#and a tag to blacklist if you don't want any part of this lmao:
osoreruna · 3 months
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taking a poll to see what time would work best for y'all ! it'll be on a sunday more than likely, as i have work on saturdays, and the dash seems fairly active on sundays. forgive me, but all these times are in eastern standard time — y'all will have to do the math, it is not my strong suit.
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lacefuneral · 10 months
hi reddit. here are some tips.
i will be putting these below a "readmore" - which is the first lesson. on desktop there is a button for this. on mobile you type :readmore: followed by a linebreak. it is considered common ettique to shorten your long posts in this way.
by the way, are you reblogging a long post that isn't under a readmore? tag that as #long post so users can blacklist it and not have to scroll for five years.
(weird gaps in bullet points due to character limits lmao)
Title. Icon. Banner. blog description. (look around if you need an idea for what to put in your blog description.) Blogs without this information (ESPECIALLY the no icon + no title combo) gets you blocked immediately. This is because tumblr has always had a severe bot problem. Just grab a meme from your camera roll or a picture of a character you like from google.
also, because most users have their pronouns in their bio, it is expected that you will look there to check before addressing them, out of courtesy. don't just default to "they" - only do that if a person's pronoun's are unclear or if the pronouns listed ARE "they."
Disable public likes. the like button is for personal bookmarking. very often, people will like posts they have not read yet, so that they can read them later. a person's likes is not always reflective of their stances, and if your likes are public, people may use them against you in an argument. think of your likes as your browser history. tumblr users value privacy in this instance.
unrelated to the above point: likes are also used to show compassion for a user going through a tough time, or to say "hey, i thought this joke you made was funny." this use of likes is more for friend-to-friend communication.
Disable anything in your settings that is algorithmic including seeing posts based on other people's likes (one, because algorithms exist to make you mad and two, as part of respecting privacy)
set "following" to appear before "for you" (and overall avoid "for you")
Snooze Tumblr Live (sorry. you have to do this once a week bc tumblr sucks.)
Open your askbox so people can communicate with you. Decide if you want to allow anonymous asks and/or public DMs.
Enable the desktop version of your blog. This makes it so that when you use a computer and go to [yourusername].tumblr.com you can have a website with HTML and CSS. tumblr has tried very hard to kill blog personalization but you can find many helpful users posting in the tags, as well as pre-made themes you can install. tumblr users are the ones making the bulk of neocities websites, and in general tend to be friendly in redirecting you to resources.
enabling your desktop blog also allows you to insert links and do very basic editing (like inserting line breaks) in your blog description (we call "bio") which translates to the mobile version of your theme. you have to do this in the editor for the desktop on a computer. also, editing your theme on mobile (like changing color, font) will undo your HTML. your best bet is to edit your mobile theme first and THEN do the HTML/link stuff on a computer. i know it sounds a bit convoluted but you'll figure it out. (this website is made of duct tape)
also while you are on desktop: download xkit rewritten. it won't work on mobile but it gives you a lot of helpful features. also consider installing ublock origin if you haven't already, because tumblr will sometimes add annoying widgets to their website and that tool will allow you to block them. i also use "palettes for tumblr" to customize my dashboard color. tumblr DOES have built-in dashboard themes but i do not like them personally.
pinned posts. you can pin any post you make or reblog. some people use this to pin a funny meme, and other people use the pinned post as an extended bio (or otherwise an alternative to it). a tumblr post made on desktop can hold up to 30 images (the limit is 10 on mobile.) you can also embed links, a video, and even audio. you can change text color, have bullet points, and increase font size. as such, you can express yourself much more in a pinned post than in your mobile blog description. a typical pinned post may include information about the user, a link to an external website (like a carrd, neocities, or linktree), and sometimes an image or two. tumblr allows you to disable reblogs for a post, so most pinned posts are set this way so it just stays on a user's blog.
DNIs (also called "BYF"). not everyone uses them, and they can be divisive. it stands for "Do Not Interact" - and is a boundary set to keep people away. this may include age (example: "minors DNI"), political opinions (example: "prolifers DNI"), and sometimes deeply niche online discourse. DNIs are also sometimes a joke (example: "DNI if you like tuna salad"). there is actually a meme where someone will write a post with a very long, unreasonable DNI and users will count how many apply to them.
If you would upvote a post on reddit, you would reblog it here. If you see something and you think it is cool, you think it is funny, or you think it is helpful, reblog it. Some users have sideblogs (you can have infinite sideblogs attached to your main account) to organize all of the posts they reblog. Others simply use a tagging system for organizational purposes (and so users can blacklist ("filter") those tags in their settings if they don't want to see the post). For example, if I followed a user for Star Trek, but they also posted a lot of Star Wars, I might add "#star wars" to my list of filters. This way, I am only seeing the Star Trek posts. Tumblr's default way of handling this is to display a box that says "this post contains #Star Wars" and you can choose whether or not to open it. on desktop with xkit rewritten, you can have it hide those boxes entirely. please use filters. your sanity will thank you.
In a reblog, Organizational Tags are for /you./ I see a lot of confusion about this from new users. If you reblog someone else's post and add 500 tags..... it's not going to get picked up in tumblr search. You're not going to get any sort of exposure. Because it is not your post. Those tags are only for /you/ - if you want to find the post again.
tags are also used for commentary. most tumblr users do /not/ talk in post replies or in the comments of a reblog. most of them talk in tags. tags have a character limit so these messages are broken up in fragments. tumblr uses a comma (,) to make a new tag, so users often use either no punctuation or a period (.) or a hyphen (-) to break up thoughts. two apostrophes ('') are used instead of quotation marks (because they dont work in tags). this is also where "tumblr writing style" comes from. we all began to write in lowercase and use punctuation in. a weird way. like. for emphasis. there is also the Tumblr Comma, a special unicode character that resembles a comma and works in tags when copy+pasted or put there with a keyboard shortcut. but this is often not used. here it is: ‚
also here's an example of tags. you will notice that commentary goes before organizational: #GOD DHSHSKDDJDL #i cannot BELIEVE i forgot about this. what the fuck #star trek #spock
when leaving tags, most users talk to themselves. but please remember that tags can be seen by anyone, including the original poster. in general, it is discouraged to traumadump or be rude.
"prev tags" (which tumblr staff is trying their damnest to erase sadly) is when a user reblogs a post from another user and tags it simply ''prev'' or ''prev tags" (meaning "i agree with the previous user's tags"). sometimes it's because a thoughtful observation was made, but usually it's a way of saying "hey! that was a funny joke!" without putting the user on blast by screenshotting the tags. it's most common between friends and mutuals (users following each other). i would say it is equivalent to users whispering to each other and giggling rather than getting up on a table and shouting. "prev tag chain" is when users reblog "prev tags" "prev prev tags" - and so on. however, sadly, tumblr has removed the feature of moving backwards in a reblog chain on desktop. i have not updated my app and refuse to, so i so not know if it is gone on mobile as well, but it probably is. EDIT: the browser extension Xkit Rewritten has an option now, in "tweaks" called "restore links to individual posts in post header." it should be the first option. prev tags, on desktop at least, is saved!
screenshotting someone elses tags and adding the image in a reblog is known as "passing peer review." it is, however, considered to be Greatly Annoying to accompany those tags with unnecessary commentary (ex: "these tags pass peer review!" "WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THIS IN THE TAGS" "LMAAOO THIS IS SO FUNNYYY"). the tags can stand on their own. the only instance in which this is different is during a serious discussion, when you want to build off of another user's perspective. in which case, you address them as normal. some people credit taggers, some people don't. crediting tends to occur in discussions.
when making an original post, do not use irrelevant tags for Exposure. this is Greatly Hated by the userbase and is also against the TOS. you will get blocked at best, reported or yelled at at worst. only add relevant tags, and do not go overboard.
reposting other people's artwork is highly discouraged and is considered the Highest Offense. if you do any sort of reposting, you should credit and link to a creator directly. however, tumblr loves reposted videos, especially ones from tiktok. there are entire accounts dedicated to posting those.
sideblogs! it is possible to have multiple blogs under one email address. tumblr treats these blogs as proxies of your main blog. this means that sending someone an ask/commenting in the replies of a post will always appear with the name of your main blog, your likes will appear with the name of your main blog, and that if you follow someone you will appear on their followers list as your main blog (so you may be mutuals with someone and not even know it because their sideblog interacts with you, but isn't on your follower's list... because their main blog is listed there instead.) however, DMs DO appear as the sideblog name. you cannot swap your main blog with your sideblog. and right now, there is a bug where deleting a sideblog will delete your entire tumblr account so. don't do that lol. anyway, the amount of sideblogs you can make is literally infinite and i think there's just a Daily Limit of creating 10 of them or something. some users make a sideblog for each interest they have. others have no sideblogs and reblog everything to main. and then you have people like me that do both. somehow. some users will make sideblogs to hoard URLs. also sorry i'm just introducing this now, but that is what our usernames are called. because when tumblr was more desktop-oriented, every blog was literally a Personal Website. so ya. we call them "URLs." anyway, if someone wants to hang onto a URL for later, they might save it on an empty blog. this usually pisses people off. a "canon URL" is when someone has a URL that is like One Word or a Company Name or a Fictional character. hypothetical examples: "ketchup" "burgerking" "lukeskywalker." these are highly rare, coveted, and you look cool as hell if you have one.
