That's... effective," Bran grumbled. "I'll give you that. What... what were you saying?"
"Hmm," Zevran hummed, the mischevous light returning to his eyes as he let the silence hang between them. "Perhaps you should learn Antivan instead. It doesn't work as well in your tongue." With a cheeky grin on his face Zevran stepped back and held the pastry he had bought out to Bran.
"I believe I won our little game, my dear bookseller, but I am ever gracious in victory," he teased. "A consolation prize?"
"... fine. Just this once," Bran muttered, his face hot and his mind whirling- Zevran and his unknown factors only kept growing every day. Bran made a note to find a language learning book (maybe even an app) after his shift.
(Author's Note: Zevran quoted Pablo Neruda ("Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con lose cerezos." or "I want to do to you what spring does with cherry trees."). Bran would be rather baffled by his choice once he figures out the quote.)
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jestercoven · 2 years
I have no one to ramble to so I'm making You Specifically, person reading this, listen to me.
I fucking LLLLOVE Belos' character design so much. Like it is genuinely one of my favorite character designs of all time. Am I biased because I enjoy religious themes and I'm a bit of a history nerd? Yes obviously.. BUT GOD HE JUST LOOKS SO COOL??? White, gold, and brown is such a lovely color combo and the black of his robe when he moves his cloak.. PERFECTION.
And his SCAR? HELLO?? The fact that it looks like wood is already enough to have me adoring it because of the palismen eating thing.. but the thought of how FAR DOWN HIS BODY IT GOES. We know it's on his head and neck but I like to imagine that it goes all the way down his torso and to his legs, dark holes in it and all. And his fucking glyph covered arms oh my GOD don't get me started. The way they glow red when he uses magic.. MWAH. The thought that both of his arms are just Covered in them all the way up to his shoulders is also my favorite thing because it reminds me of tattoo sleeves and... HOO.
God and- okay this is something specific I need to mention- but his nose. I Love this man's nose. I know that it's broken because of Lilith but it just adds so much more character, y'know?? His face in general is just great. His nose, his eye bags, the wrinkles on his lips and the corner of his mouth, the scar obviously, his dull blue eyes, THIS MAN IS TOO NICE TO LOOK AT AND I THINK I'M ACTUALLY GOING CRAZY. This is just me gushing about an old bastard and I am so Not sorry about it. I'm a sucker for good character design and he is great.
Here... have him. As a treat. For your troubles.
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