#I love daley butcher
natjennie · 9 months
love the idea of a young daley having carol and morris and pat and cap as parents and not thinking anything of it like to other kids on the playground "what do you mean you don't have 3 dads? who takes you to karate when one of them is at work?" and also having the strangest mix of dialects like all the northern slang and accent of the butchers but now that cap's in the mix he's being inundated with weird cap-specific mannerisms like the "good lord" and the throat clear and the noises like "ah yes well aehahuh very good" but he's 8 so everyone at school is like. what the fuck is going on. why do you talk like that.
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
My BBC Ghosts Fanfics  
Oneshot Collections -
Easter Oneshots 
Christmas Oneshots 
Spooktober Oneshots 
WIPs - 
Never Anything Quite So Special (3/4)- Fanny’s son returns to Button House as a ghost 
If I Lived There (2/8) - Pat and Julian survive and meet as living people
This Whole Time - Captain has a flask on him, cue boys night 
A Rainbow (6/8)- The ghosts as the colours of Kitty’s rainbow
Everybody Talks (1/4) - Captain starts to see Julian in a different light, leading to conflicting feelings
Patcap - 
You Matter To Me - Captain has an existential crisis, Pat tries to make him feel better 
Loverman (Oh Where Can You Be?) - Captain builds up the courage to tell Pat how he feels
1944-Lieutenant Butcher - Pat goes back in time to 1944, being assigned to the Captain
Paper Butterflies - Alison introduces the group to a therapy technique 
Capulian - 
Thank You For Being A Friend - Julian is gloomy on his death day, Captain sympathises 
Keep Me Safe - Julian helps Captain cope with PTSD
Couldn’t Escape If I Wanted To - Alison had another party, so Julian distracts Captain
You Are The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine - Captain and Julian have an emotional affair 
Things I Would (Could) Never Do - Captain meets an alive Julian Fawcett, he’s not impressed
I Get A Little Bit Genghis Khan - Julian and Cap get into an interesting routine
Indulgence - Captain & Julian and Captain & Pat
War Poetry - 
Alone Again - Captain comforts Thomas during a difficult time 
Our Little Secret - Thomas is more observant than the others know 
No Man Left Unconcealed - The ghosts decide to play hide and seek, Thomas and Captain end up stuck together
The Perfect View - Humphrey and Cap meet up for the night guard
Multiple ships/No pairings/One off pairings - 
Hopelessly Devoted To You - Thomas/Isabelle, Humphrey/Sophie, Julian/Margot, Pat/Carol and Captain/Havers 
Captain x Multiple -
Ghostly Support - Pat/Captain, Thomas/Captain, Captain/Julian, Humphrey/Captain and Robin/Captain
Thomas-centric -
What Writing Can Do - Thomas reflects on the importance of his profession 
Reader Insert -
Families Aren’t Always Blood - Teen reader insert can see the ghosts
Pat/Carol -
Love Is Like - Pat/Carol
Theodore-centric -
When Soft Voices Die - Captain’s great nephew decides to learn more about his heritage
Multiple -
In Case You Don’t Last Forever - Daley & Pat, Pat/Captain, Captain/Havers, Julian/Robin, Isabelle/Thomas
It Was Funny - Captain & Fanny & Robin & Humphrey
Fanny & Stephen Button centric - 
She Used To Be Mine - Fanny teaches Alison how to dance 
Rachel & Margot Fawcett centric - 
We Go To The Stars - Rachel and Alison have a talk on the roof 
I’m Sorry For Your Loss - Margot and her relationship with death
In Nature Nothing Exists Alone - Rachel relates to plants more than people 
Informality Of Family - Cap’s great nephew Theodore and Rachel Fawcett meet
The Joker And The Queen - Theodore gets shot and Rachel goes to comfort him
Nobody Else (But You) - Some good Rachel and Theo bonding
Forget - Rachel and Daley have a midnight conversation
New Year’s Kisses - Pat/Captain, Pat/Julian, Julian/Margot and Daley & Rachel
Exceptions - Rachel doesn’t like most people
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quillandrapier · 1 year
Putting my friends of button house au here so I get a kick in my butt to actually write the fanfics for it. Anything in blue might change:
Friends of Button House exists as a way to examine in a modern au who would these people be if they lived today rather than in the past, exploring through interactions between each other how they improve each others lives
Button House under the previous owner Heather existed as a place where the public can learn and use the house to learn about history, enjoy the beautiful grounds or come to events. There were re-enactments, weddings and more! Which unfortunately came to a stop after Heather's health declined really badly in her final years leading the house to decay.
The players:
Fanny (Last name not decided.) : Fanny is the founder of the Button House Historical Society. She was friends with her Late ex-husband's aunt Heather as Heather took pity on her when she first married George. Now divorced and her ex-husband dead, she reaches out to others to help save the historical home from becoming just another hotel and losing its rich history. Former maths teacher.
Pat Butcher: Local scouts leader and Button House Historical Society's Treasurer. Moved down south about 10 years ago when Daley was first born to get him into the best school area and due to being offered a job there. Heather let him use the grounds during summer for outdoor Scouts events. When he saw Fanny's post on Facebook he managed to drum up lots of support. Is a presenter on local pirate radio
The Captain: Ex-Miltary and the offical archivist. He first came to Button House while still working for the military while he was healing from an injury. He was tasked with documenting its years at war and the lives of the people who lived there. Now having had to leave the army he deiced to join the effort to save Button House. Still thinking of a name for him, probably would be Edward Higgins, Edward Darling or something like that. Sorry Richard truthers. Has never actually gone by his name in his life as he tends to get given a nickname day one and never shakes it. Now a pencil pusher at a local army base after being forced out of active duty.
Kitty: Social media Manger for Button House and looks after the offical blog. Kitty is a forensic student taking a year out to herself after realising how toxic her family is and moving away. First came to Button House as a child and fell in love with it due to it being one of the few places she was free to be herself and after making great friends with a sensitive young child glued to the libary. After the society found Alison and Mike, she was invited to live in the house with them as she got back on her feet during her gap year. Thinking the last name Fletcher thanks to @varietysky
Thomas Thorne: Is officially the Libarian, but this just means he sits around reading the books and reviewing (bashing) them on the blog. First came to Button House and deciding then and there he was going to be a poet one day. Helped in the campaign to save the house. Now having graduated with a masters in English literature and daddy's (stolen) money running dry, he is now trying to have his big break. Is trans and named himself after Thomas Chatterton. Also has started therapy to help get over Alison so he doesn't lose the only friends he has left.
Sir Humphrey Bone: Button House offical curator. Married Sophie at Button House in a grand ceremony. Despite that ending in divorce, Humphery liked the house enough to want to save it too. No one knows what he does for work or how he manged to get a knighthood. No one knows he's Robin's cousin. Trans too. Thomas is oblivious.
Robin Hale: All round caretaker of Button House. He seems to have a weirdly broad set of skills and was the grounds keeper when Heather died. Hangs out with the others because he likes them (aw.) Also fixes a bunch of the electrical stuff, and is a talented coder, that's how he makes his actual money. Both he and Humphery look eerlie like their grandfather Bob. They have an Aunt Edith too.