tumblr's /\/SFW policy (/\/ is an N. i've censored it.) is best described as ???. posts that are safe for work get marked as /\/SFW and hardcore p0rn somehow persists. in general, be very wary of posting even artistic nvdity (even though it is supposedly permitted.) never deliberately mark your own posts as Mature. this is essentially like walking directly into a bear trap and waving a big sign at tumblr staff saying "hey! make it so people can't find my blog and i'm far more likely to get banned!" also do not tag posts with "/\/SFW." too many of those will get your entire blog marked as mature (which makes your posts pretty much invisible to other users.) tumblr users used /\/SFT (/\/ot safe for tumblr) for a long time, but staff caught on. there is now no consensus and people use their own personal tags for it. just pick something and people will catch on and blacklist it if need be. (btw you CAN type whatever you want on this website. i am only censoring in the hopes that this will allow my post to appear in the tags. this isn't tiktok lol)
while it is possible to disable reblogs on a post, this is a very RECENT addition and most users forget it exists. as such, please use common sense. if someone has written a post about, say, how sad they are feeling because they got in a fight with their family... that's not a good post to reblog. a like would be better here, like a pat on the back.
we LOVE polls. we love them. they are like sports to us. most of them are popularity polls - who is the better character? but people also use polls for, say, making bug emojis "race" each other. or "lets build a cake." other people use polls to write poetry, or learn about regional differences, or even to draw a pen!s. if you tag a poll as "poll" it will most likely be seen and voted in, because users look in the tag to find buttons to click.
there is unfortunately a T3RF (this one censored specifically to protect my notifs lmao. 3 is E) presence here. report, block, ignore, move on. common courtesy for users to inform each other if one is accidentally reblogged from. it also helps to blacklist tags related to them to avoid them. use shinigam! eyes browser extension on desktop.
there is NO equivalent to reddit awards on this website. as the userbase hates the staff, it is considered blasphemous to spend your money on checkmarks, etc. - buying them as a gift for another user is seen as a hostile act. it's like receiving a "kick-me" sign. once owned, badges cannot be deleted. thankfully, tumblr now allows you to disable checkmarks and other badges from appearing publically. that said, some users also give checkmarks unironically to show appreciation??? and others buy checks for themselves???? so yeah. tumblr doesnt actually have a verification system - these exist to mock twitter and to make a quick buck.
tumblr blaze. essentially, tumblr has a system in place to showcase user posts instead of advertisements sometimes. this is done by the user paying money. the higher the amount, the more impressions. tumblr users can now also blaze OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BLAZE DISABLED!!! blazing another person's post (without asking first) is seen as a hostile act. why? because most blazed posts result in rude comments from strangers who are annoyed to see the post on their dashboard. unless it's like, a cute picture of a cat. or something genuinely helpful. boosting your soundcloud or a selfie or a rant about fandom does not typically garner positive responses. you can blaze just like. watch out. and also always ask the OP if you want to blaze someone else's post. (there is a reason this feature is called "blaze pvp")
tumblr merch is also frowned upon, as tumblr staff steals ideas from the userbase and profits off of them without financially compensating or crediting the users. there was a meme on here, "vanilla extract", that tumblr turned into water bottles while the person who made the meme was having to fundraise to survive :(
umm i think thats it for now. but like if you have questions feel free to launch them into The Void with some tags and users are pretty quick to help out! hopefully i covered some stuff that other ppl haven't
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WIBTA if I posted my art from a zine early?
I (23nb) joined a zine for a semi obscure 2000s manga/anime as a page artist with two of my friends. I enjoy this media but I don't really consider myself in the fandom, I only joined because one of my aforementioned friends is a huge fan of it and the other friend is also a casual enjoyer and we thought it would be fun if we all did a zine together.
Most zines have a timeline of around 9-10 months from beginning to publishing but this one's been in production for almost 2 years. I've been in a few zines and this one has the worst organization I've ever seen in any project. The timeline on the discord only covered the first 5 months and had no estimate for how long the production would be, but a year and a half for publishing is pretty unheard of. The only check-in for progress that I remember didn't even require sending in your piece, you just had to say if you were finished or not and only a handful of the 30ish people on the discord responded lmao. Both of my friends ghosted at this point and the Singular mod (there might be two mods. I can't really tell) didn't dm them to see if they still wanted to participate or anything. Since there is only one person doing everything me and a few others have asked if they need any help and every time the mod(s) say that they're fine. every month or two someone will ask how the production is going and the mod will answer, and then another month goes by and the cycle repeats. I think the zine has finally gone into its “preorder interest check” stage (so not the actual preorder) but judging by how long everything takes i estimate that it'll be another 2 months at least before it actually goes into preorder. Its also never been clear if this is a free zine or if the sales will be donated to charity or distributed among the contributors. Since there's Allegedly going to be a physical copy it's gotta at least use the sales money to pay for production and shipping costs, but I have no idea if I'll be compensated with a physical copy or any money, especially if I do the thing that I might be TA for.
So here's my actual question. WIBTA if I posted the art I made for the zine before the mod says it's ok to do so? A big part of zine etiquette is that you do not post the final piece until the zine is finished, and the repercussions for someone who does range from a mod dming them to take it down or being kicked out of the zine entirely or in the absolute worst case, called out and blacklisted in the fandom and zine circles (I don't think anything that serious will happen to me but I have anxiety so I'm always imagining the worst thing) Most of the people on Tumblr in this fandom are kind of annoying fandom mom millennial types so I don't really want to deal with any possible backlash from them lol. If I just posted my art on Instagram idk if any of them would see it, but they Definitely would if I posted on Tumblr since the zine originated on there and it's such a small tag. I'm also so frustrated with the experience I kind of want to write something cunty in the description about how it's a zine piece for a zine that probably will never come out but I know that's just being petty and would probably invite drama. Also since I drew this thing a year and a half ago it's a little busted looking so I might redraw parts of it, so posting it would still be kinda shitty but it would technically be a different piece from the original one I submitted to the zine.
What are these acronyms?
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tervaneula · 9 months
Hiii I saw in tags that you said angst is not the same for you as hurt/comfort-- I fully understand what you mean, by the way, this is just going to be pure curiosity-- but if you wanna elaborate, go ahead! I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it feels different for you :D
Oh what a cool question, certainly!!!
Angst CAN be very similar to hurt/comfort, but in angst, the main attraction is the hurt. To me, angst is often written/drawn to make yourself and others feel sad and hurt and hopeless and other melancholy feelings on different levels. It can include comfort but it's not necessary for that genre.
If you've read the companion fic to NQK chapter 7, "repeat until death", that's a literal example of this. I did put in the tag 'angst and hurt/comfort' but the comfort part in that fic is so minimal it could very well not exist at all. That's the kind of stuff I don't enjoy. It can be cathartic, and writing that fic kind of was, but it also hurt me so deeply it'll probably be the first and the last time I'll touch any future family's deaths in NQK in detail.
Sad endings, unhappy endings, bittersweet endings, they-live/are back together-but-at-what-cost endings, all of those count as angst to me and I'd rather not see those. All the power to the people who like it, though, I want to emphasise that I'm not judging anyone who thrives on angst!!! This is my own experience and my own feelings on the matter, and that's why I rely on XKit's Blacklist so much. I can't use Tumblr's own filtering, because it doesn't completely hide the blocked posts from my view. Even the notification that something is blocked can be anxiety-inducing to me, I want NOTHING to do with the things I've blacklisted for a reason.
