#and a little special thing planned after... hehehe.
superfruitland · 24 days
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lineup of the live life au crew :D
this has sat ready in my files for a month now and i figured this would make for a perfect pre-update teaser~
i've got lots of exciting things planned! we're only getting started...
→ masterpost
here are the individual ones for anyone who wants a closer look!
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lots of things hidden in plain sight...
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mickyschumacher · 8 months
Hi!!! I just wanna say that I really love your writings!!! Their so good hehehe!! Can you do one a mick x wolff!reader?? Maybe one where toto sets them up cause he is tired of seeing them make heart eyes at each other and not making a move HHHH. Thank you lovie!!🤍
𝐒𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏  .ೃ࿐
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: love at times is shy and oblivious. like you and mick. but sometimes all you need is a father and a plan (with some backups!).
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 16+? (suggestive), fluff, poor humour as guaranteed, (loosely) based on the movie 'set it up', no sense of a motorhome ♡︎, mention of christian horner :(, possibly cringe, basically childhood friends to lovers trope, reader is lowkey a menace, confessions are made, toto in line for best dad award?, google translated german :0, a mess in general!
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mick schumacher x wolff!fem!reader, joão felix x reader
𝐀/𝐍: okay so i've been waiting for a good mick plot but nothing was coming to mind but this! this screams mick! thank you so much for your praise. hope i do them justice with this although the plot holes are there!!
𝐏.𝐒: i'm curious on how people envision themselves as wolff, horner, vettle readers, etc. if you're coloured like me, do you pretend to be adopted or from a previous relationship if it isn't specified? 😭 i mean the explanation has to be viable lmao. maybe you just don't imagine?
⋆  •°.  。  .°•  ⋆
There were certain values a Wolff had. Those that were just innate.
A Wolff, more often than not, was a leader, intelligent, charismatic, good-looking, and embedded with dad jokes. Additionally, when a Wolff wanted something, they would do whatever to get it. They didn't leave any leaf unturned, they made the rounds and the effort.
It didn't make sense. You had all of those values. Yet, every time you joined the Mercedes garage, your father, Toto, found himself questioning everything.
Take now for example. He was in the beloved Mercedes garage, sat next to the best reserve driver he had ever chosen, Mick.
Parents tend to be protective of their children before they're even born. And it only amplifies after they're born. From which strangers you meet, the roads you cross, the seatbelt you have to wear to the clothes you wear, the suspiciously high phone bill and your romantic endeavours. A father's protection for his little girl was a tad bit stronger than this, special in it's own way.
Toto would do anything to protect his children, especially his little girls. And if any guy was making moves on you, right in front of him, the 'dad' side of him was just waiting to come out.
But he could only do that if someone actually made a move on you. Sure there were other guys but the one sat right next to him did nothing but shyly follow you with his blue eyes and blush in your presence.
Mick was seriously frustrating Toto and his wife. The both of them had watched the German boy watch you with heart eyes ever since the both of you had first met at the Schumacher's house for dinner. You were young back then but hell, within five minutes everyone knew that Mick was a lovesick puppy.
Years had gone by with your friendship becoming stronger. Those same years involved Mick and you being stuck to each other as if you were hip-to-hip. You attended all his races and he supported you in all your academic achievements. And oblivious to you, somewhere along the road you had also become as lovesick as he was.
Toto didn't really realise how fed up he was. He didn't want to interfere. In fact, he wanted things between the both of you to happen naturally. But he just had happen to watch the entire hour and forty-five minutes of 'Set It Up' over your shoulder instead of doing his work and he just had to do something... hell, anything.
First things first... Toto couldn't put the both of you in an elevator. At least not yet. You knew each other while the two bosses in 'Set It Up' didn't, so it didn't make much sense. You probably would never even get to the topic of your feelings. Not without a physical icebreaker of sorts.
Toto needed someone and George Russell just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"George, my boy!" Toto chorused, beckoning the British driver towards him. He slung his arm over George's shoulder, bringing him closer to him. "Do you mind doing me a favour?"
George nodded without too much thought. "Yeah sure. What is it?"
"If you see Mick and Y/N go towards an elevator, stop them and tell Y/N that a guy asked for her number, uh, who was that footballer... ah yes, João Félix, him... he did ask her yesterday right?" Toto looked over at George.
"Uh, yeah. Before you dragged her away... listen, Toto, I'm not sure I can do what you asking me to. I thought none of us were going to mess with whatever's going on between them?"
"You're young, George. One day you'll realise what 'desperate times calls for desperate measures' means. So..." Toto trailed off, eagerly looking for an answer before spotting the hesitant expression on the British driver's face. "Can I pay you do the favour?"
George blankly looked at his boss. "I'm on your payroll, Toto. You already pay me. That also sounds like extortion and bribery."
Toto's eye twitched as an exasperated sigh fell from his lips. He stared at George heavily before giving in. "Fine. You'll be out before Lewis for this week's quali."
The corner of George's mouth teetered up, working to a small grin. "Extortion and bribery... it sounds cool," He said with a nonchalant shrug.
Toto shook his head to himself. "You can try and be less British, George. Just because your ancestors colonised doesn't mean you need to take the same behaviour," He patted his shoulder before leaving, feeling George's confused expression bore into the back of his head.
Toto was a great man. But today was one of those days where George really did question him. Part of him was praying that he didn't see you and Mick head to an elevator. The scenario was so specific that well... the probability was low.
There was no way he was going to see it happen. Not even 30 minutes after he had this conversation and he had just grabbed a coffee and was now heading to Alex...
But the peak of that blonde hair and the familiar shine of your signature glasses caught George's eye. Christ.
"How is that possible?" He muttered to himself, eyeing the both of you as you waited for the elevator to go up the Mercedes' motorhome.
First in quali. Come on, George. You got this!
"Hey guys," George greeted the both of you.
You and Mick turned to him and smiled. "Hey George. How's it going? Ready for practice?"
George nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah, yeah. Good, thanks. Uh, I was just wondering about yesterday... João? Since Toto dragged you away before you could do anything but he was just wondering if you would still consider giving him your number."
George pressed his lips, seeing Mick's eyes narrow from his peripheral vision. God how had the both of you not gotten together yet?
"I didn't know João asked you that?" Mick looked at you with questioning eyes.
You blinked, feeling your heart skip a beat slightly. You weren't sure why Mick's interest was to intriguing to you all of a sudden. You pursed your lips, looking to George. "Oh? I didn't know you knew João like that."
"I... don't. It's... Kika! Kika knows him... you know... Portugal things," He laughed awkwardly, giving a helpless shrug.
"Right..." You nodded slowly. "Uh, I don't know. I mean was considering it, I guess."
"You were?" George and Mick spluttered out in unison.
Your eyes widened at their reaction. "I mean, yeah... kinda?" You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly.
George could see the German driver's head racing a hundred miles per hour. It was time to get out of this mess.
"Okay, well, if you consider it, you could probably DM him on Instagram. Don't ask Kika!" George quickly said. "I mean... you know, she gets very excited to play cupid... anyways, I have to get back to Dudley, but let me know how it goes!"
You and Mick waved goodbye, heading onto the elevator after what felt like forever.
As the doors closed, you looked over at your thought-consumed best friend. "Penny for your thoughts, Mr Schumacher?" You humoured.
Mick briefly smiled before returning to his brooding state. He folded his arms, leaned on the wall of the elevator and stared at you.
Your mouth felt dry and yet you were drowning in your own saliva. There were certain things that weren't healthy for humans: too much sugar, high cholesterol foods, and apparently air-drying your hair. And then there was too much Mick.
The folded arms and his stupid shirt brought your eyes to the muscles you had so desperately been avoiding after Mick had started to work out even more in the past year.
You cleared your throat, trying to think of another topic of discussion.
In your pondering, Mick opened his mouth. "I don't think you should give João your number," He said, bringing his hands to his side, discreetly allowing the fabric of his shorts to soak up his clammy hands.
Your eyes flickered towards his face. You raised brow. "What? Why?" You asked, feeling an uneasy ache gnaw at your chest.
"I..." Mick started, "I mean what if he's a bad guy? You know... I wouldn't want you to get hurt."
Your heart dropped. You felt like an deflating balloon: all blown up, only to be taken down. You mustered a soft smile. "I mean, you can't protect me forever Mick. What are you going to do? Vet the guy on the day of my wedding," You joked.
Mick frowned at your response. The image of you marrying someone that wasn't him was disheartening.
"I won't need to if you get married to someone you know," He shrugged. "You don't know João. You know me."
You almost did a double-take on your best friend. Did he know what words were falling from his lips. "So what? He's kinda cute. And a five-star FIFA player. I could take the risk. And eventually, I would know him... since that's how relationships work... communication and all," You defended the footballer.
Mick stared at you for a few seconds before blinking out of his short trance. "Right..." He said sharply, pushing himself off of the wall as the elevator opened. He struck out his arm, holding back the door. "You go on. I just remembered I need to talk to Toto."
You flickered your eyes to Mick, trying to read his face. "That's fine, we can go togeth–"
"No," Mick interjected, "it's... it's okay."
Upon the slight widening of your eyes and the startled expression lingering on your face, Mick's innate action was to internally wince. "I'll join you soon. Don't worry. I bring your favourite pastry on the way back, hmm?"
You nodded silently, taking a step out of the elevator and headed towards the lounge with a troubled feeling nagging at your head.
Had you struck a nerve?
Toto couldn't tell what he had done wrong. You and Mick were fine this morning. But after he had told George to push things along between the both of you, a sense of distance radiated off of you.
And George still got out before Lewis for the first quali. Goddamn it.
When Toto raised an eyebrow at you after Mick had slightly brushed you off to talk to Bono, you simply shrugged helplessly.
That night Toto did not get a wink of sleep. Instead, he stared at this hotel ceiling with a twitching eye.
There was nothing he couldn't fix. Whatever was going on between you and Mick right now was just a small bump in the road.
The solution?
A baseball game.
Unfortunately for Toto, baseball wasn't that popular in Brazil. But that didn't mean they didn't do them.
The plan was going perfectly. Toto had offered a 'family day' and gotten you and Mick to join him and Susie to attend a local baseball match between some of university teams. Toto made sure you and Mick were sitting behind him so you had all the privacy you needed. As a dad, he shouldn't be that happy about kiss-cam, let alone bribing the camera operators with the help of Pierre and Kika. But he wanted peace and he was going to get it.
But nothing was easy in life. And Toto could not have predicted this in a million years.
As everyone waited for the game to start, Toto timidly turned his head. He caught the brown eyes of the five-star FIFA player. Giving him a hesitant smile, he averted his own eyes back to the field, cursing himself under his breath. "Scheiße," He muttered through his clenched teeth. Shit.
The tension in the air was thick, to say the least. You sat between João and Mick with blank expression.
João, who was in town for the F1 race, decided to stay back to support a friend in the match. Obviously.
When the footballer on your right extended his hand to Mick, you sucked in a sharp breath. You heavily eyed the firmest handshake you had seen in your life. Letting out a nervous laugh, you sat down before the gesture turned into hardcore glaring.
Still, there was the hope of this kiss-cam.
Toto waited with little patience, hearing João crack jokes in Portuguese that actually made you laugh while Mick took deeper breaths.
It felt like life itself had been poured into Toto once the kiss-cam started on the public. This mattered to him more than whoever was going to win this match.
Toto's face dropped as the camera fell on you.
Your mother pointed at the camera with a gleeful exclamation. Your eyes moved to the screen, widening when you saw yourself and the man next to you.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Toto exasperated quietly.
You turned your head to the right, meeting the equally shocked brown eyes.
"In what way does he look like 'a blonde boy with the face of the greatest racer in F1 history'?" Toto said into his hands, shaking his head slowly.
Mick looked blankly at you and João on the screen before turning to you. He watched you shake your head softly, smiling awkwardly at the camera as the crowd urged you to kiss.
"Oh mein Gott," You murmured to yourself, eyes darting around in panic. Oh my God.
