#and he’s actually pretty decent at keeping his work personal life separate
coachbeards · 2 months
brendan saying beard could never be head coach because of personal reasons/having a chaotic mental health/self destructive nature etc bc like. Have you SEEN the other coaches 💀
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nicosraf · 6 months
hiyaaa i have a goofy question but if the angels in abm were to keep their own diary, what would their their most bizarre diary entry be about ? would they put anything in their diaries ? like a lock of hair or pressed petals or etc ? and have u ever had a diary ?
this is a cute question! and i've been really into journaling lately, so this ask makes me happy :)
Hmm I think Lucifer's diary would be, in general, so so so weird. It would be very pretty, of course, (full of pressed flowers and decorative paper and even some little gems) and he'd write down everything. I can see him writing Michael's name and surrounding it with pink hearts, and i can imagine all his entries about the strange feelings he has for him. At the same time, I can also see Lucifer's entries getting messier and uglier as he spirals. (Now I'm imagining ABM but as Lucifer diary entries :') )
Michael would only write the events he cares about I think. He usually doodles too, though he's not very good. He might draw a stick figure with long eyelashes and long hair and an arrow with the word "lucifer !!" attached. He writes about how he cares about his friends (and about how much he likes Lucifer, ofc)
Rosier always sets out to make a pretty, organized diary for a bunch of stuff, but he ends up making 90% of it just recipes and gardening notes for himself (he stuffs a lot of loose leaf notes into it, so it ends up messy). Sometimes there's a random doodle in there from Asmodeus.
I don't this Asmodeus could keep a diary, partly because of his personality and partly for... other reasons (I think seeing a material object representative of how long he's lived would drive him actually insane). I think he would really enjoy scribbling in Rosier's diary though.
Baal would also not be great at keeping a diary, but I think he'd suddenly get Very into it after meeting Lucifer. He would also write a lot about how Michael sucks. His most bizarre diary entry is one where he rants about how Michael is not as strong or hot as everyone thinks he is.... and he doesn't deserve to be Lucifer's friend.
Uriel wouldn't have a diary, but I think he might keep a journal of observations about life or living, and he'd definitely write to Kimah a lot. I think he might even frame it as letters to Kimah. (Maybe a part of him hopes he can hand it to Kimah one day to show him how life was all the time he was gone)
Raphael would mostly keep a work diary, with a couple sketches of the interesting injuries he encounters (pretty decent medical diagrams, i think !!). i think he also keeps a separate diary for fishing :)
Gabriel would write down every message God gives him. I think he just finds God really wise and... i think Gabriel sees God as a really comforting presence. Whenever he's sad, he just reads about all the words God had told him, and it makes him feel better </3
Also, to answer your last question — yes! i used to be really into diaries when i was little (until my diary got discovered and was thrown away when i was 13-ish). i recently got into journaling again though! :)
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villain-in-love · 1 month
So basically... A Date With Death MC/Self-insert
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Оно Выделяло Тепло by АИГЕЛ
Death Is A Teacher by Eden Iris
BRAT by Chris Marcell
...also Mixed Messages by Tom Cardy
⬩ I have yet to come up with a separate name for her... So for now she's just Katarina.
⬩ Aspiring fashion designer of 25 years of age.
⬩ Currently works as an assistant in an atelier in the centre of the city.
⬩ Lives alone in a studio-type of apartments with her pet cat Seras.
⬩ She’s been getting into all kinds of disasters and life-threatening incidents throughout her life, miraculously surviving every time. Unfortunately, the people around her are usually not so lucky, so she had to witness many deaths.
⬩ At least a half of her family is dead by now, and she keeps her distance with the remaining relatives. Well, it's not that she was ever the type of person who would care about family, so she doesn't dwell on that.
⬩ She has two moods: an insufferable clown and an absolute bitch.
⬩ Most people consider Katarina to be intimidating and unapproachable, mostly because she’s not too fond of social interactions, along with having a sharp tongue and a domineering attitude. And since she doesn't really understand social rules, she comes across as mean and arrogant even when she doesn’t intend to.
⬩ Being conventionally attractive and dressing up in very classy, “formal” fashion doesn’t help her case.
⬩ However, if you get involved in an actual conversation with her, you’ll find that she can be very playful and humorous, she just supresses that side of her. And for a good reason, I must say, because she often goes overboard with her teasing, and her humour indeed can be rather mean.
⬩ Conversations with her also tend to easily slip into something that is either sexual or macabre (she might have some issues).
⬩ Katarina is a romantic at heart, but she never had a chance to date anyone, mostly because she has very specific tastes. But then a certain reaper came along, and it turned out that she's actually really flirty. Too flirty even.
⬩ By the start of the canon timeline she was going crazy from boredom and loneliness. Perhaps that’s why she decided to reply to a "Grim Reaper" weirdo who was spamming her with messages from an unknown app she doesn't even remember installing.
⬩ Anyways, since she was so pent-up, and Casper seemed like such an easy target… Yeah, she just went all out on him. Years of untold jokes and atrocious pick-up lines finally found their way out. She surely had a blast making fun of him.
⬩ It’s not like she completely refuses to believe in supernatural, you know. She’s an agnostic, all she needs is some substantial evidence. But instead of providing that evidence, Casper just kept making a fool of himself for the first few days.
⬩ He’s lucky that he’s so pretty and that Katarina has a thing for idiots with an attitude. This guy is exactly her type (and she’s going to make it his problem).
⬩ Unlike canon MC, Katarina wasn’t that surprised to find out that he’s an actual Grim Reaper. She just needed some time to process the implications (and maybe some vodka).
⬩ That is to say, after learning from Casper that the reason she was constantly getting into accidents was her inability to die, she went through the crisis of realising that she really is the reason that so many people that were close to her are now dead.
⬩ She’s also more chill than canon MC. Casper can actually talk to her seriously… Before she inevitably starts trolling him again because she can’t resist the temptation.
⬩ She graduated high school of art and design but didn’t get to the higher education because her parents died, and she was not ready to work and study at the same time. She managed to find a decent job anyways, but she still wants to get a degree in the future when she’s more stable.
⬩ She only has one friend who is just as bad as she is. Said friend lives in another city, but they talk on the phone constantly.
⬩ She adopted her cat about two years ago after stumbling upon her on the streets. Katarina is very protective of Seras and always tries to ensure her safety above everything else.
⬩ Unlike the way it looks in the game, her actual apartments are a mess, with paper, fabric and tools lying everywhere. Though honestly, this mess is nothing compared to how her working space in an atelier looks.
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futureacesquad · 9 months
Captain Squad Headcanons
Warning: LONG post.
They all hang out on Skype the most because y'know...different prefectures lol.
The Miyagi captains see each other a lot tho!
The current second-year captains especially exchange advice a lot since they're newest to it.
Shibuya (Tokonami Captain; I'm just guessing here): Guys I think I accidentally started a disagreement between the first-years and I feel really bad about it, what do I do?
Futakuchi (Date Tech Captain): Look, I start 90% of the fights on my team so...
Towada (Ougiminami Captain): Our team just settles it in a death match.
Terushima (Johzenji Captain): We don't really fight per say, the gym just accidentally gets set on fire on occasion.
Komaki (Kakugawa Captain): Why do I feel like I'm the only one who actually has it semi-together?
Fr tho all the captains envy Komaki so much because his team is literally the only decently-sane one among them.
Like the biggest problem he has to deal with other than teens being teens is Asamushi getting too fired up sometimes and Hyakuzawa accidentally hitting his head on doorways.
As for dynamics among them...
There is a mutual agreement to keep Kuroo and Daishou separated at all times because the power of petty exes is too much for them (Iizuna is in charge of making sure they're at least 6 feet apart when possible).
The ONLY time those two have ever agreed on something was when some asshole started insulting their first-years.
The guy still gets nightmares about it.
Oikawa and Ushijima are also kept apart most times, though Oikawa's getting better at understanding him while Ushijima is starting to get why Oikawa feels the way he does.
They like to bitch about their fellow year-mates too.
Daichi complains about Suga's chaoticness and Asahi's timidness.
Kuroo complains about Yaku at any opportunity (though rarely Kai).
Oikawa loudly whines about the "disrespect" he endures from all the third-years (barring Yuda, the one who was crying with pride for all of them).
Daishou is fed up with how unhelpful his third-years are when it comes to any life advice (he doesn't have it together, but nobody else does either, sooo).
Bokuto likes to join Oikawa in his protest against "cruelty against captains"; the one he complains most about is Konoha, but the rest of them are still talked about very frequently.
Nakashima always follows up his complaints with something positive about them. Daichi is both jealous and in awe of this (little does he know it's a technique developed to stop Takeru from decking his siblings sometimes).
Ushijima doesn't like to complain about his teammates much bc he doesn't really see the point when you could just tell them they're being annoying dicks.
Iizuna's complaints usually aren't too bad and far between, but on days when Itachiyama loses practice matches due to the team's attitude...whoo boy.
Suwa is like...so calm? And his complaints are always so minor? And always with a completely patient expression? And the captains are so confused in the beginning because their only prior personal experience with Kamomedai is the few Hoshiumi interviews people manage to get and that kid sure as hell isn't this calm.
And then one day Nozawa is making provocations worthy of Futakuchi and he comes in complaining and everyone's just like there it is.
Echigo's pretty chill too, since Tsubakihara isn't a particularly rambunctious team, but some days Teradomari gets completely slandered for the dumbass moves he pulls during practice on occasion (he's trying to show off to the underclassmen; spoilers, it's not working, but Himekawa politely claps for him at least).
Kiryuu always feels really bad about venting even when it's clear he needs to (he was the one who put in the "no insulting the second or first years" rule since he felt it was unfair to the underclassmen), but he's getting better.
Him and Oikawa trade mental health tips sometimes.
The previous captains like to drop in sometimes.
It's canonical that the Date Tech third-years can't leave their underclassmen alone, so they show up most often.
The two Komakis confuse everyone to no end.
Ikejiri and Komaki H (Tokonami's old captain) show up the most for their team.
Ikejiri is delighted to catch up with Daichi (they start having monthly catch-up sessions with Yui too at one point).
Okudake and Akimiya drop by sometimes to make sure their second-years haven't convinced anyone to commit major arson or join a gang.
Moniwa, Okudake and Akimiya are highly respected by everyone for dealing with the hazardous sassy disasters known as the Date Tech, Johzenji and Ougiminami second-years.
