#and even when the truth came out she kept it up bc she wanted to believe that there was *some* reason for this and even if there wasn't
sage-nebula · 10 months
I've now finished DA:I and have a completed World State in the Keep for DA4. I will say that, out of the three games (Origins, 2, and Inquisition) I think that the Inquisition party feels the closest to me. Like they're the ones I feel would actually want to stay together after all was said and done, helped I think by the fact that so many say that's what they want (with Sera almost starting to cry if you have the Inquisitor tell her that Skyhold will always be her home if she needs it). With Origins, it really felt like everyone was there and working together purely because of the mission to stop the blight and no other reason. With 2, it felt like they were there and working together because they lived in Kirkwall and wanted to make their lives easier. But with Inquisition, everyone who was there chose to be there, and sure it was for a cause . . . but also we got bonding scenes like them playing Wicked Grace together, or eating cookies up on rooftops. Even when they fought with each other, I felt a real closeness there. Like it was them against the world (which it kind of ends up being during the Exalted Council).
Of course, this is just all my opinion, and it's possible that this had something to do with how the personalities of each character developed over my playthroughs, as well as the fact that I found it a bit hard to track people down in Kirkwall sometimes and as such didn't bond with my companions as much as I would have wanted. (RIP Fenris, I missed the opportunity to do your character quest and so you died 😔). But at the end of DA:I Trespasser, I had the Inquisition stay together not just because that's what my Trevelyan wanted (as making the world a better place / helping people is very important to her), but also because I didn't want to see the squad break up, even though they had to break up a little due to responsibilities elsewhere in the world anyway. It's just how they made me feel.
#for those wondering - you know the Blue - Purple - Red metric in DA2? that's kind of how my characters were#with my Warden being Red - Hawke Purple - and Inquisitor Blue#Lyra Mahariel did NOT want to be a Warden and did NOT want to fight the blight and did NOT want to be there#she also never wanted to be Warden-Commander either. she bounced as soon as she could to find an end to the calling#bc she also doesn't want to die from smth she had no choice in#her opinion was ''fuck this fuck you fuck everything'' and she was not afraid to kill at all#meanwhile Briar Hawke was snarky and 100% the type to bant in the face of death. she did what she had to for her family & friends#she didn't do what she did bc of some sense of justice or obligation; she did it bc she fucking lived there (there being Kirkwall)#and she really just wanted things to settle down so she could have some drinks and play Wicked Grace w/ her friends#unfortunately things didn't always work out that way but hey. at least she could quip while dealing with the issues#and lastly Lucia Trevelyan lived a sheltered and also mostly easy life as the youngest noble in her family#whom no one really expected anything of and she also expected nothing from herself#so it was hard to believe at first that she was Chosen - but she and her family are faithful so she did#and even when the truth came out she kept it up bc she wanted to believe that there was *some* reason for this and even if there wasn't#her sheltered life led her to be sickened by needless violence and killing and she wanted to make the world a better place#she was gentle when the world let her be. kind when the world let her be.#even now she just wants to help. she got a long great w/ Cole tbh
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arcticzuko · 3 months
Spy x Family Ch 96 spoilers
Seeing people complain about Anya telling Damian that she can read minds before Loid/Yor is so mind boggling to me. Because even if we ignore the fact that Anya is scared of being abandoned by Loid and Yor if she tells them the truth, or the fact that Damian is someone her age/a peer, and it's common for kids to feel like it's easier to tell things to their peers then to their parents... even if we ignore all that, it was ALWAYS going to Damian. I feel like Endo has been hinting that for a long time. It's a recurring theme/gag that Damian questions if Anya can read minds... and I feel like Endo has also been building up the fact that Anya and Damian actually are in pretty similar situations... they both want to impress their father/make their father proud.
LIKE THIS PANEL... Anya isn't mind reading here. There are no sparkles around her head. She didnt need to mind read! She KNOWS that Damian loves his father!
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And there have been many moments in which she seems to show some reflection/thought after hearing Damians thoughts about his father (like during the dodge ball game, or her apologizing when they were making their paper animals)
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Here Anya literally says she doesn't even know if Loid likes her, because he's so hard to understand. But she loves him, and believes in him. Isn't that EXACTLY what Damian is going through right now?
Perhaps people didn't completely register all these small moments bc of the gag/jokey vibe Damian and Anya moments have, but I feel like it's ALWAYS been there that Anya maybe relates to Damian in this way, which is why she has her moments where she tries to be kind to him.
Also I want to point out that, in a LOT of pivotal moments, Endo DOESNT tell us what Anya is thinking. Instead we have to guess or theorize... and we know that when Anya is doing a sobered up/serious expression, we should definitely pay attention. (Some random panels below to show u what I mean).
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And in this panel, I feel like Endo is doing something similar... I mean look at Anya's expression!
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So I feel like in this moment, where Damian is being honest, and kind, and true to himself-- it makes Anya want to be truthful too. And I don't think it came out of nowhere. I mean I was surprised LOL but I never thought it didn't make sense for this to happen.
I think people forget that Anya is probably the character we know the least about, and that a lot of her more "serious" thoughts are usually kept from us, but that doesn't mean she's not... thinking serious things lol!!
Anyway this was a long rant and idek if it made sense but if you got this far thanks for reading lol
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neverchecking · 1 year
That Wild facesitting one was so good omfgjskdkk
It gave me the idea of what if reader thinks the Chain (don’t forget Sage) are just doing so great and wants to give them a reward/gift but doesn’t know what so reader asks what they want.
The Chain ofc are so excited cause THEIR GODDESS WANTS TO GIVE THEM SOMETHING??
As they all think of smt, a couple of them are saying something along the lines of “nothing as long as you’re here we’re happy :)” which ofc reader thinks is so sweet and gives them a hug (cue smug smirks at the other Links bc reader hugged them HA)
As they all mull over their options bc obviously they don’t want to mess up this opportunity, ONE OF THE CHAIN STRAIGHT UP JUST SAYS “Sit on my face” WHETHER INTENTIONALLY OR NOT, EVERYONE IS IN SHOCK AND BEFORE ANYONE CAN SAY ANYTHING— reader agrees red faced bc she loves her boys oh so much ;)
Cue everyone saying they want the same thing bc they would honestly happily die at the opportunity
So sorry if this is a bit much it just came to me
No-no, don't be sorry, I love requests like these bc the idea of Sage vs. the Chain brings me so much serotonin! Like Mhmmmmm-
Fun fact: someone flagged that post  😭Which you guys can find -> Here!
Sage is TotK Link if you didn't know!
Anyway, smut so MDNI! 18+!
Smut CW: AFAB! reader, face sitting with multiple partners, praise
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・❥・So, we all know that Reader has the entire chain wrapped around their finger. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
・❥・Especially after Sage joins them.
・❥・While there is silent fighting between him and the others, they make an effort to show you a united front because you are who they are all fighting for.
・❥・As far as your concerned, they're all buddies. (that was so far from the truth it was laughable, but it kept you happy, so it was the assumption that would remain.)
・❥・That being said, when they're all together in Wind's Era (The boy was at home with his sister and Grandmother, leaving the adults to fend for themselves) and you're in ear shot, they do their best to be on their best behavior. Even if Wild and Sage are shooting the most passive aggressive insults at the other, since, as we've accomplished, Sage is adamant on knowing exactly where your food comes from.
・❥・He refuses to let that failure cook for you. Not when he can do so. He has a bigger repertoire of recipes and more skills to his name than the other does. That...man can barely get through a fucking swim without blacking out because of a memory let alone stay there long enough to ensure your food is as quality as it should be.
・❥・(AN: For legal reasons, I would never think of Wild like this, I absolutely love him with my whole heart. BUT Sage does think like this because he's an asshole.)
・❥・So, while the two are cooking, the others do their own things around the makeshift camp. Weapon maintenance, gathering firewood, admiring your perfect figure as you do nothing but read under a tree.
・❥・ Sage, of course, finishes your food first, settling beside you close enough your hips are touching his. You thank him, eagerly eating whatever was given you (They had to be sneaky about the fighting between himself and Wild, as you had no idea about the tension between them).
・❥・About mid-way through your meal, you set down your bowl, brows furrowed as a troubled expression muddled your features.
・❥・Which just would not stand. Was the meal not to your liking? Was there something wrong? Would they have to dispose of that blasted bastard who dared to try and impose on their territory that good for nothing pest-
・❥・"I feel like I owe you guys some sort of thanks for all of this."
・❥・So he would get to live another day. Pity.
・❥・"You don't owe us a thing, Angel. We are happy to do it." Wars beamed, sitting on your other side regardless of Sage's snarl pointed at him. "No reward needed." The captain smirked, leaning into your space.
・❥・You didn't seem pleased by the answer, brows pinching further together. "...It doesn't seem right."
・❥・"Songbird, your presence is thanks enough." Sky piped up, eyes so wide and earnest, Sage feared he'd cry over you. Again.
・❥・"Airhead is right, Darlin'," The cowboy added, dropping a stack of logs near the fire. "It's a blessin' in and of itself being able to treat you like 'da Goddess you are."
・❥・Sage prided himself on know you though. He knew you well. And he knew you well enough to know that once an idea like this entered your pretty little head, it wouldn't leave. No, not without a fight in the very least. And that was a fight he didn't want to go through. Not with you.
・❥・He just had to pick something that would benefit you more than him, hiding it under the guise of thanking him.
・❥・"As much as it pains me to say this, they're right." Legend piped up, moving to crouch in front of you, easily redirecting your attention from where you were watching Warriors to look at him with his index hooked under your chin. "As long as your happy, we're happy, sunshine."
・❥・"But I don't wanna take advantage of you guys! That would make me no better than Hylia. I can't just ask these things from you without any form of thanks. That's not right." You cupped Legend's cheeks with your own hands, either not noticing or ignoring the way his cheeks lit up under your touch.
・❥・No, you had too much of a heart of gold to let this go. It was what made you so much better than that fraud that placed this destiny upon them in the first place.
・❥・Like a stroke of genius, it hit him. It was too perfect of an opportunity to pass up. While it would sound like it would benefit him, it really would all be for you. It would be perfect. A way to show his true devotion to you. His fidelity and dedication to you, his glorious deity.
・❥・"Sit on my face."
・❥・He wished he had the foresight to pull out his Purah pad to take a picture of your face, which lit up an absolute ruby red as your whipped around to face him. Sage merely shrugged like it was a reasonable request. In his mind, it was. What wasn't reasonable about it?
・❥・Shocked silence fell around the group, some angrily sputtering at the audacity while others had to question if that was a real option.