Haha whoops this became quite the ramble but eyyyy I guess it makes this a good answer LMAO
Tumblr media
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septembersghost · 8 months
Can you please tell me how you mostly got out of SPN fandom or reached any peace with it? I'm starting to not be able to take it anymore.
hi friend. i'm very sorry you're having a hard time with this, and want you to know i understand. okay, so first of all, prioritize your safety/mental/emotional well-being foremost. this can seem difficult, especially if you're deeply entrenched in the fandom or your primary circle here on tumblr is - there can be a sense of worry that you'll lose your mutuals and connections if you pull back, but i promise your friends will care about you in however you decide to interact. a lot of the fandom is toxic, and rather than that dissipating over the past three years, it seems to have escalated? if that's troubling you, you are well within your rights to pull back.
it's hard to give specific advice because i'm not sure how you're still engaging. are you rewatching, but finding that taxing because of frustration with the poor writing/storytelling or upset about where it eventually concludes? my best suggestion is finding a good place to stop and taking time away from the show for a while, and instead finding something that makes you happier. this never means you can't go back! the show will always be there, there's nothing wrong with taking a break. (i kind of wouldn't suggest doing what i did which was quitting unexpectedly and cold turkey in a rage of upset lmao, but if you can find a place to pause that feels more cathartic than negative, that might be easier).
if not the show itself, but fandom that's distressing you, the best thing to do is step away from bad fanon, don't get into arguments (i KNOW the impulse to fight is strong. it is not worth it. especially if it's affecting you emotionally), block anyone who's being aggressive/triggering, blacklist any terms you need to (this can be everything from crit tags to ships to characters' names to episode titles to writers to the actors themselves. at my worst in 2021 i blacklisted dean - can you imagine? granted, this was an extreme overreaction of distress, but i had to have that space for a little bit just to recover and use tumblr in peace). if you're a fic reader, and finding that's occupying you in a negative sense because it's causing you to dwell too much, set that aside if you can too. again, you can always go back. none of the content is going anywhere. they can't be hurt by you detaching, the story isn't going to change, the characters aren't going to disappear. you are real and your feelings are paramount.
there is no reason to be causing yourself any stress or hurt over a show that's been done for nearly three years when the space around it is so volatile. if you still want to engage, do that on your terms and in a positive way, hang with likeminded fans, focus on the characters you love or whatever part of the story has worth to you, and ignore the rest. it sounds easier said than done, but this is fiction, it's supposed to be fun! if it's not fun anymore, you're right to leave or reassess. you deserve some healing and peace. <3
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practical-herbalist · 3 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on (practical) herbalism and herbal medicine.
There's also a lot of content relating to: medical chemistry, foraging, healthy recipes, cultivation and harvesting, bushcraft, and hunting/fishing.
There will be some content relating to: ethical/humane omnivorism, locavorism, animal welfare, worker's welfare and rights, anti macro farm / intensive farming, land stewardship, and environmentalism, though my blog specifically for ethical omnivorism is ethical-omnivore-h.
My main is homo-adaptionem. My witchcraft blog is grotesque-grimoire. My youTube channel is H. adaptionem. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/ytplaylists. Misc Series, including Practical Herbalism: h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/miscseriesytpl.
I'm a witch, a home cook, a novice herbalist, a novice forager, and a newbie ethical onmivorous flexitarian. I am NOT an activist, just a dipshit with opinions!
Currently researching: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/research Currently growing: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/garden Disclaimers: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/disclaimers FAQ: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/faq
Foraging in: the Ozarks of the USA Ontario of Canada
Stay safe and stay weird!
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me pracitcal-herbalist - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, Y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
I block anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-chemo, anti-recovery, anti-medicine types, and those who promote quackery and fake "treatments" or "cures" on sight. This includes: New Agers, starseeds/indigo children, crystal healers, energy healers, faith healers, etc.
I block radfems of all types (febfems, perfs, terfs, tirfs, twerfs, swerfs, etc.) because their underlying rhetoric & theory goes completely against our understanding of biology, neurology, sex, gender, and DNA. Also they're sexist and LGBTphobic lmao
I also block trad weirdos (not trad goths, you are loved here <3) for reasons I hope are obvious. I'm a bisexual tranny they/them who hates organized religion, hugs trees and despises big oil, loves weird ass porn & kinks, and loves bodily autonomy & thinks abortion, tattoos, piercings, & transitioning is cool. You like natural medicine because you're under the delusion that it's a part of your (bigoted) heritage. I like natural medicine because chemistry is cool and plants are neat. We are not the same.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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unfogged-arc · 9 months
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise? ✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction? ❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you? ❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
salty af meme / @uncxntrxllable
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise? i once asked someone if they could tag their ns/fw stuff with a normal tag because it wasn't showing up on blacklist with their weird letters and they blocked me lmao.
✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction? i do agree with it to an extent. if i send you memes and you never send me any? that really sucks and makes me believe you want nothing to do with me. so having it reciprocated from time to time, when sending memes is one of the easiest ways of interaction with minimal effort on the sender's part, well it's just nice. i also believe the reblogging from the source is just a way to not send memes to people, at the core of it.
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you? nah, i try not to let other people ruin that sort of thing for me.
❣ How salty are you feeling right now? i'm always salty, lbh. i have a very specific way that i do roleplay that many people don't, so of course i get salty sometimes when i have no one to partake with the way i do lol.
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daenerys-targaryen · 7 months
How do you keep going in this fandom? Dany literally kept me alive and I will always be grateful to her for that but her antis drain the joy out of every single fun part of fandom. You can curate your space as meticulously as you like but the freaks will still screenshot your posts to dunk on you or send your stuff to other people's asks just to stir some drama up. How do you do it?
short answer: 1. because I will always have nothing but pure love and adoration for her in my heart and no one will ever take that away and 2. spite :)
long answer: under the cut
I'm sooo sorry you were going through such a hard time but I'm so so glad that she was able to do that for you. I love hearing how much dany means to us fans especially when it's being told to me so thank you for sharing that and I relate. As for the answer to your question, in my opinion I left the fandom for a long long time after the show ended just because it it was truly horrible here after about a year. I left my got blog, I unfollowed and left source blogs, I blacklisted the tags like I did not want to see anything about it anywhere and we couldn't even talk about it in my house for like a year LMAO and not just from me and it did take me a wwwhhiiilleee to really even follow some of my mutuals back you know and honestly it was just this past summer I truly got back into the fandom and started re reading the books again actively posting content about it albeit mostly on twitter though (i know 😭🤡) and that's because there are so. many. dany stans over there! it's so cool! i mean literally like countless endless amounts I hadn't been on asoiaf twitter ever really so I just didn't KNOW it was so large but I don't even know how I found them but I managed to find some old mutuals from when they were on here and then found more and more and over here? on this website? it's my opinion that this websites opinion in terms of book dany are what we used to think of reddit was years ago. actually TODAY I saw a pro dany post on reddit and I was like ?!?! pleasantly shocked ! I was like omg nature is healing. but anyways. over here? I go through my archive and I see so many of my old dany mutuals either just inactive or deactivated our people on here are GONE :( for me I guess I'll never not be in the fandom because I won't ever stop loving her and posting about her you know? there are some things in this world that really do just leave such an imprint on you as a person and on your soul and she's one of those things for me. I can say that overall just having mutuals and people to interact with and friends do make it so better. I'm really good about not seeing anti dany stuff on here because this is my home and I'm not bringing dirt in so I am veeeeeeery careful about who I follow in terms of asoiaf but over on twitter it's a bit harder not to see anti stuff because there aren't tags to blacklist to avoid you know? so I do see bs nonstop over there but thankfully I also know that I don't have to open that stupid app every day or be on it for a long time so when it seems like it's a lot I just don't open the app so it's not too big of a deal. and of course there are days where it really is a beat down like it's so incredibly dumb you'd think she were as really dark and controversial as they make her out to be I really just have to point and laugh. it's the internet there will always be someone screenshotting something and starting drama and there will always be people tagging my dany content with anti tags but I'm not going to stop posting about my favorite character or interacting with posts about her. really at the end of the day my love for her outshines any hate I didn't stop loving her then and I'm not going to stop loving her now. I will love her until I am cold and dead and six feet under and I'm very stubborn and love with my whole being so as long as I'm in online spaces I'll be in there posting about her
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twopoppies · 2 years
update on the "my friend thought she was edgy cause she read one (1) het fic with a sex scene so unspicy it could have passed for White People Chicken" situation
she's fucking determined and i love that for her, but i also don't want her to end up traumatised, rocking in her chair harder than a subsitute teacher after being faced with the rowdy kids, so i'm guiding her through.
now, first, i tried to find a fandom we had in common so we could go straight to the fics. she threw a fit worse than the five-year-old i babysit and demanded i show her the same fics i read.
so i had to properly iniciate her to the one direction fandom, and consequently the larry war zone. i thought she'd get bored eventually, she didn't cause she's somehow more stubborn than i am, and that lead to her falling down the rabbit hole.
she cried. i cried. she got angry at the stunts. i got angry at the stunts. she lost faith in humanity after i told her there are some people that unironically believe in the stunts and the mortal enemies narrative. i never had any faith in humanity in the first place, but still.
so after almost of month of relentless research and about three larry-related sleepovers, we have finally gotten to The Good Bit.
now, i feel like she shouldn't be too shocked at what we're gonna work up to, cause after i explained to her the meaning of some songs (cough no control cough) along with...let's just say other things we know that came up during our totally scientific research, she has a pretty good idea of what she's getting into.
so, we make our way onto ao3, i show her how the filters work and immediately blacklist "rape/non-con", "major character death", and any rating that isn't G just to be sure, cause i don't want her to drop dead or something.
i said "alright love, we're gonna start easy, yeah? just short and sweet little things, 4k words tops cause we need to build up your attention span, all fluff, no sadness, no smut, just the feel-good, okay?"
she looked so happy i swear, it's like a golden retriever's been shown a squeeky toy.
