#and even there its shown he doesnt have the power to actually do that bc he wins and dawn is like ''lol nah'' and hes like ''ok''
vaugarde · 2 years
i feel like pokeani is a prime place for a discourse iceberg. sometimes i still think abt the “kenny from diamond and pearl is a serial misogynist and he was exercising control and toxic masculinity around dawn” take when said character is like ten years old and just kinda mildly annoying
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ganondoodle · 11 months
totk rewritten (for me, specifically)
since i dont have time to get to drawing it right away AND im worried people might take this the wrong way, i thought i could write out some bullet points about my rewrite of totk (meant as a fix FOR ME not saying its inherently better) to give you a better idea on what im going for:
the core structure largely remains the same, the biggest change is no time travel, thus making zelda your travel companion, and zonau tech being lagerly gone/broken with shiekah tech instead
it is not shown but said in dialog that shiekah tech, such as the ancient furnaces, shrines and towers are either turning off or have flickering power supply and purah having calculated that all their connections point towards beneath hyrule castle
game starts pretty much the same as real totk, most zonau ruins are so withered away that they are barely recognizable and the further you get down theres more and more shiekah tech pipes and occasional a miasma vein, some pipes are broken and spill miasma, others flicker
instead of the room with the wall carvings theres one with old ancient shiekah research remains, old broken tech and prototypes you dont what their purpose was, all documents are too withered to read but zelda finds one that was sealed in a container and takes it with her (she got a backpack now)
theres a structure similar to the bed thingy of the shrine of life from botw but its working in reverse; within it is sealed ganondorf (i gotta work out the details around it still)
(details still missing) it breaks and zelda takes the enigma stone but doesnt touch it directly and puts it within a sealed container (you know kinda like you should do with soemthing you have no idea of what it is and was alsO LOCATED ON A CORPSE)
ganondorf isnt the elegantly talking villain type in this version but more of a mess, talking in different languages both modern and ancient but you cant make out any clear sentences, struggeling with suddendly being awake and half alive after spending thousands of years in an agonizing limbo, having witnessed every second of the passage of time yet also it feeling like everything just happened all at the same time
the ground breaks as he recognizes zelda (bc of her fighting calamity ganon in botw) but also not really, still sees her as a threat (also bc of the enigma stone in the container she still has in her hand) attacks her, link deflects with the master sword, it breaks and damages his arm, zelda drops her torch and pulls link away towards where they came in from and both run as the caves fill up with miasma like a flood with arms starting to reach after them while they both run back through the tunnels (creepy chase sequence anyone?)
cataclysm happens (ground breaks, miasma bursts out of the ground, especially where shrines and towers where since they were still connected to the pipelines) ground shifts massively in some places giving alot of the map a whole new structure; all shiekah tech that was not independent stops working due to power loss
links arm is amputated since otherwise the miasma would spread to his whole body; purah, robbie and zelda work out a prosthetic arm prototype to give to link (protoype at first will be upgraded at halfway point of the game) that can switch between multiple modes, like a hand to hold normal items or a weapon that isnt crafted, and a fusing ability (though maybe limited in the prototype) that lets you make weapons similar to the weapon fusing in canon totk (potential upgrades including an extendable guardian arm that doesnt break, grapple hook anyone??, also the ability to build stuff out of shiekah tech parts, not glue needed you actually screw it together, maybe zelda even helps)
now you are given free roam of hyrule, the goal is to explore and find what has changed and check on people, see what the underground has, new monsters have spawned etc.
zelda is your companion the whole time, she can use the shiekah stone/purah pad to analyze enemies for you, she also carries at least a dagger for her own self defense but doesnt contribute much to the fight (subject to change maybe), you can talk to her anytime and she usually has something to comment on depending on where you are or what you just did, can give you tips and advice IF ASKED FOR IT, when you discover ancient ruins, whether zonau or shiekah, she can either decipher it for you or take photos for later to find out more about everything that has happend and what it means, she also takes part in conversations when you talk to someone, her outfit changes with yours (meaning when you wear the tingle set she wears it too, opens up alot of funny interactions njfkdk)
purah has built new towers but they function different (still working on the details) mainly that they function independent from the energy source in hyrule castle
there are floating islands but they are bigger and in more connected clusters, when reaching them its ancient withered ruins that the ancient shiekah built support around (like the platform used by monk miz kyoshia) to keep them afloat; there are building like observatories and research labs, but all very overgrown due to being up there for so long, theres a titan prototype on one of the islands, its shaped like a whale and zelda deciphers it was called vah narisha (reference to the whale deity in skyward sword) (i havent decided yet if its fully broken and just a big piece of enviroment to explore or half functioning floating around, or maybe first broken but later half repaired so it can fly around at least giving you an easier way to reach other island, you cant steer it tho) some of them are falling bc of energy loss but the bigger ones have independent energy sources (work in progress)
the underground has more diverse zones depending on which part of the map it is located on, there are old mines (for luminous stone) from the zonau but all is extremely withered, in each one its been mostly built over by the shiekah but there are construct remains that were clearly dissected and studied, half built shrines and towers, you can find collectibles and lore there (working on more details, but an idea was to include remains of ancient shiekah tha fled there when they were persecuted by that old king of hyrule, adding to the eery vibe)
some titans (maybe two, and the other are still on the sruface, like vah medoh) feel down during the cataclysm, broken apart or malfunctioning/ possibly being a boss as in they were used by a big cluster of miasma hands like a hermit crab uses its shell, the inside filled with eyes and different sized hands dragging itself towards you like a drowing man grabs after anything to save him)
dongos are your go to transportation here and a little different, when you call one they dig a path to you (not permanent, just so they can always spawn near you) they glow in the dark and can climb on walls (bc why not), and can point you towards the next objective/point of interest, likely where theres a high concentration of luminous stone since that is what they eat and its usually where old mining/construction sites are (still working on a replacement for light roots that are less invasive)
the rat from the trailer is a miniboss/boss you need to defeat in order to get the broken mastersword back into your possession
(im still working on how the sages work, but the idea is to incorporate their abilites for more efficient and reliable use into links shiekah prosthetic, so you can still use their abilities but only when you actually want)
(again still working on details) halfway point of the game is you trying to find out where ganondorf went, not intending to fight necessarily but just to find out more but it devolves into you fighting some sort of miasma monster (either him or some sort of manifestation he made) and you get a bunch of short memory flashes from him, all vague and a wild mess from both the time he was sealed and from the time afterwards, maybe even a perspective shift from when link was fighting dark beast ganon, but from ganons view, from zelda when she was keeping that manifestation in check, random views from the malice eyes from botw, from the blights, maybe even from the fight with the old and new champions, from the point when shiekah built their tech around him while he had to watch not able to do anything etc.)
links arm gets upgraded from prototype to a full prosthetic, opening up more fusing abilites and other things (like the grapple hook, again working on it, im open for ideas lol)
i will reblog this and add more over time if you want, but do let me know if you like it thus far, bc im still unsure if its worth the effort of working more on this QnQ
(also if you dont like just keep scrolling, i dont need to know that you hate it, it literally changes nothing but make me annoyed xD)
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strawglicks · 5 months
flint fascinates me bc he comes off as rlly polite and kind
but also. not really. at all
they apologize often and it seems like they try to be nice to others, but then u look deeper and take into account different details
one of the biggest things abt flint that gets overlooked is that he likes drama .