Mary: Button House Videographer. Orignally from a very a small villiage in Wales. Studied film studies at uni. Now runs the local farm shop and bakery with Annie. Joined after being asked to make a film to help drum up publicity in the area after they decided Pat used too many starwipes and windows movie maker wasn't going to cut it. May one day leave to make her dream film in another country. Maybe last name Jones or Owens
Julian Fawcett: Former MP of the contitsuency who publically donated to the society as a way to help his image before being caught up in an accident during sex. It got leaked to the press along with an abuse of expenses and other really shady stuff. Was forced to take the fall for the party despite becoming a rising star in the last few years. Now hangs around the society as no one else associates with him anymore and they take pity on how sad he's become.
Alison and Mike Cooper: Both now own Button House thanks to the Historical society finding Alison and proving her claim to the house. Now helping them build Button House back to its glory days. Mike is nearly always out the house for some reason so the other society members never see him.
Plaguers: Live on a self-sustaining commune on the edge of the property. Is only allowed to stay because of an agreement where they give Heather stuff like fresh bread and eggs in exchange for not getting the authorities involved. Are like Wizards with the old boiler though.
Want to make a fake historical society page for them and everything.
Story ideas:
Thomas: After ending therapy on bad terms, it's Bonfire night and Thomas is sprialing and spends the night about ready to explode.
Kitty: Tired of being always looked over, always ignored, never being respected, Kitty becomes the lead singer in the Button House band: Circus of Contrition.
Fanny: A look back on how the lonely Fanny started the society and fought for it to exist.
Mary: After helping setting up a small cafe in the house for visitors, Mary is kinda conflicted on leaving behind button house and living out her dream.
Alison: Alison reflects on Button House means to her after being interviewed for the local news.
The others I haven't got any concrete ideas at all but will think of, also happy to hear name suggestions.
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viola-halogen · 1 year
12 Days of Thanktival — Day 7: Traditions
[AO3 link]
Relationships: Pat Butcher & Fanny Button, Pat Butcher & Everyone
Characters: Pat Butcher, Fanny Button, Everyone else
Summary: How the Button House Christmas Quiz came about.
AKA Pat refuses to accept that just because they're ghosts, they can't still celebrate Christmas.
A/N: Happy (belated) Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! Also this is probably clear in the fic but this takes place during Christmas 1984, the first Christmas since Pat's death.
The Limits of Being Dead
“What do you mean, you guys don’t do anything for Christmas?”
“Well, what do you expect from us? It’s not like we can buy each other presents, or eat Christmas dinner…”
“Or visit family.”
“Or pull crackers.”
“Yes, but… it’s Christmas!” Pat said. “Couldn’t you guys… sing carols, or play charades?”
“Absolutely not,” Fanny said. “I won’t have such nonsense going on in my home.”
Pat sighed. In the few months that had passed since his death, he’d learnt a lot of things, but somehow the knowledge that his fellow ghosts made no effort whatsoever to celebrate Christmas was one of the most shocking. He supposed because, up until this point, he’d somehow believed that his life would continue, even beyond the grave. Here, it seemed, was the proof that that wasn’t the case.
“What is big deal anyway?” Robin said. “Christmas. Is just passing fad anyway.”
“We’d all love to celebrate if we could, Patrick,” Thomas said. “Well, most of us would. It’s just easier when you accept that things can’t be the way they were when you were alive anymore.”
Pat sighed. “I s’pose you’re right,” he said.
“Well, now that that’s dealt with,” the Captain said, turning to leave the room. Most of the others followed him out. Kitty did reach out and put a hand on his arm as she was passing.
“I still like to pretend that when I wake up on Christmas morning, I’m going to go downstairs and open all my presents,” she said to him. Then she skipped out of the room, humming as she went. Pat folded his hands behind his back and went to look out of the window. Heather had strung some fairy lights around the fountain on the drive—they weren’t on yet, but Pat could just make out where they were.
“It is a pity, I know,” a voice said, and he turned in surprise to see Lady B standing on his right, staring out of the next window over. “When I was alive, we would cut down a great tree every year and stand it up in the parlour. We always decorated it on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day we held a great dinner for everyone in the house. It’s not the same any more, of course.”
Pat startled. To say he was surprised to hear the formidable, uptight Lady Button confiding in him would have been an understatement. It was even more of a shock to hear the sentimentality with which she spoke about her life.
“Carol and Daley and I decorate together every year,” Pat said. “Up until now, I guess…” His heart fell as he wondered whether Carol and Daley would decorate without him, or if doing it at all would feel wrong now that he wasn’t there.
“Hmm. Well, there’s no point dwelling on the past,” Fanny said, and turned away from the window.
There she is again, Pat thought. But the slightest shape of an idea was beginning to form in his mind.
“What if we had a tradition of our own?” he blurted out without thinking. “Something we started now, this year. Something that had nothing to do with any of our lives—something we can do as we are.”
“Like what, exactly? It’s all very well and good saying something like that, but if you don’t have an actual idea…”
“I’ll think of something,” Pat said. “I don’t know what yet, but I’m sure it’ll come to me.”
“You’d be lucky to get the others to agree to it,” Fanny said. “For a bunch of people with nothing to do and infinite time, it’s like herding cats trying to persuade them to take part in something. But as for me…” she grimaced as if it physically pained her to admit what she was about to say. “I wouldn’t exactly… hate having some way of marking the festive season. As long as it’s not a pantomime.”
“Okay, I promise you it won’t be a pantomime,” Pat said. Then he turned back to the window. The knowledge that he had Lady B behind him lifted his spirits—it made him think that maybe what he was trying to pull off would prove possible. All he had to do now was come up with an idea.
“A… quiz?” Thomas said doubtfully. “That’s your idea for our all-new Christmas tradition?”
“Yes, but not just any quiz! All the questions are going to be about us. So the more you know about your fellow ghosts, the better you’ll do.”
“Sounds boring,” Robin said.
“Just give it a chance, guys!” Pat said. “I’ll write all the questions myself, and all you need to do is show up. It can just be fun… a way for us to acknowledge the season, and… I don’t know, maybe bond a bit? Don’t you guys ever want to get to know each other better?”
“Well, I want nothing to do with it,” the Captain said. “I already turn up to the clubs, and I conduct the daily briefing—that’s good enough for me.”
“I think you should all give it a try,” Fanny said. She’d refused to help Pat present the idea to others, and was standing at the back of the group with her arms crossed and her chin raised. Pat had been beginning to worry that maybe she’d decided to retract her support. “This is a good Christian household, and we should all be doing something to mark this most auspicious and important time of year.”
The Captain immediately stood up straighter, turning to address Fanny as if reporting to a superior. “It certainly wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. In fact, I think it’s an excellent idea. I shall be encouraging each of you to participate fully.”
Well, at the Captain’s on my side, Pat thought. Even if it was only because of his weird desire to align himself with Lady B, it was a victory Pat would take.
“How exciting! A Christmas quiz!” Kitty said.
“S’pose it might be a bit of funs.”
“I think it’s a good idea, by the way,” came Humphrey’s voice from somewhere, and they all looked around in surprise. Eventually he was found underneath the sofa, and the Captain lifted him up so he could join in. “Although I may have a disadvantage in terms of knowing about things that go on in this house.”