so we start reading the summaries together, i force her to always read the tags cause i feel like if maybe i etch that habit into her brain from the get go she won't get any surprises mid-fic (totally not speaking from experience). and then some things happen.
her: wait, why not that one? the summary looks nice.
me: nah, even just in the summary you can see the repetitive sentences, lack of punctuation, and overall cliché-ness of the whole thing, i wanna make you read some good things.
her: *confused staring*
her: that one looks good!
her: okay, that one looks like it has good grammar, the summary looks okay- oh no, you have your "i'm disowning you" face on right now, what's wrong?
me: i will not have you read 1st pov unless this is written in letter format. this is the good shit, not some cringey het wattpad fic, NO!
we finally settled on If You're Hoping for a Harbour by LadyLondonderry cause i read it a while ago and my notes said it was good, and she has a thing for the whole soulmates thing and magic. she giggled the whole way through, awed, and cooed, and did the little fangirl-omg-they-love-eachother dance and all. i feel like part one has been a success. now we can only hope that she'll stick to what i told her and start small, work her way up, not immediately go to hardcore stuff cause i'd rather not have her traumatised, thank you very much.
she did promise she'd text me the first fic she chose for each level of fanficness (we're going from fluff to angst, moving up into the ratings as we go so she'll have a healthier and smoother approach to this than we all did LMAO) so i suppose that should be good.
but one fic in and she sees why reading fanfics is my favourite past time. she has lost all interest for the book she was reading, completely understands why 1st pov sucks and 3rd pov is better, and was much quicker to spot the clichés and *slight* underlying misogyny in the book. it's gone away now. i'm so proud. my kid's growing.
also now i have someone to freak out with over louis on tour so that's cool.
okay, that was all, i'm just proud that i was able to convert a het-reader so quickly, at the same time as turning her into a larrie. AND i did that without completely spoiling her innocence. that feels like the biggest accomplishment of all. i mean sure, it's gonna last about one more week at most before she gets tired and goes for the smut but the thought's there.
Oh, that's a lovely fic to start with. @londonfoginacup has some great short and really nicely done smut-free fics. Good choice. Glad to hear you're guiding your friend well. LOL!
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buffysummers · 3 years
I’m finding the Buffy fandom really difficult to be a part of without letting it destroy the enjoyment I used to get from the show. Do you have any advice about how to get out of this state of mind?
Oh man.... I feel this because tumblr is very pro Spuffy and I'm definitely not, to put it lightly (haha). Find your people, ask around. I am a part of a Bangel discord where we all have great, productive discussions about Bangel, as well as BtVS/AtS. It's a lot of fun and helps weed out all the negativity on tumblr and twitter. I'm constantly uncovering new layers, metaphors/etc from the show due to the great discussions in that group. I found a lot of likeminded people in there, but since there's a lot of us, of course we won't agree on everything. But everyone is respectful to each other, no one is hiding behind the anonymous button (and sending hate), we all respect each other's opinions.
I've spoken about this before, but I was a fan of Buffy for a long time before joining the fandom. And I'm often thankful of this because I feel like a lot of first-time watchers on here are like... conditioned to like certain things, have certain opinions on ships, characters, seasons/etc because of what's considered popular.
I find that staying in my lane and minding my own business goes a long way. I won't post anti stuff in the main tag of something. I will go into the tag of things I like, find people who share similar opinions, follow them, maybe eventually talk to them. Not everyone on here is courteous and considerate (going into the Bangel tag is ALWAYS a mixed bag, there's usually anti stuff in there at times) but I still always strive to be. Blacklisting is your friend, it is integral to my survival in this fandom lmao. If you don't like certain characters or ships but you want to go into the btvsedit tag, or the btvs tag, you won't have to see any of the stuff you don't like if you blacklist the tag.
I mostly just speak to people I like (polite people!!!), and gif Buffy, make text posts, answer asks, block any unnecessary hate, try to stay as positive as possible.
And I *do* have fun. I love my followers, they're, for the most part, very kind and passionate about Buffy, same as me. (And they tend to have great taste, based on the voted gif memes I've done!) If you ever need a friend, you can always reach out to me! I'm super nice I swear. I know you may have anxiety about reaching out to people and I get that, but I promise I will be kind to you if you're kind to me. That goes a long way.
No one can ruin anything for you as long as you don't let them. Don't let them ruin something you love because they're being toxic or rude.
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vtforpedro · 3 years
more bullshit from my neurologist's office, tagging with 'vtforpedro personal' if you don't want to see any medical stuff so despite my neurologist's office sending me a survey and the office manager reaching out to me to ask about specifics after I said my appt did not go well and ignoring my emails back to him??? I talked to him on the phone a few days ago and asked if he received my email from over two weeks ago, he said he did not. sure jan. told him the more concerning things and how unprofessional and incompetent my neuro has been. he SEEMED to think some things were uh not so great except then he said 'well dr murthy is a good guy, you know, and he's new to the system, just in his defense' ?! I hate them all. he's been there for at least six months. how are you new to the system if you've been there six months. how does nothing get fixed if you're having problems with messages getting to you in six months. I don't get it when the manager was saying he was a good guy and might be having frustrations with internal departments for whatever reasons I told him 'ok that's fine, but it does not give him the excuse to be rude, or excuse him giving conflicting and confusing information about my health, to be unprofessional, and to repeatedly tell me I misheard/misunderstood him over and over and over again' and he's like 'that's totally valid, you don't have to explain yourself to me, I completely understand and it's within your right to see another provider' obviously you fucking don't understand or at least don't care because you're defending him after all the shit this neurologist has done. unbelievable y'all. my fave part tho? was when he started saying 'you know you are very intellectual and eloquent when you speak. I can hear that over the phone and that's a compliment to you' [me with red alarms ringing at this point] 'so I hope that everything that's happening with your health is going well' this just in: if you sound like you can defend yourself and won't take shit from bad doctors and their managers, nothing must be wrong with you. apparently every neurological condition out there impacts your ability to be firm and uhh just lay out the points of what's gone wrong with your care he said they wanted to take care of me and make sure I was getting the care I need, so he asked murthy over the phone if I could switch to another provider, murthy said no worries (I'm sure he's as glad to be rid of me as much as I am glad to be rid of him), and the manager gave me the names of four other neuros I could see called yesterday and none of them are accepting new patients. hmmmmm. is the manager just as incompetent as murthy or am I straight up blacklisted from neuros in that office lmao kinda want someone to call and ask if any of their neuros are accepting new patients and which ones just to see lkajsfjslfj anyway. done with them, going somewhere else. I don't know if that manager is my neurosurgeon's manager and I won't be able to see him now either. god forbid you try to take care of your health anymore they'd rather see you dead than help you anymore going to go cry for a while and try to work on art after (copy/pasted this from fb I don't have the spoons to write it again)
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lavenderek · 3 years
So you're saying you don't think "underage" fic is gross. Is that what youre saying?
well, no. yuck. what i’m saying is, what exactly and specifically do we want to happen?
there should not be explicit fic about underage characters, got it. so what age can they not be under? 18? 16? what country’s laws regarding the age of consent do we prioritize? like, i think it’s gross that the age of consent is 16 in some places, but i’m an american, so i would, wouldn’t i? so ok, what if we hedged it a bit and put the age as like, 14? that way it’s not little kids, it’s all teenagers. but no, gross, 14-year-olds are children. fun fact: so are 16-year-olds. they are also children.
what about fic about two teenagers having a consensual encounter? should all romantic or sexual fic have to be about adults only? your answer to this may very well be “yes,” and that’s completely valid. a teenager writing fic might disagree. somebody who’s a big fan of a show that’s about a bunch of teenagers might disagree. should there be an adults-only section on the site? there’s already a “stop, you have to be 18″ box to check before you can access explicit fic, so how do we verify a user’s age? they can just lie about their age and click through anyway. you have to be 18 to make a youtube account and i’ve had one since i was 13. i remember very deliberately choosing a new birth year when it asked for my birthdate.
then you get to slightly greyer areas like large age gaps, or heavy role play between consenting adults. i have absolutely witnessed fic that’s clearly written to be CP, but it’s tagged as age play. so like, for all intents and purposes this is CP, but if you roll in like “hey, this is fucked up,” they can be like, “oh, so you read this picturing actual children, sicko?? you have a problem with two adults doing shit in the bedroom??? how dare you!!! don’t like don’t read!!!”
it’s kind of like on porn sites, how they make like nasty inc*st stuff but call it “stepmom” or whatever, like oh, they’re not actually related! sure, joseph, thanks for covering all your bases
so we can’t ban kinks. or can we? should we limit depictions of serious addictions or domestic abuse too? torture, or even body horror? these are generally accepted to be dark content.
i’m not trying to engage in whataboutism, i’m naming actual, relevant questions about shit that’s disturbing in real life (no offense to kink people who follow codes of consent and conduct) and can be incredibly upsetting to encounter online. shit that i can’t imagine wanting to read, let alone write.
these are the questions that we, you, i, people pro-a*3 and people anti-a*3, are all asking, and not a single one of us can or should answer them unilaterally.