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i dont think liking drama itself is bad, why else do we have reality tv shows yk. but i think they actively indulge in it and one of the biggest things that points to this for me is how they treat the satellite investors
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he seems to talk bad about them behind their backs, then can't handle the comeuppance of cosmo yelling at him.
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this is further implied with cosmo saying they're "goin' around spreadin' lies", meaning flint does actively talk shit on what might be a regular basis. and flint saying "oh, no, I shouldn't have said that" implies FURTHER that they KNOW they're gonna get yelled at for it but continue to do it anyway with the hope cosmo wont find out. like hes not sorry for doing it, only sorry for getting caught.
cosmo gets HEAVILY neglected both in the community as a whole and whenever flint is brought up even though they have a really interesting and honestly hilarious dynamic (but thats for another post..)
whenever cosmo DOES get brought up in the context of he and flints relationship, people defend flint and blame cosmo for being "mean" to him. but tbh, i think cosmo has a fair point in this particular text. Flint can talk all he wants, but at the end of the day can't handle the consequences of it and lacks the confidence to put his foot down. He's a follower, not a leader (unlike cosmo, who flint looks up to canonically. WHICH NO ONE TALKS ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!)
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flint also seems to have an interesting habit of apologizing even though he actively and intentionally attacks the toons right after
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which i think is interesting. i think it's just a habit of his to say sorry when he knows he's doing/has done something wrong (especially bc he doesnt like facing the consequences), even if hes not actually sorry. Considering this is the same person who claims they like setting toons on fire, i dont think any of these apologies are sincere:
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speaking of not being able to handle the consequences, when flint does get defeated by toons, there's a line that sticks out.
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Specifically the "i'll be back" feels vengeful. Like he takes the defeat personally, and doesn't want to give up because it makes him feel weak and he wants to come out on top.
something else i find interesting and almost jarring in flint's dialogue is some of their Power Trip dialogue:
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this dude is incredibly power hungry. he craves confidence and the ability to be a leader, given how he looks up to cosmo and is drawn to graham, who also appears confident.
speaking of graham, i think it's important to note that earlier, when flint was talking shit abt the satellite investors, he was saying that specifically to graham, who encourages flint not to "let people walk all over him".
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graham encourages flint to feel more confident, which is not inherently a bad thing. confidence is great! and its something flint deserves. but i think there's an issue with how they choose to express this "confidence" on the rare occasions they do.
shown throughout this post, flint's way of trying to be confident is being power hungry, talking shit, and fighting toons . i think it's pretty clear that flint has been walked all over in the past and present, and it's caused them to become shy and a bit of a doormat. which he clearly doesn't like (more evidence of this is the fact that he explicitly dislikes belittling.)
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and on the rare occasions when they're "allowed" to be confident, they proceed to belittle OTHERS, like toons. in a lot of their dialogue, they come off as condescending towards the toons, even if it's pretty awkward.
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i think Flint deserves to feel confident, but the way they go about it is unhealthy. They've clearly been treated like a doormat and is fed up with it, and it seems like they lash out as a result. I think he has a good and genuine heart, but he almost comes off as bitter due to being walked all over constantly. its rlly interesting to dive into flint's flaws and the way they act due to their desperation for confidence, something they really lack.
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electraslight · 1 month
ben 10 2006 kevin arc: addicts arent good or bad. they can be kind and good and pure and everything a person 'should' be and circumstances can still align and draw them to addiction. kevin is a sweet kid who wants to make friends and is continually shown to be kind when sober, but even in his very first moments it's seen that his trip can drive him to hurt others and himself. he doesnt have any other choice though, because he couldn't survive without his addiction and the power that it gives him. this is understood, and yet ben's arc is about understanding that no matter how much you may care about an addict or a mentally ill loved one, no matter how many chances you try to give them, there comes a point where it is lethal for you to keep trying to help someone who cannot be helped. Ben gives kevin mercy, tools to help himself, and while their might be animosity about it, he really only wants kevin to be ok but even if you believe in someone with all of your soul, you cannot stay with them if they can't value you in the way you value them. Addiction is not a fault, but it is also not an illness that breeds nice people, and continuing to try and help someone who will hurt you for trying is less helping and more self-flaggelation.
ben 10 ultimate alien kevin arc: hey look at this horrible irredeemable criminal junkie lol. everyone can treat him like shit and ignore his feelings because he was on drugs once, and hes even been to jail!! isnt that horrible? doesnt he deserve to be the narrative punching bag? hes an ADDICT he can take it!! look at him getting off the wagon lol, isnt he awful for that? let's have his girlfriend and best friend call him ugly and have him get molested and enslaved!!! also when dealing with a partner going through a violent relapse its totally cool and romantic to 'believe' in him even when he is actively seeking you out to kill you. you should not distance yourself and get yourself to safety because thats LOVE and you can FIX him and ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT. we are a progressive show that has progressive politics
(these are my own interpretations btw i cant argue for intent only what i took away from it. but uaf's botched 'progressiveism' grates on me heavily when even ogs's villians are treated with more sympathy about factors out of their control than one og the teen main characters. ill make a seperate post about botched themes and whitewashing of actual issues later but focusing on this rn bc this is what made kevin resonate with me in the first place and i hate how they botched it)
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viktormaru · 7 months
reasons why i hate zed comic
starting with the personalities, they did shen REAL dirty by making him impulsive and violent when hes the literal opposite of that as trying to be the Eye of Twilight (whose whole thing is suppressing emotions), and it just feels bad to see him like that for, what riot hsa excused as, ~something cooler to see for the audience as a comic media~
Like, I get that his appeal is actually that hes struggling with it, but in the comic it just looks like hes stupid, and not someone who`s been at it for years now bcs hes desperate to fill in his father's shoes bcs its what he thinks he HAS to do...