“Why not? I often excelled at competitions of wit when I was alive,” Thomas said.
“Yeah, it’s more about… getting to know your fellow ghosts than how smart you are,” Pat said. Thomas said nothing, and he didn’t push it. As long as he was on board.
“Fine. Le’s do it.”
“And Robin makes seven,” Pat said. “Awesome! You guys aren’t gonna regret entrusting me with this, I promise!”
In order to get the quiz done in time for Christmas Day, Pat enlisted the help of Fanny and Robin. Fanny because she had insisted on it so forcefully that he’d had no choice but to let her help, and Robin because he’d had nothing better to do when Pat had asked for volunteers. Robin’s help turned out to be mostly useless—he was good at gathering information, yes, but seemed to have a very different idea of what made a good quiz question than most people. And Fanny’s creative input was something else entirely.
“You should make it at least a hundred questions long,” she told him sternly. “Anything else would simply be too easy for everyone.”
“It’s not meant to be University Challenge, Fanny,” Pat said. “It’s just meant to be fun.”
“Well the only way to make something fun is to present a proper challenge. Otherwise just about anyone can do it.”
“That’s… sort of the point, isn’t it? Besides, we can’t do a hundred questions, or have you forgotten that I have to memorise them all?”
“Do my question about squirrels!” Robin said.
“Robin, for the last time, the questions are meant to be about us. We all agreed on that. We have to at least give everyone a chance to get it.”
Robin shrugged. “Your loss.”
“Did you get anything useful when I sent you out to find information?”
“Oh yeah! Super cool cloud over east garden, kind of look like bum.”
“That’s a no then. Fanny, please tell me you have some ideas.”
“The Captain talks to his pillow sometimes when he thinks no one is around to hear. Thomas can’t actually tell the difference between Baroque and Renaissance and has been making it up this whole time. Humphrey still doesn’t know who Shakespeare is. Robin claims to have been the inspiration behind Stonehenge. Kitty likes to befriend the pigeons that live on the roof. I’ve read the entirety of On The Origin Of Species. The Captain can play the violin. Mary never travelled beyond the house and her village in life. You’ve seen Les Miserables live eight times. Thomas is allergic to hazelnuts.” She folded her arms and looked smugly at him.
“Wow,” Pat said, blinking in shock.
“That should be enough to get you started,” she said.
Eventually they were able to agree on a compromise—the quiz would be fifty questions long, and Pat would remember the first half, and Fanny the second half. Everyone playing would have to keep track of their own scores. Robin was very little help and spent the rest of their planning time chasing shadows around the drawing room, but he did agree that if anyone was having second thoughts about taking part, he’d be there to give them some gentle encouragement.
Christmas Day came, and Pat was beside himself with excitement to finally get the quiz started. They waited until early afternoon, and then Pat and Robin rounded everyone up in the common room. They even managed to find Humphrey’s head, which now lay contently in Kitty’s lap. He seemed the most excited about taking part in the quiz—as for everyone else, opinions seemed to differ.
“I just hope this doesn’t take too long,” the Captain was saying. “The King’s—Queen’s—speech must be on right now…”
“Heather never watches it,” Thomas said gently. “This year won’t be any different.”
“You don’t know that!” the Captain protested.
“Oh, isn’t this exciting?” Kitty gushed, stroking Humphrey’s hair. “A whole Christmas tradition all of our own!”
“I thinks we shoulds have gone with the pantomime instead,” Mary said.
“Okay, everyone!” Pat said, stepping to the front of the room. “The moment you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived… Welcome to the first ever Button House Christmas Quiz!”
There was a smattering of applause. Pat stood for a moment looking out at his fellow ghosts, and felt a bubble of hope rise up in him. I did this, he thought. I got them all here together, to take part in something as a group. It may not have been a real Christmas, not by any means, but it was something. And he’d gladly take that over nothing.
“Get on with it, man!” the Captain shouted, and Pat came quickly back down to earth. Still, he held on to that warm feeling as he took a breath, and began to recite the first question.
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"Pat watched with bated breath as the Captain ran a gentle finger over Daley’s dainty knuckles. His small hand unclenched from a fist and like magic, when the Captain offered his pinky out, Daley closed his fingers around it tightly. Air caught audibly in the Captain’s throat and all he could do was stare."
-The World in Colour on AO3 by @patcaps (here)
Video process: (At the beginning you can see me tracing over a printscreen. I closed Clip Studio without saving but gladly I had a printscreen I had sent to my friend right before closing CS. Amen!)
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stop-saying-tootsie · 2 years
I lied! Chapter three is up now :]
I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I have a lot of fun writing it. Feel free to leave comments and such yk the drill
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spacerangersam · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts about my ghost swap au and nothing to do with them, so here:
• The Butchers are cryptids to the people living in the town near Button House. Like, they appear out of nowhere claiming ownership of this giant abandoned manor, one fucking dies, is revived, decides to keep living at the place where he died, is known to stare blankly into space or wave and laugh at nothing, and the other has a mysterious past he never talks about and no one can even figure out what his name is
• Pat thinks it's hilarious. Ted claims to find it annoying, but also still refuses to give his name...
• Outside of the scouts, Pat is a host at the local radio station, and also has his own podcast, Conversations wih a Ghost where he records him and Kitty (talking through a spirit box) just chatting about random things. No one knows if this is just a gimmick, if he's being serious or if it's a narrative podcast. Pat refuses to say
• Ted is a ww2 historian and works from home, writing books/textbooks about the period, making the occasional guest appearance on tv or in unis for a talk
• Every V-Day they throw a themed party/event in the manor and invite all the towns people. Same with Pride
• The ghosts only cause slight chaos every time. Regardless, they're still known for being amazing events
• Before their first pride at the house, Pat made the ghosts a presentation explaining it/all the sexualities and genders. There were a lot of realisations that day
• They have a cat called Cadet and she seems to see the ghosts, though no one's entirely sure
• Every time Daley comes over, he insists on having a sleepover with Jemima where they watch musical movies and sing along together. It's very cute (unless you're Ted, watching your step-son sing Let It Go while a disembodied voice of a dead child sings along. Then it's a little unsettling)
• Pat tries to make a habit of visiting the plague ghosts at least once a week to chat (ie gossip about everyone upstairs). He does have to wear sunglasses to somewhat hide the body horror, but no one takes it personally
• After some time Daley starts calling all the ghosts uncles/aunts. It happens to Julian first after he helps Daley something, and he has a crisis for the rest of the day
• No one is allowed to bring up the ghosts to Carol or Morris. No one.
• Pat told his sister and her family though. Bill claims he can also see ghosts, so immediately believes him, and the others follow suit
• Pat loves Britney Spears.
• When Pat and Ted first met they didn't get on. Ted confused his initial attraction to Pat for hatred so acted out, and Pat followed accordingly. It took them getting into a massive fight and Pat actually punching Ted so hard that he fell to the ground for Ted to realise Oh! I like him don't I?