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Confession: i think a lot of ppl acknowledge that Tom is a good actor, bt some ppl question his non-Spiderman roles, which i dnt personally disagree with. He def gets praised for his acting being the best part of a lot if his projects (cherry, tcr) bt i think ppl want movies/shows scripts to actually match his acting talent. Hes 27 and seems lik the type to keep on going, so hes going to b ok lol i think the R+J is really going to b great in his career and same with the Fred movie. I think he really does well in musicals and stage work
I do see a lot of overlap of Tom/Tomdaya fans, bt some of the few solo Tom fans I see seem to hate Z 😬 idk what it is about a lot of white boy fans hating their partners (even if its a small minority, their loud), bt it seems to b a trend. Tom used to follow some of his fanbase igs too, bt has since unfollowed some of them and mayb that distanced some if his fans? Idk tbh bt i think the overlap of Tom/Tomdaya fans might hav to due with mayb that, Z was more known during Spiderman+ a lot of her fans became his fans and i think hes one of the few young male celebs that seem to publically praise/admire his gf, and a lot of ppl really seem to lik that. I hav no doubt he will prob gain more solo fans when future projects come in
Thanks Anon for your Confession. :)
i think a lot of ppl acknowledge that Tom is a good actor, bt some ppl question his non-Spiderman roles, which i dnt personally disagree with. He def gets praised for his acting being the best part of a lot if his projects (cherry, tcr) bt i think ppl want movies/shows scripts to actually match his acting talent.
I understand that 100%. Did people have an issue with the TCR script? I felt that the script was just fine?? My only complaint was that it seemed to take a bit longer to get to the point, and it treated us as viewers like we were 5 years old lol (most of us figured out the twist by the end of episode 1, even if you don't follow Tom closely), but I didn't see anything wrong with the script.
To me, playing a role like Danny in TCR was actually a pretty complex role that has an actor playing like 5 different people....which, I felt that Tom executed beautifully btw. 😊
And the complaints with the script for some of his other projects like TDATT... I mean, Robert Pattinson was in the film as well.... Same with Bill Skarsgard. They're known to be decent actors. Why are their fans not harping on TDATT and how bad the script was? Why are THEY allowed to do TDATT and go on to do other projects without any complaint? Why is Tom always the one getting complained about? All of these actors are GOOD actors. Amanda Seyfriend was in TCR and she's also a good actress. Why is she not getting so much heat? Why is the pressure always on Tom?? 🤔 That's what I don't understand. I personally think fans are a bit too hard on Tom. Just let an actor be and do his/her job.... Not every project is going to be a blockbuster, or a "hit" with audiences... And you know what?? That's perfectly OKAY! Actors continue to act. 😊
Idk tbh bt i think the overlap of Tom/Tomdaya fans might hav to due with mayb that, Z was more known during Spiderman+ a lot of her fans became his fans and i think hes one of the few young male celebs that seem to publically praise/admire his gf, and a lot of ppl really seem to lik that.
I do feel that some fans of Tomdaya are just fans of Tom simply because Z is dating him, and they are just fans of whoever Z dates, as long as the guy treats her well. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I hav no doubt he will prob gain more solo fans when future projects come in
I hope so! 😊 This is just my personal opinion (of course), but I've been saying for a while now that I think Tom needs just a little bit of autonomy separating his career from his love life. We should be able to search for things on Tom and have plenty of Tom-solo content that doesn't have to be related to his gf (or gross, hypersexualized manips 🤮). I would be saying that no matter who he's dating.
It seems like for Tom however, they are inextricably linked, and imo that can be a BAD thing (in the long run) for a LOT of reasons. 🥴👀
At least with Zendaya, I feel like she has a separation of fans who are just fans of her and her work, and content isn't just about who she's dating/Tom, etc.... Idk if I'm making sense.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
I mentioned in the tags of a recently reblogged post that I had Opinions™ about the “OFMD fandom is racist because they’re interpreting Ed as illiterate” take that’s been gaining traction lately, so I finally decided to slam those opinions into a post. Specifically, I want to list the textual details that made me, personally, come to the conclusion that Ed is (likely) illiterate as a means of pushing back against this growing idea that anyone who crafts meta under that assumption, includes it as a characterization in fics, uses it as a means of theorizing about season two, etc. is automatically coming from a place of racism... rather than, in actuality, a pretty solid canonical interpretation. So some things this post is not includes:
A claim that OFMD/fandom in general isn’t racist in other respects. I’m speaking solely about this one example.
A claim that Ed is definitely, 100%, no room for discussion illiterate. I believe it’s a likely possibility based on what we’ve seen, but the show hasn’t provided confirmation one way or the other.
An attack against any headcanoning. Fans are free to imagine up and/or hope for whatever they like, regardless of how persuasive a reading others find it to be.
Okay, I’m doubting my ability to string this all together with halfway decent transitions right now (the heat is making my brain buzz like TV static), so let’s just stick to a list form.
1. Lucius Establishes That Illiteracy is the Norm in Pirate Culture
First off, OFMD introduces class differences in the pilot episode by having Stede gush about the “full library” he has on board... to his personal scribe... who is writing down his thoughts and adventures purely for vanity’s sake (the fact that they’re later used to save Stede’s life is a separate matter from his intentions here), only to suddenly get hit with the knowledge that no one else on the ship can read.
“That’s not... is that true?” he asks, dumbfounded, and then Stede answers his own question with a rather distasteful scoff. Lucius responds with a look that I can only affectionately caption as, ‘This bitch.’ 
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(I am also once again apologizing for the horrendous ‘screenshots’ taken with my phone.) 
All of this is deliberate. We’re setting up the dichotomy of pirate vs. gentry culture, as well as one of Stede’s major flaws. Namely, using the privilege of his upbringing as a crutch/personal safety net (with a side of that arrogant superiority: “Don’t debase yourself for a man who doesn’t even have a tureen on board!”). This is why Oluwande and Jim need to explain that for them, piracy isn’t a fun, midlife crisis and Stede comes to the realization, “I’m not a pirate, I’m an idiot.” Wealth is why he’s able to run from Ed the moment his anxiety gets the better of him, hurting him and Mary in one fell swoop when he shows back up all, ‘I’ve decided to be your husband again the same way I decided to be a pirate. Everyone bow to my whims and the privilege that allows me to enforce them!’ The ability to pay wages and read bedtime stories is what keeps Stede’s mutiny on hold for so long (a sharp contrast to Izzy who has no such luxuries to offer as a way of offsetting his own, difficult personality), Stede’s gentlemanly demeanor (born of a lifetime of social education) is what first draws Ed to him, then it’s his material wealth, and finally Stede giving up his fortune to return with only a dinghy and the clothes on his back is the sign of emotional growth.
Literacy isn’t the only marker of Stede’s privilege—far from it—but it is a major one and it’s important for setting up this contrast that drives much of the character work. Yes, Lucius is technically wrong about being the only other member of the crew who can read, though it’s clear why he came to that conclusion when Jim was pretending to be mute and couldn’t just say, ‘Hey, I can read and write too.’ Beyond that one mistake though, we have no reason to doubt Lucius’ claim. Not when the group is worried about who will continue their bedtime stories if Captain is dead and Lucius sucks at the voices. Don’t we think someone else would have spoken up to solve the dilemma if they could? More importantly, revealing that actually more of/most of the crew can read would severely undermine that thematic work of Stede’s upbringing—and that goes double for the man who represents the pinnacle of pirate culture: Blackbeard himself. We see through our flashback that Ed does not come from a place of privilege, which includes both education and material wealth based on how the show has defined privilege via Stede. Though it’s hardly impossible for Ed to have picked up reading later in life while still grappling with the trauma of growing up poor, for me there’s nothing to indicate that. Far from it: the show goes out of its way to emphasize all the ways in which Ed and Stede contrast one another, with Stede’s privilege—reading included—presented as markers of a life and emotional expression that Ed simultaneously longs for, yet feels that he’s undeserving of.
2. Ed is Shocked By the Amount Stede Has Read
When Ed is presented with Stede’s library he acts like a man who has never had access to so many books before. “Incredible,” he whispers, staring at the shelves in awe.
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Except then Ed goes on to specify what exactly he’s in awe of and it’s not the books themselves. “You’ve read all of these?” he asks Stede, the ‘all’ emphasizing his shock that any one man (even in his forties) could have gotten through this many volumes. Ed doesn’t act like someone impressed with the beauty of the library itself—like we might see if he too was a reader and was simply impressed by the pretty bindings—but rather at Stede’s ability to read any library, but particularly one of this size. When Stede says that these are just his favorites, Ed gives a little huff of stunned disbelief. These are not the reactions of a man who frequently keeps books in his own cabin to peruse. Rather, they’re the reactions of someone who hasn’t read much himself, if anything at all.
In addition, Ed doesn’t engage with the text when Stede hands him the book. I’ve seen a couple people say that Ed can clearly read because he knew that was a picture of himself, but really, it’s not a hard thing to deduce. Even if Stede hadn’t led with this being something he thinks Ed will enjoy—AKA, it’s likely something about you—for all the fantasy details of nine guns and snake-like hair, Blackbeard is pretty distinctive in his look. That’s that point. He has long hair, a massive black beard, dresses all in leather, and is depicted with pirate-y things like ships and treasure. You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out who that’s supposed to be an illustration of. The point though is that there’s a page of text to the left and, more importantly, a big title claiming he’s “The Mad Devil Pyrate Blackbeard,” yet Ed doesn’t take issue with the “mad” or the “devil” part. He jumps straight to looking at the image itself, despite the writing being just as valid a detail to get angry over as the nine guns.
3. Ed Treats The Books He Comes Across as Disposable
Going off of his reaction to Stede’s library, I think it would still be possible to argue that Ed is primarily impressed with the number of books he possesses (another kind of material privilege) if we didn’t see Ed get access to a huge number of books and immediately discard them. In “The Best Revenge is Dressing Well,” they raid the vessel where Stede finds several shelves of books, enough that he also refers to it as a “library.” This tells us then that most ships probably have at least a couple books on board and many, like this one, might have a big selection. So if Ed had wanted a library like Stede’s, he could have easily gotten one. He’s Blackbeard and he’s been looting ships for several decades at this point. The only reason why someone that impressed with Stede’s books would pass off so many opportunities to get his own would be if he doesn’t have a use for them, especially when books don’t carry the same toxic masculinity implications as a cashmere scarf does. Blackbeard, the legend, should be able to read with a safety that he couldn’t, say, dress in a flowery robe and recite poetry. Books are a fairly safe form of expression for a pirate (and entertainment too, something Ed lacks!) yet he doesn’t make use of them.