AND THEN ZED.... DEAR GOD ZED..... Zed used to be this counterpoint to tradionalism with a maquiavelic twist to it. Bcs the context of his desires was Noxus invading Ionia and the kinkou doing NOTHING TO HELP bcs itd go against their teachings... like zed decides that a search for power no matter what is justified if in the end it protects his interests, like his homeland. And thats what made the whole friends to enemies arc from shen and zed so cool bcs with how poorly Shen's dad handled the Jhin fiasco as well... They get eachother, Shen kinda agrees with zed maybe, but he cant commit to that idea at all, he looks for answers in tradionalism
like no morals no ideals nothign hes just doing what shens dad wants until he thinks even shens dad is not doing it right and kills him, but its too little too late!! zed is completely hollow
its soooo baaad.... cause the little short story of them uniting (which the comic FUCKING RUINS btw) is sooo cool and interesting and tense.... like shen and zed feel like two halves of a whole, or like there cant be one without the other in how they act or see the world idk idk
and jhin is the source of their trauma and the final nail that connects them truly, so if they can find common ground there....
but naah the comic is just weird and exhagerated just bcs its marvel I guess??? NOT to mention!! the sudden constant need for them to be like "ur my bro bro ur like the brotherst brother i have ever brothered bro" and shen gets a wife??? that zed FUCKS SO SHE WONT MARRY HIM??? OR SOMETHING BCS HE DOESNT CARE ABT HER thats gay as shit whats up with the bro thing then (this is half a joke btw (i would reread the comic to make my complaints clearer but i hate it so bad i cant do it by myself) )
and pulling the bro thing in the same comic of having kayn and akali flirt, I have to gag
theres a few snipets of their childhoos together which are cute i guess
and zed is shown to be a good master to kayn, more aking to a father even, which i really love and am glad is canon, but the rest, just put in the trash
the jhins looked fantastic though hes so silly i love him im hitting him nonstop with my flip flops
Oh and they confirmed shen was a red head which was something i advocated for super hard for so long before the comic came out i felt like it was amde for me
edit: also many of the panels looked ugly as shit
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vanibear · 1 year
Genuine question: do you think people are more likely to paint sora as (emotionally) naive, rather than a more book-dumb kind of way? like being too trusting of people, that kind of thing
ahaha anon So i kind of accidentally wrote an essayish in response, but it ended up moving on from ur question to expanding on thoughts i have abt characterizations of sora, oopsie 
but TLDR: To answer your question anon, i actually think its about equally both, and i think perceiving him with a lack of emotional maturity can bleed into perceiving him with a lack of intelligence; sentiments like friends as your power and leaving no one behind can seem naïve and irrational if one doesnt think that sora comprehends his odds and still chooses to proceed because his heart believes it is right. while sora does have a ways to grow emotionally, especially in regards to his own feelings, i dont think that he lacks knowledge when it comes to relationships and understanding others emotions, which is actually rather his strong suit. i also think that sora is generally very smart, and just dont quite understand why people portray him as not quite being so
~ the aforementioned ramble ~ ooo good question ! hm. i think more often i notice people characterizing him in a book dumb sort of way, but honestly that could be bc it bugs me more. however, we dont know if sora did well in school or not/what level of education he got, so instead of a strictly textbook smart sense, i see it more as a lacking the characteristics of someone who is book smart sense? basically, people painting him as airheaded, oblivious, or not very eloquent; i think especially with jokes or complicated subjects going over his head. but, if you look at his dialogue (and, while this is more subjective, puzzles and challenges he has to overcome in the gameplay), thats usually not the case? hes delivered plenty of introspective and articulate lines; hes witty, sarcastic, and even sometimes rude; hes incredibly adaptive and resourceful considering the situations he’s thrown into, and hes a quick learner, as shown by his keyblade skills.
however, i think some of these perceptions do come from how he is a very emotionally driven person. he follows his heart and is loyal and trusting to a fault, and that can cause him to take actions that seem impulsive, illogical, and naïve. however, i think sora is very knowledgeable of emotions because of how he connects with people. he’s incredibly empathetic and understanding of others and has made friends with nearly everyone he meets because of that; which i believe is an incredibly difficult accomplishment. while his feelings can lead to mistakes, they are also his greatest strength; he will try his best to fix those mistakes. where i believe he really struggles is in processing his own emotions.
and on that, sora is pretty self-deprecating, and laughs off a lot of things, which sometimes can cover up just how talented he is because even he denies it. i think that oftentimes, sora himself believes that he’s dumb, or lesser in comparison to others, which can lead to people taking that at face value if they dont look deeper
however. sora is still a cheerful and silly guy, and thats an important part of his personality too! he is an energetic, optimistic teenage boy who really just wants to have fun with his friends and thinks that everyone should have a happy ending.
sora has a lot of different dimensions to him, but unfortunately characters that have a seemingly cheerful disposition and noble motivations that come off as idealistic can often get sanded down to being stupid because they’re seen as too naïve to understand the gravity of their situation.
to clarify, i dont think that soras never been dumb. keyboard (and keyblade) smashing is probably not the best idea if a computer isnt working. but, in my opinion, i think sometimes we dont give sora enough credit in our depictions of him, and tend to exaggerate certain qualities of his while forgetting others
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leastdatablebracket · 9 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Kageyuki Shiraishi
He's a terrible unfeeling person. He is insensitive, he teases people to the point of tears and he's the type to use being brutally honest as an excuse to be a jerkass, and despite that is also a consummate liar. He is also part of a terrorist organization, but he was brainwashed by them as a kid.
