#and as you can see this is 98% accurate
cupidjyu · 10 months
Hii!! Can you do a reaction for the 98 line where their s/o interacts with deobis and takes care of them/fangirls with them👉👈
your biggest fan
(98 line) when they catch you interacting with his own fans (request, so sorry for the late response!)
genre: fluff, you're very awkward, accurate depiction of a tbz concert from own experience, kisses, just good feelings? notes: totally unrealistic, but this is the type of delulu a fan feels everyday so i get it~ word count: 1.3k
“Has anyone seen Y/n?” He poked his head into their waiting room. Everyone looked up and simply shrugged.
He sighed, shaking his head as he walked back out into the hallway. He and the other members were preparing to perform their new song and you were nowhere to be seen.
He always loved to give you a sweet kiss before going on stage, claiming it was his “good luck charm.”
As he walked the hallways, he suddenly heard your voice. He followed it until he stopped right outside of one of the dressing rooms. It wasn’t a dressing room for his own group, in fact, it was for a whole other group. He raised an eyebrow.
When he peeked in, he noticed there were no other idols. It was just you and two stylists.
“Juyeon? Oh, yeah…” You sighed dreamily, looking off into space.
“He’s my favorite!” One of them spoke up. The other stylist practically screamed at his name being mentioned. Juyeon jumped. He always forgot that he was famous.
“Mine too,” She babbled while jumping up and down. “He’s so handsome.”
“Isn’t he?” He watched as you smiled, your eyes doing that thing where it would twinkle admiringly. “He’s really handsome. Especially… up close.” 
They gasped immediately at your words. “You met him?”
That was when you noticed your mistake and your eyes immediately widened. You had completely forgotten that your relationship was supposed to be private. You stuttered and quickly flailed your hands around in denial. 
“Uh– yes!” You exclaimed. “I was a… backup dancer once?”
“A stylist’s assistant and a backup dancer and met Juyeon up close?” The stylist gazed in awe. “That’s amazing.”
You laughed nervously and looked away. That was when your eyes met his when he was peeking through the door. You instantly stifled a laugh when you noticed that he was blushing.
“Really?” He complained after the stylists had left. “In front of other people? ‘Oh, he’s so, so, so, so handsome…’”
You shoved him with a pout. “I did not sound like that.”
“To me, you definitely sounded like you were in love,” He laughed, pulling you into a tight hug before kissing the top of your head.
You shrugged. “Maybe I am.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay backstage?” He frowned when you mentioned the idea of watching their performance in the audience. “It’s a little loud in the crowd.”
You shook your head stubbornly.
“I want to. I want to experience it, Kev.”
“Okay, okay,” He smiled, not being able to resist your sulkiness. He quickly pulled you into a kiss before waving and winking at you. “See you in the crowd then.”
“See you on stage!” You laughed back, blowing a kiss in which he shook his head at.
Luckily, you were placed in the crowd right next to the barricade. You had severely overestimated just how overwhelming it can be. Some fans were pushing you, some were screaming right in your ear, and one person had even fallen down for some reason. But, you stayed there, in hopes of seeing your boyfriend on stage, doing his job very, very attractively.
All of a sudden, you were startled by the people around you cheering and screaming extra loud, even waving their signs around. You looked around confused for a second but when you turned your attention back to the stage, you were surprised to see that it was Kevin.
He was crouching down, looking down at the crowd. He must have asked which section you were going to be in. Your eyes immediately lit up at the sight. He searched for a while before he finally caught sight of you.
He waved and he made half of a heart with his hands and mouthed the words, “I love you.”
You smiled dearly and completed it with yours. When you noticed that he was glaring at you with impatience, you snorted and finally mouthed “I love you” back.
The fans beside you looked at you with excitement and also a bit of jealousy. One of them nudged you.
“Oh my god,” She smiled. “He noticed you! You’re so lucky.”
“Of course he did.” You grinned cheekily with flushed cheeks.
You had ignored the weird look she gave you after.
One time, you had overheard another member mumbling to himself as he looked out the window.
“It’s so hot outside and they’re still waiting in line…” He frowned. All the fans were in fact, lined up to meet them, some fanning their faces and on the verge of fainting. You hummed when an idea popped up in your head.
Quickly, you grabbed the nearby pack of water bottles and headed outside. With a smile on your face, you began to give them out. Since you were wearing all black with a cap over your face, you almost looked like a staff member.
They all praised you with thank yous and grins.
“It’s so hot!” One of them exclaimed. “Take care of yourse–” It was then that she noticed that you had a necklace that Chanhee once gave you with his initials on it. Their eyes widened with astonishment. “You’re a fan of Chanhee?”
You gulped, slightly nervous.
“Uh– yes.” Definitely not. Dating him.
“Me too!” She suddenly screamed, holding up her sign.
“He’s cute isn’t he?” You winked, waving at her as you toyed with your necklace.
When you walked back into the building you were tackled with a warm hug, making you sweat more in the hot weather.
“I was wondering where you went,” He whined, peppering kisses all over your cheeks.
“I… I was handing out–” 
He giggled, shushing you with a press to your lips. “I know. Aren’t you so caring? He cooed, pinching your cheeks and making you whine. “And guess what?”
“I got you a matching bracelet.”
You gasped. And then you laughed anxiously. “Ha, oh wow.”
“Do you not like it?” He pouted.
You quickly shook your head. “I love it. But it very obviously shows that I’m yours…”
“Is that such a bad thing when I love you?” He smiled cheekily. You huffed but put it on anyway.
There was a cafe event themed just for him. Usually, you walked past these types of events, but for the sake of boredom, you decided to walk in and see what actually happens in these.
Firstly, you got a drink with his face on it. You giggled and took a picture to show him later. After, you decided to sit and admire the bright decorations when you noticed that you had sat next to a group of fans.
“You’re a fan of Changminie?” The young girl asked with a bright smile.
“No–” You were actually dating him but you paused, trying not to get attacked so you just nodded.
“Want to make a banner?” One of them asked. You were surprised at the kind invitation but you said yes anyway. You tried not to waste too much time on it, but it was no use. With the thought of him, you wanted to make it extra cute so you did. In fact, you put a lot of effort. A bit too much.
When you were finished, you admired your masterpiece. Large letters that said “I Love You!” and hand-drawn hearts all around decorated it. You then texted him to meet you outside, about a block away so you wouldn’t get caught.
When you met him, he immediately broke out into a bright smile.
“Hi!” He pressed a kiss to your cheek. “What’s this?” 
“I made a banner.” You smiled proudly, holding it up. He stared at it for a while, processing all the details and that you had made it specifically for him.
And then he burst out into adorable laughter and picked you up, spinning you around with a fond smile.
“You’re so adorable. I’m going to hang this up.”
Your cheeks flushed red.
“Please don’t.”
“Too late!” And he snatched it away.
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onenicebugperday · 7 months
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this is the mystery guy I'm trying to identify! found in Toronto, Ontario. I'm like 98% sure it was a hemipteran, but I'm willing to accept the possibility that I'm wrong and I'd be happy to find out regardless. It had the body shape and limb/antenna arrangement of a mirid plant bug rather than a leafhopper or some such (though I've looked through lots of those just in case, lol.)
it was tiny, maybe half a centimetre at most, with a lime green head and legs. I sadly don't remember most of its wing markings super accurately, but its little eyespots were VERY bold and noticeable despite its teeny tiny size. that's the major identifying factor that I'll know when I see, but I've yet to find a match. I'm very curious if anyone's ever seen a little dude like this! I really want to see it again!!!
thank you!
Great drawing! I'm afraid I don't recognize it offhand, but the general shape and position of the red spots makes me think it could be a mirid bug, as you said.
Something like this dude comes to mind:
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Dichrooscytus sp. by uofgtwitcher
There are also some scentless plant bugs (family Rhopalidae) that can have similar markings. Obviously this one isn't exact but you can see how a related species could be similar:
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Arhyssus lateralis by kschnei
Beyond that, without seeing the actual bug, I don't have many suggestions!
But if anyone else has any thoughts about bugs it could've been, feel free to share.
Editing to add - it's possible you saw a bug that had just very recently molted, which would make finding an exact match for coloration difficult.
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portsandstars · 2 months
Vere cosplay description/tutorial continued part two (belt edition).
If you made it this far, GREAT!!! You're doing fantastic.
My interpretation of his waist/below
I chose to make the belt into a skirt, rather than the whole thing as a dress. This seemed a lot easier to me than trying to combine things further, and honestly I'd definitely recommend this. I made the belt pattern by covering my torso in Saran wrap, tape (masking or duct tape) drawing the belt shape on my torso, and then cutting it out. Note that your front and back of your torso may differ in shape, so I'd reccomend drawing where your belly button is.
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I then cleaned up the lines and made it into a pattern piece. Make sure it's symmetrical.. and ADD SEAM ALLOWANCE! If you're not impatient AF then I'd reccomend tracing your tape pattern onto paper so it's actually flat.