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Instead, the way Ed acts here heavily implies to me that a) he can’t read (or can’t read well) and b) he’s feeling insecure about it. He snaps that this isn’t “how raiding works” when Stede says he’s replacing the books he’s taken with ones he’s already read, despite the fact that Ed has been pretty chill for the rest of the attack and, notably, usually likes Stede’s eccentricities. The most likely reason why he’d suddenly frown at Stede not raiding 'properly’—in a relationship where Stede’s new way of doing things is usually exciting and fascinating to Ed—is if Stede’s book focus is dredging up feelings of inadequacy. Ed opens the book, but flips through it in a way that shows a distinct lack of interest... or an inability to read it. He tosses it aside. Then he slaps the rest of the books out of Lucius’ hands. On its own this interaction might imply that Ed is disdainful of reading in general, but following how enamored he is with Stede’s personal library and his ability to work through it, the scene instead implies illiteracy. Here, Stede is enthusiastic about something Ed can’t share, on an outing where Ed is supposed to be teaching him, so he goes hard on how “raiding works” and makes it clear that books—these useless objects to him—aren’t worth picking up. Drop them and go shove a knife near a guy’s eyeball instead.
4. Ed Signs the Treaty With an ‘X’
I don’t actually have that much to say about this scene (in regards to literacy, anyway), simply because the ‘X’ alone is the big takeaway. I’m sure by now we’ve all seen the tweet claiming that an ‘X’ was used by indigenous people as a form of protest against colonizers and the historical accuracy of that aside (it’s not a discipline I’m at all educated in, but others have pushed back against both OP’s interpretation of the book’s thesis as well as whether this intersects with Māori culture), that’s simply not the most obvious implication here. We know based on interviews that the writers have unintentionally included racial coding in other parts of the show—making the men of color work during Izzy’s brief stint as captain being one of the most well known. That wasn’t meant to be an indicator of racism, just a combination of Nairn having a bad back and dumb luck regarding who was staged to do the work—so this wouldn’t be the first time that fans have come to a very different conclusion than the writers intended. Ultimately, I think it’s FAR more likely that an American writer used a well-known means of conveying illiteracy, as seen throughout American popular culture, in a show that is not at all concerned with historical accuracy... than it is that he included a very subtle, historical allusion to indigenous protest and attached that to a character whose ability to know about that and culturally benefit from it are questionable at best. Though, as said at the start, headcanoning is fantastic and adds a wonderful depth to Ed’s character, from a canonical standpoint this feels like an Occam’s Razor situation to me: the simplest explanation is the most likely.
5. The Show Doesn’t Shy Away From Establishing Who Can and Can’t Read
This is a minor point, but it helps solidify all of the above. We’re told that Stede can read. We’re told that Lucius can read. Again, those are important skills used to separate them from the rest of pirate culture. We learn in a surprise twist that Jim can also read, write, and they’re not actually mute. The show then heavily implies that Izzy can read by a) giving him a voice-over similar to Jim’s (even though we never see what he might be writing in) and b) having him spend time in Stede’s library before the fuckery and then again, this time actually looking through the books (compared to Ed’s disorganized flipping/discarding) and finding an image of Blackbeard all by himself (compared to Stede doing that for Ed). Sure, we could theorize that Izzy just happened to stumble across a book about Blackbeard, maybe because Stede has so many in his collection, and he’s only looking at pictures/pretending to read in the shots where he has a book in hand.. but again, the simplest explanation feels the most persuasive to me. The point being that the show usually makes it very clear who can read and who cannot, with those in the gray area nevertheless leaning hard in one direction. Izzy leans hard into ‘literary.’ Ed does not.
Finally, I want to quickly address a couple of arguments I’ve seen pop up over the last couple of months:
1. The Real Blackbeard was Able to Read (+ You Have to Read to Sail a Ship)
Any and all takes along these lines are immediately suspect in my mind because they’re rooted in historical accuracy... and ignore the fact that OFMD is not historically accurate. At all. The real life Blackbeard did not fall in love with Stede Bonnet. The ship runs on gay sex and story time, not legitimate sailing techniques. Any argument that begins with “But the real Blackbeard...” or “But in real life you have to...” falls flat because this is very much not the real Blackbeard and the plot is in no way bound by realism. I mean, I’m not trying to be a buzzkill. I think it’s fun to play thought games like “What if Ed and Izzy run their ship aground like they did in real life and that becomes a callback to the second episode?” but there’s a difference between fun theorizing about what random events the show might include for the laughs and trying to use historical accuracy as a form of evidence in metas. I mean, Buttons is out here communicating with seagulls and casting hexes so that Calico Jack (presumably) dies via cannonball. When your story is that untethered from reality, any claims based in realism hold little value imo. Ed being able to read because the real Edward Teach could read is no more likely than Ed dying a horrific death at... [checks Wikipedia] hmm. A year after the events of the show start. Should be happening any episode now! 
2. Ed is Able to Read Music
Honestly, as someone with a 2,000 book library and no ability to read music, I’m not sure how one relates to the other, but a couple times now I’ve seen people claim that because Ed plays the harpsichord at the party, he must know how to read. Putting aside the strange conflation though, Ed isn’t reading any music here. He plays solely from memory and, given what else we see of his talents, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ed had simply memorized a few shanties over the years. He’s already learned the shape of the clouds. He dutifully repeats Stede’s words after he’s corrected on the scarf’s fabric—“An exquisite cashmere.” Though he hasn’t got it all down yet, Ed is also well on his way to learning all the insane spoons and forks involved in fine dining. The guy’s got a good head for recalling information, which to me is an entirely separate skill from the specific ability to interpret words on a page.
3. Ed Read the Placards During Dinner
Does he though? The scene begins when Ed is already seated at the table and though he does look towards the placard that says he’s Godfrey’s guest, I interpret that more for the audience’s benefit than anything else. After all, Ed is already sitting down. He knows where he’s supposed to be. Why would he need to re-read his own placard? Despite the glance in that direction, it looks like an establishing shot to set the scene. So then how did Ed know where to sit? Idk, any way someone knows where to sit without looking at their placard. Maybe one of the servants showed him. Maybe another party-goer shooed him into his designated seat. Ed acts lost and confused the whole time, looking in random directions and muttering about snail forks. He doesn’t act like someone who chose this spot confidently, nor does he act like someone who can use reading as a skill to assist him in his anxiety. That is, he doesn’t look for and find Stede’s placard to ensure they’re seated together and he doesn’t realize he’s next to the touchy woman until it’s too late.
4. Finally: How Could Ed Have Drawn an ‘X’ If He Doesn’t Know How to Read?
Because an ‘X’ is just two crossed lines that might not have any meaning to him beyond, ‘This is what illiterate people do to sign their name.’ There’s a huge gap between understanding the ‘X’ as a symbol for this particular situation and knowing how to apply it—along with 25 other letters—to read a language. I can draw the Superman ‘S’ (not an ‘S’!), but that doesn’t mean I can read Kryptonian. I can also recite the Spanish alphabet from middle school, but that doesn’t mean I remember how to apply it after years without practice. Humans are really good at tying signified concepts to signs and an ‘X’ isn’t exactly the most difficult sign to memorize. Of course, it’s also possible that Ed knows his letters, but not how to read Stede’s books. Illiteracy isn’t a black and white state of being: Ed may understand the ‘X’ only as a symbol of agreement, or as a letter, or as a part of a couple words. I feel like the fandom is approaching this as an either/or situation—you can read or you can’t—rather than a very complicated skill that takes years to master, with everyone continuing to learn as time goes on. You think I remember every grammatical rule in the English language? Or that I know the meaning of every word I come across? Or even how to pronounce them? You think I can switch to a culture I’m not a part of—an online space, an academic discipline, a friends’ text exchange—and read through it without stumbling on words, acronyms, and concepts I’ve never encountered? Just as there’s a huge range within my literacy, there’s the possibility for an equally huge range within Ed’s illiteracy too. Maybe he can’t read at all. Maybe he can recognize Godfrey’s name after seeing it on the invitation card. Maybe he can only write his name, but chose not to. Maybe he can do all that, but can’t manage the dense text of Stede’s books. Maybe he can read a bit, but can’t manage the fancy script of the gentry. Maybe the vocabulary is an obstacle. Maybe he learned a long time ago and, like my Spanish, has since lost it. There are a lot of options here that would fall under the large umbrella of 'Ed is illiterate.’
All of which is just to say: those of us working with an illiterate Ed in metas, fanfics, and the like didn’t pull that idea out of thin air and we definitely didn’t hit on it because Ed isn’t white. It’s a reading that the show is very much pointing towards and even if it’s proven wrong in season two, that doesn’t erase the strong implications we got at the start.Yes, there’s a lot wrong with fandom—I’d never deny it—but that’s not going to improve if people put their energy towards pushing inaccurate, but very satisfying claims. It’s a lot easier (and makes people feel good about themselves) to make blanket claims about how Ed Not Being White + Illiterate Interpretations = Racism... but that ease and feelings of superiority don’t make it true. Like the discourse over using any shortened version of Oluwande’s name, or the desire to saddle the antagonist (Izzy) and any fans who like him with accusations of racism, the fandom is looking for easy, black and white rules to avoid being #Problematic. But OFMD is too complicated for that—fandom is too complicated for that—and even if it wasn’t, making up nefarious motivations for character interpretations doesn’t achieve a damn thing.
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preeningpisces · 23 days
you sound really fun!!
i've really enjoyed everything i've read from you before!
and honestly, i must confess – i think you're making me like kenjaku a little more xx <33
i honestly really liked that kenjaku one-shot! the dynamic was just so fun! i loved the build-up! and you know what? i can see the appeal in kenjaku! he's playful, clever, silly, willing to experiment (to a fault), but he's also... a little unattainable but in an attractive way?
anyway, i like your writing. and honestly? i think your smut is some of the best i've ever read because it reads as being authentic. like you know how to time things and how to build tension.
i also really love your art stuff!! i think it's super cool. i can't pick out your favourite drawings, but the ones that come to mind are the sketches of kenjaku, especially the diptych of one having kenjaku smirking and the other licking up his brain fluids, the one that you deleted but which i adore of kenjaku getting down and dirty with the kitty cat, and the pieta!!! which is so cool and which i keep on thinking about!
i hope i'll get to read more stuff by you!!
since you're slowly but surely converting me to the kenny love train, i would love to read more stuff about kenny xx BUT your characterisation of others is brilliant too xx i thought the overstimulation ones were pretty fun xx and the tinder one, too, was absolutely hilarious !! <33
Hihi!! Thank you :3 I certainly hope the people in my personal life consider me fun
This ask is dangerous. I’m about to be SO annoying - buckle up ‼️
If there is one thing you can say to unleash the menace within me, it’s to tell me I converted you into liking a character. Especially if they’re typically disliked
I know you said making, like in the process, but….