first off kageyukis whole personality is literally a cause of his horrible upbringing ( he was a bastard child born to a powerful political father + a mother who was only obsessed w said man ) and the fact that he grew up basically in a facility run by a religious cult / terrorist organization that taught him that he was a dispensible pawn and that feelings dont matter ( he was like. 10 man ) later before the start of the game, kageyuki is finally sent to the outside world on a "mission" for this terrorist organization and he begins to craft this "terribly honest, strange and offputting guy persona" when the protagonist meets him at the beginning of the game she actually suspects him of being part of the terrorist organization but he convinces her otherwise and so they begin this tentative partnership to find out more abt this terrorist organization. over the course of their partnership they often do not see eye to eye and he makes the protagonist upset, but doesnt actually do much harm to her and he slowly begins to actually LIKE being w her. but ofc his upbringing does Not Allow him to feel emotions in a Normal way so he kinds just fucks up over and over but its shown that he does have loving sides for her even when he tries to reject the emotions. this eventually leads to his endings. major spoilers for both good and bad endings if uu wanna avoid those !!!! in one of his bad endings, kageyuki actually ends up dying after trying to go after the terrorist organization boss in order to free and help the protagonist ( from her collar. i didnt explain that she had a collar but yeah. it had like poison and stuff in it that cld literally kill her and he didnt want that to happen so ) in his good ending tho, he takes her to the terrorist organization base and attempts to barter for her collar removal in exchange for her to be "initiated" into the organization thru killing him. he actually anticipates that the protagonist will say no tho and so she ends up shooting the boss guy, however this triggers the poison in the protags collar and so shiraishi frantically searches for the antidote ( which just so happened to be on the boss guy ) and he uses it on her. however she then falls into a coma and he nurses her back to health for a year. once she wakes up from her coma, shiraishi discovers that she has amnesia and cannot remember basically anything that happened, and so out of his love for her he simply tells her he was her doctor and that he had been nursing her back to health over the past year after she had a traumatic experience. he then calls up their mutual friends to come and help take care of her bc he had planned all along to turn himself in as part of the organization to atone for what he did and let happen, snd so him telling her nothing abt his feelings was his way of letting her go and be w someone "better for her"..however when he takes them to their friends they surprise the two of them w a christmas party since they had missed it the last year and it gently helps the protag regain her memories and she has a whole confrontation where they confront their feelings together and she decides that no matter what she will wait for him and its very sweet and very cute AND SO IN CONCLUSION KAGEYUKI SHIRAISHI IS VERY DATEABLE HE GOES THROUGH MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND HE DESERVES THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!
Her rent was DUE!!! 😫😫😫 …and she didn’t pay it. Smokes weed in our shared apartment. Lucy we share a wall please be quieter when you bring people over to fuck smh. She’s a good person and kind of hot but she’s annoying as hell and for that reason I’m submitting her.
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trixstriforce · 2 years
hello :) i saw your posts about lu and idk if you were gauging interest in people hearing your opinions. personally i would be super interested in reading what specifically about every lu character is ooc! i am similarly frustrated with the current dominance of lu characterizations in fandom as a ww fan. ive been following for a while i just logged into this side account because i am scared to ask on main :( i hope you do not mind the somewhat bare blog. thank you!
oh my god oh my god oh my god someone wants my opinion??? do u wanna make out???? u do not understand the power u r giving me rn u do not understand how annoying and nitpicky and very passionate i can get specifically about lu bc i care so much about link its unreal and also bc i just like things like linkedmaze, dimensional links, and minaslinkverse better characterization wise bc to me they have shown the "found family links meeting up" thing a lotttt better than lu when i still read it
but to be fair i STOPPED reading around the part where four split due to the way the lu community reacting to the person with DID, a very stigmatized disorder who genuinely just wanted Jojo to acknowledge they messed up in the past and present and didnt like the vauge ass apology she gave making me actually disgusted. ppl talk about accountability then rallied against 1 tumblr user who was uncomfortable bc ppl liked Jojo's comic so she doesnt have to explain that now she respects nonbinary ppl and understands how past things were wrong for her to say we just infer this bc lu good :/ like hey maybe Jojo owned up to it afterwards or something bc she made 2 apologies that would make a YouTuber blush so i was done w/ the community and it was only rlly after that and after i played a few of the actual games + read some mangas i realized wow actually i do not like lu as much as i thoguht i did they butchered my boy, also i feel i should say it literally wouldnt matter to me do what u want in ur au but lu is now a fandom of its own and its influenced a lot of other aus and interpretations of link so i do take issue w/ how ooc these guys end up being
for one i dont know for me having link as a secret hoarder who would rather DIE than use the full scope of his abilities around OTHER HEROS is just no bc thats fucking stupid levels of wanting to appear normal around OTHER HEROS possiblly the ONLY other ppl to ever understand what u r going through
for me having every single link act like a frat boy/standard teenage white boy who is emotionally constipated is a no??? have u SEEN link he is so sociable and kind and understanding to other ppl WHY r the links like this, so many fics just...make them stew in their issues for angst and not trust the others and be incredibly insecure about the other heros(which is lu canon for at least hyrule and wind i think?) and like ok that is definitely fine for 1 link but why r they all like this in the games link is clearly not like that he wouldn't be this closed off and wouldn't hesitate so much like my dude he just inserts himself into other ppl's lives to make them better than leaves he wouldn't pussyfoot around other heros like what
also another major issue is the mergings just lead to certain characterizations or important backstory for certain links(FOUR. LEGEND.) being completely erased and the nuance of their journeys lost like when u merge links who r canonically 100s of years apart not just in the timeline but in the GAMES? yeah u lose things that make that link special
also bc u mentioned wind waker i found it kinda fucked up that wind waker link was delegated to The Kid TM even tho his entire journey was about moving on from the past to a brighter future and he took on the mantle left behind by the hero of time on his own volition and did what Time COULDN'T do which is kill Ganon but he is constantly underestimated and made into the Kid Who Wants Approval trope specifically around Time which sucks ass ngl he deserves to be an equal him still being a kid while the others got to grow up, including Four who's first journey arguably would have been a better fit for this archtype of wide eyed kid, is just side lining one of the most interesting links especially considering most of the other links were YOUNGER than him when they started
this is all general stuff plus 1 of my issues w/ Wind bc ur a Wind Waker fan bc as a Spirit Track fan i feel a kinship, im gonna make another post for specifically each link breaking down my issues w/ how they r portrayed later bc rn it is 8am and i ment to just say haha ty for the permission but then my inner ranter came out i am INCAPABLE of being normal about lu especially after i actually experienced zelda games bc lu was my FIRST introduction to zelda outside of smash bros lol
toast if u r reading this say rip to ur dms bc i am once more gonna talk to u about a comic for a videogame franchise u only know about due to my rambles and forcing u at gunpoint to learn about link...godspeed comrade
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Day of the Departed
Im gonna be fr I didnt even know wtf Day of the departed was until i watched the first episode of Hands of Time and was like
Did some googling, and bc i dont have Tubi or Amazon, im being forced to use an illegal pirating site 😔
jk lol
I use wcofun.net for cartoons and shit if anyone wants to know where to watch it
I feel like ive seen this movie before…
Was day of the departed on netflix for a while????
Lloyd: I dont get why you get have the Sonic Radar Jet 😒
Jay: Uh, Duh, bc I called dibs 🙄
Jay: Right Cole?
Jay:… Cole?
Cole: (freaking out and unable to control his car)
Damn, they did rlly good with that beginning. Making it seem lighthearted and then subtly panning to Cole who’s panicking bc he cant get ahold of his car
Awww so day of the departed is like a mix of Halloween and dia de los muertos
Museum exhibit guy: Its spooky time! BOOGLY BOOGLY!
!?!?????!?! im sorry 😭?
That was just so random
Why cant they see Cole.