It's important for this belt to be SO STRONG because it's going to be under a LOT of strain during the day due to how it's tight and where it is on the body. Maybe it's overkill but I cut out a front and back piece(so my pattern x2), interlining, and added cotton underlining for strength to both the front and the back pieces.
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1. make ur pattern with Saran wrap and tape
2. Clean up your pattern
3. Iron all your fabric and cut out your pattern (2 x of pattern, 2x of underlining cotton, 1x of interlining)
4. Staystitch and zigag fabric (except not the pleather bc we don't care Abt it as it doesn't fray)
5. Attach your interfacing to the cotton (front side cotton) and then baste the cotton to the pleather (front and back). So now you have 2 pieces of the belt, inside and outside piece.
6. Make the pattern for the strips of leather on the front. You should trace your belt pattern and then draw on the strips onto this tracing. They can't be straight lines bc this belt is a C shape tbh, and so they are almost like mini belt patterns. Don't forget seam allowance for their hems!
7. Sew these straps to the outside piece. If you have an idea for the metalic front belt details it would be great to attach them here in this step but I didn't bc I didn't have a good idea (might get them 3d printed though).
8. Freestyle some pockets bc ur gonna rly want some on the inside. I made one the size of my phone as well as credit cards.
9. Sew the pockets to the inside of the belt piece.
10. Put right sides together and sew the top seam of the belt together (seam by your belly button). Belt is like )( now. clip this inner seam.
11. One option you have is to now hem the bottom of the outside and the inside. In this case, you would put the pleated hanging fabric between these two layers and then topstitch it down. This isn't what I did but it'd look better imo than having it hand stitched to the inside. If you don't want to finish it this way, keep the right sides facing each other , sew the bottom hem, and then turn inside out. This will not be possible if you've added stiff belt details btw.
12. Figure out your pleating. I did this by pinning my fabric to my waist while was wearing shorts and seeing what density of pleats looked like and how it compared to what I wanted. It'll depend on how translucent your mesh/tulle is. You can do a small section, and then extrapolate. For me, I did a test of 17.5 cm of freehand pleating which I discovered was 98 cm of fabric (unpleated). As I needed the top pleated edge to be 44.5 cm long, that was-250 cm of fabric for EACH SIDE. These side skirt things are REALLY awkward bc you need all this pleating at the top to get the look but at the bottom, it's supposed to be little wider than a foot or so. Below I demonstrated my end shape with paper. You start with the wide top for the pleating, and the bottom the ending width you want it to be. Then, place weights at the corners and bring up the edges. Cut off the excess. Pleat the top edge as you would normally ignoring the odd shape and it should work out. The proportions in the bottom image is NOT ACCURATE Bc the top edge should be 250 cm and the bottom edge like.. 40 cm.
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13. personally I just sewed the pleats to some small strips to keep everything together and then handsewed them to the inside of the belt (with my arm insidethe belt, like a pillowcase). But like I said, you could easily add them into the seam of the belt for a neater look.
14. Add your black gauze in here. Tbh it doesn't need a weird shape it can just be a rectangle that you pleat
15. I placed an unpleated mesh pannel behind the pleating and sewed small tacks throughout so the fabric stayed pulled back to the side. It felt too skirt like (?) Without this and more puffy, too. You don't have to do this but it was my solution and was pretty unobtrusive.
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16. Hand fix your chains in. The cotton is also important for supporting these bc they're heavy af. I used chandelier chains, and I'd reccomend getting some where the links are NOT welded shut or it will be difficult to adjust the length of the chains without heavier duty metal working equipment.
17. Add in some structure! If the belt is an open pillowcase, this goes where the pillow would. I used a stiff plastic folders (below) cut into shape (smaller than the pattern by a bit so it doesn't mess with seam allowances). This gives your belt SO MUCH HEFT and is great!! You could also use foam too! Highly reccomend!
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18. Add a closure. Personally I used a zipper, but a corset back would work great too especially if you fluctuate size. We don't see his back yet so you can do what you want lol.
19. Personally I added some wire to the bottom hem of the tulle to help it be straight and hang better with the weight but I didn't really like how this turned out.
Just for posterity, here's the pattern I made for the legbands. They're prettttty close but not SUPER close. I'd recommend covering your leg in ductape and having yourself or someone else try to draw the shapes in a mirror. It's wack AF though so I thought seeing what mine looks like laid flat might help you.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Finding SV Character Heights Part 1
Procrastination leads to wonderful places, and for me that's "hey what if I could get rough estimates for canon heights using the ingame models?" So I did! Unfortunately, this post got long so I only included the heights of a few major characters for now. Teachers, Gym Leaders + League, and Team Star will be in separate posts!
Protagonist: 5'0" Nemona: 5'8" Penny: 5'1" Arven: 5'7" Clavell: 5'7" Sada: 5'9" Turo: 6'1"
I used imageJ / Fiji for analysis and some screenshots from MunchingOrange's playthrough of the game on youtube. I explain the process and attached all the screenshots under the cut so you can judge the legitimacy of my "math" yourself!
A quick overview of how I did this: there's a (free to use) software called Fiji made for processing images (google Fiji ImageJ and it'll be the first link). It's used in a lot of data analysis, which is mostly what I use it for, but it has some fun features to play around with too. (if people want a tutorial lmk I'd be happy to write one up). The most important part for our purposes is the measure function-- if you draw a line on an image, it will tell you how long that line is in pixels. This line can be straight, curved, angled in any direction, or even multi-segmented, making it pretty good for comparing things. Then all I had to do was get images of characters standing next to each other-- from there I could transitive property my way to the height of every character in the game!
First step was getting a good basis for comparison-- I can easily get ratios of character heights but without at least one confirmed height I can't translate it into real world metrics. Since the characters themselves don't have canon heights, it had to be a pokemon. This introduced another problem, which is that in SV, pokemon are varying sizes within a species, so I can't count on the overworld models to work. Plus, some of them aren't even accurate!
However, there was one pokemon I could compare to the protagonist pretty easily whose height was a little less skeptical: the main legendary (koraidon in my case). A few cursory comparisons led me to guess that Koraidon's 8'2" "height" is measured from head to toe while standing in apex form. Anything else gives heights of characters that make zero real world sense so this is what I went with in the end. Thus we get the screenshot that starts it all!
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Koraidon's head is bowed, but this was the closest I could get so I guesstimated that the top of the blue ridges was about where Koraidon's head would be. Knowing that Koraidon is 8'2", we get the following heights:
Koraidon: 536 pixels - 98 inches - 8'2" Protagonist: 328 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Nemona: 372 pixels - 68 inches - 5'8"
Thus far it looks like we're on the right track! Assuming the protagonist is 14 and Nemona is 16/17, these heights seem pretty normal. Knowing the protagonist's height gives us the ability to find out most other characters, so we're off to a good start!
(side note: the calculation I used to turn pixels into inches was pixels1 / inch1 = pixels2 / inch2. The pixels we can get from the lines on the images, and the inches we know from Koraidon's pokedex entry, so we just solve for inch2)
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Next up is Clavell (mostly because he showed up first). Something interesting is that he's actually slightly shorter than Nemona, you can see it in the first cutscene in front of Nemona's house (i can add a screenshot in the reblogs / replies but didn't want to clog the post with another image). From this image, we can find:
Protagonist: 685 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Clavell: 769 pixels - 67 inches - 5'7"
You heard it here first, the director is a short king
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Next up is Arven!
Protagonist: 782 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Arven: 880 pixels - 67 inches - 5'7"
(The math actually says Arven is 5'7.5", but I'm not bothering with decimals. This makes him sliiiiiiightly taller than Clavell)
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Penny is seen angled from the protagonist in her intro scenes, so I skipped all the way to her boss battle to find a good screenshot. To my surprise, she's actually slightly taller than the protagonist!
Protagonist: 368 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Penny: 376 pixels - 61 inches - 5'1"
(Side note 2: Characters are measured from their heels to the crown of their head-- if they have really big hair it doesn't count as part of their height)
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Last one in this round is the professor (Sada in my case, as I'm using a Scarlet playthrough for screenshots). I'm gonna assume that the AI and Professor are the same height for this
Protagonist: 507 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Sada: 584 pixels - 69 inches (nice) - 5'9"
Turo forced me to use a different playthrough to grab a screenshot, which used a female protagonist. I'm fairly positive that the male and female protagonist models are the exact same height (if not the exact same model) so I don't think there's any snags with this, but if anyone knows otherwise lmk. Btw, I used the playthrough by Rubhen925 for this screenshot!
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Protagonist: 501 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Turo: 611 pixels - 73 inches - 6'1"
Turo is pretty damn tall :0 !
This post is getting absurdly long, so I'm going to make separate posts for the League / Gym Leaders, Team Star, and the teachers! Hope you've enjoyed, and if there's any specific trainer class or other character you wanna know the height of just lmk :) I also plan on making a post of some more silly measurements (like the exact dimensions of Penny's backpack, the proportion of Geeta's height that's just her legs, the size of Arven's camping bag and whether or not his friends could reasonably curl up inside, etc)
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ipsen · 11 months
Eto Character Analysis
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Big long post coming. Couldn’t help myself.