• Ted immediately blurted out that he loved Pat, who was, understandably, very confused
• But after a coffee and a chat they sorted themselves out and went on a date, and the rest is history
• To this day Pat still doesn't understand how a punch was what made Ted realise the truth though
• Ted adores the Sherlock Holmes stories and is on a constant quest to find a gay version of it (it hasn't been going well)
• He's actually very good at poetry and likes writing little poems for Pat
• Speaking of poetry, Pat writes down and posts Thomas' poetry on a blog Pat made for him.
• Ted gives feedback on evey poem and Thomas hates it (though he does usually take on the advice, albeit very reluctantly)
• They throw an unofficial wedding for Mike and Alison a year after they move in. It's very strange, but the Coopers insist it's the best night of their deaths
• Ted hosts a weekly soldiers support group
• Pat paints (or hires someone to paint, either works) a massive painting of everyone living in the house, dead and alive, and hangs it where the portrait of Mr Button used to be
• Stephanie frequently helps them with any money problems, and Daley with his maths homework
• Ted is very quiet at parties, unless you bring up his husband, son, or a wrong historical fact. Then he will not shut
• Pat makes the mistake of introducing Thomas to Mitski. The word nobody is banned two days in
• Thomas and Alison did actually go on a date once, about a week after Alison died. It was very awkward. They've agreed to never talk about it
• Pat figures out very quickly that Julian was the one to push him and absolutely holds it over his head when Julian's getting too cocky
• After discovering that Kitty can use the spirit box, Ted makes a habit of keeping it turned on and in his pocket so that Kitty can come up and talk to him whenever she likes
• Pat gets along best with Alison and Humphrey, though if you ask he'd of course say he doesn't have favourites
• If Pat finds a ghost while out and about, he tries to stop long enough to at least say hi, and has been known to accidentally help a few pass on just by answering a question or two
• Kitty loves playing Just Dance with them, and whoever's not playing makes up her scores. She always wins when Ted's in charge of that, funnily enough
• Pat starts wearing the brightest/weirdest socks he can find just so Humphrey has something interesting to look at on days he's stuck on the floor
• Pat is strong enough to pick Ted up, at least for a few moments.
• Ted is the one who usually goes a bit overboard during anniversaries and valentine's Day, but it always turns out well in the end
• Date nights with the Butchers, Coopers, and Kitty and Mary!
• Daley is big into space so he and Robyn watch a lot of documentaries/movies together about it.
• Daley caries a small string of battery-powered fairy lights around the house that Robin (after a lesson from Pat) can use to talk through Morse code
• He also occasionally does it with the big lights in the house when he wants Ted's attention
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dex-xe · 3 years
I’ve made Spotify playlists inspired by each of the ghosts and I’ve made these little written pieces to talk about them. if you wanna read them, please go ahead - if not then enjoy the music!!
This is Pat's playlist:
Dancing In the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
A 1984 hit that Pat definitely would have loved, it’s brilliant tbh.
I Will Follow You into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
Poor Pat. I feel so sorry for him having to leave his family so young, like as someone who lost a parent very young (although I’m assuming slightly older than Daley would’ve been) it breaks my heart to see Pat’s family turn up at Button House. I’ve been to the place my parent died a number of times since and every time it makes me feel kinda sick. It’s an interesting idea for the show to explore, sometimes I forget just how dark this show actually is but like it’s a comedy but it’s literally about the trauma of death like???
Kids In America - Kim Wilde
I too adore Kim Wilde, Pat.
Dance With Me - Alphaville
RIP Pat Butcher you would’ve loved this song. Like Pat’s a dancing king as has been shown in ALN (one of my favourite episodes O.o) and that’s legit one of my favourite scenes where Pat and the Captain are arguing on the dance floor. I say “naff off, you wazzock” more than is socially acceptable XD
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Pat was obviously a fan of Sweet Caroline, man was a DJ extraordinaire and a huge football fan therefore obvious. It’s kinda weird to imagine Pat at the local game on a Sunday afternoon but like he definitely did, maybe he took Daley a few times. More of Pat’s life please, Parent Pat plsss.
Radio Ga Ga - Queen
The Grey Lady is one of my absolute favourite episodes cause I think ghosts hunters are a really great concept for an episode and Pat trying to host a radio show is just so incredibly funny. Pat’s little “apologies to those still waiting for the pop quiz” is just so good. But yeah, radio guy.
Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles
More radio references but also, I think Pat (and Julian as well) are most indicative of the increasingly rapid passage of time through technology. Like when Pat’s like”knocks the socks off Betamax!!” And Julian says “that must be two CD noms max” or something (I can’t remember exactly what he says). There’s a thing called Moore’s Law that states that technology doubles in capability and halves in price every two years (I know that’s not right but that’s the basic gist don’t come at me) but that means that growth in technological accessibility is increasing at a more rapid pace every year. Anyway, I think watching Pat and Julian struggle with modern technology is so fascinating cause they’re so different to today despite only living a few decades ago.
Together In Electric Dreams - Phil Oakey & Giorgio Moroder
Pat would’ve just missed this and honestly big sad. Such a cheesy song and just pure 80s cringe and I adore it XD But yeah, “we will always be together”.
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
I put this on so many character playlists (I have literally hundreds of private character playlists on my personal spotify, there’s legitimately tons) because it’s just a nice song and yeah, Pat would love it :D
Alright - Supergrass
This was more placed here as something for Pat’s scouts. Like the song is so often used to show young people having fun and being care-free and I just love the image of Pat driving the scouts out into the country and it being a superrrrr long drive and then finally they get off the bus and just run free with this song playing. I loved being in Scouts and most of the Masters were so much fun and I just really wanna see more of Pat making sure his scouts have a great time!!
Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
(Dexys Midnight Runners are actually the reason behind my username on here…) But yeah just the 80s personified this song. And I hope your proud of me for not making the classic Australian Radio joke I always make when this song comes up… XD
December, 1963 (Oh What A Night) - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Pat was born in 1945/6, right?? Well then he would’ve turned 18 in 1963. I always forget that Pat was not just an 80s guy like he was a teen in the 50s and 60s and then in his 20s in the 70s like that’s sick!! But yeah sorry, this is just a great song!!
(Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
Pat, my guy. My heart breaks in that scene where Pat really thinks he’s going to heaven. My. Heart. Breaks. I’m assuming the ghosts don’t know what happens when you “move on” but Pat immediately assumes upon seeing a bright light that that’s it for him?? Maybe it’s just based on films and pop culture that he’s aware of?? Or maybe it’s just because he was emotional and had had a massive revelation of sorts and assumed he would move on??
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) - Jimmy Somerville
Just a good song againnnnnnnnn, but also since Alison turning up like how incredible would it be to finally have a living breathing human who you can talk to. Like how real would that make you feel?? Like okay Jimmy, come back to me once you've been dead 40 years and meet a woman who half died and can now see you, then that's real!! XD
Don’t You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
I feel like Pat more than anyone is concerned about being forgotten but is also one of the least likely to be forgotten for the time being. Like he has a whole family who won’t forget him for at minimum two generations in addition to God knows how many scouts who will clearly not forget him. He passed on skills that they will pass on to others who will pass on to others like one day his name will be forgotten but not what he imparted onto the world. Okay got philosophical but yeah, you shan’t be forgotten any time soon Pat!!