YEAAA unattainable in an attractive way is such a good way to put it!! Your mind!!! I think that’s a large appeal for me - like you’ll never be on his level & he’ll never really love you (in my opinion). The toxic part of me really fucks with that. Striving for something you can never have is just MMMM degradation kink go brrrrr & they’re someone you can’t help but want to impress/seek the approval of (tho you should never tell them this; he’s already insufferable)
It kind of satisfies a personal philosophy of mine; that oftentimes yearning/wanting something is more pleasurable than actually having it. But maybe that’s just a pretentious way of saying I like the chase
(to a fault) TOOK ME OOOOUT - his curiosity really is his greatest strength and greatest weakness
Ugh that just makes me so pleased to hear—I really enjoy writing horny shit so the fact you enjoy my approach that much is just 🥺🥺🥺 I think they’ve all been similar thus far, so I hope to delve more into the spooky/yandere realm since I eat that shit up (and Kenjaku in particular just fits that genre so well)
AKSJDJHF F im glad you enjoyed the horny drawings. I posted it like 3 separate times with less and less pictures each repost (it’s like a whole comic - kind of) because I’d get too embarrassed LMFAO - I don’t think it’ll ever see the light of day
AND YES characters that aren’t kenjaku - after i finish the kenny one that was requested I have 2 posts in progress that include all of them!
One is 18+ (tho it’s pretty wholesome!), the other is lighthearted/silly and in the same vein as the Tinder headcanons. I also have a horny lil oneshot planned for satosugu x YN, but it hasn’t been started. Weirdly, I have a Mahito fic rolling around in my brain that is more plot centric. I’m pretty excited for it, but I’m still working out the details & whatnot
I swear I like other JJK characters 😭🙏 the brainrot is just intense it’s my Scorpio placements
It’s funny to me, but I also feel a bit bad, because I think a decent portion of followers came from my Nanami NSFW headcanons.
It’s like, you come for Nanami only to find endless kenjaku posting LMFAO like
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(((if this applies to anyone i love yall & im sorry for being the way that I am 🥺💙🙏)))
BIG THANK YOU anon - this was like - i don’t even know how to describe it. You entertain my nonsense too much!!!! I’m indebted to you
I hope you have a lovely day <33
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iluvchanniesposts · 2 years
Lost in a museum
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part 1
summary - y/n is in love with art and history - it’s her life. working in a taint little café on the corner of her street, she knows everyone. at least she thinks so, will she approve of her new, noisy neighbour?
word count - 1.7k
The new neighbour moving in next door was no match for your sleep. Drilling at five in the morning became a regular occurrence, yet they always seemed to be away whenever you knocked! Ironic, really; always at home and working on the new interior but every time you want to ask them to think of their other neighbours, they’re never there. It’s not like you could catch them in the halls, or outside in public since you don’t even know what they look like yet. A busy person is all you know.
This week was especially busy. Finishing deadlines and trying to squeeze in last minute plans with your family. Spontaneously, you booked a day out at a museum for yourself. Art and history is something you had always loved; simply painting at home was your favourite pastime. At least when the drilling wasn’t shaking your bedroom walls. Going over to knock was probably something you should have done whilst they were drilling, yet solely throwing on decent clothes and not wanting to come across rude was the only thing stopping you. Unfortunately, you knew what it was like to be a new neighbour. The most unwelcoming people seemed to be your luck, not even sparing you a hello as you walked by. To be honest, they were old, so you let it slide by. It’s not like they were people your age that you wanted to hang around with.
Mia, your best friend, decided to pop over for a drink. Wine and snack nights were your favourite; they had been happening for at least five years now and they never got old. Gossip and news were always exchanged between the two of you, living two separate lives definitely helped in that sense. “So, they’re just going to keep drilling? At 9:43pm?” She seemed just as annoyed as you, imagine having to live with it. “Pretty much. They do it every night, but I don’t want to say anything in case I come across rude. I’m hoping they will be finished sooner or later.” You huffed in annoyance as you sipped on your white zinfandel wine. “I will go over and say something, if you don’t want to? It’s not like I live here.” Classic Mia; always taking one for the team. “No, it’s okay, Mia. I don’t want to cause any trouble, maybe the neighbours on the other side will say something.” In an attempt to stop her, you changed the subject by asking about her love life.
“So, you and Han? How’s it going?” You wiggled your eyebrows in a flirtatious manner, earning a giggle from her. “We couldn’t be better now, honestly. Since the last argument, we talked everything out properly and now we communicate like adults.” She rolled her eyes. “He also wants to take me out this weekend, at Posillipos.” Her giddy expression made you happy. It was rare that she and Han got along. Both of them work two completely different jobs, and it’s difficult for them to spend a lot of time together. Of course, they love each other, but there’s always speculation of him seeing other women. They always turn out to be fake rumours from jealous people, but it definitely took a toll on their relationship for some time. “So, the whole situation with Lisa is resolved? He wasn’t actually seeing her behind your back?” You mindlessly swirled the glass of wine in your hand, trying to block out the rambunctious sounds from next door. “Oh no, no! She made it up so his new album got postponed. It worked, but now she looks like a fool and everyone is laughing at her.” The two of you giggled like school girls. It was a weekly thing; catching up often with a bottle of wine between you. Although both of your schedules are extremely busy, it’s never too busy for gossip.
“Will they ever stop next door? I mean, who would want to decorate this late in the evening?” She scrunched her face up as she turned up the radio. Smooth R&B was heard throughout your little flat, clinging on to some sort of hope that it will drown out the drilling and hammering. “I guess they take pride in making their place look good.” You shrugged. It became white noise in the end. Three days of endless DIY wasn’t a match for you; you simply put your earphones in and ignore it like you do everything else. Confrontation was something you never was into, you would rather ignore certain situations and hope they would go away. Who knows how the other person would react? They could be someone who doesn’t react well to young women giving them advice.
“Any plans for the weekend?” Mia cocked a brow as she noticed you swirling your finger around the rim of your glass. “I’ve booked myself a date for Saturday.” Her expression lit up, straightening her posture with excitement. “Spill?” She urged, making you laugh and shake your head. “Myself.” Anticlimactic. “I’m just going to the Art and History Museum. It’s nothing special, but I haven’t been for a while and I fancied going.” She made a face at you like you were a mad woman. Mia was the type of girl to party, socialise and go out for food. All the while you love the same, but a quiet evening at the beach or in an exhibition is quite enough for you. “You’re so old already.” A pout formed on her lips as you held your chest in fake offense. “You’re older than me, I’ll have you know!” You shoved her shoulder lightly and giggled.
The drilling finally stopped, sighing at each other in relief. “You would have thought that their arms would have fallen off, with all of that work!” She complained yet again. You just shook your head, wondering who it could be next door. Whether you knew them or not, or if you’ve passed them in the hall already? “Maybe they will sleep now.” You nodded and turned down the radio that now seemed too obnoxiously loud. Plonking yourself back down onto your grey sofa, you sighed. “I wish I had someone to go with on Saturday, but you and Jeongin are my only friends.” You pursed your lips in a thin line; reminding yourself of your awful social life. “I mean, I’m busy other wise I would have come.” She fake smiled, trying to reassure you but only making you scoff. “Ha. You hate art! I wouldn’t drag you along anyway. I don’t mind going by myself.” You defended, shrugging your shoulders. “Well, where’s Jeongin going to be?” Her question made you think, until you remembered what he had texted you earlier on. “He’s going to be busy with Seungmin. Honestly, Mia, I’ll be fine.” A smile of reassurance was enough for her to believe you.
“Who knows..you might meet someone there. Similar interests and all that.” Her eyebrows wiggled in a flirtatious tone. “Yeah. Who knows?” You spaced out, daydreaming of all the impossibilities. You and love were never a good mix. The track record you endured was simply enough to make your skin crawl at the thought of trusting someone like that again. Being heartbroken throughout your teenage years definitely matured you. It made you never want to look at someone like that, ever again. Luckily for you, you never had to see them people again and be reminded of how stupid you were. But like Mia said, who knows what could happen? Miracles are a thing, right?
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
Work in the summer was always busy. The café always seemed to be full of teenagers and overworked adults wanting coffee to save their day. If it weren’t for you being on shift, you too would have certainly been going for a coffee. The bell rang, signalling that someone had entered the café. Luckily the five o’clock rush had just finished so it gave you enough time to clean up the front desk and sit down before more people come in. You blew two strands of hair out of your face that stuck to you with sweat; the sweltering heat outside did not help. “Hi, may I please make an order?” A sweet voice broke you from scrubbing away the tea stains behind the counter. You looked up, sweaty and out of breath. “Good evening, yes how may I help?” You feigned a customer service voice as well as you could, but anyone would be able to tell the tiredness and fatigue behind it. “Can I please get a vanilla iced latte with two sugars, please?” His overuse of manners made him seem sweet, a polite young man. “Coming right up.” You smiled before turning around to make his drink. He stood there, awkwardly with his hands in his pockets as he studied the interior of the café. It’s small and mostly modern inside; the front desk was mahogany wood and the very few tables dotted around had little stools to go with them. “I like that painting, do you know where it’s from?” His question shocked you at first, for you had never met someone else interested in art. Far too excitedly, you responded, “Café terrace at night by Vincent van Gogh.” You smiled and placed his drink in front of him; he simply ignored it and further admired the painting. “It’s beautiful.” He remarked. You wanted to tell him that no, he’s beautiful , way more beautiful than the painting he was staring at. Lost for words, you just nodded. “It’s one of my favourites, actually.” Finally plucking up the courage to respond, he looked at you with a raised brow. “You’re into art?” He questioned and sipped his drink. “Yep. Study it at Uni and I paint at home on the side. It’s nothing really.” You giggled and scratched the back of your neck. No one had ever seen your art before; it’s simply something so intimate to you that you’ve never wanted to show anyone. Not out of fear of judgement, but purely just because it’s yours and you don’t want to let anyone else see that side of you. “Well, I would love to see it someday. Thank you.” He smiled before waving his hand, leaving to walk out the door. You wondered how you could get so lucky. A gorgeous man with an interest in art, your art at that. The only thing is, you’ve never seen him before and you usually know everyone from your small town because the Café is so popular. Maybe he’s new in town?
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no pressure tags, feel free to ignore: @duckland @laurelwen @nightmares-and-fascinations @whats-rambled-rambled
Fic ideas for Jake (Sweetbitter) x You that i've been kicking around, but probably won't ever write:
You were a barista at a coffee shop that Jake frequented, at the start of the fic he hasn't seen you in awhile (he wasn't actually keeping track, but he remembers faces) and then one day you're at the restaurant
“Coffee shop girl?”