Admittedly, I’m mostly stealing from this post from the old ages (it’s crazy good and turned Eto into my favorite character), so you can read that and honestly get the same information. But I figured I’d take a swing at the behemoth myself.
Also wanna preface the analysis with the fact that I’m using the official translations as my source, as I can’t access the original scans and also couldn’t read them even if I did (cursed by monolingual tendencies).
Under the cut!
Eto is, unfortunately, a character that is built mainly on subtext crammed into very few chapters. Figuring her out is very difficult and a lot of her more nuanced traits can go over most people’s heads (it’s easy to call her insane, for example, and while she does have a few issues up in the old cranium, i’d hardly call her that).
The most important thing about Eto to keep in mind when discussing her is that she has been failed, and as a result of that, she also believes that she has failed those around her.
Her father left her in what is basically a literal shithole, especially for a baby. Her mother, though she died without really knowing Eto, did leave a journal behind, and Eto’s singular insight to the work regarding herself is that she is just a “byproduct,” and her foster parent got killed (presumably) protecting her from V, punting her to an orphanage where she’d have to steal money to survive (see: re 62), and presumably pretty often at that.
She got insanely lucky with the writer gig and shiono, who-- side note-- means a lot to her. Finally, a positive adult figure in her life! Unfortunately, he is a) only human, and b) her editor/coworker, so his positive influence, while welcome, is limited. still, she picks up his cute little hand gestures and I, personally, appreciate that (see: re 62 and compare it to TG 114).
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Just the greatest.
Where was I... Ah, Eto being failed by those around her. And where does that leave her? Look no further than TG 98:
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“A replacement is merely a replacement.” Eto doesn’t believe in found family, because she never actually found one.
And within the context of this chapter, we learn another thing about Eto. Whenever she interacts with someone and “breaks” them (the Yasuhisas, Kanae), she heavily projects onto them (because she recognizes their situation; notice how she only ever targets people who are both relatable to her and weaker than her) and breaks apart the “lie” the target tells themself, even if it isn’t entirely accurate:
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(re 43) This is a false statement; Kanae does wish for Shuu to recover, he’s just upset it’s happening like this. Because who wouldn’t be, in his situation? Despite everything that he and the others did for Shuu, the only thing able to bring him out of his depression is the very thing that caused it. But I digress.
Back on track, there’s also Haise’s analysis of her work, the most personal thing she has, to consider when discussing her in re 39:
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Once again, the void rears its ugly head.
Hopelessness. Emptiness. Filling it with anger and bitterness, and it’s never enough, but it’s all she has. Because the void can only be filled by the things she can never have.
So she throws herself at the CCG, banging her head against its walls with small raids alongside some fellow ghouls and then taking on the special investigators by herself. She’s 14, she’s a kakuja, and she’s mad. Mad at the world that failed her, mad at V for making it the way it is, and mad that things haven’t changed for a very long time. She has Ukina’s journal; she knows how stale the “narrative” is.
Of course, her raids don’t work very well, but she’s basically just a kid. She is as old as Hinami during TG.
Then, she’s finally thrown a bone, and is worse off for it:
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Something I’ve noticed when factoring Arima’s influence into Eto’s character is that there is an assumption that the power dynamic between them is equal. It isn’t. I cannot stress this enough; there is a hierarchy at play here, and Eto isn’t the one on top. How do we know this?
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(TG 139)
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(re 52)
Kaneki was the new toy to replace Eto, the old one.
The ultimate plan is “the One-Eyed King will destroy the egg of V’s world and make something new.” By the time Kaneki does take the throne, this plan has been going on for 13 years. Kaneki was chosen as a candidate at the ten-year mark; he had to have been a non-factor before then. So who is left to become the king instead?
The age difference between her and Arima is roughly 4-5 years. Remind you of another relationship?
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(TG 14)
To reiterate, Eto is a 14-year old kid who has been abandoned by everyone who could possibly love her the way she wants. She desires parental love, protective love, the kind of love that makes her feel safe, when she has only ever fought to defend herself.
Enter someone who is far stronger than she could ever be, someone who could actually offer her the protection she so desperately wants. Unfortunately, Kishou Arima is the endgame mindset of Black Reaper Kaneki, to put it simply: someone who is impossibly distant, wants to die, and craves the approval of everyone.
Let’s expand on Arima for a brief moment. “Craves the approval of everyone,” specifically. He is both the One-Eyed King and the greatest ghoul investigator that ever lived. He doesn’t pick one or the other, and when he dies, he doesn’t have to pick. He is mourned by the CCG, and Kaneki, ever a puppet in someone else’s game, carries on his legacy and “wish“ for coexistence.
Eto is no exception to his godly levels of charisma. She is one of Hinami’s foils, and we know how quickly and easily she latched onto Kaneki. It’s safe to assume that something similar happened with Eto and Arima.
And Eto failed him. She doesn’t become king; someone else does. Someone very similar. And yet, when faced with this new person:
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(re 56)
Well, then.
Eto also does everything in her power to give Kaneki the information he needs to break the eggshell. She freely gives away information about V, the Washuu’s involvement with them, the connection to the CCG, everything. Or as much as she can give him while under Cochlea’s surveillance.
So what’s the game here? Why does she support Kaneki, the one who basically stole Arima's approval, something everyone around him wants, from under her nose? Better yet, why is she aiding the search for her “replacement” in the first place? Because remember, even before Kaneki registered on her radar for a candidate for the OEK, she and Aogiri were searching for Kanou, the one-eyed ghoul maker specialist man. Aogiri wanted to use Kanou to make as many possible candidates beyond just Kaneki. So even without Kaneki in the picture, Eto wants a replacement. She wants this. Why?
Well, here’s what I think she actually wants:
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(re 53)
There’s no other explanation that I can think of for why she would willingly get herself arrested and leave Aogiri to be fully exterminated on Rushima (the One-Eyed Owl totally could have turned the tables of that battle). She’s only lived as long as she has because she doesn’t want to leave anything unsaid. This is also the reason why she reveals herself as a ghoul as Takatsuki; she’s effectively destroying her own career while simultaneously giving V a huge middle finger.
This desire to close off everything she’s built up until now and pass the torch to Kaneki is also represented in her haircut; she’s literally shedding her burdens to give to someone else. Someone similar to her, but kinder than her. Better than her.
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(re 52)
I’ve said what I’ve come to say. Thanks for reading!
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burstanddecay · 1 year
Smut prompt list!!! #98 with Santi ofc 🙈 only if you’re willing, no pressureeeee ❤️❤️❤️
It took me a while, but it's here! #98: “guess i’ll have to cum inside you then."
Office Hours.
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Summary: During your faculty Christmas party, Santi asks to see the building. He has a particular interest in your office specifically, for no reason whatsoever. Pairing: Santiago Garcia x F!Reader. Word count: 1.2K Contains: NSFW. Unprotected shenanigans. Fingering (for three whole seconds). Santi being degrading for one whole sentence. Cursing. Office sex. Creampie, as the prompt would suggest.
You should’ve known it was a ruse when Santi asked to see the building.
The lamp on your desk wobbles in protest as you crash into it, a nervous giggle escaping your throat as it does.
“We can’t be doing this,” you whisper, Santi’s mouth hot on your neck. “Really, Santi. We can’t.”
He ignores you, pawing at the zipper on the back of your dress. Three floors above you, the faculty Christmas party is in full swing. Faculty members and students alike mingling, making light conversation and talking about holiday plans, with zero clues as to what was happening in your office.
“Want me to stop, querida?”
“No,” you whisper in return. “No, I don’t want you to stop.”
“Good.” He turns away, turning the lock on the door before returning his attention to you, guiding you to sit down on your desk. “Because I have been listening to you all night, talking to your co-workers and students, and I understand none of it,” he admits, hands absentmindedly brushing the velvet dress that had ridden up. “But you’re thriving, and it is so fucking sexy to see, baby.”
He pushes your thighs apart as he forces himself in between them at those words, his movements slow and deliberate. The unzipped back allows the fabric to fall loosely around your waist and you let him guide your arms out of the sleeves, exposing your breasts to the frigid air.
“I expected tape, or a bra,” he admits. “But I’m not complaining.”
With that, he pushed you back, squeezing your waist as you steady yourself by planting your hands behind you. His mouth is hot on you as he takes a nipple into his mouth, a hand softly squeezing the other breast as he does.
You gasp, reaching one hand into his hair, tugging tightly at the curls, something that earns you a noise that borders somewhere between a whimper and a moan.
“Don’t play games, Santi. I have to get back there in like, ten minutes, before Thompson starts making accusations that are completely accurate.”