Top Gun Anthem - Harold Faltermeyer & Steve Stevens
A great film, good choice Pat.
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go - Wham!
1980s icon George Michael. Just a fun song.
Somewhere in My Heart - Aztec Camera
Pat still loves Carol despite what she did to him… That is either an incredibly emotionally mature man or a man in denial who knows?? But this song is just so lovely, like it feels very pure and uncomplicated if that makes sense.
I’m Still Standing - Elton John
Having just said that, I feel like this is part is just kind of a fuck you. Like just a moment to be like ‘i’m still living (hehe dying) a good life (hehe death) despite what you did to me.'
The Wanderer - Status Quo
This is the song that plays when Pat gets into the bus after being shot. It’s basically just about being a player and hitting on loads of women, so not particularly relevant but it’s still a good song and I genuinely find that scene really eerie and yeah, *shudder* just find it weird.
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thotfuss · 4 years
20-25 for the ask meme !
20. Favorite fruit and vegetable?
uhhh i like oranges and eggplant!
21. What’s your favorite dish to cook?
spanikopita! or pies. i make SO many pies
22. Favorite beverage?
dirty chai
23. How are you feeling in this moment?
very flatline-ey
24. Are you reading a book at this moment? What do you like about it?
oh i am reading. a lot rn: I’m reading bone by yrsa daley-ward, (re-reading) war of the foxes by richard siken, hearts in atlantis by stephen king, the book of mankey by richard pierce, (re-reading) beartown by fredrick backman, and the butchering art by lindsey fitzharris. They’re all good! war of the foxes, bone, and the book of mankey are all poetry so i usually work through those slow like 1 or 2 a day or else i go INSANE. uhhh beartown is one of my favorite books of all time ever so it makes my heart feel like its overflowing when i read it honestly, hearts in atlantis is good! i have some issues w/ how stephen king writes women. a lot of issues. but im enjoying it! and the butchering art is about 19th century surgical procedures and how joseph lister transformed the practice of operations. and it’s SO interesting i read like half of it in one sitting its super graphic but its really good i absolutely love anatomy. this is way too much to answer for one question lmao
25. Name 3 songs that stir up the deepest emotions.
the entirety of gone now tbh but dream of mickey mantle by bleachers, richie tozier by ok otter, and sleep in the heat by PUP 
(send me theeese)
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#IrishAmericanHeritageMonth 🇺🇸🇮🇪 Richard J. Daley Mayor of Chicago Richard J. Daley was born in Bridgeport, a working-class neighborhood of Chicago.[2] He was the only child of Michael and Lillian (Dunne) Daley, whose families had both arrived from the Old Parish area, near Dungarvan, County Waterford, Ireland, during the Great Famine.[3] Richard's father was a sheet metal worker with a reserved demeanor. Michael's father, James E. Daley, was a butcher born in New York, while his mother, Delia Gallagher Daley, was an Irish immigrant. Richard's mother was outgoing and outspoken. Before women obtained the right to vote in 1920, Lillian Daley was an active suffragette, participating in marches and often bringing her son to them. She hoped her son's life would be more professionally successful than that of his parents. Prior to his mother's death, Daley had won the Democratic nomination for Cook County sheriff. Lillian wanted more than this for her son, telling a friend, "I didn't raise my son to be a policeman."[4] Daley would later state that his wellsprings were his religion, his family, his neighborhood, the Democratic Party, and his love of the city. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMcMAGxFFwcyg-3WQ11DQy2Bn2OuRfaCWkqljc0/?igshid=rmbchmglj07s
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pcssessivc-blog · 7 years
a abbott abernathy adair adams adkins alexander allen allison andersen anderson andrews archer armstrong arsenault ashby ashworth atkinson austin ayers 
b bailey bain baker baldwin ball ballard banks barnes barnett barr barrett barry bartlett barton bateman bauer beck bell bennett benson bentley benton bird bishop black blackburn blackwell blair blake bolton bond bowen bowers bowman boyd boyle bradford bradley bradshaw brady brennan brewer briggs brooks broussard brown bruce bryant buchanan buckley bullock burgess burke burnham burns burton butcher butler byrne 
c cahill caldwell calhoun callahan cameron campbell cannon cantrell carey carlson carney carpenter carr carroll carson carter carver casey cassidy castillo castro chandler chaney chapman chase chavez christian christie church churchill clancy clarke clay clayton clifford cobb cochran coffey cole coleman collier collins combs compton conley connell connolly conrad conway cook cooke cooley cooney cooper copeland corbett costello coughlin cowan cox coyle coyne craig crawford crockett cross crowley cruz cunningham curran curtis 
d daley dalton daly daniel daniels daugherty davenport davidson davies davis dawson day dean delaney dempsey devine diaz dickey dickinson dillon dixon dobson dodd doherty dolan donahue donaldson donnelly donovan dougherty douglas dowd downey doyle drake drew driscoll duckworth dudley dugan duncan dunlap dunn dwyer 
e eaton edmonds edwards egan elliott ellis emery erickson evans 
f fallon fanning farley faulkner ferguson fernandez finch finn finnegan fischer fitzgerald fitzpatrick fitzsimmons flanagan fletcher flores flynn foley forbes ford foster fowler fox franklin fraser freeman frost fry fuller 
g gallagher galloway garcia gardner garner garrett garrison garza gauthier gentry george gibbons gibbs gibson gilbert gill gillespie glass gonzales goode goodwin gordon grace grady graham grant graves gray greene greer gregory griffin griffith gunn gustafson guthrie 
h hackett hagan hahn hale haley hall halsey hamilton hammond hampton hancock hanley hanna hansen harding hardy harper harrington harris harrison hart hartley harvey hastings hatch hawkins hayden hayes haynes healy heath henderson henry hensley hernandez hewitt hickey hickman hicks higgins hill hodges hoffman hogan holbrook holden holland hollis holloway holman holmes holt hood hooper hopkins hopper horton houghton houston howard howe howell hubbard huber hudson huffman hughes hull humphrey humphries hunt hunter hurley hurst hutchinson hutchison 
i ingram 
j jackson jacobs james jamison jarvis jensen johnson jones jordan joyce 
k kane kearney keating keegan keene kehoe keith kelleher keller kelly kemp kendall kennedy kent kerr kidd kilgore kincaid king kinney kirby kirk kirkland kirkpatrick klein knight koch koenig krause 
l lacroix lafferty lake lamont lancaster lane larkin larsen law lawrence lawson leblanc lee leslie levesque lewis lindsay little lloyd lockhart long lopez love lowe lucas lynch lyons 
m macdonald macgregor mackay mackenzie mackinnon maclean macleod macmillan macpherson madden maher mahoney maldonado malloy malone maloney manning marsh marshall martin martinez mason massey matthews maurer maxwell may maynard mcallister mcbride mccabe mccaffrey mccain mccall mccann mccarthy mccartney mcclellan mcconnell mccormack mccoy mccullough mccurdy mcdaniel mcdaniel mcdermott mcdonald mcdonough mcdowell mcgrath mcgraw mcgregor mcguire mchugh mcintosh mcintyre mckay mckee mckenna mckenzie mckinley mckinney mckinnon mcknight mclain mcleod mcmahon mcmillan mcnally mcnamara mcneill mcpherson mcqueen mead meadows medina meier melton merritt meyer middleton miles miller mitchell molloy monaghan monroe montgomery moody mooney moore morales moran moreno morgan morris morrison morrow moss mueller munn munro murdock murphy murray myers 