Suddenly, you felt Mick lean in, his fingers sliding under your chin and resting on your cheek. He turned your head slightly towards him.
Your eyes widened upon meeting his baby blues, feeling unnerving giddiness swarm you. You hoped your face screamed, "What are you doing?!"
All Mick did give a small smile, bringing his lips towards you.
Instinctively, your eyes closed, bracing yourself whatever was about to happen. All you could hope for was that this was all a dream of some sort. Maybe you fell asleep in the car?
You skin flushed at the feel of Mick's soft lips on your cheek. Your eyes fluttered open, feeling him linger for a second longer before pulling back.
What on earth?
You weren't sure if you were breathing as you felt his hand move to your leg, covering your hand and giving it a small squeeze. You moved your eyes to the screen. Mick looked unbothered while the crowd erupted in cheers and boos. You, on the other hand, looked flushed.
And Toto?
The urge to run around with his hands flailing in the air was strong.
This was a home run, for crying out loud!
Whoever said jealousy was a disease... thank you!
"Liebling, du solltest jetzt rauskommen," Your mother said to you through the bathroom stall you had been hiding in for the past five minutes. Darling, you should come out now.
You winced as you banged your head against the wall of the stall. You sighed. "I don't think I can. Do you think you can convince the staff the bring a bed? Maybe some food?"
Your mother snorted. "What are you going to do? Live here?"
"Ja. War das nicht offensichtlich?" You retorted, eyes screwing themselves shut after replaying the kiss in your head for the umpteenth time. Yes. Was that not obvious?
Susie sighed, awkwardly smiling at a woman leaving the bathroom. "Y/N... it's Mick. You can't ignore him forever. How long do you think it will truly take for Mick and your father to storm in here after not seeing you for so long?"
You sighed at your mother's response. She was. As always.
The last thing you needed was a headline on ESPN: Toto Wolff and Mick Schumacher caught barging into a women's bathroom.
Christian would have a field day!
You shuddered at the thought.
Susie's ears perked up at your grumble as you fumbled with the lock of the stall. She sported an amused smile at the blank look you gave her.
Slinging an arm around you, she rubbed your shoulder. "Come on, liebling. You got this."
"Oh thank God!" Toto exclaimed after seeing you and your mother come out of the bathroom. "You took forever!"
You narrowed your eyes at your father, avoiding the lingering eyes of a certain German boy. "Maybe next time you shouldn't feed me a hotdog at a baseball game, right?" You pressed with a raised brow.
"Hmm?" Toto mended his brows before nodding profusely. "Right! Right! Yes... that was my bad. Poor thing... you know, Mick, with Y/N being sick and all, I think you should drop her to the hotel. Me and Susie still have a date to go on!"
You and your mother looked at Toto increduolously.
"We do?"
"You do?"
Toto nodded, grabbing your mother's hand. "Yes! Okay, see you two! Tschüss!" Bye!
With a jaw-dropping expression, you watched your parents leave with a twitching eye.
You heard Mick clear his throat.
Slowly, you turned around with a small smile. Fiddling with your fingers, "So..."
Mick rubbed the back of his neck nervously, a small tinge of pink dancing across his cheeks. "The hotel?" He asked, swinging his keys around the his index finger.
Silently, you both walked out of the stadium and towards the car park.
You furrowed your brows upon seeing the orange and pink laden sky. "What the heck? How is the sun already setting?"
"I mean... you were in there for a long time," Mick shrugged.
The crisp summer evening breeze glided past your flushed skin. Your body winced at the paining silence ensuing between the both of you. You let out a small exhale. "Uh, with the thing before–"
"Yeah?" Mick eagerly turned his body towards you, on edge.
You cleared your throat at the anxious expression Mick sported. "You sighed. "Uh, that was to like... save me, right? Aus Verlegenheit? Danke für das." From embarrassment? Thank you for that.
Mick mended his eyebrows. "Verlegenheit? No. I... that was so you didn't kiss João."
You laughed nervously. "Right! So I didn't have to kiss João."
"No. So you didn't kiss João. There's a difference," Mick pointed out, eyeing your expression carefully.
Your eyes widened at his suddenly soft gaze. You looked up at the sky, hoping the breeze would cool the wave of warmth swirling around you. "That's... that's what I said," You shrugged.
Mick stepped in front of you, forcing you to look at him instead of the sky. "Why do you do that?" Mick asked.
"Do what?" You responded.
"I mean... I–just why do you have such a hard time admitting that I like you?"
You wish you had something to say. Anything. But it was as if the ability to speak had been seized from your throat entirely.
"I mean I know I don't make it obvious. I just thought we had some sort of understanding... you know... the one without words?"
You looked up into his hopeful eyes. Entranced, you leaned in towards him. Your fingers danced across his cheek just the way he had done not so long ago. You watched his eyes close at the feel of your touch, making your heart thud against your chest.
Inching closer, your thumb gently swiped over his lips, feeling his faltering exhale warm the pad of your thumb. "So pretty," You whispered to yourself, eyeing his face.
Mick wasn't sure whether you were talking about him or his lips but he didn't care.
You shuddered, feeling Mick's hand slide around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
Without waiting a second longer, you pressed your lips to his.
Mick's lips were softer than you had imagined, warm to the touch. Your stomach churned upon feeling his fingers skate under the hem of your shirt, rubbing tingling circles on your hot skin.
You hear an unrecognisable breathy gasp fall from your lips. The hair on your body stood straight as goosebumps littered your skin. All because of Mick.
Mick took advantage of the moment, darting his tongue to explore your mouth. He groaned against your lips, pushing your hips even closer to him, feeling the hard outline of his bulge rub against your pelvis.
You were going to combust at this rate.
Mick trembled in your grasp as your hands wandered his taut torso, lingering closely to his v-line.
He pulled away with an indescribable urgency, staring at you with small pants falling from his lips. He held your face with his hand, thumb gliding across your swollen lips. "We can't–" He sighed out, voice hoarse, "No more. Please."
Your thighs clenched at his plea, eyes falling down to his prominent bulge. You were sure he was in a lot of pain right now. The sexual tension between you to had been pent up for years now.
Your tongue darted out, swiping over his thumb briefly before faintly sucking on it. You looked up at Mick. "You're right, we shouldn't," You nonchalantly told him.
Mick's blue eyes danced with a tortured pain, following your tongue carefully. "We... fuck, Y/N," He complained, feeling impossibly tight in his pants.
"We fuck? Direct much?" You teased, removing your lips from his thumb.
Mick stared at you, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes. "I was saying... we should do this properly. Not in some parking lot."
"Why not? Car sex is hot. Just imagine!" You urged, amused by the conflict in Mick's eyes.
Imagine he did.
You and him in his God forbidden Mercedes... him making sure every inch of his car was stained with you...
Mick sucked in a sharp breath. "Nope. Come on. Hotel."
You gasped humorously. "In a hotel? Mick Schumacher! Well I never!"
Before you knew it, Mick had whisked you into his arms and into his car, hoping he was not breaking Brazil's speed limits tonight.
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octuscle · 6 months
thank you my friend for showing me all the things I can be. But one transformation just felt more right than the others. Please can you turn me back to a British chav working in ChavTF. This time I want it to be permanent and I want to become as chavy as possible. Just a dumb horny chav, who loves trainers, tracksuits, smoking, drinking and blowjobs
Alcohol gives you really stupid ideas, doesn't it? Even if the alcohol is an expensive 2020 Silvaner from a great vineyard on the Main in Franconia… Dude, you're a masterpiece! And you want to change that?
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You're playing with your cell phone… There's the ChavTF online store. Hot tracksuit on special offer. The devil knows when you'd put it on… But you order it. They recommend a pair of socks, a pair of sneakers, a bracelet and a necklace. You think the necklace is stupid… But the rest looks cool. Everything goes into the shopping cart. Pay. And order. Everything should be here the day after tomorrow.
When you get home on Friday evening, the parcel is on your doorstep. Some friendly neighbor has accepted the package. The box has been used before. A bong was obviously packed in it before. It also smells like weed, but also like the plastic of cheap synthetic fibers. The tracksuit is no longer in its original packaging. It also smells a bit like sweat. And it looks like there are dried precum stains in the pants. You get a boner. And your precum forms another stain in your pants. The socks and sneakers look great with the tracksuit.
There are lots of notes in the box next to the bill. A voucher for a hairdresser. And a flyer looking for new employees for the online shop. Hehehe, the job certainly wouldn't make enough money for your Mayfair apartment. But somehow you feel like redeeming the voucher for the hairdresser. Shorter hair goes better with the tracksuit. Okay, the cab ride to the Eastend is probably almost as expensive as if you'd gone to your hairdresser. But that doesn't matter to you now.
You fit into the hairdressing salon about as well as the king fits into the subway. None of the customers are over 25 years old. No one feels as muscular in their tracksuit as you do. And everyone is either smoking a cigarette or a joint. And most of them have a can of beer. The hairdresser sees you and shouts "You're next. Would you like uh beer, mate?" You just say yes. And then the barber runs the long hair clippers through your hair. "Mate, should I shave off da beard? it makes you look like an old main?" You actually feel much younger. The beer is why and tastes like piss. But it feels good. Your forehead is wrinkle-free and smooth again. You look more like a young bouncer than an investment banker. "Nah, mate, da beard stays on. But do you have uh fag for me?" Damn, what's happened to your language.
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You tip the barber a pound. You can hardly get enough of your reflection in the mirror. You need sex now. Quickly. It's still light and the cruising area in Victoria Park isn't far away. You don't have to stand by the tree for long before you disappear into the bushes with an old geezer. Phew, not really your level. But it feels right to get down on your knees and suck the unshaven, cheesy cock of this unkempt guy. And it also feels right when you pocket the ten pound note after the blowjob.
You take the subway home. Fuck, you're so horny, you could get fucked by every other guy here. But you need a pint of beer at least as badly. And it's not unlikely that you'll find something to fuck in the pub.
Fuck, you could clean up your mess and air it out. And you don't have anything clean to wear either. Shit, you had something planned for today… While you're pissing and smoking in your dirty little bathroom, you remember. You wanted to apply for the job. Warehouse worker at that cool clothes store in the East End. You spray some Axe under your armpits, put on your new tracksuit and take the bus to the East End.
You're already a little excited. After all, it's the first job you've done since you dropped out of your plumbing apprenticeship. And it's eight pounds an hour. A hell of a lot of money. But the guy in the store is cool. He thinks that all you need to be able to do for the job is organize weed for the other employees, give him the occasional blow job and tape up packages. Hehehe, hopefully you'll learn how to do the parcels, the rest you'll manage. And you can prove it right away. Starting with a blowjob.
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Best job ever. In fact, you're more of a warehouse hustler than a warehouse worker. But there are good tips. And the dope you got is damn good. And hopefully no one will notice that you took the necklace with you. Your mother yells for you to come into the house, dinner is ready. You shout back that you only have a few more things to do. Hehehe, you can't stand dinner with your mother and her new stud without being stoned.
Pics found @my-gear-smoking-favourites, @lyon69007-blog and @scallysmoker2
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ruh--roh-raggy · 5 months
Stars Look Nice Tonight (Punk William x Fem! Reader)
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Hello hello! Welcome back to my lovely little punk Will series, thank you all so much for the love he's been so fun to write! So, this is a technical part 2 to Buzzed, but this series is going to be a little different than Home Sweet Home. I don't plan on following a linear timeline once I get their relationship fully established. What that's going to mean is we're going to have some plot build up with them being all cute and getting to know each other and flirting and all that good stuff, but the rest of this series is going to be published through one shots. I have a lot of ideas for fics with punk Will hehehe. If you have any requests you would like to see with him, let me know! If you would like to be added to my tag list, also let me know! Thank you all so much for reading!!