・❥・"You mooncalf! Have some class, would you?! Especially in the presence of-"
・❥・"Is that what you want?" Wars tirade was cut off by your meek voice as you pulled your hands away from Legend's face. The vet himself looked seconds away from crashing as he caught onto what you were hinting at.
・❥・Sage smirked, something sharp and devious as he cracked his knuckles in front of him. "Absolutely. I think it would be a pretty damn good way to thank me."
・❥・"You don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, Y/n." Hyrule quickly pipes up, stepping closer as he shot a glare too sharp for his soft features at the newcomer. How dare that filth sully you in such a way and how dare he think of it before he could-
・❥・You were silent for a moment, shuffling for a second before letting out a breath. "If that's what you want." You finally decided, and the group was descended into chaos once more.
・❥・Cries of 'that's an option?!' and 'Hey, wait! I want that too!' erupted as the others scrambled to separate you from that degenerate, but he had latched on. His smirk was wide and knowing as he pulled you from Wars and Legend, closer to himself.
・❥・"It's exactly what I want. Now, are you crawling up or am I gonna have to pull you up here, sun flower?" Sage nipped at your neck as your went from ruby to crimson.
・❥・"Right now?!" You squeaked, eyeing the other males around you.
・❥・"You asked, I answered." Sage didn't care. This was a way of staking a claim. Of showing them all that no matter what, he would win. That he would make you feel so much better than anything they could do.
・❥・Silence fell for a second.
・❥・"Dibs on going second!" Was Wild's sudden call before there was arguing once more.
・❥・"Ya can't call dibs!" Twilight barked. "This isn't some sorta playground game where you can call for turns-"
・❥・"Third." Time spoke solemnly, nodding his head slowly. Sage honestly forgot he was there.
・❥・Twilight looked scandalized at the single word before Four was calling his namesake for the turns. Realizing that he either called or went last (Which wasn't too bad of an option in his books), he quickly rectified his horror and instead went to shove Warrior's by the face to call for fifth.
・❥・ In the time it took for him to recover, Sky and Hyrule had already called sixth and seventh respectively. And, with a shake of his head, Legend smirked. "I'll go ninth then. Pretty boy can go in front of me. Besides, you know what they say about saving the best for last."
・❥・"That it'll be worth nothing since it could never top the first." Sage cheekily called back, pulling off his top throwing it to the side so his torso was bare for the world to see.
・❥・"Why are you stripping?!" Sweet, naive you squeaked, trying to advert your eyes. If only they weren't glancing back at the toned abs and chiseled pecs. Oh great golden Goddesses.
・❥・With a chuckle, Sage pulled you closer with firm hands locked around your calves, pulling them apart to slot himself between your legs. Your hips were pulled up onto his lap before he was leaning down, wrapping an arm around you with his hand resting in the arch of your back. He quickly fell back to you were sitting on his chest, your legs straddling his upper chest as he looked up at you with nothing but pure, devious intentions. "For one simple reason, my light." He chuckled pulling you further up his chest as he licked his lips.
・❥・"I don't plan on letting you go until the only name you can remember is mine."
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eggyrocks · 2 months
whats da band lore how did they do dat
okay if i’m going to answer this question it’s gonna be LONG (also cannon does not apply here yall im making this shit UP)
noya and yn are childhood friends who kinda discovered punk music together at a very young age
like they were seven listening to agent orange together
yn liked how angry and passionate it is and noya liked how high energy and badass it is
yn’s favorite bands/biggest influences were skinned teen, gitogito hustler, and melt-banana
noya’s were sicilian blood, social distortion, and minor threat
yn was obsessed with learning guitar. she would take books out from the library and imagine she was playing on a fake one & would ‘practice’ and memorize as much of the technical terms as she could & this was how she learned to read sheet music
noya’s grandfather got him a guitar as gift one day and he let yn actually practice on it in exchange for teaching her what she knew
so they were self taught guitar players together 🥹
and they always knew they wanted to start a band but they were both guitar players and two guitar players does not a band make
yn was willing to learn bass too but even if she did they would still need a drummer
enter: tanaka
(influences: fugazi. that’s it. that man loves fugazi)
they met in middle school and the day they met tanaka it was like they were life long friends
like that bond was instant
and one day they were hanging out at noya’s house and tanaka saw his guitar was he was like “oh you play”
“yeah we both play guitar we wanna start a band but we can’t find anyone who can drum”
“oh i can drum. does that help?”
“???? yes???”
and so tanaka became the drummer and that’s when they started having practices
at first they were so bad
so so bad
yn tried to play bass but was not the best at it and yn and noya kept arguing over who did vocals bc neither one of them wanted to do it
until one day yn said “you know if you’re the frontman and the vocalist you’ll get the most attention from girls” and that did it for him
only problem was tanaka wanted to be a vocalist after that too
they mostly just played covers at first but noya was writing his own songs too
he’d mostly write lyrics and yn would mostly write music but most of the time neither were very good until tanaka came in and edited what they were working on
their sound was extremely sloppy and unrefined but by the time they entered high school their technical skills had improved a lot
except for yn’s bass playing. she hated it and practiced as little as she could
so one day during their first year of high school the band made a ton of posters asking bass players to come try out
enter: yachi
(now yachi did NOT like punk music. her influences were more like: the strokes, pixies, elliot smith)
yachi plays A LOT of instruments
clarinet? she’s a pro. cello? of course. girl can even play the harp.
she’s an extremely technically gifted bass player
post-high school yachi has really come into herself and gained a ton of confidence but high school yachi was still timid as hell
she saw the flyer and though it would be a lot of fun to put her skills to use in a creative way
but then she showed up to their after school practice spot, flyer in hand and shaking like a leaf
two scary looking dudes and perhaps even a scarier looking girl? yeah no. she’s out
but she couldn’t get away. yn was so excited at not just the prospect of having a bass player finally join them but also another girl? she dragged yachi back there lmao
and even though yachi was so visibly anxious that all sort of melted away when she started playing and she became the coolest most confident person alive
they were actually sort of blown away the first time they heard her play. like the band was like !!! you might be too good for us to tell you the truth
yn was on her hands and knees begging her to join
so she did! and was very happy to feel so wanted and included
and then with the addition of yachi that’s when they really started to get good
while noya and yn were self taught and though still pretty knowledgeable, yachi had a lot of technical knowledge that really helped them grow
and they started practicing more and more
like too much maybe
their grades suffered
but they really improved a lot and halfway through their second year, they played their first show
it was a disaster
so extremely chaotic
they had nothing set up right and they kept having to stop their set to fix shit and they got heckled and yn threatened to skin the person and from there they were politely asked to stop the set early
it was bad
they realized they needed more help
enter: kiyoko
(she doesn’t play any instruments but her favorite musicians/bands are mazzy star, fiona apple, and the cardigans)
they had met kiyoko before
they were all hanging out together when tanaka tried to talk to her and yn got so embarrassed to be seen with him she hit the back of his head and apologized on his behalf
kiyoko kinda got attached to yn from there; she didn’t have a lot of super close friends & she appreciated her consideration of her feelings
and they started to grow closer and yn, yachi, and kiyoko started to hang out a lot more
it was really good for all of them
yn didn’t have a lot of friends and she was really grateful to be with people who didn’t judge her for her more alternative persona
yachi kept getting more and more confident and felt like she was discovering herself
kiyoko was always very timid and was not the best at initiating conversations or being part of a group but she felt no pressure hanging out with yn and yachi and talking to them was so easy for her
so they got really close
so naturally after the disaster performance yn and yachi were complaining to kiyoko
who said without really thinking much of it “i can help you guys out”
so she did
it was super overwhelming at first because there’s a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of technical things to learn
but kiyoko really loved helping them out
and the more she learned the more she started to offer input or take initiative
tanaka and noya of course loved this
their natural instinct was to act like freaks around her but yn kept that in check
with a lot of threats
and occasionally following through on the threats
and kiyoko started to feel like a member of their band
and they always practiced with her and listened to her critiques and followed her advice
her input and guidance are extremely valuable and half of the reason they’re still a band
tanaka was so in love with her from the start and the more dedicated she became to the band the worse it got
he was so in love with her he didn’t even notice that she eventually started to show signs that she might feel the same way
it only took 6 months for them to start dating and the only person who was surprised was tanaka
it took a LONG time for them to record their first album
it was a mess
a lot of arguing
a lot of clashing opinions
but after writing and rewriting and recording and rerecording
they finally put together a full length album
12 songs, 39 minutes
it’s a little rough and sloppy but hey
that’s punk
and they were all really proud of it
they’ve since put out one ep with 6 shorter tracks
they’re working on their second one now but hey. albums are a lot of effort to make
but tanaka keeps saying it’s going to be the greatest album of all time (it won’t be)
and that’s the freaking band lore
if you made it to the end. you’re a real one
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thepictureofjune · 1 month
The Tortured Poets Department of schloss einstein ; the anthology
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part 1 here and now we continue except the nitpicking gets more crazy the closer you look.
Enjoy :]
The Black Dog - Ava Eilers (Staffel 27 post 1065)
I am someone who until recent events You shared your secrets with And your location, you forgot to turn it off And so I watch as you walk Into some bar called The Black Dog And pierce new holes in my heart You forgot to turn it off And it hits me I just don't understand how you don't miss me
So Ava revealed that Patrick actually really hurt her and to this day, it still seems to be something that drifts them apart yet Patrick seems like he doesn’t know anything about it, perhaps doesn’t even see it as a big thing. Yet to Ava, this was everything. (written pre 1067 btw)
imgonnagetyouback - Leon und Simon (Staffel 27 post 1066 u 1067)
Whether I'm gonna be your wife or Gonna smash up your bike, I haven't decided yet But I'm gonna get you back Whether I'm gonna curse you out or Take you back to my house, I haven't decidеd yet But I'm gonna get you back I, I hear thе whispers in your eyes I'll make you wanna think twice You'll find that you were never not mine Small talk, big love, act like I don't care what you did I'm an Aston Martin that you steered straight into the ditch Then ran and hid
this is mostly here for shigs and giggles and bcs we got a Limon l-word bomb before we got Nolin so yeah
How did it end? - Noah Temel (Staffel 27) 
And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign Come one, come all It's happenin' again The empathetic hunger descends We'll tell no one Except all of our friends We must know How did it end? (...) Say it once again with feeling How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling My beloved ghost and me Sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G It's happenin' again How did it end? I can't pretend like I understand How did it end?
