#and daley nods and crosses his arms
natjennie · 9 months
love the idea of a young daley having carol and morris and pat and cap as parents and not thinking anything of it like to other kids on the playground "what do you mean you don't have 3 dads? who takes you to karate when one of them is at work?" and also having the strangest mix of dialects like all the northern slang and accent of the butchers but now that cap's in the mix he's being inundated with weird cap-specific mannerisms like the "good lord" and the throat clear and the noises like "ah yes well aehahuh very good" but he's 8 so everyone at school is like. what the fuck is going on. why do you talk like that.
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ailendolin · 1 year
💪🏽 for patcap please! We NEED to see Pat being the chap with the arms and easily lifting Cap up
It took a while, but here's your fic! As I mentioned before, I don't really ship PatCap but I did my best to imply it at least, so I hope you'll enjoy this!
Next up:
🐾 Pet-names - Humphrey’s head and Annie
🎁 Presents - Julian
💀 Near-death experience - Milton, Mike & Death
Ask Game is here. Filled prompts are here, here & here on AO3.
Prompts for this ask game are closed.
💪🏽 Bridal carry
When Pat heard the cracking noise, followed by a muffled but emphatic, “Ow,” he knew it couldn’t be good. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at the Twister mat where the Captain and Thomas were engaged in yet another competition over who was better at Twist-It, as they called it. While everyone else tended to avoid bringing up the game around them, Pat actually found it surprisingly useful as a conflict resolution tool so whenever tensions ran a bit too high between Thomas and the Captain, he would suggest a round or two. Granted, it did not always have the desired effect but it was certainly better than having to listen to the Captain list all of Thomas’s faults in alphabetical order and watching Thomas storm off to the lake for the rest of the day with a look on his face that reminded Pat of a kicked puppy.
The sight that greeted Pat now when he turned around was a new one, though: both the Captain and Thomas had collapsed onto the mat with Thomas stuck under the Captain in what looked to be a very uncomfortable position.
“Move!” Thomas urged, his voice muffled by the Captain’s arm. “For heaven’s sake, move, you big oaf! I can’t breathe!”
“You don’t need to breathe,” the Captain snapped back. Then, more quietly, he added, “And in any case, I can’t.”
There was a beat of silence.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” Thomas asked. Then he shook his head. “Never mind, just move your arm, then. Your elbow is digging into my wound.”
The Captain did. Thomas tried his best to wriggle free but the Captain’s weight kept him pinned to the ground. With pained eyes, he looked up at Pat, silently begging for help, and when the Captain gave him a similarly pleading look, Pat finally shook off his surprise and sprang into action. He grabbed the Captain’s arm and, with one great pull, hauled him off Thomas. Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Patrick.”
Pat smiled and nodded before he turned to the Captain. “What happened there, mate?”
“I … I don’t know,” the Captain said, furrowing his eyebrows. “I was in the process of moving my right foot to green – just like you said – when my legs suddenly refused to cooperate.”
Pat frowned. “Has that ever happened before?”
The way the Captain avoided his eyes told him all he needed to know. “Once or twice, perhaps …”
Trying not to look too worried, Pat offered him a smile. “Well, I think that’s enough Twister for you today.”
He let go of the Captain’s arm, only realising his mistake when the Captain’s eyes widened in alarm. “Wait–“
Before his legs could buckle under him, Pat was back at his side, holding him up. “Easy there, I’ve got you.”
The Captain awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment.
“The old knees aren’t quite what they used to be,” he muttered by way of apology.
Not knowing what to do next, Pat glanced over on Thomas. “A little help here?”
“Oh no,” Thomas said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Not before he apologises for what he said.”
“Never,” the Captain scowled.
Pat inwardly groaned. Those two were even worse than the kids at Daley’s last birthday party who started throwing cake at each other halfway through the afternoon.
“Fine,” he huffed out and, not in the mood for another argument, picked up the Captain in his arms before he could so much as splutter a protest. “The hard way it is, then.”
The Captain’s face turned bright red.
“Patrick! What the bally hell do you think you’re doing? Put me down this instant!” he demanded.
“No chance, mate,” Pat said and marched out of the room. “We’re going to find Alison and see if she has any idea what’s wrong with your legs.”
Thomas snickered quietly behind them but Pat ignored both him and the bemused looks the others gave him and the Captain as they walked past. Julian’s catcalls proved to be a little harder to brush off, though, and when the Captain buried his head in his shoulder in obvious mortification, Pat felt his heart miss a beat.
Oh, he thought, stunned, before he readjusted his hold and proceeded to ignore his unruly heart too. He needed to find Alison, after all.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 years
Ice Skating- Winter Prompt List
From the prompt Ice Skating
Gentle flakes of snow drifted onto them as they walked on the frosted path of Central Park. Music was playing in the distance and light was coming from just past the trees. 
Larry gestured the others along quicker. He grabbed Ahkmenrah's hand and tried to stop his face from lighting up any more than it already was. 
Ahk was wearing one of his own worn sweaters from the back of his closet underneath an old coat from the lost and found. Sacagawea and Attila wore the same.
They were all mismatched and crossed their arms as he insisted that they just needed to go a bit further and they'd be there. They trusted him, he knew that. But they were on borrowed time like they always were when they went on their little excursions at night. Although, they weren't anywhere near as life threatening as they seemed to be. Most of the time they went shopping, Sacagawea coming back with armfulls of books, or they ate despite most of them not having internal organs to digest it.
He led them around a corner and gestured behind him when they stopped, "We're going ice skating!"
Sacagawea raised an eyebrow and smiled. Teddy did the same. 
"I haven’t been skating since I was a boy!" He exclaimed, then added. "Well, I've never actually been ice skating, Teddy Roosevelt did,"
His vigour lessened as they walked to the kiosk. Children screamed on the ice as they fell, grappling quickly for their parents' hands or something to stop them. Couples skated arm in arm and oblivious to the world around them. Some people clung to the side and others floated around the rink as if on air.
Larry broke away to get the skates, Attila followed him, silent as usual, and carried the shoes back to the group. Larry could sense some anxiety in the way he was walking. He was always quiet and stoic but there was something to this silence that was strange, at least since he told them they were skating.
"Right, find your size everyone and then we'll go on," he said, "I paid for an hour so we'll be back at the museum before too much chaos has broken out."
The others laughed. He sat down and fixed his own before noticing that Ahk was having a hard time with his, he lent over and closed the clasps.
They stumbled to the edge of the rink. Larry could feel his memories flooding back. He always took Nicky here when he was young, it was how he got him into hockey. His father took him before that, and presumably his father before him. It was a Daley tradition that he might as well pass onto his new family at the museum.
He turned around, about to show them how to skate but couldn't hold in the laugh at what he saw.
Attila was clutching onto the side, eyes wide and body tense. Sacagawea was trying to explain how to move but he had none of it. He stayed put, yelling if he moved even an inch away from where he'd stopped.
Ahkmenrah didn't look too good either. Although he wasn't yelling, he stood with his knees bent touching each other. His eyes were just as wide as Attila's and he was shivering as he awaited instructions.
"I can't do this Larry," Ahkmenrah said with his teeth chattering.
"How can you know when you haven't even tried?"
"I know because I'm Egyptian," he waved his hands around. "I'm made for sand, not snow!"
Larry skated over to him and felt Attila's glare as he did, "I'll show you how you skate and I promise you won't get hurt,"
Larry nodded, "You've got to put your weight forwards, it's better to fall where you can put out your hands than backwards where you could hurt yourself,"
"Okay," Ahkmenrah said.
Larry coxed his hands out from underneath his armpits and clasped them tight in his. They were cold, a strange sensation from someone who was almost always warm. 
"Attila you do the same, even if you're just holding on the side," 
Attila moved an inch and tilted himself forward. He could tell it was taking all his strength not to flap and yell any more.
"Alright-" he turned to Ahkmenrah again, "Now slide your left foot,"
He did.
"Good, now your right,"
Ahkmenrah did again.
"Now carry on like that and hold onto me,"
He smiled at him and got the glowing one that he could only think was like the desert sun on an oasis. Larry slid himself backwards, it was natural to him, and watched as Ahkmenrah slowly stood upright again.
"I was skeptical," Ahkmenrah started. "But I think I'm getting the hang of this."
"See, I told you it wasn't that hard,"
"I believe your exact words were, 'How can you know when you haven't even tried?'" Ahk said.
"Well, I was right, wasn't I?"
Ahkmenrah rolled his eyes, "Yes, you were,"
They skated around further. Sacagawea was halfway around the rink, Teddy a few paces behind her but had gleeful smile on his face, one of nostalgia. Attila had made it a quarter of the way around and the creases on his face hadn't smoothed 
"Why are you such a natural on the ice?" Ahkmenrah asked.
"I used to play hockey as a kid, it's the reason why I got Nicky into it," 
"I had no idea that ice was in the Daley genes,"
Larry laughed, "I guess it is,"
They met as they slowed down. Ahkmenrah bumped their foreheads, giving him another sunshine smile as they breathed. Electricity was in the air. Despite winter being in the air, Larry didn't feel cold.
He lifted his head and saw Ahkmenrah's eyelashes flutter against his cheekbones. His breath caught in his throat. He lent in halfway and saw Ahkmenrah meet him before he shut his eyes and their lips met. 
He felt his heart speed up. He wasn't used to this yet and was enjoying every minute of it. Larry couldn't remember ever feeling like this. It was scary and exciting and wonderful.
"Come on, let's go around again," Ahkmenrah said.
Larry nodded and led him around again. The fire within him was burning bright. Winter wouldn't be lonely this year.
Hope you enjoyed this!
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Dew Covered Rose
A/N: So we’re ignoring the fact that I haven’t written in like......two, three months. I honestly just haven’t felt like it, and my brain has been busy thinking about writing, or getting back to my daydreams, or thinking about Midnight. Comfort character tingz. But yeah, I’m bringing Topazi back (i also forgot when juneteenth was, I was supposed to do something for her then, I missed the day, but here I made up for it :) This is mild hurt/comfort, except my OC is tired, not hurt. Also this is probably time to mention that Topazi is a gardener, and goes to clients houses to plant things for them! Enjoy!