WARNINGS: Recreational 🍃 smoking, drinking at a bar, age gap (Reader is in early 20's Will is in his 40's/50's), mostly fluff with some suggestive flirting
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 2,782
“Are you around this weekend?” You smiled against the receiver you had pressed to your ear. You paused for a moment, not wanting to respond too fast and seem too eager. Over your post concert dinner of greasy bacon and fluffy waffles you and Will both realized one thing, neither of you could get enough of one another. He loved how the sound of your melodic laughter made his heart beat faster, the shy smile you would give him as his hand brushed over yours, how every so often he would catch you staring at his lips with a wistful expression on your face. You were too busy getting caught up in his seductive gaze to notice. He asked if he could see you again. Casually, of course, he doesn’t want you to feel tied down. You had to refrain from practically screaming your acceptance in his face. Now, you were standing in your kitchen almost a week from then, the man occupying your every thought on the other end of the line.
“I should be.” You respond coyly. William breathes out a chuckle, he could practically hear the smirk in your voice. “Got something in mind?”
“I was thinking we could go out for drinks… give me a chance to make up for the one I spilled on you at the venue.” You leaned against the counter, listening to the way his deep voice crackled through the phone.
“If I remember right, you weren’t the one who spilled it on me.” You respond in a teasing tone.
“Still happened because the prettiest girl in the room decided to stop and talk to me.” You freeze, your cheeks immediately growing warm at his compliment. After a moment of your silence you hear Will laugh on the other end of the line. “If you want to throw me off my game you’re going to have to do a bit more than fact check me while I’m asking you out.” He jokes.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you.” You giggle. “I get off at 7 tonight and then I’m free the rest of the weekend.”
“I guess I should plan something a little more special than a grimey dive bar then, huh?”
“I don’t know, sounds pretty romantic to me.” The sound of his laughter makes you smile. “Will… you know I don’t mind seeing you more than one day in a row, right?” Now it was his turn to be quiet for a moment.
“I just don’t want you to feel rushed-”
“It’s not like that.” You twist the long, cream colored spiral cord around your finger. “I had a really nice time with you the other night.” You chew your lip nervously before deciding to just put it all out there. “I like you, Will. I want to spend time with you.” Your hands grew clammy as his end of the line remained silent.
“I like you too.” Will was grateful you couldn’t see him right now. His face was hot, there was no doubt in his mind that he was blushing terribly. He couldn’t believe how ridiculous he was acting right now. But, there was something about the soft way you spoke, your small confession still ringing in his ears, he felt like he was back in college all over again. “Do you want to meet me at Ralph’s after you get off work tonight?”
You were taken aback for a second, “you know Ralph’s?”
“What, you didn’t think you and your little baby punk friends discovered Ralph’s?” He asks in a teasing tone. “Baby, I’ve probably been going to Ralph’s since before you were born... Do I know Ralph's?” He scoffs.
“To answer your original question, I would love to meet you for drinks.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you attempt to suppress your eagerness to see him.
“8 o’clock work?”
“That sounds perfect.”
“I’m really excited to see you tonight.” You jump as you hear him slam down the phone as he hangs up.
Will groans as he drags a hand down his face. “I’m really excited to see you tonight.” He repeats in a mocking tone. “Get a grip.”
“Well, hey stranger.” Will straightens up at the sound of your voice chirping next to him at the bar. He stood, sliding out a stool for you. His eyes hungrily raked over your frame, you had put on a slinky little black dress that perfectly hugged all of your delicate curves. He swallows thickly as his gaze trails over your pillowy thighs, he could only imagine how soft they would be clamped around his head.
“You look amazing.” He smiles at you, struggling to keep his eyes on yours, the thin layer of gold body glitter you had applied sparkled in the neon lights that covered the walls. He accidentally caught sight of your cleavage as you wiggled your way onto the stool, the sight alone enough to make his cock twitch in his jeans. You were incredibly beautiful, Will couldn't believed he had managed to earn even a fraction of your attention.
“Thank you.” You blush, looking up at him through your lashes. “You're looking pretty good yourself.” Will had opted for something a little more casual, a nicely fitted flannel that he had rolled up to just above his elbows and some jeans. Your eyes trailed down his arm, landing on his massive hand that dwarfed the beer bottle he was holding. The bartender makes his way over to you, a flirtatious smile on his lips that immediately makes Will prickle with annoyance.
“What can I get started for you, beautiful?” He asks with a wink. “Unless you want to just jump straight to getting my number?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Some things never change. You glanced at Will out of the corner of your eye, his gaze was burning a hole in the side of the bartender's face. But, considering the two of you had agreed to keep things casual, he just sat quietly in his seat. Your delicate fingers slid over Will’s forearm, his attention immediately moving to you.
You leaned into him, wanting to give the bartender a full show in hopes he would leave the two of you alone. “What are you drinking baby?” You see Will subtly mouth the pet name you had decided to call him, pure confusion written in his features. You take the beer bottle from his hand, your chest pressing into his shoulder as you cuddle up to his side. You turn the bottle to read the label, it was some foreign beer you didn't recognize. You slowly brought the dark brown glass to your perfectly painted lips, tilting your head back to take a long sip. Your face scrunches up at the pungent, bitter liquid, you shake your head before putting it back in Will’s hand. You almost blew your cover as your eyes met Will’s. You could see his thoughts loading as he processed having you so close to him, threatening to tear a laugh from your throat.
“She’ll have a vodka cran.” He chimes in, gaze never leaving your face. The bartender hurries off with his tail in between his legs, obviously embarrassed that he came on so strong to someone who was obviously taken. “Not that I'm complaining, but what the fuck was all of that?” He asks with a chuckle.
“I came here to spend time with you.” You explain with a soft smile. “Not to be hit on by some sleazeball who’s probably going to somehow manage to fuck up a vodka cran, good choice by the way.” He laughs at your blatant dismissal of his competition.
“It seemed like a pretty safe option.” The two of you sat and chatted for hours at the bar. William filled you in on the fact that he both owns and operates Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, a place you had loved since you were a kid, and he found out that you have the much less glamorous title of working at a hardware store. “I can't believe it, you've been working there all this time and we’ve never met.” The two of you had managed to huddle close together, you looked more akin to children swapping secrets on the playground than two grown adults having a normal conversation during a night out, but that was part of the fun. There was something about being around Will that made you feel alive. You weren't afraid to be silly, you weren't worried about him judging your interests, from the moment you had met you felt comfortable being 100% yourself around him, and Will would be lying if he said he didn't feel the same. He thought you were incredible, absolutely breathtaking in every way imaginable. He couldn't remember the last time someone had made him laugh this hard outside of Henry, every so often the two of you would have to pause just to catch your breaths. Will was honestly surprised that you seemed to like him, it had been years since he had met someone he didn't need to wear a mask in front of. Eventually, as it grew later, the bar gradually became more crowded. “Would you maybe want to go somewhere quieter?” He practically yells over the wall of sound.
“Sure!” You call back. “It’d be nice to be able to hear you.” You chuckle. Will settles your tab, refusing to let you pay for a single drink despite your adorable protests. You slowly pushed your way through the sea of people, Will keeping a protective hand on the small of your back as he helped part the way. You pushed into the stillness of the night, a shiver running up your spine at the drastic change in temperature. You stood opposite him, you faced each other in silence for a moment as you thought of a way to extend your evening together. “Not to be your stereotypical twenty something year old,” William chuckles as you break the stillness that had surrounded you. “But, I have a bong and an eighth in my car.” Will glances up at the sky.
“Stars look nice tonight.” A small smile spreads across his lips as his attention falls back onto you. “You're going to freeze to death dressed like that.”
You wave him off with a dismissive sound, “I'll be fine, I've been through worse.”
“I think,” he starts as he takes slow steps closer to you, “you should go get that bong ready to go while I go grab you a jacket.”
“I can work with that.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, shooting him a coy expression.
You pop your trunk, digging through the bags and emergency supplies you had stacked in front of your piece. The glass was ice cold against your palm and you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that you had fully cleaned it after its last use. You let out a small scream as a warm weight falls around your shoulders, the sound of William’s laughter immediately calming you. Your nose filled with the growingly familiar scent, a delighted hum slipping past your lips. You glanced at the denim, a patch you recognized catching your attention. “You know if you keep letting me borrow this jacket I'm going to steal it one of these days.” You tease.
“What a shame that would be.” He responds with a slight roll of his eyes. He carefully takes your hands in his, holding your arms away from your body. “If I'm being completely honest you look a lot better in my battle jacket than I ever did.”
“This is your battle jacket?” Your eyes widen as you ask. He nods in response. “Oh, Will, I-”
“Listen, my days of being a grimy little pit rat whose only purpose is to smoke, fuck, and sticking it to the man are behind me… Well, maybe not that last part.”
“Doesn't seem like you're doing too good at the first part either.” You tease with a small laugh, holding up the bong you had originally been asked to retrieve. “Hopefully I'll find out eventually where you fall in that middle category.” You wink at him before heading to the front of your car, attempting to hide the fact that your cheeks were burning over such a forward statement. You hoist yourself up onto the hood of your car with a groan, sliding yourself back so you could lay against your windshield. Will maneuvers himself next to you, fishing a lighter out of his pocket. He nods for you to take the first hit, flicking the lighter to life and preparing to light the bowl for you. You glanced up at him, stunning silver eyes studying you with a softness you had never witnessed before. You tilt your head back, blowing a plume of smoke up into the night sky. The two of you take turns, swapping the bong between you. A soft smile grows on your lips as you catch Will's lingering gaze. “What's that look for?”
“Can I make a really stupid request?” He asks softly.
“No such thing as a stupid request, but continue.” You turn to him with a smile.
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about kissing you since I saw you tonight… I’d like to be able to kiss you again, if that's alright.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, scanning over his handsome features as your pulse thundered in your ears.
“I think that sounds a little better than alright.” You respond in a low, seductive tone. His hand cups your jaw, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip. He dips his head lower, his lips just out of reach of your own.
“Has anyone ever told you, you have really pretty eyes?” You breathe out a laugh.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” He shakes his head in response, you notice him swallow, a subtle nervousness in his eyes that you almost missed.
“There are no other girls… only you.” You push yourself forward, a surprised sound escaping Will as your lips land on his. An arm circles around your waist, pulling you in impossibly closer. You set the bong down on the hood of your car before straddling his lap. He pulls you flush against his chest, his other hand tangling into your hair. Your arms rest comfortably over his shoulders, he lets out a small hum as he kisses you, smiling against your lips. You pull back with a small gasp as air rushes into your lungs, your pupils blown as adrenaline courses through your veins.
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the concert.” You admit breathlessly. William gives you a charming, lopsided smile.
“Well, I guess we’re both in trouble.” He responds with a chuckle, making you let out a soft laugh of your own. “I just don't want you to feel like you have to rush into anything you’re not sure about.”
“I don't feel like we’re rushing anything.” You reassure him. “It feels right, being here with you like this.” He feels the way your shuddering breath ghosts over his lips, his eyes flicking over your face as he drank in every detail of you. His hands knead at your waist, trying to think of how to respond. It’s not that he didn't want you to be exclusively his, he had thought about how pretty you would look covered in bite marks, showing off to the world that the two of you were an item. But you had so much life in you, so much you had yet to experience, could he really be what you want? At the moment he couldn't really bring himself to care. You were sitting so prettily in his lap, your short dress riding up your thighs, his jacket drowning your tiny frame. Who was he to deny an angel what she wanted?
He sighs out your name as his lips find their way back to yours. You tangle your fingers in his hair, his glasses pressing uncomfortably into your cheek. Will tried to elaborate on his conditions in between kissing you. “I want you to set the pace.” He sputters out breathlessly. “If we’re moving too fast… or not fast enough… just tell me…” He slides a hand under your jacked, feeling the soft curve of your back against his palm. His lips leave yours, trailing across your jaw.
“Will?” You ask softly.
“Yes, rabbit?” He pauses immediately, pulling back to make sure you were okay. Your eyes instantly met his, the way they twinkled in the moonlight almost made him melt on the spot.