To me, this is Noah being an outsider in the divorce of his parents, being just a child as his parents kept fighting, kept moving on and throughout all of this, he has no idea why it is happening nor how it came to an end like that.
So High School - Marlon und Nesrin (Staffel 27) 
I feel so high school every time I look at you I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you And in a blink of a crinklin' eye I'm sinkin', our fingers entwined Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me (...) Are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me? It's just a game, but really I'm bettin' on all three for us two (...) Truth, dare, spin bottles You know how to ball, I know Aristotle
Don’t think I need to explain this one. 
I Hate It Here - Maxi Zielenski (Staffel 27) 
I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind People need a key to get to, the only one is mine I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears I'm there most of the year 'cause I hate it here I hate it here Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it (...) I'm lonely, but I'm good I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life  and I'll get lost on purpose
Okay I think we’re all aware that Maxi probably hates every place she is in. Her home felt foreign and now at the school, the only reason she is there in the first place is her grandmothers treasure and it is said that as soon as that’s gone, she wants nothing more than to leave. 
thank you aIMee - Joel Lucas (Staffel 26 u 27)
And then she wrotе headlines In the local paper, laughing at each baby step I'd take And it was always the same searing pain But I prayed that, one day, I could say All that time you were throwin' punches, I was buildin' somethin' And I couldn't wait to show you it was real Screamed, "Fuck you, Aimee" to the night sky as the blood was gushin' But I can't forget the way you made me heal Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman But she used to say she wished that you were dead I pushed each boulder up the hill Your words are still just ringing in my head, ringing in my head I built a legacy that you can’t undo
We meet Joel as someone who would rather have success than friends, who doesn’t seem to care for other people but who also is sad whenever things don’t work out for him. Makes you wonder why, no? Why that kid came to the school not caring if he made friends. Why he always felt like an outsider in every social intersection with everyone he ever talked to. How such a kid went from not caring about other people to doing everything he could to keep his best friend. (need to get started on that joel analysis already I have too many thoughts about him)
The Prophecy - Mikka Lund-Mayr (Staffel 26 u 27)
Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo the prophecy? Cards on thе table Mine play out like fools in a fablе Oh, it was sinking in Slow is the quicksand Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand (...) And I sound like an infant Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon And I look unstable Gathered with a coven 'round a sorceress' table A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it'll be okay
Mikka is canonically lonely if I may remind you of that. He doesn’t have his best friend anymore and somehow even when he tries to become friends with Reena again, it doesn’t really seem to last all that long (also because the writers literally forgot about him but yeah). All he has is his inventions. 
The Bolter - Simon Reuter (Staffel 27) 
By all accounts, she almost drowned When she was six in frigid water And I can confirm she made A curious child, ever reviled By everyone except her own father With a quite bewitching face Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless Excellent fun 'til you get to know her Then she runs like it's a race Behind her back, her best mates laughed And they nicknamed her "The Bolter" (...) She's been many places with Men of many faces First, they're off to the races And she's laughing, drawin' aces But none of it is changin' That the chariot is waitin' Hearts are hers for the breakin' There's escape in escaping
Simon is wasted potential on all accounts because you’re really going to tell me he is proud and fine and happy with all the trophies he wins? That there isn’t mayhaps the need to always succeed because it’s what is expected of him? And he seems like he likes every girl at the entire school but cannot pull any of them simply because? Not because maybe he is trying to find the one that makes sense, the one girl that maybe makes him feel a little better about himself, because love is supposed to reveal our true selves and Simon has always been someone else his entire life? 
(i’m trying to give him the depth that the writers failed to bcs wdym he is just some guy who likes sports and girls?) (update nach 1066: nvm I think they really just gonna leave him with being everyones no.1 nuisance)
Robin - Chiara Dorn (Staffel 24 und alle danach eig auch)
Buried down deep And out of your reach The secret we all vowed To keep it from you in sweetness (...) You got the dragonflies above your bed You have a favorite spot on the swing set You have no room in your dreams for regrets The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline But now we'll curtail your curiosity In sweetness
This song references a lot of childish demeanor or behavior that is only known for children, trying to keep the illusion of innocence alive for someone who is too sweet to learn about all the cruelties of the world. For me, this is Chiara.
And we're done. (and now we can get back to over-analyzing kids that aren't actually sad but could very well be!)
— june🪐
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queenofdragons12 · 1 year
彡 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 ׂׂૢ
paring: jake Sully x dragon/fem reader
warnings: slight smut, 17+ at most, minors dni, bad smut, flirty reader.
summary: you are haivng a small consert for the tribe and catch Jake's eyes. never once did you think one night could lead to this.
author's note: this is really bad bc its like my first smut fic on tumblir. I've made others but they're even worse. so fi you don't like it dont read. tell me if its good or bad.
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It was shocking for Jake to see a dragon sing., let alone someone of your size. Your wings were folded neatly, your head held high; no microphone like those singers on earth, but you were still singing, and the Na'vi around you played some instruments Jake had never seen.
But to be honest, he was already infuriated with you despite not knowing you. "who is she?" he asked Neytiri as the two sat down in the crowd a little away from the others as they could see you better. To that, you were hard to see. It's just that many Na'vi gathered there.-
"Y/N L/N, our best and only singer. Well, at least in reptile form. She s been here since we all formed, coming to this clan as hatching. Mother and father cared for her; she is our protector just as we are hers. You can say she is my spirit sister," Neytiri said and smiled once your gaze swepåt over to them.
You smiled back, revealing sharp white teeth and uncountably a pink tongue slithering out. Jake looked away for seconds except for the simple thing to have such an effect. Neytiri noticed and smirked.
She knew that today, you would be performing what your kind call a mating dance, meaning you are making small gestures into a dance having music to it. You had done it many times before, but never once did you touch any of the males around here.
But Neytiri knew that it would change with Jake. Soon enough, the song came to a drop, making you flare your wings, showing the wave pattering inside and the deeper color of your (s/c) scales.
Jake's jaws dropped, to be honest. He knew that dragons were known for their strong colors and attractive features but had never seen one, so he couldn't know if it was true.
"Just wait until she comes over," Neytiri whispered to him as the cue in the music began, and you started to slither your way over, singing still. Neytiri made the greeting gesture with her hand, and you dipped your head before snaking around jake, circling his tail and wrapping around his body like a snake.
You kept on singing but now had all the crowd turned attention to you two, and Jake got selections and hid his eyes away from the group. You noticed and flicked a wing to tell them off. After some minutes, they all moved out, leaving you and Jake alone.
The song had stopped, and now it was only the sounds of the forest and the breaths of you and Jake. You smiled at him sliding your tail down and up his chest and stomach "you're new," you said. It wasn't a question. It was a truth.
Jake nodded and gulped, being too stiff, not even answering. You chuckled under your breath, knowing that you had a certain way with men.
For even if you were a dragon, you knew how to flirt.
"cat's got your tongue, huh, Dreamwalker?" you clicked, a smirk growing on your lips, and when jake stole glances your way, it drove him near to mad.
He had just met you and still wanted you like nothing before. It made him frustrated, and you saw that. So you increased your actions, touching him with a claw and tracing the patterns on his body.
"I've never understood the way you've bonded with things. Connecting your braids and feeling the emotions of the animals. Wee dragons do things differently. Want me to show you, jake?" you asked, voice edged with a tone that jake could only describe as seductive.
How he loved it. He nodded, too weak to form words. You chuckled and moved closer to him, bringing your head close to his face -- so close that your lips nearly touched.
Jake felt his breath hitch as he stared at your big snout and then into your (e/c) glowing eyes. They were swirling with emotions he, too, felt and things he had never seen before.
You chuckled deeply, the sound vibrating your whole body and sending a shiver up jake's spine. You had that effect on him now, didnt you?
"you gotta speak up, blue boy," you said, your tail tightening aorund his waist and talon touching his jaw, forcing him gently to look into your eyes. to be that big, you were very gentle with touching him . he was still a stranger to you well halfway anyway.
Ever since you saw him when he came, you had slowly grown to like him. Of course, most knew the whole tribe did, and they tried getting you guys together, but the two of you were oblivious.
"wh-why did you choose me?" jake finally got out, and you were a bit surprised. You had yet to expect this question. Yes, why did you choose him? Bc he is new, and you were tired of the other males? or because he is blessed by ewya?
It was many possibilities. He just had to find the one he believed in. Then, finally, you told him, "you have to find out for yourself, baby boy. my heart chose you, and so did i." you said, nuding your nose under his chin and lifting his face.
Jake gasped when he felt your warm tongue slide over his throat and make him nearly buckle.
"so, jake, I barely touched you, and your pas out? Huh... Sky people are weaker than I thought" he knew you were just taunting him, but it made him angry. He gripped your tail and pinned his ears.
You saw this and raised a brow. But your flirting never ceased.
You had to get him to cross his own border. It would be fun to make him lose control. You really knew how bad it would be if he ever mated with you. or it would work. Maybe.
Jake, soon enough as you anticipated, lost control and kissed you. You giggled into his mouth but let him take control of this once.
And let us just say that the clan had problems sleeping that night.
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ashes-writing · 1 year
outer banks ● one girl two guys pt 5 ● j. maybank + t. thornton
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(( changing up the photos a little bit. bear with me. these came from pinterest, btw. and they're part of my little image hoard.))
complicated relationships... all around., jealousy, angst. pining, friends to lovers, looots of PDA ( you've been warned, if you're not fond of touching/kissing/affection) , fluff. Kiara -and her audacity, Sarah -and her jealousy, eventual filth, confrontations of the verbal and possibly physical kind. rivalry. mentions of alcohol + 🍃, sex / pda and varying states of undress and other potential adultier themes to come. sarcasm and dark humor, ig.
word count
3407 exactly. welcome to part 5. for the context, here's part 4.
-- y'all are gonna be so fucking siiiick of me and my bullshit,oops rip.
One girl. Two guys. You're feeling torn. This can't possibly go wrong or be messy at all.. Right?
-- my summaries are traash and I own this.
taglist + shoutouts
-- taglist for outer banks -as well as every other fandom I write for can be found ( here ). If you'd like to be on it, please add yourself or let me know, i'll happily add you.
@tbmunson - i love you sm bestie. you knew i was going to tag you for this bc you're my inspiration, always!!
@valentineshiftz - your comments omg you don't know how much they mean to me. i can't even begin to thank you and I'm so glad you're enjoying this.
@writingreadinglurkingandsmirking - your comments make my day, like.. i'm living for your reactions!
other links
masterlist ● jj's masterlist ● topper's masterlist ● about+ rules
“Burger and fries for table 2. All dressed.” you tell the cook in back the order from table 2 and you’re heading back out with a pitcher of beer and the appetizer they ordered and Kiara stops you halfway out of the kitchen. 