“I can eat you out—”
“No,” you bite back, tugging his head back so he’s forced to look at you. “We’re getting one chance, and if we’re doing this, I want to do this right. I want you to fuck me so goddamn hard on top of my fucking desk—”
His lips crash into yours as he forces a hand between your legs, pushing your panties aside as his thumb roughly brushes over your clit, plummeting two fingers inside without warning. His eyes are so dark they’re almost black, his jaw tense as he plants his free hand next to you.
“You asked for this,” he says, voice rough as your breath halts, hand dropping down onto his shoulder. “My fingers slipped in with ease. Are you that desperate, querida?”
You merely nod in reply, biting down on your lip as you bite back a whimper.
“Think you can take me? Right here, right now, on your desk like a little slut? Huh? Let me fuck you whilst your co-workers, your students are upstairs, wondering where you are?”  
The reply is breathless, almost non-existent.
His belt buckle is loud as he reaches down to unbuckle it, not even bothering with taking his pants off, pumping his cock once before he hitches up the fabric of your dress so he has full access. A flash of panic hits you, and you squeeze his arm.
“Santi,” you say, causing him to pause at the alarm in your voice.
“Fuck, you okay? I’m sorry—”
“No—yes, it’s just… Don’t cum on the dress, please. I really can’t go back upstairs with cum stains in the fabric, and it’s a bitch to get out of velvet.”
“Jesus,” he breathes, dropping his head back, shoulders sagging a little. “You scared me. Is that all?”
“Guess I’ll have to cum inside you, then,” he replies, pulling you closer to him as he slides in, one hand holding you steady, the other back on your clit as he picks up where he left off.
You bite back a myriad of curses, instead whimpering softly as he picks up a pace without any mercy, driving into as if the world was ending within minutes. The lamp next to you wobbles dangerously, and you reach to steady it before returning your attention back to Santi, hands clawing at his back beneath his coat jacket.
“Fuck, baby. Shit. Taking me s-so well,” he stammers, breath ragged between kisses. “Fuck. Didn’t think you’d actually wanna do this.”
“Yeah, well,” you breathe. “Worked hard to get here, might as well enjoy it. A little harder, baby, please,” you request, laying your hand over his, guiding him to put a little more pressure on your clit. He follows your lead, causing you to drop your head back in pure bliss as it finally hits the right spot. “That’s it, holy sh—thank you. God.”
“’s okay, we’re there now,” you reply, hooking one leg around his, pulling him even closer. “Fuck, Santi— I’m gonna—”
The change in pace, as well as the slight angle adjustment sends you over the edge, catching both of you in surprise as you drop your head on his shoulder, your vision crowded with colourful dots as your orgasm crashes over you.
“You’re okay,” he murmurs, repeating the sentence over and over, the snap of his hips unforgiving as he drives into you, his voice and gestures gentle as he brushes your hair with his free hand. “Taking me so well, doing so well, baby. I’m—I’m gonna cum, think you can come again?”
You shake your head, your orgasm still cloaking over you, teetering on the edge of being overstimulated.
“’s okay, querida. Shit.”
With that, the lamp on your left finally tumbles over, hitting the floor with a clang at the exact moment Santiago finishes, spurting hot ropes of cum along the walls of your cunt. You bite back a laugh at the stupidity of the timing, letting Santi ride out his own orgasm as you stay plastered against him, taking in the warmth of his body.
“You okay, baby?” he asks after a moment, pulling out, taking a wave your slick and his cum with him. You reach back, grabbing a box of tissues and handing a handful to him, reaching down to make sure none of it got to onto your dress.
“You sure? You seemed pretty out of it when you came,” he frowns, hooking a finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“I’m okay,” you smile. “Just discovered a new constellation with how hard you made me see stars.”
He smiles softly, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Okay. Good.”
“You ready to get back upstairs?” you ask after a moment, gently sliding down the desk, testing out how wobbly your legs were. You’re surprised to find them remarkably steady, and you reach down to smooth your dress, pulling the top half back on.
“Yeah,” he replies, zipping up the back and placing the fallen lamp back on your desk. “One more hour of terrible wine and even worse conversation when they don’t know how to reply to the answer of so what is it you do?”
“That’s the spirit,” you say as you unlock the door, stepping out your office. “If you’re good, I’ll go down on you tonight,” you add subtly.
“In that case, please lead the way.”
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As a medic and firefighter, I wonder if you could help me with a story quandary. Does fire ever burn people sort of patchy, or usually in a solid block? I've got a character escaping a burning building (at whatever stage of burningness best serves my story!), he's momentarily pinned in place when something falls on his hand, and that's when the fire starts getting up close and personal until he can wrench himself free. I'd love to find the sweet spot where he has a long and agonising recovery and significant cosmetic scarring, but at the end of it isn't so badly disabled that he can't return to his fun crime fighting career 😂 I've been picturing that he might have a few patches of full thickness burns requiring grafts, with mostly bad second degree in between, so it covers a large overall area in the early days but long term settles into just a few bad spots. Is this feasibly how fire behaves? Many thanks 😊
hi! thanks for the ask and i do apologize for how long it’s taken to respond. yes, fire can behave like this. the severity of the burn would depend on the heat of the fire, proximity, and amount of time exposed. using the rule of 9s, i’ve had patients with burns over 3% of their body surface area and patients with 98% burns over their body surface area. the question is if they’re superficial (1st degree,) partial thickness (2nd degree,) or full thickness (3rd degree.) you absolutely can and will have splotchy burned areas. you could have full thickness burns over 40% of your body and partial thickness over 10% or really any pattern you want to give your character. it just has to make sense. i would just consult the chart i’ll add explaining the rule of 9s to make your story the most accurate.
as for recovery, i have some notes. superficial burns are like sunburns, painful to touch and hot to touch. it’s difficult to regulate body heat, because the skin is damaged and that’s the skins job. partial thickness burns are painful. so painful. they’ll be red and blistered, maybe have exposed flesh, oozing and bleeding. the skin may melt or pull away from the body. but the fire hasn’t burned the nerve endings yet, so the patient can still feel everything. full thickness burns don’t hurt. the nerve ending have been so damaged that the patient doesn’t feel pain. they still won’t be able to regulate temperature. infection rate is high. you have to literally scrape off the dead and dying flesh to prevent infection and give your patient the best chance of recovery. the patient will still be burning for a while after being removed from the danger and in a hospital bed. the smell is horrific and you may see parts of bones, muscle, and connective tissues. removing their clothes usually pulls off flesh as well because they’ve melted together. all of these patients need to be kept warm, dry, and covered in sterile dressing. if you think you can stomach it i highly recommend looking up pictures of before and after of recovery for all of these patients.
i hope this helps you some. sorry it’s gross.
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ramshacklefey · 11 months
When you want to dispel disinformation, focus on positives and shared values.
Part of the training for my new job (teaching sex ed to middle and high school students) included a short class on how to deal with disinformation. The class was taught by a woman who has spent her entire career doing PR work for political campaigns at high levels of government, and one of the things she had to say really stuck with me, because it's relevant to so many parts of my life:
If you're trying to correct a narrative or fight disinformation, you have to focus on positive information and the values you share with other people.
Why is this so important? Well, it turns out that human brains do a funny thing when you present them with a negative statement: they remember all the words except the "not." This means that if you show up and tell someone, "Trans women are not predators," the things their brain is going to hang onto from that is the association between the words "trans woman" and "predators." The "not" just gets tossed out. If you say, "Sex ed is not grooming," the association between "sex ed" and "grooming" sticks in their brain. The "not" goes away.
The same thing goes for any other disinformation you're trying to combat. You can write an entire essay telling someone why such-and-such is false, but what they're going to come away remembering is all the claims you told them were false, rather than the fact that they're false.
So, what to do instead?
Focus on presenting the right information. "Sex ed helps kids stay safe and gives them the language they need to communicate to trusted adults if something bad is happening," is an effective statement. It gives a person's brain a positive association to put with the concept "sex ed."
Look for opportunities for "Yes, and-" statements. Chances are, there are fundamental values that you and others agree on. You can build from these fundamental values! If someone says they want to protect children, you can say, "Yes, me too! And that's why I want them to have access to accurate information."
Related to this: telling people that they are being disingenuous about their values is never going to help. You may be able to see clearly that there's a contradiction between the values someone expresses and the policies they advocate for or the actions they take. But their beliefs are probably in earnest. By focusing on "Yes, and-" statements, you show them that you agree with their fundamental beliefs. You've just got a different way of acting on them. They may not immediately change their mind, but it opens the door for them to see another way of acting on their convictions.
Remember that most people who believe disinformation campaigns are being misled by a vicious minority with a specific agenda. There are a small number of conservative groups who are desperately trying to hang on to power. Most people disagree with them, but these groups are working hard to make it seem like that's not the case. By dispersing fear and disinformation widely, they create an atmosphere in which their accusations and lies seem to be coming from everywhere.