n nash neal nelson neville newton nichols nicholson nielsen noble nolan norris north norwood 
o o'brien o'connell o'connor o'donnell o'grady o'hara o'keefe o'leary o'neal o'neill o'reilly o'rourke o'sullivan ogden oliver olson orr ortega ortiz owens 
p page palmer parker parks parrish parsons patterson patton payne pearson penn pennington pereira peters peterson phillips pierce pike piper pittman pollard pollock poole porter potter powell power powers pratt preston price prince pritchard proctor pruitt purcell putnam 
q quinlan quinn 
r rafferty ralston ramirez ramos ramsey randall rankin ray reece reed reeves regan reid reilly reyes reynolds rhodes richards richardson riley ritchie rivera roberts robertson robinson roche rodgers rodriguez rollins romero rooney rose ross rossi roth rowe roy russell russo ryan 
s salisbury sampson sanders sandoval santiago saunders sawyer schaefer schmidt schneider schofield schroeder schultz schwartz scott sears serrano sharp shaw shea sheehan shelton shepherd sheridan sherwood shields short simmons simpson sims sinclair skinner slattery sloan smart smith snow snyder somerville soto sparks spears spence spencer stack stafford stanley stanton steele stephens stevens stevenson stewart stiles stokes stone strickland strong stuart suarez sullivan sutherland sutton sweeney 
t taylor temple tennant thomas thompson thomson thornton thorpe thurston tierney tilley timmons tobin todd torres townsend trevino tucker turner 
u underwood upton 
v vance vaughan vega vogel 
w walker wallace walsh walton ward ware warner warren watkins watson weaver webb weber weeks wells welsh wentworth west whalen wheeler whitaker white wiley wilkinson williams williamson willis willoughby wilson wood woodard woodruff woods woodward wren wright wyatt 
y yates york young 
z ziegler
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natjennie · 3 months
listen I've said it before and I'll say it again. the entirely fictional ~8 year-old daley butcher that exists in the hearts and minds of me and every modern/alive ghosts writer means the world to me. okay. you can pry him from my cold dead hands.
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thatgordongirl · 11 months
Colour Symbolism: Patrick Butcher
Reminder this is highly speculative and it’s probably just me overanalysing clothes. Don’t take it too seriously if you don’t want to 
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Other than being just a regular Scout Master uniform, it tells you what kind of person Pat is from the beginning. The persona is presented as positive and uplifting as he’s meant to be the supportive one of the group. What I think is a consistent thing with the ghosts is their clothing being somewhat deceptive, as in it displays a part of their character that masks a whole other part. Though this presentation of Pat isn’t necessarily false, it masks the fact that he can’t work through his own emotional damage. His persona of comforting others makes him seem more sure in himself than he is. 
Beige, his preferred kind of brown, is considered basic by most people, like Captain, he has a relatively consistent colour across all articles of clothing. It is somewhat structured and plain, which could relate to his routine and issues in his relationship with Carol. However, he is unaware of the issues it poses to others, and thus he embraces the use of beige, he embraces structure. Brown is commonly used to signify dullness and predictability. Brown is a neutral, which suits Pat’s mediation skills. It is a resilient colour, which applies more to others than it does to Pat. It takes someone else to make Pat recover, such as Robin. 
They are both dressed brown, where Robin is grounded, Pat is dependable. Brown is an isolated colour, which highlights how Pat feels about being separated from his family. He’s used to being in large groups. Brown’s natural compliment is blue, which is the same colour as the arrow in his neck. His death decidedly compliments his persona, a brown scout uniform and a blue arrow. Alright, let’s have a look at some of his life looks:
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(Pardon the 80s quality and general badness) Pat wears some lovely looking sweaters around Christmas and in general. It’s not exactly an uncommon thing, but in relation to Pat it further emphasises his warm and inviting nature. It also highlights his organisation as his clothes are complimentary, reds, blues and whites. Pat’s role as a family man is very significant to him, and he presents himself as such. Pat’s more darker clothes are only seen at home, now he probably did wear them outside, but it would be interesting to consider he only showed his doubts or anxieties to his family in the form of darker tones. 
Now a little surprise, let’s have a look at Carol and Daley: 
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Before Pat’s death, she wears rather dark colours which I assume to be green, brown or black. They not only match Pat, but signify their connection. Carol is spreading to agree with Pat on his structure, but her clothes are darker than his generally are, showing they have a significant difference. Considering her affair with Morris, it may have been her being somewhat unhappy. 
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After Pat’s death, Carol is seen wearing lighter colours, particularly pink. She’s also less frustrated by Daley getting the camera out, probably because it reminds her of Pat. She’s most likely partially reconciled with herself by this point, four years on from Pat, and perhaps already moving forward with Morris. As such, she wears brighter and happier colours. 
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(I’m assuming it’s Daley in the second one, but I could be wrong and I don’t have the episode downloaded) Daley’s outfit also compliment Pat’s, incorporating brown and yellow, whilst also having darker green and brown like Carol. He has both of their qualities, being able to be positive whilst also acknowledging the faults. Daley is well-rounded, Pat did a good job. 
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After Pat dies, Daley begins to emulate him. Daley wears a sweater reminiscent of Pat’s, darker yet with colourful elements. It is clear he begins taking on more of his father’s traits after his passing, especially when he continues the Christmas tradition. It is no wonder he named his son Patrick. 
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thrashermaxey · 5 years
Ramblings: Steen Returns; Hagelin Traded; Hronek; Buchnevich; More – February 22
  As expected, Nazem Kadri was not at game-day skate for the Leafs and did not play on Thursday night after suffering a concussion on Tuesday. Concussions are very fickle and it’s doubtful we get any sort of timeline on this. Owners will just have to be patient.
Kadri being out of the lineup led to William Nylander centering the third line with Andreas Johnsson and Connor Brown. Johnsson also took Kadri’s spot on the top PP unit. Johnsson, by the way, had 10 shots on goal in Toronto's 3-2 loss to Washington on Tuesday night. In his previous 10 games, he had 7 shots. Let's call this one an anomaly. 
A little bit to my surprise, Devante Smith-Pelly made it through waivers and the Caps look like they’ll be able to hang on to him. As I mentioned yesterday, teams love guys with rings and he has one plus a cheap contract. Not to mention San Jose claiming Michael Haley and Nashville actually giving up a draft pick for Cody McLeod, neither player being as good as Smith-Pelly. Though I guess if hockey was predictable, it’d be boring.
With Alex Steen back in the Blues lineup, Robby Fabbri is again on the outside looking in, though he’s still in the lineup skating on the fourth trio. I still have a lot of faith in his talent, but the 2018-19 season is a lost cause for him.