“What? I’m kind of busy, Kiara.”
“You’ve been talking to Topper Thornton a lot lately.” Kiara’s staring at you with a solemn look and her arms folded. You blow a bubble with your gum, raise your brow at her. “Yeah? And?”
“I just don’t think that’s a good idea, ___. And it’s really upsetting JJ.” Kiara tacks on that last part and you laugh quietly. “It’s not upsetting him. It shouldn’t be. I mean… correct me if I’m wrong here, you’re the girlfriend.”
“Right. And as the girlfriend, I just thought.. Nevermind. Look, you hate me and I get that. But JJ hasn’t done anything.”
You blow out a breath. “Now kind of isn’t the time to talk about this, Kie. The place is packed. Look.. I’m just trying to finish out my shift here, okay? I’ve got stuff to do later.”
“We used to be friends, ___.”
“Yeah? Blame your mom. Maybe if she’d keep her fucking nose out of places it doesn’t belong.. Maybe if you didn’t go home telling her everything.. A friend would have kept their mouth shut, especially if they knew opening it might come with the risk of their friend being sent to live with some asshole who never wanted their friend born to begin with.” you’re blowing up but you can’t help it. Kiara rubs her forehead. “I’m sorry, okay? Maybe I just thought..”
You cut her off. “Did I ask you to think? Did I ask for help, Kie? No. No, I didn’t.”
She takes a deep breath. “Fair enough. So that’s why you hate me? It’s not because I’m with JJ?”
,, oooh… go ahead, ___. Tell her the truth.” the thought comes and for a second, you seriously play with the idea. But in the end, you decide against it. Because you’re trying so hard to keep from pushing JJ away completely. Because when this thing with Kie comes to a bitter end -and it will, you know Kiara too well, she gets bored too easy- you don’t want to have alienated him. You don’t want him to feel like he can’t come to you.
“I don’t care who you date. The fact that you even think I do is kind of stupid. Possibly even a little self-centered.” you laugh as you look at her, smirking. Watching your comment settle over her because you’re that special kind of petty to a point where you have to hurt someone exactly as much as they hurt you.
You weren’t always like this.
But then everybody in your life disappointed you. Kept hurting you, kept breaking promises. Now you live in a constant state of defense mechanisms active.
“You need to apologize to JJ. Because it bothers me to see him like this.”
When she says this, you’re half out of the kitchen. You pause in the doorway and you look back, mouth agape at her audacity, -and maybe the fact that she’s apparently so clueless that she doesn’t know why things are strained between you and JJ Maybank right now.
The fact that he hasn’t bothered to tell his poor and clueless pretty little girlfriend anything only cuts just a little more. Because it basically confirms what you’re already figuring out. He doesn’t feel the same way about you and when you tried to show him how you felt back at the beginning of summer, it was probably the stupidest thing you could’ve done.
You’re tempted to tell her exactly what went down that night but you don’t for reasons that have everything to do with not making things worse or causing problems between the boy you’re in love with and his flavor of the month. The thought, as it comes, leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. ,, you’re pitiful. A real mess,  y’know? Just tell her. See how quick she is to demand you be the one to apologize then.” 
“You need to keep your nose out of my life.” you finally manage to respond, walking out into the front of the restaurant. You let the door slam behind you. Kiara stands there, a hand caught in her hair. Staring at the door because she’s now got the strong feeling that she’s missing a lot of context.
The rest of the short shift passes by in a blink. Around the end of it, just as you’re clocking out, you’re surprised to see Topper and his friends standing outside one of the big windows in the front. Topper sees you and he starts to make faces at you, making it hard to focus, making you snicker quietly as Anna is telling you about some stupid party the restaurant is hired to cater at the end of the week. 
Kiara’s barely listening, she’s paying closer attention to the way you and Topper act with each other. Because you’ll glance over and pull a crazy face right back at him and at one point, you’re pretending like you’re going to fall asleep on your feet as if you’re bored out of your skull.
Anna finally finishes talking to you and Kie, releasing you both from work for the afternoon. You rush out and Topper is leaned against the front wall of the building, sipping a snow cone through a straw as he holds one out to you. You take it and suck it down greedily.
Kelce is looking from you to Topper wordlessly. Rubbing his chin in thought, especially when you and Topper seem to migrate closer together as a crowd of tourists overtakes the sidewalk and forces this to happen. Topper’s got a hand at your waist and you’re staring up at him.
“C’mon, man. We’re losing peak waves.” Kelce points out, barely hiding laughter as he glances from you to Topper. He’s just seen Sarah and John B walk past but his best friend has been so caught up in staring at you for a few seconds now that Topper didn’t even notice they walked past.
And Kelce is thinking to himself that’s definitely a good sign. Maybe the idiot will leave Sarah Cameron alone and stop running back the second she comes around batting her lashes, even hinting that she might want him back.
Topper finally breaks out of his daze, responding to Kelce. “Yeah. We should get going.”
Your brain’s finally done a full reset and you manage to nod, muttering a quiet “Yep.” in agreement. Topper turns his attention to you again. “You have sunblock.. Right? Because you got burnt really bad the last time we went out.”
You hold up your backpack. “In here somewhere.”
When he slips an arm around you as the three of you make your way down the dock to Topper’s waiting boat, you’re pulled into his side, the scent of his designer cologne enveloping you as you breathe it in before you can stop yourself from doing it. And it’s becoming  habit by this point, it’s getting so that if you’re out somewhere and you even think you catch a whiff of it -or similar scents- you’re looking for Topper’s face in the crowd.
This thought, as it hits, is more than a little scary.
He steps onto his boat, reaching out. Grabbing you by the hips to pull you on board. You’re laughing about it and the sound carries. The sound of your laughter manages to get the attention of JJ as he pulls the Pogue to a stop on the opposite side at the end of the dock. When he looks up just in time to see Topper Thornton pick you up by the hips and pull you onto his stupid little boat, he glares at Topper.
Topper gives him this little shrug, it’s mild. He smirks too. Holds JJ’s gaze as JJ looks from Topper to you, your back is to him so you don’t see. You’re staring up at Topper and the pang of jealousy that hits JJ takes him by surprise.
It shouldn’t bother him to see his best friend happy and he knows this. But then he’s thinking back to that night about two months ago. When you were in his lap, your arms around his neck. All cozy with him. When you told him he was pretty. When you told him you wanted to kiss him and he panicked and shut down because it was everything he wanted and he didn’t know how to handle it beyond the fear that overtook after you said it. He’s aware that he got in his own way. And for a while, he thought maybe that wasn’t a bad thing.
Seeing you with Topper all the time lately has him starting to wonder if he was wrong about that theory. Feeling like his reaction that night to the way you were being so affectionate was a complete mistake.
The boat takes off and he watches as you and Topper disappear from view.
John B and Sarah wander over and John’s jaw flutters. As soon as he sees the anger blaze in his best friends eyes, he nods. Because he’s just seen the way his girlfriend was looking at her ex boyfriend as if he was betraying her. And he hasn’t said anything to Sarah yet but it’s really bothering him.
“You saw ‘em too, huh?”
“Mhm.” JJ answers, glancing from John B to Sarah. He shares a look with his best friend and then he shrugs. “We need to get a move on. Pope’s waiting.”
Kiara rushes over, throwing her arms around JJ. She’s upset again and when she starts telling JJ why, he nods quietly. And a sliver of hope lingers even though it shouldn’t, taking hold. You didn’t tell Kiara about what happened between you and him earlier this summer. ,, or what didn’t happen but could’ve happened.” he reminds himself, bitter at the thought.
If you were really all in with Thornton, it stands to reason you would’ve just told her.
,, or maybe she’s a good person and she didn’t want to do something to mess you and Kiara up. Kiara’s your girl, man. You can’t have them both.”
But selfishly, in an ideal world, this is what he’d want. Because he feels very strong feelings for you both and it’s got him torn two different ways.
“When did that even happen? How?” Sarah speaks up. Kiara shrugs. “It’s probably a rebound thing. That or he’s up to something.”
“He’s not like that.” Sarah says it and she can feel John B staring at her. She looks up at him and sighs. “He’s not, okay? Maybe it’s a good thing, maybe he’s moving on.”
But deep down, the fact that he might just be moving on.. This bothers Sarah just a little more than it should.
You gulp as soon as you see the waves today. You melt into Topper’s side just a little and for a few seconds, you wonder exactly what you let yourself be talked into. Topper chuckles. “You’ll be fine, okay? I won’t let anything happen.”
You nod. Swallowing hard. Gazing up at him and then glancing back out at the water. “That wave was big.”
“It’s not as scary as it looks. But first..” Topper nods to his board, “You need to learn how to stand. C’mere.” he steps away, standing by his board. You’re pouting a little before you even realize it, you didn’t want him to let go yet and this thought as it settles in, has your mind reeling.
,, okay but you did say it yourself when you were arguing with JJ not so long ago. You’re definitely attracted to Topper Thornton physically. That’s it. That has to be all this is…Right?”
Deep down, you’re starting to suspect it’s not. But you’re not about to let yourself acknowledge it. Because you’ve started to get close to Topper and you like being friends with him. God knows that falling for him might possibly have the same end result as you, finally making a desperate attempt to clue JJ in to how you felt about him at the beginning of summer. 
You wander over and you step onto the board. You swallow hard when Topper steps on behind you, hands at your waist as he pushes down on your body just a little to get you to bend down like you need to be. “Keep your feet apart.”
“Like this?” you question. Topper nods, chuckles quietly. “Like that. You’re going to feel like your balance is off when you’re out there. If you have to, put your arms out.” his hands leave your hips to settle on your arms and he guides them into place. He’s pressed against you from behind.
From nearby on the sand, Kelce chuckles. “She needs to turn her foot a little, dude.”
Topper looks down and nods. “Yeah. He’s right. You need to turn your foot towards the front of the board.”
“This is complicated. How the fuck do you remember all this?” you’re exasperated with yourself because you’re just feeling like you have to look awkward. And you’re a little scared because you know they go out where the water will be over your head. You can swim exactly enough to save your life and that’s it.
Topper chuckles at your outburst, the sound sending just the teeniest jolt racing through you. “Relax.” he mutters quietly, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “You can swim right?”
“Uhm..” you give him a sheepish look. He bites his lip. “Okay, change of plans. Because you kind of need to learn to swim first. You’re going to wipe out.”