I dont like this WHY CANT THEY SEE COLE.
They dont realize Coles not with them :(
How is that even possible
Were their memories wiped????
Like what?????
Lloyd and misako lit a lantern for Garmadon 🥺
Kai and Nya for their parents 🥹
Im am just NOW realizing how many people who are close to the ninja have died
“stay close with the people we are still fortunate to have”: (pans to Jay having the best time with his loving parents)
Except Jay. Jay hasn’t had the trauma of someone permanently die on him.
Okay so everyone forgot about Cole except his father. How does that even work.
Coles dad and his singing group are actually pretty good-
Dareth: Kids… always disappoint you. Thats why I dont have any! And because Gayle keeps turning down my marriage proposals….
its canon that Jay and Dareth both know how to do makeup. Dareth and Jay ALSO both have a similar sense of showmanship.
Which means Jay and Dareth are uncle and nephew besties who bond over their shared interests of performances.
Its canon bc i said so.
RONIN?!?? What are you doing here 💀
Honestly, I was gonna be like “Cole. Dude. Chill.” But if I was a ghost I would also go batshit murder crazy if I caught eye of the person who TURNED me into a ghost
Why is Yangs temple floating.
1. Didnt it fall from the sky and back to the ground after Nadakhans power was weakened?
Why were the villains souls in a vase in Yangs temple
I cant get over the fact that these villains souls just possessed these plastic statues of themselves.
Like, my guys, you don’t have organs.
Cant believe these goofy ass goons traumatized the ninja in some shape or form
The departed realm…
Okay. So the cursed realm DIED right, it no longer exists. So did the departed realm replace it?
Pythor:… chen…
Chen: Pythor. 🙄💅
Lmaaoo Chen and Pythor having beef is hilarious
JFNDJFNDJDNJFNS The two villains fighting over who gets to kill Zane 😭😭😭
Nindroid: Hes MY clone!
Pythor: technically your his clone
Chen: The blacksmit brats are mine
Pythor: How come you get two?!?!?!
Yangs painting looks so silly being animated 💀
What does Chen have against nya?
Oh wait is it because she disguised herself as one of his lady clowns?
Morro. My man. Didnt you like, redeem yourself by giving Wu the crystal instead of letting him save you? I mean yeah it was a shitty redemption but shouldn’t you be a little nicer?????
Its funny how none of the villains have deep beef with Jay. Theyre like, “uhhhhh, theres one ninja and two of us, lets rock papers scissors for him?”
Wait none of the villains called Cole either-
Is Cole THAT forgettable 😭
Okay headcannon time: Cole never liked fame which is kind of shown after Zanes death. He doesnt like to be recognized. I headcannon that as the ninja got famous and Jay + Nyas relationship became wide spread news, everyone just, FORGOT about Cole. Like no one gave a fuck about him, and thats kinda his own fault too by not going to interviews or putting him out there other than to do his job. He probably just went invisible anytime the paparazzi came close.
Cant believe they remembered Dareth and not COLE.
Yangs backstory lets gooooo
Yang: ah yes, time to conjure this spell of immortality with the ancient precious Yin weapon. (Starts viciously swinging it like hes attacking invisible demons)
Cole: my friends will come for me!
Dude your friends forgot about you. Im genuinely sorry but i dont think theyre coming ☹️
That feeling when you have to fight your girlfriends abusive dad whos supposed to be dead
that ones for the Kai x Skylor shippers AND the Nya x Skylor shippers
Nindroid: Oh Im sorry! Did I hurt your dad? Or should I say OUR dad?
Fuck you.
I hate when Ed and Edna get attacked they dont deserve this :(
Why cant pythor just leave Lloyd the fuck alone 😭😭😭
Wu: the eclipse is an omen, but is it one of good? Or bad?
Morro (sneaking up behind him and whispering): Bad. Very bad…
Cole: Why did I use the Yin blade and release the ghosts!
Yang: Well, you were scared you were departing, so I used your fragile mental state- oh wait, you weren’t asking literally were you.
Why do the ninja never use their powers when they need to.
Why are there so many plot-holes in this movie.
Cole: So I uh, didn’t get your name!
Yangs student:…
Cole: Okay, lets call you Chuck. Chuck! Ik you think your yangs student, but you can help me and we can escape together!!!
Yangs student:…
Cole: Okay… no pressure! But you have 3 seconds to decide.
Cole: 1… 2…. 3. (Knocks them tf out)
Cole: Guess im doing this solo.
Jfndjfndjdnt coles great I love him sm
Good job Jay for actually having some sense for once
Jay: what do you want with my parents!
Skeleton samukai: its not your parents I want! Its you!
Jay: 😶
Im in love with the person who animated Jay in this scene. Having Jay hop back and forth between his two feet like hes ready to fight and then having him fumble with his nunchucks is just, 👌
Thank you for your service random animator.
Why is Coles dads singing group holding replicas of Garmadons evil helmet 💀
Morro: No you dont understand! Im not here to fight you. Im here to warn you….
Ohhhh so this is Morros true redemption
Hes gonna die again isnt he…
Okay, so Yang did make all of them forget Cole.
Cole (fighting all of Yangs students): You guys are more tiresome than Jay!
Why do the ninja always bash Jay just out of nowhere 😭
Skeleton samukai: If its worth anything. This isnt personal.
Jay: It kinda feels like it is 😀
Ronin: yeah… I came to help… definitely didnt think your parents would be at the concert so I could steal some free scrap metal….
Dude. My man. You could quite literally just ASK. Ed and Edna are so nice theyd probably give you free scrap metal and some tea while theyre at it.
I forgot Pixal was still in Zanes brain-
Uncharacteristically, Lloyds fight with Pythor is the most boring fight in this movie.
Pythor: No… just time for a spectacular exit! (Falls of the cliff and crashes through the fucking floor)
Ronin: Happy day of the departed guys! And uh, thanks for the scraps…
Ed: All you had to do was ask 😌
Museum guy: My museum!!! What have you done!!!!
Dareth (holding the helmet that controls the stone warriors): Hehe! sorry…
Cole (after knocking out Yangs student, absolutely exhausted, and sounding legitimately sorry and pained): Dont make me hurt you too… ☹️
Last of yangs students: …. (Skedadles)
Morro: Yang tricked Cole into opening a rift to return to ninjago…
Jay: Coooole! Howd he trick you!
Zane: Jay, Cole isnt here 🤨
Jay: Are you sure? Hes been fading a lot lately. Hes easy to miss.
The ninja: WE FORGOT COLE!!!?!!
Yeah. Dipshits. Now its time to save him. AND APOLOGIZE.