so it’s like, oh, okay, so there should be no oversight at all? should there be no rules? no, obviously, that would be horrible, i don’t trust any of these fuckers to conduct themselves civilly. so there should be some rules, but not too many rules. that’s what we have now, and clearly the way things are now isn’t working because a lot of users are reasonably very upset.
should there be a voting system, and rules are set by a popular vote? should certain words be flagged and you can’t post the fic with that word in it? should there be a thing where when you post a fic, you have to select the ages of each character and that’s listed at the top of the fic? what if they age during the fic? should there be a flagging function, where you report someone for not using sufficient tags? users will find workarounds for all of this. you know they will. so mods will have to be very specific about the rules and introduce, like, a vetting system for it. which is a lot more manpower and a lot more chances for subjective judgments.
all of the above is why it operates on a tagging system instead. i’m gonna be real, i only go on a*3 to read comments on my own shit lmao, and even when i did go on there more often i never went in the tags searching for fic. so is there a blacklist function? is there a flagging function?
if there is a flagging function, maybe they make it so that if the flagged user has violated the rules, their account is suspended and their fic made private for the duration and until they add necessary tags.
cool, a compromise. but uh-oh, it turns out Mod A agrees that this fic is n*ncon, but Mod B thinks it’s just vague, not n*nconsensual, and doesn’t feel comfortable banning the fic. or it turns out User didn’t post anything flaggable, they were reported by somebody who is targeting them for some reason, or by someone who is more stringent about n*ncon than somebody else would be, like, it’s gotta be enthusiastic and verbal consent or else it’s skirting the edges too much.
it’s like, we’ve already witnessed censorship (please take this word usage gently, i know it’s touchy but it’s the word to use here) being a problem here on tumblr with their stupid nipple ban. there’s a double standard regarding whose nipples are explicit and whose are kosher for public consumption. people have to appeal their shit getting flagged and sometimes nothing gets fixed regardless. i’m sure other people are pleased that there’s less of a chance of them accidentally scrolling past a picture of a hard dick at work.
so you get it, this is a problem that’s more complicated than “all of x should be banned and if you post it there’s something wrong with you,” a belief you’re more than entitled to hold but can’t base, like, fanfic legislation off of. you get it you get it.
you get it, but like, what is the fucking deal with those “fandom moms” who go off on soliloquies about the days of old or whatever the fuck whenever this topic comes up? what about the weirdos who are like, “what’s next, banning gay fic????” yeah, if we allow gay marriage you can marry a tree, that’s how it works, thanks tiffany.
but no, the reason they do this is NOT that they think lgbtq content is comparable in any way to CP. the reason they do this is that this exact problem has taken place on every site that has ever hosted fic. and many previous sites did think lgbtq content was comparable to CP. it was categorized as adult content and hidden.
that’s why a*3 exists in the first place. it was to avoid godmodding and absolutism. it’s supposed to be more or less self-governed. i don’t want there to be CP on a*3 any more than you do, but i also don’t trust randos to decide what is and isn’t acceptable content. this topic is not new.
i’m in support of stronger government regulation in real life because it can be argued that certain actions and systems violate human rights. everybody deserves food and shelter, for example. the same can’t be argued in this case because some creep writing CP doesn’t violate my rights. i find it offensive and i don’t think they should be writing it, but my right to click the back button is intact. there is no institution making it impossible or even difficult for me to not read fanfiction. the creep could just as reasonably argue that their right to post what they want is being affected.
why is this response so long? is it because i can’t shut up? yes, but also because this is a complex issue and that’s why nobody has taken significant action on it.
people are also big mad.
i’ve never understood this impulse to see somebody not doing a thing you want them to do and assume it’s out of malice or incompetence, anyway. i don’t know anybody who volunteers for a*3 but it’s my assumption that given the choice to have us all pissed at them, or have us all not pissed at them, they would choose to have us not be pissed at them. it just seems like the reasonable reaction to have. and like, i’d be pretty shocked to part the kimono and find out they’re all CP-loving gargoyles and a*3 actually stands for A lot Of child abus3. that is the reason i have not been like, “fuck a*3.” because what are they supposed to do, you know?
there’s no simple or inarguably morally right solution here. the princess is in another castle. just post fic on tumblr, i guess? make another hosting site that’s exactly like a*3 but romantic characters can only be like, 21?
i actually think the legal age in the US should be raised to 21, not joking. your brain literally and biologically isn’t finished developing at 18. teenagers lack the world experience to make decisions that adults make.
somewhere there is an 18-year-old or a person who moved out and became self sufficient at 18 who hates this sentiment. there’s a teenager in an abusive home who would be intensely demoralized by the prospect of having to remain beholden to these people for three more years.
and there’s a parent who is relieved to know that their kid can’t be preyed on by army recruiters for three more years. there’s a person who got into a car crash with a teenager who misjudged whether or not they could make a turn who’s like, yeah, she could probably have benefited from a few more years.
nothing is as simple as it should be. i agree with you, but i’m not willing to pass blanket judgments with regards to actions that should be taken. and honestly, given how little i actually go on the site, i don’t even have a dog in this fight. so all my opinions on it are moot anyway.
(side note, if you are in an abusive home and you can’t make your own bank account, or if your bank account is monitored by your abusive parents, maybe try venmo? you can get a debit card that pulls directly from your venmo balance. a surprising number of places accept venmo payments, and this way you can save up money in secret.)
anyway uhhhhh seeya
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wolfcrunch · 4 years
(+) Anyways having a specific 'bad take' tag on your blog isn't such a bad idea. Some people might not wanna see them if they wanna follow you, so it can be blocked easy. I still can't figure out why any of your posts are showing up in the tags since everything should be restricted to your blog, but tumblr is wack. It's been doing that to my friends blogs too, making un-tagged blank posts show up while tagged ones don't.
lmao i already answer the other part before this one came in - but yeah, thats why i added the ‘mha takes’ tag. people can blacklist it if they want. tumblr is funky and i dont understand it. there’s not a whole lot i can do
when will tumblr fix their website
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miserybegins · 4 years
I just started following you and I came for the hot takes but apparently I'm staying specifically for the frerard hot takes, don't mind me going through your tag rn lmao (on anon cuz I Fear)
lol anytime i mention it on here i also fear....for the most part i actually dont lose any followers but it depends...
the tag is mainly used to ppl can blacklist it if they want to but hey if it creates a compilation of my takes for people to browse then who am i to tell you no! sdfkj
send a ‘came for the ___ stayed for the ____’
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not-poignant · 5 years
how exactly do you cope with or respond to fandoms that just seem overall incredibly unsupportive/close minded? like there's certain works that I'm into, but sometimes, the fandom just isn't my cup of tea and I don't know what to do
I’ve been in like...a couple of toxic fandoms in the past. One became toxic over a period of time, for a short period of time, due to specific BNFs in the fandom (that would be Rise of the Guardians about 6 years ago - it’s not like that anymore and hasn’t been for a long time, I wouldn’t have been able to write TGATNW otherwise I think), and the other was Dragon Age. I mean there are other fandoms I’m in like Steven Universe and Voltron that are obviously famous for being super toxic, but aside from looking at fanart and the occasional fic, I’m not very involved and so it’s easy to avoid. 
Honestly, re: the ‘how do you cope’ I just ignore it? Like, the Detroit: Become Human fandom has been really bizarre. Not toxic just...WEIRD. Lmao. But I didn’t start writing for those people, I started writing the story for myself and like the one or two people I thought would like the story. And when certain types of comments started getting me down, I then began ignoring the fandom actively in favour of thinking about those people instead. 
Like, I get to choose how much I interact with a fandom. Even with products I really love, like Dragon Age, I follow only about two or three dedicated DA posters who I feel curate their feeds pretty well. I don’t compromise by thinking ‘oh well even though they post things that make me uncomfortable / anti stuff the fanart they post is worth it.’ It’s NOT worth it, if it exposes me to those kinds of attitudes on a regular basis. The occasional post from a mutual I can generally ignore (unless it’s an anti post), but I’m not going to pick up people to follow who are 50% good content and 50% ‘oh god.’ Because you’re not going to end up enjoying the good content very much in that scenario. 
So some fandoms I read a lot of fics very actively, interact with authors etc. I think that’s more typical of me in Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji, especially among Ciel/Sebastian shippers. Ditto Thorki shippers in Marvel. Sometimes you see me posting more fanart for that stuff over at @capillata not because I actually care about those fandoms more than other ones, but because I can afford to follow more people because the fandoms overall are less toxic etc. 
The other thing to keep in mind is that say, for example, Steven Universe, I would consider myself a part of that fandom because I reblog fanart, I watch the show pretty religiously, I know all the words to the songs, etc. But I’m not the gross, wanky, anti part of it. I’m still a part of fandom just because I’m not like, in the section it’s most famous for. I daresay most members of the Steven Universe fandom are just like me. They’re just quieter and less loud and are more likely to walk away from stupid arguments! So anon, generally speaking, if you are interacting with the fanworks of a fandom, you are part of the fandom too! Just...in a different way to what you’re seeing. Chances are, unless the fandom is literally only four people, you’re not alone. :D It can take time to find the quieter, less drama-focused members of fandom precisely because they are quieter and less drama-focused. They won’t be tagging all their posts into the main tags, their Twitters may be hard to find, etc. 