You nod. And then he’s scooped you up, making you laugh and have to throw your arms around his neck to hang on. He’s carrying you out into the water and Kelce, just to be a little shit, he hollers out, “Jesus. Get a room, guys.”
You can feel a slow heat work it’s way from the pit of your stomach when you lock eyes with Topper as he laughs. That heat spreads through you til it’s settled in the tips of your ears. He’s teasing you a little when he asks, “Are you blushing right now?”
You pout up at Topper a little. “I don’t blush.”
“I think you do. I think you are.”
“Am not!” you smack at his chest lightly and you laugh. And it’s a real one. You haven’t really laughed in a while. It feels good to laugh again.
When he starts to wade out to where the water is starting to creep up your body higher, you cling to Topper. “Hey, whoa..” he coaxes. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Relax.”
You nod and you’re staring up at him, lost in the varying shades that make up his eyes. You’re staring really hard. It’s hard enough that he’s staring right back. “I’m gonna lower you down a little.. Okay? But my hands are gonna stay on you, I swear. I’m not going to let you drown. Relax.”
“Easy for you to say, you were swimming and surfing at birth.” you mutter, the softness in your voice has him biting back a quiet groan.. Especially now that it’s combined by the way he feels holding you right now. He chuckles quietly. “I wasn’t.”
“You were! You won your first surfing thing when you were like what.. Ten?”
“How’d you know that?” he laughs. You laugh softly. “JJ entered too. I had to listen to him have an angry meltdown when you won and he didn’t.” you admit quietly. Topper chuckles. 
But then he stops to think about it. Realizes that he’s seen you at a few of his competitions when they’re local. JJ hasn’t entered one in years.
He doesn’t say anything though because he’s not trying to give himself any reason to get his hopes up. So when you admit to going to a few shows he’s been in because it’ll pass time, he’s a little shocked.
,, Kildare is boring. She was just looking for something to do.” is countered by ,, But she was there. Sarah couldn’t even be bothered.” and it’s not much but it’s somehow more than even his own girlfriend at the time could be bothered to do.
“Something just nipped my foot!” you’re squealing, clinging to him even more and he realizes in this moment that if his goal was not to fall for you, yeah.. He’s beyond fucked.
He laughs. “Are you gonna be okay, ___?”
“Haven’t you seen Jaws? I know what’s in deep water, dude.” you’re pouting up at him as you say it and he laughs again. “Jaws is a movie.”
“And what makes it scary is that it fucking happens on occasion. Sharks get snackish.”
“I’m not gonna let you become shark bait.”
“You’re not gonna be able to stop it!” you’re being dramatic and you know it. But you’re both laughing. For once you’re having fun. You don’t have so many negative things in your mind threatening to take over. You want to enjoy the moment.
Topper lowers you to the water and he keeps his arms beneath you. You suck in a breath. Stare up at him. “Okay. Relax. Try to float.”
“I’m telling you, I will sink.”
“No you won’t.” Topper’s voice has a calming effect. You try to relax and you’re even floating a little. Until the second you feel him slowly slipping his arms out from beneath you, then your eyes are popping open and you sink down just a little. When you come back up, you splash him. He splashes back. Picks you up by your hips. Your legs slip around his waist. “Better? Now will you stop freaking out on me? People are gonna think I’m drowning you, woman.” he’s barely hiding laughter.
You pout at him again. But you slip your arms around his neck and nod, biting your lip as you stare at him and the laughter dies away. “Yeah. Much.” you respond quietly. 
Then he dunks you both and you surface from beneath the water, splashing at each other. Kelce paddles out on his board. “Since you two are gonna goof off, I’m napping.”
You share a look with Topper and as Kelce’s board floats past, he reaches out, tipping Kelce off. Kelce comes up from beneath the water, sending up rowdy splashes. Soaking both of you because the second you realize the water is up to your mouth now and you can’t touch bottom with your toes, you fling yourself at Topper all over again dramatically, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as you cling to his body.
“Hey! Easy, man.” Topper gives Kelce a dirty look but Kelce chuckles, mimics the sound of a cracking whip as he looks from his best friend to the way you’re clinging to him and have your face buried in his neck. You look up at Topper, eyes catching on the way a drop of water drips down from blond tips.. Rolls down the slope of his nose and settles on his lips. 
Your legs squeeze his hips just a little tighter and everything just kind of falls away. He’s staring at you and he can’t stop himself. He notices the exact second you melt into him a lot more and he mumbles quietly, “You okay?”
“Just realizing you’re really not going to try and drown me, that’s all.” you give him a sheepish smile and he grins. “I told you, didn’t I? You can actually trust me.”
“Yeah.” you answer, managing to tear your eyes off of him for just a second.
“Lemme see your board, Kelce.”
“Board, Kelce. Now.”
Kelce pushes the board to Topper. Topper sits you on it and moves to stand between your legs. “Not so bad, huh?”
“It’s kinda cool. I’m not crazy about trying to stand up on it yet though.”
“It’s okay.” Topper laughs quietly. 
“Yeah.” you answer. Leaning down into him a little.
“For the last time. Just get a room.”
Topper flips Kelce off and you’re laughing. Burning up all over, but laughing again.
This is definitely one of the better days of your summer.
“I’m having fun.” you admit quietly and Topper grins at you. “Me too.”
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cactikiki · 7 months
GGY headcanons because I've been thinking a little...
Greg met Tony and Ellis in September, right at the start of the school year. He was alone and didn't know where to go, but Tony was there like, "Hey, this new kid's lonely. I think we should check on him."
Tony is nice, but also nosy. He likes knowing people, inside and out
Tony finds new kids especially interesting. There's usually more to them being there than others, who just go to the school because they live nearby or thought it was a good school.
This kid, their family, moved here for a reason... Why?
Hurricane doesn't have anything much going for it. While yes, it's the birthplace of Fazbear Entertainment and has the very first, original Pizzaplex, people don't usually move to the town just for that. Parents wouldn't usually do that.
So there's a story there! Everyone has a story.
As for why Gregory's parents moved at all... He has well-off parents who wanted to work with Fazbear Entertainment. Huge economic opportunity. So they moved in from Salt Lake City, you go to Hurricane now my boy
The whole reason Gregory gets glitchtrapped is because of his parents. Karma got them in the end ig....
Gregory is a good friend to both Ellis and Tony. They click immediately, like they've known Greg for years. They know his full name, but Gregory never really went by it back then, sticking with simply Greg (he would've went by 'Gregory' in SB because he forgot he even had that nickname at all.... and while in and out of consciousness before that, even. So Cassie only ever knew him as Gregory)
Rab wasn't around the whole time, lucky for Gregory. He got to know the duo for a few months before that, got close, and clicked super well with them. So he did have a close connection with them before things went wrong, unlike Cassie who he would've gotten less connection with since he didn't really know her (and when he'd met her, he'd just broken free of being controlled for a few hours, with no memory of any events).
Summer came, and Gregory got to test a Freddy's VR game bc of his parents. He would've begged them too, "It's the least you can do for me. You guys don't spend any time with me! Let me come with you to the company building and test the game, pleaseee?"
Something went wrong at the target audience testing. One of the QA testers kept watching him, a blonde woman with green eyes... She was odd, but Gregory brushed the thought away.
That was, until a sharp migraine hit his head, and everything started to go fuzzy from there.
School came back around in September, and GGY happened. Greg acted slightly differently after summer, but it was probably just normal stuff. Right? It's not like there were any stark differences in personality. That's what Tony thought at least, until he dug too deep and... yeah.
To Ellis, his two best friends just went missing. That's all there was, forever, and he just had to deal with that. They were never coming back.
As for Tony, he'd haunt Greg and probably can't quite believe there's life after death
Gregory, at this point, he doesn't remember. So shit falls off shelves, and he hears his name whispered, and he's like, 'huh. must've been the wind... unless, maybe Vanessa's grandma is here? omg Ness, holy shit come here. I think your grandma's ghost is here??"
But it'd get serious when he finds out the truth. When he realises. When he starts getting hurt by this ghost. He tries to communicate (since my Greg is a paranormal believer and Tony owned a DR60 recorder because of him, while Greg owns a REM-pod). Tony is always angry. He's always upset. Gregory finds himself permanently haunted by him.
Rab racked up a few bodies while he was controlling Gregory; therapists, Tony, his parents, and two random kids he didn't even know the name of. Vanny dealt with the rest. Those mostly went to the Tangle, though; Tony was the only one to have a close enough connection to get stuck attached to Greg.
That's all I really have rn, idk I wanted to post this somewhere sjhdjbrkfnfm I had thoughts. Many thoughts. I will continue to have thoughts.
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waklman · 1 year
Tilly my lovely writer,
you absolutely can't imagine how I love your work. You are so talented and I can't stop reading your stuff. I'm so obsessed with Fake It, you gave Jake such a special personality, omg I LOVE IT. So sad that you suffering fro. I writers block, don't stress yourself, we love you.
Because of my very (un)healthy obsession with Fake It, I've got a lot of ideas for these two idiots. Hear me out, imagine this whole fake dating is stressing Princess so much and one day the bitch friends of Jake's ex saying to her that she's just a consolation prize for Jake and she will never be worth it or enough for him. Hurt to no end and an migraine incoming she goes home only to have a bsd argument with Jake. Shhr snaps at him and he also says something hurtful (like "no wonder that you're just have a fake boyfriend"). Of course Jake instantly regrets his words but his best friend is hurt. Alone in her room she cries herself to sleep only to wake up hours later with a raging migraine. Imagine Jake finds her nearly passed out in the kitchen, one time more realizing how important she is to him. He takes care of her. Worried Jake, protective Jake, care taking Jake that's what we need
first of all, i love you too & thank you so much for this sweet message because, really, i needed to hear that, i’ve felt so awful for not being able to update fake it (i know i shouldn't but it happens). anyways, this felt so nice to write bc i wasn’t struggling with it, so here is worried jake!! i know i had two other requests for this in my inbox as well, so this is also for those two anons :)
Jake doesn’t hate. 
All his life, he was told by his mother that hate was bad for the heart. That hate had no rightful place in his growing body. But, in the midst of his underwhelming teenage angst, Jake Seresin secretly concluded that his hate should be reserved for one thing, and one thing only—and that was making you cry. 
So, when you came barging into his room, hysterical and teary eyed over some stupid thing some girl said about you two, Jake had no intent of making you cry. It was just that, he could barely get a word in when you were mindlessly repeating it back to him. 