“Take me home?”
Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @zoey5252 @redflowery @loudchaosking @weirdoartist21 @residentevilbeast @lokanda @emmbny @yukkkiki @twelvelevens
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
Request: Marinette and Adrien with a friend who knows that they are Ladybug and Chat Noir, but doesn't tell them until they reveal it.
Their friend knows their true identity
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Marinette, Adrien ]
[ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir ]
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Hehehe I liked writing this a lot! It was so funny to think!! Hope you liked it!
Im not sure if this is that good but I did my best!
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Marinette always tries her best to find a balance between her normal life and her duty as one of the heros of paris, still she can struggle to find a proper way to do it, and even to be able to hide her secret identity since, most of the time, she can't just come up with a good excuse of why she has to go all of the sudden
The Miraculous magic can help her hide her identity but still as her normal self she can slip some commets or bad excuses, and if you know her enough you would be able to see that this is more than her usual clumsiness
No matter how you find out about she actually being Ladybug confronting her won't be a really good idea since it will make her feel really anxious, passing from trying to come up with a excuse or an argument to convince you that she isn't actually Ladybug (what probably just fails) to feel like a failure for letting someone find out about this (not that she would mad at you but at herself since now she thinks you can be on danger)
In the other hand, keeping it to yourself would be rather easy, specially since you two are friends she trust you so even if you aren't that good to hide the secret or say some comments that can hint that you know can be brush it off by an excuse (mainly because she prefer to believe you don't know yet)
Now that you know her identity you can understand her strange behavior or weird excuses that she say when there is danger that Ladybug has to take care of, and if you decide to help by trying to come up with a better excuse or just agreeding with her excuses so she can leave will help her a lot, she may find it a little strange sometimes but she will be relief that you believed her excuse more than anything (and she will even be grateful is you help her have an excuse to leave, even if is indirectly helping her)
If you treat her as usual whenever she met you as Ladybug she will be a little surprised (although, will leave the wondering to later, when none of you are danger), still she can be easily tricked by saying something like everyone put their trust on the heroine of Paris, not that she is too naive but she already knows you (you are her friend after all) and is just happy that you trust in Ladybug
If she ever decide to reveal her identity to you (or may even happen by accident) she will try to explain why she didn't say it before or that she want you to keep the secret and that she is trusting you with her life, she is more anxious than anything (even if she planned it), but when you tell her that you already knew it, she mood completely turn to be surprised and even embarrassment, at the end she will have the same chat of asking you to keep the secret but now she is a little bit more relief and will even laugh at this whole situation at the end
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Adrien Agreste
Adrien knows how dangerous can be if someone gets to know his true identity, besides he enjoy a lot being Cat Noir, it gives him some freedom that he appreciate a lot so he also tries to protect that part of his life
Getting to know his true identity could be a little difficult for how diferent his personality is between him and the hero of paris, still you can find out if you put enough attention to his excuses to run away when is time to fight and if you know him enough
Deciding to confront him about is up to you, if you decide to tell him that you do know about his secret identity will be pretty shocking at first, but two are close friends and he knows that he can trust you then, at the end, he won't thing is a really bad thing, he will feel troubles and a little disappointed on himself for being so careless but assure you that he isn't mad at you or anything, if anything he is happy that if someone get to know that person is you, his friend
If you decide to tell him he won't accept it right away but will be more comfortable over time to rely on you to come up with excuses and even tell you how he feels by being a hero, as well if he gets to save you or just cross path with you while being Cat Noir he won't doubt on making a joke and even remark how you are just another random citizen of paris that he got to help. However, if he get to meet you while being Cat Noir but he doesn't know you know is him he will stile being cheerful and make some jokes but still be respectful to don't be so obvious with the fact that he already knows you
It isn't always that he has to come up with an excuse, he got already used to have a plan to cover up whenever he isn't in his room or when he has to come up with an excuse when he is busy with his extracurricular activities, so even if you were willing to help him to come up with an excuse is more likely that would have to be durinfg school, still that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate whenever you help him with the excuse or cover up his ausence (but he does it mentally, unless he already knows that you know his identity)
If he ever decided to tell you about his secret identity it would be after thinking about it a lot and because he knows it would be necesary or helpful because the last thing he wants is to bring you troubles, so he would be trying to get ready to this, but if you admit that you already knew it will make him feel a little embarrassed but at the end will just laugh at it, in this case it would be easier for him to get comfortable and talk to you about his duty and all of that since it was his plan to tell you
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obsolescent · 5 months
I saw the other anons ask sayin that Leon would want to settle down and you saying smth about h8k being protective with his daughter? What do you think would he do when a boy breaks his princess' heart? It would be so funny because he's dealt with lots of bad things and now boys are his no. 1 problems 😭
RAHHHHH BANGING MY FISTS ON THE TABLE such a complete 180° from the last anon and I’m so excited to write this up hehehe
Reader is gender neutral
Leon is a special government agent, so of course he has connections, and with those connections, he has a lot of information at his fingertips. He can easily look into someone’s history or records.
Which includes anyone who interacts with his daughter. Be that crushes or friends, he’ll ask her for their names and being Leon… he’ll do a little bit of digging. Just a small check of their backgrounds, scoping out their families. Nothing too wild.
It’s honestly a good things he does this, it helps him sleep easier at night knowing the ones that his daughter has grown close to are not there for nefarious reasons or to use her as leverage against him.
Now when it comes to relationships/her being heartbroken?
Leon would find her sobbing one day, her face red and splotchy. His heart would seize in his chest, and he’d rush over to her and fire off a hundred questions, holding her close. She’d tell him all that’s happened, confiding in you and Leon easily and without hesitation.
She had told her crush how she felt, and said crush not only turned her down but laughed at her confession. The rage would simmer in Leon’s body but he would keep his composure, knowing these are teenagers he’s dealing with and is a disheartening part of life.
He’d rub her back and let her cry into him, frustrated and apologizing that he cannot do more.
Then, an idea.
“Hey, bug, why don’t we go to the store, get some snacks, and we can all watch your favorite movie together, yeah?“ he suggests, pulling her away and wiping her tears from her face.
She gives a small smile and nods, sniffling. “Yeah, that’d be cool.” He nods, grinning down at her and helping her to her feet, before making his way through the house to explain what’s happened.
Your heart aches for your child, finding her and pulling her into an embrace. Once you’ve doted on her yourself, the three of you make the trip to the store, grabbing all sorts of confections.
Once home, you settle on the couch, your daughter between the two of you, and let her pick out her choice of media. She settles on a funny, light-hearted one.
About half way into the movie, you began to hear light snoring. Looking over to see your daughter’s head resting against Leon’s arm.
Your eyes meet and you grin at each other. You pick up the remote and pause the movie, and Leon slowly maneuvers her onto his lap before standing up and carrying her to her bedroom.
You follow behind, heart warming at the sight of them. She’ll never be too old to be his little girl. Never too old to have her scrapes and bruises kissed and bandaged.
After Leon tucks her into her bed and her door is shut, he pulls you into an embrace, kissing the top of your head.
“Let’s plan something fun for the weekend, I don’t have to be at work until Tuesday,” he whispers against your hair while stroking your back.
Enthusiastically you agree, wrapping your arms around his frame, excited for the plans ahead with the people you love most in your life.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 21 days
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"Goodbye my three little ones, your father has to go"
"Im sorry chat, i guess ill just speak from the heart. the way i lost dapper and pomme i dont think i really.. had time to process, so losing him like this feels like losing all three of them at the same time"
Visiting bagis... poor zeno fucking died to a rooster LMAO i missed bagis place so fucking bad
searching for pepito.... where is my baby.... where is my little pepito, there pepito is
Bad doesnt really know what to do with himself, hes still sad but richas is like. Officially gone. Which is a crazy thing to process. I was having a hard time dealing with it but i think richas' final goodbye made me feel a lot better about it,it doesnt feel like theres a nail in the back of my brain now, im a little more content with this at least. Wont really be happy about it, but more content with it
We're gonna go leave a richas flower (blue orchid) at bagi's old base <3 just like how we left a cornflower at a place special to pomme.
hehehe agent 18/panks_ is in chat and theyre tormenting bad for fun
Offering pepito the opportunity to visit one last place, bad plans on coming back and visiting a couple final places sometime soon, not tonight but soon. Probably gonna end after pepito picks where to go
pepito cant think of anywhere, bads picking one more place to go
Pepitos gonna be temporarily dapper while in the official dapper time spot <333
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bads back, i got so comfortable in the old house that i forgot we have to leave. Just a wave of sadness washed over me, it feels like leaving home all over again, it feels like we should be able to walk into the old spawn from dappers train station and see pierre and pomme and etoiles again
pomme in chat... assuring bad she and dapper wont be leaving any time soon. Bad promises us he has some really fun stuff hes been working on he thinks we'll enjoy, this journey isnt over
while waiting for pepito we're reminiscing on when he had to triangulate the Dont have Your Gun thing that was playing that he couldnt find LMAO
currently visiting the old subway bad was building with dapper underground.... the new terrain generation generated a FULL end city RIGHT next to it!!!!
gonna visit bobby fields another day, thats another day issue, but dapper wanted to go see it with him lol
Bad found out Lullah and Richas were leaving yesterday, sounds like he didnt know chay was leaving till today
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Pepitos playing around in the balloons Boo left <33
Bad: Yeah i remember when pomme and dapper came in one of these end cities and scared the muffins out of me Pomme: ?????? Pomme: bro you were dead Bad: I STILL REMEMBER.......
We're gonna go play Wordlos (or however you spell it) one last time before leaving the old spawn <3 gonna see if we can get it to work!!!
kinda works!!! Kinda!!! It mostly works!!!! gonna play!!!!!
"I am so proud of your spanish uncle bad!!! its a great advance to know how to explain something, its the most important thing"
We're looking at the paintings, this is it for the day. Richas logged off with bads statue painting so hes probably never gonna see that again LMAO "thats why we get screenshots"
Pepitos saying a little goodnight to the ghosties <33 pepitos gonna eat all of us up because we're so cute. "I see everything, too. EVERYTHIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG". Pepitos telling us to rest, eat, and drink water, and do our favorite things. We deserve it, to remember not to be sad it ended but be happy it happened at all <3
Bads planning on streaming tomorrow, hes not 100% sure what we'll be doing but he isnt gonna let this crank his steam
Pepitos planning on getting on tomorrow! or whenever! pepito doesnt know when pepito gets on LMAO
Thats all for todays stream, ending at 10:15, goodnight bad, richas, pomme, and dapper <3
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seraphinitegames · 2 years
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 30/Sept/2022
Chapter 19 was certainly off to an interesting start...hehehe! :D
So I was hammering through the openings, really pleased as there wasn't too much split at the beginning before it all came together. Then I was sitting with Nai one lunchtime, staring at the table as I was thinking over what I wrote, and was like, 'I'm gonna have to rewrite what I've done for Chapter 12'. 
Cue Nai looking at me like:
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I loved what I wrote, it just wasn't right. After all the build up, what I'd opened with was way too much of a lull moment. It slowed the narrative down too much. So I went about fiddling with what I had and rewriting sections so it's WAY better now and it flows like it's supposed to!
But I have kept what I wrote 'cause I know I can fit it in at the end. Especially as they were love interest moments, and I really don't wanna lose those. Sometimes you just have to work things around rather than get rid of them completely! :D
I was really worried this was going to set me back, because I also changed up a big choice set. It was supposed to be a skill-based choice set, but I realised it would be the perfect opportunity to bring the new stats into use! They won't really come into play until Book 4, where they'll start being the more important stats, but this was too good a moment not to add them in so as people can start deciding where they'd like to go on those.
Yet even with all of that, I not only hit my goal but surpassed it!! Which made me very happy :D
The reason I had a very specific goal this week is because I am off on vacation next week! My friend from America is visiting, and we haven't seen each other in like...12 years? Blimey, time does fly! So we're gonna have a fun week together, refresh my brain, so as I can come back for the big final push!