Tag List: @joz-stankovich, @misskittysmagicportal, @badsext, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @magic-multicolored-miracle, @ghouls-buddy, @maerenee930, @frogs--are--bitches, @neuroticpuppy, @forenschik, @bisexualnathanyoung, @robert-sheehan, @firstpersonnarrator, @salvador-daley
Warnings: kinda unsafe driving bc sleep deprivation, brief mentions of nudity, swearing
  Topazi had a bit of a tiring day. The house that she’d been working at had almost no shade. The customers were as nice as they could be.....but it seemed as though every tulip that she planted correctly, they would request it to be put in a different place. Even though there was an extremely limited amount of space that she had to work with. It was very frustrating to her, to be honest. However, she got the job done. It took hours of her digging things back up and wiping sweat off of her face to be happy with the result. She was sure to make sure that everything was as good as it could be before the left for home. Even the thought of having to get back in her car and do something other than cuddle up and or sleep was killing her.
  It was late into the night, and the owl in the front yard stared at her as she pulled into the driveway, eyes barely open. She took multiple deep breaths and rubbed a calloused hand over her face before stepping out of the car, not even bothering to take her tools out of the trunk. She trudged her way into the house, carefully unlocking the door, as to not disturb Klaus, who should’ve been close to sleep, or in bed at that point. She tossed the keys into the bowl by the door, and hung her coat up, silently grimacing at the soreness already developing in her arms. 
  Not having the energy to call out to Klaus, she walked into the kitchen, finding one of the cats on top of the kitchen island, fast asleep. A small smile found its way onto her face as she gently pet it, smoothing down the fur on top of her face. She made her way over to the fridge, which she opened, very slowly, to find leftovers of spaghetti that Klaus had cooked for himself. She could never stand the noodles and sauce together, so she looked around for more things. Canned soup in the pantry....she’d have to heat it up, and she needed something instant. Juice wouldn’t be filling enough. She began to nod off, looking at the fridge once more, and she found a solution that she’d looked over. A sandwich.
“Thank fuck for bread.” she thought to herself as she grabbed the bologna, mayonnaise, and cheese slices from their respective spots before grabbing a knife and paper towel. By the time she put the bread back, her sleep levels had reached almost the maximum, and she began nodding off, head on the side of the fridge. She quickly came to her senses, and trotted back over to the island, joints creaking.
  She sat down on one of the stools on the kitchen island. (”Klaus, I need the stools, if my legs don’t look like a pretzel, I’m not sitting correctly.”) As she took a bite of her sandwich (crust first), her brain decided to shut down temporarily, and she almost fell asleep eating. The suds episode of Spongebob Squarepants, however, prevented her from doing so. She slowly ate the sandwich, grateful for the purpose that it served. After she finished her first bite, however, she completely knocked out. The cat woke up, looking at her owner, before hopping off of the counter, and walking up the stairs.
  Klaus had heard Topazi come home, but it’d been a while since he heard her open the fridge last, so he went to check on her. He avoided Minnie on the steps (as in Minnie Riperton, not the mouse) and walked into the kitchen, to find his lover fast asleep, small snores coming from her mouth. He smiled, almost letting a chuckle past his lips when he realized his task.
 “She looks fucking wasted.” he thought, before gently shaking her awake, resulting in a groan of annoyance.
“Come on T, you gotta get to bed.” he whispered, rubbing her back. She leaned against his chest, and shook her head into it, too tired to utter a rebuttal.
  Klaus chuckled lightly, and put Topazi’s used paper towel in the trash can, and her utensils in the sink, to be washed when he eventually came back down for his late night (and sometimes morning) snack. He gently picked her up, leaning down to press a small kiss to her forehead. He thought back simply how much he just loved her. He didn’t know how, as he said that “I can’t fall for someone completely. At least not again.” but he did. Although, it wasn’t completely all at once though. 
 Klaus made his way up the steps (once more avoiding Minnie), and into their shared bedroom where he gently laid Topazi down on the bed. He figured that she may want to be clean when she slept as well, but was somewhat confused how he was to go about the entire “my partner is half asleep and I’d hate to disrespect her boundaries”. So, he settled on simply getting rid of her outer clothes, and bra, then placing nightie over her form. It was one of the newer ones she’d bought. She would go on and on about how “there’s tiny flowers on this nightgown Klaus, I need to buy it”.....ah he loves Topazi with all of his heart.
  He gently tucked his lover into bed, making sure that she’s close enough to her phone that she won’t be grouchy about having to move from her spot in order to reach it. Topazi stirred in her slumber, but only a bit, and Klaus went down to the kitchen for his meal, which was going to be a good old fashioned lover boy nutter butter. Klaus thought back to when he first met Topazi as he ate his sandwich. It had been right after he met his....other siblings...like other other siblings. She was quietly sitting in a coffee shop, where she had her knees to her chest, reading a book. She was deep in concentration, but when Klaus found nowhere to sit, he had no choice but to ask her. (or to leave the shop and drink his hot chocolate elsewhere, but nah)
“Um, can I sit here?” he asked, pointing to the seat. She nodded her head without looking up, making a small noise of affirmation at the back of her throat. Klaus sat in the booth across from her, his shoes making a squeaky noise on the tile below. He awkwardly crosses his legs, taking small sips of the drink.
“What are you reading?” he asked, eyebrows quirked upwards. She gently lifted her book, and it read “The Human Anatomy, Down to the Bone Cell” He hmmed in acknowledgement, and resorted to looking out of the window. 
 The drops of rain raced each other on the windowsill, determined for few seconds at a time, only to puddle together in the end. Klaus stared at a single corner outside, where nobody seemed to be walking over. It was the crack where the sidewalk met the much smaller border of the sidewalk. He watched the rainwater trickle into it, and he felt himself start to zone out. But that was alright...he needed time to think.
  This, in turn, was perfect for Topazi to stop reading her book and stare at this stranger. New people aren’t really her thing, as they’re usually below her standard of who she liked keeping in her circle. She peered at the way his curls were somewhat tussled, like he’d been caught in a windstorm of some sort. (Although it’s been rainy all day, no wind whatsoever.), she thought to herself. His eyes were beautiful, but so tired, it seemed. Wonderful shade of green, she thought, too. She pondered the different shades of green that she could remember, which lead to her thinking of the floating diamond of Sims’ characters. (plumbob, she repeated, overenunciating the first syllable). She went back to the thought at hand, and looked at the hand clutching the cup of hot chocolate, still seeming to be warm to the touch, judging by the steam coming from the mouthpiece of the top.
  His hand was veiny, somewhat red, (maybe because of the heat). His fingers looked very pale though, almost as if they’d recently been subjected to extreme cold, or flashes of it. (the rain, she thought) His chest was partially exposed due to the.....vest that he was wearing (maybe he’s some sort of performer, he does have a cowboy hat) She paid more attention to his face, also tired, and glanced at his lips, but only for a moment, as she didn’t need to get exceedingly horny in a public space over a complete stranger.....again. She softly gasped when he looked back at her, and she softly smiled, getting back to her book.
“Were you just staring at me?” Klaus asked, looking back at her.
“Yes.” she replied, eyes skimming over her paragraph on metacarpals. She had a fleeting thought to wiggle her hand in front of her face in order to properly label everything, but she could do that back at home.
“Why?” he asked, his tone giving off the fact that he wasn’t in fact upset, just curious.
“Eye contact isn’t my favorite thing, neither is small talk, especially if I’m preoccupied, so I sometimes stare at people in order to get a better understanding of them.” she explained, glancing at Klaus.
“Oh, well, don’t mind me then. I won’t bother you.” he said, looking at the table. Topazi put her book facedown on the table, apologizing.
“You’re fine! You didn’t try to talk to me, and you respected me when I didn’t reply with the name of my book, verbally at least. I like that.” she replied, deciding to look Klaus in the eye.
“Oh, thank you. Care to tell me why you’re reading about human cells?” he teased, a smirk coming to his lips. Topazi panicked for a moment, because she thought “fuck....he’s a charmer”
  She did tell him about why she was reading about human cells. And why she kept scratching a portion of the book as she read. He even noticed how she bit her lip when she read, which lead him to think that she was actually reading some sort of cell erotica, only to remember what she had previously told him. They talked for hours, it seemed. For once, Topazi found someone that she could talk to and not get tired. Interests, parents, everything (maybe a bit too much). They eventually had to separate, but not after giving each other their numbers, and Klaus found a small feeling of joy in his chest as he walked out of the coffee shop. He walked back into the Hargreeves (uh.....Sparrow) mansion with a small smile on his face. His face hurt, not from too much sun, or biting his lips too much. From pure excitement and joy, he found. Bubbling out of him, steamrolling its way out into the open. His fists shook in glee, and he squealed, and he didn’t care. For once. He needed something good, and she was it. Beautiful Topazi. Wonderful Topazi. That’s the answer.
  Klaus came back to his senses as he realized that some of the marshmallow fluff had leaked its way onto the counter where he scooped it up with a finger, tempted to put it into his mouth. A few moments of thinking gave him his decision. He imagined Topazi’s look of disgust when she caught him doing that once, and stuck his finger under the tap for a few moments, wiping the water off on his bare thigh. He finished his sandwich, and went back upstairs (once again avoiding Minnie). He snuggled next to his partner in bed, breathing in deeply. Yeah....she’d need a bit of a shower when she woke up, but that’s alright. That’s alright though. She would spend the rest of the day at home, to rest from being on her feet and knees for hours the previous day. And he’d tell her how important and beautiful she is, and think about how he’d almost went to the pizza shop across the street. But he didn’t. And he chose right, so right. With no regrets, for the first time he could think of in a while.
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badsext · 3 years
Leap of Faith Part 6: Penny
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Penelope Elizabeth Nokes loved mud and frogs and flowers and insects. She was a playful and curious child, a ‘tomboy,’ often chided by the other children for her audacity.  “Girls aint supposed to do that!”  They never let her forget.  Her voice, her clothes, her hair: it was all wrong and she was always getting into trouble.
“She always turns up like a bad penny,” the kids would say.  “Here comes big, loud Penny to spoil our fun...Why don’t you just disappear?”  
Then one day she did. 
Thomas and Virginia Nokes were a very strict, traditional couple.  Seeing their daughter’s independent spirit as a threat to their way of life, they sent her to a place called Rosewood Academy.  It was a mental hospital disguised as a boarding school.  Penny was admitted on the basis of nothing more than her father’s signature on the check.  The doctors struggled to find an official diagnosis, but that didn’t stop them from locking her up and putting her on a cocktail of experimental drugs.
Rosewood had a handsome stone facade with an impressive garden, but the inside smelled of antiseptic.  The floor tiles were shit brown and the walls were the color of bile. It had all the charm of a Russian gulag.  This was where Penny got her first period at age twelve.  And it was where she had her first kiss with a girl behind a shelf in the facility’s underfunded, heavily censored library.   