“.... Large black Americano, 2 pumps vanilla?”
“You remember.” (that dumb smirk of his)
“Yeah, you have your regulars, I have mine.”
“Sure, but what are you doing here? Doesn’t exactly seem your type of place.”
“Excuse me?”
“C’mon, you’re some bright-eyed early bird barista.  Shouldn’t you be gettin to bed soon?”
“So you’re mistaking my customer service persona for actually knowing me? Hmm… interesting.”
— “Oh, Jake, I see you’ve met the new line cook.  She’s going to start fielding the expanded dessert menu until we can get a pastry chef hired.”
In an effort to be as big of an asshole as you perceive him to be, you keep referring to him as Statefarm (Like Jake, from Statefarm)... this may or may not catch on to others at the restaurant. And you give him shit about being from Cape Cod all the time (personally, I'm from St Louis, which seems like naive midwest shit, but statistically is a tougher area than ThE cApE so I enjoying the idea of making fun of him for it)
it's clearly antagonistic to start (a little Beatrice and Benedick going on) though y'all slowly start to become kinda friends and then probably more than that
"Yo, Statefarm, I need some Grandma."
"Drinkin on the job, coffee girl?"
"I got a tableside Flambé, so make with the booze, barboy."
Making homey food for family meals since you're the FNG and put in charge of the bitch work, especially when you're pulling double duty making prepping desserts for dinner service...
And making a particularly good looking/tasting dish, enough to even momentarily impress Jake and giving him a shit eating grin and a snooty "That's why I'm here, asshole."
At one point Jake catching you in the walk-in, visibly upset
“What happened?”
“Nothin.  Go back to the bar.”
*blocks exit from walk-in* “What. Happened?”
 “I said nothin!  … *insert some name* was just being stupid and it got to me alright?”
“What did he say to you?”
*something about fucking a manager but not being pretty enough to be FoH and being given a spot in the kitchen*
Jake’s jaw clenches and he turns on a heel without another word, storming out of the walk-in in search of the offending person
I had a separate silly thought of you having to use the kitchen-supplied knives because you haven't been able to afford your own knife set yet and maybe catching a little (mostly jovial) flack for it, and maybe he gets one decent one for you or some shit haha
"Look, I saw it on sale while I was ordering some other stuff, so I thought I'd pick it up for ya. Maybe now you can stop bothering everyone else for theirs."
"Jake, I... thank you. How can I repay you?"
"Well, for starters, you can try this new cocktail I've been working on..." *pops open the bottle that came in the package*
“Wow, did you take these photos?  They’re gorgeous!  And is that… the hostess? Oh wow, she’s beautiful, all of these are so beautiful.  But there’s something about them that feels so..  I mean I’m no art critic but… Nevermind, you don’t wanna hear it.”
“No, go on.  Tell me.”
“Well, just… everything looks… out of touch. Disconnected.  There’s a beautiful woman in your bed and you’re miles away.  Guess life is easier through a camera lens… Sorry, I talk too much. Project too much too probably.”
“You’re right… You do talk too much.”
*rolling your eyes* “Shut up and make me a drink, Statefarm.”
Getting tipsy with Jake, he reminds you about your vlog for the folks back home and you decide to make one at his place, he’s just tipsy enough he’ll make an appearance, there’s some banter, later after posting someone you know comments “so when y’all gonna kiss?” and Jake decides to tease you about it whenever y’all get into your banter.
“I deserve to be pursued, to be worshiped.  I don’t think I’ll ever have that, but I still deserve it!”
“Why wouldn’t you get that?”
“Have you LOOKED at me, Jake?  I’m a pudgy wannabe pastry chef. Lol”
“I’d fuck you.”
“You’d fuck anything that consents.”
“That’s probably the nicest insult you’ve ever given me.”
Simone fucked off to France with Etienne, Jake is trying to recover, gets a letter saying she's signing over her half of the house to Jake so he owns in full, her final goodbye, totally cutting him off now, which leads to some appropriate emotional drama
"Now the house is sold, me and *some cook name* are looking to start our own place. Got a space and everything.  You should come with us."
"I'm not a chef, Jake."
"No, but you're a good cook. You could make your diner food. We could do brunch on the weekends. I'll sling mimosas and bloody Maries to the waiting crowd. C'mon it'll be fun.  I think you'd really enjoy it."
“When are you gonna let me kiss you?”
“Maybe one day, if you mean it.”
“And if I mean it now?”
“Then kiss me, Statefarm… See? You don’t mean shi–”
*grabs face, interrupting you with a kiss*
“Don’t fuck with me, Jake.  You know I’m not about this fuckboy bullshit.”
“I’m not fuckin with you, okay?  I’m not. I want you. And I think you want me too.”
This is all just shit I have in my doc, maybe another couple little ideas floatin around, but here's the long and short of the idea haha If you've read this far, thanks! ^_^
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
More OUAT S4 Salt (Still Constructively) (Still With An Alternate Solution)
I have taken umbrage. I took it, it’s in a jar on my shelf, the jar has a pretty glittery ribbon on it, and I’m gonna be buried with it someday. The contents of this particular umbrage jar is the writing of Rumple, and to some extent Belle, but mostly Rumple, in season 4, because I could do better than the actual writers did. This post is maybe a little bit scrambly-bambly than my Snowing-Maleficent post, but the points are (you know, in my humble opinion) pretty decent, so go ahead. Give the umbrage jar a shake and read on.
The writing behind Rumple during the Sorcerer’s Hat arc was bogus. He was trying to separate himself from the dagger, and what did the writers pick as his reason? ‘Oh, he just wants power—’ Girl no. He isn’t given a proper motivation. He doesn’t even have a frickin plan for what to do with the real world. Like, at least show me why the hell I should buy that Rumple wants to rule over our world. What could he possibly want with it? How is he planning to take it over?
He was basically fresh from being locked in Zelena’s basement at that point. As a motivation, it makes sense. It connects with a previous storyline. And it’s not half so flimsy as the canon approach. They should’ve leaned hard into that.
Now, I think I can understand why they didn’t want to. If Rumple had actually needed to process that trauma for plot reasons, it would’ve dethroned him from the weird pedestal the writers tend to keep him on, where he gets tiny bits of emotion every now and then but nothing that really affects him. Nothing that really sticks with him and simmers in his brain and makes him vulnerable. Because if it’s vulnerable and sympathetic, then it’s really hard to just keep him in the writers’ back pocket for when they need a bridge villain between other storylines.
Also, if he was trying to ditch the dagger because he didn’t want anyone to ever have the kind of power Zelena had over him again, then that bit with Belle at the end of the episode doesn’t play quite the same. If we know that Rumple is freshly scarred and in pain, doing the wrong thing for a legitimate reason, then we might be a bit angry at Belle.
But, see, I think that would really have worked. Rumple being Rumple, he still probably would not have explained to other people the reasons behind what he was doing, as he would’ve been sneaking around regardless, but he also wouldn’t have explained the mental/emotional trauma that led to his decision. So Belle wouldn’t have known why Rumple was trying to kill Hook and detach himself from the dagger, and she would’ve assumed it was for a selfish reason. At the town line, she would shut him down if he tried to explain, not believing that she could trust anything he said, and he still would’ve been forced out of Storybrooke. Then we see Rumple feeling betrayed, beaten down, and even though we’re glad he didn’t kill Hook, we understand that he was desperate and mentally unhealthy and trying to do the only thing he thought could keep him safe from another person’s control.
Also, in this angle, Rumple’s trauma from the Zelena stuff is played into early, maybe in the form of nightmares or comments to other people that, separately and to those people make no sense, but us with all the information connect to show us his mental state. He still swaps the daggers when he marries Belle, but it’s clear that he does it because he’s having trust issues because of what Zelena did to him. He has some doubts about whether or not he should really go through with his plan, because married life is the kind of good he never thought he could have, and he doesn’t want to hurt Belle, but then she uses the dagger on him when she searches the Snow Queen’s cave, and even though it’s not the real dagger, he decides that he was right and even Belle shouldn’t have that kind of power over him. (Bc let’s be real, Rumple was probably thanking his lucky stars he’d swapped the daggers in canon right then, because Belle is the one person he trusted to never use it on him. That’s like a core idea behind his giving it to her, it’s the main thing he tells her to get her to not use it, and there’s no way he wasn’t reeling a bit at the idea that she would’ve used the dagger’s power on him if it were the real thing.)
Then he tries to take Emma’s power, and does take the fairies’ power, and instead of being like “Rumple you sh*thead,” we’re watching him fall into this spiral of darkness because he’s terrified and he’s not dealing with his issues, and we’re still mad at him for the murder/attempted murder, but we also see that he feels trapped and we feel for him a little bit. Maybe in a moment of overload, he snaps at Hook and tells him more than he planned to, and he kind of just sits down with his head in his hands and Hook almost convinces him not to give in to the darkness. Then Rumple goes all steely-eyed and commands Hook not to say a single word about what he heard, and bc he’s got Hook’s heart he has to obey. But there’s a new sort of push-and-pull in their following interactions, where Hook is both desperately terrified for his own life and trying to talk Rumple down from his proverbial ledge.
This also makes Rumple’s run-in with Zelena in New York a bit more impactful. Yes, in the canon he’s furious that she survived, and he wants to kill her, but it means more if her disgusting behavior towards him while she had the dagger is really acknowledged. If it’s at the forefront of the Sorcerer’s Hat arc, then it’s more present in this interaction, too, and we’re mad as hell that Rumple has to make a deal with the person who used him so deplorably in order to survive.
Then, when he’s dying because there’s so much darkness in his heart, maybe it’s Hook who advocates for trying to save him. I like that idea because it would show off very neatly the growth Hook has gone through, if we see him being obsessed with nothing but killing Rumple, and then later being able to forgive him and even empathize with him. That would just encapsulate the amount of work he’s done on himself. (Although, disclaimer, it also works fine if he’s fighting for Rumple incredibly reluctantly, maybe bc he wants the heroes to do the right thing for their own sakes, because there is something to be said for the fact that his distrust of Rumple never quite goes away in canon.) Also, when he wakes up, Rumple is all irritated that Hook is the one responsible for saving him, but he’s grateful and there’s probably a scene where Rumple reluctantly thanks him for it.