That girl has her head on backwards if she thinks Seresin actually likes her, he’s only sticking around because he feels obliged to. I feel sorry for him, I’d go ballistic if my parents picked out my friends for me.
Frustration spread through his body like a virus when you kept cementing that it was true, accusing him of agreeing with it too. And that’s when the worst thing he ever said to you came out his mouth this evening. 
If you want to fucking believe that you’re so unlikeable, then maybe it’s true. Maybe you are.
The moment the words fell off his tongue, you immediately went quiet, giving him a glimpse of what it looked like when he made you cry.
At that, Jake hated himself more than anything. Jake hated that you looked more hurt than you did when you originally stalked inside, looking for his assurance. Jake hated that he had to listen to you sob for most of the night, alone in the bathroom with the door shut. Jake hated that you might have taken what he said out of anger to heart. That you believed you weren’t worthy of being liked, especially by him.
Because if anything, that was far from the truth. 
And Jake couldn’t let you fall asleep tonight like this, not when he knew you always punished yourself by not tending to the migraines you got from crying. 
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“Swallow it please,” Jake lets out a guilty breath, watching your throat weakly bob when you take down the Motrin he eased past your lips.
Seated across from each other in the bathtub, Jake’s frame struggles to fit in the confines of the porcelain, more than yours does—but he pushes the discomfort away, because you’d been sitting here for hours while he was laid in his bed.
And maybe it was because Jake had tiredly pleaded outside the door for a hour before coming in or maybe it was because you watched him struggle to fit himself in the tub with you just so he could mouth feed you some ibuprofen, but you lurch forward—knocking the wind out of him in a desperate hug. 
It takes all of Jake’s self restraint to not fall apart when you slot yourself between his legs and gently rest your chin on his shoulder, letting him feel you again. 
With a tight throat, he forces himself to speak. “I’m so fucking sorry, princess.”
When you sniff in his ear, Jake pulls you closer against him, cushioning the side of your head so it doesn’t hit the bathtub faucet. “I didn’t mean it. God I—I really didn’t fucking mean it,” he starts, voice already shaky. “I don’t want you thinkin’ that I only stick around because our families are close.” Jake swallows when he feels you move a hand to softly scratch at his nape, comforting him through this.
“I know,” you whisper softly, trying to ease the tension in his body. “If you did, you wouldn’t pick a fight with your sisters everytime they claimed me as a roommate when we stayed at hotels,” you let out a hoarse giggle, throat still sore from crying. 
At that, a small smile settles on his face. “I also let them put makeup on me so I was allowed in the girls room,” he adds. 
“Yeah, exactly. You just like me that much, you loser.” Your mouth stretches into a wide smile, cracked lips burning as it does. Finally, Jake lightens up, laughing at your little jab. 
“I just like you that much,” he repeats.
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error-was-here · 1 year
Coming out as trans to Genshin characters (bc I have new characters added ,also gn reader)
Fybjbknjjkjjhhjjkj thank y’all so much for 56 followers and all the support I’ve been getting recently ♥ Also commissions are open
characters : Aether and Jean (separate) (yes I did the overworked duo)
I’ve done : Amber ,Kaeya ,Venti ,Heizou ,Ningguang and Zhongli (linked in my master list
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When you discovered your identity ,you wanted to tell your boyfriend ,but the problem is ,he is constantly stressed and has work constantly put on him even when he doesn’t offer to help ,but the problem is he doesn’t know how to say no.
You wanted to tell him ,but you were scared this would put some stress on him or make him dislike you. So you kept it in until it ‘felt right’ to say it ,but then days turned into weeks into months and you haven’t even try to hint it.
This was until one day your dysphoria was horrible that day and you couldn’t take it anymore ,you let all your tears out and all your thoughts were attacking you ,you couldn’t escape it no matter how hard you battled ,its still just there and you can’t escape it.
until you heard
*Opens door* “(____) I’m home! “ said your boyfriend extremely excited to see you ,but ….where exactly are you? Until he heard
“*sniff* Hey (pet name) . Glad your back home” you said behind a closed door
“Babe is everything.. ok?” Aether said concerned wondering what was going on ,he always told you if you have a problem tell him ,he will solve it .Maybe you thought he was too busy for you ,maybe he didn’t give enough attention to you, maybe you.. don’t love him anymore? He instantly disagreed with the last one
But still what were you hiding from him?
He opened the door to se you disheveled and in tears on the floor of your shared bedroom.
“Babe! Are you ok? Is there a problem? Please tell me ,I will help you with anything ,I promise!” He asked well in a panic
“Y-yeah I’m fine A-Aether ,noo need to worry” you said clearly not fine
“I can see your lying to me (____) ,please tell me the truth ,I won’t judge you.” He said from a loud to quiet tone
“W-well ,*sigh*…….” You explained how you had been feeling recently and how it was affecting you ,but how you didn’t want him to worry.
“(___) I had no idea you’ve been feeling this way ,honey you know I will help you with anything and that you have my full support ” he said well snuggling into your neck
“Is there anyway I can help? Maybe getting clothing ,but then I need to schedule and think of the windblume festival and-“
“Aether I appreciate this ,but having you be with me is enough”
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You loved your girlfriend Jean ,but it always feels loney .Since she’s busy with paper work and your busy with (————-) so the two of you barely see each other ,which made it hard to process in the relationship ,but you two found a way.
recently you found out your transgender and were excited and nervous to tell your girlfriend. That was until, you realized that if you wanted to do that ,you would have to be awake at basically 3 am to see an overworked Jean. You instead decided to do it on an off day.
You also wanted this to be surprise for Jean ,because she is overworked and this is probably only one off day in the year ,so you decided to get her something.
There was one person you knew that would probably know around when she gets her off day. Barbara ,that’s because Barbara is Jean’s sister. So she would also know what to get for Jean.
The day had came where it was her off day
“Jean ,(insert pet name) ,guess what special day it is?” You say waking up next to her
“Mhmm I don’t know if remember ,but you seem more excited about this ,so that means it’s a good day for us or just you” she says drowsily
“Yep! Let’s get breakfast then go to the Windrise tree !”
‘Ok ok ,let me just get dressed ok?” She asks
“Ok Jean” you said
you wait for about 30 minutes ,until she came out in her summer uniform which is good ,because it was a hot day today
the both of you enjoyed your breakfast and ,after lots of catching up the both of you were already there.
“Jean I have something to tell you” you asked quietly “Yes anything honey.” She responded
“Well Recently I’ve found out that I think I’m a (preferred gender) and would appreciate if you call by __/__ pronouns instead ,if you don’t wanna date me anymore that’s fine.“
She was shocked at that last part ,because why would she leave you? You are one of the bests thing she has in her life. “(____)….. I didn’t know you felt that way ,but always know I will support you for who you are. And will definitely will help you on this journey. I would never leave you for who you are and you are one of the bests things I have in my life”
you look at her in awe ,until saying a very quite ,but happy ‘thank you
she grabs you into a hug and you both cuddle
thank you for reading and ,thank you all so much for the support :’D
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liliansun · 2 years
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pairing | lee haechan x fem reader
synopsis | it’s pretty much a given when it comes to friends of a long time that one will fall for the other, so you’re not surprised by how long you’ve kept it to yourself. unbeknownst to you, you’re not the only one holding things back and once the truth is out there’s no going back.
genre | university au, childhood/best friends -> lovers, fluff, angst
warnings | swearing, haechan is kinda rude, mentions of sex (non-detailed, just briefly brushed over), winter calls jaemin an idiot (playfully)
featuring | nct dream, heeseung from enha, chaewon from lesserafim, winter from aespa, ryujin from itzy
wc | 6.2k
release | read here!
teaser wc | 0.5k
a/n | i haven’t written in a while so if this ends up shit in the end I’m genuinely sorry :) also I don’t have my permanent taglist anymore bc I genuinely didn’t think I’d write again so I’m sorry for all who don’t get an immediate tag
📍send an ask or comment to be added to a taglist
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“Why’d you get food without me, I said I was gonna pay!” He says, whining as he looks at your plate. You turn your head, staring at his almost guilty expression. “Hyuck, you were off doing your thing so I came to get food.” He sits on the opposite side of you with a frown, picking some food he knew you only got for him off your tray. “Since some of us are here can we talk about the back to school party this weekend?” Winter announced. Jaemin whipped his head toward her slowly, squinting his eyes. “You do know it’s been a month since school started right?” His lack of ability to pick up the slight sarcastic meaning by the party title earned him a punch to the shoulder by Winter. “Yes you idiot, god why do you even talk.”
Jaemin winces as he rubs his shoulder, mouthing to you with a smile that Winter was apparently in love with him. You giggle, continuing your meal till it was nearly done. When you finally notice that Haechan took the cake you had, you frown. You could’ve easily gotten another one, but the one you had was one of the last few on display. Jeno noticed your sudden sadness and put his cake onto your tray. You flash him a smile, mentally thanking him. The rest of the table watches the exchange happen and even more so how Haechan’s expression changes while watching. As you look up confused as to why everyone was eyeing the three of you, you then turn your head to Haechan who was giving Jeno a hard stare.
Putting your hand on his shoulder, he seems to visibly soften at your touch while shifting his gaze onto you instead. “Okay, now that whatever that was is over, I’m gonna go.” Ryujin says as she gets up from the table. You give her a questioned look as she signals for you to follow her. Winter does the same, stealing your cake off your tray. “My cake!” You say, quickly walking around the table to get your dessert. “Sorry hyuck, I’m stealing your girl!” She says as she and Ryujin giggle while leaving the dining hall. You have to jog to catch up to them, finally getting the cake from Winter. “So are we gonna just ignore that or what?”
“Ignore what?” Ryujin scoffs as Winter looks at you in shock. “C’mon y/n, you can’t tell me that boy isn’t head over heels for you.” You don’t comment, staring down at your cake while following along the girls. “Jeno was just being sweet, don’t read too much into it.” “No girl, not Jeno, Haechan!” Winter says, smiling at you widely. “Even I saw those heart eyes throwing fireballs at Jeno when he gave you his food, man was saying ‘don’t touch my girl’.” You shrug, trying to shake off the sickly sweet feeling you have in your stomach. As much as you’d want Haechan to reciprocate your feelings, you don’t ever see it happening.