When I get back will be jumping straight into social media days. But I have few asks already scheduled for next week as well as all the usual Patreon posts, including the first of the Spooky October Specials:
'On a Moonlit Night...' (Felix/Farah Spooky Special)
Having been ordered to set up camp and keep watch for the night, F and the MC find themselves a little distracted…right up until the point a shadowy figure decides to make a spooky appearance outside of their tent.
And as the MC says, 'You know, I’m pretty sure this is how most horror movies start.'
No news on the save system yet, which I've mailed Hosted Games about.
But Book Three is up on Steam ready for you to wishlist!
We'll be doing some big, exciting marketing for this when I get back! Very fun things planned :D
Hope you all have a fabulous week ahead! I'll be back on Wednesday 12th, so I'll talk to you all then! <3
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nicoline1998enilocin · 8 months
"Friends/coworkers to lovers" with rdj x female!reader, you decide the path, just fluff or fluff/smut... but like my nonnie friend, "I want to live the cliche of cliches" with the most precious, kind and gentle human being in the world 🥺
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PAIRING | Robert Downey Jr. x Assistant!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Your girl's night turns unexpectedly when you accidentally butt-dial your boss, Robert, and he hears you confess your feelings towards him. Ever since that moment, he's trying to impress you every chance he gets, and when you finally talk about it with him, your life just turns out perfect.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. RPF, coworkers to lovers, mutual pining, swearing, accidental butt-dialing, jealous RDJ, smut ( a little bit of teasing, fingering, protected sex ).
A/N | Thank you for this sickeningly sweet request Nonnie, because I believe I've pulled almost all of the clichés out of the closet for this one heheh, but my goodness, was it a fun one to write! I hope you will enjoy what I did with this one 🖤
A/N 2.0 | I want to give extra special thanks to @buckys-wintersoldier for helping me develop ideas for this one! It's always great to work together; this one turned out amazing because of you!
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Robert Downey Jr. Masterlist
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''Here you go,'' you say to your best friend, Avery, as you hand her a glass of white wine. Tonight is your night off, and you plan on having an uninterrupted girl's night with her.
''Thank you! I needed this after the week I've had,'' she groans as you let yourself sink into your couch, your glass in hand. She tells you all about her breakup - the reason she visited you in the first place.
''So, is there anything new in your love life?'' Avery asks, and you sigh as you shuffle in your place a little bit, and unbeknownst to you, you accidentally butt-dial Robert.
''Precious? Is everything okay? You know it's your day off-'' Robert says, but of course, you don't hear him, but he can hear everything you're saying though.
''So... you know my boss, Robert. Who doesn't know him?! But that's beside the point. Well, I've been in love with him for the bigger part of a year?'' you phrase it as a question, even though you know damn well it's true.
''But...?'' Avery asks.
''But I'm afraid that if I tell him, he'll fire me, and I'd be left without a job,'' you sigh. Robert feels his heart hurt slightly at the thought that you'd even think he'd fire you. You're the best assistant he could ever wish for, and he would never find anyone better than you. Not that he'd want to, of course.
''I'm sure he would never do that; you've been his assistant for nearly a decade!'' Avery says, and you know she's right, but it still doesn't change your thoughts.
Robert feels a little twang in his chest as he hears the way you think, and he's already planning on ways to make you feel better and make a move at the same time.
You sigh softly before taking a big gulp of your wine and closing your eyes for a second so that you can think about your options.
''I've been thinking about talking to him since I practically tell him every single thing, but telling him I've been head over heels with him, that I can't fucking think straight, and all I can think about is him bending me over the back of the couch and just rail me like there's no tomorrow,'' you say, and Avery just nods.
''And the worst of all is that he invited me as his date to a charity event, and my stupid brain somehow can't comprehend that it's just an evening of work and not an actual date,'' you vent.
''Babe, you should talk to him about this because this isn't healthy! I am one hundred percent sure you won't lose your job if you do; he's a reasonable man,'' Avery says, and after hearing those words, Robert hangs up, feeling guilty that he kept listening for so long.
If only he kept listening...
''You're right; it's just that I'm afraid of losing him more than my job. I can easily find another job anywhere else, but I will never find another Robert...'' you say before throwing back the rest of your wine and quickly filling it up with more.
The rest of the evening is spent gossiping until you're both too tired to keep your eyes open, so Avery decides to sleep over at your apartment just to be safe. She doesn't tell you she doesn't want you to be alone right now.
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''Hi, Precious!'' Robert says as he's walking over to you, as you're seated in a coffee shop where the two of you are taking some time to catch up about non-work related things.
''Hi Robert,'' you say with a big smile as he sits down, and you push his coffee order towards him, together with a pastry for the two of you to share.
''What would I ever do without you?'' he says, and the smile he gives you has the butterflies in your stomach erupting into a frenzy, and your heart skips a few beats here and there as you take in his praise.
A smile tugs on the corner of your lips, and you can't stop commenting.
''Let's hope we'll never find out!'' you say as you shut your laptop; you can continue looking at dresses for the charity event Robert has invited you to attend alongside him.
He gives you a smirk as he looks at the same bit of hair that constantly falls into your face, and when Robert leans over to tuck it behind your ear, your brain shortcircuits for a few moments.
Your mouth is slightly open as you feel his fingers on your temple and behind your ear before softly sliding against your neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps.
When you snap back to reality, you gasp softly and blink a few times, unsure of what just happened, and you're pretty sure Robert noticed, but he didn't comment on it. It was not like he did it on purpose or anything like that.
''So, anything new in your life?'' Robert asks, and you quickly shake your head, maybe too soon for your liking.
''Still the same things, same people, same stress,'' you sigh as you try to give a small smile, hoping he's convinced and not as weirded out as you are.
''Been looking at dresses for the charity event though, so that's exciting,'' you quickly add, and your mind immediately wanders to a few beautiful dresses you've seen.
''Anything interesting so far?'' he informs because he plans to match with you for the evening, mainly because he's thinking about confessing his feelings to you that night.
''I've seen some nice ones, but nothing that stood out yet, actually,'' you say, though you can think of one dark blue dress that you can't get out of your head despite it being way out of your price range, even with the ungodly amount of money Robert pays you as his assistant.
''Can I see? I'm just curious what you're thinking at the moment,'' he says, and he gets up, only to slide onto the bench next to you, letting his thigh touch yours in a move that's innocent enough.
''A-Are you... sure?'' you ask, and he nods, so you grab your laptop and show him some of the dresses you've been eyeing, expertly avoiding the blue dress.
''Hm, I don't think I've seen the perfect one yet,'' Robert says, and you show him more until you need to use the restroom so when you're gone, he opens the tab you've been avoiding this whole time and snaps a quick photo as a reminder to order it for you, later.
The rest of the afternoon is spent catching up, and before you know it, it's time to go home again and go to bed early since you have some stressful days coming up.
Robert drops you off at home, and as soon as you set foot in your apartment, you sigh deeply, glad you made it through another day without completely embarrassing yourself in front of your boss.
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Today's the charity event day, and you're in the shower to prepare for tonight. After a short run and a call with Robert about everything going down tonight, you're finally letting the warm stream of water calm your mind.
You opted to go for a silver floor-length dress so Robert will always look gorgeous no matter what color he chooses to wear, and he notified you he would be going for a blue outfit, which would fit beautifully with your dress.
After an extensive shower and an excellent hair and face mask, you're getting ready to grab a late lunch, so you won't have to worry about having dinner later than usual.
When you're about to make yourself a nice BLT sandwich, your doorbell rings, and you head over, unsure what to expect when you open the door.
When you swing the door open, there isn't anyone in front of the door, but instead, your gaze falls onto a large package on the floor, sporting a small note on the box saying ''Precious''.
You pick up the package and take it inside, placing it on your dinner table before opening it. You don't need to wonder who it is from because only one person calls you that.
As you lift the lid, you're greeted by the dark blue dress you couldn't afford and a shoe box with the Louboutin logo on the box. Your heart starts racing, and you immediately grab your phone to call Robert.
You decide to FaceTime him, and before he can even get a single word in, you're already talking and thanking him endlessly.
''Robert, how did you even know this is the dress I've been wanting so badly? And combined with these shoes, it's honestly too much; I don't deserve this...'' you say as you fight back tears, even if they're from enjoyment and happiness.
''You deserve to be spoiled occasionally, especially on a night like tonight. There is a huge chance not a single person will be able to take their eyes off of you, and I would love to show you off to everyone tonight,'' he says, and after some more convincing, you agree to wear it.
Robert will be arriving at the party before you, so he arranged for a car to pick you up and bring you to the party before going to his house after the party so you can sleep over there.
Your hair is done in a big bun to show off the dress, and the make-up look is in a similar shade of blue to compliment your clothing without looking like you're overpowering on the blue.
When the car arrives, you grab your silver handbag to finish the look, and you're off to the charity event, where Robert will be tonight as one of the guest speakers.
Your timing could not have been better because when you get out of the car, you see Robert on the red carpet as he's giving an interview, but he stops in the middle of his sentence when he sees you.
''Oh wow! She looks beautiful! That's my amazing assistant, everyone, and without a doubt, the most beautiful woman to walk this red carpet today,'' he says, and you can't help but feel a blush creep onto your cheeks.
''Hi Precious, you look gorgeous tonight,'' he says before pulling you to his side and kissing your cheek.
''You look amazing, too, Robert. If we didn't know any better, we would think you two matched on purpose!'' the interviewer said, and after that, the interview carried on as it was supposed to.
After the formal part of the evening, you walk over to the bar, ready to get a drink, and get stopped by a handsome man you recognize as Sebastian Stan.
''Hey, are you enjoying yourself tonight?'' he asks sincerely before ordering a drink and getting yours.
''I am! What about you?'' you ask, and you two get wrapped up in conversation for a while, so you don't notice Robert keeping an eye on you.
When Sebastian comes closer to whisper something in your ear, Robert suddenly appears by your side, ready to whisk you away right that very second.
''Can I talk to you for a moment, Precious?'' Robert asks impatiently, and you're immediately worried that something went wrong.
''It was good talking to you, Sebastian,'' you say before following Robert, and he said his goodbyes before ordering another drink and moving on with the rest of the evening.
''We should get out of here because I want to tell you something, and I'd rather not do it with all these people here,'' Robert says, and you nod in response, afraid of what's coming next.
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Robert just walked you into his house, and you're sitting on his couch, impatient for what's to come. He grabs both of you a drink before sitting beside you, and you turn to face him.
''So... uhm-'' he starts, flustered before he even tells you about his feelings, let alone how he knows you share those with him.
''I'm just going to get it over with. When you were having girls' night with your best friend, you accidentally butt-dialed me, and I could hear you two talking. That means I heard your confession and must tell you I feel the same. I have felt the same for quite a long time, and when I knew you felt the same, I tried to go above and beyond to make you feel nothing short of special. I hope you will at least have one night with me, where I can show you how much,'' he says, and your mouth has fallen open after ''butt dialed''.
''A-Are you... I mean- Really? This isn't some sick joke, right? Because I would love nothing more than to spend the night and show you how much I love you, how much I've loved you for such a long time.''
After downing your drink in one go, you put your glass on the table and sit closer to Robert, and you let him cup your face with his big, warm hands as he pulls you in for the softest, most loving kiss you've ever shared with another human being.
When he pulls away, you keep your eyes closed, and your lip is pulled between your teeth to temper your excitement slightly.
''Want to move this party to the bedroom?'' you ask softly after you open your eyes, and you look into Robert's sparkling brown eyes as he nods before getting up.
When you're in the bedroom and seated on the edge of the bed, Robert turns on some slow jazz music to set the mood, and oddly enough, it's very calm instead of the heated night you expected.
''I want to make tonight special, Precious. I don't know how many more nights together we'll have, so I want to make the most of the one we have now,'' he says as he grabs your hands and guides you up so you're standing before him.