Morro returned his plastic statue body to the museum 🥺
He finished what he sought out to do 🥲
Yang: What are you even fighting for. Your friends have abandoned you! You are all alone.
Cole probably has abandonment issues doesn’t he…
His mom, then his friends…
Im getting all emotional I need some good Cole hurt/comfort fanfic recs right this instant😭
Yangs pupils actually look so cool. I wanna draw them.
His pupils are alive again 🥹
Yang: My students, are leaving me… I … failed….
Cole: Yeah. Ya did.
Yang: I always fail…
Cole: Yeah, Ya- wait what?
Cole: (having an emotional talk with Yang about how he’ll never be forgotten and that he knows how it feels to be independent and alone.)
The curse stating that someone has to stay behind and be the ghost of the temple is so stupid.
Au where Morro snuck into the rift and became human again.
God that would have been such a good excuse to have him back as a permanent character
I hate that they didnt do that
Lloyd: Wheres Cole!?!? Did he make it?
Jay: Oh no…
Jay: Its too late. He’s gone forever.
Jay: Id give anything to have him back… (Wipes a tear away)
Cole: Anything?…
Jay (with his eyes closed): Anything.
Cole (jumping out from behind a rock): Even the Sonic Radar Jet? :D
Everyone: COLE!!!!
I love them sm
Cole: So was I right or was I right!
Jay: Goddammit Cole are you gonna tell this story every Day of the Departed 🙄
That was a sweet note to leave it on :)
Headcannon that Cole goes to visit Yang and his temple all the time
My only complaint is Morro not slipping through the rift and becoming human again.
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gaysexpng · 1 year
ultimate g/us moment. i move my hand down to jerk him off and he slaps the back of my hand like erhm what the scallop 🤨!!
ok biased or BASED.
he seems so ace but its shown that he deprives himself from pleasure so i think it stems to That + hes stressed lol
loves giving, does not care ab receiving if im being real.
tbh he'd strictly be a service top? idk ab a power bottom i cant see hime giving up control in any way booo /teasing (even tho it doesn't really mean that, he just has A Vision.)
i think its Rare when theres actual p/v penetration during intimate acts.
I turn into ki.d na.med fin.ger/ i can use whatever toys i want/hes accommodating to whatever needs and wants i have
sex isnt a real desire until i ask bc i like the connection and added intimacy of it lawl
hes more open to having sex the more often we do it ig idk if that makes sense like...its sumn we both have to ease into
also this man hasnt had sex for years let alone w/ some thats af/ab me thinks.
hes probably pent up like crazy and needs some guidance (idk if hed be too prideful to ask tho) hes p receptive and doesnt mind doing more or less
as someone who doesnt communicate often (or well) he likes the feedback lol. tell him what i like or dont, doesnt mind some noise but those loud ass po/rn moans are a huge No sjdjdj he loves hearing some soft moans n sighs - or getting a lil handsy/holding his hand or sumn idk
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
OKAY. kakashi time. hes widely known in fanon as a wet paper bag, and while it IS funny sometimes its also really not true. hes CRAZY powerful so they just gave him some more servings of trauma :) to round him out yknow. adds some flavour
the reason hes known as the copy nin is cuz while all sharingan users DO have incredibly enhanced abilities such as being able to track opponents movements, see through a bunch of jutsu, memorize hand signs etc etc, kakashi has more chakra natures, so he can copy virtually any jutsu an opponent uses near instantly with those hand signs he sees (save for kekkei genkai type things)
we dont actually learn much about him and his past until around (mid?) shippuden, and even now theyre all being shown in flashbacks, meaning even naruto our dear protagonist doesnt know all that much.
he graduated and became a ninja at the age of 5. FIVE!!! the typical age you START GOING TO THE ACADEMY is 7-8, graduation 12ish. so you can. imagine
hes only a sensei bc gai and the rest kind of went hmmm he is acting a little TOO traumatized. please give him children. this will fix him. probably. and then that kinda didnt work for a few years bc kakashi had his own criteria for letting kids pass and also he got stuck with the worst group the first time around 😭😭 they all immediately tried to kill each other in the test hgjjdjf. his methods do end up helping them thoufh so thats cool
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ganondoodle · 6 months
something i just realized about the sages (ignoring how frustrating to use i find the sages abilities overall) when they get their enigma stone they are like wow look at how much stronger i am now!! when its really just a ... clone of them, without the parts that make them interesting- the personality, and they "give" it to you (it doesnt feel like its really yours tho bc, unlike botw, its not intergrated into your moveset- which could have been solved by just adding them to another ability wheel- so it doesnt even feel like they are really yours) but ok i can see why its stronger even if i find it boring to just duplicate the character isntead of actually making their ability be more-
but then at the very end, they join you in the battle and .. dont even make use of it? what where the engima stones even for then? i guess you could bend over backwards and say well its bc their powers cant reach you all the way down there so they have to physical join you- BUT .. when they are right next to you .. shouldnt the connection to them be back anyway? so their clones should return shouldnt they? or is the entire arena just so surpressive of that power that it wouldnt work either way? then again ... what was its use then to get them to have those stones? like how ultra hand is supposedly the focus of the game but doesnt matter to the narrative at all?
(can you unsummon them when they are there?? i havent tried it but i dont think so ..)
like obviously it would be wayy too chaotic if all sages where there twice, especially together with all the ganondorf clones too- but it kinda .. once again... makes it feel meaningless that you even got them the stones? sure they only get to you when you do it but its really just again another check box with no substance, isnt it?
(... actually .. did anyone actually need the stones? aside from ganondorf getting that huge powerup somehow- like even the original sages and sonia and stuff, are you telling me she couldnt rewind ..................................... a tea cup, on her own? or i guess the only time sonia does anythign with her stone is when she gives its power to raurus laserbeam attack he never does again ... and the other sages arent shown to gain anything from it either?? are they?? what even would minerus ability have been bc she wasnt a -utterly useless- mech back then ... the shield she does doesnt seem unique to her either bc rauru literally does it too after sonia gets falcon-punched to death to block ganondorfs .. goo beam .... i mean i guess it doesnt matter anyway bc all we see them actually do is .. stand around and talk, sometimes "hurt" (dirty) sometimes not ... so whatever i guess?)