Staying with the Blues, Jaden Schwartz replaced Brayden Schenn on the top line and Robert Thomas took Schwartz’s spot on the second line. This interesting because Schenn’s name has popped up in trade rumours this year, though not as much now that the team is winning. Maybe they’re still looking to move him? The official reasoning from the coach was an upper-body injury but taking what any coach (outside of Tortorella) says at face value at this (or nearly any) time of year isn’t advisable.
The Washington Capitals traded a third-round pick in 2019 and a conditional sixth in 2020 to Los Angeles for Carl Hagelin. Don’t even bother with him.
Brett Howden was in a non-contact jersey at the Rangers’ game-day skate as he continues his recovery from a knee injury. There is still no firm timeline for a return, but this is certainly a step in the right direction. He could have a much bigger role on this team in 4-5 days than he did a month ago.
Jayce Hawryluk was lined up on the second line for Florida on Thursday night with Mike Hoffman moving to the third line. It’s a move we’ve seen a few times this year and with the Panthers believing they’re in the playoff race, this isn’t a matter of simply giving a young guy a bigger role to see what they have, they think he can produce right now. Whether that’s misguided or not, we’ll see.
With the trade deadline quickly approaching, both in the NHL and in fantasy leagues, there’s one notion I want to discuss and that’s the idea of “overpaying.”
At the risk of sounding like a freshman college essay, the general definition of overpaying in the context of (fantasy) sports is paying above market value for an asset. In general, this idea of overpayment is more applicable in auction drafts, like paying $30 for a $20 player or whatever.
The problem with defining overpayment in terms of market value is the market isn’t always correct. It can often be incorrect. Incorrect market pricing is part of how bettors make money, for one thing. It’s also how we find values in fantasy leagues by taking advantage of ADP. Some people are afraid to take a player a few round ahead of their ADP despite the ADP not necessarily being reflective of their current, or potential, fantasy value.
It might sound simplistic but it’s where comparative evaluation is important. If you think Player A and Player B are going to be similar in production for the next six weeks, but Player B costs a top-75 player and a 2nd round pick while Player A available for just for a top-75 player, Player A is the obvious choice. The issue comes with the comparative analysis and being honest with yourself. Being able to de-couple a player being “your guy” from a player being undervalued is critical. If you lie to yourself about which category a player falls, you’re doomed.
With the looming deadline, I thought it’d be worth finding a couple undervalued players to grab right now.
  Filip Hronek
I have never been a fan of Jeff Blashill. His lineup decisions constantly baffle me (the blue line and power play especially), his treatment of talents like Andreas Athanasiou infuriate me, and the way he handles young guys has typically been underwhelming. However, of late, Jonathan Ericsson has been a healthy scratch and that has led to Hronek getting his way into the lineup. Not only into the lineup, but to the top PP unit, and a top PP unit that actually features their top players (Mantha, Larkin, Athansiou, Vanek) rather than the talent being spread across two units. This is wonderful news for Hronek’s fantasy value.
Hronek’s underlying numbers are very good. He leads the Red Wings blue line in both relative shot attempts for and relative shot share. That means Detroit controls more shots with Hronek on the ice than any other defenceman. In limited ice time together, Hronek has dragged Trevor Daley’s numbers to respectability (it’s still a tiny sample, it’s just a sign in the right direction). In a much bigger sample, he’s done the same with the now-scratched Jonathan Ericsson, which is another data point indicating that Hronek is a good defenceman.
One problem is that even if he maintains PP1 status, he might not crack the 20-minute mark per game with any regularity. That’s fine, though. Guys like him can still have fantasy value (just think of Will Butcher and Mikhail Sergachev from last year), though he’d be more valuable in points-only leagues.
Acquiring Hronek is a big gamble because Blashill’s moods change with the wind and he might be back in the press box a week from now. It’s a gamble worth taking given his current usage, though, in 12-team leagues or larger.
  Pavel Buchnevich
It seems very likely that Mats Zuccarello and Kevin Hayes are both gone at the deadline. With Brett Howden on the mend, it seems he’s a likely candidate to take over for Hayes as the second line centre. Who replaces Zuccarello on the top line, though, is more uncertain.
Buchnevich has often found himself in the dog house, be it under the current coaching regime or Alain Vigneault. However, he’s been consistently lining up on the second line with Hayes of late and has responded with four points in his last four games.
Anyone who reads my Ramblings with regularity knows I think that Buchnevich hasn’t been given a fair shake and his consistency issues are overblown. My thoughts on this issue can be summarized as such:
  would you believe me if I told you that the duo of Kreider and Zibanejad have been worse defensively over the last 2 1/2 seasons when they *don't* have Buch on their line than when they do? https://t.co/SjyTb3zZhP
— Michael Clifford (@SlimCliffy) January 29, 2019
  It seems very plausible that if Zucc is traded, Buch takes his spot on the top line. It could go to someone like Jesper Fast I suppose but this team needs to see what it has in its young players post-deadline. It makes all the sense in the world for Buchnevich to join the top line and he can probably be had for a bag of peanuts. The time to acquire him would be right now and not after the deadline. If next Tuesday comes and then we find out Buchnevich is skating with Chris Kreider and Mika Zibanejad, it’ll be too late. Though, to be fair, if Kreider is traded as well, I’m not sure Buchnevich will amount to much. That adds to the gamble here.
In anticipation of the trade deadline, Ottawa sat all three of Matt Duchene, Mark Stone, and Ryan Dzingel. I know it’s the prudent move for the organization but I’d hate to have bought a ticket in hopes of seeing Ottawa’s top players. They should give more notice than 30 minutes prior to puck drop.
In a predictable result, New Jersey shutout Ottawa 4-0. Cory Schneider registered his first shutout since November of 2017 and has now won three consecutive games. It’s far too early to say he’s back to the old Cory Schneider, but if he is, his performance over the next six weeks could swing a lot of fantasy leagues.
The reason you hold players out is so they don’t get injured, like Rangers defenceman Adam McQuaid. He left in the first period and did not return. It wasn’t clear what the injury was, though the team would say he was held out afterwards for precautionary reasons.
Victor Hedman returned to the Tampa Bay lineup Thursday night after missing their last game. It’s a sigh of relief for himself, the team, and the fans.
Justin Williams had two goals and one assist in Carolina’s 4-3 win over Florida. Nino Niederreiter had a goal and an assist, giving him 15 points in 15 games in a Hurricanes uniform. He also now has as many goals (9) with Carolina as he did with Minnesota this season in 46 games. With each passing day, that trade is looking like more and more of a home run. Once Jordan Staal returns, this team should be feared in the East.
Brendan Gallagher marked his first career hat trick in Montreal’s 5-1 win over Philadelphia. That makes 26 goals for him on the season, five away from his career-best 31 last year. He’s such a good across-the-board fantasy contributor, averaging over 1.5 hits/3.5 shots per game with a good plus/minus.
With two first-period assists in Thursday night’s game against Pittsburgh, Brent Burns tied his career-high with 55 helpers. The single-season high by any defenceman post-2005 lockout is Erik Karlsson with 66 in 2015-16. That mark is well within reach with a quarter of the season left. Burns would add a goal late in the game for the three-point night.