When you're up, his hands glide into your hair as he pulls you closer, his mouth finding you effortlessly and molding them to yours as if they're made for one another.
Your hands wander from Robert's chest up to his shoulder to take off his jacket, and when he pulls away, he shrugs it off, followed suit by his shirt that you've unbuttoned as well.
''Turn around, Precious,'' he whispers in your ear before placing a soft kiss beneath the shell, his scruff tickling you ever so slightly to make a giggle escape.
''You like it when I kiss you, don't you?'' Robert teases, and you nod swiftly while his hands glide down to the zipper of your dress, making you smile wide as he reveals the dark blue lingerie you're wearing.
You spin around slowly as he looks you up and down, and you pull your lip between your teeth again.
''That's my job now, Precious; I'm the only one who gets to bite this beautiful lip of yours,'' he says before capturing your lips again and nibbling softly on your bottom lip like he said he would.
After both getting completely naked, Robert guides you onto the bed, ensuring you're comfortable while littering kisses all over your chest and around your nipples, letting his hand glide over your thigh as he gets settled between them.
''You're perfect, Precious, and I can't wait to find out what it's like to come home,'' he whispers as he reaches over to the nightstand, grabbing a condom.
It's rolled on quickly, and after a few swipes through your folds, he finds your clit, rubbing it in short circles, which makes your breath hitch.
''R-Robert, please,'' you beg softly, and he listens without teasing as he's lining up with your entrance and sliding in slowly, letting you adjust to him.
A deep moan leaves your body, and your back arches off the bed as he slides in every so perfectly, and you're feeling somewhere north of heaven right now.
''I wish I'd told you years earlier... We got a lot to catch up on, Precious, because I'm not letting you go after tonight,'' Robert says as his warm breath ghosts over your lips before placing them on yours as he makes such slow, sweet love.
It doesn't take long for both of you to fall apart around each other, and if it were any other night, you'd have taken the opportunity to keep going until there's no more time, but this feels perfect.
When he's cleaned both of you up, he pulls you into his arms, and you talk for a little while before you fall asleep, still naked, but you don't mind. You've never felt more comfortable with Robert than you do now.
The following day, Robert slipped out of bed a little earlier and ordered some flowers from a local florist before preparing breakfast for you.
When you wake up, you notice Robert's not next to you, but you grab the shirt he wore last night and put it on with your panties before heading downstairs, where the smell of breakfast fills your senses.
''Mornin', Precious,'' he says as you walk into the kitchen with messy hair and his shirt, flashing his biggest smile as he recalls last night. It was nothing short of perfect.
''Thank you for everything, Robert. Yesterday was amazing, and I can't wait for more moments like it,'' you say as you pull him closer for a kiss, something you wished you could have done long ago.
Just as he's about to respond, someone rings his doorbell, and he goes to answer the door with a little jog, getting a big bouquet of red roses from the delivery man and tipping him generously.
''I got you a little something this morning because I wanted to show you just how much you mean to me,'' Robert says as he walks in with a bouquet of nearly 50 red roses and hands them to you.
''Oh my god, these are amazing! Thank you so much,'' you say before leaning in for one more soft kiss, and then it's time for breakfast and a meaningful conversation.
''This may be odd, but... what are we now? After last night, after our confessions, I don't think I can go back to just being your assistant,'' you say as you cut up some pancakes with maple syrup, putting them into your mouth as you look expectantly at Robert.
''First of all, I'd love for you to keep your job, so please don't worry about that, but I was also hoping you would be my girlfriend because there's not a single chance I'm ever letting you go, Precious,'' Robert says with a sweet smile, and your heart feels like it's going wild.
''I'd love to be your girlfriend,'' you say, and you seal it with a kiss.
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creative-kny-fics · 3 months
Can you make a Lee Giyuu and Ler Shinobu fic?
For Shinobu's birthday, Giyuu is one of her favorite victims and I suppose she could blackmail him and tickle him for that special day for her.
Well, maybe not her directly since she doesn't like (somewhat) blackmailing someone in order to tickle. But Giyuu will get on Shinobu's nerves and that will make him tickle... (but I will take or try to take your suggestion into account)
A/N: I can't say it's a ship, interpret it however you want!
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Ler: Shinobu Kocho
'Isn't the morning beautiful?! Today is a good day! What if-?!' 'GUYS GUYS GUYS!!', Rengoku and Tengen stopped, giving their friend the chance to join in. 'Hey Kanroji, we were going to go to...-'
'TODAY IS SHINOBU-SAN'S BIRTHDAY!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GIVE HER AS A GIFT!! HELP ME!!', Mitsuri pulled Kyojuro's cloak desperately, she had so many options to give her friend but none of them convinced her that much.
Tengen moved Mitsuri away a little and calmed her down, she wasn't the only one in that situation.
'Well, we were just going to Himejima's estate, he's been planning something for her... You could help us if you like', needless to say what Mitsuri's response was.
'Since we're all here... I guess you
know that Kocho's birthday is today, the good news is that I have everything prepared to celebrate here. Even the girls at Shinobu's estate know it... The bad ones... I didn't have time to complete some things, among them is to go get the cake and keep Shinobu away from here...'
'Mmm... I know of something that will keep Shinobu away from here... Or rather... SOMEONE', Sanemi laughed and left the house without saying anything else, leaving everyone intrigued.
Where was he going? What did he have planned?
'Shinazugawa... Let's see if I understand... Are you telling me to provoke Shinobu to tickle me so you can plan the party?', Sanemi nodded, pushing him in the direction of Shinobu's estate and grunting when Giyuu put his strength and decided not to go any further. 'Oi... What the hell is wrong with you?! WALK THE FUCKING TIME!!'
'And why don't you come in and be the one who receives the tickling?'
'Because you're her best friend, her favorite victim and because she wouldn't scold you for it later', well, he had caught Giyuu in that situation. Even though Sanemi was right, Giyuu did not agree...
Shinobu had nothing more to do on her estate, the girls had already congratulated her and convinced her to go out so she could distract herself and have fun, something Shinobu had accepted and was about to do until...
'OUCH!! HEY-!!' 'AND YOU BETTER NOT SAY ANYTHING!!', Sanemi ran away after having pushed Tomioka to Shinobu's office, who screamed but calmed down when she realized that it was Giyuu. 'Tomioka-San? You scared me... Tell me, what brings you here?'
Giyuu sighed, turning around and approaching Shinobu for a hug and pat her head
'Happy birthday Kocho. I know that as a doctor, your duty is to stay and treat patients, but I would like you to have a little fun and de-stress this day... I love you very much, friend'
'Awww, thank you very much Tomioka-San! I thought you had forgotten... I was just about to leave, what do you say we go out to eat?', she smiled
He could have said yes, but if she went out, her surprise party could be ruined and Shinazugawa would probably hang him for doing so... It was now or never... 'Tomioka-San? Yoohoo! Hey hey Tomioka-San? Are you listening to me?'
'Yes, I'm sorry... It's just that, I'm surprised that even though you're an adult, you haven't grown a single centimeter...', Giyuu was going to regret that, he was sure of it.
Shinobu smiled and moved one of her fingers, motioning for Giyuu to come closer.
He had to, if he made her chase him, she would be even worse off than she already was. 'Now now Tomioka-San... Raise your arms and if you dare to lower them, you'll know what will happen...~'
'Hehehe Kocho... I didn't mean it... I just...-' ' I said... Arms up, you know what happens if you don't...', the movement of her fingers was enough for Giyuu to raise his arms nervously.
But it didn't last long, as he almost immediately lowered them, covering his ribs as Shinobu began to move her fingers like spider legs. 'SHI-SHINOBUHU!! C-COHOMEHE OHOHON!! NOT THE-THEHERE!!'
'Tomioka-San... I said arms up... This is your last chance... Very good! Now... Where was I~?'
Shinobu smiled to repeat the same movement again, also trying to contain her laughter when she saw Giyuu start kicking his feet in the air, she didn't know if she was trying to hold back her laughter or keep her arms up, but she wasn't achieving either of the two.
'Why did you say that Tomioka-San? You have hurt my feelings... I could have expected it from Tengen, Obanai or Sanemi, but from you? I'm disappointed...'
'Mmmm, are you really sorry? I don't know, you wouldn't bother me like that if there wasn't some reason...', oh fuck, she had realized! '...So Tomioka? Which is the reason? Tell me and then I'll stop tickling you...~'
Giyuu shook his head, Sanemi's words immediately coming back to him as he was going to confess the truth.
Shinobu just sighed and shrugged, reaching down with one of her hands and starting to play with the buttons on her uniform. 'Your uniform bothers me a little... Unbutton it!'
'B-BUHUHUT-!!', he couldn't even think of excuses to avoid it anymore.
He lowered his arms and unbuttoned part of his uniform, it was enough for Shinobu to continue. As if that were not enough, Shinobu this time chose to sit on his lap, smiling and raising her arms and giving him one last chance.
'Last chance Tomioka-San! Confess why you did it and I'll set you free!'
'Oh well, you asked for it~'
It was only a matter of a few more minutes for Giyuu to give in, he couldn't take it anymore! Shinobu's weight preventing him from kicking, his arms above his head making him more vulnerable and sensitive, added to the fact that his skin was somewhat exposed made him feel that that tickling session had been a torture that lasted HOURS.
'Know? I'm starting to think you forgot to buy my gift and that's why you did this. Did you want to give me your person as a gift so I could tickle you~?'
'I gave you many chances to tell me the truth... But your snorts are cute, if you make one more, I'll give you another chance. So-!', her sentence was interrupted by a snort from Giyuu.
Keeping her word, she looked at Giyuu, giving him the last chance, without stopping... What did you think? Shinobu didn't fall for such games of deception so easily, so Giyuu had to take a deep breath to at least say a sentence without laughing.
Shinobu let Giyuu hold her as he tried to catch his breath, perhaps she had overdone it. After making sure Giyuu was okay, he let him explain the situation. 'And that's why... Excuse me Kocho... I didn't want to ruin your surprise...'
'Well, if you had told me that instead of calling me "dwarf", I would have understood and you would have been saved!'
'I know...', Shinobu raised her eyebrows as she smiled at Giyuu, who understood why she smiled that way.
Well, maybe it wasn't a bad birthday for Shinobu after all...
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midnightlavenderimp · 11 months
season 4 special spoilers undercut
so idk about you guys, but when i first watched the special a tiny part of the argument part kinda stuck with me and it would not leave me alone lol
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“you’ve become like this obsessive demon!”
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mk: “so, monkey king really was a bad guy?”
mac: “thats what i believed.... what azure would have you to believe.” 
yeah azure made mac question/ doubt his friendship with wukong. it might also be just me, but mac calling him an “obsessive demon” doesn’t seem like something he would say, feels more like something azure would.
ok last thing but this part in season 4
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this is after wukong got out of the mountain and is with the monk, peng and yellow tusk are already convinced wukong betrayed them and they should probably strike him first. mac on the other hand wasn’t so quick to label wukong like that, it seems like he’s running different scenarios/ options as to what is really going on, but he’s shot down yet again. this scene cut away before azure put in his thoughts on the matter, but it was obvious what was decided. 
now, did they have a part in the fight between mac and wukong? maybe. mac might’ve just went along with whatever they had planned and things got bad real fast. maybe mac tried to warn the pilgrims, but it wasn’t in time or they just didn’t believe him? there are so many ways it could have went.
fun bonus stuff:
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the little *clack clack* sound maclack
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the *sniff* here, like dude really tracked down his ex, by scent lol gay.
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lol who are you looking for? like damn don’t worry, mac will show up, wukong.
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shows up only to tell wukong he stinks, yet wukong doesn’t throw a crayon at him might take out his other eye
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he really had to look at them to make sure they were real. hehehe yeesssss break him more
super important:
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they hold hands
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relax-and-read-on · 5 months
2024, Hello!
What a year it has been, right?