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whomst-the-hell · 3 months
i was thinking about it and i realised that i had sort of subconsciously been under the impression that atla was one of those star wars situations that tells you anyone can be magic but in actuality every major plotpoint just ties back to one single family every time (some of you may be saying “but rey wasnt a skywalker!” to which i respond “who was the primary antagonist then wiseguy” but this post isnt actually about star wars so fuck me ig) anyway what im getting at is, other than zuko, whose major theme is his relationship with his family and therefore with his nation as a whole (and also he was actual royalty so it was inevitable tbh), every single other main character’s parents were not explicitly benders, or were nonbenders. aangs parents arent ever even shown! i mean for a show where its canon that magic is genetic, they do a waaaayyyyyy better job at delivering the “anyone can be a hero” storyline than media that actually textually tells that story lmao
not only is the show about children, its also about lots of marginalised groups. all the characters are POC, toph is blind, katara is a girl (toph is obviously also a girl but her character doesnt really explore misogyny like katara ykwim?), sokka is just some guy even in the context of the magic system, even aang — the literal chosen one!!!! — is just a random kid who also happens to be the reincarnation of the most powerful spirit in the galaxy or whatever (thats a recurring theme of the show actually), and zuko ,who is the most nepo baby protagonist, isnt actually the prodigy of his family and is instead frequently upstaged by his little sister lol
like it would have been so easy to do a “and guess what the reason toph is such a great bender is because she’s secretly king bumi’s great niece!!!!!!” reveal, which is such a classic plot twist that tbh its barely a twist these days, but instead toph was a badass specifically because of the unique perspective she gained by being disabled and the way that allowed her to connect with the world around her ie the badgermoles — thats a way stronger story! the only relationship reveal we get (other than i guess aang learning he’s the avatar which kind of maybe counts??) is zuko learning he’s related to roku which. i mean he was already a nepo baby so it doesnt detract from his agency really and in fact reinforces his recurring “there are two wolves” conflict, which up to that point was mostly shown through azula and iroh (think his ba sing se fever dream wherein there were two dragons inside him voiced by azula and iroh respectively one advocating good the other evil, foreshadowing the final conflict of the season where he must choose between azula and iroh and he backslides in his moral arc by choosing azula which is a really cool narrative choice that tbh now that im thinking about it i probably should have made this tangent its own post but we’re here now ig)
also i was thinking about how bending is genetic but also skips generations (neither kya nor hakoda is a bender, and we dont know of any grandparent other than gran gran, who is a nonbender, and i think its a dominant gene bc ursa wasnt a bender to my knowledge but zuko and azula are, so probably neither kya nor hakoda had bender parents, but obviously katara is a bender, but sokka isnt, plus there were identical twins in the volcano episode where only one was a bender which does confuse me scientifically but i dropped science so whatever) and bending is shown as common enough that probably everyone has atleast one ancestor who is a bender so tbh it sort of circles back to being random lol
this post is really just me thinking out loud (well not. out loud. bc its written. you get it) so it might not be coherent but idk its another way that atla is very clever and has effective storytelling and creates themes subtextually etc etc ok thanks
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ghoullguy · 1 year
(ED) so i was reading this one yoi fanfic and i have some complaints bc im a bitch like that
so in this fanfic, which im not gonna name bc god forbid the author sees this and shit starts, yuuri quit skating bc of an ed
now, i have an ed. ive had several actually, since i was 11. first it was bed, which led to ana, which i'd gone into recovery for by 16, after losing a shit ton of weight and muscle, which as a figure skater, affected my skating. i relied on muscle to power me through jumps, and once i lost all the weight and my muscle, it made it difficult for me. so, i recovered. then, at 17, i injured my hip and couldnt skate for a while. this completely ruined me. i was convinced that because i had to take off time to heal, i could never compete again. i was too old, and eventually, too fat to ever be anything in the skating world. i relapsed, and the past year and a half has been a constant cycle of starving, then binging and purging. eventually, it became full on bulimia. i had a month or so back in december where i ate normally and felt normally about it, but then it came back, starving instead of purging this time. needless to say, i am experienced with eating disorders and recovery from them.
this fanfiction portrays ana as a fear of food. that is absolute bullshit. talk to any anorexic, and you'll see that people w eds fucking LOVE food. its what drives us, its all we think about. its not the food itself we're "scared" of, its the weight and what that implies about us. for me, having done ballet and skating for my entire childhood, i felt pressure to be thin so i could deserve to be a skater and a danseur. if i wasnt thin, i felt like someone pretending to be those things. that, and i have to push myself to exhaustion to feel like i deserve to eat. it is NOT a fear of food. repeatedly throughout this fic, yuuri is shown being legitimately afraid of food, even crying while eating. that is the most cliche, unrealistic portrayal of eds, and it makes the fic much worse bc of it. its a little infuriating actually, bc it shows that whoever wrote this doesnt understand the experience of actual anorexics. and before you shit talk me, saying everyone has different experiences, i have several friends, both irl and online, who also have eds. none of us have ever acted like that. ever. go on any ed forum, and no one will say thats what having ana is like. its the way the media portrays eds, not the actual reality of having an ed.
then comes the recovery arc, though arc is a kind word for it. basically, phichit and yuuri have a talk, he eats three meals that same day, and the only struggles hes shown having is gaining three pounds. now, when you have an ed, three pounds feels like thirty. i can understand that part. however, yuuri just decides to recover, and never goes back on that decision, never is shown having anxiety abt recovering. he just... starts eating. that is absolutely NOT how recovery is. then, in a later scene, he and viktor are abt to have sex. despite his prior insecurity about gaining three lbs, he shows no hesitation in showing his body to viktor. then, the morning after, he (unprompted) starts talking abt wanting pancakes. do i even have to say that this is unrealistic??? does this author not realize that the first person someone w an ed worries abt after gaining weight is their partner??? especially asking for and talking abt such calorie dense food, anyone w an ed would be worried that their partner would see them as fat, or worse, assume they were faking their ed. so yuuri, who just entered recovery, just being fine w viktor seeing him with new weight, fine w him seeing him eat food that makes you fat is just so so so wrong. it feels like this author watched to the bone once and decided they knew everything abt eds.
so, in conclusion, if ur going to write a fic w eds as a prominent plot point/character feature, make it realistic. or, better yet, DONT FUCKING DO IT IF YOU DONT HAVE AN ED. DONT WRITE ABT AN ED YOU DONT HAVE. bc u will never understand the experience of living with it and through it. if you want to read my own fanfiction abt eds, my ao3 is linked in my bio and the work is for bungou stray dogs, its called None of Your Concern.
last but not least, if u feel the need to argue w me or be mean, the block button is a couple of clicks away. if you dont use it, i will <3
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staravya · 2 years
ep 30 eye iof the dragon. these are starting to just be liveblogging the episode and u know what thats fine too
intro reminds me that the whole “control that dragon and you control the world” line rly is in the context of beau yelling “YO CHILL” into a stampede lmao obviously he cant control dragons (though he intimidates most)
hes so worried for decepshun... aww. okay so did she just absorb the vysox’s energy or her memories too? bc it seemed like memories too bc there was a personality shift + added knowledge.