A few years into her ‘treatment,’ Penny’s older brother, Michael (the favorite) had been drafted and shipped off to Korea in the Summer of 1950.  The Nokes’ decided Penny was ‘cured’ and brought her home again.  Their ‘brand new shiny Penny.’  But it was a difficult transition for the girl. She struggled through chemical withdrawal symptoms alone in her room, afraid that if her behavior offended her parents in any way she’d be sent back to Rosewood for good.
Penny was to start 10th grade in the fall.  In spite of their efforts to hide it, the news had spread quickly around their California suburb.  Some kids invited Penny to the lake for a swim.  When she got there someone suggested they all go skinny dipping.  “Wouldn’t that be wild? Besides nobody’d be able to see anything through water like this.”  It was true, the lake water did offer some camouflage.  Penny sank in up to her shoulders and took off her bathing suit, tossing it onto a nearby rock.  What the other kids didn’t know is that she had done this plenty of times when she was alone.  She honestly didn’t see what all the fuss was about. She swam out a little further, enjoying the beauty of the lake and the feel of the cool water on her skin.  She thought maybe this is the kind of thing people did to make friends.
Penny eventually noticed the other kids coming out of the water with their bathing suits on.  They stood on the beach watching, laughing.  Their leader, a boy from the football team with a head shaped like a thumb was holding her blue bathing suit and other clothes.
“She’s gotta come out sooner or later,” he taunted.  
Penny’s heart sank. She treaded water for a few minutes that felt much longer.  Then something strange happened.  Her entire body got that ‘pins and needles’ sensation that happens when your foot falls asleep.  She panicked and swam to the opposite shore, away from the others.  When she emerged from the water, she reached to cover her nakedness, but her efforts proved unnecessary because Penny Nokes had vanished into thin air.  She could still feel the weight of her body standing there, the heat and pressure of her arms crossed over her chest.  The sound of her labored breath and the water droplets rolling off her skin were the only tangible proof of her existence.
She pulled herself onto the grass and cried.  She was scared, wondering if she was dead.  Then surely she would remember drowning, she thought.  No, this was something else.  If it was a dream, it was the most vivid one she’d ever had (on or off drugs).  Penny knew about people with strange powers.  They had been in the news. Maybe that was it.  She latched onto this theory, stood up, and found her way to the lakefront where the other kids were getting nervous.
“Johnny, she’s been out there too long.  Something’s wrong.”
The girls started screaming, some of them crying.
“Shut up.  Everybody shut up,” the boy looked out over water with a hardened expression.  He raked his fingers over his blond crew cut.
“Somebody do something!, one of the girls shouted, but no one dared.
Penny watched their panic grow.  Then it suddenly got very quiet.  It was a strange feeling, being an observer to her own supposed drowning.  Johnny’s focus shifted quickly from disbelief to acceptance then to self preservation.  
“Okay.  We go home.  Nobody talks about this, you got it?”
They all just nodded, still in shock and too afraid of the alternatives.
Penny ran home, still invisible.  She worried how long it would last.  Her bare feet slapped the pavement all the way home.  She crept in the back door and up to her room.  There she stood in front of the mirror.  Her reflection materialized slowly.  She would come to learn that her powers would subside once she was out of immediate danger, and later, how to control them.  Taking in her reflection, she saw someone she barely recognized.  She had lost years, but now, when given the chance she had failed her experiment with normalcy.  
She got dressed and went downstairs for supper.  The phone rang.  Penny held her breath.   Virginia got up to answer it, shaking her head as she listened.  “Hmm...No, she’s right here.  Safe and sound, I’m afraid...Thank you.  Yes, you too.”  Someone must have squealed, a crisis of conscience. 
“What are you playing at?  Making these kids think you drowned in the lake?”
Virginia was not looking for a response to her question.  It was rhetorical, as it seemed all of her questions were.  Any attempt to explain or disagree was refuted.  Penny learned a long time ago it was best to accept it.  She nodded.
“I can’t take this, Thomas.  It’s too much.”
“I’ll make the call tomorrow morning.”  Penny’s father went back to his meat and potatoes.
Penny didn’t want to cry in front of her mother.  She finished her supper then excused herself to her room.  Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed her knapsack and filled it with clothes and a toothbrush.  She caught her reflection in the mirror again.  It was different this time.  Through the veil of tears was a spark of clarity, of determination.  Penny shut her eyes and let the feelings of hurt and anger wash over her.  A moment later she could see right through her eyelids as they had gone transparent along with the rest of her body. 
It was time to go.
@elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @misskittysmagicportal @bubblyani @salvador-daley @helena-way07 @punknatch @magic-multicolored-miracle @slutforrobbiebro @sean-falco @preppy-lolita @cahtah-haht @bla-bla-bla-hut @bobateatae @bunbungirl14 @captainslugcat @nostalgiawings @maerenee930 @dopeybubbles @chipster-21 @ringpopdust @punknatch
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Izuku are you serious??
It was a warm morning of June 29th in the Midoriya-Todoroki household, calm and relaxed. Izuku at the age of 24 was putting on his hero costume and grabbing a few cereal bars before heading out for his patrol. Exiting out the kitchen into the living room to see his husband Shouto sitting at the table with a cup of tea in one hand with a smile on his face. His long hair spilled over his shoulders and down his back, Izuku loved that Shouto grew out his hair all those years ago.
"Ok Shou-chan, I'm going on patrol. I'll see you in a few!!" 
Shouto hummed out "ok love see you later" before pausing for a moment as his brow furrowed. He turned his head towards the door just as Izuku turned the knob and said in a deep voice, "Wait a moment Izuku"
"Uh yeah Shouto??"
He placed his cup on the table," You didn't really entrain the idea of you going out right now right??"
"Oh please please please!! I won't even be gone for a long one hour that's all I ask!!" He wrapped himself around the taller man and cried. Shouto rolled his eyes at the green haired man and sighed.
"Izuku we just had a baby two weeks ago” 
The look the green haired hero had on her face would have been funny and endearing to the bi colored haired man if not for the two week old who was laying on a mini futon that Izuku himself made the night before! The little girl was sleeping with a pacifier in her mouth, eyes closed laid out like she had a long day of work or something. Her curly split green and white hair framed around her face her brown skin soft with that “new baby smell” what Sero called. 
How his husband of now 4 years forgot that he has whole year before he can even go back to hero work will never not baffle him’ 
Daley-Uraraka Household
“Hey Ochako can you get the phone please im washing the dishes” Niya yelled out. 
“Yeah i got it babe” a short brown haired woman yelled back before handing over and picking up the house phone her parents all but forced them to get for the house. 
“Ochako Shouto wont let me go on patrol” her best friend whined on the other side of the call. 
“Izuku are you for real?? It hasn't even been a month yet are you that ready to go back to work??"
Izuku huffed she could see him pouting with his lips woth his arms crossed, "It just that well I'm just so anxious and jittery being in the house is all" he finished softly.
Uraraka face softened at his plead and she eyed her wife who seemed to have an idea of what was going on with the conversation. She dried the rest of the dishes and walked over to Ochako with her arms behind her back cradling Noboru bottom.
"He feeling the cabin fever huh?" Niya asked jokingly. She gave a nod to her before returning to the phone.
"Hey how about you and Yume come over and have a play date with Noboru next week? You get out of the house and Shouto won't have to worry plus Niya been missing you" 
"Thats true!!" Niya replied in the back it got a laugh out of the man.
"Yeah that sounds good ill call later to see when we can meet up. Thanks Ochako"
"No problem Izu!! See ya later" 
When he hangs up the phone Shouto looks up from Yume in his arms.
"So did that make you feel better?"
"Yeah...I'm sorry about that I just need to move around a bit I can't sit around to much is all. Though I should get used to that since I got a little one to look after" 
"Dont worry about it Izuku I know how you feel just please don't push yourself so much. You did that enough when we were teens, we all did" she said soberly. 
Izuku huffed out air from his nose, "Yeah the scars I have give me that reminder eveyday. But hey i got a play date with Niya and Noboru next week so thats good!" 
Shouto smiled as Yuke scored lightly in his arms using a fingers to stroke her chubby cheek, "Thats going to be a nice chance of pace around here huh Yume??" 
She waved her arms around before going still again as her parents laughed at the action. 
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spaceskam · 4 years
touch me (just try it)
for @insidious-intent ❤️
warning for implied depression and depression-influenced shitty eating habits
Most people didn't remember the day their gifts kicked in. Typically because it was gradual, it would just start one day and then eventually they'd notice. Alex didn't have that luxury.
Alex remembered the exact day his life changed: May 3rd, 2003.
He woke up to his dog running into his bedroom, barking and jumping into his bed. He'd reached out to pet him and then watched first hand as his dog begin to seize beneath his hand until he died right there. He was fine and then he wasn't. Alex called for his mom, crying and running to meet her halfway. She touched his face like she always did and, just like that, she fell on the floor.
Thankfully, since the power was still developing, she was able to survive via his father giving her CPR and having her rushed to the hospital. They were able to restart her heart that Alex had stopped.
The doctors had brought in a gift specialist to speak with Alex and they all but quarantined him to do so. It was the scariest moment of his life when they told him he'd have to be extra careful now. He couldn't touch anyone. He was considered legally a weapon. They put him in secluded spaces in school but it didn't stop him from being bullied, he took pills that were supposed to subdue it but didn't stop the neighbor's cat from dying when she brushed against his leg, and he adapted to being covered head to toe at all times but it didn't stop people from treating him like a plague. Nothing stopped his father from suggesting he be sent away and nothing stopped his parents from divorcing, his father taking his brothers and his mother taking Alex because she was the only one who wasn't scared to be in the same room as him.
The closest thing he got to human interaction these days were talks with his gift specialist and his mother. Even then, he couldn't touch them. When he cried, they couldn't console him. "Don't be silly," they said when he suggested a hazmat suit so that he could get one more hug, "there's no guarantee that'd work." Instead, he got a weighted blanket for Christmas.
He regretted not appreciating all the hugs all his mother gave him before this happened.
"Earth to Alex."
Alex looked up to see his mother handing him a plate of food. He involuntarily scrunched up his nose, slipping out of his seat.
"Not hungry."
"You never are," she said, tossing a Ziploc bag of cereal at him. He caught it and put it on his backpack. "Eat that at least."