I usually try to talk only about warhammer 40k on this blog. I don't like mention if my personal life, or politics, or even other fandom, really. That said, this year was... Far from easy for me. Health problem, job problem, finances, politiques, (shout out to all the queer french canadian who are also scared shitless!), moving in a new place, insane inflation....
I had given myself the huge objective to publish 200k words for 2023. At the end, this is the result:
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108k words. You can also add about 50k of unpublished original work. Here is the list of fic that I have published/updated in 2023 (by view count), and some little thought/insight on them:
Agency - My big fem primarch au. You can really see me grow, if you read it from start to finish. It's been *years* since I started this fic, at this point, the ending that I have planned is like my white whale. One day.... One day, I will defeat it. Terribly hard to write but SO satisfying
Tales of different lives - if Agency is my dark nemesis, than my planet swap is coming home to a soft bed. It's so easy and FUN to write that au. I know not everyone like the lighter take toward the world this one take, and that's ok. Sometime... It's just nice, to have softer things, especially after such a year.
Phantom of the (warhammer?)-pera - I am begging you. On my knees. Read this one. It's my fav thing I have ever written. It's so much fun. It's totally INSANE and I loved every moment of it. I want to go back and fight the formatting again, to finish implanting all the notes. They are SO much fun. Also has AMAZING cover art by @skrankku !
Five times People tried and failed to Seduce Roboute Guilliman to Chaos... - Absolute surprised to me how people loved that fic. Ngl, I was actually sick/very depressed when I wrote it, but it warm heart that other enjoyed it.
This Once Nearly Was Mine - This one does not count, it's @kingwithpaintedfingers AMAZING Vulkan's POV to Castle of Glass, my Mortarion/Vulkan soulmate au. I am amazed and humbled to be able to work with such a great writer, and be able to call you a friend. I HIGHLY recommend all their work.
Trust - I had to actually check that one, and turns out, it was the update to my Talos/Septimus fic! Can you believe that I forget my own fic?! I am silly. Surprisingly delightful. I need to write more of this ship.
Birdcage - written for an exchange, specifically for @funboxsupreme , another criminally good writer. This fic, in my humble opinion, is some of my best writing. Extremely dark, I also SOMEHOW managed some really cool "special effect" in it, and I am PLEASED with myself.
In the Garden - a VERY quick and horny piece for Nan, a PROLIFIC writer whom I cannot help but be in awe of (also heeeelp I don't have your tumblr, poke me and I will tag you!)
Old Crows and Young Cardinals - This is an interesting one! This fic seem barely started, but it's mostly because the rest of it require MASSIVE planning and careful writing, as it deal with time travel and has a stupidly complex plot. I cannot wait to unveil more of it.
By proxy - hehehe, another really cool gift for a friend, this time for Lieara/Allyria! Even if this list is making me realise how many of yall tumblrs I don't know. I feel like an Old man trying to remember phone number lmao.
Day 2 - Bootworship and Sister of battle - a fun little fic part of the "40 kink for 40k" challenge that I NEED to continue, started by the wonderful @iapetusneume . Also.... Lesbian. Need more Lesbian.
The only way - A other fic that I had completely forgotten that I wrote. It's such a strange feeling, to reread your own words and go "I did this??" It's not bad, but it was written during one of those hard period of the year, and as such feel extra alien to me.
Day 1 - Geneseed, but sexy and Homeworld - another 40k for 40 kink fic, this one was a LOT of fun to write! Amd kinda specifically made for @bobthebobhere , another good friend in this fandom!
The miracle of science (and children) - a gift fic that was supose to be part of an exchange, but took too long! This one is for @shootertron-stuff , an artist that I highly respect and love! If you like it kinky, go tead their stuff, they are an inspiration.
In the Lion's Den. - Hahahahahaha lmao. So, fun fact: On reddit, there is a user who post horribly misogynist/homophobic Tau torture porn with his OC chapter. I got mad, and wrote a spit gay porn fic of his OCs. To his credit, he rolled with it and was amused at it. I still don't like him, and never will, but I have his blessing to keep it up, so!
The Bird, The Wolf and the Keeper - a little experiment, in poetry format fic. I liked it well enough, and will attempt some more in 2024 I think :)
(A secret fic exchange, yet to be revealed)
(another one!)
So.... 18 fics total. I think there should be pride in that. I like the variety of them, even if I want to push out more, do more unique and stranger fic, for 2024. It was a difficult year, but creating so much made it easier, made it more worth it. I am... Happy, with it all.
If you have questions about my fics, now is the time! Otherwise, I will see you soon, with more writing, and more joy in sharing.
I wish you all a wonderful year 2024, better than the last, safety, comfort, and peace. May we all had fun in this fandom!
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
hi!!! i hope this isn’t too late! i was thinking about you opening your requests… how would fives react to his crush being afraid of the dark? hehehe thank you!! enjoy your break!
this was such a fun idea to write, thank you so much for the request! i hope you enjoy it!!
words: 1,633
summary: when the power on the base goes out unexpectedly, you’re not happy. thankfully, fives is there to comfort you. 
clone troopers masterlist
What To Do When The Lights Go Out Unexpectedly (Cuddle With an ARC Trooper)
It was a stroke of badly timed misfortune that the flashlight you were holding stopped working in the middle of your attempt to rewire something in the engine of one of the gunships. And it just made things worse when you popped your head up to see if there was another one around, only to be greeted with nothing but your workroom in complete darkness.
Immediately, the situation had you on edge. The dark was not something you found comfort in, and your night vision abilities always left much to be desired, which is why you carried a flashlight with you at all times (you’d lost track of how many times you’ve stubbed your toe on a piece of equipment lying on the floor or accidentally walked into a gunship, so you preferred your surroundings to be as bright as they could be).
Not sure what had happened, you elected to stay where you were at the moment. You weren’t sure if this was some kind of drill or test, or if the base had lost power. And if this wasn’t planned, did that mean you were under attack? You knew that the 501st legion were currently stationed here and you were part of a small team of permanent mechanics stationed at this base, your jobs mainly being to fix Republic gunships and other large weapons, but you had no idea what to do if everything was under attack by Separatist forces, as it had never happened before.
After about 10 minutes of staring into nothing but pure darkness, you managed to pull yourself out of the gunship’s engine and make it back down to the floor without any major injuries (at least no one was around to hear you swear to yourself when you almost fell over trying to get safely out of the gunship). It was late at night and the base was in the middle of nowhere, so even opening the window shades would do you no good and probably just injure you more as you attempted to cross the room in complete darkness.
Eventually, you heard the door open, and you sighed in relief as a flashlight beam filled the room. “Is anyone in here?” you heard a trooper ask, and you were almost positive you knew which one it was.
“I am!” you said, and the beam of light moved towards you, letting you get a glimpse of who had just entered the space. “Fives, what is going on?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “We lost power to the entire base, but as far as we’re aware there’s no droids even in this system, so it could be an energy issue or some kind of weather phenomenon.”
“Okay,” you said. “Is there anywhere specific I need to go while we wait for the power to come back? My flashlight stopped working and I can’t really do anything in the dark.”
“Not necessarily, I was just coming to check on you,” he said. “We’re trying to make sure that all the mechanics are safe, and see if any of you know what’s wrong.”
You nodded. “Is it alright if I stay here then? There’s an old couch in the back corner that I can hang out on until the power comes back up. I don’t know if you have other things you need to do, but you’re welcome to stay here too if not.”
There were a couple reasons why you extended the invitation to Fives. One was simple, he had a working flashlight and you didn’t, so you wouldn’t be stuck in complete darkness if he did stay with you, but the second was a little more selfish. While you considered most of the 501st to be your friends, you had a special affinity for the ARC trooper standing in front of you, and lately those feelings have blossomed into something more than friendship, at least on your part. You weren’t sure if he felt the same way about you, but the prospect of spending some time alone with Fives was already distracting you from the fact that it was still very dark in this room, even with his flashlight.
“I don’t think there’s anything I can do,” he said, and you had to keep your face from breaking into a wide smile as he spoke. “Do you have any blankets? The heat kicked off when the power went out and I have a feeling we may need them if this isn’t fixed soon.”
“Yeah, can I borrow your flashlight to find them?”
He nodded, and your hand brushed his glove as you took the tool. Stop being so weird about this, you told yourself as you searched through the tall closet in the room. You’re going to scare him away!
Finally, you found one large blanket, and you handed it off to Fives as you headed over to the couch. Neither the blanket nor the couch was anything special, as they were just things you had managed to scrounge up enough money to buy when you first joined the GAR, but they have proven useful many times over during your time stationed on this base.
You were surprised to see that he had shed the top half of his armor, leaving him in his blacks from the waist up. At that moment, you were glad that there wasn’t too much light in the room, because you would have definitely stared at the way his muscular frame looked in his body glove. But it seemed that even with your good luck in getting him to stay, the galaxy still had some contempt for you, because the moment the two of you sat down, the working flashlight fizzled out. Even after a couple hits against his hand, Fives couldn’t get it to work, and you were back to where you started at the beginning of all this.
“I don’t know if we have any extra lights laying around,” he said, and you could hear shifting as you assumed he looked around. “If you want, I can see if we have any others in the supply closet.”
The idea of spending an extended amount of time completely alone in this (still very dark) room was not one you wanted to entertain, but you also didn’t want Fives to think you were too much of a scaredy-tooka. He probably saw and dealt with much scarier situations than a little power outage, the least you could do is not freak out now. “Okay,” you said, your voice coming out much smaller than you intended.
You had hoped he didn’t notice anything (because after all, he couldn’t really see you that well), but apparently you weren’t that lucky. “Is everything okay?” he asked. “Do you not want me to leave?”
“I don’t know,” you finally admitted after a few moments of deafening silence. “The idea of more light is always good, but I don’t really want to sit by myself in the dark right now.”
“I can stay here then,” Fives said. “I just thought you might want more light.”
“I do, but I also don’t want to be alone right now,” you said. “I’m sorry, I know you probably think it’s stupid to be afraid of the dark.”
“Actually, I don’t,” he said gently, reaching down to take your hand. It was at that moment that you realized you were sitting way closer to him than you had originally thought, and it was a little nerve-wracking (to say the least, he was just so pretty). “Why don’t you lay against me? This way you know you won’t ever be alone in this room.”
You tried to remain cool as you did as Fives suggested, and you almost didn’t notice the way his heartbeat seemed to speed up as you laid against him. For just a fleeting moment, you had a flicker of hope: that he felt the same way about you that you did about him.
That hope only grew as he pulled your hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of it, but you couldn’t stop the way your whole body tensed involuntarily at the gesture. “Was that alright?” Fives asked, clearly having noticed your reaction. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
In a stroke of bravery you didn’t know you had, you raised your head up to look at him. By now your eyes had adjusted to the darkness so that you could just barely see the outlines of his face, and you leaned up to place an equally soft kiss on his cheek. “No, it didn’t make me uncomfortable,” you said. “It was a nice feeling, I just didn’t expect it.”
“Than how about I make you feel even nicer,” he said, leaning in closer. Now, your faces were just inches from each other and was definitely getting harder to think. “Can I kiss you?”
You desperately hoped that this wasn’t a dream as you breathed out a “yes” in response, and he placed his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and sweet, serving as the perfect distraction from the pitch-dark room you were still stuck in, and you couldn’t help the way a soft whine left your lips when he pulled away for air.
“Wow,” you said. Maybe it wasn’t your most eloquent moment, but it sure summed up your current thoughts.
“Yeah,” Fives responded, and you took a little bit of pride in the fact that he seemed equally enamored with the moment as you were. “Can I kiss you again?”
This time, there was no hesitation on your part, and any worry you had about the power still being out melted away completely, because you knew Fives would stay with you as long as you needed him to.