It also helps to be in more than one fandom. Like, that way you sort of have refuges from where the drama is likely to explode. 
Problematic pockets of fandom are getting larger these days due to the validation of antis in the mainstream. So it becomes more important than ever to develop your own tools which look like: 
* Not developing absolutist thinking. It’s easy to go ‘this fandom is toxic’ but the reality is it’s usually only a pocket of the fandom who are the loudest and most disruptive. Even in the most famously shitty fandoms (Voltron), there are reasonable, fair-minded, ‘ship what you like you’re valid’ people. It’s true, I know them and I am one. Absolutist thinking will lock you away from those people before you even have a chance to find or meet them. 
* Curate your feeds! Be fussy/picky about what you follow. If you can, use things like Saviour or New X-Kit on Tumblr to blacklist trigger or squick words. Don’t be afraid to block antis or similar on Twitter. Don’t worry about what you’ll ‘miss out on’ in the process. Be gently ruthless with what you keep around you. 
* If the fandom isn’t great because it’s quiet, encourage it along if you have the voice/energy for it. Put positive energy into the fandom. 
* Remember that you are a part of the fandom too if you’re engaging in it and want to be. 
* Encourage the works that you think are what you’re looking for in the fandom. Say you’re in an anti-dominated fandom and someone writes a ‘controversial’ work that you LOVE, see about taking the time to comment or send an ask to the author saying you enjoyed it. Send it on anon if you have to, but consider the ways you can support the parts of fandom you actively enjoy. It’s the best way to see more of it (this is obviously energy dependent lol). 
* Remember you can peace out from the fandom. There is nothing to stop you from just reading fanworks forever, and never engaging in the fandom at all. Tbh this was me for the majority of my time re: fanfiction. I may have written Misfits fanfiction, but I’m not active in the fandom. The same can be said for Rise of the Guardians and even now Detroit: Become Human. (Though the latter is because the areas of fandom I was in kind of died lmao). There’s no litmus test saying that you’re only valid if you’re in the fandom, that’s some bullshit.
Anyway, tl;dr - I cope by avoiding the bad shit, and carefully curating my Tumblr feeds (or any place where I see fandom stuff, like Twitter as well), and by remembering that I’m also a part of the fandom, and that if I can be in it and not be a shouty anti while I’m in it, there will be other people like me in that fandom who are the same. Good luck, anon! 
(The super short answer is: ‘If it isn’t your cup of tea then just read the fics friendo, no one’s stopping you’)
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inkxlenses · 6 years
Regarding post/172299066623/istj-hedonist-samlick23-istj-hedonist-when I don't get why people would compare mbti with astrology and shit. It's as flawed as any other personality theories but it's still a system that works. Astrology doesn't even deserve to be called a personality theory 😩 And just like u said it's never about 'personality' anyway?? That test clusters people yet only considers people's behaviors as if nobody doesn;t have shit like that
Okay. These are among the most exciting asks that I have received so far. I would like for this blog to be as drama-free™ as much as possible because it’s just my virtual escape™. I have also always expressed that I don’t consider this blog as solely an aesthetic™ and inspiration blog. In fact, I was very humbled to be encouraged by my friends and followers to continue including topics that interest me in this blog. But even though this is my blog, I know that I have the responsibility to check what I post here to ensure that nothing would negatively affect someone else’s mental and emotional health (especially as I have observed that most of my followers are minors). So I would just keep my response under the line—and because it’s just really, really, long. HAHA. Also, just for future reference, if you oh-so-hate MBTI [or whatever piece of knowledge I feature here/ if you’re only interested with the aesthetic™ content], you could blacklist my *mbti*, *text* and *photo* tags.
Coincidentally, I would be having a mini-hiatus, and this would be my only response regarding this topic because I’m not really fond of tumblr drama™. I would be temporarily disabling anonymous asks during my break, so if you have anything you would like to discuss with me, kindly contact me via private messaging (but please be patient with my response. I promise I would get back to you as soon as I become online). My only request is that you should first read what I have to say before reacting to anything, because I might have already discussed what you are trying to ask. No worries, I wouldn’t judge nor hate you for your opinions. I actually welcome and enjoy healthy debates (as it is part of my real-life job lmao). And I’m not a fragile snowflake™ so you could really talk to me about anything, I wouldn’t mind :P 
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Firstly and most importantly, I want to apologize to anyone who had been offended or had felt attacked on my rant. I was not describing a particular person in the *inner dialogue*, and it’s not my intention to offend anyone. So if anyone had felt this way, again, my apologies.
So what is this post about?
I had recently reblogged an MBTI post where I was referring to the function theory—not the common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions circulating over the internet. And just like what I had mentioned over and over again [and on my tags on that particular MBTI post], online MBTI tests are not accurate and should not be taken seriously. It’s disappointing how 16personalities have been profiting from this by selling misinformation to people. This was OP’s topic, in which I had just agreed with their views and had personally shared my opinions as well. Yet it seems to be that there had been some misunderstanding regarding said topic. Literally OP’s argument—and the same criticisms we continuously read regarding MBTI *points to some of the anons above*—are exactly what we are critiquing as well, because these are common misconceptions and stereotypes which are not related to the theory anyway. So I don’t really understand the intense reaction regarding our opinions on the letter dichotomy and online MBTI tests, because we actually disapprove of the same things as well. Weird -_-
I never mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. That’s just.. funny. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Just like how everyone else has their own beliefs and interests that others simply don’t agree with as well. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
I could easily brush this off because I truly believe that people are entitled to their opinions, and I respect that. More importantly, I had studied typology for several years now that I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it. Thus, I won’t easily be shaken by criticisms about the theory—which I’m very much aware of anyway. Sadly, it’s seems to be an automatic impulse in tumblr to hate, rather than communicate. My friends had told me of someone publicly posting something defamatory with regards to the MBTI post that I reblogged. I don’t know what that particular blog had been aiming for, but clearly their hateful intent had failed miserably. I didn’t expect the support of my friends, more so, the consideration of people from the MBTI community. I really want to thank everyone who had supported and understood me even if I wasn’t online during that time. My friends are so protective of me, and the responses of people from the MBTI community had been so funny and adorable I’m SO flattered. Watch as my face turns vermillion xD
With that said, I felt like I should at least explain my part and answer the anons who aren’t in favour of MBTI. I just want to stress that I don’t plan to forcefully persuade you to believe MBTI. My only intent is so that you could look into my perspective as I share my knowledge and understanding after many years of studying the theory, in contrast to the misconceptions and stereotypes about it, which I believe is what these anons were referring to. I emphasize that if MBTI is not your *thing*, then you could simply ignore it. This topic is very important to me because it had helped with my well-being, introspection, relationship with others, career, and general outlook in life. So I just want to clarify some points with regards to the asks above^ because I believe some misunderstandings had occurred. So thank you very much @hueristix​, @clumsynix​, @ckatharcis, @tzeentchs-secretary​ and anons for your messages. I am really so thrilled to discuss my views with you.
The cognitive function theory—more commonly known and referred to as MBTI [especially here]—explores the human cognition, NOT outward behaviours and personal preferences. Contrary to what the first anon had said, I believe that we cannot compare the theory with astrology because the former never categorizes how humans act the way they act, more so, it never simply propose their “ personality traits ”. The theory recognizes that every person has their own free will, inherent capabilities, traits, emotions, and preferences (etc. I could go on and on, I swear), and would be constantly affected by personal struggles, life circumstances and other external factors through out their life.. and well, basically just like what Jeanne (ckatharcis) had referred to, it acknowledges that humans cannot be “ clustered ” simply through their behaviours, personal preferences, traits, etc. because again, the theory is NOT about that. Thought process is the essential and primordial reason why outward behaviours, personal preferences, emotions, etc. are easily observable in a person, and NOT the other way around. Thus, it’s also the reason why your type cannot change contrary to common misconceptions, and essentially the reason why tests are not reliable. [Link 1, Link 2—I highly recommend this post.]
I think the first anon is not familiar with the function theory, but, instead, with the letter dichotomies (i.e. I vs. E, etc.) which is the general principle on the said 16personalities site [and other online MBTI tests]. This was exactly what OP had criticized and what I had discussed on my *inner dialogue*. Again, I do not blame the first anon or anybody else who are familiar with this concept because misconceptions and stereotypes are easier to be accessed, contrary to the theory itself which would definitely require time and in-depth research to get acquainted with. I understand that not everyone would be interested to invest time and effort on something that they would just like to casually learn. And it’s okay.