Alex hummed in agreement though he knew he wouldn't. She kissed her hand and blew it to him.
"Love you, have a good day."
Somehow that always felt like a joke.
Alex walked to school on autopilot, no longer phased as people crossed the street to get away from him. Everyone in town knew about him for their own safety. As soon as he was positively diagnosed with a deadly gift, the entire town was notified. He tried not to think of how he was on the same level as a sex offender.
He walked through the halls at school and people parted like the Red Sea. The worst part was he couldn't blame them. He didn't know what a simple brush of his hand would do. He'd hurt three living things in his life and they all involved prolonged touching. He didn't know what he could get away with and he didn't want to try.
He got to class first, a class full of other "special" gifted people. People whose gifts definitely made it more difficult for them to integrate with the rest. Like Cara who could hear people's thoughts but only the negative ones or Max who had electrokinesis to the point no one really wanted to touch him either.
Alex sat in the far back in a chair that was separated from everyone else, a circle of desks around him that no one sat in. He fiddled with his gloves mindlessly as he waited for class to start. Then he could go home and watch YouTube until he fell asleep and then repeat. He figured that's what he'd be doing the rest of his life. He'd never get a job like this, he'd never get a boyfriend. It was just... this.
And then a ray of sunshine entered the room.
Not a literal one, of course, but a boy with glowing curls and a bright smile on his face. He walked in with skip in his step, bringing a piece of paper to the teacher. She smiled and welcomed him and told him to sit wherever. The boy scanned the room and, when his eyes landed on Alex, he smiled brighter. Alex swallowed hard and kept his face as neutral as possible despite the fact he could feel the tips of his ears getting hot.
"Hey, I'm Michael," the guy said as he took a seat right beside Alex. It was the closest anyone really got to Alex these days and he couldn't help but eye him weirdly. Michael still smiled. "Cool gloves."
Alex pulled his hands into his lap.
"So," Michael continued, clearly having it in his mind that he needed to get Alex to talk to him, "Let me guess. Gloves, so, something to do with your hands. Cryokinesis? Tactile empathy? Oh, I knew one girl, whoever she touched just suddenly found her to be the hottest person in the room. Sounds cool at first, but it kinda sucked long term."
Alex continued to stare at him like he'd lost it. He must be new in school. How come no one told him already to stay away from Alex? That seemed to be the first thing people did. But... He was in this class too. Maybe he had something special too. Alex didn't ask.
"Not very talkative, are you? Oh, maybe that's apart of your thing!" Michael said, excited enough to make Alex smile without warning.
"No, it's not," Alex told him. Michael's eyes seemed to light up like the goddamn sun and he was so gorgeous that Alex could hardly take it. Was this a special torture method? Send someone sweet to him just so he could be tempted to touch before the end up hating him like everyone else. "But I don't like talking about it."
"Fair enough," Michael agreed, "What's your name?"
"Alex," Michael repeated and it made Alex melt. Definitely torture. "Can I borrow a pencil?" That put Alex firmly back into confusion territory.
"Because I need something to write with?" he said slowly, laughter in his voice. Oh God, Alex was going to die. "I forgot to bring anything, sue me."
"Okay," Alex agreed, pulling out a pencil from his bag. He held onto the very tip and held it out to Michael, careful that they wouldn't touch.
Except Michael took it and his fingers grazed Alex's.
Alex snatched his hand back, staring in horror as he waited. He waited to see that brightness drain from Michael's eyes, waited to see him fall, waited for his heart to stop beating. But it didn't happen.
"Relax," Michael laughed, curls bouncing as bright as ever as he leaned back into his seat. But Alex couldn't relax. Someone just touched him, albeit barely, but they did. "So your power is something negative. I get it."
Alex didn't pay attention in class that day. He was far too busy waiting for this beautiful man to die.
He never did.
"Alex, wait up!"
Alex was more than a little shocked when he turned his head to see Michael jogging his way. He was still smiling when he caught up to him. Did he ever not smile? He hoped not.
"You walk fast," Michael laughed, "Wanna go get coffee or something? Ms. Daley said I should talk to someone from class to catch me up and you're the only person I've talked to, so."
"Coffee?" Alex clarified. Michael nodded. "I... I can't."
"Why not?" Michael pouted. He pouted. Who the hell told him he could do that? "Please?"
"I..." Alex trailed off, trying to think of something before he ended up just holding up his hand as if that was an answer. "Can't."
Michael eyed it and pursed his lips. He seemed to do some hard thinking before he got that grin right back.
"No worries. There's a little cafe a couple blocks away. They serve anyone with whatever power, I asked them, so we'll just sit in the back and we'll tell them you've got a hand one so they can be careful," Michael solved like it was that easy. 
“I can just give you my notes.”
“Nooo, I wanna socialize. Socialize with me,” Michael pleaded. Alex didn't know how to say that it wasn't an option, he didn't know how to say that everyone already knew about him. But he also couldn't say no to spending time with him.
"Okay," Alex agreed hesitantly. Michael looked awfully proud of himself and gestured to the right.
“Let’s go,” Michael said. Alex didn’t know what to say, so he just started walking.
As they headed towards the cafe, Michael brushed his arm against him. Alex again looked at him in horror and moved away and waited for him to die. But Michael just laughed and kept walking. Alex was failing to see how this was funny. In fact, he was freaking the fuck out.
He was being touched. And no one was dying.
Alex didn't say anything though. Maybe it just wasn't enough contact, maybe those pills subdued it just enough that he could have slightly brushes of contact and it'd be okay. Still, it had him confused enough to the point Michael had to carry the entire conversation.
By the time they got to the Crashdown Cafe, he knew Michael had come here from Alberquerque, he'd moved because his foster parents were and they actually wanted to keep him, and that his favorite food was frosted Cheerios. And, still, all Alex heard was his heart thumping in his ears. A pretty ball of light touched him and didn’t burn out.
“Hi!” he cheered to the people working at the cafe. Even though he was new, they seemed to know him and waved to him. It was strange.
Alex could feel eyes on him as he followed Micahel to the back of the cafe, being extra cautious not to bump into anyone. They got the booth farthest to the back and Alex slid close to the wall, putting his bag on the other side of him. Michael sat across from him, still smiling.
“Okay, Mr. Alex. Teach me a thing,” Michael said. Alex could barely take it. Was it even legal to be that fucking cute?
Alex took out his notes and slid them over to Michael.
“That’s basically everything we’ve learned so far. Which I could’ve just given you in the first place,” Alex pointed out. Michael gave a little prideful shimmy and wiggled his eyebrows. Who the fuck allowed that? He had to look away.
“So, since we got that out of the way,” Michael said, taking the notes and removing them from the table, “Tell me about you, about Roswell, about anything.” Were boys always this forward? Alex didn’t know that was a real thing boys did. He thought that was just a movie thing.
“Um,” Alex said, looking around so he didn’t have to look at how painfully adorable he was, “Not much to tell. I’m boring, Roswell’s boring.”
“I don’t believe that,” Michael insisted.
“No, really, I don’t do anything. I-I don’t even go out. I go to school and then I go home because...”
“Of the hand thing, right,” Michael said. They fell silent for a moment. Alex hated himself for it. He couldn’t even hold a conversation right. “Well, tell me just one thing.”
“What?” Alex asked hesitantly.
“How many queer people are in this town? Like, am I gonna have to play it straight or what?” 
And to think Alex assumed this boy could not fuck him up more.
Through a clearly playful grin, Michael said, “Man, you are the easiest person in the world to make blush, you know that?” Alex dropped his chin to his chest. “I kinda love it.”
“Um,” Alex breathed, trying to gather his thoughts. Why? Why? Why? WHY? “Th-there aren’t many out people around town that I know of. But I’m not the right person to ask, I don’t know anything, I don’t hang out with anyone.”
“Oh,” Michael said, “Sorry, I wasn’t clear. That was a shitty way of asking you if you were queer.”
Alex looked up at him with wide eyes. Jesus fucking Christ. Could he be more forward? Actually, Alex didn’t want to meet someone who was more forward than him. He might explode.
“I...” Alex said, swallowing hard, “Yeah.”
Michael flashed a smile so wide, his cheeks made his eyes scrunch up. “Cool.”
Alex had never been more thankful to see another person when an older man walked up to the table, a notepad in hand and ready to take their order. Michael turned his smile onto him and Alex finally felt like he could take a breath away from the spotlight. 
“What can I get for you boys?” he asked.
Michael ordered for them both and the man gave Alex a kind smile that said ‘I know but it’s okay’ and that was just a lot to deal with. This in itself was a lot to deal with. Michael was too much and too nice and too forward. He needed to process this. He needed to go home.
“I think I should go,” Alex said, grabbing his bag and going to slide out of the booth so he could leave.
“Wait, Alex,” Michael said, reaching out and grabbing his hand.
He grabbed his hand.
He grabbed his hand.
Alex snatched his arm away so fast that he elbowed the back of the booth hard enough to hurt. Michael just looked confused that he would want to get away from him that badly.
“How are you not dead?” Alex asked, voice hushed and slightly horrified as Michael didn’t croak from grabbing his hand.
Michael blinked a few times in shock, slowly registering what was happening. Alex didn’t know how he hadn’t figured it out earlier. Maybe he was all looks and smiles and no fucking brain.
“Oh. So... you can kill people,” Michael said. Alex pressed his lips into a hard line and prepared for the backlash.
“Less of a can, more of an I don’t have a choice,” Alex retorted. Michael nodded slowly and that smile slowly, slowly started spreading across his cheeks.
“Well, isn’t this very convenient,” Michael said. Alex’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I can’t actually die.”
“You’re immortal?” Alex sputtered out. Michael scrunched up his nose and tilted his head.
“Invincible is the word they used. Like, I can’t get hurt. So, whatever your power is, it isn’t like a straight death thing, it’s a hurt then death thing. But since I can’t get hurt, you can’t kill me,” Michael said proudly.
Again, Alex could hear his heart thumping in his ears. His face was getting hot and he felt a little lightheaded. He didn’t know how to react to that. He didn’t know how to feel about possibly having someone he could touch... and that person being attractive and also impossibly nice. It didn’t make sense.
Besides, he’d never heard of someone being invincible. It just wasn’t possible.
“I... I don’t believe you,” Alex said. Michael put his hands on the table and made a grabby motion.
“Let me prove it to you,” he said. Alex gulped hard and shook his head.