- the end -
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anashins · 1 year
hi! i don’t know if you’re open for requests but if ever, can i request for a jaehyun x reader drabble? reader is aespa’s 5th member (you can decide if she’s in the unnie line or maknae line) and she idolizes nct 127 a lot (esp jaehyun) so when they attended their concert in ny, the members were teasing her cos of her fangirling and they met at the backstage! you can decide what happens next hehehe
Pairing: Jaehyun x idol!reader
Genre: idol!au, fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This came in some time ago, but I still wanted to do this 💓
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“You try so hard to contain yourself,” Ning Ning giggled and nudged you gently with her elbow. “I saw the movements during ‘Love on the floor’ too. And how you couldn’t take your eyes off a certain member who executed the motions especially powerful”
“Ning Ning!” Her wink caused all your blood to shoot into your face. Despite wearing masks, you were assured the change of color on the upper half of your face didn’t pass by the other members either. “Will you be quiet?” you urged her. “The audience will sense that something is up!”
“Oh please, they will come up with baseless rumors anyway like the one about me and Chenle. Why don’t we purposefully cause a headache?”
“Our leader wouldn’t be pleased.”
“That’s true.” Karina leaned forward, having eavesdropped your conversation for god knew how long already. “But I also have to admit that he was looking in our direction quite often. A few fans thought it was their lucky day, but he was certainly searching for your eye contact, y/n. Be careful.”
“There’s no proof.” You dismissed and folded your arms in front of your chest. Simultaneously, you lowered your head, but behind your mask, you were hiding a smile so wide, it almost caused your heart to burst with excitement. “He could have been looking anywhere.”
There were a lot of things that made Jaehyun so loveable that many failed to see, because he was stigmatized with the cold, mysterious frat boy characteristics when he was, in fact, none of the above. He was only very protective of his privacy and you admired him for that among many things.
Jaehyun was the type of idol who stayed in the practice room and studio late, because he always pushed towards perfection and further. He was the type of idol who found you in the hallway, crying, because her voice had broken during an important recording. He was the type of idol who went back to the recording room with you and practiced the passage over and over again until it rolled perfectly from your tongue. He was the type of idol who gave and never asked for something in return.
And that was what had possibly made you fall for him.
But he was also the type of idol who was recognized by many other idols, mostly for his looks. The type of idol who was barely ever single, because the queue of others in the industry wanting to date someone as handsome as him was so long, and he was always trying to give everyone a chance to see who he really was. But so often, they failed.
At the end of the day, Jaehyun would always only stay a labelmate you looked up to because he eventually seemed to overlook someone like you. You weren’t the face of the group, neither the visual or a leader. You could rap, yes, and even sing a little, but nothing too special to make you stand out and reach the same altitude as someone like NCT’s Jaehyun.
“I heard he broke up with that G-Idle girl,” Winter chimed in. “Don’t know which one it was anymore, but it also doesn’t matter. He’s free again, y/n.”
“So what if?” You shrugged. “He’s going to start seeing someone else soon.”
You tried to ignore the empathetic look your group threw at each other, very well aware of how long you had been crushing on Jaehyun already. 
“Y/n, you need a drink,” Ning Ning then announced to shift the mood. “Let’s go to a nice rooftop bar overlooking Manhattan after the concert while Winter and I still stick to juice.”
“Sounds great.”
But your plans got interrupted by the managers suggesting you to take a photo with the boys though since you had been spotted by fans in the audience already. It would make a nice promotion picture for the company, which was why you found yourself among NCT shortly after the concert had ended.
You bowed deeply to each other like respectful juniors, and when you got to meet Jaehyun, you bowed even a bit lower so that he wouldn’t recognize how hot your face had gotten. Today, he looked especially handsome in his stage attire, his hair messy and remnants of sweat still collecting on his forehead and cleavage.
Somehow, your group mates had secretly plotted against you. You didn’t know when exactly, but while you were searching for spots to pose in the group photo, Karina and Ning Ning were to NCT’s left while Winter and you ended up on the right side where Jaehyun was also standing along with Yuta and Haechan.
“Y/n, we need to switch positions, this is not my favorite side,” Winter suddenly dropped and grabbed you by your arms to shift you to where she was standing, and right next to Jaehyun who was currently talking to Haechan.
“Everyone, get ready!” Taeyong called out while one of the managers pulled out their phone.
“I wanted to thank you, y/n” you suddenly heard Jaehyun addressing you, as though you weren’t nervous enough already standing next to him. “I haven’t had the chance to yet.”
“Y-you’re welcome.”
“Nobody has ever done something like that for me.” You had spent an entire night in the studio together, yet his deep voice still caused you goosebumps. “A care package for our tour? The plasters and throat drops came at the right time last week.”
“I wanted to give you something back.” You smiled under your mask so he couldn’t see except for when it spread to your eyes. And he smiled back. “For the time in the studio. Thanking you personally that night didn’t seem enough.”
“You’re so talented, y/n. Sometimes I think you don’t even know to what extent, so you try to hide behind the others when you could be a star shining just as bright.”
“That is what you got from that night?” You tried to conceal your disappointment over the direction this conversation headed in.
“No,” Jaehyun encouraged you. “That’s what I got from observing you practicing hard every single day, using practice rooms whenever they’re free, asking teachers for more hours, being the first one to appear and the last one to leave. You don’t lack presence, self-esteem or looks. All you need is only a bit more courage.”
“THREE!” the manager suddenly called down.
“How-” You shifted your head to him while Jaehyun already faced the manager with the phone. 
“I look up to you, too.”
There was only enough time left for you to turn your head to the camera too, the surprised expression on your face hidden by the mask when the photo got taken. 
Not only because of Jaehyun’s last words, but mainly because you felt on the small of your back, right by your waist, a warm palm gently pressing your side closer to his. Almost unnoticeable from the front, but very visibly from the back.
Next to you, Winter chuckled when you all separated again, but Jaehyun somehow failed to let go of you soon enough and mention to you that he was the one to initiate the photo, because he had heard you were in the crowd.
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demonichikikomori · 2 months
!!!!!! Epel luring you in!!!! 😳😮☺️ aaaaaaaa yess! Having sleepovers and you don't wear a bra and he's trying to sneak a peak while you're sleeping, looking through your panty drawer, your towel goes missing while showering and Epel insists he'll look away while you come to grab a new one--!
But also... being oblivious to him being a man at first until you start catching small things. Overhearing someone asking him why he's dressed as a girl again before Epel tells them to mind their own business. Catching small glimpses of his body that are undeniably masculine enough it's rare to see on women. Small moments where he let's the act drop. And the one time you caught him growing hard in those short shorts, cementing his true gender in your mind. You don't know why he hasn't told you he's a guy, but you've fallen for him so you keep playing along for now.
Until one day, out in the apple tree orchard. You slip or something scares you, but you end up on the ground and in Epel's arms. He's making a little fun of you while comforting you when you see his bulge growing noticeable. You look into his eyes and you have this moment where you just love him so much you are gonna do something stupid. Your hand slips under his shirt and he flinches. As you're fingers reach for his nipples, you straddle his hips and grind yourself down on him. Poor Epel is confused and aroused at the same time, not knowing you've figured out his his game (gender wise at least) for a while, and now you're all over him looking up at him through dazed eyes and whimpering out his name-
It's a false sense of security with Epel! I feel like no matter what I always perceive him as a sleeze? He's a lil' slimy but he's still so cute so you can't help but forgive him ya feel? Maybe he was checking out your underwear... But he was only squealing about how he was jelly of your sense of style!! ... After you go to sleep his sniffing the dirty kind heheh!~!
Epel is very good at concealing his true gender until he gets comfortable. Too comfortable. His voice dropping when he gets mad. His muscles becoming more prominent when it gets too hot. Him casually lifting his top to wipe the sweat from his face... Oh my god if someone questioned him... He would be so terrifying...
Imagine with me:
It's late at night and you get up for a glass of water. You hear someone speaking with Epel about what HE is doing is strange. I think he would threaten violence, going as far as to tell the person they would make excellent compost in the orchard if they told you the truth.
God forbid men have hobbies.
Seeing him get hard one summer day is something he would run off to rethink his so far working plan. How can he explain that to you?! He might try to pass it off as his shorts were starched and it was only a ripple in his jeans. He's still the country girl you know and love!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!
The special day in the orchard is when everything comes unraveled. He can tell you love him either way, and he loves you too. But he wishes he was a little more honest. But he had fun while it lasted and he liked that you were playing along, even after you found out. I think after that heated moment of passion under the summer sun in the apple orchard, he would continue his time as a girl.
At least, until you left Harveston without him for whatever reason. Don't worry though! When you return to see him...
His lavender hair is long and pulled into long pigtails, and he greets you in a lovely white sundress and that cute straw hat you met him in!~! "Welcome back!" His voice is so soft and sweet, and his nails are perfectly painted as he opens his arms for you to run into.
Girl bestfriends? Nah, my boyfriend is just a cute girl!~! I... I might draw this stuff later... I hope you guys don't mind...
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
linnn!!! hi🥰 i love you smek smek smek smooch smooch mwah mwah mwah MWAH!!! it's almost fathers day <3 and i am thinking so! hard! about single mom reader (when am i not?🤭) 🥰🥰🥰
you bring her over the next workday after the fathers day weekend which is fine because it's mostly paperwork and emailing consultations to precincts everywhere... over the weekend your baby girl worked so! hard! on father's day cards for all the father figures in her life aka all her bau uncles🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 but!!! one card that is a little different from the rest is the one she's giving to your boss, aaronnnn hotchner🥰🥰, who you have a biggg ole crush on and it's definitely not subtle at all🤭 but neither is the crush he has on YOU and you two have smooched like twice in the heat of the moment when jack and your little girl have had sleepovers, but nothing's been made official (yet👀)..... your little girl crawls into his lap and you MELT when he kisses her head so softly🥺🥺🥺 and she tells him "happy fathers day, mr. aawon :3 thank you for being so amazing :D" and you almost WEEP!!! because for rossi, derek and spence, she said happy uncles day🤭 and it makes you so happy that she sees him as her dad because he's such a good one to jack and you're so lucky to have him be a father figure to your little baby🥺🥺🥺 he melts and holds her so close as he reads her little card and looks at the gift she got him and he gets all misty eyed and tucks her head under his chin so she doesnt see him blinking away the tears🥺 but he makes eye contact with your watery eyes and you two dont have to say a single word to each other to know that now you two are very ready to be official and be much more permanent in each others lives and your kiddos lives🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞💞
hehehe hiiiiiiiii jess-jess!! i love youuuuu smooch smooch smek mwah smek smek mwah!!!!🥰💕🥹💗🥺👋☺️ WEEPS single mom!reader my beloved!!!!!!
while you and your girl are on the elevator going up to the office, you smile down at her as she clutches her little pile of cards soooooo close so she doesn’t lose them and you can help but remember her parked at the coffee table the day before with her bucket of markers being So Serious as she colored these very special cards for all her bau uncles and aaron like >:p 🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰 and when you take her around the bullpen so she can pass out her little cards and say things like “happy uncles day, uncle dewek!! ☺️” it just makes you so so grateful to be raising your little girl around so much love, which is amplified even more when you help her climb the stairs to aaron’s office so she can deliver this extra special card and you get to see just how much this man that you’ve fallen so completely head over heels for cares for your baby girl 🥺🥺🥺🥺 penelope of course comes teetering in on her sparkly heels and sees Sparks flying between you and aaron and all the loaded loving gazes you’re giving one another, so she holds out her hand to your little girl and says they’re gonna go color at your desk for a little bit so you and aaron can Talk (and smooooooooch, she very much hopes 🤭🤭) hehehehe and the second your daughter is out of the room, aaron is out of his chair and stroking your cheek as you whisper “thank you for being so good with her” and he gives you that little quirk of a smile before he hums “thank you for being so you” and lowers his mouth to yours in the sweetest, softest smooch that makes your head spin with how lovely it is 🥹🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕💕💕 you guys make a plan to make dinner together that night and have a glass of wine and a Serious Conversation after your kiddos fall asleep about everything and you can just feel it in your bones that this is the start of Everything you’ve ever wanted 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗💗💗💗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕🥹🥹🥹🥹
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