So the main point is, I think it’s a bit peculiar of the writers to have made Rumple regress so hard that shortly after he swore an oath at the grave of his Most Important Person™ to not do that? And also, largely ignoring the profound impact of being resurrected from the dead, losing his son, and being controlled by Zelena was ridiculous. Multiple times throughout the Zelena arc, she commanded him to attack the heroes and he said “I don’t want to do this” to show us explicitly how much he was suffering. Just in case there was anybody who was tempted to go “Yeah, she has the dagger, but he’s probably enjoying being evil/using her control of the dagger as an excuse to be evil and not deal with the consequences.” And Belle was the only one of our heroes who seemed to give a damn about rescuing him from Zelena, never mind the fact that as far as they remembered, Rumple had literally just sacrificed himself to save them all. How could that not make him bitter? How could that not have some lasting effect on his psyche? How could that not be the reason he wanted to split himself from the dagger?
....Maybe I’m the one who’s bitter :|....
BUT ALSO this would have the nifty-galifty effect of shifting the balance in Rumple and Belle’s relationship. Referring back to my earlier points, her banishing Rumple because she misunderstood his motivations and didn’t listen to his explanation is an interesting tactic. Belle isn’t just banishing him to be a jerk; she has reasons for not trusting him, but also as his wife and as the one person who’s always seen good in him, maybe she should’ve at least listened. Rumple shouldn’t have tried murder, but also he has some valid reasons for wanting to ditch the dagger, but he also should’ve talked to Belle about it. (Or Archie. He could’ve gone to talk to Archie, I like it when he does that. That was one of my top ten scenes from the whole show, I swear.) The best part is that  they’re both at fault to some degree within their relationship. It’s no longer “The Dark One x The Golden Girl.” It would level the playing field slightly, and it would also make things a bit more interesting because then it wouldn’t just be sunshiny, lovely, beautiful Belle putting up with more than she should for love’s sake, which is not hexactly the dynamic I prefer. It would also make it harder for her to get on her high horse, which I will admit she does every now and then, which is strange to me because she fell in love with Rumple at his darkest. It would tip the scales just far enough towards Rumple that their relationship would be a little bit more reasonable, and a little bit easier to root for in the rocky patches. And it doesn’t attack Belle’s character, because it’s an understandable misunderstanding, but it also has us legitimately on Rumple’s side—not against Belle, but just in general.
So in conclusion, I should turn this part of the show into a fic, because I adore a lot of the ideas I’ve come up with, but if you like parts of this and not the others, feel free to ignore what you dislike and adopt what you do.
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suncakeartcive · 2 years
kay Imma copy-paste my olaf x eugene explanation from dikkycord
Eugene ends up opening a small shop via his own house where he does mechanical work for ppl. It's a small side thing as he takes a break from music for a bit - not wanting to be too wrapped up in relationship dramas anymore or having his reputation wobbly. He wants to be more "authentic" like he used to be. So he has his own shop and one day this really rich guy comes to his shop of all places, claiming it's his only option at the time and he's pretty desperate to get his car fixed in time for his job.
This man is a Spanish dancer who tours around the country and even around the world, and his car situation indicates someone keeps deliberately attempting to sabotage or at the very least inconvenience at every turn.
But Eugene agrees to help out as best as he can to fix the seemingly purposefully-battered car to the best of his abilities and it works out pretty fine. Being thankful and also embarrassed to rush so much time and pressure, the celeb gives him a hefty tip for his troubles before leaving.
Very curious about this man's life and what may stir for him, he keeps an eye out for him after that.
Turns out that the celeb is a bit of a rebel in his own private discretion and has ticked some ppl off sometimes, who still remain salty.
Eugene ends up helping with this case after the celeb comes back a second time, still rather nervous about the whole ordeal. And knowing something's wrong with the situation, Eugene wants to make it his own problem and handle it himself.
Not much happens, really, other than a stake out and him yelling at hooligans to get a hobby MUCH to the dismay of the celeb who didn't ask or want this much trouble or "protection"
But after that, they're properly introduced; the celeb being named Olaf. And the two sort of have a friendship after that, in the case that Eugene is too lonely and vastly separated from his og friend group from before that he kinda latches on to this person.
Their friendship is very... one is silly and the other is stoic, but they're at least decent friends who live in the same area. And there's even mORE to thAT
I know this seems jarring and sudden as hell but like, it is what it is.
He finds and starts to care for 3 kids a good few years after he and Olaf have been good friend and neighbors. Growing attached to them he decided he wanted to adopt them but he needed help.
Even that this was a few years and uh, on Olaf's side he's been kind of silently pining for Eugene - Olaf was more than willing to help with the situation for the kids. He even went as far as to quit his job (which he didn't need anyway, he comes from a rich family and is more than bulked enough to retire) just to settle with Eugene and the kids.
Shortly after that, Eugene was the one to actually admit that he crushed on Olaf. And to his relief, Olaf felt the same (and had for a WHILE.)
So they finally started dating, basically due to the kids peer pressuring them to /t
And eventually the two got married-- its pm where we are now--  BTW their kids are Rosie, Molly and Ruby.
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oni-verse · 3 months
just here to blab cause i havent been having much fun drawing lately, and ive been sick a lot which is abnormal for me, and i got them chronic headaches,
but at least i can project thoughts on silly gay characters and pretend like theyre the main characters in the shows and movies i watch
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reviewing past ideas this week since its nice when i dont have anything else i want to do. its nice to go back and see their beginnings again which is mostly just gil being unreadable and emotionally distant and cas being so desperate to keep gil in his life that he ignores all those red flags & pines painfully.
but i write pretty much everything down, so i have all those random thoughts like Domestic Moment #4306 and What If They Were Strangers, or the alternative, What If They Got Together Much Earlier. yknow how it goes. being my own fanfiction writer.
i like writing gil as being inexplicably alluring and its usually just because of small things like how he talks or his body language, on top of the fact he's tall and hot in a grungy way. and cas, even though he's gil's oldest friend, has such a hard time reading him because of gil's unique brand of being guarded (never being vulnerable or transparent). it all adds to the mystery and people (/cas) wanting to get in close for a chance to figure him out.
even in high school, cas wouldnt always be aware of what was happening in his best friend's life. gil's guardedness manifested in his teenage years as keeping the secret of his father's abuse, whether he was just scared of the consequences of others knowing, or he's embarrassed for his own circumstances, but cas' ability to look closely and be a friend without making gil feel bad about himself is part of why they were best friends. that, and cas being (at the time) a good cishet ally boy that respects his friends ;0
while this isnt what happens in their lil story, i do also like to consider what itd be like if cas was brave enough to recognize/act on the feelings he wouldnt admit he had for his friend, back when they were teenagers. cas thought he was straight for many years after high school, but i could also see a reality where ~ally~ cas becomes "experimenting doesnt inherently mean anything". hehe. would make their separation all the more heartbreaking for lil cas.
then, in a universe where they don't meet until theyre adults with separate lives, how that could look. like because of everything above, maybe it'd be expected that gil wouldn't give a person like cas a real chance, that he'd be especially difficult because the lack of history makes it that much harder to break down his walls. but then, what about exhausted gil, alone for the same reasons as usual, choosing it & all his connections with other people usually not extending beyond a single night. this guy, meeting someone who responds to gil's flirtation without going the obvious route and taking gil home for the same reason as everyone else-- but instead, just talks to him, and is oddly the nicest and easiest person to be around. gil's experiences creating expectations thatre shattered by a lil punky guy who doesn't make gil feel alone or like he's around for only one thing.
commitment-phobe gil meeting cas in his mid 20s and somehow agreeing to a date because his curiosity is honestly piqued by this surprise encounter. it seems like it shouldnt be shocking to have a decent conversation with a decent person, but a messy person can somehow manage to completely avoid any positive people. especially if they surround themselves with stoners, dealers, and club rats.
ive said it before but ig they really do have a "i can fix him" dynamic but it actually sorta works? gil isnt as messy, eventually lol. kinda the point.
but i love a circumstance of a guy being all "i don't do relationships, i don't believe in love, bachelor lyfe 4eva, ima fuck this whole city" and then going completely mushy because someone is patient and committed to him. gotchu now bitch... u DO relationship.. u DO believe in love, you are settling down and fucking one man only. i would say sorry but youre happy now bitch ✋caught in 4k
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yesterdanereviews · 11 months
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Ex_Machina (2014)
Film review #566
Director: Alex Garland
SYNOPSIS: Caleb is a programmer working at the tech company Blue Book, and wins a contest at random to spend the week at the remote home of the company's reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman. When Caleb arrives, he learns that there is more to his visit than he first realised, as he is being invited to meet an A.I. Nathan has built and to determine where he thinks it possesses true conscience...
THOUGHT/ANALYSIS: Ex_Machina is a 2014 sci-fi thriller film. In the opening, we see programmer Caleb Smith, who is working at the largest search engine company in the world, Blue Book. He is selected at random out of all the employees to spend a week at the home of the company's reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman. Upon arriving at Nathan's remote home, Caleb learns that he is not there to merely hang out with Nathan: he is to meet Nathan's latest invention, an A.I., and to evaluate whether he thinks it possesses consciousness. The film takes place over the course of the week, with Caleb's conversations with the A.I. named Ava, as he (and us, as the audience) possesses intelligence. The film also keeps an element of suspense, as Nathan's true intent opens up a number of questions about what Caleb is doing there, and who (or what) is real and what is an artificial intelligence. There's not much action in the film, and it instead focuses on suspense and mystery. There's also a lot of focus, as you might expect, on discussions around A.I., and the film invokes many theories around the subject. There's a balance between exploring the subject in depth, but also keeping it interesting enough so that the average viewer doesn't tune out, and there's definitely times when that balance was not hot for me: I know a fair amount of the different conversations and arguments around A.I. , so I personally didn't need too much of an explanation for everything, but when the film mentions things like the "Chinese Room," or drops names like Wittgenstein without any follow up, you get the feeling that this film is oriented more towards those who would understand these things. Nevertheless, I think there's enough content and intrigue regarding the set up to make it watchable for a more general audience, but not if they're expecting something with a decent amount of action.
The characters present themselves as a fairly mixed bag: Caleb himself is pretty bland, and we don't really see much of a personality, but I think this may be a deliberate choice to make Ava seem more human by comparison. Nathan is clearly meant to be a pretentious "tech-bro" CEO and unlikeable from the off, and they certainly succeed with that. He is actually very annoying to watch. Ava as a character has an element of the typical A.I. archetype you see in films, but also the film keeps open the question of what she is programmed to do, and what she herself intends, which adds a layer of mystery and intrigue. It's perhaps no coincidence that Ava comes off as the most human character in the film. Nevertheless, all the acting is quite good, even if you don't like the characters.