“What if you're wrong? I don’t want to kill you. I’m considered a weapon,” Alex insisted. Michael pursed his lips for a moment before his eyes lit up with an idea.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the camera, turning it on himself. Alex felt like his lungs were fucking failing. What was happening?
“I, Michael Guerin, totally consent to be touched by Alex... I don’t know your last name, Alex. But if it kills me, then it’s totally my fault. Video evidence, see?” Michael said, promptly dropping his phone before making grabby hands all over again. “Lemme show you.”
Reluctantly, he raised his hand from beneath the table. He was too scared to reach for him or even meet him halfway, but... he could do that.
“Can I touch you?” Michael asked, a little more serious now as he fed off of Alex’s straight fear. 
“Okay,” Alex whispered. Michael gave that comforting smile and reached across the table, grabbing his hand between both of his.
Alex didn’t breathe basically the entire time. Michael held his hand for a moment before asking if he could take off the glove and, when he got the okay, he did. 
For the first time in years, Alex had skin to skin contact.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Michael said which was the only reason Alex knew he was crying, “It’s okay.”
“Everything I’ve touched since I was 13 had immediate heart failure,” Alex admitted, voice weak and crackly. But he didn’t care. He didn’t realize how much he missed being touched. 
Which was scary because he already knew he missed it a lot.
“Oh,” Michael said, blinking hard and eyes going wide like it just clicked. And maybe it did. Maybe he didn’t get it. Honestly, Alex didn’t think he ever would. “Well, sounds like we make a pretty good match then, huh?”
Alex let out a wet laugh and stared down at his hand in between Michael’s. He got to watch and feel as Michael rubbed his thumb over the heel of his hands, his fingers stretching up past the cuff of his shirt to feel his wrist. His other hand traced over his palm and dedicated time to play with each of his fingers. Alex didn’t even care as a tear rolled over his cheek.
“So, uh,” Michael said after a moment, “Where else can I touch you?”
Alex managed to steal his eyes away from their hands to look at him, laughing as he shook his head. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so goddamn happy. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been happy at all. But right now was amazing.
Right now, he didn’t feel alone.
“I barely know you,” Alex pointed out. Michael shrugged slightly and Alex felt his foot drag up his leg.
“I’m excited to know you,” Michael said decisively. 
Alex couldn’t lie. He was excited too.
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katherineschoices · 5 years
The Slowest Burn: Prologue
Dr. Ethan Ramsey knew that Dr. Katherine Petrovic’s career was more important their non-relationship. They worked side by side, existing in their own world until once again, the two doctors are forced to face the inevitable. Chapter: Prologue Word Count: ~1200 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Dr. Naveen Banerji’s new corner office was lit by a substantial amount of natural light. Boston was experiencing a rare cloudless sunny day; a harsh contrast to the uncomfortable energy inside the room. 
It was hard to believe that only a few hours ago, Ethan Ramsey had been in a state of bliss; his arms wrapped around the woman he loved before forcing himself out of bed to go to work. It was Katherine’s day off and she wanted to study in peace; in his corner drop-in tub, he deeply suspected.
“I’m so sorry Naveen,” Ethan breathed as he stood rooted in the doorway. The door clicked shut softly behind him, and yet, he found himself unable to move. 
“This isn’t like you Ethan,” he murmured; although his voice was calm, it was laced with heavy disappointment.
“I know.”
“And how long has this been going on?”
Dr. Ethan Ramsey remained silent as he forced himself to take the seat opposite of his mentor. His boss. The man before him was closed off. Hurt. Naveen was hiding the brunt of his emotions because he trusted them, and he felt betrayed. After all they had been through together...
“It … it’s complicated,” he stated lamely.
“You’re a world-renowned diagnostician,” Naveen retorted sarcastically without missing a beat. There wasn’t anything humorous in his expression. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Fast.”
He took a deep breath and spread his hands on his thighs to steady himself. "Dr. Petrovic and I kissed in Miami. I wouldn't let it go any further. Her career… that is what is most important. You must understand this, Naveen?"
"That lasted for how long…?" Naveen leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. His decision to not discuss Katherine’s status had not gone overlooked.
Ethan paled.
He could see it in the way that he wouldn’t meet his gaze. In the way the tips of his fingers were white as they pressed into his elbows. The way his mouth pressed into a thin line.
Naveen had been sitting on this revelation for several hours, unsure of how to breach the ethics complaint brought against his diagnostics dream team. If he hadn’t seen the cellphone photo that accompanied it, he wouldn’t have thought it true. Dr. Ethan Ramsey respected hospital policy. Like he, Dr. Ramsey saw the promise that Dr. Katherine Petrovic held. Dr. Petrovic had a gifted mind and a knack for finding medical needles in metaphorical haystacks; she was everything they could hope for in the next generation of medical practitioners. Her compassion and empathy were beyond her years.
This time, an ethics violation like this one would cause her to lose her license for sure. She remained on thin ice with the rest of the hospital’s administration. Her leash was short. Ethan would never be able to live with himself if she were unable to practice medicine because of him. He hand picked her for a good reason. 
There was something about Katherine Petrovic that enraptured him. That made him feel things that he thought he wasn’t capable of. 
“Until I quit and she was placed on suspension,” he admitted, holding his gaze. “Do what you must to do, Naveen. But do it to me and keep Katherine out it. I will not allow her career to be destroyed because of me.”
“You love her,” was all he said.
It wasn’t a question.
There was no question.
Of course he loved her. Without a doubt, Ethan knew he was in love with Katherine. His love for her extended beyond reason. It frightened him how much he loved her.
“I didn’t believe it at first. I don’t think I would have if I hadn’t seen the photo.” Naveen found his answer in his silence. “You and Dr. Petrovic have always been nothing but professional- at times, uncomfortably so- in my presence since she joined the diagnostics team. Your work ethic in this hospital has become legendary in such a short period, and then at the same time, I’ve seen you let her shout at you, Ethan. I suppose that mystery has been solved now, hasn’t it?”
Ethan swallowed the lump forming in his throat. His temper and lack of patience was notorious. Dr. Ramsey was used to getting his way. ‘No’ was a word that barely existed in his vocabulary.
Nor did it exist in Katherine’s. That was evident throughout her intern year. For as long as he could remember, he had to be the one who remained in control. All of that changed the minute he placed his hand on hers to make an incision into a woman’s pleural cavity.
He pushed.
She pulled.
She gave.
He took.
Nobody ever dared to shout back at him. But Katherine did. She matched him, in every way.
“She is why you’ve been … different recently.” This time, it was a statement. There was no question. 
Naveen Banerji’s mind was as sharp as it ever was. Nothing slipped by him.
They should have told him. From the very beginning, they should have. In the back of his mind, it was something that Ethan always knew.
“Yes.” He said quietly. It was hard to not think of her in this moment; in his mind’s eye, she was walking around his apartment in his shirt; a book in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other, completely at ease. Completely unaware as to what was unfolding at Edenbrook. 
His mentor exhaled through his nose and Ethan flinched. He could feel the disappointment radiating off of him. “If this were anyone else, Ethan… I try to not show preferential treatment. But you are like my own son. The son I never had.” A flash of sadness crossed over his features as he leaned forward and rested his arms on his desk. Naveen paused, choosing his next words carefully. “But, on the other hand, I am your boss, and you are a doctor under my employment. The leader of my diagnostics team. You’ve been entrusted with the livelihoods of others. I realize that this is Katherine we’re talking about, but you do understand what the ramifications would have been if she reported you? This isn’t just about her career.”
“Yes sir. I understand,” replied Ethan evenly. “That’s why I’m taking full responsibility-”
“This isn’t about you taking responsibility!” Naveen cut in harshly. His brown eyes flashed dangerously. “You’ve jeopardized the entire integrity of the team. The hospital. You’ve broken my trust. If anyone else saw- if this had gone badly- Ethan... I expected more from you.”
‘I’m sorry’ would never be enough. “I know,” he said instead. He kept his eyes focused on the dark, antique wood of Naveen’s desk, the pool of shame in his stomach was filling at a rapid pace and Ethan felt like he was going to be sick. His mind was running a mile a minute. Up until recently, Naveen Banerji had been the only person in his life whose opinion mattered to him. 
Naveen broke away and dropped his head into his hands and pushed his glasses up his forehead as he rubbed his eyes. “If this were anyone else, you do realize, you two would be fired without question?” He didn’t look up. His voice was muffled.
“I do.”
A heavy silence fell over the two men that lasted for several minutes, each lost in his own thoughts. Ethan couldn’t bring himself to look at the other man. Not yet. 
“I had dinner with Christopher Daley last week,” Naveen began. “He’s beginning the process for next year’s guest lecturer and asked for my input.”
Christopher Daley was the Dean of Harvard Medical School. 
“The Harvard Medical School’s guest lecturer position is lucrative and incredible honour. This would be an incredible opportunity for you to influence the next generation of medicine. It is a 16-month term. I will approve your sabbatical for the duration. This will give Dr. Petrovic time to finish her fellowship with diagnostics.”
Ethan hated teaching, but Naveen wasn’t wrong. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest. What was Naveen getting at? September was months away. 
There was a sense of finality in Dr. Banerji’s tone and Dr. Ramsey was in no place to argue with him. What could he possibly say? 
“I can’t allow Katherine to continue working with you in the meantime,” he said solemnly. Ethan snapped out of his stupor and swallowed, his blue eyes flashed in defense, but he could only bring himself to nod. “I can’t place her on administrative leave without arousing suspicion.”
He nodded in understanding. “I received an email for the AUSDEM Conference in Sydney. They’ve offered me a pass for the week if I fill in as a keynote speaker. I’ll let them know and book the fight.”
The Australasian Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference had been after him for years. It would be the perfect cover to use to break her heart, and his.
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acabecca · 7 years
Tumblr media
Endless list of OCs // Maggie Daley - Fear the Walking Dead [1/??]
“I said no, Maggie!” Pat yelled, whirling round to face her youngest child. “We’re leaving, and that’s the end of it. This place has taken too much from my family-” 
“Mom it’s not safe out there-” 
“It’s not safe in here!” Pat interrupted. “Walker and his men, they’re coming. They’re going to attack the compound, we’re going to lose people… People we care about. I’m not letting anything happen to you, or to your brother. We’re taking what can carry, and we’re going.” 
Maggie resisted the urge to scowl. “I don’t want to leave the ranch, Mom. We won’t survive out there, I’m telling you. You haven’t seen it, you don’t know what it’s like,” she shook her head, and Pat rolled her eyes at her daughter. Maggie hadn’t seen it, either. She hadn’t ventured too far outside of the gates since the outbreak had started. But she knew. She knew what was waiting for them out there. 