However, I would like to clarify that I [and I truly believe that OP as well] have no intention to humiliate, condemn, mock or ostracize people who had only been familiar with MBTI stereotypes (the letter dichotomy) and/or had only taken online MBTI tests, because we understand that [again], sadly, those misconceptions are disappointingly perpetuating in the internet and even on some books. OP had clearly stated that their only issue was how people who aren’t really familiar with the function theory should refrain from initiating any MBTI-related discussion. Even if I personally agree with OP, their premise was repeatedly contradicted by others who were justifying the validity of 16personalities. However, I believe that asking questions and expressing genuine interest to learn more is different from spreading misinformation to others. As long as you do your own research first, the MBTI community here is actually very welcoming of people who would like to learn more of the theory. The MBTI community here also encourages critical thinking, exchanges of different ideas, and endless rational debates—which is exciting, right?
I think OP had been very honest with their opinion (though may had been perceived as *offensive* and rude by some) and I truly concur with their points. I’ve said in my *inner dialogue* how I believe that spreading wrong information is destructive. It is damaging to other people who have only been starting to learn the theory, to take advice and information, or be mentored by people who had been misinformed as well. Why? Because above all else, the theory is used for self-evaluation and understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses (with regards to their cognitive process), to provide clear direction on how to advance towards their personal growth and development. For that reason, if one is mistyped, and they generally believe that their thought process works this *particular* way and that they have *certain* strengths and/or weaknesses, then they are not only failing to seize the opportunity to recognize their *actual* strengths and weaknesses through fully understanding how their cognition works, but they could also potentially damage their mental health and well-being because that is not how their thought process operates. It worsens when spreading misinformation like that is increasing exponentially.
We would never dismiss nor humiliate anyone who have only been starting to familiarize themselves with the theory, because we had been beginners as well. Mate, my blog is not an MBTI blog, but I have two mutuals who had been so humble to admit that they had fell for that abomination-of-a-test, and had asked me about the basics and other resources to study the theory. I never ridiculed them; contrary, I was so proud of their humility to admit that they had been misinformed, and of their willingness to learn. There is no shame in that. I really admire people who admit their mistakes or ignorance because I know that people who think this way are really the ones who have the desire to learn and improve, and have insatiable thirst to absorb more knowledge.
I’ve been studying the function theory for about 3 or 4 years now, but I still consider myself to be a newbie at this. Even if I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it, I know that I still have a lot more to learn [and that’s exciting]. But OP and other legit MBTI blogs here have been studying this theory for many years now, and they are considered as reliable resource persons for other MBTI enthusiasts as well [at least in tumblr]. Which is why I think [just my opinion], they could easily retaliate on insults or misinformation thrown at them by people who don’t even make an effort to read just the basics and/or have poor acumen to just believe everything they read on the internet, yet have all the liberty in the world to whine and be [passive-aggressively] defensive to rationalize their misconceptions of the theory. These legit MBTI blogs know what they’re talking about, and I think you could be the judge as to how they could react to insults thrown at them by people who don’t even understand the topic itself. I’ll just quote hueristix here, “ laziness should not be an excuse to ignorance ”. As I’ve said before: be receptive to different ideas, yet skeptical enough to question everything before accepting any piece of information as real™. And yes, that includes everything I say. After all, I’m just responding to opinions as well and we’re all just stating our subjective views here. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
Yes, I am passionate about this theory and I know it is fine. But never had I mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. I don’t know if what the first anon actually meant was: since I’m so passionate of this theory, then MBTI must be My Favourite™ personality theory, thus, I propose that it should be held true above all else.. but uhm I just want to clarify that MBTI is not My Favourite™ (I even prefer Enneagram over it, sorry haha). I am aware that it’s not the most recognized personality theory in the field of Psychology. And I had said it before, and I’ll say it again: just like any other typological theories, I know that MBTI has its merits and flaws. Though there is qualitative neuroscientific research intended to point evidence to the existence of cognitive functions in the human mind, MBTI is still not 100% considered to be scientific by some [because according to them there is no physical manifestation of cognitive functions. Uhm. I’d just leave it like that.. For now]. No personality theory is infallible. And again, as I had said in verbatim on my *inner dialogue*: “ The human mind is so complex. And to propose that a person’s *personality* could easily be identified through a 10-minute test is just absurdly.. laughable to me [not to mention that that test is focused more on NATURAL HUMAN behaviours and not cognition—which is what the theory is about anyway xxxx xxxx xxxx] like wtf so amazeballs that they could identify my *personality* with such an overly-random question that any other person could have strong preference over the other. ”. So I don’t really understand what the first anon’s critic was, because what they had pointed out was exactly what OP, I, and basically all the people who had studied this theory are continually expressing. Based on my tags alone, we’re actually on the same team™ here.
How? (1) I had said earlier that the theory does not limit human free will. It understands that people have innate imprints in them that manifest on how they act, talk, feel, etc. In the same way, it also understands how people and their preferences are constantly developing and changing [and yes as the first anon said, “ evolving ”], because humans will continue to encounter and be exposed to several personal afflictions, relationship struggles, disappointments, successes, gratifications, religious beliefs, cultural conformity, and other life-altering situations and external factors throughout their lifetime that will heavily affect their behavioural makeup and adaptability to their external environment. Everyone—whatever their type may be—can behave any way they like depending on the situations and circumstances that they are dealing with, because there are many factors that affect and influence how people behave, not only a person’s type. BUT their cognitive functions have been there all along, constantly operating, even if their *functional stack* could fluctuate on their healthy and/or unhealthy states depending on how they had adjusted and adapted to these circumstances [uhm more advanced topic of the theory—see the beauty of this theory? It’s never obsolete. Contrary to misconceptions, the theory recognizes the erratic human nature. It pains me how people could outright dismiss and insult the theory without studying it first, because they fail to realize its usefulness in a person’s life, more than what that shite site says *ho hum*]. (2) I agree with most of the principles of the function theory because it doesn’t “ categorize everyone into 16 cutout personality types ”, nor does it have a manual that says “ ‘here are a few common personality traits, be free’ aspect ”. MBTI stereotypes and ideas from the 16personalities assert that; the function theory does not. (3) [uhm this is getting so repetitive now] The theory is not about what our external behaviours are, nor does it dictate what our *personalities* are. Rather, on the simplest terms, it analyzes how we think. It analyzes how we make decisions, through our cognitive process, when we encounter a particular situation.
Hopefully, my explanation would be enough to clear up some misunderstandings from the aforesaid post. However, I believe that this explanation alone would not suffice for anyone who are still confused with the theory and/or for those who are interested to learn more. Hence, the next section is really just for reference and further clarification, just in case there are still some questions that others are still confused about. That said, I know that I would not be able to articulate these ideas the way this particular blog do [and I don’t want to sound like a bot if I would just be reciting their ideas exactly as they had expressed it], so I’d just be quoting one of the most reliable MBTI blogs here and a personal favourite of mine (mbti-notes), to give insight on some issues that had been critiqued on that post. These are really interesting and thought-provoking ideas so I hope you could take time to read them. Also, I highly-recommend their blog!
[With regards to common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions]:
Anonymous: Stereotypes give people wrong assumptions about what types are. They don’t define what your personality or your actions are going to be like. They don’t even define what thoughts you have. It’s simply the pattern and the functions you use to come to conclusions. I’m an ENTP (22) and my best friend is an ENFP (23). Yet people would probably switch our two types because I tend to be very gentle and kind around others while she appears more tough and openly says what she thinks.
I appreciate your point. Part of the reason for the stereotyping problem is that the information online and even in books is dominated by two main schools of thought that focus very heavily on behavior at the expense of cognition (Myers-Briggs and Keirsey Temperaments), so a lot of people do not realize that there are other (better) interpretations available. My first exposure to typology was through Keirsey and, although I thought it was interesting at the time, I wasn’t able to see the full potential of the system because everything was masked behind simplistic labels (stereotypes) that didn’t seem to connect with real life to the degree that I thought was necessary to be a truly viable theory of personality. I think a lot of people get interested in MBTI because of its practical applicability in situations like personal relationships or group/work environments and MBTI is good for learning some general rules of thumb that can help you improve the ways in which you deal with different kinds of people. However, general rules of thumb very easily morph into stereotyping and pigeonholing when people do not understand the finer details of the theory and then apply the ideas and principles too carelessly. The human mind is prone to lazy overgeneralizing or drawing invalid conclusions as it is and the lack of depth in the information available unfortunately encourages that laziness. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s *accuracy*]:
Anonymous: Do you think that other personality identification types such as Alignment and Global 5/SLOAN are more, less, or just as accurate as MBTI can be?