Spread the truth about what most people believe. 98% of Americans are in favor of sex ed being taught in schools. The majority of Americans support abortion rights, queer rights, etc. Spreading these facts helps make it more obvious that disinformation is coming from a small, but vocal, number of voices, and there isn't a mass consensus about it. Realizing where these lies are coming from helps people start questioning the motives of those who are spreading it.
If you find good infographics about these topics, ones that follow the suggestions above, save them! When you see disinformation being spread on social media, rather than needing to type out an entire reply, just post the infographic. People are more likely to see it and retain that information than they are to read a long essay anyway.
Post and share positive information. People need to see positive information being shared actively! You don't even need to connect that information to the lies you've seen. Just say the truth.
I hope that this helps any of you who are out there struggling with how to handle all of this shit going on. I love you all.
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gamebunny-advance · 3 months
Kun3h0 Accessories DLC + Patch Notes v.1.0.1
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GAB accessory
Karrot-98 accessory
Updated top.
Fixed hair bug. (Hair would easily slip off model.)
Minor improvements.
(More pics and notes under the cut.)
So I finally finished up Kun3h0's accessories and fixed up her top.
So, we've got her GAB and her drill, the Karrot-98.
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GAB started out as this little dino thing that I just cut up and sculpted onto.
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The original plan was to sculpt onto the original arms after I cut off the wings, but they kept bumping into the head, so I opted to completely resculpt them.
Now they can still turn their head, but that's the only point of articulation. I really should have sanded it more, you can really see the texture still in the clay, but such as it is.
The collar isn't the most elegant thing in the world, but at least it's there~ It's also disappointing that I couldn't get the edges of her screen completely straight and even, but it is what it is.
Overall, I think it's a decent recreation of the original design, even if the purples aren't quite right.
I should take a pic of them next to my other GAB recreations so y'all can really see the difference in scale. I believe this is the smallest GAB I've made so far, and also the only one that has the big heart-shaped tail~
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Next is the Karrot-98, Kun3h0's magical drill. I don't have any "before" pictures, but it's made from another accessory that came with the doll, a little clay, and a piping tip that I had lying around + extras.
I don't have a set design for the Karrot yet, so I just kinda painted it with colors I already mixed. When Kun3h0's holding it, it does kinda get lost in the pinks of her outfit, but by itself I think it looks fine. If I come up with a better color scheme for it, then maybe I'll repaint it.
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Next, I completely re-did her top. This time, I doused all the fabric in fray-check first to keep it from pulling apart while I was sewing it together, and I completely redid the sleeves. Originally, I had painted the arm guards onto the sleeves because I didn't think of any other way to do it. This time I tried making them with craft foam to better replicate that they're supposed to be two different materials. I'd say it was mostly successful.
Since it's kind of a pain to slip the sleeve into the guards, I don't have any pics of the top without them on, but the sleeves are more form fitting, so the top looks more like a proper tracksuit without the guards on. It's a slightly better look than the original IMO, but it's still not perfect: the guards are basically like a Miku sleeve, so you can still see into them even though the only opening is supposed to be through the cuff (which are barely visible in this pic, but they can stick out for a more accurate look.)
I would show the new top next to the old one, but I kinda destroyed the old one trying to test ideas for this new one XP (in fact, the collar IS from the old one, I just ripped it off and reapplied it to this one).
Lastly, I fixed her wig a little bit.
I don't have pics of it, but I just stuck some velcro to her scalp and the inside of the wig, so now it should stop slipping off while still being removable.
I'm just against completely gluing it down because I still have a lot of yarn left from this project, so I would eventually like to make her some alternate hairstyle wigs just to use up the yarn.
Now I feel pretty confident in saying that she's actually "done." There are a few places that I could touch up with paint, but as for "making" anything else for this doll, I did everything I really wanted to do.
Admittedly, Kun3h0 is one of my most self-indulgent designs (as though everything I make isn't in some way self-indulgent), so to have a physical object which embodies so much of what I like, truly satisfies me. We'll see if I still feel that way about her a week from now, but at the moment, she is the culmination of almost every creative skill I have, and I'm very pleased with the results of that effort, more so than possibly anything else I've ever made~ <3
I may post more pics of her when I can actually dedicate some time to making a proper scene and/or backdrop. There's a lot of little details that I like that I haven't really taken pics of. I dunno if I have the courage to do it, but it'd be cool to take some pics in an actual arcade with her~
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do you have any personal opinion/s on how "tongari" is translated and localised? to my understanding, it's a snack that's yellow and pointy. "needle-noggin" seems to be the general most popular (maybe due to nostalgia?) but i've always wondered at how unweildly it feels to say. im very curious (/gen) if you have any opinion on the topic as translators - do you think something as simple as "spiky" or something else could work and feel more natural, or maybe even something food related to keep with the theming? thank you for all your hard work!
Hey there and thank you for the question!
Tongari doesn't have to be about food, it's simply a word a that suggests something that is spiky, like the food in question. But it's also a name that can exist, like the Spanish word "Cardozo" it can mean spiky but also be a surname / nickname / name.
On the word Needle-Noggin; it's a distinct nickname that remains unique to Trigun for the most part, and it has a lot of regional flair, something Wolfwood was supposed to have in English as represented in Japanese.
Spiky is generic and has been used in almost every anime with a spiky haired character, therefore this choice came off as bland, but we also fully understand that there's people who enjoy this nickname.
We did discuss for a while how exactly we were going to translate Tongari into English, or if we simply should go with the existing translation from the 98 anime or come up with something new. Spiky is accurate, but so is Needle-Noggin, or even Pin-head, whichever word that suggests the spiky nature of the person.
Ultimately, it came to a vote as to what the fans of the series wanted to see the most and we went with what people picked for it, and the majority wanted Needle-Noggin as Vash's nickname. Personally, it's my preferred choice and we've all grown to really endear it.
But they're all accurate nicknames in accordance with the Japanese word used in the original script.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Hi, trying to make these one short…but in problem lying 🤡
But this thread
Also this whole “black people be can’t be in fantasy because of racism!” Is more because a lot of black kids were bullied the living fuck of for liking stuff kind fantasy because it was “white people shit” so they lost passion thus they never desire to go into that stuff to bring more rep
Of course a lot of white kids were bullied too
But the thing is you guys can call out your bullies without being called a coon or race traitor
Actually a lot of women here who were in geek culture often pointed out modern feminists were their childhood bullies
And tbh if this panel accurate…
And that the thing about black stuff like in gaming or in current fantasy
It made be people who have surface levels of understanding of eras
“The Middle Ages were actually diverse!” The Europeans did established trade routes with the rest of world. Buuuut it was also common to stop or ended trades if Islam wanted to try another jihad again and the internal conflict
But about ac stuff and why I’m defending Yasuke as a second playable character
So when ac Japan was announced I decided to look into what time span they will use. So in ac Japan lore was explored here and there in books and other app. But they keep it light
Now a Chinese assassin Shao Jun acolyte Kotetsu went back home to establish his own assassins branch in Japan.
So the Japanese assassins were established in mid 16 century 1549-50 as that when Templars came to Japan
Now this story was told in a manga when it very like the ac red story being develop so they made sure not step on each other shoes
Then a iirc 2021-22 ac book centered around two Japanese assassins siblings during the Meiji period. It was noted the Templar didn’t gain a presence in Japan again until the American navy thus confirm the Tokugawa era was an assassin control one.
So when the leaks drop that Yasuke will be a second playable character. I figured out through research that the game will focus on the final sengoku civil war.
Now when ac3 did the American civil war in the pov of a Native American. It took a few hours in game and hell years in the story to explain why
Now I hope Yasuke can be handle in similar ways to why he want to help unify Japan in these story
But beyond that, feel like a lot of modern creators REFUSE to acknowledge the modern black American only exists in history during colonial and forward times. Hence my chimera republic idea
There a plenty of African kingdoms to use, but are you guys mentally stuck at 15 or something?
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Representation matters. Exclusivity is not the same as racism.
She's correct, where it crosses the line into racism is the opening tweet where she's making a big deal out of it. Make your game and then if people bitch about it not containing white men you can point the finger at them.
Same outcome except you don't look like self hating racist, still are one but at least you can play dumb.
Also this whole “black people be can’t be in fantasy because of racism!”.........ect
Ya, that or they were told so many time that it's not something they do that it sapped their will to do it, that crosses over into a lot of things. When I see someone saying that women have to work 10 times as hard as men to get into STEM fields I ask them who told you that, and make sure they give a name instead of "society" because 98% of the time it was another woman that said it, same with the black community except it's white people instead of men.
Oh just a few seconds in and it looks fun, cackling woman is likely to be the kind of person who will try and claim that the oppression olympics isn't real moments after making a statement like her first one.
And that the thing about black stuff like in gaming or in current fantasy It made be people who have surface levels of understanding of eras “The Middle Ages were actually diverse!” The Europeans did established trade routes with the rest of world. Buuuut it was also common to stop or ended trades if Islam wanted to try another jihad again and the internal conflict
Alexander the Great's empire extended into India, not sure how far down into Africa but at least as far as northern Kush
But about ac stuff and why I’m defending Yasuke as a second playable character So when ac Japan was announced I decided to look into what time span they will use. So in ac Japan lore was explored here and there in books and other app. But they keep it light .........