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©️ liliansun., 2022
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mattslolita · 16 days
update bout the boy!
first off whoever tf called u a pedo needs to CALM TF DOWNNN. uve been 18 for like a couple weeks anyway, im pretty sure talking to a minor (IN A NORMAL WAY U DIPSHIT ANON) is not a big issue here!🤣🤣if they r that bothered they needa jump off tumblr and stop coming for ppl they dont know! also sturnihoe needs to relax a bit, like BE SO FR chris wouldnt even look in her direction an neither would matt 😉🤗
ANYWAYY!! so we went out to go buy a dress for me and some other makeup bits cuz u can never hav too much makeup 😙and i tried about 3 on. the first one was blue with pearls near the sleeves but the fit was like CRAZYYY BIG. in the end i tried on a pink one and he said i looked "beautiful" 🤭 so i bought that one, he said he would pay but i told him id not go if he did 😊🤣 thennn we went to pandora to buy the charm for his mum. its literally so pretty its this one:
yeah then us an two of our friends came round to his for like 3 hours, my friend kept playing some weird ass tiktok sound and we were CRYING it was unbelievably funny, i tried to find it but i cant now. 😭😭😭
then we were sat on his bed and my friend was like "lets play truth or dare, and before u say no im telling u now ill set fire to u all" AGRESSIVE MUCH LMFAO?! so ofc when he said dare his friend was like "kiss *myname* or u hav to kiss me" LMFAOOOO THEN HE WENT "not gonna kiss u bc if u havent noticed im actually not gay! and im not gonna kiss her in front of u all thats weird as shit" and my friend said "SO YOUD KISS HER WHEN WE R NOT HERE" and he went "and what" NO WTFFFFFFFFFFF!?!?!?! HE JUS SAYS IT SO NORMALLY LIKE HUH??????? GONNA CRY HES SO CRAZY! 🫢🫠🫠🫠😋😋
oh and at schl he gave me his coat🤗 cuz i dint bring mine and it was POURING it down, like i thought it was nearly summer 😒😒
STOPPPP UR GONNA GET ME STARTED AGAIN LMFAOOOO she thought she ate when she said "at least my man has personality" I CACKLEDDDDDD
receiving the anons ab you & ur bf are lowk the best part of my day ngl☝ I LOVE YOUUU SM
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Drunken Confessions | Steve Murphy x m!reader
@areyouwaiting asked: YO MR WHITE
Can I request a Steve Murphy x drunk male!reader fic?
Reader gets fucking wasted at some bar/party, Murphy has to come pick him up and on the way home the reader drunkenly confesses that he has a big fuckin crush on Steef but he knows he doesn’t have a chance bc Steef is "straight"
Steef’s brain just kind of short circuits bc uhh guy he’s in love with just confessed his feelings for him ???
+ prompt: “Can I just hold your hand for a bit?"
summary: Steve isn't sure what he's hearing when he picks you up and you confess what you really think of him.
tws: drunkenness, smoking, swearing
Steve wasn't expecting the call, in all honesty, but when Carrillo called him and asked him to pick you up from a party, he was a little nervous; Steve was always nervous to be around you, you always took his breath away and made his hands shake as his heart thundered. He was nervous, but when he got to a party, music blaring and people singing and drinking and smoking and kissing and touching, he did his best to push his nerves aside skntbat he could find you; luckily, his first guess, that you would be out in the garden and either somewhere up a tree or sat staring at the stars, was the correct one, and as he approached, Steve cleared his throat.
You were gone. Humming to yourself as you grinned, and when you turned to see him, you laughed loudly and threw your arms around him. "Stevie!"
With great caution, mostly so that you wouldn't fall, Steve returned the embrace for a moment. "I'm here to take you home, (y/n). Carrillo said you had too much and you... you tried to do a strip tease."
You scoffed, shaking your head and stumbling backwards as you lit a cigarette and laughed again, your words slurred. "I did not! I was just dancing!"
Steve hummed, frowning a little, but he shook his head, and he kept his arm around your shoulders, letting you cling onto him as he gestured towards the way out. "Why don't we just get you home?"
"I'm not even that drunk," you grumbled. "What? A guy can't have fun anymore?"
Deciding not to answer that, Steve guided you towards his car; his flat was closest, followed closely by Connie's - she would let you crash with her and her surgeon boyfriend without a doubt, and they would absolutely take great care of you. The flat you shared with Javier would be too far away, you would either fall asleep or you would forget which number you lived in, given your current state; so Steve settled on going to whichever was closest. His flat.
He could look after you, he knew he could; it was only drunkenness, it wasn't anything serious.
He just about managed to get you into the car, making sure that your seat belt was on as he navigated the deserted streets; not a single soul was about, too many people throwing parties or partying at clubs and pubs. At least it made the journey home easy, even if Steve did have to park around the next street thanks to his usual parking spot being taken up by several motorbikes.
"We have to walk a little," Steve told you gently, making sure that you were holding onto him as he dared to make the first few steps towards his flat. "You okay?"
"Y'know," your words still slurred heavily. "I always did know that you was the handsomest and beautifulist man."
Blush came across his features as he stiffened up a little, clearing his throat. "You really are drunk."
"Relax," you sang. "You're fine... I knows you're straight and I don't have a chances. It's just a schools boys crush, no worries. You're fine."
Steve could hardly believe what he was hearing, and although he wanted to blame it on the alcohol you had drank, he knew that the substance only ever made people admit to things that the wouldn't normally; you were telling the truth, he knew that, but he couldn't believe it. For years, he had had a crush on Carrillo's ecologist, and now he was hearing that you had a crush on him, too. He felt like he was going to pass out.
"You're fine," you continued. "I knows straight blokes get a bit... bit funny when you tells them that you think they're fucking beautiful. But it's all good, baby!"
"I'm... (y/n)," he sighed, swallowed thickly as he grumbled quietly to himself and shook his head. "I think you're attractive, too. I really do, but right now, my biggest concern is getting you to bed."
"Oh!" You beamed. "You wanna get me in bed, do ya?"
Steve couldn't find it in himself to answer, getting you up to his flat and unlocking the door before he lead you to the bedroom, he got your shoes off and tossed them aside before helping you to get into his bed; he made sure that you couldn't fall onto your back as he squatted by the side of the bed and smiled, gently running his finger from your temple to your jaw.
"Get some sleep," he said softly. "I'll be on the sofa if you-"
"Don't leave," you reached your hand out, and pouted. "Can I just hold your hand for a bit?"
Steve nodded, giving you his hand and sitting with his back against the nightstand, sighing as he let you hold onto it tightly; he wasn't sure what he was going to throughout the night, but he couldn't complain about sleeping in such a position. He'd slept in worse places and in more awkward positions before. Besides... you were begging for his attention, and you were pleading for him to stay.
Maybe in the morning, he would talk to you, properly, about what you had said, but for now, that could wait.
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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monstrousfemale · 1 year
hi, i'm a big fan of your writing and headcanons, i just had a few thoughts on the "robin is too deep in lesbian loneliness to realise nancy is making a move":
1. "lesbian loneliness" is such a great term, and is now my identity as a person.
2. now i need a stunted robin, who can't hold her crush anymore, to confess to nancy like "i'm in lesbians with you"
Hey anon!! Thank you so much for sending this ask, it's so kind and ugh lesbian loneliness is way too real as a concept. Anyway, here’s a lil silly and quick something bc I wanna write more ronance… Hope I did your idea justice!
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It was driving her absolutely up the walls, and Robin just couldn’t take it anymore. Nancy Wheeler was the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on, and it was so fucking unfair. Robin wished she could turn off her feelings, could go back to when the thought Nancy was just such a priss. But the truth was that even then, Robin had been interested. She was just stronger then, managed to nip the imminent crush in the bud the moment she realized Steve Harrington was once again in the picture. She wasn’t about to have a repeat of Tammy Thompson. So she kept those feelings down, and forced herself to see the worst in Nancy – the way she was a know-it-all, the way she could be so mean and impatient, the way she kind of had an upturned nose to all who weren’t herself and Barb.
Robin and Barb had been friends, and Nancy sometimes just came along as part of a set. But she had never made an effort to talk to Robin, and seemed to not have the time to even spare her a glance. After Barb had been gone, Robin didn’t even have to spare any thoughts Nancy’s way. They didn’t run in the same circles.
Now, though. Now Nancy was all glances, and light touches, and smiles that were just for her. Robin didn’t know when it had happened, but somehow, along the winding way of being hunted by interdimensional monsters, she became friends with Nancy. And it wasn’t the same kind of friendship she shared with Steve, it felt different. Nancy’s attentions were like a beacon of everything Robin had ever dreamed of, and she was falling so hard, the word “crush” made more and more sense. She felt entirely mangled. 
Robin was mostly good at keeping these feelings to herself, but they were slowly suffocating her. She finally told Steve, because she told Steve everything. And he had just looked at her with warm eyes, and told her it’ll pass. It wasn’t feeling like it, but if anyone knew what it was like to love Nancy Wheeler and not be loved back, that was Steve. 
Things came crashing down, however, when Nancy invited herself over to Robin’s house with a bottle of cheap vodka, a container of berries, and way too many chips. She knew Robin’s parents were out for the weekend, and in she waltzed, like they’d made plans. Nancy was talking an hour a minute about mixing sugary drinks, and she had her hair up in a ponytail, little whisps of it floating down the nape of her neck. Robin wanted to kiss them away, or undo the scrunchie she had on just to dig her fingers in Nancy’s curls. She was a lost cause.
Nancy fixed them drinks, and Robin babbled about work, gaze completely enraptured by Nancy’s every smile, by her expressive eyes, by all of her. 
Two drinks in, something felt stuck in the back of her throat, like a massive lump of all her feelings. It didn’t help one bit that Nancy was sitting so close to her, her thigh pressed along Robin’s own. Torture, distracting, absolutely mind-bending. And then Nancy leaned her head on Robin’s shoulder, yawned.
“You think I could stay over? Don’t think I should drive.” The words were said against the side of Robin’s neck, Nancy’s breath on her skin sending shivers down Robin’s spine. 
“Yes! Of course,” Robin said, too fast, too eager. So damn obvious, she thought. “You can have the guest room.”
“What? Nooo.” Nancy pulled away, shook her head as she looked at Robin. “No, let’s do a sleepover. We can share your bed.”
“No,” Robin snapped, harsher than she meant to, pulling away. She wanted that, she really did, but she wanted it a bit too much. She didn’t want to be so close to Nancy and not be able to do anything about it. It made her whole body ache. “I mean… No need. The guest room is very comfortable, that mattress is more comfortable than my own. I mean, you know how I am, I like mine lumpy.”
Nancy squinted, those pretty brown eyes over a little glossy from alcohol, but still sharp as ever as she eyed Robin up and down. 
“Why don’t you wanna do a sleep-over with me?” Nancy’s hand rested on Robin’s knee, and she twisted on the couch so she was fully facing her now. It was so fucking distracting.