“Accuracy” is not really the right question. Every theory of personality that is developed by academics is put together very deliberately to serve a particular purpose, and it must be used as intended in order to preserve validity. Unfortunately, when the ideas trickle down into mainstream consciousness, the original purpose of the theory often gets lost in translation, with the general public using it more like a horoscope or fortune cookie and then complaining about the inaccuracies. Every kind of theory has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, the Five Factor model is a trait theory, which has the advantage of being easily quantifiable and very reliable for statistical analysis. However, there is no actual theoretical underpinning for it because the traits are derived from factor or data analysis, which offers no explanation as to why traits exist, how they arise, why there are only five, and so on. Trait theories are limited in what they are able to explain about human behavior but they remain very useful for doing replicable research studies. There is of course some overlap of concepts between trait theories and type category theories like MBTI.
Cognitive function theory is a qualitative and holistic model of personality that sprawls into other related areas of psychology. Qualitative research excels at theoretical analysis and depth of detailed explanations and is less conducive to statistical analysis/prediction. Jung developed psychological types as a part of the psychoanalytic tradition, however, that tradition fell out of favor in the US to make way for more popular quantitative research methods, though it continued to expand in certain European circles. Myers & Briggs and David Keirsey brought it back to life in a more digestible form but it was never meant to be distilled to such an extreme degree; MBTI essentially turned into a corporate money making tool and Keirsey rejected the notion of cognitive functions in favor of behavioral descriptors. Many of the criticisms that are leveled at MBTI are legitimate but not actually applicable to cognitive function theory because of not seeing the full extent of it and how it is embedded firmly within the long history of psychoanalytic theory, a school of thought which has done more than any other to reveal the qualities of the unconscious mind. Now that there is emerging neuroscientific research that confirms some of these old ideas about the unconscious, there is some resurgence in their popularity within research circles. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s basics, development and “scientific” basis]:
Anonymous: The J/P dichotomy is particularly interesting because, say, you have already three letters I N F, the last letter decides not only your dominant and auxiliary functions, it flips the stack; INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) vs. INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se), and then we read that according to descriptions those types are very different. But then we also have a lot of people who can’t really decide if they’re INFJ or INFP. It’s all very strange to me.
It’s strange to you because (judging by the earlier question) you haven’t understood what the J/P distinction really means and you haven’t properly distinguished cognition and behavior. Two different cognitive functions can manifest similar looking behaviors on the surface (as I have explained numerous times in the guides, please read them carefully). E.g. Any introvert can be reflective but the reasons WHY a particular individual is reflective, the motive and explanation behind it, differs according to the cognitive functions involved (Fi vs Ni). If you don’t know the details of their inner cognitive processes, you cannot see the differences because, just looking from the outside, all you see is that they are both reflective in demeanor. xxxx xxxx xxxx MBTI type descriptions are purposely simplistic because newbies don’t know the theory and therefore must identify themselves through simple behavioral descriptors. MB designed their system in part to sidestep the complicated process of learning function theory so that more people could access it, a noble intention, therefore simple type descriptions do not include all the info you need to type accurately because they do not address variations within type and cognitive function specifics. In other words, problems with typing stem from lack of knowledge of the theory, usually because of not going any deeper than the simplified descriptions/tests. The test was meant to be administered and interpreted by an expert, which means that people run into all kinds of problems when they try to self-type with limited to no knowledge of type theory.
[continuation of the ask] Is there any real scientific proof that Jungian cognitive functions exist? Dario Nardi’s attempts are certainly interesting, but it’s a common knowledge that EEG method is far from being reliable. Also, on one of his AMA discussions on reddit he presented instances when he was testing midlife INFJ adults who he couldn’t differentiate from of ISTPs, which he attributed to the use the second most common pattern (Ti-Se for INFJs). So, which model is true, or is this a combination of dichotomies and functional stack model? Can you shed some light on those issues and inconsistencies? Additionally, I’d really like your opinion on Reynierse’s articles (“Preference Multidimensionality and the Fallacy of Type Dynamics”, etc.). Thank you. The question of “science” has already been beaten to death over and over again so I’ve grown impatient with this can of worms. I don’t have much to say about Nardi, he’s pursuing his ideas and more power to him, but his work is not particularly interesting to me because it is getting away from other aspects of type theory that I am more interested in. xxxx xxxx xxxxx Some people latch onto him because they desperately want some kind of “scientific proof” of the functions. Some people dabble in typology and keep demanding “scientific proof” but don’t understand the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. There are different kinds of theories, with different kinds of objectives, with different standards of measurement, with different methods of application - the scientific method is only one valid research framework and it should not be the measure of all things. Traditionally, science often includes the concept of falsifiability but you can’t falsify that which is not within the realm of empirical fact, e.g., you can’t falsify human valuations or subjective meaning/experience, so are these things not “real”? Do you understand the difference between facts and values? Do you believe that only scientific measurements can imbue ideas with value? Do you believe that materialistic explanations of human psychology are the be-all and end-all? Not everything about human experience can be reduced to neurons and electrons. If you think it can, then feel free to dismiss type theory as crap because it’s not going to fit well with your assumptive worldview. Also, abstract and concrete knowledge are different and should be treated differently. No idea is “real” because “real” implies concrete, and ideas are abstract. One can easily claim that any idea is not “real” depending on how you want to set your standards of measurement. xxxx xxxx xxxx Similarly, people claim that “types” or “functions” are not real even when they themselves: behave as type theory describes, suffer the problems that type theory describes, feel attracted to the relationships that type theory describes, follow the developmental path that type theory describes. 

Before you ask for “scientific proof”, you should first define exactly what standards of proof would satisfy you and make you believe that cognitive functions are “real”. It is quite often the case that people who like to harp about scientific “proof” don’t even understand what they’re asking for or to what end, they demand proof but no matter what proof is offered, they keep moving the goalposts because they are actually more interested in criticizing than understanding (see climate change deniers as the perfect example). Just so you know, many mbti bloggers are tired of dealing with such people, we’ve already gone through all these arguments a million times. I’m not saying you’re one of these people but beware that you’re stepping into a complex discussion and don’t seem sufficiently prepared. Instead of making people explain or educate you, state your exact criteria of scientific proof and I’ll happily tell you if type theory passes. Type theory is a big theory and some people find it hard to understand even the basic type concepts which barely scratch the surface because the theory goes far beyond simple typing. It is an incomplete and fragmented theory, with many people working on it for different reasons in different directions. Many people have found elements of type theory very useful and accurate in their lived experiences, even using it to permanently solve long running psychological issues, even using it to deftly cure relationship problems. There is piecemeal neuroscience evidence which does not directly relate to type theory but nonetheless corroborates it. I wouldn’t know if any of this is enough “proof” because you haven’t specified exactly what proof you’re demanding. If the book falling on your head doesn’t prove gravity is “real”, then I suppose all the people whose thought processes match the principles of type dynamics don’t count as real proof either. The results say a lot. I run a popular typology blog and have dealt with thousands of people, so I at least don’t suffer from sample-size-1. Type dynamics describes very specific problems and offers workable solutions, and I’ve witnessed many different kinds of people from different backgrounds, cultures, walks of life apply these ideas with great success. Is this “empirical evidence”? I’ve had the most hardened scientifically-minded strangers think I’m a magical wizard when I can knit together their life story and reveal their innermost insecurities based only on four letters, yet all I’m doing is applying and extrapolating from the theoretical ideas as I understand them, nothing more. 

All I will say about arguments against type dynamics is that they usually can’t see the forest because they’re stuck in the trees: they get wrapped up in granular details and superficial inconsistencies; they don’t see the historical big picture of how every model evolves from and contains the same set of ideas; they don’t see how some disagreements between models are merely semantic and actually address the same underlying concept; they don’t fully grasp the principles of type dynamics and then produce strawman criticisms (some of the points in those articles actually support, add to, or help clarify type dynamics rather than debunk it); they perceive the explanatory flexibility of type dynamics as a flaw, not a strength; they probably prefer trait theories because they are easily quantifiable (and then completely miss the point of type dynamics); they don’t see how the ideas could potentially fit with mathematical dynamics and energy flow. Any theory worth its salt should remain open to criticism, development, and further clarification but, in order to critique a theory successfully, you must first understand it, and I don’t think the author of those articles has understood type dynamics well enough. (Source)
Again, I apologize to anyone who had been offended of what I said in my tags. And thank you very much for taking the time to read this post! :)
P.S. I have no intention to answer that anon who made a sexist comment about M & B. I have already discussed what my points are regarding MBTI Tests™, so I wouldn’t really judge them or anyone else for having fun with taking multiple personality tests. But since I think this anon have zero knowledge of the theory anyway, I have to clarify that it wasn’t created by M & B [who, by the way, even if they had not been psychologists by profession, had made extensive research of the theory—probably more than you would ever do, anon. Then again, I don’t really adhere to M & B’s approach], but was devised by one of the best minds psychology has ever known. FYI that person was a man—if anon would feel more validated™ to know that their own sex is the perfect authority for objective™ measurement of intelligence or competence *cough* it actually isn’t *cough*. Also, I really am so tired already to rebut something that is completely illogical, it’s even barely understandable. *ho hum* I’m very open to discuss opinions that differ from mine, but if you are trying to establish your argument through a sexist comment, then don’t expect that I would answer you with respect.
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