You have absolutely done your homework on all of this, good to have a focus, nice.
Now when ac3 did the American civil war in the pov of a Native American. It took a few hours in game and hell years in the story to explain why Now I hope Yasuke can be handle in similar ways to why he want to help unify Japan in these story
I think historically at this point he's well enough known, legend or reality is going to be the issue, have fun with the story for sure, hopefully people don't take artistic license for fact (they will) and just enjoy the story, maybe take some time and put in some effort to do the reading like you've done.
But beyond that, feel like a lot of modern creators REFUSE to acknowledge the modern black American only exists in history during colonial and forward times. Hence my chimera republic idea There a plenty of African kingdoms to use, but are you guys mentally stuck at 15 or something?
Money. Also could you imagine the outcry if some company got Bantu knots confused with Dreadlocks.
You may have missed all the dreadlock discourse, that was just pathetic and whiny and good lord are there not better things to throw a hissy fit about.
Not really much in the way of records of SubSaharan Africa before the 7th century when some folks came a conquering, they wasn't white or Christian either, and setting up kingdoms and what not. At least for kingdoms that weren't bordering seas or oceans, those got to be older.
are you guys mentally stuck at 15 or something?
Yes, many of them are.
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electromignion · 11 months
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Young Jeremy Bradshaw fanart! (Bridgewater my beloved)
“Dad? Can you hear me? Are you out there?”
Here’s my latest Bridgewater fanart! I wanted to explore more young!Jeremy Bradshaw; especially as in S2 he mentioned having been tried Wicca when he was younger; so it struck me directly — what if he tried witchcraft overall? And my mind unraveled to that point to now 👌
If you want more explanation about the fanart and my headcanons about Jeremy you can click on read more (because again details are detailing way too much)✌️
So let’s first start with young Jeremy, as he admitted to believe, I wanted to show how he tried to explore all the possibilities and I totally see him as a little bit of a rebellious teen as he is still in denial and as he is aching for the come back of Thomas. That’s why he tries to contact him with the pendulum, he wants to believe.
And I thought how Jeremy would express himself in this situation? That’s why I gave him black nail polish, an earring, and you can’t see it much but he has some black eyeshadow, to me it was his way to express himself.
As a way to express himself too, on the picture framed on the left in the red frame, it’s him as a teen with his mother and his step-dad, as I heard in S1 EP01 that Jeremy’s mother said dad to talk about the guy and Jeremy corrected her, I thought about that grudge must have been lasting for a huge while, so that’s why he put a post it and crossed it as well, because he has always refused to replace Thomas in a way, and he looks quite uncomfy on the picture too.
However, another picture is framed: baby Jeremy with Thomas Bradshaw and this one is fully visible. It’s probably one of his only picture with his dad so he cherished it a lot. (My headcanon is that Jeremy had the film camera and took a picture by accident as he was excited to see the camera, and when they developed it they kept the picture as it was too adorable, and I love Jeremy with his one little tooth 🥺🥹)
He also cherishes the letter his dad has written to him for his fifth birthday, so just before his disappearance. As I don’t know if you will be able to read my handwriting here is my transcript:
“Dear Jeremy, Son, l know I promised to be here today, but *scribbled words which are “you know”* work is work sometimes. I’m sorry. You will probably understand later. You have plenty of birthdays to come, so I promise I’ll make it up to you. Take care of your mom ok? Happy 5th birthday, proud of you, x Dad”
Which makes it even more hurtful because he never got to celebrate another birthday with his son. (Yes I suffer, you suffer with me /lh)
For the context of this fanart, I thought it would be in the year 1995, so Jeremy would be 20 years old and it would match. So I then looked for Gameboy games which were out in North America before 1995 because I really like to be accurate, and I put Batman first because it’s a nod to Misha Collins’ role in Gotham Knights as he plays Harvey Dent! (Btw as an other Misha nod, I did the bed blanket pink for the famous pic of Misha with his pink blankie but that’s really anecdotal but that’s what I enjoy). I really wanted Jeremy to have Pokemon Red/Blue but unfortunately, it was out in Japan in 96’ and then 98’ in NA/EUR and import at the time was so-so, but as he likes myths and folklore he would love to catch pocket monsters for sure. (Maybe a next time??)
I put another paper taped to the wall which is just the Bridgewater triangle with the locations of each angles of it, I like to think that Jeremy was trying to find more information on it, that was his way to have a visual reminder of it all.
When it comes to the X-Files… because his t-shirt is some accurate 90s vintage t-shirt X-Files merch with “the truth is out there” written on it (I like details way too much), I think it is time to explain why TXF is so present in my full Bridgewater fanarts (the Big Blue mug reference to Quagmire 3x22 of txf, or even the I Want To Believe poster which is present usually in Mulder’s office ) not only the show is really important to me, but I really found the vibes of it in Bridgewater, and then it struck me, Jeremy had been Scully coded in the beginning of the S1 to then go to a sort of epiphany realising that things might end up real. But I truly don’t think that it stops here, because to me — we come to the headcanons — Jeremy has watched the X-Files as it aired. It started in 1993, he had 17 years old, he was not feeling good, he wanted to believe, who wanted to believe as well? Fox Mulder.
And it’s easy to draw the parallels: Jeremy has lost his father nobody cares anymore and he is only aching as he had been hoping for him to come back, his father disappeared in strange circonstances in the Bridgewater Triangle. Mulder has lost his little sister, Samantha, whom he was persuaded as a kid to have seen getting abducted by aliens, and everybody has lost hope on finding her, it’s easy to assume that Jeremy saw himself in a way in Mulder. Their seek for the truth is important but even when his belief starts to crumble I think he is still attached to the show and starts to find himself in the character of Scully, scientific and down to earth before anything else because it hurts less, and it’s his trauma response. But I think he ends up with the IWTB poster in his house as an adult as no matter what, he still wants to believe into the hope of finding Thomas again although he doesn’t believe it anymore.
For the witchcraft part he also has a tigers eye stone bracelet because it’s supposed to have strong properties of protection, and the pendulum is in amethyst as it’s supposed to bring soothing energy and good vibes — which might be useful to get contact with Thomas.
Then we come to my favourite fanart “plotwist” which I’m super proud of: the incense behind him as it’s burning is spelling “Jeremy?” which is a supposition that his contact with Thomas was indeed working — the veil hum hum cough cough — however he could not see it so not believe it, whereas ironically, the cone incense in front of him was burning normally, so this “séance” not working might have crumbled his beliefs into the supernatural too which put them into more into the rank of myths instead of real tangible possible things (and we can see his interests into myths and folklore already as the three books he has on his shelves are about it!)
As a ref of young!Jeremy Bradshaw I took refs on pics of Misha in his twenties 😭✌️
I hope you enjoyed my fanart (it took me roughly 13 hours this time) and my little explanation and thank you for reading it all! Lots of love 🫶
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danglovely · 2 months
Regrading Taskmaster: S06E05 H.
*Score changes noted in parenthesis.
This is the "I'm Alex Horne and I support apartheid" episode.
Prize Task: The Sturdiest Thing
They actually are disgusting, aren't they?
Greg defines "sturdy" as whether it would survive him falling on it from 15 feet. This is arbitrary, but it does raise an important question: sturdiest by expectations or in totality? I'm of the mind that totality governs here, otherwise it would be "the most surprisingly sturdy thing."
Tim's plastic dog actually seems kind of difficult to break. Eggs are famously easy to break, to the point where you have to actually be mindful to not break them. I think I could kill a donkey pretty easily. I don't want to . . . but I could. Alice does a plastic greenhouse, which is sturdy against some things. Unfortunately, I immediately thought of how easy it is to get through it with a knife and then began to think about how I could get through it with my bare hands.
Russell's brother's calves are crazy well defined. I'm not really sure how to categorize this one because they would probably be difficult to tear into, but he could tear them by exerting too much effort.
I think the way to go is Asim last (easy), then Alice, then Liza, then Russell, then Tim. It's not the easiest designation, but I'll find a way to sleep at night.
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Alice: 2 (-2) Asim: 1 (0) Liza: 3 (-2) Russell: 4 (+1) Tim: 5 (+3)
VT 01: Without leaving the caravan, work out how long this piece of string is. Most accurate answer wins.
I might do it in lobsters.
No one really seemed to know the trick that your wingspan is about the same length as your height.
We're gonna knock Alice out of contention right away. Absolute shit workaround attempt. No interpretation of the task means that you can cut your own desired length of string and measure that. It clearly meant the length of string that existed at the time the task was read.