Pain. Misery. Death. 
She knew.  
“We’re your family, Maggie Beth. You’re my daughter. You’re coming with us, even if I have to drag you,” Pat warned, turning her back on her daughter and walking towards the door of their cabin.  
“What about the Otto’s?” Maggie asked, biting down on her bottom lip when she saw her mother slowly turn back to face her. “Are they not family, too? Dad was- Dad was a founder of this place. He and Jeremiah were like family. Troy and- and Jake-” 
“Is that what this is about?”
Maggie blinked. “What?” 
“Jake,” Pat narrowed her eyes slightly. “Is that what this is about? Is that why you don’t want to leave? Are you the reason Jake came to speak to me, to try to get me to change my mind about leaving?”
Maggie gulped, her stomach flipping. “Jake- Jake knows you want us to go? You told him?” she asked in a whisper, hurt flooding her as she wondered why he hadn’t spoken to her about it, given her some warning that this was coming.
“I told Jeremiah,” Pat crossed her arms over her chest. “He must have told Jake.”
“Oh,” Maggie looked down at her hands.
“Charlene loved him, Maggie.”
Maggie tensed at the mention of her older sister and her features hardened into a glare as her defensive gaze snapped up to meet her mother’s accusatory one.
“What are you implying?” Maggie asked with a scowl.
“I’m not implying anything, I’m saying you’ve been spending a lot of time with Jake since Charlene’s death, I’m telling you that people are beginning to talk.”
Maggie scoffed, rolling her eyes. “They have no idea what they’re even talking about,” she grumbled. “Jake’s… Mom… Jake’s been teaching me stuff. Like how to use more than a handgun. He’s just been looking out for me, that’s all, because he promised Charlene. If people here opened their damn eyes then they’re realise they were gossiping about the wrong brother-” she stopped, her eyes widening slightly as she realised what she had said and she looked away from her mother’s curious stare.
“What? Nothing.”
“I should go and do my chores before someone comes looking for me,” she interrupted, standing up and wiping her palms on her jeans. “I’ll see you later, Mom!”
“Maggie Beth,” Pat snapped, grabbing hold of her daughter’s arm as she walked past her. “You stay away from Troy Otto, do you hear me? He’s- he’s bad news. He’s trouble. He’s… You’re why he tried to stop us from leaving.”
Maggie quickly looked up to meet Pat’s angry stare. “What?”
“Your brother and I, we went down to the collect some supplies earlier on,” Pat explained. “He stopped us, told us we couldn’t take anything, not even what we put into this place. He told us we weren’t going to leave. You- you talk to him, Maggie. You tell him we’re leaving, that you want to come with us. You talk to Jake and you get him to keep Troy under control, do you hear me?”
“I’m not-”
“Do you hear me, Maggie?!”
Maggie looked down, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Yes, ma’am.”
Pat waited for few seconds before she slowly let go of Maggie’s arm and, throwing her youngest child a look of contempt, she turned and walked out of their cabin. Maggie sighed heavily, sitting back down on her bunk and letting her head drop into her hands.
She didn’t want to leave the ranch.
Charlene had told her stories of what it was like outside of the walls, Jake had told her, Troy had told her… Troy had stopped her from going on the last hunt with them because he knew she wasn’t prepared for what was out there.
And her mother was ready to pack up and leave, taking her two kids, the only family she had left, into the unknown?
They wouldn’t survive.
Maggie knew they wouldn’t survive.
Sure, since Charlene’s death she had toughened up considerably – Jake was teaching her everything she needed to know about weapons, Troy had taught her how to fight, how to get herself out of a sticky situation, how to fool people into thinking you weren’t a threat. But Maggie knew that, outside of the safety of the ranch, she wouldn’t make it. Not without them.
“Did you hear me?”
Maggie’s head snapped up and she jumped as she saw the younger boy stood in the doorway of the cabin.
“Jesus, Gabe, you scared the crap out of me. What’s up?”
“I said, Mike and his family are leaving,” he breathed, glancing over his shoulder. “Troy’s trying to stop them, and Jake is trying to stop him. You better get out here, Maggie. Calm him down.”
“Which one?” she asked with a groan, and Gabe shrugged his shoulders before he ran back outside, Maggie close behind him.
She could see the campervan stopped by the gates and she could see Jake and Troy stood off to the side, a crowd of people surrounding them to see what would happen. Running her hand through her blonde hair with a huff, Maggie pushed her way through the crowd, just in time to see Troy’s fist connect with Jake’s cheek.
“Troy!” Maggie yelled, pushing her way forwards as Jeremiah darted towards his youngest son.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked, raising his hand and hitting Troy across the face.
“Dad, no!” Jake called, but his father wouldn’t listen as he continued to hit Troy.
“Stop!” Maggie called, slipping past Jake’s outstretched arm and putting herself between Troy and his father. “Stop, this isn’t-” Maggie stopped talking the second Jeremiah’s hand connected with her cheek, and she could do nothing but stare up the old man in shock.
Everything seemed to happen at once. The look of horror that spread across Jeremiah’s face as he realised what he had done, Jake pulling her out of the way and quickly inspecting her eye as Troy rushed towards his father, his face screwed up in rage.
“Troy, no!” Madison called, putting herself between them as Maggie had done. “No,” she told him, holding her hands up and glancing at Jeremiah over her shoulder before her eyes drifted over to Maggie. “You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Maggie nodded, ignoring the stinging in her cheek and trying her hardest not to wince and Jake took her face in his hands. “I’m fine.”
“Let me see.”
She was pulled out of Jake’s grasp by Troy as he spun her around, inspecting her eye where a red mark had already started to form. She was painfully aware of how close he was standing to her, of his fingertips tracing her cheek as he inspected her face. She could feel his breath on her face and she could feel the stares of everyone around them fixing on them both, but she couldn’t move.
She knew she should move, she knew she should get as far away from Troy as possible if they didn’t want anyone finding out just exactly what had been going on between them, but it was as if she was frozen to the spot.
Troy’s touch was soft, almost gentle, and it had unnerved her.
She had to hold in a snort. Troy was being nice to her, and it made her nervous.
How fucked up was that?
It was Jeremiah’s voice that snapped her out of her daze as he tried to apologise, but she ignored him and her fingers wrapped around Troy’s wrists as she pulled his hands away from her face.
“I’m fine,” she repeated to him and he looked down, nodded slightly as his eyes met hers. “Are you alright?” she asked quietly.
Troy scoffed, pulling his hands out of her grasp and glancing at the dispersing crowd, a handful of people still stood around watching them. He could feel his father’s stare burning into the back of his head, he could see Madison watching out of the corner of his eye and he spotted Pat staring at them from further away, her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face.
But it was the look of confusion, even hurt, on Jake’s face that made him do it.
He took Maggie’s face in his hands and he pulled her closer, leaning down and pressing his lips against hers. She didn’t respond at first, so Troy pulled her a little closer to him and as her hands came to rest on his chest, he smiled against her lips before pulling away, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’m fine,” he murmured.
“How many people are watching us right now?” Maggie asked, her voice muffled as she buried her face in Troy’s chest.
“Uh…” He paused, glanced up and looking around. “Definitely less than everyone,” he told her, chuckling when she let out a quiet groan. “Come on, let’s do something about that eye.”
Maggie kept her eyes on the ground, avoiding Jake’s stare as Troy pulled away from her and took her hand, leading her towards the cabin he has claimed as his for when he wanted to get out of the main house, away from his father and brother. Once they were inside, Troy kicked the door closed behind him and grabbed a towel, tipping his bottle of water over it and handing it to Maggie. She took it off him and stared down at the towel in confusion.
“Uhm, thanks?”
“It’s for your eye,” Troy told her.
“I’m fine-”
“I know how hard my dad can hit, alright?” he frowned. “Just… Just humour me,” he grumbled as he continued to potter about the cabin, not really doing anything but avoiding the stare Maggie was shooting him. He didn’t want to do this. Not yet.
“…It’s your eye you should be worried about,” she whispered, placing a hand on his arm and feeling his tense under her touch. “Troy, come on,” Maggie sighed, grabbing hold of his arm and pushing him down on to his bed before moving to stand between his legs. Troy smirked, reaching up and placing his hands on her waist but Maggie huffed and pushing him away. “No,” she told him, gesturing for him to sit up properly. He did as she said (albeit reluctantly) and she balled up the small towel he had given her before pressing it against his right eye. He winced, but only for a second, and Maggie smiled softly. “It’s just getting back to normal after the spoon incident, and now you get hit. You need to be more careful.”
“People need to stop doing shit to me.”
“You need to be more careful,” Maggie repeated with pursed lips and Troy sighed, his hands once again landing on her waist as he pulled her closer, leaning his head against her stomach. “…Are you gonna tell me what that was about?” she asked quietly.
“You know what it was about,” Troy grumbled. “Vernon was leaving, his family were taking our stuff, our fuel, our food. I couldn’t let them get away with that.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Maggie replied, the tips of her fingers playing with Troy’s curls. “I mean you and Jake. What was that about?” she asked again, and Troy stilled. Maggie pulled back slightly, looking down at him with a frown. “Troy?”
“He- he can’t protect this place, Maggie,” he muttered. “He won’t protect this place. He won’t fight for the ranch, or for the people, not like I will. But my dad doesn’t see that. He’s gonna leave Jake in charge, you know? When he dies. Jake’s going to be the one running this place, and he’s not strong enough. Walker and his men are going to come and unless we prepare, unless we fight, they’re going to take everything we’ve built. They’ll kill us, Maggie, and Jake isn’t strong to protect the people here. To protect you.”
Maggie’s teeth sank into her bottom lip as she hummed quietly, trying to decide what to say to him.
“Are… Are you gonna protect me?”
Troy bristled. “Of course I am.”
“Do you think I need you to?”
“…No,” Troy admitted with a sigh. “Not anymore. Not- not since… Your dad… Charlene. You’ve… changed.”
“Yeah,” Maggie agreed quietly. “Only reason you looked twice at me though, isn’t it? Because I’ve changed,” her tone was teasing, but Troy knew there was a seriousness behind her words.
Before her father had died, Maggie had just been a girl who Troy grown up with. A girl who had very obviously had a crush on him when they were kids, and a girl he found annoying, if he was being totally honest. She had never really contributed much to anything when she first moved onto the ranch before the outbreak, she was Daddy’s little girl and Noah barely let her out of his sight. Troy had been sure that she would completely break down in this new world, but she hadn’t.