So distracting, no one could or should blame Robing for the answer that slipped out of her mouth.
“I’m in lesbians with you.”
A beat. Her own words swam around Robin’s brain like a plastic bag floating around in the wind. She was trying to process them, but she didn’t even know where to begin.
Nancy looked so shocked, Robin was completely in the dark as to how she would react.
“What?” sounded just about right.
“I mean… Shit, Nance, sorry, I mean–”
Nancy smirked. Robin’s stomach dropped. 
“You mean you like me?” She asked, eyebrows shot up high, and she was gazing at Robin in that most terrifying way of hers. Like her brain was going a mile a minute, powering through all the possibilities related to the situation at hand. Like she knew so much already.
“I… Uh. Yeah?” Robin’s voice came out small and peaked, and she kicked herself internally. Her mind felt like it might just fully haunt any second, and this was not the time, not when Nancy’s hand was back on her knee. Not when she had that little spark in her eyes. 
“You’re in lesbians with me?” Nancy raised an eyebrow, waited for an explanation.
“I’m in love with you,” Robin corrected, matter-of-factly, like she wasn’t putting her heart out there for Nancy to stomp on.  “The lesbian part is just… Well. I’m the lesbian part.”
Nancy’s lips twitched, the corner of her mouth twisting into a little smile that was making Robin so goddamn fucking confused.
“Is that right?” Nancy asked, sat closer. Her knees were brushing the side of Robin’s thigh on the couch. Robin was sure she had died and this was a sick joke played on her by purgatory. Because Nancy was not angry, or disgusted, or done. In fact, she seemed almost… Nope. Robin was drunker than she thought. 
“Is… Is that a bad thing?” 
Nancy leaned in. Robin forgot to breathe.
“Does this mean we get to have a sleepover after all?” Nancy asked, suggestive. 
There was nothing to be said. Robin was so confused, she thought she might just pass out.
Nancy seemed to turn more serious when she didn’t answer, pulled back, but put her hand on top of Robin’s, fingers interlaced, holding her tightly.
“It’s not a bad thing,” Nancy said, careful. Like Robin was a wild animal who might just scuttle away if she said the wrong thing. “It’s the best thing.”
Robin didn’t know where it came from. Maybe the years of pent-up longing, desire bottled up and pressurizing to a point of no return. All those girls she had loved and liked and cared for, who never spared her a second glance. She didn’t know. Whatever it was, in the blink of an eye, Robin was kissing Nancy. Robin pressed herself close to her, lips moving eagerly against her lips, pulling Nancy in by the collar of her shirt, fingers bunched in the fabric. 
It felt like coming home. It wasn’t what people talked about, there were no fireworks. This was better. Kissing Nancy Wheeler felt like belonging. And maybe Robin was ridiculous, maybe this was too much too soon. But fuck, her chest was so full, and she was so sure. She’d enjoy every moment as much as she could, she’d allow herself to feel all she needed to feel.
Later, when they slipped into bed kiss-drunk and vodka-drunk, Robin held Nancy close to her chest, arms wrapped tightly around her middle. Sleep came easy, she had never known such fucking peace. Just as she started to drift, Nancy squeezed her hand tightly, pushed in closer.
“I’m in lesbians with you too, you know,” she mumbled, sleepy voice barely a whisper in the darkness. 
The words hung over Robin’s head like a crown, and she pressed her face to the back of Nancy’s neck, dropped a kiss to the sensitive skin.
“I’m starting to get that, yeah.”
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vhouatroph · 1 year
okay, serious post time.
i'm 22, and started playing toontown in 2006. that's 17 years toontown has been in my life so far. toontown has been fundamental to who i am, and my life experiences- i would be an extremely different person if toontown was not part of my life.
toontown is something i can thank for my enjoyment of writing. in 4th grade, one of my first school papers was about how much i loved the game. a little later, i discovered toontown fanfiction. specifically, i discovered "GEARS," by TheEvina. i was enamored by the story, and wanted to write my own.
of course i wasn't actually that great of a writer starting out, but who really is? i just kept at it, and here i am today! i'd like to think i'm at least a half decent writer now :)
toontown youtube was another great discovery i had made when i was young. the random toon show was my absolute favorite youtuber, and i dearly miss him. the "heriotza" movies, inspired by madtoontownreturns's movies, also have a fond place in my heart despite no longer being on youtube, along with several of his oldest songs.
much like with the fanfictions, seeing the cool toontown videos inspired me to make my own. my favorite is probably this one:
again, my videos weren't very good at all! this one was made in windows movie maker, the peak of editing software at the time. but like with everything else, i continued to pursue getting better at videos. in high school we had to choose a track of classes to "prepare us for the real word" and i chose audio/video. even went to college for a/v before they kicked me out bc i couldn't afford it.
i don't think i can really move on from toontown youtube without mentioning joey's old ttmvs. fixing the silly meter is of course the one everyone knows, but he did have a couple others! some of them seem to not be on youtube anymore which makes me kind of sad, but i understand- i did the same with my toontown fanfictions!
to tell you the truth, i can't remember toontown's closure very well. that period of time in general for me is kind of blocked out. don't know why. what i do remember is when toontown rewritten entered semi-open beta and i played the game for the first time again through the playline on june 18th, 2014!
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you "beta" believe i was excited- i stayed up until 3am for this! the experience was laggy as hell, and i think at one point loopy lane didn't even have cogs on it. but i was so excited to play toontown again, i didn't even care!
after playing toontown rewritten, i signed up for toonbook. i had been part of the original 2011 toonbook, but i wouldn't be able to say anything about that, as i do not remember it. toonbook was an experience. i met some of my greatest friends on toonbook, and it helped me learn a lot about myself. at the same time, it is a place i do not look back on fondly. i have very complicated feeling about the site.
on october 9 2015, i made Silent, my now main toon. she was royal blue at the time, and became a black cat later that year.
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in toontown online, my first toon (skooby) was soundless before i had gotten terminated for hacking. (i was dumb and curious) silent would be the toon to carry on this tradition in toontown rewritten.
as the years continued, i continued to play toontown. even if i took long breaks, i always came back to it, and my friends were there to do activities with me. even if there was nothing big happening, sometimes it was nice to just sit at my estate and play with my doodles.
the night field offices released will live on in my memory as one of the best nights in my entire life. nothing will ever compare to being in a voice chat with my friends the first time we encountered the boiler. i don't really know how else to describe it besides magical. sure we crashed after one round, but another could be tried later!
that night, i completed my first ever field office on toontown rewritten, and it will still live on as one of my favorite experiences in the game ever. i of course continued doing field offices, and still enjoy them immensely. i haven't done a 4 star yet (need to fight 6 18+ cogs 😔) but i hope to some day!
with the most recent toonfest, i am so happy to be a toontown player. everything announced has me extremely excited, and i loved hearing all the backstory on the creation of toontown. this game has been a part of my life for 17 years, and i hope it continues to be part of my life for years to come.
happy 20th birthday, toontown.
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indvcible · 4 months
don't mind me...coming to class late and unprepared. 😳 you can find more about rie under the cut while i work on eventually getting her pages up probably later than sooner soz. still going through everyone's intros, but pls hit that heart button down below and i'll slide into your ims to plot if you don't beat me to it!! xoxo, always super late girl 😘
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tw: mention of death
originally born as nakamoto yukiko (mom used to call her yuki before she gave her up to her bosses lol)
her mom was (and actually still is) the secretary of an up and coming cosmetics company who were on track of becoming super super big throughout japan!!!
(tw: mention of death) at their peak, the company heads lost their daughter (tw end) who was coincidentally around the same age as yuki
after a few years had passed, they asked her mom to take yukiko in as their own as they were in need of an heir and unable to produce more of their own (for timeline purposes, yuki was prob about 12-13 years old at the time)
to this day, she still has no idea what conspired between the adults involved in the discussion, but she's sure as hell bitter that her mom had given her up so easily on top of the fact that she was a "replacement daughter" and her "parents" never let her forget it
to say she was an angsty teen would be an understatement, but she never reacted outwardly or rashly. rather, she just acted as a lifeless doll, never really reacting much to anyone around her or showing much emotion around her "dear family"
this was beginning to raise questions throughout high society as the sato daughter, who had hardly (if ever) made any appearances when she was younger, had always been said to have been clingy but endearing towards her parents. but now that she was a frequent event attendee, the daughter was now the complete opposite
in order to hide the truth and keep others from digging too deeply for the dirty details, yukiko (now rie) was shipped off to study abroad in south korea, where she couldn't harm the company's prestige
there, she was forced to play the role of the perfect daughter or risk being cut off financially
for a while, she remained quiet in the background, allowing others to assume whatever they wanted to about her. at the time, she could barely make out anything they said anyway — she simply wanted her time in the country to pass
but then they appeared [subplot 7/muse l + m!!!] and changed her life around. now that she had friends that she found dear and could (sort of) open up to, rie was a bit brighter and expressed herself a bit more. their company also made a rapid difference in how quickly she was able to advance her korean language skills
when the whole "seduction" plan was brought up, she'd honestly thought it to be a dumb little game that she didn't care for whatsoever, but she went along with it anyway bc they wanted to do it
the one time she decided to act on her feelings and do something of her own volition to make herself happy, it ruins her entire friendship and rie is suddenly back to being on her own all thanks to someone she doesn't even end up with in the end
this incident makes her shut down once more and now she's beginning to understand that maybe her "parents" were right in insisting that doing what she was told and looking pretty was for the best. so she does just that and quietly makes it to graduation
the same thought process continues in the present day; she's become the face of her "mother's" cosmetic brand and is currently a grad student majoring in operations management, ready to step in and take over the company whenever the time comes
she does still see her birth mother every now and then, but chooses to ignore her whenever possible
plot bunnies 🐇
the only person she's ever come close to revealing her secret to; that her entire identity is a sham. but something always came up that kept rie from doing so
someone she considers a true friend. though she remains closed off around all others, you break down those walls. she's always ready to drop what she's doing to be at your side if you ever needed her to be
you were enemies in high school and you're still enemies now. despite doing everything in her power to avoid you, somehow you always end up appearing before her, proving to be a constant thorn in her side
a colleague begged rie to go on a blind date in her place, and there she met/reunited with you. can you two hit it off or will this be a horrible disaster?
she gets a little homesick every now and then, but your presence reminds her that she's not alone (req. muse must be from or have lived in japan)
current fellow snu grad students
one night stand turned regular fling
fellow models/industry workers
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