We get the mess of imperial and metric measurements. Asim says 500 ft. (152.4 m.). Russell says 31 m. (101.706 ft.). Liza cuts the string off from the spool, which I'm a little more willing to consider, because it's semi-reasonable that the task could be referring to the unwound string. However. she doesn't even say which piece of string she's guessing when she says "4 miles" (21120 ft., 6437.38 m.), so she's getting the same treatment as everybody else (not that it would matter). Alice's guess is 5'7".
Tim uses a lobster and I'm actually not sure how he did it, because it doesn't feel like he's taking into account that both sides of the lobster would be a foot. He does it though. He says a lobster is a .98 feet and he guesses 308 lobsters.
Alex does round up in lobsters and down in string for Tim. It doesn't affect the scoring though. This is a very long-winded way to say that they got it right.
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Alice: 2 Asim: 4 Liza: 1 Russell: 3 Tim: 5
VT 02: Pull this tablecloth off the table. Most eggs left unbroken on the table wins. You have one attempt and may not tamper with the table, tablecloth, or eggs.
Heh. Eggs.
Aren't they tampering with the tablecloth by removing it?
Task doesn't say "fastest wins."
They all nail it and honestly, I'd love for them to show more tasks where they all nail it.
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Alice: 5 Asim: 5 Liza: 5 Russell: 5 Tim: 5
Team Task: Find the link then do it exactly 100 times.
Have we ever had a clearer metaphor for the plight of women through the ages?
This is the only time we see the back of the lab (revealing it's just a bedroom). Nothing to be said that wasn't said during broadcast.
Alex says the team of three was at 8:07. Team Funk did it in 11:18. Greg doesn't split the points anymore, but I do.
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Team Funk: 2 (-1) Team of Three: 3 (-2)
VT 04: Pull off the most elaborate trick shot.
Look at the crazy trick.
Oh, this one gets me salty. Liza deserved last so much because she used the crew and no one would believe that was an actual trick shot. Somehow, I'm putting Alice above her, because she was at least honest about what she was doing.
It's kind of more difficult to evaluate Russell's mess of challenges versus Tim & Asim's Goldberg machines. "Elaborate" means "carefully arranged" and I think Russell's feels a little more haphazard. Tim's machine is better than Asim's (and is named after a pun) so that's that.
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Alice: 2 (+1) Asim: 4 (+2) Liza: 1 (-3) Russell: 3 (0) Tim: 5 (0)
Live Task: Throw as many eggs onto the shelves as possible. You must lie flat on your bed at all times. Most eggs on the shelves wins.
No condition about being broken or intact. There's actually not even a condition about whether they have to stay there (though tough grading if they don't). Asim also steals an egg from Liza, which I'm very okay with.
I'm also very much okay with how Alex scored this.
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Alice: 1 Asim: 2 Liza: 5 Russell: 4 Tim: 4
Alice: 14 Asim: 19 Liza: 18 Russell: 21 Tim: 27
I arrive at the same conclusion as Alex and Greg, Tim deserves a win. I'm giving him his second, where they give him his first.
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
I have lots of thoughts on how the animatronics minds work (especially Sun and Moon) and idk where to put this since it’s not fanfic worthy but I feel the need to put it all down somewhere
Sorta just a brain dump don’t mind me
(just some preface I have very little programming experience and while some of this alludes to real psychology, this is not scientifically accurate at all, just my headcannons)
Now first to establish how the AI work it’s essentially a learning system that compiles multiple directives and inputs to make a decision.
Basically there are multiple learning modules that each receive the same sensory input, but each module has a different directive that it codes for. For example pretty much every animatronic has a “safety” directive that prioritizes human safety and the Glamrocks have a “showtime” directive that helps them perform on stage. Each animatronic can have hundreds to thousands of directives running at any given point. Each directive essentially works by taking the sensory input given to it and spitting out a suggested “action” that should take place given its directive. These actions are then sent to the core processor where there the taken action is chosen. For example, if an animatronic sees a fallen child, an action suggested by the “showtime” directive would be to sing to the child, but a directive from the “safety” directive would be scanning for wounds. Both actions would be sent to the core processor, and based upon probability algorithms (where each action is assigned a probability of 0-100% of being chosen, based on a variety of factors), it would likely choose the safety protocol action. So like the singing option would be assigned a probability of 2% and the scan for wounds suggestion would be assigned a probability of 98%. (Staff consider the “choosing” of a particular action to be completely random, but to the animatronics it’s sorta their free will) This process happens multiple times every second, allowing for adaptability and additions to the behavior. Very basic robots, like the staff bots, only work on one or two directives, making them much less adaptable and sentient compared to the others. It should be noted that not all suggested actions are actual “physical” actions, some could be replaying a memory, changing the probability of another directive being chosen, or simply stating a fact/opinion that a particular directive emphasizes. For an example for the last one, the safety directive could point out “there is snow outside, it will be cold” which could lead to a change in probability for another directive, like the “proper attire” directive.
Now one thing about these directives is that each animatronic has differing levels of awareness of them. Awareness of directives manifests as sorta being able to hear one’s thoughts, like being aware of your own decision making process or hearing thoughts that you otherwise would not act on. Ranking the more complex animatronics in order of least to most aware of their directives we have, Monty, DJ, Chica, Freddy, Roxy, and the DCA (my beloved).
Starting with Monty, even though he’s the least aware of his directives, this doesn’t mean he’s the least sentient. Simply put, he’s a action man first think later kinda guy. He doesn’t like dwelling too long on thoughts or feelings that aren’t important to the present situation. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have them though. This ends up messing with his core processor probability mechanism, making him far more impulsive than any other animatronic. When he starts getting errant inputs from a virulent directive (cough cough the peepaw virus) this causes him to act out more violently. He also has a bit of an issue straight up ignoring thoughts that are “bad” to him, like anything to do with a certain rabbit animatronic. 
DJ simply vibes man. He has fewer directives compared to the other complex animatronics, mainly because he rarely directly interacts with humans and tends to stay in one place. This however makes him unstable when a new set of directives are put in place that entail security (the bouncer mode). But he’s overall less impulsive than Monty and is self aware of what directives are running at any given point. He rarely has any conflicts with any of the thoughts he receives, so he doesn’t dwell on them. He is the second most stable animatronic emotionally.
Chica is sorta similar to Monty in that she tends to avoid her thoughts and feelings. She’s a far more self aware of them, and purposely takes actions to avoid hearing them (ie overeating) but other than thoughts that depress her, she’s relatively in tune with them. She ends up being very extroverted as she becomes less aware of her directives when shes with others. This makes her seem kinda airheaded, but when she is alone she does tends to get more contemplative. However when a virus starts to isolate her and increase the number of directives/thoughts that upset her, she goes fully into her bad habits.
Freddy is probably the most stable out of all the animatronics (other than maybe DJ). Even before the virus started to effect everyone, Freddy was always the most dependable and strong. In terms of his headspace, this is mainly because he has a good balance of aware and unaware directives. As seen with those previous, having too little awareness of one’s directives can cause impulsiveness, and we will see later what over awareness can do. Even when Freddy has unwanted thoughts/directives, he is able to reason and process them in a healthy way. Some directives relating to Bonnie do mess with his processor though, but other than those, he is relatively stable.
Roxy tries to seem like she doesn’t care, or hear her own thoughts, but that is a fat lie. She has a lot of errant directives that greatly affect the probability calculations of her core processor. This mainly stems from a lot of her directives being related to her appearance, giving her a lot of input she can’t do anything directly about unless she calls staff. This has given her a lot of self image issues. She makes up for this by continually choosing the most “cool” options, even if it’s not the best action for the situation. This leads to her being pretty mean to the other animatronics, staff, and kids. She’s closest to Chica, as she’s the only one who also has a lot of appearance directives (ayo sexism?), but as mentioned before she has more methods to quiet those thoughts.