Her father had died, and Maggie had been forced to grow up almost overnight. Sometimes, Troy could still see glimpses of the old Maggie shining through, the little girl who wanted to be taken care of but she refused to let that girl out. Something had changed in her when she had lost her father. There was something there, an anger that Troy recognised, and that was what had drawn him to her in the first place.
He had been convinced that she would lose it when Charlene died, that she would be inconsolable and sink into the depths of depression, but she hadn’t. She had been the one holding her family together ever since. She had grown stronger, tougher. Her anger at the world had grown, there was a coldness in her now that hadn’t been there before.
They were the same now.
He thought they were, anyway. He trusted her, he knew that she had his back and she would stand by him no matter what. She didn’t want anyone else to go through what she had gone through after losing Charlene and that meant that they had to fight. Maggie would support him, Troy was sure of it.
He just had to keep her away from Jake. And probably the Clark’s, too.
He studied her carefully as she checked over his eye, her brow furrowed and her lips pursed as she pulled the damp towel away from his face and ran her fingers through his hair, a small smile coming to her face as she looked down to meet his eyes.
“Careful,” he murmured. “People will think this is something more than it is if they see you taking care of me.”
He saw it flash through her eyes for a second. It was gone almost immediately, but he had seen it. Hurt. It made his heart drop knowing that he had caused it and he gulped slightly, but Maggie scoffed and pushed his head back before she stepped out of his grasp.
“Don’t worry, Troy. I’ll make sure everyone knows I only want you for your body,” she rolled her eyes. “God help us if anyone thought we actually liked each other.”
“That’s not what I-”
“Yes it is,” Maggie interrupted him, throwing the towel down on the bed next to him and moving to lean against the small window. “And it’s fine. I know this is just sex, Troy, and I’m okay with it. I’m not looking for some big love story, alright? I’m not looking for a husband and two perfect kids and a dog and even if I was, I know you’re not that kind of guy,” she shrugged her shoulders and Troy paused, leaning forwards and watching her as she turned and looked out of the window, her arms folded over her chest. “I should probably go.”
“Go?” Troy looked up quickly. “Go where?”
Maggie raised an eyebrow. “To talk to my mom…? She’s probably freaking out right now,” she told him, pointing to her eye as she pushed herself away from the window and started to walk towards the door. Troy reached out to stop her, taking hold of her hand and lacing his fingers through hers.
“She wants to leave,” he muttered, not taking his eyes off their joined hands. “Your mom.”
“Yeah…” Maggie looked at the floor. “She told me a little while ago. She also told me you tried to stop her and Dax from taking stuff from the pantry, you made them put it back,” she paused, her voice curious as Troy shrugged nonchalantly.
“Are you gonna go with them?”
“They’re my family,” Maggie bit her lip. “I don’t want to leave the ranch. I feel safe here. Out there…” she paused, glancing towards the window. “I’m not sure I could survive.”
“You could.”
Maggie frowned. “Do you want me to go? With my mom?”
“No,” Troy replied quickly. “No, I don’t, and… And I can keep them here, if you want them to stay. I can make sure they don’t leave the ranch.”
Maggie smiled softly, pulling her hand out of his as he raised his head to meet her eyes.
“Careful, Troy,” Maggie pointed a finger at him, walking backwards towards the door. “People might start to think you actually care about me.”
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thedeviltohisangel · 7 years
One More Night//If I Could Fly//9
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A/N: I am back! Hope you guys enjoy and look out for some Hiddles, Fassy & Daredevil stuff down the pike!
“How long has it been again?” I followed Matt onto my back porch with two mugs of coffee.
“Since he left or since we had sex on Skype?” I responded with an innocent look as we each picked a chaise sit down on, the Hampton air making us both feel uniquely at peace. I tended to retreat to this house whenever Henry left for a movie as it made me feel more secluded and private. I wasn’t faced with reminders of him and his lack of a presence every turn I made. I had packed up the kids and all the animals and made our way here to stay for the foreseeable future.
“Both,” he replied with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Three months, three hours.” I prayed he would swallow his drink before the laugh came out, the motif of this house was all white, and thankfully he did. “I have to do something during naptime.”
“I literally can’t stand you two sometimes,” he squeezed out between bouts of choking laughter. I smile knowing he actually loves my family and me like they were his own. “Are you going to go visit him at all?” I shake my head, suddenly saddened by the prospect of not seeing my husband for a further amount of time.
“He’s in the heart of Iceland and doesn’t think the girls would enjoy themselves,” I explain as I take a sip of my drink.
“Can’t you have a nanny stay with them here and you go? Or have them stay with a relative? Me and Daley even?” My response dies as Madeline comes running out onto the porch, Zeus trotting behind her.
“Mummy my bow fell out!” She’s gasping for air and looks to be absolutely devastated by this development. Her chubby hand is extending the red ribbon towards me like she is asking me to heal a fatal wound.
“Would you like me to fix it for you?” She nods eagerly, already turning around to give me access to the end of her braid. “What do we say?”
“Pwease, Mummy.” I smile and kiss the top of her head, my hands working smoothly to put the accessory back into place.
“All fixed, munchkin. Can I have a hug?” She nods excitedly and launches her little body at me. Her little arms wrap around my neck and squeeze as tight as they possibly can. In return I squeeze back just as tight, trying to convey all the love I have for her in the act. I never wanted any of my kids to go a single second without knowing how much their Mom loves them.
“I love you, Mummy,” she whispered quietly before breaking the hug and running eagerly back into the house to continue playing, Zeus dutifully trotting back inside with her.
“See? She and Isabelle need me. You think a nanny would know how she likes her bow tied? Or how she likes her pasta? Isabelle’s bedtime routine is not for the faint of heart. Not to mention my fur babies! You think any old person can just trounce in and treat them with the love and respect they deserve? Who will tell them Fauna needs her food brought to the window? Let alone get the shepherds acclimated to them. No. It’s too much work. I run this household, only me.” My impassioned speech had worked me into a bit of a frenzy, frustrated tears beginning to pool in my eyes. I dropped my head into my hand and my shoulders shook with the effort to not cry.
“Bless, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” Matt scootched closer, offering me his napkin as a tissue.
“I’m afraid to lose myself. I love being a wife and a mom more than I even thought imaginable. This is what I am meant to do but…but what if I am losing just plain old me? Not in relation to anyone else. Just me.” My fingers wiped under my eyes, I hadn’t gone through the extra effort of waterproof mascara.
“I think the best thing about wife you and mom you is that with your family, the one you’ve built with your gorgeous, peach ass husband, you are the best version of yourself. Hen, Madeline, Isabelle and I would never let your light dim. And the millions of children you want that Hen was lining up to get in you.” I giggled at that.
“Once he got one out of me, he was more than willing to put another back in,” I joked thinking of my husband whom I often referred to as a papa bear.
“Go see him. You need him. He’s your sustenance.” It was true. On more than one occasion, I myself, and others had said when Henry left, I wilted like a flower without the sun. I hated the idea that I relied on a man for anything, no matter how much I loved him. But I also know I have to admit to things when they are true, and this is true. The way his love empowers me is a feeling I can only pray more people in the world are able to experience. On our wedding day, we exchanged rings and tiny pieces of our hearts, both of our children’s births were another piece of heart and a little addition of soul. So when we were apart, he harbored a piece of me with him. It hurt to breathe.
“Is that admitting defeat?” He shook his head fervently.
“It’s admitting you need a minute. A pick me up. You put so much into your kids and husband, put a percent of that into yourself for once. Go buy some lingerie from that kinky store you like and get on a plane.”
“Fine then. But you and your husband are staying here. I’m not hiring a nanny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go make some lists.”
Iceland was stunning. I peered out the window of the car the whole ride to the hotel, all of this in secret. I had contacted Henry’s agent to help coordinate, making sure I’d have enough time to land, collect a key and let myself into his room. I had taken Matt’s advice and gone to Agent Provacateur, purchasing a light pink, silk padded plunge bra with a narrow, black lace trim, picot edging and a tiny black bow between the cups and at each apex. I had everything strapped into place and was assessing myself in the mirror. In spite of myself, I sighed when my eyes fixated on the stretch marks under my arms and the top of my breasts, not even bothering to glance at my stomach and thighs.
“Wow.” I turned quickly to find that my husband had let himself into the room. I shrieked and ran over to him.
“Henry, go back out and come back in! This was not how the surprise was supposed to go.
“No. I don’t want to waste another second when you’re here with me and dressed like that.” He took a step forward and I grabbed a pillow, pulling it back as if I was loading it into place.
“You take another step towards me and this lingerie never comes off.” He smirked at me devilishly.
“I’ll take that challenge.”
“OUT. For me? Please?” I could sense the threatening wasn’t doing anything to lessen his libido for even a second, so instead I turned pleading and ready to guilt trip. He hung his head in defeat before turning around and stomping out of the room.
“I’m counting to fifteen and then I will be back in. No stopping me then.” I nodded excitedly with a little squeal, waiting until the door shut behind him before lying on my side with my head propped up on my arm in what I hoped was a sexy pose. I pursed my lips into a pout as the doorknob turned and Henry walked in again. “What have I done to earn such a gift?” He shed his jacket as he walked over, his shoes thrown across the room followed by his belt.
“You’ve been gone for too long and I need to keep up with my addiction,” I murmured as he crawled over me and took my bottom lip between his teeth.
“And what have you done with our little minions? Do they miss me?” My hands made quick work of untucking his shirt and throwing it out of sight.
“I left them with Matt and Daley.” He paused.
“You? You left our children in the hands of someone else?” My hand cupped his face as I pulled him in for a bruising, breathless kiss.
“Aren’t you proud of me?” That earned me a giggle replaced by a moan as his hand slid to give me a quick spank. “Make love to me, Mr. Cavill.”
“Oh I plan too, Mrs. Cavill. All night long.”
I lost track of time as we made our way around the room and in every position we could think of. We were lounging on top of blankets, I in a black silk satin and sheer tulle robe. Henry had ordered us a delightful room service dinner of fried chicken and peanut butter cookies.
“I’m very happy you decided to come and surprise me. I’ve been missing you and the girls lately. I’m sorry I haven’t had enough time to chat more.” He was rubbing soothing circles on my hand as he divulged his sorrows.
“We miss you, of course we do. I make sure to remind them that you love them all the time. They know Daddy has to work.” He placed a gentle kiss to my forehead as if we was sealing in all of his love.