A lot of the film's aesthetic and dialogue choices are very deliberate, but perhaps it's easy to miss them. A lot of the dialogue between Caleb and Ava takes place with a glass partition between them, and it seems to be a recurring theme that there is always something that is separating the characters. Whether this is meant to signify that the two are two individuals that can never fully understand one another, or that there will always be a barrier between A.I. and life, is perhaps purposeful. The contrast between the expansive landscape shots that surround the house, and the tight corridors and windowless rooms again create a feeling that the house is a prison or labyrinth where the questions raised are somewhat disconnected from reality and experience. Ex_Machina is a slick, polished film that clearly has a had a lot of consideration put into how it looks, and how each aspect of the film invokes its themes. It tries to balance an in-depth exploration of its subject with also giving more casual movie-goers something to watch, but I'm not sure that balance is really there. The twists and developments of the film just weren't too interesting or surprising, and I'm not sure the film has aged enough to provide any lasting significance, since the field of A.I. is changing and evolving very quickly. Maybe some people would find it gripping, but it didn't quite hold my interest to make it entertaining.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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And Sydney looks like this it's the colors the yellow and the red and the black the words say different stuff it has our label the brewery which is a****** beer it's a different brewery we say it says other stuff but it's a decent brewery and there's no swears and the lines are different and it shows a person but the bear insignia is on there. And it's true bears look like that a lot because the honey ferments and they're like getting drunk
This is a huge reason why Ben and him get along there's like studying him he says you're the top guy now you're saying this guy doesn't know anything but it's a lot of fun and they're boring and they're saying that no tons of stuff. Is a nice bear and should not be mistreated as they do and this isn't him it's a different one you know who it is it's always grouchy it's going to reputation for it I'll make them famous again he likes it
And that was Hera above, now it's awesome we have huge sales we have different versions by different size it's all the same beer there's a wee a****** it's an a****** there's a wicked a****** there's a big a****** and a massive a******
Okay was saying it separate. There's a women's line for a****** beer and that's the name of it there's little winch we winch Teeny wench, , winch and big winch and massive winch. Like a bar wench. It is a huge deal because these more like fight over whose bear it is well drinking at parties at dinner at lunch at dance party this late night parties car party is drive-ins wherever You are they're trying to take the ladies beer and the lady say that's my beard drinking you're going to turn into a b**** and all sudden it's like okay so they give it back into fights and it's a nightmare but they want to so it's causing trouble too and it has contests to win beer and trips and fun stuff to win prizes we have a lot of prizes huge numbers of prizes whole bunch of stuff that are prizes that are actual beer promotionals and people didn't really do that too much but he said we should go crazy with it so we have banners and big huge beer bottles and we have like a beer bottle bar and there's tons of stuff they're winning they think it's wicked cool like a beer flag. Somebody won an a****** beer car it really looks like some assholes it owns it and you have like beer for life and you have like beer for your wife which is like one year there's all sorts of stuff it's a lot of fun the words are mixed up and they're not badly but they're they're pretty it's pretty much big stuff in the slang it's a lot of fun you should see it they have games too they suggest drinking games party games all sorts of different types of games and they're not just board games it's a lot of fun okay shooting craps for beer and really we haven't a big program together and we're putting together a way to get yourself like a keg system in your house for the small bar and I will give it away the contest and people are buying it it's not much money and it keeps it cold is a huge huge number of people doing it and the plastic kegs and you turn them in, you get five bucks so people do turn them in and they have like a throwaway tap and they're trying to save it doesn't work but okay it's a giant business now down there and his a****** beers taking off we have the other one that's taken off too but this one's going to overtake it and they're buying beer for people elsewhere it tells you how to do it on the instructions and they wanted to do it because it's their stuff it tastes like one of their beers and PGA wants a piece of it so sunset trying to get me something and you get a piece and you get me some more and you get a bigger piece and so it's going okay. You might introduce different beers cuz they're asking for him so we might have a****** beer light a****** ale and a****** Amber all sorts of things like that so it's going to be good so he's coming up with another one so I got a beer with hard alcohol and so real a****** and the other would be real wench but they're all under a****** beer. It's going on now it's a huge deal they make those too when you put alcohol in there it's a certain type it doesn't go bad it's it's a type of whiskey it's more like bourbon and it tastes pretty good and the sound it tells me it's like 24% alcohol or something feels good with stuff it goes good with stuff and it's a party drink and we're giving away coloring drinks you can color your beer there's tons of people walking around with colored beer they put in their coca cola bottles big ones too this is a deal tons of people don't like it but down there they don't care too much and bja made this huge bathrooms everywhere and the Giant and they have like a trough to go in and go to the bathroom and the place is starting to smell better you go to the bathroom number two in the trough too
I've never seen anything quite like this with so much beer being sold so fast I mean it's crazy. So try this new idea and you have like this tap machine looks kind of like a coffee machine and dispenses beer and we're going to put in the street but he said no that's good enough so you going to bar and you have to be old enough and you put it in the money and dispenses the beer with the cup and you don't touch anything and you just keep doing it it's disposable cups that's a secret so they love it and we're trying to get those dispensers in for a****** beer to sports and races and things like that he said that's not right but it's really good and we have to pay him to go in and stuff but we don't pay him unless you get you something and doesn't have to be much but he's trying so keep going into places and adding stuff so he wants to make like an a****** beer eatery and he's asking bja what people eat at the a****** beer place. Probably fried clam strips and he says yeah that's probably it even fish like fish sticks and hamburgers hot dogs some barbecue chicken and ribs and beans just basic stuff like that pizza so we have a supplier this is no and we say why not he wants to make that place with like an area with the dispensers and then like an area at the bar a few a few of them this is okay and you have disposable mugs but they kind of suck we have these plastic mugs that are good for down there and the reason is that they had tossed and thrown and dropped and they don't break and you just wash them with special machine kind of sand them in the scratch comes out so he said that's cool and it's cuz they're big you know they're like 16 oz or something 18 Oz it says that's terrific and you have the different beers that we have the ale and the Amber and he says oh like that place she make it big it's going to be huge it's really huge and so you can maybe we should make it a circle and like a circus thing this is not be nice and we have circus people instead of having a new death thing with the bikes but you can use Hard knock kick their 5150 and you can sell the bikes right there and then I'd have to give you a stipend for you know it's okay so yeah but it's like a half mile I'm in a huge place and is the eatery and it's drinking and you have a circle in the middle with like 20 drink stations and you have avengers vending machines around he said no way let's kick ass and you have big huge screens and he wants us to send plans I'm going to send those now so we can bring all the parts in parsley assemble so there's no but then yes so we think it's good so I'm going to go ahead and do that now these are great ideas and they work
Thor Freya
We're up there trying to relax and it became hell right away and too many people bothered us so we can meet again there and he can have non-alcoholic and I'll have alcohol and I think he's I'm getting drunk and I'm getting steam then I can blow fire. And no thanks stand up my butt it has happened though. There's tons of things going on here and I see you're a mutant too and pretty big but not that big it's not even 16 so we're having a lot of fun and I like the idea and I'm going to help make it and I like the Hard knock kick her 5150 I did too I'm going to put my version in there hopefully it says yes and there's a website he says a winch side and that's pretty good idea like separate the circle you think this is a good idea too few more men sites and that's the way it is and you have sales and you can put like a sales room too kind of closes after a certain time and they put a grape down but really that's a great idea he loves it he thinks it's awesome well that's assemble it he's going to go ahead and do it now
We want these bars up here and we want it with the a****** beer will you remember that beer too and it was really famous and we're going to go ahead and remark it's the same Brew because it is and I've already gotten some this has a genius and there's nothing about this place it's not fun it's got games going on races and people gambling stuff and they don't care it's got a ton of beer and you can get beer in a vending thing it's just really the coolest place ever and the food comes real fast and it's huge it's it's a lot of fun okay this place can go and talk outside and this room you can go in and talk inside and having their bikes in there doing stunts is awesome this is a fun place instead of probably add stuff to it like the Indy cars for they're really a small Indy cars but really the crap in the race track and BG races them it's a tough race but really it's a go-kart and he wants us to be able to drive around those and I like that too these are fun ideas and it's that kind of place it's a real man's place and you can buy memorabilia for all sorts of sports places I'm going to help him get certified stuff this is going to be awesome
Mac daddy he says I'll be the first a****** in there and it's funny cuz I will but not down in Australia no
Something about drinking we're going to have to do this
Bob of the marsh
I can't believe it but I'm getting ready where is it and it's not here yet so it's got these 10 things and I'm going to put different stuff in them I'm an idea put an act in and it's the Batman versus bane circus act and I want to do it and it's going to be part of Barnum and Bailey and we're already working on it with Ben Arnold it's one of the best ideas I've ever heard and then Arnold says oh maybe that's how that happened
Daniel you f****** booger get that retard out of there s*** this might not be a good idea but now I have to
Mac it says I'm all rubbery and nothing happens I'll get that and I'm heavy way too heavy he says I get that
We're going forward so this we have the designs I want to change it over to a****** beer and we're going to put the vending machines in and we got rides and games video games two guys all sorts of video games and for tickets he says and that's a go we're going to knock David busters out and take it over and make little branches people love it already
Thor Freya
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thegamingmonk · 2 years
Encanto Headcanons #5
Number 5 already! Thank you all for the kind words and support! They really keep my creativity going and I hope I'm doing well by these characters and their meaningfulness to both Colombians & Latinos all!
Antonio and Mirabel teamed up on a birthday present for Luisa one year. They kept it a secret for months with the help of Dolores.
It was a giant stuffed unicorn. Luisa's face was b a w l i n g when she saw it. It's her most precious treasure and named "Rainbow".
Post-movie, Abuela tries once to "get in the know" with her grandchildren in order to understand them better. Help these kids... (She's a bit confused but she's got spirit).
Being that Pepa is the middle child, of course she has the chaotic middle child energy.
Nobody would've thought that energy would spread to her children and nieces.
Camilo and Isabela (despite being the oldest) are prime examples of it.
Mariano and Isabela are the type of friends to be "The menace and the bean".
Sometimes Mariano will just wrap his arms around Dolores and softly hum in her ears just the way she likes it. His voice is oh-so soothing to her.
When young Dolores was still adjusting to her gift, Casita had extra caution to make sure that any floorboard she stepped on or door she opened never creaked/squeaked.
Dolores still appreciates this; it's the small things that count.
Thanks to her constant help with the donkeys, Luisa was given the opportunity to name a newly born donkey.
His name is Jorge and she will fight the sun itself for him.
Mirabel would be lying if she said she wasn't attached to the little guy too.
Agustín is actually a pretty decent dancer. People just tend to forget this when he trips over a stack of wood and face first into a beehive. Again.
Julieta has separate emergency stashes of arepas for different Madrigals.