Last but not least the daycare attendant. The daycare attendant is unique in that it has two main “modes” Sun and Moon. Each mode has the same directives and core processor, but the probabilities of suggested actions being chosen are changed greatly between the two. For example, the probability of naptime and security directive actions being chosen are reduced greatly in Sun mode, and playtime and crafting directives are reduced in Moon mode. Meaning if the situation calls for it, the other mode can still access its counterparts directives, but in daily use the likelihood of those options being taken are so low they basically never happen. This was meant to be the only difference between the two modes, as with only one processor, there would essentially be only one animatronic in the body. But there was a bug that lead to the memories of the daycare attendant to be split. Now one thing to clarify, memories are considered sensory input, so they go directly to directive modules to aid in learning, but don’t necessarily need to pass through the main processor. However, the only way animatronics are able to consciously recall a memory is if a directive  suggests playing it to the main processor, and that can change its probability calculations. Now the bug Sun and Moon have prevents directives from replaying memories from their counterparts database, essentially preventing recall from an event that happens to them in the other mode. But, the individual directives still processed the memories as they happened regardless of mode (for psychology nerds Sun and Moon basically share implicit memories but don’t share explicit). Now if the daycare attendant were any other animatronic, they would probably be okay. Maybe have some memory issues but their directives are in sync so they would still be one animatronic, except both Sun and Moon are hyper aware of their individual thoughts/directives. Moon sometimes gets thoughts to yell and wake all the children he spent an hour trying to get to bed. Sun wakes up to suddenly have multiple thoughts about certain children needing punishment, except for Sun that child was fine for him. For both, the others memories and directives creates intrusive thoughts for the other, making it difficult to discern which thoughts and feelings belong to them, and which belong to the other. This made both start to develop distinct identities, to the point they consider the other a completely different AI (even though again, they only have one processor). Moon’s directives are far more dangerous compared to Sun’s so for him this has created massive anxiety and frustration. He is not only receiving thoughts and input that are not safe for when children are around, but he is also constantly second guessing himself, not knowing whether or not an action will cause unwanted harm. This makes Sun the incredibly nervous person we see. Moon in general is less scared of his counterpart’s interference, but the constant barrage of both his own and Sun’s thoughts is a lot to deal with. This leads to him being kind of a recluse and really quiet, earning the reputation as the plex cryptid from the other animatronics. He also has a major complex when it comes to comparing himself to Sun, being overly self deprecating and having a skewed viewpoint as to how Sun is like (since they don’t really ‘know’ each other very well). His overthinking is somewhat lessened when he becomes friends with Monty and forms a line of communication with Sun (essentially writing notes to each other constantly), but once Monty joins the main band and the virus starts affecting Moon, everything starts to go south. The virus is a directive, so technically it affects both Sun and Moon, however, the probability of “virus” directives being chosen is far higher for Moon than Sun (since it’s categorized as a security directive). Therefore we have both Sun constantly receiving these extremely distressing thoughts and Moon acting on these thoughts. Tldr, both Sun and Moon are extreme overthinkers who have intrusive thoughts, for Sun this causes anxiety, for Moon this causes depression.
Extra stuff:
Sun and Moon tend to get overwhelmed when they are in situations that activate their counterparts directives. For example darkness and conflict for Sun and bright lights and loud noises for Moon. This leads to them both avoiding these situations as often as possible (Sun being conflict avoidant and Moon preferring a nice dark quiet space to hide away in).
Staff are not sure what determines how aware an animatronic is of their own directives and write it off as a bug.
The virus very specifically targets instabilities in the animatronics programming, taking directives from the base processor and twisting them to be more violent and bad. Basically taking their worst personality traits and turning them against the animatronic. For example, for Moon it amplifies his negative thoughts about Sun, the other animatronics and himself, and suggests violent ways to deal with it. This is how they are able to amplify the probability of these violent actions from being chosen. 
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chibivesicle · 5 months
Asks that I will never really answer. My apologies; life gets busy and I get distracted.
I'm dropping these here today, so I can clear out some of the asks from my inbox. Apologies for some of these going back to when Trigun Stampede was still airing. >_< If I don't have a clear and concise answer, I'll let things sit in the inbox but they occasionally do fall off my radar.
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Uuummm sorry Anon, I meant to give this more of a response but as I got angrier at Stampede, I just couldn't bring myself to give you a well thought out reply. My overall vibes for the Christian themes that were missing in Stampede had to do how they kept a lot of the surface content, images/style/design from the original but with the sci-fi emphasis removed the weird esoteric Christian stuff and made it look that way. Vash was more willing to engage with others in the original manga/'98 anime based on what Rem taught him. Yet, we never get why he does what he does in Stampede. By changing Wolfwood from being a traveling preacher where Vash lambasts him with 'thou shall not kill' the nuance of his character's moral conflict is lost. He's a trained killer for a quasi-religious organization that might be using a Zia in a really not cool way. We also do not see him act in a self-sacrificing way, which he does from the get go in the original. The angelic body horror was gone, replaced by a sci-fi reading of plants and the concept of plant worship was missing in there as well. There is a lot of internal dialogue that many of the characters pose through the anime and manga and its just gone from Stampede and it revolves around forgiveness, violence, and justice.
For me, the complete re-interpretation of the world and loss of the moral conflict that all characters show hurt the Christian (and Buddhist) themes that underpinned the original. It really came down to how the characters acted and talked. There is no point to a gunslinger who is almost completely passive when one who is active but uses a non-lethal method based on principle. There is a chapter where Vash gets taunted by some enemy for how bad his target practice is until they determine he was that accurate at shooting someone but not killing them. The best way to summarize is that they took some of the aesthetics of the original and didn't follow through on how the characters acted. There is so much contemplation in the original and that is missing in the remake.
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Let's just make this a list: 1.) Leo would actually have a real girlfriend. I already have issues with White, I think adding her in as a quasi-girlfriend was a disservice to Leo's character. 2.) Zapp would be white. Less of a manwhore perhaps? 3.) Chain would be cute as opposed to cold and distant. No drinking assholes under the table and vomiting in her bathroom later. See Meryl Stryfe.
4.) K.K. would have boobs, and somehow be more sexy than an awkward and doting mother. See Rem and Luida. 5.) Steven's scar would be smaller or missing to make him a real lady killer. Either they'd lean way too far into Steven's shady side or they'd clean it up completely. Like he'd wink at women as opposed to sleeping with them to get intel. Be Klaus #1 fan! But like all the time, making himself to work too much. His hangry side would either be missing or played up for laughs. 6.) Zed would be dropped because he's the non-human team member. What's the point of having him? 7.) Luciana Estevez would only appear in her super sexy doctor form not her silly clone or normal form.
8.) They would try to create lore and filler to explain things that you have to assume are just how things work. Or they would info dump as opposed to leaving it up to you to worry about things and figure it out from the context. 9.) The entire cast gets aged down, because having a bunch of 30+ cast members who don't have all their shit together is too embarrassing aka very realistic. e.g. K.K. has a house husband (not a good mother like Rem and Luida in Stampede), Steven will die single and alone, Daniel will die single and alone, Patrick carries a torch for Guinness but is single, Abrams is a walking disaster.
10.) Character designs which are super unique and fun, especially in the manga all get 'isekai treatment' were they look homogeneous. The whole point of the diversity of the cast is lost. Women are short and cute, men are tall and slender or tall and buff. No other options.
11.) They attempt to rationalize the 13 Kings and give deep meaning behind their behaviors. Which maybe we will get that someday, but part of the fun is how fucking chaotic they are.
12.) Hellsalem's Lot is an empty city. Somehow, the city lacks people on the streets and we don't get the rooftop betting scene between the giant stomping creature and super-sized Riel. Sex, drugs, gambling are minimized in their version.
13.) The entire Prosfair story line is cut because it is so fucking bizarre and awesome; they wouldn't understand the point of the entire game.
14.) The OST is bad.
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myechoecho · 6 months
The Goryeo Khitan War was so good. It's not my normal sort drama but I enjoyed it.
Firstly, it's nice to see a different era because lets be real, if it's a historical kdrama there is a 98% chance it will take place Joseon. The fact that it is not Joseon makes it feel refreshing. Between this, and Moon in the Day which takes place in Silla era we have two historical kdramas that are not in the Joseon period and are in fact two different periods.
Thinking back on all the historical kdramas I've watched, I can only think of three off the top of my head that were not in the Joseon period - Moon Lovers, My Country: the New Age and River Where the Moon Rises. Even then, My Country was the transition period from Goryeo and Joseon so it maybe doesn't quite fit. And River Where the Moon Rises became a hot mess because of the ML recast (if there is one actor that I absolutely do not like it is Na In Woo) and I dropped it not longer after that happened. There may be more in there but I honestly cannot remember at the moment.
I was not expecting the current king to be gay and pretty openly gay at that. His relationship with this mother seems to be messed up to say the least. Her allowing him to come in when she is bathing and him saying if only there was another woman as beautiful has her he wouldn't be attracted to men. Which is not how being gay works, but ok. My quick search didn't give much information on King Mokjong, so I don't know if this is historically accurate.
I actually like Mokjong. He recognizes that he is a poor king but he also wants to follow the proper means to ascension so he wants his cousin (?) to inherit the throne. Not his half brother. Plus he genuinely loves his vassal. But he should let that vassal die as he asks. Mokjong is right to bring back the prince - and I think he understands that he will become powerless. In fact, he is likely to become powerless either way because let's be real this Queen will kick him off the throne before he dies. At least bringing back the prince will ensure that the heir he wants is on the throne. Listening to the vassal is a dumb idea, even dumber to say he will only bring the prince if the vassal agrees. Dude, I see why you are a bad king.
I also liked the prince who has been exiled. It feels like a proper origin story of the king he will become. Right now he is a somewhat bratty teen. But he has trauma knowing that his aunt wants to kill him. He cares for the younger monk who is assigned to him. He didn't have to apologize for him getting whipped, but he does and helps with this chores.
There quite a few players and I don't know who they are or their motivations. But I already love that this will be about undermining the Queen's plot to have her son become king and then placing the prince on the throne, along with fighting a war with the Khitan. It's going to be fairly complex.
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