Aleksander Barkov continued his torrid pace on Thursday night with a goal and an assist in Florida’s 3-2 win over Carolina. That gives him nine points in three games and has 15 points in 11 games since the All-Star Break. It appears the Panthers are making another late push, but it’s a wonder if it’s too little, too late yet again.
More updates in the morning. 
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-steen-returns-hagelin-traded-hronek-buchnevich-more-february-22/
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mitchellkuga · 14 years
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Spam Is Making A Comeback At Hip NYC Restaurants
Published in Gothamist
On a recent Monday night at New York Sushi Ko, between courses of braised pork belly with dollops of yuzu foam and aged, wild caught blue fin sushi, chef John Daley reached over the bar to present a bowl of Spam fried rice. Topped with seared ahi and flourishes of fresh pineapple, the dish was a far cry from the hangover breakfasts of leaner times—and an unexpected lowbrow pop on the restaurant’s $135 special one-night tasting menu.
“Is it just regular Spam? Like from the can?” asked LauRenn Reed, one of five diners seated at the 7-seat sushi bar. All were partaking in an offbeat, Hawaiian-inflected night of Daley’s omakase, which loosely translates to “chef’s choice.” “Fresh from the can!” joked Daley, a former chef at 15 East who spent a couple of years living on Maui. “And sourced locally from the nearest bodega.”
“Gosh, I haven’t had Spam since the eighties,” said Reed, staring into her bowl. “I grew up with it. I’m not anti-Spam at all. It just reminds me of poorer days.” There was a gap in conversations as palates processed the orchestra of flavors to the loose swing of reggae pouring out of Daley’s speakers. The Spam—diced and roasted—popped through with salty bursts.
“It’s so good though!” Reed declared. “It reminds me a little bit of oxtail. So savory. I’m thinking of all the ways I could eat it.”
The final course, a plate of sushi, included Spam musubi, a Hawaiian staple composed of a slab of fried Spam affixed to a bed of rice with seaweed. For an added level of authenticity, Daley wrapped it in saran wrap, a nod to the Hawaiian street food available at local gas stations and 7-Eleven. Next to fish sourced from Tsukiji Market, it’s easy to interpret Daley’s use of Spam ironically, a suggestion he’s quick to dismiss.
“No, no, no. If I wanted to be funny I would’ve opened a bar,” explained Daley. “I love my food. I love Spam. I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love it.”
A little after 11, a group of four walked in, shedding their coats for the waiter.
“Yo John! You still doing the Spam thing?” asked Leah Cohen, a contestant on Season 5 of Top Chef and the chef at Pig and Khao. “Got it!” Daley fired back.
Amid a food scene populated with grass-fed beef and humanely butchered pork, it’s surprising that this brick of protein has been popping up on New Yorkers’ menus. This isn’t an artisanal, organic or house-made variety. It’s a gelatinous block of Hormel canned meat; sliced, glazed, and fried without a hint of irony or intended shock value. And in pockets of New York known for more refined palates, it’s garnering a surprisingly enthusiastic response.
“For a lot of Asians it really is soul food,” said Mike Briones, the owner and chef of Suzume, a small, candlelit ramen and sushi bar located in Williamsburg. Last fall, Suzume began serving Spam musubi as a special, a nod to the few years Briones spent living in Honolulu. The reception has been overwhelmingly positive. “Usually it’s one person at the table who understands Spam, and then the other person will try it. People are ordering it and asking if we’re going to put it on the menu and taking it to go.”
It’s been a long and unlikely journey from Spam’s humble origins, as a product born out of the Great Depression to a special featured at a trendy Brooklyn restaurant. Produced in Minnesota, the blue cans of blended pork shoulder and ham debuted in American grocery stores in 1937, peaking in popularity during WWII, when troops stationed overseas referred to it as “Special Army Meat.” Since then, the pink brick has been associated with harder times, the outcast of preserved meats, left to linger in the dark recesses of the cupboard. A Monty Python skit from 1970, in which two diners are confronted with a Spam-centric menu, gave birth to “spam” as electronic junk mail; an inescapable annoyance.
In Hawaii, which consumes around 7 million cans of Spam each year, the connotations are more sunny. An annual Spam Jam festival sees a main street in Waikiki closed to traffic in celebration of the beloved street food. Local McDonald’s serve Spam breakfast with eggs and rice. In New York, framing Spam around the context of Hawaii is a logical way to highlight its tasty attraction.
For Daley, who grew up in New Jersey eating Spam for breakfast, the luncheon meat felt synonymous with riding the bus. He vowed to never eat it again, even after moving to Maui for a couple of years as an adult. “But you live in Hawaii long enough and you end up eating musubi one day,” explains Daley. “You have $2 left, one beer and one musubi. And it’s like ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ It’s absolutely awesome. Once I had it, I was hooked.”
The consensus amongst chefs is to avoid the desire to elevate Spam into a more refined product, and instead focus on pairing it with the right ingredients. Briones said it took a while for his cooks to figure that out. For Suzume’s Spam musubi they experimented with fancy glazes and different cooking methods before Briones interjected, explaining that the relationship between the Spam, rice and nori already composed the perfect umami, or harmony of flavors. In short, when it comes to Spam, less is more.
Spam isn’t just popping up as a surprise item on otherwise upscale menus. Onomea, a Hawaiian restaurant that opened last August in Williamsburg, serves Spam musubi and Spam fried rice next to other humble island staples, like shoyu chicken. For Hawaii born Cystalyn Costa, Onomea’s 24-year-old owner, incorporating Spam on the menu was a no-brainer. “You can’t open up a Hawaiian restaurant without having Spam on the menu,” she said. “Spam is Hawaii. Hawaii is spam.”
Comfort and familiarity was also what inspired the Spam fried rice at King Noodle, which opened last July in Bushwick. Owner and chef Nick Subic grew up in Michigan eating Spam omelets on Christmas morning as part of his family potluck. The warm bowl of pan-fried Spam sprinkled over a mound of rice, eggs and green onions comes served in a less familiar setting: psychedelic track lights illuminating walls coated in day glow graffiti. “To me it’s one of the most simple and comforting dishes on the menu,” said Subic, a former chef at nearby Roberta’s. “We just want it to be something on the menu that when you try it, you go 'Oh yeah, that’s delicious.’”
For a more experimental approach there’s Maharlika, a Filipino restaurant in the East Village that serves—in addition to other dishes with Spam “fresh from the can"—beer-battered Spam fries. Chef Miguel Trinidad came to his fries the way most people come to Spam: he was running out of food. At the last minute, a wedding reception that Maharlika hosted jumped from 50 guests to 75. In a pinch, Trinidad battered leftover pieces of Spam and threw them in the fryer. "Everyone went nuts,” he said. The next week it was on the menu. “I wasn’t ordering enough Spam. I would order a case, 12 cans, and it would be gone in two days. People were just coming for the Spam fries.”
While Spam’s reputation may always precede it, it’s clear that New Yorkers are starting to recognizing its virtues, thanks to a small but growing handful of chefs and business owners, a feat in an increasingly health conscious food scene.
“At the end of the day, it’s not good for you,” said Briones. “Personally I’m really healthy. All the protein here is as hormone and biotic free as possible. Except for the Spam. But it’s good for your soul.”
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natjennie · 11 months
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