“I want to talk to you about something but I don’t want you to get cross at me for inquiring about it.” I nodded my head slowly, using my thumb to smooth a wrinkle that had formed between his brows. “Earlier when I came in the first time. Were you looking at your stretch marks again?”
“I’m allowed to look at them, Henry,” I defended with a stern tone.
“You analyze,” he clarified. I fell onto my back, trying to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes.
“It’s not the marks. They are badges of honor to show I carried and supported and nourished  the two most precious beings in this universe. I just fear that…a mom and wife is all I’ve been reduced to. I love my roles and having a family has always been the most important thing to me. But I still need to find a way to be me.” My hand rested against his heart and I tried to center myself in time with his heartbeat. His lips connected with mine briefly.
“I’m glad you told me. I know me being gone all the time puts a lot more on your shoulders and you’re so good about making sure when I’m home that I can just be a dad to the girls. But that’s unfair. I should make more of an effort. Don’t argue me on that, love.” He knew I loved a good argument and I groaned at the thought that he was denying me such.
“Actually…I just miss you. It’s all a ploy to get you to stay home more.” I squeaked with delight as his arms slipped around my waist and he rolled to be fully on top of me.
“I’m serious, baby. Let’s do whatever we have to do to get you feeling like you again, okay?” My pointer finger traced down the slope of his nose before bopping the tip.
“Being with you seems to do the trick just fine, Mister.” He quirked his eyebrow up as high as I have ever seen it go.
“Well then, I suppose we must stay up all night long in order to fully work out these issues.” His hands were already sliding the sheets down my body.
“Whatever you prescribe, Doctor.”
“Well then,” he mused as he spread my thighs, “Let the games begin.”
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mayramoss-blog1 · 7 years
Watch: Lukaku Goal against Swansea-Full Time-Swansea 0-4 Man United
Lukaku Scored a easy goal as Mkhitaryan Finds him again easily
Goal Video is below
Manchester United secured another four-goal romp for the second Premier League weekend in a row as they swept aside Swansea.
The visitors took the lead on the stroke of half-time courtesy of Eric Bailly’s close-range finish.
And the Red Devils stepped it up in the second half when Romelu Lukaku, Paul Pogba and Anthony Martial all scored late on to seal a comfortable win.
90+1min: We are into three added on minutes.
88min: Lots of noise inside the stadium now but it’s all from the away end as United head towards successive 4-0 wins.
Manchester United substitution
85min: Much to the relief of Swansea, Mourinho brings off the creative machine of Mkhitaryan as Ander Herrera replaces the midfielder.
84min: Oliver McBurnie replaces Abraham shortly before another United counter attack sees Anthony Martial cut inside and apply a fourth. A slightly flattering scoreline for the visitors but this is brutal from Jose Mourinho’s men.
82min: United are going in for the kill now as after Carroll gives the ball away, the visitors break and Mkhitaryan this time sets up Paul Pogba who majestically lifts the ball over Fabianski.
80min: Either way Swansea’s chance has passed now as Mkhitaryan threads the ball to an unmarked Romelu Lukaku inside the box who calmly slots past Fabianski.
78min: So when are Swansea going to have a go? Granted they have created a couple of opportunities but when was the last time David de Gea had to make a save. It certainly wasn’t this afternoon…
Double Manchester United substitution
75min: Fresh legs for United as Marouane Fellaini and Anthony Martial replace Juan Mata and Marcus Rashford.
74min: Into the book goes Leroy Fer after a studs up challenge on Daley Blind while the defender was shooting from range.
Paul Pogba though can only fire the set-piece over the crossbar.
PLAYER WATCH: Marcus Rashford (Manchester United)
All opening goals are crucial, but United will be delighted to have finally made a breakthrough given Rashford and Lukaku have really struggled to get past the Swansea defence in the opening 45 minutes – at least judging
72min: Must do better. The third corner falls into the path of Ayew and Abraham as it zips across goal but neither can get a telling touch as the ball zips away to safety.
70min: A bit of pressure from Swansea now as they win consecutive corners after Nemanja Matic denies Federico Fernandez a chance to head in an equaliser.
Double Swansea City substitution
67min: Clement makes his first changes and as Roque Mesa is replaced by Luciano Narsingh while Bartley is replaced by Wayne Routledge. Looks like a switch back to 4-4-2 for the hosts.
65min: Chance for Tammy Abraham but the Swansea striker heads over the bar from a near post cross, while moments later a Jordan Ayew cross just evades the striker on loan from Chelsea. Either way better from the hosts.
62min: An hour gone and still no sign of changes from either side as this game passes away with little incident. All going to plan from a United perspective, but Clement must be considering his options.
59min: As Leroy Fer wildly fires well off target from distance, TV cameras pan on Fernando Llorente inside the ground – with the Swansea striker ruled out with a broken arm. How the hosts could do with their chief goal getter right about now.
33min: Chance for Swansea from a corner, but despite Bartley beating Bailly to Carroll’s set-piece cross, he can only nod wide of the goal.
As for Bailly, I don’t know what he was playing at. His attempts at defending the cross consisted of crouching down as if he was about to tie up his shoelaces.
Swansea 0-4 Manchester United, Premier League LATEST: Red Devils hit four again as Romelu Lukaku and Paul Pogba help sink Paul Clement’s side
30min: Pogba is treading on egg shells following that ridiculous yellow card, but despite calls from the home fans for him to be sent off after another foul on Ayew, referee Jon Moss decides to just give the player a final warning.
A correct call it seems judging by the rather innocuous nature of the attempted challenge on Ayew.
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Source: Transfer News
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julianbovis · 7 years
Tom Daley Portrait; “I’m A Diver Not a Swimmer”
As an Urban Landscape Artist I’m not used to drawing portraits - so when my friend Lou Englefield from Pride Sports gave me the challenge to draw a portrait of an openly gay sportsperson, I couldn’t resist the challenge...
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"I’m A Diver Not A Swimmer” - Julian Bovis, 2017
British Olympic Diver Tom Daley is many things to many people, so when deciding how to draw his portrait I needed to decide who exactly Tom Daley was to me personally - was he a Gay Rights Advocate, Media Celebrity, or Sporting Hero? My own Gay Rights Advocate was always Glaswegian singer/songwriter Jimmy Somerville (when I was 13-years-old I painted a portrait of him and proudly hung it on my bedroom wall!), and I don’t see Tom’s Media Celebrity as something that defines him either. So for me, Tom Daley is first and foremost a Sporting Hero. I wanted to draw Tom where he’s most at home, so I chose the 2016 Olympic Diving Pool where he won his 2016 Bronze Medal for Great Britain. In the portrait Tom stands proudly, arms crossed and defiant against the background of a silent, empty stadium.
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Tom Daley - Portrait (Detail)
Because I’m more comfortable drawing architecture and landscape, I decided to portray Tom’s body in architectural form; the outer layer is peeled away to show the machinery inside. Each muscle and tendon, worn from hours of daily practise, is exposed to show a mechanical form. A machine for sport. As a nod to Tom’s Bronze Medal, I asked David at Manchester’s Klein Imaging to frame the original portrait in Bronze. The paper is 200gsm Hahnemuhle Fine Art Paper, mounted on Aluminium and framed in Bronze with 10mm shadow gap. If you like the portrait, a signed Limited Edition run of just 25 prints are available to purchase here >>>
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Tom Daley - Portrait. Framed in Copper at Klein Imaging, Manchester
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“I’m A Diver Not a Swimmer” was drawn for the 2017 New Light Art Prize, a charity formed to promote & support artists in the North of England, including a biennial prize of £10,000 & exhibitions
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badsext · 4 years
Leap of Faith: Klaus x Reader
Author’s note: This popped into my head when I saw that gif of Klaus dancing on the roof of the bus. 😏
Warnings: none....yet
The highway seemed to stretch on forever while your thoughts kept running through the events of the last few hours. You had no idea how other women went about leaving their husbands, but you had done it with a spatula. After five years trapped in a loveless marriage you couldn’t take anymore small talk, so you stopped what you were doing, took the greasy thing right out of the pan where you were cooking and handed it to him.
At first he was confused. It looked so awkward in his hand. Something as common as a spatula was so unfamiliar to him because he’d never had the impetus to use one. He never lifted a finger for you. But it was more than that. He was dull, shallow, and incurious.
How did you find yourself married to such a man? A lifetime of messages making it seem like love and marriage were a high stakes game of musical chairs. You’d better not get caught standing alone when the music stops. So you settled for the first affable guy to cross your path. Blaming yourself, you decided he could keep everything but what you could fit in your suitcase, a couple hundred dollars, and the Buick.
You still had no idea where you were going to go. You were an only child, both parents were long dead, and you didn’t have the kind of friends that would take in a divorcée. It had started raining hard and you had to focus just to stay in your lane. Then out of the corner of your eye you spotted a tall hippie walking along the side of the highway.
This man was certainly not dressed for the weather. The rain made his feet slide around in his flip flops so much it was hard to watch. His long hair and beard were completely saturated. His white linen clothing lie soaked and clinging to his body, making him look like the victim of a shipwreck. He didn’t frighten you because in this state, there was nothing he could hide.
You stopped the car and rolled down your window. Raindrops bounced right into the car peppering your arm.
“I normally don’t pick up hitch hikers, but I can’t let you keep walking in this rain! Get in!,” you shouted above the clattering torrent. He nodded and walked through the beams of your headlights to the passenger seat. As he got in you noticed the unsubtle outline of his penis. It was clear he had no underwear. You tried to look away, but he seemed unbothered by it, maybe even a bit amused. You handed him a blanket out of the backseat and paused. Your eyes met. He stared back at you both grateful and curious.
“Thank you,” he shivered.
“Don’t mention it.” You eased down on the gas petal and pulled back onto the highway. He flipped the mirror down and used his ring fingers to wipe away the black eyeliner making its way down his cheeks.
“There, that’s better,” he said, wiping his hands off on the blanket. “I’m Klaus.”
You introduced yourself. “So what happened, Klaus? Why were you walking in the rain?”
“I’m a guru.”
“A what?”
“A spiritual leader...like a priest...but I’m done with that now. I quit.”
Part 2
@elliethesuperfruitlover @helena-way07 @chipster-21 @ringpopdust @renegadesheehan @zombiedixon89 @bubblyani @moorehollandplz @salvador-daley @siriuslynore @misskittysmagicportal @joz-stankovich @punknatch
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