One for Agustín for many reasons: one for Dolores and her sensory issues; one for Mirabel when she pricks herself while sewing; one for Félix if he accidentally gets shocked by Pepa's lightning (though that basket is open to anyone really); and one for Bruno simply because she wants him to eat more.
Camilo managed to hold an entire "One person show" by himself for the village. It was an impressive feat but left him tired out his mind.
He fell asleep on Luisa's shoulder as she carried him home.
After her gift ceremony, Mirabel spent a whole week going through a list of potential powers to try to see if she could awaken her gift late.
Camilo helped as well with this, which made things a little bit crazier than planned.
Soon they were by Julieta before Alma could catch wind of the two's plans. Good thing too because flying was further down on the list (precautions would've been made but Julieta's heart couldn't even handle the idea).
Camilo doesn't approve of Mariano dating his sister until MUCH later on. Dolores helped with that by revealing his weakness: food.
Surprisingly Mariano can whip up some great dishes. Camilo was sold.
Back when he was hiding, Bruno snuck out to grab some food and then returned to the walls, only to find a 13 year old Dolores in his room, messing around with his rats.
"Dolores??? How did you-" "Your rat friends led me here :D"
Dolores would help support Bruno while he was in the walls, whether it be leaving him plates of food in front of his painting entrance or spare blankets during the winter time.
Bruno tried to make a rat band before. Unfortunately it didn't work out... Rats can only do so much...
Pepa cannot be trusted in the kitchen worth her life.
Julieta let her cook ONCE and sworn off it ever again. Not without supervision at least.
Sometimes Bruno is the unfortunate volunteer to be Pepa's supervisor. Anytime she put something that completely did not go in the dish, he'd follow up with something that he knows will at least make it better.
When they were younger, Pepa and Bruno would go joyriding on her bike. Poor boy nearly lost his soul each and every time.
Dolores and Mariano's first date was completely set up by Isabela as she is the ultimate wingman. However Camilo tries to sabotage as protective siblings do.
It's a whole cartoon plot going on between Isabela making the date go great and Camilo trying to ruin it.
All exotic plant experimentation happens in Isabela's room in order to avoid cases of invasive species.
A scrapped concept of Isabela's powers was that she could also make sentient plant people (potatoes specifically).
I have an AU in the works with this idea but for now, just imagine. Her little potato army.
Mirabel has never been more terrified of an idea in her life.
Camilo will have moments where he walks into Mirabel's room out of nowhere and plops his head on top of hers while she's sewing.
Mirabel stopped questioning it after the third time. He just wants to be around her and she doesn't mind the affection.
After she's done, they'll go and commit twin crimes.
Pepa is usually the one breaking up a fight between Dolores and Camilo while Félix and Antonio sip juice out on the patio. They do not see therefore it does not exist.
Félix is the type to put them in a get-along shirt and tell them to figure it out.
Isabela is always this close to wrangling Camilo's neck.
If not for the spirit of Abuelo Pedro watching over him Isabela probably would've gotten it done by now.
As much as I love the idea of cousins being forever wholesome with each other, we have to admit that realistically, they're also all gremlins towards each other.
Mirabel and Camilo once broke a vase to which Dolores heard loud and clear. They begged her (or in Camilo's case, threatened) her not to tell. She promised... And then proceeded to yell "ABUELAAAAAA-".
Remember my "Mirabel and Isabela fist fight" headcanon? Yeah that would happen with Isabela and Camilo if the boy didn't run for his life most the time.
Camilo is a full blown clothes thief, whether it be his sister's or his cousins' dresses. Don't blame him that they look good on him.
Luisa and Antonio are the only safe ones from this. One's too big and the other's too small.
Anytime Isabela and Mirabel would get into an argument, Luisa would just pick them up by their clothes' collars and simply hug them until they stopped. Works every time (plus free cuddles!).
Even Casita has its moments where it'll lift up a floorboard to trip up someone or bonk someone with a door. Mischievous house it is.
All in all, cousins will be cousins but they grandkids all love each other down to the very bone.
This has gotta be the longest one so far... May be a bit of a break before my brain comes up with more ideas, but that's all for now!
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xiaq · 3 years
Hi, I have a question re:sex and Christianity. Small background: I still go to church, and I still live with my parents even though I'm not much younger than you, because housing is very very expensive where I live (pretty common here, I would say about 2/3 of my friends live with their parents and we are decently privileged kids)
Anyway. How does one get over purity culture? To be clear, I've never been told in church not to have sex, I've never gotten the gendered lessons that you got. But I am terrified of having sex. My first real, multi-year relationship just ended and while there was hand stuff etc, there was never any p in v sex (lol I feel 12). But I still had insane anxiety about being pregnant despite being on bc. And I think its because I know my parents would be so disappointed if I had sex. And if I was pregnant I could imagine all the gossip. And honestly I think im from a pretty open church, b/c one of our previous ministers kids recently got married at 8 months pregnant and lots of church people were at the wedding and supportive and her parents were there and everything.
I dont even think I particularly like sex, i might be on the ace spectrum, but how do I remove it from all the anxiety that's tied to it so I can even give myself the chance to find out???
(Asking because it seems like you've been pretty open about purity culture/removing yourself from it)
CW for sex talk (again)
How does one get over purity culture?
Oh man. That really is the million-dollar question, huh? Obviously, I can only answer re my personal experiences, and this is something you should talk to a therapist about, but I can tell you how I’ve tackled it with my therapist at least.
Purity culture is, at its core, an ideology that is perpetuated by shame. If you’re indoctrinated into purity culture when you’re a kid, the concepts become baked into the way you construct your identity, your perception of self, and your perception of your sexuality. It’s practically intrinsic, by the time you’re an adult, to feel shame any time you’re reminded you have a body, much less a sexuality.
According to the chapels I sat through every week as a kid, a girl's body could be 3 things: an intentional stumbling block for men, an accidental stumbling block for men, or unnoticeable. Women were to strive for the third option so as to keep their (and their male friends/authority figures) purity intact. After all, if a boy, or even your male teacher, had impure thoughts about you, it was your fault for tempting them (which, holy shit. I still can’t believe that was a thing I bought into for so long. If my 45 yr old grown-ass teacher had impure thoughts because he could see my 12 yr old collarbone, that sure as hell wasn’t my fault. But I digress.) The Only time a woman’s body can be something else, is when she gives it to her husband, at which point she must suddenly flip the switch in her brain that she is now allowed to be a Sexual Being and she must perform Sexual Duties despite living in outright fear of her own body and sexuality for years (decades?) up until this point. Jesus take the wheel.
Purity culture isn’t a thing you can just decide to walk away from if you’ve grown up in it. Because its ideology is insidious and internalized. So first you need to submit to the fact that you’re going to be fucked up about sex. It sounds like you’re there. Second, you need to interrogate what you believe. If you’re leaving religion behind entirely, you’ll approach removing yourself from purity culture differently than if you still identify as a Christian. It sounds like you might be the latter, which meant, for me, separating what’s actually biblical and what’s shitty, contrived, doctrine that I was told is biblical but is actually more political than spiritual. This helps you address the shame issue.
You need to throw away I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Lady in Waiting and all those ridiculous books you read and reread in the hopes of somehow obtaining impossible marriage perfection and look into actual scripture interpreted within its historical context. I could write a book on this, but the TL;DR is that the text of the Bible was written, translated, curated, and changed multiple times over thousands of years by human beings with human biases and, often, personal and/or political agendas. It contradicts itself! Reading it as it is—a flawed historical document—rather than some sort of God-breathed perfect document—is incredibly freeing. When you do, you’ll probably realize that purity culture is bullshit on a spiritual level. Which is a good start, if that matters to you. Because any time you start to feel shame or guilt you can ask yourself: does God actually care if I wear a bikini or touch a dick I’m not married to? Probably not. Wear the bikini. Touch the dick.
The most important therapy session for me was when my therapist asked what I would do if I got to heaven and God was actually the God I’d been raised to fear. What would I do if he condemned me for being bisexual and having premarital sex and becoming educated, for arguing with men, and failing to isolate while menstruating, and wearing mixed fabrics? If Montero had come out at the point, I probably would have said I’d pole dance down to hell. Instead, I said I would spit on heaven’s gates. If a god that cruel and that pointlessly demeaning really exists—a god who would create in me condemned desire—I won't worship him. The good news is, I’m 99% sure he doesn’t exist. At the very least, he isn’t supported by scripture.
Okay. The final thing you need to do is figure out what you actually want, sexually speaking. This bit is probably the hardest. I’m still in the early stages of this myself. You say: “I dont even think I particularly like sex, i might be on the ace spectrum, but how do I remove it from all the anxiety that's tied to it so I can even give myself the chance to find out???” Bro, I wish I had an easy answer for you. For me, whenever I’m feeling anxious about Sex Things, I tell myself: 1. My God does not equate my worth to my sexual habits. 2. My partner does not equate my worth to my sexual habits. 3. I do not equate my worth to my sexual habits. It seems silly, but reminding myself of those three things is massively helpful. If, after I’ve sorted through those, I’m still anxious or uncomfortable, I stop doing the thing. I evaluate. Am I overwhelmed and I need to try again some other time? Do I just not like the thing? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Sometimes you change your mind. Sometimes you just don’t know. That’s why having a partner who you trust and who’s willing to patiently explore your interests (and respect your disinterests) is so important. Half the battle, for me, was having a partner who told me they’d be ok with no sex at all. Because that took the pressure off me. If the bare minimum they need is nothing, then anything more than that is a bonus! Hooray! This is maybe TMI, but let me tell you. I thought I was asexual* right up until I was able to have moderately non-anxious sex. Never in my life did I think I would initiate a sexual situation but… I do now. It’s a fun thing to do with a person I love and, holy shit. I am furious that I nearly missed out on it.
Finally, re birth control: I don’t know how you can approach that fear in a way that works for you. If you don’t want to ever have penetrative sex, that’s fine! If that’s a point of anxiety you can’t get rid of, then don't push yourself to do it. If you find out you like other sex things, do the other sex things! If you don't like doing any sex things, don't do any sex things! Also, have you considered sleeping with people who can’t get you pregnant? Always an option if it’s an option you want to consider. ;)
Okay. I hope this was even a little bit helpful. Sorry if it’s a little convoluted, I typed it up in bursts during my work breaks.
*This is not at all to say that asexuality can be “fixed." Rather, it’s to say that things like purity culture can drastically confuse your sexuality in general. If you’re asexual, then this process is still important to discover what you like/dislike. Then you can be explicit about those necesities and find a partner who’s a good fit (if you want a partner at all, that is).
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