tbh i think part of the reason artha has such a chronic problem with overtaxing beau too early in the race is bc beau LIKES fuckin sprinting and nyooming at max speed, did you see his grin? he loves it.
also kit deserves better
“like she has a mind of her own” most dragons do, okay.
so they know what a bonemark nub is. so does beau have one? from the furox? i imagine this was exposited to them at an earlier time
wonder if the staves have a piece of some gold bonemark in them that lets the priests mag without a dragon?
i think decepshun’s eyes glow red when accessing the vysox’s memories/powers but i do wish it didn’t look so much like the vysox was possessing her sdgfksfd
FINALLY dragon loser is so much better than dragon blunder. ive been thinking it this whole time. the rhyme works much better than the alliteration
mag claw fighting and stuff has probably like. incredibly intricate and also really interesting? the dragon keeps their rider in the air which means they can probably counter things like momentum from getting thrown
okay the advice of “fight together” really doesnt translate well into “just pour a bunch of power into artha and fight separately”. maybe rework that theming and solution.
like they never actually did “use” the own-mindedness of a psi-class against them. a better example for this would be... hm. poor communication, i think. like beau is clearly willful but also willing to try and communicate it with artha; decepshun and others like her might just not have that patience, and that’s where they get the reputation for being hard to control.
so maybe the shadow booster does get inside the temple. but while they’re slowly picking their way through the traps, beau and artha work together (with their friends?) to make decepshun and moordryd scrape each other’s scales a bit. maybe flash a light somewhere in moordryd’s line of sight but flare mag energy in a different direction, so dragon and rider get confused and leave an opening
plus you can have moordryd address his beloved dragon’s change in attitude this way! they can resolve it by, like, even if they’re driven off, moordryd gets confirmation that it’s his dragon in control, and the vysox was indeed simply absorbed. (this has been the case for every bonemark that’s been shown but like. you know. when its your dragon, you worry.)
also this works at the “dragons and humans should work together” thing bc you can have artha comment on how that felt icky to turn the dragon on her rider, and then discussions on how sometimes the dragon and human just don’t have the patience to try to communicate
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localfuckeryinc · 2 years
anyone wanna hear me rant abt miraculous ladybug. yes? good
please dont get me wrong. i really like the concept of this show. im a huge sucker for animal themed superheroes and magical girls. the powers for the heros and some of the villains really interest me, and i even like some of the designs (some of the later heros like rooster bold) but i also really hate this show. the shipping is really frustrating, especially when you do not care about half of the characters that the show is trying to make you want to ship. im not even gonna TALK about the shipping square with adrien chat noir marinette and ladybug bc that thing is so infuriating. especially when i dont like marinette and think ladybug and chat noirs relationship is kinda weird. anyway. im not talking about it. im not talking about it. marinette is personally just one of those characters i dont like- she gets better the farther you get into the series but shes just so high energy all the time that it exhausts me to watch her scramble around for too long. chloe is more entertaining and i like her more despite her being racist (shown mostly in kung food if i remember right). adrien is ok. if he got more screen time i think i wouldve liked him more but for some reason hes treated like a side character. im not basing this off of any real numbers but CHLOE, a minor antagonist, gets more or less the same screen time he does. and so much of his screen time is just him transforming. im also not counting chat noir as part of his screen time. theyre different. alya is fine but for some reason she cant tell her best friend is a stalker. nino is actually one of my favorites hes like marinette but a lot more chill and doesnt stalk his classmates. rose and juleka are gay. ivan and mylene are there. max is good if you need someone to say a lot of words. i really like alix shes cool and actually acknowledges how weird it is that marinette knows adries whole schedule. nathaniel is also a character i really like i cant really explain why. kim is there but hes annoying sometimes. also the wiki says his last name according to the wiki is lê chiến which is way too close to “the dog” in french for it to not be funny to me. sabrina is a lap dog. maybe her last name should be la chien. lila is FINE but why are the lies she tells so big. whats the point. luka. this bitch annoys the FUCK out of me i hate the way he is. we get it you play guitar. marc is nice i feel like he would write really good fanfic on ao3. zoe does not exist in my mind. hawkmoth is kind of annoying and makes too many puns. try a stealth mission with someone who doesnt have ulterior motives PLEASE that would be so cool. mayura is a queen i love mayura. she does look like a grape tho. im rotating felix around in my brain rn i cannot figure out how i feel about this guy. hes fine i like the parent swap bullshit he always pulls. as for the heroes. god. why are they the way they are? ladybug i like more than marinette but only barely. its weird how the ladybug and cat miraculous are presented as a duo but you really only need the ladybug to save the day. they point this out at some point but its still really weird to me. the cat miraculous does have better outfits though since the ladybug outfits are just. uh. red spotted spandex. it would be cool if the ladybug miraculous got nerfed and instead it got little wings to go with the outfit that could spring them up in the air. and maybe a visor. and maybe antennae. and- ok im done there. chat noir is fine hes weird abt ladybug but that becomes something you expect in this show. i LOVE queen bee. shes so dramatic i love her. fuck vesperia all my homies hate vesperia it would have been so much better if chloe got to keep the miraculous like SOMEONE did after her identity was revealed. cough cough RENA ROUGE cough cough. rena rouge is fine but why is her outfit exactly the same as lila when she was akumatized- each outfit is based off the miraculous user’s personal preference (SUPPOSEDLY). carapace is pretty good- anansi is actually a really solid episode despite nora being nothing like anansi in the mythos, i think the writers just wanted a cool name. carapace/nino are actually really similar so im not surprised that alya figured it out so fast. for some reason the fox and turtle miraculous dont do anything to the users personalities but the ladybug and cat make major changes. for some reason. maybe its power levels? were never told why. i dont think ill talk about any of the other heroes because there are SO MANY OF THEM. i like rooster bold though his design is just really cool to me. this show actually has a lot of structuring issues for me- the concept of this show would be helped so much if it wasnt episodic and everything wasnt reset every episode. having running arcs would make it so much more interesting- i love the monster of the week format but it would be cool if characters could retain memories from week to week. uhhhhhh what else can i talk about. ships? i like marc and nathaniel- i like both characters and i think they would be happy together instead of nate crushing on marinette “i am in love with adrien” dupain-cheng. can we talk abt how dupain means “of bread” (or close to that i havent taken french in a while) these last names are really odd. the akumatization process is fun i guess but the designs. oh the designs. they hurt my eyes sometimes. i do like silencer though despite hating luka. i think im done now? i cant think of much else to complain about besides the animation of the hair making it look so flat. im done.
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